The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 13, 1865, Image 2
the circumstances of the country should require an augmentation of the army. The volunteer force has al ready been reduced by the discharge from service of over eight hundred thousand troops, and the Department is proceedir.g rapidly in the worls of further reduction. The war estimates are reduced from $516,240,131 to $33,- 81.4416, which amount, in the opinion of the Department, is adequate for a peace establishment.. The measures of retrenchment in each Bureau and branch of the service exhibit a diligent economy worthy of commendation. Reference is also made in the report to the necessity of providing for a uni form militia system, and to the pro. priety of making suitable provision for wounded and disabled officers and soldiers. A Just Financial Policy Recommended. The •I ermine system of the country is a subject of vital interest to its hon• or and prosperity, and should cony. mand the earnest consideration of Congress. The Secretary of the Treas ury will lay before you a full and de tailed report of the receipts and dis• bursements of the last fiscal year, of the probable receipts and expenditures fur the other three quarters, and the estimates for the year following the 80th of June, 1866. I might content myself with a reference to that report, in which you - will find all the informa• tion required for your deliberations and decision. But the paramount im portance of the subject so pregses it• self on my own mind, that I cannot but lay before you my views of the measures which are required for the good character, and I might say for the existence of this people. The life of the republic lies certainly in the en ergy, virtue, and intelligence of its citizens; but it is equally true that a good revenue system is tho life of an organized government. I meet you at a time when the nation has volun tarily burdened itself with a debt unprecedented in our annals. Vast as is its amount, it fades away to nothing when it is compared with the count. less blessings that will be conferred upon our country and upon man by the - preservation of the nation's life. Now, on the first occasion of the meet ing of Congress since the return of peace, it- is of the utmost importance to inaugurate a just policy,which shall at once be put in motion, and which shall commend itself to those who comp after us for its continuance. We must aim at nothing less than the complete effacement of the financial evils that necessarily followed a state of civil war. We must endeavor to apply the earliest remedy to the de ranged state of the currency, and not shrink from devising a policy which, without being oppressive to the pea, pie, shall immediately begin to effect a reduction of the debt, and, if persis ted in, discharge it fully within a defi nitely fixed number of years. Gradual Reduction of Currency Re- commended It is our first duty to prepare in earnest for our recovery from the ever increasing evils of an irredeemable currency,, without :a sudden revulsion, and yet without untimely procrastina tion. For that end we must, each in our respective positions, prepare the way. I hold it the duty of the Exec utive to insist upon frugality in the expenditures; and a sparing economy is itself a great national resource. Of the banks to which authority has 'been given to issue notes secured by bonds .of the United States, we may require the greatest mcderation and prudence, and the law must be rigidly enforced when its limits are exceeded: Wo may each one of us counsel our active and enterprising countrymen to be con stantly on their guard, to liquidate .debts contracted in a paper currency,. and, by conducting business as nearly as possible on a system 9f cash pay ments or short credits, to hold thorn s:elves prepared to return to the stand ard of gold and silver. - To aid our fellow citizens in the prudent manage. anent of their monetary affairs, the Ort ..ty devolves on us to:diminish -by law the amount of paper money now in ~circulation. Five years ago the bank note circulation of the country amoun ted to not much more than two hund red millions; now the circulation, bank and national, exceeds seven hundred millions. The simple statement of the : fact recommends more strongly than any words of mine could do, the neces sity of our restraining this expansion. The gradual reduction of the currency is the only measure that can save the country from disastrous calamities; and this can be almost imperceptibly accomplished by gradually funding the national circulation in securities that may be made redeemable at the plea , cute of the Government. Security of the Public Debt. Our debt is doubly secure-Lfirst in the actual wealth and still greater un developed resources of the country; and next in the character of our insti tutions. The most intelligent obs,ery ere among political economists have not failed to remark, that the public debt of a country is safe in proportion as its • people aro free; that the debt .of u re public is safest of all. Our history confirms and establishes the theory, and is, I firmly believe, destined to give it a still more signal illustration. The secret of •this superiority springs not Merely from the fact that in a republic the national obligations aro distributed more widely through countless num bers in all classes of society; it has its root in the character of our laws.— here all men contribute to the public welfare, and bear their fair Oar() of tho public burdens. During the war, Under impulses of patriotism, the men of the great body et the people, witl• .out. regard to their own comparative want of wealth, thronged to our lir. mies and . filled our fleets of war, and held themselves ready to offer their lives for the public good. .Zcow, in :their turn, the property and income of tiM country should bear their just pro portion of the burden of taxatibn,while in our impost system, through means of which increased vitality is incident ally imparted to all the industrial into rests of the nation, the duties should be no udjusted as to fall most heavily on articles of luxury, leaving the necessa ries of life as free from taxation as the absolute wuutm ut the Government, e conomically administered, will justify. '..0 ..No favored class should demand free: do:n from as , t•ssment, and the taxes should be so distributed as not to fall unduly on the poor, but rather on the accumulated wealth of the country.