Cpe 61obte HUNTINC4D - ORI, PA. Wednesday maiming, yea. 13, 1865, LOCAL PERSONAL. To Sabsorybers Those Subserihers -receiving a pa per marked .with a t hefore the name will understand 'flint the time for which they Subectibed is up. If they wish the pape . i continued they will renew their subscription through the "tf.-• • mail or otherwise 'Brief Ultras. • --13iela's comet, it is snid, is now vis• ibis to the naked-eye, —Mrs-Welch will please accept our thanks for some-sausage. "Phinegan's"experiencewith "win - 1.- min and the wurld" will be published next week. ;L :There will be preaching in the ,German Reformed Church next Sab path morning.- •-• —The revival -.in 'Ow gethedist Phurch:hr this place is meeting:with sone.fmceess.- . Ten havetbeen conver t - ted andothers are-at the altar ; , .Cafekt Kelly, . old and es- Peemedcitizencl,Orbisonia,Alied at his resideppein,that village on Tuesday, the 28th ult. —The meeting of farmers andoth— ers for the purpose, of establishing an organization tor tho arrest ,of horso• thieves, - Wili be held on SatUilday next. —430 head of sheep; 4 heed of young cattle, 2 colti3, and other articles "too numerous to mention;" are offered for sale by-Thos. N. Colder. See adv. —Mrs. A. Jacobs, and our neighbor Mrs. E. Thomas; and others, will please accepkour. thanks for. the sausage and pudding sent us. May they never be in want. —A young man named Isenour was arrested on suspicion of being an ac. complice a Snyder, but, after a hear ing,-the suspicion proved groundless, and he was released. —B. C. & J. Bummers, we under stand, have purchased the Cottage farm island. We may expect it to be put ju s ,first rate order and to be made to pay handsomely. —The crossings and gutters et the intersection of Church and Bath sts. have been fitted up and the street lev elled. This was a much needed im• provement in that quarter, and is now substantial ono. —TO weather last week was very changeable. At times we thought winter bad set in, in earnest, big, we were again deceived. The general im pression is that winter, when , it does come, will be a very severe one. - —A man named Hugh MeKiernan, from Dudley, was discharged from jail last Satuyday - night, upon $lOOO bail being gin ; for his appearance at rho j,aenary court. He had been ar• rested on tale eb..7..rge of op°. ,The holidays are (Aiming rapidly, !ion tour .busi n e men are :forgetting to advertise their wares and merchan, dice. The inference is they want the hplidays, to pay in the pleasure cents teens .) Wo wig) them much pleasure.. —Our compositors regret, and so do are, that the President's Message is so long. They think Thanksgiving day came in a 'favorable timo for reading the same from daily papers. but it in terfered somewhat with its "setting • .up" by country compositors. —The attention of soldiers is called to_the announcement of a meeting to beheld - on the 234 inst., in the Court house; for the purpose of selecting ! delegates to represent , them in a na• tional convention, the object of which is to have the bounty equalized. —Thursday last was generally ob. serVed by our citizeni. All shops and stores were. 'Closed. Rev. Zahnizer preached an excellent sermon in the , Methodist eliurch in'the Morning. Du ring the afternoon some dosens of :turkeys, eta, etc, digappeared. prjto , ford eon, ket several VeF.9 l l?Pro Diamond, loaded . • Wllli - hittler,.egga, apples, turk.sys, and ratlid,r l saleable - articles; and it was as 'tionitibirtg,to see how soon everything. Lyme, disposed,of for cash at good prices. 71'hose farmers who attended were de lighted with the new arrangement. • ,-•-•We . give:Andrew Johnson's latest . . story- "complete in this number."-- T islimg, yet We.know our rea• dere. will fail' in . be benefitted by iving, the dootiMent a. careful perusal, as it preSerits in a.very attractive and significant light; his' 'view's upla the important topics of the day. Jo also paves use trouble ,by .making a ayn op • 'ifs of tlio reports of his: adore. —On Tuesday night last some es sr4ere thievd . the confectionery of . • . our neighbor Mr. Thomas, and stole a 'eery sniati amount; and alSo the &cid ling of Mr. Da'id Blair, where they were frightened, and made their exit before they could pocket anything.— The next night they plied their trade `in other quarters, but, as we in anoth er place mention, they were, trapped. J. Q. Detwiler, the itinerant temperance lecturer, who was here a 'year ago, but couldn't draw a crowd, is, :now in Blair county. We are sorry his arrangements to speak in this Place to day were disappointed, for the reason that there is no ball. 4iildo the use of the Court House is debarred. our eitiicris'ate,lhiesing many a nice treat,ln &e.; by not 'having a stitittblalowalhall:.