051obc. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 30,1866. LOCAL & PERSONAL IM=EI 'Those subscribers receiving a pa per miti•ked with a - I - before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otlicrwiso Brier Items. —William Africa has just returned from the east with a new stock of Boots and Shoes. —rHuntingdon boasts another ice cream garden, by the public called "Eureka." Mr. Robert S. Westbrook is the proprietor. His garden is to the west of the Methodist church. —The roof of Mr. Maize's dwelling house on Railroad street took fire on Wednesday evening last from the sparks of a locomotive. The fire was extinguished before any great injury was doe; and before the "masheens" could get into play. —Base ball, when played temper ately on a good . field, we have found to be the best game extant for interest and exercise, but to play incautiously .on an uneven ground is not the very best thing fdr weak limbs. Vide the supporting canes of some initiates. —The woods in diffaent parts of this county are again on fire. The fire on Warrior ridge destroyed several thousand cords of wood before it was extinguished. It is a mystery to us bow tho woods catch fire; but wo are led to attribute the majority of instan ces to ca relessness'or —On Sunday two weeks ago, the Gertnan Reformed congregation of MeCennellstown and this place elected Rev. J. Spangler Keiffer, pastor of their churches to supply the place of Rev. S. 11. Reid, now at Milton. Mr. K. is represented to be a very able yeting man. —The ladies of Hollidaysburg pro' seated a largo American flag to the Juniata Base Ball Club, of that place. This is 21 new eluh, and such a maid Jest appreciation from such an admira :hie source should go far to encourage the adventurers in their first attempts. --The President has approved the bill to authorize the coina g e ()Niro cent pieces, composed or nickel and copper. This coin is to be a legal tentleein any payment to the ameunt of one dollar. There are to be no more issues of frac tienal notes of a- less denomination than ten cents Let the nickel go up• ward until papa s • money goes down. —Farmers were commencing. to complain of the weather, as tending to injure their crops. Sometimes hot and sometimes cold, and always dry, the weather went through some evolu tions as little Satisfactory to everybo .dy's comfort as the farmer's benefit.— Fortunately, - we were visited on Sun day lust by a delightful shower that gave new life to every thing. —We have Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and now we have a Trav elers Insurance Co., to insure against accidents arising from whatever source. The Travelers Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn., whose card we print to day, is represented in this place by R. A. Miller . a% Co., General Insurance Agents. Their office is opposito the Court House. —The boys, of this place, following in the wake of the Seniors, have or ganized a Base Ball Club, and call it the "Young America." The young men of Alexandria, we learn, are also er.deavoriug to start a similar club.— Keep the spirit up, gentlemen, for the more clubs, the more challenges and the more fun. The "boys" of the So cial are still in practice, and are pre grossing finely. —That was really a "showy" feat of a showy Irishman on Saturday after noon last, opposite the Franklin house. Just think of a man swallowing 23 Stones, something larger than a niekel, l and after that swallowing three swords. Robert McDivitt, the editor, tendered his services as feeder. The Irishman, of course, showed for pay, and commenced the hat circulation with Robert. The same Irishman look cote to state more than once that Ire had swallowed 21 stones previous -totitat. on the same day, thus making 41) and also made great threats of swallowing halt' a dozen boys and a )ocointatee, and most ungratefully vo Junteered to swallow pout• Robert. as a ?return .ter his services. That man must Intro a stony stomach, surely, but we mount but believe there is some deception, although difficult to discover. "Our paper now is the only 0110 in the eon lily repreSellling. the Sell tiltlents SA the Uuiou parry."—Jaw'. & Amer. You oppose the policy or the Presi dent and his Cabinet—the Administra- Zion. During the tire• you said it Wa6 treason to oppose the Administration. y it was treason then why should it pot be treason now. " 4ad we accepted the tempting Pribe recently etTereci us to betray our p.irty and barter our manhood. we !night have been beyond the reach of pecuniary eiubarrastrienp."