The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 07, 1866, Image 2

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and I recommend - that the Legislature
take measures for that purpose.
Tho State of Maryland has proposed
to her sister States that Ahoy unite
with her in establishing a cemetery
for our soldiers who fell at Antietam.
I herewith transmit copies of the Ma
ryland statute, and other documents
on this subject, and recommend the
passage of an act heartily accepting
the proposition of the State of Marv
hind. All the States having promptly
.and generously responded to our pro•
position to have a cemetery at Gettys
burg, it would seem prdper that we
should reciprocate, and unite in this.
The duty is more sacred when we re—
member that more 'of Pennsylvania's
sons fell in that battle than those of
any other State.
The report of the State Agent at
Washington, herewith transmitted,
shows that under his efficient manage
ment the claims of our soldiers are
promptly examined and paid. Every
effort has been made to apprise our
()diners and men that their claims will
be collected by the State Agent (Col.
Jordan), without expense to thern ;
yet . it is feared that many of them
continue to employ private claim
agents; whose fees bear heavily on the
Since my last annual message I
have expended of the secref, service
fund, the sum of four thousand three
hundred and thirty-three dollars and
twenty cents, out of Nhich I have paid
my personal staff and'other extraordi
nary expenses. No aupropriation is
required for the increasd of this fund.
1 invite your 'attention to the re—
ports of the Military Departments of
the State, to the report of the Super
intendent of Common Schools, which
exhibits the prosperous. condition- of
our system of public education, and
to the report of the Surveyor General,
and recommend to your favorable con.
sideration the many excellent sugges
tions made by that officer.
I commend to your earnest consid,
eration the suggestion made by the
Surgeon General in his report, here
with transmitted, on the propriety of
legislation for the protection of our
people, by proper sanitary measures,
from the revises of the cholera, which
is now approaching our shores.
I commend to the wisdom of the
Legislature the subject of providing
for the relief of our many maimed and
Wounded soldiers. Possibly this might
be done by continuing and enlarging
the acts providing for boards of relief
in the several counties. I recommend
the adoption by the Legislature of
this or some other plan for doing juss
tice to the class of men in question.
By the joint resolution of May 16,
1861, authorizing me to give flags to
our regiments. it was made the duty
of the Executive to receive the flags
when the regiments returned. This
has not been hitherto done, inasmuch
as they have not all yet been muster ,
od out. As soon as this shall have Li
ken place, the flags will be received
with appropriate ceremonies, and Ire.
commend that the Legislature make
provision for eausing.them to be hung
in the new Library.
I refer to the suggestion of Brig a..
dier General Todd, Inspector General,
on the subject of the militia. lam not
prepared to make any recommendation
on this subject, as I observe with great
pleasure, that Congress is proposing
to establish a uniform system through
out the United States.
The arsenal at Harrisburg is decay
ing and unsafe. The arms and muni
tions of the State there deposited are
of the value probably of half a million
of dollars. I recommend that provis
ion be made for repairing it, or that a
new arsenal be constructed in thie•vi
cinity, for the purpose of securing
then' preservation.
Since my last annual message, the,
late President of the United States has
-fallen a victim of the most foul and
base assassination recorded in history.
It will afford me pleasure and I will
heartily unite with you in any expres
sion of indignation at the crime, and
of appreciation of the public virtue
and services of its victim, Abraham
Lincoln. •
. My uniform course during the late
war, was to avoid the discussion of the
policy of the General Govbrnment,
while giving a hearty support to the
National authorities in all their meas
ures to suppress the rebellion. I shall
continue to pursue the same course
during the embarraSsinents necessarily
connected with the entire restoration of
the country: The principles expressed
in the massage oftho President, at the
commencement of the session of Con
gress, will receive my cordial support,
During the last five years the peo
ple of this State have suffered deeply
from the calamities of war. Thousands
of her men have been slain, and oth:
ers are maimed and broken. Almost
every family has been stricken, and
everywhere there are widows and or:
phans, many of them helpless and in
poverty. It is a subject of sincere
congratulation, that peace has at last
I am not aware of the existence of
any-difficulty with other nations which
may not be amicably adjusted, and
iherefore venture to express the hope
that long years of tranquility and hap
piness are before us.
.0W- The Treasury Department re
ceived a novel suggestion from an in
dividual, who proposed to dispense
with the present fractional currency
by issuing coin. This is hie proposition:
"Let the five-cent piece have the head
of liberty cut in perfect outline from
sheet silver, of the proper thickness—
the size to weigh about three cents in
value. From rolled copper then cut the
oval, with the exact space of the head
pf liberty punched out, so that the sil :
ger head can be fitted in, and the piece
then stamped and milled. Let the ten
cent pieces be made the same way
only increasing the size of the head."
13 A private letter from London
dated January. 6, says: "The lease by
the Atlantic and Great Western rail.
road contemplates the establishment of
a lino of ocean steamers from Philadel
phia. When ono half of the stock nec
essary is subscribed, the railway com
pany agree to furnish the other half.
Negotiations are in progress for the ex
tension of the Atlantic and Great Wes.
tern railroad to Chicago, if successful,
flour will be carried to Philadelphia
and New York for 25 per barael,. and
Indian corn at 25 cents per bushel, time
guaranteed at lour <lays, and no ter
,{ inal expenses,"
05 Labe.
__._ • _ . -
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor.
Hugh. Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Wednes3ay morning, Feb. 7, 1866.
a young man who is a practical printer,
and who has had considerable experi
ence as an editor, to purchase a one
half interest in a good, paying country
newspaper, of Union proclivities. Best
of references given and required. Ad
dress, stating particulars, etc., etc.,
T. W.,
"Globe Office," Huntingdon, Pa.
Union State Convention,
A State Convention will be held in
the Hall of the House of Representa
tives, in Harrisburg, Pa., on Wednes
day the seventh day of Mara, A. D.
1866, at 12 o'clock, IL, for the purpose
of nominating a candidate for Gover
nor, to be supported by the friends of
the Union.
The ordeal of war has tried the
strength of our Government. Its fire
has purified the' nation. The defence
of the nation's life has demonstrated
who were its friends.. The principles
vindicated in the field must be preser
ved in the councils of the nation. The
arch enemy of freedom must be struck
once more. the friends of our
Government, and all who were loyal
to the cause of the Union, in our late
struggle, are earnestly requested to
unite in sending delegates to represent
them in said Convention.
By order of the Union State Central
Committee. . JOHN CESSNA,
GEo. W. lIAMERSLEY, 1 secretaries
The members of the Uuion County
Committee, wilt assemble* at the Frank
lin House., in the borough of Hunting ,
don, at 2 o'clock, P. 31., on Tuesday
the 20th day of February inst., for the
purpose of sending delegates to repro ,
sent this district, in the Union State
Convention, to be held in Harrisburg
on the 7th day of Burgh next. As this
is an important meeting it is hoped a
full attendance of the members will be
present. A. H. BAUMAN,
Chairman Union Co. Committee.