• A Burglar Caught. For many Weeks past we have no ticed robberies • that, occurred . within tho borough limits, and in one Minaher we -expressed the belief that one Or more of the Offeriderswould be caught. Our belief was not a : delusive ono, and we hive ICIONY the gratifying intelligence to communicate that • one, at least, of the burglars is in duranne vile. On Wednesday night last, shortly after midnight, it is supposed, two burglars entered the shoe shop of Mr. William Africa, in the Diamond, and after fill ing a bag with boots and shoes, it is thought they immediately repaired to the confectionery ofßobert Westbrook, on Hill street, opposite the bank. Here they effected entrance by me ins of a false key, but their surprise can ;be imagined when upon striking a match they encountered the presence of Bob himself, who bad taken, the precaution since the former robbing of his store on the 9th of last month theleep under the counter. The burglars as soon as discovered took to their heels; but they had not yet enough spoil, and after leaving Westbrook's they made a circuitous route to Aftica'S again, and plied their profession anew. Bob, in the meantime, was neither seared nor asleep,bat : after chaSing them from his. promises and losing them, returned to store and found at the dcor the bag of bootsand elides above mention ed. Taking a hasty survey- of these, he set out, disguised . , with,the inters tion of bunting:oo3, He directed his steps towards the .pianiond, and after reconnoitring a little he came to the northeast corner (Long's) of the same,. where - his a,Veution was drawn to two men coning out of Africa's shoe shop. He approached cautiously, but just as soon tya they locked the door,.be was discovered by ono of the robbers, who immediately dropped a box of shoes from his olioulder and ran down the crosastieet which leads to the railroad. The burglar who was behind; was not quite so sharp or sharp sighted, and before he had time to run found him self collared by dauntless Bob. He made an attempt to draw a billy from his pants' pocket, but Bob .seeing the act, and after cautioning him several times to take his hand out of his pock et, ended any further difficulty by giv• ing . hiin a "slight tap" on the head with his own billy. This "tap" drop• ped him, but he soon after recovered, and gave his name as James Snyder. By the assistance of Mr. David Gwin he was taken to jail, together with two boxes of boots and shoes, etc., that had been taken from Mr. Africa's. This transpired about half past three in the morning. Snyder was e,earehed, and upon WS_ person was found several handfuls of keys, of every size and de seription, together with other imples meats used by the burglars. Ho had also in his possession a sheet of postage', stamps taken from David Blair's office the same night. He is a young man of about 18 years, and was latter ly an employee on the Northern Cen tral railway. He states that ho was led into the act by his,comrade, whose name . stiid vas ; John Riley, from Losvis.town. Et is thought, however, that this is not so. Evidence has been elicited by stolen goods recovered that this is the same party that entered the Express office, (some night, since,)and Mr. Blair's office, and from the number of keys we suppose every lock on house or store in town has been tried by them. The capture of this burglar, all credit to Robert Westbrook, allayed the growing apprehensions of our citi zens, and has apparently scared the remainder of the band, as no robberies have been committed since. Others will be caught if they attempt to con• thine carrying on their trade in this place. As Good as a Shay'. Our readers have not failed to notice some flaming and fiery posters posted in certain quarters, which at a distance lead one' to euppose another ciupus is coming. You are, of course, led to see what it is, - When Toubehold that the ingenuity. of num has made:this device. .in order to advertise his goods. This is a very good way, but rtop, perhaps. the hest. You see on the poster the • - snorting engine, the fast.flying char. ger, the well-freighted vessel all her aldinithe alarm of "New Goods," but such a bill'and - such words uttered by climb and inanimate objects is calm. lated to make you laugh rather than to take the affair as a matter of fact. But, it is a fa t et, and a natter of rejoi cing that S. E: Henry '& Co. havo returned front . the city with a huge cargo 'Of 'New Goods,.,and the same goods are now selling at greatly redu ced rates. wish ne' to make this announcement and not put in any sur rounding cuts of spread eagles, inop keys, wild cats, tame dogs, o r any other fowl or beast. We have c one se, butwe cannot ltelp telling - the people that to see a real show of goods they should go to 5."4. Henry & Co's. * Important to Soldiers . A meeting of the soldiers who ens tered Vl° service in 1861-2, will be held at the Court House in Huntingdon, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 23d, at 1/ e'cloclf, for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent &Mtn in the National Convention, to be held in Philadelphia on the Ist day of January 1866: The object of, the Convention is to memoralizo Congress to' equalize the bounty. A full attendance is great ly desired and expected: .4 'MANY SOLDIERS [COMMUNICATED.] la and about Murkiest:burg M 6: EDITOR :=Hoping to pleasoyou; if no one else, I have concluded to add a few lines to your exilent paper; not to ,oxeite any ono's feelings beyond the labyrinth of the mind, but simply to toll how our town is prospering.