The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 21, 1866, Image 1

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Per annum in advance
qr. months
ibreC Months
I insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
One square, (10 Ilnes,)or less.s 75 $l. 25 $.l 50
1" wo squared, 1 50 2 00 3'oo
Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50
3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
.$ $434 00 00 00
.6 00 900 $lO
15 00
.300 12 00 20 00
.10 00 15 00 '25 00
.15 00 20 00 30 09
.20 00 35 00.... ..... .60 00
ins square, or less,
gwe squares,......--
hree Nl:Ulna,
Four square.,
fluffs column,
One column,
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
Ono year 05 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 00
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
Pettily, or other short Notices 50
4.0p-Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of minor
galls desired, will be motioned till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
Our prices for the printing, of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
giro also increased.
J. Iv. Mattern and Wm. A. Sipo have associated
; themselves In the practice of the law, under the name of
AD business entrusted to their care n•itl receive prompt
Ata-Specialsare will be given to the collection of Pen
sions, Bounty, Back Pay and all Claims against State or
United States.
. . .
OM. nearly opposite the Court House, 11111 ot red, Hun
ttugdon, Pa. J. W. MATTERN,
fcb2t—ly WM. A. $1P.1.1.
ALL who may have any claims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and
enemas,can have their claim. promptly collected by ap
plying either in perm, or by letter to
Attorney at Law,
Ituntingdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863.
The 113.1310 of this firm has been chang
ed from BOO.TT & BROWN, to
under which name,. they utll hereaftor conduct their
practice as
PENSIONS, and all claims Pl6olitig Tit Tina soldiers' heirs
against the Government, will ho promptly proancuteti.
May 17, lStli-tf.
►i`Aß firm of-Benedict& Stewart has
been changed. to
under which name they will hereafter practice as
They will s.Uo sire careful attention to the collection
of military and other Claims against the State or Gov
Office formerly occupied by J. Sewell Stiwart, adjoin
Mg the Court lionse. fobil,lS66
Int_Prompt and careful attention will bo given to Cm
collection of all claims against the Government for Thick
Pay, Bounty, Pensions, &c.
OFFICE--In the brick row, nearly opposito the Court
House. . not-610
lm - vz - 4cl3..sotagge Mic>t
Formerly of Oto Prauldin Hotel, Chamberdburg.
ruay3, 1665-3 y.
E. 0 &.G.W. COLDER.
HAVING entered into ce.pnrtnerehip in the
Alexandria Brewery, the public are informed
that they will ho prepared nt all times to All
orders on the shortest notice.
Alexandria, Jan. 13.1505-41.
Ms removed to the Brick Iteer opposite the Court House
April 13, 1359.
Mike rernosed to opposito the store of
D. P. Groin. in the square, Mill street, Huntington, PA.
April 13;1864.
011ie° opposite Jackson House, otTors his servlco
to citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. nol—tiros
TI.R. JOHN. MeOULLOCH offers his
JJ professional seta-ices - to the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door east of Heed's
Drug Store. Aug. 23, 'CS.
M. LONG, Dealer in Candies - ,
Family Groceries, dc., Huntingdon, Pa.
Aterchonts, Huntingdon, Pa.
sale and retail dealerd in foreign and domestic
Hardware, Cutlery, &e., Railroad street, Huntingdon.
CHAS. H, ANDERSON, Dealer in
V 4, jail kinds of Lumber, &c., Iloutingdon, Pa.
CP Dealer la Dardware, Cutlery, Paints, Otis, ke., hunt
Realer in Ready Made Clothing, Hate and Caps,
ote and Shoos,
T 1 P. GWIN,
_LI. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, flats and Caps,•iloots and Shoes, ,tc.
SE. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and
. Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Grocerier, Hardware,
Qacensware, and Provisions of all kinds, Huntingdon.
burg, Pa., Dealers in Dry Goals, Groceries, etc.
W.M. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and
shoe., the Hiamond, Iluntingdon, Pa.
T EOPOLD 33L00111, Huntingdon, Pa,
JUDoaler in neatly Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c.
el Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon.
YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and
AU• Provisions °Cull kinds, Ituntingdon, Ps.
