The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 06, 1866, Image 1
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'Slaw squares, The Cabinet on the Situation Opeeohes of Secretaries McCulloch, Stanton and Dennison. The following aro• the addresses of different members of the President's Cabinet, in response to a serenade in front ofitheir residences in Washing ton on the night of the 25th of May. SPEECH OF SECRETARY M'CULLOCH Fellow citizens ; You are aware I am not in the habit of makin g speeches; and I take it for granted, therefore,, that, in making the call upon me, you intend only to pay me a passing com pliment, and not to elicit from me any extended remarks. I shall not disap point you. I shall not bo so ungrate ful for your kindness as to inflict upon you a speech. My position, gentle men, in reference to the issues which are now engaging the public attention are not, I apprehend, misunderstood by you. [Cheers.] I took occasion, last fall, among my old friends iu Indi ana, to define my position; and since that time I have seen no occasion to cbange,much less to abandon it. I will say, therefore, as I suppose I must say 'something on this occasion, that the general policy of the President in reference to the southern States, and the people recently in arms against the Federal government, has commended itself to my deliberate judgment. And although it has been violently and in some instances vindictively assailed, I have an abiding conviction that it will be approved by the peOple when they shall be allowed to pass judgment upon it at the ballot hex. [Loud cheers.] This plan is fairly stated in the plat. form of the club which many of you represent. 1 need not say, therefore, in regard to that platform, any more ..than that I subscribe to,all its doctrines fully and without reserve. [Cheers.] I suppose, gentlemen, that none of us expected that, at the close of this great war, in which much bad blood had been excited, and more good blood had been shed, we should have bright skies and calm seas. I take it for granted that most of us expected that at the close of this war there would be passion and pique, and perhaps violence, which it, would take time to bring into proper subjugation. But, although we antici pated this, we knew that the people of the United States would be prepared for whatever might conic up. We an ticipated that, at the close of the war, great questions would come up for set tlement, the discussion of which would be likely to agitate this country, to nhake it, perhaps, from centre to cir cumference. But we knew also that the penple liad not been wanting in any previous emergency, and we had con— fidence that they would- be prepared to cope with, and settle satisfactorily, any questions that might be presented in the future. That faith is with us now. It is strong with us to night.— We have faith in the people, and we have - faith in that good PrOvidence iyhich, having led this nation through the red sea of battle, is not likely to desert it now that the dreadful passage has been accomplished. The President of the United States, gentlemen, stands before the country in no doubtful atti tude. His voice gave utterance to no uncertain language when it denounced treason, at the outbreak of the rebel lion, in the Senate of the United States. [Cheers.] He showed no faltering fi delity when, counting everything else .as of no value, as mere dust in the ba lance, in comparison. with the Union and the Constitution, he went back to Tennessee to fight treason and seces sion in their stronghold, and peril his life and the lives of his family. (Cheers i His policy is straightforward, ntelligi• hie, and practical. If a better policy can be presented, one more of nance with the principles of the gov. ernment, better calculated to preserve the supreniacy of Federal authority, -while it trenches not on the reserved and legitimate rights of the States— more just, more humane, better fitted to bind the people of this great coun try in r. common brotherhood, at the -same time that it places just condem nation on treason and vindicates Oa majesty of the law—if such a policy can be presented there is no man in the United States who will more willingly embrace it than . Andrew Johnson.— [Hearty cheers.] But until that bet ter policy be presented, he must be false to himself, false to his record, and must, in fact, cease to be Andrew John eon, jibe does not:Where to his policy, and sink or swim with it. [Cheers.] It is pretty good evidence, after all, gentlemen, of the correctness of his policy, that Congress, after having, been in session nearly six long, weary months, has been unable to present one which they cam• agree upon as a - ,suhstitute. [Cilt:111-3 mod --kluge tcr.3 . It was once said, I think by John ,Randolph, that of all tinkers the Con stitution tinkers were the most to be deprecated. (Cheers) if the old man could rise from the grave, what would he say to the present Congress, in which every third man at 10:114, is a Constitution tinker? [Laughter and cheers.] But they are not wise enough to amend that grand old instrument, the work of our patriot fathers of the founders of the republic, the glory of the United States, and the admiration of the, world. [Cheers.] My fellow citizens, there is but one proposition that hits been presented that stands even the gliest of a chance of'acteptatice by tl.e people of the North; mill tint*, is the proposition 'ea sing representation on. voters. And whose fault is it that that is not a port of the Constitution to day ? Why was it not subinitted With the amendment abolishing slavery? Whose tau t was that? [Voices—The copperheads'.