— Our happy little town, though dull and dreary but three months ago, is now the scene of business and anima. tion. Its numerous stores, grooeries, workshops, and the ore-mines near town, have given it•quite a changed appearance. People, •without regard to color; politics or religion, flock to our neat 14tle village amazingly, and all leave it pleased accordingly. Al. though almost hid by rich orchards ana mountain forests, and nestled among scenes of nature's sweetest charms, where the weary soul can calmly look through nature up to na ture's God, there is no town of its magnitude exceeds it in interest, in the State. What agitates the public min() most in this "neck o' timber", is the market ordinance, in ye . ancient borough.— Many are the speculations of our fl€l. far . mere to how the machine will work. Which way the tido of opinion at this time flows is hard for me to say, but shalf let you know as soon as decided. • The reported "smash" in some of our State Banks created quite a scare, but "sich is life." 'Tbe abundance of news in the last four years has so habituated our natives mid. denizens that the space of two ,or three. days without something new, almost kills Some of them with ennui. . The weather is getting very cold.— The robe of' winter has mantled the entire face of nature. The melodious songs of the "sand crab" and "swamp angel" havo given place to the sterner sounds of the chilling winds of Decem ber, and the number of overcoats that are daily carried from Shontz & Bro's clothing store assures me' that colder weather is anticipated. Our farmers in this neighborhood have been more than handsomely re warded for their last year's labor, as their crops were abundant and their )rices enormous. Who, wouldn't be a armor in these latter days?; Our citizens have not yet caught the highest spirit of enterprise or they would vie with their brethren in other counties and open a new way to wealth—or poverty—by taking a tour through the bowels of our rich valleys, whore they would no doubt find either oil or milfi , whia would watorially change the price of both in our midst, and—and—that's. all. I may come again: Yours, A capite ad calcenz, .4.A103.ts nom4tg onnnuni. =3 As Christmas is drawing near we hear the question asked, What shall I get . as a present for my daughter, sis ter, wife or friend ? as the case may be. We would suggest to our readers that they, in purchasing presents, select something that will be, not only beau tiful, but also a perpetual source of enjoyment, and can think of nothing so good as a Piano or Cabinet Organ, as music makes a home attractive to all. The only Agent .for Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs•and Stein way & Son's Pianos in this county is B. H. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., who keeps a full sspply of Organs and Pi anos on hand constantly. Send your orders to him soon, as the demand for those instruments is very great. Vgrniers !aid Othprs; A.ttenticin We aro requested to call a meeting at the Pqurt louse on Saturday, Dec. 16, st. o'clock. p. in., of farmers aqd all other persons interested, for the purpose ps organizing an associatibn for the ?priest and conviction of horse thieves, and Op recovery of stolen an imals. There are regularly organized associations of the kind in most of the counties of the State, and it will be to the interest of all who keep horses, in this county, to organize a similar asso ciation. We hope there will be a good attendance. What Marketing le Selling at We give below the retail prices paid on the streets during the week for the followingarticles• 4 Corn, 70 to 80 eta. Butter, 35 to 40 cts. Eggs, 20 to 25 cts. Lard, 20 to 25 ctm.' Apples, $1 to $2. Potatoes, 80 cts. to $l,lO. Turkep, 10 cts pound. .Chickens," 50 to hO ots. a pair, Geese, 50 eta. Ducks 2'4 cts, 'Onions, $1,25 to $ll5O u bushel. 116")§0 per ton." Itettrg. Samuel G. Whittaker announces in the last Journal & Americaa, that : he retires from that papor. We under stand that Robert McDivitt, tho pres ent County Superintendent, succeeds him. Tho paper will he conducted under the firm of John. 1. Nash & CO. IVen) Styles far '66 already on OM ! • THE LARGEST and BE 4T STOCK OF "ETV STYLES OF WALL .PAPER Bier received in Huntingdon? NOW OPEN And for Bala at lam& Book "Store OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS, SATINS, BLANKS, BROWNS of various styles, for Parlors, kills, _Dining Booms, Offices, Bid Boots , Kitchen's, .Bar Rooms, &c. Paper is On the rise—save 20 per dent. '• ;* • . •by* buying soon: •• • • B vat pay ol¢ to buy now for Spring use me r We clip the following from on of the Philadelphia daily papers.