— WV should look at the national debt just as it is—not as a national blessing but as a heavy burden on the industry of the country, to be discharged with• out unnecessary delay. Treasury Estimates. It is estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury that the expenditures of the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1866, will exceed the receipts $112,194- 917. It is gratifying however to state that it is also estimated that the rev enue for the year ending' the 30th of June, 1867, will exceed the expendi tures in the sum 0f'8111,682,818. This amount, or so inucli as may be deemed sufficient for the purpose, may be ap plied to the redaction of the public debt, which, on the .31st day of Octo ber, 1865, was 82,740,854,750. Every reduction will diminish tho•total am'nt of interest to be paid, and so enlarge the means of still further reductions, until the whole. shall he ligaidated ; And this, as will be seen from the esti• mates of the Secretary of the Treasury may be aecomplished by annual pay ments even within a pei•iq,l not ex ceeding thirty years. .1 have faith that we shall do all this within .a rea sonable time; that, gs we have amazed the world by the suppression of a civ il war which was thought to be beyond the control of any Government, so we shall equally show the superiority of our institutions by the prompt and faithful discharge - of our national obli gations. Agricultural Affities The Department, of 4gricuiture, un der its present direction, is accom plishing much in developing and utili• zing the agricultural capabilities of the country, and for information respect ing the details of its management ref' erence is made to the anneal report of the Commissioner. Our Relations with Foreign Powers. I have dwelt thus fully on our do mestic affairs because of their trans cendent importance. Under any cir cumstances, our great extent of terri tory and variety of climate, producing almost everything is necessary fer the watts, and even the comforts ofipan, .r.vake vs singularly independ ent the varying policy of Roreign ,Powers, and protect us against even temptation of "entangling while at the present momoitthe re-es tablishment of harmony : and the strength that comes from harmony, will be our best security against "na tions that feel power and forget right." For myself, it has been and it will be my constant aim to promote Reitman(' amity \ll,Ol all foreign nations and powers; and I have every reason to believe that they all, without .excep tion, are animated by the same dispo sition. Our relations with the Empe• ror-of China, so recent in their origin, are most friendly. Our commerce with lds dominions is receiving new developments; and it is very pleasing to find that the Government of that great Empire manifests satisfaetton with our policy, and reposes just confi dence in the fairness which mark's our intercourse. The unbroken harmony between the United States and the Imperor of Rus sia is rzceiving a new support from an enterprise designed to carry telegraph ic lines across the continent of Asia, through his dominions, and. so to con nect us with all Europe by a new chart. nel of in'ercourse. Our commerce with South 'America is about to re ceive encouragement by a direct line of mail steamships to the rising Ein• pile of Brazil. The distinguished party of men of science who have recently left our country to make a scientific exploration of the natural history, and rivers and mountain ranges of that region, have received from the Empe• ror that generous welcome which was to have been expected from his con stant friendship for the United States, and his well known zeal in promoting the advancement of knowledge. A hope is entertained that our com merce with the rich and populous conn• tries that border the Mediterranean Sea may be largely increased. Noth ing will be wanting on the part of this Government, to extend the protection of our fellow citizens. We receive from the powers in that region assurances of good will; and. it is worthy of note that a special envoy has brought us tummi z' es of condolence on the death of our lute Chief Magistrate from the Bey of Tunis, whose rule includes the old dominions of Carthage on the 4.f. rican coast. The Difficulty with Great Britain. Our demestic contest, now happily ended, -has left some traces in our re lations with one, at least, of the great maritime Powers. The formal accor dance of belligerent rights to the in surgent States was unprecedented, and has not beer, justified by the issue. But in the system of neutrality pur— sued by the Powers whiA 'made that concession, there was a marked dif. forence. The materials of war for the insurgent States were furnished, in a great measure, from the work shops of Great Britain; and British ships, manned by British subjects and prepared for receiving British arma ments, sailed from the ports of Great Britain to make War on American commerce, under the shelter of a com mission from the insurgent States. These ships, having once escaped from British ports, ever afterwards en tered them in every part of the world, to refit, and so to renew their depreda tions. The consequences of this con. duct was most disastrous to the states then in rebellion, increasing their des olation and misery by the prolongation of our civil contest.. It had, moreover ; the effect, to a g reat extent, to drive flagthe American from the sea, and to transfer much-of our shipping and commerce to the very Power whose subjects had created the necessity for such a change. These events took place before I was called to the admin istration of the Government. The sincere desire for peace by ,which I am animated led me to approve the propo sal, already made, to submit the ques tions which had thus arisen between the Iwo countries to arbitration. These questions are of such moment that they must have commanded the attention of the great powers, and are so interwoven with tho peace and in• terest of every ono of them as to have insured nn impartial decision. I re gret to inform you that Great Britain declined the arbitrament, but, on the other• hand,linvited us to the formution of a joint commission to settle mutual claims between the two countries, from which those