The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 07, 1866, Image 4
tA- litopEs,l:y.c.A.L G. laus;.N.Ess exans AGEtMOY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS • • CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BAtK PAY AND PENSIONS. LTI who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Pack Pay and 'eneione, eau Intro their claims promptly collected by ap plying either iu past,. or by letter to W. IL WOODS, • Attorney at Law, • Huntingdon, Pa. Aupst 12, 1563 MAR - DLE YA RD. The undersigned respectfullywould itubtingdon and the reljoining conntiea to the stock of I .ntifill nett•ble IIOW on hand. Me is prepared to furnish nt the -honest notice, Monumental Marble. Tomb, Tables and Stonen of every desired sly.° end form of Italian or lantern Marble, highly finished, and carved with ant, priate deviees, or plain, as may coif. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Se. , will be furnished to oribr. NV. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any fa the country, at a fair price. Call and aro. before you purchase elsow i tero. they on Hill trcct, Huntingdon, Pa. lluntingdon,3lrty 16 1855, JOHN M. 1111 LE ru he named this firm has been clang ca frm SCOTT k BROWN, to I=l E=i3 SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under which nanio they will hereafter conduct their practice Ca ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSION S, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against the quvernment, wilt to promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1865-tf. VA. LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - HUNTINGDON, PA. TlM.PrOmpt and careful attention will Fe given to the collection of all claims against tho Government for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, .t:e. OFFICE—Witii 3. W. ;Slattern, Esq., in the'brick rots% nearly opposito tho Court house, noS-fne T AW ASSOCIATION. J The muletskned bare rminci:stell therneelves tourtlior in the practice of the law in Huntingdon, Po. 011ive in tho one now, end formerly occupied by J. Sewell Slelc ore, adjuinin,; the Court House. A. W. RENELUCT, J. SEWELL, STEWART July CO, 1S&1 I D. CAMPBELL, ej• ATTORNEY AT LAW. HUNTINGDON, PA. ~Office in the Brick Row, nearly oppoiitu the Court Ifora. (April 15,1813. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, G. W. COLDER. HAVING entered into co.partnership in the Alexandria Brewery, the public are informed 07: 1 1 that they ha prepared at all times to till _ orders on the SilOrti7 , t 110t1W. Alexandria, 3:1E1.13.1865-If. Mmr..c3lntaaaaiz, •. RIINTINGDON, PA. «f \i. L. McNULTY, ROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Frauldln hotel, Chnombembm g. TERMS LIBERAL. mny3, 1865-Iy. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. HENRY SMITH, Proprietor Iluntingdon, Aug. 2n, 1565. T) ALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, llns remocetl to the Erick Row opposite the Court House April 13,1860. T - p.. GREENE, vDENTIST. omen rmnoved to oppnsito the of .1,1 of D. P. Gwin,ln the ¢, Piill street, lluntingdon, A brit 13,18111. DR". D. D. MILLER, omce opposito Jackson. House, offers his service to citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. BR: JOHN McCULLOCH, offers leis profcssionnl services to ho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, Oilice on 11111 strevt, ouo door east of Heed's Drug Store. Aug. TAMES A. BROWN, • el Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, ke., hunt ingkon, Pa., " • Ti ROMAN, • • Dealer In Ready lhide Clothing,' lints and Cam Loots and Shoes, cte. P. GIVIN, Dealer in Dry Good; Groceries, hardware, Qulcons 'Ware, Hats and Caps, Roots and Stunts, &c. li. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceriee, Hardware, Queelimare, and Provitiens oC all Linde, linntingdon. Cl LONG & CO., Dealers in Candies, Nuts, Fatuity Groceries, Pu. T_TENRY STROUSE & CO., Markles _j_Lburg, Pa., Dealers is Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. WM..AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and sho,,,in the Diamond; Huntingdon, Pit. T.EOPOLD BLOOM, Huntingdon, Pa, I Dent.' in Itendy Mndo Clothing. 1131.5 , , Cops, &e. TORN 11. WESTBROOK, Dealer in ley Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon, YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and e ; Provisions of nil kinds, Huntingdon, Po. QIMON COHN, Coffee Run, Dealer in k, Dress Goods, Groceries, Wood and Willow Wok T B. SHONTZ & BRO., Marklesburg Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, Jewelry, &c. QU R IPSON, AI & CO., k) In Pau and Stationery, Ilan tin gdon, Pa DONNELL & KLINE, PUOTOORAPIIERS, Iluctingdon, Tlit. WM. BREWSTER, Htiatiugdon - [Cures by lilictropstbyd 7 NT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready IN ..mad Clotblug, Huntingdon, Pa. IPofNRY M'MANIGALL, Proprietor Live* , stable, street, Huntingdon. M. GREENE, Dealer in Music,nrn iJ.sicat lustrnments, Sew tog Machines. Iluntingilon 'SIMEMAK hal, Agent for the Ma ko. g ic Stur Liniment, Huntingdon, Pa. A P BRUMBAUGH, Agent for the Victor Canu Mill, to., JIMIC4 Creek, Mot. Co., Pa WILLIAMS, : v y Plain end Ornamental Marl,lo .11anufitetarer. . WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and 3lnsical Instrn meats . , Huntingdon, Pa. BILL POSTER. The undersigned oilers his services to business men anti other.+ desiring circularstlistributed or handbills voided. lie lets be Been at the GLOBE nnico. Huntingdon, Ang.l6, 13113. JOHN TIRESS BUTTONS TRIMMINGS, liver the latest styles, Belt Ribbon aud 13acklee, 110. story, filove,, Edgings, Friflings, &e., ut E. HENRY F. CO. O,VEIIING'S AND SUNLIGHT Scrip, New Orleans, Porto Wm' Molasses. Coffee, Sugars, Tens, ,tc. at ILENHY Sc. CU. - DROWN & BLEACIIED 311JSLINS. ju Ticking. Limeys. Checl:9, bleached and brown Can: too El:lune:9, miner's Plaid, Wool Flannels be., be., at S. 111.11ENRY CO'S. T IQUORS, of the best, for /lledieina _LA put - Vogt:II at S. S. SMITICS ("10 TO S. E. HENRY R CO'S for ‘jigood Cloths, ea,simorch,soiinetteq, Tweeds, li;pOlve ky Yelvet. Cord, &c. (1 BARRELS AND LOCKS.