The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 18, 1866, Image 4
6inbe. HUNTINGDON, PA [From the New York Observer.] Making Garden. The first operation in making garden is, the preparation of the soil. If any portion of the ground is charged with an excess of moisture,all effort to bring it into friable condition and great pro. ductiveness will bo unsuccessful, until the soil is relieved of the surplus water. When the ground appropriated to a gardenia not undordrained thoroughly, by making drains some thirty or forty feet apart, it will be found of great ser vice to cut channels two feet deep, be tween the plots that may be separated by walks. ROW TO SPADE A GARDEN The best soil should always be kept on the surface, as far as practicable,as the seeds need a mellow and rich bed not only to hasten germination, but to premote a luxuriant growth. The soil must be thoroughly pulverized to a good depth—the deeper the better. In order to spade a garden properly, throw back the soil from a strip about five feet wide and one foot deep. This soil must be wheeled to the opposite side of the garden when the spading is finished. After removing the surface soil as directed, spade the subsoil, pul verizing it thoroughly, and return it, as early as practicable, to the place whore it was taken up. Then, spade another strip of the sur face soil, throwing it, as the work is done, on the pulverized subsoil, until another strip of the subsoil has been laid bare, which may then be spaded. This is called trench or double spading. The blade of the spade enters the soil, in both instances, not less than one foot; and as the ground will bo much mono porous after it is spaded, the seed:bed will be nearly or quite thirty inches deep. If the sone broken deep, the roots of.plants will strike much far ther downward than they otherwise would, and thus avail themselves of the moisture farthest from the surface, which is not accessible when ground has not been spaded, or plowed only a few inches in depth. WHEN TO PLANT GARDEN SEEDS There is nothing gained by planting any kind of seed before the ground is sufficiently warm for it to germinate. Indeed, in many instances, plants aro seriously injured by putting the seed in the ground too early. If seeds be- planted as soon as the soil-is :sufficiently warm to promote speedy geratination,the.plants will be more productive than if the same seed had laid in the cold ground for ono or two weeks, before there was sufficient warmth to keep the plants growing. It injures plants of any kind, as well as young animals, to expose them to such influences as will check their growth. When a young animal has teen stunted by improper care, its frame can never be so perfectly devel oped as it would have been if it had been properly fed on nutritious food and kept growing from its birth. And the same is true of most kinds of plants, especially of Indian corn. If seeds can ho deposited in the soil, soon after a warm and gentle shower of rain, they -will germinate much sooner than if planted previous to a heavy rain. The reason for this isobvious. When seeds aro planted just before a heavy rain, the soil is washed down closely around them, thus excluding the air, which is essential to germination. But if seeds are covered with light soil, as soon af , ter a shower as the ground is sufficient ly dry to work, all the interstices of the soil will be filled with warm aque— ous vapor, which is more conductive to rapid germination than the close contact of cold wet soil. WHAT SEEDS TO PLANT EMILY Although , ' iotatoes contain much starch, the sets, if properly managed, may be forwarded in their growth,sev oral days, by putting them in a pail, or basket made dark with paper and hang ing it in the kitchen. By this means sets may have sprouts two or moro in ches in length, when the ground is sufficiently warm to put them out. As peas germinate at a lower tem. perature than Indian corn, a row may be planted, and a wide board or two set on the edgo to shield them from the cold north wind. In chilly weaths tor the rows should be covered with a wide board. Tomatoes, cucumbers ; squashes, mel ons, may be planted two weeks before tho ground in the garden is sufficiently warm to promote their rapid growth, by planting the seeds on pieces of rich sods turned grass-side down, on a shelf in a stove room, and furnished with fine garden mould, and watered twice a day. The roots will spread through the sods; and each piece may be remo ved to the garden with the hill of grow ing plants, without checking their growth in the least. Hills of choice squashes may be started in this man ner, and kept in the kitchen until all danger of frost has passed, before the plants and sods are put in the open grofirid. Tomato plants may - be kept growing 'on a piece of rich sod until the stems are one foot high. Then if plan ted in rich soil, they will continuo to grow rapidly and fructify early in the season'. • After bills of plants have been put out, barrels, boxes and tubs should al ways be turned over thorn during cold nights. Many other vegetables,• as well as flowers, may bo started early in the same way, with most satisfac— tory results. TIEN MANuan.--Which is the best manner of applying hen manure to corn hills ? Would harm result from using it without composting ? How much would answer for-ono bill? Please reply in next paper. E. W. Easton. (Undiluted hen manure is to storng to bo applied in contact with the seed. If the quantity applied is to small and a thin layer of earth is inter pose between them, it will succeed well. Billing's con corn planter will drop the manure if it is well pulveri zed, from one compartment of the hop per, while the seed drops from the oth er, and leaVing a half inch or more of earth between them. A good way is to scatter a spoonful of the powdered manure in a hill, partly cover it and, with a stroke of the hoe, and thou plant the seed.)