IDE 'Elje 61abc. HIINTINGDON;.PA. Wednesday morning, Dee. 6,;1865. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. An Appeal for our Market. Some great measures, like some greet men, have bad very obscure begin nings;-this, we think, will prove true in the measure of locating a market in the somewhat backward town of Hun• tingdOn. We saw . the experiment made.On FritlaY last, and shall see it tried:-again.. -to-day, but-too - late for commenting upon. But what .we, saw on Friday last convinces us that the possibility of having a market hero is not a dellision, but a fact: To be sure there was'not enough encouragement , given to cause us , to 'rejoice, but yet there was enough countenance given to the enterprise to give us inward satisfaction and sneouragement, that there Would yet be a market fully establ'ished, and Well-regulated in,our Midst. There were hut.a few wagons in,' but We believe their owners knew jnstas much and heard as much more as "those - Who staid away ,with , their wagons. "And can those, who.were in say they were not benefited? Can they go back to their countrymen, and tell them all the evil they might bavo beard against the market was true? If they" do, we know it will be told throngh selfish motives, for they will be the very. ones who .will ..return. Wo havo „said heretofore that we cOUld,See nothing in the new Market . lawtht, would accrue to. the disadvan tage.a of tho,farmon Wherein the far : mere are 'imutied," We cannot discern. DO, they find anything le, the market law too strict?. If there is let them mako , their complaint., Are they put toany, : incon,venience? It . so, Jo s t. 010111, show where it lies .D 9 they think they. cannot dispose of ,their merchandise as. readily? If so, let theca diSpel such a fear, for'tboy.cap . selljust as much and more than they did : when : Ahoy had to, travel over town, .and "hawked from doOrto door.". Aro they afraid our, citizens will not giro them as high a price for their articles as the merchants? If .so, they ought to ace. that they are mistaken. Citizens will compote with each other in purchasing, and: the highest price will rule. people. will not hesitate to pay: a.higher price for' a good article than they wore.Ohli gea to pay for a Poor one. Wo trust we have answered;_ all . questions Ghat maybe raised, by : our fat:mem; at least •We want to see the market . estab- Halted. To be sure, a, simple market is not the best thing that can be estab lished...lWhat ' would be best, would be a regular, markit house, but in lieu of that "us 'IMAM a "Market until market'-house can be erected 'The vast agricultural facilities of our coun• ty should be improved, and. our hus bantlinen,should be gtienulitted to Utak° available .',Eit4ery 'acre they own. • And , as th4lS:` , *oftiis;.titetra ,eCeolU ' pilskipS44,.a result, let it be encour aged. ~.Tbere arc many , luxuries sold in•the cities and raised in the country sicrroniading the cities that could be, sOid here, but . .whieli we have had to forego,, just because our farmers and, farmer's:wives Wore not encouraged to pre'ditee 7 aad make the M.. • We' hnve the Main, A r o upoll Cities, through, thb market cars, for whatevetiluxurie.s and a great , nianrvegetables , that we eensittne;addl in thie'fsiticUlai—We'aro situated find are just as depßndent as ,some towns surrounded..with.,•barrep and rocky land, We want to see dchange, know: ing•that it would be fo'r the good of our citizens 'and furiners alike. Our far,ms arejustiteurai:k and productive, and,efirAriners are, justf as.luborious itl-.enterprising, astlicise of soy : tithei. region ; ottrpe;Ople ttiee . ,tuees fond :of' neigh-, bors in tbe.eity.,,and, it would be truly, a, marked and profitable era that' wotild bo'neliored onCodiage- Meet 'be AN,Ori'-friWbi takin ; , ./1 t t oAstaottsa,,m i arket f regy,i ft ttons p. out midst, ;:•;r. tk) it is only . necessary for. the•farmers to underStancrthe "rognirements of the initrket i len- to be satisfied, w,ith They are at'llbeity ta offer for sale any sirtitile any day in • the week, but the sales inust - he•Made; in the Diamond until , noon of , ea - eli day, after that the articles erini be offered - for salelniatiy part of the. tbwri. , !Tnesday , anti=- Irri= day are , clays : riamedlorily as,f reparir market days. MONUMENT TO JEFF.—The latest proposition extant is ono to rear a monument to the tnemory of Soifer- DAIS—:-:the;cherd" of tho rebellion. N'Testhink tintincessary as well as ou' Southern 'battle-fields; - the Wreeli and ruin en, tailed 'Within the . Past foci• years, the nli'dlu'ers of widOWS and orphans north and sOntli-L - --is• it mount - 11'6n t • sufficient to forover hold in contempt the'as• Burning monarch who 'marßbidled his hosts: to subvert a.. nation's peace and honor, Pi:caidentJohnson,, by ‘ a proc:l4- mAtion, restored the writ of habeas corpus in the southern States. 