The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 04, 1866, Image 2

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    if4e !lobe.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Wednesday morning, July 4, 1866.
Maj. Gen. John W. Geary,
A New Volume.
This number commences the 22d
year•of the Globe since we have had
control of its columns. It has always
been an independent journal, and we
intend that it shall continue so, regard
less of denunciation from any quarter.
The many personal and political friends
who stand by us have our thanks, and
we hope they may prosper as we have
done. •OtIV enemies will always find
us "at honie" to receive them in the
same spirit we have always met them.
WO'llave friends to reward and we
may have enemies to punish. The
Globe is not for sale at any price.
Terms, $2 per fear, $1 for six months,
50 co. for throe months—in advance.
We have room for a' few more good
subscribers—none others need apply.
The Soldiers' League a Nuisance,
Since the first day of the organization
of the Soldiers League in this county
we have treated it with the - kindest
respect, but it has become, as conduc.
ted in this place, a political nuisance;
and calculated to do General Geary
and the Union party more harm than
good. The proceedings of the. meet
ings have been regularly published in
these columns without comment by us,
and the reader has not failed to notice
their littleness and disorganizing spirit.
The proceedings of the last meeting
which was bold in this place on Friday
last will be found in another column
and we ask a careful perusal of them.
There are three or four prominent
points in them, and we wish the read
er to remember that a majority of the
twenty-three soldiers in attendance
from three or four townships and this
borough adopted the resolutions as ex
pressing the sentiments of the soldiers
of the county.
Ist. Tho Le.iguo declares against
nominating faithful war-worn soldiers
for office even when their merits are
equal to the civilians offering.
2d. It declares in favor of a soldier
for Congress who has seen service in
the field and bears upon his body the
honorable sears of battle. That's all it
requires for a Congressman.
3d. The League elects several gen
tlemen honorary members of their
body who are out-and-out Andy John
sen men, and another who is an active
member of the so-called Democratic
party,and denies Andy Johnson honor
ary membership.
4th. The League calls upon the Chair
man of the State Committee to dis
place us as a member of the Committee
for this county and appoint "a reliable
member of the Union Republican Par
ty" to fill our place.
sth. The League after reading Andy
Johnson and our humble self out of an
organization we were never members
of, coolly Resolved that the friends of
Andy Johnson who are soldiers in good
standing,_ be permitted to become
members of the League.
What a jumble of inconsistencies
No wonder that several of the soldiers
were ashamed of the company they
were in.
We have not room to-day to expose
the managers who "run the machine"
to the injury of the Union party and
the prospects of General Geary.
When the Union Party of the Coun
ty in Convention assembled, shall de
clare that no Johnson man can be per
mitted to speak for or act with the
party, then, and not till then will we
resign our position as member of the
Union State Committee appointed by a
Union State Convention.
Plain Questions and we want Plain
Answers.—As the majority of the
League meeting held hero on Friday
last claim to speak the sentiments of
the Union soldiers of the county, aro
we to understand that they recognize
the Journal d American as their organ
and, endorse its assertion that all
friends of Andrew Johnson are "Cop
If they do not endorse the assertion
of' the Journal & American that all
Johnson men aro "Copperheads," why
did they not also take exceptions to
its course, and read it out?
• It all Johnson then are to be treated
as Copperheads by members of the
Soldiers League and the "Republican
Union Party," is it expected that Gen.
Geary will endorse their position=
andif he should, can he be elected?
.M-The Democratic County Con
vention met in this place on Tuesday
last,and nominated the following ticket:
Assembly—John S. Miller, of Hun
Associate Judge—S=lnel Brooks,of
Prothonotary—•Arthur C. Greonland,
of Gassy fife.
Register and Recorder—Alfred H
DeArmitt, of Petersburg.
DistriOt Attorney—W. A. Sipo, of
Commissioner—lsaac C. Gorsuch, of
Mill Creek.
Director of Poor—John Alexander,
of Shirley.
Auditor—David Funk, of Warriors
Congressional Conferees, not in
structed, but they aro understood to
1,0 Ea. Mr. Pig's!-00 9 : of Johnstown, as
Andrew Johnson and the Covenant.
The Radicals aro. as persistent as
they are unscrupulous in their slander
ous pursuit of President Johnson. Un
able to truthfully combat the constitu
tional views entertained by tho Execu
tive, they resort to falsehood, and fill
the country with misrepresentation
respecting his purposes and his policy.
