61obe. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Feb. 21, 1866. LOCAL. & PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa permarked with a j before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they - wish the paper continued they will - renew their subscription through the ;mail or otherwise If3rief Itrms. —The coldest day, last Thursday. —Breeding cages for canary birds just received and fur sale at Lewis's. —The river Juniata was considera bly swollen lait week by the sudden thaws and frequent rains. - • —Glasses for marksmen, glasses for 'weak eyes, and glasses for all ages, Vox sale at Lewis' Book Store. —There will he preaching in the St. John's Episcopal Church, this place, on next Sabbath, in the morning at 11 o'cloCk, afternoon 3i. —Stilt in demand,—dwellings, store and shop rooms. A number of fami: 'lies will be compelled to sell out and go to boarding. —Verdant Jeems, your 'communi• cations are well received by our read. ere, and We'll b'e 'pleased to hear from you repeatedly. Give us much "laff.'' —We 11(1‘tir sudden change of wea titer last week, and we experienced .some of the coldest days of the season. Such weather, we fear, will tell terribly on the unprotected spring crops. --DaVid Owens, of Spruce Creek, snet with a heavy loss on Friday night last. had sold out his store and had with him in his bed room about $7,000, all of which was taken some time during the night. —John W...Mattern and A. Sipe have entered into partnership in the law , buSiness. These gentlemen are well known in this community, and we prediet'fOr thdln a liberal share of public patronage. Read adver. -A missionary 'anniversary . of the Ifuntingdon Al. E. Sunday School So ciety was held in the Methodist church on Sutiday afternoon last. The mis sionary repot for the year was favor, able, the amount being over $2OO. —%Ve direct attention to the adver tisement of Messrs. J. M. Greene & P. 0. Beaver, Marble Manufacturers.— These gentlemen aro prepared to fill all orders in their line, and wo recom menifthem as masterly workmen. —The people of Perry county are making an effort , to obtain a charter for a railroad from Duncannon, via Bloomfield, to Broad. Top, in this CJIID• ty. Ktnee.ting was held in Bloomfield on the 17th, to take measures to pro. mire the charter. Methodist revival meetings elesed week before last. They had been in progress over ton week; and the success which attended them was as great as any-that has ever occurred in the history of that church in this Over a hundred persons /were converted, and must of the number have joined the church. —Will Robert McDivittimitate the magnanimity A:kf Mr. Fisher That's the question now. hobert having put the question to gentlemen who had no office to give, and he holding one, ho should set an example that would sat isfy the public that ho was not 71j1po— er4ically professing to ho a friend of the soldier. is not generally known that sol diers who have lost limbs in the serv— ieoof the United States, aro entitled to artificial substitutes, that can be pro cured upon the presentation of owl 4ience of honorable discharge, and that .the wound causing the loss of limb was received in serrico. They are furnish ed free of charge, and do not affect any pension or bounty claim the sol dier may have against the government. durions and Paul Pry individual who is most bitterly opposed to negro suffrage, is sorely exercised in mind by the manner in which some young white ladies trim and fix their hair nowadays. lie thinks they must, be in favor of dispensing that right'to the colored, and_he has a vivid idea of wo man's influence, 1 r4y, women, do not ppt, hirnerazy,hy continuing to "friple" P : 1 4 110r; Robt. I.leDivitt in a recent Jour, A• Am. says he 'has all along contend. ed that the toil-worn and battle scam Rd veteran should have the preference in the distribution of public favors and of civil honors." This don't exactly agree, with his promises to and his co quetting" with prominent civilian can didates last fall. Neither does' it tally with his denunciation of Judge Beaver. But then it must be remembered that Robt. McDivitt is Robt. McDivitt. itwttl Pay. We would - recommend farmers and Ethers who intend to sell out their per- . sonat property between this and the first of April, to advertise their hales it the Globe," Which reaches every lo cality in the country. The more these sales are a6 . ei•iised, the grcuter will :be the"irtiniber of people eetlecCedi and of course 'the result Nvill be 'more bid 'dere and higher prices. An extra bid der from a distance who, see the advertisement in the paper,_ would Most likely more than pay all printing expenses Painful. A.ccideut At one o'clock on Saturday morning last, an accident occurred on the Penn• sylvar.ia railroad, at Black Log, two miles west of Miffiin, in which two _Huntingdon youths were seriously in jured. The express freight trains bound eastward passed through here on Friday evening, and two boys xamadJohn Brumbaugh and Charles Willoughby got on the front train for purpose of riding to Harrisburg. When near Mifflin the train broke near the middle, and before the engineer had noticed it he had run on a considera ble distance.. Upon discovering .be bud left a portion of his train behind he backed to again connect it. In the meantime the train which was behind his had caught up to the remaining portion and was pushing it ahcad.