— ,Other voices—Thad Stevens'.] Mr. McCulloch—Was it the fault of ....$3 CO .... 1 00 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXI, Andrew Johnson ? (Shouts of "The fault of Congress," "Thud Stevens," and counter cheers for Mr. Stevens.)— If the course which the President was pursuing was obnoxious to the charges made against it on the recess of Con. gross, how happened it. that there was no denunciation of it until the meeting of Congress? How happened it that these Jupiter Tonans of Congress were as silent as though they had been dumb? Those men, whose duty it was to stand on the ramparts of the Con• stitution, and alarm the people of ap. preaching danger—why.did they not denounce that policy and demand of the President of the United States a convention of Congress? No such de mand. was made. No such denuncia tion was then heard. We did hear a voice from Pennsylvania, I believe, and perhaps a response from Massachu setts. But the people were silent.— The press Was silent, if not approving. Fellow citizens, I did not intend speaking so much. I have only this to say : I have desired and hoped for the continuation of the great Union party, with which I have been ever identified. But if its leaders can present nothing better than the programme. of the com• mittee, I am greatly apprehensive that its days will be numbered. I trust, fellow citizens; that this will not be the case; that it will discard its hostility and its attempt to continue alienation between the two sections of the country, and that it will embrace ' those principles which look to harmony to restoration, and to peace. If it should do this, it will continue to be the great and controlling party of the country, and cover itself with impel:. ishable glory. If it does not its days are numbered, and the epitaph that will be written on it will be, "It knew how to prosecute the war with vigor, but it lacked the wisdom to avail it self of the benefits of victory." (Ap plause, and three cheers for Secretary McCulloch.) The Secretary of the War was next called upon—the band playing "Bally round the flag," "When Johnny comes marching home," and other airs. SECRETARY STANTON'S SPEECH Gentlemen : On the afternoon of Thursday, the 17th of this month, I received a note from the secretary of the National Union Johnson Club, tell ing me it was the design of the associa tion to serenade the President and his Cabinet, and that 1 would he called up on at my residence - . Immediately on the receipt of this note reply was sent to the secretary, expressing my thanks for the compliment, and declining the honor of the serenade; a similar com pliment by the patriotic association of the Soldiers' and Sailors' League had previously been declined. Two reasons induced my action.— The last time a public speech was made from this spot in answer to a se renade was the night of Friday, the 14th day of April, 1865. At that mo ment,NV hen we were rejoicing over the downfall of the rebellion, one of its in struments was murdering Hr. Lincoln. You will not think it strange that a complimentary occasion fraught with such associations should not be coveted. Besides, as the head of a department, my public duties have been simply ex ecutive; and it has always been 'my aim to avoid trenching upon duties devolv ed upon others, and to avoid mischief by premature discussion of matters en trusted to the legislative branch of the government and under its considera tion. But the call of this evening re lieves me from any imputation of in truding my opinions upon you. I shall therefore declare them briefly and plainly, and to the end that they may be neither accidentally misunder stood nor wilfully misrepresented, What it is my purpose to say on this occasion has been written. After four years of war the authori ty of the Federal government was es— tablished throughout the whole terri• tory of the United States, at a sacrifice of over three hundred thousand lives of loyal soldiers and a cost 9f more than three thousand millions of dollars, Nearly every household in eighteen loyal States is mourning its loved ones slain by the rebels; a tut which may last for generations is laid upon•the food and raiment and necessities of every family, and in the price of their daily bread the twenty million inhabi tants of the loyal States feel, and will long continue to. feel, what it cost to uphold their government against re bellion. The office of President devolved up, on Mr. Johnson at the death of Mr. Lincoln, on the 15th day of April, '65. Thirteen days before that time, Rich mond, the seat of the rebel govern. Merit, bad been captured, and six days later the rebel commander in chief, R. E. Lee, routed and vanquished, sur' rendered his army, as prisoners Of war to general Orapt, and the forces under his command. By these rapidly sac seeding events . the rebel government was overthrown, its strength and hope exhausted, and in every State its arm. od forces and official authorities gave themselves tip as prisoners of war.