SIMON COHN, Coffee Run, Dealer in
Dress Goods, Groceries, Wood end Wile ow Web
B. SHONTZ & BRO., Marklesburg,
Pullers in Ready Made Clot Wag, Jewelry, &c.
kjDealera in Books and Stationery, Wintingdon, Pa
rilliolllAS G. STRIOKLER & SON,
Hauutacturereof Brougher's patent Broom Head or
IV rapper, Huntingdon. ,
. min and Ornam,ntril Marble Manufneturers.
Air GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready
j_tx.made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa.
ENRY 111.'111ANIGALL, Proprietor
xi of Livery staid°, Washington street, Hunt ingdon.
Tet M. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,mu
j deal Instruments, Sowing - Machines, Huntingdon.
4,;1„ SHOEMAKER, Agent for the Ma
• sic Star Linhaent, Huutinwitaa, Pa.
AP BRUMBAUGH . , Agent for the
. Victor Cane It &c., James Creek, hunt. co„ Pa
Plain and Ornamental 'Marble Manufacturer.
Dealer lit Bor;lin, Statioucry awl Mudical Inatra
pleats, Huntingdon, I'a.
LIQUORS, of the beat, for Mcclieina
purpose, at S. S. SMITII'S
The undersigned offers his services to business
Hen and others desiring circulars distributed or handbills
posted. He can he Been at tho (HOBE Office.
Huntingdon, Aug.l6, 1865. .101114 KOPLIN.
ruled, for sal° at
' - ,-- ' l W:4‘ - k,: - ..,k wt.„ • - ,-, ,:,;:;, - 14,,, / //:// •-•-• -
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$2 CO
. 1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and. Proprietor.
Internal and External Medicine,
4 - 4 -- Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux 10 ono day,
Headache and'Eatacho in three miuntes.
, Toothache in one minute.
Neuralgia in fire minutes,
. Sprains in twenty minuted,
int - Sore Threat in teu minutes,
4 Cholic and Cramp in live minutes,
Jrr Rheumatism in one day,
yM. Pain in the Bach or Side in ton minutes,
RA. Bad Coughs or Colds in ono day,
sm. Fever and Ague In one day.
Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles,
DJ.. Bronchitis Affections, Dyerepeln,.
VS. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas,
B . Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart
Keep it in your Families—Sickness
comes when least expected.
I propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache
and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of
all the circulating guide in the human system, than eau
ho effected by any other, or all other methods of medical
aid in the same space of time.
THIS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coining into use, for
the fact that I cure, tree of charge, all these corn.
plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do so. As
soon as it is applied it almost miraculously kills the pain.
Ido not ask you to buy before you aro certain of its MEP
ciency. If you have an ache or pain, it is warranted to do
all it purports on the label.
I do not propose to cure creep disease—only a class
named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem
ical and electric principles, and is, therefore. appliable,
to the cure or natural restorative of nil organic derange
ment arising from an improper circulation of the nerve
vital fluids.
McEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di
rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other
swellings in incredible short time, I/MUM any petals
danger from its use under any possible circumstances.
„ .
This is an internal and external medicine—composed of
roots, herbs and barks, each as our forefathers used
is Mbountiful snpply on earth to cure all complaints
if we only know what they wore.
This has been a great study with the Medical Faculty
for many years, to hind out the kiwis best adapted to the
above complaints-110w to put them together, and what
proportions to use. 7. 11. McF:NTYRN,
Proprietor, Reading, Pa.
For sale at Lewis' Book Store
Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 6, HO.
For all dieraecs arieing from ono CaUST, VIZ Favor and
Ague. Dyspepsia, Catarrh iu the. Head, Weak and disor
dered Stomach, such as Indigetition, Sick Headache, Gid
diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailment;
Rheumatism, anti Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the flack or
Side, Nervons Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of
the Blood, Notches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel,
Worms, Sm., Se. Sold at 25 cents per box.
Thisinfulliblo medicine is warranted to expel worms In
all eases and may bu given to children of aliases, as they
are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless.
to_L. Pat 1, bad at Lewis' Book store, Iluntingdou, Pa,
1866. TH E 1866.
Ever Brought to Huntingdon,
Is now ready for inspection and sale,
LE:- IS'
Book, Stationery and Music Store.
Than the same article can be bought
in Philadelphia or Pittsburg.
