PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. B. LIGHT,' Graduate of the University of. Pennsylvania7hav Mg located at Warrioramark, offers his professional ser eti to the people of the town and vicinity. Ile will ro rely° night calla at Chamberlin's Hotel. May 'lll, .186673 m. TIP, A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Hating permanently located at Iluntiagdon, offers hie professional services to the community. Defile, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Luden. ou fill street. ap10,1660 DR. D. P. MILLER, Oflico in room lately occupied by J. Simpson Af. ilea, Mims his tervico to citizens of Iluntingdon and vicinity. not-Gins vpit. JOHN MeCULLOCII, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon nn pr.. Office on Hill street, ono door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '25. BGYER & GARNER, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Sc., Marldesburg station. A NDREW JOHNSTON, agent for 1 - I,_ the Niagara Insuranco Company, Huntingdon. CIEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, :boos, Gutters, &c., Huntingdon. _i_M'CAHAN & SON, proprietors of Juniata Steam Pearl Mill, Huntingdon. (ll_ B. BRUIIiatiCGII & CO:, deal ors in fancy and staple goods, Marklesburg IWDI. LEWIS & CO , Family Gro— ceries, Provision and Feed Store, Hunt., Pa. WM. MARCH & BRO. Dealers in Dry Goods, Queensware,'llsrdware, Boots, Shoes, &c. WM. LONG, Dealer in Candies, Nuts, Family Groceries, Sc., Huntingdon, Pa. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON,' Iderthanto, Huntingdon, Pa. WHA.RTON & DiAGUIRE, Whole• sale and retail dealers in foreign and domestic Hardware', Cutlers, &e., Railroad street, Huntingdon. `CHAS. H. ANDERSON, Dealer in fall kinds of Lumber, be., Iluntiogdeu, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, CP Healer io Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Hunt ingdon, Pa. ~~ ROMAN, • Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, lints and Cage, P. GWIN, • 5• Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Huntingdon: Q E. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, nod Proviaions of all kinds, Huntingdon. WW AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. TORN H. WESTBROOK, Dealer in UP Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon. AZYENTER, Dealer in Groceries and 4, Provisions of all kinds, Huntingdon, Pa. DONNELL & KLINE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Huntingdon, Pa. rOINIAS G. STRICKLER & SON, 31anufacturersof Brougher's patent Broom Head or 'rapper, Ltuntingdon. J- M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, . Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturers, GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready .mode Clothing, Ilutitingdon, Pa. B 111 : GREENE, Dealer in Dlusie,thu sisal Instruments, Sowing Machines, Huntingdon. Q SHOEMAKER, Agent for the Ma :0„ gic Star Liniment, Huntingdon, Pa. M. WILLIAMS, TM. aml Ornamental illarble Manufacturer WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Instru made, Huntingdon, Pa. BILL POSTER. The undersigned offers his services to business then and others desiring circulars distributed or handbills posted. Ito can be seen at the GLOBE office. Huntingdon, Aug. 16, 1865. 501 IN KOPLIN. B ALLISON MILLER, W g, DEATTIST, Has reausecil to the brick-Roe• oppoeite tho Court House. April 13,1850. . J E. GREENE, 't • DENTIST. Office removed to opposite the Fraaklin Homo in tho old bank building, ISill streot, Huntingdon. April 10, 1060. EXCHANGE HOTEL. THE subscribers having leased this Hotel, lately occupied by Blr.ilfcNulty, are prepared to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall be made on our part to make all who stop with us feel at homo. J. J. & J. D. PEE, . may 2,1.866 Proprietors. MORRISON ROUSE, . • X-ruLia.tixago.cicalta, I. Te. HA.VE purchased and entirely ren ovated the largo stone and brick building opposite t Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first class, and I am safe in saying that I can offer ac commodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. ....... . ./ay-I refer to my patrons who have formerly known me while In charge of the Broad Top City Hotel nod Jack eon noose. JOSEPH. MORRISON. illny 16, 18611-U. K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In the brick row, opposite tho Court House. may3.iBt6 /. A MATTERN. WILLIAM A. MPH. MATTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, • MOD LICENSED CLAIM AGENTS, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on EMI aireot. Soldiers Claims against the Government for Back Par Bounty, Widows' and Invalids' Pensions attended to with great care and promptness. my29-ly D SO Y , FOR COLLECTINGDI CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. • • A.LL