— The President's annual message to the present Congress thus clearly states the condition of the country and the question thereby imposed upon him. "I found the States suffering from the effects of a civil war. • Resistance to the general government appeared to 1111V0 exhausted itself. The United States had recovered possession of their forts and arsenals. and their ar. tides \ !TM) in the occupation of every State which Mid attempted to secede. Whether the territory within the lims its of those States chould be held as conquered territory, under military authority emanatidg from the' Presi dent as the head of the army, was the firt,t, question that presented itself for decision." After fitating the objections to the continuance 2f merely militery rule, the alternative course chosen by him and supported by his Cabinet is thus clearly set forth: "Provisional, governors have been appointed for the States, conventions called, governors elected, legislatures assembled, and representatives chosen to the Congress of the United States. At the same time, the courts of the United States, as far as could be done, have been reopened, so that the laws of the United States may be enforced through their agency. The blockade has been removed and the custom houses re-established in ports of entry, so that the revenue of the United States may be collected. The Post Office Department renews its ceaseless activity, and the general government is thereby enabled to communicate promptly with its officers and agents. The courts bring security to persons and property; the opening of the ports invite the restoration of industry and commerce; the post office renews the facilities of social intercourse and of business!" ' No one better than Mr. Johnson un derstood the solemn duty imposed upon the national executive to maintain the national authority, vindicated at so great a sacrifice, and the obligation not to suffer the just fruits of so fierce a struggle, and of so many battles and victories, to slip away or turn to ashes. In many speeches to delegations from loyal States, in despatches to provis ional governors acting under his au% thority, and in declarations made to the public for their information, there was no disguise of- his purpose to se cure the peace and tranquility of the country on just and surd foundations. These measures received the cordial support of every member of the Cab inet, and were approved by the sonti• ments declared by conventions in near ly all of the States. One point of dif ference presented itself, namely : the basis of representation. By some it was thought just and expedient that the right of suffrage in the rebel States should be secured in some form to the colored inhabitants of those States, either as a universal rule or to those qualified by education or actual service as soldiers who ventured life for their government. My own mind inclined to this view, but after calm and full discussion my judgment yielded to the adverse arguments resting upon the' practical difficulties to be encountered in such a measure, and to the Presi dent's - wrviatior. •LaiL . rules of suffrage was not within the legitimate scope of his power. The plan of organization embodied in the proclamation to the people of North Carolina, and the instructions to the Provisional Governor of that State, exhibit the system and princi. pies prescribed by the President for the substitution of civil authority in the place of universal, military rule in the insurrectionary States. In thiS plan two things presented by the proc lamation and the President's instruc tions are worthy of special notice : First. That the exercise of the or ganizing power is specifically and ab solutely restricted to the people "who are loyal to the United States, and no others." This is in accordance with the viewe often declared by Kr. Johns son from the commencement of the rebellion, and under the most impres— sive circumstances. Secondly. The choice of delegates was not only limited to loyal people and no others, but constitutional guar unties were required in respect to the emancipation of slaves and the repudi ation of the rebel debt. A sound rea• son for such guaranties in respect to slavery is stated by the President in his message—namely, the necessity of "the evidence of sincerity in the future maintenance of the Union." These views, expressed by the Pres ident in hid