The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 03, 1866, Image 2

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    Inc 61obc.
Wednesday morning, Jan. 3, 1.306.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor,
Past, Present and Future.
The year 1865 came and has gone,
and is now numbered with the things
of the past. It has been the most event.
tel year in the history of our nation
In the beginning we were in the dark
est period of the great, rebellion that.
was lowered upon us; the balance of
Fate was equally poised, and eaeliside
fully arrayed awaited the decisior° 4 of
Fortune. A quarter of the year rolled
away, and the aspect of military af
fairs assumed an encouraging change;
the contesting armies met and fought
the most decisive as well as most san•
guiutiry- battles; the foes of the gov
ernment were discomfitted and com
pelled to surrender—the great General
Lee and the flower of Southern chiv
alry first, and Johnston and his war
scarred veterans shortly after. Then
followed scenes 41 general rejoicing
throughout the North for the well
earned and dearly bought victory ; but
in the midst of rejoicing a voice of
mourning went up for the loss of oar
second Washington now honored in
the hearts of his countrymen. The nas
Lion lived though its beloved Guide
had fallen at the Land aids country's
enemy, and the labor of showing mercy
unto the thousands who had erred
was commenced and is still being pros
ocuted to, we trust, a happy finale.
Again the hearts of Christians and
patriots were cheered with the fact
that Slavery had met its doom, first
by the blindness of its own upholders
and lastly by the unchangeable voice
of tho people. -January Ist, 1563,
Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the death
warrant to Slavery, and on the eve of
January let, 1866, the edict has gone
forth that Freedom is universal, and
the people echo the proclamation of
liberty throughout all this great land,
and celebrate the death of slavery.
What vast revolutions the rebellion
has produced. Blessings as well as
sorrows have followed in its train, and
having experienced the worst of its
sorrows we are yet to receive the best
Share of its blessings. One of those
blessings and the mast important is
that of the extinction of slavery, and
may we not hope that its eradication
is the forerunner• of' a continued reign
of unbounded prosperity, added to
national influence and power and un
divided patriotism.
The hand of the Almighty is not
only visible in controling the events of
the past year to our national benefit
in giving us the victory over our ene
my, but at home WO observe that the
labors of the husbandmen have been
rewarded bonntifully through His
providence. This is another source of
.rejoicing, and is evidence flint He is
with us, not only as a Protector but
.as a Preserver. Nay the close of' '66
.find us. as a Nation amicably united.
-witlyall political differences and preju
4ces dissolved, and in the enjoyment
of 'universal freedom, abiding peace,
and increasing prosperity !
National Education.
Should the Government provide for
the general education of its subjects?
Although this question may no i j, be
familiar to many of my readers, it is
by no means a new one. By several
European powers it has been duly con
sidered and decided in the affirmative,
and has been.suggested to the minds
of some of , our leading men by recent
events of which the mere mention will
recall to memory. It is true 4,hat
number of our State govern mon ts have
made.ample provisions for the encour•
agement of education, but on the other
band the large section including the
states lately in rebellion have not
touched by legislation this important
subject. There aro sufficient grounds
on found the right of the
Government to enforce an attendance
at places of public instruction. Self
preservation is the duty. of nations as
well as of individuals, and they only
are a wise people who take precau.
tions against injuries to their common
country. It is also the part of wisdom
to endeavor to prevent crime instead
of merely enacting laws to punish it
after it is committed. Blackstbne corn
mends very highly that system of
preventive justice which requires sus
pected persons to enter into recogni•
zanees to keep the peace; but would
it not be better to adopt a plan by
Which the semblance of criminality
might be diminished or more nearly
Avoided? I will not presume that
there exists any doubt cf the fact that
an increase of intelligence would tend
to decrease the number of offences.
against the laws. The records of our
,courts, especially those of the large
' cities, show what a vast proportion of
our criminals come front the lowest
.and most ignorant classes. The causes
of thi's preponderance aro so evident•
that it is not necessary to recount
them here. We knoW that the evil
exists, and to remedy it we have but
to change the circumstances from
which it Ilews • The experiment of
• holding out inducements has • been
tried, tunas hellcats have not reached
the class that need them most. Th ere
are Innumerable children in - the tuna
that will attend schools only when
compelled to, and many of them not
being so controlled, it becomes the duty
or the Government to adopt measures
for se , atring their education.
To this there has been urged the ob
jectioli that it deprives the subject of
his personal liberty, an apparently
forcible argument but really= without
foundation. It must be remembered
that it affects the individual at a time
when he is not recognized as a citizen,
and when he has no privileges except
those that arc allowed by parental
authority. If the latter be not exer
ted in the proper manner it is no in
fringement on private rights to remove
it from the hands of the parent, and
give it to the Government.
Horatio Speaks.
We offer no apology for occupying
it small space in our columns to defend
ourself and our interests against the
attacks of public men. All men who
aspire to political positions above their
neighbors, and attempt to influence
the people, are public men and public
property, just as much so as a candi.
date for an office or an editor who is
generally everybody's Riot ball. We
have long since made it a rule to rely
mainly upon our own ability to pro
test our interests and defend ourself
personally. Hive. should fail to do so
ire would not be deserving the assist
nice of our friends. Horatio has spo.
ken. Months ago. and immediately
previous to the election, we asked from
Horatio, in a public way, why he with
drew the patronage of the Fisher firm
from the Globe office. Ito remained
mum until we stirred him up again
three weeks ago, When We exposed his
bitterness towards us by advising
means to crush our business. In reply
to our expose he published a long let
ter in the Journal cf: .. , iinerican, intended
to be very severe upon us, but it only
shows his weak points. He tries to
make it appear that his withdrawal of
the firm's patronage from us was only
an every day business transaction,
with the exception that we, as he says,
inflicted upon him a “private wrong;"
and for this reason he withdrew his
patronage. Now, it would be more
manly in Horatio to let us and the
public know what the ''private wrong"
was we inflicted, and not go sniffling
around Eke the boy who "d rapped"
something. If Horatio had come right,
out and admitted that he withdrew
his patronage fiorn-us because we had I
declared publicly our intention to vote
for the one armed soldier, Anthony J.
Beaver, lie would have admitted the
truth, a truth this Whole community
knew was the reason why "Fishers'
Column" no longer appeared in the
Globe. We bad a right to vote for Mr.
