The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 28, 1866, Image 4
(Tile Olobe. HUNTINGDON, PA. Hints to Pruning, 1. Never use an axe or hatchet in pruning. The blows struck jar the ii tires, and the whole work, with such tools, is too violeurand harsh. :1. Take off the hub as nearly as possible on a level with the brandies which you ea!, from. It will heal much quicker and smoother. 3. Never leave a stub—that is, do not leave .t nett of hrit4i_th the place Winne spurs come out, but close to the spur itself, and then the wound will heal over. The reason for this is, that no action exists in a por— tion of the branch left, unless there is a joint, a place where a spur cornea out and where leaves will grow beyond it. In pruning a grape, it is customary to leave half an inch to an inch, under the supposition that it will prevent bleeding. 4. Never prune a tree when the sap will keep the saw wet, as it will in March, April and May, and even in February, if there is a succession of four or five days of moderate weather and bright sun. 5. From the 15th to the 30th June, and after the leaves have fallen, and until the tree freezes are the proper times to prune. Never prune during the spring months, notwithstanding the practice is so common. G. Cover all large wounds with gum shellac dissolved in alcohol, or with some paint about the color of the bark. If paint is used carefully on the wound only, it will do no harm. Trees are usually grafted in .April or May, but they should not be pruned at that time. There are two or three reasons for this: 1. The sap is thin, and will run out, 'which injures the tree 2. After cutting off several good sized limbs to set scions into, the tree needs all the remaining branches to keep up all its usual action and vitality. 3. in November succeedinff. ' the grafting, any limbs that are in the way of the scions, and others belonging to the original tree, may be taken away. If there are many, however, it would be better to leave a portion of them until the following June. We have seen trees that stood in a favored spot and were beautiful when ten years old. having a beautiful supply of Bald wins, these trees were grafted with Williams Early and. the River. At the time of grafting, the operator took the liberty to prime them, ned they now stand as monuments of his folly, the seven meanest trees out of several hundred that stand around them. White Washing. How TO PIaPIRE WHITEWASH.— Slake quick lime in water a few days before using it. It will then be com pletely soluble, and free from - the coarse particles that exist when first made. A still better article is Spanish %%lilting, which may be bought at a cheap rate. Mix a little calcined pins ter,one fourth as much the whiting,and it will look all the better. A little glue will render the wash hard for walls.— The glue should be dissolved separately If you want to color the wash any apothecary or painter can tell you what you want. A wash mixed with glue or calcined plaster should be used immediately. HOW TO APPLY IT.—Always have your work finished behind you, i. e., draw your brush from your work, you 1611 then leave it smooth. Go over the second coat across the first coat.— This will take out the streaks and leave it smooth when dry. A good brush is absolutely necessary to make work look well. Always soak the brush in moderately warm water be fore using it, and clean it thoroughly when your work is done. Avoid bay ing your wash too thick. It is a wash and not a paste that you want. When tho water evaporates, a thin coating of pure lime is left, which perfectly co vers the old surface; this soon absorbs carbonic acid from the air, and re mains unchanged until acted upon by smoke or dust, To prepare a wash for fences and the outside walls of buildings, put one peek of lime in a barrel, and pour on a little water so as to down the lime, as it is called. Let it swell and crack and gradually add the water till it is of the right consistency, then add four quarts of coarse salt dissolved in water. This will render the coat hard, and not so liable to wash off. A convenient way to whitewash slats for ,o fence before they are nailed on, is to have a box a little longer than the slats, fill it with the wash, and with a pair of tongs dip theta into it. Keep the barrel covered when not in use. In patching a piece of plastering, al ways cut out a square piece from the old plaster, and see that the mortar tills up the space even with the old.— We never like to see an irregular blotch overhead, when it can be so ea sily avoided.—Maine Farmer. CULTIVATION OF OmoNs.