Mapleton, Feb. 2;1866.
The following aro the members of
the Committee:
A. I[. BAUMAN, Chairman Counts Commit t,e.
Alexandria—Dr. G. W. Huyett, Wm. M. Phillips.
Barree—'Thomas P. Love, John Logan.
Brady—E. A. Green, Winchemer McCarthy.
Birmingham—G. W. Owen,John It. Thompson.
Cosi—Benjamin Fink. David Stever.
Ca seville—E. B. Wi hauls, D. Clarkson.
Cromwell—T. E, Orbison, Akron. Carothers.
Carbon—J. F. Homey, Henry Cook,
Clay—Samuel McVitty, Adam Heiler:.
Conlinont—G. A. Heaton, J. S. Iteilcstresser. '
Dublin—Henry C. Robinson, Wm. Clyinans.
Franklin—J. Wareham Matter., Bruce John sun.
llnntingdon—Saintiol T. Brown, 3111111,4 Port.
Henderson—John Warefield, James Hamilton.
Entrik en, John Donaldson.
Juniata—A. Shenefelt, Levi Ridenour.
Jackson—Samuel Steffey, A. Oaks.
Lower West, Collins !lancer, Isaac M.Nelf.
Norris—Dr. S. Thompson, Ahem. Ilarnish.
Mount Union—lsaac Smith, Them Swoope.
Oneida—Charles Green, Wm. Miller.
Oritismila—D. S. Baker, T. M. Kelly.
Penn—John Ilousebolder. Philip Garner.
Potter—A. G. Neff, John IluSett•
Petersburg-3. S. McCarthy, Joseph Johnson.
Shirley--tleorge W. Whittaker, Robert Bingham.
Shirleysburg—William D. I ens, Peter Myers.
Springfield—Morris Cotsliall. Benedict Stevens.
Tell—William Wilson, Jesse Puccini.
Todd—John Kit terman, It. S. Green.
Upper West—Beery Neff, Thomas 3fontgoinery.
Union—John S Henderson, Richard eldicoto.
Walker—James Ward, Joseph McCoy.
Warriotsmark—B. P. Patten, R. Willa.
DEAR GLORE :—Will you have the
kindness to insert in your widely cir
culating paper, the enclosed extract
from the Independent, a loyal paper
published at Norristown, Montgomery
county, Pa.- The subject of the notice
is Genl. DAVID Mo. GREGG, one of our
own native mountaineers, "to the ma_'.
nor born." It seems the numerous
friends of the General are very des'ir
ous to have him before the good and
loyal people of Pennsylvania as their
candidate for next Governor: His
name will most certainly be presented
before the Union Convention to, R 850111"
WC on 7th of March, pox., and among
the, galaxy of gallant and brilliant
names that will grace that Convention,
Major General Gregg's will be as lus
trous as any, affording the convention
a magnificent array of civil and mili
tary talent to select from.
Gen. Gregg - is a graduate of West
Point, the best military school in the
world; no• ono graduates there unless
ho is a "Simon Pure." His military
record is equal to any in the army, so
says ono of our best GeneralS. His
hard campaign in Oregoil, &c., when
quite a youth, against thehostile Indi•
ang---his hair breadth / escapes, are net
generally known.' But his gallant,
brilliant edree•, as the 'bold dashing
cavalry General, in hie hundred bat
tles in the recent rebellion, aro ao well
known, and, as matters of record, need
no .recapitulation. Let us have no
"open field and a fair fight."
"Major General David McMurtrie
Gregg, now of our county, has a firm
hold upon the affections of the people
of Pennsylvania, and if he can be in
duced to enter into the new path of the
political world, a largo number of peo
ple would give him an enthusiastic
support. One of the Generals now
highest in the American army, gives
it as his opinion, that General Gregg
stands prominently- out among the
Generals of Pennsylvania as ono pecu
liarly qualified for the office of Gover
nor: Ho is a near relative to the
present executive, a gentleman of fine
culture, and unimpeacable integrity
and standing."
to very destructive fire occurred
at Franklin, Pa., on Bennehoff Run.
It originated from a spark from the
smoke stack of the Getty well: About
thirty thousand barrels of oil were de
stroyed 'Lose, a quarter of a million.
• ' , : .
[From the PlalittlelphiaTelagraph.)
The President on the,Consttution.
It is a common proverb that it is
easier to pull down than to build up,
and this is especially true with respect
to a political system like that of the
United States. The process of fbrming
the Constitution of our Federal Gov—
ernment was an arduous and protract
ed one, in which the best and purest
minds of that period took part. W i lth
all- the light reflected upon their labors
by the experience of preceding ages,
there was great difficulty in adjusting
the various opinions and conflicting in
terests that impeded the task ; and it
was exceedingly doubtful, even up to
the closing sessions of the Convention,
whether the plan finally propose could
or would receive the necessity vote in
its favor. And when, afterwards, the
Constitution agreed upon in convention
in this city was submitted for ratißeas
lion to the people of the several States,
there was much apprehension felt that
the instrument might not receive the
required assent of nine out of the thir
teen States of the old federation, and
therefore fail of adoption altogether.
The felicity cf its operation during
eighty odd years of trial, with but few
material amendments in all that long
interval of time, forcibly attests the
almost perfect, fitness of the organic;
law of the National Government to the
purposes and ends it was designed to
meet, as well as the rare wisdom and
fore-sight of those enlightened states
men who were its authors.
The facts in the constitutional histo
ry of the Republic should strongly en,
gage popular reverence for a framework
of government which cost so much to
secure it in the beginning, and which
no ordinary men could have devised.
But as innovations on any system of
civil order,• once begun, aro apt to
breed a passion for change rather for
its own sake than for any substantial
improvement, either urgently needed
or clearly perceived, they are to be
ardently discouraged, as adapted to
lead to some undefined extent, and to
the most disastrous consequenc::s.
The spirit is exhibited just now in a
remarkable manner, and to an unpre
cedented degree, by certain- members
of the present Congress; and it is not
at all surprising that the President re
gards the matter with decided disfa
vor. In a recent conversation of his
with a distinguished Senator, Mr,
JoussoN is reported to have said
"Piopositions to amend the Constitution
aro becoming as numerous. as preambles and
resolutions at toivn meetings, called to con
sider the most ordinary questions connected
with the administration of local affairs.
All this, in my opinion, has n tendency to
diminish the dignity and prestige attached to
the Constitution of ,the the country, and to
lessen the respect and confidence of the iieo
ple in their great charter of freedom.'