1111 Will The Writ of Habeas Corpus, The proclamation recently issued by the President in regard to the writ of habeas corpus possesses a double importance. It ,restores . the privilege, of that time.honored conservator of in= dividual liberty to all the unquestion ablyilnyal districts of our country, and thus re-establishes the complete juris'• diction of civil -courts in Maryland, Missouri, - and all'the Northern Statek , yet it significantly announces that the privilege of the is to' remain "sus-' pended in Virginia, Kentucky, Ten. nessee, North Carolina, South Caro lion; Georgia, Florda, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, the'l)istrict of Golumbia, and the Ter ritOries of New Mexico and Arizona. The Prchidenthas . thus clearly intitna• ted his conViction of flie,nent4sity'of continued watebfuliesii over tho dis tricts lately:in rebellion, apd nof the ne-. cessity of m'aintaining'ili hands of the representatives of Op' Federal Govern- meatapower toadt pr:Omptly and en ergetically, that will prova'an effleent cheek upon all 'cvil.disposed persons. The Country will cordially Sustain and approve this' ttetiOn 'of the Ad ministra tion,and itehoPea will be"stroligthened and the' restraining influences which are . 'eVidently still: needed in ninny portions of the South 'to secure pros tection to the freedmen and the devel 7 opment Of a feeling of genuine loyalty, will nat'be prematurely withdrawn. The tone of the recent despatch of the President to Governor Holden, of North Carolina, is anothergratifying indication that' reconstruction is not to be 'completed' before satisfactory eyi detiteS of repentance and refortnatiOn arc given to' the 'Elation.— The•Pres's. J. W. ,Forney, who has issued a few numbers. pf his ,Sunday has met with the: espressed,opposi-, tion of some of the elergy of Philadel 7 phia. In the conclusion of the defence, of his course hp says .‘.‘But I think 1 may venture to say that the Sunday Press h reaelling as it, does' all clas'sos, teaching as it does nothing but griod princiPles; ex - praised' in Alecor.t language, land intended to promote patriotic ends, .will produce. at, least as. many , beneficial Consecnea' ces to socioty .at, large as any ode of, its 'more pretentious "religious" coa temporaries. Aly . o'nly object in,pitb lishing my news-paper every clay in the week, was to meet what I suppos. ed to be a general demand. In other words, to supply to those who looked with 'favor upon The Press, dud W 136 reposed 'a 'strong colifidenCe Irr, the sincerity of Mycouncils in the'rnidst of our countryis,troubles; such Sunday, reading as I ,believed would be mo,st agreeable to ihein„.,l repeat, can conceive: h of no arni that will pcisSibly result' to 'eiibe'r religion, or to society, at large, ~ by:maintaming the. positions I„have taken," • and can see ing in the contents that detracts4rom. the honor and sanetity of the Sabbatk ; A good Sabbath,day , journal bas been a demand; . andlwp are pleased; te,sep that the proper. individual- 7 .W. V 01.., ney--has ,taken,. upon himself the re, sponsibility of meeting sitch,demand.,. Be' President- Johnson has sett telegrarn : to''Governor Holdi3n; of North' 'Ca'lb]inn im which he thanks httii fOr'tho faithful manner in 'which he' has discharged his duties, and as sures iiim that.he will be suhtitinetl by: th'e -Government,.. :He furiler 'States that the result of the , recent election. in North , Carolina , lias• 'done mtneh• , damage to the' Statein . regard to the : restoration of its relations 'with qbe` Government; and further, that if tho action ;Rini spirit of the Legislatiire 'were •in l •the same directiiin , it would bo' more damaging, anthnig,ht prove fatal. Ho says that it/ is hoped the: Legislature will endeaVor rather to heal what has—already been' done than'to increase ther•mischief. :'• • . TUE }AAA NOl` . ENDE9,--;, th o faCtOf the restoration of the habeas cor_ pus in the rebel States, we have ether, evidence, that-the war is uot.endecl. liebet..chiefs arc seeyngp,ower , and. position i❑ Southern society, bytheir, voice. and example .they,are t eroura i ., . . ging, opposition, to, the policy d S aud the. : Southern legislators, with..reinetange , yield th ,positive, requirement . 014 tbey must : repudiate their'kEred rn 'O 9 rehellioni: nut, withal, we have a more practicril and warlike evidence in that of hosts of robbers.andmurderars that thrust the South. The reign of the guerillas has commenced,' and them the weight of military power will,have , to he optercsed.... .are sometimes led, w to inquire, hen the neWs : pf,,soine State . mul:der. and robbery reaches ,us, Are - not , 03'e aMonget us of tiro Norh T . :End their career, 164 the.,tli.oef4t: of war will aanish. MIMI= 7 ,I.'ENNAYLve.NrA 2 —Orrif.n.AL:---The fol• lowing, is the official result for Auditor and Surveyor Gendial, , at..tlic latc'ele-U -tion J. P. Ilartrauft, Union, 238,400 w. W. 11. Davis, Dern., 215,740 ilartrianft's majority-, 22,660 .For Surveyor General... J. M. Campbell, Union, 237,967 J. P. Lipton, pena.,. . „ .215,981 Caniptell's majority, '21,b86 Tbo'lOttil vote for' Auditor Oeneral • 454,140, Which is' 1 . 