`e.) - 4c (Olabe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Deo. 6, 1866. LOCAL & PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa par. marked with,a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their sub.scription through the mail or otherwise Brief Item■ -- r -Good.newsthe price of pork is going down, and was, sold under 15 ets; beef goes at the rate of 121 and 13. —All Persons indebted to Mr. John Brewster,' MeConnellstown, are polite ly invitM t6' call and see hint on or before the Ist ofJanuary. See adv. —Auction sales are quite numerous on Broad Top; since the lull in the coal trade—the miners leaving for other sections." So .we are informed. —There ,will be preaching in the Episcopsl pbnrch of this place, next Sunday, morning and afternoon. Rev. Mr. Barrow will conduct the services. . —On Tues4.y, night ,, last, some vile scamp entered the Adams' Express office, On 'railroad ' Street. It' is not known how' much. was pilfere'cl. --Some thief Or thieves - stole fifteen bushels•ceorotfrom the warehouse of :I+l.r.lE-ect.'"Steek,rin this place,:last week `The hogs, evidently, are not all dead vet, but are still.to, be fattened. —True, verily—The remark of last - week's _Monitor that it takes much money to support the Democratic. press of • Ponnsylvania. It talks undoubtedly from a full knoWledge of the fact. —Mr Bettv'er, - our accerriplished sol dier judge,'WaS 'Swore . into office on Friday last. Judge Leas, who has held the poSition 'for five years, is the retiring offiser; and was tigood one. ,--Thursday nest is Thanksgiving day, is set apart by both the Presi dent and -Governor. Let 'all hearts and lips give praise anto' the Lord for Our 'many —There' will be `'religions services bald in the Mothodiet Church of this place on Thursday morning 'nest at 10i o'clock.: ! A serrnon suitable to the occasion will bo delivered. All are invited. -A brakeman named Graham had his arm broken at t ..the coal siding on Tuesday last. 'The train was pulling out, and the Seddenticss of the; 'start thrtw'him off- the bridge, resulting as stated.' —Mr. Carper, teacher of Public School, N0..1, in this borough, has va cated tliO . position. gr. C. was the .only male teacher in the six schools. 'The Directors, arc advertising for a compe..ient person to fill the vacancy. —Tli celebrated Doctor McEntyrc was in town last week, and was corns pelled'in talk a. little in public. At the . copcluslon _of rpm rkg. a. for Med the crowd that the same tiled- WerVfer . iale at Lewis, —We agreeith the IlairiShrirg . • ' motley ;Tec:gfraP,h,ia.. , aying that More order'efficeS 1i Id be establisb i cip order to make them popular and re munerative. To have• one here, mould, we are sure, go one, to bring about a 'desirable reirtft:: ,".. • • . \l 7 l4iiir'e pleatied to hear again from leorresppodents,in th 6 county, and, we are also ,pleaSed to - hire,' - tilicint say "more anon," may' come' again," nnel truet i that they will make good the impiossion such announcements have left on'Onr 7 Undersianding, by giving us infor i matio i n regularly. , —Over forty persons were converted at the religious, revival nt'Saxton. still continues. The revival in McCort neilstown is still in progress. Over that ttv e been conVertedlhere. Re vivals'are being- held in •Broad Top city. :These stations are all on the line 'ief the Broad Top' Railroad: A revival in. the M. E. Church bun been corn ,menced here; four. seekel's last night. .The public - sale of Government - ,:clo.thing,*and Other artibles 'tee nit. .littNrenis to. mention;" came ' ; off .in this 'place - on Friday'and:Sattirdny last.— Thcre-was a gdod uttendlincetlit: de sire,being to get a peep at or purchase • s 01710 of the relics of the war of 1861-5. A sale of,siMilitr articles although on A 41rar,Pci41P, js to, tulte place bore on satui'dq; - '04 6 iP 4 t:: - certainlndividual or ,•. als must have. gone; to ,a, goat deal of trouble last Thursday night, when they Frosted some written placards concern• ing the market and Market master, in pizypiono., ,W..e bear, there v,as seine fietry• written Itiboue it; 'Which we would liko to see. The affair was evidently, intended as a burlesque on the rnatifet i but. it so turned out that the mnrket vas something of a reality . —the Pit:Mond' being alitiost ' crowded fly reauntry people most of the day. :—The - County Superintendent thus sums up the labors of his office, since the'coarmepcenitnt of the public ex , aminations for teachers: "Twenty-Eire public examinations haVe been held, since7.ivhiah . some twenty five apFli saute , have received priVate exannint rtions`; thirty-seven 131; hoots have been visited,.averaging one and a half hours to each visit, and some 800 miles trav elled:l'ln atfilitien to this, an average of some three or four official letters bav,e , been vcTittee daily, and numerous cases Ottlifflettlty att!ended,":to orally." , . The Benefits of Advertising, In answer to