—Country Gentle- Inctn. ray-Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds for sale at Lewis' Book Store. aVIET3E3 - 1. , a " - -4) r -.11 .?_--- .I.' t, i ---- ez:-.4,------:, '- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING . MA.CIIINES. B GREENE bus just opened . his Music Store, ono door west of W Lowie Book Store, whom he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY SONS' and GAEULE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON LIAM LIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAIIIIART, NEEDHAM A COS' MELODEONS; Guitars, Viollns, Fifes, Stoles; Cutter and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chaim, Gulden Shower, Gulden Censer. Golden Trio. Ac., Ac. SHEET MUSIC.IIe to conEtantly receiving from Phil. adelphia all Om latest music, which persons at a distanco wishing. can order, and have sent them by to ail. AI.GROVER I3AKEICS Culebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly • sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for macidnes.,' Versons buying Sowing Machines fully instructed in he wee of them. Are-Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles ore in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else where My prices are the sonic min New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. 31. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., se27 Second floor of Brown's Harda are building, °Maga Cacl. lEyarYt/wiciLl.-y- STILL IN BLAST. rpnE subscribers, thankful for the 1 liberal elm, of patronage they have heretofore re coved by strict attention to business, Napo to merit awl still receive the same, take this methxd to inform their friends :W.Z.s4ilancl everybody else, that they ore prepared " to make all .kinds of IRON and BRASS UASTINUS made inn first class Foundry. We Inane always on hand all kinds of Plough and Stove Castings. also wash Kettles, cellar-window Orates, coal hole castings for pay! meats, window weights of all sizes and weights, pipe joints, sled awl sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam and water, grist, saw, sumac and plaster mills of all descriptions. We aro prepared to Heaters and Iron Ftinees of theme, t improved style, oven doors and focuses, doer hills and in fact everything made in this lino. We have a very• large stock of patterns and can furnish castings at short notice, and cheaper than they can be had in the county. Raving a good drill 'we urn prepared to do drilling, and fitting up of all kinds. ..C.Z-Ilighest market price paid for old metal, brass, zinc, lend, &e. J. M. CUNNINOHAM Se SON. Office on Railroad street,one door west of the Exchange Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. dee2T,ls WEST HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, Near Fishers' Mill, Huntingdon, Pa. rHE undersigned would take this 1 method to inform the public that hitAr r, f_ x, Now Foundry is now In blast, and he is s prepared to rervive and fill orders for nll, t 447;it''': , kinds of CASTINGS, PLOWS, THRESH.' ISO MACHINES, Ac. 5'.4.• 110, min Being a practical mechanic at the business, of t wenty three years experience, and having a desire to please, lie hopes to merit and receive a sham of public patronage. filed and sleigh Soles, and other castings, kept on hand. metal, brass and copper taken in exchange for work. JAMES SIMPSON. Huntingdon, December 13,1805-om. WATERSTREET FOUNDRY .A.g:Etim. lia. DM Astwst 9111 E undersigned haviug purchased J. the above property would take this method to Inform the public that be is prepared to receivo rind fill orders for ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, PLOWS, THRASHING MACHINES, &c., &c.; and also will make and repair all kinds of Thrashing Machines, Sic. Sled and sleigh soles and other castings kept on hand. Old metal., Brass and Copper, taken in exchange for work. J. M. PIPER. Waterstrcet, Jan 9-3m* ) ~ RiPIN ri;P:.(70,,'11ip4. - Mk \„\' \ 1 , ,L0 4 4 11', 4.- klisitl c;; , • ,, ,ioliilElrcl(9l' V;,- 11 ,1'1,;11 ' ' (...11 . •. { . ;1 , 3 -, z „.. : ,-,_____ --.-.,,,*,-.=5,..4:,:,5---•!-;,1,----) NEW FIRM 3. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, Inform the public that they aro prepared to execute all tityles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as 3IONUIIENTS.IIEADSTONES, also Building Work, ns at low prices as any shop in the county. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Pliny on MIFFLIN street, a for doors ran of the Lu• therau church fcb1.4,10601y 1866. T E 1866. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is - now ready for inspection and sale, FE LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles OF Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &c. • Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and prices. nARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens IA Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of Leautiful marble now on band. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Ila,starn Marble, highly (Julehed, nod carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manallip equal to any in the country, at n fair price. Cal and Lice, befuro you purchaso elsewhere. Shop on 111. urn.. of Montgomery a d MiP,Pn Ws.. Huntingdon, Pa WM. WILLIAMS. • iluntingdon . ,May 101515. IMMEin==l 15,000 bushels Wheat, 5,000 " Rye, 5,000 " Oats, 5,000 " Corn, 1,000 " Flaxseed, 1,000 " Cloverseed, 1,000 pounds Wool, Fer which the highest cash price wil ho paid. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE .NOTICE It you want your card neatly printed on clad opcs, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND f;TATIONERY STEOR ('TALL at D. P. GWEN'S if you wan `1„) 0000 aonm Vi2itabrlptlia cAbbatisnunts. ~~~,~~~~~~d "Seeley's Hard Rubber Truss" cures RUPTURE, frees the cord from all pressor; will never root, break, limber. chafe, or become filthy, (the tine steel spring being coated with hard robber); spring mado any power required; used in bathfug, fitted to form; requires no strapping; cleanest. lightest, easiest, and hest Truss known. Send fur pamphlet. 