The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 18, 1866, Image 2

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    Ely 6lobe.
W. Lewis, Editor' and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Wednesday morning, April 18, 1866.
Maj. Gen. John W. Geary,
Where they Differ.
It is to be laoped,now that Congress has
lost ono point and made one, that . the
unpleasant difficulties heretofore exis
ting between Congress and the Presi
dent will be brought to a happy ter
minus. There is only one way, in our
mind, in which this can be most effect
ually done. That is for _both to culti—
vate the spirit of harmony. We thought
in the beginning of the Congressional
session, when the topic in relation to
the negro was introduced that it would
finally cause dissatisfaction and a rup
ture somewhere—if not between Con
gress and the President, between Con
gress and the people. At tho close of
the war it was conceded that though
the freedmen were freed from the bonds
of slavery yet they could not exercise
the rights of citizens because they were
not qualified to do so. That they need
ed protection from the assaults of their
offended former masters was thought
necessary, and forthwith a Freedman's
Bureau was established for that pur
pose, and it was sustained by the
itary.. Under the Freedman's Bureau
the nogroes have not only been pro—
tected as far as possible, but proper at
tention has been given to their moral
and intellectual culture. They have
been improving in both these qualities,
but it cannot be said that they have
been improved so much as to guaran
tee unto thqm rights exercised by
white mert, at least not so far as those
which relate to . suffrage. Congress
belieies they are , entitled to suffrage,
while the President considers the gran
ting of that privilege as entirely too
premature. It is on this subject main
ly_ that the two departments of the
GOvernment now differ. The President
believes that the in-born prejudices of
Cab whites, both North and South, as a
class, against the colored race must be
removed alike with the constitutional
disqualifications of the freedmen. He
has intimated that negro suffrage would
lead to a war between the two races,
and we think every clear-minded man
of any foresight at all, will bear the
President oat in this_ assertion. Wo
have had,innumerable iiistances in the
past where the enmity of the whites
towards the blacks has been evinced,
attended sometimes with the loss of
blood and life. Now, we believe the
uncharitable feeling existing in the
breasts of the whites towards the blacks
should be removed. And it must be
removed by "moral suasion." Fre
quent conflicts at the polls between
the two races would never remove it,
unless in the utter annihilation of the
colored population. Indeed, we can
not see how the black man could poll
his veto after ho had the power to do
so.A few conflicts at the polls would
either intimidate or exasperate him,
and'in either event he would be the
loser—in the first through fear, and in
the' second perhaps by annihilation.
For the good of the negro, as well as
the good of the country we would
counsel patience on the part of the
Legislative Department Congress.
_Let them not be in such hot haste tp
dispense a right that will bring blood
shed and disaster. The negroes would
not be benefitted in the least by the
change at present.
We think Congress has gone far
enough by passing the Civil Rights bill;
for while the negro should have his
rights to protection in person and
property, yet they should not make
that the stepping stone to universal
suffrage, Which is their expressed in—
tention. We hope the universal suf
frage question will be dropped for the
present,. and left to the States north
and south to determine, and let Con
gress take up other subjects, more vital
to the interests of our people than that
of Suffrage to a class unprepared to
receive it.
been an established custom to sell
spirituous_ liquors in the Senate cham
ber. Notwithstanding the extent to
which . this pernicious custom had been
carried, and the evil it had entailed be•,
fore the sight of all the members, it
was not until Wednesday last that the
whole thing was exposed - by a motion
of Senator •Wilson." The resolution
called forth some debate, and only two
.were found to oppose it—Garrett Da
vis and James Dougall. These
gentlemen, it •is presumed, could not
forego the handy resort to the bottle
the dontentssf which they might need
to.-exeite.them to go through with
their harangues. The bill passed the
Senate. however notwithstanding their
objections; and* the same •resolution
was subsequently passed in the House.
The nation can rejoice in the belief
that such disgraceful debauches that
have .been so often witnessed in the
Chambers at Washington, will not be
of such frequent occurrence.
ADJOURNED.---The Legislature ad
journed on Thursday last. Previous
to,tho adjournimint of the Senate, Hon.
L. W. Hall was elected Speaker. Ho
will be Governor if Gov. Curtin should
die before a successor is elected.
Negro Suffrage—General Amnesty,
On Wednesday last, in the U. S. Sex
nate, Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, intro—
duced the following joint resolutions,
which were referred to the joint Com
mittee on Reconstruction. This mea
sure is being pressed upon the Presi-
dent by the radicals, and wo do not
expect harmony to exist between the
President and Congress so long as he
refuses to agree to terms proposed by
the radicals securing to the negro
equal political rights.
