cr_itlobe. fieNTINGDORI, PA.• Wednesday morning, Jan, 24, 1866. LOCAL, & PERSONAL. To SlibscrTerst Those. subscribers . receiving a pa . Ter marked with . t befOre the name understand that the time fur which they.SubScribed is up. 'lf they - wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. Brletltems. ' —A full attendance is requested at the meeting.,of Standing Stone Lodge, I. 0. G. T. Very important business. —Messrs: Barker, Hall, Haines and Baker will please accept thanks for public documents. —Hey. Mr. Speer, of Altoona, will preach in St. John's Episcopal Church, this place, on next Sabbath. —Messrs. Hunter &.Swoope have in progress the completion of a grist mill at Petersburg, this county. -.-Question of tile times—Are you broad or' narrow gunge? That is, Are you for the Atlantic & Great Wee. tern Railway or .the Penna. Central? —We have another communication, from Broad Top city, recommending Hon. Soho Scott for the next Governor. ISstla Rerriment, P. V., will soon he mustered out. It is ono of the last to be'diSeharged. Our townsman ,lobn Willoughby is Adjutant. —"At Hone:" We arc prepared to print in good 'style, wedding cards of invitation. .They are very fashionable. "At Home" is the order of the day. —A successful protracted meeting is now inprogress.ut Wesley Chapel, Manor Hill circuit. A number of pen itents are found at the altar nightly: —Miscointuddled,—Tlie editor of the Shirleysburg . Herald and others, with the Latin phrases made use of by "cer tain Buntingcban , editers" to express their Allen Lovell ; Esq., of this town, basl)cen appointed District Attorney, in lieu of James D. Campbell, Esq., re signed. A good appointment. Mr: L is a worthy and competent man. ---‘Tberuniivays Snyder and Wilson were brought froM the Harrisburg jail on Saturday evening last and incaree rated in the Eitintingdon prison. Sam Dearmit remains at Harrisburg. —Several valuable town properties will be soli] at public saloon Thursday 25th; Rev. Reid's residence, Nich. C Decker's residence, nod the Deno Ho- tel property.. —We publish the full proceedings of the first week of Court. ' The individ uals sentenced to the Western Peni ten. tiary were taken to their now abode by the Sherif last week. —We are sorry to state that the ef fort to institute a Reading Boom and Library inlluntingdon has proved un successful, for want of Sufficient inter est and still more liberality by our Good by, Bending Room —Miss Susannah Evans, the Welsh oratress, will lecture to day (Wednes day) at - the White Church near Broad Top city. Her subject, which is said to be well handled, is, "The Soldier's Empty Sleeve." - —The frame dwelling on WaShing :ton. street, near the corner of Montgos mery street, and,,the property of Thos. Burchinell, Esq., sold on,Saturday last for the sum of $2,650. H. T. Wharton eras the pUrehaser. —The Shirleysburg Herald mentions tfiat Judge Long of that place has dug thirty four.feet in a bank of clay. The editor awaits -"developments." . Of what? We think it would make a first rate field for a brick yard. -The First Anniversary of the Me Lain loilge; No. 83,1 0. G. T., M'Al aVy's Fort, to he held Jan. 27th, will he largely attended by the eltizens'of 'and I'V - est.township. :lir. Detwiler, the State Lecturer, will iremain,in.that locality several days. -L-The faCt 'that two of the liquor -vender's of this-place are now undergo. : ing impriseriMerit•for violatiOn of the law. by ~selling. liquor to - minors and selling liquor without license, should_ ; prove a warning to all other offenders. 'We aro pleased, to note that the law 'in such cases will be vindicated. —lt is surmised by some, perhaps competent of judging because they are so deeply 'interested, that a branch road 'of the Atlantic & Great Western Railway will be in operation from SpraCe Ci•eek thus county; to Lewis burg, Union county, before the eloo of next halt --.-.4.,discussion was recently held at the Teadhers' Institute in Shirleyshurg upon the subjef.a. Resolved, That the County Sup4intendency ftarnbug. We suppose no' reflections were vas ' against the present Superintendent. who was there, fortunately, to take part; in :the. discussion. The wordiilg of the question might be Misconstrued into an insinuation. It,is strange that editors find so much to note in AIM fashions of the ladies, especially concerning their cap 'ut' appearance. They must have/de a fete - observations. The following is the latest information: "The last new LlOgitiponnets is, described by a let, ter writer as a "brown .velvet dice-box with a little shade over the forehead, and what, ut restaurants. they would call agportioa' of woodcock stuck on Court Pr9Ceedintal. The followiub are the proceedings of the first week of January court! Commonwealth vs Thomas jOnee, Sohn O'Donnell and Hugh 11PKiernan. Indictment rape. True bill. : Contin• ued from November term. Thomas Jones found guilty, and Hugh WlCier nen, not guilty. -John O'Donnell did not appear.