ttt Olobt. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Mar. 21, 1866. LOCAL, & PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa. per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. =I —Horse-bills neatly printed at this office. Bring in your orders. —The amount made by the colored people from the Festival in their church for their pastor, was $4O. —We give Mr. Lutz's reply to Mr. -Shearer, and we expect this to end the -iliscussion, unless paid for and publish ed as advertisements. —Festivals are the order of the day isince the G. T.'s profited by one. We learn there is to be one held shortly at -Saxton. 'We don't know the object. —Those of our subscribers who in tend moving this spring will please give us notice, so that their paper will be received regularly. —T-here will be preaching in the St. John's Episcopal Church, in this place, on next Sabbath, mornin g at 11 o'clock, afternoon at 31.. —A collision occurred on the Penna Central near Petersburg, on Saturday last, resulting in the wreck of efew cars and the detention of the trains. —Farmers, on application to the Agricultnral Bureau, at Washington, in person or by letter, will receive quantities of seed wheat, rye and oats. —We learn that March & Bro., mer chants at liarklesburg, will remove to this place in April and open a dry_ goods and fancy store at Brieher's old stand, —Saturday last" was St. Patrick's day. No demonstration of' any kind, Fenian or ,general, occurred to mar the monotony of every day life in the ancient borough. —The weather last week, as is usu• al for this season, was very changeable. Consequence was that silks, linens and bandanas were used to the point in ev ery direction. —The summer sesslon of the .Miln• wood .Academy at Shade Gap, this county, opens April 10th, This is one of the best institutions for learning in the land. For particulars read adv. —A Building Association has been organized at Mifflintown. This is just what is needed here to keep up the present commendable spirit of enter prise and improvement. Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, pleasantly situated in Rains burg, Bedford county; will be opened Tuesday, April 10th. We recommend the institution; Messrs. J. W. Hughes and J. A. Stewart are the principals. —There is a good work' going on among the temperance men in the nor thern section of the county. Three lodges of the Good Templar order now exist there and meeting With success. —Some changes in the place of resi dence will be made, in town this spring, but notwithstanding new houses are rapidly going up, every vacated house is soon engaged and occupied. —A total eclipse of the moon will occur on the evening of Friday. the 30th of March, which will be visible throughout the United States. The eclipse will begin at 0 05 p. m. —Upon taking the ease of Buser and Houser, tried in the Cambria court for the murder of Miss Polly Paul, to Chief Justice Woodward, he decided that the judgment of the court is affirmed. The culprits will be hung. —Our leg-al friend W. A. Stephens, Esq., is now in the west at Neosho, • Newton county, Mo., granting "squat ter sovereignty" claims, and attending to the business of his profession. lie will make his mark wherever be goes. —A new brass band has been organ ized in Mifflintown, but is waiting the helping hand of the citizens. We are pleased to state that the Huntingdon brass band is still among the things that are, is still improving, and we may expect we will hear repeatedly from them during the campaign, —The whole force of the Fenians of this place were out in parade on Fri day last, the eve of St. Patrick's day. The whole force consisted of one eccen tric son of the Emerald isle, dressed in ,cockade and uniform gay, with rusty gun any place but on his shoulder, who was performing to the amusement of all who witnessed him. —We are pleased to note that our young friend Harrison Planner has lo cated in the west at Westford, Wiscon sin, and has stuck out his shingle as "Doctor of Dental Surgery." He inti mates that the locality is it good ono, and we wish him all the success imag..: inable. Harry, let's hear from you again, and often. . —Another jail delivery has taken place, and our citizens aro inquiring whether the jail was visited by any of the juries for the purpose of making the necessary repairs. We understand that the case has been submitted to three juries, and each one of them failed to visit or report. We hope that another jury will be engaged, and ono that won't waste time in words.