message, received, and continue to receive, my cordial acqui eseence and support. Who aro loyal people is a question that ought not to be difficult to decide. After full explanation of the steps taken by him to restore the constitu tional relations of the States, the President, in his annual message, pro• ceeds to state, with equal distinctness, what remains to bei dope, and to whom the authority and duty of doing it be longs, in the following words: "The amendment to the Constitution being adopted, it would remain for the States whose powers have been so long in abeyance to resume their places in the two branches of the national legs islature, and thereby complete the work of restoration. Here it is for you, fellow citizens, of the. Senate, and for you fellow citizens of the House of Representatives, to judge, each of you foryourselves, of the elections, returns, And qualifications ofour own members." Whoever doubts that the authority and duty of judging for itself the elec. Lions, returns, and qualifications of its ineintiere belong to each house of Congress may have his doubt removed by the Federal Constitution, which declares in the fifth section of the first article that "each house.shall bb the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members." In thus distinctly recognizing the consti. tutienal right of each house of Congrqss to judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, the President has conformed to the plain letter of the Constitution. It being the function of each house to judge of the elections, returns,and qualifications of its own members, the obligation is implied of taking testimony, weighing evidence, and deciding the question of membership. What testimony lies been taken, or what evidence has been presentiid on the question to either branch of Congress, or what judgment will be given, is -net knOwri to me, nor have I the right, of inquiring, for neith er the right nO the citlty oldeciding is devolved upon me. But the toerse of the President in thus referring Pie _HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1866. -PERSEVERE.- question of its own members to the judgment of each house of Congress received and continues to receive my cordial support. • Besides the steps taken by the exe cutive to restore the constitutional re lations of the States, his annual mes sage called the attended of Congress to the necessity of insuring the securi ty of the freedmen; reminding Con gress that while he had no doubt that the general government could extend the elective franchise, "it is equally clear that good faith requires, the se curity of the freedmen in their liberty and their property, their right to la bor, and their right to claim the just return of their labor," and observing further that "the country is in need of labor and the freedmen are in need of employment, culture, and protection." In connection with this subject the President further remarks:. "Slavery was essentially a monopoly of labor, and as such, locked the States where it prevailed against the incom ing of free industry. Where labor was the property of the capitalist the white man was excluded from employment, or had but the second best chance of finding it, and the foreign emigrant turned away from- the region where his condition would-be so precarious. With the destruction of the monopoly, free labor will hasten from all parts of the civilized world to assist in devel oping various and immeasurable re sources which have hitherto lain dor mant. The eight or nine States near , est the Gulf of Mexico have a soil of exuberant fertility, a climate friendly to long life, and can sustain a denser population than is found as yet in any part of our country. And the future influx of population to them will be mainly from the North, or from the most cultivated nations in Europe." These views of the President in rela tion to the freed Men received, and con tinue to receive, my hearty concur rence. They have guided the action of the War Department, and were sub stantially advocated in its annual re• port. In what 1 believed an honest desire to • conform to them, a bill was passed by Congress regulating the Freedmen's Bureau; but the provisions of the bill did not meet the President's approval, because he believed the pow ers conferred upon him and upon the agents to be appointed by him to be unwise and unconstitutional. Concur ring in the object of the bill,and regard inv. the prsurn•• 4 , 0 ,. . - .pnrary_ and safe in his bands, I advised its approval. But having been returned to Congress with the President's objections, and having failed the needful support, it is no longer a living measure, nor the subject of debate or difference of opim ion. Another congressional measure,eall ed the civil rights bill, has been the subject of conflict. That bill, now a law, has for its object the security of civil rights in the insurrectionary States. It was well observed by the President, in his annual message, that "peaceful emigration to and front that portion of the