for the depredations be fore mentioned should be excluded The proposition, in that very unsatis iactory..firre, tins been declined. The United States did not present this object as an impeachment of the good faith of a power which was pro fessing-the most friendly dispositions, but as involving questions of public law, of which the settlement is essen tial to the peace of a nation ; and al though pecuniary reparation to their injured citizens would have followed incidentally on a decision against Great Britain, such compensation was not their prim:try objec•t.. They had a higher motive, and it was in the inter ests of peace and justice to establish important principles of international law. The correspondence will be placed before you. ground on which the British Minister rests his justification is, sub• stantially, that tho municipal law of a nation, and the domestic interprota lions of that law, are the measure of its duty as a neutral, and I feel bound to declare my opinion before you and before the world, that that justification cannot be sustained before the tribe• nal of nations. AL the same time Ido not advise to any present attempt at re• dress by acts of legislation. For the future, friendship between the two countries must rest on the basis of mu trial justice. The Monroe Doctrine. From 'the moment of the establish ment of our free Constitution, the civil. lied world has been convulsed by revo lutions in the interests of democracy or of monarchy ; but through all those revolutions the United States have wisely and firmly refused to become propagandists of republicanism. It is the only government suited to our condition ; but we have never sought to impose it on others, and we have consistently . followed the advice of Washington to recommend it only by the careful preservation and prudent use of the ()leash)... Purifier all the in• tervening period' the policy of Euro pean powers and of the United States hits, on the whole, been harmonious. Twice, ,frideed, runrors of the invasion of some parts of America, in the inter, est ofmonarchy, have prevailed ; twice my predecessors . have had occasion to announee the views of this nation in respect to such interference. On bOth occasions the remonstrance of . the Veiled States was respected, from a deep conviction on the part of European governments, that the sys• tent of non interferenee,and mutual abstinence from propagandism was the true rule for the two hemispheres. Since those times we have advanced in wealth and power, but, we retain the same purpose to leave the nations of Europe to choose their own dynasties and form their• own systems of gov ernment. This consistent moderation may justly demand a corresponding moderation. We should regard it as a great calamity to our,;elvcs, to the peace of the world, should any Euro pean power challenge the American people, as it were, to the defense of republicanism against foreign interfer ence. We cannot foresee and are unwill ing to consider what opportunities might present themselves, what combi nations might offer to protect ourselves against designsinimical to our form of government. The :United States des siro to act in the future as they have ever acted heietofore; they will never be driven from that course but, by the aggression of guropeau Powers; and wo rely on the wisdom and justice of those Powers to respect the system of non-interference which has so long been sanctioned by time, and which by its good results, has approved itself to both continents. The correspondence between the United States and Frace, in reference to questions which have become sub• jects of discussion between the two Governments, will, at a proper time; be laid before Congress. The Destiny of the Republican Doctrine. %Then on the organization of our GoVernment, under the Constitution, the President, of the United States do livered his inaugural address to the two Houses of Congress he saidto them, and through them to the country and to mankind, that "the preservation of the sacred tire of liberty and the des tiny of the republican model of govern ment, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked on the expe riment intrusted to the American peo ple." And the House of Representatives answered Washington by the voice of Madison :—"Wo adore the invisible hand which has led the American peo ple through so many difficulties, to cherish a conscious responsibility for the destiny of republican liberty." More than seventy-six years have gli ded away since these words were spo, ken ; the United States have passed through severer• trials than were fore seen ; and now, at this new epoch in our existence as one nation, with our Union purified by sorrows, and strengthened by conflict,and establish ed the virtue of the people, the greatness of the occasion invites us once more to repeat, with..golemnity, the pledges of our fathers to hold our selves answerable before onr fellowmen for the success of the republican form of goyertnent. Experience baS proved its suflicion• cy in pape and in war; it has vindi cated its ,authority through dangers and aMietions, and sudden and terrible emergencies, which would have crush. ed any system that had been less firm ly: fixed in the hearts of the people. At the inauguration of Washington the foreign relations of the country were few and its trade was repressed by hostile regulationS;' now the civil ized nations Of, the globe welcome our commerce ; and their Qovernments profess towards us amity. Then — bur country felt; its way hesi tatingly along an untried path, with States so little bOund together by rapid means of communication' as to be hard ly known to one another, -and with historic traditions extending over very few years; now intercourse between the States is • swift, and intimate; the experience of centuries has been crowded into a few generations and has created an intense, indestructible nationality. Thou our jurisdiction did not reach beyond the inconvenient boundaries of the territory which had achieved independence; now, through cessions of lands, first colonized' by Spain - and Franco, the country has acquired a pore complex character, and for its ,natural limits the chain of Lakes, the Gulf of ,Mexico, and on the east and west, the two great oceans. . . Oilier nations were wasted by civil wars for ages befiike they could ertab• lith