Consists of upwards of
One Hundred Different Styles
Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering,
The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining
Room, .Bed Room, Hall,
Kitchen, Office,
Store, Shop, &c., &c.
Call at the "Globe" Building,
itnd examine our stock and prices.
Price Fifty Cents,,
Price One Dollar.
.fm - - Agents Wanted to sell the above
throughout the Country.
Iluntingaou, Oct. 25, IS( 6.
Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches,
informed that the ted.seriber ix lanared et hie Now
Lt VERY STAItLE, to accommodate all Willi
at reasonable r f oter, on sleet notice.
March 8, 1885-4.
While and Colored Card Paper,
For sale at
From the PittsburglOnzette
John W. Geary was born in West•
moreland county, Pa., and although
uow only forty six years of age, has
already won a lasting fame by his ad
herence to the cause of right and duty,
in the different parts of our country in
which ho has been placed, in civil,
military, judicial and executive posi
Having lost his father very early in
life, ho was thrown upon his-own re
sources, and not only supported him
self, but became the only stay of his
widowed mother by teaching a village
school ; during which time he MG°, by
persevering industry and cornmenuu-
We economy, acquired means to pro-
cure a classical education, which he
completed at Jefferson College, Can
nonsburg, Penna., creating life-long
friends among professors and class
mates, by the early exhibition of those
same sterling qualities that have since
endeared him to so many others in so
cial and in public life. '
Having finished his collegiate edu
cation ho assumed the profession of
civil engineer, in the practice of which
ho went to Kentucky, partly in the
employ of the Commonwealth, and
partly in that of the Green River Rail.
road Company; and was ergaged in
the survey of several very important'
branches of the public improvements
of that State. Alter an experience
with the Engineer Corps, in many of
the States, ho successfully filled all the
various offices from a clerkship to the
superintendency of the Allegheny Por
tage railroad, and during several years
discharged the duties of his responsible
positions with complete satisfaction.
At a very early date, actuated by
his mathematical abilities, he exhibited
a fondness for military tactics, and la
bored strenuously by the outlay of
time and means to porfoot our volun
teer system. From a private in the
ranks ho rose rapidly though all the
grades to that of Brigadier General, to
which ho was elected by the brigade
comprising . Cambria and Somerset
When .the war with Mexico was do.
dared, he was among the first, who re,
sponded to the call for volunteers, and
was accepted, along with the "Ameri
can Highlanders," of Cambria county,
which splendid company ho then corn.
mended. They were incorporated in
the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, of
which, upon its organization, ho was
ahnost unanimously elected Lieutenant
His regiment joined the army of
General Scott at Vera Cruz, and serv
ed in the advance under the command
and on the lino of operations, of that
great chieftain through his brilliant
campaign in Mexico. Geary was at
tached to Gen. Quitman's division, and
distinguished himself in the battles of
La Hoya, Chapultepec, Garita do Bo
len, and the city of Mexico. Upon
arriving at the capital, his colonel hav
ing died, ho was elected Colonel by a
vote of more than two-thirds of the
command. This compliment was not
the result of more friendship or political
preference. It was the reward for his
own good conduct from the hands of
the gallant soldiers-,-the spontaneous
and grateful gift of associates in arms
—the bravo men who had fought by
his side, shared his privations, suffer-
ing and dangers, and who witnessed
and knew best how to appreciate Iris
The war having closed, Col. Geary
roturned with the remnant of his'com
mand to his native State, and the peo
ple of Pittsburgh will long remember
the enthusiastic welcome be received
upon his arrival among them. lion.
William Wilkins, in a public speech,
complimented the services of the gal
lant, weather beaten and war worn
troops, and the excitement of the uni—
versal jubilee ran to the highest pitch.
On the 22d of January, 1849, in re
turn for his services in Mexico, Presi
dent Polk appointed Col. Geary post
master at San Francisco, which, in
consequence of the then recent discov
ery of gold in California, had become a
port of considerable importance. Ile
Was also empowered to create post of
appoint postmasters, establish
mail routes, and make contracts for
carrying the mails throughout Califor
nia. Ile was thus placed in the way
of his subsequent and almost unparal
lulled success and popularity among
the heterogeneous population of the
Eureka State.