--.llr. Keith, of Tompkins county, sends to the American Agriculturist an account of his management of this crop. His on ion patch is near his hog pen, and re ceives an abundant supply of manure from that source. lie manures and plows in the Pall, and in the Spring gives a thorough harrowing. After raking off tho bed it is covered with straw, which is burned over. The seed is sown in rows 18 inches apart, and the bed then receives a dressing of four quarts of ashes, and an equal quantity of hen manure, to every two rods of ground. This application is repeated tour times before the onions begin to bottom to any extent. He reports his crop for the last year at three bushels of good onions to every rod of ground. To KEEP 113.T.3 FROM EATING 11.IIIN ."Philomen," of Champaign Co., writes: "I have a remedy that has never failed with me. It is simply salting the rats regularly. I do this by laying salt on the sills and ties of the stable, if that is the place they most frequent, hut in last, they will hunt for it. It will occur to any far mer that sees this remedy, that harn ess is most cut where the greatest a mount of sweat has dried, an indica tion that salt contained in it is what they want. BEM Ze-FresisFlower and Garden Seed:?, for ~ 3ale at Lewis' Book `tore. COURT AFFAIRS. APR IL 2'lz: ft 31, 1866 to ute di,th .1, 11ruting.lon, tha 21111 .1/iLsq..ry, A. I). 16,', 0:1,r and Peal ..1 the 11 , ,“1,, , pr,...i.itqa or Ito C.lrt of Comm.. 11-f,, rotthl olcliv ry (A . I . ..riumylv-Inia. mt . 11:11.ting.1..n.111.1!r ati.11231111.1 - I.t c.,111111t...; and the F. i.uton 'did A.ll,lty .1. 11-avvr, Imi, J.,01:4, of ti e • of llun Z1:411 hair. try and tklrrtttillo all MO male or 1,1,11 for or eoiirerilitig all et - I::.1. which by the kit, of lite :i:tato aro :i:1:0 Claital, or Noll i.; crimes and niisikineolair, to,iot hot, or eh:Ill hereafter tioCo7lllllhit,d eri,flW ante,l. fur C01(111.1Ilkie,1 itly that a Court of tiyor and 'Terminer, of be held at the Court Min..- in the bormigh the SUM.' Moi,,lay (anti :4h lly) of 11, next, :mil ,E!! Tforo anal ~ I , ti 1,111,1 it 41.311 Lit Of Ili, mid tlien there in T - r,on, at Tr or ~tiA tic, o their r, 4.oal,l,iirilion retaoinl,ran. ft, 11, ILO, tii th. it ro-;.ectively apperiain. Litt,' :it the NIA-ch iu the of our 1,1,1 all.l niuty eal the o.thsear .1.1.6. F. BATIll!ltST, pitocLimiTioN.___lv EREAS, by ft prutOpt In to: 1br00t...1 by the Jud i acia of the Com ,. Pleas of the county of 11iultiugduri. training trat the iaUtli of Jauuary. A. D. 14{l. 1 am c,,lmaod taalio public Proclamation throughout my whol-.• that a Court of Common Pieas 1,011 at tho Court 110,e in tha borough t.l li nnting4on, oil the (and 11th day) of A NUL, A. to, for Ilia trial of :alt ii Court 0 !licit rianain undaterniineil before th , Caiil Judge, u hen and nh , .re all juror,. u intr.:4oS, and .iIEaN, in 1t,,, trio!: of 011 issues: ro roouirodi . . • Datod at the Itt!i of 3131,11. in tlp• yeAr of our Lord one theof.And eight and sixty-L.IX; nod the oOth ye:tr of American Itlopetlerice. A AS. V. lIATIILAIST, Stieritre Odic, hunting lon, Mott. 14, "5.3. rtiltlAL LIST, APRIL. , rratn, 1866 FIRST IVEEIL Lyon and Wtstrey fir uto s IL S: 11. T. D.E. A - . C. Cu Wmkitv. Wstods vs Torbert tlrani us. Dr. Sltuenb,rger's executor vs Wasott A; Lorenz J. Crau for.l Wallas° vs C.B J. IL Sllttvabtrger. SI:COND WEEK. William Sten - art so A. W. Oak. A. S. Setuplo C 3 ,3 3 3311 VS F. It. Lancet al. J. MePherran's 'executors vs MartirrOrlady. David Caldwell vs J. Sewell Stewart. Patrick Ha:llmM V 3 W. E. 51'51urtrie et al J. E. Glasgow for use vs Marl' Gibboll3'S executors. E.:McMullin fur us. va Ilarrhon Gorsuth John Megaban vs Boyer Johnston. John F. Herron vs David Blair. W. C. WAT)Nr:It, Prothonotary. GRAND JURORS. R K Allison, farmer•, Brady Joshua Brown, farmer, Springfield Samuel 11Boyer, farmer•, Penn John Brewster, merchant, Walker William Briggs, farmer, Shirley Humphrey Chilcote, laborer, Union George Colder, brewer. Alexandria John Eberts, farmew, Franklin W Gansimore, farmer, Wartiorsmark Barton Green, merchant, Barree Elijah Gillam, farmer, J W Isenberg, blacksmith, West, Jared Johnston, farmer, West Benjamin Kyle'', farmer, Cass Thomas Keitn, farmer, Hopewell Philip Locke, farmer, Springfield Jacob Musser, farmer, Brady. II IPManigal,livery keeper, Hunting'n Jacob Mountain, farmer, Carbon Henry C Robison, farmer, Dublin George Smith, farmer, Cass Jl3 Summers, farmer, Hopewell • Benj. Sprankle, farmer, Morris Saml. Thompson, farmer, Franklin TRAVERSE JLTRORS—rinsr WEEK. Robert Anderson, Sr., farmer, Penn Jacob Anspach, flamer, Jackson Daniel Ammerman, agent, Carbon Andrew Beers. miller, Franklin Samuel Book, farmer, Tell Samuel Barr, farmer, Jackson Thomas Cisney, farmer, Tell A Carothers, innkeeper, Cromwell Ludeu Dean, laborer, Union Aaron W Evans, J P, CaSSVII43 William S Entrekin, farmer, Ilopewsil Daniel Fetterhoof, farmer, Morris Robert GitTora, farmer, Shirley George Garber, farmer, Cromwell Cutshall, farmer, Springfield Charles Green, farmer, Oneida Daniel Goodman, limner, Huntingdon Richard D Heck, farmer, Cromwell \Valiant Hess, farmer, Springfield Henry Hammer, farmer, Morris William S Harper, farmer, Dublin Daniel Knode, farmer, Porter Jacob Lane, farmer, Springfield Henry Lee, farmer, Jackson Abraham Myers, carpenter, Penn John P Myton, farmer, West George McCool, farmer, Oneida Henry A Mark, farmer, Juniata James Moore, farmer, Oneida William V Miller, farmer, Oneida• Samuel Myton, farmer, Barree Newton Madden, farmer, Springfield Winchester McCartney, farmer, Brady W M'Murtrie, gentleman, Huntingdon Samuel Neal, farmer, Oneida Abraham Pheasant, farmer, Cass Joseph G Park, farmer, Cass Joshua Price, farmer, Dublin Peter PeiAtal, farmer, Penn T D Strickler, plasterer, Huntingdon James Stewart, farmer, Jackson David Stever, firmer, Cass Samuel Tussey, farmer, :N