The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 21, 1866, Image 2

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    'Cy 6lnbe,
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Wednesday morning, Mar. 21,1566.
Maj. Gen. John W. Geary,
County Convention,
At the 'twit meeting of tho Union
County Committee, the following yes°.
Minn was adopted
Rasta:cm, That the Chairman of this Committee he and
he is hereby instructed to call a convention of delegates
front the election districts in this county, to meet in 0110-
tention the first week in April court, to take into consid
eration and dotermine the question of the adoption of tho
Crawford county system of nominating candidates for of
in future; and that the Chairman publish in tho
county papers, with the call for the Convention, the
manner of making nominations under that system.
In pursuance of this resolution the
Union voters are requested to meet at
the usual places and elect delegates the
Saturday previous to a county conven
tion, to assemble at the Court House
in Huntingdon, at two o'clock, p. m.,
Wednesday, the 11th day of April next.
The main features of the system
above referred to are as follows :
At the usual time for holding dele
gate meetings the voters assemble and
hold an election foi candidates for tho
different offices to be voted for at the
ensuing election—voting being confined
to those known to act with the party.
The officers of these elections are usu
ally chosen by the voters present, and
are organized in the same manner as
.at a general election, except that they
•Are, not sworn. The judges of the
several districts soon after assemble in
Convention at the county seat, and
'cast up the returns, and the persons
having the highest number of votes
for the several offices are declared the
candidates. These return judges when
thus assembled in convention, appoint
the County Committee arid district
conferees, and transact any other busi
ness that would be proper for a min.
ty convention. Candidates are usually
required to announce their names in
the county papers before the primary
The Convention to be held in April
is simply to determine whether this
system will be adopted, and should it
be adopted the convention will no
doubt direct a further publication of
rules and regulations prior to the first
.election under it in August next.
Chairman Co. Com
IT is singular what an influence a
single vacant office will exert on men's
understanding and actions. Recently
there was held in Chicago, an immense
meeting to denounce the President.
There appeared to be a scramble to
make sure of being present, and fierce
was the struggle among the leaders to
got on the record for denouncing the
President in the hardest terms. Soon
after the Collector of the port died ; of
course, the vacancy has to bo filled—
the scramble - "commenced. If every
body was to be believed, nobody had
attended the meeting; and tho labor
of hedging became as amusing as it
was vigorous. All wore supporters
of the President, nobody had opposed
him. Affidavits were freely made, and
in view of what was sot forth in them,
it became doubtful whether such a
meeting had ever been held—at any
rate, few, if any, wore willing to say
they had attended it. The result has
been, the meeting was practically ex
punged, and a radical, backed by SonN
IVENTWORTII, has been appointed Col
lector of Customs.
tion of soldiers was in the Court House
at Harrisburg ono day last week.
Among other,distinguished persona—
ges present were Generals. White,
Owen, Collis, and Collier. Gen. Joshua
T. Owen, acted as chairman, and. Col.
Rogeis, of Erie, as secretary. Gen.
Harry White offered the following
resolutions. Which were unanimously
adopted :
WHEREAS, Those citizens who have
borne arms in defense of the life of the
nation, have peculiar interests and
feelings in the present posture of the
political affairs of the country, and are
desirous of securing proper results of
the late civil war, and of assuring the
future peace 'and harmony of the
Union ; And whereas, An expression of
the desires and feelings of the late sol
diers of the country cannot fail to have
a salutary effect upon the political sen-
timent of Pennsylvania; therefore,
Resolved, That Maj. Gen. J. F. Hart
ranft, late of the United States ar
my, and now a citizen of Norristown,
is hereby requested authorized to issue
to the discharged soldiers of Pennsyl
vania a call for a Soldiers' Convention,
to be held in the city of Pittsburg, on
a day not later than May 10th, 1800,
to be designated in said call;'said Con
vention to be composed of not more
than five delegates from each repre—
sentative district of the State ; the
manner off selection of such delegates
in tho different districts to be designa
ted in said call.
wa.Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania,
had a protracted interview with the
President on the 15th, after which he
informed a friend that ho should sus?
tain the Pre-sident.
m.;.A. House worth twenty-five
thousand dollars has been presented
to General Sherman, in St. Louis. It
is situated on Garrison avenue, near
Flanklin, and the lot is eighty-four
feet front by a depth of one hundred
and eayject.
The Senate and itouse have agreed
to adjourn, finally, on the 1:All of
Letter from theiVest,
MEssas. EDITORS :—For the benefit
of my numerous friends I submit the
following from my journal :
Tuesday, Fob. 27. Loft the Seven
Stars at 4 p. m., for Spruce Creek; ar-
Jived" and took the 7 p. m. train for
Huntingdon where I remained over
Feb. 28. Arose at 8 o'clock a. in.,
and breakfasted at 4 Bade the folks
farewell and took the 4 54 a. in. .train
for Spruce Crook. ArriCred on time; my
baggage being at the station I hadlt
checked and proceeded to Altoona,
expecting to take the next train, as I
presumed it would reach Pittsburg
first, but ascertaining to the contrary
I proceeded to the city which 1 reach
ed a few minutes before Ip. m. The
ride was pleasant, and the scenery
grand. In the same car I occupied,
were two students for the Allegheny
college, (penitentiary). They were
horse thieves from Bedford Co., Pa.
Notwithstanding they were:manacled
they seemed full of glee. I watched
their countenances closely and could
observe nothing but don't careism ex,
hibited until entering the city, when
tears began to trickle down the
cheeks of the older. Ah, realization
had taken place ! but too late, too late.
After leaving the cars, and on my way
to the buss, I met Mr. McCord, of S. C..
I.and in company with him left for
Meanor House, where we dined. After
dinner I called on an old friend,a drug
gist of this place, and spent a few
hours pleasantly, then accompanied
him to the Monongahela and Alleghe
ny wharves. In the harbor of the
Monongahela could be seen vessels of
almost every description from the
yacht to the monitor. The Allegheny
wharf was a scene of commotion, load
ing and unloading the oleaginous sub
stance. Barrels of oil by the thou
sands, and empty barrels by the ten
thousands was a portion of the scen
ery before us. In the evening we at
tended one of the chief placoa of a
musement, which of course is natural.
