Ely 6lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, AprillB, 1866. LOCAL & PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. Brief Items. —Breeding cages for canary birds Just received and for sale at Lewis's. —Fourteen keepers of lager beer saloons and restaurants of Hollidays burg, have been returned for violations of the liquor laws. —The town was very much throng ed with people the first part of court week, but the crowd dwindled away towards the end. , —A. convention of the School Direc-, tors of this county will be held in the Court House, on Tuesday-, the Ist of May, for the purpose of electing a Co. Superintendent. Oh, 81000 a year. :—Our townsman, Hon. A. W. Ben. edict, Chief Clerk of the House, at the close of the session of the Legislature was made the recipient of a gold•band ed tea set, from Democratic members —Our young friends Adjt. John A. Willoughby and Capt. Charles Hilde brand started for the west last week. They are going to "squat" in the gold -regions of Nevada, or some other ‘ade..' —John Westbrook has received a large supply of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c. He is selling off his en tire stock.at greatly reduced prices. Give him a'call and see for yourselves. —Our merchants have received and opened their spring and summer stock of goods, which they aro selling at the lowest reasonable rates. For their names and inducements read our ad vertising columns. —We hereby tendorrenewed thanks to the gratifying many distant friends and patrons -who called last week at our desk to pay up for the past and in advance for the future. We have sufficient time and room to attend to more of the same sort. —The steamer Etna again plies on the canal, making her regular trips.— It is not certain whether the company will run another boat, but our humble opinion is that it world pay better if they would. —A little daughter aged about two years of Mr. John McCabe. of this place, met with a serious accident last -week by upsetting some hot coffee over her hands and arms, which seals ded her so badly as to result in her death. —A lodge of Good Templars was organized at Mill Creek on Friday eve ning last. Seventeen persons were initiated. A temperance meeting was held last Monday evening at Hopewell preparatory to instituting another lodge of tho same order. Mr. B. M. Greene was ono of the speakers. =On Sunday last when an engine pulled a train of loaded stock cars on - Railroad street, bound eastward, the sudden start snapped asunder one of the ears, containing fe load of swine.— No injury was done further than the breaking of the car which was imme , diately repaired, and keeping the pigs so, much longer without their feed. —We direct the attention of Hunt ingdon county soldiers to the card of soldiers, calling a meeting on the 2Sth inst., to organize a Soldiers' Union Campaign League. This subject should meet with the prompt consideration .and earnest co.operation of every Uni on soldier in the county, and for the geed of the brave men wo would sug gest that the League be a permanent organization: —J. S. Beyer, our quondam army correspondent, in a private letter da ted Lewisburg, West Virginia, states that he is again in the south, and tho' notthis time carrying a musket, he is on a campaign against rebels. He is there as a preacher in the service of the Meth. Epis. Church. He repre sents the town as intensely rebel, but that they aro in a very tight place, which may be ono reason, ho adds, why they squirm so much. We trust he will carry the enemy's works. —Mr. Ulrich Paul, favorably known in this community, who was engineer on the Phila. & Erie Railroad, was in stantly killed on Tuesday last by his locomotive _running against a rock which had fallen on the road, that crushed the engine, throwing Mr. Paul down a high embankment, bruising him and injuring him internally. Ho was brought home, and interred on Friday afternoon with Masonic honors, of which order he was a member. Ho leaves a wife and three children. —The gallows used in tho execution of Frock°, Marshall and Mrs Grinder, in Pittsburgh, is to be brought to Eb ensburg for the purpose of banging Rouser and Buser, on Friday next.