The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 22, 1865, Image 1

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Per enuem in gultnane
Fix months
Three" snonthr
. , 1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
One square, (10 lines,)or lekt .75 $1 25 $1 50
Two squares 150 200 • 300
Three squares, _ 2 o 5 3 a 0... 4 60
- 3 months. 6 months. 12 months,
.505 senses, or less—. ... 54 00 56 00 $lO 00
rwo minxes . 6 00 9 00 16 00
Three squares, • 800 - 12 . 00 • "0 00
Pour samaras 10.00 15 00 2500
Half a column; 16 00..........20 (I. ... .: ...40 Go
One column • 20"00
Professional and liminess Cards not exceeding six lines
One year, 05 d
AdMinistrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
:Betray, or other short Notices 1 60
. *BeTon lines of nonpareil make n square. About
idleht words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily calculate simmers in mannecript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac.
.cording to these terms. •
Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc,
are also increased.
The narne of this firm bas been chang
e,' from SCOTT a BROWN, to
`under. which name they will hereafter conduct their
practice as - • •
PENSIONS, and nil Claims of soldiers and soldier& heirs
.against the Government, will bo promptly prosecuted.
May 17, 1865—1 f.
VI -Prompt and careful attention will bo giron to the
•collection of all claim against the Government Pm Back
Pay, Bounty, Pensions, &c,
OFFICE—With J. W.:Gotten:l, Esq., in the brick row,
measly opposite the Court House. rieB-6mo
OFFICE: In. Treasuror's. room, in
`'Court House—up stairs.
Huntingdon, Dec. 10, 1663.
. •
he undersigned have aesociated themselves together
in the praejlce of the lave in Huntingdon, Pa. Hake in
'the one now, nnd formerly occupied by J. Jewell Sten,
.oz:ti nrijoinint9nCOurt' .
, • jnly•2o., 1864. , . .
ty •
Moo in tho Brick Row e nearly • opposite the Court
[April 1b,1853.
Clock & 4 iky . ;
• a c Ma k er,
. . dt the old stand of Swartz & McCabe,
..Mmccaletiti.*et dotal,
:;..: HUNITMGDON, ,. PA..
"Formerly.of the Prauklln Rotel;Chnmbereburi 7
• •
HENRY SMITH, Proprietor
'Huntingdon, Aug. 23, 1865.
JELiasotio3l3.oex - -
0 informs the public that he has bitten out a license to
cry sales at any place in the 17th Congressional district.
Address him at Riddleshurg, Bedford county, or Pont.
master at Jena Creek, Linntingdori county. -80768ra
flne removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Hones
April la, 1959. •
T E. GREENE, , .
' DENIM 4410 mas
Orrice remoTed to opposite the store of
D. P. Groin, in the square, MEI street, Huntingdon, Po
April 13,1864.
R. D. P. IsIILLtR,
Office opposite Jackson House, offer/ his service
to citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. nol-ems
RI JOHN•McCULLOCII, offers his
'i D professional eoreleee to the citizens of I.funtingdon
and vicinity. -Office on 111111 street, one doorenst of Reed's
Drug Storo. . ' . -Aug. 28, '55.
S. SMITH . , Dealer in Drugs, Medi-
Li. cities, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, 01Is, 6e. Aleo—Ciro•
eerie's, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pa.
Dealer Rardware, euillry, Paints, 016, kg., 'aunt
ingdon, Ps. -
T ROMAN, Clothing; . lints mad Caps,
]toots and Shoe% Le.
Dealer in Dr- Goods, CI rOellrliak Hardware, QUeona
ware, Gate and Cape, Boots aqd Shoal, de. .
Q. El HENRY & CO., Wholesale and
• Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
iblee.ware, sod Proctsious of all kind., Iluntingdon.
ri LONG .& CO,,•Denlers in Candies,
4‘.._./ 'Nuts, Famiky Grocatias, Huntingdon. Pa.
TrENRY • ST ROUSE & CO., Markles
a it brag, Pa., Dcalorsixt Dry Goods, Groceries, 014.
:AFRiOA Dealer in Doots and
Ehoes, in the Diambud, Iluntingdon, Pa.
ir T.