— Robert McDivitt. A good jolp, if true, tbat a bribe rpts offered you. Dienting of Cho Soldtera , Un ion League. Meetin: , called to order. Mr. Lytle in the chair. County Committee an• nounced ns far as appointed; seven members to be supplied. Mr. Lytle addressed the League at some length, explaining the object of and plan on which it was organized, the purpose being the election of General Geary, and urged the soldiers to organize fi n • the coining campaign ; he also ..gave a short w:count ol the persons connected with the Administration at Washing. ton who are opposed to the equaliza tion of bounties. At a suggestion front one of' the members of the League the soldiers from the different parts of the County were called on to report the feeling among the soldiers. Dr. Kay of War riorsmark, Mr. Isett of Penn and Dr. Devor of West, reported the feeling among the soldiers for Geary as almost unanimous. Reports front six towq.- ships show nearly five hundred ment hol's have signed the Constitution in less than one week. On motion of J. R. Simpson Art. 1, Sec. 3, of the Constitution was amend ed as follows : "Any person who has been in the actual military service, or performed duty in any of the staff departments of the• United States Array, or been a member of Congress or of' the Cabin et, during the late war, may. on being proposed by a member of this League, be elected an honorary member, and when present shall have the privilege of participating in the proceedings of the League. The number of persons who may thus be elected shall be Jim. ited to one hundred." Mr. Isett of Perm offered the follow ing resolutions, which passed: Resolved, That we, the returned sol diers of Huntingdon county, in form— ing a Campaign League, recognize the broad principle that the Union men of the country are our friends, that this League is designed to be subordinate LO the great Union party, and that we declare our'ititention to co-perate with it fat• the success of its principles and election dad candidates. Resolved, That we have confidence hi the integrity and patriotism of all men who were true to the nation when it was convulsed by civil war, in what ever• capacity they may have been called - upon to act, 'whether by their physical aid or moral influence, and that lot• our enemies North and South we have unbounded and eternal con tempt. Resolved, That in Major General John W. Geary has been presented to the people the soldiers candidate,that uh voting fur hint we but perpetuate with our ballots what we Won with our bullets,and to sustain that which every soldier periled his lite to achieve, and that he who fought at the head of our columns is entitled to out' votes in preference to the vile Northern clipper (m a d, who says that soldiers of the Arnny are nuteutitled to the righ or Nutfruau. Resolved, That the soldierA of Him county favor the equalization I )1 - bounties so each honorably di.chai:g ed soldier may receive the additional mint of one hundred dollars for exult year of actual service, and that we be hove that favorable action in this measure has bean presented by mem bers of the present national admiais tration, and that we call upon our friends in Congress to employ any means that may ho expedient and necessary to overcome such oppoSition. The following resolutions were of fered from Petershurg arid passed: Resolved, That we deem it wise and proper at this time to follow the exam plc of Mir gallant standard bearer General Geary, in regard to candidates for office. We will therefore submit the question to the decision of the Re publican Union Convention, pledging to the candidates nominated, be they citizens or soldiers, our hearty and un wavering support. Resolved, That believing that "Trea son is a crime and ought to be punish. ed," we hereby express our unquali fled disapproval of any attempt to re. store leading rebels to power, and that wo regard every effort to admit to the halls of Legislation men whose hands are yet red with the blood of out• coins rades, as an insult to every Union sol dier. /?,esolved That the Reconstruction policy of President Johnson, which is now eliciting the approbation of every rebel in the land, meets with our deci ded condemnation, and we hereby pledge ourselves to oppose on all occa sions:, and by every possible means, any attempt to mislead the people with sueh an insane and dangerous policy. On motion the delegates elected at the last meeting to the Pittsburg con vention be set aside, as under the call our county is entitled to limp instead of two delegates. Captain Brice X Blair, Major H. K. Nett'. Captain T. Benton Read and M. S. Lytle were elected to represent the County at the State Convention, June 5, 18613. The delegates were grunted authority to substitute persons in their stead should they be unable to go. On motion the delegates elected were called on to give the League their sentiments. Captain Blair sta ted that having fought the rebels at the cannon's mouth ho was still oppo sed to them. mud stood by Congress.