— Both these men continuo to declare their innocence. The latter, on Tues. day night, attempted to commit sui cide by opening a vein in his arm, but having made the attempt in a standing position, the noise of his fall when he fainted attracted the attention of the watchman and thus frustrated his de , sign. CONVENTION. Soldiers' Union Campaign League. MEETING ON THE 28TH INST SOLDIERS :—There can no longer be any question as to our citizenship. The great privilege of the elective fran chise, which our copperhead enemies would have denied us, and which was secured for us by the patriotic exer tions of our Union friends, has been rendered doubly sure by the overthrow of the Rebellion, and our return from the field. With this truth before us, that our political freedom has been obtained through the defeat. of a cow— ardly faction and armed treason, it is a duty incumbent upon us to employ our right of suffrage on the side of loyalty and justice, and in the inter ests of our Commonwealth and of the whole country. We should take every occasion that presents itself,and should use all the efforts of which wo are ca pable, to make our sentiments publicly known, and believing thata great mass of the people aro willing to repose con fidence in us, we may feel that a free and full expression of our views will not be without its weight. In Major General Geary the Union party has a candidate whom •we, as soldiers, should openly endorse. Rely ing upon the candor and judgment of the country, wo should endeavor to make every man familiar with his rec ord, and with that of his opponent, who is the representative of all that is vile in copperheadism, and in the com• parison of the soldier with his antago nist, each individual can see which way duty and honor point him to go. Our sister states, NOW Ilanipshire, Connecticut, and Rhode island, have beaten for us a. path in which we may easily - follow. It may rover be known how much is duo to our returned sol diers for those - glorious victories, nor how much more they might have ac complished had they labored together in an association such as we propose to form here. For the furtherance of our object, as indicated above, the undersigned here by request all soldiers, residents of Huntingdon county, who have been honorably discharged from the service, and who are willing to give their aid and co-operation in the organization of a Union Campaign League, to moot with us in Convention, in the Court House at Huntingdon, on Saturday the 28th inst., at 1 o'clock P. At. Milton S. Lytle, Huntingdon. Thomas T. Gregg, Hugh Johnston, James A. Stewart, " W. F. Cunningham, Alfred Tyhurst, T. Benton Reed, . 44 Jos. A. Green, Barre(' Iron Works, Geo. W. Kuhn, Spruce Creek. Daniel Fetterhoof, Alfred MePherran, Alexandria. Chas. A. Whittaker, Porter Twp. J. H. Boring, Mill Creek. Samuel H. Irvin, Jackson Twp. Still Alivo and a Doing Some of our readers may have for gotten that Prof. Hugh Coyle, of this place, is agent for the sale of Pianos. Ho requests us to announce that he is still "about town," and still offers Pm nos for sale. Wo have before 118 a circular giving us the testimony of men who stand the highest in the musical profession, in relation to the Pianos manufactured by Geo. Steck & Co., for which firm the Professor is the agent. These men attest that Stock's is a tho i , roughly perfect piono, and it is a plea. sant task to play on such an instru• meat. There can be no doubt, they add, that they certainly rank among the very best pianos manufactured, and they recommend them to the pub lic as most excellent and first-class instruments. The evidence of these men who excel in the profession, is better than any comments of our own, and the fact that Steck & Co.'s instru ments are used by Artists on more public occasions, in Philadelphia, than all other instruments united, is the highest praise that can be bestowed upon them. Persons desiring to pur chase ono of these admirable piano. fortes can sco Professor Coyle at his room opposite the First National Bank Huttingdon, Pa. Agricultural Society. The Huntingdon County•Agricul. tural Society, met, pursuant to ap. pointment, in the Court House on Tuesday evening, 10th inst Presi dent G. Miller in tho chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed at last meeting to report a list of premiums and awarding committees, presented a report and list, which was agreed to, and on motion tho Committee bo au thorized to make any further revisions and additions which they may deem advisable between this and the next meeting. The committee to secure a place of holding the fair reported progress, and were on motion continued,to report at the next regular meeting. On motion, the Annual Fair•for the present year commence on the 4th Wednesday, and 26th day of Septem ber next. On motion, the Society adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening of the first week of the coming August court. G. MILLER, President. B. M'Dtvirry BAILEY, "*7 —A purse containing about twenty three dollars was lost on Railroad st., ono day last week. Tho finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Simpson, Armitage R Co's. Book Store. —The Johnstown Tribune says that Hon. A. A. Barker is a candidate for renomination to Congress. ill - a - Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds for sale ikt, Lewis' Book Store. t 361.. A scamp entered Mrs, Massey's house Sunday last and stole about $2O, The thief is supposed to bp a boy, MARRIED, On tho sth inst., at the residence of Tames Williamson,. Altoona, by Rev. A. F. Shenefolt, Mr. MARTIN BOYLES, of Bell's Mills to Miss LIDIE