Beaver, if We saw proper to do so—and
we could not see why lie was not wor
thy our vote. We had made loud pro
fessions of friendship for the returned
wounded soldiers—perhaps not louder
than Mr. Horatio—but we could not,
proffiss ono thing and practice another
—we were not of the Horatio school of
politicians, a political friend of a soh
dier to his face and his political enemy
behind his back. We were visited by
Horatio's proscription because we
would not surrender a sense of duty
we owed a deterring soldier; and it is
not possible for Horatio to put himself
in any other position, so he laiglit as
well own up to the true reason why
has cut our acqintintanco. The results
have not seriously interfered with our
arrangements for the winter, for we
find our stock of knout isquite as large,
as it was last winter, and oux cow has
improved on the change of bran.
Horado, iu his "explanation," cons
fosses to conduct as a party man we
want the Union men of t h e county to
remember, lie says he has voted for
Democrats, and will continue to do so
whenever an opportunity is afforged him
of aiding a personal friend, without re
yard to his politics. A right Horatio
has and one ho exercised at the last
election by voting against a portion of
the Union county ticket; and with all .
his confessed guilt of opposing his par
ty nominee he presumes to dictate
how others ofethe party shall vote, and
for a failure to vino to please him be
visits upon the heads 'of • bettor party
men than himself the crushing weight
of his influence and proscription. Ho
ratio will learn as he grows older that
he is not the man he thinks him•
self' to be.
Horatio gives in his "explanation"
also another expose which is quite in
teresting to the advertising public.—
Ile says we charged the Fisher firm
almost one hundred per cent. more for
publishing their column advertisement
than the Jour. & Am. did. This is a
bold charge against the Jour. & Amer.
editors, and they should net have been
so stupid as to permit it to appear in
their columns. But us they have pub
lished the charge in their own columns
they cannot complain it' the public be
heves it, and they are denounced as
Rats! The lutes of the Globe and the
Journal d; American have been the stone
tot puthshing a column advertisement,
KO per year. We charged the Fisher
firm $OO, but it appears the Jour. (I'7
Am. charged nearly a hundred per cent.
less. We cannot understand why the
rich firm of Fisher S. Sons should have
their advertising dont) at nearly one
half less than .other merchants and ad.,
vertisers. If we give favors of the
kin . d we give them to business men less
able to pay than the Fishers.. This
insulting charge of Flay: do against
the character of iho Jour. & Am. office
is the first of the kind we Jiavo over
heard made by any of the many ad
vertisers who have patronized both
offices. Perhaps other advertisers can
snake into its rates nearly a hundred
per cent., an item worth looking after
just now when trade is a little dull.—
If the Jo,Fr. & Am. office publish col
umn advertisements for the same as it
dues half columns,' other merchants
should not remain ignorant of the fact.
Will the Jour. & Am. editors explain ?
Advertisers generally - aro anxious to
know why they are charged lull rates
and the Fishers nearly a hundred pe•
cent. less.
Horatio seems to doubt our Union
int. We cannot see where Horatio
has any advantage over us. We have
given more time and labor to the
cause than he, and if he is to be be•
lieved we have voted for more candi
dates of the Union party than ho has,
and ho promises to vote against them
whenever a personal friend of his of
the opposition party is up for an officii.
Perhaps ho wants extra credit for
avoiding the draft by buying a poor
darkey to go where ho was afraid to
go. • If be is entitled to. the extra eyed
it, then we admit he may be a better
Union man than we are. But it is a
nice question—one wo will leave for
the Union party to decide.
The loss of that column adveatise
went is nothing to be compared with
the loss of Horatio's regard for us. He
says lie has hosts of Democratic friends
fur whom he retains a much higher ro.
gird than ho does for us. Horatio
'vents to be cruel, but then he is to be
excused as it is only a "business trans
action," and he wants to make it pay
if Democrats he has denounced as
"copperheads" will bite at his bait.
In conclusion wo give Horatio and
all his particular• friends this notice :
We shall always be prepared, and use
means most convenient, to defend ours
self and our interests against any at
tack from any quarter, public or pri
vate, and when we surrender it will be
after we are defeated.
To the Patrons of the linntingdon Globe
JANuArtY 1866
The war has run his bloody race,
And Peace now shows her shining face,
As down the gold•fritged cloud she leaps
From quiet skies where beauty sloops,
With rosy cheek and brightened eye
In mantle of the star-lit sky ;
With sweetest songs upon her tongue,
Tina oft have through the heavens rung;
And claps her hands and jumps to earth,
To mingle in the merry mirth,
That round victorious standards rings,
As shadowed by the eagle's wings.
No truer friend of human kind—
So chastened, lovely arid refined—
Ere burst empyrean's filmy veil;
And thwart the comet's burning trail;
On earlimurning's darting ray ;
Was boino to palace of the gay,
Alighted in the cabin home r
Or rested on the temple's dome.
Ambassador from courts above,
With letters of eternal love, •
And amities directed to
A noble people conquering through
The bloodiest strife, historic tiros
Has traced upon the scroll of crime,
411 hail', we welcome back again;
Oh gentle Peace—with all your train
Of arts, development and wealth—
Contentment, joy and blooming health,
Tu sway your sceptre o'er the land—
Assume again supreme command.
We need your vital power now,
To build the sh 4 and start the plow;
Send commerce on her track once more,
And farmers to the fields of gore.
Stretch'forth again your magic wand;
Turn paper money into bond ;
Reduce the gold to dollars true;
Let paper have a golden hue;
Sink shafts in Colorado's hills;
Crush quartz in strong Nevada mills;
Wash out in Calif ruin's sands,
And gather on the ocean strands,
The yellow spangles from the dirt
With which the treasure is begirt:
Explore each gulch and in each ledge,
Expend the force of thundering sledge;
And make the rock-ribbed earth display
Her golden treasures to the day :
Mike cornfields spring to life, restored
Within a night, like Jonah's gourd;
And wheat fields wave before the gale,
And plenty cover every vale;
And never let us hear again,
The war-horse snort on brittle
All nature courts your beaming smile—,
All countries worship you the while.
Columbia's flag on mountain height,
That greets the eagle in his flight,
Revered by all the patriot world
With all its azure folds unforind;
And proud of all the glories won ;
And all the noble actions dune ;'
Within its shade on hind or wave,
By squadrons true and seamen brace
Its starry brow adoring bends,
When pool, your train, in beauty wends,
[low beautiful thou art, oh pollee I
now lovely in the wat•'s surcease;
No wonder, all the brightened earth
ltejoiced=adored thee—at thy birth;
No wonder,tinqgh advancing tune,
In every etiir - ftyry clime,
Pldlanthropists have loved thy reign,
And scholars haunted thy domain.
The future, brilliant as a gem,
Awaits to deck your diadem,
Beneath your sway, the marble whits,
In memory ‘if the conquering fight;
And those, who in the war path fell,
On many a hill, in Many a dell;
Must rise to meet auroral skies,
That wait to lend their burnished dies.