----A \ A largo ;miwtruent n; • ime ;tr:s"S US RD WA RE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and clicapest assort:of at in town, nt Ladies' and Gentlemen's Firs, Fnrq To cheap at the Ck,tlllng o ✓r;:i LEOPOLD BLOOM, ME PROF. J. 11. WENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY, COMPIIIO laternal ad Extcraal Medicine, rte- Dian - loon, Bloody lien in ono day, licadaelit and Earache in three minutes. Cir . Toothache in etc 111111100, .C",i;- Neuralgia in live minutes. . trip Sprains in twenty minutes, 1S fore 1 . 11..0at in ten minntei, toil Cramp in JIVE nillintC3, Itill•Unlati•ln in One day, Pain in the thick or Stile in ten minutes, Bail Coughs or Colds in otte day, ta„. Fever toil Agile in one day. 11. - .9„.. Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles, Bronchitis Agectionc, Dyi,pepola, 11,3_ Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Liver Complaint andralpitallun of the Itcart Keep it in your Families—SiCkness comes when least expected. I= I propose to cheek, and effectually dissipnte more ache and pain, and to accomplish 10010 perfect equilibrium of oil the circulating 'folds in the human systom, than con lon effected by any oilier, or all otlior methods of method aid in the sante space of titan. TIIIS POPULAR REMEDY to fast conning into us°, for the fact that I cur.", fres of charge. MI these cm plohnts whenever there is on opportuoity to do no. As soon MI RN applied it altnest miraculoimly kills the pain. I do not note you to boy before yon ors certain I,f:its e 01• ciency. If you hove on arbeor poi., it Kwuriontrol lode alt it purports ott the band; otherwise the money Will bo refunded. I do not propose to core eivey (1;4000e—only nchino named by my eel ions. My liniment tparat es in chem ical and electric principles, and is, therefor, al pliable, to time care or natural restorative of all ornanic derange arming Intvroper circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prof. J. IS. MeEntyro's INDIAN COMPOUND nets di. ready mn the nbsorbetils, reducing el untidily nod other swellings in incredible short time, withotrt any pnzsible dtznyrrima ifs ure, under any pen Bible eireninstaneeS. 'finis is on internal inlay xterind medicine—composeti of roots, herbs and barfis,.tli eh as our forefathers Used.— There is a boolitifid Nupply on earth to cure all complaints limo only I,IIOW trios they wer e . TWA has been a great study with the Medical Faculty for ninny years, to find out the hind, host telapted to the above complaints—inn' to put tt,em Ngetlivr. and What proportions to use, r= J. H. Met:NITRE, Propriithr, Minting, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book store &pt. 6, 180. IMPIDELEON PILLS, Fur all dinners arising from one cause, via: Fere:. and Ague. Dyspepsia. Catarrh in the Head. W.silt and disnr such as Indigestion, Sick I leadarhe, ditiess of the [lead, Wealinesl of Sight, Windy Ailments. Rheumatism, and Illicsnuatie Yisius, PMns in tha Back nr hidq Nirvana o.lAlity, Lowness of Spirits. Impurity of the Blood, Itlntch,s or Eruptfons of the It a ly, Univel, Worms, he., he. Sold at 25 emits per bux. McENTYRE'S •TEDLLY VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER ! Thisinfittliblo medicine Is warranted to expel worms in It es and may he given to children 411 all ages, as they Ire purely vvuetultle and perfectly harsule,s. tql,. Cap be bet at hewn,' Book Shorn, Lluntlngclon, Pa, STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, DIPTHERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SPRAINS, :101.1; AGENT, SA2I/ UEL SHOEILIKE'R, tz-- Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. nuounoon, Oct. 95, ist 5. - 11/1_10"...140 .%°1 2 C:011.2a: :7c F_~ fries c.O - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND . SEWING MACHINES. 101! M. GREENE lies just opened _up. his Komi: Store, one door west of W Lewis' Book More, where lit keeps constantly On hand STEINWAY k SONS' null GA Ell I,E'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON. & It AMLEvs CA B INET (MOANS and OAHU ART, NEEDHAM A COS MELODEONS; Guitars, Ftates; Oni se and Violin Strings. MUSIC WOKS—Gelatin Chant,Gultleet sower, golden Censer. Golden Trio, SII LET MUSIC—IIe is csnstantly receiving fn ut Phil• ndel plus all the latest music, which persons at It distaucs wishing. can order, 000 110V° sent them by 01101. Also GROVER & BAK ER'S Celebrated SEWI NO SI A CIIINE:_,---the only machine that, in atblition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly • sowing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sewing Machines fully instructed in the use of them. Pianos and Organs Warranted for live years. Those wishing to Inv any of the :above articles nee in vited to ClOllOll/ 111011111110 mine before porchasing else. where Sly prices urn the same as in New York and Circulars of Instruments or' Machines, sent promptly opus amicatiou With any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, 11111 sheet, Huntingdon, Pa., 5027 Ono door west of Lewis' Book Stotts PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. Liberty White. Lead ! Liberty White Lead ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! Warranted to cover snore surface, for same weight, than any other. Bay rho best, it is the cheapest. • TRY IT.! TRY IT! • Liberty Load is whiter than any other. • Liberty Lead corers better than nay other. Liberty Lead weals longer than nay other. Liberty Lead is more economical than ally other. Liburty Lead is more free float impurities and is Warranted to do lours HMI better work, at a given cost, than any other. Buy the Best, it is the Cheapest. Manufactured sail warranted by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint Glass Dealers, 137 .Arorth Third Strcet, ctll,ls6s(oforbi ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, • _lt`;`l";L:',l--tl.:A' fi l Are not only hnetrrellrd, but they :Inn algtolulely due livabd by any other Reed lustroment in the country. Oesigori{ expre,l3. for Ciowcheo and srbnul e, th e y or found to he equally well adapted to the Parlor and draw ing room, FOY 0111 y by E. M. mtupm. No. IS North SEVI:NTII street, Philadelphia 457,- Ahsu, URAL/1113'1117'cl PI ANOS, and a ',complete ng 801111.1t of the PERFECT .NIIIIAMEON. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, SAY ES L ABOS, SAVES TIME,' SAVES MONEY, SAVES mollies, SAVES SOAP, AND SAVES WOMEN. It's the Soap for Every FamiV Sot by (bworn and Storekeeuer3 throznpontofti nn country. Mannfitetm ea only by J. B. , DOBBINS 107 loath rinh street, below Che nut, PIULADELPIIIA =! Juk - 40 • 'CALL at D. P. GWIN'S iC you wan 0001 Goons. r.,µ..•.. r ..a. I= IucENTYRL'S DR. VENARD'S and DIAERIBEA. nUNTIMIDON, .Price Fifty Cents Price One Dollar. PENNSYLVANLI - • T II . E 1666, LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WU PAPER Ever Brought to Ituutiugdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, IEI LE‘' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEVI AND ELEGANT STYLES IBM LOWER PROCES l • Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphiaktir Pittsbnrg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles OF • Nall &Teiling Paper & Bordering, FOR The Paitlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, ' Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., Call at the "Globe" Building, and eNaniine our stock and prices 1866. THE -`VICTOR" ~.- i^ F's ~- —, Z.SiLli,- 7.4 4 i )br-- ---- ' ,--- 111 - 17 - C--' i.. -- ; i ‘ } l' lib I I I 1 .11! i , li 4.1 q J.--- , - -.. 1 lit. [ il 4 1 10 '1!:1 i 111 \i 1 i ,ii i i l .7t-i i , ' - i 0 1 i 1 , ti !I , ='-i , ? 4 , - , - -I' r li- ) i ii , i ' - •,*i Vitiiiii i f trig • ; 1 2,1 0 1 1 ' I CAI E - 2 E. ll_. 1 , . NEW. TRIUSIPIIA.NT AT STATE FAIRS! COOK'S SUCAR EVAPORATOR. I= "SORGO HAND-BOOK," FREE CANE SEED, by the lb or bitshel, FOR SALE AT COST 1 Prince tit Co's New AUTOMATIC ORGANS. The great t triumph of the sge! New style MELODEONS, with improvemente. llaher's FAMILY SEWING MACIIINES. Send for Circulars, tbc. Free. A. a BRUMBAUGH, Sole Agent, James Crerk, Huntingdon co., Pa. MEM Electricity. Fllll BREWSTER lIAS OPENED Li an onto in linittlngdon, Pit., a n d Its Cilreni, and further pleithen himself to cure a classnfdinraaes arlinniv• ledgenl to Le incurable by nay process of medicos lieu. diseases that nenet have, nor never can be control!. ed, only by his limits et applying the nations modincati oils of Electricity. The Doctor does not wish to convey the Impression that 1, cores all disease, in all conditions; he does not WWI to shod: the sense of the public icy asserting [bat lie can mire pulmonary consumption after the lungs are half caged, but Ito pledges himself to cure every case of pal monary eoneutuption In the early and Jai/idle stage, and every . other diSetißC acre a Stant:it:lit of vitality remains for reaction. Electricity is always Safe In the 11(111E18 0f unexperienced operator. The currents urn perfectly under central, and ul ho regulated to suit the delicate nerves Ufa child without any Imply:ism it sensation, tom- Alt those who have long suffered from painful and obstinate diseases I rez- All those who havo been given up by other rhysi law! All ose who hare been disniiiFed as incurable Irvin lio,rilois ARE INVITED TO CALL Fleet Hetty, uclitte„Medicinc, is cripabli•of producing, nll the elMlittes necessary to cunt ut,y tilleaso, when mtplic,l (rota proper polarities. The following are among the dis eases our system of practice has proved especially auccesst (al in curing. Diseases Cured by Electropathy Ansaurosh.; Apliony, loss of voice. be.; Asthma; Ague Chills, fever and ague; Atrophy; nervous consumption; Atnity of the stomach. Amettorrlmm, suppressed menses; All mercurial diseases; llites of poisonous insects or aid. tools; Bronchitis; stone or grovel in Bladder ; Consump, lion; Chlorosis, green ,sickness: Coocussion of brain; Cot, traction of chest; atrictoro of limbs, Cholie, from differ ent causes; Cramps or spamns, chronic or acute; Conges. t ive diwases of all kinds; Cprem S t. Vitus dance; Coldness of feet and hands; Cancers, in certain stagns; Copper col ored cuticle. or - blotches; Catarrh; Dipthcria; Deformed limbs straitened. Deafness, from paralysis of acenustie nerve; Dizziness or drowsiness; Dropsy; Diabetes; Dys pepsia, its all its forms; Dismenerrloca; Painful Menstru ation; Difficult respiration; Enlargement of joints; Ear ache; Epilepsy, lolling sickness; Fits, front different cam, see; Onstrition, irritation. of this stomach; ftout; Goitre_ or swelled neck; Olandular swellings; liemiplegia; Den, orritmge, from different causes; Hysteria. irritable spine, ,tc.;sick or nervous Headache; Insamty; Inflamed or sore eyes; Incontinence of urine; torpid some of liver; Lungs, hemorrhage of, congestion of, be.; I.ocklaw;Liver,enlargo meat of; Lenchorrhou ileur allots; elites; Mental do prosaic,,; yt ulcular contraction. ' Menstruation, derange men% in; Monomania; Milkleg; Numbness, Irons injuries or otherwise; Neuralgia: Nocturnal emissions; Old sures, indolent ulcers; Ozena, in some of its forms: Paraplegia; Paley, numb or slushing. Paralysis, in whatever part; l'olsonlog; Palpitation of the hostel; Prostration from va. Prolapsus uteti, Probst,. 