E. WATT, of Mill Crook, Huntingdon co., Pa. DIED, April 8, 1866, at the residence of Saml Goodman, in Mill Creek, GEORGE LAIRD, aged 82 years, 11:mos., 26 days. Ile was a soldier in the war of 1812, and has been a member of the Luther an church for many years. He died in the full triumphs of faith. SPECIAL NOTICES AlLLCountry merchants, wha want Plain or Fancy Can• dies; Foreign Fruits, or Nuts of every kind; canned fruit,, Vegetables, or Oysters; Syrups of lemon, raspberry,.and strawberry; Raspberry Ninegar or Sarsaparilla; or any thing else to the Confectionery line, will find them, at the lowest prices, at GEO. MILLER Es SONS, 010 Market street, Philadelphia, who always fill esuctry orders promptly, wheLber large BFnrstsoca 'hornEns, Newspaper Advertising and General Purchasing Agents, No. 900 Chestnut et., aro authorized to receive advertisements and subscriptions for this paper. Anything that cannot ho got at home, from a photo graph to a piano, can ho procured from the city, through these agents, at tin lowest price, their comtn lesion coming off the sellers. Country merchants ; as well as citizens generally, will find this Agency a groat convenience. All letters of inquiry, with stamp enclosed, ore promptly nn ssvored. ap3-2.in DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CA TARRH, treated with the utmost success. by J. IuAACS, AI. D., Oculist nod Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, lIolland,) No. 519 FINE street, MIRADA. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country, Can be seen at his office. The medical faculty a•o invited to necommtly their patients. as h± has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— No charge for examination. m112.11566.1y $9O For t j e .t w o n u t t i wonted dress O. ,T. CAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. Dec.201565-ly • PIMA DEL PHI A lIIARICETS. • April, 16. Family Flom $3,25 Extra Flours3,oo Superfine Flour 50,00 Ryo Flour $4.75 Corn Meal... $3.75 Extra White Wheat, $2,40(42.70 Fair and Prime Red $2,46(g2,50 Rye 9U Corn, prime Yellow 75 Oats 53 Barley 75 Clorerseed, l - el 04 lbs $O,OO Timothy $43,0 Flaxseed, $2,75 Woad 60&70 LI ides .... HUNTINGDON MARKETS. • CORRECTED WEEKLY BY S. E. HENRY & CO. ITROLEsALE PRICES. Superfine Flour Vi bl . $7,00 Extra Flour eO,OO Family Flour ' e 0,25 White Wheat Family $0,75 Corn Meal V, cart $1,60 13uckwhout Meal V out $5,00 Red Wheat $1,60 @ 2,05 White Wheat $2,00 M 1 2,50 Corn 05 to 70 Oats 40 Barley 60 Cloversced %i 64 lbs $4,00 0 5.50 Timothy $2,75103,00 Flaxseed $2,00 to 2,05 Rye Chop ? cwt st,6o Bran V, cwt $l,OO Shorts V met $1,40 Mixed Chop $2,25 taster per ton $lO,OO wax 11 lb 30 sll lb - 40 to 60 Rags 'EI lb 4 Beans 11 bus $2,00 Feathers 11 lb 55 to 85 Tallow 10 to 12 Dried Apples g ; lb 13 to 15 Dried Peaches , 41 lb ~...18 to 20 Ilam ,20 to 22 Sides 17 Shoulder 15 Dried Beef "2 • Lard 18 Butter 40 Eggs "0 Country Soap 10 Play V ton $lO,OO Rye Straw , i 1 bundle 8 Potatoes 11 bus $1,20 Apple Butter 11 gallon 01,25 Wool V lb 50 to 65 .. Large Onions V bus 01,40 Small Oillontl V quart 12 Corn Brooms 11 doz $3,00 to 4,00 Chickens - 20 to 25 Tarr`oys 75 to 1,50 Dried Cherries V quart . 12 OFFICE NEW GRENADA & BROAD TOP OIL CO.,} New (3 renads, Yußan co., Pa., April 4.1666. THE annual meeting of Stockholders 1 of tho NEW GRENADA & 1111.0 AD TOP OIL COMPA NY will he hold in New Grenada, on THURSDAY, the 10th inst., whrn an election will ho held between the hours of 10 a. m. andl p. m, to elect nine Directors, ono Secretary and ono Treasurer for the ensuing year. Ity order. 1np10.2.1 IV. A. GRAY, Sec. WC:PPM - CUM Is hereby given to all persons know. ing themselves indebted to the undersigned, by note, book account, or otherwise, that they are requested to settle with him on or before the Ist day of .1121. Y, nest ensuing, at his °nice at Coffee Mtn; and that the accounts of alt those who fail to comply with this notice trill be left with an attorney for collection. .I>l o F. 1310 1 ,1 COLIN. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. JAS. A. BROWN is Agontitor the solo of our Nails and Spikes, at Ifontingan, Pa. It Is well known that the Duncannon Nails are for superior in quality teeny others offered in the Huntingdon market DEALERS, BUILDERS. and consumers generally will be supplied in quantities from on, pound to One hundred kegs at:manufacturers' prices by sending their orders or calling at Ids new mammoth Hardware store, Hunting don, Pa. Nils] DUNCANNON IRON CO. INDEPENDENT OIL COMPANY OF OIL CITY, PENN. CAPITAL STOCK, Divided into 300 tlltare. , , $25 each The Best lnuestnzeizt in Huntingdon, Co This company le to own a Free Royalty, of one hhlfof all the oil to be produced in ono well—except costofpro duction after ihe well shall have been sunk—on Lease 23, Ruff Farm, situated on the east bank of the Allegheny river at the month of Deep Run, and opposite to where General