The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 07, 1866, Image 1

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oily calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
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are also increa.ted.
A -312.C1. - 1.,1-rt1321.,
To the'Legislature, January 30, 1866
PA., Jan. 80 7 1866.
'To the Senate and House of Representa
tives of the Commonwealth of Penna.
GENTLEMEN—We have cause to be
thankful to Divine ProVidence for the
blessings of peace within our borders,
abundant crops, unanimity among our
and that=thrts this Common
wealth has been enabled to do her full
%tatty to the country, to herself and to
I apprised you in -my messr c, e of the
27th of November, 1865, and &livered
to you at the beginning of your sessitm,
of the necessity under the pressure of
which I was compelled, for the restor
ation of my health, to sojourn for a
time in a warmer climate. I returned
from Cuba refreshed and invigorated,
and have resumed the discharge of my
public duties. I cannot omit to ac
knowledge, with profound gratitude,
thi3 kind, considerate and affectionate
course which you pursued during my
constrained absence. A heavy addi
tion has been thus made to the debt
whinh I already owed to the people of
the Commonwealth and their Repre
The balance in the Trcas-
nry, Nov. 30, 1864. • $1,942,203 63
Receipts during fiscal year,
ending Nov. 30, 1865. 6,219,989 67
Total. in Treasury for fis
cal gear, ending Noy..
30, 1865. 8,162,103 30
Thepayments for the same
period have been 5,788,525 16
Balance in Treasury, No
venther 30, 1865.
The operations of the sinking fund,
during the year ending on the first
311enday of September last, as stated
in my proclamation, were as follows :
Amount. of debt reduced, $745,811
26, as follows, viz:
Five per cent
Coupon loan
War. loan
Interest certifica'os
Domestic creditors
The discrepancy between the redue
top of , the public debt, as shown by
theigfaternent at th 6 'close of the fiscal
and in my proclamation at
the close of the sinking fund year, ari
pei: from the fact that the one closes
.on the first Monday of September, and
the other on the 30th day of Novem
. Amount of the public debt of Penn—
sylvania, as it .stood on the first day of
December, 1864,5:39,37903 94.
Amount redeemed at the State
'Treasury during the fiscal year ending
with November 30, 1865, viz:
Five per cent. stocks. 81,703,517 88
4 and per cent. stocks. 20,000 00
Domestic creditor certifi-
Military loan, act of May
Public debt. Dec. 1,'65, $37,476,258 06.
Assetsin the Treasury :
Bonds Pennsylvania rail
road company. .$6,700,000 00
Bonds Philladelpbia and
Erie railroad company. 3,500,000 60
Interest.on bonds Phila.
S.; Erie R. R. company. 1,050,000 00
Cash in Treasuty. 2,373,668 00
Vabilities excess ofassets 23,852,589 92
Liabilities in excess of as
sets, Nov. 30,1860.' 826,408,168 94
Liabilities in excess of as.
sots, Nov. 30, 1865, 23;852,539 92
Improvement in condi.
tion of Treasury, since
NOV. 0 9 , 1800.
By:the report of the State Treasu
rer, it will be observed that the extra
ordinary expenditures growing out of
war, not refunded by the General
Government, have been $4,028,627 21.
I.lls includes the direct tax paid to the
-United.States by the State, which is
not re-imbursable In the balance is
Included the 8671,476 43 paid to the
.which, :with .a- good portion of
.the remaining expenditure, is clearly
Aug the State from the General Gov
The necessity for extraordinary ci'
penditurb having ceased with the sup
pression of 'the late rebellion, measures
should be- take❑ to examine our re
sources, and relieve, as far as possible,
the heavy burdens to which oar,po.o,
ple - are subjected.
It has been the habit of late years,
appropriate, freely, annual sums for
the support of local charities; and such
appropriations are almost every year
increased in number and amount.
116iises of Refuge, Institutions for the
Deaf and DuMb and for the Blind, Lu
natic Asylums—these appear to me to
be proper objects of - State bounty, be
cause a few of them are sufficient for
;the whole . State, and to leave them to
i be provided .tor by the local authorities
mould, in fact, be to deprive of protec
tion, the unfortunate Masses for whose.
hendt they are. designed. But mere
;locale harities,however meritoriou sand
effective, should, I think, be left to the
'eupliort•of the benevolent parties who
established them.