for themselves the necessary de gree of unity.; the latent conviction that our form of. Government tho best over known to the world, has en abled Its to emerge from civil war Within four years, with a complete vindication of the constitutional au thority of the General GoVernment, and with our local liberties-and. State institutions unimpaired. The throngs - ofemigranta that crowd to our shores are witne s ses to the con fidence of all peoples in .our perman• ence. Here is the great land of freo labor, where industry is blessed with unexampled rewards, and the bread of the workingman is sweetened by the consciousness that the cause of the country "is his own cause, his own safety, his own dignity." Here every one enjoys the free nso of his faculties and the choice of activity as a natural right. Here, under the combined in fluence of a fruitful soil, genial climes and happy institutions, popglation has increased fifteen-fold Within-a century. Here,throtigh the easy development of boUndless resources, wealth' has in creased with tw,) fold gloater rapidity than munbers, so that wo have become secure against the financial vicissi• tudes of other countries, and, alike in business and in opinien, are solfeeriter• ed and truly independetit. Here more and more care is given to provide eclu cation for every - one born on the soil. Hero religion; released from: political Connection with the eivilGovornment, refuses to observe the 'craft of states men, and becomes, in its independence, the spiritual life of the people. Here toleration is extended to .every opin• ion, in the quiet certainty that truth needs only a fair field to secure the victory. Here the lipman mind goes forth unshackled in the pursuits of science, to collect stores of knowledge and ac qiiire an ever increasing mastery over the forces of nature. Here the nation• al domain is offered and held in mil lions of separate freeholds ' so that our fellow citizens, beyond tho occupants of any other part of the earth, consti. tote in reality a people. Here exists the democratic form of Government; and that form of Goyernment, by the confession of European statesmen, "gives a power of which no other form is capable, because it incorporates every man with State, and arouses everything that belongs to the soul." W here in past history does a parallel exist to the public happiness which is within the reach of-the people of the Unitkid States ?. Where, in any part of the globe, can institutions be found ao situated to their habits or so entitled to their love as their own free Consti tution ? Every one of thorn, in what ever part of tho land ho has his home, must wish it perpetuity. Who of them will not now acknowledge, in the words of Washington, that "every step by which the people attic United States have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some to ken of Providential agency r" who will not join with me in the prayer ' that the invisible hand which has led us through the clouds that gloomed around our path, will so guid,e us onward to a perfect restoration of fraternal affection, that we of this day may be able to transmit our great in heritance, of State Governments in all their rights, of the General Govern ment in its whole constitutional vigor, to our posterity, and they to theirs Orough countless generations. ANDREW J 0 LIMON: Washington, Dec. 4, 1865 Ely 61Eibt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Dec. 13, 1865. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor, Congress. Congress met on Monday of last wook. The names of the members from tho'.. , rebel States were not put upon the roll and were not called. A committee was appointed to examine into their right to hold seats. Colfax was re-elected Speaker of the House, and Mcpherson, Clerk. A number of resolutions have already been offered —some of which will meet with strong opposition from the conservative mem bers of tho Union party and the "Dem ocrats." 'Negro suffrage," and other rights 'a few of the radicals wish to confer upon the unfortunate race, will stir up a storm of words before many (Jays. President Johnson • don't ex pect to pleuso all wings in Congress or out of it. If ho did his Administration would be failure We shall try to keep our readers advised of •the impOr• tant points made by Congress as soon as the machinery gots into full opera. tion. Somebody to bo Hurt. We have boon informed that Ho ratio G. Fisher in a conversation with Mr. John A. Nash of tho Journal & American, in front of the post offico on Monday eveniog last, instructed him how to proceed to "kill us off." Agents arc to be appointed in every township in the county to Ureplc loTo our sub scription, We suppose as Iforat r io ls powerful strong Union 1111,11 . 1 1p) will also use his powerful influenco to induce advertis• or to do as he has dono, patronize the Monitor ln.preferenao to the Globe, This is a free country, Horatio & Co.— pitch in. ,053 - lion. A. A. Barker, our member of Congress, we notice by the proceed. irgs,. was in hie seat at the commence ment of the session. He has taken rooms at 461 Ninth. street, whore friends visiting Washington, are invi ted to call. Ls_ "Slavery viewed from the Bible Stand Point," by Bev. J. It : l:Adair, for sale rt Lewis' Book Store, price 10 cents. • ,tf. 1?,Q0 new adveii,isements The Message, the k i Demooraey," and Jeff. Davis. The President's Message has been universally discussed, but in most eases only to the limited and superficial..ex 7 . tent of a single editorial column. necessarily embodies the view's of our, Chief Magistrate on all those questions incident to, and exciting interest since, the close of the war, and to review it thoroughly would require almost as much space as the Message itseif. In stead • of expressing a general orinion in regard to it, we may discuss it more intelligibly by taking up those special portions that indicate definitely the President's position. . There is, a part. of it that is. Of par -ticular interest to ;Taff.. Davis, and which ho will read with deep concern To him the present MesSage,is of more import:Med than any similar dOeuinent that ever emanated from the,exeentive mansion, Ho will no donbt experi ence a peculiar sensation when ho sees befei.e him in words' as 'docisivi; 'ae the sentence of a court martial that "trea son is a - crime, that, traitors