18,562 loss than the'heavy vote for President' in 1860. ffai•tranfi.'s voto`"l's''s7,99l''leie liincoln?s, and Davis' 60,576 les's"than. .the. deficiencies in cacti) party being nearly the,same. For .Auditor Gelieral LFor the Globe.] President Johnson's Idea---Chauge in the Position of the "Democraoy"---Prema tore Oppositton,_to Negro Suffrage— How • if Aide theNztrenriote. I have hbretofore alluded to the of forts of the Cokierhead Democracy to drive tho Union partyfrom its support Of-President „Ifehniion," • No .candid ob 60ver hai failed to perceive the persis tent eliertions they have put forth to effect that extraordinary purpose; yet their failure becomes move. apparent every day. As well might they "nt tetriPt to dam up the waters of tho silo with bulrushes" as to seek its accom plishment. • • : , ' r‘Phey appear have - mistaken, - . perhaps intentionally, ,the meaning of , the President When he asked : "Have you, never : known a`man who for many years had . differed from ,yotir views because . You were 'in advance of him, claim them as his own when ho came up tp Your' stand point ?" or When ho said further : "The Democratic party finds its old, position ,untenable, and. is coining to ours.'' The President's idea is so clear as to elucidation, but it, is very suggestive and capable of indefinite expansion. , . Political parties during the last four years, have had this radical difference, that ono, has been stationary, clinging to existing HOChlt evils with the same tenacity that the ari4oeracy of Rurope cling to the remaint.qf the feudal sys : ter_ that. ga - v,0,, them their rank and titles; the other has . been powerful and' progressivo, striking with an unstated hand at, those remnants of barbarism for the existence of which its oppo nents NV ere ,contending. We have seen this confliptend in the destruction of the very foundation of ihe.self-styled "Democratic" faith; the party•remained,hut its principles were annihihtted and ,it Was under the ne cessity-,0,1 acknowledging its defeat, 9r , fin - ding a new hasii for its future exis tenec. .IVith- the :desporatiort of a drowning man, it seized on certain portions.of Pr,osident Johnson'# policy, manipulating `_and construing' them with..the,hopo of imposingthem on tho country as ,origimll "Democracy;' 89 7 shies, in•omplying with the :whole7 . some regulations ofthe.liresident, thc, South itself. was. 1111% . t11t1 iltt4lldo, and of, course„pur, .s,ortlie r p "Democrats," 89 in Sumer times, .Must, continue to follow her example,. This Iconceive_to be as true a picture of the manner in which that party has come to our position as can be given. If the "Demooracyl' are actuated by.. patriolic,oal, why do, tlmydesire that the, ?residene,s,own party shall ; desert hint they ; wish toprecipi., tate.questions,of great national,iMpor tancefbefore•ope'r time for, their, 61Tpul;post,i tyy)i . ..TCV,.buTfatfAT'Op'i t f iff BA can .th?y.,l;lPLaye that in defog this they .may,becomo .the instruments for disseminating the . doctrines they op pose It will,ex!er be remembered as. a_feqture of the. rebellion that the South in: ber de . eito to:perpetuate sin verydyought.aho,litionism to, a practi eal..ati,dd successful issue.,, In. the same : , nIaPIIPX t4° , I ) €l l P°9ra9Y,7. hasten .. thp progre 98; of,radical.ideaSihy, a stand against thern,,and thus, .gi,ving, them prom i n nce, ; Thep/ is a,. generaldiiToSition Ott the, part of „the . Unionists toallow those.questions that, are liielyto pi-educe great political, dissensions ,to ; remain, in, quiescence., True there are extremists„heginning : already, to, advocate:Negro ; sufrrige,. but. o far they, have„,noi ,beenableto, i it gf,fttrport t.o the popular and unless I , ll9.,",Peniocrt4io Par.tY, comes,iu•~gill~ . its assistanc9 to . cCIIO a,pahlie ne,doubt continue mu abey,nni:e, for a . ,iOng.tiMe' to pomp Those who, •.faver the extension of. the eleetiye franchise, to the. Negro, know well the ningie effept of. "1)erno 1 eyatie" opposition,, and are endeavor, , ing to arouse it to the highest_degFee, in order to ,seenre their p,urposes. , , co:Ntm ON PLACE VIEWS:LLThe' 'V oigt Iferad's R the"'2rth Gittitit'"waS NV . (sloolirad to..tliiit dity the' tnilifaratithbritt'es fully expits siSd'hiS'oplitioli 'can affairs.' lie:said 6'rnphitticall;+Alifee the' 'ficlvoiit . tect,he tended'' throne of 311;xicci Was n' liart Of the';rebellion; tL`ti 'that hi% imniediate oxpulsioti shoiilrl bo liart'of its liisto ry. • 'Primed did not ask our consent to estnblish :throne ; in _Mexico, ,and awn should not conault flint ,power establishing 'the lle said thtt F f ranCe hqd •no right fo'interfOre in the quostion, tont shb would. in volVe herself in, a , war with uS on this point, now i§ the time ,to Jiinve artyly efld navy is ye,t. b.nizcid;:and. beedre our, comineibe ig again' sanfloitt on' eveq: 'sea.. '• r ßripv,EEN 9A - 31NA - opts. "Pho "pen - loci-tits" aro,,movT„in clouhtas,o wtiether ,the r y.,,should call. .Anclrsyc: Johnson traitor and, It coivard,, cr a friend, and a favorite. Insteati,q eotp ing up,, to the President's position, as he recently, intimated, wo fear they will ";go, back On it." Pity it is that his prospects 'for 'the aid 'of ineli'a powerful order are getting so'slirn. r" ; • AErl he number of orphans 19 at te:udaneb at the different §oldiers' Or phans' SC'lroti this State on of last: Oetober was 946, and the num ber ordered to' be admitted on the let 'ult., was 1231. .esehoOl'orthis natni:e we''nnderstood was to ho Started in CassviPs, , ,this county, What has be come °fit ?„ !=U THE SCENE OF'LEE'S SURRENDER.—The iliChMOrid'ENDZfrar64yB :—.