- Thomae Joilee sentenced to pay a fine of 'ss, and to undergo an imprisonment in separate and solitary confinement at labor in the Western Penitentiary -for the period of eight yea'rs arid throe months. Corn. ca Thomas Jones. Indictment escape. Tpue bill. . Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to one .year's im. prisonment in Western Penitentiary, to take effect at the expiration of the sentence in the above Case. . Corn. vs James G. Allison. Indict. fornication and bastardy.• True bill. Continued from November sessions.— Guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5; and that he pay $25 lylng • -in expenses, and that he pay to prosecutvix 75 cts. per week for two years from the 7th of August, 1865; 624 cents per week for two years thereafter and 50 cents per week for the next ensuing three years, if the child so long live; and that he enter into recognizance with at least one good security in the sum of $5OO, conditioned fur compliance with this order and sentence, to indemnify the Directors of the Poor against the child becoming a public charge. Corn. vs John Free. Ind. selling li• quor to_ minors. Being found guilty in November sessions, and sentence de• ferred, was sentenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs; and undergo an impris onment in the county jail for ton days. Corn. vs Slime. Indict. keeping a gambling • house. True bill. Being found guilty in Nov. sessions; and sen tenced deferred, was sentenced to pay a fine of $5O and costvand undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for ten days, to take effect after the expiration of above case. Coin. vs Same. Lid. selling liquor without license. True bill. Having plead guilty in, Nov. sessions, and sen• teucc deferred, was sentenced to:pay a fine of Sid. Coat ) vs Min.:Dunlap. Ind. larceny. True bill. Guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs, and that he un dergo an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary of 2 years and 3 months. Coin. vs. Slime. EA larceny. True bill. Guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $5, and undergo an imprison. ment in Western Penitentiary, of one year and three months, to take effect at the expiration of above sentence. Corn. vs John Jackson. Indictment assault and battery. True bill. Dis trict, Attorney enters a 'toile prosequi. Com. vs Moses Hardy. Indictment larceny. True bill. Plead guly, ana sentenced, to pay a fine of $5, and un dergo imprisonment in the Western' Penitentiary for 1 year and 6 months. Com. vs Same. Ind. escape. True bill. Defendant plead guilty, and sen tenced to pay a fine of $5, and undergo imprisonment is Penitentiary fl:,r ono year, to take effect at the expiration of sentence in above case. Com. vs Gratz Palmer. Indictment fornication and bastardy. True bill. Deft. pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $5-and costs, and that ho pay $25 lying-in expenses, and that ho pay proseentrix 75 ets. per week for 2 years from Ist January, 1805 ; 621 els. per week for two years thereafter, and so on, as in case of James G. Allison. Corn. vs John WberleY. Indict. selling liquor to minors. • True bill.— After trial had commenced it was dis covered that no itsue had been formed, and Dist. Attorney enters no/. pros: Coin. vs Same. Ind. selling liquor without license. True bill. District Attorney entered a nolle prosequi, for reason as in above case. Corn. vs Miles W. Starr. Indictment fornication and bastardy. Truo bill. Guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $5, and costs, and that he pay $25 ly• ing•in exiienses, and that ho pay the proseeutrix 75 cents pet• week for two years from the 4th May, 1864; and so on, as in cases of Allison and Palmer• Com. vs David Rupert. Assault and battery. True bill. Not guilty, but that he paymne half the costs, and the county the other half. . Coin: vs Lewis Richter. Selling li quor to minors. True bill-. Defendant pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay a tine of $lO and costs, and undergo an iMprisOnment in jail for ten days. Corn: vs .Nelson Stouder, William P. Barry, Samuel Stevens and Tilghman Geisor. Ind. riot. True bill. Wm. P. Barry, the only one produced on trial, was found guilty. Corn. vs Samc. Indict. Ist count, as sault and battery; 2d count, aggravated assault and battery. True bill. WM. P. Barry, the only one produced for trial, vas inrvitttod. Piro at IllarttleatTrgr statiat;“ , The store builqing with contents, and the iiCket, and telegraph offiee