who may have any claims a gainst the Bovernment for Bounty, Bach Pay and melons, can bora their claims promptly collected by np• plying either in persw or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, liunting,don, Pa. • August 12, 1863. JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BROWN, JOHN AL BAILEY The name of this firm has been ehang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN Ek - BAILEY, under which name they rid] hereafter conduct their practice as - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EfUNTINCIDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs agiiinet Gm Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1866-ti. A . R. BENEDICT. J. SEWELL ETERABT. P. M. LETLE. THE firm of Benedict & Stewart has 4_ boon changed to. 'BENEDICT, BTEWA.RT & LYTLE, tinder which name they will hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA They will aloo give careful attention to the collection of military and other Claims against the State or Gov ernment. Office formerly occupied by J. Sewcll Stewart, adjoin ini the Court noun. feb0,1866 ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. E. 0. & 9. W. COLDER. HAYING entered ipto copartnership in the Alexandria Brewery, the public are informed tw that they will bo prepared at all Once to fill A orders on the shortest notice. Alexandria, Jan.13.1865-tf. rEIHE BEST EASTEB. CUESX 1 .07'66 Ni CrllNlclfthlikM & CARIITITS. CA RPE TING OF ALL KINDS at CUNNINGHAM cE CARMAN'S. SEGARS.—Best quality of Segara mh7 at CUNNINGHAM & oeitmetva. PROF. .H. M'ENTYRE'S (TREAT REMEDY, Tim INDIAN COMPOUND Internal and External Medicine, ME= • Diarrbrea, Bloody Flint in one day, ;gar. Headache and Earache in three minutes. Aar- Toothache in ono minuto. .4EI Neuralgia in flea minutes, air Sprains in twenty minutes, W Sore Throat in ten minutes, Cholic and Cramp in five minutes, • Rheumatism in one day, tt5 , .. Pain in the . Back or Side In tan minutes, 'M. Bad Conglm or Colds In one day, vs_ Favor and Ague In ono day. . Cures Deafneas, Asthma, Piles, Bronchitis Affections, Pyspepsia, 10 1 3 Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, • Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart Keep it in your Families—Sickness comes when least expected. I propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of. all the circulating fluids in the human system, than can be effected by any ether, or all other methods of medical aid in the same space of time. THIS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into use, for the, fact that I cure, tree of charge, ail these com plaints whenever there Is an opportunity to do so. A. soon as it is applied it almest miraculously kills the pain. Ido not ask son to buy before you are certain of its em clency. If you have no acheor pain, it is warranted lode all it purports on the label. I do not propose to cure every disease—only a class named by my directions. My linimentoperates on chem ical anti electric principles, and is, therefore. to the cure or natural restorative o f ' all organic derange ment arising from an improper circulation of the nerve vital fickle. Prof..T. 11. 111cEutyre's INDIAN COMPOUND note di rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible short time, without any pe4sible danger front its use under nay possible circumstances. This is an intermit and external to,dicine—composed of roots, herbs anti barks, such as our forefathers used.— There is a bountiful supplyon earth to cure all complaints if we only know what, they wore. This has been a great study with tho Medical Faculty for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the above complaiuts—how to put them together. and what proportions to use. J. 11. 31cENTYRE, Proprietor, Reading, Pc For sale at Lewis' Book Store Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 6, 1865. MeENTYRE' DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arieing from one cause, viz: Favor and Ague, Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, Weak and disor dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Old diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in tho Back or Sitio, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of tho Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worms, Ice., Sc. Sold at 25 cents per box. mouNTYRE's INDIAIY VEGETABLE WORN DESTROYER ! Thieiufallible medicine is warranted to expel worms In all cases and may be given to cnildren of all ages, as they are purely vegetable and .perfeetly harmless. sm Can be had at Lewis , Book store, Huntingdon, Pa, DR. VENARD' STAR MAGIC LINIMENT. • 81000 REWAR D will be 'mild for any medicine that excels this for the following diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Tate is an Internal and External Medicine, composed of Roots, Herbs and Barks such as our forefathers used: le a bountiful supply on the earth to curd all coin• plaints, if NVO only knew what they were.