TFib P D _BLOOM - , liuntingdon, Pa,
- Dealer In Ready Marie Ciothilig, Hats, Caps, &a.
kA Shoe Merph.44.ll-tfolito±l44ltt:
.] I WESi'lltooFc.. Tiealer in
14 )°"; igN" , / kuniingdon•
7 - .YENTER; . fn — GioCeries: and
all kinds, linutlngdon,rf!.
cI.I.MG . S COHN, Coffecs. _gun, Dealetin
,Iq, Men Goods, Groceries, Wood Sod Wltlo y Wa
oNTz • & 8110., Marklesburg,
; '&arereict Zioaar Madeaotiling, Jewelry, Am.
o'lll - PPA 4RALTTAGE & CO.,
.lienters 114130114 was 4'iLtiriiiiry; Huntiagdon.
BR:E STER, liuntingdott.
iiVV tenre6 by kliotropathy.]
.3r GUTMAN cSCOI; - Dealers in Ready
1 . 124m¢d0 Clothing, Hunting/on, Ps.
j or Livery shple, IT4nbingtou street, Iliattlugdo9.
B• 31 : GREENE,.PdaIer in Dlusic,tiiu=
Initruments sewing Machines, Iluntingdon.
SITOBMAKIP 4 R, Ag4nt, for the M
.).09 gid 6or, Pa.
„ .
P..fiRTIMBAIJGH, - Agent for the
/11_ • Victor Cane Mill, James Creek, Bunt. co., PA
N .e r tmi 11
Plain and Ornamental 314a1a Manufacturer.
DeateririiiDokij Itiatra
Iments, Iluntingdon, ra. . • •
Th , noderßigneil pliers -his services .tca hnelnoea
ini!n ancl others deBleingeireularetljetribLjteiror Lim:OWN!
ile,aed. - Ile cam be tiAiCli the GLOBE aka. '
..tug. 16, ISGS. 'JOHN KOPLINe
'lf yo:ti '•vant your card . uetttly printed on ektvel
°Doi. '
, int MB torts, for sale at
4F1TL5 4 ../JOOK ST.,I 7104TERrSTORE
.$2 CO
. 1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
(4310 he.
Ity request
The years env slowly by, Lorena,
The snow lies on the grans again ;
The sun's low down the sky, Lorena,
The frost gleams where the flowers have Wei
But the heart throbs on as warmly now,
As when the summer days were nigh ;
0, the suntan never dip Below
Adown affection's cloudless sky.
A hundred months hare passed, Lorena,
- Since last Ibeld that hand in mine ;
And felt thy pulse boat fast, Lorena,
But mine beat foster fur than thine:
A hundred months 't was flowery May,
As up the hilly slope we climbed,
To watch the dying of the day,
And hear the distant eh:hub-bells chime
We loved each other then, Lorena,
More than we e'en dared to toll;
And what we might have been, Lorena,
Hod but our Wings prospered well;
But now 't Is poet, the years are gone,
I would not recall their shadowy forms;
would to them, toot sleep on,
Sleep on, nor heed life's pelting storms.
.Yes, those were words of thine, Lorene,
They burn within my memory yet;
.They-touched ammo tender chords, Lorena,
That thrill and tremble with regret;
'T !es not thy, woman's heart that spoke,
That heart was always trusts me;
duty, stern and pressing, broke
Tho tie that bound my heart to thee.
The story of the past, Toren,
Alas!f care not to repent;
The hopes that could not last, Lorena,
They 'lnd, but only lived to cheat;
I would not cause e'en one regret
To rankle in thy bosom now;
For if we try we may forget,
Were words of thine, long years ago.
'lt mnttera little now, Lorena,
The past to in the eternal past;
Our heath; will soon lio low. Lorena,
Life's tide to ebbing out so fast:
But there's . 11 future, 0! thank God! •
Of life there is so smalls part,
"I' is dust to &Wit beueath the sod ;
• But there, up there, it is heart to heart
• i
Iyur the Globe.] r
Beauty of Ambition.
It seeks the chambsr Dribs gifted boy, ,
And lifts his humble window and comes in;
Telt narrow walls rxpand and open away
Into a knightly palace, and this roof
Lifts to the sky, and unseen fingers work
The coiling with rich his zonry, and writs
His name in burning letters over all."
Nature is an admirer of excellence,
strength and sublimity. Her moun
tains tower lofty, over the , puny ; un
assuming bills; the mountain torrent,
when it has amassed its power, forces
its way through the natural impedi
ment in its path—leaps with concen•
trated strength down the yawning
abyss, again swelling with giant might
it rises once the surface, and
glides swiftly to the great ocean, its
destined goal, leaving far behind the
feeble rivulet,'that creeps along like
some wounded, spiritless reptile, which
is interrupted with impunity by every
little pebble, stick and stone that tries
to defend its resting place, until at last
it drops noiselessly and unknowingly
into the absorbing path of the torrent.