March 1. After dinner left for the
Depot. Left Pittsburg at 248 p
bound for Enon, Ohio. After reaching
the place I concluded to go to Canton,
Stark Co., Ohio. (The conductor pro.
ved an agreeable and accommodating
gentleman. From Enon to Columbus
1 had no ticket, and learned that the
general rule on this road [Pittsburg,
Ft. Wayne and Chicago,] was to charge
double fare in such cases; making con
siderable difference in a few miles,]
Reached Canton, 8 o'clock and some
minutes p. m.
March 2. After enjoying the night's
repose and breakfast in St. Cloud Ho
tel, I preferred the inhalation of a little
fresh air and promenaded up Tuscaro
ras street. My opinion of this place
is recorded in my lexicon of beautiful.
The sweet notes of the blue bird, and
the familiar pipings of the red breast,
greeted me on every side. A regular
spring morning. Imagine my surprise
when discovering the peach trees al
most in bloom. In my wanderings I
came to an old dilapidated brick build
ing,inquired of a stranger what it was(?)
He informed me, the Court House.
Always eager to learn points connected
with the legal profession 1 entered in
and found court in session. The room
resembled that of an underground res
taurant more than a court room. Re
mained until noon. After dinner I
took the 12 40 p. m., for Chicago. Be
fore leaving Canton allow me to in
form you they-are boring for "ile" in
the neighborhood. Unlike our oil seek
ers-1 refer to an engine—they use
horse power, having to await the in
conveniences of freezing up. Slow op
eration that. But now to Chicago. On
our road we had it rough, and very
rough. Talk about B. T. R. R., 'tis
.pleasant, to this road. Notwithstand
ing I had A berth in a sleeping car I
tried to sleep in various positions, but
all in vain. Sometimes I would rest
my head on my right arm, sometimes
on my left; sometimes setting up, and
sometimes laying down considerably
spooned. Arrived a t Chicago 7 o'clock,
Saturday at noon. The country
through which we passed was mostly
under water and presented a very
unfavorable appearance.
More anon.
[From the Now York Timm.]
The Present Aspect of Affairs in the
Important though the question of
admitting the Southern Representa
tives may be, and . deserving of our
earnest attention as may be the polit•
ical relatiods of these States, there aro
other than political matters in the
Southern States which merit our in
telligent study. Wo hear it often
enough said that the revolution or re.
vulsion in the South was industrial,
social, and moral, as well as military
and political ; but popu!ar attention
during the war was concentrated al
most exclusively on the military situa
tion, and since its close has been cons
trod almost entirely On the political
situation. -These two had aspects more
easily recognized as rational than the
others, and their immediate interest
was far more extensive. But, after all,
the question which for some time past
have come closest home to the South
ern people, and which nro most fre
quently asked and eagerly canvassed,
are of the social or an industrial char
"How do affairs. move along in your
neighborhood ?" "What are the pies
pects of the crops or of business ?"--,
"how about your negroes, and what is
their behavior,and how do they work?"
Inquiries akin to these aro the daily
and hourly subject of conversation
among the Southern people. To enable
our intelligent readers to infornithem
selves on these, as well as on political
matters, we have our correspondents
traveling through the South or sta
tioned at various important points,
and the letters we publish from them
from time to time, though varying
greatly in the pictures they give of
different localities, and though 'chang
ing with the passage of months and
the circumstances of the hour, yet, on
the whole, have sufficient unity to al
low us to draw from them certain gen
eral conclusions as to the condition of
affairs as they now exist.
Firstly, we find that the two races
'tot along" much more agreeably in
their relations than could have been
anticipated. At first, or immediately
after the close of the war, it seemed as
if an ill-feeling was about to spring up,
'and as if it would be impossible to estab•
lish industry upon a profitable or satis
factory basis. This was followed by
apprehensionson the part of the whites
of insurrectionary outbreaks by the
negroes. Tho blacks seemed to enter ,
tam some sort of a vague notion that,
with their freedom, they were entitled
to laud, to a life of indolence, and to
fine things In general. The whitesi felt
more or less chagrin at the loss of'
their slave property and at the "airs"
assumed by the negroes. But with
the passing away of last year, and the
fears that hovered around its closing
days, seem to have come a better con
dition of feeling all around. With the
whites, all but the rememberance of '
their former property in the negroes
has now passed away. No thought
of any future assumption of past rela
tions is entertained. Tho feelings of
humanity and interest aro beginning
to assert themselves over the antago
nisms of race, and it is found to be
actually possible to have a free socie
ty of mixed races without those con
comitants which were formerly looked
on as essential parts of it. The blacks,
too, have come to understand them
selves better, and their relations and
place in the social organism. They
have found out, during their year of
freedom, what is essential to their
wellbeing now and hereafter, and
have become dispossessed of the fan
; cies which ignorance had engendered
in their heads. Both parties see that
they must live together, and feel the
importance of their doing so on friend-
Iv terms.
Very closely allied to the mutual
feelings of the two races arc their in
dustrial relations. And we find that
as the one has improved the other has
grown better. It is very hard to gen
eralize on this point concerning a re
gion of country so vast as the South;
hut only on Sunday last, we published
letters written at many and at the
most distant parts of it, by different
observers, and there is a uniformity of
agreement on the subject that cculd
como only from a condition of things
essentially similar in all parts. From
Virginia to Texas, from Missouri to
Florida, at the cotton culture, at farm
work, and at general industry, there
has been a rapidity of industrial reor
ganization,according to the new forms,
that is as gratifying as it was unex
pected. There are lazy, „idle, and
worthless negroes enough in all quar
ters; there are many who, having al
ways having been accustomed to work
under the lash, now refuse to labo- al•
together; but in broadly generalizing,
for a whole race so widely scattered '
as this one, we but give the conclusion
from a. vast amount of testimony, in
saying that the extent to which indus
try has already been reestablished is
such as to secure the labor of by far
the greater part of the working popu
lation of the South. Tho blacks will
plant and raise a very great breadth of
cotton this year—probably at !cast
two thirds as much as in the - years be
fore the war; and when once they have
gotten into the ways of free labor, and
have come to enjoy its rewards, there
is no fear of their going backwards in
the future.