Tho resolutions aro as follows
Resolved, &c., That the following
article be proposed to the Legislatures
of the several States as an amendment
to the Constitution of the United
States, which, when ratified by three
fourths of said Legislatures, shall be
valid to all intents and purposes as a
part of said Constitution—viz:
ARTICLE —, Section 1. All diserimi.
nations among the people because of
race, color, or previous condition of
servitude, either in. civil rights or in
the right of suffrage, aro prohibited;
but the States may exempt persons
now voters from 'restrictions on suf
frage hereafter imposed.
Sec. 2. Obligations incurred in aid
of insurrection or of war against the
Union, and claims for compensation
for slaves emancipated, aro void, and
shall not be assumed nor paid by any
State or the United States.
Resolved, &c., That whenever any
one of the eleven States whose inhab
itants were lately in insurrection,
through a Legislature elected by a con
stituency restricted in the right of suf
frage only by such laws as existed in
such State in 1860, shall have ratified
the foregoing amendments to the Con
stitution of the United States, and
shall have modified its constitution and
laws in conformity therewith, then,
and it that - ease, such State shall be
recognized as having fully and validly
resumed its former relations with
this Government, and its chosen
representatives shall be admitted
into the two Rouses of the nation
al legislature; and• a general pm
nesty shall exist in regard to all per
sons in such State who were in any
way connected with armed opposition
to the Government of the United
States, wholly relieving them from all
pains, penalties or disabilities to which
they may have become liable by means
of their connection with the said in.
This is intended as a substitute for
the joint resolution introduced by Air.
Stewart for the amendment of the
From correspondent of Cho Press.]
Jefferson Davis.
As there is much speculation con
cerning Jefferson Davis, and as there
have recently been rumors .of process
being commenced to release him from
confinement without trial, it may be
stated that the Secretary of Par, in a
letter dated January 4th,says that Jeff.
Davis has not been arraigned upon any
indictment or formal charge of crime,
-but. ho hoc, boon indicted for- Um crimp
of high treason by the grand jury of
the District of Columbia, which indict
ment is now pending in the Supreme
Court of said district,
Efe is also charged with the crime
of inciting the assassination of Abra—
ham Lincoln, and with the murder of
Union prisoners of war by starvation
and other barbarous and cruel treat—
ment towards them. The President
deeining it expedient that Jeff. Davis
should first be put upon his trial before
a competent court and jury for the
crime of treason, he was advised by
the law-officer of the Government that
the most proper place for such a trial
was in the State of Virginia. That
State is within the judicial circuit as
signed to the Chief Justice of the Su—
preme Court, who has held no court
there since the apprehension of Davis,
and who declines, for an indefinite po
vied, to hold any court there.
The matters above stated are, so far
as I am informed, the reasons for hold
ing Jeff. Davis in confinement, and why
he has not been put upon his trial.
The Attorney General of the United
States about the same time expressed
himself against the doctrine of cons
struetive presence; giving the opinion
that Jeff. Davis and others of the insur:
gents ought to bo tried in some ono of
the States or districts in which they
in person respectively committed the
crimes with which they may be charg
ed. None of the judges of the Su
rreme Court have hold circuit courts
in these States and districts since ac
tual hostilities ceased; and ho adds,
when the courts are open and the laws
' can be peacefully administered and en
' forced in those States whose people re
belled against the Government, when
thus peace shall have come in fact and
in law, the persons now held in mili
tary custody as prisoners of war, and
who may not have been tried and con
victed for offences against the laws of
war, should be transferred into the
custody of the civil authorities of the
proper districts to bo tried for such
high crimes and misdemeanors as may
bo alleged against them. I think that
it is the duty of the President to cause
criminal prosecutions to be instituted
before the proper tribunals and at the
proper. times against some of those
who were mainly instrumental in in
augurating, and most conspicuous in
conducting, the late hostilities.
It will be recollected that the Pres—
ident in his annual message said that
strong objections had been urged to
holding those courts in any of the
States where the rebellion has existed;
and it was ascertained by inquiry that
the Circuit Court of the United States
would not be held in the district of
Virginia during the autumn or early
winter, nor until Congress should have
an opportunity to consider and act on
the whole subject. To the deliberation
of Congress, he added, the restoration
of this branch of the civil authority
was necessarily referred with the hope
that early provision would be made
for the resumption of all its functions,
in order that persons charged with the
commission of treason should have free
and impartial trials in the highest civ
il tribunals of the country. Congress
has not yet, however, passed any act
in accordance with this recommenda.
tion, and to remove the objections of
Chief Sustice Chase, and here the mat
ter for the present rests.
.It is supposed Ganther killed ail
the ,Deering family, in Philadelphia.
[From Oo New York Times.]
Congress and the President--A Poli
cy of Conciliation Necessary.