• On the Ist of August, 1849, the mu
nicipal election of San Francisco took
place, and although ten different tick•
ets were framed for the various minor
offices, his name appeared at the head
of them all, and ho received every vote
cast that day for the office of First Al
calde, it being at that time the most
important, respoi!isible and difficult of
five in the State of California. It re-.
quire(' administrative and executive
abilities of the rarest quality. The
population numbered 20,000, almost
entirely adult males, drawn together
from every section of the world, and
possessed of every imaginable variety
of character. To effect anything like
a proper organization of the city, and
establish an ordinary police force, from
the chaotic material and rebellious
spirits that then existed; was of itself
an herculean task. 1341, added to this
the duties of Alcalde embraced those
of every one of the customary offices
of a city and county jurisdiction. Ile
was a Mivoy, Sheriff, llfarshal, Probate
Recorder, Register of Deeds, and even
Notary Piddle and Coroner. Ile daily
held du ordinary police or mayor's
court; an alcalcie's court for the minor
Ely 61,0i1.
Gen. John W. Geary,
cases and general executive matters of
the pity; a court of first instance with
universal, civil and criminal jurisdic—
tion ; and a court of admiralty for ma
ritime cases. In a word, ho was the
.curator of the public, doing everything
that was to be done, oven to tbe hold
ing of inquests and taking acknewledg
ment of deeds. And so well did he
perform all those varied, arduous, com
plicated and difficult duties, that at the
expiration of his first term ho was re
elected by an almost unanimous vote,
the city in the meantime having more
than doubled its population. During
the time of holding the office of alcaldo,
Col. Geary tried, as Judge, over twen
ty five hundred civil and criminal ca
ses, and from his decision not over a
dozen appeals were made, and not ono
decision was ever reversed.
Under the old Mexican laws, Al:
caldes had power to grant away the
public lands at twelve dollars for fifty
vary lots (20 yards square,) All Am
erican Alealdes, previous to Geary's
time, had availed themselves of this
privilege, and disposed of‘an immense
amount of valuable property at these
more nominal rates. A resolution,
after his election, was debated by the
Ayuntaimiento (Council) directing the
Alcalde to make such grants at the le ,
gal rates. -Gent. Geary assured them
that rather than make such grants he
would relinquish his office, because the
sudden and unexpected rise of the va,
lue of the lands would enable. the Al
ealde, if he were so disposed, to enrich
himself and friends to the public detri
ment. At the rates named the lands
belonging to the city were worth only
$35,000. A small portion of these
lands wore then sold at public . auction
and brought half a million of dollars
This sum was placed in the city treas
ury. The tracts remaining unsold
were proportionally worth several
millions of dollars ! Thus was this
immense sum saved to the•city.
On May Ist, 1850, the first city
charter• was adopted, and Col. Geary
was elected Mayor under its provisions
by a large and flattering vote. The
manner in which he discharged the
duties of this position can best be un—
derstood from his inaugural address to
the city councils, and numerous subse
quent messages, all of which are on file
and have been published, as well as
from the fact that at the expiration of
his term of office a petition, numerous
ly signed by tiro most prominent citi•
zens, without distinction to party, was
presented, requesting him to be a can
didate for reelection, which ho declined.
. The Legislature, however, having
created a Board of Commissioners of
the funded debt of San Francisco, Col.
Geary was appointed a member, and
upon the organization of that body
was elected its President. Here,, too,
by his financial knowledge and judi
cious counsels and advice, ho rendered
valuable service to the city. Besides
all this, during his residence in San
Francisco, ho was Chairman of the
Board of Health, had assisted in the
organization of Masonic and Odd Fel•
lows Lodges, and was in fact instru
mental in establishing comfortable
hospitals for the sick, and was connec
ted with every benevolent and charit
able institution of the place. Ho sig.
nalized himself by his courage and in,
trepidity in arresting the progress of
the great fires, and by the promptness
with which ho answered the call of the
authorities of that city, rendered effi
cient aid in suppressing the squatter
riots at Sacramento.