Not that you dip your fingers in
The blood that springs from tumult's din
For often front your jeweled throne,
You've hail to tly, and slay alone;
While s oldiers, on the battle field,
Determined, who should reign or yield,
While you were weeping in your home,.
Beyond the place wheVe rebels room
The Union Soldier's wiry arm,
In watchinio, strife and death's alaini;
A mighty empire won for you,
And spread it to your wondering view,
And gave away 'with generous hand,
The conquest into your command..
This conquest gained in bloody strife,
And reciinstructed into life;
With equal laws that cover all,—
The white, the black . ,:the great and small,—
When sixty States, in after pars";
Shall move.hsruloninus in their spheres, •
Without a jar,•as planets TIM •
Their yearly courses round the sun;
When mighty debts that trouble now,
And east a sltadenn every brow,
Shall all be pail and leave no trace
Of heart-torn effort on the face;
When onitivated fields shall bloom,
Like maiden in her bridal room;
When gall and bittei-ness shall die,
Like mildew 'neath a sann2, , sky;
And north and south shall perms sing,
That make the ambient heavens ring,
As round the temple of the free,
Tney gather in exultant glee; •
Then will all people bless the hour,
The soldier with coercive power,
Barbaric temples tumbled down
Aud shivered slavery's bloody crown
And gave n land without a chain,
On which sweet Peace shall ever reign.
Then let the monuments arise
Until they strike the spangled skies;
Upon their tips, your banners bright,
Unfurl, to drink the rrwrning light;
lin upon the marble's side,
Tee names of those who bled and died;
And as recurring ages run
Their ceaseless course beneath the sun ;
They'll celebrate the epoch grind,
When freedom made her conquering stand
We're passed the dawn of that bright day
Approaching its effulgent ray—
That Plymouth's pilgrims came to find ;
That those same pilgrims half divined,
Was shining on .another shore,
Where stranger oceans dash and roar.
With many errors of their time,
They carried to their now found clime,
This truth—their clUntry to adorn—
That all are free and equal burn :
And whatsoever ditterOnce may
Distinguish parts 4 human clay;
The selfsame laws should govern each, •
That every other person, reach.
Upon this great foundation stone,
The•eutistitutinn built its throne;
And had the Oau been followed true,
As up the noble structure grew ;
And varied not, to let the slave
Be blinded in the architrave;
A bloody war 'had never, round.
Its splendid columns, , stained the ground.
The happiest song that I can sing—
The noblest offering I con bring—
To all my friends, this New Year's clay,
Since horrid war is blown away ;
Is,--that your country is no more
Ilalf slave, half free—as 'twos before;
But is or, undivided home,
Prom entrance llour to crowning; dome;
And when the reconstruction's dooe,—
Or restoration into one,
is all completed, as 'twill be,
For happy banquets of the free;
Unnumbered years of peace and truth
Wilt bless your age, adorn your youth,.
Until the last of Ado nen race
Shall see the summoning angel's face.
All wrsons indebted to It. ,T:tou. , E. 4t, UO.. liro
1"101:6teti to C/a , iiumedukt ly apd Make. settlement nod
cave !mill, tte WO , tt. bTI:0116L, & CU.
Marklezburg, Jan. 2, '60.,2t.
A regular meeting et the 11.'11[114;1ton County
Ag,..lturia 000101 y will be held iu the t'utirt llonme on
Monday evening of the liras we It of the coining Court.
by order of the Society. It. MTIVIT
Jan 3 iircretary.
TIIE undersigned respectfully in
furies iAI perhuna itelebtail to them that they ere ma
king prelettla one. to metre. to the Went at nn early clay
ant/ I hey holitAdi sill 6.111 Without delay mat ntakr a ti•
unl SUllle,ll4.llt of huh and note OCCOIIIIIB, and ell ape.
have dale& against theta will please present client fur
settlement. • • , .
They do not flesip to make costa In thn collection of
' •
their tlahus. W. 31.1.1tU1l
3larta,ntrurg. , jan:7l,.lBo - kn2t •
4t. - Ja4::) - tUgar eq%14:8.
THOMAS 6.6 SON will ltuyo atiutlan
sale of a vArioty orgnotti, in HUNTINGDON,
- -
&naniencing First Tuesday ofJ salary Onol,
and continuing during time irrak.
'noir shu: will be of a greater variety and better
goods. jand-lt
subscriber will tell at public sale at Marl;
On Thursday, January 18, 1866,
Thu following property, to wit: One largo henry draft
borer 0 yenta tW, VW) sorrel is nilly bor. .5 years add,
ono black tarn, mere 7 yenr.4 old. one laney idei,h, anti
out, tlcd. two Wank, ruoes. ono Top Buggy, iota one
Trotting Buggy, ono I ow nod cnlf, one 0.1 of silver
mounted Una ,!
ne,, nod en, working ital . ... three cud
dles, and a number of other articles tou numerous to
. .
:jute to confluence at 10 o'clock on said day, when
reasonable serials will be 'nude known
W. M O.ItCII, 311110.
Markle Aug, Jim. 2, 'CC-It
3E 2 l.lLl:vlics twpan,ie.
b t
a t: 11 0 re ti bqs i
On Thtd'sday, January 25th, 1866,
A 'DIA CT OF LAND containing '2.3u acres, of it Molt about
sit acres ore cleared and in a grand btate of milli.
vnllou, honing 11 g nal Divellilig (lotto, erected ra
thereon, hover
spring• and a. good circa.
out oak timber as ally in the iiiirruistoling moll n•
try. It is boonded by Imola of John Anderson, rel.o
optiek, and David Nor, is.
TERMS OF :la .ne third or the purchase money
.In couliriwition or o,to—the balailee in two equal pay
ments t. itli interest, secured by boucle mud mortgage.
The laud belongs to use heirs or Janet SleCall, bite of
said township, mhio have appointed tiro undersigned to
act as lb it agent or attorney.
Janit .101 IN ANDERSON.
It's the Soap for Every Family.
Sold by Grocers MO ,torelseopors throughout city and
couialy. • MiiiiEfuucul ed only by
. .
101 South - Fifth tituct, Mow Chesnut,
1 -1 12011. and :Wet this date, we wilt
sell tile entl entroll .1* wants in oar naela.sloirg
:Aura Ikt reot. Thin is a fiction, but, all sale.: will lul
- ho'CO , T or. UNI)Eit.
Vol Btock constlts of
LiJOIn , . • •
AR i.WAttil.
1100 ES,
• 'OAPS....