The blushing rose of the valley, in
beauty, grace and fragrance outrivals
its sweet sisters ; the industrious tribe
of bees, with all the etiquette of social
manners and learning, and with the
docility. of inferiors, .how their tiny
heads in humble submission, until oth
er rivals have evinced their supremor
eXeellence. Thus it seems that all at . i •
mated creation is governed by superi
or minds; and-superiority can only be
attained - by patient and concentrated
toil, stim listed by some inward feeling
or outward object. Nature wisely
created her pillars of strength for the
. ,
support aud.equilibrium of bor balls,
but science and art woo to their sides
the vigortrd s . t inA:
active minds of am
hltious • for ambition is the
wheel that sUpports the richly laden
chariot of intelligence...
-A fragile flower, left alone amid the
terrors of darkne,ss,-bowed its: helm.-
, •
tiful head to the keen blasts Dr 'cheer
lefisniglit and felt that it Was; doomed
to' wither without acconaPlishing the
object ofileloVely - missioo; but a ray,
like a hom.darted through the
gloomy crape of the east and shone on
the, haggard• countenance; the poor
fieviiii'glanted up ..and.beliold the Ira
potency of, its foe ; reinvigorated by
smiling nature; it blooMed once more
instrength and — heauty' ,is the
same with man when the first- object
of his heart and soul is crushed by the
overwheitning. weight of difficulties;.
energies, prostrated he r gazes
around the' dark and gloomy maze of
hiSi fortune• and beholds' the dreadful
prospect of therfuture;. but rosy"fln
gered ambition rose . ' from its throne,
like the angel o:.roeurreetion; and
pointed to road, whiph'Seenied never
to have been trodden by. -man before ;
the poor heart, cheered by the golden
prospect, and swelling with the'bright
emotions of hope, rose disenthralled
from the heavy chain ' that bowed it
down, and with strength, and desire
of action, went to work at its new task.
0 ambition ! thou art indeed the ob
livious angel of disappointment. The
splendors of starlit night thou unfold
ethtO the straining eyes of thy pupils;
the mysteries of teeming. earth thou
layest open to these who have passed
through thy weary ordeal of patience
and labor. On thy brow we behold
the brilliant star of progress, on thy
bosom the lovely form of science is
nourished, thy hands bear aloft the
glorious instruments of art. 0! what.
would the earth do without thee, thou,
bright shadow of futurity. The past,
with its thrilling memories, its heroic
examples, its beautiful pageantry. its
fierce strifes and deeds of magnanimi
ty, Would be covered by the dismal pall
Of ignorance, if not radiated with thy
illuminating presence.
The harrowing, but sohl.inspiring,
spectacle of the seven children of Fe
licitas being mangled by the famished
boasts of the Colosseum, their bones
torn from their so6ketabY the fiendish
machines of their blood thirsty pm°.
enters, and crushed to atoms by the
huge stones which wore thrown , upon
them, would never . have 'made that
mother supremely proud of them when
she did not behold the least shadow of
a doubt flit across their child like but
deterniined•countenances, had she not,
like a truly ambitious parent, pointed
to their mind the glories of their here
after,, if they would, like sons worthy
of her and . their now faith, die without
a - murmur or regret. 'Brutus, with all
his'deteStation of superiority and over
leaping amhition, was more ambitious
than his great victim, and did more to
the downfall of his country than any
other Roman. Crushed vanity struck
the mortal blow which extinguished
forever that great genius who combi•
tied the varied qualities of conqueror,
Statesman, orator, and author. Ctesar
was ambitious, 't is true; but progress,
education, civilization, then , unknown
outside the limits of 'the south, owes
the very essence 'of their success to
that ambition; for the wild and savage
hands of the north, Who were in the
filth of harbaristh when subdued by
Caesar's arm, with the quick percep
tion of their vigorous minds saw the
great advantage and blessing of en
ligbtenment, and became in — a few
years More civilized than the Romans
Thou who cheered, and . supported
Shakspeurc, and who comforted the
misery of sightless Milton ; thou who
placed the lightning of heaven in the
grasp of Franklin; thou who art a fearful and timid aspiring
souls, thou art as weleoMe . to our
homes and our heUrts as the first blush
of morning is to merry, joyous nature.