— Captain Read, Major NMI and Mr. Ly tle endorsed the remarks made by Captain . Blair, when on motion the sentiments expressed by the gentlemen were unanimously endorsed as the sentiments of soldiers of the county.— The county committee were urged to be active in having their comrades to join the League. Mr. tiregg tir Finance Committee re ported no receipts, no expenditures, wh en he was severely censured by the Omit. fur !nuking such report. Amu j„„ was wa d e to have Mr. Grt.„,, stricken off the Finance committee.— Not carried. Committees on organization and no tifying the soldiers of the meeting were di3Oharged, having discharged the duties assigned them, Captain 131 air made a few ransacks in reganl to the presentation of the battle flags of Penna. regiments car vied during the late war, to take place in Philadelphia on July 4th, and ask ed for the names of all color bearers and guards, stating that they were to be carried to and from Philadelphia free. A committee of three was appointed to ilticortain how many of the soldiers of the county contemplate going to the presentation of the flags and con ; fer with the Pa. B. B. to have them furnish the ears neeeesarv. The Co. committee in each township were re. quested by the above committee to try and ascertain the number in each township that will go, and report at the meeting in June. Arrangements will be 'made to have Major General Geary present at the meeting in June if possible, when a full turn out of the members will be expected, as business of great import. mice will be brought before tho league. Motion to adjourn. Next meeting Friday, June 29tb. W. F. CUNNINGUAM, See. Huntingdon, May 25, 1860. Appointment ofthe Soldiers , Union Cam paign League County Committee. In accordance with the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Soldiers' Union Campaign League, I hereby announce that the County Committee, as far as appointed, is as follows : Alexandria—S. J. McPherran, G. W. Speaker. Barree—George Hallman, W. C. Sneath. Brady—George Warfel, 11. Meteor. Birmingham—D. E. Beigle, D.R. P. Barry. _ Cass—W. A. Pard. Cassville—E. B. Wilson, James E. Glasgow. Cromwell—D. C. Marshall, Joseph- Beers. Carbon—No appointment. Clay—Millard Hudson, P. H. Bence. Coalmont—No appointment. Dublin—D. C. M. Appleby, D. R. P. Neely, Franklin—Jas. E. Nilson, Adolphus Laporte. Huntingdon, H. F. Johnston, Eobt. S. Westbrook. Henderson—Robert Thompson, Geo. Na mer. Hopewell—John Megahan, William Enyart. Jackson—Samuel It Irvin, Jacob Little. Juniata—Sno.Corbin,Juo.Bagshaw. Lower West—Albert Knode, Wm. Davis. Morris—Geo. W. Kahn, C. IL Beek. Mt. Union—Win. Shaver, Augustus Eberman. Oneida—Wm. Linton, John Green. Orbisonia—D. S. Baker, Thomas M. Kelly. Penn—J. H. Isett, J. B. Shontz. Porter—J. A. Green, John Harnish. Petersburg Stephen McCartney, Jacob Stahley. Shirley—John Smelker, John Price. Shirleysburg—R. B.Harvey, George Bowersox Springfield—Sohn Ramsey, D. Lam bertson. Tell—q m. Wilson, John W. Locum. Tod—Allison Crum, It F. Baker. Upper West Robert W. Davis, Benjamin P. Hewitt. Union—Archibald Doll, J. S. Gillum. Walker—Thos. Shriner,.luhn Brew. ster. W:u•riorsmark—Dr. J. F. Kay, Levi Clay bangh. In townships where no appoint men ts have been made, the soldiers are requested to designate persons to :La on the Committee, and notify the President of their selection. MILTON S. LYTLE, President. Huntingdon, May 26, 1866. Temperance Convention The regular. Quarterly Convention of the I. 0. of G. T. for West Juniata District met in the Hall of Chimney- Bock Lodge, I\7o. 131, Hollidaysburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock, n. m., May 17, 1366. The meeting was called to order by Dr. T. S. Gardner, who had been elec. ted President of this Convention at its meeting held in Bellefonte, Feb. 21, 1866, at which tike S. A. Fulton was elected Secretary. About forty delegates were present, representing the different lodges in Huntingdon, Blair and Bedford coun ties. The afternoon session was held in tho Court House, and was opened with prayer by Rev. A. W. Guyer. The Convention eat with closed doors diving the morning and after. noon sessions. The business transact ed was mostly of a private nature be• longing only to members of the order of Good Templars. The object of these Conventions is to bring persons together from different parts of the district to consult with each other and devise the ways and means best calcu lated to further the interests, and tend to the advancement of the temperance MEM The next Convention will be held in Bedford on Wednesday, August 15th, 1.86. Officers elected : W. C. T.—J. Durbort'clw, Esq. W. S.