1111 i, or piles; excessive Petepiratlon; suspended Perspiration; Potato nary apoplexy; Rush of 61uod to the head; Rheumatism, items or chronic; Restlessness; Tonsils; Sore Throat, front any Came; Sall rheunt; Scrofula; Spinal dia. eases, curvattire„t:c.; Ovarian Tumors: bc.; Tremensole, 'Briton, or at death, Tetanos, or lockjaw, Uterine mis pLtceuu•nts,Uteriuo weakness; We tlt Es es, be.; Vi bite Us. Vis .1,180 Mutinglon, Pa. DR. VEisTARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT (Li?o 0 n REWARD will be paid f . tj for any 1111,1liCi110 that oxcelo thin for tho h.leitaing diseases: • Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, -Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the-Muscles, Skin and Glands. This in nn internal and External Medicine, composed of Roont . llerhs and Barks such Iln •Olll' forefathers used.— Thera lamutiful supply on the earth to core all cow phxints. if wn only know what they were. This tins been a:sub,leet for coustant study with the Ma dies! Faculty for o great many years, to find nut the kinds best adapted to the above emnplaints—how to put theta together, and. vi inn port imei b, use. Thh, wonderful remedy needs no recommendrition wren multi which invariably follow its application. ifir This popular remedy is Cost coming into use Crain the Cu.( flint it gives good mtisfaetion. Eof PllysimANs are invited to test its ehhieoey ill all cases of filletonatistfb All . ..canna fir tin, Spinal Column, and all DISCUreII Of the Skin, 3lnscles awl (limn's, It has Leon used in 01011511.1.14 moler the personal supervision ot the Inventors, on/ into never disappointed their expectations. All we ask for it is a trial—expert mental mof—not the lest of the men of straw, urn the vonchers we desire to pr. sent to the public. It would he Well for many now' lying in hells of torture, if these farts Muhl reach their sick chambers. It is morn important to them thau to lire inventors that Ibis should be the ease. - Troth is mighty and most prevail," Keep it in your family, for sickness conies who you least expect it. PRICE-ONE DOLLAR SAMUEL IL SHOEMAKER, SOLI ,AGENT, IIUXTLVGDOAr, PA Mint ingdon, Pa., Als IS, 1803. = "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the world." NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE Crifieat notices qr the press. It is the fucmost 11,,,zazine of the day. The firebldo never hod a more th•lightt ol tMIIII,IIIIOII. 110 r the mitllou It More enterprising friend. than Harper's Maga:dna.— Metlaaliot Prott,tatit (11:kitimor , ) The most popular Monthly in tha I.ll4.—New York Olmarver. e most refer in terms of culne.y to the high tone and varied excellences of Harper's jourhal with n • intinthly circulation of about 170,0 nu copies—in whip. pages Iwo to be Mond sonic of the choicest light and gen eral reading or the day. We speak of this work ns an orb deuce of the American People; and the popularity it hits acquired is merited. Each numbor containslully 144 pa ge!, of tootling matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts ; and it combines in itself the ;soy niiiiitli ly and 01010000 philosophical quarterly, blended with the hest contort,: of4he daily journal. It has great power in the ills:Tolima ion of a love of pine literature.—Trubnees (illicit, to American Literature, (London.) The volumes bound constitute of tlictuseiret n library of miscellaneous reading soul as can lint he found in the 831110 11111111163 in ;Inv other publication that has Celina limier our ,notice.—Boatel Courier. The Publishers have perfected a syatent of running, by itieh ttey can supply the Magazine and We,lily prompt. p to those who ta,fer to receive their per,dicals directly 'rota the office at Publication. The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a year, which aluht be paid at the subscriber's gust °nice. Harper'. Magazine, une year, An °stit copy of either the Magazine or Weekly will he supplied gratis for every club of Five Saccribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance ; or Six copies for V.:O 00, Back number Can he t omplirdsitt ally time. A complete not, now comprising Thirty one Yolunn,, in neat cloth binding . , will be cent by express, freight at expen,e of pfirclakrer, far i 2 per volume. Single nines, by mail, postpaid, $lOO. Cloth c;009, for binding, 55 emits, by mail, postpaid. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Franklin Square, New lurk. lIITENTORS, MECHANICS, MANUFACTURERS 1866!. 1866! 1866! The best paper in the United States for Mechanics, In ventors, and 31anufacturers, is the SCIENTI Fie A - WAN. It's the largest in size, and has by tot the w idest circuit ion of any other paper of its class in this country. It is published weekly. I,IICIII 11111111 AT COMIIIIIS sixteen pages, with numerous illustrations. Thu numbers for year make two volumes of .410 pages each. .10 al., con tains a fall account of all the principal inventions and discoveries of the day. Also. valuable illustrated articles upon tools and machinery used in workshops, manufsc forks. steam and mechanical engineering,. woolen. cotton, chemical, petroleum, and 1 other initonfacturing and producing Interests. Also, tire arms, Willi implements, ordnance, soar 009100, railway machinery, electric, chem. feat. and mathematical apparatus, wood and lumber ma chinery, hydraulics, oil and rater pumps, waterwheels, elc.; huuschold, horticultural, and farm implements—this latter department being very toll and of grout value to Farriers and thadQlll,B. Articles ehtbracing every de part men t of popular ecience, which ever, hotly can tinder. shunt and which every body likes to reed. Also. reports et scientific societies, homo _and abroad; patent taw itteisfons mill dismission:l, practical recipes, he It rho contains ea ontrial likt the 1,1 1011 claims, at special feature of great rainy to iiiventorn and owners of patents. The pubilAters also act its agents for procuring patents for now fu ,cadets. Xnew volume of the Scientific American commences January 1. '1'1.11315.