It is linjact that the people of. the
botainonwcalth Should be coerced to
pay taxes in order that part or the
money no raised may 100 given to the
~......e2 CO
1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, . Editor and proprietor•,
support of local charities, conducted by
private associations, especially when
it is remembered that hitherto but a
small proportion of the private chari
tics in the State have asked for such
recammend, therefore, that no ap
propriation he made for charities, be
yond the institutions which I have
above specified.
.The taxes at present laid on corp.
rations are unequal, and to a certain
extent thereby unjust. I recommend
the subject to the attention of the
Legislature, with a view to a revision
of the system.
Within a few years, acts have been
repeatedly passed directing the expen
diture of as much money as may be
necessary to effect named purposes,
sometimes without clearly designating
by whom the money is to. be expended,
or how the accounts are to be. exam
ined. This custom is very recent, and
has already led to abuses.
I recommend that the practice be
corrected, and that no appropriation
be made without having the exact
sum appropriated, the specific purpose
to which it is to be applied, and desig.
rutting the officer by whom it is to be
expended, and providing_ that the ac
counts shall be settled in the Auditor
General's office in the usual manner.
Notwithstandino• ° the largo expendi
tures by the State for military purpo
ses, since the breaking out of the re
bellion, the condition of the Treasury
is now 82,555,579 12 better than it was
then, and I am proud to I o able to
state further, that on the let day of
December, 1805, the state debt was
8.492,038 60 less than it was on the Ist
of January, 1861. These are truly grat
ifying Lets. .
Under these circumstances, it may
be possible, with entire safety to our
finances, to reduce or oven repeal the
ordinary State tax of two and a half
mills on real estate. The tax of one
half mill laid by the act of May 10,'61,
was by that act expressly pledged for
the repayment of the loan of 83.000,-
090, thereby authorized, and of course
cannot be repealed or reduced until
that repayment shall have been made.
I recommend this subject to the careful
and deliberate consideration and judg•
men t of the Legislature, and if it should
be found that the tax can be repealed,
I recommend that all laws authorizing
tlfe levying, of local taxes on bonds,
mortgages, loans and all property of
that kind be also repealed., Such a
repeal would largely encourage the in
vestment of capital in this State, and
add immensely to the ,wealth of the
State, while the local authorities would
lose very little, as it is notorious, that
from the difficulties of assessment, they
receive very little from these sources.
In case of such repeal; I recommend
the adoption of some effectual meas
ures for enforcing correct returns of
such objects of taxation, with appro.
priate penalties for the neglect or re
fusal to make them.
, 2,373,668 14
$436,824 62
230,000 00
76.400 00
2,005 5G
578 00
I make these recommendations, be
lieving that it will lead to more equi
table local taxation and to greater
economy in their disbursement.
Many acts areonn our statute books,
incorporating companies for various
purposes, which companies have never
been organized or gone into operation.
I recommend that all such acts be re
pealed by a gdrieral law, arid that pro
vision be made that in future every
act authorizing a corporation shall be
come void, unless the corporation shall
organize and use its franchises within
a limited time.
578 00
179,250 00
1,903,345 88
Since my last annual message the,
war against armed treason has been
brought to a close. Of the large con
tributions made by Pennsylvania to
the National army, but a few o the
men now remain in the service. -the
spirit which animated our people, at
the outset of the rebellion, has never
flagged ; and we can look back with
pride and satisfaction to the part taken
•by this State, in aiding to maintain the
unity bf the Government and in its
defence against the assaults of its ene
13,623,668 14
In my first inaugural address, I took
occasion to declare that Pennsylvania
would, under any circumstances, ren
der a full and determined support of
the free institutions of the - Union. The
pledge SQ made was based upon my
knowledge of the solid patriotism of
lam. citizens. At that time danger
threatened, but no one anticipated that
It would break forth so suddenly, nor
that ft would grow to such fearful pro
pOrtions a& it in a brief time assumed.
2 . A55,579 02
My confidence in : Pennsylvania, in
her even, yet stubborn will, her ability
and resources. have been fully justified
by the Manner in which she has done'
her duty during the late eventful
period. .