7. B. SEELEY, Solo Proprio:or, MIT Chestnut street,Philada., Pa nplo 1m PATENTS PROCURED FOR INVENTIONS IN TILL UNITED I=E A personal interview with the Inventor is desirable though not necessary, as the Liminess can be conducted by correspondence. Circulars of informtion free ou ap pliertion. MOND. BROWN, Engineer and Patent Agent, inh7-31n 311 Walnut, 5t., Philadelphia. JAMES If. ELDREDGE. GEO. P. ELDREDGE. ELDREDGE & BRO,, Publishers, 5 Stationers Booksellers, .11To. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, (Above Chestnut) PHILADELPHIA. Particular attention paid to tho country trade. Always on hand a large supply of Letter, Cap, Nato Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; School and Mis cclianeows Books ; Pens, Lth, States, Mucilage, Photo graph Albania, Paper Bags Ac.,A.c., Ac. Libetut terms to cashew:touter% aug2,9;05-ly $19500 PER YEAR.—Wo want Agents everywhere to sell our soiree rzos2.o Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and sipper feed. Warranted live years. Above salary or Mope Commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the United States for less than S,-10, which are Ally if:eased by Home, note-,ter ,t mason, Grin., if Mader, Sintier c co., awl INch•tdtr. All other cheap 11186111 H are infringymoys end the seller or user ere liable to arrest,. fine (Mampras- Citoral. Circulars free. Address ; or call upon Shaw It lash, Iliddeford, Maine. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC JOHN KRIDER, Y. E. Corner Second and Walnut s(s., PHILADELPHIA Just in receipt of a kilo selected stock of cheap and fancy Fishing Tackle, of all descriptions.' .nitable for the rivers and brooks of this State, to which ye invite the attention of all storekeeper, m 11142 P'CratI.7:IDPUMPIL"Lia_IM 2 (Sixtuen Years Fair Trial I) A. PEYSSON, POUDRETTE, $2O per ton, taken front the factory loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and $2O per ton in bags, delivered at steamboat and railroad depots, in Philadelphia. Manufactory—Gray's Ferry road above the arsenal, Fhibura. llopet—Peysson's farm, Gloucester. N. Jersey, Woodbury road. Oilice—Library street, No. 4:20, back of the new post office, Phihaa. Dcalcrs— s FRENCII, ItICIIARDS & CO., fe2l-3m 4th and Callowhill streets, Philad'a. ISGO. PHILADELPHIA. 1866. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTUNERS OF Paper Hangings & Window Shades, Corner FOURTH & MARKET Sts., PHILADELPHIA. N. D.—Always in etorc,.a largo stock of LINEN & OIL SILVDES. Feb2l-Zan INVENTORS' OFFICES. D 'EPINEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Philada. Patents solicited—Consultations on Engineering, Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of ill hinds Made and shilifully attended to. Special attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES.— Authentic copies of all Documents from Patent °nice _Procured. 13.—Sate yourselves useless trouble nod traveling expenses, as there is no actual need for i,ersonal inter view with us. All business with these Oakes, can be transacted In writing. For further Information direct as above with stamp enclo3ed,for,Circula.• with references. Jannaryl7,l3ad-ly ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, e ,-- P--,? -- 4, , , F ----- ,-, -+y-A,--y* - -7 - r - --7, - - -- -il, 0. ,;;F Cottr - 0' ~; ...,, -----,- 'at* Urgaix Are not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely one quailed by any other Reed Instrument in the country.— Designed expressly for Churches and schools, they ore found to be equally troll adapted to filo parlor and draw ing room. For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, No. 1S North SEVENTH street, Philadelphia. 4.77- Also, BRADDURI."S PSANO. , , ana a complete as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. °IIIVI4. P ol locks • , ESTABLISHED IN 1840 Incorporated by the Legislature of the State cf Pennsylvania. Located on the N. TV. Corner of 7th ana (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Designed exclusively to impart a thorough and PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION All classes of person, require such an education. Those possessing means, need it in conducting, their own business Those without means need it in obtaining and creditably filling lucrative positions la the clap/0y of others. The course of instruction and practice is arranged sons to fully meet the diversified wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, as comprehended or embraced under the three general di visions of industry: Agriculture, Manufacture and Coin mere:, Each student is instructed individually in both theory and practice of Book Keeping, according to the most op• proved and labor saving methods, Business Penmanship, Calculations, and all the collateral brunettes of a complete canvas of businees education; and upon passing a snlislim• tory examination is awarded, by authority of law, a diplo ma, under the corporate s• al of the college. Students ore received at any time. And it is believed that a practical experience of over TWENTY TEARS will be considered by the public en ample guarantee of the prac tical character of the course mid efficiency of the instruc tion. All further information desired can ho obtained at the college, or by addressing the Principal fur a circular by mail. At.e'l liberal discount to allowed to wounded and hon orably di,charged soldiers. Tho College is open day and J evening. T 11. POLLOCK, Att'yabL:rn•, Principal jy12,156 NEW SKIRT . FOR 1866. The great invention of the age in .1-3C , CDC:eo J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex or double, ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. • This invention consists of Duplex (or twoo FAllipt lc pure riditmd steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firm ly together, edge to edge, making the toughelt. moot flex ible, elastiz. and durable spring - ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape mere then twice as long . as any single spring skirt that ever Ims or can be made. The wonderful flexibility end great comfort and pleasure to any lady wolfing the Duplex Elliptic SI: let will be ex perienced particularly in all smutted ftsetold le,, op eras. carriages, railroad ears, church pews, elle irs, for pro menade and house dress, as the skirt can be fettled When in tree to occupytimid space as easily and conveniently ass silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly die pease with their use. rOr children, mks, and yummy Indies they are superior to all onion. 