on the opposite side of the track - , were entirely destroyed by fire 'on Thursday last. 11. r. dimmer who occupied the store, lost everything. Thp pre origi patedin the cellar from a hogshead, in which meat was being smoked, taking fire. = What, a precious family heepsal9 a. .Thotograph Family liecord" be of ycrur ancestors V° lived one. hundred years ago ! Mr. Harrison is agent for this county. • ktdrek.satt lilvytaidle A set of unprincipled scoundrels rep resenting thenisolVes to be .TiountY and Pension agents, and agents of a ed National Protective Union, are carrying on a wholesale system of Robbery:in the United States. These Godless scamps send out beautifully engraved tickets accompa nied with the necessary circulars, etc., and within a week or two, the recipi ents of these tickets and eirculars,res ceive a "Catalogue" of ficticious draw. BEI Thousand Of persons have been in. duced to risk. money in this foremost of all swindling coucerns„hut have nev• er heard from it, and of course, never will. ' Not satisfied with ono mode of swindling, these sharpers turn their at tention to robbing soldiers, soldiers' widows, and soldiers' orphans. They state by their cards that they aro "Bounty, Claim and Pension Agents," and "refer by permission to Hon. James H. Colfax, and N. H. H. Haws, of Pension OfficO, Washington, D. 0.” Having obtained the necessary pa— pers from parties having claims against the government, they procure the money through their emissaries in Washington. thereby robbing soldiers, widows, and orphans of the very means of their existence. These swindlers and robbers have their head-quarters in Connecticut and New H,pmpshire,' some having their letters addressed to Newington Junc tion, Hartford County, Ct., and others to West Andover, .11.terrimac County, New Hampshire. Their printed cir culars are, headed, "Vernon Conn.," and some of their letters are mailed at Vernon. Speaks for Itself. The following letter. from Judge Rose of Altoona, to B. M. Greene, in regard to the Piano purchased of him speaks for itself: ALTOONA, Jainlary. 20, ISGO. B. M. GREENE, Esq.,—DearSir.— Allow me to express to you inf entire satisfaction with the Steinway &Son's Piano, purchased of you last March. As far as I am able to judge it, com bines all the necessary requisites of a perfect instrument. Quiie a number of performers have tried it, and ALL pronounce Steinway & Son's as UNE QIIAIibED. I have not, the least hesita tion in recommending their make as the best, and hope those of my friends who desire a good article may give you a call. Respectfully, These splendid Pianos and also Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, can be seen'at Mr. Greene's Music Store, Huntingdon, Pa. Mr. Greene is the sole agent for this county, and per sons wishing a good instrument should not fail to give him a call, or send for a circular. I= There a.boy down east whO is ac customed to go out on a railroad track and imitate the steam whistle so per fectly as to deceive the officer at the station. His last attempt proved emi nently successful ; the depot master came out and iswitched him off.' Some boys in this neighborhood have at tained a higher sink; of perfection than that of imitating a locomotive whistle, and they can play brakeman as good as the next one, and by a HUI° more forwardness they will become experi enced engineers. We would rather recommend a good switching by fath -ors and railroad mon than that the youths should persevere in attempts at perilous leaping on ears While in motion and hair breadth 'napes. Thief Caught On Thursday morning last, Jr. II Snare,a carpenter working in Brown's new building, missed a coat from where he had placed'it. Making•search and not finding it his suspicion reseed upon a darkey named Dennis Tenley, who was then loafing about the premises. The darkey upon being questioned acknowledged to having hid the coat in the cellar of Browb's building,whdre they both went. Idle hero the dar• key attempted to show his valor, but 'finding himself snared ho made his es, cape through a window. Mr. Snare and others gave chase to the fast fly. ing Dennis, and after a good run, cap. turod him. Ho is now in jail. Ho is suspected of other thefts, and perhaps that is how ho lived. We undersand bis parents live in Philadelphia. Steamboat. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Juniata Steamboat Company, at the House of H. W. Martin, in Wil liamsburgh, on last, Friday, the follow. ing gentlemen were elected directors for the ensuing year : Samuel Isett, Samuel E. Henry, Samuel Schinucker, P. Vandevender, and A. A: Collin. Tho statement of the business done last season shows a considerable bal ance of profits, notwithstanding the expenee and accidents incident to a now enterprise. It was resolved by the directors to at once take•subscrip, tions for additional stock sufficient to -build another boat. ' The second boat will - doubtless he running next sum mer, then vit.!) the increased capacity for carrying freight and passengers the company may expect conffilently, still large"! returns.