For the sake of the country and the,
honor and well being of the Repel)
can party, it is to be hoped that the
statements in circulation purporting
to indicate the plans and purposes of
divers members of either branch of
Congress have no foundation outside
the minds of their authors. If half of
them were true, there would he rea
sons for anticipating another revolution
as a not improbable contingency.
All these stories assume the oxis•
tenco of a fierce, implacable, continu ,
ous hostility between the . President
and the majority in Congress. They
impute to the President a disposition
to act the usurper, and to his antago
nists a modest and unambitious but'
firm determination to baffle him by
every means at their command. It is
taken for granted that he will practi
cally refuse to execute the provisions'
of the Civil rights bill, and impeach
is threatened as a consequence.
Preparations for a struggle are repro-
sented as already in progress—the
President relying upon the white sol
diors, while the negro troops are to be
employed against him. And Congress,
it is said, instead of adjourning, will
constitute itself a sort of permanent
Committee of Safety, whose prime
duty will be to thwart everything the
President may attempt to do, and car
ry out the views of its loaders with un
wavering firmness.
We look upon these statements as
the inventions of sensation mongers,
and as such, unworthy of serious spe
cific denial: The only circumstance
which invests them, or apy of them,
with importance sufficient to justify
notice, is their publication, with more
or less disguise, in the columns of jour
nals which strenuously support the
aims of Messrs. Stevens and Sumner.
Of course, we do not propose to make
these gentlemen responsible for the
sayings of newspapers over which they
cannot have direct control. But we
mention it, as a fact pregnant with
mischief, that the papers which are
trying to prejudice the President by
representing him as unmindful of his
duty, and which aro advocating his
impeachment to prevent the consum
mation of his policy, belong exclusive•
ly to the extreme portion of the press.
Now, whether in a party or nation
al sense, nothing can be more injuri
ous than adherence to the course thus
begun. The spirit it exhibits is fanat
ical, tyrannical, traitorous. It would
entail disgrace, disaster, destruction
upon the Union party. And it would
bring upon the country strife and suf
fering, if not a renewal of civil war.
Senator Lane, of Kansas, no doubt
greatly exaggerated when ho said that
"the Republican party is crumbling to
pieces." But there is just enough of
truth in the remark to commend it to
the careful consideration of every man
who regards the mission of that party
as yet unfulfilled. Under almost any
circumstances, a party cannot but suf.
fer from settled hostility to a PrOsident
elected in its name. The injury is
greater when, as in the case of Presi
dent Johnson, the charges Of inconsis
tency attach to a section in Congress
and not to the President. The ground
upon which he was elected ho occupies
still. His Cabinet advisers are the ad
visers selected by his predecessor. The
principles upon which the war was
conducted, the purpose for which it
was waged, have been, and to this day
aro, the principles and purpose of
his administration. When, therefore,
ho is assailed by extreme men, it is be
cause they drag into the party issues
of which the great body of its members
never dreamed, or give prominence to
views which the party, as a party,
never sanctioned; and in either event,
the party suffers. All talk of its
"crumbling to pieces" is premature.—
But that it has been seriously weaken
ed by the occurrences of the last four
months is undeniable; and equally cer
tain is it that the differences between
Congress and the President, if persis
ted and made wider, will result in the
"crumbling" of which the Kansas Sen
ator. has spoken.
• Other intei'ests, however, than those
of party ; demand the abatement of hos
tility, as towards the President, and
the adoption of a policy fitted ,to re
store peace and confidence to the coun
try. We may well be proud of the
manner in which the finances, the in
dustry, and the trade of the country.
passed through an ordeal that would
have entailed bankruptcy and distress
upon the richest nations of the Old
World. But we must not thence infer
that we may safely postpone attention
to the financial and industrial problems
which remain as the unadjusted lega
cies of the war. We have no desire to
play the part of alarmists. We think,
indeed, that in these problems, com
plicated and difficult though they be,
there is no danger which wise legisla
tion and prudent administration may
not materially mitigate. But our safety
depends upon vigilance,and tho prompt
application of the necessary chocks
and remedies; and these again call for
calm, non partisan effort on the floor
of Congress. In the absence of this all
interests are imperilled. Dulness be
gotten of uncertainty, and caution cul
minating in fear, are tho characteristics
of the great financial and mercantile
centres. Every day devoted to the
partisan struggle makes matters worse
Every fresh sign of bitterness, every
new token of difficulty, awakens ap
prehensions in the world of trade and
money, and strengthens the popular
feeling in favor of a conservative pol
• On every ground, then, the cultiva
tion of a conciliatory temper by Con•
gross is greatly to be desired. It is
expedient politically and nationally:
politically, if those who claim to he
Republicans would prevent tho Itopub•
Dean party from being weakened; na
tionally, if wo would repress sectional
ism, restore confidence to trade, and
lighten the burdenS under which in.
dustry suffers. No greater calamity
can happen than the development of
the distrust and discontent that must
follow a continuance of the struggle
now going on at Washington. There
must be moderation and forbearance
on all sides or there will be ruin.
