Clje 6tobt, HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, April 4,1866. LOCAL, & PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise r& - We call attention to the change of markets in this paper. tm,,,The Brass Band of this place has rented Bricker's hall, and . will continuo practising twice a week. bIELThe total eclipse of the moon did come off cn Friday night as astro• nomists foretold Total darkness pre vailed for two hours. Vie There will be preaching in the St John's Episcopal Church, this plaCe, on next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, afternoon at 3i. itts_The smash up of freight cars at Mill Creek was the resultof negligence of duty on the part of switch tender, and not the telegraph operator. U=IM Most of our mercbants have been east and are now ready to supply cur ; tomers at reduced prices. -The bustle and excitement of the flitting time is t ,now everywhere visible. More moving is being done in town than for many a year. Some families are left bouseless, and are obliged to board. Eire at Hopewell. A fire occurred at Hopewell on the 27th inst. A large stable belonging to Messrs. Lowry, Eichelberger & Cu., was burned down, consuming a largo lot of hay and corn. Loss about 82200; covered by insurance. I= The steam mill in West - Huntingdon is almost ready to commence opera tions. The mill will be no failure any longer. Mr. McCallan deserves the thanks of this whole community and Huntingdon county for supplying a want all have seriously felt. MIMI A man named Alexander Dysart., living in Sinking Valley, Blair county. committed suicide one day last week by shooting himself with a rifle• Mr. Dysart was a good citizen, well situa. ted in life, And no reason is given for his mysterious conduct. lie was aged fifty years, and was a bachelor. 13MMI Court commences on Monday next. We hear that numerous cases of a criminal nature will come up. Among other eases to be disposed will be some in relation to the granting of license and violations of the liquor law. The temperance men seem determined to lessen the evils of intemperance in ev ery just manner possible. Temperance Lodge There was a temperance lodge of Good Templars organized at Bloody Run on Friday evening last. Twenty applicants were initiated, and this number embraces some of the most influential men of that village. The lodge will meet on Friday evening of each week. Niotals—The Change■ Mr; Geo. Long, occupies the Frank. lin this week. Mr. Jas. Fleming, the Farmers. Mr. A. Jacobs, the National. Mr. Snell has occupied the Jackson for some weeks, and the Messrs. Fees the Exchange. We have no doubt the proprietors of all the houses will try to make all who give them a call feel comfortable and at home. =! March S; Bro. are filling in a large stock of goods at their room, known as :Bricker's.building. .Jas. A. Brown has removed to his :magnificent now store room a few doors above us. A new Grocery, Provision and Peed Store will be opened next week in the room adjoining Lewis' Book Store. Sudden Death Mr. Samuel Stewart, a resident of Ennisville, this county, while walking about his barn, on Thursday morning last, suddenly fell to the ground a corpse. He was in usual health up to the time of the octurrence. Ho was in middle ago, a noble citizen, and an ex emplary Christian. Ile leaves a wife and six or seven children. Fire at Coffee Umt. The entire building belonging to Simon Cohn, at Coffee Run station, with all its contents, was destroyed by fire on Saturday evening last. The building contained a store, warehouse and also the telegraph office. Mr. cohn's loss was heavy; but is partially covered by insurance. It is not known how the 4rp originated. County Convention Tuesday next is the day set apart for the . County Convention, in which will be determined the policy of adop Ling or rejecting the Crawford county system. A full attendance of del° , gates is expected and necessary, as the voice of the people is to be heard on this subject. We think the general desire is to better the old system in ornewn Those of our readers who have money to spare, aro advised to read the advertisement of the Revenue Ex tension Silver Mining Company. We are assurred that the statements made in the advertisement in regard to the company are true, and as for the sup position that the stock will, in all pro. bability, advance double, treble, quad ruple, or even sextuple its present price, that, in view of present pros pects, is by no means unreasonable. Other companies, with not half the chances at the start have accomplished even more. Nor do we kno.w of a sin gle company that has machinery out or on the way, which is not consider ed by those who are acquainted with the business as sure to pay, if honestly managed. The risk of mismanage ment must be borne in such invest ments—they cannot be avoided—but that is a matter that can be remedied Beyond thiit, however, we do not be lieve there is a single doubt of success in any company which has or will have reduction and amalgamating works in Nevada irIENNSY.T. - ittni VANIA IL ROAD OF LEAVING 0 VTRAINS ARRANd ;..11E1VT. SPRIA =NM >- -- ~ J- " 57.