While we aro able to write thus
hopefully, however, on the social and
industrial rehabilitation of the south
ern States, as'it appears at this time,
we but chronicle what we bear from
many parts of the south, in saying
that a great drawback to progress is
the state of political uncertainty in
which they have so long been kept by
o:ingress. It affects them in many
ways other than political, and prevents
them from settling down steadily and
permanently to the ordinary duties of
life, with a fixed political order and
assured political privileges.
Washington Topics and Gossip.
Prominent financiers, in Boston,
New York and Philadelphia, are en—
deavoring to reconcile the existing dif
ferences between the Executive and
Congress. These gentlemen take the
ground that the country needs repose,
and that should a financial panic now
be brought about by political "discus
sions, the result would be disastrous.
Already have the Union Senators met
in caucus to see,whether a Constitu
tional amendment cannot be framed
upon which they can again unite, and
there aro many other indications of a
desire .to harmonize existing differ—
encee. Of course,'the very ultra Den:.
mats and Republicans are doing all
in their power to prevent this, but
they may -not succeed. Meanwhile
President Johnson is appointing to of.
lice loyal men, whether recommended
by those Unionists who support him
or those who denounce him. Neither
is he giving "aid and comfort to the
(Democratic) enemy," by favoring
them with the loaves and fishes. Ins
deed, it is rumored that ho declares his
determination to do all in his power to
promote the election of General Geary
as Governor ofPennsylvania, although
Mr•. Forney so prejudiced the Republi
can. Convention against him that they
almost treated him uncivilly.
Several new propositions to amend
the Constitution have been offered in
both branches of Congress within a
day or two, and it expected that
those offered in the Senate Nvill be vo
ted on next Thursday. There is very
little chance, however, of a two-third
majority. Five or six Republican Sen
ators refuse to vote for any proposition
but that suggested by the President,
and originally introduced into Con
gress by Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, last
year—the proposition for basing rep
resentation directly upon voters. But
it is impossible to get a two-third vote
in the House for this proposition, as it
reduces the number of representatives
in Now England, Now York and
Pennsylvania. The Senate will try
very hard to obtain a two thirds vote
for some proposition before the week
ends, and if it fails, it will be generals
ly admitted here that it is hopeless to
attempt to carry any amendment re
lating to representation.
The majorities in the Senate and
the House are in a decidedly demor
alized state as to what is to be done.
The Freedmen's Bureau Bill was veto.
ed---the Civil Rights Bill can only be
passed in an emasculated condition—
and the failure to pass the Constitu
tional amendment reported by the Re
construction Committee, adds to the
erabroglio. If the President has not
established his policy, certainly Con
gress is making no headway in estah-
fishing its policy, and the most sagaci•
ous politicians at the Capitol soc plain
ly that something must bo done. A
Constitutional amendment for which a
two•thirds majority could be 'secured,
would be preferable, but if that cans
not befound some praut ionl legislation
on reconstruction must beintroduced,
or the people will turn toward the
policy of the. President;• as alone
promising repose and prbspority.
Prihtol oil tho most roasohablo trills
$4 RE WARD.—Was 'stolen out
-r , ti of my store in Hopewell township, Hunting
don county, on Sabbath night the Ott: of March:l366, sun
dry articles of merchandise, C0d:4.4111g of part of One
piece of brown Merino with small ll.aver, one piece plaid
Cassintero, also three Watches, one a detached lever with
hooting case, two cylinder e,carineut. moo rifle gun. one
extra violin, a let of suspender,. a lot of sill: handker
chiefe,silk velvet braid, a lot of fancy trinuning4, butter,
a lot of pen knives. ono red photograph album, ring',
load pencils, and a variety of other articles of fancy goods.
$2O will be paid for the recovery of the goods, end $2O
for the apprehension of the thief or thioves, or $lO for
both. uth2l-51 DAP CD WEAN
tel'- J. W. CALVER & CO.,
4 ' ;
,JAVE OP:lN,IlD ell aia receiving weekly a fine
nvortment of STRAW HATS, 111.IIN NTS. SILKS.
RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FRAMS, &a.. Se. Wheletiale awl
Retail. .10IIN W: CALVER & CO.,
.No. CI North Second street, below Arch,
fol„Fancy end Straw MILLINERY. PAT rEBN BON
Nices or, hmo.
and superior SILVER PLATED WARE Itt reduced prices
Estate of Dr. J. B. Luden, deceased.
Surgical instruments, Appgratus,
&c, &c, &c.
I will offer at public sale at the office lately occupied by
Dr. J. B. Loden, deed., in Huntingdon,
Oil Saturday, 31St .March, 1866,
at 10 o'clock. a. m., his medical library. containing stand
ard treatises in both the English and ()email languages;
also all 111.. surgical and obstetriCal instruments and sill.
gical apparatus, including a highly finished and costly set
of splints for fractured limbs, delbrinii ion, &,e ; also, a
comploto wind skeleton; also the office furniture and.
fixtures , nihll JOAN SCOTT, Admr.
20,000 BUSHELS
For Planting and Table Use.
'We invite the attention of Farmers, Deal. re and others
to our stock of POTATOES, comisting of all the standard
P:lmb Dlotvs, Monitors,
Ruck Eyes, Cusco,
Mercers .lacksons.
Prince Alberts, Early White Sprouts,
Garnet Chili, Early Dykeinan. &c.„ &c.
from various sections of the country—all of which wo will
sell in lota to 01,11 Purchasers, at lowest wholesale market
pi ices I
11 7 0. 4, area St., and 54 North Wharves
LjIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Vetolith:l Ex. to ine ilirectob I will
expose to politic sale or outcry, at the Court ttou e, in
ttio borough of Ibitingilon, iII‘YYDA Y, Urn DAY
of APRIL, n. 0. 18611, at two o'clock, P. 31., the following
described property to wit: •
Ono hundred and ten acres or land,
more or ik•S75, in .lackqoa totrutthip, adjoining land, o •
James Oak, on the eolith, ttrrenwood . Fut mice mono on
flit coat, north awl tortr, with frIIMO 11011FO nod barn,
and other outbuildings. About twenty five acre, cleared
upon the flillVO4l,eribed farm.