Burnside & Co. are sinking filly wells, This well is in the Best Oil producing District in Von angb county, Penna,, and adjoins the celebrat d "JIALLAItD WELL," now yielding heavy lubricating oil, worth $4O per barrel. No coat of transportation will bo required, o 4 the Huff Farm has arirCr front of 1452 feet, et almost any point of which steamboats can lend. This one half interest includos engine, tools, tanks, der rick, &c. Said well to be pat down to the second sand rock-412 feet—free from all assessments and working expenses. A Map of the Premises, Title, &0., may be seen at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S store, Hun tingdon. Subscriptions received by Cunningham & Car man, or Andrew Gleason, Barnet. Slltlielibo quickly.— Nearly . one half of the stock is now taken. spin HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT • CAN'T BE BEAT ' IN CHEAPNESS AND, QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. OWIN, np. 10 '60.,` j OVERING'S AND SUNLIGHT Syrup, New Orleans, Porto Rico Molasses Coffee, Sugars, Teas, &o. at S. N. HENRY d CO. - DROWN ST, BLEACHED MUSLINS, ji Ticking, Limeys, Checks, bleached and brown can, ton Flannels, miner's Plaid, Woo' Flannels, dic,, dm, at S. E. HENRY 4 HARDWARE AND CUTLERY I - AN IMMENSE .STKK AND ENDLESS VARIETY " OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c, NOW OPEN • AND II OR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUN TINS3WON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK Iluntinkplon, April 10, ' itDMINISTRA.TORS' NOTICE. [Estate of Charles W. Hardy, deed.] ters of administration upon the estate of Charles W. Hardy, late of Jackson twp., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will make payment, And those having claims will present them for settlement. IMO Clamiticc•xi. • A LL persons are herebj , cautioned against harboring or trusting my wife, SUSAN JANE DAVID, on my account, as I will not pay any bill contracted by her. March 2.7,1866.4t* JACOB DAVID. BRIDGE TO BUILD. - The Masonry of Bridge at 3lount Union will be let at the Ocumnlssionere Oleo on WIiDNESI)AY, the 25th day of APRIL, 1.5,13.6. The work will be let by the porch. Bidders era requested to 2XIIIIIIIO the place before handing in their proposahl. There will be two piers to build and to he ranged work. O WARD.—Was -stolen out P '±lj of my storo in Hopewell township, Hunting don connty,on Sabbath night the 4th of Marc h,1866, sun dry articles of merchandise, consisting of part of ono Piece of brown Merino with small flower, one piece plaid Cassimere, also three Watches, one a detached lever with hunting:case, two cylinder escapement, ono rifle gnu, one extra violin, a let of suspenders, a lot of sill: hnndkor chiofs,silk velvet braid, a lot of fancy trimmings, butter, a lot of pen knives, ono red photograph album, rings, load pencils, and a variety of other articles of fancy goods. $2O will be paid far the recovery of the goods, and $2O for the apprehension of the thief or thieves, or $4O for both. mb2l-51 DAVID WEAVER. FRES H FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE. )17.. LONC would _respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Hunting don and vicinity to the fact that ho has jest opened a FA MIL , / GROCERY STORE at the old stand of Christopher Long, where ho will keep constantly on hand a fall and well assorted stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, such an Lovering's Syrup, N. Orleans and Porto Rico Mo. losses, Sugars, Coffees, Yeas, Spices, Salt, Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Flour, Fish, Cheese, Rice, Pickles, and Provisions of all kinds. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, comprising, in part, linsbots, Buckets, Tubs, Wasbboardt, Corn Brvotas, Itrushos, Rugs, Mats, Floor Oil Cloths, Rags Trunks, &o. &c. CANDIES and NUTS of all kinds, wholesale and retail, TOYS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Sc Ue respectfully invites a call and examination of his stock, eathfied that hie goods and prices will comparo favorably with those of any other in the place. Ihitinvlon, March 7, 1861. GREAT ENTHUSIASM HIGH PRICES SURRENDER ! ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. I JOHN H. WESTBROOK 11 Respectfnlly informs the citizens of HuntingdOn and vicinity that lie hasjust received from the city a NEVI and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, (C,c., &c., &c., &c. rill of which lie Is prepared to sell at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONFECTIONERIES hays also been ro ceived. Don't forget tho old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, apri 12, ISCO. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. AFRICA op r e e jen s ti l s' e ent e nati at tl.':Pl';:ini!'