•->•- •,.. • v -c. , kE STAIIO:\ i A. 11.1 IN. Hamilton, Mt. Union,... Mapleton,..... Mill Creek,- 6 19 Huntingdon, .....fretersburg,... I horror, a 50ISpruceCrcel., !Birmingham, 7 15:Tyrona, ... dTipton, Fostoria, Dell's Mills,. 7 511 Altoona,. A. ff. _ P. r 7 , 1 11 62 112 03 12 17 8 12 12 441 1 00 1 20 1 32 1 63 0 01 2 05 ... 2 24 2 33 9 30 3 00 The PUILADELPRIA EXPRESS East Altoona at 9 33 P. 11., and arrives at Hu 10 56 P. M. FAST LINE Eastward leaven Altoo and arrives at Huntingdon at 4 34 A. 3 The A. M ., EXPRESS Westw, pion nt 7 21 A. M., and arrives at . The Monti 8 a 0 A Tho FAST LINE 'Westward, leaves 11u S 12 P. M. and arrives at Altoona at 9 30 P. April 1:1850. I= Many of our citizens know Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins. She has lived in this town and neighborhood for many years, and during her sojourn here she was in very destitute circumstance, having been obliged to live with her friends, and assisting them as a return for their kindness, as well as lay in her power. She was well off in her first wedded years, and lived splendidly, but from some domestic troubleovas reduced to want, the proverb having been thus exemplified in her case, that "riches soon take to themselves wings." She has, however, learned from Eng land, where she was born, that a rich relative has bequeathed to he• the sum of 1100 lbs. sterling, making about $5OOO. Arrangements have been com. pleted by which she will get this mon: ey, which to her is truly a Godsend. The Morrison. House The large stone building opposite the Pa. R. R. Depot, in this place, is being handsomely fitted up by Mr- Joseph Morrison, as a first class Hotel for the accommodation of pleasure seek ers and visitors who "don't care for expense." During the summer espe cially our town has been wanting in proper accommodations for a certain &ass of visitors. Such visitors we think can be accommodated the coming sum mer. The House will be opened ins the course of a week or two, and we predict for it a good run, as everybody knows that Morrison knows how to keep a Hotel. There will be no bar connected to the House. Resigned Our young and. intelligent friend Jas. L. Glazier, resigned on Monday last, his position as General Agent of the Broad Top road. Jim has been in the employ of the road for six years, during which time be has by his obli• ging demeanor and active business management gained the confidence and good will of his employers and advanced steadily upward from the lowest position., He has decided to do business is operator in the Hiddlcsburg collieries. We wish him success, and feel certain that his energies will not lag in whatever position he is placed'. Borougit The election on Wednesday went off quietly. There was no party contest. The question of paying unpaid bounty was determined in the negative-152 against and 75 for. The burgess and council ticket to which there was no opposition, was 7,0 f course elected : Burgess, Henry Glazier; Town Coun cil, David Black, W. F. Johnston and 11. G. Fisher. High Constable W. H. King. CHANGE IN THE CABINET.-A Wash, inton dispatch states that a number of Republican Congressmen called on the President on Friday night to urge up on hhn the necessity or a change in the Cabinet, The Cabinet appears to •be about equally divided for and against the President's policy. It is quite likely that there soon will be three or four resignations or removals. —llorse-bills neatly printed at this office. Bring in your orders. MARRIED, On the 20th ult., by Rev. J. W. Love, Mr. Jowl MILLER to Miss MAR THA GARNER, both of Canoe valley Mint,. county Pa. On the 20th ult., by Rev. D. J. Beale, D. E. KEPNER, Of LaCk townsbip,Juni ata Miss LILA SILVERTHORN, of Huntingdou county Pa. At Tyrone Forges, March 8, ISO 6, by Samuel Jones, J.WILmAm H. BENSON, SARAH' _HARDY, both of Huntingdon county, Pa. Tribute of Re.pect WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God to remove suddenly from our midst, brother C. W. Hardy, a member of McClain Lodge, I. 0. G. T. And Whereas, the deceased was an efficient member of:the Lodge from its infancy, and was zealoiAy devoted to the into• rests of the Order, therefore be it Resolved, That while we deeply mourn the loss sustained by this mys terious providence, we bow with hum ble submission' to Him who doeth all things well. Resolved, That by the death of our brother the cause of Temperance has lost one of its most earnest advocates, the church a benevolent and useful member, the community a kind and charitable citizen. Resolved, That in this afflictive dis— pensation, the bereaved wife and friends have our warmest sympathies, and though we mutually mourn over oar loss, we have consolation in know ing-that our brother was an humble follower of Christ, and maintained his Christian integrity to the close of life. Resolved, That wo wear the usual badge of mourning and drape the hall for the period of thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions be presented to the wife of the deceased, and ono also to the coun ty papers for publication. NANNIE I. MUSSER, MILES IRVIN, W. S. SMITH, Co»mittee. McAlevy's Fort, March 31. 