--,- The boys were in the caboose car, on the portion of the train that was left, and did not notice the collision that was forthcoming, in time to escape.— The trains came together• with fright ful force and resulted in totally demol- ishing some of the ears and also injur• ing the boys. Brumbaugh had his left leg broken below the knee, and his right foot crushed, and Willoughby had his skull fractured and was injured internally about the chest. They were taken to Mifflin where they are recei ving medical treatment and proper attention, though they both are in a critical condition, and cannot lm con veyed home. The flagman was also bruised and a brakeman had his leg broken, but we did not learn the names. The boys we believe were not addicted to the dttingerous habit so extensively practiced hero of jumping on and off passing trains, nor do we know wheth er they were allowed by the conductor of the train to ride in such a dangerous way. The sympathy of our citizens is manifested toward the unfortunate youths. Their escape from instant death was surely Providential, as they were in the car that was literally crushed to pieces. lie Los•ea Consistency. Robert McDivitt, chief editor of the Journal (1, American says he loves eon, sisteney and would be pleased to see it carried out. Robert also says' that he has all along contended that the toil worn and battle-searredveteran should have the rREFERENCE in the distribution of public favors and civil honors. Then why, Robert, do you contemptuously denounce Judge Beaver as a guerrilla ? Did he not suffer severely enough by the loss of his right arm to entitle him to public fivor and civil honor ? Is he to be an exception to your rule but re cently adopted? Or is he denounced as unworthy because he at one time voted the Democratic ticket? Robert, whore , is the evidence that you have all along contended that the toil worn and battle scarred veteran should have the preference in the dis tribution of public favors and honors ? Are we to look for it in your private operations last fall ? Did you then publicly or privately advocate the selec tion of soldier candidates over certain civilians? Speak out Robert, you can not deceive •the people any longer. You were either for certain civilian candidates for Assembly, Sheriff, etc., or against them. Where Were you? All the candidates and their friends want to know, now that you want to be dictator general to the Union party of the county. They, want to know how consistent you have been with your professions, before they trust you any further. They - want to know whether you can he relied upon when you give your promise again. installation or °racers. At the regular meeting of Standing Stone Lodge, No. 85, of this place, on the Gth inst., the following officers were installed to serve for the present guar. ter ; W. C. T.—B. M. Greene. IV. V. T —Clara Hildebrand. W. S.—Thomas Johnston - . W. T.—Jonnie Brown. WA. S.—Mary B. Miller. W. F.'S.—James B. Greene. W. M.—James A. Stewart. W. D. M,—Lizzie MeMurtrle. W. I Q.--Tettio henry. IV. 0. H-.-,-Andrew Meoo,y. W. C.—James Terry. .W. H. H. S.—Lizzie Black. W. 1 4 . H. S.—Alexander fenny. P. W. C. T.-0. Barton Armitage. Editor.--.T. Randolph Simpson. Editress,-,Annie Terry. The Lodge has now been in opera tion over a year, and numbers dyer a hundred members. The present term promises to be yormtrkable for inereas . ed accessions, and the Lodge is in a flourishing financial condition. Whisioy and Newspapore A glass of whiskey' is manufactured from perhaps a dozen grains of corn, the value of which is too small to be estimated. A glass of this mixture sells for a dime, and if of a good brand is considered well worth the money. It is drank in a minute or two. It fire; the brain, sharpens the appctitd, de ranges and weakens the physical sys tem. Oa the same side board on which the deleterious beverage is served lies a newspaper. It is covered with half a million typed—it brings intelligence frOrri the four quarters of the The newspaper cost loss than the glass of grog—the juice of a few grains of corn—but it is no less strange than tree that there are a large number of people who think corn juice cheap a„tid neirspapers dear. That Festival his well enough, w•e think, that we should do more than merely notice the Festival held under the auspicesof the Good Templars of this place on 'rues-. day evening last. It was certainly a