—Rol. Register. Concerts. The North point Glee Barty, of Broad Top, intend giving' concerts at itcConnelletown,Murklesberg,Stoners . town, and IT opowell next week. Their programme is an attractive one,and we have no 'doubt such a novelty will h 9 well patroniod. • ' • Predictions for the . Year 1884 The Now Year has hardly been ens throned before a witty . "knight of tho quill" is making the following sage predictions : The year).B66 will be a very event ful one to every maiden who gets mar • tied. Throughout the whole course of the year, whenever the moon wanes the nights will grow dark. Whoever is' in ioye this year will think his mistress an.angel.: Whoever gets married will find out whether it is true. He that•- loses his hair this year will grow bald. He that loSes his wife will become a widower. Happy Man! If a young lady should happen to blush she will lodk rod in the Puce. if she dreams of a young man three nights in succession, it will be a sign of something.' If she dreams of him limy times or have the toothache, it is ten to one that she is a long time get ting either one of them out of her head. If any one jumps overboard without knowing how to swim, it is two to one he gets drowned. If any one lends an umbrella, it is ten to one he is obliged to go home in the rain for his pains. Whoever runs in debt this year will be dunned. Many an old sinner will resolve to turn over a now leaf this year, but the new loaf will turn out blank. It is probable that if there is no busi ness doing, people will complain of hard times, but it is certain that those who hang themselves will.escape star ving to death. He that bites off his own nose, or turns politician, will act like a fool,and this is the most certain of all. Skating For the benefit of beginnerS, the fol. lowing suggestions are made : First. Don't make sudden dashes, for they result in sudden stops. . Secondly. Don't attempt to cut too high figures, for they are invariably fol. lowed by low ngtires, and a loss of per pendicularity and dignity. Thirdly. Bo convinced that backslid ing is as objectionable. on ice as any where else, and ends in misery—to the crown of your head: Fourthly. Don't spread year logs too wide apart, lost you become a spread eagle. Keop your logs in a perpon• dicular position, or troy will assume a horizontal position without your• par- MS= Sixthly. Don't cut fancy stars, lest, they end in starry visions. Soventlily, and lastly. As you value the respect of your kicy , love, don't at. tempt to make a show of yourself, lest you become a flat show. B. P. ROSE Death of Samuel D. Young Samuel D. Young, fur many years connected with the Pennsylvania rails road, and for upwards of six years Su perintendent of the Middle Division, died, at his resideneO, in this city early this 'Awning. However sad the event will be to his immediate friends, and those who knew him in a business way, the.nature of his disease (an affection of the heart), had rendered his life more than precarious for several years past. Notwithstanding the fact of his indisposition, Mr. Young, while living, manifested great energy of character, showing his force of mind in the effi ciency with which he discharged his duties. Unobtrusive in society, and eminently ardent in his profession, as a railroad man, his loss will be severe ly felt by this community, and his place in the Pennsylvania railroad company will be hard to fill, in all re spects, with' a man equal to the de ceased. He was about 50 years of age.-4larrisburg Telegraph, the 20th. Give the Printers Pair Play Wo have a piece of advice, says an exchange, which %co wish to fix firmly and indelibly upon •the public mind, and that is, give the printers fair play. Do not forget that it costs something to "puff" as well as .to advertise, and never• sponge upon a printer in any way whatever. It is the printer's ink that makes nineten the of your for. tunes; it takes money to buy ink, typo and paper, and yet, after all his, few aro the thanks that the printer gets. Give the printersfair play, and give up all expectations of gratuitious puf fing, etc., and come down with a re• muneration. The great American statesman, Daniel Webster, was right when he remarked, "Small is the sum required to patronize a newspaper; am. ply rewarded its pa tron,no matter how humble and unpretending the gazette ho takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet with printed matter without putting into it something that is worth the subscription price. A Cheap tee douse Any one who lives near a water course can, at an expense of $l.O, build an ic,6 house, capable of containing a cube of the crystal luxury, ten feet square. Rough boards for the outer wall, slabs for the inner, with•a filling ti foot thick of tan bark or saw dust, a layer of the ;Rime thickness upon the top; a lupboard roof, a drain to carry off drippings' from the ice,.and then pack in the ice close and compact, cock er it over with saw dust, and the ; work is done. Such a store wOuld furnish half a dozen families with hard butter, cold water, frozen custards anthill the luXuries of a first clads ice aroma sa loon, for the whole season, Giet t .s rt.;ipines. - Prot. MeEmyre's Great Remedies— the Indian Compound, the Dandelion Pills, and the Indian Vegetable. Worm Destroyer—for sale. at Book gttore, Huntingdon. 7: • Gov. Curtin bait driliVed •at• home, with health much improved. His wife suffered from effeots of thir ssa voyage. •• tiara Freaziug. . To give some idea of "the intensity of the freezing on the morning of the Bth inst., we will state a fact, says the editor of the Johnstown Democrat, which.. came under our own observa tion. A goose went to the Conemaugb river, just below the bridge Woodvale, on that morning, in search ofwater, and dropped over the edge of the ice into the open water to drink. Whiio drinking, its tail feathers froze . fast to the ice and it could not get away till released by human hands. The steam from the locomotives and. denly froze and fell in showers of snow. Public Stiles, &c. We are prepared at the "Globe" Job Office, to print all kinds of bills on short notice any day in the week. Or ders by Mail will receive our prompt attention. Blank notes and stamps always on hand and will be sent through' the mail when ordered. Vii?-Pure Liberty White Lead. Pub He notice is invited to this .article.— Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith of Philada. Read adrr's in this issue. MARRIED, On the 28th ult., by Rev. W. Kirby, Ir. DAVID CAPENFIOUII, of Huntingdon county. to Miss LYDIA...TONES, of Mifflin county. . On the 9th inst., by Rev. M. Smith, at the residence of the bride's parents. JAB. T. Mo()Lunn, of Huntingdon Co., to Miss MA,TILD.4.\E. AIITCHELT., of Der ry twp., Mifflin county. On the Ist inst., by Rev. Joseph R King, Mr. FLETCHER NOBLE, of Fan nettsburg. to Miss MAGGIE A. CAMP BELL, of the vicinity of Waterloo. On the 16th of January, 1806, by the Rev. R. 0. Matthews, Mr. JAMES A. WALLAcE,ofSpring Grove,to Miss BELL BATON,,Of Monmouth, On the 20th, Dec. '65, by the Rev. John Anderson, at the lions° of the bride's father, Mr. ALFRED KINYON, tO Miss LOUISA COY, both of Barron twp. Jan. llth, '65, by the same, Mr. JAS. HOOVER, to Miss ELIZABETtI HOO VER, both of Jackson township. Jan. 10th, by Rev. John A. Dixon, WAL A.4l,lllcOottAttck., of Huntingdon, Pa.., to Miss VIRGINIA T. Genviti, of Williamsburg, Pa. • DIED; Dee. 24th, Of Consumption, in • Fair field. lowa, Miss ELLEN OGDEN, wile of Dr. Ogden, and daughter of Asahel H. and Isabella Brown, in tho 39th year of her age. kirs,,Esnma Thomrsos, wife of,Jno. Thompson of Mooresville, Jan. 27th 1866, aged 64 years. Mrs. Thompson was a consistent and devoted meniber of the Methodist Epis copal Church, for more than thirty years. For many years she was the subject of severe afflction ; but as long as her strength permitted she was faithful in her attendance upon the worship of God in his sanctuary. Her trust in God was unshaken to the end; she died exclaiming "all is well." *,* PHU. .1 DE i.PHI A. MAHN. ETS. — Jimuary, 24. Family Flora ;1052 Extra Flour ... ' SR,SO Superfine Flour ' $7.50 Rye Floor 15,50 Corn Meal 41.25 Ex( ra Will to Wheat, - $2,7a®2,40 Fair mid (Thug ,lied ", SI,T O,AIO • Bye 1,110 Cori:, Priam Yellow 77 Bata 52 Barley • . $l.lO (1101'ot - seed, 'NA Ws 17,00 Timothy - 53.50 Flaxseed, $5. 2 0 Wool • • 00'.70 Hides 13 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY 131 S. E. II k.NRY Or CO. Family Flour $lO,OO Extra Flour $4,50 Superfine Flour 51,50 Corn Meal 11 $2.25 llueltwheai. chair %r cwt 5.500 White When, $2.10 lied Wheal 100 Rye a 00 New Corn 00 • oats 35 Cloverseed $6,00 €l.l 6.50 Flaxseed " Dried Apples .................... ....... . .... .3 00 Dried Peaches ..25 to 25 Butter 40 h;gri 23 Lord 15 ihtm 25 Shoulder Olden Tallow 12 Hay 10,00 FORRENT Tlie room occupied • as the MASONIO,IIA lA, 25 x 50 feet, with ontoldu entrance. Second floor of the buildirg formerly known us the Broad Top corner, Iluntftngdon, Pa.. DAVID FOR RENT.