The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 14, 1866, Image 1

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Per anunm to advance.
?Ix months
Three mouths
• • - . ' lAnscrtion. 2 do. 3 do.
Ono square, OD lines,)or lelif.s 75... .....:$1 25 $1 50
.111.0 squares, i 1 50 2 00 3 00
Three squares, • - 225 300 460
_ 3 months. d months. 12 months:
Sus square,. of less s4 00 $0 OD $lO 00
Two squares, ' 600 900 15 00
Three squares, ' to.. 800 12 00 20 00
poor square!, ' ' 10 00 I'. 00 25 00
half a- cohlmlll 15 00 0 0 00 DO 00
boo column, - ' 20. 00 35 00.... 60 00
ProfessiOnal and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
Deo year, , - • 500
Administrators' and Riecntors' Notices $2 60
Auditors', Notices, .2 00
Hatray, , of other-short Notices 1 50
. le-Ten line's of nonpareil make a square. About
.eight words constitute a line, so that any person can m
olly calculate *square in manuscript!
Advertisements not marked with the number of loser.
,tionidesire' 41, will be continued till forbid and charged so.
A °Ming to these terms.
Oar prices for the printing of Blanks, handbills, etc.
pro also increased. ._, - .
G. G. TATE, Steward, in account with the llnntiri
don county Alms house, from December 7th, 1661, to De
cembor 5, inclusive:
To amt. drawn from co. treasury at sundry times, $614 96
T. Sk'nuer horse sold to him, 195 00
11. Stephens for cash received in the Long case, 22 50
P. Gross, for keeping his family, . 25 00
Sumner, for keeping three children, 30 00
11. Brewster, for 6I lbs. butter, 2 70
Sundry persons for rash received, . b 32
CM. -
By sundry Expenditures for use of house, as per monthly
statements, numbered from 1 to 12.
Statement Ka 1., for December.
By traveling expenses seeing after paupers, • 410
Relief afforded to sundry wayfaring paupers, 6 00
o.teli paid for postage stamps, . 2 47
Idiaaellaneoos, 4 07
Statement 11 o. 2 for January.
ity cash paid J. Fleck for ono horse, •
Traveling expenses,
Relief afforded wayfaring paupers,
Sundry persons fochouss labor and sowing,
Penna. Railroad for freight,
Settlement No. 3 . , for itbruary.
By traveling expenses seeing after paupers,
Relief afforded sundry trey :wring paupers,
Removing paupers,
Statement No. 4, for dfurch
By Penna. Itailroad.for freight,
Traveling expenses seeing after paupora,
Cash paid P. Myers, postage,
do sundry persons for work,
do wayfaring paupers, •
do sundry persons for repairing,
Raiment No. 5, for April
By melt paid Penna. Railroad for freight,
Out deer relief In sundry noses,
. .
Traveling expenses seeing after paupers,
Statement No. 6, for May
By cash paid sund. out door expenses, traveling, Sc 11 65
Niscollaneous, 7 15
Statement N 0.7 , for June.
fly cash paid sundry persons, snowing, de.,
House labor,
Peter Myers, postage stamps,
Traveling expenses in sundry cases,
,•• Staectamt S, for lidy.
By cash paid PUIICA. Railroad, freight,
do , travelling expenses,
-do sending away sundry paupers, &c.,
do Sundry persons fOr harvesting,
tin Jenny Dysart, for sewing,
do - sundry persons, miscellaneous,
Statement No, 9, for August
By cash paid Penns, Railroad, freight,
do traveling expenses,
.do. sundry persons
• Stalenient No. 10, for September
By eta& paid Penna. Roil road, freight,
do John Lute, Jr., farm work,
do traveling expenses,
do' • sundry wayfaring paupers,
do miscellaneous,
Slafanent N. I Cfor October
Ily cosh paid Penna. Railroad, freight. Bc , 63
do postage stamps and envelopes, 1 ST
do traveling expenses, out door business, 1170
do - sending away powers, 205
Scat intent Ka. 12, jar November.
By cash paid Penns. Railroad, freight, ke., 12 05
doPeter Myers, postage, 1 50
do traveling expenses, looking after poop. 7 f.:
do miscellaneous, 1 50
My salary as Steward.
Allowsucei Mrs. Tate ea Matron,
Nerc.—Ttelief was afforded in sundry out door roars, by
sliest, flour, clothing, Ac,, given out of tho House by the
.Steward, which does not appear in the above general
-statement, via:
..To James Gamble anti family, clothing, Ac., $2O 50
- To Ephraim llockunberry, wheat, flour, sundries, 25 15
Also abort 100 meals wore supplied to sundry wander.
deg and wayfaring paupers, during the'yoar. Also, were
given to the saint, about 12 pates shoos, 12pairptmtaloons
'l2 shirts, and 6 knit roundabouts.
In testimony of the correctness of the above account and
statement we do hereto sot our hands this fifth hay of De
'comber, A. D. 1865. DOHS fOOAN,
11'67 Directors of the Poor•.
of the Huntingdon County Aires House, from OW
th day of December, A. D. 1864, to sth day of December,
A. D. 1555, inclusive:
To amt. drawn from the co treasury, on orders, $5520 00
El. G. Tate for sands detailed in his account, other
than county orders,
FARM.' Marked File F.