success of the highest order. It fur surpassed the most heightened expec tations of those interested, and pass ed offhetter than anything of the kind we ever witnessed. The room, which is large,was densely crowded from the beginning to the close of the affair—a lapse of five hours, and everything that was prepared to please the palate was disposed of in short time. The accommodating qualities of the several committees were continually exercised in attending to the rush of customers, and we think all who patronized were: fully satisfied as to the claims of the "inner man." Considerable interest was displayed at the - post office and' polls, at the former many receiving bittet-douss,nondeseript and nom de plume, while at the latter those who know how to make a point were highly suc cessful. The whole amount of money taken in was about $340, and after de ducting expenses the. Order realized the sum of $250. Ito:peens First Lesson Superintendent McDivitt's first lea der in the Journal & American, inten— ded most likely akhis first lesson to the Union party of the county, has greatly alarmed the few interested backers of his false position. They any the late editor, Mr. Whittaker, Wrote them and himself into immense trouble, and they thought a change to a Superintendent of education would certainly be a change for the better; but his first les son, they say, has proved a change for the worse, and they fear any future effort he may make to cover up his and their tracks will still further pogo their false—pretense game. Un. less Robert soon shows evidence of great improvement as a political edi tor the party will be compelled to re duce the number of his certificate con siderably below that of Mr. Whitta ker's. Robert's first gun has had about the same effect as the explosion from Rash a few weeks ago—nobody hurt but the gunners. Col. li. H. Gregg. Among the many young men who entered the war from this place at or near its outbreak, was the gentle man . who heads this item. We refer to him because we are proud of his record as a soldier. Whilst nobly doing his du ty ho was twice taken prisoner, and was confined for many months in Li b• by Prison at, Richmond—synonymous with that is loathing—which con. siderahly impaired his health. Upon his release, he was appointed . Chief of Transportation and Telegraph for the State of Thinnsylvania, by Gov. Curtin, with the rank of Colonel, which posiVon he has ably and satifactorily filled for nearly two years. Rd is kind, gentlemanly and obliging, and has gladdened the heart of many a poor, heart-broken father, mother,sister and brother who has lost relatives in the late war, by his unceasing efforts ir. their behalf. Col. Rarry H. Gregg is an honor to the State he represents. and we predict for him a bright fu ture. •XW - The Senatori►- Conference of the opposition paity met in UAL , . place Monday 12th, and elected It. Milton Speer, Esq., of this place and Dr. Mil— liken of Perry, Delegates to the State Convention to be held March sth. It is understdod that these delegates are for Meister Clymer of Berks for Gov ernor. We understand the contest was very warm and hitter hetWeen Mr, Speer and Gen. Wilson—the General cowing off second best One of the conferees in his speech advised that Gen. Wilson and Major Bruce Petri kin both be kicked out of the party as they were never to be relied upon, We hope they may be permitted to re main where they are. Preedmans' Alil Commission A - general meeting will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Chnrch on Thursday evening nest in behalf of the American Freedmans,Aid Commission, Women's Penna. Branch. Addresses will be delivered by gentlemen from Philadelphia. All are earnestly invited to attend. The Ladies of Huntingdon aro most, respectfully•invited to attend a meet• Ling in behalf of the above interests on Friday morning at 11 o'clock in the basement 'of the M. .8, Church, with the view to organize for perma nent benefit. Here the Laugh Comes In Some prominent party men through the county want to know whether Robert kfcPivitt intends to hold on to the thousand dollar office secured mainly through promises made and per haps never kept. They think if he has all along given the soldiers- the prefer• enee in the (listrihAtion of pnblic favors and civil honors ho sold some of them badly last fall. They want him now to be consistent with his professions and decline in favor of a soldier or any man more politically honest than he has been. EMI= Our store and office books are full of small accounts against persons residing in towti, 4s wo find time we will make mit bills and place them in the hands of our town collector WM. A. King for collection, and hope ho may not be turned away with promises. TheS!;'lo . 9Wing themselyes indebted can save us trouble a - nd expense by calling at our store and squaz,:i»g up. = .