a. correspondent, the New York • Tribune' states"..tbat_ It is true, as reported, that'll' druggist wlio has now a speciality before the publib is paying that establishment 510,000 a year for advertising. It says h paid $1,500 for the insertioni'ot one main. moth advertisement; and 'adds on the general subject : "Bonner once paid us $3,000 for one insertion of an adver tisement of the Ledger. He knew that through judicious advertising he could insure .a forinne." Surelyr there is not abetter blessing to the community at large than a good, live, readable and reliable •newspaper ; but yet how few appreciate it as they should. The lo cat press should be sustained, and to sustain it requires more than the mere pleasure of subscribing for and reading it. You should advertise in it, and get everybody else to advertise in it. If you want anything, make known your wants through :the papers; if you have-anything to sell, be it house, land, goods, or cattle, let the people know it by advertising in . the papers. Do you want anybody or everybody to (talio particular, notice," Wind in your notice to the printer. ' And don't,. abbve all things, be afraid of Spendin',g l ”toO much" im advertising, for you can't do it—what you spend in advertising will return to you :in-two-fold, 'three fold, fourfold quantities! Think of Bonner giving $3,000 for ono insertion of one advertisement, and how rich he is; and then think of .paying only as many dollars as he paid 'thousands . , and then ask yourself the. question, "Ought n't to advertise,.and get.rich, too'?" :Ur-Taper 'has risen almost one hundred - per cent. .since - the first of August, and is now quite as high as it was any time last year, and the tend ency is still onward and upward.— There is little prospect of relief before spring._ Paper,.ink i labor, and all the materials which go to make a news. paper, are so high that no proprietor can afford to publish, a paper for less than , double the price before the war. Still, people •complain because the liri cos are not reduced, never thinking th'at the Matter is entirely beyond the control of the publishers. In this con. riection we would itSlc the candid roa. der''t Compare the Globe with any country paper in:, the State, either .in regard to size, price; or quantity . of choice andlusbful reading matter, and we are willing to submit to his judg ment in the premises. Another kit portant fact we wish to call his atten tion to, namely : tliat we 'have 'refuSed medical advertisements, with glaring cuts, .to.a large . amount of money,.par tieularly those of an, indelicate charac• ter, and wc have - the - Cheering evidence of a constantly increasing ` anbscription list, showing that the moral aridintel liaent community prefer such , ri paper for the family circle to the majority of the papers at large, filled with such of fensive advertisements. - • Thank you, lallutlemen. We must return thanks to our gen. tl em an ly, correspondents, who - have seen proper to accommodate 061)10,4 with items of local interest from their respective •neighborhoodsi It oaeourL ages us to know -that our appeal , ,for news .was not unheeded,:and also-that the worth of the Globe is duly appro . dated, We can assure you, gentleinen, that 'your articles will 6 , 3 -. read by'a grateful public, who will look as bagei.- ly as we will, to hear from yon repeat. edlY. l Our 'desire is to Make {lobe a good local paper, so that not only our county subscribers, but those ata dis tance may know all the particulars of news transpiring- about home. It should not be ckpeCted that we, of ourselves,'are able to gather., all , the items from every part of , the'aunitY ; but our.. efterts.ShOttld :assisted by our good friends in .every locality. We expect, next, to return . otir 'thanks tb the. lattice; who aro also qualified:and expected ''to assist in "keeping the Pea,. .pio posted.'-', • lot us bear . from every body. `We:/1 1 : 6 : happy to;:record thq grati fying fact that the price .of, beef and pork is • ent the" decline. The latter commodityis sornewhat .plenty, the farrrieri' iaMfd ht;,4s - "having no other idea that tlio' price of pork this fall .wOrild;!bti!!iii!'illoi2lki torn is plenty, an& they'could afford to fatten them well, but their ideas of "fat" pri ces must' have vanisbod..'when they come to sell thorn to find that the : mar• ket is stocked, and, that more thin 15 cts perf)Midd'wiltbe'given. These figures dd nottdicati3 the average, highest. To beef the' Adelina in price is also encouraging. yroM over is 00— ducted as mubh as' to 'Mahe it 15 cts and underhand- hOusokeepers are re, joicing in 'the' nobsciOnsneas 'that the era of civilization is again dawning. atVV—"—ntaSrl?a.t.i.i.atievi Wo aro requested to call a meeting at the.,Couyt,Tiouse on Saturday, Dec; 16, acf O f el'OCk'.