By sundry persons for farm labor, No. .1 to 7, SNO 85
D 6: J. rergrin, ban - eating, . 8, 23 75
William McMullin, fencing, ' 9.2 IQ, 27 37
W. Harvey, wagon work and repairing, 11 & 12, 28 95
henry Myers, milking, si
14 2a
Ci "ingham & (Heim, download,
Suudry persons for sundries.
py Funilry persons, 4001 The. beef, No, l'to 5, 31" 3
Ihtitiber, • 10 bus. coin, tt boa whuat, 0, 49 4. 80 1
Isaac 'Rorer : 4 bushels potatoes, ;
.7, 300
py 11, 3L Cunningham C 0.,& morehaidise, 1 to 4, 417 17
A.D. Cunningham 4 CP. 1 Ao • • 5 96 &I
Wm. B. Leas, do 6& 7, 100 60
Wm. 51ooro At Son, do 8& 9, - 78 12
Wm. 11. Brem_ner, do - 40, 61 50
Ludriek,Kneedler & Co., do 11, - 52 43
81-.10178eF9P91', - , do, 12 to 27, 250 72
OUT DOOR. Marked File 0. D
By relief afforded in 5 cases, constant and contin•
• nous throughout the year, Ito 5, 525 00
Relict' afforded in 8 eases, time less than year, ay.
~e raging about 16 weeks, 6to 13, 187 57
Relief afforded in 11111112FOUB cases, without regard
to time, • • .;. 14 to 38, 422 74
Funeral expenses, coffins, shrouds, attendance,
• &c., in numerous edam 39 to 64, 77 04
Sundry physiciiMi medicine, and attendance upon
outdoor paupers in sundry cases, 55 to 59,'
Sundry physicians, medicine and attendance, per
• sundry towtothips per agreement, viz: Porter,
West, Shirley, Henderson, & Earree, 60 to 64, 119 75
rhliadelphiii - alm's hernia, Iteeping Mind. pail: 65, 46 58
REMOVALS. Apttrked File R.
)19 sundry justieris °I - peace for oft fees, Ito 9, 11 GO
Good. persons, removing poop. to tinuso,lo to 20, 060
r ,..,,, •
py sand. persona fifouct:Affirinal report, '1 to 3; 97 00
• do do for 33 tons Foal,-( 4to 6, 132 01
Vireetors for sundry out door eervicee, 7to 21, 196 77
Euudry persons, house labor, sowing, 4c.22 to 26, 61 78
• do do shoemaking, '•27 to 29, 35 213
do do wood cutting, 30 to 32, 65 00
pavld Black,Esq., for POCIIIIIBSiOIIB, 33, 80 81
Cor, Whittetnau 4.: Co., 1 cook stove, -1, 40 00
Marls 4 •Eruter, 0 coffins, 35, 24 00
Eurillry persons, sundries, ' 36 to 51, 79 05
Margaret Harris ' services as Matron, '63, &c. 52, 20 00
Samuel lloorer,duplicate order, 51, 75 02
Samuel liarrir, do do Si, 0 00
i3y tLA.Mark, for services as Blrector,lo mos. 106 00
lisory.Davis, do do d& 12 132 00
John Logan, do do do 12 " 110 go
John Donner, do do do 2 '22 00
Bubt. Baird, do as attend. physicianl2 " 150 qo
henry Brewster, do all clerk, 12 " 60 so
B. IV Benedict, as counsel, 12 . 6 20 00
By G. G. Tate, elesqul, fur sudries detakilcil iu
Ids account, .
6SO. bus. wheat; 00 tins. cyci, 1150 bus. corn, (ears,) 600
bus..bats, 500 bus. pytatoes,•2o bus. onions, 3 bus. 110111,
sucums, 10 bus. boots, 30 bug. turnips, 10 bus. parsnips, 25
buu. cloverseea, 25 tons bay, 0 loads cum fodder, (4 horse,)
iibout 2 ; 000
li anas cabbada, 1500 ihs pork, 06 4 Ps 1,001 . 14
'stock Logs. . . .
64 pain pnntniouns,so shirts, 62 chimes°, 62 dresseso.o
vote, 30 pairs stockings sod socks, d'pnirs mittens, 6 pro
drawers, 30 apron., 12 sacks, 39 skirts, 16 night caps,•22
hiss's knd boyecorstx, 28 Comforts, 28 sheets, 25 towels,ll3
1001 lickiy 12 IMlster slips, 23 pillow slips, 22 sun bonnehi;
5 boys' roundahouts, 5 pairs boys' pantslmms, 12 bsekets
also, brooms, ax • handles,' &c.
42 (0
. 1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
4 work horses, 9 lunch cows, 1 bull, 14 stack hogs, 2
plantation wagons, 1 spring two horso wagon, 1 - buggy.,
worn out, 1 plantation cart, 1 hand cart, 5 seta horse
gears and harness, 4 common plows, 2 double shovel do„
1 single shovel do, 1 three horso cultivator. 1 lay rako, 1
thrashing machine and fixtures '
1 windmill, 1 set patent
hay ladders, 500 bus. wheat, 60 bus. rye, 1000 bus. corn,
ears, 450 bus. oats, 250 bus. potatoes, 10 bushel's onions, 2
bus. soup beans, 8 bus. beets, 20 bus. turnips, 10 bushels
.parsnips, 9.14 bus. cloverssed, 10 tons hay, 0 four horse
loads corn fodder, about 400 bends cabbage, about 2000 lbs
saur kraut, 2150 ibs pork, 684 lbs beef, 450 lbs hag's lard.