-111.. A. Points, Esq. Before adjourning, the following res, olutions were adopted : WHEREAS, In its inception and early progress tho temperance reform was mainly a religious movement, and in all its history it has been greatly pro motet] by the Christian ministry and Oh ristian Chu relies, Resolved, That this Convention in rites and expects all good men and g ood women to unite, and be active workers in the promotion of the cause; and it seems to us not Improper to look again to the Christian church to be again tin•emost, in devising the means, and directing the agencies necessary to protect her membership and society from the evils of intemperance, ./toso/ott.,/, That we invite the co-ope ration of our judges, lawyers and all good citizens in our efforts to put down the curse of intemperance and the trat tie in ardent spirits. oa,,The Phrenological Journal for Tune—Contains Portraits of Hon. Solo mon Foot, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Constanco Emily Kent, Jenny Lind, a Group of Moguls or Utah Indh ans, with upwards of twenty illustra Lions and sketches of character ; also Practical Physiognomy, Love and Lovers, Marriage, and Divorce, Celiba cy, Revelation and Science, Your Lilco ness, Strong Men, Hints to Preachers and Sextons, Physical Wove, True Politeness, How to Talk, Fashians,ete. 82 a year, or 20 cents a number, new volume,—tlw 44th,—begins with the next number. Address, FOWLER 4 WELLs, 380 Broadyway, New York, MARRIED, May 23d, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. T. Barnhart, Rev. A. \V. 01.1YER, of the East Baltimore Con feremie, to Miss KATE A. daughter of B. R. Ashcum, Esq , of Millwood Grange, Bedford County; Pa. On the lf)th instant, by Rev. J. A. Price, Mr. J. F. BEAmmt, of Tipton, and Miss Mobfm: R. KANE, Huntingdon On the 17th inst., by the same, Mr. C. L. CLABAUOII, of Martinsburg, and :Hiss CATHARINE A. WAGNER, of' Wil liamsburg. On the 2.lth'inst., by the same, Ur. TnomAs WALKER, of Philadelphia, and Miss HANNAH RIPPLE, of Mt. Union. On the same day, by the same, Mr. THOMAS MOoRE and Mrs. MARY M. LEABUART, both of McConnellstown. On the 17th instant, by Rev. W: Downs, SAMUEL D. K. HEss, of Lewis. town, and M iss ELIZABETH A. SHEARER of Huntingdon county, Pa. On May 9th, by Rev. J. P. Blotter ich, Mr. JOHN T. CARLIN, of Spruce Creek, to Miss SUE It. YEAGER, of Yea gertown, Mifflin county, Pa. On the 22d inst., by Rev. Geo. W. Zahniser, Mr. CHRISTIAN Foust:, to Mrs. ELIZA SI/ONTZ, both of Markles— burg, Huntingdon county, Pa. DIED, May 14th., 1866, in Cromwell twp., Huntingdon Counts, Mrs. ELIZABETII HILEMAN, aged 67 years, 7 months and 1 day. Mrs. Itiletuan died ofinflummation of the brain. Her sufferings were severe, but short. She was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Clatreh about thirty years. J. E. H. Iu this place, on Friday, the 4th inst., PIRDIE, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Alorrison, aged 6 years, 6 months and 10 days. In this borough, May 23, 1866, Mr. J. J. FEE, aged—. In this borough, May 26th, 1866,Miss NAND= GWIN, ill the 20th year of her age. SPECIAL NOTICES - HORACE El REELEY ' S HISTORY OF TUJ WAIL, "THE AMERICAN CONFLICT." Upwards of 100,000 Copies Sold Tlm high character atlas work lino gitimd for It among the distinguished men nod lending Journals of an pnrtles, a reputation accorded to no other history of THE GREAT CIVIL WAR A 3 a complete, lucid, hapArtial and authentic record of eventm, marked throughout by great care and discrimina. tlou, It has no rival. 11•ont the Cincinnati Enquirer. It is of coitus., a bis - ory from a standpoint of nbscrvo tion for otbotant tram our own, and from tint of tho Dem ocracy generailt; b it is Iniricad by nurzli 1000 preja• d co, nll , l olisfl,, , ored by fir loss portico. fooling, llum most of our friend, woalit Imaging. It contains a vast amount of information, slid is altogether superior to ally voluino Oa the subject that has yet appared. = He writes xvithent pagaion, tunlitng doe Alownuco for human uoturc in the :7untlt a , . well WI the North. From I/ie.:Yew Fork Daily :cm: Jnxinta 1 1.hldinc - J', J. T. lie/alloy,. J. S. C. Abbott. Los.lng awl Horace Oreeley have all imblithed the first parts of In history of the wag but of the., no one has been so tueee.fat as that of Mr Greeley, nor lo worthy Um Prom the (Loudon) Mstni mater Review It II temperate, and gives Sony to no vituperation, though thoranchly in eArnest. sod i we may admire the induitry oltiit, lam enabled the editor of the loading newspaper it, America to do this at such a time, we may still more admire the spirit of fairness and directua.9s winch Characterize limb; eery vain:at:o work. • fs•mn the Neu Pork Woritt. Ma. CI lIEEIXT As A i INTORIAN,-116 ha few egmsU ag . a writer of vigorous Ile is terde, racy, direct. go ing Ntraight to thultedrt of the subject as It nreieuts itself to Cubs view. bitting It off oceaskordlly by a ddilt of gro tesque humor, but noire frequently Irradiating IL with gleams of eltrowd. homely reuse. Front the Boston Pilot IV° recommend the peruml of The American Confllet" to those eho to not intend merely to talk about mattere and things, but who witth to sheds rationally and from conviction. 