*P j . in., of farmers and , all other persons'. interested, for tho purpose of organizing an association for the arrest and conviction of horse thieves, and the recovery of stolen an imals. There aro regularly organized ghigOations of the kind in inost of `the counties _of. the State, and it, will be to the of all whii keep horses, in this county to organize a similar asso ciation. We dogs, there will be a good . attendance. m. Daniel Kiper offers a reward for a horso stolen from hip. See adv. Musical-In struments. There",is a . feeling generally among persons about to purchase Musical hi straments;'-that were they in Philadel phia or New York, they could select from a number of instruments a better Piano or Cabinet Organ, than they can buy from an agent. Mason & Hamlin, in order to meet this feeling, have established a number of larger agencies, where they keep a large number of organs of the xarious styles, so that persona can have the same ad vantages in buying that they could in the cities or at the ManufactorY.— The undersigned has one - of these•lar ger agoncies, and keeps constantly on hand a variety of the various styles of Cabinet Organs, from which• persons wishing-can make as good 'a selection as were they in Philadelphia' or Pitts burgh, thereby saving the freight from.. either of those places, as his. pri ces'are precisely . the same as . in Phila• dolphin. or Pittsburgh, or the Manufac tory, Boston. • A player is „at the store room con stantly, who will perform. on the in struments, and exhibit their various Power's and qualities, ahow the differ ent stops and their combinations ; and explain their internal constructions. I also keep on; band a fine selection of Pianos ..front.; the 'celebrated manu factories 'of; SteinwaY & sonS, New York,. and Gaehle & Baltimore, which'l sell at Factory ;prices. .; Persons ordering an Organ or Piano by letter are assured that as good ah infitrument-will,be sent as if they were here to select it' personally, the sub scriber coneidering himself bound by 'honor and interest to select and forward none other than the very best of the style ordered. The subscriber is anxious to put into the hand of every one; wheth er they intend ,purchaaing an instru ment or not, a copy of the Cabinet Or gan Ciretilar,. which contains a vast amount ofintercating musical informa tion, and will send free, post-paid, a copy to any one desiring it. B. M.-GREENE, Sole Agent for the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ, for Central Penna. =I 31 McDivitt, County Superinten, dent, in a recent article makes the fol• lowing statement .with regard to our schdola. We concur with, him in the belief that the salaries of teachers should' be: increased, believing that in those times of high prices, the labors of the teacher shOuld be rewarded with even more liberality than• aro.pei•sons engaged. in-other branches of industry. It would be well for every board of di rectors to heed this gentle, warning in tithe; rare-the vent .should arrive in which a tesehor - eannot 'he bad -for ``love or money,!' and children will be left without a common School educa tion. Teachers aro becothing scarce, since such favorable openings are pre. Belated in other pnrsuits, and directors . . must secure competent teachers now, by giving good wages. The superinten dent says The regularly advertised list of pub lic examinations for this county closed on the 80th of Septerriber - last, 'during which some 18l) applicants Presented thernselves - for'examination ;,a ; number insufficient to supply. all. the ,sehools. fn order to meet the clemand'for teach ers, there . have.•been. 'granted a larger number of private examinations,`. per haps, than that of any other ybitr,. and still the reqUisite . number :Will' with difficulty .be obtained, .number' • of schools being yet unopened for want of teachers, while 801a10; districts the forsomorcasen, been.de. laYed••'for weeks beyond their usual tithe of'emening. ' tie department tif IMSl'ness is there so great t detruind for laborers, as there, is at present for effi cient and well qualified ;teachers,: for although many have returned; from the , war: and resurried.theiii Tabors in the school room, yet there are so Many wayS'Of doingYbotter, that, standing the'directOrs 'in Most of the districts,:haVe 'increased : the wages, thereiare notenough making applica=- Lion the schools.. -.The -'present Salaries !of 'teachers are obViouslY in Sufficient'td rtieet theinereased of penso of living, and hence many - ofonr'thost froMitient . Male and female teachers aro abandoning !the profeSsion fo,en gage in some . other pursnitin-Whicb j• dustry and talent are ; bettersewarde . d, while others are only awaiting an op' .portiinity:to -effect it similar change. It is a concedodlitet that'other bran Ch. es of labor, rOniring ,intiny caries little, talent and, less Mental' ale fitr better:reinuneratfid;• and . it i' obvious that I,fair increase of salary; iniperatime in. Order•to . retain in our schools, .teachers • of,experionce and ability. . , ; A Ts:nth; Confir'n4 Dr. itothrock in his report