This is strong language, but hot a
whit too strong for the occasion. It
justly rebukes that silly propensity of
a certain class of politicians to be per
petually tinkering at the most sacred
forms .and e3tablished provisions of
government in our land ; just as if
they were wiser than our fathers ; and
could improve, by almost any ill-con
sidered and hunt:wired alterations, the
fabrics of social organization and civil
administration which those seemingly
inspired pages constructed anff'The•
queathed to us. Indeed, as the Presi•
dent more than intimates, there is a
levity of temper and an itching med
dlesorneness of disposition displayed
with respect to amending the Consti
tution of the United States, which
find their reflection in the volubility of
stump orators and the miserable plati
tudes of those who,scribble the "pre
ambles and resolutions of town meet
ings." And we entirely agree with
him in thinking that all such trifling
with . so grave a matter as the Federal
Constitution is fitted to sink that de
servedly venerable instrumeh t in popu •
lar respect, and to livest it of very
much of that august sanctity which
should be constantly preserved as one
of the most efficacious muniments of
its integrity and safety.
Nor is . the President without high
authority for the profound 'sagacity
and wholesome conservatism of the
views he has so lately expressed in
reference to this subject. Washington,
in his "Farewell Address" to the pee
ple of the United States, uttered like
sentiments in the following impressive
admonition :—"Towards the preserva
tion of your Government, and the per
manency of your present happy state,
it is requisite, not only that you stead
ily discountenance irregular opposi
tions to its acknowledged authority,
but also that you resist, with care, the
spirit of innovation upon its principles,
however specious the pretext. One, meth
od of assault may be to effect, in the
forms 'of the Constitution, alterations
which will impair the energy of the
system and thus to undermine what
I . cannot ,
directly overthrown. In all
the changes to which you may be in
vited, ramember that time and habit
are at 'Toast as necessary to fix the
true character of governments as of
other human institutions ; that experi•
ence is the surest standard by which
to test the real• tendency of the exist
ing Constitution of a country; and that
facility in changes, upon the credit of
mere hypothesis and opinion, exposes
to perpetual damage, from the endless
variety of hypothesis and opinion."
But it would seem thatot number—
we hope a small minority of the mem
tiers of, the present Congress have no
very great regard for the views of eith
er President WASHINGTON or President
JOHNSON touching the imprudence of
making too many and too frequent al:
terations of the fundamental and su—
preme law of National Government.
They have, apparently, got into their
beads the conceit that they were not
sent to Washington to legislate, for the
ordinary and current affairs of the
country, or as President JOHNSON ex
presses it, "those more important and
urgent matters, legislation upon which
is essential for the restoration of the
Union, the peace of the country, and
the. prosperity of the people," but that
their real and only mission is, to total
. ly abolish the Constitution of 1787, and
make an entirely and bran new one
for the nation. The people's represen
tatives are, in that respect, entirely
in error. If the Constitution really
requires any furthe'r amendments than
have already been accomplished, there
will be time enough to propose them
when the Union is completely restor
ed, and the people of all the States
aro in a situation to consider and de
cide upon them. In the meanwhile,
there are pressing questions of taxa
tion, finance, commerce, internal int
provements, the tariff, and the like,
demanding action at the hands of Con
gress; ,and the people everywhere, no
doubt, Will lie greatly more pleased to
have these attended to with duo
promptness and •deliberation, limn to
have their minds agitated and the final
restoration of the peace and unity of
the country postponed by propositions
to amend the Constitution, which aro
either not needed at all, or are of
doubtful expediency.
7:77 ,A. good Dwnfling Tionqo no 4 part or lot on Wai
tugton street. lkoliession given On fito Ist , : .u f b . 7 lpril
=For forth( r inforntion inquiro at I,,vis' and
Music Stoic.
'I 3 IIE firm of Benedict & Stewart has
_ been changed to
name they will hereafter practice as
ATTORNEYS Al' LAW, Ilumlscnox, PA
They will also give careful attention to the collation
Or military awl other Claims upiust tho :itato or Ciov
Office formerly occupied by J. Sewell Slew Art, adjoiu
lug the Coyest Iloiuo. feb11,1.866
101 - czoti.
TII.E undersigned pure sod at pub—
.'. lie sole at Cass v Me, on the 81st ,Tanunry last. the fol
lowing property soil as ton property of tiourge
One gravy inane, one bay mare, two tots of gcars. two
Lack w:gons. one two hurts w.sgon, one cooking stove and
pipe, and ono cow.
Now this is to notify all persons that T have left the
above mimed property with lieu, l Height for safe keep
ing anti the same is 1101 to Int rerouted loom his possession
without my consent. feti , 3 It. F. BAKER..
..W 2 c:)=••
1 ROUND RENTS on several lots
kji in Smithfield, 'Walker township, will I u sold if
opilimibu t Is made Boon.' Apply to the subscriber.
Feb. Cr, 'l3l.—tf. 101. LEWIS', Agent.
M B ILILiaIi.C) tSale.
THE subscriber will offer at Pubhe
I enl e, nt his residence on Railroad street, opposite the
Exchange hotel, in the borough of Iliditingden,
On 'Wednesday, February 14th, 186 G,
The following insrsonal property: Del, tends, Moves, clip
boards, tables, chairs, stands, mirrors, 1 bureau. 1 socia
ble, carpels. tubs, barrals, tin lvaru, earthen ware, and
nionerous other nrticlas too tedious to mention,
sale to commence at 9 o'clock, a. tn.. when tenni: will
be mado known, FLENNEIt.
The undersigned has just received
one hundred thousand feet of
good, cannon a n d ;railing; ;!so
Eighty Thousand SuperiOr IG and 18
inch, - Shave Shingle.
As it is my intention to open up a
0 WEST HUNTINGDON, I w . 1 1 .1 after this dale have con
.tantly on hand all kind of Lumber, Laths and Shingles
All antets entrusted to toy core will be promptly at
ended to. UHAS. 11. ANDERSON.
Huntingdon, Feb,7, 18C6. .
, •
Concert and Festival.
THE citizens of Huntingdon and vi
-6114, amt tho public generally aro resp,et fully in.
formed that a
Will be held, under the .spices of the Good Temp Tara of
Huntingdon, in the couwe HOUSE HAIL,
Every arrangement tins been effected to make thLs an
attractive antic, and all 'who attend will ha highly
pleased and entertained.
The table will he provided with entsblos and delicacies
iu sea,. and out of season, and a splendid
has been engaged to discourse point kr an 4 tatchialingairs
Price of Itilinhnlion, 15 Cents.
Pedro open at ti3S o'clock.
Co-lhe proceeds aro to ho applied to dub-as ing the TlC
c,bary expenses 01 renting and furnishing t lie new lodge
Huntingdon, Feb.7,lS6G-2t.
Everybody his own Broom Maker
This Ittnd or
Wrapper is con.
strudel] of Tin ci
Zinc, with slitting
band and 11011 s,
in con nee t ion
with the centre
bolt passing thro'
tho handle, hold
ing it secure.