Among the latest of those slanders is
the statement that the President asks
for the instant admission only of the
authors of the rebellion, and that he
relies upon the recent traitors alone.
Every one will agree with the New
York Times that it is not easy to un
derstand how any ono can repeat such
an assertion as this directly in the
teeth of oPon and notorious facts.
President Johnson has over and over
again declared that loyal men, and Loy
al men only, from the Southern States
should be admitted into Congress. He
has urged the admission of the members
from Tennessee only because they were
loyal men, who had never had any
thing whatever to do with the Rebel
lion, and because they represent loyal
constitutencies. In everything ho has
said on the subject, in messages, proc
lamations, speeches and conversations,
ho has most distinctly and emphatic
ally declared that none but loyal men
from the Southern States ought to be
admitted, •that if a disloyal man should
gain admission, Congress had power
to expel him, and ought to do it. In
hie veto of the Freedman's Bureau
bill ho said expressly that every State
should be admitted to its share of leg
islation "When it presents itself; not
only in an attitude of loyalty and har
mony, but in the persons of represen
tatives whose loyalty cannot be question
ed under any existing constitutional or
legal test . 2 " And in his speech on the
22d ofFebruary, ho said, with equal
emphasis, "I am for the Union ; I am
for preserving all the States, and I am
for admitting into the counsels of the
nation all their representatives who
are unmistakably and unquestionably loy
al." And so again on the 18th of April
in his speech to the soldiers and sailors,
who called upon him after repeating
that he thought the States of the Union
were entitled to representation, went
on to state with great clearness and
force precisely what ho meant by this.
Hero is an extract from that speech:
"And when we say admit represen
tatives, what do we mean 1 Wo mean
representation in the constitutional
and law abiding souse, as wo intended
at the beginning, of the Government.
The Constitutiond cams mexpress
terms, that each House, the' Sen.
at and the House, each acting for
itself shall be the judge of the returns,
elections and qualifications of its own
members. It ib for each House to set
tle that question under the Constitu
tion and under the solemn sanction of
an oath. And can we believe that
either House would admit any mem
ber into its body to participate in the
legislation of the country who was not
qualified and fit to sit in that body
and participate in its proceedings ?
They have the power—not the two
Houses; but each House for itself. The
Constitution further declares that no
State shall be deprived of its 'equal suf
frage in the Senate of the United
States without its consent. Then,
Where do we stand ? All that is, needed
to finish this great work of restoration
is for the two Houses respectively to
determine the question. "Oh ! but some
one will say :" "A traitor might come
in." The answer to that is that each
louse must be the judge, and, if a
traitor presents himself, cannot either
House know that ho is a traitor 7 [Ap
plause.] And if ho is a traitor, can
they not kick him out the door, and
send him hack, saying to the people
who senthim, "You must send use. loyal
man 1" (Cheers, and a voice, "That's
logic.") Is there difficulty about that 7
(No no, and cheers.) If a traitor pre
sents himself to either House, cannot
that House say to him : "No, you can
not bo admitted into this body. Go
back. We will not deny your people
the right of representation, but they
must send us a loyal representative.
(Cheers.) And when the States do send
loyal representatives, can you have
any better evidence of their fidelity to
the Constitution and the laws ? There
is no ono learned in the Constitution
' and the•laws, who will say that if a
traitor happens to get into Congress,
the body cannot expel him after he gets
in. That makes assurance doubly
sure, and conforms the action of the
Government to the Constitution of our
fathers. Hondo I say, lot us stand by
that Constitution ; and in standing by
it the covenant will be preserved.'
"The war against slavery has not
been fought in vain."—John W. For%
The soldiers and the people were
assured during the progress of the war
that the war was for the preservation of
the Union, but Forney now says it was
against slavery—that the soldiers vol
unteered to fight for the negro. The
sympathizers of the rebels made a simi
lar charge against the Government--
the soldiers did not believe it then and
they will not believe it now, and For
ney's assertion can have no other ef
fect than to convince Union men that
ho is falling into line with those who
wore enemies of the Government dur
ing the war. If it was slandering
the soldiers for "Copperheads" to say
during the war that the soldiers wore
fighting for the negro, is not Forney
slandering the soldier now by asserting
that they were fighting to free the
Igge - The Government has located a
national cemetery near Fredericks
burg, on St. Mary's heights, overlook
ing the town. It is Proposed to inter
here some twelve thousand bodies of
Union soldiers who fell in the two
battles of Fredericksburg, and at Chan
cellorsville, Wilderness. and Spottsyl.