0. D. CASE CO., Vubllsborß, Hart fora, Conn ME 47rNitysitiacrt 13itotazus, Newspaper Advertising and Clonetul Purchasing Agents, N 0.400 Chestnut at., Phila delphia, aro aittliorizod to receive advertisements and subscriptions fur this paper. Anything that cannot ha got at home, from a photo graph to a piano, can be procured from the city, through these agents, at thy lowest price, their commission coming off Utn sellers. Country merchants, an well as citizens generally, scill find this agency a great convenience. All ' otters of inquity, with stamp enclosed, aro promptly an sw•ercd. al,ll-2:11 DEAFNESS, BLIN : DNESS & TA It 111. troated with the utmost aucceao. by J. I,A ACt's M. D. OCllikt. and Ant lot. (Connolly of Leyden, Holland.) No. ell) PINE +Mout, Mil, Tootimonialu from the owet raliattle sources in tho city and country, can Ito @ern at lu omen. Thu mvtlical faculty aro invited to accompany their patient 4, sot he Lao no secrets in his practice. A ItTIEICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— No charge for examination. PIM mr,L pitiA DlAtiliE TS. May. 24. Family Flom $11,50 Extra• Flour .9,75 Soperflne Flour Ityo Floor Corn Meal.„ In=tM22 Fl . lll - and Priniv Red 40C42.63 • Itye $1.12 Core, prime Yellow. 62 Oats7o Barley 75 I eh/V.A . /021A, 1/ til Ms $5.75 '':iinotliy .5 25 Flxseed, , t'' 60 Wool 50L670 hide • HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORIIL•'CTED WEEKLY DT S. E• lIENRY & CO. VUOLGYALE 1•IIICCS Super(No Flour Ti hl $ll.OO 1,1•II . 1.1 rioilr 412.00 • • Family Hour -12.50 Corn 31ral %l cwt $1,70 Buckwheat Meal it cwi $5.00 Red Wheat $ 2 , 00 6` 2.61 White Wheat $2.001$ 2,75 Corti .. • 73 to 80 °atm 50 Barley "0 lt,yo $l,OO Cluvordecd 'it 64 lbs $ 4 , 00 @ 5 .50 Timothy , . $2.75 to 3,00 Flamo.ed $1,75 to 2,05 Ityo Chop 13 cwt 41,80 Bran 11 CM $1, 1 5 Bhorto'i3 cwt ....1, 0 Mixed chop $1,75 Plaster per too $lO,OO Bees wax ^a lb . 30 Hops tyl lb 40 to 00 ltagd TO lb 4 Be uti"V Lou. 'l.OO Veathets 55 lb 53 to 85 1 aitow 10 to 12 Dried Apples a lb 13 to 20 Dricd Peas:hes 9 lb „..10 to 23 llitlu ,20 to 22 Sh/te. 17 Shouhlor 15 Driel Boer 92 Lard "0 Butter 05 Eggs 18 Country 'Soap 10 1103.11 too $lO,OO 113, Straw ,I 1 boudlo 8 Potatoes 3." i bus 71,05 • Apple Butter 'il gallon 41,25 Wool ''.o lb • 10 to 60 Largo Onions ' . O bus $1,40 `mall olliVlLß,tlsoort 12 Corn Brooms 3.1 doz $3,00 to 400 Chlekeirs "0 to 23 Turkeyx ~ . 76 to 1.20 Drlcil Chorrieo 50..10. 12 Improved 'Wu*Wog lilaeltMe. Ono of the most complete machines for washing clothes has just boon in vented by John $. Lash, Esq., of adelphia, who has recently obtained a patent for it. It is highly ingenious, although simple, in construction. What is still bettor, it is within the reach of every housekeeper, costing as it does, only Ave dollars. For further particu lars, we refer the reader to the adver tisement i . i another column, 4t NEW GOODS !- NEW GOODS ! BROKE OUT IN ANEW PLACE. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW FIRM. BOWER & CARNER • Would respectfully Inform the public that they have just opened n AEI srogEATGRAE T.S37L lE. (llarkle,thurg etatirm) Consisting of Groceries of all hinds, Dry Goods. such nu prints, inuslins, do lathes, &c.; Hardware, Qiuninsware, and a largo lot of Moos at I educed prices; lints, Cops, Tinware, salt. fish, wooden and willow mare, drugs and stationery. which they are prepared to sell at:Vl:ly low prices to those who will favor its with a call. • 114Y1 ll CAIINEI. GrAntsrille, Hay 16, 1866. ATANT UA MAKING. MRS. JOIN ROFFMAN I RLBECCA ere prepared to do all kinds of Mantua Making, anti all hinds of phdn sewing. Ruth have had great experience lu the sewing line, and revectftgly solicit too pat:on:lgo of the public, and espe cially that of the Ladies. Their room is on Railroad street In the rear of Fishers' atm, 0.1/Rm.'s and other Shirts, La.ll,' and Children's Dresses prompßy undo to order. • May 15. I S,il3. NEW GOODS. G. B. BRUMBAUGH' & CO, !lave Jars received and now oiler forculo At MAIIKLESBURG, PA., VERY SHALL" IVELL SELECTED STOCK OF Fancy au,l staple• Dry OuoJd, arced Clouds. Oro. cer;es, Queen: mare. Ilarthvere, Glassware, Bouts Shoes, Buts, Notioud, Fish, Salt, Sc. at the wry lowest cash prices. Marklusburg, May 1,15661. f NEW CHEAP CASH STORE lig HUNTINGDON NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WM. MARCH & BRO. Ih:spectrally inform tiro public gonorally that they hay., just received a largo nod splendid stock of gouda at their *tore in ILontingdon, c insisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIE'3: FANCY TRIMIINGS, HOOP SKERTS;BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW W A It B, QU E ENS WAR E, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, • • &C., &c. And in fact everything that to usually kept Ina first clava store, oil which worn bought low for coati and will be sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. and n quest the public to givo us a coil before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can otter sups• rior indukannents to cash buyers. IVe resp,ctfully solicit the ritronago of all. and the public uro cordially invited to examine cur gouda. Everything taken hi exchange for goods except promi ses. Huntingdon, Apl: 4J, 18CG. Patent Box Blue and Bleaching Preparation; The Lest thing out. ladies, try It bald you will ueo ue other. To Lu had in large tsr emull qunntities,nt Moy,o-30 J. 11. IYY.'T Itittdri, Huntingdon. CANNED PEACHES and Tomatoes Mixed PicLlee, 'roam oe Camp, Pepper sauce, &c., Se fur sale at Lewis S Cu 's Family Urocery. fiIIOICE Dried Poaches, Apples, kjCurrants, Prunes, Raisins, .Ic., Cc., fur sale at LEWIS In CO'S Family Grocery. A LL KINDS OP TOBACCO who:do. and retail. nt CUNNINULIAM f. CARMON'S. yr YOU WANT tie BEST SYRUP, ji_go to CUNNINCHIA3I & CAIDION'3. j)U RE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Preferred by all practical Piiintorx I Try ! and y./11 Will /MVO 110 otli , r. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER. & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,Pain't & Glass Dealers, No. 137 Nt h. Third st., Philada. jaa'2l-1y OUNNING HA 31 CARMON ARE selling af at gretaly reduced 'meas. pours and SHOES, the largest and elleapent 1195 . 011G1011t ill town, ut D. P. ,t - 'I_UN BARRELS AND LOOKS.-A ‘_A large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. jST BLEACHED ",11 U S L I N aw.yA on Inntil nt CITIVNILV Gin M (ft CARMON'S. CIROUND ALUM AND SALINA SALT at CUNNINGHAM ,0 CAE SIOIV A LT, KINDS OF (TRACKERS L3Lconstantly on hand at CUNNING & CARMON'S. £8.50 0.25 T)OOTS AND SHOES, of every va rlety at CUNNINGHAM tz CARMON'S. .$2,7L 3.0 Onal A MONTll!—Agents wanted tiPU for six entirely new article& just out. .1..1 roli 0. ,I`. G ABLY, City Building, Biddefoill, 31nIno. ec.2OlSO-1y QCIIOOL BOOKS, k,..) Generally in use In the Schools of the County, not on hand, will be furnished to order, on application at LEWLV BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. ft ASS .1 ER E S.—A choice lot of vjblue{[ and fancy en.shneres at CUNNINGIL & CARMON'S. pAPER ! PAPER !.! PAPER H ! Tracing P4or, illlprOSloll PRIAM, Drawing Paper, Di.ed Paper, 'risme Paper, Sift: Paper for Frowerv, PErfuroted Paper, Briitul Board, tat Cup Paper. Foolscap Paper, ir.tter Paper, Cmnierclal Nuts Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Latta . and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Nato Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Paella and Sheets, For sale at LBW'S' Book, Stationery and Manic Store. Itar_C).l 4 4lTlMM' 2 ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED! 'flee subscriber Is permanently 'located in Huntingdon, X ' and Is prepared to purchase. or repair 111 tho best style, and expeattionSlY, broken UAIBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles Intrusted to like will returned to the residence of the owner as soon as rop tired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at ',will' limb store. may2,lBBGtr WM. FEnI3I9.N. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. I AS..A. BROWN ,is Agent for the ,ft sale of our Nails nod Spikes. at Huntingdon, Pa. It Is well known that the Dungannon Nails ate far superior in quell ty to any others offered its the Huntingdon market DEALERS, 1i1111.411 , 1t6. and consumers generally will bo buppliud in quantities from nob pound to one hundred keg* itt, Mall II rene nricos by sending their orders Or Gelling at his new mammoth Ilardwitto store, Hunting 'don, Pa. juplo) PUNCANNO::"IPON CO. COUNTRY DEALERS can • blty CLOTIIINO tNm ma is flu,utiog.lon at VIIOLESALE ee cbc:ap as they csu is the itiOn, ma I hiaeo a wholuenle 01010 in l'hitadulphli It. ROMAN. PERFUMERY and Fancy Sottps'for Daio 14 LE WIS CO'S Faulty °roc:2.y. quality of Sogars kiath7 at CU NXING11.1)1 & CARMON'S. IiTIf,RitICELLI, - Barloy, Rico, Horn lenrb Cv'e l'a . mily °eery. EDEN &MEM', RAILROAD STREET, HUNTINCOON, PAR, WHOLESALE RETAIL Di:3r.1013 Is Foreign and Domestic lIADWARE, 6117Ltat AG, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyerg generally, is Incitcd to the fact that WO urn new offering n BErfillt ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can be foam] elsowhoro in thts part of the State, at prices to suit Use time. Our stock comprises all articles In this Eno of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, diLACESSLITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON mmums, JOINERS, itc„ tic., together wills a large stock of Iron, Steel, Hails, Spikes, Railroad and Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular,. Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, .I.;namellcd, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of . 3PlxLea • Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTA.NIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns; CONSTANTLY ON lIANDAND FOR SALE AT MAN UFA Cl' URERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will that o general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, flubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and cnamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, 'Soc kets, ,Shafts, ft:v. 221.10A.<=.0116ErinEECFS Cua Le surplicti with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS. HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel WM. 31.1P,C11 & BRO CARPENTERS Wilt flna io our catubli3ltnitut n suivtirior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS ; • HAMMERS, FILES, ' CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, ROLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS, NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties, BLASTING POWDER, PUSS, COAL PICKS ...121'D SHO P i varrni. X . 'S?. Can to accinntnodatud with nvaything iu their lino from a Groin F:epnrator tun Whut.ntone. .lEtaziac3.ce:anss Arc especially illyltaal to call and oxamitio our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, aud compare vur prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Reaper, blower, and Dropper, combined, Randal's Flrit Premium HORSE rironroa I:akrs, Scythes, llae Huy Folks, Traci and Halter Mans, DrcrAt Chain!, Con' Tire, Curry Conan, Cards, dc., Sr., Lc. Among the specialties of our Thule, we Ebsire to call attention to the celebrated The exclusive right to sell %Odell id vested iu us. Scud fut lu:in:au nu 1 get full particulars of saws, gala satlsf yourself slits superior tpullties. Scales or all sizes and descriptions, Including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and bruggists' Scales, Rolling .Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, • FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. • The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & POTTY, COOK & PARLOR STOVES. twit Norway nail, rad, bar and hoop Iron, STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, CARRIAGE. SPRINGS, IRON . ANT) BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, tr.. call Is reepuctfully estAilted, feeling coufh duut that uui gaud.; sua rtiosel still not fail to plc -0.-cat WIIARTON & MAGUIRE. lltuatlnclon, Febrriar7 Ceruprlslug the teascus Russell OHIO PUMP, SCALES. Ever otraml la this place A GREAT VARIETY OF ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg: Very low 1 1y the barral orzallon, at very low fignros 1866. CLOTHING, H. 1101b1AN. EEO CLOTHING SPRING AND summiki, JUST RECEIVES H. ROMAN'S 'CHEAP CLOTHING , STOItIg Nur Cienticmon's Clothlttgaf lite hest malarial, and mado In the bad workmanlike manner, call at IL ROMAN'S, opposite ma Franklin llouge to Market 4quare, fluuting dou, Pa. Iluutingdou april 10, V. NEW CLOTHING AT L 0 TV PRICES, OUTMAN 11AS JUST OPENED d FIXII STOCK ON NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which ha offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. lIH Stock cone:its of ileads-modo Clothing kr MEN AND BOYS, =I IiCKYI - 3 AND EIIOBS, HATS AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemon deelto any particular kind or out clothing, not found In the etoch ou hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. . - Call at the eaat corner of the Diamond, over Long'• Grocery. _ _ MANUAL GITITSEI,Dr. Huntingdon sp. 10,'66. . 11. 31'ENTYRE'S OHE 1T ItEXIEDIf, an COMPOUND Internal anti External Medicine, EOM +IYZ". Dlarrlicee, Bloody Blum iu one day, .CZ— 'Headache and Earache iu thrtg talualoth Za. Tuotit ache in ono minute 4" -- "" Neuralgia iu 11To minutes Spraine In twenty minute's, .4Q— Sore Throat to tell minute', aud Cramp In See minutes., .".kr. Rheumatism in onu day, fe, Pain In the'Reek or Shin In tun mimeo*, g;_,P_ Bad Cough], or Colds In one day, in. rarer and Aguc in one day. IM Cures Dencucco, Asthma, Piles, nic,j_ Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia, 03,„ Intlam:ant:on of tho Kidneys', Eryslpulaa, 1,,"1„ Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart Keep it in your Families 7 —Sicknees comes when least expected. I propose to chock, and eilbetually dissipate morn ache and pain. and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of nil the arellialting fields in the