In addition to the above the following articles were sold
off the farm, viz . 4 tons bay, $4O, 15;4 bushels cloverseed,
$lO5 55; 12 large baskets, $7 50.
g gr,
cC CU t.. 5
~F i.W W N PN C to Opp W~
Ibs 00
5 00
3 SO
.I+l, 111-.1,.4..Wi ......g
13 40
=."4822 gl L' tE,:: «,' t,'
We, the undersigned, Auditors of the county of Hunt
ingdon, do hereby certify that we have esmined the or
ders, vouchers, accounts ' of the Directors of tho Poor
of said COUlttn RIO tied the santa to tic correct as above
stated; end Ste ,io inrthur thud that on examining the Treat
enrol t be tens l e. ol on Poor House orders since
htlastolatemen an t
of ir,,511 42, of which areouut
the scat of 32' r, 00 tOeS CN t,uleil or accounts of tho year
181.14. looking taunt expenditures of 1605, (so far as paid,)
aneriut to the sum of $3,240 42—leaving balance out
stanMag for year ISf5, to Wit, $2OO 24.
our at'lluntingdrn, this Oth day ofJau
unry, A. 1)., 1800.
il d orituutingiion county from the ld day of January,
1000, to the 2d day of January, 1810 :
Dalance remaining in hands of Treasurer at
• lent settlement $3703 35
10 00
7 7il
10 OD
1856. Solomon Homer, Jackson, 16 05
1858. Samuel Steffey, Jackson, 33 89
.A, 39
5 00
1 47
1561. Wm. B. White, Juniata, 8 24
David Lindsey, West, • 118 09
1562. Samuel Brooks, Carbon, 414 21
•• David Stevens, Clay, 116 55
" John Henderson, West, . 231 34
61 00
Jesse Cook, Carbon,7o 49
Michael Myers, Cromwell, 90 53
11. C. Robinson, Dublin, 23 05
Henry Crane, Franklin, . 549.13
• Levi Decker ' Ilendbrson, 42 95
Samuel it . Douglass, Shirley, 34 50
Robert W. Davis, West, 211 03
AS:ander StittAlexandria, 171 SS
Samuel Myton,Hirree, 1220 00
M. L. Shaffner, Brady • 513 79
Isaac Ashton, Cdssville, 68 31
Joseph Park, Cass,2Bs 09
Samuel Bowser, Clay, 318 71
Daniel Minoan, Cromwell. 571 51
George W. Johnston, Sheriff, Carbon, 1)190 00
Win. Cly mans, Dublin, 019 05
Washington Reynolds, Franklin, 607 17
John Donaldson, Hopewell, 297 00
John IV. Decker Henderson, 335 12
Elias 51usser, Jackson, 1037 19
Adin D. Dean, Juniata, 131 92
Blichnel Svranklo,Morrio,
Ihml LKyper, Oucidn,
Georgo Wog, Perm,
Itobrt A. I;tird, Porter,
Jacob 11. Lutz, Shirley, 1135 78
George Leas, Shirleyslirg, 100 . 05
Deckers Locke, Springfield, 260 11'
Valentino Smittle, Tell, 130 60 •
Abraham Elias, Tod, 175 07
Levi Pheasant, Union, 040 00
Samuel Peightal, Walker, - 530 05
John Ilyer, Warriersmark, 500 45
James Maguire, West . 502 51
400 00 .
50 00 450 00
$905 d 8
Wm. Christy, Alexandria; - - 365 00 •
Adam Warfel, Brady, 455 OD
John Gibbouey, Borneo, 785 00
Isaac Ashton, CassNille, 30 00
Joseph Steever, Cass, 425 00
Asa Stevens, Clay, 325 00 •
Caleb Belly, Cromwell, 600 00
George W. Johnston,Sheriff, Carbon, 1197 00
James Edwards,.Colniont, • 184 03
Benjamin Stitt, Dublin, 90 00 .
(Margo IV. Alatiern, Franklin, 2639 49 .
David Pomo, Hopewell, . 525 62 .
John C, Miller, Iliibtiugdon, 3704 26
Jackson thrum, Jackwoo, 087 00
Adin ll t ßian, Juniata, 350 00.
Perry Moore, Morris, 170 00
Wm. V. Miller, Oneida, 493 21
John Lee, Penn, 872 81
Robert A. Laird, Porter, 1000 00
George Leas, Shieleysburg, 162 16 •
Henry C. Weaver, Shirley, 1 . 290 00
Wm. autelfall, Springfield, 355 00
James Coulter, 'Poll, - 479 99
Jacob Flies, Tod, 185 00
Levi Smith, Union 70 00
&Am P. 'Watson, Welker, 680 00
Jonathan Wilson, West, 2100 00
George Westi', Warriormarl;, 1850 22 5906 S 06
Received from J. A. Nash, late Tree surer,. ' bpo 86
Militia flues received, . 507 72
School tax en unseated land, 28 37
Stead " d " 6, 11 52
Boiiiity " ~ " c. 34 60
Oqiinty " • " " " ' 141 87 216 36
Pilies and jury fees, from Sher. Johnston, 41 00
For old itdve in Court room. 20 00
For old lumber of Drake's Perry Bridge, 20 00
For rout of Court Hotisp 14 OQ 03 00
ip p. 317, 17 -..
688 42
On commonwealth pro4ecntions paid to Att'y.
Gen., Proty., Sheriff, nod witnesses, s 602 a
Constables for making Wilms and elec tion feel', - 17.1 { , i
Strand Roil traversOjurorsicoustables,court ori
el" and tip staves, ' 1716 76
Judges, inspectors and clerks of elections, , 1050 35,
Assessors of the several townsbtpa. 931 si)
Inquisitions on dead bodies, ' 48 70
Nox scalps and wild cats , ' 45 25
Road and bridge viowa, . 172 60
damages, George IleCool, 25 00 ,
. "Benjamin Norris, 02 64 250 04
Blank books and stationery for public offices, 359 63
Fuel for court house and jail, • 450 40
ShelT.Joilliaston for boarding prisoners, convey ' "
leg convicts to thin Ponitentiary, So., " '792 40
Cleaning court house; • ' 56 82
Washing for prisoners In jag, •5 00
Gas for court house and Malmo, 131 60
Making fires in do., 10 00
Medicino,and attendance on prisoners. 900
Postage for port of MA and 1865, 70 21
Marchand* for court house and jail, 79 09 361 72
Revenue stamps and money lost when the sofa .