On the request of the President of
the United States, I made a commu
nication to the Legislature, on the 9th
day of April, 1861, setting forth that
military organizations, of a forurida
iii. 3 character, which did nut, sewn to
be demanded by any existing exigency,
Lad - been formed in certain of the
States, and that, whilst Pennsylvania
yielded to no State, in her respect fur
and willingness to protect, by all need.
ful guarantees,the constitutional rights
and constitutional independence of her
sister States, no contemplated attempt
to resist the tinforunnent of the Na
tional law could meet with sympathy
or encouragement froM the pimple of
this Corn mon twnalth, and asked for au•
thority and means to organize a mill
tniy bureau at the Capital, and to so
amendand modify the militia laws as
give vitality
to e Inity and energy to the mil•
itary organizations of the State. On
the 1:;:tli day of the same month, I
signed a hilt providing for the purpo
ses indicated in my message.
It will be remembered that this pa
triotic action of the tiegislature °emir
rea before it was known that hostili
ties had actually commenced—and is
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believed to be the first official action
by the authorities of any State, or by
the National Legislature.
The first call made by the President
for troops to aid in suppressing the re
bellion, was on the 15th of April, 1861,
for seventy-five thousand men; and
that of this number, the quota of Penn
sylvania was settled at fourteen regi.
merits, to serve three months, unless
sooner discharged. With unsurpassed
alacrity and earnestness, volunteers
answered to this call, in such numbers
as manifested the intuitive conviction
of the people, that the monstrous wick
edness which had vneeived an armed
rebellion against the Constitution and
the laws, could not ho suppressed but
by a colossal force.
Major General Hebert Patterson was'
assigned, by the General Government,
to a command, which included the
forces raised in Pennsylvania. Within
a week after the 'call of the President,
communication with WaShingtan was
almost entirely cut off. Gen. Patter
son, prompted by the necessities of the
situation, made, on 25th of April, a
requisition upon me for twenty five
additional regiments of infantry and
one of cavalry, to bo forthwith mus—
tered into the service of . the United
States. Under this requisition, I ac
cepted, from amongst the many press
ing to be admitted into the' service, a
sufficient number of companies to fill
it; care being taken to allow to each
county, as -nearly as possible, a fair
representation. Only eleven regiments,
hoWever, in addition to the fourteen
called for by the President, were or
ganized and mustered into the service,
before the order of General Patterson
was countermanded by him, under in
structions from the War Department.
On the 14th day of May, 1361, the
Secretary of War, in a letter commu
nicating the plan of organization, for
three years regiments, confirmed the
revocation of the order in the following
language : "Ten regiments are assign
ed to Pennsylvania, making, in addi
tion to the thirteen regiments of three
months militia, already called for,
twenty-three regiments. It is impor•
tent to reduce rather than enlarge this
number, and in no event to exceed it.
Let me earnestly recommend Le you,
therefore, to call for no more than
twenty-three regiments, of which only
ten are to serve during the war, and if
more are already called for, to reduce
the number by. discharge."
The twenty-five reguncnts raised as
above stated, comprised 20,070 men:
The ardor of our people was unabated.
Many of the companies, under my or.
der had arrived. in camp at Harrisburg,
and others maintained their organiza-'
tions at home at their own expense,
and by contributions from their neigh
bors and friends.
In the critical condition of the coun
try, and anticipating that, in case of
reverse to our arms, the
.borders of
Pennsylvania would be the portals to
the rich 'granaries, manufactories and
store houses of the North, I deemed it
my duty to convene the Legislature,
that adequate provision might be made
to enable me to render' the military
power of the State as available and
efficient as it should be, for the common
defence of the State and the General
Government; and accordingly, on the
20th of April, 1861, issued my procla
mation, calling for a meeting of the
General Assembly, on the 30th of the
same month.
In my message to the Legislature et
its opening, I recommended the immo
diate organization, disciplining and
arming of at least fifteen regiments,
exclusive of those called into the ser
vice of the United States.
The Legislature acted promptly up
on this suggestion, and made full pro
visions for its effectual accomplishment
The result was the early and complete
organization, clothing . and equipment
of the Pennsylvania _Reserve volunteer
corps, with its thirteen regiments of
infantry, ono of light artillery, and one
of cavalry, under tho supervision of
George A. McCall, who was selected
to command it, with the commission
and rank of Major General. The corps
contained 15,856 men, and tho whole
expense of rdising, clothing, equips
ping, subsisting and paying them, nu
dl their entry into the United States
service, was $855,444 87. They were
encamped iu 'different parts of the
State, except two of the • regiments,
commanded by Colonels Chas. J. Bid
dle and Seneca G. Simmons, and two
batteries of artillery, under the com
mand of Colonel Charle,s T. Campbell,
which; at the request of the War Be.