‘!A. gentle man just- from: Appomattox Court house ,infiVins:us.that "there is nab , - ing'.leftiof the apple tree under which Genera Ldi sarrei.o .. ered but a red hole iii and it is feared thatruilleas the Mb fenced in, that alsii wilt be reMoied:hy euriosity-seek- Ors!.''lCis,a subject .worthy of notice, too, that the opple tree alluded to was the largest tree in the: walk being at least forty 'tiMes the').iulk the cele• brayed ia oak, Which was about this site of the citadel of Liam. About. -vino ;hundred and seventeen cords of this apple free have already been distributed over the United StaOsiia" the :iliap6 of walking canes, fishing pOlbs, urribrelladianclies, police men's clubs; work-boxes, sowing ma chines,' writing 'desks, hest buttons, corks, : charms, lead pencils,:pen hand ' lee, 'toddy muddlers, tooth picks, to. bactio pipeS, and Snuff, boxes. The number of persons felieital:ing in those heroic relies, is .estimated ate about twenty: eight millions,, which is equi valent to the number of Rebels killed, wounded, and missing in the late war,. according to the published - statenients, of Northern - newspapers, from statis.. tics gathered-at the time. In fact, this appletree ,enjoy as wide a:circulation, as any bogus medicine in existence, and, but'for the, fist that General Lee didn't surrender:under any apple tree at all, it Might be appropriately placed ; photographically, among the historic arobiyes of the, country, as the great est tree in all histay- "It is useless to titteMpt, a conviction of 'the truth so long as the stock on hand of the great: Appomattox apple tree is nnexhausted, and, perhaps, eyen,,whenthateopply giv,e 9 1 a — for the thistrnetion of, apple trees in New England, when the' .3.laine, hi* excited a prejudiCe against''brandy,:irenders' such an exhaustion probable.—history will claim the original as the righttul: possessor cf the fame - of the locality, and, the surrender of General Lee un der an apple tree will be fixed 'in tho national reCords'andAhe Pictorial re: . ports from tho Patent-Office on!Pomo logy and Agriculture.". DEATtr of Ma;VAN Amnurtrillr. Van, Amberg; the' great .14:m41 - inter and successful manager of menageries, and _well known in. Europe and Ameri ca,' died, last WednesdSY morning; at the hotel Of Mr. Samel Miller, on: o,lpestnut stroot. , : - Ilis - death was attribnted to congestion Of the spleen:- Mr.: ,Van . Amhurg was, for; many yoars,:a great travelor,,,m4 one of 'the' most per Severing and energetic men engsgedin the" iazariloti& profes sion of tanling wild beasts.. • : Poring' .Itis : eVentrni life he made many narrow i eseapes n coming in con! tact, for :the',OrSttima with wiltl (hi cine, oe6aSiOn n'tigor made a most savage attack upon him, tear ing him so badly that a portion of his bowels protrivied. He tamed the ani mal anally.and made him a great pet. The pfobability is that* Mr. .Van Am. Writ receiVed More scar 'than any .otlier indiriduhl, wliilitiipur4uing: the duties of the:profession, to show to the world the triumph, of • man over tbo most ferocious boastS of the forest or the jungle.? Shine -years While performing 'ty*.were in attqadance.... Eniinent lit.. eraily„, gentlemen- wore presort, find amedg ,thein Eugene Sue, thiCauihor of "The IVanderino jaw." ' This diS. tinguislied writer had A fang :mil inter , estisig interview; _with the great lien tittner. Lim. method;of.ubiluing wild animals, Tlip.inforination thus really , . ea was mad the, subject of an intcrest inb in the' Mandolin , ' Jew,"al= though at the time the reader eMila not ..havo.,possibly, rinlsed the. hero ef.he story..: Yan.,Ainhurg . ap, peared. on Phoslip street a tiny or ,two sir..eti ; tiPpaitrently " as Wall as' he' ever eompliiin 'of sickness short.tirmi.Of his den th.- 77 414a, Tress, ; ~ . . r-57 - We dip the folloNy Mg, from on of the - Philadelphia daily papers.— Our, peopl4,'vlsiting i or sdirlfng dOwn to;,thO'Cit* vOtild d o fomake a note of it ,13awir:i's - FINE CLO"- Tuisc,—T lip estop ishment, located of Clio ,:ket'Wet; i I ,known as_ "Oak llall'' is lii oU lUI ,the largest slid begt &Milt - tote:if Ready %do 'Clothing and Mon.:liar& Tailoring - ll.Otise i . in the' State. Tbein superior excellent.. workm4nshfp and moderation.}n prices, have rondo their hoase deserved pop- • ' In ) their' Cust Ofti*Depaiitiferi t where elegant ghrtnetits are ' made to: iordcr; nonehut„tho.very best artists hi:e.em.., plosed, And, theA e n assort m of ma terialS to select from enables ererone to be well .sen y matt, and i s''fer' nicest' ring; Whti,-Wr!t te " I ' r •:" nOBL2ta • • FArutersand stock. raisers are U Sg e q: o.k3,YeAh-e'igsttlbieS thoroughly c!°!ln(l.lktlep „them, ; clean throughout, the wititer.,. / '.l2,here is conN sitierabiedisease already, among the cattle to 599? 0 cif the 9 38 .ter,n.countielb arid bcfearod that the cattle pesti!eneo 3 upsy n so preyalent in Europe, may break *bre unless especial care is n t,a4on n of our ' , Nett')St yl . 6for t '66 rYlrerrdi oit hanri ii I:4iii.,l 4 A,RgEsT an 4, ;., THE iBEST , STOCK. OP NEW'STYLES OF •:. • ' WALL. .PAPER v.: 0 Ever received nunangdoiv ij. " 1 31 OPFS " ' AO for sale atoLElvis' Book Store. OUR 40,0 K. CONSPTS OF IILTS; SATINS; BIANICS, BAOWNS of v l rious styles, for Parlor Hails; Dining. I?Gonis; Offices, lied 1?oona, Bat' ebc. ThiOr on the, rieL - -gdve 20 'por'eenf,. hS buying soon ' ',‘ 'lt . kill ii'iTy . all to •buy . ilJlo . fOi• Spring lile j'ine. CiAars* , and Tobacao for attic at LerviA' Boolf.,StPre . _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - WANTED. 