shofdd be punished, and. the offence made" infa mous;" and hoiv vastly it will add to the herror of his condition when ho remembers that his former frieuds, the "Democracy," have determined to for 7 sake him in his hour of nood, and cling with heathenish tenacity and Crocbdilo sincerity to President Johnson.. Oh! what pangs' must have. rent every "Democratic" heart when it came to - be decided whether they would continuo their old love'fbr Jeff. Davis or worship at the shrine of a new idol! Without inquiring their motives! in advocating the punishment of thatthost treasonable of all traitors, I will do them the honor . to say that tndeing so they are - aeting in accordance with their moral obligations. I would re. mind them of the language of a cot. tain distinguished orator, whOse senti ments reveal his party, that "for less offenses than Mx:, Lincoln had been guilty of, the English people had chop ped off the head of the first Charles. In his : opinion Lincoln and Davis ought to be brought to the same. block." Such teachings as this :were repeated from the forum and through the press, and it is not strange that, falling ou minds of a suitable mold, thdy created a dangerous impression. and at last produced that infatuation that led to the assassination.. Who will say that the author of the words quoted, above is innocent of the murder? Who will deny the gui:t of those who charged Mr. Lincoln with tyranny, usurpation, or other heinous crimes? They 'are responsible for that horrible deed. lie who committed the act was ; but the instrument of carrying into . effect their doctrines. • -have said that the "Democracy" are under moral obligations to see that Jeff Davis is punished. Not only to atone for the cruel manner in which Abraham Lincoln was taken from the World, but .q furnish one proof, if pos sible, that they are the enemies, and not the friends, of Areason, and that they are earnest in their desire tosup. port the President.. They need not hope to deceive the country by loud professions while they give no strong er evidence of sincerity. If that por tion of the Afessage relattng, to the punishment ef tr,oason draws the peo ple together on this great subject, it will be of incalculable good. ' COMMONPLACE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPOSALS w ill be received at the a floe of eroenwt•otl Fut twee fur the Masonry and tcrptntry of a atone church at thnt place The dimcu• Mons of the buiblink to be 36% feet front and •t 7 ft. deep. Sold proposals will be received up to the 15th of January, 1506. dcola A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- EstAto of John Ileddings, dee'd. Letters of Adminisu talon upon the • estate of John Heddiags, late of Brady township, Huntingdon county decd, haring been granted to the undersigned, all portions having claims against the ostato are requested to present them to the undersigned, and all persons indebted will mks immediate payment. CALEB WAKEFIELD, decl3-6t , Administrator. AiDMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. [totato of John Donnlds., dee'd.l Letters of adutinistration upon the estaio of John Den Ildson, late of deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all peons indebted to the estate will make payment, and those haying' claims will present them for settlement.- . • • ~JANN IrINALDSON, Mapleton - , SAM'L. T. DROWN, Huntingdon. N. D,—ltee. Tt. .Coll out William Clayton have been appeluted agents and attotnoys In fact orJaines Donald too In placo of said tlemmsed, to transact Itllinothiess re lating to the cool o.rtato nu] the purchase money slue' on lota told. ' tlecla-61 WEST HUNTINGDON. FOUNDRY, Near Fishers' MITI, Uuntingdon, Pa. THE undersigned would take this method to inform the public that ht. Now Fouu.lry Is now In blast, nod ho I. prepared to reeelve and fill orders for all taft# kinds of CASTINGS, PLOWS, INCI MACHINES, Ac., Ac. Being a practical mechanic at tho business, of twenty three years exper4eneu, and having a desire to please, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Sled and sleigh Soles, and other castings, leapt on hand. pa.olcl instal, brave amid copper taken in exchange fur wor k. „ JAMES SIMPSON. Iltintlagdon December 1308135—0ut. : ,DUBLIC BALE bs, • SHEEP, COLTS, QATTLI,', (pc. "`q "Nt , . 'et whi be sold at the residence of the subscriber It, Porter. township, On Wednesday, December 20, 1865, 430 headed' Sheep. 4 head of young cattle, 2 colts, oue about three years old, the other about four years, 3 howl of Horses, 1 two lirs& Carriage, tread power and thy , oh or. with shaker, 1 reaper tio mower, windmill, fodder 'arid strew cutter. V9..Sale to commepeo at 103,4 o'clock, a. ro., when terms will be loads known. decl3 TUO9.N COLDER. Hers of NOTICE. tkletareaDartiel 31antegue, de - ed.] 'tiers of admiuisfratibli mpou the relate of Daniel Montague, Into of CiumwelV top., deceased., haring been granted to the undersigned, all possum Indebted to the estate will make payment, nod those haring claims 'will present them for settfeinsnt. JONATHAN MONTAGUE ' , dac6-6t. Administrator. Z4IITOTICE. - . . - [StatectfGeorge Russel, deed. • . 'uers or Administration brave been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of George Russel, late of Hopewell tpwnship, Huntingdon county; deceased. All persons Indebted will' Idaho payment, and those having :claims present them; , priverly au thenticated, tone. • GEORGE B. WEAVER, Colo station, Dec. I: , Administrator. •. 4 ,1 OilW is herthy given to all persons I interested that the following Inventories of the goods and cantiols set to wideivs, under the provisions of the Act of 11th of April, A. D 1851, Inane been filed in the ollice of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Ilontin,gdon county and' will be presented for ' , approval by . the Court!' on Monday, the Bth of January, A:,D. 1866. 1. The Inventory arid appralsement of the goods and chattels which veers of William Wldney, Into of Toll tlta decbased, set a part to lila widow Martha Widuoy. 2, The Inventory and - appraisement of the goods and' chattels which , were of Benjandri It Stitt, late of Dublin' !v. :deceased, eet apart:tti hut widolt 'Mary Stitt. ' 3. The Inventory add oppraisetaant of the goods nod chattels which'wero of Cliristophe;'o. Wiser, late of Dub. ' lin twp., deceased,.set apart to' hilewldow Jane Wiser. 