partment, were sent on the 22d June,
1861, to the relief' of Colonel Wallace,
atCunfiberland, Maryland, and remain•
ed for about six weeks there, and in
Western Virginia, engaged in active
operations. - Towards the close of July
the whole corps was called for• and ta
ken, on a requisition, into tho serV'ico
of the UniEtd States. Within four days
after the disaster at Bull Run, eleven
regiments, he ail respects ready -1;t- ac.
tire service, were in Washington and
The troops, scut to Western Virginia
were recalled, and with the other two
re g iments of the corps, forwarded to
On the 20th of July, 1801, the Sec—
retary of War exprosuml his gratifica,
Lion and thanks for the
: prompt re
sponse from Pennsylvania."
The wisdom of time Legislature in
providing for the rormation of this
eorps, for the interests of the State and
the nation, was fully Town by subse—
quent events. Most of the men• who
filled its ranks had boon accepted by
rue under the call for twduty five reg
iments, which was afterward rescinded
They had lett their families and homes
under a . deep sense of duty to their
country, and to have sent theta back
unaccepted would have caused serious
difficulty hi making Cu VO enlistments.
.13y ;lets of Congress of 2ild and 25th
July, 1861, the President was author
ized to call upon the several &tilts for
volunteers to serve for three years.—
Under this authority requisitions were
made on this State, and fourteen regi
ments were promptly furnished. In
the meantime authorities had bee;
granted .by the President and thd War
Department to a number of individu—
als to raise regiments in different parts
of the State, which seriously interfered
with the action of the State authorities
in filling requisitions regularly made
under the acts of Congress.
The embarrassments arising from
tins conflict of authorities became at
length so serious that I was constrain.
ed to call the attention of the Presi•
dent and Secretary of War to the sub
ject, by a communication, dated the
Ist of August, 1861, and on the 25th of
S'eptember folldwing, an order was is
sued requiring these independent reg.
imonts to report to the Governor, and
placing theta under his i authority and
control. Acting undouthis order, ma
ny_of the independent regiments were
filled up, others consolidated, and sev
enty three regiments, with an aggre
gate strength • of 89,048 men, were
promptly sent forward.
During the year 1862 a draft was
ordered by the General Government,
which was executed under the State
Of the quota of the State, under the
call of July 7, 1862, forty three regi
ments of .volunteers, aggregating 40,-
383 men, were put into service, and
under the draft, ordered August 4th of
the same year, fifteen regiments, con
taining an ag,4regate force of 15,000
nice, organized and sent forward. Du
ring the same period nine inqpendent
batteries of artillery were organized in
the State, with An at strength
of 1,358 officers and men. It will be
remembered that the ardor and
promptness of oar people, under such
trying circumstances, in pressing the
troop forward, was such as to call
from the Presidont'dspecial thanks and
to request me to express them to the
people of the State.
During the year 1863, forty three
thousand and forty six (43,046) men
were furnished for the service, princi
pally to fill regiments in the field which
had, been reduced by the exigencies of
the war.
During the year 1804, under the va
rious calls of . the General Government
thirty two regiments, two battalions
and eight unattached companies of
different arms of the service and for
various porkis, were organized and
sent to the field, aggro , rating, with re
enlistments in the field, amounting to
17,876, an aggregate force of 91,701
men, furnished for that year.
On my suggestion the policy of con
solidating our reduced regiments, and
filling them up by the • assignment of
new companies was adopted, and in
1865, under this system, besides organ
izing three entire now regiments, sev
enty five
: companies were assigned to
reduced regiments, by which they
were again filled to the regimental
standard. These three new regiments
and seventy five companies, with vol
unteer recruits for regiments in the
field, reported by the superintendents
of that service; amounted, in the ag
gregate, to 25,790 men for this year,
In the month.of September, 1862, af
ter the second disaster of Ball Run, it
became evident that•the enemy had
adopted an ag g ressive policy, and was
about to invade the Northern States
through Maryland and the southern
border of Pennsylvania. Under Om
sanction of the President of the United
States, on the 11th day of that month,
I issued my proclamation, calling to
immediate service fifty thousand of the
freemen-of this State. Under this call
twenty five regiments and four eom-
Panics of infan try, fourteen unattached
companies of cavalry, and four batter
ies of artillery were immediately or
ganized and sent to the border, the
greater portion advancing beyond the
State line into Maryland. Gen. John
P. Reynolds, at that period command
ing the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,
was temporarily assigned, by the Sec•
'retary of War, to the command of
these troops, by , whose orders they
were returned to Pennsylvania, and by
my proclamation, disbanded on the
24th of the same month. In acknow
ledgment of the services rendered by
the men of Pennsylvania, Maj. Gen. G
McClellan, commandin g the Army of
the Potomac, by letter dated the 27th
of September, 1862, acknowledging the
service tnd thanking the State, uses
the folio wing language :
"The manner in which the people of
Pennsylvania responded to your call,
and hastened to the defence of their
frontier, no doubt exercised e great in
fluence upon the enemy ;" and the Go•
vernor of Maryland, Ills Excellency A
IV. Bradford, in an order dated Sept:
20, 1862, used the following language
in regard to these troops: "The readi
ness with which they crossed the bor
der and took their stand beside the
Maryland brigade, shows that, the bcr
dor is, in all respects, but all idcr.ldine,
and that in such a cause as now unites
Ponm;ylvania and Maryla!nd are
hut, one."