Eeized, token in'execut ion, and to be soh d n, the proper
ty of Sr nturl
Also—All the right, title and inter
est of the defendant in a farm, tract or parcel of land in
Henderson township, n•ljoining lands of Simon Dnlev on
the east, Mundorff on the sontlf,',liinies Ilntchiu
soli and David Thinnoon on tho west, end George 1'
Hetrick on the north, containing 123 ;toms, acre or lees
being ties .1110 lend %illicit the der.mdsnt purchased from
Samuel lies, by deed slated Ist April, 1301. baring a Ind
house, log barn and other improvements. :"!sized, taken
in execution, nod to be cold as the property of 'ADO,
NOTICE TO Puncrmser.s.—Didders at Sherir,.. Saks will
take notice that innnediahly up on the property being
knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids under $lOO. nod
twenty-five per cent, of nil bids over that Can, must be
paid to the Sheriff, or the property will be mot np again
and sold to other bidders who trill comply with the above
Sherifrs Sales gill hereafter be male on Monday of
the first, week of Court, and the deeds acknowledged on
the following Saturday. •
JAS. I+. BATIEURST, Sheriff. ,
SnEuires Omer,
truntingdon, html,. t, 1866. ;
Notice ie hereby given that the following maned
'groans have filed their petitions with the Cleric of the
Court of Quarter Sessions. praying the said Court to grunt
them license to keep inns or taverns in their respective
boroughs, townships and villages in the county of Hun
tingdon, and that said petitions will ho pre:ented to the
said Court on Monday, the Sib day of APlti I. next,
for consideration, &c., when and where all persons inter
ested can attend if they think proper, viz:
John Kurtz, Alexandrio.
Martin Mears, Hornet.
;hums UIC,OII "
John Burns,
Michael McCabe, Blairsville.
Henry Cook, Broad Top city.
W. T. Pearson, "
David Lewis, Carbon township.
• John D. Bonin, ensAriffi,
Plinio! J. Logan, Cookstown.
John 11. Uerbary Cualmont.
Thomas 11. Fagan. "
'Photons Marlin, Dridloy.
William Ryan, '•
A. A. Jacobs, If untingdoo.
Henry Mester,
George Thomas, "
.I..lnekson fee, "
Clui.lopher Smell,
Tolentine Drawn,
George Lonz, " •
Samuel Fleming, Manor Hill.
Georg,/ W.stnkrland, Mapleton.
John S. Weston,
Jacob Gilhangh, Marltiosbnrg.
Thomas Malarvey, Mill Creek.
George N. Simpson,
S. Bryson Shaver, Mount Onion.
John U. Stowart,
James O. Smiley, •
Jacob Little, McAlavey's Pont. •
William Johnston, Melionnellotown.
Washington Lang, .
Abraham Carothers, Orbisonia.
John W. McMullen,. .
John Houck, Petersburg.
Augustus Letterman,
,Jahob Hallman, Satilsburg.
Will hall S. Thompson, Shade Gap.
Perry Harris, Shirleysburg.
It: F. Hastett, Spruce Creek.
Alexander Seeds, '• •
Samuel Steffey, Stoffeysville.
James Chamberlain, Warrlorsmark,
henry Chamberlain, Watersttect.
William bell, Wilsontown.••... -
W. 11. Harper, McAlevy's Pott, to retail lty the quart
WM. O. WAGONER, Clerk.
Prothonotary's Office;
Marco 21, MO.
For neat JOB PRINTINU, call at
the "GLOBE Jon PRINTING Orrtcn," at Ily a ',
Pa -
Re new miveriisements.
. Fourth & Lich Sts.
Fashionable New Silks,
Novelties in Dress Goods,
New Styles Spring Shawls,
Fine Stock of New Goods,
New Traveling Dress Goods,
Magnificent Foulards,
Splendid Black Silks, tCC.
E. A; L. have their usual assortment of staple goods.—
Also, Clothes, Cassimeres, Vestings.
P. S. Our prices are now arranged to meet the views of
buyers. mcb2l-.6t
Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment
Bow Extollsioll Silvopgig CO,,
CAPITAL STOCK, -. $500,000
Divided into 50,000 shares at $lO each.
preme Court, IVashington , D. C.
TanAsunta—E. B. HARPER. Of Harper, Darner & Co.,
Banker.i, Philadelphia.
Engineer, Austin, Nevada. -
OFFICE—No. South Third Sired, Philadelphia.
Silver Mining Profitable
That the business-of Mining and reducing silver quartz
is immensely profitable, hi rowdy attested by the results
which have accrued from the mines of Mexico, Peru; Ger
ninny, nod other RilVer-thgUiliff, countries, anti that Silver
lodes into rem:lrk:Wly rich, as Well as numerous, in Neva
da, 'to have the testimony of such eminent and disinter
ested men as liishop Simpson, Prof. Silliman, Prof James,
lion. llonee Greeley. Speaker Colhis and Senator Nye,
wino personally visited and Inspected the mines, besides
hundreds of other individuals who are now engaged in the
business of mining in that Slate. Prof. Silliinan. whilst
in Nevada, nelivered a lecture In the city of Austin, duel
ing which Inc said: "Wo cannot coma upon the thou
When mining will cease tole profitable in these hills P'
Bishop Simpson. of the Methodist Church, in a lecture
delivered in the city of New Verb, after his return from
Nevada, said 'Were the debt of our nation $20,000,000,
there is wealth enough thero. when our debt is paid off,
to give to every soldier who returns from our battle-fields
muskets of silver instead of iron. 0 0 0 I do not speak
now from idle gpeenhition. but I speak of that wraith
from observation and dual calculation.
What Dividends may ho Expected
As to Om amounts of dividends tti,it niny bo reasonably
expected from a Silver Mining Coinpiny, 'operating in
Nevada, it may in set down as ranging from 100 to 00110
per cent.• per nUillint. according to tics progress made in
the mines, and the qiiantity of machinery at work.