was blown up, 20 00
Penna. lunatic hospital for tho maintenance of
D. Brotherline',o.llower and 3. Headings, 363 66
J. Latuberson, bridge across Augliwick
creek nt meadow Gap, 595 00
Expenses of commissioners for going to
jay out and inspect the same, 1 65 GO9 65
Repairs of court houso is
Cunningham & San for putting in heater, dig
ging out cellar, and making drain, 1000 00
Repairing coal hOll.O, 5 00
D. pinch:, alter'g .Vresent'g court room 500 00
8 28
' makin g fable - and benches, S eq
Harman & Siescse, painting court houso 304 25
Wharton A: Magnin', for paint, oil, Sc., 181 47
Sundry poisons for work done, 17 37 •
Fenco back of court house, 06 33 2082 42
Repairs for Jail :
:uid. persons for work done t cooking Move, 115 OS
Bonds paid off; Wm. t. 0011811 U, ' 71051 Off •
Thos. //slier, . 1045 OD 4006 00
Interest on county boucle:
John G. Miles, 3 years interest, 180 00 s
Joseph Park, 2 0 • 0 68 82
Wm. I'. Orbiscal, •- • 180 (10
filarshall Yocum, 42 00
Rudolph Brenneman., 6O 00
Mrs. M. I'. Read, i 30 00 -
Theo. 11.On:tiller CO 00
Enoch Perm • l6. 50 . 610 32
Bounty paid volunteers, • 50 00
A griculthrsl society, WO 40
W.C. Wag Oner, Ea' q., Clerk of court pf Qoarlor '
• Sessions for r ertilleates, Sc. • • ' ..- • 126 oj
Attorney for compprs, A. W.Benedict, s 'Os 00
ComMlaeloners :• •
John Ilousehuld.r, in full for 1864, 65 50
on account for 1805, • , 100 00 •
Jacob Stiller, in full for 1801, 2 7 50
on account 1,,r 1805, • - 200 00
M. F. Campbell, in full, 803 00.
Assn] Warfel, on account, 60 00 766 00
Commissioners'Clerk. in Bill for 1861, 00 00 - -
For the year 1865, '. •• GOO 00 WO 00
Printing for the County ;
Nash S Whittaker; ,- 203 00 -
William '
Lewis, 80 0.0
John Lute, • 31. 25 404
Refunding orders to sundry persons, 72 a t
Road tax to the following persons:
Carbon township, Joseph Biggins, 5 68 .
Jackson " Juo. W. Ilrboks, 52 11
Hof:moil 4, John Rimier; - 13 51
•'" George Russell, 13 51 81 87
School tax to the following pereone:
West townshiP, John Henderson,' 10 50
Carbon 0 Joseph Biggins, 60 40
Brady" S. B. Brave,. 15 10
Yinuirlin " Robert 31cPberren. 3 75
$5901 19
pa9/I,q3lcr .
-it liolitatfoh
•111111 Off 110.1p1M0
• 113 MO M.
5 5 .
uaapiltio 2 2.,
$ 571 33
Coon " George L. Smith, 13 60
Samuel 11". Sunk, 28 08 •
Oneida " Nathan McDivitt, 20 60 168 41
County Auditors pay, 161 00
J. S. Stewart Esq., auditing accounts
of Prothonotary, Reg. & Ere., &c. 6 00
Commissioners' expenses in holding appeals, 125 00
Commissioners, and Clerk for military services, 30 00
Redemption money paid out,. 113 51
Belief to soldiers families, . 0697 00
Paid Treasurer of Iluntingdon Co., Poor House, • 1531 42
Pahl State Treasurer out of the county
funds, to liquidate the debt of the
county to the State, which had been '
accutuulating for many years. 8020 05
Treasurer's collinlissions on State funds piid to
the State treasurer not allowed by the Au
ditor General, 243 13
Treasurer's commissions on $8210150, at 1311
per cent. 1232 91
Balance in Treasurer's hands, 1678 73
$4.1571 35
In testimony whereof weiterounto Imbserbr our 1111111 f.
We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report
that we met, did audit, settle and adjust, according to
law, the accounts of David 'flack, Esq., Treasurer of the
County. mid the orders of the Commissioners 11!lit receipts
'for the saint far nod dariwg thogkt year, and .find a bal
ance remaining in the hands of loh, Esq., Treasurer,
of one thousand; tdit hundred and seventy-eight dollors
nod seventy-three cents.
Given under nor hands nt the Commissioners' tare in
the borough of Huntingdon, the 19th of January, 1,`,,C,(1.
LI VI NGS[ON 1101113, Awl
Duo at tha settlement with t
year 18135.
1855. John Smith, Duro). 1
1957. W..TohnA, Crown,ll j
1858. Som. Stelny, Jackson
1859. A. Ilarrison
*lsaac Wolverton, Brady
&moo Cook, Carbon
j - Jol B. Weaver,
Isaac Ashton, Cassville,
W. P. Flepner, Henderson
Jesse.° Cook, Carboli
Lori Decker, Henderson
tSaml. Mytoui llarree
'eorgo IV Johnstou,Carbon
Clymans; Dublin
John •Donaldson, Hopewell
Elias Musser ' Jackson
boob IT. Lute, Shirley
}Lev Pheasant,,Un ion
samuel Peightal, Walker
Janam Maguire, West
Irm. Christy, Alexandria
-Adam Warfel, Brady
-Joseph Giloboney Barren
-Isaac Ashton, Cassrillo
-Joseph Stever, Cass
-Ain,Stevens, Clay
- Calare s Kel ley, Cromwell
Cleo. W Johnston, Carbon
*James Edwards, Coalition('
-Benjamin Stitt, 'Dublin
- Geo W. Matter,,, Franklin
- Daniel Ponce, llopewell
- John Decker, Thialerson
- John C. Miller,. Ilantinteu
-Jackson Harman, Jackson
B. Dean, Juniata
perry Moore, Morris
John Lop, Penn,
.Itold. A. Laird, Porter
, Kleorgo Lens, Shirleyslairg
flleury C. Wearer, Shirley,
Wm. Gptsliall, Springfield,
Jacob Elias, Tod •
rroitvi Smith, Union. Union .