We make this offer on account of one agent.,
\V.& J. MARCH. going west. Pere.)ae in ne1.1..r _OU.iB
cannot Au better Watt iive us rt. ran mid 110 thrifts lower
thou expected.
A large tut of SALT, 31t.: bushel seeks at No' rates.
11 srpt,tss CO.
. •
Jan. 'GC 2t
J. 11. Stonebrnker's luliters' vs David stewnrt.
MSlllllllOl' Glenn for use vs Evan Jones.
Leonard Weaver vs I. & Is. r. M. It. It. Cr.
31. P. O'llera ror l/r. MeNlortrie's
lir. I'. :Iteer.llerger's ex.'r. ye %Moo & Imrena.
Morris Task, & Co. TS liall'isoll & Matteril.
W. H. W 11141,012 ys A. MAO. et 01.
Lowell 61111111 way Vs B. Drove.
31argeret Shaffer vs Foo'4 &lief'.
S. L. Glasgow for use vs glary Gila) ply's executor,
Boggs k Kiik Vs Samuel 11. Cows.
D. ~ Pet..rson. et al vs Samuel Bolinger
JarOb executor vs John . -
301.11 (hlyton. vs VI. A. Wise.
)Illc Ile. iv :f 1111, volt Ts M. 1.. Ellikr.
B.)1. Ilene' vs P.I. Wiro.
I!dwurd Buckley va I executor.
Jo4ola Wall:m.Bo4 vs .1. k Shively.
Story DeArmitt VS Nichol Is Croswell.
John BAI cc al, Vs k 11iff.rd.
11. C. Wilson vs (barge IVatsel
Win. Bricker vs itsv. John B..aver.
Patrick Iluwlnilt vs W. E. 510Nlartris of al.
Eliot )10111110n toe SILO vs Ilarrimat Gorsuch.
Usury B. Oruro vs J. G. Boyer et al.
W. C. WALV).\! 411, Prothonutary.
John Copenhaver, laborer, Shirley.
Sam. Dielfendaffer, bfackstnitti,Shirley
George Eby, farmer,' Brady.
David Fleck, farmer, Shirley.•
Samuel Gregory. farmer,. West. •
James harper, farmer, Cromwell.
John Hetrick, fht•mer, Brady. '
Peter Hanish, fanner, * Morris
William A. Hudson, farnier. Dublin .
Sate. Hemphill, carpenter.llitntingden
Henry Holtzappie; miller, West
David Johns, farmer, Cromwell
I James Lane, farmeeShirley
Michael Low, farmer, Mini.
John Lapurt, farmer, Franklin
GT:anus )l tiler, brewer, Huntingdon
Charles Ali Wei% tanner, Huntingdon
Andrew G. Neff, farmer, Porter
George Nuttier, farmer, Henderson
James Park, farmer, Juniata
John Robb, tannin., Walker
Shearer, mail contractor, Dublin
Andrew Sheffler, farmer, Cromwell
John Thompson, farmer, Juniata
James Black, farmer, Porter
Benjamin F. Baker, farmer, Tod
J. BerkstrCtiti(W, merchant Coalmont
Samuel Bariek, farmer, Barree
James Bricker. fanner, Huntingdon
Lewis Bergans, fitrmer , Henderson
David Bayrick, farmer. Penn
John Beaver, farmer, Hopewell
J. Copeley, gentleman, - Warriorsmark
John G. Decker, wagon maker, West
John Eby ,Tanner, Shirley
Jacob Fouse, farmer, Walker
John Gregory, farmer, Walker
Philip Gosnell,•,farmer, Cass
George Glazier, butcher, Huntingdon
Jer. Grazier, farmer, Witi . riorstuark
John R. Gossnell, fitriner, Cass
Collins [lamer, jr., farmer. West
IV M. Holfmam carpenter, Huntingdon
George Hallman. blacksmith, West
George \V Hall, laborer, Brady
Benjamin Heffner, farmer, Walker
David Isenberg, fanner. Henderson
Samel Kreiger, farmer, Hopewell
George Kyle'', fanner, Walker.
Joseph Logan, blacksmith, Barree
Zaelt. Lower. earpenter,Warriorsmark
Sofa Lock, farnnT, Sprin g fi e ld
James Lloyd, fanner, Walker
Daniel 'Logan, inn keeper, Carbon
Robert M.adden, fanner. Springfield
Wm. Moore, merchant, West
Isaac My ton, gentleman, Barren
Jacob Nears, clerk, Carbon
George McClain, farmer. Tod
Ifeni.y Neil, miller, \Vest
John l'iightwine, farmer, Henderson
Jacob Park. fanner, Shirley
Wm. J. Pearson, inn kteper, Carbon
' JohnTiper, laborer, Porter
Samuel Rutter, farmer, Cromwell
Samuel Rulaton, tailor, •Warriorsmark
Easton MAO), farmer, Porter .
Ile fl. Summers, farmer, Hopewell
J. Whittaker, of Thos. laborer, Porter
J. Westbrook, jr , shoemaker, Hunti'a
Eiihraim Wright, farmer, Union
Wm. B. White, thrmer, Juniata
Anthony Beaver, carpenter, Penn
Simon Beek, fanner, Warriorsmark
John IH. Booker, farmer, Shirley
P. 11. Bucket, fanner, Warriorsmark
G. C Bueber, merchant, Alexandria
Hu,rh L. Cook, farmer, Cromwell
Williani Clark, farmer, Shirley
Daniel Coble, laborer, Union
Robert Cunningham, farmer. Porter
Samuel Douglas, farmer. Cromwell
Andrew Elias, fanner, Tod
Wilson L. Elias. farmer, Tod
T. Fisher, sr., merchant, Huntingdon
John Fulton, farmer, Hopewell
John Gutehall, farmer, Springfield
Wm. Hildebrand, firmer, Shirley
George lletrick, farmer, Hendet.son
Jacob Hess, former, Henderson
Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walker
John Itinger, fanner, Shirley •
ugh Jackson, farmer, Jackson
William Lincoln, farmer, Walker
L. Meredith, shoemaker, Huutingdon
Mathew Martin, farmer, Walker
James McCall, farmer, Henderson
John Numer, carpenter, Henderson
John M. Oaks, thriller, \Vest
John Piper, farmer, Tod
Lawrence Swoop°, blacksmith, Penn
Peter ShalThr, thriller, Morris
Alex. Stitt, gentleman, iklexanch.ia,
George Stever, farmer, Claim
Christian Shontz, turner, . Hopewell
Henry Shultz-, fanner, Hopewell
David F. TusSey, farmer, Porter
Abraham Taylor, farmer, Cass -
Letters of adusinistruiiou upon the rattan of Ila
Ilan+, of StlorriA town•hip decrasrd, boy
prattled to the thnlerdigninl, all parsons are nested t
mak.- immediate 1.1,5111. a. awl thane yin data,
against the eame, to present. tildin for Rottiolni , llt.