glies the follo.WlAlg with.reference to one 91the'sub;distridts which he examined. Ad-ad item' of interek, his well mirth pprnsing, and-for . th o o Anowledge it re_ .voals with reference-to -the intermars riage - Of relatives;:kip Well•worth.rc memberinglye are at , ti loge o'. know where the.. sub district re'ferred'' to is located. "In one sub-distriet; of all,' ti men drafted and examined,l founq scarcely a good sound ,man, Upon inquiry, learned that in the early settlement, of thiti eountry two Itimilies,elScotch birth kicated; , there, who 'Weie.intelli• gent, heal thy;t,horough;:gelnk people, possessing Wtroiig Vitality and . greitt endtfrance,,Their ehildren conkinenced inarrying and,intermarrying, until new in the,fourth and fifth generation, there is not really a soundadult known in all • that extensive connection ;pro. ring, so far as it• goes, the evil of the intermarriage of relatiyea.",. • , DErWe are sorry - tbat• our• letter from Marklesburg was orowcied eat this issue. It will appear next WE'4; in the meantime write again. [CO *TED.] Things about Eagle Foundry. Seeing in perusing . year excellent paper; the 'Globe, - Your kind invitation for cotnmu nicationS frontthe imuntrY, We propose to fat Y i nur im , Merone read. erS know something of. "our beloved valley," ' Trough.. Creek, which is one of the'Most moral places in the county. Our 'barn.S• are 'crowded with emble• ments, and as a: general, thing they' are never otherwise.:; Bueincss has not been so brisk for. some time at the Foundry, owing to the extensivePoun dry building being burned sometime since, but, the gentlemanly Proprietor, John W. Scot', has been to an immense expense in re-building the same, and in all probability we will soon hoar the well known whistle, or as a soldier would call it, "the_ same old thing." We hope Mr. Scott may fullY 'realize his - trouble, in proflt,, as ho is a regular business man and able to carry on business to suit, all customers who may Bice him a call. The schools' in our township have commenced and are pro gressing finely under the able Teach ors *o have selected. On Saturday, Nov. 25th, '65, they held an Institute, (the Prat for this',term,) 'at Chestnut, Grove, and had quite stgay time; as the weather was beatitiful thorn was a staving attendance of teachers and cit lzens. Upon motion' the house was called to order; and a regular organi. zation was formed, of which Mr. JB. Fisher was elected!Preaident, and J. .Ealor Applebaugh,.Seerettiry. Several stibjecits were taken up, which were diseased freely and unassumingly, as well as ably and fluently..ThoSo pres ent were highly pleased with the man• ner in which the "machine" was, run. The afternoon session was of short da• ration, and upon motion by .Mr. R. Cram a committee' was formed or ap pointed.to select eubjeets for the next, days exereisewhich wore as •follows : Orthography arid Grammar, for fore noon's' exe mist) and Geography , end Reading for the afternoon exorcise. Teachers were elected for the different subjects as felldiVs : OR'hography; Mr. R. 11. cram; Grammar, Mr. E. French; Geography, Mr. J. E. Fisher; and Reading, J. .Ealor Applebaugh. The general suggostion was,q,wvs better to have a variety,of subjects, as it would certainly make it More interesting. , Tod township is, speaking emphati cally, flourishing rapidly; there aro nine schools in the township, and not one female teacher employed. Tod don't pretend to disparage , fernale teachers, but, considers 'Lis too bad for females- to expose themselves to in• cleinont Weather 'during the season of whiter: Such was the general consid eration of Male teachers present at the Institute in Tod township.;'; The exer t:ham exceeded the time which Was'al lowed or granted; and on' motion the session adjourned to meet in three weeks More anon, Nov. 80,''65. ROLAE. [COMMBNICA.TSB Items from Eroad Top. Rey". Gossford, (Baptist) has been holding a, protracted -meeting in place for some two weeks with great success; quite a number have embraced religion, acid there are still some ten or twelve yet seeking. A„nd freinpres ent appearance we have all reason to holieve that Broad, Top .City is going to become famous on account of her And as wo speak . Of. the .abovO as .being a stcee'sS,' we 'would also say that Revs.Clark j and CVoivoliMr, (Meth odist,) are also holding' protracted meetings at . 