In the month of June,lS63, i•t again
}meanie evident that the i•e4pl army
was advancing north, threatening also
tiro western herder of Pennsylvania,
and on the 2Gth of that month, I again
issued 'my proclamation, calling the
militia of the State into immediate ser
vice. In the Department of the Mon
ongahela, five rcirinients of infantry,
one eonquthy of' cavalry and one bat- .
Nry of artillery, for ninety days' ser
vice, and one battalion of infantry, one
battalion of Cavalry end ono battery
of artillery, for six months' United
Stator• service, were organized. In
the Department of the Susquehanna,
twenty three regimenta and five unat
tftehed companies, of infantry, :Ind two
unattached cc wpanies of cavalry, fur
ninety daysi . one battalion of Infantry,,
ono battalion of
,cavalry, in
batteries of artillery, for
three months; three regiinents of cav
alry, two battalions of . infantry and
three independent batteries of artillery,
fur sir months' 'United States service,
were organized.
There were also organized in this
department, for the "emergency term"
eight regirnents, one battalion ancl
number of unattached companies of
infantry, two independent batteriei of
artillery . and two companies of cavalry
In the Department of the Mononga
hela, the troops under this call, were
commanded by Major General W. T.
IL Brooks, and in the Department of
the Susquehanna by Major-General D.
N. Couch, severally detailed by the
War Department.
The details of the services of the
militia on these occasions, as well as
the generous assistance rendered by
the militia of the States of New York
and New Jersey, have been fully rec
ognized in previous messages.
Acting under orders, they did not
hesitate to cross the State line and en
ter Ohio and Western Virginia ; in the
west; and in the, east, they defended
the line of the Susquehanna, were at
Gettysburg, before the advance of the
Army of the Potbmac, defended Car—
lisle successfully, when attacked by a
superior force, made long marches, pa
tiently suffering, great privations . for
thewant of sufficient means of trans.
portation, crossed into Maryland when
ordeed, and attacked the enemy suc—
cessfully, and saved the Capital of their
State from destruction. When the
history of the rebellion is truly writ
ten, no part, which relates to PennVl
vaults will reflect more credit on the
patriotism, courage and fidelity of hdr
people, than their prompt answer to
the call made for military service for
domestic protection. It is a record of
which the great body of the people are
a party., and of which they may all be
proud. -
In July, 1564, a rebel army again
crossed the Potomac, threatening the
southern border,and marched to Wash
ington. Upon the pressing demands
of the National authorities, all the or
ganized troops in Pennsylvania.were
immediately'sent forward. The rebel
army was defeated and driven back.
A rebel column of three thousand men
had however crossed the. border, and
on the 30th of Jiffy burned the town
of Chambersburg.' In my message of
Idst 3-ear I stated in detail the move
ments of the enemy, and the circum
stances attending the. destruction, of
that borough. Although the people of
all the southern border suffered much
from annual incursions of the enemy,
Chambersburg is the only town entire
ly destroyed withinour border, and it
is believed in any loyal State. The
citizens of the town were suddenly re
duced to poverty, and for a time were
sustained by the active benevolence of
the people of other parts of the State,.
aided by an appropriation of ono bun.
dred thousand dollars from. the Com
monwealth. Thqy have struggled en
ergetically to revive from this calami
tv, but it, is , now feared that few of
them will be able to succeed. I submit
therefore to the wisdom of the Logis
lature, whether it would not be proper
to extend to that people some addi
tional relief.