Tito article tc
which we call
your +them], is
very simple,light
nod stroll g,
weig It t n g but
Stern Ouse.,
Tho hv miug
Wag needed an
article of
cfniracter ant
the high pi ice o
Brooms, togethet
with the
anti practical utility oi tbia
maitre it !non rateable than any other article
iro-lre offer borough. townoltlp, and famil
sato on rettsonalilo tempi, in tile comity of Ili
For further particulars, cell nod coo the su
address TOO 3. 0. STIIIeIcI,NK
Duo at the iettlemeat with t
year 1865.
1855..10m Illlrrces '
1857. W. Cromwell
1555. Sam. Stelnv. JaclzAnn 47 57
1559. A. Harrison, 11m31'9. 891 94
•Isaac Wolverton, Brady 195 56
;falser, Cook, Carbon I 200 25
}John 11. Weaver, llopo'll.
Isaac Ashton, Calsvillo, 1 47
W. F. Flonnor, llonder.,ou 1 89
Jesse(' Cook, Carbon
Levi Decker, lirnarsun
26 0
3 62
• 1864.
fSaml. Myton.Barree . 152 75
George W Julniston.Carhon, 140 32
o.Win. Ciymans, Dublin I 28 48
John Donaldson, Hopewell 514 561
Elias Slimier, Jackson
Jacob 11, Lutz, Shirley
thevl Pheasant. Union
simnel Peightal. %Valk r
James Maguire, West
Wm. Christy, Alexandria
—Adam Warfel, Brady
—.Joseph llibboney Barren
—lsaac Ashton, enSaVili .
—.losepli Stever, Cass I
—A. Stevens, Clay
- Caleb Kelley, Cronin - di
Gee. W Johnston, Cartes
B .laines Edwards, Coali tont
Benjainitt Stitt, Duldin
Leo W. Slattern, Fraublin
Daniel Pause, Hopewell
Jobs Decker, Henderson
.1.10101 C. Miller, Hunting's
Jackson, Carman, Jackson]
SA. B. Dean, Juniata
Vlo 'e liti Lee,ryio'''Pe,nil Morris
*Rohl. A. Laird, ' Porter
*Georgo Leas, Illtirleysburg
.I.llenry Q. Weaver, Shirley,
—Wel. Gutshull, Spring ield,
- Jacob Elias, Toil
—Levi Smith, Union,
—Joseph I'. Watson, Walker.
1,11111:41 hall Wilson, West, I
' , Deo Weston, Warriormarb,l
* Since paid in full:
f Since paid in part.
(liven wider the coal of Or
nary, 1660.
ri 9D
91 6%
I{o 46
229 01
183 92
1002 95
107 60
110 56
240 82
375 32
76J S 3
300 00
2l 01
59) 91
1071 51
413 86
599 2 -
S 13 35
518 511
82 321
1537 061
347 63,
16S1 451
160 11
1003 4 4
1.6 87
700 45
557 25
V J .
7c ' 75
11. W. MILLER, Clerl
1_,C3).W30 S
ON F viday, 19th inst., at Mt. Union,
or on the cars between that point and Hnntingdon,
CHECK" of V. Hmantsll, Jr., on a Bank In Ilarrisbnrg,
drawn to our order and unendorsed when lost, for Ono
hundred and seventy dollars and eighteen cents ($l7O 13.)
All persons aro cautioned against negotiating tho nbovo,
payment of which has been stopped. Any one finding will
please return to our address:
N. EL Corner Second and Arch RM.
.ltn. 31, 11'lt,
Dijof Huntingdon minty front the:Ll day of January,
1665, to tho 24 day ofJanuary, 1860
Bamboo remaining in hands orrreasurer at
lost settlement , $3793 35
Mt Solomon limner, jacksun, - 16 05
1953. Samuel Statics, Jackson, 33 89
1061. Win. B. White, Juniata, 8 24
" David Lindsey, West, 118 09
1602. Samuel Drooks. Carbon, 411 21
" David Stevens, Olny, • 116 55
" John Henderson, West, 231 36
• • .
Josso Cook, Carbon, 76 49
3lichaol Myers, Cromwell, 96 53
11. C. Robinson. Dublin, 23 05.
henry Crane, Franklin, 518 13'
Levi Decker, Ilenthirsoli, 42 95
Sanmol It. Dongli.s, Shirley, :1. 59
Hobert W. Davis, West, 211 03
Alexander St it t, Alexandria, 171 88
Samuel slyton,Barree, 1220 00
31. C. Shaffner, Brady 512 70
10:0,0 Ashton, Cas,ville, • 68 34
Joseph Park, Cass, 285 89
Sainniel Hawser, Clay, . 4 318 71
Daniel Ml°ollll4 Cromwell, , 071 51
George 14'. Johnston, Sheriff, Carbon, 11150 05
Wm. Clyinans, Dublin, 610 65'
Washington Iteynolibi, Franklin, 607 17
John Donaldson, Hopewell, 557 00
John W. Ducker, Henderson, 835 62.
Elias Musser, Jackson, 1037 19
Adiii B. Dean, Janiatit, 131 92
Michael Sprinkle, 31orris, • 950 17
Daniel Hyper, Oneida, 86 94
George Long, Penn, 775 36
Robert A. Laird, Porter, 1077 60
Jacob 11. Lot; Shirley, 1139 73
George Leas, Shirleyeburg, ' 100 96
Deckers Locke, Spriu,gileld, • 260 11
Valentine Sin ittle, 'roll, 138 69
Abraham lilia.,„. Toil, 175 27
Levi 14heasant, Union, 240 00
Samuel Peiglital, WalkeV, 530 00
John Eyer, Warriorsinark, 508 45
James_3laguirc, West 882 51
• • •
Wm. Christy, A Inganlria, 365 01
Adam Warfel, Brady, ' - 455 00
John Gibboney,l3arree, 795 00
Isaac Aehton, Cassville, 30 00
Joseph Steover, Casa, 425 00
I, Stereos, Clsy, . 325 00
Caliph Kelly, Cromwell, . 600 00
Georgo W. Johnston ' Sheriff, %whom, 1197 00 . •
James Edwards, Conhnont, 184 03
801/jalllill Stitt, Dublin, 00 00
George W. Mattorn, Franklin, 2039 49 '
David Foos°, Hopewell, 545 62
John C. 1111Ier, Huntingdon, 3704 20
Jackson Harman, Jneksou, • 087 00
Arlin 13. Dean, Juniata, • ' 350 00
Perry .Noose; Morris, 170 00
Wm. V.:3llller, Oneida, 403 21
John Me, Penn, ' 572 91
Robert A. Laird, Porter, • NOD 00
ikorg., Leos, Shirleysburg, . 162 16
Henry U. Wearer, Shirley, 1290 00
1V,,,. (AMAMI, Springfield, 355 00
James Coulter, Tell, 479 1.15
Jacob Elia:3,TO, ' 185 00
Levi Smith, Union 70 00
John I'. Watson, IValkor, 1 1 80 00
Jonathan Wilson, West, 7.1515 00
George Weston, Warriorsmark, 1850 12 39065 00
. . .