Spruce Croak. Jan 2,'66-6t• - Administrator.
$OO A MONTITI!---ALtents wanted
fur nix entirely new articles. ju-t out. Ad
dress O. '1.17 Alt I,lf, City Building, Biddeford, Maine.
Dee 20,1565-Iy.
Tills is to very usefill irivputioll 10 Mil
to i.e introduced toonr lions,wiyes by whiclt tbev
are Mao to Mill.. their Otto corn bloom.. It is a slight
tnetalig It , tllnt luid,les ly n clo s P .4 1 C". , "
sodivt 1;0, WOO en handle. All Chit ii regnired
is to eltt 1111. i straighten the coon and insert it in the
15 in 114,111111.1. IrmJmuoo IN well as a hang broom is
cured. I nnvo , fit. I's Will visit out fanners to introduce the
article. tt II Sri{ URI., is the asetil for the counties
IJan . and Iltiniingtlou. W.. hove seen a Ilroom
lured in thil tnannur and belie vu it Will please
T9:3L4E5 Q3ci 36 1 c=0 - i.3.3:1.c1.7z-3r
TIIE Anhtw,riberß, thankful for the
1 literal share of patronage they Imre heretofore
coiced Ly strict attention to basinoa4.
I liono to merit coil still ree -ive the sallie s
• •:;• naelnel to inform their frier a
mot eviii.ylcatv el,. that t lie are p eparci
o make all kind+ of DION and 'MASS
uteri mock in n lust coq Fatioary.
'Vo have h nal all ithoi,,r Plough and Stove
Croitings. also wash Kettles, cellar. window , tit otos. coal
cdetings far it iv eneilts. window weivde of all 917.08
and weights, pipe joints sled an I sloigli soles, wagon
Ito. es. machine eiptings for steam mid water. grist, Km.
comae and plaster aids 01 011 deed iptlnns.
We are prepaid to famish Ileaters and Iron Kincea of
the too t improvol styli,. oven doors and 4',..itnes,lloor sills
and in fact iiverything moll, in this line. ' •
We have a vory largo e yell of patterns (Ind clot furnish
castings at sli oil notice. and elieala, limn they'ean lie had
in the courtly. Haydn.% a good drill toe Iliopreparell to
do drilling 411,1 fitting up alai
r„,a-iiighect market phii.e. paid fir old metal, boos,
zinc, lead. Ix. .1. NI. PLINNINiII I A NI k PIN.
lace en Ilallroml st root, out door west of the Exchtnott
Hotel. Huntingdon, to.. 1ice21.1.5
Bead now advorthsumenta.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
Persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the
('curt of Quarter Sessions. praying the said Court to grant
them ljeense to keep fonpor taverns in their respective
boroughs. townships and villages in the county of Hun
tingdon, and that said petitions will he presented to the
said Court cm Monday. the Nth day 'et Jana try next
for consideration. &e.. when and where nil persons inter
ested can Intend if they think proper, viz:
George W. (leaps, Mapleton.
d km Zeigler: Maticleshurg.
Cu -rge P. McCabe, Conti:l:pion. •
Philip' . Day in, Barnet, Carbon township.
WM. C. WAGONER, Clerk.
December 19, f
$.l 55001;'"R YEAR—We want
41v:its every 44 here to Sell Our IMPKO
Nhehilie:4• Three lii u 4111111.4. Under and
ti pp e r feou. Warranted fiv-• yeeri Ahlyo ',Oars or largo
commis: do. paid. 'rhooNt.y moeldoes sold In lha Matted
F , taten for le. hail $4O. 4411h:1111Q fully liccnsa3 Si, !lore.
Whaeler & Greirer if 13,14 r. ger dl Ch. and
Bart, !der. All other .choop machine. aro inf. i•Jgemetils
nod th, ,•eller nr uior are liable In arrest. fine and eakari,
011tlICIII. Virenkra trio. Atlrlres+. ur roll upon
Clark. 4041.1er or at No. $23 Itroiolway. New
York No. '231 Con-c street. Philadelphia. lii; No. 14
Lllllll MIA . " Bitlek. No. 17- lc" , ,t Foe. sin..
0.; or 0. 8 rimulding'4 Exchange, Buffalo.
N. Y. de3u-ly
QIFIntIFF'S SALMS.—By virtue of
-"sundry writs of Le. Fe, Vet:. Ex. to me ,lireeteol, I will
expo.. to nubile sale or outcry. at the Conti Mose, in
the bonanth of llontingilon, ON MONDAY. B rri DAY
or JA SU t nt two o'doelti 3 Li the following
described property to wit:
• The following deseril)vd tract or.
parcel of Imi.i. nnitlinito in 11111 Sinirltny tnnt,n+lnip,
nlinnitinng.lont county. to wit: A iritet of lawn jnninnitne
Inn•Ontinninn non the south. I Inengilittltinn I,,nnes on
the rust, IJavitli , !lnnift•r nut the north. me , Atecosaughy au
the WllNt.colitainiti4 22 acrso more or hiss ; of
which is ilentl,l nil endlitntnA. with log Inol,e . antl barn
0181:inn Vi'veleil Inilttnnt in vuencion, owl to be
sold so the propt.rty of &WWI Long.
Alit—:S llthat evitaiti tnesNiingt•
hnu., hall o f l ot N 0.13 in t h o
tit° lt,r ugh of ittintat,,.lon. Pa., moot olticli the thve.l
tug Imo
~it ito tlbt -alit MW
graded. being the s utterly etot it said lot aiol Cant, lii
to front 01. Allegheny to root A:5 fleet. arid extetollog a
itagiv3 to,ala nt girt lOU fe!, ',mord, Iliii ,treot, to
gather ,itit the Itort.littonent, and •PPillit'lliillees•
tteieetl. toltett to execotion, null to be r.ultl as the pro, or
ty of Mei io SIVWal.t.
Ai,a)—All the rit ht., title, iaterew
te.taitt of thanes ,tottl to a tract of faNl situate it
ti.liVll,llill. in this nattily Or Ituutitieslott, stir
an oat taut 111 Ilia 1101110 or Alestiotier
•ntetl at Imu. taljainints loot. of Julia awl Usurp, No
t. boots late tit dames t.wia. Esq.. tart others. can
fag twaittintlotti mat flirty arena terra. mare or lett.
itliout six or p•evon act, cleared Iho eon. Ulla OW n - sidm•
tinting timber 11..1.01k:fly within pine{ uo bonding the... 00.