1 he hoops son covered with 2 ply ilonblo IMAM thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering, width is used oil all tingle steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on retry - skirt are also double steel, ind twice or double covered to prevent the covering from sneering elf the rods when dragging down stairs, steno steps, feu, which they ore I:oasts:10y ell ject when in use. All tire Made of the new and el, gala corded tapes, and rite tire best quality in every psrt, giving to the wearer the erect graceful and perfect situp, possible, and are un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable, and economical skirt ever made. West& trolley & Cary, proprietors of the invention, and solo manufacturers, 07 Chambers, and 70 and 81 Ronde streets, Now York. . Fur sale in all first-class stereo in this city, m u d throng], out the United States, Canada, liar:mit de Cuba, Mexico, South Americo, pod the West unities. Inquire for the Duplex (or dontle) Elliptic Spring Skirt jan2s-3m NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES 44, Fourth & Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPENING FOR SPRING SALES, Fashionable _New Silks, _Novelties in Dress Goods, New Styles Spring Shawls, Fine Stock of New Goods, New Traveling Dress Goods, 'Munificent Foulards, Splendid Black Silks, tf7e. Lava their usual assortment of staple goods.— Also, Clothes, Cassimeres, Veetlngs. &e. P. S. Our prices are now arranged to meet the VieWs of Wynn. inch2l-61 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE." MANUFACTURED AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 628 ARM ST., PHILADELPHIA The most completo assortment of Ladies', Misses' and' Children's Hoop Skirts, In this city; gotten up expressly to meet the wants of first class trade; embracing the newest and most desirable styles nod sizes of "LI oro Trails" of every length—from ,91 to 4 yards 1 . .11,1-20 to 50 springs, at 2to 05. Plain Shirts, all lengths, Pram 11 1 ,. to 3 yards round tho bottom, at 01 40 to f 3 15. Our lino bl Misses' and Children's Skirts are •,-..verbi ally beyond all competition for variety of styles and sires, as well ns for finish and durability; varying front b to 33 inches in length. 010.45 springs 00.3:. cents to 25. All Skirts of "OUR OWN MAKE," aro warranted to vivo sat isfaction; but buy nano no such lades thay hays "Hop. kiu , s Hoop Shirt Manufactory, No. 620 Arch street," stomped on each Tabt Alan. constantly on hand, good skirts, manufaet nrctl it; Now York and the eastern States, which tretK,ll at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts-15 springB ; S 5 cents; Udopringx, $1 ; 35 Eprings,Cl 15; 303prings, $1 2.5 and 115 springs $1 50. X, - i, - .Sltirbt made to order and repaired. m.Terms Cash. Ono price only. mll7-101 E. REMINGTON & SONS, I=l JEC..c3 - loricavrex•la, MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United States service. A'so, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES REVOLVING RIFLES, Bide and Shot Gnu Barrels, and Oun Materials sold by a nu Realms and the trade gnuerally. In these days of Housebreaking and robbery, every house, Owe, bank, and office, should hare one of Reminglons' Revolvers. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the Into Im provements in pistols, and superior workmanship and tuna, trill find all' combined in the now Remington Re volvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will Lo furnished on application, E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Y Moons & NICHOLS, Agents, - N 0.40 Courtlonilt /it, New York. =I ]JOTATOES. POTATOES. 20,000 BUSHELS For Planting and Table Use. invite the attention of Farmers, Dealers and others to our stock of POTATOES, consisting of all the slumlord Varieties:— Pinch Mows, Monitors, Duck Eyes, Cased, Mercers, dark sons, Prince Alberts, • Early White Sprouts, Garnet Chili, Early Dykeman, Ax„ Se. from various sections of the country—all of which we will sell in lots to suit par chasers, at luwest wholesale market prices WOODRUFF & BRO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4, Arch St., and 54 Worth Wharves, I= MEM "ACE 'TS WANTED!" SV7S PER MONTH. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. The Photograph ease and Family Record. This is a great opportunity for enterprising persons of energy to make money. It is an article of which the public have felt the nerd. It rot ails at a low price, and its beauty and utility is universally acknowledged. -The success whtch hill attended its sales warrants the assur ance that one eau be sold to almost every family. We nro prepared to show that we boos agents who nro clearing $175 every month. Address for circulars and Toms. RAYMOND CO..3lanufacturers, ail 14 no 611 Chestnut at., Philada. vVTANTED, AGENTS.