Having earrie+ their point in regard
to the Civil Rights bill, will not the
majority in Congress now forego trials
of strength with the President, and use
their power to foster peace, and to
promote measures of which the indus
try and commerce of the country stand
in urgent need ?
Murder in Philadelphia.
PRILADELIIIIA, April 12.—One of the
most horrible bdtcheries of human be
ings—more atrocious in its terrible de-
tails than the Langfeldt or the Sku-,1
pinshi murder 4, which shocked the
community years ago—was made
known yesterday afternoon, between
two and three - o'Cloek. The location
of thiii horrible tragedy, or tragedies,
is on Jones' lane, west of the Green
wich point road, not far distant from
the Point, on the Delaware, in the first
ward. The victims of the murderer
are Christopher Deering, aged thirty
eight years; Julia, his wife, thirty-six
years; John Deering, son, eight years;
Thomas Deering, five years; Annie
Deering, four years; Emma Deering,
fourteen months; Miss Keating,
aged forty:six years. A lad, aged four
teen years, who lived with the family
and worked upon the farm, is missing.
It is supposed that ho was killed and
his body thrown into a deep well,
which will be thoroughly searched
this morning.
The dwelling house, a two story frame,
is located on Jones' lane, the barn and
stable being a short distance oft Mr.
Deering was a cattle dealer, and a quiet
unostentatious man. Ile attended
strictly to his own business, and thus
won the esteem of all who knew him.
Ho •occupied- the farm for five or six
years, having rented it from the own,
or, Mr. James Mitchell. Besides his
own family, ho had a hired man living
with him, a German ) whose name none
of the residents thereabouts could give.
Mr. Deering was last seen alive onßat•
urday morning;
at this time he pur
chased six pounds of beef in the Whar
ton market on Moyamensing avenue.
The body of the mother and those
of her four children were found in ono
corner of the barn, near a small out
house adjoining, which communicate
by a hole, through which the remains
of the victims wore brought to view.
It seems as though they were thrown
into ono heap, pelt moll, and then cov
ered over with dirt -and hay. These
unfortunates were terribly mangled
about their heads. It would seem that
a new, sharp and bloody axe, that was
found in the"rear of the dwelling, was
the weapon used by the heartless wretch
in committing the horrible crime of
murdey. A44,ot'ithent, seem to have
been struck on the left side of the fore
head, just above the eye, With the heel
of the axe, , then with the blade of the
murderous Welipiin the demon cut their
throats. Such a sight was apPallin,,n•
to the stoutest nerves. One of the lit
tle boys, the youngest, it is believed,
was so horribly cut that his head drop
ped off. The other boy, when discov'
ered, had his right arm crooked and
partly raised as though fending off the
blow that sent him into eternity. The
mother, it is supposed, was defen•
ding her baby from the attack of the
infuriated demon, when she was struck
down. The babe had received an aw
ful blow on the upper part of the
breast, near the shoulder, almost so,
vering ono of its arms, and also anoth
er, a sharp cut on the side of the head.
It is the-opinion of some, and it is
probably the most correct of the theo
ries expressed, that all this bloody
work was done on Saturday morning,
during the absence of Mr. Deering. •
His body, and that of Miss Keating,
his first cousin, were found alongside
of the barn, and not far distant from
the spot where the others were discov
ered. These bodies were covered over
with bay, and one of his feet partly
sticking out led to the discovery of
the horrible butchery.
A man at work fixing up some. fen-'
ces for Mr. Ware, a neighbor, had his
attention called, by a young man, to
the fact that the Cattle and horses of
Mr. Deering bad not been out of the
stable or barn for several days. He
saw them and fed them in the morn
ing. Both went to the spot, and on
making a close observation, a part of
a foot was discovered sticking out from
the hay. A further examination was
made, and the body of Mr. Deering
was ound, his head being. shockingly
mangled. His breast bone protruded
to such an ektont , that 'it was' driven
into his neck. It was a ghastly, sicken
ing sight. His gloves were found up
on his hands. Near his body were the
mingled remains of Miss Keating, his
cousin. She was also shockingly cut
about the head. We learn that she
had been attending the funeral of a re-
lative in New Jersey, and that on Sat
urday morning Mr. Deoring stopped
at a railroad depot to take her down
to his house. Her dress was deep
black, indicating that the work of this
part of the tragedy must have been
done as soon as the horse was driven
to the stables. The hat and boots of
Mr. Deering were missing. These
wbre probably taken by the murderer.