A I,o I he on.. nndl,ided 11,111 poll or a iroct or hoot
;:itoate iu Ilutiileniou towiiship i on :goon creek nag.,
riot in thu tOIIIIU of Ii.IJ tilling tau in
late of NV heirs, Laurie lisle I,C Jonivs Limo. Eq.
Henry. ovntnining nue hnuit it nn I sixty five acres inure
Or loss, about ten acres cleared thereon. thereAhlne tieing
dinner hurl:hien> whit(' out,: wi hut,thrnta thereon.
Also—rare. 01 a lot alt ground is the borough of II out
inedoit. fronting on Alltailwny (ur Railroad) street, fifty
fret. mid exuotaing bark at tight angles to said street to,
wards hill street. ono Inittilred tY d two feet, having
thereon erected a new brick boa., nod a fronts hunts. ad
j..htiog. with braille ititClwn and dialing room attached to
octal (none 11011.. a lid lot 4 , but or 1) inlet Art Ica.
hsq., .at this west.. mail flo uy Africa Lot the east.
Cohort to eXeCUrit3ll, and to be ' as thu pr,prry of ibis.
NOTICE TO Puncit MRs.—Bitltleril nt Sherifrs Sides will
. .
take notice tbat immediately up n the property being
knocked down, litty per cont. of all bids Under $lOO. and
tweutylivo per cnt. of all bat over that 'sun, nnist be
paid to the Sheriff. or the properly will be set op again
and cold to other bidders who will comply with the above
heriff's Sales will hereafter be made on - Monday of
first week of :hurt, nod the deeds unku.wledged on
followiug Saturday. .
• JAS. tr. BATILURST, Sheriff.
Srisnur's OFFICE!,
ultingthm, Dec. 18, 1855.
, , •
is ticycoy given to all persons
9 :ot. for Cl Nett too tulloleing inVoirlorieri or the
wieder lint ennile.s net t.r Wi.lolVs, imiler nm provision.; of
tot. Act of Tito 01 April, A. I) IASI. li. re keen Moil in rlis
ollicu ul Into Uteri: of the C./J . 0.1g Court or nootiokooo
eolittly and Seill bo preSlUired for unprinsVal by fleet/ Mt.
on 31011.111 y, thu Srli of Jltimitry„k. U. 1866.
1. 'rho Inventory end appraisenient of the goods and
cliattvis otdelr were of Whiney. late of 'fell tp.,
desvaie.l. seta pilot to 103 151.10,11 M grata \Vidal:S.
3 The loveutory and hppraisoutcht tSf the g olds owl
chattels 0 loch were of Ilehpufht It. :tat, Into of Dobkin
lit.. set op t ot to lit WilloW Mary 'tiff,.
3. The I hvehtory and appraisonieut of the goods out
chattels which w,ro of Christopion C. Wiser. live of Doh.
lin ',vv., 41,-evlt'oll. vet, apart to hid widow Jane Wiser.
4. The inventory awl apprith.enleht or the gunlsvrld
chattel 4 which were of Samuel ltorer, deceased, taken by
do widow Morgmet, Itorer.
5. Tlie Inye!dory and oppraiSerdedt of the pada 81111
•hortols which were of Jacob donor. Into of zlorley tw ..
Iccoavect. sot apart to Ii is widoW 5118011 borer.
0. Tha Invimtory of ills goals fool
hattols whiAl were or Charie...ilelley. Into of 11..rpowell
di CeftSod. sot apart to his whi.,w Catharine Holley
S. The Ineentoex end ni.pral...entent of iilo VIM'S an.)
chattels wit ch wtre of Andrew .1.111 Wand. late DO ii
tp., deceased. sot apart to Ilk widow ruuusriuu 011111+1nd
PA ' 01,10 i. WOMELSDURF.
Den. 13, 11111. Clerk.
morsTm[t's NoTiom.
11,, Native is hereby given. to all persons Intoresterl
that the following named persons have settled their or
°mints in the Ilegiater's ollico- at Illturtigdon, and thal
Om said accounts will .he presented for vontirinathon and
;illumine° at on ..111115111W Court. to he held or Illintingiloo.
in and for the comity of Illintiogron. oil MoullAY tlm Bth
day of January Hoot. (18hu.) to wit •
1. AdminFstrnti , m tireonnt of Matthew Stewart. Ail.
minietrator of Moo, Warfel. late of 11 60 township,
2. Administration acconnt ;Samuel Stewart arid
W. limiter. Ailininistr of William Porter. into of
Jackson township. deceased.
3. Account of Lydia Lellitrd and John le flora, Adminis.
trators of Joseph I elliird.d.a.vosol,
4. Account of dol., Bell. Administrator of George W.
Penh tato of Barren amvnehip. It. ceased
5. Final account.of W. B. Leas. Administrator of John
tiltaver. bat, of r-hirley township. deo aised.
O. Administration aceount of George Wagoner. Execu
tor of Wm. B"agotier. late of Clay townwrip, deceased.
7. AchninProttioo acconnt of EllWlll . ll Zuerner
nr Eleanor Logan. 1 to of :Miller township &c . d.
S. Account of Iten.jamin Gatlin:to and Ad , loghtum,
Executors or into of West tit.. dee' .
Thn acconat of Itnice !ilia, or 6..0,4
S. Campholl. late of Ihah. in township decoased.
In. Administration acconot of Jas. IL. Piper, tolmitostr.
tor of Philip Piper, Imo .It Porter town•liip
11. 'flip acontot of. Al tali ChilCoat..l xt,Ctiher at 9.111 Mel
11 alter. late of Cromwell toOnship. d coved:
.12. linnrrtilna=hip netiont of Janie. Oliver goardltin al'
•tleorgo IL L a st . Ewing oil IlaLert owing minor
children of.lain .8 hawing. NIL' Of Franklin township, illo
cresiid. said minor s lising ow also deceased.
13 Administration occomit or Wm P. Ebbs set
inc esrentor of William tirlcson, Gsq., late of .he horiongli
14. The A , i .. iii tICC. , IIIIt or .1„ tin Alexander. ex
ecutor ui Jimialion Carothers. late of :hider to. deeoaseo
15 Aceolott of Michael this'll,. ohninistrao•r of J.1,111.e ,
E. Nett. tato of townilti p, duc•xsed.
16. The arc.otat of Isaac r.ea toe. r.x , cuter of John Eatti
nom, kite of Tod township. deceased.