country (the Southern States) is ono of the best means that can be thought of for the restoration of bar. mony." its possible interference with such emigration was one of the chief objections to military rule; and by some it is thought that the influence of class legislation in favor of the slave holding monopoly heretofore existing in the Southern States would still be strongly exerted to prevent peaceful emigration into those States, and would exclude the laboring population of the North from that soil of exuberant fer tility and friendly climate,that prodne• Live region embracing the eight or nine States nearest the Gulf of i\lexico, and that hence civil rights in those States should be vigilantly protected by Fede,ral laws and Federal tribunals. Although the measures enacted by Congress for this purpose failed to re ceive the executive sanction, yet, hav ing been adhered to by a two-thirds vote in. each house, they have now. passed to the statute book and ceased to be the subject of debate. Another measure or series of meas. ures of prime importance, now pending before Congress, merits a brief' remark, viz : The plan of restoration or recon struction, as it is sometimes called. To the plan reported by the joint com mittee I have not been able to give my assent. IL contemplates an amend ment to the Federal Constitution, the third section of the proposed article being in these terms : " Section 3. Until the 4th of July 1870, all persons who voluntarily ad— hered to the late insurrection, giving it aid and comfort, shall be excluded from the right to'vote for representa— tives in Congress, and for electors for President and Vico President of the United States." It is urged by the ad vocates of this plan that this third sec tion is the vital ono, without . which the others are of no vallie. Its ex:eh:— Aire action will no doubt .commend it to the feelings of many as a ,wise and just provision. But I am unable so to regard it because for four years it binds Congress to exclude from voting for representatives for presidential elec tors "all persons who voluntarily ad bored to the late insurrection, eiving, it aid and comfort." No matter what may be the condition of the countrY, nor what proofs of present and future loyalty may be given, an alsolate con stitutional bar is to he erected for four years against a large class of persons. Change of circumstances and condi tion often work rapid change in party or political sentiment, and nowhere with. more marked results than in the South. It is believed that elements of change : Aro now at Work there, stimu lating on one sid4 to .loyalty, 'and on the other tending to continued hostile feelings.' In niy judgment every prep el. incitement to Union should be tim tered and cherished, and for Congress to limit its own power, by constitution- al amendment, for the period of four years, might be deplorable in its result. To those who differ I accord the same honesty, and perhaps greater wisdom than I can claim for myself. As the proposed plan now stands I am unable to perceive the necessity, justice,or NVlS dom of the measure ; but having no place nor voice• in the body before which the measure is pending, I die , claim any purpose to interfere beyond the expression of my own opinion. Having thus declared my views, as they have heretofore been declared to those who had a right to know thorn, on the material questions .that have lately arisen, or are now pending, I trust that your purpose on this ocoa sion is answered, and I shall be glad if their expression may have any benefi cial influence on questions the right disposition whereof is a matter of soli• citude to every patriotic man, and is important to the peace and tranquili ty of the Union. Recognizing the con stitutional power of all the co-ordinate branches of the govern ment,legislative, judicial, and executive—and entertain ing for each the respect which is duo from every loyal citizen, they are enti tled to and shall receive, according to my best judgment, the support which is required by that Constitution which, after an unexampled conflict, has been unheld and sanctified by divine favor, and through the sacrifice of so much blood and treasure. The serenading party next proceed ed to the residence of Postmaster Gen eral, Dennison, who, after repeated calls, appeared, and spoko as follows : SPEECH OF POSTMASTER GENERAL DEN 1M133 Fellow citizens : lam not the less grateful to you for this call hedause of its being made on me in my official ca pacity and as a s meniber of the Cabi. net; and yet I am admonished by this fact, as well as by the lateness of the hour, not to discuss many topics of public interest upon whicb,under other circumstances, I might be glad to ex. press my views. I may say, however, that we have much reason to felicitate ourselves on the general condition of the country, in view of the perils through which we have so recently passed, and to congratulate ourselves upon the promising, future that awaits us . . It is true that the restoration