— ft is high time something was done. Farewell Sermon Rev. S. H. Reid, according to pre vious announcement, preached his last and farewell sermon, in the German Reformed Church on Sunday evening last. The room was full to overflow ing—members from all the different churches being present, together with many other appreciative friends. Dur ing the course of his remarks he sta ted that ho had been in the ministry twenty five years, that he bad preach ed in this immediate neighborhood for the past eleven years; and that twen ty one of the years of his ministerial career had been spent in Old Huntin g, don county. Ho remarked, and wo know it is not a remark arising from any vain motive, that his had been a labor of toil. He was required to itinerate over a largo area, and was obliged after a long journey to preach twice or thrice a day. But midst all the difficulties of his situation, ho re ferred to his records to show wherein he had missed half a dozen appoint ments throughout the time of his so journ with us. Ho also eloquently-ire furred to the stand which he took in the past four or five years. Ho was alwayS with the Government, always true to the Union, and always fearless in expressing the patriotic sentiments of his heart. By his earnestness in the pulpit on this subject ho received the censure of opposing partizans; but he felt he was right,—he could not see the crime of slavery perpetuated, he was born and bred in a. Southern State and ho understood the workings of the evil, and the animadversions of his opponents could not dissuade him from speaking the thoughts of his heart. The country '1.9 safe, he added, and he trusted all ill feelings arising from past differences were allayed. His blessings were pronounced on all the churches in our midst, and upon his numerous friends for past favors and kindnesses to himself and family; and upon his enemies, if any he had. His concluding remark was, "With malice toward noun, with charity for all, I bid you an affectionate farewell :" Mr. Reid and family depart on Tues day next for Milton, this State, where he has accepted a call for a large and flourishing charge. Mr. Reid's long and profitable sojourn with us has won the marked respect of our cilizens,and his social, Christian and intelligent hearing has endeared them to hiM. We bespeak for him all the aid, syMpathy and oo•operation, in his new relation, necessary to further the cause of relig ion. Our people will mica him, and they now regret his departuro. Appointments. The following appointments for the dunitita District of the East Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held last week at Williams- Port, Penna., have been announced: Presiding Elder—l'. BARNIIART. Altoona-4 S McMurray. Hollidaysburg—A W Guyer Woodberry—J M Clarke, A NV Decker Williamsburg—john A Dixon Birmingham—Sohn Moorhead, W 'Case, Petersburg—James Brads Manor A DeMoyer, Oliver M Stewart Huntingdon—Sob A Price Otissville-3 Brown, one to besupplicil Mount Union—S M Uartsoek Shirleysbnrg—S A Croceling, ono to be supplied MeVeytown—Vir Gwynn, ono to be supplied Lewistown—n Downs Lewistown Circuit—M. L Smith Milroy--D B McCloskey Saxton—J C Clarke, R Mallaltea Bloody Run—W G Ferguson, T T S Richurds Bedford—A R 111111er Rainsburg—J - W Leckie Schellsbnrg—S Ii .IklcGarrali , McConnellsburg—A E Taylor, ono to be supplied • James S Beyer, transferred to Balti• more Conference The following are appointments of those known to this community, but not in the above district: Lewisburg—W It Mills SunburyJ Anderson Selinsgrove—J Olowine Danville—J MoKendree Roily Bloomsburg—lt E Wilson Espy and Light street—A Di Barnitz Berwick—J A Gore Bloomingdale—M. P Crosthwaito Beaver Meadow—G T Gray. Port Matilda—S L M Conser arriorsmark—Martin L Drain Halt Moon—M C Britain Lycoining—J \V Haughawout, It E Kelly. Newberry—Justus A Melick Sallaclusburg—John Guss Haven—Samuel Creighton Karthaus—Elisho. Butler Glen Hope—W.ll Whitney Brolidway—R Wesley Black New Bloomfield—J C Hagey Newport—J Br Cleaver W Kirby Mifflin circuit-LJ B Polsgrovo Hanover—William A buck Duneannon—A W Gibson. G D Chenoweth, Agent Dickinson College. Exempts The following parsons are exempt from military duty according to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly, approved 4th May, 1863: SECTION' 1. Persons enlisted into volunteer