The wagon was alongside of the d wel
ling house. The horse was found in
the stall in the stable with the halter
on him. The animal, in the agony of
hunger, had almost hung himself.
Words aro wanting to give an adequate
description of the appalling scene; but
,from the above the reader can form a
pretty correct idea of its atrocity.
The body of Bari Cornelius Corry
was fOund under a hay stack. His
head was crushed with a hammer
and his throat cut. The clothes of the
supposed murderer were found, and
are stained with blood.
The Bulletin gives the following de
scription of the supposed assassin: He
is a German, named Anthony or An.
Wine, aged 28 or 30; height, 5 feet FL
inches, very muscular, light complex
ion, light hair, slight mustache and
goatee, pimples on his face, round
shouldered, walks slow, taking long
strides, speaks imperfect English. One
thousand dollars are offered for his ar•
rest by the Mayor.
PHILADELPHIA, April 13.—A man
was arrested at the corner of Twenty
third and Market streets, this fore.
noon,, who copfs to having coals
mined the murder of the Deering fam
ily. He states that he was assisted by
a companion, who ho has described
minutely to the: authorities. Search is
being made. for his accomplice. The
prisoner is now at the central police
The man arrested is named Antoine
Canto. Ho formerly belonged to the
Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry. The
prisoner states that on Saturday,about
12 o'clock, ho killed the boy, Cornelis
its Corry, while ho was on the hay
stack, but that another man, by the
name of Jacob 'Yonder, formerly of the
Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, killed
the rest of the family.
. -
Washington Topics and Gossip.
The Washington correspondent of
the Cincinnati Commercial, (writing
from the Johnson standpoint,) says:—
"Many will smile incredulously when
told that there are men here who seri
ously contemplate the impeachment of
the President, but a truer sentence
was never written. And it is ray im
pression that should the Radicals find
themselves strong enough in the Sen
ate to carry out this programme, the
attempt ,Will bo made within a month.
It is openly advocated by such men as
Ben. Butler, who said a few days ago,
in to what the impeachment
could be grounded upon, "Give us the
strength to carry it through the Sen
ate, and we'll show you. It will do to
commence on his failure to enforce the
confiscation act." Of course an attempt
to impeach the President would mark
the beginning of revolution and civil
war, that would end. no ono knows
Where. A majority in the House once
bent upon accomplishing his removal,
would soon And a pretext for his im
peachment. Upon the approval of the
articles of impeachment by this ma
jority, an order for his arrest would
be issued, and it would then remain to
be seen whether he would arrest Con
gress or Congress would arrest him.
So serious has this ;natter become that
several of Mr. Johnson's friends wai
ted on him yesterday to give him
authentic information that such a
stop was in contemplation. He lis
tened to all they had to say, admitted
that he believed it was true, but that
he did not believe be could do any
thing to prevent it if they were really
bent on it."
The President has issued the
following circular to heads of depart
ments, in reference to appointments to
It is eminently right and proper
that the government of the United
States should give earnest and substan
tial evidence of the just appreciation
of the services of the, patriotiepen who,
when tiro life of the nation was imper
iled, entered the army and navy to
preserve the integrity of the Union,
defend the government and maintain
and perpetuate unimpaired, its free in
It is therefore directed—First, That
in appointing to'office in the several
executive departments of the general
government, and the various branches
of the public service connected with
said departments, preferences shall be
given to such meritorious and honor
ably discharged soldiers and sailors,
particularly those who have been dis
abled by wounds received or diseases
contracted in the line of duty, as may
possess the proper qualifications.
Second, That in all promotions in
said departments, and the several bran.
cites of the public service conneelth
therewith, such persons shall h
preference, when equally eligible and
qualified, over those who have not
fhithfully and honorably served in the
land or naval forces of the United
A number of dilapidated politicians
are hero besieging the President daily
to give them office, and remove Res
publicans who do not sustain his poli.
cy. Notwithstanding all their asser
tions to the contrary, 'there is at
present no prospect of their success.
A roan maro sold in Philadelphia
last week for $7,250. Rise in' stock.
40,000 acres of land aro taken up
per month in Southwest Missouri.
DURING the past nineteen months
8951 men have been killed and 2579
wounded in the Mexican battles.
TIIE U. S. Senate passed the bill re ,
Unhorsing Pennsylvania to the amount
of $BOO,OOO, for losses sustained
during the rebellion raids.
GEN. Knipe has been nominated for
Post-master at Harrisburg, by tho
President, in place of George Bergner,
editor of the Telegraph, who has been
THE volored citizens of Washington
sent the — Senate by a deputation of col
ored ladies, a collection of splendid
bouquets—one for each Senator who
voted against the veto.