4. 'The inventory and apptaisentent of the goods snit chattels-which were of Samuel noses, deceased, taken by hie widoW.Margaret 5. The Inventory and appraisement or the goods and chattels which were of Jacob Borer. late of Shirley tw,•., deceased, Set apart to his widow Susan Doses. 6.. The Inventory and appraisetnent uf the goods and . rhattelo whirlt,Wero of . Charles Holley', lath of thutewell twp., deceased, set apart to his widow Catharine [Leßoy. 2: The IttrentotY and appralsetnent of the goods and cliattohi wit oh woo of Andrei', .I.GIL II land, late of Dublin tp., deceased, set apart to his withitv Catharine Gilliland. DANIBL WODIELSDORF, Dec. 13, 1865. . Clerk. ItEG ISTEITS. NOTIC . - Neticn le .herebY given, to all. persons ',guested that tho following named persons linen settled their are counts in the Register's °nice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented:for confirmation and allowance; it an Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, In and for the county M Huntingdon, on Monday the Bth day of January next (1866,) to wit: •, 1. Adritlitlstratioa account, of Matthew Stewart. Ad. ministrator of Adam Warfel, late of West forrusltip; dece.ased.: • 2. 'AI - hold's : traitOn account of Samuel Ftenort and Geo. .W. Porter,' Adittlidstrittors of Porter,. Into of Jackson to*uship, deceased.. • • • . • 3. Aceaunt of Lydia Lena! and John Liffard,Admlnis trators of Joseph Letrerd, , dereased. , ' •_.• • • 4:Account of John Ball, Administrator of George W. Dell, late of Barre° township; &ceased. 5. Phial account of, W.ll. Lens, Administrator of John 'Shaver, hite:of Shirley' tolvrabir, clecoasStl.. 6.: Administnititin amount of Oeurgo Wagoner. E.:trea tise of, Wm. Wagooer,lato of Clay townsaip, deceased. 9'. Adralnietirltion acantat of Edward Zuernor. Admin. stiator of Eleanor. Logan, In of:Shirley township, .duc'd. 8. Account of Benjamin Hartman and Adam Lightnor, Execittors' of Christopher Irvine,' Into Of West: tp., 5. The account of • Brice Blair, admioistratos of Samuel S. Campbell, late, of Dublin township deceased. • 10. Administration account of Jan.. 11. Pipor, administra• tor of Philip Piper, lute of Porter township, deed. II: The account of Alvah Chile/nit, Executor of Samuel .11 miler, lath' of Cromwell tOwllihlP,OeceaSed. 12. Guardianship occonnt of James Oliver, guardian of Gri . orgo 0; Riding, Leii Hering nod Hobert - Ewmg-.Artitior children °farina Ewing, Into of Franklin .torimabip; ge• co:Vied, sold minors being flow also decOaded.' 13. Arbaltilatratinn account of Wen. P,Ortlixmi Esq.; nat. Ina exectitorof William Orbisou, Esq., late of the llerottgh of Huutingdon, deceased. " '" 14. The•Adralnlatration Occonnt of John 'Alexander, ex ecuter ofJonathen Carothors, late of Shirley tp,. deceased. if,. Account of *lichee' Horner, administrator of 'James K. leett, late of Pena-township, deceased. . '• . • 18. The account of Isaac Taylor. Exedutor of John Kanf tuam late of Tod township, deceased. . • • DANIEL W. WGSIELBDORT, Register's Oilier,,• Register. Hunt, Decdl3, 1866 k ROLL A 31A:TION.---WHEREAS, by a, precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, His OX r dap of Angus!: A.1).1865. muter the bands and seal of the Hon, George 'faylor,.President .of tile' Court of 'Common Plcas,'Oyer and Terminer ' and general jail deliv ery of the 24th JuiliciaDistrict of Penusylyitnia, compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Benjamin N. Patton nod-William B. Leas , his aasqc ateS, Judges of lime county of Huntingdon, justlceS as signed, appdinted to hear, try and determine strand every indictments made or taken for or concerning-all crimes, which by tlic laws of the State aro made capital, or felon les of death, and other offences, crimes nod misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or porno• tratcsl, for crimes aforesaid—l - am commanded to make publtc proelatnation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a court of Oycr and Terminer, of Common Pleas nod Quarter Sessions, 'Will he held at Gm Court House bathe borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and Bth day) of January next, and those who will prosecute the sold prisoners, be then put there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justicei of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and therein their proper persons, lit 10 o'clock; a. or. of sold day, with their records, Inquisitions. examinations and remembran- COT, to do those things which to their .0111ces respectively appertain. Dated at Ifuntingdon,'the.l2th De comber in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and the 89th year of American Independence. GEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. RO CLAM AS, by n precept to Mu directed by the Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the county of Iluntingden, bearing teat the 19th day of August, e. n. 1995, 1 am commanded to make public Proclamation [Muni' tmy whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pions will be held At the Court House in the borough .of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 15th day) of January, A. D.,1896, for the trinl of nil Is. Blloo' in sold Court which-remain lindorermine&.before the sold Judges, when and NI here nil jurors, wifuesscs,and sultOrs, In the trials of nil issues are required. '..• . Dated at Huntingdon, the 1211, December, in the year of our Lord ono thousnnil right hundred and sixty-floe, and the 39th year of Atneriemi Independence. OEII. W. JOHNSTozi, Sheriff's Office, Iluntingdon, Dec. 12,,T5. WANTED. 85 00(P v ANTED' in sums of • ' One Thousand D.lll:irs and utriviirds 'op real estate seeurity worth ten Ileum that al - n(4lra. Inquire of IT. IL NIOUIIS. ilers-3I Ifuntinglon, • Positiyely the Last Notice. AALLL ,poreons knowing. themselves indebted to the undersigned nro notified to call and settle their accounts ON Olt BEFOICE TILE 'FIRST OF JANUARY. .All nceounth not seated by that.tfine nlil ho collected by course of law. I can not and will not Walt longer. JOIIS mamma:. meconnsihtuwn, Dec. 5-31 Sro RE W ARD,-- Was stolen from Dthe aubacriber, near Huntingdon, l'a., on Sat urday night, December 2, a so, rol OARS, (and 'Saddle, and Bridle,) risidiug four yeAra old, light 111111311 •and tail hind legs white trout kuses down, a atilfle . in her forehead, and a small snack of glass in one 'eye. $25 will be 1)511/ for any. information which w:11 lend to the recovery of t h e. mare, and $2.5 for the arrest of tbs, thief. [deed] DANIEL RIPER. 