—S7S to $2OO per month for Gentlemen, and $35 to $75 for La dies, everywhere, to introduce the Common SOll3, Family Sowing Machine, improved and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only $2O, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted for three years. ...Wet pay the above wages, or commission, Gram which twice that amount can ho made. Address or call on C. DOWERS .b CO. 011ice,No 255 South Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. troAll letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. ap3-sin ( - lAN VASSEES WANTED at $2OO ,/prr month. We want reliable agents (none other,) male and female, to take the exclusive agency in every county anti township in the United States to sell the Pho tograph Family Record, a work which_every family will buy. It is brand like an album but has n printed blank page opposite 'each photograph: for a complete record of the husband, wife, and each child of n family; also con taining marriage certificate, and pages kr military histo ry of any member of n family. Nothing like it ever pub lished and no merit that agents can sell so readily. Old canvassers and others should send fir circulars and terms. It is necessary to hove copies of the work to canvass with; price by express $2 50, $3 50 and $7 00 (3 style s); money may be sent by moll. Name the townships wanted. Address BART LESON S CO., apt-2nt GU Chestnut st., Phila. AGENTS WANTED to take orders fur the best selling Book now published, Thrilling Stories of the great rebellion Comprising heroic adventures and hair-breadth escapes of soldiers, scouts, spies and refugees; daring exploits of smugglers, guerrillas, desperadoes and others; Tales of loyal and disloyal homes; stories of the negro, &e., with incidents if fun and merriment in camp and field.— By Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Greene, late of the Uni ted States army. handsomely illustrated with engrav• hip on steel and its oil colors. I=MMEt! CHAS. S. GREENE & CO., Publishers, No. 134 Sth. Third et., Philadelphia MEI HENRY HARPER, f t gliglts:4o ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. IVA TCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and superior SILVER PLATED WARE at roduce . .l prices. =691,186e-3m 23. a". WIT-Or-OCILIVEM, No. 16, Nth, 6th st., Philab., YANITACTUIIF.II OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. Tho largest and fines t assortment In the city at the low est cash prices. apl-2111 I.l.f_LStore shades made and lettered. BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that Le has opened for their use his new and elegantly fitted up Billiard Room. It contains FOUR. NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S MANUFACTURE, superior to any now In the city. 'Phis Billiard Room challenges comparison with any .10001 in the Stale, west of l'hiltololphin, MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS 3. W. CALVER & CO., r.; HAVE OPONED and are receiving weekly a lino assortment of STRAW HATS, BONNETS, SILKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, Ac., Ac., Wholonic and JOHN W. CALVING CO,, No. 01 North Second streot, below Arch, mlat-'2ln Vr,‘ll,.Fancy and Straw MILLINERY. PATTERN BON NETS on hand. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given cost, than auy other I Try it I Manufactnredonly by ' ZIEGLER & Wholesale Drug, Paint and Gluts Denfeu, jan24-1y N0.1:37 North TIIIRD st., PHILADA. P - ciril7AlC,C MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTURERS 698 Broadway, near 4th st., Y Wbolcsrile and retail at reduced rates. Pipes and nol dors cut to order and repaired. All goods warranted get Wu, Send 'damp for circular. Pipes VI to SSO each. aplo.llll DR. VENARD' Ei ST AR MAGIC LINIMENT. i p 4 - 1/Inn REWARD will be paid ‘,/ fur any medicine that excels this for the following diseases: • Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, .Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Tuts is an Internal and External Medicine, composed of Roots, Herbs and Barks such as our forefathers used: is a bountiful supply on the earns to cure all cony plaints, if avo only knew what they were. This has been a' subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for ti great many years, to find out the kinds beet adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what portions to use. • This wonderful remedy needs no recommendation savo the regatta which invariably follow its application. This popular remedy is fat coming into use from the fact that it gives good satisfaction. Arir PHYSICIANS aro invited to test its efficacy in all casts of Rheumatism, 'Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin; Muscles and Glands. It has been used in thousands of instances under the personal supervision of the Inventors, and hoe never disappointed their expectations. All WO ask for it is a trial—experi mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw, are tl,O vouchers WO desire to present to the public. It would be well for many time lying hi beds of torture, if these facts could reach their sick chambers. It is more important to them than to the inventors that this should ho the case. "Truth is mighty and must prevail." fir Keep it in your family, for sickness comes when you least expect it. PRICE--ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL IL SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Illtntlngdon, Pa., ,761 y 19, 1865. DR. VDNARD' S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURES RIIEIUMATISM, • NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, DIPTHERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SPRAINS, and. DIARIi,HCE A. SOLE AGENT, 'SAMUEL SHOEMAKER, HUNTINGDON, PA Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. 47.)- Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 16C5. qICI Eri.7l pENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING 0 N TRAINS SPRING AI?RANG aSIENT. WESTWARD. EASTWARD N 1 .1 t.. 1 WI ,4 I t; . ~ „ ,!0 , 0 A , , i ' R.) ' V I 1 " " i t . , Hp" .:4 ',' . 3 - STATIONS.' :41 . ....1 g F i .5., '. ..',.; . o Ei .'-i 1 '0 F 4 0 H g 2' : , • • • - CA di P. 31. P. 31.1 P. 31.1 A.M.I 2t.5 30 11 52 N. llnmilton, 510 835 4 38 12 03 Mt. Union,... 5 07, 9 55 8 25 5 47 ..... 12 17 Mapleton 4 64 8 15 557 12 29 11111 Cree k,...l 4 45, 9378 05 b 14 8 12i12 48 6 19 Huntingdon, 4 24; 9 22 7 1 60 6 :10 1 08 .....IPetersburg,... 4 101 9 08 7 30 5 38 ......I 1 201 113arree, 4 101 1 7 20 • 6 111 1 32 6 50'Spruceereol., 4 02 8 54 7 . 