—Jas. A. Brown offers fur rent a largo room, 18 by 35 feet. on the second fluor in b IS now mammoth Ilni dunre building, Dill at. Huntingdon, Pi,. It Is lighted numb gas, and Is well snit ed fur a Wiliness room, or would boa plciumus nituntiun for a public Reading Room. Potscssion will ho given on April Ist, 1806, or sooner if desired. Jarllo-3t* F op. SALE, A HOUSE AND LOT, 'n great and of A I . ,EXANDR.IA. Tim Immo io n non• franc. A good Stable, Carriage !louse. Wood Llotum, mud pump and Spring lionszi also ou the lot. Apply to LEM ANt AYRES on the premises. January 10,1066-31° Eizt o. \IVILL 1)e sold on the premises in rtisN township, nt o'clock. On Thursday, January 25th, 1866, -- A Tit ACT OF LAND containing 230 acres, of which about 50 acres aro•clenred and in a good state of culti- m ration, having it g.od Dwelling House erected thereon, a novae failing spring, and as good Ches nut oak timber as any in tho surrounding coun try. It is bounded by lands of John Andereoo, Poser :peck, William States and 011.1 , 1(111ml is. TEICES UV SAUL—win third of the purchase motley on confirmation of halo—the beton. In two equal pay. ments %sin) interest, snared by bends and mortgage. Tho laud belongs to tho heirs of Jano McCall, lido of said township, who have appointed tho' undersigned to net an th it agent or tatturuey. an 3 JOAN ANDERSON. VALUABLE : 1:14::#1.1.4a) maid. I...cst AT PUBLIC. SALE: ':•• rpllE undersigned, intending to 113 ave town In the Spring will offer the bongo and lot on which he resides, ut public sale, On Thursday, January. 25th, 1866, at 10 o'clock, a. in. This property is altuated on the corner of Wouldngton and Path :Areas, in the borough of flontingdon. The lot is a Mil Sized lot. end runs back to 51imiu street, on which it also hue a Omer front, very suitable for builds ing purposes. Terms of sale will be easy, and will be made known on day of sale. Possession giv, n on the let day of April, 18t18. , atl7J 8. ti. RBID. THE GREAT MEDICINE Pant) re's INDIAN COMPOUND. NEW §tIPPLY JIM RECEIVED AT _LEWIS" BOOK STORE. *'RICE PER BOTTLE; 6i) On., and $l.OO Cigars aTid• Tob . 4cco for sale at I.lelsisilop.k:Nork INKI INK. INK ! IiTCPMIC3M To Merchants and Business Men. THE undersigned having recently been appointed ngen - for the Now York National Ink Company, hereby gives notice to merchants, bust , nest men, and to consumers of all classes that lie it pre pared to supply the marget with on article of Ink which in addition to being the best to use. is emphatically the cheapest ever offered for solo to this country. It neither corrodes the pen. nor monlds the inkstand. Is of a rich bluish tint. flows freely. and is perfectly *de-r -age, giving it advautag,es not possessed by any other Ink, whether of foreign or domestic thilnufactnre. This Ink contains no sediment and will not herefore. thicken as most lake do, the last drop being as thin and clear as the orders whether wholesale 'or •retifil; will be promptly Oiled, at lowcir rates thou ste goad an article can be purchased In the cities or el,ewhoro. Penman who entertain doubts as to Use superior quality and cheapness of this Ink ere roopectfiuly entreated to give It a trial John 11. Clark, sub-agent will CfIaVAIS3 the county for the purpose of introducing this Ink. • 915101 , 1 COHN, Agent, Coffee Run P. 0., Huntingdon county, Penna. Oct.l6,'6s—tf. PP.INCIPAL DttANCII or TM NertO4L loft ComPANY, OP NNW YORE. Air. SIMON COHN. P. AL, having been appointed eales man nod geuer s al agent, fa the representative of the above company for the county of Huntingdon, State of Poona:, no per contract, nil partial theretore, whether having dealt with us previously or otherwise; wilteplease nvnli themselves of the ad van r.tgel of dealing directly with the representative of our bootie hero; they will find It to their pecuniary interest to do en. C L. VAN ALLEN, Actuary.- The above Ink to for ;tale at Lenin' and all the principal stores in the county. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY I A. . . IMMENSE STOCK AND • ENDLESS VARIETY oa IiAItDWARE, CUTLERY, Sze:. NOW OPEN AND lOR SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK uuntinoon, oCt IT. NEW GOODS! ~NEW GOODS!: 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! SIMON C AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of hts old patrone specially, and filo public to general, to his extensive stock of well selected now Ooods,just received from the Eastern CiliC9, consisting, in part, or Dry GOOdSc Cinthing, Wool en WiirP, Notions, Hats and Cap% Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls;Ciren lars, Hardware:. Queensware, Ciro aeries, \Vood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, , Seizars ' Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop- • per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches., and all other articles hept inn first elms try store: all selected with the greaten rare and %Odell were pur chased for each only, and affordshim to sell them at a very law figure. Tho pubic will find It to their :ideal, •tage to call and examine our unsurpitssedsteck, before pnrchasing elsewhere, No pains wilt be spared to show ing our. (loads. Indies aro specially invited to examine oily largo stock of fashionable dreg, goods; Shawls; Cir culars, Pura. nod x Brent variety of AYnnlnn Goods. 