Ely 051 1)C. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Feb. 28, 1866. LOCAL & PERSONAL. !To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa yer marked with, atbefore the name will understand thiit the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper . 'continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. Meeting of the Union County Com- =tee. 'The Union County Cinurnittee of Huntingdon County met at the Court House on Tuesday last. A. H. Bau man' Chairman, called the Committee 20 order, and on motion, Dr. S. Thomp• son and S. T. Brown, Esq., were ap, pointed Secretaries. There was a large 'attendance of the Committee, it being very near full. The first business before the Com mittee was the selection of Senatorial and Representative Conferees. Twelve gentlemen were put in nomination,and the first ballot resulted in the choice of the folloWink For Senatorial Conferees,..Tno. House• holder, Dr. S. Thompson and Henry Graffius. For Representative Conferees, James Entrekini H. G. Fisher and William Lewis. The following resolution was then offered and adopted: RESOLVED, That Hon. John Scott, of Hun tingdon is the first, and Gen. J. W. Geary the second choice of the Union party of Hun tingdon county for Governor, and the Con ferees (Senatorial and Representative,) which have been elected by this Convention, as well ns our Delegates to the State Convention nro instructed accordingly. The following resolutions were then offered mid also adopted : WHEREAS, We believe that the principal foundation of greatness of our highly favored nation is its enterprise And industry, from the adequate protection .of which the most suc cessful results are achieved and the highest prosperity attained, therefore RESOLVED, That we accord our hearty co operation in all proper measures to promote the hest interests of the industrial class of our country and the development of our unfath omed resources, RESDLVED, That it is the bounden duty of the representatives of the people to secure the American markets to American manufacto ries and thus to American labor by such a system of protection as shall most speedily and effectually develope the great and inex haustible resources of our nation. • The following resolution was also offered and after some discussion, was adopted : RESOLVED, That the Chairman of this Com mittee be and is hereby instructed to call a Convention of Delegates from the election districts in this county to meet in Convention first week in April Court, to take into consid eration and determine the question of the a doption of the Crawford County system of nominating candidates for office in future,and that the Chairman publish in the county pa pers with the call fur the Convention, the manner of making nominations under the • system. The Convention then adjourned. - [Not havingbeewfornished with the proceedings of the Convention we give them from rettollectiun as near cor- rect as we ean.—linitort.] . ,Seuatorial and Representative Confer- =I The Representative Conference, voinposed of the counties of Hunting don, ,Thfilin and Juniata, met at Lewis town on Thursday, and the Senatorial Conference, composed of the counties of Centro, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry, met at the same place - on Friday last. D. Walker Woods of Mifflin, and B. L. Iluyett of Blair, were elected Senatorial, and Jno. „T. Patterson of Juniata and D. S. Ra fter of Huntingdon, were .elec.ted Rep yesentative Delegates to the State ,Convention to be held at Harrisburg on Wednesday next. The following resolution of instruc tion was unaniMouSly adopted by both Conferences esol6 ed., That-the Delegates cleated to day to the State Convention be in structed to vote for the" Hon. Joins SCOTT of kluntingd.on as our first choice for Governor, and for Major General J. W. Geary of Cumberland county as our second choice. [We have not room to give the ; full pro ceedings of the Conferences, we give only what is important.—Embed Hardware, Cutlery, &c. We take pleasure in calling the at tention of our readers to the column of Wharton & Maguire in the list of new advertisements. This firm bas been established almost a year, and their extensive patronage and the desire to increase the same, has induced them to take advantage .o.£ the printer's ink, to the tune of a column, knowing that it worketh wonders, and will amply repay them for the money invested. , We commend a perusal of their adver jisoment, as those in need will find where to get what they want, and,per haps, those who aro in need and don't know it., will see something that will greatly facilitate labor, or save.time ,and expense. They will furnish to or der everything in their line, from a needle to a Reaper and Mower combi ned, and their prices arc such at-will compare favorably with those of city dealers. Their store is on- Railroad Street, convenient to both depots. Give them a call or send in your or ders. . Accident. We learn that Mr. V. Crouse, for • merly of this place, and now at Reno, vo, met with a serious accident on the Phila. & Erie Railroad on Friday last. He was riding to Erie in a market car, which was run into by a rear train. The car was wrecked and caught fire . from the stove, and Mr. Crouse was bruised and burnt about the face and bands. SarSe' ard's speech crowds out this week some matter which would have keen very interesting to Rekirt: It will Pay We would recommend farmers and