Received from J. A. Nash, Into Treasurer, 890 86
Militia hues received, 507 72
School tax nit unseated land, 23 37
Road n n n . .. • 11 52
Bounty " " " " • 34 60 '
Comity " " , l 44 141 87 416 30
Fined and jury teen, from Slier. Johnston, 41 00
For old stove in Court ruom. 20 00 .
For old lumber of Drake's Ferry Bridge, 20 00
INF runt of Court limuio 14 00 03 00
On commonwealth pro ecutions paid to Att'y.
Proty., 6horiff, and MUMMA, $ 002 . 41
Constables for making returns and olection feed, 471 40
Oland and traversejucurs,cunstablo3,court cri• .
or and tip staves, 1716 75
Jnages, inspectors and clerks of elections, 1059 35
Assessors of tin:several townships. 031 50
Inginsitions on clad bodies, 41 70
Fox scalps and wild cats, 215 26
Road and bridge views, 172 50
damages, tieorgo McCaul, 20 00 . .
" " Benjamin Norris, 62 51 259 04
MBank books and stationery for public offices, 350 63
Fuel-for court bona" and Jail, 450 40
Shelf. Johnston fur boarding pi isoners, convoy
ing convicts to the PeOitentiory, Sc., 292 40
Cleaning court house, , 56 82
Washing or prisoners in jail, 5 00
Gas for court Mom and fixtures, 131 60
Making Sr a i mat., 10 00
Medieine.and attendance on prisoners. 9 00 '
Postago fur put of 1861 and 1805, 7O 21
51erchantlieo furcohrt house noel jail, 79 00 361. 71
Revenue et:11111/3 aulllllolloy lost %thee Ills Mlle
was blown up, 39 00
Penna. lunatic hospital for the maintenance of
B. Brothurline,C.Hower and J. Headings, ' 363 66
J. Lamberson, bridge across Aughwick
creek at meadow (lap, 595 00
Exponses of commissioners for going to
lay out and inspect the nano, . 14 55 ' 600 05
' Repairs of court house:
Cunningham & Sun for putting in boater, dig
ging out cellar, Mai making drain, 1000 00
Repairing . coal 110115% 5 00 .
11. Black, a I ter'g .t. resoot'g court room 500 00
making table and benches, 8 00
Hoffman & tfficese, painting court house 304 25
Wharton 6; Maguire, for paint, oil, Sc., 181 47
Sundry persons for work dune, • 17 37
'Pune° hack of court house,. 60 33 2002 42
I,tepairs for jail:
Solid. persons for work dono S cooking stove, 115 68
Bonds paid elf; Wm. I'. Gagnon, 3051 00
Thos. Fisher, 1045 00 - 4906 00
Intercston county bonds:
John G. :Mlles, 3 yuors interest, 100 00
Joseph Pork, 2 . " . 08 82
' Win. I'. Orbison, 180 00
Marshall Yocum, 42 00
Rudolph Brenneman, 00 00
348,31. P. bead, " 30 00
Theo. 11.Creiner •
, 6O 00
Enoch Dean 18 50 610 32
Bounty paid volunteers, 50 110
Agricultural society, , 100 fiQ
W..(J. Wagoner, lisq., Cleric of court of Quarter • •
Sessions for certificates, ,km. 126 07
Attorney Mr cominlrs, A. W. Benedict, 55 00
John Household r, in full for 1864, 65 50
on account for 1005, 100 00
Jacob Miller, in full for 1461, 23 50'
on account fur 1005, 200 00
51. b'. Catnpbell, in full, 309 00
Aditin Warf.d. on 00101111 t, 69 00 766 00
Cointninsioners' Clerk, in full for 1861, 'JO 00
. For the year 1865, • GOO 00 600 00
Printing for the County :
Nash S Whittaker, 203 00
William bowls, . 80 00 ' •
John Lute. , 31 25 401 25
Refunding orders to sundry persons, ' 72 01
Road tai to the following persons:
Carbon township, Joseph Biggins, ' 5 68
Jackson . " oills. W. Brooks, 52 11 • '
Hopewell " John Beaver, 13 51
George Russell, 13 51 81 87
School tax loth° ffillowing persons:
West township, John Henderson, 18 50
Carbon . 1 Joseph Biggins, 60 49
Brady "" ~ 0. it. Grove, 15 10
liranklin " Robert Nlciffierren, 3 75
Coon " George L. Smith, 13 50
Samuel W. Funk, 29 08
Oneida . Nut Lin 51c liivitt, 20 00 158 41
County Auditors pay, •• . 101 00
J. 6. otewart Esq., auditing accounts
of Prothonotary, Reg. & Rec., tic. 5 00
Commissioners' expenses ill holding appeals, • 125 00
Cominiebioners, and Clerk for military sorvi en, 30 00
Redemption money paid out, 11:3 51
Relief tu soldiers families, • 0007 00
Paid Treasurer of Bun tinplon Co., Poor House, 5531 42
Paid State Treasurer out of Ills county
funds, to liquidate tho debt of ,tho
county to the State, whir-1111ml been
accffinulating fur many years. 6020 68
Treasnror'scounisslons on State funds paid to
the Stabs treasurer not allowed by the Au- ,
' direr General, ' 243 13
Troasttrer's commissions on $32191 50, at 1 1 ,4
pm cent. 1232 01
Balance In Trehsurer's hands, 1678 73
o ever intro.
y rightfor
embers,untie Gdon.
gdou, Pt
$44571 25
In testimony whereof we hereun to outwork, our noises:
We the undersigned Auditors of lluntlngolen County,
Pennsylvania. elected and sworn accprding to law, report
that we met, did audit, settle and adjust, according to
law, the accounts of Doiid Black, Esq., Treasurer or the
county. and the orders of the Comnils:dor:Ore and receipts
for the same far and during the past year, and find it bal.
anon remaining in the Inuids of D. Black, Esq., Treasurer,
of one thousand: fix hundred and :seventy-eight dollars
and seventy-three emits.
Given under our muds at the - Commissioners' office in
the borough of Gfintingdon, the 19th of January, PM.
I,II'INUSTON 1101313,1 Auditors.
$l2B 69 $
1: 62 1 '
9 73
22 60
I°9 O 6
97 33
230 31
bi 600
50 51 00
0911 SO
69,10 50
0110 50
30 03
71 66 LI
42 41 19
25 03 0
IT? 55 10
a. G. TATA Steward, in account with tho Hunting.
don county Alms House, from December SUOMI, to De
comber 0, ISO, inclusive:
2 , 1 45
9 44
4' io
3 4 44 111
30 42 16
To amt. drawn from co. treasury at sundry' times, $Ol4 00
T. Rimier for one horse sold to hint, ' • 100 00
11. Stcp . hene for cosh received in the Long case, 22 fill
F. Orman. bar keeping his family. • 25 00
J. Swangor, for keeping three children, 30 00
11. Brewster. for till lbs. butter. 2 70
Sundry persons for cash received, • •5 32
70;18 05
.0126 00
76130 68
36; 600
281 7 50
40 5 70
07 20 03
CO 27 6
250 43 03
282 36 09
37 72, 8
01 ol 21
83 JO 23
702 6 7 43
63 87 SO
Ca. •
By sundry Expendituresfor use of house, f r per monthly
statements, numbered front Ito 12. . .