If though but eittest enthroned in the
intellects of our country, there' will be
"Flowor born to blush unseen,
And waste Its nwoutnoss on the desert Mr."
per. A man long noted for intempe
rate habits, was induced by Rev. ,Tolm
Abbott, to sign the pledge "in his own
way," which ho did in these words:—.
"I do pledge myself to drink no more
intoxicating drinks foi: one year."—
Few . believed he could keep it, but
near the end of the year he again ap
peared at a . temperance meeting, with.
out having once touched a drop. "Are
you not going to sign again?" a s ked
Mr. AbbOtti "Yes," he roPtied,
can do it my c.twn w:-.y," and accord
'ugly he wrote "I sign this pledge-for
nine Inihdred and ninety nine' yours,
wid:if I live till that time, I intend to
take out a, life lease!'.'. ~ A few days ac•
tor he Called,,upon the tavern keeper,
who welcomed him. back . to his old
haunt. ' "0, hindlord," sald'he, as'if in
i t such alp rap• on:my side!"
'l'hat'e,beeause yOu'ye stePPed.drink:
ing ; you wont live long, if you keep
on,". said :the -landlord. "Will drink
take? the :lurnp'away?" , : "Yes, and if
yon don't drink • you'll , soon, huve
lurn'p.ion. the .other iside.- ,Ooine,r!let's
drink together," and he potired out
two' glasies of whiskey. ".1 . 'guess I
wont drink;" saidthe former inebriate,
"especially if keeping' the pledge will
bring,another lump, for it isn't so very
ham' to. bear, after a 1 1 .,? cad with this
ho Army out the lump, 'lion "of green
baelts,'frorn-hiS side poeket,',.and walk;
6 . doff,;le,riYiUg . thelandlonl to, his own
, •yos sr ;. The funniest story of tho ago is
told by A . Detroit paper. A iady sus
pected her husbzind of iinproper inti-
Macy with the hired girl. Without
'informing her husband ; of her , inten•
lion, she sent the girl off .that night,
mid wont to sleep in the
She had not. Leen there long when
somebody came .and. toblc:the _other
half Of tho:bed. About two hours'af,
ter, the wife arose, intending to reveal
tho'infidelity of her spouse, and struck
a light, when, lo! it was the hired Man.
air A Frenchman ,writing,t letter
in English to a friend, and looking in
the dictionary for the word "preserv
ed," and finding it meant to pickle,
wrote as follows: "May you and all
your family be pickled to all oternity,'!
The Brakemen.
A very humble doss of railroad men
-a, class that get poorer pay in pro
portion to the work they do and the
dangers they run than any other upon
the road are the brakemen. `!'hough per
haps loss responsibility rests upon them
'they are placed in the most dangerous
position on the train; they aro expect
ed to be at their post at all times, and
to flinch from no contingency that may
arise. Tho managers of the railroad
expect and demand the brakemen to
be ne prompt in answering the signals
of the engineer as the throttle:valve is
obedient to hie touch.
Reader, were you lever on a train of
cars moving with the wings of the Wind,
skimming over the ground as rapidly
as a bird flies, •darting' by tree and
house, through cuttings and over em
bankments And did you over feel a
sudden jar that almost jerked you
,from your seat? .At the same time,
did you hear the sharp, sudden blast
of the whistle, ringing out asif the
hand that pulled it was nerved by; the
presence of danger, braced by. a4erri ,
blo anxiety to avoid destruction? It
frightened you, did it not?' But : did
you notiee the brakertion then ; Lle
rushed madly out of the ';ears, ! ati if he
thought the train was going to destrue
tion surely, and wished, before the
crash carne,•to be oat of it. No, that
was not his object.. Re caught hold
of the brakes, and with all ,the force
and energy ho was capable of exerting,
applied thorn 'to the swift revolving
wheels, and when you felt the gradual
reduction of* brakes you began to
fool easier.' 'But what , thought the
brakeman all the time'? ,Did bethink
that, if the danger ahead was 'any ono
of -a-thousand which might happen?
if another train was coming toward
them, and they should strike it? if a
disabled engine was on the track, and
a fool, to whord . the task was entrusted,
bad neglected to give your train the
signal ? if the driving rain had raised
sonic little stream, or if a spark of fire
had lodged in a bridge, and the bridge
was gone? if some loosened rock bad
rolled down upon the track; 'or if the
track had slid ; or, if .some wretch,
wearing a human form over a hellish
%Id, had lifted a rail, plaCed a tie on
the track, to hurl engine and car 'there
from ? if' any of .these things were
ahead, and the speed of your train be
too great- to atop, and go plunging into
it, did be realize that he was the first
man to he caught; that those two ears
between which ho stood, ;straining
every nerve to do his share to avert
the catastrophe, would come together
and crush him,. as he would crush
worm beneath his tread?. If he did,
ho was doing his duty in that danger
ous place, risking his life at a' pretty
cheap rate— , -a dollar a day—wasn't ho?