others who intend to sell out their per sonal property between this and the first of April, to advertise their sales in the "Globe," which reaches every lo cality in the country. The more these sales are advertised, the greater will be the number of people collected, and of course the result will be more bid ders and higher prices. An extra bid der from a distance who would see the advertisement in the paper, would most likely more than pay all printing expenses. As sure as falling off a Log If the Journal & American editors know "what was up," they would im mediately pitch into Gen. Geary and oppose his nomination. They haven't quite made the point they expected to when they raised his name with hypo critical professions of friendship. We may open their eyes in a few days to a "phunny fact." They will see it then as Geary has along seen it. That trap was well set, wasn't it, Robert ? Do you see? Those Tearr. Perhaps it may as well be understood note, publicly, that we ❑ever had, and never expect to have, any tears to shed through fear of any man. Is any ono of the Journal f American clique has doubts as to the truth of what wo say, he can be convinced at -any time in day-light most convenient to hint self. Cowards always attack a man behind his back, sometime with a dag- , ger or billy, but most generally with a poisoned tongue: No leo. Our store and office books arc full of small accounts against persons residing in town. As we find time we will make out bills and place them in the hands of our town collector Wm. H. King for collection, and hope he may not be turned away with promises. Those knowing themselves indebted can save us trouble and expense by calling at our store and squaring up. AEr . .A. noisy party hailing from Pe tersburg, this county, were lodged in jail on Friday evening, fur getting drunk and disturbing the public peace. A. warning to others. gm... John Brumbaugh died from the effe,ets of the injuries received by the collision near Mifflin. Willoughby is recovering slowly. Special attention of Merchants and others is invited to Card, in this issue of Howell & Bourke, Manufac turers of Wall Paper, etc, etc. The President's Veto Sustained. In the Unitas]. States Senate, Tues., day, after a long debate, the Presi dent's vete_was sustained, as will be seen by the following proceedings : The question being called for, the the Chair announced that it was" Shall the bill pass, the President's objections notwithstanding," upon which the yeas and nays were required by the Constitution. The vote was as fol. lows : Y. - AS—Messrs. Anthony, Brown, Chandler, Clark, Conness, Cragin, Cresswell, Fesseuden, Foster, Grimes, 'Harris, Henderson, Howard, Howe, Kirkwood, Lane of Indiana; Lane of Kansas, Morrill, Nye, Poland, Porno. roy, Ramsey, Sherman, Sprague, Sum ner, Trumbull, Wade, Williams, Wil son and Yates. NAYS—Messrs. Buchalew, Cowan, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle, Guthrie, Hen - .chicks, Johnson, -McDougall, Morgan, NesMith, Norton, Riddle, Saulsbury, Stewart, Stockton, Van Winkle and Willey. • Abdent—Messrs. Foot and 11 , right. • Mr. 'Poland, of Vermont, said his colleague, Mr. Foot, was confined to his bed with sickness, but if present would have voted for the bill. The Chair announced that the num ber voting in the affirmative being less than two thirds the bill had failed MARRIED, Feb. 22d, by the Rcv. Jno. Ander son, at the house of the bride's father, Miss RACHEL STEWART, of Barree town ship, Hunt. county, to Mr. Jno. DON NELLY of Yellow Springs, Blair county. DIED, In Williamsburg, MottNA CLARAISSA, daughter of T. H. and S: ill. McCau— ley, of brain fever, aged 3 years, 11 months and 13 days. Sleep on, dear Moron, and (alto thy root, God called thee home, ho thought it beet. Perry county papers please copy. PIIIILai DILL PHIA DIARKICTS. February, '2T. Family Flom $00.50 Extra Flour ...... ................ ......................... ....M25 Superfine Flour . 07,25 llyo Flour $4,75 Corn Meal... 03.73 Extra White Wheat, •l-1,G0Cii2.25 . . . Fair and Prime Red , n() ~, ®2,25 liye SO Corn, prime Yellor GO Oote 4T Burl oy Cloversecti, lbs Timothy BEZI 001. (lidos HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY 9, E. IiENRY & CO. Family Floor T.Mbl $9,50 Extra Flour $8,50 Superfine Hour ...... ....... Corn 'Meal licwt. Buckwheat Hour cwt Whito Wheat Red IV heat \en Corn.. Otte . ....... 11119=22 MIMI =UZI Dried Peaches . 4 1 lb Butter.. . ...... ......... Eggs hard Ilan Shoulder • Tallow' Hay Beans El bug Potatoes %1 bus gar For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB f r ItINTItIG OFFICE," at Hun tingdou, Pa e DIARIES for 1806, for sale at Lewis' Book Storo. flonnumn .RAILIIOAD AccroENT—A MAN IN A FLAME o.ll` BURNING °U.