lonia L D Tate, weaver, Jackson Jackson White, farmer, Union David \Vallsmith, farmer, Oneida George Wagoner, farmer, Shirley Benjamin Wallace, farmer, Morris TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEER.. W Addleman, farmer, Warriorsmark George Bell, drover, Barre() JOIID II Benford, carpenter, Coalinon t Jonathan S Briggs, farmer, Tell Alexander N Campbell, clerk, Penn Thomas Carmon, limier, Huntingdon James Coulter, farmer, Tell Benjamin Coble, laborer, Penn John LI Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell Casper Fisher, farmer, Hopewell Kenzie L Green, farmer, Clay George Garver, farmer, Shirley John Hutchison, farmer, \\'arriormark Andrew Heffner, miller, Walker Samuel Hackedorn, innkeeper, Shirley Geo. A Heaton, merchant, Coalmon t John Hawn, Jr., farmer, Junirta David Johnston, saddler, Penn John Kiner, farmer, Union Daniel 1(3-per, farmer. Oneida John Magill, farmer, Penn John McClain, farmer, Tod David E Nail; shoemaker, Penn Benjamin Neff, miller, West Samuel Peightal, farmer, Penn James Port, Huntingdon Livingston Robb, farmer, Walker Isaac S Sheetz, Carbon William Smith, carpenter, Tell Samuel Schell, farmer, Hopewell Andrew Shore, farmer, Shirley James Snyder, farmer, Henderson Richard Silverthorn, farmer, Tell W C Van tries, merchant, Warriorm'k Henry \Volfkill, farmer, Brady William Wilde, farmer, Springfield THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOP. LADIES AND GEX TLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN lIUNTINGDON • CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEITH' 830 K, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORM :ALL at D. P. G.IVIN'S if you want = E'49 , BOOKS AND STATIONERY. SIMPSON, ARMITAGE & CO. 2.LJ 1 1 i r S nt rcusemtble prices our immense stock of MECHANICAL, RELIC lOUS, SCHOOL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONEItY, rociinr pokT3lo;;Atp, WALL PAPER & WINDOWSITADES, MAGAZINES, nod Oily :nil Wet Paper., cmuisut• Ic "”, • ci,...01-,101, from altro.,l CALL Al BROAD TOP CORNER. Ilnuting•lon, "IsTEW GOODS FOR FALL AND W INT E R HENRY STROBE & CO. lit sp-etfully inform the generally that they bare jot r e ceived a tart, and splentlrl Atick of irtioilti at their shire iu M c whiting in vitt of DRY 000 DS, DIiESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, HATS & CA l'S, I3OOTS & SIIOES, lIAIt)\VARE, (VIE ENS W AR E, GROCERIES, WOOD and WIL LOW -WARE, TOBACCO, SEGA RS, NAILS, G LASS, OLD MEAT, CRACKERS, PROVISIONS PIS] I, SALT, &c., &c. AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE; Ana in fact everything °sunny kept in a first clail coun try store, which were bought low for cash unit twill he 001,1 at corresponilingly low prices far casts or country proance. end rwquest the public to givo as a call lidera purchasing elsewhere, feeling tratisAeil wee:M{o, Ellie• 0100 in.lac,ntoits to etelt buyers. IVe respretfolly solicit the patronage of all, and especi ally on r Trough Crock Valley friends. Everything talr,ii in exchange fur goads except promi- Lea. .87.,C05h paid for all kinds of grain, fur which the Ugliest market prices trill ho given. LIENLY STROUSI: CO. 'lath:l.:Anil - 7,, Oct. 2-1, ISO. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST CLOTHING in Town LEOPOLD GLOOM HAS JUST RECEIVER A LIEGE ASSOIMIENT OF NEW SIYLES 0?' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Wit;ch Le off,3 to Ow public AT THE CHEAPEST PATES: hik st,,,kcouilAti of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS S CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &e. &c. Ms store to at the . OLD BROAD TOi' CORN Ell, HUNTINGDON, PA., Where he will he pleased to twelve and accommodate all cu,tom,r?, LEOPOLD BLOOM. flout iniplcu, Oct. 10, I€o. Reward the Soldiers! Another Opportunity is olered the many Friends of the Soldiers to Reward those who Faced the Music of the Enemy. J. B. SHONTZ & BRO. lESPECTFU lAN inform their nuine -1 rons friends of llaralcsburg and surmineling coun try, that they hare received a large Mai tt,PC:i of NEW GOODS, of— READY :MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SIIOES, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'3IEN'S FURNISHING GOODS and a large stock of JEWELRY, &e. The until, without rogird to politics, religion, sect or color, Will bud our -tore the place 1. hop juet shot they want, and at priers to ,nit the tir,. Can't fail to give us a call, as ova are determined to phase all. 31arisletburg, liantiLg.l.3n co., NOV- 1,'65, N EW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN .!1.75T OPENED A FINE STOCK OP NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. his Stock cousins of Clothing for MEN AND DOTS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SIIOF.S, HATS AND CAPS, &C., IC. Should gentlemen desire any puticular kind or cut clothing not found in the stock on hand. by haring their nera,nro they can be accommodated at s h ort notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long', Gr,cery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Itootingdon May,l7, 5. TVZIET.W.LE (1 - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. WIEENE has just opened xi. Its Ynsi: .Stere. one door west of NV Lew is' Bonk :tore, where la 1, enc c,irztititiy on hand STrANWAY Sit.N.S . and 1 6 ! 