8a:don; and :also at the church . ;"the,latter being some three miles from Broad Top and are meeting•with great success. We . „ are happY to`know. That the_Lord is gracionsly ravivingelhrion among the Coal regions; We trust that it continue. • • • We would caution people tote care fill of fire. A few days 'since a.hOuse ,near Bread Top City, in what is called the row, caught fire:fromthe chimney, or ratliet' the' flue,. \arld'it wits only by the assistance of a great number of the :people,. (Mem and woMen,) 'that; said fire was checked. ~,Flad;it::not; boon Pheelied,,some.:ieight orl ten' .'houses would have boon destroyed, , being in Broad Top City, Dec. 2. air At a certain paint on the Ebons, btirdand' Cresgoe.itailread twO,f4n-, tains appear, (one' on each , side; of 'die road,) from--which the'water flows in opposi to: : directions, and.; reaches tide water at a distance of some three thou sand milfriS;apart.' fiitiritains aro within Afty yards, of 041, other. From the fountain , on the north side of the road the, water finds its way in to the. Lbensburg branch of tlie Cones triatigb, wheneo it flows through the KiSkeininetas, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers into the Gulf ci‘ ice; that on the south, ;side through Chest creek and the Susquehanna-river into the Chesapeake bay. Chrlatmn■ le Coming AT you wish to delight yOUr, friend, with, a Christinaior, NeWYear's Gift, 'se:nal - Ant' a 'copy of tlie '‘`.P,hotograph Family Record." There is no better wn.y. ..A.,s Harrison, is agent for this county. "Slavery viewed from the Bible Stand Point," by Rev. J. M. Adair, for sale at Lewis' Book Store, price 10 cents.. • • • tf. Mir DIARIES tor 1BC16; for sale at Lewis' Book Store'. • . • STATEMENT • . Or the Treasurer of the Huuthsg.ion Co. . Agricultural Society. A.ndraw Jollied011 s : TrigaUrer Ituntlngdoxi County Agricultural &Maly' ' 08. Oct. 3. 1166, By ceall'peh t .lno. Fleenor for lumber $221 21 Oct. 4, -, " sundries, 116 Oct. 4, 6. 6, By cash paid dey pollee, • 4760 aftornega do. 49 60 " " .' " right dO. /9 60 " . " " gatelseepere, . 16 60 0(1.7. " .. Altoona baud, for muilo, 2 days, and faro on railroad,- 161 00 Oct. 16, 91ra. L, C. Ball fur boarding Altoona band • ' 2 days, 13 men, 4.5 CO 001.1E4 Wharton & Iletdglit for lumber, ' 77 60 .1 Wharton 4 Maguire ter merehandlae, 916 W. IT.Kin g, auetioneer, 1 00 M.9leDiritt, for one year's calory as Secrotam 90 00 P. C. tiwoope, ailigiant do. 9 00 W. 11. 9lemirr. ". . . 900 T. Jitehsoo, Treasurer clerk, • 9 00 W. Jublohou, •, " • 900 Jacob Miller, for erecting sheds, Italia, So., 180 00 J. th Bllller, for three days labor, 7 00 Jacob Miller, for labor, 9 00 W. W. Morgan,l 00 • Nash tr.NVIAB alter, for minting, 42 71 S. Irvine Steel, ', - 116 00 Won. Leiria,. 62 71 . Nor fuel. • 12 50 For iniscallaneous articles, 96 20 List et Preniume awarded to exhibitors at last fair, 404 00 Dee, let, lett, By balance to hands of Treasurer, 003 05 - $2172 74 Andrew ;fob noton. To Irontlngdou County Agri cultural Society Sep 5.90. 1265. To halaticent settlement, $169 26 iteceidts of lair held on Od toter 4, 6 and 6, 1565, Toms') received per snl.,,criptlon hot, 620 00 Ifor 495 annual member tickets, • ' 747.00 For 2115 single admission and day tickets, , 503 75 Itohin. Summers Si ;1111fams foe licence mud 111mber,65 14 1 life niember ticket, 5 00 Commission order eg the cotinty, ' ' • 100 00 Lumber sold on fair ground, ' 201 GO $2172 74 Audited. satiled and approved title let day of December, 1565, by the undersigned coinshittee appointed for that purpose.by the Executive committee of the Iluntiordon county AgricultuCul Society, and lie And the balance In the Lauds of the Treasurer to be $668 05. 71160. 11. onEntat, GEO. JACKSON, . , •.. .1411, IVILLIASI6. Prune Grape Vlue■ ;Vow An exchange says the books gener ally advise winter pruning, or during the month ,of -February. The objec• tions to that season are, the work is liable to run into March, which does ndt,.allew time for the cut to become dry enough to cheek the; flew of sup a _little iater;the weather is apt to becold, Tendering it, uncomfortable; ,besides, the wood'is frozen muchof the time, in )vhich state it. ought not to be dies turbed. Their is sufficient leisure now,' the vines are pliable and can be hand led at will, while the mild weather will dry and harden the :cuts 80 that'there will bp' ho danger of bleeding in the A p . - . spring. air of pruning slicers will be tband very coMvenient in, making the cuts==iii fitiA;'they" /are-almost in 'clis.ponsabla to the litmticulttirist in 'trimming his shrubbery, roses, honey suckles; blackberries, 4te.,' in addition to the g1711 . T.C . vines. , • MARRIE-'1), 'At tho rational liouso, Nov. 30th., by Rev. S. 11. Reid, Mr. AIYIN B. DEAN, to Miss HANNAY! J. GEISINOER, both of this county. At the residence of thUbride i e father in Huntingdon, on the 28th of Novem ber, 1805:by ,Rev. J. 11. Brititel_,) Mr. JACOB MCCALL ; to Miss SARAH J. LoNo. • On the 23d u 4,. 'in Espy ,"Columbia county; Pa., by the Rey. B. S. Track emitter, Mr. , '.4.tioimtis LETTERMAN, of Lewistown; Pa.; and-'Miss tarnAarNh littirmii;r of Petersburg, :Hunting don county, Pa. • • • . plliz d'Dl LPUIA IUARK~ '$ Family Flout ' , $11.25 Extra Floor ' ' " ' $9,10 Soporfl na Floor - , " .48,50 Corn Meal... - ' ' t 4 1 .5 Extra Whito Whoa. ' ' . ' $2,6003,00 Foir Mid Prime nod ' ........ ... ... .. .. ...