And still these men dO t4ikoi-ery, (14
(Or the same price and at. the same
risk; while passengers regard them as
nerssary falls Who will beContinually
banging the doors. So they pass thi3in
by, never thorn a kind word,
scareely•over.thanking them for the
many little services which they unhest
itatingly demand of them,; and, if the
passenger has ridden long,, and the
jolting and jaring, the want of rest has
made hiin peevish, bow sure be is to
vent hisepite on the brakerna.n,hetiause
he thinkshiat, the inoet humble, and
therefore the iriOstileprOteeted Man On
the train. ,And the:brakeman:end:urea
it all; :for if ho 'answers back's; word,
Who assorts hie ma,cheedt-- Whieh'manY
&Cent to think he Sae T qlo ; for:hia
thirty dollars : ia,107
ported et the: .Oflicei,agarbledltersion
of tbo affair. given,3atid • the Airitliti
Irian is discharged.' • " . •
But have a care, oh l most chivalrous
passenger, "you wholly into such a pas
sion if your dignity •Is , offentledbY .
short answer. You may quarrel With
a man having. a soul in him beside
which yours would look ; most pitifully
ineigniticant,,,one Who, were the dread
signal to sound, wou!ii..llio2°llt into
the danger and, throwing hlmseltinto
the chasm, die for you; areid.all the ap
palling scents of the chaotic wreck of
that ti cara,"as 'coolly, as deter
minately; as, unselfishly as the Stuart
queen barred the deor . .with her own
fair arm, that .her ,fiege lord , might
escape; And then, methinks, you
would feel sad when you saw his forth
stretched there dead,iill life cruShed out
of it—ronce so comely,now so mangled
ana unsightly—and thought that, with
that poor handful of , duet, from which
the soUl took its flight so you
had, just been piekipg,4 potiy quarrel.
If you read. the acconnts,cd .railroad
acoidents as carefully and with such
thrilling interest as hav?; you will
remember many incidents where
brakemen were killed while at their
post , discbargiug :.their duty. Several
. •
. . .
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have come tinder my immediate Obser
vation. On the H. B. IL, one night, I
was going over the road "extra," that:
is, I was not running the engine; but
riding in the, car.. I hoard a sharp
whistle, but thought it was not of much
consequence, fur I knew the engineer's
long avowed intention to never call the
brakemen to their posts when the dan
ger could be avoided ; ho said he would
give them a little chance, not call them
when they had none. The brakemen
all sprang to their posts; the 'One in
the car wherel was I saw putting on
his brake; the next instant, with a
shock that shook everythingloose•and
piled the seats, passengers; stove,' and
pieces of the roof all into a mass in the
forward end of the car, the, engine
struck a rock, the ears were all piled
together, and I was pitched into the
alley,np Close to the end which - _was
all stove in. I, felt, blood trickling
from .my hands,.• but thought 'it was
from a wound I had received on the
head. .Isoon found that it was Char
ley McLoughlin, tbe : brakeman
whom, I. had knit :been talking, and
whom I saw go to the poet at the - first
signal of "danger: The whole levier
part of his body was crushed, but :he
Yet lived. ~We got him out as soon as
possible, and laid.him.beside the track
01311, door, then went to get the rest of
the dead and woundtld. We found one
of the brakemen dead, his head smash
ed flat; do
. tither ; one, Joe Barnard.
was hurt just as Charley. was, and as
they wore inseparable companions, We
laid thorn together. I took their heads
in my lap—we did not try to, move
them; as the physicians said jhey
could not live—and there for four. long
hours I sat and talked to those men,
whose lives wore surely but slowly eb•
bing away. In life they were as broth
ers, and death did not separate them,
for they departed within •fifteen -min
utes of each other.. But notice this fact
-the brakeman who 'was fuund dead
still his hand the shattered
brake-wheel, and Joo Barnard was
crushed with both hands still grasping
his. Yet these men were "only brake.
Initial rads in Our History,
Our children are taught French,
moral science and conic sections, and
read histories
,of Greece and Rome.