1,111.1;',5 Nano Man sificrurirg C‘mpany'.l PIANO?, M.A.I-41N & HAMLIN'S CABINET oRGANS and CAI:HART, NEEDILAM & COS'il FLOW:ON:it Gait:are. Ftuto,; Guitar aid Violin String , MUSIC GiONS--4301d. n (ludo, Golden shot or, Golden 0 , toe, fri &e. Sit I LT MUsIC e it c n-tanily rtei icing from PIM. adelphia all tho !alert 11111.ic. y. hive I cr.., at a dittan, idiing can order, and Inn' n -nt them I,p mail. Al, I :WALE BAKER'S (Met rate! SEWING MA CH IN only machine (tat, in additi in to every kind of ceulti, enoa,Lters perk city ; and Cotton oral! k inds and colon (or mach int z. Vereons Lacs in; &twin; 31aeltiacs fully in - fretted in the use thou, risr• Piano, and ergens diarrr.nted fur live years. Tito-0 ss to buy any of the al.', at tidos are in cited to call an-I ClAlllint mina to purchasing where My prie.3 aro the alma Lain Nos. Volk and Phi( ut II het. Circular, of Instrtneenta or 7.lachines. pool promptly qip:ie.atien with any additional inS.rai Mon deatoaL It. LI. GREEN E, Viii freer. Hunan:4.l.l, P,.. _t_, One door nest of Lent,' Coale Store rARBLE YARD. The undersigned could re-lreet fully roll the attention of the citizens I Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the of eantiful marble now on band. Ile is prepared to forni-di at the shortest notice. Menum,rital Marble, Tomb, Tabbe end Stones of everyd,i,4l tiSa and firm of Italian or Extern MartAe. highly tiei , hnd, and carved viitb appro. prilta dericce, or Ipinln, nS £1553 suit. Building Marble, Door utpl Window Sill., be., twill be fornLhed to order. W. W. pledges hirssrlf to furrdi.b mat-vial and erolli i:lanEhip eiull to any in the country, at A fair price. Call cod see, bef,e you purchase el‘ewbere. Shop on the orner of Montgensery and 31101 n S P.. ['main:pion, I's. W5l. WILLIAMS. Ilaotllezdon,3lsy In 15Z.5. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Ilaudsome and Useful Articles, Call I.T.IWTS' Book-Store. NK. INK. I INK, .7417'4'.. 7 22.7C1M. To Mereliants and Business Alen, rj undersigned buying revently hero (or trta rretv York Nati',al Ink Cooly tay, Itcrrice giv•e liolico to merchant , , LnrL co,inlllll , fl. Of al! teat Ito 1 ,, pu marliot %VW/ nn article of Ink wlik h In no.l.lltinn to n-in;' I n ,' in over II 11,111/ , r VOlr.leA Ifs" IV 11. 111,x1 d, the 19krt211 , 1, 16 of n vied, Lftd'b tort, Howl rto 0,1 ind.l• wierniae, not ,ray ~tin, Ink, of P:11 igo or d:oloo , rtic n0,0,b, g , ,,, bf, fish and v 111 not • li,refor,. thicken (V 1 111 , 1 a MIS!, 1,, 010 LI/ it.;. Laic; .1 t ;Pill and cl,ar rev the Jrj- All nidept tyllt•ther whoh,ale or retail. will 10 promptly Mho), at low , ?.h,o ;,:.:..:..•, F.5a7i.,1•11 06 , 4. r P , , , ,11.1 who a, tho polo•rl-r ellmtpoo•4 ore d give it a tad J , ,1113 smart the county far tho tii;p,tl of ititiolliPitig tlii4 - SOLON Cull N. Anent, C.dn•s Run I'. 0., IR:nth/R.ln. county, Pcnon 0.1.. 15 , 'CI-tr. =I NATONAL BE CoMPCNY, NIS: Yugo!. Mr. SIMON O.IIIN. P. M.. having 1,1! appo!nt , l ralcc roan au.l goinual ag,nr.ll re,,o-co,l3[lv, of 11, abov e c o a ! po n y for tho county 0! flowing lon, State of Purina., as fc, colitraCt, all Portia lltpro:ore, ulnthcr baring &Mt URI, 111 lner itoo-ily or otliorwi , , 0,011 thenn,lve. of the, of dra!ing directly with Ow reprt,rntative of oar lion, Lire; they will 11.14 It to their pecuniary interest to do .0, C L. VAN A r.t.t.S, Actuary. The abort. 1n1,14 for iuto at LAArit' ay.d all dm prluctial otoTet itr ther!ou,ty. DR. VIiNARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT. 00 h,Nati Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, lHeadache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Biuises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. on Internal and External Medicine, composed of Vol:: IL rips :I:1.1 Ma Is, such no cur f e r e nthe re is a het:mind :apply en the earth to cure all cony plaints, if we only knew Wild they were. This has been irsubji et :Or censtant .ttuly wilt, the Medical Faculty fur ai ninny years. to find out the kinds beet ailaptel to the above cornpiainte—how to put them together, and what portions to use, This reolulernil needs no recommendation save the results which tsar:l n:o4s follow its aphlication, • . 4'v, — This popular remedy in f.rt c , ,ming into ueo from the fact that it give, groosi VSICI A N: are invited to test its efficacy 1:I all easss of Itheuroatisto. Aff.saions of the Spinal Col nom, and all DFseasos oh the :kin. 3likeles and(ilands. It has been sited iu thousatodi under the ['CI - SODA SiltlerViAoll of the Inventors, and has never disappointed their expectations. all Ivo ask for it is a nisi—experi mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw. are the vouchers we dvaire to 11,1,11 t to the public. It ,e,ndd he well f,r many now lying its beck of torture. it'll:cos facts Cottlit re,th theireick Shoed„ re. it Is Mote to Owns than to the inventors that this should ho the ruse. ••Troth is mighty and toast prevail." 47 - j . Keop it in your family, for 81e.:11,53 comes when you 1-ast expect it. PRICE-ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL 11. SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, LIUNTINGD ON; PA Mintingdon, Pa, July 1866. THE "VICTOR" Gil I_, 1 ;V7 -1,,i . 