“111.ari it37l/ 1.16 111.1111-1t1110111tY." A. 111. Benedict, hsq., lectured in Harrisburg on Tuesday evening last: Wo find the following notice ofthe Lecture in the Harnsburg, Telegraph of Wednesday : "Man and his linlividualite-111 . r. A. W. llenedict's lecture on this sub. jeot, at the Court House, last evening ; was an entire success. The audience present, while not as large as has been gathered on similar oceasions.in the same room, was highly intelligent, re spectable and appreciative. The lec turer defined his subject by stating, in several points, the individuality of man; his mental. attributes, his spirit ual aspirations, his physical force, and muscular endurance. The mental and the spiritual were discussed will, a nice discrimination, the lecturer main taining that where the mental facul ties fail in cultivation and full devel opment; the man cannot rise to the dignity and position designed by his Creator he should occupy. The mind in man governed all else about him. As mind is developed and improved, as its aspirations are properly directed and controlled, so man approached his Creator, and became indeed God's noblest, best work. Proceeding from this point the lecturer keenly reviewed the defects growing out of man's lack of cultivation. Tho pictures drawn by the lecturer were real portraits, so graphic that those who hearcLhimdn sten tly formed their counterparts, eith er applying the sarcasm of the lectur• er to familiar acquaintances deserving of its -hits, or endeavoring to escape, by a sort of selrapproval, that which they knew they merited themselves. Mr. Benedict's "Sneak" and "Snob" were certainly living, breathing pie tures of word painting, while the seIf aSSUMTICC and complacency of the pi - - ous hypocrite whom he set to the view of the audience, and who, after bewail expelled from his congregation - by his profanity, was satisfied to "let the - d—n thing go to pieces," drew forth uprori ous applause. • It is our purpose, of course, in a single paragraph, to portray the pun gency and beauty of Mr. Benedict's lecture. Its 'composition was admira ble—its delivery perfect; And we are satisfied that those who heard it.were alilco benetitted by its truths and fully satisfied .with the ability hntLindepen deuce of the ~!. Wo hope that Mr. Benedict will find it convenient to•repedt - theleetate in , this place hefine the winter over. CANCELLATION OF INTERNAT. REVE 'NUE STAMP3.—The following remade cision will be read with interest: The Commissioner of Internal Rove nuo has issued a circular in reference to the cancellation of adhesive intdrnal revenue stamps, from which we con. dense the following : In the 50th sec• tion of the act of June 3d, 1801, it is enacted that, in any and all cases where an adhesive stamp shall be used -for denoting any duty imposed by said act, except, as thereinafter provided, the person using or affixing the same shall write thereupon the ini tials of his name and the date upcin which the same is attached or used, so that the same may not again be used ; and that if any per Son shall fraudulently make use of an adhesive stamp to denote any duty imposed by said act, without so effectually cancel• ling and obliterating the same, except as thereinafter provided, ho, she, or they, shall cerreit the sum of fifty del lags. If persons, after having been fully notified of the requirements of the statute respecting the cancellation of stamps, and et' their liabilities fcr non compliance therowith, wilfully persist in their fraudulent use without eirectit ally cancelling and , obliterating them in the manner required by law, legal proceedings should at once be institu ted for the recovery of the prescribed penalty. MARRIED, At notind Grove, Kaultalice county, Illinois, Fub. Ist. 18.66, by . I.ley, E. D. Hall, Me. DArto Oot,s'OCK:, tt - i, Miss DATIIARIE A.. JowisToN, all of Round Grove. On the 13th inst., by :Rev. J. A, Price, Mr. DAVID BARNET, to Miss MArtv CLAIN, both of Huntingdon county. PIMA IJELPHIA IVIARNETS. Febrwiry, 21. Family Flout $10,50 Extra Flour ' 1 8,50 Supttrlim Flour $7,00 Bye Floor n 6 r) Corn Moral... 7 .4..75 Extra White V% Itottl. tt1,50/42,15 Fulratttl Primer Ited 5'!,01.1.612,tt5 Ilye' 95 Corn, 01 no Fellow' TO Onto AS Barley 01.10 Cluvergattl, l'itet4 ltts 17.511 . 'llirotttlty $4;:5 libtxsced, 03,00 Waal GllEal(1 Ilia. 13 EMPITINGDON MARKETS. COI4tl;CP1•;U wEEKLY Br S. E. LIMY & CO. Family Flour ia6Ll E 1,513 Extra NlOnlr typevtine Corn Mold --e Buckwheat cauur It cwt ..", 500 Whito Wheat 02.05 Red Wheat $1,70 (1,00 nye 75 Now Vora 04 Oat) 38 Cloverseed $O,OO @I 5,00 • Flaxseed • 40 tried Apples ....... ......... ..3,00 Dried Peaches ..20 la 35 Butter—. 