$2,30@)2,40 Bye - • • ' 1;30 Corn, prime Yellow 00 Oats 50 Becky $1,35 elm:unwell, 131.411:4 53,50 Timothy $3,50 rlnx,feed, $3,10 Wool ' GO@7o ilides 13 nIINTINGDON MARMOTS. COItItECTED WEEKLY BY S. E. unptY & CO. Saintly plour 'fhb) 511 1 50 'Extrab lone • - 510,00 Superttno Stour $9;25 Corp Meal %kept 4,2.50 Buckwheat !Baur 'ft cwt 1.500 White. W heat' ' $ 2 l O R e d Wheat • Itya ..1,00 New Corn 1 75 • Oats Clotrerottod • 7,00 Flazeued 0 ,60 Dried Apples . . ....... . ................. ............ ..... Butter 35 'Eggn -ShottitLer.. 611101 low, paOF. J. lI.3VENTYUE'S GREAT ' "t¢s 11DIA1 COMPORD aid EMllal Keicing, _ . . 44sDiarrlicoo; Bloody Pi ifx•ln ono day, ' Xkir,lloadochs and Earache In Olio InlnutiSo. Toothohhiin ono minute, 4 Neuralgia in Ilso minutes, • Atlir. Sprains in twenty minutes,. • . 4OT- :Fore Throat in tonlllllllltCs AZ . ' Chollc and.Crium in Ilya minutes, sr z - - Rheurantism' in ono day, co,..r'ai , n in the, Doelt or Side iu ten yninn lee, 88.. Bad Conghs nr Colds in one day,' Fever . and Agai; Inoueday, fIJ. Cures Poorness, 4stlnnii, *a....hronchltis AiXeollono, Dyspejmin. • •• • 'qt._ fillampaat:on of tho'N'irlitoys; 11;11,,Live'r Complalak itrul.Pnlmltritiori ot,tiMOO'sit Keep it in your ~PniniitOL-=) , Slaciis comes when least expected. • I propose to cliecli; any effectually ,dissipato snort? acho hod Pain. amt tondcoMpl kit . nvir p cite t equilihrlufa of all the circulating fluids in the human system, tlnurvan be. effected by any other, or all other methods of medical std in the same space or time., . • • • POLIMAR ItkrtlEDl" Is fast ehniin into ,tee, for the foot -that I: cure; .tree of charge. all itdode team. plainta whenever there to au opportunity ,to do , so. : : do soon as it is applied it almost mraculonely hills the pain. Ido not ask you'ln noy heforoynn era; pertain: opiwim , c(Cuc r v.. r If you ,hqvd en ache or .pain, it is warranted to do alt It purpsirtanu the label; otherrtiso the iiionOy . wjli be I :clo - ,opt .ilroposa.to cart. Timr,/ Oferitst-irahly a elms muned by my direottonti. , liniment op,rateaon them, teal alaVelro rto prtuelOtes, tinorifoxe, am:kit:11)10i to the cure er:nattlral'restorittiVi of all organic derange. ment aening . Aom an improver clicitlation of the nerve vital liable. Prof.J. MeEntylVe INDIAN COMPOUND ads di ,Teal , on tho ebsorbonts,reduclug glandular and other swellings, in, incredible .short time, without•rmy po l ities 'dung...trims its me under, Any possible circumstances. '1:1113 15 an internal andisx terns! medicine—uomposedof roots, herbs and barks,.' uch as our forrfuthers used.— There is a bounticulisupply on earth to cure all complaints if we only know whatiliey wore. . . , This. has been a (Rest study with. the, Medical Faculty for many years, blind out the kinds best , adapted turbo shoes complaints—how . to put them together, and what prOportions to use .. AMEN TYRE', . •. Proprietoraieadingi Bor gale at Lowia' Book Moro. 11watindon, Pa.. Sept. 8,1865. PdoENTYRB'S • DANDELION - PILLS , For all clie r easei arielOg front one cause ' viz Feeer and Ague, Dycipep M ela, Catarrh in the Bead, ak and dieor. 'dered Stowell, !Rich ea Indlge'stibli, Sick Dradnehe, Old; diuese of the Head, Weeknese of Sight, AViudy Aliments. Itheimittsm, and Itheturiatio Paine, Paine in the Beek or Side, Nereons Debility, Lowneee of Spirit., linpurity of the Blood, Blotches or Druptione of .the Body, Gravel, Wornis, Sa Ae, Bold at 2a cauta per box. MOENTYRE'S, TRDIAIII VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! Thls infallible medicine le warranted to expel worms in all cases and may be given to onildren or all ages, as they all, purely vegetable and perfectly lisrmlass. Igs..Can he had 1.1 Lewis' Ptak Mort, Huntingdon, To, Reward the Zoicliers! Another Opportunity is offered the many ~•:, F riendslotthe Soldiers to rid Ward ~. those wiao•raped the Ikluslo the tneMy.' . • 1..8. SHORTZ & BRO. T)ESPEOTFULLY inform their nume ronk friends of Sfarklesburg Slid surrounding coon. try, that they have received a Inge and splendid stock. of NEW GOODS, Consbning of— READY MADF. CLOTHING; HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, LADIES' DRESS , GOODS, GENT".MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS and a large stock of JEWELRY, &c. The public, a Kora regard to politics, relialon, sect or cuter, will find our Otero the place to buy jus 4 t ntat ;Loy want, nod at prices to suit the times. Don't fall to glv,e us a call, .as-wo . •nrs dsternainsa to pleme All. t - .1 ' Markiesburg Iltinfingdou cpy Noi. 1 165, NEW GODS • • ' F.OR FALL AND WINTER. HENRY STROUSE & CO. Respectfully 'arena — the pUblic generally that they have just received a large and splendid stock of goods at their store In MARKLESBURO, )lalstlng In pert of DRY GOODS; ' • ' DRESS GOODS • NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS • . BOOTS & SHOES, • HARDWARE, • . . . • QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES • WOOD and WIL 4'). LQ W, WARE, "••• ' ' TOBACCO SEGARS, NAILS, • • • OLD . MEAT, •• • • CRACKERS, . , PROVISIONS, • , • , ; FISH, • ' , . ..; SALT, &o ~ ' &c. • • •• AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE. And iu fact everything usually kept iria argil class coun try store, which were bought low for cash and will be sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or : country produce. and II guest the public to give us, a call before purchasing elsewhere., feeling satleficd. We can otter supe rior luduconiente to cash buyers. We respectfullysoliett tho patronage of all, and wiped. ally our Trough Cheek Valley friends. Evelythlng . taken In exchange for geode except limpid. paid Air kinds -of iraine fosw Aildlt the highest giitrket prices will be glvcu. ' HENRY smouss, it CO. ' Matklesbarg,.Oct.'