1866. EAST BARD o I ;•4 1 Revenue Extension Silver Mining Co. We call special attention to adver tisement of this company in another column. Read it. lin. Exempts The following parsons are exempt from military duty according to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly. approved 4th May, 1861; SECTION 1. Persons enlisted into volunteer companies; persons exempt by the following sections; idiots, lunatics, common drunkards, vagabonds, pauper; and persons convicted of any infamous crimes. SECTION 9. The members of the Legisla ture, and the officers thereof, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Surveyor General, Auditor Gene ral, State Librarian, Superintendent of Com mon Schools, and all the Judges of the. Courts of this Commonwealth, Sheriff, Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, Prothonotary, Dis trict Attorney, and Clerks of the Courts of this Commonwealth. tlnni, loaves utingdon at !MED card. leaves kltoon at ingdon ut 11. Every non-commissioned officer, musician, and private, of every uniformed troop raised, who has, or shall hereafter uniform himself, according to the provisions of any law of this State, and who shall have peffurrned service in such company, or troop, for the space of seven consecutive years, in netive service, from the time of his enrolment therein, shall be exempt from military duty, except in case of war, insurrection or invasion. SPECIAL NOTICES A Now CexrcatoN.—Ccorge Miller & Sons, No. 610 Market street, Philadelphia, recently introduced a new candy of rare lusciousness, solidi already commands a largo rale. It is called Ice Cream Candy, nod, with all the different flavors of that delicious article, is put up in neat paper packages . , to be retailed at 10 cents each. Try it, country dealers. It sells like hot cause everywhere . Orders, large or small, prcmptly fii-Envstsoen Br:OTHERS, Newspaper Adref thing and General Purchasing Agents, No. 400 Chestnut at., Phila delphia, aro auttiorizott to receive advertisements and subscriptions for this paper. Anything that cannot ba got at home, from a photo graph to a piano, can be procured from the city, through these agents, at the lowest price, their commission coming off the sellers. Country merchants, no well Its citizens generally, will find this agency a great convenience. All letters of inquiry, with stamp enclosed, aro promptly an swered. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CA— TARRH, treated with tit, ut moat meccas. by .1. i.,AACS, M. D., Oculist and Anrist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) N 0.519 PIN It street, PHILADA. Testimonials front the meat reliable sources in the city and country, can be seen at his allies. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients. as he has no .secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— NI/ charge for examination. nth= Stinly (14(in A MONlll!—Agents wanted tPsell kj for six entirely now nrtleles, just out. Ad dress 0. 0 ARLY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. Dec.2ol9o3—ly PHIL A DEL PHIA MARKETS. April, 2. Family Flom ..,.. . tu 25 Extra Flour 00,00 tiuperfino Flour 50,50 Bye Flour 5, 1 75 Corn Meal . 03 71 Extra White Wheal, 50 4000 70 Fair and Primo lied 0' 3762,40 liye , ill Corn, prime Yellow Oats • '0 , Burley 70 Cloverileed, V. 64 Ms 5a,b7.,, Timothy 5350 Fla/cared, 52.75 Wool G 0,4,70 Ilidus 13 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY S. E. HENRY .t. CO. waoLEsALS Praccs. Superfine Flour 11 bl 57,00 Extra Flour 00 00 Family Flour • ~9,,:5 White Wheat Family $0.76 Corn Meal 11 cwt 51,00 Buckwheat Meal "•t;. toot 55.00 Bed Wheat $1,93 @, 2,00 White Wheat $" 00 . io 2,05 Corn (5 to 70 Oats 40 Barley 00 Cloverseed 1.104 lbs - $l,OO ii:u 500 Timothy - $2.75 to 3,00 Flaxseed 52,00 to 2,05 Bye Chop 11 owl $l,OO Bran 11 ewt SI,OO Shorts 11 cwt $1,40 Mixed Chop Plaster per tou 51,0,00 Beeswax "il lb "0 Bops 111 b 40 to 00 Rags 1.1 lb 4 Dorms '.5 but 02.00 FeAthe re II 111 35 to 75 10101%," 10 to 12 Dried Apples i,.5, Ili ............ ...... ..... ...... ....... ...13 to 10 Dried reaches 13 lb —.lB to 20 hunt sides '7 Shoulder 15 Dried Beef . Lard . 18 Butter 40 Eggs ''il Country Soap 10 II ay "rs, ton 510,00 Bye Straw ? bundle S Potatoes"i•-,1 tins $1,20 Apple Butt or 13 gallon 51,25 Wool "e, lb 90 to 115 • Large Onions 11 bus 51,40 Small Onions 11 quart 15 Corn Broome it doe 53,00 to 4, 0 Chickens "0 to 25 Turkeys 76 to 1.50 Dried Cherries $1 quart. 