Joseph P. Watson, Walker.
.athan Wilson, West, .1
sGeo Weston, Warriormark,i
Since paid in full.
Since paid in part.
Given under the seal of th
nary, 1566.
It. T. MILWt, Clerl
1111.1111 COIIPOUND
Ilitonal ail Exteml Xd.ClllO,
G - Dkininea, IlloodiPlus in ono day,
KW- Headache and Earache in three minutes.
ADir• Toothaate in one minute.
.0 1 - Neuralgia in fisit minutes,
4r. Sprains in twenty minutes,
tat- Sore Throat In ten minutes,
Cholic and Cramp in fist minute;
Rheumatic& in one day,
03. Pain in the Back er Side in ten minutes,
Ira,. Dad Coughs or Colds isf ono flay,
Fever and Ague in one day.
Cares Deafness, Asthma, Pilea,
Ika,„ Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia, • -
OR-Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas,
11.1. 1 1/Ver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart
Keep it in your Families—Sickness
conies when least expected.
-I propose to check, and effectnally dissipate more ache
nail pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of
all the circulating fluids in the human system, than con
be effected by any other, or ell other methods of medical*
aid in the same space of time.
THIS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming Into use, for
the that that I cure, troe of charge, all theso com
plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do so.. As
soon as it is applied It almost miraculously hills the pale.
Ido not ask you to buy before you are certain of Its
cieney. if you hare an acheor pain, it is warranted to do
all it purports on the label; otherwise tho money will be
I do not propose to core crrry disensc—only a class
anted by my directions. My liniment operates on ahem
cal and'electric principles, and is , therefore. appliable,
o the core or natural restorative of all organic derange,
ucnt orisieg froat nu itupropoy cirealatim or the nerve
Prof. J. IL McEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di,
redly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other
swellings in incredible, short time, without any potsibic
dattgerfrotn its use under any possible circumStances.
This is an internal and external medicine—com p osed of
roots, herbs and barksomeh as oar forefathers 'used.—
There is a bountiful snpply on earth to cure all complaints
if we duly know What they were.
This has been is great study with the Medical Faculty
for many years, to find out tho 'kinds best adapted to the
aboye - complaintsz—how to put tkran together. and what
proportions to use. .1. 11. 51cENTYI1.11,
Proprietor, Reading, Pa.
For sale at Lewis' Book Store
Haut Ingtlon, Pa, gept. 6, ISO.
For all (lineages arising from one cause, viz : Fever and
Ague, Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, "(Veal: and disor
dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid
diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments,
Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back or
Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of 'Spirits, Impurity of
the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Itudy,
Woruw, &c. Sold at 25 cents per hoz.
Thisinfallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in
It cases and may bo given to .cuildren of all ages, as they
we purely vegetable and perfectly harmless.
ara„ Can ha had at Lewis Book store, Itantindon, Pa,
8441UEL 11. 8110E31-AKER
Price Fifty Cents,
Price One Dollar,
ire. Agents Wanted to sell the above
throughout the Country.,
Oct. 15(45.
[Fur the Globe.]
Man's liro Tiers on earth Is a checkered career,
A mixture of sorrow, of joy and of fear;
Each day that ho lives adds some care to his breast,
Or with blissful emotion ltis heart it is blest.
Now, freo from our murmurs, lot us boar with our lot,
And gratefully h u nk hint, for why should wo not
For notch good we receive nod so little &servo.
Tho bright future Ile dut/Voi-Ws peolde reserve. .
And then, when our griefs and trials are over,
Together we'll meet on that heavenly shore ;
Thera with those who are freed from the ithraldom of
Our g,raises eternal on God we'll bestow.... -- [woo
[For the Globe..(
I 'S
oL 4, f
$l-9 61
, 1, 62
We got in Huntindon plenty time
for supper. Thay say sumtimes thay
git in in time for dinr.or; may be they
doos. A sity feller told me they dined
bout sevin P Min the sity of Filydel
fia—well wo got in about his dinner
time. I wished ho traveled on a fash
amable rode, it wood bo so convenient
for him. .111afy be he lied about that
dinner time cos he was a sailsman fur
sum shop in the sity, and they don't
fillers tell the strick truth—not if a lie
had a greenback for an appendage._
0, no, them fellers is pretty airy and
very sassy, plenty oil on thair hare,
and not match in thair pockits, xcept
sampills of calerco, or tea and sirrnp.
Well, arter hidin my nurishmont I
strolled round Huntindon, and lukly,
or unlakly as tho seaquill will show, I
net a ping feller wot makes his.livin
wastin ink. HU'S pooty kute, wairs
pare of died wiskors, and shiny boots,
an .grinns werry nice, shows his tenth
wen ho grins, and always shakes yam
hand match warmly; he's worry sweet
among the wimmin, an as these eity
gals like good tenth, good smilin and
died withers, he's nesesarily a favritc.
Him and me has been quite intemate,
an wen he can git nobody else to go
with, he Will go with me.
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"Let's," ses he.
• "Yer wife sez I. I was sorry I
said that; I had forgot my last goak
and its pur.ishinent.
"That's good," sez ho.
I felt releaved. "Gum down and
Flee the th - st mau—Adam." Well, we
saw him and administered unto our
selves sum gin and swetonin.