Itee,iiiter's Office,
Hee. 13. 11665.
pROC LA 31 AT %V ERE AS,b'r
a precept to me directed. dated atAlmitingdmi. !h• lath of November. A. D. 150 h ,, under the hands and seAl
of the )(on lleurge Taylor, President of the Court of
r Cuumiun Hew., Oyer rind Terminer, and general Jail deliv
ery of the 24th, Judicial District of Pennsylvania, comp,
sod of Huntingdon. Blair and Cambria counties; anti the
Ilona. Benj. F. Patton and Anthony J. 1498Uei
ates. Judges of the seamy of Iluatiugdoin, justices lee
signo4l. appoint vil 10 hear. try and determine all and every
indictments made ur bike!, for or concerning all mimes.
which by the laws of the State are mode capital. ur felon
ies ul 10111 Other olfiumes. crimes and misdemeanors,
which have Icon or shall hereafter be committed or perpe
trated, for crime!' aforesaid—l am commanded to make
public proclamation througlibut my whole bailiwick, that
n Court of Oyer and Terminer,' of COllllllol] Pleas a l ai
Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House in the
horoughof lintitingdon, um the second Jlonday (and Slit
day) of January next, and those who will prosecute the
NM prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them us it
shall be jut. and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
arid Cunshrblcs rrithhn said county, be then and there iu
their pr,mee persons, at 10 o'clock, rt. in. of said day, with
their records. iw nisltiupa, eNnini nations and remembran
ces. to de those things which to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon, the 12th December In the year of
our hard one thousaipi eight hundred and sixty.five.
and the 89th year of American Independence. '
JAS. P. IiATIN ItS'f, Sheriff.
Hitt( L A 1/1.T10N.--,IIrIII,,ItEA S, by
I_ Is precept to me directed hy tile Judges Of the Com
mon Pleas of the county of Mulling tott. bearing test the
th of November. A.D. 1 11 115.1 alit CWODISOIde.t to flake
public Procfamation throughout sty whole haillwiek. that
a Court of Common Pleas will I,e held at the Court House
in the borough of Ilmitingdom on the 3rll3lottday (and
15th day) or Jaottary. A. 1)., 15C8. for the trial of on in
sues in said Court which remain undetermined before
the oil) lodges. when :tint ‘t here all jurors. witnems,and
mitors. in the trials of ail issues tee required.
Ihtted at Iluntinghil, the 12th pecen,ther. 1 )1 0 year td
Our 1.0r.1 . 6it0 efglit hundred and sixty .five.
sad the 85th year of America. Independence.
.1116. P. BATIITIRST, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Huntingdon, Dec. 19,'85.
1866! 1866! 1866!
The best pap, in the United States for Meebattles, In-
Orators. owl Alanotitctitrer3, is the Sill ENTIt Ili AM Elt
fGA x . It is an, furg.,( In 000.Jimi 4aa by tin tit, wi test
circulation of city nth -r paper of its clan in this country.
It in published weeld.y. Elicit member co mins. sixteeu
poos, with numerous Mt:sir:Mow. 'fit, numberd.tor
year motto two volumed of .110 peg., each. It. also Clint.i
rains n tIIII account of all the principol illVell , ioll3 and
upon too:a null machinery used in worksileps, naval .0.
Tories. strain and itt natal oligitpering 10.11141 twiten
ttroleitat, and all tither titatittrtet Ming and
proilliving Interest... Also. fire lirovi. wlr Int olentinitS
or. Rome war vee.els machinery, ele..tric. client
woisi and lumber nue
chiner, hydra ".s. oil, and voter 111110 p, ww e rwheeld
etc.; tem.hold, hortieultorol. and firm intplentiiiitii—t his
latter department very t lit I aid of great. ',mine to
Formers and liarileneis.' Araks eibbilicolg every de
plircoaetit of pillllilit, clove. whlcA ever' body tam under ,
sun .hand whi.dt tweri b Oly . 111Cei ht rer:l• ' •
Also. report.: it: se:en:Ulu heat athl abroad;
patent Lnv decisions on:: iii,ll9-1.11, practical recipes, &o
that Contains en of all MO It tient clams a
special feature of great value to inventors awl owners of
The pithli.diers also act as agents for prccuTing patents
for now
A new volume of the Seitnititie Stnericrui coed:hence:l
Jonnory I. • • . • • •
To,u3lB,—,sa per year; $ .fitt for SIX Ina:tilts. Ten Co
plea for oils- your, $25. :Tedium collies sent tree.
Address • • ' NIUSN . tr,
• 140:97 Pwrk:ltow, New:Yak city
[Estate of John HetMinas.. deed.
Letters of Ailittinisti shim) tipoo Cite estate of John
Holdings. late of Brady. township. Huntingdon county
decd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons
having eliding against tho estate are requested to present
them to the molurslgited. and all Persons indebted will
make ininaidlato payment. CALEB WA KEFIe'LD,
decl3-ON' • Adusittletnttor.
- • •
A DilllN ISTRATO lI'S NOTlCE._____
[Estate of John Don:ad-on. dec'd.;
Letters of itdiniiiistrstlois upon the estate of John
Den 11110 on, late of Mapleton. deceased, haring been
grouted to the undersigned: all persona indebted to the
estate will make payment. and those having. claims wilt
pri.bent them for settlement.
JANE D IN ALDsON, Mapleton.
‘NPL. till) IWN, JHuntingdon.
N. B.—Tter. B. . and William liven
appointed agents and . attorneya m f tot of .1010. a Dnilnid:
Mini in plat,. of ?aid deeeaseol. nt trata•act ; all Inniinass fa
luting to the real eztate an.l the purebaie nrotey duo, on
lots sold. • tleal3-Bt
[fatale of Daniel Nloritagne, decd
',item of administrotiou oval toe riMile of Daniel
Monti :roe. late °Wm:IMO] to p.. decoAsA.. it:iviltg been
creme to the molerehmed. all persons iirlelooil ,thir
ciliate will woke nod [11.113 haring claims will
preseut thew fur settlument.
,x - r °Tic .
11 (Estate of Ceo - rge Rossol, tired
Letters of Administration have been granted to the,
undersigned upon the estate' of Gorge Itoesri. IMO Or
lope,wttll township. Huntingdon county, deceakd. Al)
persons indebted will white payment. and 010.1” lowing
claims present them, properly eutheuticatod, to Its. 1
urrou's NorrreE:--- •
• _lvmateor Jacob F nk, dec'd.l
1.0 tern teetattimitary, on We egtitte of Jacob Fink,
tile ~t Penn tonixhip.. ilinitin4don 'co., deed., having
!men grantvil to Cher unleridined. all pery ne. indebted
to the estate am rrgn.'trdto mako immediate payment,
liaving chime, 16 preeimt them duly authenti
rated for settlentebt.