vania Court House. Quite a large num
ber of bodies have already been remo.
vf - .1 to thr! cemetery,
dr - It is curious sometimes to know
who ask for pardons,—quite 'as curious
as it is to observe the degree of cen
sure bestowed on the President, ac
cording as it is known who it is that
ask for his clemency in behalf of late
rebels. It was the other day that tho
pardoning of some noted Southerner
or other at the request of Senator
Pomeroy, was published. So distin
guished a Republican being the appli•
cant, the act was not particularly cen
sured; but amends wore made for this
forbearance on the part of those who
are determined to let no opportunity
pass for censuring the Presidont,whon
it was made known that ho had par
doned Keys and Haney, two promi
nent rebels. No publication of the pe
titioners was made at the time, and
the presumption was that the Presi
dent had acted purely on his motion.
But the explanation, given in a Wash,
ington dispatch, is as follows :
"Most of the pardons now granted
by the President aro issued upon the
earnest request of leading men of the
North. I mentioned some prominent
cases of this character in my dispatch
es a few days ago. To-day the Presi—
dent pardoned Wade Keys, of Ala.,
the Assistant Attorney General of the
Southern Confederacy and George
Haney. of Nashville, late Brigadier
General in the rebel army. The first
of these acts of clemency was done
upon the special request of Attorney
General Speed and Admiral Lee; the
second upon the recommendation of
Mr. Speed and Maj. General George 11.
No doubt the President has granted
too tnany pardons, but it is simple jus•
tico only that when Republicans and
distinguished Unionists ask for par
dons and become responsible, the Pres
ident should have the benefit of that
fact.—Pittsburg Commercial.
From illoPittabzugh Commercial
United States Senator.
In the Sunday issue of the Philadel
phia Press we find the following edito
rial paragraph :
"Mr, J. W. Forney's speeeh,defining
Lis position as a candidate for 'United
States Senator, pronounced at Leba
non, in this State, oh Thursday even
ing last, will be published at length in
to-morrow's Press. It will be a full
and candid review of the whole politi•
cal situation."
In announcing himself for the high
eSt position within the gift of the peo
ple of Pennsylvania, Mr. Forney has
chosen a method of reaching the voters
—provided this is the time to do it—
which has our decided approval, when
it is generally agreed to. Appealing
to the people direct from the stump,
independent of conventions, commit
tees, or other clap-trap machinery, is
something we like, and in Mr. Forney's
case it shows reliance on one's own
powers and belief in ono's own merits
which argue the presence of some of
the qualities essential in a successful
public man. Mr. Forney's views, like
those of other men presumed to aspire
to the Senatorship, are supposed to be
in accord with• the principles of the
Union party. If they are not, he will
not, of course appeal to the party for
support. If they are, he has in this
respect no adVantage over other aspi
rants. It is not presumed that Mr.
Forney can set up anything peculiar
in his own behalf. If be shall estab
lish his equality he will probably
think himself fortunate, for within the
borders of our good State there are
mon the party would gladly honor
with the Senatorship, and to be deem
ed the equal of them would be an ho
nor of which Mr. Forney might be
proud. Mr. Forney has probably cal
culated tge consequences to the Union
cause of inviting a direct issue on the.
Senatorship in his own person, giving,
as it will, to the contest a character to
tally differe,nt from what, up to this
moment, it has had. The canvass be
twten General Geary and the lion.
Heider Clymer has thus far been
smooth and eminently satisfactory.--
Whether the - immediate presence of
Mr. Forney will be equal to the intro
duction of an clement of strength or
the reverse, persons may differ now
and can be decided at a later day.