12 Medical Electricity ! The Deaf may hear! the Blind see! and the Lame leap for Joy ! TIM E. C. PRUYN, graduate of one of the first medical colleges . In the unlon, lo cated at Albany, and having lied an extensive a nttltern practice, will for a few months treat diseases, Ho feels certain that he can successfully treat the fol lowing: DEAFNESS, CURV kTURE OF TILE SPINE, .. • - RHEUMATISM, PALSY, ' • DYSPEPSIA, CANOES, DISEASES OF THE EYE, LIVES., KIDNEYS AND N VOUS SYSTEM. TO THE LADIES ! Diseases Co prevalent among females snecessfally loca ted without any of the disgusting exposures which have been resorted to by SUMO of the physicians in our largo cities. Imdies , therefore, need have no hesitation in con salting the Doctor. The public may ho sure that there is no quackery. The Doctor does not pretend to cure everything, or raise the dead, but the diseases above mentioned, with many oth yea, treatable, ho will cure. The Doctor racy be consult.' at JACKSON'S ROTEL for a few months. Are"Conzllttklinn (roe. (Thr..rgaAn,.. , !, , ,rP. .Huntingetnn, Nieh 116 E I= Q.HERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of - "sundry write of Venditiord. Ex. tome directed, I will eXpo:ie to public Pale or outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of liiintlugdon, ON MONDAY, 9rE DAY of APRIL. A. D 1.900, at too o'clock, P. N., the following described property to wit One hundred and ten acres of land, more' or less, in JllCkarill township, adjoining lands or James Gaits on the south, Oreonwool Furnace lands on the cost, north and west, with a frame house and born, and other outbuildings. About twenty-five acres cleared upon the above described form. Prized, token in'execution, and to be sold os tho proper ty of Samuel Shodle. Also—All the right, title and inter t of the defendant In a farm, tract or parcel of land In Henderson tovaiship, ruljninin , lands of Elition Bales on the east, Mowlortf orrtho soutlOanr3 Ilntchia• on and David Thompson on the west, and George 1•. Hetrick on the north, containing 123 acres, more or less, being the some land which the defendant purchased from Samuel Hess by deed dated let April, 1121, having a log house, lon barn and other improvements. Seize I, Lotion in execution. and to be sold as the property of Charles Myers. • Also—The undivided half part of a tract of land situate In Henderson township, on Stone Creek ridge, surveyed In the name of John McClellan; adjoins lands late or William Sinkers heirs, lands late of Janie, C w ip, Esg ., containing 165 acres, more or less, about 10 acme cleared thereon, the residue being timber lend chiefly white pine; no buildings thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold no the property of J:l9. Steel, Erg. NOTICE TO lICECRASERS.—IIidaerg at Sheriff's Sales will take notice that immediately upon the property being hnoclted down, fifty par cent. of all bids under $lOO. a n d twenty-five per cent. of all bide over that eau, must ho paid to the Sheriff, or the property will be net up again and sold to other bidders who will Comply with the above terms. If court eontinne3 two weeks deed acknowledged on Wcdneeday of =cooed week. Ono week'a court, property knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on the following ;:aturday JAS. F. BATIIURST, SherltT. SiTznlrr's OFT 1366. - 'N . t4T OTICE Notico is hereby given that the following named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session,. praying the said Court to grant them license to keep inns or taverns in their respective boroughs, township and villages In the county of Him. tingdon, and that said petitions will ho presented to the haid Court on Monday, the 11th day- of 'APRIL next, tOr consideration, &e., when and where all persons inter ested can attend if they think proper, viz: John Kurtz, Alexandria. Martin NICOra, Barnet. James Gleason, " John Burns, Michael McCabe, Henry COOIC, Broad Top city. W. T. Pearson, " David Lewis, Can ion township. John D. Rosin, Cassvillo. Daniel J. Logan, Cookstown. John 11. Harbert, Coalmont. ' Thomas If. Fagan. " Thomas Marlin, Dudley. William Ryan ' Jesse Musser, Green Tree. A. A. Jacobs, Halal ngdo•i. Henry bluster, George Thomas, J. Jackson Fee, Christopher Snell, " • Valentino Brown, " George Long, James Fleming, Samuel Fleming, Manor Hill. George W. Sunderland, Mapleton. John S. Weston, :lamb Gilbaugh, Marklesburg. ThOOM3 Mclinrrey, Mill Creek. George N. Simpson. • S. Bryson Shaver, Mount Union. John U. Stewart, James C. Smiley, Jacob Little, MeAlavey's Fort. William Johnston, McConnellstown, - Wa,liing , on Lang, Abraham Carothers, Orldsonia; John IF. Me3lollen, John Houck, Petersburg. • Augustus Letterman, " .Tabob II:111111111i, Saulsburg. William S. Thompson, Shade Gap. . Perry Harris, Shirleysburg. B. F. Hash tt, Spruce Creek. Alexander Seeds. Samuel Steftby, S teffeysvillo. Janes leery Chamberlain, Watorstreet. 'William Dell, Wilsontown. W. 11. Harper, yle {levy's Fort, to rotail by the quart Alexander Biker, Birmingham. WM. C. WAGONEIS, Clerk. Prothonotary's Office, Marco 21, 1565. l , 1 ..,0 is licrcoy given to all penions ed that the following Inventories of the 'widows, under the provisions or tne Act of tttl, of April, A. D 1551, have been filed in the ollice 01 the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntin4don county and will be presented for "approval by the Court" on Monday, the 9th of APRIL, A. D. 1806. I. The Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels olcicle were of Shaun Gratz, late of Cronin ell tp., deceased, set apart to his widow Labella ti rate. 2. The Inventory and appraisment of tho goods and chattels which were adult') Irvin, Into of Jackson twp., deceased, set apart to his widow Elisabeth Irvin, under the act of Assembly of 1851. 