"Me blossom," soz he, "does that
agree with yure, holesum
I winked, them: glasses was agin
jinned and swctened—agin did it 'soak
a restin placcagin did it dolt un agiu;
then we tuck a glass of plane gin and
wentbut., We walked a little an soz
ink to me,
"Let's seo em play billiards.'l•
"Well, lets," sez I. . "I never seed
em play billiards, but I'd lets."
Well we went to a rnme brilliantly
lited with gas, and fellers sitin round
smokin and talkie, and in salter of
room was a tabil with a rim round it,
and holes in all the corners and a bole
about the middle of it on each side and
kivered with green paint, and thair
were two men with ',hair cotes off and
long poles inn thair bands a puncbin
round balls; 2 of cm was red, and them
they called reds, an 2 of em was wits
and each of them fellers called em "my
balls," and they stack.the red ones on
black marks, and poked the v ito ones
at em, and them fellers got in .all the
foolishest shapes I ever did see—now
ono of them lay upon the,tabil and
pushed and pushed and all at once ho
f3truc the red one and the other red un,
and sez be "That's three."
I knoed better, for be only strulc. 2,
but I sed nutbiu. The other feller soz
"correct" and I wondered if ho wasn't
Then the other feller stuk his leg out
strato, and my food rocepticklo was
too nere and lie put'it tharo to 'rest an
poked me rite in 'the eye with his pole.
' "Darn yq,p3spiled mi shot," sea he
"Well," sea T., "you made 8 cos you
strut mo twico." . •
With that ho larfed and sez ho, "I
never quarrel with a fool."
"Yor rite," sez I, "or yu wood hay
left yourself long ago."'
Well he went on a poltio and every
Limo ho poked em together ho stuc his
polo among a bunch of buttons and
sorted entail he wanted; that' said a
heap about "seratchlo," "earumin,"
"runs," "pockits," &c. Twos so inter
esti') I was about goio into the arias
of illoi.pbous when ink says,
"Tis 2 long ithyeen drinks."
' - )(ure Bed's scF.I.. doq't
lino wot that mono but a small boy
told me min() was."
So we wont down amloolted nt sin
more gin an more sw4oniu. Then I
sine sityiu •'l3.eer sold
Ely 61obt,
Though troubles encompass and dark is the way,
To the Giver of good let us constantly pray.
With faith to heti., all clouds He'll dispel;
God says—flir tho Christian all things shall ho troll
Stait of Ponsilvanoah .
Annie Dominic, AN.
, .
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was told, beer was vary good and not
toxieatin—took tuuteh of it—felt very
lively—knewevrybody—lnk new °v•
rybody—evrybody now 1113—evrybody
drank with us—we drank with every
body—we paid for all the lieker—and
eVrybody thot we was "bully boys."
I was full of laff, Ink choked with laff,
choked so =tell once that his hoer
came up to see wot was the matter,
an fell unto the floor. My cap was so
merry it woodnt stay on my hod, but
kept a getin on the floor, and I got
down to keep it from luirtin itself.—
Then ink borrorod sum feller's arm to
seo him hum. ' Than ho was a tryin to
use a cud of tobacco on the wall to
hang his hat on, but it woodnt stick.
Then the door got into my way, the;
char° tried a country dance with me,
and I tried,not to got into its way but
it soaked a distarbance and borrored
my legs and loaned ern to the floor.—
Well, I saw Ink tryin to light his sigar
with a piece of red flannel. I think
"sumting was to matter mit his hod ;"
tried to tell him so but my tohg was so
miserable tired it woodn% wag an inch.
Phinegan, Phinegan, I must sea Phin.
ogan. Thus did I think.
Sez I, "Gemmen be kind enuff (hie)
to tako that door (hic) froNn out of my
way." With that some man lent mo
a cuplo hands, but that miserable dove
came directly at me and struk mo vi-
olently on the nose. I sat down and
looked at it, an cradled out to' keep it
from seein me. Then I got up and
then the pavement indoocod mo to rest
my bed upon its broad basis. I did so
and for a minnit studied stronomy—
saw all the bevenly bodies goin thru
jig steps, and a pitehin into a free fite.
I tried W . remonstrate with them and
at last they stopped. I must a rested
uncomfortable, for my cap woodn't go
on, owin to the enlargement of my
bumps, and sum cuss has put rod paint
all over my hare. Then a lamp post
wanted mo to stay with him. I had
(muff of guarrelin, so I scezed the old
feller round the waste and asked him
about his mother, an wailer his father
was as lite as ever, an if his sister hod
red the mancipashun proclamashun, an
if he was goin to veto for Cessna or
the other side of "Jordan." Then he
got mad and throw me down.
Sew I, "Old lite-em-to-bed, if' you
weren't so mutch older than me, I'd,
I'd"=-but I tell you, Mr. - Editer, rhed
found "discretion the bettor part Of
valor," so I sod nothin, but closed ray
eyes and contemplated my position, an
wunderod how enny one end denftbo
world's bein round. Wy I felt it a go
in and a goin, and I tried hard to hold •
on so as I shouldnt be rolled off into
Bye an bye a culered man boriorod
my cote °oiler, and I went with it to
keep it from bein loSt; bo put mo on
a, barror with a ded man as I thought,
but it was only Ink who had been get.
tin sick and giving employment to the
womin who washes for him. Well, wo
was highstod into a bed and still the
world rolled on, and I praid that Par
son Sleek might be as I was—that
spiration mite foliar and the world be
Thus cndeth the fust chapter.
How to Saddle a Colt, i
The annexed anonymous sugges 7.
tions as to the saddling of a colt,
pears to be so judieio as to prove
useful generally ,
• "Let the stirrup-strap b.() tied up in
loose knots to make them short, and
prevent them from flying about and
bitting him. Double up the skirts and
take the saddle under yoli.r.light arm.
When you get him, rub him gently
with the hand, then raise the saddle
slowly until
, he can see it and smell it.
