t 1 be. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Nov. 15,1865, LOCAL & PERSONAL. To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with' a tbetore the name will understand that the time fur which they subscribed is up. If :they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. .! Brief Item'. dernandaiready—market —ln tcwll 7 -,Copt. J. A. Doyle, still in the service. .Ile looks well. —Corn in the oar.should be sold by the barrel or basket. —Several more of our brave 'boys :got home last week. —Lovely—the:we'athei• (luring the past few days.' • - —CourVecinimeneed this week. The 'attendance is good. • • ' ----‘."...lfagnificent," said • - td . bo,--tbe krout and dutch cheese promised us on first market day., • —We understand= that the store of R. S. Wvatbreolt was robbed of , about t4O ono night last woek. —The. Pennsylvania Railroad Com. pany car _,repair shop in West Hun tingdon is undo'. roof; , to loos : a like town—West aluntingdontieveral now buildings /aro under roar' ' • --What our citizens expect—tlfht every farmer who bite been feeding them will come to time on Market days. —Somebody, on.-Sunday night last, ,entered the ',cellar of - John' , \\Thorley, and borrowed all his provisions. —For rent. on-market days "free, gratis, for not„bing"..to ,the first who Rome—the b6S‘t localities in market fiquarii.-• —A .ehnngel bag been made in the -running time of trains on the Broad Top Auilroad. See qchedulo in adver tising . - —.ltogs in ,this locality arc fat . for the season's i bu Whaling: , Their hams, sides, shoulders ,and sausages will soon attest whetLet: 4 they deceived their looks. ' protraOted meeting of the M. E. Church al, Miibeadellstown, this coun ty, is in successful progress. Teo pen itents offered themselves on Saturday tight • . • —Sharp—a number . of. farmers who regularly bring a, load ,to town once or twice a iieek; are delighted with - the now Market arrangethenta. "The early bird catches the first worm." Merchants and others who wish to make money during the holidays well know'liat now is the time to adver• Tell the people Alitat yon have, -and seek it. sof stone coal discov ered in tbdricigbborboOd Of Orbisooia i ibis county, bas been tested . ,, and the' probabilities are that that locality, *ill , become a noted coal region. Tyi of e, we understand,• is soon to have a locafme*spaper. We hare seen therHerald - flying and the Stars dying, that were published there,.but we pee : diet for the now star'4:,lonk existence, -4t-is found that' the barle:of loeUst trees "is poisonous to ,hin.ses. If it was ,only discovered - that niaple-teees'ar,e POisonous wevwould see loss hitch ing horses to them, than is now the vase.- - —A plan, [whose . :natue - we tikl not learn, was shockingly bruised on Sat mrday last by a locomotive,while stand ing er walking on the track near Ty- Tone. 'lt hi 'thoilght be wily not re boyer,":- . • , Fifty conCcUrrency is counter. feited, lnit can be deeected by close ob servation. So' are;' twenty-five cent notes and even`.tens. A man that counterfeits such email game `will neat attempt to circulate real shin plasters. Freezing vienther has set in, giv. ingpnr boys, young men,' young NV 0. gal en and the Skaters generally, bright prospects :for an ' early trial of their ,speed, and another season of exhilara- Orig. sport. , • , . . . . . . —We give an account in our items ; about home where a lamp exploded in .the absence of the proprietor. It is a bid'practice'to go out and let the lamp burn With the wick low,and one which will be attended with disastrous cense .quencos. if notstopped. —Almost a frightful accident occur red one day last week. The axle broke of the driving wheels of a locomotive attached tO the : paslsenger" train, :near MeConnellstown, which if it bad ocs curred but a few steps further would haie occasioned, undoubtedly, loss of lifeas it'Was near a bridge. —Any person or any porsons who find themselves in need of good goods and fashionable goods can be supplied at the cheap wholesale and retail store of M. Cunningham & Co., on Rail road street. Don't let the chance slip, but provide for, yourself and family before the coldest days of winter sot in. —A general rejoicing among the la. Vorjn,g class, that there will be a chance for them to got something to eat with out, throwing away half a day to hunt it Market. days will be a groat institution in the "ancient borough" if the fanners will study their own and the ihtere;its:'of - our industrious chi- HUNTINGDON IVIARZET AN ORDINANCE to establish and regulate a Market in the borough of Elintingdon. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgesses and Town Council of the bor ough of _Huntingdon, and it is hereby enacted by, the' authority of the same, That it shall and maybe lawful to have, hold and keop within the said borough, one market on Tuesday and one on Friday in every week of the year, on that part of Hill street known as "Thelliamoitd.' And the hour of open ing the market shall he 5 o'clock, a, tn. in April, May, June, July, Angust, and gap tember, and ,0 o'clock, a. tn., in all other months of the , year, and not earlier, under a penalty of Five Dollars against each and ev ery person violating the same; §E.c. 2. The Burgesses and Town Council shall appoint a suitable person to Market Master, who shall perform all'things belong ing re, his office, and. shall be removable' for neglect of duty, and another from time to time appointed and removed ns the Council shall find necessary. Sec. 3. From and after the first day of Deeember, 18135, if any victualer or bunler, or other persen; shall on any of the market days or any other day of the week,hawk from door to door, or by any means sell or. offer for sale within the said Borough :hefore twelve o'clock, IP, any boef,veal. mutton,' lamb,'goot, kid, pork, venison, woo beheese, butter; pool try,•dend or alive, eggs,.fisk, veg,etables, fruit or Other final for the use of man, (Miles,' the same bo engaged previouS to Market day,) at any place or places other titan the market place in said Borough, he or they shall for felt, the value thereof; ape' half to be paid to the market master for the use of 'the corpora tion andthe other half to the person ur per sons who shall prosecute vvithin one week after the effenee shall litre heen committed by giving infordiathin on oath thereef to any one of ' the Burgesses... Provided, always, that ,nothing herein contained shall extend to any person selling within his or her own dwelling house, - or to any person offering for sale while - alive any cattle, Calves, sheep, gnats, kids, bogs;" Shoats, pigs or deer, or to any person Selling milk: SEC. 4. If any person or:persons shall buy up;.ditring.Market: hOurs,Anykind of mar keting fur the purpose of forestalling . or re tailing in market, such 'Person so Offending shall pity for every offence' Five Dollars. Sec. 5. The - Market:master shall give his personal attendance on each and every inars kat day, and Shall examine by the legal standard all weights and measures used in. said market; and - shall upm the application of the owner of any wooden measure mark tiro same With the letters 11. 111. with a brand iron :to be 'kept hy,him for that purpose,•and such owner shall pay to the said Market-IMM ter therefor '5 cents; rind .up;in all, metal weights and measuos the said blarkot-master shall stamp the same, letters with a' stamping iron, alio to be kept by hint fur that purpose,' 'and shell receive from the' owner thereof 10 cents for :each set of 'Weights tied measures by him, stamped. - ; ,' , *:6; It shall'he the duty of the Market master ~ t o,seize, carry away or destroy all weights and measures used in said market place, or'oti 'arty street, on any day, which upon examination by the legal standard of Avoirdupois weight, liquid and dry measures, shall be found to be deficient; and all provi-. skins which shall be offered for sale accord . ing to, etch false, weights and measures shall be immediately seized by the Market-master and forfeited ; the'one half thereof to the use of the corporation, and the other half to the use of the Market-master: and the'Said Mar ket-master shall seize and destroy all unsoiled and tainted . proviEions which may he offered for sale in said market, or on any street, and the owner thereof shall pay the current price thereof for the use of the corporiitiop upon proof being . made to the satisfaction of any two of the Burgesses that the Owner thereof knew the- - said provisions were unsound or . tainted before he or she offered the same for sale. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of tho Market,: master to take care of the weights, measures and brand-ironS, which have been provided for the use of the corp oration ; and he shall, . not apply, nor stiffer them to be applied to any other use than that mentioned in this act, and shall be accountable to the Burges ses for the same, and shall deliver up the , 1 same to his successor in office. Sec. 8. The Market-master shall on. the last Monday in May and the last Mon:lay:in November•io every year hereafter deliver in Writing to the Burgesies or any two of them astatsd account of all moneys by him re ceived in pursuance of the net; , and shall 'on each settlement pay to the Treasurer all mo neys in Lis hands which by. this act are ap propriated to the use of the corporation. - Sec. 0. All meat or other things usually sold by weight shall he on eeales or with scales and weights. Sec. 10. On application to the Market-man ,ter fur the purpose, hU shall measure all wood sold or offered to be. sold by the cord, and shall be .