Statement /Vo. 1, fie• December.
By traveling expenses seeing after paupers, 4 10
Relief afforded to sundry wayfaring paupers, 0 00
Cash paid for postage stamps, 2 47
Miscellaneous, 4 97
'8)118 10
711 0 Or,
1 - ' 12 , 67
177 11%3
113 311.11
ICC 01..7
°6O 3110
251 70 70
47 S
127 51 20
450 30 67
, 8 43
20 Oa
94125 00
50 31 68
33.30 50
471 '7a
27 31. 51t
81 13 44
Si 3.1 00
43 47 00
52 18 (3
,9 58 43
91 33 73
Ity cash paid J. Fleck for ono horse, 155 00
Traveling expenses,
, • 500
holier ,ttforded wayfaring paupers, 3 80
Sundry 110.0. (or 110.0 labor and sewing, 6 55
Penna. Railroad For freight, 12 61
sliseellaneuao, . 1 12
2973 8
302 83 91
67 Si 14
103 41 35
121 97 14
20 3817
By traveling expenses seeing after paupers,
4 50
Relict afforded sundry wayfariug paupers,
5 00
Removing paupers, 1 50
slivcellaneons, 4G
is3ionere offico
- -
By Panne. Railroad for freight, 5 62
Traveling expenses seeing after paupers, 4 45
Cash paid P. Myers, postage, . 3 92
do sundry persons for work, 5 25
do wayfaring paupers,2 60
do sundry persons for reputing, 2 40
By cash paid Pouna. Railroad for freight, , 375
Out door relief ill sundry Coors, 8 00
Traveling espouses seeing after paupers, 35
:Rise,.Jim...4, • • • " , 350
$t4371 :,5
Statement No. 2 for January
Statement tin. 3, for Rbruary.
Slatentene No. 4, for Marc!,
Statement .iVo. 6, for .Apra
S!atement 43, for May.
.ny mill paid solid. out door expenses, travoliUg, Lc it Cti
Nliseellumous, 7 15
Statement itio.7, for Tune
By cash paid sundry persons, mowing, &c.,• 10 00
House labor, , 5 75
Peter Myers, postage stamps, 1 86
Traveling expenses in sundry cases, • 472
Miscellaneous, 61
Statentvg 8, fay July.
• .
By cash paid Penna. Ritgroad. freight, . 10 09
do travelling espouses, 3 55
do sending away sundry paupers, to., 3 DO
do sundry persons for harvesting, ' ad 39
du Jenny Dysart, for soul,, g, 5 00
do sundry personsouisindlancous, 1 47
61 00
S'Eatentomt ico.o,J - or August.
By cash paid Poona- Hail road, freight,
do traveling expenses,
do sundry persons
Statement 11'7).10, farSeplember.
11y cash pa:d Penna. Railroad, freight, 2 95
do John Lutz, Jr., firm work, 7 60
do traveling espouses, 3 15
do sund,ry wayfaring paupers, 1 85
do in iseellaneon9, 1 81
Statement :lb. 11. for October
By cash paid Penna. Hai!road, freight. ke., 3 63
do postage stamps and envelopes, 1 87
do traveling expenses, out door business, 13 70
du . sending away pau,,erh, 265
do miscellaneous, 4lO
• •
Stal•mtrt No. 12, for November.
I.lx cash paid Penna. Railroad, freight, &c., 12 05
do Peter I.lyers, postage, 1 60
do traveling expenses, looking alter poop. 7 62
do miscellanea., 1 55
22 67
.By Pnlary as Steward, 406 00
Allowances to Mrs, Tate as Matron, 60 00 450 00
pm 43
mu; afforded in sundry out door cams. by
moat, flour, clothing, Sui., given out of the House by the
Steward, which dons not appear in the above general
statement, viz
To James Gamble and family, clothing, &c,. $2050
To Ephraim Ilookonberry, wheat, flour, sandries, - 2515
Also about 100 meals wore supplied to apiary wander
ing and wayfaring paupers, during the year: sAlso r mere
given - to the same oboist 12 Oahu shoes, 12 pair,pantaloons
12 shirts, and 6 Itnit rou u dabuuts.
In tootirnony of the corroctn6so of the nbovo account and
statement ire do hereto not our hawk this tifth day of Do
comber, A. D. 1665. 30116 LOGAN,
5.137 • D i j roc i o N r /I E O I ( E t hNeNalot
of the Huntingdon County Alms House, from the
7::, day of December, A. D.lBOl, to 6th day of December,
A. D. 1363, i uclusive :
To n•,t. drawn from the co treasury, on orders, $5620 CO
Q.G. Tito for sands detailed in WI account, other
than county orders,
31arkcd File F.
By sundry persons for farm labor, No. Ito 7, $390.65
D IJ. Pergrin. harvesting, 8, .23 75
William Melltillin, fencing, 0 & 10, 27 37
W, Harvey, wagon work and repairing, 11 & 12, 28 95
Henry Myers, smithing, ' 13, 83 75
Cunningham & Wein], cloverseed, 14, 26 25
Sundry parsonsjor stindric.i. 15 to 17, 17 50
PROVISIO.NS 'Marlced Pilo I'
By sundry persons, 4( 05 Thy. bee, •
A. Iluißher, 30 but corn, 2 bus wheat,
Isaac Rorer, 4 Umbel, potatoes,
By It. M. Cunningham A Co., merchandise, 1 to 4, 417'17
A. It. Cunningham A Co. do 6 96 83
Win. B. Leas, do 6o 7, 100 60
Woe. Moore A Son, ' do 80. 9, 78 12
Min. 11. Drowsier, " do 10, 01 56
Ludrick,Kneedler A Co., do 11, 52 43
Sundry persons, - do 12 to' 7, 25012
our larked Filo 0. D
By relirf afforded in 5 cases, constant and contin
noise throughout the year, Ito 5, 325 00
Relief afforded in 8 roses, time less than year, av
eraging about 10 weeks, 6 to 13,- 187 57
Roller afforded in numerous cases, without regard
to time, 14 to 3S, 422 74
Funeral expenses, coffins, Shrouds, attendance,
,in •munerous eases, 30 to 54, 77 04
Sundry physicians medicine, and attendance upon
out door pans.. in 81111 dry 0.5500, 55 to 50,
Sundry physicians, medicine and attendance, per
sundry' townships per, Viz: porter,
West, Shirley, I lenderson. & Barren, 60 to 64, 119 75
Philadelphia amt's house„keeping sand. pan. 65, 40 58
' . . 1248 43
REMOVALS.. Mark.Nl Filo
By sundry Justices of [mac° for off. foes, Ito 9, 21 60
Saud. persons, removing piiv. to honie,lo to 20, 02 60
By loud. porsons thr pub, annual report. 1 to• 3, 97,00
do do for 33 tons watt. . 4to 6, 132 01
Directors for sundry out door set : Vices, 7to 2t, 100 77
Sundry persons, houso labor, sowing, ‘tc.22 to 20, 01 78
do do shoemaking. - • - 27 to 29, 35 20
do do wood cutting, 39 to 32, 65 00
David Black, Esq.. for cMI tIIiSAOIIS, 33, 60 91
Coo, Whitt... & Co., J cook stove. 31, 40 00
Davis & Etnier, 0 eoliths, 35, 24 00
Sundry persons, sundries, 36 Id 51, 79 95
Margaret Harris, services as Matron, 'O3, &c. 52, • 20 00.