35,0000ne A N T E D, in sums of Thousand Dollars and upwards, on real wale eceitrltyiltiorth ten t tmee that amount. lialutre of • W. H. WOODS, devb-3I • Huntingdon, Pa. A b3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Daniel Montague, deed.] otters of administration upon the estate of Daniel Montagne, Into ofereinwell twp., deceased., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will midia payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. JONATHAN MONTAGUZ, decC—fit* Administrator:" N OTICE. [Estate of George Russel, dee'd. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned upon. the. edtate of, George Russel. late of Hopewell township, Ituncingdon. county, deceased. Alt persons indebted will niake;paysnent; and those having claims present them, properly authenticated, to lie. • - OEOROE 13:WEAVER, Core station, Dec. 5. . Administrator. .Positively•the . Last Notice.• , .- A LL 'l)orsons . knowing . theinsolves immit..l to tha uallernlgned are notified to call and sottio their INC.OOIIIIVI ON Olt OIe:FOAM T. VIII ItST OF JAN U.A.ItY. A ll•aCcutintA not that time will hgcollectod by couracof law. I can. not owl will not wait luagor. • ••, , .JOIN 111tEWSTER. McConnellstown. Dec.s-31 *5O stolon#rom _ tho subscriber, near Iruntingdon, Po., on Sat- Imlay December 2. a foierel MARE, (and Saddle, and Bridle.) risitltng tour yo, re old, light inane and tail hind legit white front linecf down, ketripo in lier'icirehead, and a mall specie of glean in one eye., $A will be paid for any information'ivhich trill lead to the recovery of the mire, and $ - Kt fer. the ferret or the thief. [dice] • DANIEL KIPBR. • • A UDLTOP.'S NOTICE. [F,dato of John Piper, deceased] 'kin underslgned . ,Auditor appointed by ,Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute tho fund In the hands of INviit li. Tussey,.administrator with will annexod of John Piper, late of Porter towitabip, deceased, will vttend to the anti a of his appointment, at his (Mica, in Huntingdon, ottSA.THIIDAY, the 23.1 day of DECESI- ItElt,next, at. I o'clock, P. M.; when and whore alt per sans lotting claims against said fund are required to,pre., sent them or ho debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. TIIIO. IL CLAIM Elt, ..a.;Ciiat"*Se ' Male) Government Clothing, Blankets, &c IN HUNTINGDON, • ON *BATUTWAY, DECEIVIEtiIIt 16, '66. Overcoats, Bkinketa, Ilarneis,'Sa4dles, kc., &C. in,„ Solo to c tmmetico of 10 o'clbek, V.lll. dec5,1865-2C TIIUMAS SON, A uctionoek s, A FARM AT , TRIVATE _IiE sub6cilbei• riffers ILL iirk . ato Kale mail, Monday, January let, nest; that valuable farm on which Ito now resides, at Motor 11111, Barren township, containing 81 4011 ito.antl,dliowance, about 80 acres m ei elear,d and tinder good enitivatton. with water in 4.11 every' %minueo well timbered: The improve4:i . men is trot good two story (canto pla,tered house, barn, and nil Otheenecessary outbuildings; Wltli fountain pumps at dwelling and barn. ''t horoolil • previous to . tho 'lst day of 'Janutiiy. it will bo offered at Public nto On the premises on said day. Terms made known on applictition tie the subiieril.r. decti JOIt N, LOVE. BILLIARDS 1 :BILLIARDS ! I JOS'EPR'L,'''PQULT9k; Strawberry Alloy, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, • . . itespectfu4f .c.crius the public ,that ho hns apt-lied for their'niel hid 800 and elegantly fitted up •Billiardltoem— iccontaitts ,•;.: ; tt,; , FOUlt, NEW TABLES QV SEAM'S MANUFACTURE, supekior to tiny now in the city' • " ' • ' • Tltis Bilitnrd Roam challenges comp:wino with ,any room In the State, west of 'LltiltalelPhitt. • ' COURT SALF,L • j [Heal VBate of John Kongh,dee'd.] = ' ',` By virtue of on order or the Orphane Court of Hunt ingdon co., I will exp , ,se to public oule; oh the Prenilses, On- Saturday, December the= SOthi•lB6s, at ono o'clock, p. m., Of said day, the rollowiug de:wit:ad real estate, to wit: • • • A Tit'AOT OF LAND, eittiate hiClay'tortifship,'botinded on the north and east by lands ot.ltuthel Kough, on rile,. soutlithy Wide OP Gooige Iteunilier;And on tlar west by, lands.o.f. Jonathan nilJhiLAioftrairthigS2sty_threp Acres, haring thereon A lo,gbousa and lug stable, '11:101.1 OF SA LE:—Une half 'of purchase' Money to bb paid upon confirmation of Bain, amid the other half tharibi of in one - yein i thi•reafeer, ivith interest, to be secured byi Dn.-Judgment nutc.of the purchaser. • ; ; -; • 011'ARLES . R.'3ITADTErt." deco 7:v.. 401 in Kough, QC11001; TELiCHEIV , 'WANT - tri:• - ' A coinuntont tonihee iK tvnutetlto taltei charge, 431 the High School of Iluntinggon borough.. Applicants nro deeircd to prolent.ttiomsdives .before thorboartl, fore the 13th of Oecember. ir"Z"-hilieral 'wows nlll bogirrn for n bompMent teeth. .J. tiEIVI:LL'STEWA.ItT, . • Wor• - ' 2O , 'CC.-tf• ;:' • ' Srcrofor.r:,. VXFIC tn. b 1 Hslate:of JaCobEihk, ded%l.l • I Lettere testamentary, on the canto of Jinni, Emit, tote of township., Iliintingdoii getfd.j haring been granted to tho nnifersigned. nil, person!, indebted to thleeState'aro requeeted , to maim I Striniddlato p;iynt tit and those haying cialms„ to present them dul . 