—A terrible accident occurred, on Wednes day evening, near Latimer's Station, on the Pennsylvania railroad, and about twenty-one miles this side of Pittsburg. We learn that a stock and oil train coming cast was detained on the track while some cars ofa forward train wore bidng shifted. The front part of the train was composed of stock cars, .next were several open trucks containing barrels of oil, and in the rear of these was a "caboose" or emigrant ear, in which were several drovers, owners of tho livo stock. While these men were seated around a red'hot stove, a third train come thundering eastward on the same track. One of the men happened to see the impending danger, and by almost superhuman efforts succeeded in break ing the fastenings of a side of a win dow, and, with two or three others, escaped from the car as it was struck by the locomotive of the train No. 3 A terrible crash followed. In an in stant the caboose wasa wreck; the cars laden with oil were jammed ; barrels bursted and the oil flew in all direr lions. Unfortunately, one of the dro. vers, Mr. Ed ward Al thause,of Reading, had not escaped before the collision took place, and ho was literally cover ed with oil, and his clothing; thorough ly saturated. The oil took fire from the stove, and instantaniously the poor man \ 'as covered by a sheet of flame; in lid:i . condition he managed to leave the wreck, and as he walked on the ground the fire blazed several feet above his head, giving him the ap peavance of a moving barrel of oil. As soon as ho was discovered, a number of persons conducted him to a creek near by,(portions of his burning clothes dropping from his body as he moved,) and by immersing him in the water, the fire was extinguished. When taken from the stream Mr. Mt hawse was entirely naked, and his body found to -be burned in a most shocking manner. Singular as it may seem, Mr. A. was still alive when last heard from. He was taken to a hotel near where the accident occurred, and properly eared for. The man who leaped from the car window just as the collision occurred fell down an embankment a distance of some twenty feet, and sustained severe yet not fatal injuries.- Two or three of these men reached this city yesterday afternoon with their stock. One named Emory, of Lancaster, was rendered unable to attend to' business, and was sent home. P. S.—Since the above was put in type we learn that Mr. Althanse is dead. His remains will be taken to Reading for interment. He was an Un married man :—.Efarrisburg Telegraph. E XECUTO.RS' NOTICE.-- Estate of IVillirm Dean deed.] Lettere fed:tuned:try, on the estate of William Dean, late of //vowel' twin., co., deed.. having, been granted to tine onderAigood, nil poro ooo iodated to the e&tate are requested to malt° immediate payment, and time° having claims, to present them duly authenti cated for settlefoorrt, 13=1 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of David D. Eshelman, deed.] Thu undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon comity to distribme the In tho hands or John B. (Inver, administrator of Davb D. Eshelman, late of Shirley township. deceased, will at eligtl of O. oti F ' tll i t'kletiYo MARCH, next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all persons interested are requited to be present or be debar- red from coining for any part of said nand. • EMI A_UDITOR'S The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Ituntingdon county, to distrilone the fund re maining In the hands of George W. Johnston, Eau., who was appointed Trustee by the alibi court to sell the real estate of John White, late of the blrough of Huntingdon, deceased. said fund being the dish ibotive share of.lehn White, one of the sons of said deceased, against whom there are judgments and attachments—hereby gives no. tiro that he will attend at WI office in Huntingdon, en SATURDAY. the 10th day of MARCH, neat, at l o'clock I'. M ~ for the purpose of rushing said distribution, when and where all p.-rsons having claims amtinst :dd fund ate required to prisent Ow sumo, or itedeCarred from coining in for any share thereof. I'llEO. 11. CREMEII, Feb2l Auditor. INTacrt3loc3. undersigocd parchasod at pub -vac sale at 0163Viiie, on the 31st January last, the fol lowing property sold as the property of George height: One gray maro, one bay mare, two sets of gears, two hack wogons, one two borne wagon, ono cooking stove nod pipe, and one cow. Now this is to notify all persons that I have left the above named property w,llll George height for rale keep ing and the same is nut to be romaed front his poasession without my COl)Sept. fet3-3 B. F. BAEHR-- A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. [Estate of William G. Harper, dee'd.] Letters of administration upon the estate of William G. Ifarper, Into of Dublin hell., deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, All .persons indebted to the rotate will make payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. El= MAC) it.S. W i n to ON Friday, 19th inst., at Mt. Union, V./ or on the car., between that point and Huntingdon, CHECK of V. Ihunmell, Jr., on n Bank in Ihtrrislntrg, drawn to our order and unendersld wham lost, for Ono hundred and seventy dollars nuileigh teen cents ($l7O IS.) All persons are cautioned against negotiating the above, payment of which lies been stopped. Any one finding will please return to our address. WAINWRIGHT A CO., N.B. Corner Second and Arch Ott.. Jan. 31, I SM.. Philadelphia. jlll RIPC'S-SALE. kJ By virtu° of o writ of 11. fa. to me directed I will ,expose to public solo or outcry on tho premises, On Tuesday, 6th of March, 1866, The right, title and interest of Andrew Deere, In the fel ,lowinc named property: A LOT OF GROUND in FRANKLIN township, bOnndol on the north by lands of Wm. Curry, on the east by lauds of James Oliver. and on the anntlrand west by lands of Martha [Mug and Joe. Oliver, having a dwelling ho u se and barn thereon erected Seized, taken in execution and to t o , sad tby fel3 J. F. 13ATIJUISST, TWO TRACTS OF LAND C ird— .1 2 1- m. The subscriber will offer at public sale on the premises at 2 o'clock, p. in.' On Friday 9th day of March next, Two tracts of land in JUNIATA township, Huntingdon con nty, adjoining the farm on which he now resides, viz: No.l —A tract of amid two hundred and sixty 'acres, all thither, resisting of it best white oat, rock sok, pophtr, chestnut and hickory thero is in this section of the conntry. Tide tract is valuable fur saw timber, bark, ties. Cooper stuff, Sc. No. 2.