Samuel Hoover, duplicate otder,. . 53. 76 62
Samuel Ilarris, do do 54, 600
By IL. A.Mark, for "scrvico• as Director, 10 zoo. . 106 00
Unary Davis, do do do 12 *• 132'00
Juba Logan, do do do 12 " 140 80
John Fleuner, do do do 2 a 22 00
Dr. ROL Baird, do as at tend. physic:W - 112 " 150 00
Uenry Brewster, do as clerk, 12 0 50 00
A. W Ber,dict, as couulel, . 12 " • 20 00
By G. 0. Tate, steward, fur sundries detailed in
Lie account,
580 bus. wheat, 60 bus. rye, 1150 bip. corn, (oars,) 500
lota. oats, 500 bus. potatoes, 20 bus. onions, 3 bus. soup
beaus,lo bus. beets, 30 bus. tiiruips, 10 bus. parsnips, 25
bits. 00Y01112.: 25 touts bay. 0 loads corn foildur. horse.)
alma 2,000 heads cabbage, 1800 lbs pork, 551 IN beef. 14
Stock hogs.
61 pairs pantaloons, 50 shirts, 62 chimes% 80 dresses,lo
rests, 30 pairs stockings and sucks, 4 pairs mittens, 6 pro
drawer's, 30 apron-, 12 mobs, 39 skirts, anight caps, 22
men's and boys' coats, 20 comforts. 28 sheets, 25 towelo,l6
bud ticks, 12 bolster slips, 23 pillow slips, 22 sun bonnets,
boys' roundabouts, 5 pairs boys' pantaloods,l2 haskets
also, brooms, as handles, Sc.
4 wo4 hormes,9 ndlch cows, 1 bull, 14 stock hogs, 2
plautatoll wagons, 1 spring two horse wagon, 1 buggy,
worn out, 1 plantation cart, 1 hand cart, 5 sets bor.e
gears and harness, 4 common plows, 2 doubln„shovel
1 single shovel do, 1 three horse cultivator. 1 bay rako. 1
thrashing machine and fixtures, 1 windmill, 1 set patent
hay ladders, 500 bus, wheat, 60 bus. rye, 1000 bus. corn,
cars, 450 bus. oats, 250 bus. potatoes, 10 bushels onions, '2
bus. soup beans, 0 bus. beets, 20 b is. turnips, 10 bushels
parsnips, 9 bus. cloverseed, 10 tons hay, 6 four horse
loads corn fodder, about 400 bends cabbage, about .000 the
sour kraut, 2150 lbs pork, 504 tbs beef, 450 lbs hog's lard.
In addition to the above the followin g articles were sold
off [lto farm, viz . 4 tons hay, $4O, 15% bushels eloversead,
$lO5 55; 12 large baskets, $1 50.
ggg.3.64zg.,gg , s
A ww~Pho l, o>wC
...+: ✓-v~P iac w: ~PN~
.u,L'-'sog.' - g.titl'!:' ,. 'a'''
mw-tm 00t # w-t-~
- ts,;' . l,::'&itttli - .t•S''.D'S -, '
We, the undersigned. Auditors o
ingdon, do hereby certify that we
tiers, vouchers, accounts, &c., of fir
of said county, and find dui same
stated; and we do uurther find that.
BUM'S account ho has paid on Pa
last Statement the sum of $5,531
the solo of $285 00 was expended (
1804, malting total expenditures r
amount to the stun of $5,246 42-
standing for year tBO5, to wit, $2B ,
Witness oar hands at llnutingd
nary, A. 8., 1806 , •
Thu Whitest, the most durable and the most ecottomien
Try It! Alanuthetured ouly by
Wholesale Drug, I'aiut & Gloss Goblets,
j att24—ty N0..1Z/7 North Third et., Mad°.
.1.,500e!- 3 g ßentßso - ,?c7l,A.llelit t e o
u r w l nt l r, nt
vt: o $lO dewing Machines. .Three new kindi. Under and
upper feed. Warranted five yeArs. 'Above salary or large
commiasious Paid. The esby runchlues sold iu the United
blotes for lose than $lO. which are tally licensed by Howe.
IVheeler s IBilson, Grover cf; Baker, Stayer ce. (b., and
Bachelder. other cheap machines are infrino . emenfs
am! the seller or user arogiabte to arrest, fine and unpris•
aliment. Circulars free. Address, or call upop Shaw &
Clark, Biddeford, Maine. fle3o-3y
. .
To the Creditors of the Ituntinydon ! ,
Cambria and Indiana Taknpike
I have been directed by the Court of Huntingdon Cos
at the January term 1806, to pay to said creditors, one per,
canton filo amount of their claims, on which former.
dividends have been declared. I will pay said dividend
on the Presentation of certificate of deposit by said credi
tors, or their agents. JOHN LLOYD,
Ebensburg, Jan. 20, Eequestrator..
• Letters of administration upon the estate of Oar.
Harris of Morris township, deceased, having been
granted to ilia undersigned, all persons are requested to
make immediate payment, and • those having Claims
against the same, to present them for settlement. • •
Spruce Creek, Jan 2, '66-60
3 55
3 90
[Estate of William G.-Harper, dee'd.]
ii,l.etters of administration upon the estate of William'
6. Harper, MOW Dublin twp„, deceased, having been
granted to the undemigned, all persons indebted ;to the
estate will make payment, and those haiing claims will,
present them for settlement.
' Eclipses, for the year 1866. •
Lunar and Planetary Conjianetione.-- l•
Now and Valunblo Tido Tables for 110 places.
Jewish and Mohammedan calendars,
Calendars—Rising and setting of sun, Moon: eke.
et a °L/Tien DEPARTMENT:
United States GOvernMent, 3.linisfore,efe,
Senators and Representatives of XXVIXth Congress
Laws passed at the last session of Congress.
resolutions and proclatoations. ' • • • .