A NEW Orleans dispatch of tho 10th
says: Attacks with slung shots, shoot
ing and robberies, are of frequent oc
currence. Lunatics also roam around
the streets; and neither life nor proper.
ty of the citizens is safe.
THIRTEEN hundred regular troops
now constitute the entire garrison of
the Department of Florida. All mill.
tory Cistricts in the department of Ala.
bama have been discontinued
A horrible murder was committed
near Warsaw, Richmond Co., Va.• ' in
the morning of the third inst., by a
man named Julius Hall. Ho went into
the kitchen where a colored woman
and her three children were, and with
an7axe killed them all.
LIEUT. Gen. Grant was arrested in
Washington on Saturday for fast dri
ving. The General has taken a prom
inent part, wo believe, in numerous
other fast drives during the last five
years, and this is the first occasion we
have had to record of his having been
THE cholera is at last on the shores
of America. The steamer -England has
arrived at Halifax, having put in there
for medical aid, on account of having
the cholera on board. Out of twelve
hundred passengers two hundred cases
had occurred, forty of which had pro
iie'd fatal. The captain says that the
disease first made its appearance ofi .
Tuesday. It is supposed to have orig
inated among the German emigrants,
many of whom are on board. The ship
has been quarantined, and all commu
nication with her is interdicted.
HoN. Daniel S. Dickinson, United
States District Attorney, died Thurs
day at the residence of his son in law,
Mr. Courtney, No. 129 East Thirty
Four stiTet. On Monday Mr. Dickin
son was down town attending to busi
ness, but went home ill. His physi
cian pronounced it a severe attack of
hernia. At 3 o'clock yesterday he be:
came conscious of the fact that ho
could not live long. He spoke sans'.
bly and remained fully conscious till
half past eight last night, when sitting
up in bed, he died without a struggle.
He was 66 years of age. The last case
be attended to in connection with his
office, was that of the Meteor,
Letters of administration upon the estate of Sand.
AL btetrart, of Jackson township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons are requested to
make immediate - payment, and those having claims
against the same, to proaent thorn for settlement.
aplE6t* Administrator.
• Huntingdon, P., April 17. 1866.1
raE .A.NNUA.I, MEETING of th©
1_ Stockholders of said company will lei held on tho se
cond 'Tuesday and Ills day ot , AIN+ rest, for the election
of officers, and the transaction of such other business as
may bo brought boforo them.
J. ILANDOLPII 519113017,
noes for the "Soldier's Individual Memorial."--
Greater inducements offered than by any other publish
ers. Agents Love an entire monopoly in tho territory
assigned them, as there has been nothing of the kind yet
Introduced, Meets with universal approval, Is ornamen
tal, also a record of value to those who have served in our
country's defense, and to friends ofilecoased soldiers. For
circulars, du., addresi, enclosing stamp, B. C• BAKER,
Columbus, 0., Lock Dim 978. aplB.lm
D-Ono or two men, .for
- W A llunti T nk E don and vicinity, wbo: bare lost either an
arm or a leg, to sell Wadsworth's water proof Arnica heal
ing Plaster, the best and cheapest Court Plaster in the
market. From $5 to $lO per day can be made. Address,
with 25 cents for sample and full information, A. P. BBL-
C HER, Box. 45, Philadelphia. N. B.—All agents and ped
dlers would bud it to their interest to answer the above.
ter of Fancy floods, 250 Market street, Philadelphia,
Pa., is ono of the most ingenious and amusing articles Of
the kind we kayo ever seen. It is calculated to afford di.
version to old and young. Prico 30 cents for sot of six
numbers. Sent by mail to all parts of the country.—
PHILIP DILL, 259 Market dtreet,Philads. Ladies' Nee
dlo Book, containing 100 of the beet noodles, sent by moil
on receipt of 50 cents., lm•ap18
I will sell at private sale, tho following Neal F,state:
No. I. 'Rho FARM on which I now lira, called uitelle7
meado," lying in Morris township, Muntingdou county,
Pa., bounded by lamb of 11. Dridenbaugh, Hugh Seeds,
and others, contnining,,with the mountain tract, about .
362 ACRES,
This farm is prime limestone land, about 112 acres
cleared, well cultivated, ender good post and rail fence,
nod the balance finely timbered with white, red and rock
oak, and chestnut. It has a good stone and frame dwell.
ing house, bank barn, stone spring house, with a never
failing spring of the very best water, wagon shed, corn
crib, niElptilor buildings, three orchards of apples, peach
es and pears. Lies but a short distance from Spruce Creek.