— Our peoplo visiting or sending' down to the city, would do well to make a note of it: WANAMAKER & BROWN'S FINE CLO. TIIING.—Thin establishment, located at the corner of Sixtil and Market street, Philada., familiarly known as "Oak Hall," is probably the largest and best conducted Ready Made Clothing and Merchant Tailoring House, in the State. Their superior syles, excellent workmanship and moderatian in prices have made their house deservedly pop ular. Tp their Castom Department, where elegant garments are made . to order, none bat the very best artists aro em• plosed, and the find assortment of ma terials to select from enables every one to be well salted. Samples will be sent by mail, and nstruelions for measuring, when writ• on for. noB-2m Christmas Is Coming If you wish to delight your friend with a Christmas or New Year's Gift, send him a copy of the ""Photograph Family Record." There is no botter way, A, S Harrison is agent for this county. MARFA)), By J. 'D. Lout,. Esq., Sopt. 5, '65, Mr. JONATHAN AHRANDT, of Huntingdon cou ty,and Miss SARAH Houon,of Blair county. On Tuesday, Nov. 28th, in Newton Hamilton, :by John Morrison, Esq., Mr. JOHN A. DEMEST of Mifflin county, to Miss SARAH CRAWFORD of MlCaing dou county, Penna. On the 7th inst., by the'Rev. S. A. Fr*, Mr. GEORGE E. ELLIS Of Oneida. Illinois, and Miss AMANDA D. CUNNING. HAM of Huntingdon, At Huntingdon, Dec. 7th., 1865, by Rev. S. A. Creveling,of Hopewell, Mr. ANNANIAS JOB Of Phoonixville,Chester, county, to Miss ANNIE H. KING, of Harriaonville, Fulton county, Pa. „ DIED, November 28th, inst., near Shade Gap, Dublin township, Mr W. G. HAR PER, ESQ , aged 60 years, 8 months, 12 days. N0v,25, 1865,in Granville township, Mifflin county, Pa., of Diphtherial Croup, MILFORD 3. M. only son of Eph raim and Fannie C. Myers ; aged 3 years, 11 months and 5 days. Dec. 2, 1365, in Granville township, Mifflin county, of Diphtherial Croup, LETTIE IDA, daughter of Ephraim and Fannie C. M. Myers; nal 2 years, 6 Months and 23 days. "Suffer little phildrpn Jq Sorge ljnto me." PUIL4DFeLP4 I A. 4/9.RItETS. Do:oluber, 12. Fluidly Flom ... . , r ,, _ . ~. - $ll 00 Extra Fiat.u. • ' $9134 . Superfine Flour 18,00 . liye Flour .. $0.50 Corn Meal... $4.75 Ex I ra White Wheat $2.40@2,70 . Fair and Prim. lied $2,p@2,20 . Bye 1,08 Corn, prima Yelloi - 90 Oats 80 ' • Harley $1.:35 Cloverseed, 1104 km 98,00 Timothy-, $3,50 Flaxeced, $3,20 ' Wool 611@70 alike 13 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY EY 8. E. HENRY . CO. Family Flourylibl . $ll,OO Nxtra r lour 49,60 Superlino F10ur............ Corn Meal cwt ...... llncicwhe.it lactic cwt MEM= Rod Wltott, It). Nov Corn.. Oats Cluverneed. 13=ZI Dried Peoelics ?11, ..'2B to 85 Nutter ' - 35 Egg. of" Lord 0 5 • lists • .. 35 .Sltotilder .. "1 :tide. -•-• • "6 . talluw . 12 1io" 10, 0 SPECIAL NOTICE. ToTIIE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the bountiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? Co• rooneenCe calm reflection will surely servo t,o change your rash resolve. Tho angels }tad too much good toes to lay aside their puro chaste rubes of white, because the . ) , had for o them served to hide tho deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err Ito following the exarriploof Angels? Then leaving nntau pp your mindo that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, echo mill be happy at all times to /ferule's you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath era, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hare ho suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing 341 , 34%1, Ulm, Caps, (Incept,- ware and a general assortment of droceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any Ilium in town. Store on South: east corner of the Diamond,,lluntingdon, may 31, 1E65. FRANCIS D. wALLAcr. A SUPERIOR REMEDY.—We can con scientiously recommend to those suffering from a distressing cone), Dr. Striekland's Mellifluous Coughlsam. It gives relief almost instantaneous, and is withal net dsa at:wattle to the taste, ~There is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough Balsam is one of the best preparations in use, and is 'all that its proprietor claims for it. ,We have tried it during the past week, - and found relief from a most distressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland, No. G East Fourth street, Cin cinnati. 0., and for sale by druggists. THE CAEAT MEDICINE 1 M'Entyyc's INDIO COMPOUND. A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' 8120,1 f STORE. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CTS, and $l,OO New !Musical Itistruinotitf: A new stock of musical instrument& have just been' receives,l at Lewis' Book ' Store. Violins. frgr4 to -- p 50. Guitars from $ 1?, tas 35; Banjos $ 8 and $9 50; Accordeons $ 6 to $l5; Fifes, 'Bows, Strings, Rosin, Tail Eoards, Bri,dges, g_outli Organs, and Jews Harps. tf. _:. - - Great RtraadlLea. Prof. Metntyro's Great Remedios—. • the Indian' C 09119444, t4e .I*dellon Pills, and the In dian Vegetable Worm Destroyer—for sale at Lewis' .1300 l Store, Huntingdon. Gol4 Pons & Pencils, Tho best -.assortment of the hand sonrst sand best stylos, for sale. Lewis' Book Store. • • • • ••yt'' P.t . Aftlr..§l for •1866, for sale at Lewis' 800 13tore. WENTY RE'S GREAT REMEDY, TLIZ INDIAI COMPORD Internal and External Medicine, WILL CURE 4.7" Warrluta, Moody Film in one day, ' O ifewlache and Enrache In three minutes. fIY Toothache In one minute. .24. Neuralgia in five minute*, Ara- Sprains in twenty [ninnies, • AM" Sore Throat in ten minutes, SQ.. Chao anal Cramp in Ave minutes, 4s?' Rheumatism in one day, 4 - .9.„ Bide in the Back or Side in tea minutes, .03.,„ Lad Conlin or Colde In one dity, Fever and Ague In ono thy. *.a.. Cocos Deafness, Asthma, !Hee, • . Bronchitis Affections. Dyspepsia, Inflammatien of the Elands; Erysipelav, Liver Complaint tied Palpitation of the heart. Keep it in • your Families—Sickness conies when least expected. propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the cireplating fluids in the human system, than can be effected by nu} other, or all other methods of medical abl In the sable Brume of tinso. THIS 10t'ULA It ILEMBP's' Is fast coming Into use, for the fact that It curd, tree of charge. all these rem plaints whenever there Is an opportunity to do no. As e'en as It Is applied It Mutest ngraculeuely kills the pall,. Ide not Pak You to buy before you are certain of Its ern. cieney. If you have an ephsor pain, It le warranted to do all it Mtrports on the label; otherwise the ;norm) , will be refunded. I go not propose to core every dievase— only a class named by inyvltivegans. My liniment opsrarve on chem. ical and electric principles, and is therefore, eppliehle, to the corner natural restorative of alb organic derange ment arising Irma an Improper circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prpf. 11. MoUtityre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible short time, without any pozsible danger front it: use under any possible eircuumtanccs. Title is on internal and external medicine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, such an our forefathers used.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to Cure all complaints If we only know what they wore. - - Thin has been a great study with the Medical Faculty for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the above complaintn—how to put them together, and what proportions to use. J. 11. MOINTYRE, 'Proprietor; Rending, Pa. rdr sale at Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 6,1866. MoBBTYREI'S • OANDELPON PILLS For nit diseases arising from one canes; - viz: Fever and Agog. Dyspepsia. Catarrh in the Head, Weak end disor dered Stomach, such an Indigestion, Sidi Headache, Gid diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Paine. Pains in the Back or elde, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worths, ac., Ste. Sold at 25 cults per box. McENTYRE'S • LYDIAN VEGETABLE • WORM DESTROYER ! Thiel bra [tilde medicine is wurnhted to eipel worms In all cues and Inv be given to cuildren of all ages, no they are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. 11S.. Can be had at Levrispook store, Huntingdon, Pa, NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The great invention of the age in ..1EICC:1041:=1)3P MIT,X3EIO3L I O. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex or double , ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. • This invention consists of Duplex (or two)Ellliptic pure relined steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and.arin ly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, moat fix.. ibte, ,twill and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the single springs. and conanquoutly preserve their perfect and beantiful.slispe mote than twice as long as any single , spring shirt that eyer bus or cup be made. The wonderful flexibility and greet comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex filiptic Skirt will be ex perienced partic.,hwly In all rowdad assemblle4, operas carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for pro menade and house dress, as the skirt can bo folded when In use to occupy a small:space as 'easily and conveniently us a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure. comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel smug skirt for o single day will never afterwards willingly ills. punse with their use. For children, misses and young malice they nra superior to all others. 