„Trarner Jhm/h/y Arverinc for August contained an ar
ticle on "Nevada." which, with reference to the profits of
or silver mining. said: "If tho inino be of oven average
value it can Scarcely tail to - return from ten to 20 per
cent, per month to the invester ; and silver mines are un
like gold mines. in that they are Inexhaustible, and may
be, worked for generations when ofice. opened." -
A recent issue of dm Philadelphia Evening Telegraph,
speaking on this subject, says : '•The mining statietics
of Nevada show no that whenever worked with proper ap
pliances. met under judicious management, these mines
have paid front :P.O to 800 per Cent. annnm upon tho
capital invested."
What other Companies are Doing
There is not a single Company now in operation with
their own machinery in NeVISFIII, as far RS we have learn
ed, that is not a complete success. All are returning not
only large, Lot RSIOUS .
111111 She prices of
their shores have correspondingly advanced. Par instance,
OR March 2,1, the stocks of the older Companies were
quoted lit the city ropers as follows: Could & Curry.
$950 :..Savage, $915 ; Chonor Potosi, $305; Inmerial,sll7;
Crown Point, $1,010;. A Ipha. s3eo, Yellow :locket, $430."
The oriOnal pt ice of these stocks Won less than sso—some
of them only $lO. And the Companies more recently or
ganized are not n {Shit less provovous, but an for as pro
gressed give every promise of nn nit i mate success even
presto. than that achieved by the Could & Carry, For
example, the stock of tho Halo &: Norcross Company of
Nevado, which n few months ago was worth only $lO, is
now quoted at $1,150. .9n, also, the Heston and Reese
River Mining Company, {Odell commenced work only last
1411 its shares, though originally sold at $lO, scan went
up to $lO5, and on the Ist of March had advanced to s2b.l
The Natural Conclusion.
It may therefore be safely asserted that no other enter•
prim, requiring the association of capital, offers so many
inducements for investment, with so title risk ' as Silver
Mining. Every Company that olUltS a mine, an d will hon
estly go to work 3ICBT no a %:UCCE63I It cannot possiblyfait.
The only difference between compatible at um* twill bo
in the amounts of their dividends.
Are the owners of NINETEEN (10) valuable LEDGES
or 311NES, nutting to 41,00 linear feet (the chief of
which is t h e itcrenne Extension Lead, one of the richest
ever discovered in that district), all of which are:s!tuated
upon the celebrated Lander Gill, near Austin, Nevada.
The Ilephins"funnel. which commences at the, foot of
Lander 11111, and will pierce the hill front side to side,
running at right nngles with the Silver Veins, and will
cut in its course upward of ono hundred and fifty mines
this number It •ing already located); Is also the property
of this company. Work upon this tunnel is being limb
ed forward with energy, and has already reached upward
of three Inuntred feet.
- -
The StiperiMeadent telegraphs from Anein, Nevada,
under data of February 22.1860, as follows:
"At work on Revenue Extension Mino; oro taken out
to-day assays 5157 ; 45 to tho ton. Work on Ilopkins' Tun.
net advanced 70 feet si act; last dispatch (February 2)."
Ant again, undo• date of March 511., as follows:
' , Receipts in Million $'1 . 900. Tunnel advanced 109 feet,
Revenuo shaft 20 feet."
What Others Say about it
The Philadelphia Comtorcial List. of March 0, contains
letter from ono of its correspondents, dated Austin, No -
'radii, Polo nary 5, 1866, ,which rays:
"At the lower extremity of the city of Austin—quondam
Cllfton—where Pony Canon debonchcs into Reese River
Volley, it project has been commenced, which, if carried
out in accordance with the. plan of those who conceived
the Tehran°, will prove eon of the most magnificent works
of the cloy, and which cannot fail to handsomely reward
those wino push it to completion. 1 Mind° to the Rep
kina The (revenue Extension Mining Company,
owning this Tunnel, have in series of ledges lying parallel
with cacti other, located upon the hill, at the foot of
which thin work conimencel, and will cot of newly
right tingle each halo with which it cannon iu contact
throughout its en t Ire length, and they be numbered
by the score—the hill being literally seamed with them..
do this great work IotOgrOSSV3, vein after vein of the ruck
bearing the precious metal will lie crosaed, at a depth suf.
finient to render their working profitable ' .011C11 in enems.
Men being rot at a greater depth from the surface than
the preceding one, awing to the riming aline hill in which
they one located. Upon dim wilts, after they ore crossed
workmen call be engagnd in extracting the ores upon ei
ther stain of the tuned, withont in any manlier hiudaing
its progron."
The Success'of the Company Certain.
Ot is thus apparent that the Revenno Extension Silver
Mini,:g Company have progressed to fir i n their opera.
lions that niece.. is not only certain, but actually at tilt
drr. Before i!d, close of Dm coming summer-L-perhaps
by the ha ranked amongst the DIV IDEND
PAY IND comp:ink, ' and its stock will, in all probability,
advance to $'23,1 , 50, or perii , ps even $lOO per share.—
Therefore, 550 to is :helium to Inas& Only a small portion
of the workieg, espihd rentai,:s nnarld, and the Di—
rectors nro anxious that It should be do.posed inunedi
Moly, in order th.t there piny be no delay in the ',rowdy.
110,1 of the work in !nod. Hence this advertlsment.
price of shares $lO, free of assessment.
Certificates issued as soon us foods are received.
Persons wishing to invest, whether in large or small
amounts, may remit to or address
E. B. IL A ntrAnrten,
No. 55 SW/. Third Strut.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to or having
claims against It. C. 31c . 31.1.1, or W. MeNALLY, of Alex
andria Foundry, will call at Peter Swoopo's office, Hunt
ingdon. The books Irving iii bin hands fur settlement,
personsgiving immediate attention to the above will save
cons. I will bo here until April Ist; after that date all
communications shall bo addressed :A. Marys, Elk cannty
Pa.' It. C. Mai ILL.
Huntingdon, March 14, 181G,3 •
14Tcoti o o.
MA KE NOTICE that a letting will be
I held at 'Squire Christy's offico in Alexandria, on Sat.
urday, the Wl:l,day of MARC'', A. D .180, at I o'clock,
iu the a iterno.m, to lot out on contract a piece of new
to be made through Jackson's Narrows, about throe
quarters of a mile below Murree Forge, for which Pealed
proposals will bo received by the Supervisors of Parlor
township from this tints until the Limo above specified.—
Said proposals to be directed to tine care of IVin. Christy
at Alexandria. Specifications thereof may bo seen at the
Post Oilies in Alexandria and also at tho (Mice at Barren
Forge, and the ground on which Fah, road is located Will
be shown to any person•who may apply for itufmmatiou
to George Walheater, a Supervisor in said township.