4 ,4 rij:-,7777 - y 1 . 7.! - . _ . • ; F- ./oii 1 T r • L CANE -MILL_ = COOK'S SUCAR EVAPORATOR. I= "SORGO HAND-BOOK," FREE CANE SEED ; by the 2, or buLteL FOIL SALE AT COST! Prince k Co's New AUTOMATIC IMIGAN. the great ezt triumph of the eg.t! New style M KI,ODKONS, with imprtirements. Gri,rer. Baker's FAMILY SEATINO MACHINES, Send for Circulars, &c. Free. A. B. BRUMBAUGEf, Sole Agent, Tama Creek. Hunting Lin cu., Pa. I=l HEAD QUARTERS JOU NEW GOODS. D. P. ClRfird INFoRms THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDIT: ETOCK of NEW GOOD THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN, 0ct.17 WANTED at S. E. HENRY CO'S 15,000.huOiels Wheat, 5,000 " 5.000 " Oats, 5,000 " Corn, 1.000 " Flaxseed, 1,000 " Cioverseed, 1,000 pounds Wool, For which the highest cash price will • be paid: COUNTRY DEALERS eau r- , tnv CLOTII INO fr - ail me in I itintim,!on 14114)L1)11 , E as cl,m, as Llt , y ran in ri r tties,st I bars s .ficolee:tle store is Ph il unflp!si 1:4)%1AN ZA al o re.' .F11.1.z., pY ALL RINDS, JUST I?ECEI VIED THE LAIWEST STOCK AND 'VARIETY EVER BP.OLGIIT TO SIGN:LW:DON mil and exl.ine at T't ESS BUTTONS r, latett htylet, D. It MIA, ti and Lucklve, 1.1,,y, Fl i Ili nv Lc. at III:NRY t. CO. 1 OVERING'S AND SUNLIGHT .A.JS , YroP, Nev Otlear,3, Porto Bic° Coffer, b.uars, Tear, dc. at Y. E. IIENILY jUP IIOWIsr & BLEACHED MUSLIN - S. Taking, Limo - s.t:beck,. bleached and Merin Cll/- tou Ilanneis, miners Plaid, SVool Flmaell Le- Le_ at CO'r4i ENVELOPES- By the trox, pork, or quantity, rpr o o st LEW/3' BOOK AND STATIC/NE.IIY STORE. (1 UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A kX large assortment at DROWN'S ITARDWAIIE MILE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and chesy,t :I,IE - lament In torn, al 7f;.}lititbcfpf),ia Ablitrtiscutmts, 1110fTlIgn FOR INtIINTIONfi IN 'FUR !ISM:0 =l2 A itltcrtrf ,, ,v with tho hsveAtor In ihArnblo thou fl. Hot rn the coo hrr C 01111 1 ,1.1 IJ; ~, ,:t. n joo;/.ICI/e, elfefilitro. of 111 forlil..! fon free ott up. I , ll,lJosi. F. DWI/ fi114)%4": I= ELDREDGE & BRO,, Pal&hers, Stationers, Bookseller,: /cu. 17 find J 9 ,South Sixth Street, (Above P.irt foliar ottPotion roil to the rotmlry trot,. AI way xto howl t; largo flupply of Not• Bill, ;vl,l Wrapping I'ule•r; cello tif,lll 1'.174, I otc, Mucilage, Photo. gwph Albnm•, R,g , . kc.. kc., Lc, I.lltrtal term, ca4tomerw, C,3 9 - PER YEAR,—‘Vo want "H '01../Aj to eell our ImPes vi.n.3.:,/ Mac 'three new kind.. Under and opp, arran red fie.. year., A bora salary or large /NIX mac:llllKM sold In the United Pb t.. for lefn than ;AO, which arofally llettised by lbws, 11h..1, ,r ; ti i7ma, Grurer tr. 11,1. - er, .i7nysr & Cse.. and other taaelline.g are infringements and the seller Sr US, :Iry orre. 7 l, fine and impri, onntent, true. AtiltUt, Or call upon H 1314, Clark, 11idd,1441, 31,due. AGENTS WANTED Tos ELL TIII3 GREAT AMERICAN CALIGRAPHICAL PUZZLE, 211, eheareat nod most wonderful pilule of the agel A gc.nt6 Cua .1,4 make from SIO to z 2,20 n day. I will give any ott , - , ascot $lOO if he eau 4e1169 thousand ta_tend IU coat.l ttr eample puzzle. I'lllf.lP MIL, .27.9 street, Philadelphia. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Ezzetioirae. S. E. Corner Second and Walnut sts., PHILADELPHIA Ju=t in receipt of a fin, Atlected stock of ant Cincy Fishing Tackle, of all descriptions. clital,le for the rirerianil brooks of ibi3 State . , to which as a invite the attention of all litorekeepere. zahl4 ' - i'tta - El7:)Ft. l -E'rliwg3E l lo ! (Sixteen Years Fair Trial!) A. PEYS.:SON, PHILADELPHIA.. 11DOUDRETTE, $2O per ton, taken j_ from the fsctory !note, or GO cents bushel. and per ton in bag,. delivered at ateaniboat and railroad depots, in Philadelphia. Marerda,tory—liney'R Ferry road above the arsenal, Philnd'a. D. , por—Pey-von'n Cum, Glyncemter. N..ferney, Wo.nibury road. Offire—Library xtreet. No. 42//, back of the new poet office, Philad'a. Deale.r.s— vnExem. Well ARDS & CO.. fe2l-Int 41,11 and strevtv, Phitad'a. 18E6. LADELPIIIA. 18GG. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURNE, 31.1.NUYACTORE113 OE' Paper Hangings & Window Shades, Corner FOURTH & MARKET BM, • PHILADELPIIIA. N. B —Always in afore, a large stock of LINEN & OIL SHADES. Fe1,21-.m 1866. INVENTORS' OFFICES. D ' EP/NEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Philade. Patents solicited Concaltatians r.n Engineering. Dranghting and rketel,w, 310.h.1s and Machinery ofall kinds mad, and skit intty att , ntl...l to, Fp.eiai att,tjun given to iti.:.II:CTCD GAEE.i and INTER FI:IikNCES. Anthentie copies oral] Dueutnentc front Patcnt Mee prteur.d. S. yourleices unolP.9s trouble and traveling exp,a,n. as therein no antnal need for i.