—A tract of land containing about one hundred flues. On this tract there are about thirty aell” cleared, and the balance well timbered. The improvennin to arc a log house and log barn, and a good apple orchard. A considerable p,rtion of this land not improved is of the best red shale in the country. Tito tracts are easily to be gob of as a township road runs through butt,. Any person wishing ihrthor information, or to examine the properties, will call on the subscriber. Tortes 1111.1 e known on day of sale. Febl.33 A. 13, Sill 3NI3FELT. OR SALE, -Ean, good Dwelling Wane and part o f „ t o t o r , wr,s,r ington street. Possession given on the Ist of April For further information inquire at Letvie' Book and Mule Store. fcb7 • $4,23 1221 EMU .$7,5U $.500 $'2.U5 .$1,70 61,9 $6,0 0) 5,0? m...a.®. GROUND RENTS on several lots in Smithfield, Walker townehip, will hi suid If application la mado Boon. Apply to trio .I.mbriber. Fob. 5, , W3I.•I,LIVIS', Agent. $B,OO .$B,OO .$1,50 A . LOT OF GROUND FOR QAT= A LOT OF GROUND fronting on Ridge roug. 60 feet, and running back to .Stone creek, adjoining lota of Mich. uel Thompson. • • • Apply ut the tALO/34 lace. .s-~..+ -~•+r3n4hlr?M!4'y`! ..t.i-..., j a.~.._ ~4-,~.ee..-+~M~4, BROUGHER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER, P.l TENTED DECENJER 2 , , MO, Everybody his own Broom Maker Tlita bead or Wrapper is eon. strected of Tin or Zinc. with sliding band and bolts, in Coll C t 1011 with the centre bolt wishing 01 I,' the handle, hold ing it secure. The article to which we call - eN your attention ii •• very simple,light it nod strong, song It i n g but SEVEN OUNCE,. ° ost j The farming • community have •ill long needed nu •• , article of , this • „// i i character; and '1 . the high p: ice 0' tqgol:el I •• with the simplic ity, durability, nod practical utility of this invention, nialies It more hateable 111011 any other art tele ever intro doted. 4 ,- irr - Wo off, boroagli, town4Lip, and n m illy r i g ht r or sale on reasonable tort., in the county of Huntingdon. For further partienlarg, roll and sea t h e subscribers, or address TllO5. id. STRIC chElr & SON; feI7,ISOG Huntingdon, Pa. °Mae) TUE ::.3nbsci:ibers, thankful for the .t liberal share of patronvo thvy. have heretofore re• ceived by strict at ti.ntien to business, 4 ' ' 44 '5 7 1 ' : ‘ ,1., 0 iTin:; ' ,. t il ' :.::l i ' a t. il i t i t a c o; i v iL t i l rfrie= F." ..,,t 5..el ' • awl everybody elso, that they are prepared !., "7 to make all kinds of IRON and BRASS CAS'I7ISII6 made in a tat clos., Foundry.. We have always on 1.50:1 all kinds of Plough and Stove Castings. also wash Nettles, cellar-window Orates, coal hole•cnstiugs f•n• pavanents, WillliOW weights of all sizes and weights, pipe joints. sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam nail water, grist, saw, sumac and plaster mills of nll desctlptions. We are prnpat . ell to furnish !lento. and Iron Fences of. tho too t improved style, oven doors and frames, door this and in fact everything outdo in this line. We hnv,• a very large stock of patterns and can furnish castings at short notice. and cheaper than they can be had in the county, Having a good drill too pre prepared to do drilling and fitting op of till kinds. frasiliglic,t hiothet price paid for oil metal, brass, line, kall:the. .1. M. CUNNINGHAM & SON. Office on Railroad strect,one door west of the Exchange Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. dee27,65 WEST HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, Near Eichorn' Mill, Huntingdon, Pa. THE undersigned would take this I method to inform the public that his New Ponn.lry is now In blast, and he in 't Sreparlid to re,ive nod fill orders for all binds of CASTINGS, PLOWS, THRESH LNG MACHINES, &c., Trz,• ' ' . _ Being a practical mechanic at tile business, of twenty th ree years exper.ence, and having• a desire to please, he lows to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Fled and esleigit fetes, and other castings, kept on hand. 11, - NOld metal, brats and copper taken in exchange for work. .1A NES 0.31 P SON. Dccetub 13,1335-Gm WATERSTREET FOUNDRY Aogredia ice. 13,11.. Eat THE undersigned having purchased 1, the above property would take this method to inform the public that he la prepared to receive :Xtire for ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, PLO' S', THRASHING MACHINES, kg., Sc.; and also will make out repair all kinds of Thrashing Machinca, Sled awl sleigh soles on,' other castings kept on hood. Old metal, tita n s nod Copper, taken in exchange for work. J. M. PIPER. • Witt ersdreet„Tan EiOl'lll.l DEAN. Y.ll. 11011'1,ING, Esreutor. _4 4 M. QRBERB & O. BEAVER Having enter“l intii . parlaerslitn, Infuffirtlia - pblielria they are prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble WOrl I. M. LYTLE, Anilitur Snell as MONUMENTS. If EA DS TONES, also Building Work, as Or low prices as any shop in the county. Orders from a ilimance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN Sr. roe 5, 3 