• This has been a; subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for a great many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what portions to use. This wonderful remedy needs no recommendation save the results which invariably follow its application. izta• This pulsator remedy is fist coining into use from the fact that it gives good satisfaction. t . "" - PHYSICIANS aro invited to test its efficacy In all casts of Rheumatism, Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin, Muscles and Wands. It has been used in thousands of instances under tho personal supervision of the Inventors, and has never disappeinted their expectations. All we ask for it is a trial—experi• mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw, are the vonchers.we desire to prtnent to the public. It would he v 4,11 for molly now tying In beds of torture, if these facts Could reach their nick chambers. It is mare important to them than to the inventors that this should be the case. "Trash is mighty and must prevail." .Beep it in your family, for sickness comes when you least expect it. _PRICE—ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL H. SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Han tingdon , Pa., J9ly 19, 18G5. DR. VENARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURES RHEUMATISM, . NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, • HEADACHE, DIPTHERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, • SPRAINS, . and DIARRII(EA SOLE AGENT, SAM UEL H. SHOEMAKER, HUNTINGDON, PA Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. tar - Agents Wanted to sell , the above throughout the Country. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 1666. pAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !!! Tracing Papar, Imprescion Paper, Drawing Paper, Dead Paper, • Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Mowers, Perforotod Pnpor, Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Nolo Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Pack. and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA . opened r d ub2 ta i c a t t in t Li o n liaasm Diamond, AHuntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which ho %rill sell at fair prices. Quick yaks and smallprolits. Call and examine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. lluntingdon,April 10,1566. SPECTACLES. A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE ! M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND, A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CTS., and 51,00 FOR . THE LADIES. • A superior article of Noto Paper and Nnrolopve, outtablo for confidential correepondence, fur sub at :.T.EIrIS . BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. RAPER ! PAPER 1 Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—rsi good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quire er shout, nt LEWIS' KIM BOOK & STATIONKBY STOKE. "VERMICELLI, Barley, Rice, Hom y lay, Beaus, &C., at Levita& Colt Fatally Grocery. BROUGHER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER. PATENTED DECEMBER 26, 1860 Everybody his own, Broom Maker This head or Wrapper is con structed of Tin or Zinc. with sliding band and bolts, in connection with the centre bolt passing thro' the bonito, hold ing it secure. The article to which we call your attention is very simple,light and strong, weighing but SEVEN OUNCES. The farming community have long needed en article of this /1' ; character; and the high price of Brooms, together • with the durability, and practical utility of this invention makes it more saldatile titan any other art tele ever int, duced. / i .ii:IS . 1 ' 1:-i' We offer bOrough, township, and family rights fo solo on reasonable terms, in the county of Huntingdon. For further particulars, call and seu tho subscribers, o address TILOS. G. STRICKLER & SON, feb7,1666 Huntingdon, Pa. LUMBER.LUER. LITIV.I MB 13ER. THE undersigned has just received and Is now ready to supply the public with ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL THE DIFFERENT GRADES, From cuttings up to the clear stuff, From 9 months to 2 years dry! Afro, PE ASTERING LATH, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AND PLANE. WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER-130AUDING, DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, SASHES, &c at reasonable prices. Now Is the time to buy, before the Spring rush, as Lumber is already advancing, and dry lumber is a scarce article. CHAS. IL ANDERSON. Huntingdon, Feb. 27,18(0 New Styles for '66 already on hand THE LARGEST and STOCK OF HEW STYLES OF WALL PAPER Ever received in Huntingdon, NOW OPEN And for sale at LEWIS' Book Store OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS, SATINS, BLANKS, BROWNS of various styles, for Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Offices,. Bed Rooms, Kitchens, Bar Rooms, &c. Paper is on the rise—save 20 por cent by buying soon. It will pay all to buy now for Spring use SPECIAL NOTICE, To THE LADIES.