‘oional infer. clew with ns. Ali innineca with lino! tnTies , f, Cat, be - din writing. Per farther information tilted. as atc,es with It.rup at e:1,1.11, fa Circular with references. Jannaryli,l6(X—lly ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Are not only nntsccllt,l, /tot they are alertintely une tiunlltct hyany other InAlrument In th 7 country,— Vcrignol exprettly C r elturcht, and schoola, they aro found to let equally wrll wirpted to the parlor aril dra:7- ins ruin. . . _ • For e.ale only by Y.. 31. No. IsNorth Ft:VI:NTH erre, l'hilatbipbta 43- Alr,. BRAPBURTS aryl a 0rn;,; , .t... AA. 7,rtmolt its , "lltV VA.'S 317.1.017Ekni, stl7-ly oirtitrv iocks •, I I • ESTABLISHED IN' 1810 Incorporated by the Legislature of the State cf Pennsylvania. Located on the N. IV. Corner of 7th ana (701) Chestnut sts. (701) CVAtI•IT , I, to Inn,iirt a tborongli and PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. All c!a4,l of pvr,oci•l'.l , lll - e rn7h an education. nog.; trioane, mrd it 111 toudficting th , rir own t11.1M.411 Tio., with nit WOd it in t.t,t3ilo f:4 aryl crfAitality nrro.tire in the entp/oygal,r.f. 1101 aura Orin 4 trtlct 101 l and prAKtice in arrange , ' Vy RA 10 filify 1/1 - ,t vi ev,ry ilypartnient vf DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, r,r pTiAra,-1 under di I-1.1,11N of isidutry: Agricriiture, Maria.turc and Com ci,rc EnCil rtr..hirit is in.ttuctrit h./lir - 1 , 1.11y in froth thssry prt.:tta , Itv.ik licetiing. according to the mot Op atn11.0...r vitying l'ensoatt•liip. Culcchithrtv and all tha co/lateral hrtriGht , of a raninltge <run!, t.f butin, a adoration anal ttlt-a Ita. , ina, a aati , f , a ~„, a t tan in ni.try.aiithwity f lion, a dip!, Ma. and r lit corliorate A Al of It: college. Etint nit" are ttt , ir , 4l at ant' tinter. Art 4 It I. loliew i. that a pr.. cat cip , II,LCV. of ovcr t¢a37r 7,401 will I, I,uttlitr an ample 2 , ..,A1aCe of ttat pry, ti , al chat artet of ilia otarta and PitkitTney of tin•IIPSTSW, All furth , r infora,Vion dr.tir,lcnn be at:Au:v.3 at the coll, , ge, or biarl , ll,ldiug, the Vrincij l for a circular by fite-ral .liscorrnt fe allogr,d to wcon , ! , -/larvt hon , oraw,y 101 , 1krs, T he rx,:lege la oi,,n day and Jercuing. T 11. P01,11,10K, AtCy.t,l'Avr, jy12,1',.05 Pritscipal. NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. The great . invention of the age in MEC:CC:IOP' J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duiplex or doub!e, ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. TLis invention con , i., or lona,: two, Elliiptle. Lore refined rba.l .pri3 loa,:ol 1 145 ily 011,1 ii, tt- Iy to,r tiler, ,olg, ux the tongue, r, tn,,t an-1 ItaraLlu spring ever maul. Tlo y seld,nt Lead Cr! break, like the /single rptin.s. and consoinently preserve i%•:ir rot fect and lo:srstiful *bag. snore than twice a, Pon; m any single sprinzr skirt tr,it ever Isis or can In twole, The vrou•Potol ffosiLllity and ,Trr-at comfort and ptonsure toany Lily sneering the Dupk.% 1 iiiptic eklet will be ex perience-1 pat tfcutarly in all growderi operar carriages, ral:roa , l Carif,clauetil 31111ChMil4, for pro :au:J:oe aotl Ivotte drerr, av the skirt an rohhol other; in 1.11,1 too•CTCI9 , aemail sp ace as rasily and .tiveulently an a sill: or sun-tin dre.s. =I .t lady Irsvirs4 k 0 , 44 , 1 the I,l•4aAnro, t and great wearin2 tl,, tinid,l OHNE; its.] ttiring chic! fur a day will never afterward. willingly it,,. pew, u thoir no'. Y., children, 1111.0,1 owl young e they ate eure.rior to all oils, re. r he holm are conned with 2 ply double twi-0-1 Ihrrvl and will wear twice al long Si the tingle yarn covetitg, which is med on nil tingle edekl hoop attire/I. The three Lott.m reels on every chairs are , deo double 80,1, And Crtwice double tovvriel to lira:vont the corering from nearing of( the mit dragging down stam', Mont sari, Ac which they are constantly solder( when iu One. All are made of tile new and elegant carded Viler, and are the bait pitlity In every pert. giving to We water the moil graceful and perrt , rt *hap, pup:Hite, and aro un- Tv...llan:Ably as, lightest, molt deAratle, ecnifurialde, and tecnwnical skirt ever wade. k Cary, proprietors r.,f the ineenlit2 and tole usanufacistrere, fir Charnbcre, and 79 and , 51 /t<rade curet', veto York. For tate Irvin lir,t-electsbtnres In tide city, and through. out the Uult , .l::tabra, Canada, Ilaraun da Cola, Mexico, booth Atnericl, and thu }Sect Inquire for the Duplex (or sloale) Elliptic fprlng Etirt MBE= PATENTS I:loin.vri3l;l7',;(rnt 41AI. 311 'll4illllle At, Ph = ay,S7A; r,5-7~ JOHN KRIDER, 828 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE." MAXI:WIMP AND Lot.D MAL 3 App ItEl4l/,, No. 628 AllOll Sr., PHILADELVIIIA; The wort campicta to.valtartit nl 144151 e, 711041 e and el.ll c wo r m (loop fktrir , Ic this city; 01055•0 up .xt,.,`,lY tocct $lll. W of ford eln. orriltrowleti; 317 50 , ,mt. awl ifor.t 11/7” nl "Gor01,0110! oriw.icy Ifs4lo f',Vs to Jpr4 , l two,d-- . 1/1 to 51 2to V. Pluto robill 10•Figlhol, fr 2% to /Spada mond 111 , butlttiti, 5t QI it/ 57, Ow sl/ , 11:11,114,/,'• I , xlrt• xre fftly 1 0 , 1 , •toi ell lmuiViltioo (or variety of itylvi noJ 11.4 Wit na for il/lif 1: owl •lorthillty; virylog (PIOI n to 34 to 1 , 1/;01‘. to 17 ri , rhlge it 0.1111 tO 24, A ll Itsirt3 of -Milt OWN 71 %150.' rue ir , irrinte4to r Ity lit tellictloti; hot hisy 110/10 112 $O/s4s , lic -Hop • 0 ., . 