How few of them, and how few men
and Women, know anything of the his.
tory of their own country, except an
outline or a few detached facts. How
few undergraduates know that Colum.
bus undertook his first voyage in the
expectation of finding the Grand Khan
of Tartar'; that he set sail On Friday,
1492—thatunlucky and direful day—
that on Friday, ton weeks after, he.
discovered land; that he supposed Cuba
to be the continent; that he first
reached the continent on the north
coast of'South'America six years after
ward ; that upon his fourth and last
voyage lie founded the first colony on
the main - fund on the Isthmus of Pan
ama ;* that twenty-one years after the I
first discovery the Old World was as.
tosished to find they bad discovered: a
now world, when they reached the Pa=
(a° across the Isthinus; but that Ca
bot, an Englishman, reached the shores
of New England a full year before Co.
iambus touched the continent; that
San Augustine, Florida, is tho oldest
town in Amorica; • being just three hun
dred years old ; that Santa Fe, Now
Illexico, is the second town in point of
age . ; 'that twenty yearslater.—.l6o2--7-
California} Wtie discovered and eXPlor
ed ; that in 1663 a
,T4 4 ronchman,,Slenr
de illente,, made thq first settlement
north of San-Augnstine,-at Annapolis,
and't;wiee.atiemPtocita `Settlainent on
dape'God, MI Was drivenoff' hy` the .
rilitiVes; ; that charaPidif i ftiunded,
b e e in 1608; that our, coast,,fra,M F'4 l3,
sylvania to New Brunswick,., was•na
med Acadia l afterwa'rd Now.Tranee ;
that Canada formerly corapl , etended
our, Yormont and. New s 1.01:4;
Virginia was so mLined by. Walter Ra
leigh in honor Of giteii, Elisabeth,
1584, wheatie,mado hits exPloratiokof
the • North .Garolinn coon ; that the
first English Child hOrn - in America
was Virgima' Dare, daughter of Ana:-
nias; that the projected onlonY failed;
that Jamestown. was, the first 31 ngli§k
town in. America begun. in 1607; and
named for 'King James I.; that • the
wart of wives in ylrginia WasSogretit
that in 1621 a largo number , of young
women "of good character" wore trans.
ported to the colonyon speculatipn,and
sold to the lonely settlers for' 120 to
100 pounds of tobacco each ; that NeW
England was so " named'by John Smith
in 1.611 ;_ that at length a, settlement
Was wade; without a grant from ;the
Kings Council, at "New Plymouth,"•
and dent its roots doop and wide into
thc'scanty soil by a baud of 102 pas.
stingers, December .11th, 1620, who
came in a small craft whose name has
been spOken from the, occident to the
mica—viz: 00 "Ma,YflOWeXY'.
$2,60 a year in advance.
The question is often asked by the
young setting.out . iti ife ,, What shall Is
do? What had I better follow ? What
business shall I pursue, and where
shall I locate f Most of mankind are
dissatisfied with their own business,
and with the course , they have pur
sued, and think they would have dono
better at something else; and therefore
will seldoln Tecomruend the young to
follow the same business they have..
Or, it may be, they experienced the
difficulties, and see the hardships and
obstacles to be overcome in the track
they have pursued, and are unable to •
see them in a course of life which they
have never, followed or known. ,
It is quite certain that there are dif
fioulties in every business and in every
walk of life which the young and inex*.
penance can not aee, and arc never
known until, experienced. Some have
far greater difficulties in the same class
of business than others. Sonic have a
peculiar adaptedness to their,business,
and their success is natural; while
others, by reason of their , health, con
stitution, and training; are•not at all
adapted to their 'business'-and ,the
sooner that'idass chaoge.their busioess
the better, Ibt theta. Some have nut
tbo 'faculty nor energy to anceeed at
any , thing; and are usually contented
that they don't—because a man, With
out energy is usually contented as be
is. But a large class of young. men are
men of energy and ability; casting
about, and always on the alert, anx
ious to know what, will torn up for
them. It is this class of young men to
whom advice is the most acceptable
and valuable.. '
It is an erroneous idea that some
kinds of business are very easy, while
others are very laborious. It is goner.
nlly.thdught-that if,a man can only be
a professional man of some kind-L
doctor; lawyer, or minister—his labor
will be light, and his life, a happy ono.