In the year 1849, when Col. Geary
was a resident of California, a Conven
tion was formed to frame a State Con
stitution, and some of our readers still
remember the intense anxiety and ex
citement which prevailed throughout
the country regarding the result of its
proceedings. The pro-slavery Demo,
crats of that time were determined
that California should only be admitted
into the Union as a slave State, and
for the solo purpose of exerting their
influence in that behalf, many removed
from the Southern States to that dis
tant region. The plan was well con
ceived, and intended at all hazards to
be accomplished, to insert the slavery
clause into the Constitution; and for
ward it with hot haste to Washington
for adoption without presenting it to
the people for ratification. Col. Geary
was thoroughly acquainted with the
programme, and resolved that the pro
posed measures should not be effected.
He accordingly took strong grounds
against them, and used all hisinflu-
Once, which was then equal, at least,
to that of any man in the territory,
first to have omitted the clause legali
zing slavery, and secondly to prevent
the Constitution, when adopted by the
Convention, from being sent to Con
gress until after it should be submitted
to a vote of the people and bad receiv
ed their approval. No man could have
labored more
.earnestly and success—
fully than he did to effect these two
objects, both of which, after a most
terrible struggle, were accomplished,
and California was received, free from
the stain of slavery, into the Union of
States. It is not too much to say that
had it not been for the active part ta
ken by Col. Geary against the pro-sla
very party then in California, this re.
suit might not have been accomplished.
Privto affairs of great importance
requiring his presence in Pennsylva
nia, Col. Geary left San Francisco in
February, 1852, and repaired to his
farm in Westmoreland county, where
ho remained until again called into ac
tive public life, through his appoint
ment, by President Pierce,as Governor
of Kansas Territory, which appoint
ment, without the usual reference to a
committee, was Confirmed by a unani
mous vote of the Senate.
Ile received notice of this appoint
ment in July, 1856, and having delay
ed only long enough to receive his in
structions and male the necessary ar
pugetuents, Le proe9eded to Kansas,
, MARCH 21, 1866.
reaching Fort LeaVenworth on the 9th
of September following.
No pen can adequately describe the
terrible condition of the territory at
the time of his arrival. The scones ho
had witnessed in California were being
I re-enacted, with horrors greatly irrten
j sified. Civil war was raging with more
than fiendish ferocity; and all on
count of slavery. Men Were flocking
from all parts of the South, of despot..
ate character, with passions inflamed
to the highest pitch, and with the ex
press and avowed purpose of making
Kansas a slave State by any means,
however fair or foul ! And these again
were resisted by actual settlers and
new comers from the free States,
ettally as determined. though not 80
brutal and ferocious. The fiercest pas
sions of human nature, with all their
dreadful consequences, were visible on
every hand. The smoke of burning
buildings blackened the air; fields of
grain were laid waste and desolate;
women •and children were driven star
ving and naked from their homes to
perish on the desolate prairies; and
the dead bodies of murdered men were
strewn along the wayside. Chaos
reigned supreme—pandemonium had
poured forth its demons—and crime,
in ail its most hideous forms ran ram
pant through the laud.
Such was the gloomy prospect that
presented itself to the new Governor.
A man of less nerve would have looked
upon it with amazement, and with dis
may fled from the scene, as did two of
his predecessors,
.and many others.
But Gov. Geary was not the man to
be easily intimidated. Ho had passed
already through many a fiery ordeal.
He took in at a glance the entire situ
ation. From this dismal chaos; from
this hell of discord; from all this ter
rific and confused mass of conflicting
passions, he was expected to produce
order, peace and harmony. .Tiefalter
ed not, however, but buckled on his
armor, and in good earnest applied
himself to the difficult task. And so
earnestly and effectually did he devote
himself to the work, that as early as
September 30th, he was enabled truth
fully to write tb` the Secretary of State,
saying : "Peace now reigns in Kansas.
Confidence is gradually being restored.
Settlers are returning to their claims.
Citizens are resuming their ordinary pur
suits, and a general gladness pervades
the community." Ile had arrested crim
inals, driven brigands from the roads,
disarmed and disbanded invading ar
mies, and insured protection to all
peaceable citizens!