5015 . )1/silauttoo,y, No, 07:9 .oth I A f's. Inn ay 1.11 44111., ',r.'4 ID Now Yolk e nd Si,'.r lot ,, , which Wolf,ll nt 154, , , low prir,„i lot of ch..ap iprlnv, if. coda; 20 4141,;4, ; 15; 3Oiptifixt, II 25 mil 44 qtrilizi $1 4iflittlrta rnwle to Gfilkf moirici, 135 , ...Terttine:olt. (km privl only mhi-dm BILLIA 'WS BILLIARDS!! JOSEPII L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that ho Lan 0pt11,4 for their roc hie 1.10 - 0 and clezantly fittad op ilitliard Routs. It contuinn YoUlt NEW TABLE 3 01 MANUFACTUP.2, sup.rior to any now In Ow city. this Eillia,J It‘ylo clialleogrot c,insiicarilon with any fool, in the Etate, ureic of l'hiladelphia. AGENTS WANTED to take orders tho Lent o,lllng gook now puirlithed, Thrilling Stories of the great rebellion o.4)l'l,th:g battik wire:Aarea and hair breadth 04e. p. 45. of frelical, epic,nl refu4ecs; daring exploits of arauxalera, deleenolwo; and others; Tales Of loyal aml climb:nal women; atone. of the negro, ks., wills incident, tr fun and merriment in camp end field,— lty Identenant Colonel Chunk,' e. Greene, latent the Uni ted Yates army. fland.omely illu,trated with engrav ing, on iiteel and in oil 'Mora. :tend for circular, and nee the liberal terms offered. . - Publimbera, ND. tz4 :Sib, Third st., LLilulelpbb MEM PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, The SVliiteid. the 'front durable arid the moat econernlea Try it! 51mila:4r-trued only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, IN'boleaate [hair, Paint & Maui Dealers, an2l-1y No. 137 North Third at, Pfillailia. OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC ZNEMEL 1.860. CON CENTS : A continued Chronicle of Ow iteirdlion against the United Staten, enihraeing a record of military, llama!, and political events front Oet. 7, 1±2:,1, to NOT. 1,1.8di.5. Regular army of the Unit. il States Indian tribes of the United elates. Pnpulationt of United e tat., Great Britain, Ireland and France. Cadnalliesamona: General officere of tha Union and re. WI model during tha war, killed in hallo and died, Ar , a. [jaw a Caton and territnric.o. Vr.•r ling points of various DlcLing palms 0(1,411 , 14. lid Lott, Metlualitt and Enivnal Chnrch. Protestard Kpi.copal f.diurch in th 9 United litatnn. lining and digewed Uniterl3taton Government, 19.:(5, Hierarchy, Roman catholic Church fr. the Caned States, and bta of gallon,. Elgivi of Rain. The O o rernrnente of tilt world, State and territorial goVeronionlf, flattloa of the rot,' don. be., tg. Price.:o cent , . per copy. Copies mailed (lust-lead) on TO.Allt of price. For sale at I,Y.tY it?? nT01:14. tf T" TRIBUNE ALMANAC. CO: CENTS: AerwroxicAL LEY tgillgtry: for the year I I,lln Ir and Fla , , , tar, Conjt/ilctiols, Nelf.and V4lnable 'fide Tab!, for 114 plum and Malorinnedy, Calendir4—libting, and ...Labe, of :nu, moon, etc. I'Ot ITlC,ti,D2PAgrAtxf: United Stater Government, llinfAtPrit, etc, • i4-natore and lbw , fent., tir , s of XXYIXIU Con ess, Lt.lrs passed at the hart 1.1,A1t, of Congreas. Pnblic pri , earnationn, liolAlion, or rhromete of war gorntii, 'll,O Union party in t%si, litnointiont, Impartial enftraze—Lawn la th-torerad gtat4 , l. nul irrngtitral tf Pro.fikor l'oslderi chain tors on it, no4ro /LfI,4I:WLI, Ti,', COT,, It ur roorottrient, Elution rertur, a for Jhq,. Pre ifloot. The lqat,Y4 tha etc. mat, ri,—Area.f.fd,olati,v, etc. VW: 5a1,14 AT E.V.WI.3' &AMMO:IL pENNSYLVASIA R/ 5 IT. ROAD. TIME 07 LEAVING 0 ginAINS SP/:LNG ARRAN(' &WENT. tvA A fir mg no 1.? ir Avon, ' ; 5 5 02 ffi") 9 371 .. 449.9211 49,1 4 7.31 2 $;6l 4 2.51 I 1 1 1 45 ) 3 54 6 1 2 "' 2/i 3121 I 3 34 7 rz+ I P.SCi NI RI U. 141 112 611 !Mt. 112 141 ~, 112 2'); 131 ill Creek," 12 41; 5 21;(111biing5on,, 1 441 „„1,1.0 , 71,5r7, , -1 I 1 201 1 1 1 1trrtf, 22 1 , 5 r,',lllpructllr,,,l.,l 1 1: 1 1; 1 11irfly7flans, 2 7 2');Tire) 2 241 yripe , m 2 231 2 f.:5, 111'.11 1 4 11111*,. (/); 7 fn; 1114.9143, P,11.1 1. 14.1 Y. r S u 2 t) a„ 6 4,1 6 / 7 'NI 7 7 71 j "c 7 ri 1 , 1111..5.1.4:1,1'111A EXPitf:V. V,Potward, ItArta at 9 P. 11, a:.l attires at licatifia9lAfs at 10 f.fl Thu 1,I3(11 VA award IfAvoi Afforgys at Z 16 A. SL, aO.l ardred at ilculinw.n at 4 ;31, ,3,31. pIIII,AIIgI,I , IIIA EXPI:Mi WerParard. ItAres If twthriz,VA/ at 7 21 A, SI, ar,l arrive) at Att , 94lA at flo A, )1, W f . k jw,r•j. Stsres ifsmtlagA,rs at 8 P, tv.wa. at 9V) P. 3f, )farcfs 11,14,9 f. - 1_ - READING RAIL ROAD. AV INTER ARRANG EM ENT, NommEnvott% ( - 1 RE3IIII, K LIN,E FPO3I THE Alf North a n 4 Port 11-10,t /or PIMAIMPISIS, : zn y4R2.I:LAAI7/,Y ;rfl.Lt, 1,ErA..%07, . 0, 1.42310 W 0, Y 44700, kr- ke. Tralna lyre llarrittharg r , ;r 7:tar Yurk. ea follawff At 7 00. 7.f.tianJ S 03 A. 31, and 1 41 awl 9.(tts P. 14., arrlwitig at New York 1,10 awl 10 'l; A, 34,1.04740 and 10 SG P.ll, airs', ronru rt chit .I.lilar TP411.4 00 the P-nocy)- 9014 4 , /ospillg Cara atttagnpatty flee 3 Viand 05 a. in. traito. without 1.45, for Itka , .l”;', I'•,t 7,013.9 n.... )lintrarli4, Pine Grow.. .17 -nfOon aad at 725 A. and 1 4:: aryl 9P. ftt.pplt.4 at 1,..1.awn Agal all way .radon.; 11,0 9 1' 51 train making n o, l o,. rOlni"CliOn for Patt•rille nor lee Pottarille, Yclutyl kill IL,nal and Attlatru, alarrititylltill awl littvittaltautta Ilatlrtzul.l,ara 11arri•hurg at 4 V 11. Iltaturtt tug. frare Ntar-Yor.r; at d A. 31, 12 Noon, awl 4 P. 31, ItitatkltAtia at SA. M., at/432h P. 31; 1 1 tAt41111a at it 40 A. 11.. and 7 11 I'. Sl4 A Allifira 69) awl 11,4ra a tn. T11.01%/111.1. at 7 2.5 A, 51., and 1 Pt I', St. IA-are l'ottarille for Ilatrltlurg, via Ydmylkill anil ell/VP-hal/LZ 11ailrievl at 6.4;", Pat.ptiv.i.r Train leave., gg11.140 at CIA J 1,31.. and r..terax 110/0 PM reanrtriß4 ad 9-V. O Y, Si, coltstrthia Eeadini at 1119 am, and 43 15 P. 11., for Pplitata, iantweiWr. Colituthla, At- On Comiara. I..ara at SL, 1 , 1111,14,10,1 a, 317 P, 11. Pottarille. 