—Do you really Intend to ceascL,wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured In Fashionable Female attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. Tho angels had too mach good sense to lay aside their pure chasto robes of yebite, because they had for a time hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, tho Devil. Can you err in following the examploof Angels? • Then having mule up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your Dub, ere, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero be suited in good articles of Bootsl'Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queeus ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any House in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1865. FRANCIS D. WALLACE. DOP "Sr . CYLT W.A.:LAVP A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On 11111 Street, two doors west of _Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, '65-Iti 3VICT3E;IC) 3E3C,CI)7M.M FOR SALE AT BEMIS' BOOK STORE. HOW 'S SONGS OF IRELAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Hibernia's Songs and Ballads, including 60 of Moore's Irish Melodies, Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political• Comic and NlisceDaimons Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00 BOWE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing about lib of the Gents of Caledonlids Songs and Ballads, inclu ding Songs of the affections, Sentimental. Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political, Comic . and 3fiscelione. one Songs, arranged for the 'Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00. HOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OF THE OLDEN TIME, containing the Original {Verde and Music, of the Songs and Ballads, snug by the Grand-rnoth ers of the present 'generation. Arranged for Four Voices. BOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy Dances with Calls and Figureej Waltzer, Polkas, Opera Mete. dice, Scotch and Irish airs, ,tc,, Sc., for the Violin, Flute, Cornet, Bass Viol, Sc. • TILE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOR; 'a collection of Shinto for male Voices, consisting of Glees and Part Songs, Choir and congregational Tunas, Anthems, Chants, Ac. KINGLEY'S JUVENILE CHOIR :—A selection of the Choicest Melodies from the German, French, Ital ian, English and American Composers. TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TIIE BUGLE CALLS;two books suttoblo to tho times. TLIE BOSTON GLEE BOOR', consisting of an extensive collection of Glees, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected from the works of the ?lost admired Composers, to gether many new pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR TILE PIANO, Melodeon Accordeon, Violin, Banjo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum Fife and Flageolet. Iluntingdon,*Jan. 24, 1865-if. „ls ,, s. - ..if ;‘,- I%itio -' ,`, .tlt -G,W' ---., -s,°‘'W.,l',ost• '''' ‘. -..'''tt'e,l'c,l:„4:,-t:i ;'” 4, _. ..,, , :...., s& , - -. k ,--:' 4 3'' . V . t6l l -- 4-,.- l - s';' •-•:k. - PP LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! ' - UNSTABLE'S SALES, • ATTACICT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPCENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WE% COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Riflery, and Affray. IICIERE FACIAS. to recover alumna of Judgment. COLLECTORS! RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior moor, and for sale at the Mee of the HUNT/NC - DON GLOBE. BLANKS, of overy description, printed to ardel, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Or Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Iviirstsx< l s3uLii _lN LI 4tt .'' 1 t 4, a 2 .- t „ .4 r h • - , .;-' L. ;j 1 STATIONS lc M 1171. 1 5, 4 :;• X' . - • .g 11. k • 2 ?..4 Su M • „,,' 41 .1 5 ... re, % 1 . 7 P. M.I P. M.) P.M I A. M.l P. M. ) 'P. M.) A. IC 1 18 11 1 55 N.Hamiltou, 510 106 835 625 ” 112 05 Mt. Union,— 5 02.12 54 825 b 35 —.112 18 Mapleton, 4541242 8 15 58 , 44 12 29 Mill Creek,... 4 45 1 . 2 29 8 05 :7 00 5 28 14 48 5 58 Huntingdon, .4 33112 08 150 I 7 15 1 10... el Veterabnrg,... 