4UDITOR'S NOTICE. • I.Rstate of John Piper, deceased.) The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund in the hands of David Tussey, administrator with tho will annexed of John Piper, late of Porter township, deceased, srlll lttend to the duti s aide appointment, at his °Mee, in Huntingdon, on SATURDAY, the 23 day of DE0631- DER, next, at 1 o'clock, 'P. id: when and where all per sons haring claims against said fund am required to pre. sant them or he dobarred from coming in for a share of said fund. • .! !THEO. H. DREHER, dece=it • • -Auditor. .496 Maarae. 15a,1e Government Clothing, Blankets &c IN .HUNTINGDON; ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, '65. Overcoats., Blankets, _Harness, Saddles, Sc. rm. Salo to c Inunence at 10 o'clock, A.M. dec5,1865-2t TIIOMAS SON, Auctioneers. , . A FARM AT .PRIVATE SALE, THE subscriber offers at pricate - salo until Monday. January lst,•near, that valuable 'farm on 'which he now resides, at Ittauor 11111, Banes township, containing 97 ACItliS and allOwance, about SO acres cleared and under good oil t liettion„ with water Ina every fold, the bal 'w ance ell timbered. The improve- men is are a good two story frame pla.tercel bonsai barn, and all otbet neceseary outbuildings,' with fountain panel)s at dtvolllug and barn. Unot mad provione to the Ist daj'or Jaimery. it will bo offered at. Public Sale on the premises on said tiny: Terms made known onapplicatiou to the subscriber. &di • • ' • ' 'JOI I,N LOVE. BILLIARDS BILLIARDS! 1 JOSEPH L. -POULTON; - Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, . . HARRISBURG, Reipectfully informe the public that he has opened for their nee hie now and - elegantly pied up Billiard Room. It ciinfaine 1 • FOUR NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S 31ANUFAaTIME, superior to any now In the city. • Billiard Room challenge!. comparison ytlth any room the gttl.te, we Lot L'hlladeiptjig.. . ORPHANS' , CQUIrt .• [Real estate tit John Hough, dec'd ] • ''.11•31 ... • virtue of au order of the prprinue Court of Hunt. - ingdon co.:1. will' cApfsee'to publicfsale, on the preniises, On Saturday ; 44eeentber the is °Oa'• 1865, itt ono o'clock, p. of cold day, this following described real estate, to wit: . .• A TRACT OF LAND, athlete to Clay township, bounded On the north and east by lands of Samuel Hough, et . ' the south by lauds of tieing° Henniker, and .on the. west by lauds of Jonathan Miller, containing Forty three Acres, and One nuudred and Surly etc perches, more or • less; having thereon 11 log Mum and log stable,. . TE HMS OF SA I, 1 , ; :—Onie ball' or puichugo inOnciy to be .paid upon confirmation of sale ' and the other half thers• of in one year thereafter, with interest, to he secured by • theJudgmont note of the purchaser. '' CllAlt LES It..M2CARTIIir Adufr. of Jolin Keogh, tleeli docB-3cv QCHOOL TEACHER, WANTED: 1,3 A competent teacher is wanted to take!pharge of the nigh School of II tuillugdon borough. A pplicantenre desired to present theuisbites beforwtho Want, actor be furu the kith of December. . ;,' . • . Are -Liberal vnigee bo given for /Competent teach , er. • • • V. bEW4III.II S'VENt. ICC; Nov. 29, '65-tf. O.• E. HENRY & CO.. sel! all kinds . of MAI, alleteiroarilOop Icon, a teal;mils, horia shoos, slams aOtt yarto,tyArsivlolt,e.o.tT3,:. OLD BRASS AND COPPER taken . in ozobaugo fur gouda at Ma tarpwata•Stolp tiept. 3;18q. JAt. A. BROWN. rJ.GUB,BD DELAIN,VS, MERRI ... mar and antarican Priata , dingbarna, Cambric,, Ac. at • • • n. 4.: 'IIENIII,* s CO. V • XECII..TO / It'S. -NV ICE,- . •. • tkitatcrtitlabob irinic;deed..] otters testamentarA - on the mitete, of , Jacob Fink, Int& id Pemi •totimshipii • Iluntlnglon' dd.,t'dee'it, booing beep granted to the• undersigned,- all -peMbhs , 'ltidebted" to the. water are requested to make • immediate pnyment, and these having claims; I n a. present them duly authentl• rated for aettleuiebt. ~ i I .n0v29,61.* i . - : SANIUEreFINgrEu*PO7, S- A ..UDITO LI ' NOTICE. r.tala of Ettwird N !lodges deed. ,The underAlgned Aliditor onnointCd byyttca Court of Common Ilene of Ilonlloadon comity, to'dlarrlbia• the proceeds of the Slwriff's sale - of i perk:laid calciteo(W. ward F. Iloilo.' will attend at his oilier In Ifu¢t(tigilp¢, SATURDAY, tlio 10 ih day of llh311i)1:1F,It, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the Mirpola, of making gala diapibo. lion, when'atilfWliete alf persolleillaviug dolor iipou sold ,fund are recinircd to Weent tllc eaiha i,rbe doharrod from coming In for any share of said fund, ' null V1E0.11.-C1113311M • • • AUDITOR'S NOTICE. (nstele'rif Samuel ' - • a he' nndersigned . booing been appointed. to' di tribute the fund in the hanils'cif' F:Nitton, Trustee: to Nell the real estate of Sound Beek,•deceaned, wilt Attend to the dunes of Illei , hppolninnint no the office of • Scott, Brown and Bailey. in liuntin.,don, at ten o'clock; a. tn., SATURDAY, the 161 h day of , DEORMEISR,III6S, when and where all peyeens interested are required to present their claiinii; or holden:mod Train" coining. tor eliare of said fund. SAM. T. BRUWN. u 029 . ~,Auditor A TJDITOR'S NOTICE - [Estate of (Ion: John Kir, J lend The undersigned; auditor 'appointed to distrlbuta thy fund in 'll4 'half& of Daitd &Sir, 284.,.Tecogai,appoin, tad by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon. county to sell , the real estate of the Hon! John' Her, late of Walker dec'd.. to end among those. having claims agsinsf as tate"of sold-detelised, and' the balance; if 'any- - thers be, among the widow, ,children, and grand, children,: of said intestate, according,ll,Cral4y .gives notice,that be will stied& for the purpose Of making 84dd : distribution, at his office In Huntingdon, on SATUitDAY;thi 18tti day of DECENIBEIt, nex I,at- I o'clock, I'.