By cutler of the Supervisors of Porter township.
March 14. IF.G6-2t • •
"''SL€l5l - 2.1.3e3t,g; 213474,4a1r,14a.
N. E. Corner Second and Walnut sts.,
Just in receipt of a One selected stock of cheap and. EUICY
Fishing Tackle, of all desoriptions.
suitable for the rivers and brooks of this State, to which
Ise invite the attention of all storekeepers. niltl4
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs,
For solo cheap of the Clothing Storo of
.)Felling off at greatly rctlueeil price&
cliNmxcutAn R CM.7.roys.
The next session of this Institution will open on TIIES•
DAY, the loth of APRIL, and continuo a term of eleven
weeks. The low terms on which students will be accom
modated, together with the healthy location of the Insti
tution, the few inducements to vice and extravagance,
amine strict moral character of the surrounding poplin
tiOn—all conspire .to give It A Melded advantage over
similar Institutions and make it a desirable placo for the
training of youth.
Bonding, Tuition and noon' Rent, per session of
eleven weeks 845,00
Latin, Greek, Music, &c.. extra.
For further particulars, whirs,.
W. A. BUNTER, Principal,
nth Ll-41 ' Shade Gap, Huntingdon Cu., Pa.
J. HUG HES ' Principals and Proprietors.
The Spring Quarter of this Institution will open
TUESDAY; APRIL 10th,10643.
This Institution is Tory pleasantly situated in Friend's
Cove, 8 miles from Bedford, the terminus of the Hunting
don and Bedford Railrund, and 24 miles from Cumberland
a station on the North Central Railroad. lininsburg Is a
small, quiet, and exceedingly healthy town, in the midst
of beautiful scenery, mid sufficiently removed from the
infinence of largo towns and cities to render It a most de
sirable location for a Literary Institution. Ito inhabi
tants aro moral and religious, and tisere aro few tempta
tions to Tice, idleness or dissipation ; situated in a rich
agricultural section, this Institution for Young Ladies
and Gentlemen, is decidedly the cheapest In the country.
It is organized on the most approved plan of the best In
stitutions of the land; its main object is, to impart sound
learning. All branches, Sclentifical, Classical, and Orna
mental, taught. The mental and moral culture aro care
fully attended to, and (without sectarian prejudices) a due
respect for relicion is inculcated both by precept and ex
ample "In things neeesstry, unity; In things doubtful,
liberty; and in all things, charity."
For circular and Information. address
inchl4-4t Itnlnsburg, Bedford co., Fa.
a precept to me directed • dated at Huntingdon, tha
;loth of January, A. D. 1000. under tho hands and seal
of tho lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv
ery of the.2-lth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon, Blair out Cambria counties; and the
lions. Benj. F. Patton and Anthony 3. Beaver, Ills mooch
atm, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as
signed, appointed to hear, try nod determine all and every
indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes,
which by the laws of the State aro tondo capital, or felon
lee of death, and other offence:;, crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l nm commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and
Quarter Seisiolll3, will be held at the Court llomo in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and DM
day) of APRIL neat, and those who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, mid that all Justices of tiro Peace, Coronor
and Constables within said county, be then and there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock : a. m. of said day, with
their records, inquisitions, examinations and remombran•
ces, to do Oros° things which to their olives respectively
Imted at Huntingdon, the 14th lay March in the year of
our Lard one thoutmd eieht hundred nod sixty-six,
and the 90th year or American Independence.
11A.T111111ST. Sheriff:
a precept to Om directed by the Judges of the COM.
mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the
20th of January. A. 0.1800, 1 am commanded to make
public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Pleas will be hold at the Court House
in the borough of Huntingdon, on the Ord Monday (and
10th day) of APRIL, A. D„ 1800, for the trial of all is
sues in said Court which remain undetermined before
the said Judges, when and nhere all jurors, witnesses, and
suitors, in the trials of nil issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 11th of March, in tho year of
nor Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six,
and the 00th year of American Independence.
Sheriff's Ofilce, Huntingdon, Melt. 11, 'GO.
WIWI', is hereby given io all persons
res:ed that the 10110 - wing Inventories of the
odus nod chattels set to WiclOW9, under the provisions of
tan Act of 1410 oi D 1,131 , kive been filed in the
office of tho Clerk 01 tho Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county and will be presented for , 'approval by the Court"
on Monday, the oth of ADIUL, A. 1). MO.
1. The Inventory and appraisement of tho goods and
chattels which were of Pinion Gram, lota or Croinuell tp.,.
deceased, art apart to his widow Isabella (Irate.
- .
S. 'file Inventory and appraismnent of the goods and
chattels which were of John Irvin, Into of Jackson twp.,
deceased, set apart to inns widow Elizabeth Irvin, under
the act of Assembly of 1951.
1. Tho Inventory and eppraisment of the goods and
chattels sot apart to tho Widow of Daniel Montagne, into
of Cromwell twp., deceased.
4. Tho inventory and opprairomooot of the goods and
chattels set apart to the widow of Jacob Fink, late of Pen
township, deceased.
5. Tim Inventory and appraisement of the goods and
Chattels, set apart to the widow of Jacob Snyder, late of
Porter tw, ~ deceased.
6. 'rho Inventory and appraisement of the goods and
chattels taken by the widow of John Donaldson, late of
lloon twp., deceased. •
7. The Invetttory and appraisement of the goods and
chattel's set apart to the widow of Patrick Moore, late of
Warrrorsmark tp., deceased.
8. Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chat
tels, set apart to the widow of John Kesselring, Imo of
Cloy twp. deceased,
9.The Inventory and apprnkeznent of the goods and chat
tels set apart to the widow of Jacob Crotsloy, Into of Cass
township deceased,
10 Inventory and appraisal - neat of the goods and chat
tels, Set apart to the widow of Cieorgo Russell, Into of Hope
well township, deceased.
11. Inventory and appraisement (lithe goods and chat
tels set apart to the widow of tieorgo Treaster, lute of
Jackson township, deceased.