The number of troops furnished the
service, from Pennsylvania, during-the
rebellion, may be stated as follows, viz
During the year 1861, 130,594
do do 1863, 71,100
do do 1863, 43,040
do do . 1864, . 91,704
do do 1865, 25,840
This statement is exelusive of militia
•iud enlistments for the U. S. navy.
I refer fur more perfect details of all
tho.military operations of the State to
the reports of the Adjutant General of
the other military departments of the
State and to my previous annual . mos-
sages. This brief military record
would be imperfect if I failed to coin
mend the fidelity, zeal and industry of I
the military department§ of the State,
and to express my personal oblhmtions
for the ready obedience and c nstant
support I have uniformly received from
the Chiefs of Departments and officers
of mypersonal staff'. An approximate
judgment of the amount of labor per
formed by these departments, and in
the office of tho Secretary of the .Com,
monwealth, may bo made, when it is
stated that over forty three thousand
(43,000) military commissi o ns were is
sued during the war.
The first request for troops from this
State was dated at Washington, on the
15th April, 1861, and on the 16th the
telegraph announced to the War Do-•
partmont that over 4,000 men were at
Darrisburg, awaiting marching orders:
It is our proud privilege to have it
remembered, lhat the first military aid
from the-loyal States, which reached
'Washingtom•was the force of 400 Penn-•
sylvanians, Who arrived there on the
18th (lard April, :Ind that when the
capital of the Nation was the second
time threatened, after- the battle of.
Bull Pun, the regiments of tho Penn
sylvania Deserve Corps, Were the first
troops sent forward. .From the he
ginning of, the war to its close, the
Stotts has never filtered in its support
of the Government. Proceeding in the
strict line of duty, the resources of
Pennsylvania:, tV4OLLIC.r in men or mo
au, have neither been withheld or
squitialered. The history of the con.
duet of our people in . the field, is illu
minated with incidents of heroism wor
thy of conspicnons notice; but it would
be impo , .zsible to mention Own' in. the
proper limits of a message, without
doing injustice, or perhaos making in,
vidious distinctions. ilrrangenients
itro in progress to have a complete
history of:our reginiums, such as has
been contemplated-and is vrovided•for:
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
in an ttet,ofAs,senibly, already passed;
and on this subject I commend the re,
port of the Executive Militnry.Depart-
Men t to your'faVorable - consideration.
'lt wmuld be alike, iMP - ossible to fiirnish
a history of the associated benevolence
find of the large individual contribu.
tions to the comfort of our people in
the field and hospital, or of the names
and services at all thlies of our volun
teer surgeons, when cancel to assist in
the hospital, or on the battle field; nor
is it possible to de justice to the Many
patriotic Christian men who wore al
ways ready to respond when ilummon
ed to the exercise of acts of humanity
and benevolence, • -
Qui!" armies 'Were sustained and
strengthened in the field, by the patri
otic devotion of their friends at home,
and we can never render full justice to
the heaven directed, patriotic—chris•
tain benevolence of the women of the
During the wan had occasion, from
time to time, to communicate freely
with the Legislature on subjects bear
ing upon the interests of the men rep
resenting the State in the armies of the
It is with a sense of unfeigned grail.
tude that I acknowledged how cheer
fully and promptly the Legislature
and the people acted - upon my sugges
tions, whether for the support of the
government, the enlistment and or
ganization• of troops, or for the cora%
tort of our people already in the field.
this generous confidence
and liberal support, the labors of the
Executive would have been in vain ;
the treasure that has been expen
ded would have been wasted, pre':
&ions lives lost would have been an
empty sacrifice, the bruised hearts of
kindred and friends would have been
without solace, the strong , men, whose
health has been broken and whose
bodies have been maimed would have
been monuments of -heroism wasted,
and the honor of this great Corn mon
wealth would have been degraded
amidst the fallen ruins of theinstitu
tions of the Republic.
The report of the Hon. Thomas IL
Burrowes, shows the 'gratifying re
sult, under his active management, of
the system adopted by the Senate, for
the maintenance and education of the
orphans of our soldiers. His report
exhibits the fact, that 1,242 orphans
are rigly actually admitted to the
schools, and that 1,846 applications in
all have been allowed, and Orders issu
ed for their admission, many of whom
have been admitted since his report.