It is unnecessary to say there Will
be other candidates, but whether any
of them will take the stm»p, or whe
ther they will think it more expedient
to permit the question to take the usu
al course, we have no opinion to es•
press, although wo impression
on the subject.
tar• The Now York Tribune takes a
survey of the crop prospect .of
and so far as it has positive informa,
tion, it is certain that the winter
wheat in the State. of New York, and
several other States, will be a very
short crop. Upon the
."true wheat
lands" of that State, of New Jersey,
Pennsylvania,Ohio, Michigan, Indiana,
Illinois, &c., the prospect for winter
wheat is very unfavorable. The pros
pect of a large troy of spring wheat in
Minnesota is flattering, and a larger
amount was sown than usual. The
same is true of the spring sown wheat
in other western States. Winter wheat
is badly killed in many places. There
will be about half an average crop of
winter wheat in Ohio, .Kentucky and
Illinois, but not more than one quarter
of a crop in lowa, and something bet
ter in Indiana. Up the valley of the
Illinois from Alton, the winter wheat
never was better, though, nearly de
stroyed in the eastern part of the State.
The prospect is fair for a good yield in
Maryland, Delaware, and parts of
Pennsylvania, but as a whole, the
prospect of a full crop of winter wheat
in all the Northern States is certainly
unfavorable. A largo breadth of spring
wheat has boon sown, but it is too soon
to be begin to calculate what really will
be, as it has many enemies to combat
before harvest Limo. The rye crop in
Now England, Eastern:New York,and
part of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
bids fair, as a general thing, for a good
crop. The oats orop is not promising,
exenpt, in some parts of the West.
There has been a larger crop of corn
planted than usual, but it is too early
to say what it will be.
1/01, : ,We would advise the Soldiers'
League, before they dictate, to us how
we can best support Gen, Geary, to
show by their conduct that they are
A Johnson National Convention.
"A National Union Convention of
at least two delegates from each Con
gressional District of all the States,
two from each Territory, two from the
District of Columbia, and four dele
gates at large from each, will be held
at the city of Philadelphia on the 14th
of August next. Such delegates will
be chosen by the electors of the sever
al States who sustain the Administra
tion in maintaining unbroken the
Union of the States under the Consti
tution which our fathers established,
and who agree in the following propo
sitions, viz :--,
"The Union of the States is in eve
ry case indissoluble, and is perpetual,
and the Constitution of the United
States, and the laws passed by Con
gross in pursuance thereof, are su
preme, constant and universal in their
"The rights,
the dignity, arid the
equality of the States in the Union, in
cluding the right of .represen tat ion in
Congress, aro solemnly guaranteed by
that Constitution, to save which from
overthrow so much blood and treasure;
were expended in the late civil war.
"There is no right anywhere to dis
solve the Union, or to separate States
from. the Union, either by voluntary
withdrawal, by force of arms, or by
Congressional action, neither by seces
sion of States, nor by the exclusion of
their loyal and qualified Itepresenta
tives, nor by,the Nationo. Government
in any other form.
"Slavery is abolished, and neither
can nor ought to be re-established in
any State or Territory within our jur
"Each State has the undoubted right
to prescribe the qualifications of its
own electors; and no external power
rightfully can or ought to dictate, con
trol, or influence the free and volun
tary action of the States in the exer
cise of that right.
"The maintenance inviolate of the
rights of the States, and especially of
the rights of each .State to order and
control its own domestic concerns ac
cording to its own judgment exclu
sively, subject only to the Constitution
of the United States, is essential to
that balance of power on which the
perfection and endurance of our polit
ical fabric depend, and the overthrow
of that system by usurpation in cen
tralization of power in Congress would
be a revolution, dangerous to a repub
lican Government, and destructive of
liberty. Each lionso of Congress is
made, by the Constitution, the solo
judge of its election returns and quali
fications of its members, but the exclu
sion of loyal Senators and Representa
tives, properly chosen and. qualified
under the Constitution and laws, is un
just and revolutionary. Every patriot
should frown upon all these, acts and
proceedings -everywhere ; which can
servo no other purpose. than to rekin
dle the animosities of war, and the of ;
feet of which upon our moral, social,
and material interests at home, and
our standing abroad, diffOrin'A only in
a degree, is injurious, like war itself.
The purpose of the war having been to
preserve the Union and the Constitu
tion, by putting down the Rebellion,
and the Rebellion having been sup
pressed, all resistance to the authority.
of the general Government being at an
eny, and the war having ceased, war
measures should also cease, and should
be followed by measures of peaceful
administration, so that union, harmo
ny, and industry, commerce and the
arts of peace be revived and promoted,
and the early restoration of all the
States to the exercise of their constitu
tional powers in the National Govern
ment is indispensably necessary to the
strength and the defense, of the repub
lic and to the maintenance of the pub
lic credit. All such electors in the
thirty-six States and nine Territories
of the United States, and of the Dis
trict of Columbia who, in a spirit of
patriotism and love for the Union, can
rise above personal and sectional con
siderations, and who desire to see a
truly National Union Convention,
which shall represent all the States
and Territories of the Union, assem
bled as friends and brothers.under the
national flag, to told council tog,eller
upon tho state of the Union, and to
take measures to avert possible dan•
gars from the same, are especially re
quested to take part in ,tho choice of
such delegates.