-53 per year; 51.50 for six Month, Ten Co. pies for one lOW, $25, Spectrum copies Pent free. Address MUNN I CO., No. 37 Park lbw', New York city- 1866. 11 .-.1 11 11 11 1 - , tl;'; 14 ' 01,Bro_ e k i l pENNSIi.LVANIA RP IL ROAD TI3II OF LEAVING 0 q'pIAINS 117NTE/2 ARIMKG P.',IIIENT. Irk: ST WARD. EASTWARD r, •-• , s ~.. t: I 1 -- pi , t A . „?-," E P r.. 3 I?. r, 1 1.- , 1 4 1 i-e p• r? , :"..:--: , .:I sTATIoNE, '.,' 3 1 i I V 4 F.: 4 'l2 - .., 1 7 ,, ' 4 P. 31.1 A. 31.1 P.M.) A. 31.1 ,1 1 r. m. I n. m.l Y. m 825 4 13111 53 llunlilton, 4 :19 8 54 5 33 4 21112 01 511. Union,— 4 30 9 53 3 45 5 42 4 3013 18 Mapleton, ..... 4 22 S 37 5 52 4 33112 29 ..... . 31111 Creek,... 4 13 9 37 0 2S 0 091 4 54112 48 640 Huntingdon, 4 00i 0 24 8 15 6 25 5 091 1 OS --(Petersburg,— :1 42 9 OS 7 55 6 33 5 171 1 291 IBarree, 3 341 7 49 641 5 27 1 32 SorticeCreol., 3 27 8 50 7 42 6 59 1 53 Birmingham, 310 ...... 7 25 7 10 5 65 2 05 7 35 Tyrone, 2 53 8 33 7 13 7 25 0 00 2 20 ''Tipton, 2 43 7 03 7 31 6 13 2 23 Fostoria. • 2 42 6 07 7 36 6 18 2 35, Itell'a 511119,.. 2 37 8 12 6 52 8 00 0 40 3 001 8 10 A1t00na,...... 2 24 7 55 635 P. 31.1 A. M. P. 31.1 A. 31. P.M. A. m. P. M. PitILEUELPIIIN EXPREI-'S 'Eastward, Altoona at 9 00 P. M., and arrives at lluntingd 10 4U P.M. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves A Hanna at A. M., and arrives at lituttingdan at 4 40 A. M. Thu PI tILADELEIII A EXVItEBB Westward, Ilantingdon at 7 18 A. 31., and arrives at Afloo 00 A, 51; Thu FAST LINE Went ward, leaven Huntingdon at S 08 P. M., nail arrives at Altoona at 0 30 I'. 31. cI , • ....••••, ME MME READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ATUISNGEMENT, GPuEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and plorth-IVest, for Pllll,Alirilalln, NEa- Yuitti, 11.505130, Porr.ivithc, LEBANON 3 ALLENTOWS, EASioN, Ac., Ac. 'Praino leave Ilarriiihnrg for New York, as ritilow s At 3 00, 7,2s'ittid 9 05 A. tI., and 1 45 mid 9.00 0. 51., arriving, at New York 5,40 a ntllo 00 A, 11., and 340 and 10 35 P. M. The above connect. with simihrr 'Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad , and sleeping Cars accompany the 3 00 and 9 05 a. nt. trains. without cithilLto. !kayo for Reading, Pot tsville, Tatimipm. 31inersville, Ashland. Pine 'Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia at 7 35 A • 31., and 1 45 and 9 P. 31.. stopping at liellauctt and all any stations; the 0 1' 31 train making intern. connection for Pot tsvillo nor ;Philadelphia , For Pottsvillf, Ilarett and Auburn, via Seltaylkill aml Susquehanna Railroad. hare Harrisburg at 4 P 51. Returning. leave Nt9V-Yugo at 0 A. M., 12 Noon, and S Phitattelphia at 8 A. it., and 330 P. 31; Pottsvillo nt ft 40 A. M.. iind 2 55 P. NI.: Ashland 0 05 and 11,-15 a in,' Tatrimpia. at 7.35 A. 3t., cold 1 40 P. 11. Learo Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and &win/Minna Railroad at 0,45 n 10. An Accommodation P l oisenger Train leaves TIEADI9O nt 0.30 M., awl returns from 0111LADEl.riliA at .430 P. N. Collinibia Uailroad Trnina frare Heading at 0 10 a 111., and 0 15 I'. 51., for Ephrata, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. On Sundays. leave New York at SP. Philadelphia, 315 P. 31.. Pottsville 0 00 A. M., Twang. , S A. St., Har d:hug 9 05 A. ALl'aild Beading at 100 a. n., for Har risburg. and 10,52 a tm, for New York. COMmuTATION, Sensor,, and ExClinSto:r TICKETs nt reduced mica to and froth all points. Baggage checked through: 00 poutulti lhiggage allowed each P.16.11gi.T. 'Reldiug, soy. 27, 18G5 _•- _ _ - HUN r_LUGDON no & AD. l3lloill TOP On and after *llionday,Noveolbor 13, 1660, Passenger TEEPIa will arrive and depart as Wove: SOUTILWASD TRAINS. • NORTHWARD TRAINS. ---------.--__ _ STATIONS • ACCOII3LIEEPREsS ACCOIIIIrsTREss .IED P. M. IA. 11. P. 51. P.M. i i SIDINGS. I 4E-iigsT-5740iiiiritingdoni An 11 39 An 5 45 435 9 30141cContiollstown I 11 19 524 443 S liliiPleasant Grove 11 11 510 500 5 54131arklol11nirg,, 10 55 500 510 9 10 1 g01fee Dun, 10 39 440 .5 24 9 13' Sough 4: Ready 10 31 4 311 53 , 3 9;u1386,' 1019 4'14 540 931 Fisher's Summit 10 15 420 An 3 55 A , ~' ,?) 4„9„SikictOri, LE 10 00 An 3 " 4 05 55 10 201119511,10irg I 3 35 I 10 241 Hopewell' 10 46iCiper'e itun ?S r o '- !) 11 14 Hamilton 2 47 11 31 Cloudy Run 2 34 41111 35 :Goma Dallas. Ito 2 30 SHOUP'S SUN 131(ANGG. I • ALE 10 05 1 :aston 1 360 I 10 20 Conininnt 335 i 10 25 Crawford, ' 320 * An. 1.0 20 Dudley,3 20 I Illroail Top City,.....1 • Hiintingtion Nov. 13; HO. 01,1VIIK AYERS, Supt. SPMTACLES. A fine and largo assortment always on hand 'AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE ! M'Entvre's INDLIN COMPOUND. A NJ IV surrJAY JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK TOPE. PRICE IER Borax, 50 CTS., rind $l,OO Olt .. 