It will also be seen; that the largest_
apprepriation, that ever will be requir
ed, will be for this and the two ensu
ing years, and that then the amount
will be gradually. reduced. I have
heretofore commended this charity to
you, and I deem it unnecessary to add
another Word, in asking acontinuation
of an appropriation, which is to pro—
vide for and educate the best blood of
the State, and support the living jegtv,
cies which have been bequeathed us
by the men who laid down their lives
for the country. When we remember
that every sort of public and private
pledge that the eloquence of man mild
devise or utter, was given to our sot-
dims as they went forward, that if
they fell their orphans should become
the children of the State, I cannot for
an instant suppose, that you will hesi
tate to continuo an appropriation;
which is -to bless their little ones, pro
viding comfortable homes. instead of
leaving them in want and destittition,
many of them to fall victims to vice
and crime. •
At the time of the invasion of the
North, in'lBo, by the rebel army, the
President made a requisition on me for
militia to serve duritig the emergency.
The men came forward promptly, to
the number of 36,588, of whom up
wards of 25,000 refused to be mustered
into the service , of the United States,
in consequence of circumstances- of
prior occurrence not necessary to be
here stated. .
In this embarrassment, the emer
gency being very pressing, after con
sultation with the President,he author;
izod and requested me to call them on
l'behalf of the State, and•for the defence
of the State, the United States pay
ing all the expenses of their cloth
ing, equipment, &c. It was,howover,al
that there was no appeopriation
for their pay.. To remove this difteul- '
ty the General Government applied to,
banks and other moneyed corpora
tions in Philadelphia to advance the
amount of the pay, on a pledge that,
when Congress Met, the passage of a
bill to reimburse them should be recom
mended.—These .institutions declined
this propositipn, but expressed their
willingness to make the advances if .f
would pledge myself to recommend to
the Legislature the passage of such an
act in case Congress should not,pro
vide for' reimbursing them. Under
these circumstances, I received from
Executive of the United States the
pledge whichhe heti:proposed to give
to the banks, &c,, and upon that I
gaVo the necessary pledge to them, and
they advanced the required funds ac.
cordingly. The following telegram
from, too 'Secretary of War will show
in part the ground on which I acted ;.:
WAsnimorox, July 92,1863;
To Jlie Eveellency, Gov: A. G.
Your telegrams, respecting the pay
Aof militia called out under your proc,
lamation of the 27th of Jane. limit:
been referred to the President tor in
structi3ns, and have been under his
consideration. lie directs zoo to Say
that, while no law or appropriation
authorizes the payment by the Gener
al Government to troops that have
not boon mustered into the service of .
the United States, he will reanninend
to Congress, to make an appropriation
for the payment ortroopsinto ,
State. service to repel an actual inva—
ian, jricluding, those .of the State Of.
• Pennsylvania, -If, in the meantime...
r iaa_M
ji the most comptrto of gpy.ilj the country, end le s
ee:ems the moot ample facilitie's for promptly"executing in
the best style, every verteti of Job Printluit, such
lIAND BILLS, r . • . .!
VP.O.GAA3Imr.S., • •
LABELS; &C;, •ie ;
Nn 32,
you can raise thenecessary amount, as;
has heen.donein other States, the lip
propriation will .be applied•to refund
the adVance to those who madeit:
Measures have been - taken for the
payment of troops mustered§.
United States service, as soon as the.
muster• and pay rolls 'are made out: ,
The answer of this Department to you,
as Governor of the State, will be giv
en 'directly to yourself:whenever the.
Department is prepared to make an:
(Signed) E D WIN M. , STANTC).,, • .
, Secretary of:War. .
When Congress met, the _Executive
of. the United States not recom—
mend the passage" of the necessary act.
I have understwl that the subject, was
called to the attention °Mho proper
coMmittee, by the Secretary of , War,
but, as the President did not'send a
Message explaining the circumstances
of the cause, the appropriation failed,
as the members of Congress had thus
no means of explaining to their coil.
stituents tho difference': between the .
case (whicb , waS in substance a loan to..
tho United States, upon the pledge of
.the Executive for its •repayment.),, and:
the cause of the voluntary expenditure
of money for military purposes' of
Penngylvania and most. .of the .other , '
States. • .. . •
I will add that the men' came jute
the service for the ernergendy only,.
and on the faith that
as. soon as, in My
tho emergency should have ceased:,
The emergency ceased immediately.
after the battle of Gettysburg,.whichi.
commenced on theist of July 1863. i.
yet . Oe men, against my urgent and
repeated remonstrances, were kept in:
the service long afterward and used by,
the. United States,:forvarious:purpo,'
see. The last of • them'weriknot.dis.."
charged till in Septetaber. .• • •
I recommend ,that the L'egislature,
adopt.measures to bring : the subjeet:
again before Congress, arntobtain
payment of this. surn;: ;amounting to;
$071,470.43, with interest prj the saute;-;
which the General Government thus ; .
far so unwarrantably:withheld:.