"But no delegate will take a seat in
such convention who does not loyally
accept the national situation and cor
dially endorse the principles above sot
forth, and who is not attached in tree
allegiance to the Constitution, the
Union, and the Government or the
United States.
"WASITINGTON, June 25, 1866.
"A. W. Randall, President; J. R. Doo
little, 0. 11. Browning, Edgar Cow
an, Charles Knapp, Samuel Fowler,
Executive Com mittee National Union
(Johnson) Club.
"We Tcoornmend the holding of the
abovo Convention, and endorse' the
call therefor.
"James Dixon, J. A. Hendricks,
Daniel S. Norton J. W. Nesmith."
A Dreadful Calamity.
One of the most shocking and la
mentable casualties we were ever call
ed upon to chronicle, says the Louis
ville Journal of the 19th, occurred yes
terday afternoon. About half past 2
o'clock, Miss Jennib Brown, daughter
of Dr. W. W. Brown, residing on Mad
ison street, a few doors below Eleventh
street, together with Miss Sallie Hart,
a young lady spending the day with
her, left the parlor, and their absence
was not noticed by Mrs. Brown until
a lady caller, about an hour and a half
subsequently, wont to the privy, and,
returning, told Mrs. Brown that there
was no floor in the out-house. Mrs.
Brown immediately suspected the dire
calamity that had befitllen her daugh
ter and friend, and gave the alarm.—
As soon as possible, and after•consid ,
erable trouble, the bodies of the unfor
tunate young girls were taken from
the horrible pit in which their happy
lives were sacrificed. Miss Brown
was eighteen years of age, and was
to have been married very seen. The
out-house was a common weather
boarded thing, set over a circular
brieked up vault sonic thirty feet in
depth, and about half tilled. The floor
of the house rested upon a thin board,
just resting upon the sides of the vault,
and had evidently dry rotted until, in
falling, the whole floor, with its living
freight, passed into the vault below.
Reading matter o'A {n•ovy pago
Commencement of the European War.
The steamship Jura brings intelli
gencomt the formal commencement of
the great European war. We say "for
mat" for there has been au actual state
of war ever since Prussia took posses
sion of Holstein. The Federal Diet
having, on the 14th of Juno, agreed to
the Austrian proposition for the mobi ,
fixation of the Federal army, Prussia,
agreeably to previous notice, carried
out her threat to consider it an act of
hostility on the part of those States—
which supported it, and on the follow•
ing day commenced the war by send
ing troops into Saxony and Hanover.
A report, which is not confirmed,
however, prevailed at Paris that an
engagement had taken place at Leipsic
on th e 16th.
Prussia has issued a declaration to
the great powers justifying the inva
sion, on the ground that the decision
of the Diet on the 14th broke up the
Confederation, and that the law of self
preservation compelled Prussia to se
cure herself against the neighboring
States in open or concealed - hostility;
that she had previously offered a con
ditional alliance, which' was rejected.
We thus have the immediate and
ostensible occasion for the war, as
Prussia gives it to the world. It will
be seen that it at once involves all .
Germany, instead of merely including
Prussia and Austria. Its grand and
imposing proportions may ho realized
w hen. we considar_that_ it, _ now
stands, it involves a population of over
severity millions. 11 to this number
we add Italy, we have the tremendous
total of quite one hundred millions of
humaU beings, all of whose resources
and energies are now to be turned to
the terrible work of destruction and
death. There has been nothing to
compare with it since the ditys of the
elder Bonaparte.
Europe has been so often fought over
that its strategic points are well set
tled. We shall accordingly find the
battles of the present war occurring,
in all probability, upon the old sites
which have so often trembled beneath
the tread of the armed legionS of the
great heroes of history.
Leipsic, where the first engagement
is reported to have occurred, is the
scone of that terrible three days' bat
tle in October, 1813, where Napoleon,
with 130,000 men, withstood the as
sault of the allies with 250,000, until he
was finally overpowered and driven
out of the city, with the loss of nearly
half his army.