few doJra east of this Lu theran church fad 1,18661 y - DounizETTE, 52.0 per ton, taken Irani the factory those, or 50 cents per bushel, and 26 per ton in Istns ' delivered at, steamboat and railroad dipole., in Philadelphia. Manufactory—bray's Ferry Toad above tho arsenal, Wpot—neysson's farm, tileocester. N. :torsos, Woodbury road. Oilier-L-Library strut, No. 42), bark of the new post Wilco, Philivra. Dealers— ItICtIARDS fo2l-31n 411, streots, Philad'a, PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do room and botter . work at a given cost, flout auy other! Try it! Man u factured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, 31"1,0L,sale Drug, Paint and olnsa Dea!eri, jair2lrly No. 137 North TIIIRDst., PULA-DA, FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE IVNY per on in want, of ono of the nbove nrtkles Should call ou Mias DIANAII L, BA RER, Agent for the Machine. Ilmilingdon, &pt. 27-tiui ROBERT HARPER, J. E. HARPER, ==tM • TRA.Y 110 G. Caine to tiie prvillises at the subscriber in lienilerson township, on Or about the Vith of December a white boar pig with a flit in.the right Call: r°ooltOli 1.0 come forward, promo prop arty, pay eharp;c6,;ana lake It away ; otherwise it will be di:gamed of according to lat, ft:L . 21430 • JAMES SLOAN. 1866. For ilentlemen's Cl.thingof lit best material, and made in his best workmanlike wnuerr, call at Ti. ROMAN'S, • opposite me Franklin House in Markt t Square, Unsling. don, Pn. net 17, '65. pURE LIBERTY warn; LEAD, Preferred by all pr ;warn! Painterel Try it! and you will Imvo to other. Manufaanred only by 1:IM STILL IN BLAST. (- ; ,-,-,--3.4v fer - vo; . 4/:rp m .-00 , 14 , .,, ii. tl , ll .r s ipi i f , (::3 f 4' I ' / _,,,: 1 ` y ^-~'n" i't ~J~ a,'.' _. ' .i.li ~'~a NEW FIRM " E D CYT-7-1,9 =ER " (Sixteen Years Fair Trial!) . A. PEYSSOI , T, PHILADELPHIA.. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN■ 11113 C I, oT 111 N 0 FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECIEIVED IL ROMAN'S CHL'AP CLOTHING STORE ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,P33nt & GI iss Dealers, iVo. 137 Nth. lhii•cl st., Philada. frin2J-ly ATADE UP GLOTIIDTG, BOOTS &; Queensmire, Ci end NVillow \Vero, larg est block in the country, at 0. E. HENRY & CO. (490 A MONTlE—Agents wanted I', ix entirely IICIV articles, just out. Ad dress O. ,T. GABBY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. lice .201S00-ly THDIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE 1 BOXES for wagons of alt biZCS, for sato at the hard ware store of LfeI.I,I9GSI JAS. A. BROWN. GO TO S. E. HENRY & CO'S foi goo d oat, Tweeds, KOIItUC ky Jeans, 'Velvet Cord, &c. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs, For sale cheap at tho Clothing 6.t0r0 of oc2l LEOPOLD BLOOM. COUNTRY DEALERS -oan • i lifi( ( i l i f1 1 111 1 11(1 ,m cn i ln , 1 Inc in Huntingdon i nt Moo, no I novo n'itholeorlo etoroltNa n ate li i n iiiii r r in INK, INK, INK -I D.T4crimicnm To Merchants and Business Men, TUE undersigned having recently I Men appointed agon, for the New York National. Ink Company, hereby gives notice to mini:bents, busi ness men, and to consumers of all Clai43 that he is pre. parent to supply the market with an article of Ink which in addition to being the best in use, is emphatically the cheapest ever offered for sale tin this country. It neither corrodes the pen, nor moulds the inkstand,, is of is rich tannish tint, flows freely, aunt Is perfectly indel ible, giving it advantages not possessed by any other Ink, whether of foreign or domestic manufacture. This Ink contains no sediment and will not therefore, thicken as most inks do, the last drop being as thin and clear us the first. ~~ ~ A q~ ~ k ~ a All orders whether wholesale or retail, will be promptly filled, at lower rates than ns good an article Can he purchased in the cities or elsewhere. Persons who entertain doubts as to the superior quality and cheapness of this Ink are respectiluly entreated to give It a trial &din 11. Clark, sob-agent. will canvass the county for the purpose of introducing this Ink. - MUCH COIIN, Agent, Corr, Run P. 0., Huntingdon county Penna. 0ct.16, • PRINCIPAL BRADICII OPTICE NATIONAL INK COMPANY, oP NEW YORE. Mr. SIMON COMIN, I'. M., having been appointed sales• man and gene - rat agent, is the representati cc of the above company for the county of Huntingdon, State of POllll., nn per contract, all portico therefore, whether having dealt with us previously or otherwise, will please avail themselves oftho advantages of deulhig directly with the representative of our house here; they will find it to their pecuniary interest to do en. HI,. VAN ALLEN, Actuary. The above Ink is for sato at LelVie and all the principal stored In the county. HARDWARE CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, MUM, 81c. AND lOR SALE 13-Y JAS. A. ROM% HUNTINGDON, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Lluntingdon, act 17. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of Ins old patrons specially, and tho public to general, to his extensive stock of well selected now Goods, Jest reedy.] from the liasteru cities, consisting, in part, of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, &gars,Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish,. Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, and all other articles Lept in a Seat class try store; ell selected with the greatest care and which wore pur chased for cash only, and affords him to sell them at a very low figure. The pubic will find it to their advan tage to .11 and examine our unsmpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will ho spared in show ing our Goods. Ladies are specially invited to examine our largo sWok of fashionable dress goods; Shswls, Cir. caters, FurS, and a great variety of Woolen Goods, Hosie ry, Sr. Also, a handsanle :mart went of LAWNS' COATS All kinds of produce taken in axehange at tho highest market prices—Cash not refused. By strict attention to the wants at customers, We Lope to receive a continuation Nosy Goods received daily. act IS MS. EYNON CORN. CHEAP GROCERY STORE, M".7014157301Z HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA r HE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers Marge and as. sorted stock of Groceries, Provisi.ms, &c. Ito fi,els satis• lied they can be accontodated with anything in his lino. llis prices are lose, and We stock fresh and good. Ile keeps lice hest of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, ALSO- HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, . MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind A selact stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS WAIIII, and all other articles kept in a well regulated c.rtabl idillllollt for sole of rensonnblo prices. .471 - - Ws store is on Ilia street, wally opposite the Bank, and in the room formerly ocenpied by D. Grove. Cull and examine. Z. YENTEIII. Ilunting - don, Oct 17, ISCS. GREAT ENTHUSIASM ! HIGII PRICES SUEI2ENHEII ! ! THE PEST AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN 11. WESTBROOK a Respectfully informs the citizens of Ifuntingdon um! vicinity that lie Intsjudt received from the city a NEW and splemtkl stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, (ix., thc., &c. all of which he is prepared toEoll at reduced rims 1866. A lot of ehoioo CON ISEUTIONEItIES have also been re colved. Don't forget the old Aland in the Diamond. Old custo. niers and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, apri 12, 1105. • N EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA • 'lnforms dm public that lio Los just . opciaid at his old fitUllit in thu Diamond. it um lagdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which lie will s2ll at fair prices. Quid; sales and moltprqfits. Call :101l examine toy stock, Alatillfact ming and Repairing mum to order as usual. 11 not ingdon, Oct- 10, New Furniture Establishment. • J. M. WISE , Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill st., Huntingdon, in the rear of George IV Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per. sons Witllllllg, to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repaid)) gnfull kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .o:4 Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins made In any style desired, at short notice. ;OP. Funerals attended at any place in fetus nr cons )}.by J. NI. WISP, Huntingdon, Scpt.2.l, IS62—tf • ii' "KCEITJ A GOB PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors west of Lewis' Boot• Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, '65-tf. QTOVES. STOVES. 1J Spear's famous "anti-dust" Cook, Wellington Cook, Continental Cook, end a splendid variety of gas burner, nod other Heating Stoves, for coal or wood, just re ceived, and fur sale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. 1311 OWN• Huntingdon, Oct. 13, AND NOW OPEN THE CHEAPEST! Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &e NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER. HENRY - STROUSE & CO. Veapectinlly inform the public generally that they have Just received a large and splendid stock of goods at their store In 31AltRbESBUll0 ; a m=isting in part o f DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, 0. HATS & CAPS, . • BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, • QUEENSWARE, • GROCERIES, WOOD and NHL. LOW WARE, • TOBACCO, . • - SEGARS, • .NAILS, - • • GLASS, • • • OLD• MEAT, CRACKERS, PROVISIONS,.. • PISH, • SALT, &c., &c. AIso—BONNETS , and TIN WARE; And in fact everything usnally.kept in a first class cowl. .try store, which were bought low for cash anal will be sold at cormpondlngly low prices for cash, or country produce. and ri-quest the public to giro us_ a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we ran offer sups uot. inducements to cash buyers. \VD respectfailly solicit the patronage of all, rind coped: ally our Trough Creek Volley friends. • - Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi ses, gannsh paid fur all kinds •of grain, for which tho highest market prices trill ho given. HENRY STROUSE dc CO. I\fatklesb”rg, Oct. 24,1805. . NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! If you want Cheap Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNI N GHAM & CO'S If you want Good Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want Fashionable Goods, GO TO It. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want to see the GREATEST VARIETY and BEST SELECTION OF GOODS BYER BROUGHT TO 'HUNTINGDON, Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES of city and country manufacturo, Brochet and Blanket SHAWLS, SONTAG'S and Breakfast SHAWLS, PRINTS and MUSLINS of every variety, flats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Confectioneries. and in a word,, everything that eye bath seen or heart could wish, GO TO It. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S W.HOLE§ALEth RETAIL STORB Corner of Railroad and Montgomery ate, Iluntingdon,Nov. 8, 1865 NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PBIGES. M. OUTMAN IIAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which he offers to all who want to he CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Uis Stock consists of Ready-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., AC.. Should gentleman desire any particular kind or cut clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they cnn be accommodated et short notice. Call at the east corner of the Diathond, ober Long', Grocery. MANUAL . GUTMAN. Rewaril the Soldiers! Another Opportunity is offered the many Friends of the Soldiers to Reward those Who Faced the Music of the tnerey. ' J. B. SHONTZ & BRO. 1) ESPECTFULLY inform their nume 1., rolls friends of klarklesbarg and surrounding coma• try, that they have received a large end stilendid stock of NEW GOODS, Conshiling of— READY .lA.DE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS and alarge stock of JEWELRY, &e. The poLlie, witliont regard to politics, religion, sect or color, will find ear store the place to buy Just what they want, and at prices to suit the times. Don't fail to give us a call, as We are determined to please all. Marklesburg, Iluntingdon co., Nov. 1, '65, ' , LAM kw./ BOOKS AND STATIONERY. SIMPSON,. ARMITAGE & CO. ETAVING IPURCHASED the on tire stock of tl - m. Colon. we now offer to the public nt reasonablo prices our immense, stock of MECHANICAL; RELIGIOUS, SCHOOL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, POCKET 1300 RS, POIITMONAIS, Also, Talent Styles of WALL PAPER & WINDOWEIHADES, 11110AZINES, and Daily and Weekly Papers constant• ly on hand. tra_Orders front abroad promptly attended to. CALL AT BROAD TOP CORNER. Iluttingiton, May3,1865-I'3. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS,' CHEAPEST CLOTHING in Town LEOPOLD BLOOM HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT. OP NEW STYLES OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which he of•rs to the public AT THE CHEAPEST RATES.. im stools consists of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Ac: Ac. Ws store to nt the Ohn BROAD TOP CORNER, HUNTINGDON, PA., Where he will he pl cooed to receive and accommodate all emstomers, LEOPOLD BLOOM. Huntingdon, Oct. 10,1365. M'MANIG AL'S LIVERY STABLE, ASHINGTON STREET, Between the Baptist and'Catholic Churches, HUNTINGDON ; PA, * OrtqW , r.ll E PUBLIC 'GENERALLY arc k informed that The subscriber is prepared at WO New LI VERY STABLE, to accommodate all.witit HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on short notice. HENRY.AWMANIGALL. Huntingdon, March 8,1855-Iy. MAIELCSLiAIDEO OF ALL KINDS, JUST RECEIVI6:II THF,LA4GEST STOCK AND ,VARIETY EWER BROUGHT TO HUNTINGDON, Ladies, call and examino at. S. B. HENRY & CO JAMES If. ELDREDGE. cr.q. E!LDREDGE RLDREDGE• & filth Publishers, Stationers. - 800. selletoi .No. 17 and 19 Sonik - sixth. (Abel:a U3estnitt,) ' PHILADELPHIA. P ariie,dlar.nttedtionliaid to the country trade.' Alwaye on WWI a large intpply Lode; Cnp, Hole Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; SClioot and Mis cellaneous Books ; Poop, 11)4, Slates, 'HucHage, Ph ot o-, graph Albums, Paper Bags, Ac., "' 'Liberal terms to cash ckstomers; ang2B/854,E We want 8.1 9 500 rg n en 4 e . ! r r -E yNClie. -11 ro . to sell our !menu: VED $:241 Sewing Machines. Three now lcinds. Under and . upper feed. Warranted Ova years. Above salary or large, Tlie'butt nine - bides hold in the United States for tens than $4O, whicharefaki, ,ee?med Home. lV/lister rt. TWistsi, Grocer' 4 -.l.laker, iStrgir 'it Co.; And. Bachelder. All other chaap machines are infringement's! and the seller or user are liable to'arreal, fine and impris onment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw, Clark, Biddeford, Maine. - BILLIARDS ! JOSEPII L. POU.LTON; • . Strawberry Alley, near Third :Street, : . HAARISBITAG,, • Respectfully infoims the ptibllc that ho line opened for thcir . use his now and elegantly fittixl; up Billiard Room. It contains Faint NEZV TABLES OF SUARP'S MANUFAOFORR, superide loony now in the city. - mid Billiard Room challenges comparison . , ssity . coons in Ilia State, west of DOB - BINS! ELECTRIC SOAP,, SAVES LABOR SAVES TIME, SAVES MONTY, • * SAVES OLOTIIESI SAVES SOAP, • AND SAVES WOMEINi, It's the Soap for Every Fatelly; Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers throughput eityapil; country. Manufactured only by - J. B. DOBBINS & CO., 101 South Fifth street, below'clieenut,, jau3-10t INVENTORS' OFFICES D'EPINE UIL & r gi.VAN - S . , Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors,, No. .135 Walnut St., Philada Patents solicited Consultations on Engineering, Dramb Ong and. Sketches, Models and Machinery of all; kinds made and skillfully attended to. Special attention . given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES.—;,‘ Authentic copies of all Documents from Patent Office procured. N. B.—Save yourselves useless trouble and traveling. expenses, as there is no actual need for I.ersonal inter view with no. All bIIBiIICFB with these Offices; can; be transacted in writing. For further information direct m above with stamp enclosed, for Circular with reforences. Jannaryl7, ISGO-ly ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORI4ANS,, 'MfM Cottage Orgea. Are not only .unexcelled, but thisy lie absolutely Wu:, quoUed by any other Rued Instrument In Use country.