companies', persons exempt by the fiditoviug sections; idiots, lunatics, common drunkards, vagabonds, paupers, and persons convicted of any infamous crimes. SECTION 9. The members of the' Legisla ture, and the officers thereof, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Surveyor General, Auditor Gene ral, State Librarian, Superintendent of Com mon Schools, and all the .Judges of the Courts of this Commonwealth, Sheriff Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, Prothonotary, Dis trict Attorney, and Clerks of the Courts of this Commonwealth. Every non-commissioned officer, musician, and private, of every uniformed troop raised, who has, or shall hereafter uniform himself, according to the provisions of any law of this state, and who shall have performed service in such company, or 'troop, for the space of seven consecutive years, in active service, from the time of his enrolment therein, ithhll be exempt from military dilly, except in case of war, insurrection or invasion. A Cara To the ladies and gentlemen of Runt ingdon, who patronized the Colored Pair, for the benefit of the Rev. Benj. Darks : I return thanks to you all, both white and colored, for the means afforded me, through the efforts of a few who feel to eleva4o themselves, and alleviate my sufferings. We have raised forty dollars. The following are the names of the committee: Mrs. Sarah Wells, Mrs. Sophia Chap. lin, Mrs. Hannah Chaplin, Mrs. Letitia Chaplin, Mrs. Nannie Chaplin, Miss Rebecca Chaplin, Miss Mary Williams, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Annie Brooks. I would just state that I am sorry for the disturbance that was raised, and I suppose it was done through the influence of ardent spirits. !ley. BENJAMIN DARKS, Pastor of the A. M. B. Church. Tluntingdon, Mar. 15,1866. Important, t o Soldiers The following communication is from Hon. A. A. Barker, with reference to the swindling operations of certain speculatorS, who pretend to obtain grants of lands for soldiers who send them their discharges. The circular referred to was from George Lemon, Washington. Soldiers will do well to heed, before they get "sold :" WASITINcTos, D. C. March G, MG. Stn , : REEll i _Esq., Huntingdon: Snt : Yours of the 3d inst., is to hand, and I hasten to reply. There is no law giving Muds to soldiers in the late war of the rebellion. The circular you speak of is swindle. The Second Au• ditor of the Treasury has issued a cir cular putting soldiers on their guard against all advertisements of the kind, as bein g 0. intended to swindle them out of their discharge papers, or get money out of them for which they can expect no return. I cannot lay my hands on one of these circulars or I would send it to you. It is quite probable that this Congress may grant land to sol diers for the purpose of equalizing the bounties, but until they do so advise every soldier to beware of all such ad vertisements, and above all to hold on to their discharge papers, as that is the only evidence they have of their service. Very respectfully yours, A. A. .13A.IIKER Broke Jall The citizens of the borough wore somewhat surprised on Tuesday last to hear that the young man Snyder had • again made his escape from the confines of the jail. It was more sur prising because he was manacled, and bas been bobbled ever since his capture. By some means or other be obtained a knife out of which he made a saw with which ho sawed apart his hobbles, and then ho, with his companions made a bole in the room wall through which be squeezed himself, pprung on the wall and jumped down. The hole was extremely small, and he went out feet. foremost. The remaining prisoners were about to follow suit, but were de tected before they got out of the room. Diligent search was made for Snyder but he could not be found. $25 re ward are offered by the sheriff fur his capture. Borough Election. The following persons were elected at the borough election held on Friday last. Justice of the Peace.—Andrew John • ston. D. School Directors.—Samuel T. Drown, James Port. Constable.—Nathaniol Williams. Judge.-3 - am es Magni re Inspectors.—John W. Mattern, John M. Bailey. Assessor.