But this state of tranquility, thus ef
fected, was precisely the reverse of
what the pro slavery party in Kansas
and the administration at, Washington
desired. Gov. Geary's course, instead
of receiving their approval, met their
decided condemnation. It was inten
ded that the agitation and excitement
should continue until the Free State
men were either annihilated or driven
front the Territory, and the pro-slavery
party could have everything in their"
own hands. Hence the Governor's re
ports to Washington were coldly re
ceived, and if answered at all, as cold
ly answered. There was no mistaking
the tenor and spirit of their communi
cations. In the meantime the leading
ruffians were becoming more and more
emboldened by the encouragement
they received from the seat of the
General Government. At the Lecomp
ton Post office, the Governor's letters
and papers, both private and official,
wore opened and their contents scru
tinized The few troops that had been
left, to guard his person and official
documents, were gradually removed
by order of Jeff. Davis, then Secretary
of War. Pro slavery murderers whom
he had caused to be arrested, were lib
erated by order of Chief Justice lie
compto' and public meetings, were held
in which ho was denounced as an A
bolitionist for refusing to give his
sanction and assistance to the vile plots
to force the institution of slavery upon
an unwilling people. Ono villain, :LC, '
tented and aided by others less bold,'
was foiled in an attempt to assassinate
him on his departure from the Legis, j
lative Hall, and almost in sight of the
members there assembled.
To crown a]], the pro-slavery mon
of all parties, the great majority, how
ever, being old line Whigs, mostly
from the South, net together in con
vention at Lecompton, and organized
the "National Democratic Party."
There was much discussion in regard
to tho adoption of this name, the lead
ing men, of the convention declaring
that they could not swallow the word
"Democrat," having been life long
"Whigs." But this objection was over
ruled, by the argument that the name
would not change positions, while it
would assure them tho support of "the
Washington Democrat." The platform
of the "National Democratic Party,"
thus adopted, is clearly expressed in
the following unanimous resolution of
its Legislature :
"Wmttus, Wo believe that on the
success of our party depends tho per-.
petuity of tho Union ; therefore,
Be it resolved, By the House of Rep
resentatives, the Council concurring
therein, that it is tho duty of the pro
slavery party, the Union loving mon
of _Kansas Territory, to krtow but ono
issue, slavery, and that any party ma.
king or attompting to make any other,
is, and should be held, as an ally of
abolition and disunion.
lu ,carrying out this doctrine, all the
Free Slate Democrats were excluded
from membership with the "National
Democratic party," not one of them
being received into fellowship or al
lowed to take part in its proceedings.
This platform Was indorsed by the
Democrats at Washington at that
time, and was subsequently adopted
and carried out by the President to the
full measure of perfection. 'So iitr as
lie had the power be ostracised all
Free State_ Democrats, no mattet. bow
TERNS, $2,00 a rear in advance.
long or how faithfully they had servod
the party.
Tho "National Democratic Party"
being thus organized, the net move
ment was to commit GoVerner Geary
to its policy. Accordingly, the Chair
man of the Central Committee callsd
upon the 'Governor, with the assurance
that if he would connect himself with
the party he should bo one of the two
United States Senators soon to be cho
sen. The Chairman urged the matter
with such determined pertinacity that
Governor Geary ordered him out of
his ofamand'declared that if he should
dare again approach him with so vile
an offer he would toss him through the.
Soon after those proceedings a Con
stitution, known as the "Leoompton
Constitution," was received in Kansas
by the "National Democratic Party,'
direct from Washington, where it had
been carefully prepared; and agreea
bly to the directions accompanying it,tin
attempt was made to have it adopted
by an improvised convention and re
turned to Washington in the shortest
possible time, rogardlesss of the known
wishes of the people. An net of the
Legislature to this effect was immedi
ately passed, which was vetoed by
Governor Geary, for several reasons,
the most prominent of which were,
that no provision was made for 801-
miffing the Constitution to the people
for ratification, and that ho was antis,.
fied that a large' majority of the actual
residents of the territory were decided,
ly and strongly opposed to the ineti%
tution of slavery, which the Constitn
tion was intended to force upon them.
This having occurred after the elec—
tion of Buchanan, but before hisinaug
uration, Governor Geary addressed him
letters, stating the true condition of af
fairs ; but received no reply. He did,
however, receive positive evidence,
from other sources, that the newly
elected President had abandoned the
true Democratic principles and addpt.
ed the platform of the National"Dem
oeraey." Hence, Governor Geary re
solved at once not to hold an office un
der his administration, and on the day
he was installed in te Presidential
chair, wrote and forwarded his resig
nation as Governor of Kansas. On the
10th of March, 1357, ho left the terri
tory, and again returned to private
life. Had Governor Geary been sus
tained in his honest and madly course,
in Kansas, by the administration at
Washington, there is reason to believe
the destructive war through wilfuh we
have just passed, and was then fore
shadowed; and oven threatened, might
never have occurred, and thehundreds
of thousands of brave soldiers who now
sleep the sleep of death, would be liv,
ing to bless with their presence the
homes made so sadly desolate.