9A3IIJEI, FINE, Executor, •
[ or "filbert Wlbonl...lec , nemil
having been Appointed to dl-tributes
.11 , I , tbun a in 11r •• 11 .nit of Samuel Steller. Truetre to
Make -ala• of the real et Rob--t %%Tao., Into of'
•latek-at 1 1, 1Y115111p. will late.lld to the anti.
Id. :,p. , ellent at Ilk tall, in nautili don, an sATuic-
I, Y. 111, Blt tier JANUAI:I',t...n o'clock, n,
to. WI.I 1141 pal,one haring chiral - will'preserit them, or
be &barred tram coming in for. a Pliiike of pal.l fond.
' J. D. CAMPII .. LL.
del/ • Auditor.,
PR. POSALSwiII be received at , the
otli. of lireeuwomd Fut line for, the- gasoury . nod
..010.urry of O. moue church at that place' Thu dialed.
01000 of too boil lint to ho 31334 feet fcuu% and 4 7 ft. deep.
Said pr podals will he koceivuo up to thu 156 of Jocluorr,
l 3" d. decla
$5O liE W. Alt net stolen front
the ituliodrilr• r, near Iluntiagdett, Pa., on.Sat
away night, DecHitlier 2. a ea.rel MAO?, (and Strafe,
and Urldle,) righting hair ye.. re aid, light noinalind tail
hind lege white train kneed down. a at? ipe in her forehead,
and a entail speck o f glints in ono aye.
$25 will be Old fur oily Information whirl) wit lead. to
the recovery of the twroe; and s2i for the 'wren of the
.. .. . -
A 7 A competent teacher 11 wonted to tako 'charge of
.11 igh school of Mtnt ng f. n borough, A pplicantseire
I.lN:tired to pro-Put before the board. CM or be
fore thetZtir of Deconther.
,03 -Liberal wen begiven for a coMpotent tenth—
A NY persnii in must of one of the
shove ankles should rall mt &Lie lIIAN.AIL L.
ICER. Agent fbr the Machine.
Huntingdon. ;opt. 21-6 in
Fro TIIE you really
iolood to cease wearing the boautiful styles now
so prevalent. or dress less elegantlyy,. because the rebel
Jeff. Davie, was enplane! In Itilltionsbio Female attire?.
One moment's calm rellertion will sandy aerie to change
your nigh resolve. The migois had too Much good sense
to lay aside their pare chaste robes of 'white, because
they•luol for 0 tine served to lido the deformities of that
Prince of Rebels, the been. Can you err In following the
examploar Angels? Then nay pg made up your minds
that you will cantinas to dress tastefully regardless of
acts, tie oat forget to call nc Mt store of Me tut:scri
ber, uillo loans .hoppy ut Wl times ig furnish you With
such ortiells of driss as younlay desire. ' Urge your Path
'ors, husbands, brothers. ualghbeire and - children to visit
the same store. They can lietwbe baited in good articles
$4l Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material. flats. Caps, Queens-.
scare and q goperal Asortigrat of droccries, on as rex':
eonablo terms So at any limns •In town. Store on South,
o corner of the Dlaniond, llnotlngdnn, Pa.
may 31.1505. FRANCIS B. WALLACH.
Near Fist:fern' MCI, Huntingdon, Pa.
E undersigned would take this
to inrorm tlii• public tin , big • ..
NOW Fenn iry in II ox in blast. HIM ho in
prepared in re,i, intl fill orders her all • I'
kin hi oY eAsTiNGS. PLOWS, T1110:511
M ftc.
Bohn,. a procrhail mechanic at the business. of t
three yesr. exper mice. end having it dad re' to pleasii.
bop a to in..rit and receive 0 41 ire•of public patron.ige.
sled nrrl elel a hi Solon, and c wings. kip- on hand.
e.4oid metal, brass and ce..p.:r taken in az:llan:a Yon
llnutingtlon, Docurubnr 13, 1855—0 n.
• _
Strawberry Alley, near Third Street,
RestPet.tflilly ihforme the public,t has.
he We fur their u4e hie new end elegnatlp fitted,
np haliard ttomn. It cont.tins
.rtll.l it N )1i1.1 , :i OF sIIA.ROS MANU. , ACTUILE,
sair•rior In :my now 1 , 1 the city.. •
'Plus WM:ad th. lit challev, , ts comparison with any.
pron ip tho State. Mid or . •
Bunt:east the . Baptiii and Catholic
)31:71 , TTINGDON PA.
14; K \4
: .
I inrormeti that the subscriber is prepared at his New
1.1 Y sTAlthit, to aceommodate.all with
at rem imbletsiter. on short notice.
liunt•lngdoq, Moran S. 180.-17.
• 15,000 busholg Wheat,
5,000 •" Rye,
5.000 OatB,
5,000 " Corn,
1.000 " Flaxseed,
1,000 ". •. Clov.erseed,
1,000 ponnds,Wcol,.,
For which the highest rash price will
be oid
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Firs
For sale cheap at (ha Clothing otora
S. E. HENEV CO: Ball kind
Of 404. Klipotr• Iron. !Val , iron, steel, nails, hors,
81.1.1,11. etovee mat a Variety priaolk4 ware. •
CALL at o
P . D -WIN'S if. you want,
ll .
j Syrup. New Orleans, Porto Rico Molasseg ' Coffee,
Sugars,, IS c. at"S.l.t 11EN ItYa co.
Lt.QUO lig . ; of the best; for Medieina
prinumes nt S. 8. SMITH'S
_for the lan•ut styles. &It Itilds.o and Ituattia. tltt
-Blut.Y. Moves, Ett...lngs, Flitting°, die., at
GUN BA it ft LS AN 1, LQ(14.4 : -4
lunge " B "" u tigwN'S II AItDW A STORV.•
cyrrythlng eind •• tirsiftvolq. tqicli as Ikeda
Minn. tin ht. hair. and 1.1 . 61% Voit•i•ls.lolmcau,
roburgd, Merittoes, all wool Frealt Detained. hammy
at S.-1•L. S CO.
jj• Musks. Magazines, or publisatione of •agly kind,
ttttt aa‘order, if Iciest • •
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(11,1) BItASS AND COPkhlt taken
tVI fa o.ichausn for kicrods • xt ton Hardware :tort
'64,4.. is,. ma. , • - • JAkl.i. .11.1tOWN