—William xtql..We learn that Dr. A. B. Brum baugh of Marklesburg, will locate in this place in the office of Dr. Loden, deceased. He will occupy the office on and after April first, and will attend to cases from town or country. Dr. B. will come amongst us well recommen ded as a physician and a gentleman. .VZ - Eyre & Landoll, 4th & Arch Sts , Philadelphia, are making their usual display of Dry Goods for the Spring trade. We see they are willing to make their prices meet the views of buyers. gEN,Communien services will be held in the B. Lutheran Chnrch,in Renting don, on the 23th of March. The Rev. 12. Flecher is expected to officiate. Preaching on the evening previous. 1a5...11r. Henry Harper, 520 Arch St., Philad'a, has in Store a largo Stock of Watches, Dino Jewelry, Silver Ware, &e., &c., which he is selling at reduced prices. Read his Card. ROTCIIIIO Extension Silver ➢ilning' Co. We call special attootion to adver• tisement of this company in another column. Read it. lin. We call attention of Physicians and others to sale of Medical Library, &e., estate of Dr. Loden, deceased. Ea — Millinery and Straw Goods— Read card of J W Culver & Co.. in this issue. A full stock of Goods in their lino just opened. Giro thorn a call. DErPotatoes, tor planting and table use. Read advertisement in this issue of Messrs. Woodruff& Bro. 'Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds, for Bale at Lewis' Book Store. —Glasses for marksmen, glasses for weak eyes, and glasses for all ages, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. DIED, In thia Borough, on the evening of March tat., lira. FRANCLB JACKSON, in the 85th year of her ago. COURT AFFAIRS, APRIL TERM, 1866 riIIUAL MST. _t. APRIL TERM, 1860 FIRST IVF.SI(. Leonard Weaver for use vs 11. Llc R. T. I 1 U & & Wood, ra Robert ()rabble. Dr 9,hoenlterstoesexecutpr vs Wilson & Lorouz .1. Croy:turd Maine° vs Cl. Sc J. IL Sboonbcriier, SECOND.- - , 'William Stewart V.l . ' NEFOIII,9 & S. PAnlnte Jacob Cresswell vs P. ti. Lane et 'al. J.3lePherran's executors vs Martin Oriady. David Caldwell vs J. Sewell Stewart.: Patrick Enounfli ye W. IL al'Martrla et al J. E. Glasgow for use vs Mary Glbbony's oxoeutorl E.'.slc.Mullin for use vs Harrison Gorsuch John Itlegaban vs Boyer k Johnston. John F. Herron vs David Blair. W. C. WAGONIiI2, Prothonotary. GRAND JURORS. R K Allison, farmer, Brady Joshua Brown, farmer, Springfield Samuel B. Boyer, farmer, Penn John Brewster, merchant, Walker William Brigs, farmer, Shirley Humphrey Chileote, laborer, Union George Colder, brewer, Alexandria John Eberts, farmer, Franklin W Gansimore, farmer,. Warriorsmark Barton Green, merchant, Barren El jab Gillam, farmer, Barren J W Isenberg, blacksmith, West Jared Johnston, farmer, West Benjamin Kyler, farmer, Cass Thomas Keitn, farmer, Hopewell Philip Locke, farmer, Springfield Jacob Musser, farmer,.Brady. II M'Manigal,livery keeper, .11u nting'n Jacob Mountain, farmer, Carbon Henry C Robison, farmer, Dublin George Smith, farmer, Cass J B Summers, farmer, Hopewell Benj. Sprankle, farmer, Morris Saml. Thompson, farmer, Franklin ra.t..vr.ttst: JURORS-FIRST WEEK. Robert Anderson, Sr., farmer, Penn Jacob A nspach, farmer, Jackson - Daniel Ammerman, agent, Carbon Andrew Beers, miller, Franklin Samuel Book, farmer, Tell Samuel Barr, filrmer, Jackson Thomas Cisney, farmer, Tell A Carothers, innkeeper, Cromwell Laden Dean, laborer, Union Aaron W Evans, J P, Cassville S Entrekin, firmer, Hopewell Daniel Petterhoof, limner, Morris Robert Gifford, farmer, Shirley George Garber, farmer, Cromwell William G utshall, farmer, Springfield Charles Green, filmier, Oneida Daniel Goodman, farmer, Huntingdon Richard D Heck, farmer, Cromwell William Hess, farmer, Springfield - Henry Hammer, farmer, Morris William S Harper, farmer,'Dublin Daniel Knode, farmer, Porter Jacob Lane, farmer, Springfield Henry Lee, farmer, Jackson Abraham Myers, carpenter, Penn John P Myton, farmer, West George MeCool, farmer, Oneida Henry A Mark, farmer, Juniata James Moore, Thriller, Oneida William V Miller, farmer, Oneida Samuel Myton, farmer, Barree Newton Madden, farmer, Springfield Winchester McCartney, farmer, Brady I W M'Mnrtrie, gentleman, Huntingdon Samuel Neal, farmer, Oneida Abraham Pheasant, farmer, Cass Joseph G Pai k, farmer, Cass Joshua Price, farmer, Dublin Peter Peightal, farmer, Penn T D Strickler, plasterer, Huntingdon James Stewart, farmer, Jackson David Stever, farmer, Cass Samuel Tussey, litrmer, Morris D Tate, weaver, Jackson Jackson White, firmer, Union David \Vallsmith, farmer, Oneida George Wagoner, farmer, Shirley Benjamin Wallace, farmer, Morris TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEEK. W Addleman, farmer, Warriorsmark George