'ilia hoops are careered with 2 ply logble t ;Fisted thread and will wear twice as lung . c..s the elute yarn covering, which is used on 41 single meet hoop skirts. IXl,te three bottoty, rods t;n3 every shirt are also double stool, arid twice or double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, alone stops, dc, which they are constantly subject when in rise. All ore made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality hi every part. gielihr to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and era un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable, and eoduomical skirt ever leads. Wools' Bradley at Cary, proprietors of the Invention, and lade manufacturers, SI Chambers, and II and Si Heade street., New York. 3 For sale in all first-class stores In this city, and through out the United States, Canada, Havana do Cuba, Mexico, South America, and ilia West Indies. gge,lntittlro for, the Duplex (or double) Elliptic Spring Skirt. nolnin .34,76 ...$, .$ 40.) DR. VENARD'S 12;11 STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURES RIIEUMATISDI, NEURALGIA, - TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, DIPTIIERIA, or SQRE TEIR()4T, CRAMPS, or p4I.NS IN THE STO3IACIT, SPRAINS, OLE 119 8 4 . 4 i i. LIQE-ITAKER, lIUNTiNGDON, PA. Price One Dollar. rz- Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout''..the Country uunt I ngdoo , Oct. 25, 18t8. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! If you want Cheap Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM k .CO's If you want Good Goods, GO TO It. M. CUNNINGHAM ! k. CO'S If you want Fqs*noble Goods, GO TO R. M. CUNNINGHAM & CO'S If you want to see the GREATEST and BEST SELECTION . OF GOODS EXEIVIIROUGIIT TO lIUNTINODOM Consisting of LADIES' DRESS 000D°, CASSIMERES of city and country manufacture, Brochet and Itlankot SHAWLS, BONTAGS and Breakfast SI L L WLd, PRINTS and MIMI:INS' of every variety, Ilats,Caps, Boots, Shoes, Orocerice and Confectioneries. and lu a word, tverything that eye bath seen or heart could wink, GO TO R, M. CUNNINGItAM & CO'S WHOLE'SALE& RETAIL ,STORE Corner olrßallro.ed and bdontgomory ate. Muting , lon, Nov. 8,1885. TRESS BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, r the . lateel etylpe, Belt Ribbon and Buckles, 110,- 110 y, Olovee,Bilenge, ft., at S. 14. rI leNitY dc CO. L A DIES' DRESS GOODS, compvi• sineeverything now aud daeireble, such .its Drees eilkS, elik mohair, aud Ir!eh Popllls, alpaca's, Cagan:ire, eriburge, Merluees, all wool French Delaines, eardruy 004, at S. ti. HENRY & CO.. pOOK BINDING. . . Old Bcpirs, Pflagozlueo, or publlratlono laud bound to ardor it lett, at LEIYIS' BOOK ce STATIONBBT STORE. ri 0 TO S. E. HENRY 4, CO'S for k_i g pnd cloths, momered o ratiumtes, Tweede, !etitne ky Natio, Velvet Cord, &v. T ADIES' COATS and cißgpf..4its Shawls, Cloth Bmqum, 4 . • 4 11, 4twa1i ., co. ter' For neat JOB PRINTING, call a thq t•GLonz JOB PaiNTrtra Onotou," atalun tinenn, Pa . DAPER I PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commonlal, Footeoap sad good aasortmeut for &ale by the resat, ball realist, , itylie or sheet, at LEW/V NEW BOOK & STATIC/NZ:fly STOBE: Reward the Solders! Another Opportunit y is offered the many Friends of the Soldiers to Reward those who Paged the 14goes 'Of the Etienf. J. B. SBONTZIBRO. Q ESPECTFULLY inform their flume- IA roes friends of Morklesburg and surrounding nOun• try, that they hove received a large and splendid stock of NEW GOODS Consisting of— READY M ADE CLOTHING,. HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS and a large stock of JEWELRY, &C. The public, without regard to politic*, religion, sect or color, alit find our atoro the place to buy just svhdt they want, and nt prices to suit. the times. Don't fall to give us a call, as we ar e, detain:titled, to phase all. Morkleshurg, Tian tingtion no.;:Nov.• 3;' IVE W 1 - - - Respectfully Inform the public generally that they have Just received a large nod splendid stock of goods at their store in MARK LESDURG, omelathag in part of DRY GOODS,' - - -- DRESS GOODS, - - : . SILKS, . . NOTIONS,. • lIA'TS & CAPS, 4 BOOTS &SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES; woo D and ply CC' . • •O NAI SEGARS, . • OLD MEAT . CRACK ERS PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, &c., &a. • . Also-13014NETS and 'TINWARE; And in fact eyerythlng usually kept in a first class coun try store, which were bought low for cash and will be sold nt correspondingly low prices for cosh, or country produce. and request the publjc to glve jje a call before purchasing elsewhere, raging satisfied we can offer supe rior inducements to cash lavers... " We respectfully solicit the paw:Maga of all, apd especl ally our Trough Creek Volley friends. • " Everything taken In exchange fur gootle except proml l—Caell'paid for all .JlCiuils or grata; 1 - 6 - witch the Ligliest market prices will be given. - HENRY STROUSE & CO. Murklesburg., 0et..24, 1865. . HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! 