3. The Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels set apart to the widow of Daniel Montague, late of Cromwell top., deceased. 4. The inventory and appraisemoent of the goods and chattels set apart to the widow of Jacob Fink, late of Pen town , ddp, deceased. 5. The Inventory and appraisentont or the goods and chattels, rot apart to tho widow of Jacob Snyder, Into of Porter tar, ~ deceased. 6. The Inventory and appraisernent of the nod chattels taken by the widow of John Donahhon, late of Dion twp., deceased. 7. The Invontory and appralsoment of the goods and ChattelB eat apart to the Widow of Patrick Moot cs late of Warrrersmark tp , deceased. 8. Inventory and appraisemeut of the goods and chat tels, set apart to the widow' of John lus,elring, Into of Clay top. dece..s..l. 9 'rho Inventory and apprakenient of the goods and chat tels Oct apart to the widow of Jacob Crotsley, late of Cass township 10 lavatory and apptnisentent of the grads and chat, lets, set apart to the widow of George Russell, bite of Hope well township, deceasud. 11 Inventory and uppreisement of the goods and chat. tels set apart to the widow of George Treaster, Into of Jackson township, deceased. DANIEL W. WOMELSDOIIP, Inch. 13, ISCO. • Clerk. EG [STEWS NOTICE.- RA, N.tice is hereby given, to all persons interested that the following named persons . bare settled their no counts in the .ilegistur's Mee, at Ilunt:ngdon, and that Alto said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to to bridal Huntingdon, is and for the county Of Huntingdon, on Monday the 9th day of APRIL next, (VGG,) to wit: I. Administration account of Samuel borer, Adminis• trator of Jacob Rorer, deed., as filed by Abraham borer and 9nmi. Bowman, administrators of Faint. bore•, decd. 2. Guardianship account of John P. Hoover, guardian of Martin 11. Brumbaugh, (now deceased,) Mt. was a minor child of Rudd P. Brumbitugh, late of Hopeweil tp., deed. 3. Administration account of (leo. !lawn, Administrator of lato of Bra ly tuwnohip, deceased. 4. Acootint of TIIOIIIIIS Maher, Administrator of Patrick Dobbs, late of Carbon township, deceased. 5. Account or henry Wilton, Administrator. of 'Robert 'Wilson. late of Oneida township, deceased.. . O. Administration account of Archibald D. Stitt. ntbnin istrator or D. Stitt, late of Dublin township, (Intl 7. A ni okt ration account of Benjamin E. Stitt. Admin. ist ator do boots 11011, Cum tOllOlllOlll.O 1111110X0, of .11 . 1101 MC3IIIIIIII, I to of Tell township. dee'd.. as filed by James E. Harper. administrator of Benjamin Stitt. deceased. E. Partial administration account of Daohl Ashton, ad ministrator of nos Ashton, kite of Springfield tp., deed. 0. Account of John Barr, guardian of James 'l'. Black one allot sons of William D. Black, Into of Jackson town- Sil ip, decenscd, ivho has low attained the ago of twenty one yeard. In. Administration account of Abraham Weight and Casper We glib, administrators of Peter Signfoos, Into of Franklin town , hip, deed. 11. The partial and also the supplemental and final ac count of John Householder, administrator of lonic mid Christiana Clymer late of Penn township, dee'd. 12. Administration account of Soil. T. Brown. Esq.,and Graffnx 21111cr , executors of the last will of Owen Beate, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 13. Final account of Peter Speck and William Speck, ad ministrators of Martin Speck, late of Juniata tp. , decd. 14. The Administration account of Janice McCall and Anthony Forshey,executors of the last will of Robert Me e:Ill, det10.1.,,,1. 13. The partial administration account of Saint. MtVitty adininistrat,r of Dr. IL D. F. Baird, late of Clay township deceased. in. The nrcennt of floury Tlerris, Aihninistrator of Har lon Q. 'Lark, into of Morris township, &Tenser'. 17. Account of N. C. Morrison, Executor of WiDiem Morrison, late of Shirley township, ilecisma. 15..111101 nee chit of .1031i0 floury, Adlllllllstrator of JOllll ❑en-y.. deceased. 19. Final t;ccount of Wm. Harper, 'Executor of E !jab Pricy late of et (unwell township, deceased. 211. coconut of Henry 1,. Close, guonlittlt of Nnm , Y A • Smith, minor daughter of James it. Smith deceased, tha said Nancy A. having attained her majority. 21. The account of I leery L. Close. guardian of Mary J. Smith. odour daughter of James D. Smith deceased, the said Mary J. being now dead. 22. Administration account of Roboot Cummins, Admin istrator of Mary Cniumilm, late ofJacksen twp., deed. 23. Trust account of Ocorgo C. Bucher, Trustee oppoint, ed to sell the Real estate of Rosanna 31cOloughlin, dreM. 24. AdnilnistrAtion aecount of Janos Coco, Atltninigtra tor will, the will annexed of John Spitzer, Isle of Dublin township, doccase.l. 21, Account of Elizabeth Hegie and Simon P. Starr, Executors of Joseph Ilegie, late of Tell township. deed. 20. Account of Christiana Cootsley, Adtolnistratrix of Crotsley, late of Cass township, deceased. 