of the southern States to all their constitu tional relations to the general govern ment is not_yet accomplished. So far as that duty or that consummation has devolved on the executive branch of the government it has been fully par-- formed. [Applause.] I cannot now recall any failure in this regard. With all these things you are familiar, and the country knows what has been done and what, is doing. The close of the war brought with it the necessity of re-establishing the Federal authority in the insurgent States as rapidly as possible, and con nected with it the duty of encouraging the reorganization of local governments in each of these States. To this subject my fellow citizens, the attention of the President and the Cabinet was early directed—with what success I need not point out to you. I think I ven ture not too tar in saying that history furnishes no parallel to such success. The Federal authority has been estab lished, recognized, and obeyed in every State south of Mason and Dixon's line. [Applause.] The local governments in those States. have been reformed sub stantially to meet their changed con dition, resulting from the abolition of slavery, and are now being peaceably administered'. Doubtless there are pro visions in the constitutions of some of these States, as there aro in the laws er.aoted by some of their Legislatures, that are not in consonance with the views of the moral and liberty loving citizens of the nation ; but we cannot reasonably doubt that these will give. place to better provisions and better. laws, ruder the influence of the Feder al government and their own material necessities. But ono thing remains, my fellow-citizens, to complete the work of restoration, and to clothe the southern States with all their constitu tional privileges,and that is their repre sentation in Congress. [Applause.] Upon this, with. the loyal millions of the country, I regret, deeply regret,, that there is any difference between . the President and our friends in Con. grass. But you will ob,servo that this difference is not as to who shall repro. sent the southern States. Their loyal ty is to be tested by the taking of oaths prescribed by the Constitution and the laws—required alike by the President and Congress, and for every senator and representative from every State, North and South. The differ ence, then, is not as to who, bat as to' when, these States shall be represen ted. The whole theory of the execu tive programme for the restoration of the ernithern States looks to the early Omission of loyal senators and repre sentatives from those States [applause], while the congressional prograinme,as far as it has been developed, looks to delay, conditioned on the adoption 'of certain amendments to the Constitu tion. Now, my frionds, we must not over look the fact that if this difference be not adjusted, it may•lead—and it will load, in all probability—Ao unfortunate results; not only to the southern states but to all the country—and may I not add, to the Union party, in whose in terests I learn your assochition has been organized. I need not tell you, or those who intimately know mo, that it; is in the continued ascendancy. of the Union party that I rely far the peace and, happiness of the country.-- I. need not tell you it was that party, in the field and at•thn ballot hoz . , that saved the nation from the assaults of aiMcd rebellion. I will only add, it is to that party, founded on tho princi ples of the Baltimore platform, f look . LC; s•z. • rt., • , 412 i e • F TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. to establish indestructibly, on the basis of justice apd constitutional equality, the lights of all the States of our com mon country. Let me refer one mo ment to the difference between the President and Congress. I want to deal frankly with you whoia I say that I do not believe these differences are irreconcilable. -I do not believe there is any cause of separation bet Ween the President and the majority in Con gross. Nay, if I am not greatly at fault, time and discussion are bringing the President and Congress rapidly to gether on the .basis of a common plat form of action. Certain it is, they are not as wide apart as at the opening of Congress. Then prominent Senators and Representatives argued that the insurgent States, by the act of rebellion had committed suicide, and should be treated as conquered provinces or ter ritories; then it was argued by some distinguished Congressmen that the public safety imperatively demanded that this condition should bo imposed upon them all. But these propositions are not now argued in Congress, and I do not think that in the future we shall hear them debated. I see in this fact - a steady and encouraging advance towards practical adjustment, and may we not reasonably hope their conces— sions were made to the end of securing reconciliation, satisfactory and full, that shall be alike consistent with the dignity and patriotism both of the Ex ecutive and Congress? Every consid• eration of