No. 2. A tract 4)(50 Acres of doe Limostone land, In
Franklin immishiP, adjoining lands or D. Shultz, Union
Furnace, and the kittlo Jnniata, 20 acres cleared and in
clover; balance in Locust timber.
No, 3. A LOT OF GROUND, in Morris township, and
the whole of Sugar Island, opposite No. 2, containing
about 2 acres, adjoining land of It. 'limey.
Terms will bo made known by the enbscribor,
1866. 1866.
For Gentlemen's Clothing of the, best material, and made
is the host workmanlike manner, rail at
opposite Eno Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting ,
don, Po.
Huntingdon April 10, '66.
Which ho offers to all who want to he
His Stock consists of Ready-made Clothing for
Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut
clothing not found In the stock on hand, by /caving dhoti ,
measure they can he accommodated at short notice.
Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's
Which ho offers to the public
His stock consists of
Ins store is at the
Where ho will be pleased to receive and accommodate all
customers, LEOPOLD BLOOM.
Huntingdon, ap. 10,1066.
THE undersigned offers for the in
spection and purchase of customers a large and as
sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, to. He feels oaths•
Bed they can be accomodate& with anything in his lino.
His prices are low, sad Lis stock fresh and good. He
keeps the beat of
HATS & CAPS, &o:
And NO TIO NS of every kind.
A select stock of DRY GOOD 3, together with MEM
WARE, and all other articles kept in a well regulated
establishment for sale at reasonable prices.
./3- His store is on 11111 street, nearly opposite the
Bank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Orate.
Call anal examine. Z. YENTBR.
Huntingdon, ap. 10, 1866
-a tie f
CIO oak
.„ . tl7l 1. 0
Li. tem stock of Wm. Colon, we now offer to the public
at reasonable prices our immense stock of
Also, Latest Styles of
MAGAZINES, and Daily and Weekly Papers constant
ly on band.
tmOrders from abroad promptly attended to.
Huntingdon, kfay3,lBll3-1y
By the box, pack, or leas quantity, for sale at
SE. HENRY &, CO. soli nil kinds
• or Iron, sheet iron, hoop iron, steel, nails, horse
shoes, stoves nod a Tar lety of hollow score.
Wilms /us, by an act of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to
amend en act directing the made of setting unseated lauds
for lazes and other pwrosee," passed 13th March, 1815,
and the other acts upon the subject, the Treasurers of the
several counties within this Commonwealth are directed
to commence on the 2d Monday in June, in the year 1818 q
and nt the expiration of every two years thereafter, and
adjourn from day to day, if it be necessary to do so, and
make public sale of the whole or any part of such tract
of unseated land, Meats In the proper county, as will
pay ,the
arrearages of the taxes .which shall ham then
remained doe or unpaid for the space of one year Wore,.
together with all Costs necessarily - accruing by reason of
such delinquency, &c. Therefore, I, T. W tdYTON, Treasu
rer of the county of Huntingdon,' do hereby give notice
that upon the following tracts of unseated land, situate
as hereinafter described, the several sums stated aro the
arrearages of taxes, respectivoty, duo and unpaid for one
year, and that in pursuance of the direction of the afore
said Act of Assembly, I shall, on MONDAY, THE 11TH
DAY OF JUNE NEXT, at the Court Ilouse, in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, commence the Public Pale of the.
whole or any part of such tracts of unseated land, upon
which all or any part of the taxes heroin specified shall
then be duo; and continuo such sale by adjournment un
til all the trade upoit which the taxes shall remain due
and unpaid, shall be sold.
• T. W. MYTON,
Trau. of sunt. ak ,
Treasurer's Mee, April 9,1868.
Amount of Taxes due and unpaid on the following Tracts
of Mutated Lands, up to and including thy year 1804:
Warrontees or Owners. • , Acres. Perches. Tax
Barret Tobnyship. •
Mosos Vanoost, .437 37 13
John B. Morrison, 4OO 12 80
Joseph Webb,
Andrew. Bell,
William 'Watson,
Christian Kauffman,
Daniel King, -
Clemens Heirs, 57
John Howard, 8
John Howard, 4 lots in -
New Grenada,
Henry Rhodos,
Cook & Elder, now Scholl & Bowman, 133
John Singer, 438
William Mowan, - 418
Graffus Miller, , 80
Samuel Snare, - 3 0
Henry Miller, 12
Jonathan Pew or Pugh, 100
Daniel Newcomer, 100
John P. Baker, 150
A. S. Russell, 78
Joseph N. Spangler, 100
Joseph N. Spangler, • 349
William Shoar, 4-39
Philip Wager, 333
Edward Nash, . 209
John Nash,, 289 1
Robert Miller, 400
William Miller, 400
Neal Clark, 157 -
Abraham Green,
Isaac Green,
John Green;
Joshua Cole,
Geoige Green,
Thomas Green, sr.,
John Evans,
Alexander McKeehan,
Charles Bayles,
John Smith,
G. Stevenson,
John Jourden,
Samuel Galbraith,
Joseph Galbraith,
John Galbraith,
Ilarrlet Glasgow, -
James McMullen,
John Forrest,
James Old,
John Palmer,
Janice McClellan,
David Caldwell,.