Bell, drover, Barrett John H Benford, carpenter, Coalmont Jonathan S Briggs, farmer, Tell Alexander N Campbell, clerk, Penn Thomas Carillon, tinner, Huntingdon James Coulter, farmer, Tell Benjamin Coble, laborer, Penn I John 11 Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell Casper Fisher, farmer, Hopewell Kenzie L Green, farmer, Clay I George Garver, farmer, Shirley Jelin Hutchison, farmer, Warriormark Andrew Heffner, miller, Walker Samuel Haekedorn, innkeeper,. Shirley, Geo. A-Heaton, merchant, Coalmont Jelin Hawn, Jr., farmer; Juniata David Johnston, saddler, Penn John Kiner, farmer, Union Daniel Kyper, farmer, Oneida John Magill, farmer, Penn John .rd eClain, farmer, Tod David B Nail, shoemaker, Penn Benjamin Neff, miller, West Samuel Peightal, farmer, Penn James Port, Huntingdon Livingston Robb, farmer, Walker Isaac S Shoetz, Carbon William Smith, carpenter, Toll Samuel Schell, farmer, Hopewell Andrew Shore, farmer, Shirley James Snyder, farmer, Henderson Richard Silverthorn, farmer, Tell W C Van tries, merchant, Warriorm'k Henry Wolfkill, farmer, Brady William Wiblo, farmer, Springfield SPECIAL NOTICES EAFICESS, BLINDNESS & CA TARRH., treated with thy utmost success. by .I'. enACS, D.. Oculist nod Audit; °Omanly of Leyden, Hon:mom/4 No. 110 PlNEstreot, P711L.4 DA. Tostitnoninlo from the moot rellobld sources in the city and country, can be 'comm rot his offiCe. The medical factilty are intik,' to accompany timely mtionts, no Imo has no Reacts in his practice. A It'ill.FlClYsh lilliS inserted It - Himont Fain.— No charge for eramnimmatiom Tn,„ s• - )Ns, 610 Mdrhet etret , Phila• 11044113. manuracturers and importers of Candies, Pruits, Nuts. and other goods In the confectionery line, Invite or dors from eountty dealer:. Alt orders, largo or =moil. Win he promptly taloa. It P 1111,4 DEL,nitIA MARKETS. March. 19. Family clout $1.(1,13(1 Extra Flour $6,00 Ripur[No Floor ...$8,25 II)0 Flour MEM . . ... . E ..... Plc I rn Whit° Wheal: • $2,§0®2.0 . Fall. awl Prime Ito LI $21002;25 ' Ilye 95 Corn, prime Yellow 71 Cote CO ISlwley ........ ... 70 Cloyorseud, .iiltl lbs 50,80 . '`:iwialty 5400 1 , 111.x8..e51, $2,93 Wool 8061170 likled 13 E,UNTINGDON MARKETS, COSILECTED W.C.EIf LX la S. E. 1.14N1:IT & CO. Family Flour ?ILIA ~1 :1,60 PArro Hour $3,50 SUpernue Flour 51,50 Corn 31.1 tocwt.. r. , 05 B.,,,kwlient Molar tart . 503 whho Wheat 52,05 I VI hea ?dew L.O n.. tts ..... ME= MEM Dried Applcs ...... Dried l'eltelles dD Plata ...... ........,... Ey;Es Lard 1L rn Shooldor Sldeo roilow nay Bans 'll bas reto.tqca Wbutt 011i0114 - . Timothy $250 to 3,00 Planter pur ton $1.0,00 Barley t% .Ityo Chop $ 2 40 Mixed Chop 5 2 , 2 6. • WiAPN G MAJUIRI RAILROAD STREET, NUNTENCOON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, MEM, at, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, is invited to tho fact that we ore new offering, a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can De found elsewhere in thin part of the State, at prices to suit the Oates. Our stock comprises all articles In this Eno of business, embracing a general nogortmont of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CABBENII33B BLACKSMITHS, CARRIA,GE oat WAGON J.7,INERS, kc„ together with a large stock of Iron, 6'leel, .11Taits, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low TVare. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, An excellent assortment of M'laic) . 401.mtle,z-3:r, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS— SORS, RAZORS, S.C. BRITT ANIA Ez SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and FitlM Implements, ,Of the latest and most unproved patterns. CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOIL SAM: AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS hod n general assortment of material fur their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Ilubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nufs, Washers, Halleabte Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, d.c. XE3 X.rl .A.(O Mr...5.764.:V0 fF.D' Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS. HPRSE 11.17.3 MULE SIZOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS wit, um, in our establishment 0 superior stock of PL A NES, SINS, • AUGERS, HATCHETS, • • 1I AMiIE RS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SORE WS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, mu -coitus, &c., MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties, BLASTMG POWDER, PURE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. ir J .Ebi v jaa.tra Vet Can bo accommodated with everything in their !inn Nom a Grain Separator to a Whet-atone. 