Mch.13,186G. Clerk.
_Cu Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested
that the following named persons Pure mottled their no
Counts in tho Register's °nice, at Hiniengdon, and that
the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and
allowance, nt an Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon,
In and for the dotinty of Huntingdon, on Monday the oth
day of APRIL nest, (ISGO,) to wit:
1. Administration account of Samuel Rorer, Admtnis•
Hater of Jacob Rorer, deed., as tiled by Abraham Rorer
and Saml. Bowman, administrators of saml. Rorer, decd.
2. Guardianship account of John P. Hoover, guardian of
Martin H. Brumbaugh, (now deceased,) who was a minor
child of Daniel P. Brumbaugh, late of Ifopowell tp., decd.
3. Administration account of Geo. llama. Administrator
of Michael [lawn, lato of Ora ly township, deceased.
4. Account of Thomas Maher, Administrator of Patrick
Dobbs, late of Carbon township, deemed.
fi. Account of Henry WilAoll, Administrator of Robert
Wilson, late of Oneida township, deceased. •
6. Administration account of Archibald D. Stitt, admin
istrator of babolla B. Stitt, late of Dublin township, decd.
7. Administration arconnt of Benjamin M.-Stitt. Admin
istrator de bunia non, cunt testament° annexe, of Hugh
McMullin, late of Tell township, deed. ; ns filed by James
B. Harper, Int:Midst' atm of Benjamin Stitt. deceased.
8. Partial administration account of David Ashton, ad
ministrator of Tiros Ashton, late of Springfield tp., deed.
9. Account of Julio Barr, guardian of James' T. Black
one of the sonsof William D. Black, late of Jackson town•
ship, deceased, who has now nttainea the ago of twenty
one year.,
10. Administration account of Abraham Weight and
Casper We gh t, administratom of Peter Sigafoos, Into of
Franklin township, deed:
11. The partial and also the supplemental and final ac
count of John Householder, administrator of Isaac and
Christiana Clymer lain of Icon township, deed.
12. Adminidt ration account of Sand. T. Brown, Esq.,nnd
Grans Miller, executors of the lost will of Owen Boate,
late of the borough of hunting ton, deceased.
13. Final account of Peter Speck and William Speck, ad
ministrators of Martin epoch, bite of Juniata tp., decd.
14. The Administration account of Janice McCall and
Anthony Fordiey,executors ,f the last will of Hobert Mc-
Call, deceased.
152'llteintrtial administration acronnt of Satnl.
nilininiotiator of Dr. D. 11. F. lloir , i, Into of Clay township
10. The account olifenry Harris. Administrator of Har
lan C. Harris, lute oT Morris township, deceased.
17. - Account of N. C. Morrison, Executor of William
garlion, Into of Shirley township, deceased.
IS. Fidel account or Jessie Henry, Administrator of
John Petry, deceased:
19. Maui ~,:r, u nt of Wm. Harper, Executor of Eljah
Price late of Cron;aell tfilynthip, deceased.
23. The account of Meaty L. Ouse, guardian of Nancy A.
Smith.• minor daughter of James Smith deceased, the
said Nancy A. having attained her iniiierity.
21. The acconnt of Henry 1, Close. guardian of Mary J.
Smith, minor daughter of James D. Smith deceased, the
said Mnry J. being nuw dead.
22. Administration account of Robert Cummins, Admin
istrator of Mary Cummins, Into ofJacksun tap., dee'd.
23. Trust acconnt of George C. Bucher, Trustee appoint.
ed to sell the Real estate of Rosanna McGloughlin, deed.
24. Administration account of James Creo. Administra—
tor with the willittinexed of John SpltZer, lota of Dublin
township, deceased.
20. Account of Elizabeth Regis and Simon P. Starr,
Executors of Joseph llegle, late of Tell township, deed.
26. Account of Christiana Crotsley, Administratrix of
Wm. Crotsley, late of Cass township. deceased.
27. The Administration account of James Wilson and
Joseph C. &cider, administrators of the estate' f Abra
ham Lewis, late of Shirley township, deceased.
29. The account of John Householder, administrator of
Thomas Gorsuch, late of Penn township, deceased. •
20. Administration accent of Felix Toole, administrator
of Patrick Nash, Into of Carbon township, deceased.
30. Account of Wm. .11. Sparc. administrator of John
Spur, deceased, who was guardian of Anna Shultz and
Lewis Shultz, minor children of John Shultz, deceased.
31. The supplemental end final account of Robert 0.
McNeal, acting adtbinistrator of Jacob 11. Miller, deed.
Register's Office, Register.
Ilmit.,-Bich: 13, 1860. 5
• •
The Commonwealth of Pennsylva•
[sEAL] to Elizabeth Edwards, late of
_Huntingdon Co., GI?EETIiVG:
WHEREAS, JAM 5S EDWARDS did on the 26511 Coto
her, 1863. index hie petition to the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas of said County of Huntingdon praying
that for the causes therein sot forth he might ho divorced
from the bonds of matrimony entered Into with you the
said Elizabeth Edwards,
Wo do therefore command yon, the said ELIZABETH
EDWARDS, as oftt-n before we commanded you, that set
ting aside all other business and excuses whatever, you
be and appear in your proper person before our Dodges at
Huntingdon, 'at our County-Court of Common Pleas there
to be held for the said county on the second stouday of
April next, to answer the petition or libel of the said Jas.
Edwards, your husbadd, should not be divorced front the
bonds of matrimony entered into with you, agreeably to
the acts of tho general assembly of this Commonwealth in
such caso mado and provided, and hereof foil not.
Witness tho Honorable: George Taylor, L'eq., President
of our said Court of Huntingdon, this 2111, day oflannarY
A.D. 1166. W.C.
rola Protantotary.
Nyholenalo attfl retail. at
.30*artat.m. Ivemor
A LL that farm or tract of latid situ
kiete In WALKER township,abent two miles from the
borough of Huntingdon, will be exposed to public sale at
the Court Muse iu said borough,
On Thursday the 12th day of April next
This tam contains two hinuired and thirtyaeven acres
and ono hundred and thirty perches, and . has
thereon a largo and comfortable Meet/lug house,
a large bank Baru andother outbuildings. There
Is also a troll of excellent water at the door, and
other water on the premises sufficient for watering cattle.