4:4 OS MPH STOCK • • , 4ND . ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, itc. : NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON:PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR Huntingdon, Oct 17. NEtv gp - Yriut.b,zu . AT LOW PRICES. M. CUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE NTOCK or NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which ho offers to all who wont to be CLOTHED, • AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. HisSteck consists of heady-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, *Ls°, BOOTit AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., &C. Should gentlomen desire any particular kind or cute clothing not found in the stock'on hand. by leaving their measure they can be accommodatod at short notice. - Call at the east career of the_ Diamond, over Long. Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon 3,IAy. 17, 't.6. and DI A. RR II CE NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST CLOTHING in-Town LEOPOLD BLOOM • HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Iwo:Amor+ to th, ppbite AT THE CHEAPEST RA.TES. • Hie Moat tomtits of GE D t TTF FURNISHING , G . 90,104,' lIA.TS 4; CARS, BOOTS SHOES, &. no .tor. le at the OLD BROAD TOI? CORNER, IIIINTINC!DQ! , 1, Whore be 3y1)110 pleatag to receive gild accotilmodate all - cnatomets, ' • LEOPOLD DLOOM. IluntipOon, Oct. 10,100. agfr/t 4,014 N. 41 , tr. • BOOKS AND. STATIONERY, SIMPSOIT I ARMITAGE & -GO. ETAVING PURCHASEELtho on tim stock of Hub Colon. tra rpm offeac fps public at reaaonsibta prices our immure* stock of MECHANICAL,RELIGIOUS, SCHOOL; AND AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIO.V.CRY, POCKET BOOKS, PORTNIONMS, Ac. Also, Latest Styles of WALL PAPER & WINDOWSECADES, MAGAZINES, and Daily and Weekly Papers constant• ly on band. Anders from abroad promptly attended to. CALL AT.BROAD TOP CORNER. 'Huntingdon, May3,1665-1y ,ANTED at S ; B, JIENRY & CO'S 15,000 'bushels Wheal, 5,000 " Rye, • • 5,000 " Oats, • 5,000 • " Corn, 1,000 Flaxseed, 1,000 " Cloverseed, 1,000 pounds Woe!, For whicl) the highest cash price wil be paid. ' STOVES. STOVB.S.. Spear's famous "anti-dust!' Cook, Wallington Cool', Continental Cook. and 11, - sprehdfd variety of . gas .ntirner, and other , goctiog Stoves, for coot or wood, Pat rotvoA,.and tor sale ‘4l,tto liardiretro Store of JAMES A. BROWN. BROWN & BLEACHED MUSiJIIVS, JI Tinting. Lining. Chrokb, blenobed Pod brown cam. too Slnoues, mluar'd field, Wool -Fbuutals.*O., 104 it • S. B.LISNRY & CO'S. JUST RECEIVED at. S. E. HENRY CAO.NAMMOTH MIT.* Ime 14* :of foal st . iguf%crti . , 4?rus, side, shoulder andxdsoerel t • FOR FALL AND' WINTER HENRY STROUSE & CO. trintingdon, Oct. 18,'85-a. TIIE RUINS.Oto TtlE LATE -ALEXAN- DRIA FOUNDRY. THE undoraiknod not fnett r ig fe. build the non, pow'otfurg r aale_the nine and: all property stivad. Mt; building Wue a atone !tramline.-- The Moulding room W. 44 it 46; %Vara roOtn.,Engluo nail Lathe roams were 79 a 47 : the walls pg,wlllakere Branding and Faro but little Injured by the fire. gliCen glue, boiler alid stack a: a perfect, tho eqpnlo is alsristand lug uninjured. Thorn I. largo clock of valuable pat. lemon, cor silting of rolling mill. plot mill, forge andfur nace‘patterna; n large stock of flasks for nil khrdirof Work, a gill sat of largo and eniall,craln and head ladles', the Inigeat of which is nopeblo of langlfoT twenty.hundred; Ibe ground connected with IlarFoondry Is qne errs and fife, no perches on which thero tarrreted n frame building awed as rt pattern home; alert, wagon and, carriage boom, , _ ' Three houses end lota. haring fruit. An, till of `l.l.lele rail be sold cheap.. Terms envie gull the pureliesiir:.' .'• Yor Nailer 'pertleulers apply in rereon or, by ruall.to , KC C. 31celt L. ANXII104; /filtaiilgdOtt 6.1111ty CIMM 3Mlzt3nitxL r rHE REIItS of — Somelili Rood 801 at private sale a valuable limestone farm eentalalig 347 lioroa,l4l Perotes slionyaucen, sittiets in WEST ToNygsinv. Hun figg.' don touttly, Pa, One mile frin n>leivburg,'-ghlohL op the tin. of the Penna. Railroad. About 120 acres Oro cleared and In good state of cultiva.. Ran, Inoludlng some 20 'acres In meadow, The rentela— log part Is well timbered and Is eVerf 'acre available ffir farmfnepurpo en `;'• • : ''' -"' ' Thera are on It a !gra-env:ell finished brick hcitine, a large linnk harp ,'One tegintithoilsthel. brick sprlar houte, carriage house, wngon shed nod corn ap excellent apple and peach orchard. The fences are good, including nearly 200 panel., peat and t all fence. On the farm are three never tidliitg springs of-the best limestone water, and a running 'etream passing through catercorner of the barnyard. Tills presents a rare chant* to obtain a productive, first quality farm.' •'i e .. Por further particulars pall,uport pc address, itrcylous to October 20th, the underslined_ .