331.23131+Zaeana Aro especially invited to call and examine oar atocl: of BUILDING HARDWARE, and Fonspare our pricos with others Agricultural Implements, c.„,,,t.g the thalcus Russell Reaper, Blower, and Dropper, combined, Boudoir. PrOlllill.ll nOßsr PITCIIFORE, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, Slay Sartre, Trace and natter Chains, Breaat Chains, Cow Ties, Carry Comte, Carda, Sic., Re. Among tiro spoetalties Of Our ttontop tvc dooiro to colt attontion to Um eelehrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested In us. Send fot eciroular nut gat Nit partici:tors of some, and satisf) yonrself of its superior quiditics. SCALES. Scales Or all nines and descriptions, including' Tea awl Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' andbrugyists' 'Scales Rolling ME, Wheelbarrow, Pork Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coat Scales, FURNISIIED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH. PRICES. ma The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever ittf,red ht this place A (MEAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ILL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, uy the keg. 'Very low! $lO 41,00 ' Best Norway nail, rod, bar and hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes anti descriptions WAGON , BOXES, CARRIAGE. SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil; $‘3,013 ® G (A ....3,00 .25 to tho 'barrel or zalloo, at very low flgurea $B,OO $3,00 ..I.LO Zia" A cull 19 respocattlily talk hod, feeling confl dont Unit our goods and prices will not fail to ploneo.-Vd WHARTON & MAQUIRE. Fibroti . 27, 180, DEA LIIItS IN Oil and Powder Cans rinae 0101. Z -1 4:z)vtath.c3Lzwy STILL IN BLAST. 'IIIIE subscribers, thankful for tho L liberal share or patronage they lam liei . etofere TO , CdV¢d ly s trict attention to business, I hope to merit and stilt receive the same, f;Xei ( - 7 take thin method to inform their friends and everybody else, that they ore prepared , k,kit to make all kinds of IRON and BRASS VASTINOS made in d first clone Foundry. .•• • - We have always on Land all kinds of Plough and Store Castings. also wash Kettles, cellar-window Grates, coal. Lokicastings for pavements, window weights of all sizes and weights, pipe joints. sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam end water, grist, saw, sumac and plaster mills of all descriptions. We are prepared to furnish-Heaters and Iron Fences or the too t improved style, oven doors and frames, door cilia nod in fact everything made in this line. We have a very large stock of patterns and can furnish castings at short notice, and cheaper than they can he had in the county. Raving a good drill we are prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all kinds. 455—Highest market price paid for old metal, brass, zinc, lead, Pc. J. M. CUNNINGHAM ,b SON . . Office on Rath-sad strest,one door west of the Exchange "Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. deer/Alt' WEST HUNTINGDON rOUNDRY, Near Fishers' Mill, Huntingdon, 'Pa. THE Undersigned would take this method to Inform the public that his . ; Now Foundry Is now in blast, and be is 1'.4„ prepared - to re-eiro and fill orders for all kinds of CASTINGS, PLOWS, THRESH- ' LNG MACillisiilS, &c., Ac. Doing n practical mechanic at tho business ' of twenty three years expenonce , and haring a desire to please, be hopes to merit nod recede a share of public patronage,. Sled and sleigh Soles, and other castings, kept on hand. ta...01d metal, brass and copper taken in eitchatig,o for worn. JAMES SIMPSON. Ilantingdon, December 13,1335-6 m. WATERSTREET FOUNDRY Sax THE undersigned having purchased the above property would take this method to Inform tile public that he to prepared to receive and till orders for ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, PLOWS, TIIP.XSIIISG aIACTIINES, &c.; and also will make and repair alt hinds of Thrashing Machines, fm. Sled end sleigh soles and other castings kept on hand. Old metal, Bross end Copper, taken in exchange for work. J. N. PIPER. Waterstreet, Jan 9.-11m* ISDCZP . T...T.M2. - MVOTOM 2 (Sixteen Years Fair Trial!) A. PEYSSON, PLTILADELPHIA.