'IIIF, LADIES. A sapecior article of Npto Paper and Envelopeo, auitablo ;Wm correspondinice, for sale at LEWIS' 8006 STATIONERY STORE. TBACIN (.31 NUS 1-IIN, DRAIIINGI AND DRAWING PAPER White and Colored Card Paper, For gale at LEirls" BOOK ,6 STA TIO STORK HARPER'S SUBSCRIPTIONS 1866. MEM Si GO GET l'EfE BEST ! M c:~— -- .7 NOVEMBER 37, ]SC' G. A. NICOLLS, Genera( tioerinfmlott er=3) CD) For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA. Annals of the krmy of the Cumberland. Rebel Invashin of Maryland and Pennsylva nia. and the Battle of GettysbUrg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. , Washington and his Generals. ]lane's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. Webber's Wild Scenes And Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book! • - Coal and Coal Oil, by Eli Bowen. Chambers Infiwmation for the People, 2 Vols. Life and Public Services of Ahem. Lincoln. Partons Life of Andrew Jack - son, 3 volumes. General Butler in Now Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westeott. Smacke'r's Life & Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's Life and Travels of Von. Humboldt. Opportunities for Industry and Capital, or 1000 Chances to Make Money. Freedley's Practical Treatise on Business. Sinding's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary.. Good's Book of Nature. Ovid, [literally translated,] by IL T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Stewart's Freemason's Manual. Webb's t. Monitor. . Davis' Cross' Masonic Chart. Shaltspeare's Complete Works. What Can Woman DU', by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. • Tho• Deserted Wife, by Mrs. E. Southworth. Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. Maitland. Diary, of an Old Doctor, do. The Wanderer, do. Adam Bede, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris ' Parisian Pickings, by Julie De Marguerittes Richard P(31111 Smith's Miscellanemis Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion - and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Der Went, do. Peculiar, by Epcs Sargent. Anecdotes of Love; by Lola Montez. Age of Chivalry, by Thomas Bulfirich. Tale of a Tub,..* - .c., Ec., by Dean Swift. The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vols. The World's Lacunics ; or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, in Prose and Poetry. • Robert Houdin, the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titcotnb's Letters to Young Folks. • " Lessons in Life. " Letters to the Joneses. " Gold Foil. " Bitter Sweet. The Trial, or More Links of the -Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lehr. Nasby Papers, [Carrico-Politico•Roligico.] The Ladies \York-Table Book. Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. Dutch and English Testament. .Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. " • Holy War. Phi Three Mrs. Judson's and other Baugh '• 'tees of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Ltfe of Jacob Gruber. Shado'w on the Hearth, by Rev: N. Ricci. Defence of Armageddon, by P. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged ' don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favoed Hours, by J. Copely. Cobbet's 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Headley's Snored Plains.. • Mellvaine's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed front the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. M. Adair. Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken Bud. or the ReminiscOncos of a le XS cs lon at Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. The Morning of Life. ' The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. The Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. The Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Miss Mary Rankin. Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay's Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, byJ. Cole Hagen. Tho New Fortune Teller,. or the Poet% ayes ntat . Fate Book. Mrs. Male's Receipts for the Million. The Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re ceipt Book. Widdifield's New Cook Book. Sayer's Standard Cookery. • Miss Actun's Modern Cookery. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The Family Doctor by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. The Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do Horticulture The Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry. A Method of Increasing the Yield -of the Mileh-Cow, by John Neffien. • .M#yhow's Illustrated Horse Management. Doctor.. • The Horse arid llis Diseases, by Jennings. Rarey's Practice of Horse Taming. Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by M. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. }'.,,Dwyer. Bannan's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for Lumber- Merchants, Ship Builders and Boat Builders. Scribner's Assistant fur Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. 11. 'Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V. Kautz. United States Army Regulations. ' Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cara. Pocket Maps of United States, Pennsylvania, and the 'Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canadas. Constitution of the United States. Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. The Secret Out, or 1000 Tricks with Cards, and other Recreations. Rook of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Steele. 'the Sociable,or 1001 Uoms Amusements. Iloyle's Games; Chess, BackgaMmon, &e. Checker's Simplified and Explained by- D. Scattergood. Spectropia; or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (Phonographic.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debating. Walker's Elocution and Oratory. MeElligott's American Debater. Whately's Selection of Synonyms, Davies' Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. Brown's Grammar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of 'leaching, . Holbrook's Normal Method of 'reaching. Wickersham's School Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Hiram Corbon. Mangnall's Comprehensive Summary of IIis• tory, &c., &e., &e. cc Also, an assortment of Juveciilo and Cheap Publications. AntluM's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, Sander's German and Engdisli Prigier, Northend's Little Speaker, Dime Speakers and Dialognos; Fowna's Elements of Chemistry. ROCAC'S" Zoology. Lamiiert's Anatomy and Physiology. Worcester's Ancient and Dloders History Teacher's Guido to Illostrationa:. to aecom pany Ilolbrook's School Apparatus. how to use Globes,. by P. 0.. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Ilann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Rey to Bonnycastle's Algebra. [See School Book s in another column.] IVE10"1Ci •- •.(:)C:101E;r...M FOR SALE LE;Pie BOOK' STORE. HOWE'S SONGS OF Inv LAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Ilibernia's Songs and Ballads, including 50 of Bloom's Irish Melodies, Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Ilistorical: Military, Political' Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price 53.00 [LOWE'S SONGS O 1 SCOTLAND. containing nbont 175 'of the Gents of Caledonia's Songs and Ballads, inclu ding Songs of the affections, Sentini•ntal, Patriotic, Ilistorisal, Political, Conde and Miscellane. ons Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon, Price $3.00. • 110117 S SONGS AND BALLADS OF PDE -OLDEN 11a1B, containing tho Original Words and Muir, of - The Songs and Ballads. sang by the Grand-ninth ors of the present generation. Arranged for Four Voices. • lIOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles 'Contra and Fancy Dances with Calls and Fignres::. Waltzes, Polkas, Opera 1I81o• dies, Scotch and IriBl, airs, &c., &c., fur no 'Violin. Flute, Cornet t Bass Piet, 45:d. TILE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING I 10011; n collection of Music for undo Voices, consisting of Glees end Part Songs, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthems, Chants, Le. KINGLEVE . .11317Els;ILE CHOIR :—A Bolectlon of the Choicest Melodies front the German, French, Ital ian, English and American Composers. TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TILE BUGLE CALLSitwo books imitablo to t h u times. TUE BOSTON GM , : BOOK, consisting or nn ortonsire collection of Glees, Madrigals, and. Bounds, selected from the works of the Most admired Composers, to gether ninny new pieces front the Gorman. • INSTRUCTION BOORS FOIL THE PIANO, Melodeon, Accordenn, Banjo, ui tar, Concertina, Drum, Fife and Flageolet. Ilunting,lon, Inn. 24, 1865-tr. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOE SALE AT LEWIS! BOOK, STATIONERY b. MUSIC STOAB, lIILVTISODOIY, PA OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2•1.3 d, dth and sth Rode.. III'fIUFFEY'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S 110 do • TOWD'II Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Bitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. 'Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. • Quackenho's Composition and Rhetoric.. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Braoks',Arithmetios. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddnrd's Bays to Arithinetina. . • Orcenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra.. Parker's Parker's Juvenile Philosophy.' Parker's First Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. llistory of the United. States: Child's " Goodrich's " t• • a Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter & Hammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' nod other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary GeonletrY and Trigcnometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Oreenleaf's Geometry. • Fulton & Eastman's Book•keoping: • • Book Keeping by Single Butry, by Honore. & Payson Book Beeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanaford & Payson. Oilier books will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on band.' Huntingdon, In, WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS • VT EVERSBODY''S LAWYER A:VD P • CO . UNSELLOB, IN . BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OF TUE FECILADELPHIA EAR IC 21 , 11: You new to drag op PARTNEIttiIIIP PAPEIts and gives general forms for AGREEMENTS of all kinds, 1111.1 s of ALE; Lreass and P. 6 IITIONd. It Tells refs flow to draw up Boma and MOETGAOES, FIDAVITS, POWERS of ATTORNEY, NOTES and BILLS of ExcuANag, RECEIPTS Rod RELEASES. IL Tells Tou The laws for the COLLECTION of DEBTS, with • the STATUTES of LltrriATlON 7 slid amount and kind of property EXEXPT from .11.zEatn non is every State. 11 Tete 1110 Mew to make all ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and . the INGoLVENT LAWS of sorry State. It Tells Tou The legal relations existing between Man. DIAN and Warm, PIASTER and APPRENTICE, • and LANOLorte anti TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes faun and ' SLANDER, and the Lose as to SIAUDIAGE DOWER, the Wien's BRUIT IT PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Law fur MECHANICS' Lassie every State, and the NaTunaitzATiotr LAtinef this COML• try, and 1101 v to comply with the same._ It Tens You The law concerning l'AxszoNs and how to oh- Mitt one, and the. Pan-linltTleX LAWS to PUDLIE LANDS, It Tells You TIM La,. for PATENTS, with mode of prove detain obtaining one, witIkINTERFER.ENCES AGSIONMENTs mid 'GAUGE OP FEEL It Tells You 1100 , to make your WILL. n11(1110010 ADMIN. DITER ON AN (:STATE, with the law and the requirements thereof is every State. 