'Eggs ...... Lard ..... Ham 'rat low Hay P2to.tocs E, Lns Gold Pens S. Pencils, • The best assortment of the hand somest and best styles, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tt ./ter For neat JOB PRINTING, e:t11 at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING UFFIC4' at nun tingdon, Pa yiolVes, Accordeom, Flutinas, A Eno stock of Violins, Aceordoons, Flutings, selected with .eare, just r eceived at Lewis' Book Store. rtano for Sole,. A good Piano, second-hanti, offey ed for bale, cheat). Inquire. of .. Wolk Cokax. Huntingdon, Fob. 14* DIARIES for 18€16, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Fine Cigars . and Toliaceo for sale at Lewis' 'Book Store Sustic;es' and Constables' Fee Bills for sale at Lewis' Book Store. INK. INK. INK ! . . - . w - canemom To Merchants - and Basiness Men. Tiltlts undersigned having recently been appointed nor for the New York National Company, hereby gives notico to merchants, busi ness men, and to consumera oral! classes that he se pre pared to supply the snorkel with an article at Ink which in addition to being the beet in use, is emphatically the cheapest ever offered for sole in Vida country. it sleither corrodes the pen, nor moulds t lko inkstand. Is of a rich bluish tint, flows freely, and to perfectly inelth ale, givin'k it advantages not possessed by any other Inkt, whether of boVelgu or domestic roanutbcture. Ills Ink contains no seslimont and will not therefore, thicken as west inks do, the last "drop being as this, and clear as the first. W-. All orders whether wholesale or retail. will ho promptly filled, at lower rates theft as good an article can ho purchased in the cities or elsewhere. Persons who entertain doubts us to the superior quality and chbapness et this Ink are respattluly entreated to give it a trial John If. Clark, subagent will canvass the county for the purpose of introducing this Into. 81310 N COHN, Agent, ColTeo Run P. 0., iluntingdo» county, I'ol/1111, Oet.11), PRINOthi. DRANCII Or THE NATIONAL INK COMPANY, OP Now YOUR Mr. SIMON . COLIN. P. M., haring been appointed snlos mnn and general agent, is the representative of the shove company for the county of Iguntingdon, State of Pen 0n.,• on per contract, all parties therefore, whether hiving dealt with is prOViOnltily or otherwise, will please avail themselves of the advantages of dealing directly with the representative of our lin e ns hero; they will find it to their pecuniary interest to do so. C L. VAN Af. CN, Actuary. The 0110V0 Ink is for sale at Lewis' and all the principal stores in the county. HARWARE AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK ENDLESS VA .11 I ETI HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c, NOW OPEN AND 1 1 OR S ALL B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK mOlllOOll, oet NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! SIMON 001iN s , AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully 'call the attention of Ins old patrons specially, and the public to, general, to Ids exteosivo stock of well selected now Goods, Jon received from tlio nineteen cities, consisting, in part, of - Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool • ea Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Slinnis, Circu lars, Hardware, gutensware, Gro ceries, Wood nod Willow-ware; Tobacco, Segall', Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt,, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and • Medicines, Clocks, • Watches, &e., awl an other articles Sept in a first class try store; MI selected with the -grenlest rare and which were pur chased for cash only, and affords him to Ben them at a very low figure. She public will Sod it to their advan tage to call and examine nor onsorpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will be spored In show• ins .o u r Goods, Ladles are specially invited to examine our large stork of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, Cie colors, Fars. and n great variety of Woolon Gonda. llosh, ry, fic. Alsa,a haudsome assortment of LADIES' COATS All kinds of produce taken In exchange nt the highest market prices—Cash not refitted. strict attention to the wants of costumers, ten hope to receive n continuation of the liberal patronage with which we have been hereto fore favored. Como Olin and all, and TIM 111)—. New ()nods received oct 18 Mil. :DION COILS. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. "32"21E1 - 24 1 30100EL, HILL ST., ItUNTINGDOT, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in spo.ction nuddowchasu of ctotomers nlarge nod no• sorted stock of Groceries. Provhday, &c. Ile feels sells lled they ca.) be occonooloted with anything in Ids lino, Ills prices are low, nod his stock fresh and good. 110 keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SE GARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &c. A r CO- lAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind A seb , ct stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEi NS WARN. owl all Other ortlclez kept ton well regulated estaldilhosent for sate at reasOnabla priers. gay Ili+ afore is on' UM street, neorty oPprstits the Dante, and in the