-entitled to receive from each appli cant the suns of 15 cents for each call' ' fo r measuring measuring ono or more cords'or ,any part of ono cord; and all .weed measuring less than mird,`Sif less titan guch part of is cord as the ,same 'may he represented to . be,Or may here been soldfor, shall be forfeited; the one half to the Market-nmster, and the other buff • to - : the.nie of the eorPoration. • Sc. 11. All articles (unless tainted or un sound). forfeited duri ng' . market hodrs shall be seized and sold by the Market-master at, public outcry in themarkerplace to the high ' est bidder; at 12 o'clia of the same day ; and All articles forfeited elsewhere shall. be - sohl by the Market-master'afpublie oute'ry to 'the highest bidder immediatelymfter the seizure, at any convenient place. Sec. 12. The Market-master Ann see that a passage for vehicles - through the - market place is kept clear, and thatmarket wagons, &c., are conveniently 'arranged. Sec. 13, The Market-master shall for every market day that he attends receive the suns of 50 cents out Of the funds - of'the Borough, to be paid upon an order upon the Treasurer drawn by any, two of. the Burgesses, in addi- Lion to the perquisites arising to him by vir tue of this act. • Sec. 14. That if any person , or :persons shall take by violence or otherwise any arti cles exposed to sale Within the bounds of the market place, and, carry' away, eat or destroy the same without making full compensation to the Owner or owners thereof, ho or they shall, besides such compensation, Pay a fine of not more than five, dollars or' lees than twenty-five cents,' at the discretion of the . Burgess before whom the offender shall be tried, which fines snail be recovered "by war rant from under the hand and seal of any one of the Burgesses for the use of the corporation SEc. 15. All ordinances and parts of ordi nances,.relating to the regulation of markets, heretofore passed, are hereby repealed.- ratt•ning Turkeys. As this , hind of poultry is largely represented in this place and connty, preparatory to their being sacrificed as an offering on Thanksgiving day and Christmas, we give the following recipe for fattening the same, which is'taltemfrorni the Ainqican Agricultu rist : ' • For each turkey mix a pint of Indi an meal with ono pint of unbolted wheat flour, and pour boiling water on it, stirring rapidly till it forms thin mush. Place the dish where the foWls can have access to the feed at any time. Let skim Med milk or Water be given also. In two weeks they will be fat and oily as butter. They will fatteii better to have their liberty in a spacious yard. - Lam') Explosion.—A lady resident of Lewistown left a lamp burning in a room with the wick turned low. When she returned she found the room full of smoke and the mantle piece in names. The lamp had exploded, A Trip Northward. Having occasion last week to go to Lock Haven we (the junior) according ly repaired thither on Wednesdaylast. Arrived at Tyrone in the morning at quarter past eight, and took the Ty rone & Bald Eagle cars at quarter of nine. This, it will be recollected, is a new road, but is one whieh, in the short time of its existenee, has well attested its worth and importance by the great numbers of passengers that nightly arrive from the Phila. & Erie intersection at Loek Haven, and frOm intermediate stations between there and Tyrone. The course of the road is directly through the Bald Eagle val ley, , and a straighter, better : or. safer line of travel we have never ridden on. There are none of those frightful curves that:you repeatedly turn along some other roads, but the track can be seen for many miles distance behind yoti It penetrates through a Somewhat lev el, but uncultivated region, though at, different 'sections may ho' seen ; the uncouth. monuMents of the' pioneer's Progres.4, and a Whole field of stumps was , not an unfrequent sight;' .At times we would stop at named stations; but as usual along all railroads just in their infancy, we wore at a loss to see the houses, and consoled ourselves that we didn't a sight by thinking that they wore only water stations.— Many'Uf the stations along the road between Tyrone and Bellefonte are dubbed With:: the -familiar nano of "Furnaces," such as "Bald Eagle:Fur nace," - "Julian Furnace," &c. Thig led us to belieVe, (for it Mustbe derstood we are not officially :Or per, sonally acquainted with the geology or topography of that country,) that, bra: H of ono' or more species abounded. We were informed upon inquiry that coal andiron is discovered in eonsider• ruble quantities in the valley. But our attention was more , than once drawn to a column of smoke curling upward in•the midst of a forest at the foot of the mountain to our right. This indi cated so many steam saw mills, and if we mistake not they are working, suc cessfully. More than half way up. the road the noted town of Bellefonte 'is reached, and although off the direct route, yet the train is backed up.to accommodate the citizens. Not desiring to "locate" for any length of time at this place, no description of course can be expected, LIM. what - we did see of it front the railroad presented itself in a creditable aspect, as the town, we understand; is built on a hill, and therefore must let its lights shine, not only in Bellefonte, but in our Gubernatorial chair, and as College Prepidonts. We "back down" in our description-of this place, as we backed down to the main line of rail road, and were once more steaming over the direct road to Lock Haven.