11 fells rins The meaning .of Law Teams in general use ' and explains to you the LEGISLATITE, BT.E °CUTS and JUDICIAL Powers of both th Oetteral and State flovitmanTrra. IC Pills rou Iles TO KEEP OUT OP LAW, by showing 1101510 do your btoduess legally, thus saving vest amount of property, and vexation. litigation, by its timely consultation. girt Everybody's• Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book. Ste Aral. _ 10:V ,1 • fILANKS ! BLANKS ! -BLANKS! STAELE'S SALES, ATTACR'T EXECUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS EXECUTIONS • `„ ' SUMMONS, • DEEDS, SUBINENAS.I MORTGAGES, • - SCIIOOI. ORDERS. - JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION VHS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, , FEE RILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of the $3OO Law. " • JUDGMENT NOTES. with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREE3IENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and 3linlatera of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in sass of Assault and Battery, and Affray. r MERE FACT AS, to recover/mount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Boronglf and Township Taxes. Printed on soperior •deper..and for sale at the Oltlee of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper: PAPER 1 . PAPER!! PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper, . . Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, • Th3llo Paper, • Silk Paper for rowers, Polforoted Paper, Bristol Board, tat Cap Paper, • Foolscap Paper; ' Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, • Ladies' Gilt 'Edged Latter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Nobs Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In,Parke and Sheets, For onto at LEWIS' Book, Stationery Mind3lneic Store. WINDOW • CURTAIN PAPERS A. JiABG.g),S'TOOX • AND SPLENDIIS. ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE ALB UMS ALB UMS, A beautiful assortment of, PHOTO oIRAPII ALBUMS just rpeeive,d and for B:.te, . AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. . „ BO OKS STATIONERY:-, • • A flood assortment of mlsc4llancons and School hooks—. Foolscap, Letter, Coilimercial and Note Paper— Plain and fancy Envelopes—lced, Blue and Black Inks— Blank linekli of numerous aloes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstandt, and every other article venally found in a Book kid Stationery Store, can be had at fair pricreat 14.WIS' MOIL., STATION EBY 4 MUSIC STOII.II R EADY ItECKONVdt • . • A'contidete rocket Really Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are' added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Sc., together with a set of useful tableek containing rate of interest from olio dollar to twelve th one and; by.tlm single day, with a table of wages, nod hoard by the week and day. For tele at LEitrly , ROOK STORE. PA It (ill N T DEED IiTAVEIt ruled, for sale at r ' '• • • • LIZWIS' BOOK STORE. • _,... _ :.14 1 ,,, , ' , ,,,, .i.,...;,4 ~,,,,,,,k, ,1ti...„-. i it,,,/,,:,,,i ~.„;, z , ;,,, ,1„: vi ~ ~,4: 0 4:*, c ,, „,::.i 4 :,-1,,, f._ ,:..m, _ „, , ,--w1;, 41.,,y..4, .5.:40,,,,- rr k,,KA , , V- 1 ,v0,..."', ;;;rz.:: i, ®® .', , 10,. 0 .;; I k' 'M A `VI C le,: e .. SO ' V O' i. '' del , 0 1.-$6,, fe:(>()% ig 1 1f k,... * t s:t ,?Z r ', - te_ ; _ , l.:ff' . \ :i 1114,WA A : "Pf .„ 9. 5. .: ,:i:1:b) .-.l`—°4, :',l. 41 : .. 1 0. 1 s 1 ” 1 ' 0 'd QUICK SALES SMALL PIiOFiTS Anybody in want of FAMILY AND,YOCIIET BIBLBEI, HYMN AND PRAYER NOSS. ALBUMS AND ANNUALS Lam OTHIM vaunts Biro nineruisrme soimc, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INATRUMENTS, cuuncu MUSIC AND INSTENCTION BOOS®, SHEET 11111151 C for the Plano, Guitar, kr, Ah, POCH.= BOON; POII2IcORNAM AND POSE% For Lodloa'and Gentlemen, GOLD PINS AND PRNOILO, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday tuldComtrion SOhoolo, SUNDAY SCHOOL DOORS OF ALL NIND Et. TOY BOOM, AqIIABHT BLOCKS; n, ALL KINDS OF BooKt Proper per Boys su r d 13 144.. AMUSING GAMES Boi Young Polka WEDDINO ENVELOPES AND'CARDS, M.,UtRIACM: CERTIIqO4TZEI, VISITIIie CARDS, 081 OKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, 4to, CONVERSATION °Aram, SONG BOOK% From 6 to 75 'cents. BLANK BOOKS, MVllOranclum, Books of 'Various Sim. SCROOL WOKS Or ALL KIND 9, DIARIES 101 P. 1866, Drawing and Mating Paper, Bridal and gird Bo.areii, WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLi, CA11311:11, MD, atpa AIND DLACERMS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING PLUID Wrapping Paper of Differerit Sites and gnalities, &c, kc. , &c. . &a. be. be 81.1013LD 'CALL 'AT I. S ' CHZAP BOOK, STATIOYEHT AND:MUSIC 820114, In the "Globe" ouilAing, Market Square, where all who want to SANT MONEY, go to make tit* purchases SATCHELS, PORT-MONKAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, - SEGAR CASES, &0., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book -Store. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALk. PORTRAITS : AL TEN DI6I . IX,OCL3pED oPF/CERS AJIN FOR SALE , . A T LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORM OIL CLOT II WINDOW, SHADES; GILT, GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN' SHADES, BAILEY'S. FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, FULL ASSORT3IENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE FOR TEE GREATEST VARIEITY OF Handsome and Useful Articles; Call at LEWIS' Book Store THE BEST STOCK•OF FINE STATIONERY LA.EIES AND GENTLEMEN,. EVER RECEIVED IN HIINTINODOX' , P.A.N . NOW BB HAD, AT LEWIS' BOOK; STATIONERY AND MIMIC STORE. . . 50.000, .13E8T.QtALT.tY;''; WHITE, 011ANdE " 1 4T.44:1a0tT ;:.1 ; AND FANCY , • ~ • ENVELOPES, Jot rocolvo aid for sale at U.S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR. SALE AT 'ETV'S' BOOK STORE lIUNTINGDON, PENNA.. . . i# m"cc TH CYTHARA.-,The i'Fresb E ytPealikaddsi—lins " Shawit- 7. TheJnhileeer,ltunton'sand Bertird's enlarged and improved instruetens--Welland'ii New and Improved Method for the thillao,-7Lelond's Moor dm, Violin and Flute Instructars—Whiner's end Ilovre's Violin Instructors—ltellak's Melodeon Instractor—Boo row& Illano•Fotte Filiner—do..ThOrmighavis Printer— liowe's Drawing agent Dances—no Chorus Oleo Book—. _ Tara's Carp, for sale at LEAVES' BOOK". STATIONERY & MUSIC 13TOES. QCITOOL'• BOOKS, . • ' k.:7 Conon - MY In nee in the Schoolvf tbo Connty,not baud, will bo furniabed to order, on application at . 1 .1: 1 M BOOK, AND STATIONERt.STDRE.