The proximity of the Prussian and
Austrian armies is such, and the anxi
ety on either side to secure the advan
tages of position and the prestige of
success so urgent, that a great battle
must be close at hand.—Phila. Even
ing Telegraph. .
A. man in Philadelphia has been
sued tbr 825,000 for a breach of prom
ise. His defense is—and it ought to
clear him—that he was ready to marry
her last winter, but site kept putting
it off, and as she weighs 285 pounds
tte prefers not to marry during the
warm weather.
m,Oti ono little street in Galena,
Illinois, and within the space of four
blocks, were at one time the business
places of six private citizens,
known as Lieutenant General Grant,
Major General John E. Smith, Major
General Rawlins, Major General Chet
lain and Brigadier General J. A. Mal
ra„. The Buffalo Express of Friday
announces the arrival during the previ
ous forty- eight hours of no less than
ono hundred and sixty-one grain ves
sels, whose cargoes will foot up a total
of two million six hundred and nine
thousand two hundred and fifty-two
bushels--the greatest accumulation of
grain that ever lay at one time within
any harbor on the globe.
as_Great excitement prevails in
Fayetteville, in the town of Manlius,
Onondaga county, N. Y over the sup
posed poisoning of more than forty
persons in that village. Reports were
in circulation that the cholera bad
broken out there, but upon investiga
tion the cause of the sickness was tra
cod to some cheese sold by a merchant
in the village. The deaths resulting
from the poisoning already number
two, while several others aro not ex
pected to survive.
via-A_ Parisian letter writer describes
the Emperor as follows: He is of much
lower stature than I had thought, and
inclined to be fleshy; is quite grey, and
wears no other beard than a moustache
and imperial. He has a large and re
ivarkable fine shaped head and bright
eye. He was very plainly clad in a
pepper and salt citizens' dress, with
silk hat and white silk gloves. He
returned, in a good
,natured, graceful
manner, the frequent unostentatious
greetings of the passers by.
,A new arrangement has been
placed en the cars of the Portland and
Kennebec Railroad f6r indicating the
name of the station at which the train
is about to stop. It consists of a glass
case, conspicuously posted, containing
a roll of white linen, on which is prin
tad in bold typo the name of all the
stations on the road. As soon as one
station is passed the brakeman turns
the roll with a key until the name of
the next station appal's. The idea is
worthy of imitation.
The Treasury Dlyirtment has
received a copy of a circular that has
been generally distributed throughout
the country by an establishment in
Now York,in which theystate that for
fifty dollars in.curroney. they will pro
cure for parties fifty-five dollars in the
new fifty coat coin. This is a trans
parent attempt at swindling. it has
already been announced that as soon
as the coin :is ready for distribution
quantities in fifty dollars packages
my be obtained by addressing the Di
rector of the Mint, at Philadelphia.
tA strange spectacle was recent
ly presented in a Prussian town, when
the levies of troops were about start
ing. Tbo train was ready, but the
wives of the soldiers opposed its de
parture, throwing . themselves in their
despair on the rails in front of the lo
comotive. Recourse to violence (mad
not• be employed. What was to be
done? The 'station master proposed
to the women to accompany their hus
bands, but in separate carriages. The
pool. creatures consented; but when
the train started, the carriages with
the women did not move. The station
master had them detached, but wisely
took care to get away before tho
,:!ov•ory was ulKde. •
You are requested to collect and pay over to the
Treasurer, as great an amount as you possibly can by tho
August Court. Money is needed for the current expen
ses Or the county. Bo careful to receive no notes but
greenbacks or the notes of national banks, as none (Ali
ece are received oil deposit by the bank at this place.
lly order of the Commissioners,
July 2, ISG6 .
.}.lnnting,don Co., Pa
• The next session of this Institution open, TUES
DAY JULY ant., and continue for a term of eleven
Ito large attendance during the last tern, is an evi
dence that the efforts baling made, aro duly appreciated.
This School is recommended for its cheapness, and par
ticularly for the healthfulness of the situation. It Is con.
coated with Mount Union, a slatiou on the Pennsylvania
Central Railroad, from which it is distant seventeen
miles . , by tidally line of Fnigois. Ito efforts will be spar
ed to make it ono of the first schools of the land.
