LADIES' FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA'S ' - -OLD ES 7LA TiatEXXI.ll.l.SiCiClid•V 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, PIIILADELPZIA litdra ti r o* In * etoro of own Deportation and , fact tire, no or tin .'it 0 MST and moat 2.IAHTIFUL arttottots of Fancy Furs, • LADIES' and ciur, 'EN'S WEAN, in the y. 'Alen. o.flite'aeeort tl of- 131'onFur t. es and Collars. em enabled'th disponi my - goods - at very '7ASONAIIIM PRICES. I 'l''Nebula' therefore iclt'emill -Dann my !ode of Huntingdon inty and ,olcinity. umber and Street I 'JOHN 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, South side, PITILADELPIIIA. CZ= LW.L HAVE NO - PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER BTOIIE: IN PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. Liberty White Lead ! Liberty White Lead ! TRY IT . TRY IT ! Warranted to corer Moro surfnee,. for same wei g ht than any other Boy the beat, it is the cheapest. TRY IT I. : . TRY IT! Liberty Lead is whiter than any Liberty Lead corers better than any other. Liberty Lend nears longer than any. o ther. Liberty Lead Is more economical than nny other. Liberty Lend Is more free from impurities and Is .!Warranted to do merit and better work, -. at a g tyen cost, than any o ilier. Buy the Best, itis the Cheapest. Manufactured end warranted by • ZIEIGLE.B. & SMITH, Ti'holesale Drug,- Paint & Glass Dealers, -137 N6rth Third Street, Phi cui,is6& • . 1865. PHILADELPHIA 1885. Weol.l 32'etiaiero,. spa. nowELL &:: BOURNE, DIANTIFACIVRERS OF Paper Hangings & Window Shades, N. E. Corner Fourth & Market sts. PHILADELPHIA. N..8.—A1%;745-in store a largOsto6k of LINEN and OIL SHADES. Philadelphia, Aug. 234 m. HENRY HARPER,. 520 Arch. st., , Philada. , WATCHES, • PINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVERWARE, and superior • SILVER PLATED WARE. octl.l-8m I: K. STAUFFE,R, A . . , WATCIIMAKER,•AND JEWELER, f. No. 148 North . 81:001iD: Street, .virti - ei. QuarrYt PIIILADELPLUA . An assortment of Wntches. Jewelry, Silver do Platod Were constantly on hoed, .5(17413LE FOR HOLIDA PRESENTS? Xad-RePedring of Watches and ".promptly attended hI!.III7ItNEY. • P. Tllo3lr.sos IViI3iIRNEY & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE FL Ci d 333 I=l. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1453: iiiiktr.U.-6t PHILADELPHIA: u1y12,1865-3m. ' • ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Ate cy n . n.. qualiel by any other Reed Instrument In the country.— Designed expressly far 'C'har,che's and' schools, they are fetirel to be equally adapted to the parlor and draw ing room. Dor sale only by It. 11. BRUM, No.lB North SEVENTH street, Philadelphia. *B. Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a ;complete es- Imminent of the BERPECTItIBLODRON. sel7-1Y JAMES 11. ELDREDCA. ; :r...ELD.REDGE.