room formerly occupied by 0. Strove. Call amt exa VENTER. DIM tingitott, f)et 17, 1.5115. GREAT ENTHUSIASM I • HIGH PRICES SURRENDER ! ! THE BEET AND THE CHEAPEST. JOAN 11. WESTBROOK f l • ii, v ,setro s inn.....11nr, citizens or linntist2,don and - felinity that lie linsjuit received from tine city nIN E and 111,11(liil stock el BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Ifosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks„ Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c all of which lie is prepared totoll at reduced prices. A lot of choir° CON FECTI.C/NEILLES have also been cc Don't forgot the old stand in Om Diamond. old canto- niers and tho Dahlia generally arc Invited to Call. Iltuttlnadon, avri 12, 1665. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Will. AFRICA ..g i,s ~ x.'l3 Ilitforinii the pithlie that heliag just opened at Ills old stand iu tho Diiimund,sgdaV A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of widen he. MI at lair prices. Oriel: sake ood small peigils. Call and examine my Men. • MaDuracturing nut Repairing dune to order as 119110. Huntingdon, Het-10, BM New . . Furniture Establisinnent, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer ana Dealer in Furniture, n,..pnctroly invitee the attention of the ruhlie to htn stand on Hill et.. Iluntinktlon, in the rear of lleorgeW Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where be rnenufaitures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wialting to purchase, will do well to give him a call: Bemiring of all kinds attendato preraptly and charges reasonable. &yr. Also, Undertaking carried on, and Corrine made in any style desired, nt short notice. &re Ftmeralu attended et any place in lawn or coon 3 t.b7 J. 31. Wi4t. Ifilutingdon, Sept. 24, 1802-tI . • • 2,410 OOP ''SrC:3olt-T '‘,74:7%410-ZINio A. GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT norrauLL & ICLINE'S Ph OTOGRAPH (MUMUtr On Hilt Street, two doors west of Lewis' Boot ,Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS tluutWgdo❑, Oct 4, •w-tr. QTOVES. STOVES. Spear's famous "anti-dust" Cook, 'Wellington Cook, Continental Cook, and le splendid variety of gas burner, and other floating Stoves, for coal or wood, just re. eeived, and for sole at the Hardware Store of Hnnlin r 3don, Oct. IE, "6z, -tr NEW GOODS FOR FALL A . IVD Mk:ORR HENRY STROUSE & CO. Respectfrilly inform the public generally that they have just received it large and splendid stock of goods at thidr store in MAR K bESDUSO, c.insistlug in part of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS ) NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, •••,1 BOOTS & SHOES f , HARDWARE f 'QUEENS WARE) GROCERIES, WOOD and IND - 4- Q - LOW WARE, TOBACCO, SEGAR S i NAILS / GLASS, OLD MEAT / CRACKERS, PROVISIONS, • FISH, - SALT, &e., tic.. Also—BONN_ETb. anti 7IN WARE; And in fact everything um:Piny kept in a first class coun try store, which were bought low for cash and will b e said at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. and request the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer mimes riot inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage anti, and especi ally nor Trough Creek Talley friends. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi .gg-Cash paid for all kinds of grain, for which the loglicst market prices will ho circa. 111IN1tY STROUSE CO, 11arkleslicrg, Oct. 24, 1865. • NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! If you. want Cheap Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want Good Goods, GO TO It. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want Fashionable Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want to see the BEST SELECTION OF GOODS EVER DEOUOIIT TO HUNTINGDON, Consbiting of LAWNS' DRESS CIOOPS, CASStMEfIES or city and country manufacture, Brochet and Illeuket SHAWLS, SONTACIS and Weeniest SHAWLS, PRINTS nud MUSLINS of every variety, Unto, Cape, Boots, Shoeg, Groceries nod Confectioneries. add In a word, ‘4'erything that eye h,,th seen ur heart euttld wish, GO TO It. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S I VIIO_LESALE & BETALL Corner of Railroad and Montgomery ats Iluntingilnu „Nov. 8,1805 NEW CLOTIIIN9 AT 1,Q31 7 P_RICBAS M. OUTMAN JIAS JUST OPENED A ME STOCK OF NEW FALL A 4171) TINTER GOODS, Whieh he offers to all who want to be CLOTS AD, AT PRICES. TO . SUIT THE TIMES. !fix Stork CollAitlt4 of lirafiproodo Ctothiog for DOOTS AND SIMES, HATS AND CArg, AC., 40 Slinula gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut clothing not found in the stock on bend, by lenrlug their measure Choy can be accommodated at short notice. Call nt the east corner of the Diamond, aver Lung'. Grocery. • livatlngdan May. 17, '(.5. Reward the Soldiers! Another Opportunity is offered the many Friends of the Soldiers to Reward those who Faced the Music of the Enemy. SHONTZ & OHO: 