TEllM9,—Boardlng. Tuition nod Room Rent, per ses
sion of eleven weelia, $15,00. Ono half at the com
mencement, and the balance at the close of the term.
Music Extra. .
For further particulars address.
W, A.IIUSTP,I2, Principal.
ShaLlo Cup, Huntingdon Cu, Pa
July 2, 1.666, - •
'1 ,V;i 41 ::2 0
For which Cerlificates 1%111 he issued,
Bearing Intereht In GOLD.
}c. n. l'llllllll3lblila
Takes pleasure in annonncing to the CITIZinIS and
PUBLIC, iu general. That on
and every evening during the following week.
.Cities In the States, Will make their first appearance at
this place in new SONQS, DANCES, FARCES, BUR
Look•nt the array of Talent:
King of Ilanjoisto.Comegim) tt'r!e . 3 bone.lA
Tl:o celebrated lithlcplan Comedian, Song and Dialce
Man, and Tamborinist.
The greatest Jig and Essence Danopr in the World, and
The Great Pathetic Pal
Leader of the Orchestra and general Performer.
Musical Director and Pianist.
.1114. E. W. TlfialtAS,
Tne unapproachable Cornetist.
Versatile Performer,
An entiro chug° of PROGEMnIE ax EVERT PEIWOII.
The 3fannger would . reqpeetfulTy state to THE LADIES
OF HUNTINGTON AND . VICINITY, that the entertain
ment Win lie of the ntosrelrisle and reepectahlechereeter
nnd entirely void of ynizority, odd nothing will occur to
zuor the modesty of tho twat fast iii one.
11. C. SUII3IENS, Solo Proprietor.
HARRY WELLS, DIA noes Manager,
Vet. the LADIES and CII ILDREN of llnntingilon and
vicinity. When an entire change of Lirogrannao will be
laic 27,15 M.
and in splendid order
The Bathing Facilities
were never so fine, the Bowling Alley is ono of - the beet
to be found, and a now Billiard Table bas boa boon - put
up• No effort has boon spared to suture the comfort of
Pleasure sect:ors are Invited to call ut the Springs—
only 11v o miles from Huntingdon, over a good road
The TABLE iitutniMod with [helmet that the market
affords, end every attention is given to please even the
Parties front the surrounding towns are cordially inn!
tai to visit the springs
./kir Hacks vnn dully, morning and evening, except
Su [May, from tiontMgdoo to the :priers
Juno 23, t 6
I see in the Iluntingdou Journal and
American, the name of DAVID SNAIIN, Esq., made use of
for the office of Associate Judge. lam pieased to see it—
no better man in the county could be muned,•nor any
more worthy. His long experience as a Justice of the
Peace, his honesty and independence, fully qualifies him
for that officc, I have- consulted with a number of per
sons on the subject. and find that he will secure a general
support, if nominated by the Union Convention of this'
Juno 23, 1303.—tc..
Respectfully inform the public generally that they
havo jest reeeirqd a large null splendid stock of gooils at
their store in Huntingdon, consisting in part of
&c., &C.
And in fact every thing.that Is nasally hept Inn first clacs
stove, Ml which ever. bought low for cash and will be
sold at correepondiegly low prices for cash, or country
Prodndo. nail request the public to give its a call before
purchasing vi'vewlacrei feeling satittiod we can one snpe•
rior inducements to emit buyers.
reemetbilly solicit the patronage of all, and ti n
public, are cordially Invited to examine cur "goods.
Everything talon in excliongo for goods except promi
Apl. 14C,6
Or nu, 12, WALL SMELT. • •
Cash Capital, $1,005,000. Surplus, $270,005.
Total Assets, $1,270,000
7 This Company insuresagainst all,loss or damage by fire.
inland navigation, transportation, Sc. Thu coat Of Maur.
ing In this ennpany is no more than the first cost would
ho In these small Mutual Companies.
With. no Assessments)
This Company is made sate •by tho State laUs of Now
York, which Is not the case with the Pennsylvania Thin
ranee Companies.
J. D. STEELE, President.
o P.NOTIIAM, Secretary,
• ENRY KIP, Supt. f Agencies.
nayl.4lm Huntingdon, Penna.
Office formerly occupied by W. 11. Woods, Rig., Midst
liasinst returned from the , cast with it °24 ,4*
OF -
'Which ho offers to the inspection of his castomeSO and
the public generally. lle will sell his stock at the Most
and those wino purchase once will surely call again.
and IMPATItING done in the neatest and Most °sped!.
tie. manner.