5 00 A.ll, Tamaqua S A, 11., Ma ri bang 901 A..l_ and Itt,yling at 1 00a. rn., for liar tintnrg. and 10,11 a P,r Nevi "(ugh. 3111,Z4,7., and EaCrwrtor Timer, at rt,lttePtl rat , . Pt awl trout all point.. Ita;exat.te ch. cit , tl lb rough ; ',nod* Itxxzize alirxwl el.!, Pit ,n;;.r. NOT. 27. 11f7-5, IT TINGUON L BiIOAD TOP On and aft, ll,tf.f2y. 1€65, Pslom e r Traits, 14 , 13 fart;',,f . WJUTI 'NA WI TRA tit)llT/ IWAIt D 71: A 1.N3, VINE Ex A mxx _ P; ENE@ E I Il I:. 9E it 5 14;111:W4Q:4044 'olt 1120 I 30,,1, , ;•0nr0..11tt0wn, , ; ~, 1 11 19 I 7.4 , 1'1,tv0nt f;r6re,„ ~,, II II s 61' n ;,carkl,tl,c,, 10 r:4 I ' 9 10if..V9, Nun, 10 20 0 I,lll,tiglo A 1:.-,0y,. ~,,, 10 7.1 I if4o,re t lo II Si 311E1,11 , 1'r EuxEilt, ~,,, i 10 I'4 An i 40i t ILL 10 00 LL 11 ‘,O1 -42 . I 10 201!11,11I,Intrx II 10 2j11 , 4, , ,wir1l 1 , "1 40 Pives Rua It I , ollltrnilton, 11 011/3lrvxly Run lull a', fi,ont Danny,- ~,,,,, f Lt 4 I 4 4 4 fp 5 2 5 4 , J As I. 5' E1101:78 I:UN 01:AS' cc 19 0 1 .Pazton 19CoaWont,. 19 2:Crawkn3, ......... lAr.lO Dwitry, Irowl Top Lftintirsgbn Ns!, 13, 1%5. OLIVE W lIAT EVIWYJIODY WANTS, ZVEMYII9DY O Ii GAWYgg APVP COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS Ii Tellr Pot now to fires Op P4l7lrrrf MP PAM... 4 sed ff 11.4 th Pelle' Vile% (Or ArlfrISESTe Of All iw, OplA on 4 Ix, 14.110. ond PrOTIOII4, it ratif Yon flow to 4rsw op P.41114i,M AlORtororro, 1 , 7)7KA4 of ArToetter, NOM. Red Mae of Y.X I 3I4NOM,IILIOIPIS wog liztzlett, If lU'l, %bu The :atm (or tio9 Couronox of prom with the OrrAIVIM or LIIIII4IIIII, and 0r...1r. oaf bb,.l f iron Egger/ Insv In .You It Taff You How to make an iakiaxNelle ptC•yetly, wftb forth. for Coacpointns will, Cerntross,,sa4 lbw I P O 74ISIIII,V4Sa .rery nett, II Zits Po The 1 ,, gal pAellohs exlgllng botwean Gras. 1410 an 4 W4r,o,llson sn4 AessuttCW, and 1.4111140RG 004 Isxstrs, It 74/a You What comattol , 4 Lust sn4 fltants, aa4 thi Low 141,0 MAlltlAnt forwre,tho wc.ra Loam so ' , tome/ I/Mfg/3 and ALIWAT. It Tens nu ltns Ist. Iltrriawke Massie every fftate, sr,' the :471441-/Z4MO /A Mg of 1111,(yals luol how to MOT ply with Ito 641a1t. Tahr You MT law corP>trillo; PX,TXIIXB sn4 how te nt oin One, ant the Vez-gitnioel Laws to rustic Laavr, it Tette YOU 711. Low ("T PAIEXIA, with trooto of wee dare le ol,feihing one, with tbestegegette, A rslONKtfltil uh f 1'41:L4 Of YtE4. 11 Tells You llow to nuke your Wm, oaf how to Alms. 144L7. aur &to; with the law suet the pluirermwto thoffeof in sissy Yattr, It Tett, You The mooning or Low 'newt in earn' MIP and az phafriti to fan the LV/9441tee, CCTITZ awl JCIMIAG Proffers of both th fteueral and fltoto %:brottawarya it 7rll. nu How ro seer ore 07 Law, by ohowtog how t do yow Intsfofte logally, that aarlogo Tart arnottut Of property, aryl veto:loos by its timely cousultatbwa 47). Par; body's Lawyer Is formals at IslstirfPx4lsl ..4 4 ,, 0 e ~,,,-...... 9 ,„ VOriti, l :osl .......„....0 , N• ) . * - 0 0 , eil'e,T, •.- - -. 'va,„ , - „1 -.- G- or et ~,,,,1 v, ~ e., .. , .....;. , .... W . ,..- - ,,,..5 7.. , 1" ,, LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! NTARLE'S SALES, , ATTACICT EXEC:I7IOMA, r I : ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SLIENENAS. 310RTGAGER, SCHOOL OftDEP.R, Jubom ENT CT ES. LEASE? Yon fiGUSY.3, NATURALIZATION WEE, •IMIMON ItONDS, JUDGMENT ISONDS, WARRANTS. YEE DILLS, NOTES. with a walrer of the WA Law, .11.11NiMtiiT NOTES,. with a waiver of Got VAS Law. ARTICLES OY AGREEMENT, with Teachers, MA Y. 13 AGY, CERTIFICATEY., for JuxtfrAs of the AM* and IlinLiters of the Iliwpel. RIMIPI,AINT. WARRANT. and COMMIT3I2IIi, fa mat of A.1.301f. and ILittery, and Affray, iCIEBB VACIAS. to Warr, amount of Jtolpatrat, couzcrons' gieCEIPTS, for mate, County, Scheid, Borough and Turrivitily Taale. Brinier, on iittotrior pap.r. and for oxle at ilia Ostia or the 111.1NTIN0DON 0L0131.1. WANES. of or , ry ,Ir,tription. prioted to ordor, coolly at /hart Frot(G' , ..M.l on good Paper. SATCHELS, PORT-310NNALF,S, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e., &e., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store, pAvatt ! PAPER!! PAPER !II Traling Paw, l'air.rvisPin Papa, Manias Paw, 'Dual Paw, Papar, Silk Pap•i• tkrforats4 Papwr, VIA:a koinf, tat Cop Pnp.r, nolkegy PANT, Lett , r Ownrro:rl4l,lo:n Paro - r, Pvql /MOT Anti Nat* Ptvvr, 11,1t1 aryl Ysuey Yt6y, Par,r, Whlt• Aryl Cain,l C4/4 Yap.#/.10 l'Ae. and ifloAtt, f p, *.2fr ns LY.:7I/5' lk,okr. 74141m:try aryl Meatt 342674. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGB STOOK AND • SeL ENDI AS SO[ ov Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' "BOOK STORE, SPECTACLES. A fine and largo as;lortment always on bawl AT LEIVE.," BOOK STORE. TEE GREAT MEDICINE! M'Entyie's ISDIAN COMPOUND. 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Rook' . araitz. • • • = "'""v Or ! MARK CP.OhtlYp Or 702 . 0 011.AliMLYNIA OAR. • WY" • - 4••:'