7 04 153 !Birmingham, 245 . 7 15 9 01 2 05 7 15 Tyrone, 3 35 8 31 0 45 7 30 2 20 Tipton, 3 25 8 33 7 30 2 28 I?ostorta, 3 20 0 26 7 41 2 35 Dell's Mills,.. 3 15 8 12 6 19 8009 30 3 001 700 Altoona,. 300755 6 00 P. 31. 0. M. A. 14 The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 35 P. 51., and arrives at Huntingdon at 10 56 P. M. The EAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 515 A. 31., and arrives nt Huntingdon at 4 34 A. 31. The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Westward, leaves Hinilingdou at 7 24 A. 111., and arrives at Altoona at 8 50 A. 51. Award, leareg Runtlngdon at Altoona nt 9 30 P. M. o FAST LIN P. .1., all 1 nrr ril 1, lbt.o. E es ed at 'Y ~I ~~ t READING RAIL ROAD, IVINTER. ARRANGEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 18G5. • ItEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE Nji North and North-West for PLULABELPIIIA, NEW YORE, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, 13ARTON &C., &E. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows t At 3 00, 7,2s'and 9 05 A. 31., and 145 and 9,00 P. M., arriving at New York 5,10 and 10 00 A, M., and 3 40 and 10 35P. 31. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and sleeping ears accompany the 3 00 and 9 05 a. m. trains, without change. Leavo for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mineravillc, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia at 7 25 A. 31., and 145 and 9P. 31., stopping at Lebancu and all way stations; the 9 P M train making no close connection for Pottsville nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville, Schuyl kill llEtTen and Anbtirn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg nt 4 P SI. Rotund ng,icavo NEW-Yonle 111 I A. 31, 12 Noon, and S P. 31. Philadelphia at OA. AI-, and 330 P. M ; Pottsville nt 0 40 A. 51., and '2 55 P. 31.; Ashland 6 00 and 11,45 a m, Tamaqua nt 7.33 A. N., and 1 40 P. 31. Leavo Po' ills for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and SusquelmmlPPßailroad at 6,45 a m. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves READINO at 6.30 A. AL, :01.1 returns from PHILADELPHIA nt 4,30 0.31. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6 10 am., and 6 15 P. M., for Ephrata, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays, leavo New York at 8 P. 31., Philadelphia, 315 P. 31., Pottsville 8 00 A. 31., Tamaqua S A. M., Har risburg 9 05 A. it., and Reading at 100 a.m., for Har risburg. mtd 10,5211 nt., for New York. COMMUTATION, MILEMIE, SEASON, SCHOOL, and EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLL'S, Reading, Nov. 27, 1865. General Superinkndent. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after Monday, November 13, 1805, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS. EMEMIMEM 13E111013 EIKEEIII LE' 4 1515 z 9 101111tuti0gdon, 4 35 8 30131cConnellstown, 4 43 8 3S , Plessant Orove,.. 500 8 3413.1arklesbueg, 5 16 9 10' Coffee Run, 5 24 9 18 Rough& Ready,- 5 30 9 20 Core, 5 40 9 34 Fisher's Summit. Art r, 55 An lU glSnxton, ...,...... 10 201319910509ra 10 28111opetrull 10 413 Piper's Bun, 1 11 18 llsmilton, 11 31 Bloody Bun, null 35 Mount Dnllas, SHOUP'S RUN BRAN t.r 10 05 1 8axton I I 10 20 Corilmont , 10 26 Crawford An 10 25 Dudley. I 'Broad Top City,..... Huntingdon Nov. 13, 1865. OLIVE THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN lII7I4TINGDON CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, The Whitest, the most durable and the most economlea Try it Matmfeetured only by ZIEGLEIt & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Point 8: alnee Dealer', en2l—ly No. MT North Third st., Phitsd. TR tiCING MUSLIN, PRAPTINO AND DRAWING PAPER While and Colored Card Paper, For sato at LEWIS' BOOK O ETA TIOZVERY STORE. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY' Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY''S LAWYER • AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS 13Y FRANK CROSBY, OF THO PRILADBIPUIA BAR It Tells You flow to draw np PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general fbrms for AGREEMENTS Of all kinds, BILIS of SALE, Leases and PETITIONS. It Tens rim How to draw up Boxes and Noirroacred, AP FJOAVITS' PORTED Of ATToRNET, NOTES and BILLS of ExcaLumE, /Imams and RELEASES. It Tells You . The laws for the Cor.mcnotr of Thaws, with tho STATUTES Of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT from EXECU TION in every State. It Tens You flow to make en ASSIGNMENT properly, with . forme for COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS Of every State. It Tells Thu The legal relations existing between GUAR DIAN and WARD, MASTPIL and APPRENTICE, Rlld LANDLORD and TENANT. It Tells You What conetitutes LIBEL and Summit, and the Law RS IO litiamacm DOWER, the Wires limire IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. .11 Tells You The Law for MECHANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION LAWS of this coon. try, and how to comply with the same. /I Tells Thu The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob. fain one, and the PRE - EMPTION . LAWS to Puma LANDS. It Tells You The Law for Pamirs, with mode of pence dare in obtaining one, with INTERFERENCES ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE OP FEES. Ti Ms You How to make your Win, and how to Anmur• ISTER ON AN ESTATE, With the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of LAw TERMS in general use and explains to you the LEGISLATIVE, BIZ cram and JUDICIAL Powers of both tit General and State GOVERNMENTS. It Tells You Stow TO KEEP our or LAW, by showing bow to do your business legally, thus savings vast amount of property, and vexation • litigation, by its timely consoltatlon. .tn•=• Everybody's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' BookSt --"Nc— ,..y.,--nS, ~..-101 7W V.).,,,,, ...7. , : - i . • e e ,o 'l_,OVCV'' 7. 14**07,0 G . 