Cell upon 3fr. Schaeffer at his shop on lIIIF street, a
few doors west of the Diamond. . • my 2 •
J Letters testamentary on the estate of 3.• J. foe,
Into of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., having been
granted to the ,underalgned, all persons indebted are co-
quested to make payment and these having claims to
'vaunt them duly authenticated for settlement.
8,131 L. T. BROWN,
June, 26,1866.•61
11- toom - .utcat>l. - terunioy. --- iurptirfrol — arts
Julle 12, 1865-31. -
(Estate of Eeter Siyafoos, deceased.) •
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County, to distribute the haianeo
fa the hands of Abrams:a Weight and Casper Weight'
Administrators of Peter Sigafoos, deceased, will attend
at the office of SCOTT, Maws and BAILEY, in the borough
of Huntingdon, on Thursday Me 28th of June„ 18110, at
1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of making said distribu
tion : when and whore nil persons interested are requested
to attend and present their claims, or ho debarred from
coming in for a share of the fund.
June 9,1369-4 t
THE undersigned' dorporators natned
1 in the act of Assembly, entitled an Act to lzworporato
the Pennsylvania Copal Company," approved the first
day of May, 10613, 'vin open books and receive subs:Tip-
Cons to the capital stock of Enid company at the placer:
and times following:
PIIMAIMILPIIIA, at Room NO. 23, Morchnnt'e Ex
change, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the 26th day of Juno, 1866.
HARRISBURG, at tho booklet !louse, at 10 o'clock, a.
m., on the 10th day of July, 1860.
• 11.1.1NTINGD.C1, at the Morrison noose, nt 10 o'clock, a
m, on the lett: day of J01y,1860.
L. T. Watteau, Alex: M. Lloyd, John A. Lemon,
David Blair,, Geo. Rt. Roberts, James Burns,
T. T. Wierman; W. J. llittritra, John .Lingatoß,
John Scutt, It. B, Wigton, James Gardner,
John N. Swoope, J. J. Patterson, Wm. Dorris, Jr.
1 [Estate of Eliza J. Gilliland, dec'El.]
betters testamentary upon the trill and testament of
Eliza J Gilliland, late of Union township, Huntingdon
County, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber.
All persons indebted are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present them prop
erly authenticated to the andersign&l.
May 29, 1866-96
- - -
The beet assortment of .
Just received this day from Now York and fur sale at the
cheap cosi. store of 11'31. MARCH &TIRO.
A eidendid esebrtmeni'of ••
Just received this day from New York and•for sale cheap
at [maylj WM. MARCH & DUO.
At Lewis &T, Co's Family Grocery,
ray h 4 ro VICAVABILSB
received fresh from the Philadelphia market every Wed
needay and Paturday. morning. .
Canned Perteboa, Tomatoes, Peas and Corn
Spiced Lobster, Oysters, Chose chow, Worcestershire
sauce, French Mustard, Ilefse Radish, Pepper mine, Cat
sup, Once dc, and
• All hinds of Syrups,
such us strawberry, pineapple, blackberry, ke
IS .V 01? •
Tho patronage of tin town and country in respectfully-
GRAIN, of every description,,
Boil&Crit thin Inn
Ituntingdon, litriy 2,1868
1000 BUSHELS, W H E 4.
Wanted at Steam -pc.v:4lRA
musaveag.. 1
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Mr" lET .1 4 4 T ir - 47 MIL 311"
Respectfully invitee the nttention of the Public to his
shunt on Rill et., 'Huntingdon, in the rear of George 3.9.
Swartz.' Watch and Jewelry store, where ho manufactures
and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per
sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him n. Call.
Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges
*a- Also., Undertaking carried on, and Cornet made in
any style desired, at abort notice.
subscriber Hasa
and is prepared to attend Funerals at any place in town
or country. .I.U. WISE.
Huntingdon, May.o, 1866-n
Preferred by all pr actin% Patutorst - Try it 1 wall
you Will havo be, other. illanufauttfred only by
Wholesale Drug,PaiOt & Glass Dealers,
137 Nth. Third 4., Philada.
Jan2l-1 y
L''R'S Pure nati Superior Rio Cof
k"""'"g"°LorigsVbCorssAlioint (homy.
Executors. •