11c5le ry, &c. Also, Is handsome nsiort Men tof T.ADIES' COATS All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the highest Juirket prices--Cash net refused. Cy strict attention to the wrults of citstmners, we hope tdrecelve a iontlti iistelon of Om liberal patronage with which we have been hereto . fore favored. Come ono and all, and Tar. 1r"... New Goads received dolly. act 181863. FIMON COIN.' • CHEAP GROCERY STORE, W.IIIII4IIOEaMML HILL ST ., HUNTINGDON; PA. r HE undersigned offers for the in spection and pun:hese of cwltornen a large and ti sorted stork of groceries, Previsions. &a. 115 feels ritis fool they can Do accongelatcd. with anything in his !Ina. Ills prices are low, and his stock fresh and good. !le ItecTs the best of SUGAR, COPPE.E, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGA BS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, HATS & CAPS, &c A Lso— HAMS, SHOULDEIV-1, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO TIO NS of every kind A srlect stock. of DRY GOODS, together with Qii Kt: V - WAllll.owloil other articles - kept inn well regulated ontitltaltmrn t for site at to lootiablo priets. Ilk store Is on Hill street. n. arty oppoAto the Bank. end In the room formerly occupied by D. (trove. Call and examine. Z. YENf lilt. Huntingdon, rlct 17,1565. • • GREAT ENTHUSIASM I • MGR PRICES SURRENDER / I THE BEST. AND THE CHEAPEST. j JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully Inform the citizens of Huntingdon ar.d vicinity that be haquar receirml front the city IL NEW nod splendid stock of BOOTS & SITOES, RATS & CAPS, liosiery l Shoe FindingC, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. nli of which ho ma prepared futon nt reduced prices A Inc of CiP.I.CI) CUN fECTIONERIES have ulao been re ceived.. Don't forget ilm old eland in the Diamond. Old costa mem and the public generally aro invited to call. Jinn tingdou, npri 12, 1863. N .ESV BOOT AND SNOB STORB: • wiri. AFRICA Informs the public that ho has Jost .eo r d opened at his old stand in tho Diamond, liunilanit.n, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen :and Children. All of which ho will aril at fair prices. Quick sales and smallpriyits: Call and examine my stock. Maniiiiietuting and Repoli iog none to order as uirant. .11uuthigdan, Vet- 10, 1565. • New Furniture EFtablishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invitee the attention of the Public to bit stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in thu rear of tleergeW Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where lie manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture At reduced prices. Poe. sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give tiles a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to proniptly and charges reasonable. 48-Also. Undertaking carried on, and Collins made la any style desired. at short notice. trift Funerals attended at nay place in town or cowl '1,49 . J. M. WISE. tituntingdon,Sept.2.l., 1802—tf . XF' YOOtT A GOOD PIIOTOGRAPII LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hilt Street, two doors west of "Awl.? Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. acintingdo., or.c 4, '65-tf. QTOVES: STOVES. Spootk famona .4katl.du.d.Oook, Wellington Cook, .I..kudneutal Cook, and a oplendld variety of goo humor. and other heating btOve7, for cool cr. woOd, juet eekmd, and fon ciao oo tlo 4 . 1a1-dwero Storok4 , SAM T. Itnr.tloa.46o. Oct. 18/ -tr. • ' : . .•• NEV GOODS. FOR FALL AND WINTER; HENRY STROUSE - 81 CO. Respectfully infUrm the 'public generally than they have Just received &large and xplendld 'tack of good. at. their atom in MARRLESRUIP3, a.eraltung In part or . DRY GOODS; • DRESS GOODS - , SILKS, . ' • NOTIONS,: HATS & CAPS ROOTS &SHOES, • HARDWARE, ' - • QUEENSWARE,, • GROCERIES,- WOOD and WIL, LOW WARE,. TOBACCO, SEGARS, , Z 4 NAILS, GLASS, . • OLD MEAT, . CRACKERS, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, &e. &c. • AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE And in fact everything usually kept in a first clans Coun try store, which were bought low for cash and will ba• sold at, correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, and ri quest the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewliere, feeling satisfied we can offer supe rior inducements to cash buyer, • , We respectfullysolicit the patronage of all, and meal. ally our Trough Creek Valley friends. • Everything taken In, exchange for goods except prom!. too.