Although Governor Geary thus re%
fused all connection or fellowship with
the "National Democratic Party," he
persisted in adhering to the doctrine
he advocated in California sixteen
years ago. and still more recently in
Kansas, that the institution of slavery;
should not be forced upon an unwilling
people, and never hesitated to express
his disapprobation of the institution in
all its forms, sentiments which have
since formed the basis of the Union
platform. Hence, after his return from
Kansas he associated himself with the
party that sustained Stephen A .Doug
lass, which was greatly instrurnental
in breaking up the pro slavery faetion,
and effecting the election of Abraham
Lincoln to the Presidency, a result
which he foresaw and was ooirogs of
having accomplished,
No sooner was the result of that
election known, than plans were be
ing adopted by the "National Demo.
cracy" to fulfill their oft reiterated
threat to destroy the Union. Conse
quently, when after the inauguration
of Mr. Lincoln, a war against rebellion
became inevitable, Governor Geary
was again among the first to offer his
military services to the Government.
He raised and equipped, at his own ex-
Dense, the Twenty-eighth regiment of
Pennsylvania volunteers, of which ho
took the command. With this sglendid
regiment, numbering over sixteen hun
dred men, he entered the field in July,
1861, and continued in active service
during the entire war, with the excep
tion of twenty-eight days, and when
lie was incapacitated fbr duty by
wounds received in battle.
For meritorious deeds he was pros
moted to the rank of Brigadier General
on the 25th of April, 1862, and Brevet
ed Major General January 12th, 1865,
"for the fitness to command and prompt
ness to execute."
From reports field in the office of the
Secretary of War, it appears that dur
ing his term of service General Geary
was engaged in over fifty hotly con
tested battles and important skirmish
es besides many others of lessor note.
Among these engagements may be es : .
pocially named that of "Bolivar
Heights," "Cedar Mountain," the three
days' fight at Chaneellorsville, the
struggle at Gettysburg,which also last
ed three days, and resulted in driving
back the enemy from the soil of Penn
sylvania, Wauhathcie, Lookout Illoun
taiu, Mission Ridge, Ringgold, Triano,
Mill Creek and Snake Crook Gaps,
Rosaca, (two dayS), Now Hope Church
(seven days), Muddy Creek, Nose's
Greek,-"Kobb's Farm,' Kenesa,w 3 Pine
Hill, Marietta,
Peach Tree Creek,siego
and captare of Atlanta (twenty days)
siego of Savannah (ten days); which
was captured by his division ten hours
before any oilier troops reached that
city, as was also Port Jackson, both of
which places wore surrendered in per
son to General Geary. In thiS capture
three hundred and fifty prisoners, one
hundred and fourteen pieces ""of artit•
lery, thirty-night thousand five bun- ,
dyed bales of cotton and five ocean
steamers, with an immense variety of
ammunition and other stores, fell into
the hands of the victors,
THE 0-1.10_1310
the moat.complete of any In filo - country, and pos
sesses the moor ample facilities for promptly executing in
tho bat' style, every variety of Job Printing, such
114 N D ., BILLS,.
LABBJ,S, &U., &C., &C
NO. 88,
Upon the capture of Savannah Gen.
Geary was appointed by Maj. General
Sherman its Military Governor, which
position he filled with signal . credit tes
himself until ho was relieved, that hit
might accompany the triumphant ar
my of Sherman in its further march
through the Carolinas. In the battle
of Bolivar Heights he received a se
vere wound in the right knee, and at
Cedar Mountain he was slightly woun
ded in the left ankle, and seriously
through the elbow joint of the loft arm
He was also struck in the right breast
and severely injured by the fragment
Oa shell at Chancellorsville. His two
sons accompanied him to the geld ! the
eldest of whom, a young man of eight
een years, who had advanced himself
by sterling ability to the command of
a battery, with the rank of Captain,
and gave promise of the utmost 0:1?4,
city and usefulness, was killed at the
battle of Wauhatchie. "At the time
that, be fell," says an eloquent writer,
'he was acting as Lieutenant of one
section of Knapp's Battery. As an ar
tillerist he had no superior in the army.