Young people often say to themselves:
"Oh, if I could only'be a merchant or
a business man, how soon would I get
rich." They little know the mental
care, anxiety, and bodily, labor they
have to endure. Theyoung men who
flatters himself with an essay life as a
professional man, Ualess,he his peeitli
'ar fitting qualifications, or an influence
by reason of birth and position in life,
at this day, will find himself badly de,
ceived when lie cornea to contend with
the world, and 'earn his. livelihood.
The young man , who thinks that
studying his profession and receiving
his diploma aro all that is required' to
nr.ake him a lawyer, doctor, or minis
ter, .and secure ;for hint a living prac
tice, is sadly deceived. The young
man who exrocts to reap the golden
fruits of his literary acquirements, as
soon as he 'passes through college is
sadly deceived.
The world commences to mode with
a man when he enters the active are•
na. and hustle' of business life. VI
then the'youth takes no note of time.
It comes and goes without • a perpliai
ty, or, a thought. But when thrown
into the great. maelstrom of human
excitement caused by business; when
every hoar and minute is counted, aud
each brings duties and anxieties,; when
one care'passes but to make: place for
another; when obstacles tower before
you like mountains, and' ditilculties
sweep over you like waves, - , then can a
man realize what it igt ih'e for•bim
self. . - ,
Many of the young often think that
if they . ., could 'but chdose a city Big,
where, they ~can see .:all, the life ; and
gayety ; -df the world, and attend all its
plea - dares and - Vanities ) tlinY 'Wont& be
perfeetlY;litippyl"But, alaal hOw man'
scores annually deceive themselves
leaiing, 'cone r a lo homes andd-good
Pfisitionain the country to come` to the
city te starve? The great Weit, in our
opinion, with' its open flood gateillis
the true "place for :,youth of'efir land
turn nd, m 4 , 60 46:
P.4/; (38 ; , q 0 0 :present.
4 1 ?/
for , some.years,to come will; open the
greatest:field: foi - capital,- labor, on.
terpriSe, and talent, of anyeiherlir
enit;underlheayen; Today, the wealth
of our- country is fast centering into
those :pursuits. :.Commerce domande,
and 'will demand„a large-amount of
capital and active''enterprise; ; ltat'slie
Must depend open, herrnore prodtre:
tive''sisters, agriculture atitlrnanafaC.
Lure, for all she has 'or does: And it is,
therefore, to 'these 'two riacsiiits that
theydUth of our lgu'd can most prOftta•
bly' direet r , 'their efforts.' Since' the,
commencement' of the war large num
bers have left prbfessional and mercan
, tile pursuits and found profitable em—
ployment in that of manufacturing.
And the demand still. Continues. Arl
tieles of consumption, both grain; pro
duce, and wearing apparel 'have be,
come so scarce _that, be years
before the market will be AST
plied. Let the
,yoath of our land reap
gic ,bcneft, o..oq,oppoTtpoi.tio now
NO. 21.
To Young Mon.
cito'BE .'OF.VICE " is
---the-moat complete of any liithe - Menntty(aid pee
sums thgmeat ample facilities for Pr o ll 47 7 , geMtlnd IA
the Acrt atPg - tirery TariatY bench
'PROGRAIttlelit; •
- • -
- tAt.. imp niamire iisarksiro ow wwqr ) _
~.,. . -..
Proolamation by the Governor.
The 7th of December appointed a State
Thankagiving Day...._:
ILtintsnona, Nov. 7.—ThefollOw
ing proclamation waissuedlO daY•
With f43olings of the most koloond
gratitude to. Almighty God, I invite
the good people of the Commonwealth
'to meet in their places of public Nynr
ship on , Thursday, the seventh day' of
December next', nnd'ittlidihehliedi;ts
and voices in' praise' and tLianlaigivi l ng
to Him, not only for fhe,manife4
dinarr blessings whinh, *ring :the
Past - year,' lid' has cofitiiined'loldap
upon nic for'alidndatitind gathered
harveats; for thriving indifetrY; for
general health, for domeStiO good Or
der and government, but also most
'and ferprently fOr - his'un
equalled' ' go - oarless in haYing' so
strengthened and gliardod'oui
during the' 'last 'four,yenia
have' been enabled to' crush to . the
earth the late Wicked rebellionte ei.