4 18111 43 7 30 7 .23 1 201 'Barren, • 4 10151 31, 7 21 730 132 0 1518przmaCreek, 4021121 7 10 741 153 Birmingham, 3 45 111 06 655 7 50 0 17 2 05 848 Tyrone, 3 35 10 50 645 1 03 - 2 20 'Tipton 3 25 10 84 6 33 8 06 2 28 Vostoria, 3 20 10 28 8 25 813 - 2 35, Beira Mille,. 31510 20 818 8 30 6 50 3"00) 7 20 'Altoona,. 300 9 55 8 00 P. M. A. M. A. 11( The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Eastward, Altoona itt 9 35 P. 31., and arrives at Hunting: 10 56 1 1 .31. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona a , A. M.. end arrives at Huntingdon at 4 42 A. 31. The DAY EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 830 S. at., and arrival at Iluntinwlon 9 -48 A. The PHILADELPHIA LXPRESS Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7.00 A. 81., and arriveir at Altoona at 8 20 A. 71. The FAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 35 P. 31.. and arrives at Altoona at 0 50 P. N. The NOW YORK. EXPRESS Westward leaves trunting don at 738 A. at., and arrives at Altoona El SO Slay 20, 1808. • ' HRAILROAD UN TINGDO & .BROAD TOP On and after Tuesday, MAY Mid, 1868, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTIIWARD.TRAINS. STATIONS =EMI FAMED MC= 001 Ls 8 001lluntingdon, 0 17 8 201,11eConuellstown, • 6 25 8 321 Pleasant Grove,- 39 8 43151arkleaburg, bi 004 Coffee Run, 02 12 Rough & Ready,.. 14 24 Cove, 191 28 Fialter'a Summit. es 33 tea 44 431. i 64 I Saxton, • 04 1 141111ddlesburg....... 12 1 2211Iopewell 24 1 38 Piper's Run, 40 1 68 Tateaville , 53 1 09 Bloody Run, AR 57 AEI 12 Mount Da11a5,..... SHOUP'S RUN BRANCH. is .7 60 1 63 10 20 1 3.axton , 8 051 10 35 Coalntent , 8 10, 10 40 Crawford, La 8_201.01.10 60 Dudley, Broad Top. City, Huntingdon Slay 19, 1861 OLIVEi ,ONM, , Ntnij kisg. L, READING RAIL .ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, APRIL 23, 1866. CIREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE VA North and North-West for PHILADELPip, Now- YORE, ItraniNa, Porravxm, LEBANON, ALLENTOrr{, &nom, &c., &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, 'as follows !At. 3 00, 7,40 and 9 05 A. M., and 200 and 9,20 P. M., arriving at Now York 5,40 and 10 00 A, M., and 340 and 10 35 P. M. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl; vanht Railroad, and sleeping cars accompany the 300 a no 9 05 p.m. trains. without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mluersville, Ashland, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia at 7 40 A. M. and 2 and 9 20 P. M., atop at Lebancn and pt fanfold way etatiOns; the 9 20 train making noClOse connection for Pottsville nor Philadelphia. Nor Pottsville, Schuyl- kill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 4 15 P M. Returning. leave Nzw-Bona at 9 A. 51., 12 Noon, 8 sci P. M. PLiladelphia at 3A. M., and 330 P. 01; Pottsvilla at it CO A. 51., and 2 45 P. M.; Ashland 600 and 11.15 a m, and 1 05 P 51; Taatnqua at 9.45 A 51 0 and 1 and 855 P 51. Leave 'Pottsville for Harrisburg. via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a m• An Accommodation Passenger Trap leaves READING at 8.30 A. M., and returns from PEILADELPIIIA at 5,00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 610 am„ and 0115 P. 51., fort:pi:rata, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. On Sunday', leave Now YOrk at 8 30 P. 51., Philackil t phla, 8.00 a M and 3 15 P. M., the 8 a m train running tat, Reading, Pottsville 8 00 A. DI.. Tamaqua 7.30 A. M., Han, rl - burg 905 A. AL, and Reading at 130 a.m., for Hai rleburg. 10,52 a m, for New York, and 4.25 p. m. for Phil: adelphia: ConNUTATION, 31ILEAnE, SEASON, Scalpel., and Excoriates: TICKETS At reduced-rates to and from all points. ' Baggage checked through: 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. . G. A. NICOLL F3r Reading, April 23, 1866. General Sitpertrtlitident. JMUS .... THE CYTHARA—The Pr esby ter iao. Paalmodist—The Shawn—Theaubllee-11unton's and PerlinPs eplarited spd improved instructors—Welland's New and Improved Method for the O altar—Lelend's Accor deon, Violin anti Flubs Instruetors—Winner'e and Howe's Violin Instructors—Dellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur roveS' Piano:Forte • Primer—do. Thorough-Base Primer— liowe's Drawing Room Dances—Vie Chpros Woe Book.— Tara's Ilarp, for sale at • • LEW US' I1001c.,"STATIO NERT h MUSIC STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT - GOLD SHADES • MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURE TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS \ PULL ASSORTMENT • AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE, Justices' and- Constables' Pea Bills for sale at Lewis' Book Store, $25 leaven . on at Men Exparze EIVIEE3 6 10 5 47 5 40 6 20 5 12 5 05 AR 9 00 8 40 842 8 24 8 08 00 49 46 LE 80 AR 20 00 52 36 16 4 +53 4 49 u 484 L 3 4.24. 3 04 3 56 3 40 3 20 .3 04 us 0 01], BE 815 40D 6 05 3 59 600 854 EMI EEO