Peter Herring,
Conrad Herring,
David Sheffer,
Sarah Levi,
Margaret Levi or Mary Levi,
Adam Levi,
Abraham Levi,
Hannah Herring,
Frederick Herring,
Henry Bates,
Samuel Davis,
Conrad Bates,
Leonard lieekemlo,
Benjamin Shoemaker,
Isaac %Vampler,
Peter Wilson,
Joseph Miller,
W. Barrack,
Andrew Boyd,
George ' or Robert Grazier,
Adam Striker, •
John Brown,
William Johnston,
Robert Johnston,
Charles Caldwell,
Henry Canon,
John Adams,
John Russell,
James West,
William Steel,
Matthew SimpsOn,
James McCune,
Samuel Steel,
James Fulton,
John Jackson,
John Light,
James Whitehead,
John Whitehead,
Wm. E. Zeigler,
IleWright B Wharton,
.7neoph Miller,
William Smith, D. D.,
William Smith, D. D.,
Benjamin K. Noir,
William Smith,
Saha N. Swoop° SI Co,
44 g
Peter Wertz,
Janice Caldwell,
Benjamin Brown, -
Samuel Kennedy,
Daniel Rindle,
William & John Patterson,
Stacey Young,
George Monts,
Brice X. Blair,
Simon Potter,
John Penso,
Adam Clow, •
George Truman,
Taylor's heirs,
Speer Jr Martin,
Eliel Smith,
Benjamin Bush,
Philip Strife,
Jonathan Jones,
Owen Jones,
Thomas Denton,
Stephen Mowan,
Diehard !Bowan,
Thomas Mt wan,
Francis Mowan,
Bobort Irwin,
James Niter,
James Mowan,
Isaac Mowan,
Arthur Fear
John Bell,
Kobert 8011,
lhomns Bell,
John SOIL, •
John Brewater,
Smile/ Ca ldwell,
John Ker's estate,
John Patton,
George Ontriait,
Jacob Myers, •
Samuel Findley,
lingh LOurieh,
Rudolph Laurie",
William Brackett.
Philip Sickle,
Cad ralader Enrol,
George Bingham,
Tlpmas Ewing,
ALSO—no following real estate upon which personal
property cannot be found sufficient to pay the taxes re.
turned by the several collectors, is charged with the taxes
thereon assessed for the years 1881 and 1862 and will • be
sold as unseated lands in pursuance of the directions of
the fortytlrot section of the act of assembly entitled "an
set to redoce the State debt and to incorporate the Rena.
aylvania Canal and Railroad Company" approved tbo 20th
of April, 1844:
A. P.'VViDion,
T. ilßeamar,
IR ice X. Blair,
Edward Horton,
Job Iklan
EL A. Andrews,
William Settle,
W. O. Reamer, 3 lots in Coalmont,
E. 0. Reamer, 4 0
My. •
James Kelley,.
C.C. Stonesffer, 1 recant lot,
Shoenbergor's 10. Shaffer,
estate M. Sha ff er,
or J. Herring,
Mrs. Mete,
Lytle. Elder,
David Mountain's estate,
L. T. Watson,
David Caldwell, 2 lots in Xforint Union,
J. R. Flanngan,
Thomas G. Stapleton,
Tbotnne Bell
54 2 6/
an 44 13 og.
43 33 203
425 /0 20
33 1 04
2 DO
2 02
4 33.
4 30,
12 70
/5 GO
5 00
0 97
7 86
9 OS
10 44
12 09
7 95
9 09
3 82
3 72
3 T 4
2 31)
3 97
3 80
3 87
2 60
2 7
1 6
1 28
1 28
1 15
1 21
1 i 1
3 TO
11 30
',.. 400
17 10
11 40
23 91
20 00
12 77
10 71
16 96
1 9 4
1 92
1 90
7 07
4 08
3 10
8 00
8 00
26 85
8 30
28 00
4 02
30 5
38 97
44 37
16 81
400 1174
193 10 42
200 360
40 2:58
9 17
146 626
21 47
172 668
70 3 80
105 1 9d
206 3 66
206 . 3 86
90 168
100 5 62
90 I 80
00 _ 60
10 26
80 8 05
BB 2.67
201 4 30