„ when and where all persons; against 88.1.1 fund are required' to.present ,tho soma, ones deterred from coaling in tie nay- share of clad hind. :4' THEO.III. CHEN Eft, ' nos29-3t Auditor. _ NEW FAMILY.: GIIOCEILY,:STORE:. CLONG CO- ivoultErespootfully, cull & the ottentiou. of the citizen of Huntingdon, nod vicinity to the factlludtboy hero Just . opbood a FA , MI LY GROCERY l'OltE at 'the old stand of Christopher Long, when, they,yili heap coultao tly op Land a fall mar well neeortedetock:ot ; .FRESII TANILLY GROCERIES. such Syrap, k - OriBans and Port 6 Bleu Mo lasses, Sugars, Coffaes, Teas, Spices,. Salt, Slams, Sidon,: Shoulders, Dried Beef; Flour, Piiih,Dheese, Rice, Pickles and Provisions of all kinds., . -- CEDAR AND {Vit . /1;019M' RE, comprising, in part, Baskole, Bnairetl;Tea;liFB.lllbOnithe Corn Brooms, Brushes, Bugs, Mita, Floor crtt gioanN Dap. Trunks. &c. &c. CANDINS and NUTS of ell !Gilds, whoTexale end irepie. TOYS, TOBACCO,' SEGARG, Odd OlLLEimple t &a. They respectfully iriVito a eafl and examination of their stock, satisfied that their goods and prices will compere favorably with those of any other m the place. O. LONG k CC. ;:liuntingdon, October 25,,1865. . Unquestionably the best szist4o,4o4,Work of the kind in the wori,c(tY . - • !' • NEW 11()',MAGA*1, Criticalnoticv of t0N4,3g,., It Is rho foremost Magazine of the tiny. The- frieskie never had a more delichtfol companion, nor the ndlllon a inure enterpileint Wend, tilitCjiarper'ec.Magazlne.—. Methodier ProtesterW(Delthnora:) The most popular Monthly in the woritY.—New York Observer. . . ~We West refsr.lis terms Ofeulogy to the high - bane and varied excellences of Harper!. liagaslite—w journal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 copies—ln whose pages aror to be found maned the choicest light and gen. oral reading of the day. We epeak of this work as an iv?, dance of the - American People; and-the popularity it ban acquired le merited.- Each numbeicontulrie folly 141 pa, ges of reading matter, appropriately illustrated saLtia good wood cuts ; and it combiumin Itself the rimy month ly and she more philosophlealAuarterly, blended with the -best feature, of the daily journal. it ha, great - power`-in the diseemination of a lore of pure literature.—Trubner'is II slide to Amirican Liteiatwe, (Weldon.) • Ile volumes bound .constitute of themselves', a library of miscellaneous reading ouch GteCAll not be foundln the same compass in env other publication thist has coma wader our notice.—Dostou Courier.' SUBSCRIPTION/3, lass. The Publishers hwee Perfeated a eyeterri of restilltig by which they Oen supply the Magazine and Weekly 'prompt ly to those why prefer-to receive they per... Meals direCtly from the Wilco of Publication. ' . . . The postage on limper's Magazine 15.24 cent, !gen:, which must be paid at t h e subecribor's pail eggs% • • TERMS _ _ Pam:ea lilaggige, one ner, St 00 Au uttra copy Of eMier the' Magazine or Weekly will be appplied gratis for, evety club of Five Subscrlbers $l. 00 each; in one ramlitanee ; or six copies for $2O 00. Back number can bo supplied at any Alms. A complete set. now comprising Tbirtybime Volume*, in neat cloth binding,•will be bent by express, &sight at exp'eme of purchaser, for $2 25 per volume. - Single 'vol umes, by Mail, postpohl, $3 GO. Cloth cases, for binding, '55 cents, by pos;pobl. Address .! ARPNIt & New 'York. INK. 'INK.' • BITCDOMIC3.IEI . .„ To Merchants 'and Business Men, . unilor6ighed 'having been appointed non- for the Now York National. Ink Company, horeby'gires notice to merchants, bush. ores men, and to cooeumori oral! Claim that he la pre; pared to supply the market with kb 'antic!, of Ink.sittich in addition to being the best in uso, ii emphaticallythe cheapest overoifored for sale in this. country. .„ It neither corrodes the pen, nor moulde the inkstand, is of a rich bluish tint, nowt) freely, and is perfectly itid t. ibte, plying it advantages not pusseased,by any othee Ink, whether of fOreign or domestic manufacture. This Ink centoins no sedimont and will not 'berefore, thicken es most inks do, the last drop Itoing as thin and clear as the first. • • • • tar All Orders . whether. wholesale or retail, be promptly filled, of lower rates than as good ea article can be purchased hi the cities or eliewhere. Persons who entertain doubts as to the superior quality and ebeapnesa of this Ink are resprcifitili entreated to give Its trial. .JOllO 11. Clark, sub-agent will. canvass the county for the purpose of lutroduclug this Ink. 8151011 CORN, Agent, Coffee lion P. 0, Ituutiugdon countr, ronwk, 0ct.16 'O4-tf rtaNcte.u. Bwants UTILE NATIONAL INS COMPANT, OP Nil! , YORIL, _ Mr. SIMON COI'S, P. M., having been appointed Bales. mars and general agent, is the repreeentative of the ihrlve company for the county , of Musititsugen, State of Pens4a.', as per contract,. all parties therefore, whethir hiving dealt,with on previousfy or ollieiwise„will Pierian' *alai themselves of the advantages ofdealing directly with the representative of our houses hero; they .will find li tss thely pecuniary interest so.' C L.vAri ALLEN, .4.4947 : The gboee Ink pi for pale at LeFist sod -VI therlnelfa) niores In the county.' .T.J4cll4.pisv 3P - turng i • or An KINDS, OTU,SZ'RgCEI -. FEW THE LARGEST STOCK AND VARIETY E~EItBRODGUT . TOILO\TINODON. Ladles. call and,cxatalna at B. Z. HENRY & CO. Great Azerinrasil ~;,,BI CANAL. GROCERIES, CHEESE, Sack, Bbl and and VISE!. Of All !. Will be' sold low kr- 1 I: no—it] S. E. II . E R,Y,k CO. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ANY person in want of one of the !those articles should call on Alba DIA . ; tAll L. BA., AI KElt, Agent for the nctilue. l•• Ilknquglatr, SAnt.2T7Unt CHEAR , PUMPS; , ." TAMES A. B.l3:olVikr,, Huntingdon, Po., eolle Patin! ;Wootton /PIMP ifot :distekn! w! welle, from 4to GO feet deep, 'at about ono. half., tbolumal price for old fushioited irarranfod. .COUNTRY DEALERS " can buy CLOTIIINO from me In Math:lom et ' • .WHOLESitLIS wicheep se they caw in tbb ittekee s wholeaale stove in Philadelphii M. ROMAN. is T OVBRINGZ .AND• • SUNLIGHT Syrup, New Orleans, Porto - Inca Ittohams, Corte., nitre, Teas, ac. at ' : 9.It.:IIEN.ItY • • . . Ladies.' and Gcnitleprlen's:Furs, For sale Clasp ;t the Clothlog Sloes of Gen LEOPOLD BEDOX, ••• • • WOOL, ,BLANKETS, cqypn, lete, Ingrane o nag and limp Corpora. Ilugs,ro4 and Floor Clothe, at B. E. HENRY & CO. =SI MADE UP CLOTHING; BOOTS Quooturare, Odor and Willow Worodcry eic mink in the country, ata S. B. )1131illY MEW GOODS: $. 2.lhury& Intro jtist received their fall stock of goods, which 1107 ace soiling very Tedo9l p r ices. •‘ • ' ' tte— Justices' -and Constablos Poe Bills -ftirtale. zit Ldtivite.Book Store.