27. The Mininietcatlon account of James Wilson and Joseph C. Sechler, mltnittistrablis of the ostato of Abra. latin LCW . e, tote of Shirley township, deceased. 23. The account of John llensoholdor, administrator of Thomas Gorsuch, lato of Penn township, deceased. 29. Administration account of Felix Toole, administrator of Patrick Nash, lato of Carbon township, deceased. 30. Account of Win. M. Spare. administrator of John Spoor, deceased, who Was guantien of Anna Shultz and Less Shultz, minor children of John Shultz, deceased. 31. The supplmnental cod final account of Robert G. McNeal, acting administrator of Jacob it. llihrr, deed. DANIEL W. WOMILLSDORF, Register's Office." Register. Hunt., Met,. 13, 1.303. j I uNal.,(‘DoN COUNTY, ss; l'ho Commonwealth of Pennsylva [scAL]to Elizabeth Edwards, late of Huntingdon Co., C-'i.REETING: WHEREAS, JAMES EDWARDS did the 56th Octo ber, 1865. prefer his petition to the Judges of the Court of COIIIIIIOII Pleas of said 'County of Huntingdon praying that for the causes therein not forth ho might bo divorced from the bond., of matrimony entered into with you the sald Elizabeth Edwards,. Ole do therefore command you, the said ELIZABETH EDIVAItHS, oft,n before we commanded yon, that sot• Hug aside nil other business and excuses whatever, you be anti appear in your proper peroon before 0111 . 31141'6M II nntingrton, at our County Court of ernllmoq Pleas there to be held for rho said county int.tho samill .uontlay of April 11001, to answer the Petition or libel of the odd Jas. Edwards, your husband, should not be divorced front the bonds of matrimony mitered into with you, agreeably to the acts of rho general assembly of this Commonwealth In ouch case rondo and provided, and hereof fail 1161. ' Witneat the Honorable I.:surge Taylor, Esq., 'President of our 05111C.m...t or Huntingdlo, this 2lth day of January A.m. ' W. (!. WAIANER, mit; • Fretaonctary. W_-.ARTON&I_AGUIR - i,', RAILROAD St'IrDET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS Foreign and Domestic ARE, Err Freat The attention of MECHANICS, I'ARNIERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, in Invited to the fact that we are nun offering n lIETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than con be found elsewhere In Elia part of the State, at pricea to suit tho time?. Our stock comprises oil articles In this Erie of business, embracing- n general assortment at TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAILERS, J ERS, hr., he., together with a large stock of iron, Steel, :'ails, Splices, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, ll and Cross,Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and •Power Cans An rw•liont assortment of . 17 .ina0 Czatl®x'gv Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOlt SALE AT .3IA iVITFA CT URERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON .MAKERS Will Lad a general assortment of material fur their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts; Bolts, Hrashers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, dc. Can be supplied xidtli ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find iu our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, - . 4AMMERS, CHISELS, HINGES, - SCREWS, . LOCKS, BOLTS, I'U LLEYS, SASH-CORDS, AC., AC. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties, BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AXD SHOVELS. 3g ° 49I,rIE3CWX% • Can to accommodated with everything iu their !hie from a Grain Sopnrator to a Whet-stone. ..131.1.11C1.0Z . 5S Aro especially Invited in call and oxamino our stock of BUILDING 'HARDWARE, nod Compare our ',dui with.others Agricultural Implements, Comprising the faalcus Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundeirs First Premium HORSE PITCIIFOR Rakes, Scythea, Hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Banat Christ, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, &c., be. , be. Among the voeinltto. of our lion de4lre to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, Tho exclusive right to sell which id vested in us. Send fat imircular amt gat full particular; of same, And sails* yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling 31W, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans 7 portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC-S The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL 84 PUTTY, Ever offorml in this plnco. A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF .PAILS AND .BRADASY, By the kec. Yery low Beat Norway nail, rod, bar and hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions. WAGON , BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lonl, Lubricating and Coal Oil, ➢y the barrel or gallon, at Vary low ngures Ares A call