bunion system, than can be effmted by any other, or all other methods of Modleal oil in the canto space or timo. THIS POPULAR ItE.lll:Dris fast coining lu to use, for the ftct that I curs, tree of charge, all these won, ululate whenever there is an opportunity to do to. As soot as it is NTH," It ahnest miraculously falls thu pain. I do nut ask pout to buy before you Kr, certain of fts clip cieney. If you have an Selleor pain, It Is Warranted to do all it 'purports on the label. I du nut propose to cute (Tay disease—only a chola II Ruled hy my directions. lily liniment operates on clients !cal and electric primiples, and is, therefore. appliable, to the cure or natural restorative Mall organic derange.. meat arising (rum au improper circulation of the acres vital a ni ts. - Prof. J. ii. MeCtityre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts &- reedy with° absurbents, reducing glaudulsr and other swellings In incredible short time, without any poqible doilper.b.cm its use under any possible circumstanced. This In au itl tenni told external medicine—composed of routs, herbs anal barbs, such as nue forefathers used.-- Morels a bountiful supply on earth to cureall complaints If we Only Inflow what they wore. • Tltil bee been a great study with the Medical Faculty for tmmy years, to Mal out the k ludo beat adapted to tho above complain ta—hew to put them together. and what proportions to use. J. U. IkIeENTYRE, Proprietor; ItemNog., Ptt, For sale at Lewis' Book Store. Ilentingdou, Pa., 6ept. 6, ISCG. MoENTYRE'S • DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arising from ono canes, viz :Fever twat Ague. Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, Weak and disor dered Stomach, elleb as Indigestion, Sick Headache, GM dines, of the Head, Weakness of Sight, IVindy Ailments. Itheumat ism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains In the Back or. Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits. Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of tho Body, Gravel, Warms, de. ; tcc. Sold at 25 cents per box. LIcENTYRE'S TiVDIAIr •VEGETABLE WORN DESTROYER Thisinfallible medicine is warranted to expel worms In all cases nod may be given to cnildreu of all ages, ne they urn purely vegetable and perfectly barmlose. tr. 9„ Can be had at Lewis' Book store, Iluntlugdon, Pei DR. VENARD'S STAR MAGIC .lANIMENT. $ .1000 REWARD will bo paid for any medicine that excels tlits for tho &flowing diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affecl tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Tuts Is nu hi tem] and External sledleine, composed of Roots. Herbs and truths 50011 as our IhreiMiters used.— Thera Is n bountiful 'supply on tho earth to vitro all com• plaints, if wo only iitICW what tilOy were. Thin has beau B subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for tigreat many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to die above complaints—how to put them together, nod what portion:: to use. This wouderiul remedy needs no recommendation save the results which invariably follow its application. 9Z - I:his popular remedy is roar coming lute use from the fact that it gives good satisfaction. • PIIiibICIANS are Invited to test Its efficacy in all cams of Rheumatism, Affections or t h e Spinal ektitim.bi and all Diseases of tho Stein. Muscles and Glands. It hue been used in thousands of instances under the personal supervision of tho Inventors, and line never disappointed their expectations. All we ask for It Is a trial—expert. mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw, are the vouchers We desire to pr. sent to the public. It would be well fur many now lying In beds of torture, If those facts could reach their sick chambers. It is store Important to them than to the inventors that this sliofild be the MO. ..Troth is mighty and must prevail." LS , Keep it in your family, for sickness comps ichtgt you least expect it. PRICE-ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL IL SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, HUNTINGDON; PA, Iluuttngdon, P. July 19, 1899. DR. VENARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURE 9 RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTIIA6III3, IIEADACHE, DIPTHERIA, ox SORE. THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SP4AINS, and DIATIRLIGIA BOLE AGENT, 45AM UM IL SHOEMAKER, lIIINTING DON, PA Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. ear- Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. Iluntingan, 0ct.25, let Cs. FOR THE GREATEST VARHITX Handsome and Useful AOltles, Call at LEWIS' Boo 14: PAPER! . PAPER!! Note, Port, Cororockrati, .Foolsrap and Flateap—l gpxisiotartiuout for ouTo by riot rum, bait' nswial, gaibq t . , wt LIAVIV NEW ODE & 5TAtIONIIIIS! 1866.