Slaveholdere' Rebellion, or chronicle of war events.
Thu .llnion party in 1865, Resolutions, &o.
Impartial suffrage—Laws in the soveral States. .
Second inaugural of Presidbni Lineoln..
Prosident Johnson on tho negro question.
.The Constitutional Amendment.
. Election returns for 1865. • . •• •
Popular veto for President. wo
The States of tho Union—Area, population, etc. •
Foreign countries—Area, population, etc. •
33C:PC9itit eSitalaCl
. .
We are now crlllog our Boots and Shoes
With if 'flow of a•Spring •
.258 South ad st.,Philltdolpbto, Jun. 9 7 1830,,
TE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top. Mountain
Itatirond sod Coal Co pony will be held at the °Mee of
tlie Company, on TUESDAY, the ill Lb day of FEBILUAItY„
1806, at 11 o'clock, A. M, when an eleotion will be held
for a President nod Twelvo Diiectors to serve for the en.:
suing year, •, J. P. AERT2EN, •
At-a - obiss. iota 33.14strg t
. .
THE undersigned having purchased.
LL the above property would take this method to infOrm
the public that he is prepared to receive and fill orders for
PLOWS, THRASHING MACHINES, &C.; !cc.; and elm.
will make and repair all kinds of Thrashing Machines, kc.
Sled and sleigh soles end 'other castings kept'on hand..
Old metal, Brass and Copper, taken in exchange for,
work. ' ' J. - Al.-PIPER.
Watorstrect; Jan 9- me •
No. Ito 5, 317 31
, 0, 49 80
7," 300
Civil Engineers and Patent Solicit Ors,
No. 435 Walnut St., Phllada.
Patents - solicited Consultations on Engineering,
Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery, r of all;
hinds made and skillfully attended to.' Special attention'
Anthentio copies of all Documents from Patent Wilco
N. It.—Save. yourselves useless . treats, and traveling.
expenses, as there is no actual need for personal inter,
view with us. All business with , them Mikes, can be.
transacted in writing. - For further information direct as
nbuyo with stamp enclosed, fur Circular with referenceS;
.Jaduaryl7; 1866—1 y ,
[Estate after. Jacob Enydrir,Seed.]
Letters testamentary, on the estate of Bon Jacob Sny
der, lute of Porter twp., Huntingdon co:, "deo'd. r havlng
been granted to tho undersigned, all persons_ inatebted
to the estate aro requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims, to present them duly -authetas
toted for setticusebt.
janlo, 1860-6 t
20CP.IEL 1868,
A continued Chronicle of tho Rebellion as the.
United States, embracing a • record of military, naval, and , •
political events from Oct. 7, 1864, to Nov. .41865. . • .
Regular army of the United States: •
Indian tribes of the United States. • • -
Populations of United States. (treat Britain, Ireland
and France. • . • , .
Casualties among General officers of tho Union and. ro.
bel arinies.d tiring the war, killed in battle and died. ,- -
Area of now states and territories.. • •
. Freezing poititi of various liquids. • . •
Melting points of solids. •
Bishops, Methodist and Episcopal Church. •
Bishops, Protestant Episcopal. Church • in 'the United.
States, living and deceased. • . .
United StateoUoVernment, 1866. • ' • •
Hierarchy, Roman Catholic Church In the • Unitedt
States, archbishops and bishops.
Debts of nations. •
• •
Signs of Rain.
The Governments. of the world.
State and territorial governments.
Battles of the revolution,
Price 20 cents per copy. •
Copies nmiled (post.paid) on receipt of price.
For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. • if
$3,507 13
Tale) 014:59. noun c~~y
THB subscribers, thankful 'for . tbe
liberal share of patronago they have heretofore re—
.., calved by strict attention to business,.
ph• hope - to merit and still gceive the earno,
e RAI. take this method to inftfrm their, friends
and everybody else, that they are prepared
to make all kinds of IRON and BRASS
(Maths US made in a first class Foundry..-,
Wo have always on band all kinds of Plough and Stowtt
Casting,. also wash Kettles, cellar-window Orates, coal
bole castings for pavements, window weightithf all sizes
and weights, pine-Joitits, sled and sleigh soles, wagon
boxes, machine coatings for steam and water, grist, saw,
sumac and plaster mills of all descriptions.
We aro prepared to furnish Heaters and Iron Fences of
the too t improved style, area doors and frames, door sills
and iu fact everything made In this line. • • ,
We have a very large stock ofpatterns and can furnish
castings at abort notice, and cheaper than they can be had
In the county - . flaying a good drill we'are prepared tg.
do drilling and fitting hp of all kinds. . •
&Gt.-Highest market price paid for old metal, Maw,
zinc, lead, be. . •.• J.M.' CUNNINGHAM is SON.
Office on Railroad street, ono door west of the Examine.
Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. • . dec27,65;
Publisher, Stationers, Booksellers,
No. and 19 South, Sixth Street,
(Above Chestnut,) PHILADELPMEA.
Particular attention paid to the country trade.
Always on hand a largo supply of Latex, Gap, Note
Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; School and Idia 2
.cellaneous Books; Pens, Ink, Slates, Mucilage, Photo.
graph Albums, Paper Bags, &c., &c., .
Liberal terms to cash customers. augEBl6s-ly
Strawberry Alley, near Third Street t
Respectfully informs the pablie.tliak
ho has opened for their use lila new and eleipi i nt4 fltted t
up Billiard Room. It contains - -
superior to any now in the city, , . .
This Billiard Room,challouges ciunparison with any
.loom is the State, west of Philudelphke. . ' •
890 A ALONTIT.!---Agente.wanted
for six entirely now articles, just out.. Ad,.
dress 0. ,T. GABBY, City Building, Biddeford, just .
,f the county of Mont
have examined the or
io Directors of the Poor
to be correct as above
on examining the' roll
oor HOUse orders since
42, of which amount
on accounts of the year
of 1565, (so far as paid)
—leaving balance put-
For Bale at
lets,o. rano, ita and hemp Carpets, Rugs, 011
and 'Oloor Cloths, at S. E. 11ERRY & CO.
this 9th day of Jan
" NIS "' 1. Auditors.
in exchange for goods at the Hardwa Elm
Sept. 3, 1862. .- JAS. A. OROWN
110 APER ! PAPER ! ! • • •
Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap--a
good assortment for sa,9 by the ream: tall reilm; quire or
sheet, at -
LEiI'IS• NPTY BOOK dr BTAiletzqr . r STORE.
Queense•aro, Ctdar and 'Willow Ward, ter4•
osc stock lu thu country, at S. E. 11S1
eor C a O l
f AL superior artiolo
j of S. E. HENRY , & co.
gEr _DIARIES for 1866, for sale at
Lewis' Book Store. '