% . i-, /13,65,- - A- .. .OWARE AND . . CUTLERY STOCK ENDLESS VARIE'r cr riAtIDWARE, CUTLERY, NOW OPEN, A lp) ; 1212 - SALE B Y JAS. A.. Itßowrl;' . , CALL ANDEN.AIINE OUR SI'OCK Huntingdon, net 17, ; r , is. '"' :NEW AT 'LOW PletbE;S:. . M CUTM A . • 10,9 .11:7:9I' , OPENED A FINE STOCK b 8 tsinv FALL AND ',IPLVITI? 1Z hlylt heoffers to all who want to be ••. p T Et AT PRICES .TO SUIT THE -TIMES. t. r rat !kook onntitto of. Deotig•nta.llt . Cint4lng fur • Mr. 3, t ; noon AND .511.0F.5, CATS AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemerFdwiroatry portion!ar kind or,cut o clothing not foodd Gto - atder on timid, by leaving nieriouce they,cat4bo sccommodattet at short nOtiCo:., enttnt-the eat- earn dr...of the Diamond; oleelovngt Grocery. r, . • . ••• o• —: •• • • 4 I ':IVIANErtgI; GUTMAN. •• Gaollagdoo 5 ; ' • 8,00 tNttiV 2 2Strlißkl CHEAPEST. CLOTHING in Town. LEOPOLP BLOOM ILLS • JUST A' LAE.O . ..8.40nt - mt!'vr ov NEW STYLES OP FALL AND WINTER .• tvtiaQicl • T CIIEA PEST .11.A.T0a. GENTS' FURNISHING. i GOODS'," it & CAN', j3(VP,.4 suop.s, &c. &e, •• Itts . stoppy! at,ths OLD DROAD TOP CORNER, ims,m9,l3P7 t , / ,‘. ? 4,to,reccirp and accommodate ail ' ' ' "LEOPOLD BLOOM. Iluntingtlen, Oct. 10. 1305. tot-. L •yy 2 , BOOKS ''A NO' STATIONERY. SIMPSON .1 „ARC ITAGE -dur . - CO. r_TA , VIfNG , . PURCHASED. the en l uutiro stock•of AT= Colon. Wu now offer to the nubile at reasonable prices out irgalit MO stock of , RELIqTQU,S, , F) 11 . 1 hiEllo6l4i AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, POCKET molts, POItTifObtAIS, Also, Latest Styles of - WALL PAPEIR. Alt •WINEIqWBBI ADDS, MAGA ZIES, and Dolly and Weekly Capers cOnetent• ly on hand. r Offp...ot dart from abroad promptly attended•to. Cit LE AT .k.vAa r, ToP ' , CORNER. • Huntingdon, 31n33,18654y WANTED at S. E. lIENRY &CO'S 15,000 buf;hels Wheat, • 5,000 " RYA, 6,000 " Oats, `.5,000 " • , Co,hp • ' 1.000 'Flaxseed, 1,000 Oloverseed, 1,090 hounds Wqql, • Yor price will outs! STOVES. , . -; • L I Spear's famous "autiolust , Cook, Welliogton Cook, Coutlnontal Cook. find a splendid variety a gas burner, road other .I.lenting Stoves, for cool or stood, just re solved, and for silo at 141 e Hardware Store of .I,AMES A. 3313911"5. nuntiugdon, Oct. Is, 'fd.—tf. BROWN BLE49II.ED MI,TSLINS, Tician g , Littse 3 h,Ctietkis bleached tincl , o!lar Lou I.l3nue:l,.mirpr's Ao2l, Tilantiele TEST.REQPIIVE.,I) - /ft S: E.- 1-IENTLY & mAngaTa ST 011 E, I,letett ostoolc tresb tugp r purri Rama , el 6, shat'lpt apd MIEM _ - ZIC:O3EI.- faha.X.:l3:Er TliE RUINS OF TOE "LATE DRIA FOUNDRY. THE nuderig.ip not 9t odd .re , build the Foundir °Mr./ fir itde the - rains, and all property towed. ;She buildfug erase atone etreattfre.— The Moulding room - was 41x - 411; Wein in4im'.:Engliie . no 4. Lathe t•oerns were 39 17 ; the *idle, whlch. , artetill standing end Here bin little Wilted by : the ilru. dith gin,, beiler_niul sr:sal:are ',caeca. the cutinlo is alioatand lug uninjured. :here Is fl • large albek of valuable terns, consisting of rolling mlll, - grist tain t forge Mal far • nate'ratteriiA; a large Meek of flasks for all klnd3 of imer. tdi sot of large • and entail • cralit and - : Lund ladlesj . the largest of witlehqg capable Of holding twenty luindied. The ground conarctell with therNoundry kone acre and dfp en perches' on •whleh there is eretted a frame building ,used wi upattern house; also, wagon end earrlega Loma. ALSO, ' Three houses, and lola. bating ot ticLicie ulll be sold cheap. Terms esti) , to emit tbu pnrchawr. For Anther, particulars apply 411,r:ion or by mull le, • , MCGILL. • Alexandria, Ilungsuplon county Panne. IMIE 35 .° Etta•3312. 3E" CM' Mexae). THE ARIES of Joseph Roed will Ali •t private sale a snluttbla litnestono farpi coileil&Acts . : 157 60re5.:141 Perches, and allel ante in WEST TQW.OLIIP. Miinttnis 'don county; Pa, one nine fro Potersblirg, ;which' if ou the liar of the Penna, ileilrond s About42o'scree are cleared and in good state of culthes Mon; incinding ennie '25 acres In meadoti. The 'martin. Jog port hi• ivell timbered and Is every acre tiveilableSl4 farinind purpo es , There are on it a largo well finished brick Eons., A a Inrge batik barn, ono tenant house, a brief :410g house, carriage house, wagon shed and corn crib.