Now lot down the skirts and rub them
gently against his neck, the way the
hair lies, getting it a little farther bank
each time, until you can ship the sad
dle over his shoulders on his back.
Shake it with your hand, moderately
at first, and in a. few minutes you can
move it about over his back, as much
as you ploase, and take it off, and
throw it on again, without his paying
much attention to it. Ifaving accus,
toured him to tho saddle, you may
fasten thd girth. This requires caution
at first, as the colt is often frightened
when he feels thegirthdrawing the sad
a'e and making it fit tight on his back.
On this accouut the girth should draw
only so tight at first as to just' hold the
saddle.. After moving him'a little with
the saddle in this condition, the girth
may be drawn as tight as you choose.
The animal may now be ly . alked abotit,
stable a few times, your right arm
mating on the saddle, and your left
holding the reins on eaOh side Of the.
neck, and guiding him as you wish.
In this Way ho will soon become ac 7
oustomed to the saddle and the bridle,
and you eau tarp him about or stop
him at pleasrue,"
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
[For . the Globe.
Temperance Societies.
In the present day, the appetite for
strong drink is not only deeply rooted,
but widely spread. It extends its
baneful influence to persons of all
ranks and conditions. It presents a
most serious obstacle to the diffusion
of education. It is a deadly enemy to
friendly intercourse and social rela
tions. It is no less injurious in its ef
fects on religious welfaFe. Need we
wonder then that public attention As
drawn to this subject.
Intemperance; whether we view it
in relation to the moral,. intelleetual, -
social, or religious condition of man, is
of deep and paramount iMportance.—
On no subject, perhaps, does so much
ignorance prevail. The nature and
effects of inebriating liquorS are little
understood. The flood gates ofintem
prance, beina 6 once opened, the stream
of sensual indulgence has, from age to
age, been suffered to roll on, until
with ° its accumulating energies it
threatens to inundate the world with
wretchedness and wo.
The operations of temperance sedie
ties, fortunately for mankind, have in
some degree contributed to do away
with this lamentable delusion. The
institution of Temperance societies de
mands our serious consideration, not
only as a means of selfspreservation;
but also from its paramount import
ance, as a measure, calculated to en
sure the safety of our families, and the
welfare and happiness of future genera
tions. Sensual temptations, in con
nection with the pernicioua and ensla
ving usages of intdmperance, so preva %
lent in this country, reduce thousands
to the verge of eternal ruin. The,poet
"Ito who can guard 'gninst theplow baits of senso,
Rill find temptation's arrows hurtless strike
Against thu brazen shiold of Temperance,
For 'Os the inferior appetites enthral
Tho 1111111, and quench the immortal light within him
The senses take tile soul an easy prey,
And sink the imprisoned spirit into brute. , ; .
The fundamental principleS, of Tem,
prance Societies are included in the
great laws of Christian charity and self,
preservation. They are, indeed, thh off,
spring and a noble exemplification of ,
that first principle of Christianity, so
beautifully, described and admirably
illustrated by St. Pau!, under the name
of agapa, the true meaning of which
is benevolence gr love. In reference to
this celebrated and primary Christian
virtue, tld apostle Paul declares that
it is our duty both by precbpt and ex
ample to "considbr one another,,to
provoke unto love and to good wors,"
and which St. Janwsdescribes as "pure
and peaceable, full of merey and gond
Objections. aro not unfrequently. urg
ed against the institution of Tereper,
once Societies, on the' ground' . that
there is no Scriptural command for tib.,
stinence of this kind; and that to pro
pound this remedy for intemperance is
to propose a scheme which in fact Su
persedes anti dei:Ogates from the char
acter of Gqspel, and endeavqrs to
impose upon mankind restraints which
God does not either require at our
hands, or authorip3. in his holy Ord.
r_che.christian reader will readily per
ceive the fallacy of these popular ob:
Tho Gospel is acknowledged
by all to, be tho only means of salva
tion; the wOrLi of gait boweC , cti., no
where prohibits the employment of
subordinate moans to remove those
unnatural obstacles to itii* *option.
which so universally prevail in the
present day. In no part of the Scrip
tures is there found a. command fbr
the habitual and dietetic. use of intoXi
eating liquors. In many Parts of the
sacred book are found decisive proOfs
of Divine approbation of those who
abstain from their use. The Scriptures
contain no specific commands in rela
tion to many evils which thn pure
principles.ef Divine inspiration can by
no means tolerato. Among these may
be included theatrical entertainments,
gambling, and other sinful amuse
ments, some of which • obstructed the
dinsion of Christianity in the time of
St. Paul. Ferocious exhibitions of
gladiatorial took placti t the - city
of*Rome at the time St. Paul wrote his
Epistle to the Romans, and no lit
oral Condemnation of this practice is
to bo found in'tho Writings of that 4.
pestle. * •
Many eminently useful institutions
are in operation in the present days
auxiliaries to the
,Gospel, for which
there is no direct command in the
ble ; who, however, in this age of sa
cred light, would on this account con
demn or prohibit the formation of Bi
ble and MissiOnary e,qeieties, Sabbath
Schools, itind other similar establish
ments 7 . These subordinate institu
tions, indeed, are distinguished mani—
festations of the essence of Christiani
ty—whicli teaches us net only to 'ideny
Ungodliness and Worldly lusts, and to
live soberly, righteously and godly"
ourselves, but also to do our utmost to
promote the temporal happinesS and
eternal welfare of our fellow creatures.
The Gospel is adequate to remove
the vivo of intemperance i its pried
ples,'hOwover, have not hitherto neon
brought to boar upon the evil. 'The
remonstrances and denunciations of
Christian teachers have almost'invari
ably boon directed against the drunk
ard, while the source or sources of the
evil have been either partially pr alto
-IY,etlier overlooked and neglected. Lot
Christian temperance bo advocated
from our pulpits, and in our various
religious institutions, and, doubtless ;
ere long the, vice of intemperango with
all its atteedant'evils, :will'ho . rtnnovcd
froin our land. .