0-0., ~ , OM• D reel ! . e; --- 4 , kr; cl 3. LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! UNSTABLE:B SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPWNAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR 'HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B'KS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of iho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Pease and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in one of Assault and Battery, and Affray. t CIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, 'for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. SATCHELS, PORT-KONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., &e., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !! I Tracing Paper, Impresaion Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Papor, tat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, ' Letter Paper, • Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Nolo Patter, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheet:, For sale at LEWIS' Eook, Stationery and Music Store. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A. LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers,, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE SPECTACLES. A fino and largo assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND. A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT _LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CTS., and $l,OO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL ttla DIBTINGUISHED OFFICERS /LZFD FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE EISMEMISME EZ3113 An 645 5 2 6 10 5 00 AR 11 39 11 19 11 11 10 55 10 39 10 31 10 19 10 15 I LE 10 00 4 20 Lc 405 A 0 3 65 3 35 3 27 3 09 2 47 2 34 LI: 2 30 OOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and. School ooks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands ' and °Very other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can he had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A . MUSIC STORE. READY RECKONER A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Elite, Re ceipts, Petitions, Ste., together with rt sot of useful tables containing rate of interest front one dollar to twelve them awl, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day. For saloat AY ;RS, bnpt. 50.000, BEST QUALITY BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES Just rocolved and for Bala at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. u stC CYTHARA—The Presbyterian Psalmodist—The "w.'' ' t , Shawn- - Theitibilee—lluntm's and DentinPe enlarged and improved instructors—Weiland'a New and Improved Method for the Guitar—Leland'a Aecor. deon, Violin and Elate Instructors — wiener's and Ilowses Violin Instructors—Be Me'edam Instructor—Bar rowes' Piano:Porto Primer- 7 12. Thorough-Base Primer— Down's Drawing Room Dances The Chorus Glee Book— Tara's harp, for snle at LEWPS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. C'CHOOL BOOKS, Generally in use in the Schools of the County, net on hand will be furnished to order, on applicatida at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STON'. FOR THE LADIES; A superior article of Note Paper and Movelopee, auitable for confi IS' dential correspondence, fur 'stile at LEW POOIC STATIONBRE STORE.. Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flower; Porforotod roper, BrLstol Board, pool: &TORE. E ROE. J. U. M'ENTYRE'S OR.F4T REMEDY, 11DIAX COMPOUND Internal all 6 Este llallle, EMMEM .Cy' Diartlicea, Bloody Flux fa one day, Air headache and Earache in three minutes. Toothache in one minute Eeuralgia in Rye minutos„ .g Sprains In twenty minufel,‘ Arip. Sore Throat in ten minutes, • /AD- Cholic and Cramp In five, minutes;' ./1 1 . Rheumatism In ono day, 131 k.. Pain in the Back or Side In tea minutes? DB.. Bad Congha or Colds in ono day,. rya_ Fever and Agno in one day. - In., CIIIT? Deafness, Asthma, Piles,' • • • Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia, . In...lnflammation or the Kidneys', Erysipelas, Liver Complaint and Palpitation , oP the Hear!. Keep it in your Itamiliis---SicknesS comes when least expected. I proposo to check, and effectually dissipate more astir. and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrlum.of: all the circulating fluids in the human system, than can: bo effected by any other, oral] other Methods of medics': aid in the same space of time. • " ' . . .. - TR'S POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into use, for the fact tint I cure, tree of charge, ail these com plaints whenever there is an opportunity to, do so. Ac soon as it is applied it almest miraculously kills the pain. I do not ask you to buy before you are certain of Its dile ciency. If you bare an ache or pain, It is warranted to do all it purports on the label. I do not propose to dlitt every dlsefuso--only a clarra named by my directions. My liniment operates on chant• Ical and electric principles, and is, therefore. appllable, to tho cure or natural restorative of all organic derange— ment arising from an Improper circulation of the nerve , vital fluids. Prof. JAI. MeEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di- , redly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other" swellings in incredible short time, without any riostible danger from its use under any possible circumstances. This is nu internal and external medicine—composed at' roots, herbs and barks, such us our forefathers used.— There Is a bountiful enpply on earth to care all complaints. if we only know what they were. This has been a great atudy,with. the Medical Faculty" for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the. above complaints—how to put them together, arid what proportions to use. J. 11. McENTYRE, . . • Proprietor, Reading, Pa. Foy sale at Lewis' Book Store. • Uuntingdon, Pa.; Sept. 6, 1865.. MCENTYRE'S fDI LION. PILLS . . For all diseases arising from one cause, viz : Fever and Aguo, Dyspepsia', Catarrh in. the Head, ' Weak and disor dered Stomach, such os Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and' Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back or Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of. SpiritS, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of. the Body, Gravel, Worms, &c.; &c. Sold at 25 cents per boa, McENTYRE'S INDIAN VEGETABLE WORN DESTROYER ! Thisinfallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in all cases and may ho given to cnildren of all ages; as they are purely vegetable and perfectly:harmless. . . 