.l,„4lkl i,untla g don, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND 'SHOES, LI • - For Ladies, Gentlemen' and Children. All of width lie will sell at fair prices. Quick sates and smelt profits. Cali and examine my Mock. Manufacturingand Repairing sone to order no usual. Hunt rhgclon,April 10, 1066. • PURE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD, Prefbrred by all practical Paintorcl Try It l and you will hare nu MILT. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 Nth. Third st., Philada. jan24-ly CHEAP PUMPS, TAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, tfr pa., sells Patent Wooden Pumps for cisterns and wells, from 4to GO feet deep, at about one half the usual price for old fashioned pumps. All pumps warranted. Aug. 3 $7,500, QTOVES. STOVES. Spoor's famous "anti-dust" Cook, Wellington Cook, Continental Cook, anti n splendid variety of gas burner, and other Heating Stoves, for coal or wood, just re. CeiVed, and for sale at the Hardware Store of Uuntingdon, Oct. IS, 'GS-tf. riUNNII\IGHAM k CAMION ARE k..)selling off at greatly reduced prices. WOOL, BLANKETS, COVER lets. Ingram., gag. and Hemp Carpets, Bugs, Oil and 'Oloor Cloths, at S. E. HENRY fi CO. CI3RA.SS AND COPPER taken 8 Y r in exchange for goods at the Hardware Stem apt. 3, 1862. JAS. A. 111101 T 1.1 UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A `3r large assortment at BROWN'S LIARDIVAIIE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and elloapeat aseortment in town, at D. P. GR'IN'S. MILE BEST EASTERN CHEESE m117'65 at CIANINOIIAM S CARMON'S. CIA S S 1111 E E S.—A choice lot of black and fancy Camsimerca at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs, For sato cheap at tho Clothing Storo of 0r2.1 LEOPOLD BLOOM. B LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, (OE4IIS•Rt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER Y STO It Gold Pens & Pencils, The best assortment of the hand somest and best styles, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tf per- For neat JOB PRINTING, oall at the "GLOBE Jon PRINTING OEFIO;" at Hun tingdon, Pa. Gold Gilt Winds. A splendid assortment just received at LEWIS' BOOK SronE. —Glasses for marksmen, glasses for weak eyes, and glasses for all ages, for sale at Lewis' Boolc Store. J. M. SMITH', W. S. SMITII, Administrators. JOHN HOUSEHOLDER, JACOB MILLER, }Comm ADAM WARFEL, ll= JAMES A. BROWN .~_~~' GRoulto REITs 3P01" 'I ROUND RENTS on - several lots v.)f to Smithfield, Walker townehip, will to Bold if application is made soon. Apply to the anbreriber. Fob. 5, '6G-tf. IV3I. LEWIS', Agent., 'WANTED TO PURCHASE_ A. &cod hand sot of Blacksmith tools INQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE. mh7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A FINE MARE, WITH COLT, Blooded stocic, for tale, or will be exchanged for an easy riding tinnily horse. Inquire nt. the Globe oftico. re2o A LOT Or GROUND FOR SAz F_ A LOT OP GROUND fronting on Ridge road 60 feet, end running back toStono crook, adjoining lots: of Mich ael Thompson. Apply et the GLOBE office. feb2l. Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. Rome Extension Silver Xining Co., OF NEVADA. CAPITAL STOCK, - $500,000 Divided into 50,000 shares at $lO each. OH'F'IC.MIZS : PRESIDENT—IION. GEORGE P. FiS II ER, Judge of the Su preme Court, Washington, D. C.. VICE PRESIDENT—T. S. EMERY, Philadelphia. TREASURER—B.I3. lIARPER, Of Harper, Dinner Si Co., Baiiera, Philadelphia. Becnr.r.tny—LOUlS It. McDONOUGLI, Philadelphia. SUPERINTENDENT AT TUC MINES—D. S. CIIII.IDS, Mining Engineer, Austin, Nevada. 0114CE-110. LS South Third Slred,Philadelphia. Silver Mining Profitable That the business of Mining and reducing silver quartz is innitensely profitable, is dmply attested by the results which have accrued from the mines of Mexico, Peru, Ger many, and other silver-bearing countries, and that Silver lodes are remarkably rich, as well as numerous, in Neva da, we have the testimony of such eminent and disinter ested men as Bishop Simpson, Prof. SiHinton, prof Janice, lion. licence Greeley; Speaker Colfax and Senator Nye, who personally visited and inspected the mines, besides hundreds of other:individuals who aro now engaged in the business of mining in that State. Prof. Pilliman. whilst In Nevada, delivered a lecture in the city of Austin, duo- hag which be said: '•We cannot count upon the limo when mining, will cease to ho profitable in these hills I" 'Bishop Simpson, of the Methodist Church, in a lecture delivered in the city of New York, after his return from Nevada, said: '•{Vero the debt of our nation $20,000,000, thorn is wealth enough there, when our debt is paid off, to give to every soldier who returns from our battle-fields muskets of silver instead - of iron. s * * Ido outspeak HOW from idle speculation, but I speak of that wealth from observation and dual calculation. What Dividends may be Expected As to the amounts of dividends that may be reasonably expected from a Silver Mining Company, operating in Nevada, it may ho act