"In our world death deputes • .
Intomperaudo hi do the work of age;
And hanging up the (Aim Nature giro him,
AS ilelogterrcatitnt, for'disotch .
coeds teal, licensed butchers; bids then, slay
'Their sheep (the ;Ally sheop they !Weed before,)
. toss him twice. ten thousand at a meal..,
0! what hips of slain
Cry out for vcrMnea, on at!" •
TI3E Q -. 1-OMM
the most antisploto of any In the country, and pia-;
sasses the most titimlo facilities for pioruptly'exechting M e
the bsststyld, tivory variety of .79b Prititingi Stich . ',.!..
... -...
..•......, . . ,
• , • Ai - ,
' : i .1;
LABELS &a Bce 8(1
NO. 83,
By the Rev:. .T. W. C. to,
C. E.G., only daughter, &c. cards." ,
We didn't say no baby ? 1 have one
of' those interesting animals at my
house. It came when it rained like the
devil; dark aspitch, and my umbrella
at the store, no mars running. - Thq
doctor lived - fivo•miles duo . West, and
tho• nurse six miles duo , Bast-; and
when I got home to the"boSom of my,
family, the condensed Milkman was at
the next door. It's a funny little chap,
that baby; Solferino. color, and the
length of a Bologna sausage.. Cross ?,
guesi. not. Um, ;it commenced
chasing . me down the pathway oflife
just when muslin, linen, and white
flannel were .the highest j they had.
been since Adam built a hen house for.
Mrs. eve's chickens. The- doctors,
charge two dollars a squint;four aol
lars a grunt, and on, account of the
scarcity of raitr•
,in the COiintry, take,
what is left in a man's pocket,, no dis
count for cash, and send bill for bal..
lance January let. A queer little thing
is that baby; a speck of a nosolifce a
wart; head asbald as a - squash, and
no place to hitch a waterfall; a month
just suited to come the gum game and
chew milk,.. Oh crackee you, should
hear horsing. I have bumped it, stuff
od my fur Cap down its throat, given
it the smoothing irons to play with;
but that little red lump that looks as,
if it couldn't hold blood 'enough to
keep a mosquito from fhinting, Bev-,
sists in veiling likq.' thunder. It
shows a great desire to swallow its
fists, and the. Other day theydropped
down its throat, and. all that proyen„ .
ted their going clean , thrcugh was the
crook in its, elhows, 7t stoppedlts
music and I. was happy for one and
a half minutes.
It's n pleasant thing to have a baby,
in the house:- 7 6ne of your holly-ache
kind. Think of the pleasures of a ft,-.
ther, in deshabille, trembling in the
midnight hour, with hiS warm .feet up, •
on a square yard of cold oil cloth;'
dropping paregoric in aleaspoori, by.
moonlight, the nurse thumping on the.
door, tho wile of your. bosom shouting.
"hurry„" and the baby yelling Ain tIM
frescoe drops from the coiling. It's a,
nice time to think of dress , coats,pants;.
tics and white kids. Shades of depart,
ed cocktails, :what comfort! whata •
picture for an article in Plaster Paris!•
Its mother slys • darling is troubled
with wind on the stomach; it. heatp
the wind instruments you over heard
of J
. hart to get up in the cold and
shiver, while the millcivarms ;it uses
the_ bottle. T have u: cradle. with, the .
representation of a'miraculous Booth-,
ing syrup bottle on the dash board. , L
tried to stop its breath the other night;
it was no go; T. rocked it so hai•.d't
missed. stays, and sent it slap .clear ;
across the room, upsetting a jar of
prpeprves. It didn't make any noise,
then Oh, no ! Its mother BUs
~ only
wait till it gets bleached, (its been vac
cinated), and old enough to crawl
about and feed on PIMS, Teri, .1" ate
iug to wait: . Won't it be delightful ?
John, run for the doctorysis has foil in
the plop pail and is choking with a
potato skin ;.sie has.fell down litairs i.
sis has swallowed the tack hammer ;.
shows signs of the mumps, croop,
whooping, cough, small pox, eolic,dys.-
entery, cholera, infantum, or some otht,
er clal a thing to let the doctor take the
- money laid by for
,my winter's corn
beef ; and all this comes of my sham-,
pooing and curling my hair, wearing
nice plothes and looking handsome,
going a courting and making my wifo
fall in love and marry me.
The following Hone of the most truly
eloquent passages ever spoken. It is
from a speech addressed by Andrew
Johnsbn, in April,lB64, to a mass :!nee,
ting of the people of Knoxville and
vicinity: "My countrymen! my heart
yearns towards you, and I am ono of
you. I havo elimbed.yonder mountain,
rock ribbed and glowing in sunshine,
in whose gorges, in whose caverns, ,
your sons' huntod like wild beasts a
have fallen to rise no more. Ide not
speak of these things to draN7v yeur
tears.. It is not time for tears, but for
blows. I speak of them that I may fit
your arms for uncenquOrehle fight.
And I speak of them because the moun
tains soonl to talk to me. My house l
among the TonntaiPS, and alnagh
is not far away, I eannot•gole it.
is the place where I mit and rove"d her
who is the mothex of my children. Do
I not love these mountains? And if
liberty is to expire, if freedom is to be
destroyed, if my country, in aV It
length and breadth is to tretilble- be
neath the oppressor's tread,let LIM IMO,
the dear old flag, thelast flag, be plan.
ted en you reeky heights, and npeh
lot there be this inscription: 'llene:`, j:3
the end of all that. is dear to the. heart
and B,l =W to the Memory of thaisi
The Fir.stßaby.