Great injustice b,cm :been ~don.e.,to,
private soldierii, whO sent intdservico,
under the provisions of ; the; fict;;Of
Con, , ress, refusing:to pay' thetillim
full Congress;
offered by tho:terms:ol:
-that act. The following letter ; wbith.:
I addresse4: to the Secretary orWa.r,
sufficiently expiains,;thp . ; ppsitiott ofy:
this al:fait:
: BNEcemn
.ITAILRISBURG, 5, I:865. )
Sin:-There: are :two subjects cork",
nected with the rlischarge of. mcoltru-,
tiers which are of so ;Athol' iipportabccr.
that I feel calling your tit'‘
tendon to thorn. . - :
First. The mon are being paid on.-
ly to the day of , their arrival at the:
place they are to be diseharged. ,Tbie.
will cause them .to loso :fow days.
pay, 'depending pri neipally upon, the
proptness and disposition of :the
United States having, they matterin ,
charge. It is a matter of little um;
mont to the.Governmoot, but , the , .men.
feel it to bo an injustice, and if, unden
the acts of Congress, they cap be paid.
until discharge - J:l,, I think you . will
agreo.with them.
Second.• In Circular No. 29 from
Provost Marshal General's Officedated
July 19 ) 1564, "under: which tke‘i-el!
unteers no* to be discharged were
raised," it is stated that the:,bounty
by law is as follows : , .
"For recruits, including representa
tive recruits, white or colored;
And it is further added, that the
first instalment of the bounty will be
paid when the recruit is mustered in,
as follows;
c.-To a recruit who ,enlisted ; in the
army for . one year; .583,8&'
Qa these terms the men ,:enlisted,,
and they are ofopinion.that they. aro
entitied . to the remainder of their boun
ty when discharged from service. It
is proposed however to pay them but a
. part of this remainder, because the go-,
vern merit does- not . require their servi , ,
ens for theitill term.of their enlistment
and appears to he a broach or the con,
tract between the Government, and
the mon, The
,bomity out
Government the overnmerit as an . indueemo44.
to enlist, not as an . additional pay :for
services to be rendered. The men be-,
came entitled to it, by the fact of en
listment, and,. could only forfeit what
remained unpaid by sortie misconduct,.
of which such forfeiture should
legal penalty. These matters are ere
sting much unpleasant feoling among
the mon. I, need. not say to you they
have behaved gallantly, and the coun
try owes them everything ; , sand-if
ean,possiblyho avoided they ought not.
to bo sent how under the teeling,that.
the Goverrithent, when their fierviceii
aro no longer required,. takes the'first .
opportunity. - to' treat-them .minjukly
and violate its contract •
1 assure you that - grOcss those, d.iffi- 7 ,
collies aro relieved tliere,will.bc..erca•
tod a generairdiscontcht - lybipl? will be
injuriolls.horcaftor; and it is my.p . r,,
vent de§drofor tho.success pt . your
ministration whichlC:l4 mu to bring
. .
thorn directly to - your notice.
A. Q. Chuang.
'foll.) President.
. The refusal has been persisted in,
tinder an opinion . of.tho tiorOey Gen
aral:of the United States; a :copy of
which was sent to me; 1 recomiooml,
that the Legislature malie proper ef,',
Corti. to have this • injustice ttoxiNetpd,..
The 'report of Ilzyici : -
p!'esiderat.of the Soldiers' National Ce
metery at Gettysburg, herewith trans
mittedi shows the presentconditiOn.
the cemetery. As the, battle,ol.•Gai!'
tyshardresulted in a giOr/011.4, yielo t ry(
and .was„in•thet the begiOning ofthe . •
end of the war, and oecurrect::oti the,-
soil of the flommonwealt.h..ctliiitix
would well that: it'.:filandAJfe,t;tio
m:, , morat e d :bye an ".1 tot..i,en:Ult
Ao be p!Lieed cbe c.;11,40 of the'Filat