Also, a young orchard of fruit trees just commencing to
bear, besides older trees producing sufficient fruit for the
use ore family.
.Those desiring to purchase will please call upon Ur..
John Reed, who resides on the farm, nail isaoilng as my
agent in this matter. tie will give to those who may call
upcin him every necessary information regardingterms,Aa
Runtingdon, Mch 14-31
Household and Kitchen Furniture
3Pxxlll4o Mzt,le).
The undersigned will offer at public sale tit his residence•
hilt° borough of Huntingdon:
On Thursday, the 22d March; 1866,
Tho following Household and Kitchen Farnituro, to wit a
1 So 8 sofa Chairs, 1 parlor Rotlces,
t,YII clothes sato, 1 sink, 1 caue.bottom
Recker, 1 set of cana•bottom chairs,
1 dining table, 2 cottage Bedsteads,l
Cooking stove, 2 gas burning coal stoves and two -
wood stoves, washing stands. Also-1 saddle and
bridle, 1 set al buggy harness. 1 leather fly net,
together with a lot of Kitchen Furniture, RIO nu
merous other articles too tedious to mention.
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m., on mid day.
TEll3lo.—Any bill under $lO cash in hand; on bills
over that amount a credit of six menthe, with security,
will he given. rabid S. IL REID.
A Second had set of Blacksmith tools.
On Thursday, March 22, 1866.
Will be cold at public sale, at the residence of the sub.
scriber, on the ..Cottage Farm," in West Huntingdon, on
the above day, the following personal property, viz:
4 work horses, 4 mulch cows - , 5 head of young cattle, 1
four horse wagon, 1 two horse wagon, horse gears, Plow
gears, windmill, good cutting box,,tlireshing machine
and horse power, plows, harrows, rakes, forks and a largo
variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
- . . .
TERMS Ok' SAUL—Linder $3, cash; over $3, nine
months credit. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. a.m.
Iluntiugdon, March :it • D &NIEL, GOODMAN.
and one FANCY SLEIGIII, with one or two seats, by
R.1,27-3t SIMON COLIN, Coffee Run.
Blooded - stock, for solo, or will bo exchanged for on onsy
riding family horse. Inquiro nt the Globe office. fo2o_
A good Dwelling House and part of a lot on Wash-
Mt..l ington street. • Possession given on the let of April
furtlnr information inquire at Lewis' Book and
Music Store. feb7
• Pica"- Maae.
GROUND RENTS on several lots
in Scanttold, Walker township, 'will re sold if
application is triads soon. Apply to the subscriber.
lob. 5,!66—rf. W3l. LEWIS', Agent.
A LOT OF OTIOLLND fronting on Ridge road 09 foot,
nn.l running back toStono crook, adjon,ing)ota of lynch•
tel Thompson.
Apply at the GLOBE office.
AGENTS WANTED to' take.orders
for the best selling Book now published, . .
Thrilling Stories of the great rebellion
Comprising heroic adventures and hair-breadth escapes of
soldiers, scouts, spies and refugees; daring exploits of
smugglers, guerrillas, desperadoes and 'others; Tates of
loyal and dieloval women; stories of the negro, Sc.,
with incidents If Inn and merriment in camp and field.—
By Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Greene, - late of the Uni
ted Elates army. Handsomely illustrated with eugrays
toga on steel nod la oil colors.
Send for circulars and WO tho liberal terms'offered.
CtIAS. S. Gal•7t:Y6 it CO., Publishers,
No. 134 SUL Third et., Philadelphia.
LONG would respoctfully
IV call the attention of the citizens of Rooting
donated vicinity to the fact that he has Jost opened a FA
2.111.1! G WOE ItY STORE et the old stand of Christopher
Long, where he will keep constantly on hand a hell and
well assorted stock of
such an Lovering's Syrup, N. Orleans and Porto Rico Moo-
messes, Sugars, Coffees, 'fens, Spices, Salti Danis, Sides,
Shoulders, Dried Deer, Flour, Fish, Cheese, Nice, Pickles,
and Provisions of all kinds.
comprising, in part, Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, Washboards
Corn Brooms, Brushes, Rugs, Mats, Floor Oil Cloths, Bags
Trunks, &c. &c.
CANDIKS nud NUTS of all kinds, itholesalo and retail
TOYS, TOBACCO, SEGA ItS, Coal oil, Coal' Oil Lampe, Act
Ile respectfully invites a call and examination of his
stock, satisfied that his goods and prices will compairt
favorably with thoso of any other in tho place.
Huntingdon, March 7, 1868
MACKtair:r, at CONNLIyCHAIf cE cAnatoi s.
always on hand at
cIEGARS.—Best quality of Sugars
,ELoonstantly on hand at
DOOTS AND SHOES, of every va
rPHE undersigned has just received
land 18 nOW ready to supply the public with
From culling. up to the clear stuff;
From 9 months to 2 years dry
at reasonable prices
Now Is the time to boy, bofore the Spring rush, en
Lumber is already advancing, and dry lumber Is ¢scaete
article. OHAS. H. ANDERSON.
Huntingdon, Fob. 27,1866
ji_jsing everything new and desirable, such' as Dress
seas, silk mohair, and Irish Poplies, alpacas, Casslmere,
cobergs, Merinors, all wool French Volumes, Saxony
plaids, at 8. E. HISNRY .4 CO.
LTARD COAIL—A superior article
_Lxof Ilard . Coal for sale at
jag S. EATENRY & CO,
shoes, Quernsware, Ctdar and Willow Waro, larg,
est stock In tho country, at O. E. HENRY & CO.
r' TO S. E. ' HENRY ik CO'S for
good Cloths, cßarlmeres,satlnettee, Tweeds, Kontue
ky Jeans, Velvet Cord, dm.
ju Shawls, Cloth Basques, . &c., at
s• .P-P-NitY a e:43:—
S.E. HENRY & 00. sal! all kindii
.. of Iron, sheet Iron, Hoop iron, stesl; dolts, hOrio
141100 g, stoves and A variety of Hollow ware. '•• • '
- : —.l3reedng cages for canary bird
just received and for sate at