„ paid for all kinds or grain, for Wrildt,the Lighest market prices will be given. - 111iNfrit STROUSE eco., Marklesberg, Oct. 21,1805. NEW GOODS! - NEW GOODS,I, If you want Cheap Goods, GO TO I. la. & co's If you avant Good Goods, GO TO R. IT CIINNINGHAM:S; CO'S; if you want Fashio2zable Goods, GO TO R: I. OtiIsTNINGITAAI Sr,' CO'S. If you want to see the GREATEST VARIETY ite'd BEST SELECTION OF GOODS EVER BROIIGIIT TO' EIL.INTL)'ODOS, Consisting of LADIES' DRESS ROODS, OASSLMERES. of city and country tannafaeture;-Brochet rind' Minket SHAWLS, SONTAGS and ,Itreaktiot SHAWLS,, PAINTS and MEdIANS of ovary Variety; lints, Capi,' lioOti, Rio* Groceries and Confectioneries. and i o word, everything, that eye both seen or ieart Could - . _ GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM' CO'S IVEOLESA.LE ct• IiET.A.II,,STO4 ; Corner of Railroad ana 'Montgomery sts. linutlngdou.,Nov..B,lB,6s NEW CLOTHING AT LOTT' _PRICES. OUTMAN 1/AS JUST OPENIM A PI U STOCK OF RIM • PALL AND ;PINTER •0 0 0 DS, : • Which ha Offers to all who want. Ile; • CLOTIiEID, • AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES; ilia StPfl: convints of Ready•mode Clothing fo:, MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, 1100T3 AND SHOD?,-RATS AND. CAPA,'.4C., at). Should gentlemen desire any particular. kind or cut , ~ clothing not found in the Lock on hand, by leaving tint; mamma they can ho accommodated at abort notice. . . . Cull ut t 1 ,coat coruoe of the blemoixd, over:LoaCl MANUAL . GUTMAN Huntingdon May. 17,'t5. ' . • , Reward the Soldiers!, Another Opportunity is'offered the many,: Friends of the Soldiers to ReWard, those who Faced the Mustp, • , of the Enemy. J., B. SHONTZ & BRO.. RESPECTFULLY inform their nume, it roes friends of Marklesburg and surrounding try ; that they have received a JrO end, splendid sleek of, NEW GOODS, C:otiZ,ting of— READY MADE OLOTIIING, FIATS and DAYS, BOOTS and Sgoli3s:,, LADIES' DRESS. GOODS, GE? T'INIEN'S FT.JRNISIIING GOODS and a large, stock of JEWELRY, &c.. • The public. without regard to politics, religion, sect or color, will find our store the place W. buy Just whet they wont. and et pares to stilt the thee. Don't felt to give no 11 Mit, en et . ,e ore determined to. plrnse oil. illorklesburg. Iltintlugdori , QOM' • • ' :n t. pp - 114 ' BOOKS AND STATIONERY:_: SIMPSON, ARMITAGE' & r_TAVING PURCHASED the en attljUintlitee'ptri:or,W.„mr*litts7estno•':ifferte the rub"' I.I.IECEIANICAL, • RELIGIOUS;; . SCHOOL, • AND MLSCP,LLANEOUS 1300K54 STATIONERY, POCKET BOOKS, PORTMONAIS, Le., Also, fattest Styles of - WALL PAPER & - WINDOWSHAEER:, MAGAZINES, and Daily 'and Weekly Papers constant-. ly on hand.. mOrders from abroad promptly - attended tp. ' • - • CALL AT BROAD TOP:PORNERn •: Huntingdon, May348136-ly • . NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS, CHEAPEST CLOTHING in TON LEOPOLD BLOOM • HAS JUST RECEIVELI . . , A. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES OF FALL fi'b!oh be Were to the public. AT THE CHEAPEST RA.T.ES'i„. file stock demists of GENTS' FURNISHING , GOOD - Si. HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES,.&c. 111.1 shire la at the ," OLD BROAD TOP CORNER, 111.1:TfINGD0N, PA., Where be will ha pleased to receive and acconunedate customers, LEOPOLD BLOOM., Huntingdon, Oat. 10, 1005. - . N EiV FAMILY GROCERY 8TOItC; ci LONG & CO. would resp call the, attention Of thocitizens . of Ythatingdon and ricinity to the fact that they here Just opened a FA; ' MILY aituantty sroitE at the old stand of Christopher. Ling, where they will keep constantly on Nada full, awl, well assorted stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES., - such m London's Syrup. N. Orleans and Porto Pico Mo, lasses, Sugars, Coffees, Tem, Spices, Salt,, llama. Sides * Shoulders. Dried Beef. Floor, Flsh,Clieme, Rico, Plohlee and Provlelone of nil kinds. CEDAR AND WILLOVVAVARE:' comprf Bing, In part, paskote, Buckets, Tub.. Washboards, Corn Brooms, &mans, Ruga, Nits, rioa Oil Maui. Dap Trunk% O. &a. , ()AN DinS and :IBIS of all kinds, wholconlo nod rotall ! TOYS, TOBACOO.SEGa I t oitur m .: t o ; They reafmotfnlly invite a call and epuniaattoa of stock 11,),Ilalloa that their gooda awl 'plata. "sill c.C0mp . .1% favorably with cholla of any allot 1D tin plate. : . • 0:1.0NYI 4 ilitt)ttagdon, umber:4,lBB3. , . COUNTRY D.RAT,NitS "MBl,l4EllrrlitgUAganit,}l?E!!ll4°Dtl• ef tea /12 if ET, .ts -4112:Aiitut gtirl is 1t4a,1,11911