••• T. BRED, PeterAturg, Runt. co. JAIIIS&A. BROWN, Iluutingilmir,. VA LTA:l3lit ESTkrt AT, PRIVATE 6ALE. The undersigned will sell for:n reasonable price the fol lowing real estate situate DUBI.TY Township, Mohr ingdon Minty, belonging to Mrs. Eliza M. Pynu • - No. I.—Adjoining landeslT.lanies Neely; IVllliam Steyr art, and others. containing one hundretrAnd 'sixteen. acres and sixty-fly° perches, pore e or ft , ss.. • - L No. 2.—AdJoining , lands orJames Neely, - James Ken; and James Cree,Containlng seventeen acres, more or leas. No. 3.—Apjoining the.abotAnnd :don mining soy:wean ao,res and thirty-six perches, part whereof is cleared. The real estate above mentioned was purchased by Mrs. Eliza M. Pyrs at Sloan sale of the property , of William. Campbell. • ' " t Any person wishing to purchase the above props:ll4i can ascertain the full particulars And tarnui-uf sal. by. calling on C Hobson,- Esq tot guide Gap.of ' IiCOT.P, DROWN & BAILEY, Huntingdon: July 12,1205. •4ttya: for H; V.ypr. .LOTS . ::YOR::SALE. WEST MUNrifsigiDANl„ ApPLI" TO =IV VI 4!-PPIWIS` fsa ;Agent Al' cl;'‘'Ea Thon'tson Huntingdon, June 20;186,5. T.lU l .l3.arraa...3E".crat , ..154si Mei: - HE anOrsianed offer, the • Farm 'on whibh AN , reside, In West" township, I,Juntlngdoir county, at prirsto. sale., It is situated three miles from Petersburg, smiths some distance from Railroad and. us nal. It contains threi hundrddianit - forty-ntne s sicres end allowance ; good hullilifigo, and about ono litindred sot!. fifty acres cleared, awl 'yell adapted for's stork forth. s s: MiCOLIIRE. RACIIEL MAUEII.I.[E. I= FOR SALE, ()NB new trotting BUGGY, one good ) CARRIAGE, and one MAIIE, Hired yeln's Old cbdi spring. 1 LEOPOLD BLOOM. •, Iluutingdon. Oct '25. 1865. 11 r. • - WHARTON Mittricivsraiveia, ot6ielo' DI THE nROAD TOP DEPOT' lIIIILDIND. Tho'publlc generally are invited to oil before kralia sing elsewheri3. ' - Huntingdon, June 2,5,,1.565. 3C3E I "Se+Cor A Qo'im fuoTodgAtil. JAKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & ICLINE!S PHOTiJORAPO GALLERY' On Hill Street, two doors - west of _Lewis' Boole Store: •- " CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. nuntingdod, Oct 3, '65-tf. 331cicrtki ai.dtsue:=3 , elB. , . •" .1416 I.l,s,J,lllret ? rttod from t h e east with SPLENDID STOCK OP B002:3, 411 - o.4's, q4047,q, 4 , 0„ .Which Le offeks to the' Inspection of Lls customers and the public generally. Re •willaell Lie stock at the moss . • IZEASON.A:BLE' PRICES; . • and those who purchase once will surely call again'. BOOTS SIRIES 1Q ORDER, and REPAIRING dono .In,tlie neatest antnifoid Rims manner... . ifrupon Mi . . Sandra' at Ids Shop on, /1111 street, a few doors west of the Diamond. . se27 • GREA.I. ENT11118I4:24 MGR PRICES SURREND.ER ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. . • TOHNII:IirESTBROO.K- itee . pectililli'tnitirito 'the ' clikene of vielnity that he itnejltt received ttpm the city JOiy, ext , ri 130:01 . 3 - & - StIOES,ITATakCiPB, , Oostery, Shoe ll'indings,. carpet Sachs • • Trual, denl!'" - ""`., • all of which he le pieliarett tio tall at redated A tot of sholpo pONNEOTIONEIIIES hose also taloa 're ma i reltirt r epa e ll o c l a d o 'r e a m m ll l y n a c r 6 e In D cl E t ' Yett i CilT d Ilut4logdoikaptll.2lclP.: .;•"" E 47 BOOT , A--ND SHOE STORE. ` AFRIQA lidorras the public, that he has just opened at his oid stand in the Diamond, liantiagdon, A. Fine A§sOiltieut of ail:kinds of ' BOOTS AND SHOES,:: For Ladies, Gentlemen" and- Children. Ali of whirls ho will 'sell at fair paces. Quick salts and small profit. rcon and eaninine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as lanai. Huntingdon, OA. Ip, 1865. TTENTIO ! R. S WESTBROOK &CO Would reepectfully.cali. the attention-A: the public to their freell , eftiok-atid ;dimity° linty. of - , GBOCEItIES," . ' CONFBCTIORBRIES, TOBACCO - I•SEdARS, - I •FRUIT NUTS, TOYB,, . And in fact everything generally kept in Mich a store. They are prepared to Banat the most reasonable prices. and am attention to' business. and their encleaypra to Pleats everybody they hope to gain the good will and patronage er the public,• Their store is totaled on 1111 F incept', 'clirectly.oppodte the First Nationol Benk,.and was formerly occupied by Mr. Wat.'Seiton. . ein3-am M'MANIG AL'S LIVERY STABLE MONTGOMERY STREET. Between Radial and Callioqc GlinrcheB, HUVW.INGTON, TV.EITE, PITI3I:AC: GERtRALLY_ are • intOiccied ttkg. inibecrlber totropitrod at Itla het STABLE' to tiecOmmoduto ottrititti • .11 °BUS, BU GIES, cr: CARRIAGES ' ' • tiort noliu., , • MIOT.44I4 . PIPAAPT: , LittnittidOlt, March . IS IM =I