terminate the systein ; of humdtfelain
-17, which minded it: As we wrestled
in - prayerrwith'Him in' the dark y tinie
of oiir trotibleovh•Onl ov . h.`rothe'rif and
sons were Ataliing'life 4,nd liinhibr'ils
on a bloody fosid,'or Steering
ture or famine in 1 - ,he . helh?of:Ander
sonville' to Libby, ffornßwt,,,,h,en
our supplications hays been so marvel
lou`slY'und' graciouslYinsyered, let its
not withhold from Him the hoMage Of
oar thanksgiving. „Let us pay,ko. all,
"Choose, yo, this d ay , whom ye, will
servo, laut • for `lti and -mit
will serve thci'LOrd;' Como,"then_ 3:1)
people, :Whorii' hath so fii,ip o
led ; come ye war worn mutilated
'men whom' Be hath Oared' . to_retura
to ybfir'dear homes, let ua throng the
gates of Ins tempieS; let us thioNy , our
selves An the knees of 'our heorto, w ith_
a wilful joy at'tbe fooi'of His thrOne,
and rendo . ralotid our i11:0180 and
giving to Him, becauSe He hatVinado
the right to prevail;, beeauseHoliath
given tie the Yietor , y; bei l luse_ . ife,hath
cleansed our land from thestain.of
human slavery, add because ~ Hp- b ath
graciously shown
,foythin the, eyes of
:01 men tbo great truth that,np goT
ernment is so strong lie rppublie curt
trolled under his guidanee t by ap , 0 40 -
cated, moral and, rellginus people ,
By the Governor.
• "' ••
S e eyia , t,ary of the.q0.51,710,!1Y5(?ft,141,c,
1. National Thankfigivinv , .
By the President of the T7i3i4e:d qtgee,s.of
Whereas, It ,bas pleased Almighty
God • during the year which ia now
coming to an end,•to,relieve.OU/ belov
ed enantry froM therfearfriLseourge of
civil War, , east to-perrnit us lo,seente
the blessings of , peaue,,unity, andlat , .
many with al great enlargernenl,ofoit
il liberty : And whereas ourllleaveßly
Father has.also duting..the ,year , igr4-
oiously aver.ted,frornjus_the•ealamitieS
of, foreign; war, pestilence, apftfiiMips,
while our granaries are fullof,the fruit*
of an abunclant.season
l And
righteousness exalt:eih a . nnito`ri, - ;1:711e
sin reproach to`itni'p6i,pl"4'''''', lea
Now, thiii•eio r iS; li`a it' that
AndreW JolinsOn, cift the
United' Stated, - dO herabYrOcoiniaand
to the 'people"thereof
r that they dO r iei
apart 'stied observe the'first
of becember'neFti as a`driyofNati i oniil
ThanksgiVen' . kCethe
tiniVersi for tISb ` 60"detivoiiti ` ces'aiiii
blessing A.itid; r fill air? Ire i;1 ) -
ifkit Vcgskiii
people make oonftsaltimof
pinsiagalopt.Hisiia4nit.e‘goodriose,, - 4pd
. s witt! J ena, hourt:XuAcone".milld,:illlPlaS
the , Divine g,uidgaes in , r , thilJATT-ti of
riatiPnat pi 0 1 11: AWL b nog
• In .to.4l4oo,llYlWhPkeiifirl•,4l%YgillTili•
unto ~set IT/y.l l [4A @p lealWern tlamesi
of the••llnitsd,states o to'belaffixed.ll , ,,!f
. Done !Ati n gle -"city, of ,Washington,
this tpventy,eighth cifSyilfjOetckPpili
- 71 in the year of our 1 ; 400 oao,tl/pu,s, F
and eight hundrcid' and isixtY Ova,
an d d i pae, indi4Pt.e4+:ll4tVet - - - lee
:I'M :u7/ tfl.l
, ;se6.:A Colonel of one orth - e Bonsai
regimentaf'was reeently , •eoMplittrlidg
at am eV6I:I idg part,yq .tbat'from 'tbs .
norance and inaetention.ofthe officers,
he was obliged - to""do . th,e Orde r, 4nty
of tliCregiMent., 9airi 110, ' r:T.
own majormy ownt , my own capta,m,.
lientemint; my own; enei„F,p,
sergea.nt,.`a l nd—:-"
,‘,‘Your ,i otix f
eter," Said a lady' PfeeCnt,
• ~t)“
I ; t. •
I 1 4 conversation onfemltttrtiltig
on fitntiPveig: 6 9ffiii!..*rtißraP4e4
I•o:a;peAacoi,, l ;!(tßasi§9 I:lA 4 , o 4Rotti
the ~ ,3 18,1"(-1
1A914 VITPVig-AWMIIP: 41*Pilleljitl%
by pairing."