• T)OUDRETTE, $2O per ton, taken _1 front the factory loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and ; I2n per ton in bans, delivered at steamboat and railroad depots, in Philadelphia. Manufactory—Clray'a Ferry road above the arzenal, Philarra. apot—Peysenini farm, Gloucester. N. Jersey, Wo.llatry road. Ofile,—Tdbrary street, No, 42J, back of the post office, Fltilad'a. Dealers— Fit J:.• CO.. fe2l-3m 4111 and Callowhlll streets, (e - Az z YTtiltz , ,, 1#1.',4(41 0., ~: 7 , • ., ,.'.t ,, ,i.,,...i& wggyfoilititf -,,r--3 i it ro mi q4 miNt‘e.llo) . il i ‘ • ~: ?i, 't•i„-- 4 , 1 •,-....-.,,,,—•_-_,-- d ..P. % 1 1 ' - 14. 4 . i . I I : 1 T', V I,l=-1 1:- ;?: 0 , NEW FIRM 21/IC.a_ 7EOE3 2Cm "E"21.E...30 J. M. GREEIVE tk F. 0. BEAVER . 'laving entered into parlterehip, inform the public that they aro prepared to execute all otylca of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Ffich no 310ND31i:NTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, ns nt low prices as any Flop In the county. Orders from a di.rtance promptly attended to. Ehop mt 311E1,T,1N greet, a few doorS mot of the 11 - ;- theran church ' ' • • . • feb1.1.18661y• New Styles for 'GC already on hand. THE LARGEST and TILE HEST - STOCK OF J.VEIV STYLES OF WALL PAPER Ever received in Huntingdon, NOW OPEN And for sale at _LEWIS' Book Store. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS, SATINS, BLANKS, BROWNS of various styles, for Parlors, _lnns, Dining Rooms, Offices, Bed Booms, Kitchens, Bar Acto7as,cr:e. Paper is on the risesave 24 For cont. by baying soon. It will pay all to buy now for Spring use - sreport tgtrikzvzs A GOOD PIIOTOGIIAPII LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNEttla & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book. Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, QTOVES. STOVES. Sponr's famous "antiglugt" Cook, Wollington Cook ; Continental Cook, and a splendid variety of gas barrier, and other tinting Sims, for cool or wood, join re ceived, and for onto at the Hardware Store of JAMAd A. 8110113. Huntingdon, Oct. IS, 'O5-tf. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ASV petson in want of one of the • ollove articles shonld call on Sties BA KER, Agent fur tho Hun tingcloorSept. DItP LIBERTY WI LITE LEAD, Preferred by all practical Painters! Try It I and yuu Will hare 1100th Mantilla:tared only by Z.MOLER & Wholesale Drug,Paint & Gl4sEi Dealors, No. 137 Nth. Third st., Philada. jandl-ly • ei 9 f) A IdONTlL!—Agents wanted kf fur Mx entiroly now nrtlcles, jut out. Ad dross O. ,T. CABBY, City Building, Biddeford, Moine. 11e0.201.865-1y ritHINIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE ROSES for wagons of ail sizes, for sale at tho Hard• »we Storo of 0144,18601 JAB. A. DHOW:I. BEST EASTERN OIT.EESE rnli7'63 nE cusw...cauAm cm:lto:vs. OA SS I ME RES.—A °Woo lot of black and fancy enesinioreB nE CUNNINGHAM & CARMOYS t • 1866! 1866. CLOTILING% H. ROMAN. tt B IV CLOT . kIING tALL AND WINTER{, SUET itzusinp 11, ROMAN'S. CHKAP CLOTHING For Gentlemen's Clothing of thebeat rpaterlal, and mach In the best workmanlike Wanner, call at . . H. ROMAN'S opposite the Franklin House In Market gq6are, Hunting: don, Pa. Huntingdon oct 17, '0.5, HARDWARE . AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCIS. AND ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERt, Sze; • • NOW OPEN AND zioli SALE BY JAS. A. BROWPti v lIUNTI*GDON, PENNA. GALL AND EXAMINE ODE NTOdit. iiuntingdon, oct NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN TEE CZEAPEST SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE- RUN STATION ? . • • Would respectfully Call the attention of- hie oldplttratiSi specially, and the public , to general, •to hie extensive Mock of well selected new Goods, just recilied from tht Eastern cities, consisting, in part, •of Dry Qeocis, Clothing, Wool . . on Ware, Notions, • Hats and Caps, Boots and , - Shoes, Bonnets Shawls, Cirou has, Hardware, Queensware, Gros.: caries, Woad and Willow-ware, Tobaceoi Segars,„Xaile, Glass, Provisione, Oil, Fieb,, Salt, Tinware; Cop , ! . per Ware, 'Drugs . and Medicines, Cloaks / • Watches, &V., • • and all other articles icept In a Ark class try Mord; MI selected with the greatest eare and which were pur chased for cash only, and affords him to sell them at a very low figure. The public will And it to their advert'. tape to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing eleowhere. 