11. ESPECTFULLY inform their mne. rues friends of Marklesburg and surrounding coun try, that they Imo received a largo and efilenditi - stock of Consi,fing of— . READY MADE CLOTHING, FIATS and,.CAPS, SHOES, and SOES, LADIES'. DIVES.S GOODS, GENT'MEN'S .RNISIIING GOODS and a large Mock of ,T.I4.IWELItr, • The pupae, without regard to polities, religion, meet or color. wilt find our otoro the plane to buy just what they want. and a t'prlel,s to dnit tint DM'S. nowt NI to give no a call, as WO two determined to please all. 31arklesburg, Huntingdon. co., Nov. VU:fr, Iz Ta. ,N422/= BOOKS AND. STATIDNERY, SIMPSON, ARMITAGE, do, CO. LTASTING PrniCTIASED ,the on tire scuds of Win. Colon. too now Offer to I,to public at reasonable prices otir' immense stock of M E CH ANitpAt, RELIGIOUS, S( liOOL, AND NISOIALA.NEMITS BOOKS, STATIONiftY, POCKET BOOK'S, PIXITNIO*XIS, Also, Latest Styles of WALL PAPER & WINDOWSRADES, MAGAZINES, nud Daily and Weekly Papers constant ly on lima MOrders from abroad promptly attended to. CALL AT BROAD Top, CORNER. ifuntington, 31ay3,18.135--1y NEW STORE,. AND. NEW GOODS, CHEAPEST OLOTHING bi Town LEOPOLD BLOOM 1.1,AS JUST BECETV.Ip A LARC,t AtISOBTMENT OF I`.tF.AV STYLItS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which be offers to the potato AT THE CHEAPEST RATES. Ilis stock consists of (rEN'.ZS' DURNISEctNG. 'GOODS, RATS & CAPS, BOOTS & &WES, &e,. ecal. Ills store is St the o!..Plplo.if) J9l. CORNER, HUNTINGDON, - PA, Where he will bo pleased to receive and accommodate all c‘tstortters, LEOI. ; OLD BLOOM. Ilunthiplon, Oct. 10, 0065. 14.'.14AN,1G AL'S LIVE. STABLE. WASHINGTON S'pREBT, Between , the Baptist awl Catholic Churches, 141TZTTIN.PPON ) PA. tilt 4 Tll" PVELIC GENERALLY aro informed that the subset:Wer is prepared at lds tiew I,I4TRY STAUB, to accommodate all with FORS. S, BUG GIES, r & CARRIAGES' at reasonabri Wet, on shorettotice. HENRY M'IWANWALL, Wtollogdpo, March% 18115-Iy. Tic-g;St C F3 7 I‘ll..vp, OF ALL 4INDS, JUST RECEIVED TUX LARGEST STOOK AND VARIETY EVRII BROUGHT TO HUNTINGDON. ,TAMES A. BROWN Ladies, ,all and osamine at GREATEST VARIETY and 11ItN AND BOYS, ratil MANUAL GIITIVIAN ATRIV 0,00D.5, = ==M JAMES H. ELDREDGE CEO. P. EIdg(F:DGE ELDREDGE & BR4I Publishers, Statieuers DuuksellerS Ivo. 17 an4lo Scogh_S;sth Street '• - (Above Chestnut) ItItiI,ADELPIII A. Particular attentionpahl to the country trade. Altvnya or: hand, Iv largo supply of Lotter, Cap. Note Pill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; Pchool nod Mi.e , cellaueoud Books; Pens, log, Slatel, Mucilage, Photo. graph Allanna, Paper Bags, dm., t 1. 1 .1114 to cash customers. tI\J6 PER AEAtt.tosl want igei;tswreriwlere.e our ncnt, V.S2O dosing Machines. Three new kind,. Under and lippal• reed. Warrimfoil Ilva years, Minya salary or Isrgo commissions paid. The ONLY Machines sold in the 'United Stile.* for lees than VO, which are,ftillie mimed try Howe. Owlet. Grover di Singer if Co., and lischealee. AU other . chesp machines drerinfilngenteils and the seller or user nro liable to drivel, fine and impris onment. Cireplers free, Aildre . ss, or coil upon Stptir Clark, Middethric Maine. ' ' de3o-1 . - BILLIARDS ! - BILLIARDS JOSEPH L, „ Strawberry Alley, near Third %trot ITARTtISBURG,. _ • -Respeetfelly informs the peblke be has opened for their use his new and ilitauttly up Billiard Room. It manilla FOUR: EW TA ALES- OF SHARPS MANUFACTURE, superior to any now in the city. This Billiard Room challenges comparison with. nri7 soon in the State, west of Philadelphia. DOBBINS' gLECTRIO S,o4lEkt SAVES LABOR, EAVES TIME, ' SAVES AMEX, SATES cLarrms, SAVES SOAP, AND SAVES WOME. It'a the. Soap for. L'Very P4101.x. Sold' by Grocers and Stoieheepera throughout city ttytti, country. Manufactured only by 3. B. DOBBIN'S & CO., 10i South Fifth street, below Chesutxt, PGILADELEMIA. j tu3-I.ot INVENTORS' 9FFIQES, p!EPI.NrE UIL & E.VANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 "Vcralnut St., F/14411. Patents solicited Consultations on Engineering, Draughting and Sketches, Models stud Ntectdhery of eti Rinds mode and skillfully attended to. SPebial atteilfloo given to RES E9TED CASES and INTERFERENCES... - Antlientio copies of all Doeurneyts thus Patent (Elic:O procurcd. N. 11.—Save yourselves useless trouble and traveling expenses, ns there la no actual need for porional . inter view' with . us. All business with theta Offices' can ho transacted in writing. Por further interruption direct no above with eta* enclosed, fur °Muth. With relbrences.' .famlnryl7. ISGS-I,y . ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, quallrd by t 11); Other herd Instrumeht in the country,.— . , Designed expressly for Churches and schools, they er e f o und to be equally obeli adapted t? thir ',artist and &att. intr room. _ Nos sale only by F. M. lintel:, .• No. le North SEYNNTII Street; Phtladetplint. Also, 111tADISURV8 PJANOS, and aloptoplete as, nortnlont of the PERFECT. 