is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not fail to please, IVIIARTON & MAGUIRE Fr.brtiarT 27; 11555 LUMBER. LUMBER. LUMBER. THE undersigned bus just received 1. and is now ready to supply the public with ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL, TII E DIFFERENT GRADES, From ceilings up to tho clear stuff, Front 9 months to 2 years dry 1 01401. STILL IN BLAST, r r i nE subscribers, thankful for tho liberal share of patronage they have heretofore re. ceived by strict attention to business, H. hope to merit and still receive the same, -' Iv take this method to inform their friends and everybody else that they are prepared •Itlnt..Yi to make nil kinds of IKON and BRASS CASTIMiS made In a drat class Foundry. We have always on hand all kinds of Plough and Steve Castings. also wash Kettles, cellar-window Orates, coat bole castings for pavements, window weights aT all sizes and weights, pipe joints, sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam and water, grist, saw, sumac and planter mills of all descriptions. lye are prepared to furnish theaters and Iron Fences of the mo t improved style, oven doors and frames, door stile and in fact everything made to this lino. We have a very large stock of patterns and can furnish castings at short notice, and cheaper than they can he had to the county. Having a good drill we are prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all kinds. iP..J-Iligliest market price paid for old metal, duress, zinc, lead, Sc. .7. It. CUNNING HAT( S. SON. Office on Railroad street, one door west of the Exchange Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. dee27.65 WEST HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, Near Fishers' Mill, Huntingdon, Pa. THE undersigned would take this I method to inform the public that Now Foundry is now in blast, and lie is _ prepared to receive and fill orders for all —113 . 11 k: blade of CASTINGS, PLOWS, TIIRESII. ISC MACIIINBS, Sc. lflzaiiretwm Being a practical mechanic at the business, of twenty throe years exper:onco, and having a desired° please, he hopes to merit and receive a shag, of public patronage. Sled and sleigh Solve, and other castings, kept on hand. MOM metal, brass and copper taken In exchange for WOO, JAMES SIMPSON. llontingdon, December 13,1865-Gm. WATERSTREET FOUNDRY ..stsvt THE undersigned having purchased the above property would take this method to the public that he is prepared to receive and fill orders for ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, news, THRASHING MACHINES, &c., ke.; and also wiilmalce and repair all kinds of Thrashing Machines, Ac. Sled and sleigh soles atn , other castings kept ou band. Old motel, Grass and Copper, taken in exchange fir work. J. M. PIPER. Watorkroet, Jan o—r.m. New Styles for '66 already on hand THE LARGEST and THE BEST STOCK OF NEW STYLES OF WALL PAPER Ever received in Huntingdon, NOW OPEN And for Hale at LEWIS' Book Store OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS, SATINS, BLANKS, BROWNS ' of various styles, for Parlors, Halls, Dining Booths, Offices, Bed - Rooms, Kitchens, Bar Rooms, Paper is on the rise—sane 20 per cent by buying soon. It will pay all to buy now for Spring use "E - CVET WALINT 1 1 5 A. GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PROTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors ?pest of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, '6s—tr TOFFS. STOVES. Spear's (anions "anti.dusr Cook, WollingtoirCook, Continental Cook, and n splendid varloty of gas burner, and other Heating Stoves, for coil or wood, Just ceived, and for sale at the Horilwaro Store of ttnnttngdon,•Lict. - IS, r, • DUIZE LIBERTY WHITE LE,A.D, Preforredby all pradical [oral Try it 1 . and yon will him no othor. Manulactnred only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 337 Nth,. Third st., Philada. Jan24-ly rpIIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE j noxEs for wagons of al I' sizes, for sale at tha . hard• ware storo of 0'014,18681 JAB. A. BROWN. T 11.4 43EST EASTERN CHEESE 'at CUNNINGLIANI & CARIIONT, fl ASSI E S.—A choice lot of kjblack and fancy Cas elmorcs aS CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S; 1866. 1866. CLOTHING, H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING PALL AND WINTER, IS= H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING' STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the bast materiol,and made in the best workmanlike manioc, call at • . 11. ROMAN'S, opposito too Franklin House in bracket Square, Hunting don, Pa. Huntingdon oct 17, to, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY I IMMENSE STIMI ENDLESS VARIETY or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Bzo, NOW OPEN ANA 1 4 OR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK, Iluutingdon, out 17, NEW GOODS! NEW GOOD !! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER TgAl/ THE CHEAPEST! : SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of Ws old patrons specially, and the public to general, to his extensive stock of well selected new Goode, just T e es trout the Eastern cities, consistiog, in part, of Dry Goode, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Qtteensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Sogars, Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop; per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Wntehes, h., • and all other articles kept In a Gent class trj store; all selected with the greatest earn and which were pur chased Inc cash only, and affords him to, selFthem at a very low figure. The public will find it to their advapt. tags to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, befc,to purchasing elsewhere. No pains will 1113 spared In show log our Geode. Ladies are spocially Invited to examitio our large stock of fashionable dross goods; Shawls, Cir culars, Furs, and a great variety of Woolon Goode. ltoele ry, &c. Also, a handsome nasertthent of LADIE3 I COATS All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the Lichen market prices—Cash not refused. Ply strict attention to the wants of cuetemere, we hope to receive a continuation "of the liberal patronage with which we have been hereto. fore favored. Come ono and all, and rar. O Now Goode received daily. opt 181865 . CHEAP GROCERY STORE, ,r3ELIOTTIEUEL, MIA, ST., HUNTINGDON, F4l MHE undersigned offers for the in, spection end purChese of customers alarge Ind as- sorted stock of Groderies, Provisions, &c. He' feels sette,. fled the:), caa be accomodated with anything in hiclino, Ills prices aro low, and his stock fresh and good. Ile keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, - TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND'SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &ej • ALeo— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QIII{ENS, WARE, and all other articles leept in a well regitlate4 establishment for sale at reasonable prices. tar His store is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Dank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. GLOM Call and examine. Z. 'VENTER. Huntingdon, Oct 17,1505. SPECIAL NOTICE, To . TILE LADIES.—no you really j_ intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because tho rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? One momont's calm reflection will surely serve to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good stem to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because tboy had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, tho Devil. Can you err In following the examploof Angels/ Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully. .regurdlesa of rebel acts, do not forgot to call at the store of the subscris bore, who mill be happy at all times fa furnish you such articles of drat os you may datlrs. Urge your fath, ere; bushanda, brothers, neighbors and children to rillt the same store. They can hero he suited In good artiolae of Boots. Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Cape, Queens.; were and a general assortment of Oroceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any House In town. Stern on South• east corder of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1865. . FRANCIS B. BULLACII. GREAT ENTHUSIASM I HIGH PRICES SURRENVDER• 1 TEM )314ga ANL) TI4EI cligEerTaT., I JOHN H. WESTBROOK.. Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he haglost received rfing She city a - NZI , an 4 eplen4id stock of . • BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 4, CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &e, all of which he Is prepared to sell at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONFECTI.ONDRIES Imo also been rig ceired. ' Don't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old cae►pl mere and the public generally ore Invited to Huntingdon, aprl 12;1865. .N.EVT BOOT AND SHOE STORE, WM. AFRICA Informs the public that ho has jing o " opened at hie old stand in the Diamond, Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and C/41Won. All of which he will coil at fair prices. Quick sutra small profits. Call and einMineMy Manufacturing find Repairing. done to order as usual.. Ituntinglen, Oct. 10, 1365. Nftve—Purnitnr. ,, —Ert , xbilpitinvigi J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invitee the attention. of the Public to his stand on fill it., Huntingdon, in tits rear of George W Swartz' Watch end Jewelry store, whore be manufacture and keeps all kinds of Furniture 'at reduced 11050. Pat; eons wishing to purchase, will do well to Elia NM a Wit Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly Rita Cliargeel reasonable. Also, Undertaking carried on, and CoMns made In any style desired, at abort notice. . Are- Put:Lamle attended 8t any place 14 toteu or went • ,by J. M. WISE. 'Huntingdon, Sept. 21, 1862tf YOU WANT the .11EST go to CIINNTNqIiiI 4 CALLMON'S. HE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH BLICKEREL at CUNZ . 7I.4VGH.d.if C4IIMONS. cEGARS.—Best quality of Segars 11.,,h7 at a:NZ:MatU=SG OARIIOn D FIMON COHN