down 813 ranging from 100 to 1000 per cent, per annum, according to the progress made in the mines, and the quantity of machinery at work. Harpers' Monthly Magazine for August contained an ar ticle on "Nevada," which, with reference to the profits of of silver mining, said: "If the mine he of even average value it can scarcely fail to returrofrom ten to 20 per cent. per month to the investor; and silver mines are nn like gold mines, in that they am inexhaustible, and may ho worktd for generations when once opened." A recent keno of the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, speaking on this subject, says : "The mining statistics of Nevada show us that whenever worked with proper ap pliances, and under judicious management, these mines have paid from 300 to 800 per cent. p.r nsunm spell the capital Invested." What other Companies are Doing There is not a single Company now in encintion with their own machinery in Nevada, as far ns we have learn ed, that Is not a complete success. All are returning not only large, but ENORMOUS Dividerds, and the prices of their shares have correspondingly advanced. For Instance, on March 2.1, the stocks of the older Companies were quoted in the city papers as follows: '•Gould 5 Curry. $050; Savage, $Ol5 • Chollar Potosi, 5305; Imperial,sll7; Crown Point, $1,010; Alpha, $2OO, Yellow Jacket, $.130." The original price of these stocks WAS less than sso—some of them only $l.O. And the Companies more recently or ganized aro not a whit less prosperous, but as far as pro grossed give every promise of an ultimate success even greaten• than that achieved by the Could & Corry, For example, the stock of the Halo & Norcross Company of Nevada, which n few months ago ass worth okay .510, is now quoted nt $1,150. 90, also, the Boston and Reese River Slicing Company, which commenced work only hut fall : its shares, though originally sold nt $lO, soon event up to $lO9, and on the Ist of March had advanced to 5200 - The Natural Conclusion. It may therefore be safely Asserted that no other enter prise, requiring the association of capital, offers so many inducements for investment. mith so little risk, as Silver Mining. Every Company Mal owns a ;nine, and mill hoz estly go to work urns DE A SVCCESSI 11 cannot possibly fieil. The only difference between companies at work will he in the o Mounts of their dividends. THE REVENUE EXTENSION SILVER MINING COMPANY Are the owners of NINETEEN (19) valuable LEDGES or MINES, amounting to 41,000 linear feet (the cider of which is the Revenue Extension Lead, one of the richest ever discovered in tnat district), all of which are:situated upon the celebrated Lander (till, near Austin, Nevada. The Hopkins' Tunnel, which commences at the foot of Lander Aliit , and wilt pierce the hill from Mao to side, running, at right angles with the Silver Trios and will cut in its course upward of one hundred and tiny mines this number Wing already located), is also the property nf this company. Work upon this tunnel is being push ed forward with energy, nod has already reached upward of three hundred feet. The Superintendent telegraphs front Austin, Nevada, under date of February 22, 1860, as follows, "At work on Revenue Extension Mine; ore taken out to-day assays d 457,45 to the ton. Work on Hopkins' Ton. net advanced 70 feet since last dispatch (February 2)." And again, under date of March sth, as follows: nßercipts inibullion 81,000. 'Funnel advanced 109 feet, Revenue shaft 20 feet." What Others Say about it The Philadelphia ant otcrefu/ Lie!, of nirch 3, contains a lott,r from ono of Ito correspondents, dated Austin, Ne vada, February 5, 1500, which says: "At the lower extremity of the city of Austin—quondam Clifton—where Pony Canon debouches into Reese River Valley, a project has been commenced, which, if carried out in accordance with tho plan of those who conceived the scheme, will prove one of the most magnificent works of the day, anti which cannot fail to handsomely reward those who push it to completion. I allude to the Hop kins' Tunnel. The Revenue Extension Mining Company, owning this Tunnel, kayo n series of ledges lying parallel with each other, located upon the hill, at the foot of which this work commences, and will cut at nearly a right angle each lode with which it comes ipp contact throughout its entire length, and they can be thlmbered by the score—the hill being literally seamed with them? As this great work progresses, vein after vein of the rock bearing the precious tnetal will be crossed, at a depth suf ficient lb render their working profitable, each in sneers. sion being, cut at a greater depth from the surface than the preceding ono, owing to the rising of the hill in which they are located. Upon these veins, niter they are crossed workmen can be engaged in extracting the area upon ei ther aide of the tunnel, without in any manner hindering its progress." The Success of the Company Certain It is thus apparent that the Revenue Extension Silver Mining Company have progressed to far in their opera• Lions that success is not only certain, but actually at the door. Before the close of the coming summer—perhaps by the mhidle—it will bo ranked amongst the DIVIDEND PAYING ceinpanies ' and its stock will, In rill probability, advance to $23, $5O, or perhaps oven $lOO per share.