1ILLO1)lION. • nol7-15.. 'PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS, Lit)qty-White Lead! - • Liberty White Lead }, TAX IT I TRY IT w a rranted to cover more eurface, for same weight, boa hey utlier" 'MY the beet, it fa the 41eappit. TRN: IT i TRY: IT ! Liberty Lead to whiter than any other. Liberty Lead corers better than any bther. • Liberty Lead nettle longer titan any other'. Liberty toad is morn economical than any other. Liberty head is more free front impurities and la Warranted to do more and better work, at a given cost, than any other. • Buy the Beet, itis•the Cheape4. ilanufacimid sad warranted by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,T4int,& Make. bealeya,. 137 North Third Streit, Philada. ctll,l2Gsionlch7 I e llaek.'s MP' 4 f. ESTAEILISEfeD /N 385}0. InoOrpAatecl 1?y: the LegliVatuxii of the; State el Pennsylvania. Located on. the IY. Tip. Oorner of ith anak (701) chetniqrqts. (701), Designed oxciusiyely to Import a through and PSM:PIVAt ' BUSINESS EDUCATION , . , . • . . . . . All classes or persons reimire such an education. Those. possessing meane r need tt in conducting the ImPineem Those without means need it in obtaining and creditably lilting lucrative positions In The - einpirey of others. 'rho course of instruction and practice Is arranged seas to fully meet the diversified wants of ivory departmeuter Dc),IIESTIG AND FO,RiEfGN TRADE, as comprehended or embraced under the threo genera; dt visions of industry: AprteulturC, Itaaorocturo nod Chin mere, Each student Is instructed individually in both theory and practice orlSople liebOng, ancerdiog to the Moat nil. proved laid labor saving, methods . , Business Penmanship, Calculations, and all the ctillateralbinuchea of a complete moors of business education; and upon passing a eatlafae• tory esanduation is awarded,hy antlioilty bf htw, a (lipid; ma, muter the corporate s' al of.tlM College. Students ore received at any time. And it is believed-. that a praci (cal experienco 'of ore; ritthr t Fesas wilt bei Considered by the public en arsplognartrace of the prag-, tleal character of the course and Meknes of cite inetrne non. • All further information desired can he obtained at the college, or by addressing the Principal fur ° circuytr moil. • 44, - A liberal discount is allowed to wounded and hon orably di:Chat:ell soldiers, The to open day and . jevenlog. - TIL rov. p . cir, ittry-pritfi,m, 1x 14 , 1505 NEW SKIRT FOR 1866.. ne great iaventOit of 114 e gge it TACC:I47.3P MaEC.I.IEVIVISA J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex : or double, ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. This inventinu consists of Duprer for two) Eilliptic pure refined steel springs, ingeniously brauted tightly and lii 4{ ly together, edge to edge, making the bingliest, most flex ible, sushi, and durable spring evef Titer ;Wpm' bend or brook, liko the single springs. apd cpuirmantly preserve their perfect and lieantiful shdpe more thalktcrice m lnng Wady single spring WO that efor boo or ran lie' made. Yhe wonderfalfle;thility and great comfort—end pleasure to any laxly wearing foe DopleatEliiptie Start will Ye At perieuced particularly in all Crowded asaernblia , , operas: carriages, rallroadcars, church rigs, ern - chairs, for pro± menade and house dress, as the skirt con be' folded when in nee to occupy nut:nal space n 9 cavils and couveoleutly, as a bill; or muslin dress. A Maly: haling enjoyed, tho pleasure, comfort nod great, convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic Mee/ spring 'iikirtfo ea single de.} wilt' never aftervirards perm with their, me: Err ;Widen, :apace young, Mika they are superior tS hit others. • 'the hbopn aro covered with 2 ply double twisted thnia4 and will wear twice .as lobg as the single yarn coveriog,' Which is need on Wish** elect bog, akirts. The three biittem coda op elery gkirt are ohm alkuble gent. and tivice or double corded to prevent the co'verit:g from wearing off the rolls when dilaggi4 (toile Staiiii,•eloile stepa, d:c., which they are constantly subject NORM to met. All aro made of the now and eltgant carded Oilier+, and aro the best quality In every part: Oring tin 'the woardni tile most graceful mad perfect ehritie Pe.iihie, end core tic: questionably the llghicel; most - degithle, ceirinfurlalidee' and ecanungeni ' • 'Weald' Bradley k Cary,'ropitetors of the invention, and solo Mantifachirern, 81Earirnbers, and it/ and 81 Rondo greeter, New York. FUr age tnaltflmtielnes gores in this city, and through• out the Untaid Staten, Canada, Havana. du Cuba, Mexico, South America ' and the vient Sortie, Att'r Inrillire for the Duplex (or double) Elliptic Spring Shirt jatiVd-3m PURE LIBERTY WRITE .LEA.Di The Whitest, the must durable and the most ciconemtca Try it Ittatihretated only by ZIEOER ' . Wholesale Putig.'retnt & Glans Dealers; N. at., Yhilada. aNg2S,'O,l-ty