4' . authenti, cateal foe settletuent,:'- , • • • • , nor:9—OL. • EAmur.r. FINIt Executor. A !IJ- 1 ); 1 ,T011,', 1 - 1 Estate of 11thrnr1 p, 'lodges deed. The lundereiltrull!Alulltor 4lppOlpted the CoUrt Common Pleas of Illintingdon county, to, attribute the tateeede of the Sitsti mie. of the fausrusal estate,' hfilEtil waist f. lloake4, irilt attend nt his office in Ituntingtlou, on SAIIII(DAY t the, 16th dayof , D1:01)113141t,liest, of .10 o'clock, a. He., for the purpose of malting. said tljs It 'bun t Inn, sel'en.and where MI perabillslierin'g , clahrie upon 'said fund are required to preeot the entnq or be dobttrrorl (torn oentlngla'far allY share of maul fond: 1 ' 4 npp C , 11.121117t , Auditor. .UDITOIt'S, NOTICII , • [Eatiite of.§amuel Ilpek. deceased.) - underiiigned iharhikvbeeiiniiiioluted to thArt6ults the fond. in thu hands of ,Ifnii,l3. F. Patton, Trustee. to roll'the reel astaiti of Sittriliellidcic;'degeassil.'will at fetid to the doteof his niutoiu{lueut ut ,the calve Scott, Itrow's if 111;11,1,46n; it trio SATURDAY. the 111:11 day of DEC.P.IIftEII, 180 f whet, add pt•reoltB'lliterested ure're:galretttd present their or ho chibArred twin. t'muiPiri Cu for a of said fultd. ' '•' 'T. lilt01"7:1,'.• • • 17.D . .A'911'5.,N0T1,(M1.,,.., Cgstato of icon, - "John Her, doc'd.J The tindersigned, auditor appointed to•'tlibtributo , the fund in the hands pf Ihtrid S. Fur, Esq.. Trustee appoizt• tod by tho Orphalik' Conn of fluatingdoli . cOmity to aell the real estate of tho lion. John tier, Into . orWnllcer twp., doe'd., twain! among (loco haring claims against thops tate of said deceased. and the balatico, if any globs be. among the widows, - clilldred, add'grdtal clindron, of said intedtato, according ,b) law;ber..!by . girea?rtotietathat he Will'attioni for thopurposo of making said distribution, at laispilloe,fn dittnringdon,.nri.SXLlTlWA Y; the day of I,l:ol',ael . o'clock, I', M., when n9d where ail Peradus elainta,Rgainst qrii4;111,.4 Hrelre4utred to, present tho same, or ho debarred from tooling in tor atiy7sbi aro vr, said Tonal : • ) Tit.EO.II.(I.IIMM ER, •, - 00020-dt , , . Auditor. DR. VOIVARD'S •STAR ,MAGIC ~LINIMENT iiiiEtwAT.l,ll, • . ,; ?'ourtiActir, . • DIPTI.IERLA, or SORE THROAT, ,012,A.31P5, or PAINS iN,,THE, STOMACH, . ' SPEAINS, aod .DIARRHIXA. , 'stiLm AGENT, ' rr /SU UP,L H. 8110.8%.1.TAKER, lIUNTINGDON, PA Price One Dollar. in - - Agents Wanted' to sell t4e 'above • througlioui the Ceuntrq.. • ilieitlugdcn,Oc4 25;18f§: • 00K BINDING. - .Old lkoks,'Magazinee, or pnbli•ationadf any' kind, bound co ardor, if left at LEWIS' BOOK cE STA rvaiymty STORE., TO S. 'l3'."lltNnt &' CO'S - tor geed casellneres, eat inettes, Twoocia, HOEING ky.Jeuris, Velvet ecirVkc. . L A PIES''COATS and ,CIRCIJJ.•AI,tS, Cloth - 11.ques, !co. &c., at • i ; . .S.E•JiIiNItY CO., ter Fon th d JOB ;PRINTING, t Call', sit the ''',qxpnir.• tlfspt - yrtiNTrNq , tin gdon„ Ala 110,4r..-F4,ti! PAy.,jilit..! l , l ; 3 r ood acet, at :yr 13i1OK 2 sTA,TioNsIty vfone., SPECIAL NOTICE. ToTELT: .I#ADT.FS,. 7 ,--Do you really in tend hisilie wearing the :beautiful styles now so prevalent, or }hose base' elegantly,, . because the rebel Jeff. Davis, wee captured Fu,)htunahle Female attire? Chu tnument's cairn reflection will surely servo to Change your rash resolve.: The angels had too.'intich good sonde to lay aside their:pure cheat° :robee...oof white, het,thae 'they inuf for a Unto served to ithlerthotlyormities of that 'Uriticeordebels, the : Dori/. Cats you OT in following the ..oxainploof Angels} • !firenhitv'ng, node up your minds that you *lll continue to dross tastefully regardless of rebel act., •rto.aot forget to earl at the store of the tabour. hers, echo will be happy at ad tinsel to furnish you with .such article} of dresses you may desire..- Urga : your tooth, ore, huebande, brothers, neighbors awl children to visit thoo'aerie! ;i r ons., be. juitedingoOd - srrheies of Beets. Shoes, Clothing Material, fiats, Caps, Queens ware and a general amsortmeat of Orocertas, on as reg. sonablo term* as at any flows,. in townie - Store ou South east corner of the Diamond„frungugdol; Puy.) may 3t, 1565. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. THE I 44EAT,ItEDICINE Al'Ent)i.e's INDIAN COSPO[IND. A NEW SUPPLY_ JUST itUCEIV;hID, AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, - PEI. BOTTLE; CTS.; nnci : s i,oo Groat. Remptlios., Prof.llleEntyre.'s Great Itemodies— the Indian Compoui4 the Dandelioii. Pills,•and- the Indian . Vege6.ble Worti Destroy-or-46r, sal° . nt , Book Store, Huntingdon. • Gold Po i ng dr. Pencils," ' The best' assortriierit 'of tile ban& somest and best styles, for, sale' at Lewis' Book Store. • , tt SUPERIORREINIEDY:=-Wo Can 'con scientiously r ecommend to these, suffering, from, a distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough 'sans.' It . .gites relief almost instantaneous,' and 'is 'withal' dot esa: grecable to the taste. ~There is, no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough Balsam IS one : of the best preparatidnh in .use; and - is all thdt 'its proprietor claims fur ,it. • 11'o .:have tried it during the past weelc, and found relief, from a most distressing cough. It IS prepared' by Dr. Strickland; No. 6;EastFourth street, Cin 011auatl., and fur sale by druggists.: ;, New Bliwletit Instrumorits nowstoelc:ol musical instruments' littvojust"been — reeekied,at , Lewjs' Book Store. • Violins ...from $3. to ,s'so, , —L. Guitars: from $l2 to $ 36; Banjos 8 and 0. 