— Therefore, now is the time to invest. Only u small portion of the working capital yet remains unsold, and the Di-. rectors are anxious thatit should be disposed of immedi ately f iu order that there may be no delay in the prosecu- Hon of the work in hand. Hence this advertisement. Price of shares $lO. free of assessment. Certificates issued as soon as funds are received. Persons wishing to Invest, whether in largo or small amounts, may remit to or address 2. DAMPER, TREASURER, NO. 55 South Third Thresh, March2l-lm Philadelphia. ALBUMS ALB UMS. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO k:4IIAPII ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. J3EST BLEACHED MUSLIN always an hand at MYR/NG/LIM & CARMO.;rS. GROUND &LILA' AND SALINA SALT at CUNNING HA M & CA R.IIONS. A LL KINDS OF CRACKERS ALconstantly on band at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. ROOTS AND SHOES, of every va, iety at CUNNINGHAM A CAMMON'S. CAPPLTINGOFALLKINDS at CUirtiEWHAM 6 CARMON'S. A LL KINDS OF T O B A C jlorholeealo and retail. at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. PAPER ! PAPER!! Kato, Post, Commercial, Foolscap nod Flatcnp—st good nesortnieu t for sale by the roam, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK t STATIONERY STORE, ONTIILY TIME BOOKS, For nate at . . LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Ilf YOU WANT the BEST SYRUP go to CUNNINGHAM 5, °AMON'S. TIIE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH ViHARTON & MAGUIRE,. MACKEREL at CUNNINGHAM 4 CAR:IIOHW r Huntingdon, febxiiary 27, 2668, =SE WHARTON 8[ RAILROAD STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL IZEMEBEI Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, Unlit n The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers geaorally, is Invited to the fact that we are now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of - HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the Hines. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS, JaINERS, Ac., Ac., together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross- Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Bain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and 'Powder Cans Au oxcollout nssortrnent of 3E 1 13a.c. .4012.t10r3', Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS- • SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRIT TAN IA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns ; CONFANTLY ON RAND AND FOR SALE Al' MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find li general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Ilubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, IV/tips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &e. 13. 1 ER.A. ( 03EESIMX I MMIWIt Can be eupplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel • CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment a suporlor stock of PLANES, • AUGERS, • HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, lIINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, - PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties, BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. M -79 271 , 3L733:L0e , 'C1S Coo be r.ceommotiated with everything in their lino from a Grain Separator ton Whet-stone. - • 331,1_11el0x•s; Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, ItundelPs First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, • Hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, &c., &c., &C. Among the specialties of our House, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive rigli tto sell which Is rested in us. Send foi scimitar and get full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales or all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling hi ll, Wheelbarrow, Pori;, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal &ales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of . GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Evnr offered in this placo A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. • ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low Best Norway nail, rod, bar and hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGONsBOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, lly the barrel or gallon, at very low figures .40- A call is respsctrully solicited, tooling Ow& deist that our goods and prloos Wm not fall to Medical Electricity ! The Deaf may hear! the 'Blind seer and the Lame leap for