patriotism and wisdom fa vors such a result. The work of res toration calls for every concession au• thorized- by the Constitution. I will not doubt that.this, concession will be made, and the results of the war, by which the nation was preserved, will be secured and. perpetuated on the ba sis of peace and concord between the people of all the sections of the country. I have said much more than 1 expec ted, and return my thanks again for the friendly call, and now bid you a very good night. • Pennsylvania U. S. Senator. The Harrisburg correspondent of the Chambersburg Repository, in his last letter to that newspaper, says : The pending political contest will be inlivened and its interest be in• tensified by the struggle for United S. Senator to succeed Cowan. There are a number of names mentioned—Curtin Forney, Kelly, Cameron, Grow, Cesna, Willlams 2 - 3choScld, Thorna3, and oth ers, but from recent movements I pre , slime the contest will in a little time assume the shape of Curtin against the field. He has taken no steps to make himself a candidate, nor w ill he do so, I learn. He has been tendered a first class mission by the President, the proffered honor dating back to No vember last, before his departure for Cuba and before Washington politic. al complications had commenced ; but I hazard little in saying that he will not leave his position until his time expires, and if so, he will find himself in the Senatorial contest nolens vole:4s. From every part of the State the do sire is manifested to crown his bril liant administrative career; in which none bat himself has been his parallel, by calling him to the highest legisla. two tribunal of the Republic. The Union men feel that the times demand men whose history is interwoven with the bright chaplets of our thrilling his tory—who cannot afford to be faith.. less and blot the Atm() won by match less fidelity and enlightened patriotism. They feel that the Keystone State must cease to be the ill starred one of the sisterhood, whose fame has been mocked and libeled by imbecility and treachery. The State cannot add to the honots won by Andrew G. Curtin. He has been in the great trials of our liberties, and not less so the countless duties demanded by the sad bereave ments of treason. Wherever there id a Soldier of the Republic there is in perpetual freshness, affection for his Executive, and wherever there has been mourning the offices of sympa thy have been fulfilled to the utter most. The shattered ranks of our he roic armies were filled by his tireless efforts, and they were nerved to confi• donee and valor by his inspiring pres ence in every camp. The sick wore ministered to by his hourly care, the dead found sepulchre to "sleep with their kindred, and the sorro wing were solaced by his tireless efforts •for the living and the honor maintained for our martyred dead. The true men with their sacrifices still shadowing' them, should point to him to redeem the re. cord of Or State in the Senate, is but the natural dictate of mingled justice and affection, and his ifaruo will be pressed with a concentration of power and energy that cannot fail of success. What ever may bo his own wishes or views on the subject, I am convinced that I am correctly foreshadowing the struggle. His friends will make no war upon any ono of the many dis tinguished names mentioned in con. nection with the office to be filled, nor will .they distract the Union ranks to I subserve personal ends. They aro for the Union organization and its cendi• date . s first of all, and regand effort for its success as the paramount duty of every true patriot. The War Department reports that of its employees six hundred and eigh ty five were in the Union army, and but one iu the robot army. The latter was appointed to a place by Mr. Lin— coln because be was a deserter, and was othged to have some occupation that woula'not subject, him to recap. tare. If wo were always as particular not to bretithe foul air as we aro not to drink dirty water, we should have a diiTerent taco of beings, physically, front what we now have. 1•033' PRINTI - NG 'OFFICE. THP gidial3E JOB OFFICE" iA 'the most complete of any in the country, and pos. emcee the most ample facilities for promptly executing in the but style, every variety of Job Printing, such HAND DILLS • PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, • BALL TICKETS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C OAIL AND EXAMINE SPEOIMEND OP 17071; NO, 49, LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY /4 MUSK) Dickens' Notion of Grandfathers, I often wish that Shakspeere had not put that speech picture of life into the mouth of Jacques. Jacques has a melancholy view of things. If he had not been a misanthrope, a baby might have presented itself to his . mind as chucklin g and crowing in the nurse's arms, and not as muling and puking. In like manner he might haVe drawn a pleasant picture of - a green and happy old age, instead of insisting, so much on leanness and slippers and