1m Can be had at Lewis' Book store, Iluntingdon, Pa, OLD FRANKLIN m E ALMANAC cuet. 3LIGES, CONTENTS: • A continued. Chronicle of the Rebellion against the United States, embracing a record of military, naval, and political events from Oct. 7, 1861, to Nov. 1,1865. Regular army of the, United States. Indian tribes of the United States. Populations of United States. Great 'Britain,' Ireland nod France. Casualties among General officers of tho Union and re bel armies during the war, killed in battle and died. - Area of now states and territories. • Freezing, points of various liquids. ➢felting points of solids. • Bishops, Methodist and Episcopal Church. • . Bishops, Protestant Episcopal Church in the United Slates, living and deceased. • United States Government, 1866. • Hierarchy, Itpuirin Catholic Church 111 the United States, archbishops and bishops. Debts of nations. Signs of Rain. The Governments of the world. atate and territorial governments. Battles of the revolution, .tc,, Ac. Price 20 cents per copy. Copies malted (post-paid) on receipt of price. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. if, MITE 'TRIBUNE ALMANAC PRICE, 20 CENTS. CONTENTS: A SiIIONOMICAL DP.P.IIITUENT • Eclipses for the year 1866. Lunar and Planetary Conjunethins. New and Valuable This Tables for 110 places. Jewish and 51abornmedan calendars. Calendars—Rising and setting of sun, moon, eta. POLITICAL DEPARTMENT: United States Government, 'Ministers, etc. Senators and Representatives of XXYIXth Cong ess Laws passed at the last session of Congress. Public resolutions.and proclamations . . Slaveholders' Rebellion, or chronicle of war events. The Union party in 1865, Resolutions, Sm.. Irtipartiat sufrage—Laws. - in the several States. Second Mangers! of President Lincoln. PreshlnntJohnson on the negro question. The Constitutional Amendment.. Election Election returns for 1865. Popular vote for President. The States of the Union—Area, population, etc. Foreign countries—Area, population, eta. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SO.HOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY /6 MUSIC STORE, HITXT/NCIDON, PA OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 24, 3d, 4th and 6th Readers. MftltiFFßY'S Speller and Readers.. SANDER'S, do do de ' Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. . • Warren's Physical Geography. . . 41onteith and MoNally's Geographies &.4tlaaea, Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline - Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. - (blacken/me' Pleat Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetic.. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenlean/ and Stoddard's Kepi to Arithmetic& Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Groenlenf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. . Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's Goodrich's " . 0 . Payaon, Bunton and Scribner's Ponmanahip, in eleven numbers. ' . Potter & Hammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. . • Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigcnometry. . Davies' Legeudro'a Geometry. Greenleare Geometry. Fulton & Eastman'a Book-keeping... . • Book Keeping by Single Entry, by llanaford & Payson Book }Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanford Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand., Huntingdon, Pa. . IVIVETSLIEC7 C3O3MIS FOR seLE,ir LEIPIK BOOKSTORE. HOWE'S SONGS OR IRELAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Riberdia'a Songs and Ballads, including 50 of Moore's Irish 31clollies, Songs of the:affection s, Sentimental, Patriotic, Biatorical, Military, Political. Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, arranged for tho Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00 MOTE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing pont TGO of the Gems of Caledonlale Songs and Ballads, Metro; ding Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political, Comic and Miscellane ous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon, Pricol3.oo. MOR'E'S SONGS AND BALLADS OF TILE OLDN TIME, containing the Original Wards and /Maio, of the Songs and Bulbuls, sung by the Grand-moth. cm of the present generation. Arranged for Four Voices. BOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fang Dances with Calls and Figures, Waltzes, Polkas, Operallele, dies, Scotch and Iris h airs, Re., LC, for the Tiolln, Flute, Cornet, Bass Viol, Rc. . . TILE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOK; a collection of Music for male Voices, consisting of Glees and Part. Songs, Choir and. congregational Tunes, Anthems Chants : &c. . KINGLEY'S JUVENILE ClIOIR:—A selection of the Choicest Melodies froM the Gormin, French, Ital ian, English and American . Composers. TRUMPET OP FREEDOM AND TITS BUGLE OALtAtwo books sultan° to tho times. • THE BOSTON OLEN BOOK, consisting of an extensive collection of Glees, 3fadrigala, and Rounds, selected from the works of the Most admired Composers, to, gether many now pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR TUE PIANO, Melodeon, Accordeon, Violin, Banjo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum, Fife and Flageolet. . • . , Huntingdon; lag. 41, 1.865-14. Us-,-- r . REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT .LEWLS" BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, RENNA. .Justices' and Constables' -Fat Bills for sale at Lewis' Book Store.