His gun was his pride. He
ways beside her, and his aim was un-.
erring. At this battle about twelVO
hundred and fifty mon, under com
mand of General Geary, were attacked
from an eminence, by five thousand of
the enemy, at twelve o'clock at night,
The unequal fight was gallantly accep
ted, and though the command was at
first thrown into some disorder, they
speedily rallied, and not only repulsed
but drove - from the field the vastly sit•
perior numbers of the enemy. In the
hottest of the fight—in the act of
sighting his gun, his forehead pierced
with a bullet, young Geary fell, and
instantly expired. His father coming
to the spot, clasped in an agonizing
embrace the lifeless form a his boy—
then, mounting his horse, dashed wild-.
ly into the thickest, ranks of the fee,
and rode like an avenging spirit over
that bloody field, until the enemy
wore utterly routed and put to flight.'
This, General Hooker pronounces the
most gallant and successful charge that
has come to his knowledge during the
war. In his official report of this, bat
tle General Hooker says; "During
these operations a heavy musketry
fire, with rapid discharges of artillery,
continued to reach us from Geary. It
was.ovident that a formidable adver
sary had gathered around him and
that he was battering him with all hia
might. For almost three hours, with
out assistance, he repelled the repeated
attacks of vastly superior numbers,
and in the end, drove them inglorious,.
ly from the field. At one time they
had enveloped him on three sides, un
der circumstances that would have
dismayed any officer except ono en,
dewed with an iron will and the most
exalted courage."
Such is the character of Gem. Geary.
Few farmers seem to realize the lax"
portance of having a good garden, yet
a good one will produce more profit,
according to the labor bestowed, that}
any othor part of the farm. •
A. good garden is not .onlyprofita
hie, as producing food for the family;
but it is productivo of health, as a
bountiful supply of vegetables on the
table, will frequently keep a family
healthy; and when their food consists
f;cl nstan t,I y of 'salt meats, potatoes, and
bread only, the doctor is a frequent
visitor, in many cases.
The gardens that most farmer's have
aro a disgrace to them few hills
of early potatoes, boans,tquashes, &e.,
so entangled in weeds, that a man
would require a compass in a cloudy
day, when among them, to tell which
way is north, and•which south.
There is a great mistake made, wo
think, by aitnost . all people who have
gardens, in putting boots, carrots, par,
snips, &e.. in beds. It is much better to
grow such things in long rows, a.foot
to eighteen inches apart, so wide that
a man may have room to walk between
them easily to hoe them. Suppose you
have a plot of ground plowed and har,
rowed, 100 feet square. Firstirakelt
off with a heavy iron rake, then seta
line for the first row, drawn tight,thou
with the corner of your hoc, mark the
row, where the seed is sown, directly
under the lino, which one can do
most as fast as a man can walk. At
each end of the plat, you should [lvo
a stick fOr a measure of •the width of
the rows. Now, having marked out
your first row, lay down the first meas,
ure, and act the line for the next one,
and so on till the space you desire' to
sow is all marked out, "as straight as
a line."
If you desire to sow beets, carrots,.
parsnips, and the like, the corner of
the hoe should not make a furrow over
an inch deep, with the dirt raised some
on each side, and when the seed is
sown, and the ground levelled, it will
not be covered over ball an inPil ( 1 00 N
which is enough.
On this system of sowing vegetables,
you will accomplish double in the
same time, what you could by making
beds for them, while the crops will be
much bettor, owing to the 0.0 that wo
generally sow seeds in rows too close
in beds.—Rural American.
Xte - Put tools under cover. A hop,
spade or plow will last ono's life time,
almost, if properly taken care of and
housed. If you have no tool bow
erect one, for you cannot afford to lei,
your farming . implements Ho round
loose, exposed to the weather and the
chances of being run over and broken.
A thrifty and careful thriller is knOwn
at once by the good, quality, fine coii,
dition awl lustrous polish of his tools.'
AGE of VIE VINE.—The grape con,
Unties to_bear woll.for sixty or seven )
ty years ang often a great (2}l !oq,
e r
The Garden,