50; .liceordeons $6. to' , sls; Fifes; Bows, .Strings,:. Rosin, Boards, Bridges, gouth,Organs, .a.nd Jeers tf. ReivenueStamps.. . , From Icent. to slo,alwa;) - §,pn,han,d. and fur sitki BocN' Orders bj• niail, 'a6cOmpanle'd . ‘ iithihi3' cash .for - stamps .and postagi,- will 're: colvd prompt - attantion.,' ; ; ,InstieeS' and Constables' gee, Bi!ls for sale at Lewis! .13oojc Store.. NEW GOObSI . NEW GOODS';, If , you want Cheap Goo'ds, ni -1v - 1, GO TO,ll. M. CUNNINGRA3I &,:CO'S Von -want 'Good Goods, ' N "1" GO ' 0 . . N NGI CO `S .11,you . tecult Fashionable; g 064,3, , , , G 0 TO It: M. 'CUNNINGHAM &CO'S rf 'mu 1(211111 M K44 I ETY'•ful BEST SEEECTION,. OP GOODS - EVEIt'BROITCHIT TO 111.1NTINGDON,`• ' ''Coied,itihg' or LADIES' IMES'S ti00b3;CA8313161'1 , .5 of, city tool,conotry JrulolgActuro,, )41rogItet, amt., KlAnlce,t 611 A Ls; s'oNTAus - iind'Uf6iikfast :411.i 'L'ltTid.'S 011 or Oterytri?t3!, G . rocdri6. :614 . Cdn'foctioiteries. and to word,"Lierynting th.t . ryq bath eceu or. hear t'cuul4 tiish :GO TO RI ANI.DetIYNINW.I.AIr.& GO'S TfrilabE i SALS' c IETh tZ S7ioß:g Corner 1. 1. I. L'. ; Cl,i; '. 1 orner of .pailroad and Montgomery sta /I un tingdon,No r. 8, 1805. HE4D t QUAIVEytS ,; ,„ • , NEWGOOD D. P,;JCW IN 04.) IN T FOR3.I I S TETE: PUBLI'q ; .;.•• • f.;!:,TELAT : 7 2 Dv O.r,Q QR. •of N.*, \V, 0,0 9.1/t1 TIIAT !- • : • ; OAN'T,BF 'BERT. - • . IN ' ' on.i !J AT*,s,s 'AND. ,Qp41,1y.y..,.., , . COMB 'AND BEE. ' D. I'. GP7.IN,,' 00.17 'O5, NEN FAMILY' I.GItOC ERY STORE. ILONG. , &.cb:kwattid re eotfillp . Diltithe.itt.tpntlon of. tho Oitiptpl of! ffitntlagdol and riciolty to The fact that they hare Just opened a VA• MILy, G itqc;)?tt $ r o ttE),t,t no. phi dtand hr Ph ridtnpher GOng, where they VIII ,lieop constantly on hapd a full end Well usiorted stack ()I ,; • • ' I FRESII, FAN IL,Y ROQEItIES, each an I.orering's.Syran, N. Orleans and L'orto Rica 710- la she e,,Sugard. ColTelee, , Tear, ;!fame,.' Sldee. Shoulders.,Dried Da•f Iflour, Fish, Cheese, Itide, Plek/ea, and I.'rdvielone trE boll.ktadet.' not;; .; ; Al a AN a AvILLow-wA.Br,, , compri o ug, in part, Baskets, Ilacgt , ., Tubr. Washboards Corn flroonis,•l3rnshee, :kTdts,'NlOor OittiothS,Tagd Truaks.,tc. , ;; , • • CANDT.KS and NUTS of all kinds WhOlesnleiwilf.ri.tea. ~TOSS, TOIt..i.CCO,BEbt BS, Coal kinds, Oil Latal ,,, , , te 'They resprotfally invite a rail and ritunliattion of their stock, satisfied that their goods nod prices , will cosup.tre favorably with those of any other to the place. ' .. • . • '. • • ,O. LU:sigi & CO. , Ittottingden, October 25,1865. • — 7 1 7 7 f --7 77 - 7 77 7' 77 — ". , ~ • • - REAPYiRECKONEA ! A complete FoCket Heady Reckoner, In dollar, nod coots, to width/ tire, added . Arius! of colpts, Fcc.., together with a set of 'useful tables ~.shining rote, or•irto'rest from one'dollar to twelve thous• mud, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week'ead day; published in 18.5 u.: • For sale et ' • •LEIVIS' BOOK STORE. rt . RESS BUTT( NS t'TRIITAIING'S X . /or:the latent sfyloi,. Belt Ribbon aaß picklea: 49 Bleu, cifores,Edginge, rrillings, Lc., at • ,!, •i. 3 1. E• TIENAY ADIES" DRESS GOODSrdoihiiii• ..Ljaug evorything new and desirable, adeli :as ;Prgie tlillt mohair, and Irish Poplhe,llipACNß • CitaiMere, t °knave; Merit..ea; all ; ,Orool .Ftench-Delainer4;Als,apty plaids, at 8. Hi HENRY . CO. • ACENcytt 1 (11n i Fon. ConLncirittei'nOtnnans '• • • CLAIM. DOUNTY,: nick 4 , AY, AND PENSIONS, AenstLL w ho . ttyi.hfiVO 'buy claims a. galnst the government for Bonpty % Beek Pay and •ons,,C6hlSaVe theft. Cildnike prothptly ealeeted;l4 . Kp- Oyjp.4 either: to pereur or by totter tq . • ; .W.,11. WOODS 1 ''• ' .Atfoistiektit ' .11Untingdolf,;Pa. August 12, , 1863. . ; ;T • 18660' . 2:.:3 'T , P[_ . _ if ''1866 . .LARGEST i:AND-:::REST WALL PAPER E - vei Bronott . to Huntingdon Is now ready for inspection and sale, LEWIS' gt,atiane and Stare. SEW AND ELEGANT STYLES intil LOWER. PRICES Than ttieliaint; ai title 6.4. n be . liotikht in PhilAdelphin'or U C K One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper tt• Bordering The Par)or; Sitting ROoll Dining; gown, Bod :Room,, " Kitchen; Office; ' Store,•:Shop,--ike.;• Call' at. the Globe:'?- 13chirdint6, and examine (mi. atock-ancE44iceei U2l questionably the best sustaivect work of the bind in the woad," t_ HARPER'S NEW 'MONTHLY MAGAZINE. It le the foremost 'llagazllte a AN) 4sty; • Thr.. - liresido ,nevor had a more delightlliCeilliPainteM - ner‘the'tettlkin 'a more onterprleingSpepd, than, llarper'e.M.azaakte. elethodhiel'roteitantdltaltlmOrli.) * ' • Thu most popular Monthly in the world.,--New 'York .observer. Wortiust refer. In ferule orentogy to the .high tone awl varied exeddlouce's of iiiirpeihi 'Magrisrine=a'.jourind. With o monthly circulatiou of about 171.1,0U0 conlose—in whited' pages are to be found some of the choiceetrlight and gee. ern! resoling %%Ka epeak'of Ibirtfutras an est. 