'No pains will be spared in sholv ittg our Goods. Ladiee are specially invited tnexanilmt. our large stock of fashionable dress goods; -Sliewle,.Cir enlace, Furs, and a great variety of 'Woolen Goods, lloslei ry, Ac. Also, a handsome aasortment ed LAVirs COATS All kinds of produce taken in exchange at. Neil:aghast market prices , -Cash not refaded. Ey strict attention to. the wants of customers; wo hope to receive a continuation' of she liberal patronage with which we have been hereto= fore favored. Come one and all, and nor, nrp... New floods received dully. oct 181805 CHEAP. GROCERY STORE "E"..I63IVaIaiMEL, . . HILL SR, HUNTINGDON, BA, THE undersigned offers fiir the in-+ 'spection and purchase of customers niarge no sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, &c He feels salts. lied•they can bo accomodsted with nnytblng in his lino. Ills pricos are low, nod bid stodk fresh and good. lit keeps tho best of SIJG AR, COFFEE . , TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARSi BOOTS AND SHOES,- . . HATS (5; CAPS, &o HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR And NOTIONS of every A select stock of DRY(lools.9.'.ioguther With QUEENS: W ARE, and all other artlClo4 kept in n Well reguinte4 establisbnient foy sole qt icaspnahle prices. A' 1114 store is oq frill street, nearly opposite Chef Bank, And in' the room fortherly ocppfed by D. Grose. Nit and examine. " ' ' ' 7 'TENTER': linutingdon, stet 17, up. SPECIAL . MEd. ri g() ~fond t. cease wearing the. beantifal styles no* so prevalent, or dress less elegantly,' because the robot . Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attired One moment's cairn reflectieri will slimly serve to change; Your rash resolve. The angels had too mueli good sense' to lay aide their pine chaste robes- of white, becatuni . they had for a time served to Ithle the defortnitieet of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err fir folloNlog examplaof Angels? Theo haviag made up your ntiodsi that you will continuo to dress' tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the :tore of the sulacri hers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with MA articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your fath, or:, husbands, brothers; -neighbors and cbudron to that the sante store. They can hero ye suited irtgood article& of Boots, Shore, Clothing. blatartal, Hate, Cape, Cinema ware and a goncrut toeotimeat of OrotetHs,' diX is reds eonablo terms as at any Hosea in town; Store on StUrtlto east corner of the Diatnetul, Huntingdon, Pa. - may 31, 1805. PIANOIS 11:WArdotOS, GREAT ENTiIIIGIAM IIIG.II PAIGE'S ASURR'N.p.h!R 4 TECEI ZEST AND THE CEMAPIEIEit. • JOHN fl.• WESTBROOK ihni. Respectfully Miens this eltivens of Huntingdon and 'vicinity that ho has just received from the pity a New and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & Hosiery, - S'lioe Findings,. Carpet Sacks,. Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. ' nil of which Po is prepared 0011 at reduced peeps. A lot of choice CONFECTIONERIES be:en ro " ceirod. Don't forget the bid stand in the Diationd. Old enato7 mere and the public generally are Jailrgio Wt. ' Huntingdon, 0pr14,1865, " NEW . BOOT AND, SHOE STORB.. -I- WM. AFRICA llnt.rms the public that he bee just opened at his old stand in tho Diannnadi Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, . For Ladies, Gentlemen and, - Children : All of which Ito will sell at fair prices. quick Rae otall, Smelt Profits. Pall and exaricinOmy stook. Manufacturing and Repairing none to oral. as tistiV. Munt.ingilon, Or-4,10,188i. New Fttratture Establishment. J..M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in furniture; Respectfully invites the attention of the Palle to his stand on Ilill et., Huntingdon, In the rear (411a:11'01T Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he rnanufactriret and keeps oil kinds of Furniture at redtmed Wows. reri sons wishinl to purchate, will do well to to bite a Repairing of . all hinds attended topromntly and 61airket reasonable, gd" leo, Undertaßing curried on, and Coffins made fir any etylo desired, at short bottle. ea` Entrants attended at any place ip town or noun ~ by 4: M. WISV, • Anntingdon, Sept. 2,1, lap -az • PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do rporo and bettor work at a liven coat, than any otter, Try It I Arm facto:trail only by ZIEGLIR whowe Drug, 6 72V60§. 4 -W14 1 . 1 0 ,jaa2A-ly 3=l Fi com