— Also, an ercsilent apple and peach orchard. The fences are good, Including pearly . 200 panels post and rail farce. ' On the farm arc three never bitting springs of the hitt limestone water, and a running stream passifig thump ono garner of the barnyard. This presents a, rate chance to obtain a productive, Oral quality farm. For further particulars call upon. or address, provicati to October 20th, the ; 11: REBA - Petersburg. Runt. CO. sel9 JAMES - A. DROWN, Hnu'ingd3n. VALISABLE READ ESTATE AT PRIVATS, EAU:. The undersigned will sell folio reasonable price the fol lowing real esintersitutit4 In iDUllEfie Township, Mint. ingdon county, belonging to Mrs. Eliza M. Pym: No. I.—Adjoining lands ofJames Neely, ISHII:in: Sim art, and others. containing ono hundred and sixteen' acres and sixty-livpperchesiMine or No. Ithids of James 'Needy, lames and James Cree, containing seventeen acres, more or less. No. 3.—Apjoining the aboie and containing seventeen ernes and thirty-six perches, part whereof is cleared. The real Came above mentioned was purchased by Mrs. Eliza M. Pyru at Sheriff's sale of the property of William Campbell. • f!: .! Any person wlaldlig to pure Rao th e Above proportlas can o.9Ccrtai,ll.the full .yinrtlenlara and ternla of sale by calling on 11: C. 'Robson; • Din ;of ShaiiOnp: • , • !hintlngdon JUiy 12. I.l&?sl:l‘!Pi,a7.:;;Rliiii:',lp:Pg:,i, LO r r-g-F()11 S ALE - WEST. HUNTINGDON,7! PA. APPLY;TO ' -1 ,, r , IY,M. DORRIS Sa, Agent .N. E. Thomson. Huntingdon; June 2G, •1865: • , 3Paancrat. 3PC).IL", 31: Offer e:! Farm oil' . . Twidelt ßß they reside, In West toli,nehlp, ,lititstingdon• clunty, ntpsivete side. It isottouted,three ;Alfas (rote l'eteralirg, and lite name dlstnneo front llnltrosid'and Ca. nal. It centafne thiee bandied and foriy-ninet aired arid' allowance; good lotihtinif ,, tuld,unn , lt 91 1, 1 'hundred 4 4 1 .4 . fifty acres cleared, nod well adopted for'weeeek arta. J.'S. MAGItaltS. SIAGUIES nprlll9,l9e,t-tf. FOR . SALE; ("INF( now trottitig'BUGGY, - ono goo& . I : PA It [UAW:, nod ono AARE: tbrcei spring . , LEOYULD PLOONI. lituttiugdon, Oct 25.1963..' ' •`•‘ • , NOWPOPEN'' WHARTON'& - IVI))G4JII3'S 11 TUE- IMOAD TOP DiTor. tpumisq: ;. • The public generally aro halted to call beforii Rumba sing elsewhere. Huntingdon, Juno 2 f,19 5 ,1 ) ; j 3F. a - 0 lorAmor A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH ;LIKENESS, • 'Cii IAT DONNELL Ord Hal: Stilek '4borr tcpt of Ifoo4;,Stdre - . 1 CALLAND§ErMoV4E7s.: , , Finutingdoxi, Ost 4, 45-tf. Witt e. •agile • 1 1 103ps!rrtlkred3fu.??93!,!"ft SPLENDID-,DSTOOK iII :. - 8 00 73,"18.H0.E.:Ai ;Q44T816, 1910 - Uh to- the' iiispejtlO'rsisVlki - 4 ' - enstoisieralihd the"public geslaralty: , ael!:hteitbese a 16 ug,at. itEASONABLE . PRICES- ; and those who purchitr:O'Onao Klli stsroly call atgaint , BOOTS Aiih ' To 5 4a ORDER;. f .yiREPAIRINTdoVo Jrt thb iteateat arid melt expedo lions Call taw dtsro ssOt of , thi(Diaatond: I , I.II,VA.T . BNTIIITOIASNL't lIIGII 'PRICES SULIe4.PNDER ! ! THE BEST' AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN.H.. , WESTBROOK? eitur.f PC , t rich hoejust received from ilio.city nplendid stook of, • , • BOOTS : . '&S InLS , 1191,S & Hosiery, ;Shoe Carpet „ . 84p1,3, Trunks, dc, • • or wILIO3 hell preporod to nog e:t• re pr , A lot e l ''' ißeeg , Eler;•QN/lit4 , § 4 Al 4,M s cft't ° ) F e" cered. s. „ ow 4 , " reirPnad „ A *. "" ,1 9 fl d frfil P , "11 7 1 4 8 1 4. fiA'r7 • Ecy.T39oll -- :AND SllOl3l STORE: the". public ( ; that hi hs:s Jitsc 401,4 At141., - 044:sit I/ 'll Aide` .ks'olttileht BOOTS AND SHOES., ;a Tor Ladies, Gentler4oY aod' All of which hewn} dell iit,falr Picte. Quick sales and Mall profits. Call rind oxunine my stock. Manufacturing and Repining done to order as usual. Huntingdon, 3SUi. .. • T TEN T1ON!! . ; •. ; IL& WESTBROOK Ai. potato to tbeft , fraelt.-etocit-atidattraotirit 71407-7', riots, .[77 GROCtitIES, — ' e - r CON FECTIONB II I BBv ;" TOBACCO 'SEGABS,' Mad in-radtt everything generally kept , in snob a atOra: : [alley araprepated to moll artbe most reatortablelitices, and by a close 'attention to business. and their endetieore to: ideate everybody they bopo to gain the good will and, Ipatrouego of the public. . ~• . ' : • . i.Tliele adore is Ancated On ttroet, diteotly oipoolto the net National hank, and woe formerly occupied by .I.lf. Wag Saxton. 7 .7[ 7 77; ; , 77,7 [. ,7; M'IIIAICTIGAL'S LIVERY STABLE. . . .. MONTGOMERY STREET; E . , L Be.tiveni flieWapti.st cilid Azgultic Chutehes, HUNT 4.N ,Gr IX 0 Ai' PA. ~..-.:-, it .eh I.WctSt,,,,, • '..,,1E,..)(1 ;11::::. .u.; -1;./.4q 1 1 , ,t,W.- ;• • ;:0 '...t, ,;;, T , r . ~ . .!I 1,1'..!.. . 4 VGagle•l' IkIUBnEI:P fitd.: 6g&Eßiltir i(i . .infortaed that the embsorlberltimliELre4 at ills New LI. ERIC tqAßliky.to:a&ornmoltats qll , v.ith ', ! , • gokszt, .B?)tatEs, & atiarAGZ's , esrwittiablo tßtet, an iqlbat ' 3apistaY 351t1Vil,Tra'AZI,' anoe.rgi.A. F. IS3°, !I