'deuce of the"Anibrlcan'Peetile; Mid the pitlitthWity It has acquired Is merited. Each nuanttr contains fully pa ',gut of tending platter, appropriately: illustrattsf.mith , 'good, Wood Eats ;wait combines in'ireelfthe riroy`moath- - ly and llioniUtti phifolitiphiCaf:qthartarkyi.blended with the . boot features of tile daily journal. Athas groat power in :the dissomhiatiorvof tlore.of pureeiitecatuse,,Trubner'a Guide to Antes lean Literature, (London.) The Toturneivtxtsuti - ronktitute ofitheiasolreaa )Ibreary of inisceliMl,;ou.srendimisitieh as aoir n Zoe"fOodilfie same compaes in any othen publication that has,conts. ' uuder our notice.-13ostota.Courier. 7- • - '; - 3:066 , ‘:- Thp.Pgbl, on loheos. hare perfected , a aye tam of mailing, by which'iherc linly the Magitzfno aod Weekly'prompt. ly to lboenwlw their Dat , P ll, a l ,4•4 lo rtlY from t h e office of Publication. . • • • • The postage ou.',llpi'PorYd !Ntogimlfip;ltari cents a year, which must bo paid ut tho subseiibar's Post office. • Ilarper c klVltz44, ort9Ye.s4d . i_:,:s4,o • An extra copy of either the 3togesino or Weekly will be supplied gratfiforYWO4'clitbtotlilitiEnbseribera et $4 Ou each. in ono ratnittonee ; or Six enpies . for $2l) 00. . .I.4sok,nnotbui tap' bu:sOpPlitd 0f NOY One, A Complete set, how canuprfaing Thirty one Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will beisinitdel WBOrote,fraightiatt expemo of purchaser, for $.3 d 5 per volume. Oingla tunes, by maiL l Pagtluild, $3 00. :011441seutios, to; binding, 58 cents, brinuif, poitintid:-.-AddiessoV- 1 HARPER argitOTIIP.4I.B, ' 3rankliSi Squafa, Near oak. • • I.IIV iwcrric:lp3 . T 6 lierch auts-:and:, Business Menl THE. umier6i g uect: , xpp.entlyn, been appointed agen - fur the leevr. , York , Nntlonat I ole Company, hereby glees notice to merchants, [dul ness men. nod to of al: Cloths tlint‘hu, Is prt piitCd- j.i*suPply the market Nyjill'hO'eftildOver yrktialt hi-fuldition to ping tI ll.+t'in tie. in emphatically the: cheapest evel• offend tea.dais this country.,•• It neither torroltas the Turban moulde; the ifrdcetsndi is of It tick bluish tint. flows freely. and ICperfeetly.indel ible itlri ng it ndvontinges not jao , seasoft by any uthor Ink,. whether of fovign or dtnnestlpmonpfnotkrai Thf, jak coutatpd no eeditromt arid "herefOre; thlckalt io molt titi; 'the latVilhliiiming•as OM. and'eliat ail We, 111,t: • • -• ,• ,••_. - Ala- All °tilers whotheK wholosnle - or rotnil, will bur tiqu:alicipirnearwiktt be, poraliosinflp thu,Fli ion pe,ebotTlinto. „eorstmis wltq en . iloubionn,lp,tbo aripnri4 okotippeen, of Lill IS Ink oro renneclffuly ontredtiql to, n, titilL Julio H. Clark, aulmigont will canvass the county for thin' _ purpopp or introducing. this t , Cortes Bun. P.•liiVitltiii49ll,F°°°Vt. Peuw °CI. 05 -th ;, . PRIYCIPAT. liitt-SCII OF TIIII • ' NATIOXAL INK c4lle.ll4si . 1'04 . :1 11 t . .31b11( SIMCgt.O3IIMCP, h.L.huving.l7 , Onappointetteulii*" man and general agent, is the representative ot , thpaboire company rot the county of ituntingdon, State of 'Pundit, AN per contract, all parties therefore, t rchethep hiving dealt with ua previously or otlierwilief'will 'When AT/411 theiiis"olVeshrtho edtierithgetv'Ortleallitg direinlY with the representative of our house here; they , w 111: find+lt hi their pecuniary interest to do so. 0 L. YAN - ,•IILLP') OLoYo,InIt je InTMlP•'rtkAßdAll khs.PrAl4l i stores n thocounLy, . L 4,. •41 . V' 9;1 t - - - •• " ro9' ALT! lu=9s:"hr, 41- t 7 S7, 7I, ,RE C NKER/..(1.1. TIItTATIGE,ST STOCIC ANI) '7IRIETIt !adios, call and examine at B. R. & CO.. , BY pANAL. i‘ (Is GROCERIES, , CHEESE, Sack, Bill, and Pairy 1.4.1. , 141 and FISH of all kindal; ViN be BOid 10 W:by ':i 71 •.1; 1.:10 - :1 - noS-Stl ~"S. E. HENRY* Co,. .1; ,i)o l 4 q h, :fr..,t 1 4Rt. t_4).rl:9,o:tlf i o •ti above ailieles Alfa ' s . llolANAlit. ISA KUnt, ikaril troy b o ? 3blohine, r • - Llttatiniclou ` CII PiPUIVIP - Si TA . MES'A':' 'BRO VirM; 'Hu tti4ftlo6 - f, tit re., sOliS Patent tWoodon!Pumpa fo F cist.ems, &Bic wells. fro m , 4 to 60 text deep, at - aberit one•lwilt'the ge4l, pride Mk old fashioned pumps. Alt pisajins irarranek. - , dQUNTRY . ittriAttiRB CLOIIIII , IO COF• mein ILuraingdonlit, lat'94l , X a4chttp Oil Can in Bare • • - I;MeAtkle aiori 1•11111•aele;i. 6'olllk API)) lYl%ll4Glity L A Syrup, Now Orleans, Porto Rico Molasses, Coes.. Sugovi• Tor, ac. at : , Lathe's' "'and' Gentloman's -Fdreals the'Clothliq.StOre I: - 0c24 11 AE O 4 ( ILD BLCIRE. WtOOL ; BLAWNETS,f!ONEII,- let 4; lugrette, Rag ,end, klempCarpeta.. Rugg 044 and Floor Clothoolt . 8. E. liter & • shoe.; Queensware, and Willow Wain, laik :et stock in the country, ' fll.A.onlwf.-f,m v.ltW 60.0DK s, E. henry & Co ; halo just reoolved l~{olr fill ennek of goods, 101cla 09: afr i al i t , tt/c t prices. CO. se • :- o . ' g rirci i:t o! .E lih N eet iron ' ,11 1-Wore. — P . ..irono:B o te• 2 nub horu, . ego, dstoves and n variety of 01low wsr . " ' cb,pi)hlt B It ki Iu ezehunife fur good. ut the liurclereculgetri.- lhipt: 3; 1.8132. t r, . • JAB. A: BROWN ~IGURLD mac and American Print'', Glaghima, Carabiioe, Aa as . E. E HENRY & STOCK OF AT CB FOR Critical notica of theprest. EMMA