Soy!' TAR. E. 0. PRUYN, graduate of one - .Al of the first medical colleges in the nnion,le. noted at Albany, and having had awexteneive sontherit practice, will for a few months treat diseases, - IN THIS PLACE. - - • lie feels certain that he can successfully treat the fol. lowing:: DEAFNESS',. • • • CURVATURE OP' THE SPINA RHEUMATISM', PALSY, DYSPEPSIA',,OkNSR; DISEASES OF TILE EYE, trvER, KIDNEYS AND'NFIfr VOUS BYSTESIt TO' THE LADIES I' Diseases so prevalent among females ettecessfully trees' ted without any of the disgusting expoenrea whloh. have been resorted to by some of the physlelane Id our large cities. Ladies, therefore, need have nohesitation con' suiting the Doctor. The public may be sure that there is no quackery. The' Doctor does not pretend to core everything, or raise tile' dead, but the diseases above mentioned, with.many Ot is• ere, tradable, Ito will cure. The Doctor may be consultednt JAOItBON'S fora few months. rat-Consultation free. Charges moderate.. Huntingdon, Hell 27, 1806. LUMBER. LUMBEFL LUMBER. - • THE undersigned has just received and is now ready to supply the public with ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL TEE DIFFERNNTORADES, From cuttings up to the clear etnN, From 9 months to 2 nears dry! • Also, PLASTERING LATH, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, • A BIIMDING STUFF ANIIPLIUM WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, DOORS, WINDOWTRAMES, SASHES, /cc • at reasonable prices, Now is the time to buy, before the Spring rush, ad Lumber Is already advancing, and dry lumber Is a scarce article. CHAS. H. ANDERSON, Iluntlngdon, Feb. 2i ,iSed • New Styles for '66 already on hand, THE LAMEST and THE BEST SPOOK OF NEW STYLES OF WALL PAPER Ever received in Iluntingdon i NOW OPEN And for sale at LEW& Book Store. • OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS, SATINS, BLANKS, BEOWNS of various styles, for Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Officat i Bed Rooms, Kitchens, Bar Rooms, &c. Paper is on the rise—save 20 per cent. by buying soon. It will pay all to buy nous for Spring-use SPECIAL NOTICE. rro . LA , Digs.--Do yen really. Intond to cease wearing the beautiful Myles new eo prevalent, or dress lees elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? One moment's calm reflection will surely serve to change your raah resolve. The angels had to ninth good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white; becalms they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can yen err in following the exampled Angels? Then having made up year minds that you will continue to dregs tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the Sub:mi. bow, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath, ere, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can here be suited In good 'Milo of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hata, Caps; Queens. ware and a general assortment of. Groceries, ones rea sonable terms mat any House in tome. Store on South• cant corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31,1665. FRANCIS New Furniture EstablishmenL J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Parnitaret,' Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to- ht. stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear of HeorgeW Swartz' Watch and Jewelry etore, where he manufacture. and loops all kinds of Furniture at reduced prime. Per sons .wishing ‘ to purchase, will do well to give him acall. Repairing of all kinds attend4d to promptly and chair. removable. _ 4ar Ala°, Thedertaking carried on, and Oottlna mede ft any style desired, at short notice. /X.-Funerals attended at any place laiown or Gawk )),b Huntingdon, o Sept. 24, 1802-tf X3Eg -4 2 - CbIIEY "%7VAL,M I De A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Bill Street, two doors wad of Lewis' Book Store, CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. nuntingaon, Oct 4015—M Lilac 37' es, OF ALL KINDS, JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK AND VARIETY• EVER ARM:REIT TO RENTIIiGDON. Ladle., tall and examiroir,at RESS BUTTONS a: TRIMMINGS, of the latest etyles, Belt Ribbon end Buckles, Ho. s ory, Glovee, Edgings, Frillinge, ,to., at B. E. HEART GO. XTEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RE calved at CUNNING AM & OARDIONT. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, compri aing everything tilie and desirable, such as Dread sass, silk mohair, and Irish Poplins, alpacas, Cassirtien , , coeurgs, MeriuOesi all wool French Delainea, aszony plaids, at El. E. HENRY CO. TTARD COAL.—A superior article j_of Hard Coal for mle M J. 9 8. E. lIENRY a CO. iti - ADBITP CLOTHING, BOOTS' & Mehoes, QueenOware, Cedar and Willow Ware, big ot stock In the country, at S. E. HENRY CO. (2 . 0 TO S. E. HENRY & for good Glottis, casehneres,satinottes, Tweeds, rdeuede ur Jesus, Velvet Cord, Ct. HENRY apo