shrunken. shanks. The seven ages, ati Jacques depicts them, may be in accor dance with a certain rule of life; but, for my part,, I have met with very many beautiful exceptions, Aral lav6 to dwell upon them. It-hasbeen my good fortune to know many old men, who, after the toil and strife of life, re tained all the original innocence and simplicity of their earliest childhood, I have seen them—and can see them now, sitting in their easy chairs, their. gums as innocent of teeth, and their, heads ... as innocent of hair, as when they lay on their mother's laps--:sitting. there biding the Lord's good time EA.:. tiently and cheerfully, while sons and daughters and grandsons and grand daughters hovered about them, and patted them, and smoothed their pil lows,•arid spoke to them in those slya-, ple words which seem as well adapted to the old man as to the child. There is a purifying influence .in old age which we all recognize. We may know that the old man has led -a wicked life, but when old age comes upon him, wrink ling his brow, blanching his hair, and bowing him to the earth, it seems as if he had been redeemed and purified by time. I can understand why the patriarchs prayed so frequently and so earnestly for length of days; prayed for life until the passions and the van ities of , human nature should have passed over like a cloud. leaving the heart to beat its last throb on . the, peaceful shore of eternity. It always seems to me that at fourscore. a man is . neither in this world nor in the next, but that he is in &position between the two, and can look calmly upon both. I think it must be pleasant to sit, upon the last shore thus and wait for the boat, not . impatient for, neither dreading its coming, pleasant to helm the plash of the oars and the distant song of the rowels as they come to bear you- away to that golden land where youth is eternal. I should find it diffieult-to- talk of old grandfathers otherwise than in this strain, forl have: never knOwn an old grandfather, who whatever his previous life,did not weaT an aspect of innocence. -Age is not, altogether unkind. While it withers the beauty it also expunges the traces of the evil passidns. The film that comes over the eye is a veil to hide the glare of anger; the wrinkles that score the brow are strokes of time's . pen designed to obliterate the frown and the scowl that passion has written: there so boldly. I can recall many grandfathers who were a practical testimony to the, soundness of the theory which I have just broached with regard to the purl-. fying influence of ago. I remeinber ono, a little, feeble, cheery, merry hear : ted old fellow, who had been a terrib4, Turk in his young days. He had been passionate, imperious, violent, a con-: stunt source of trouble to his wife, and a terror to his children... When he came an old grandfather he was trans formed into the most docile creature imaginable. His own little grandchil dren could rule him and make him do i just as they liked. "Do you remember, grandfather,". one of them would say, "When yon esed to give it to your boys all around with the horsewhip ?" "No, no, my dear," he would answer, "I hope I never did. that." "Oh, but you did; grandfather, and grardmothor Says you used tq get drunk and break the chimney Oria&; . ments." "Oh, fie, fie, no, my dear," says the old man, "it opuldn't linve been' ine,it; must have 'been'somebody else," And granny strikes in and affirms that he, did the deed, completelY mashing tWO china shepherdesses that had been in the family fora century. Which rela tion sends t4le, old man into a fit laughter so hearty arid' good hnnibOol that you cannot conceive he coahtevek have been capable of the violent con duct imputed to him. I dare say lie can scarcely believe it himself now, when age has cast the devil out of him.—All the Year Round. REMEDY FOR SLEEPLEASNEBB.--TOMT to sleep is to many persons a matter of great imPortanee. Nervous persona; who are traubled with wakefalness and excitability, usually' have a strong tendtuoy to blood on the brain, witti. - cold extremities. The pressure of blood on the brain keepS it in a etimnlated'ot wakeful state, and the palpitations of the heart are often painful. Let suel rise and chafe the body and extremi ties with a brush or towel; or rill; smartly with tbe hands, to promote circulation, and withdraw the excess- ive amount of blood from the brain, and they will fall asleep in a few mo ! meats. A cold bath, or a sponge bath and rubbing, or a good run, or a rapid wa.l4 in the open airoir going up flo down stairs a few times just before re. tiring, will aid in promoting circula tion and promoting sleep. These rules are simple, and oast' ofapplication' in castle or cabin, mansion or cottage, and may minister to the comfort of thousands, who •would freely expend Money for an anodyne to promote "Nature's bweetrestorer, balmy slee' "Pa, how long does the Congress set?" "Six be bight months, my son." "Why, what a sat of geese they must be; • our geese imly'set 4ve weeks." • BILL HEADS,