-- 1 Designed expressly for Churches and schools, they sr! found to bo equally well adapted to the parlor and draw. , ing room. . . For sale only by" B. 11. BRUCE, No. 18 North SEYENTI - 1 street, Mind&lphld. IYB- Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and 'a [cortspldto sortment of the PBRYECT MBLOAEO,N. - • PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS,. • Liberty White Lead ! • • Liberty White. Lead ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! Warranted to coyer more surface, for same weight, than nny•tither. • Any the beet, it is the cheapest:. • TRY' IT 1- TRTIT I Liberty Lead coven better than any'otticr.' Liberty Lead wean longer than any other. , Liberty Lead-le more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities and le • - Warranted to do more and better work, at a given cost, than any ether. Buy the Best, Itis the Cheapest. Manufactured sad warranted by ZIEGLER & SMITE:, • Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, . 13-7 North Third Sfreet, _Philad: ctll,lBostemeh7 te .1 . • 4.7 ." I I I PI 4. I ( ESTABLISHED. IN 184 Ct Incorporated by the Legiedature of thq State cf Penneyltranq. Located on the NI W. Corner of 7th atm (701) Chestnut sts. • ' (701) Designed exclusively to import a thorough and .PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATIOIci% . All classes of persons require such an education. Moss possessing means, need it in .conducting theiroatitibnpinest Those without means need it in obtaining and creditably: filling lucrative positions in the emptoxid ethers. The course of instruction And practtedis prianged so 11.1 to fully meet the diversitled wnntf of every department of, DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN TRADE as comprehended or embraced under the three"generid di visions of industry: Agriculture 'bitinufacto re aid Ulm mecca, • • Each student is instrnoted indiYidttally hr both theory and practice of Not, Keeping, according to - the moat ap-• proved npd labor saving methods, Bitsineea Penmanship, Calculations. and all the aollateralbtanChes of a complete cowae of basin.s education; and upon passing a satiefac, tory examination is awarded,by authority of law, a diplo ma,under the corporate e.al of the college. tudents are received arany time. And It is believed, that a practical experience of over MENTZ ;TEAM will be considered by the-public an ample guarantee of the prac tical character of the course and efficiency of the instruc tion.. All further information desired can be obtained at the college, or by addressing the Principal . for a circular by mail, • .tW•A liberal discount is allowed to wounded and hen, orably dbeharged soldiers. The conep is open dayand jevenieg. jy12,186.5 NEW SKIRT FOR 180, The great invention of the age in 3EIC:D.C3 O 3P SEOEK3E3A.,9pti J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duple= or double, ELLIPTIC SPRING SRI4T. This invention consists of Duple* (or twOr,illiptlc pure relined steel springs, Ingeniously braided tiihtlyeadliert ly together, edge to edge;making tho toughest', most fto thisti:. and durable spring ever used. They ischtoM bond or break, like tho single spring., and consequeting Preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring.skirt that ever has or can be Made. The wonderful flexibility and greet carnfort.and pleasure to any holy wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be el . - perienced particularly in all t . rowded assemidia4't:TiritY: carriages, railroad ram. church itswWarrii Wheirs,Tor prd; monads and housedress' as the skirt can' be* folded wher! in use twoccupy a .mllOl,OOO as easily ' and conveniently ass. sill, or muslin dross. . • • ' . . . . . A Indy having enjoyed the pleasure, comfert and great convonience•of wearing the duplex elliptic uteri spring. skirt for a single day will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. For children, piisses aud 'yeung ladies they aro superior Co all ethers.. i• • ' ho hoops aro armed with 2 ply donlilo twleted thread and will weiv.tiiecelll long as the - single Yard covering, which is used on all single Stool hoop- skirts. TIM three m, botto rods on every skirt aro 'else iloitble lire,, hod t nice 'lir double covered •to preimit the'edVertng 'front wearing off - the rode when dragging down stairs, stone stops, 5:c., which they aro constantly subject when in use. All are made of the now and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part. giving to the wearer tbe most graceful and perfect shape possible, and aro on. questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable, and economical skirt ever made. West s' Bradley k Cary, proprietors of the Invention, and solo minqfacturers, nl filiumbeps, and 79 and 81 Reade . • streets, Now York.'" • For sale inall first-class steles this city, and through out the United States, Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico,' South Annul. ' and the West Indies. . • itc• Inquire for the Duplex (or double) Elliptic Spring Skirt jan2s-3m YORE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD, The Whitett. the most durable and the most oconomice Try'it2 31anutietured only by ZIEGLER & Sitp, Whoieente Drug, Paint, .t Glom Dealers, No. 137 North Third at., ao2L ly T FI. porzour. Att'yat•Lns, Principal