-- The country begait to look more . civil. ized front Bellefonte northward, and we were led to opine that the star of empire was taking its night northward instead of nearer honio. Fields ap Poured to, feel relieved of, their late abuthlP.nt yield, the Bald Eagle creek to our left babbled merrily by, and, as we passed on, the march ef enterprise, industry and necessity had reared is its train a beautiful array of neatly con structed villages, which cling tojami liar and gentleman dUbbed Utica. Tile railroad still continues level, and with passable speed (which could without danger be perceptibly increased) ,we: journeyed on to Lock Haven, which we reached at 4itiarter past twelve, having traversed the distance of fifty six miles about three hours and a half. Loqw. ITAXEN. is a beautiful town, and is the county seat of Clinton. it is situated on the. banks of the West Branch of the river Susquehanna, and in time of very high water is subject to a universal baptiz iog„ which' results the proinisenoue destruction of everytking detitructible, or else bearing off everything that gives way in its impetuous course through the streets. This is the great, disadvantage there is in having the water so close, or rather of water on a This place, if, it never 'was, should be noted for its substantial ars cbiteetural buildings, much taste eri- cloudy baying boon :displayed in al most every quarter of thu town to add to its appearance in this particular and in their surroundings. 'The streets like those of our own town in this sea eon, are muddy, and need to be paved or macadamized. The place contains four largo steam saw mills which are doing a successful business, several large hotels, the court house, the poor house, two printing offices, several schools, four drug Stores, innumerable other places of business, and, withal, fifty (more we think) bar-rooms, which, we trust will soon give way to the attacks of the Temperance society in encouraging operation there. The number of ,in ; habitants is computed at 4000. There is good society,. and in the circles where it was our gratification to move, we found the people moral, intelligent and very kind . and hospitable. From Lock Haven we took the Philadelphia & Erie cars westward and went to ItENOVO This is the place we long desired to sob, as hero it is where so many of our residents have "gone 'to seek their for tunes," and we have had the anxiety to see what it was that offered the in• ducements. We find it. a growing, a fast growing place, alive shout twO years, and when we left 'it bad about 1200 inhabitants, but we ::would not feel safe in saying what it has now because every s train since may have brought in Immo more. 'it is situated in Clinton county, about tWeuty.eight miles West of Lock Haven. Tlie build ings are all frame, with the exception ofthe Pennsylvania. Railroad houses, and the probabilities aye' that, all the rest will be frame untihtlae igreat de mamtfor house roonvis.satigfied. The town is hemmed in by s twe large moun• tains, which either have to be scaled.or removed to give the peoPle place to Ideate; and the cottntry around 41'14: Inoantainous affords little or no proiltctions, and the citizens are now supplied', by market' cars from Erie, over a hundred miles distant. .- The place contains altirgeend beau. tiful .depot, where :gas sufficient is manufactured to, light it, machitie shops, the best in the 'State,a reservoir, several stores, •and some hotels and boarding housts. The sceneryis beau tifulAn.d the '.climato salubrious. ;Of the Huntingdou ,folks there Mr..J. B. Givin' has a Store, Mr.',7. J.'. Lawrence is Superintendent of the middle divis. ion on the •Philadelphia'&:Erie , road, and Mr. V. Crouse keeps wboarding house, and many more or,ale ?Omer residents of Huntingdon are eMploy ees.-of the Railroad Company. The citizens are as yet too beSy and too unsettled ,to make' themselves acquain ted, hut we predict the sceiefy'of-the repreaentatiVes Dorn. old Huntingdon will make Renovo a Second . Hunting don in this partieular;and'the eitNens will be noted.for their generosity, so ciableness and good 'nature, "Our'sprice•forbidsus giving a more extended Stecount of our. -trip, but we would adVise it as ono wbieh . to be•ad mired must bo, experienCed. 'Pit:tunnel% of oinesis. , • . The foflowing.are the, names of- offi cers installed at the lastc,Ogiilar moot ing of the standing StoPOLodge, No. 85, I. Q. of G. T., of.,Ws,,,place, on Tuesday evening: '•-•• ; W. C. 17.—G, Bat ton' put4age. W. V. T.—Nannie Miller.' W. S.—Hugh Lindsay. W. A. S.—Lizzie Levis., •-• W. 1.-Ellie Anderson; • ' W. F. 'S.—James E. Gli;oone.. W. M.—John Maguire. . W. D. M.--Ellie Orbisoff. W. R. 11. S.—:Ada Douglas. . IV. L. H. S.—Evastus Bsnedict. W. I. o.—Ne4.iie Black. W. 0. G.—lioward ere w it. P. W. C. T.—David Black.- '• o=l We publish' to-day an Ordinance adopted by the borongh' fathers on Saturday evening last, and .we invite the.attention of all farmers to it: Our , citizens have fOund it necessary to establish . regular tnarket'dtrys,"and: we believe it will be' telhe interest of the farmers who sell in our town, as well as to the interest of a large majority of Citizens,: to live pp strictly to , the requirements of the Ordinance: \Vo hope there will be a goed s ' attendance of market wagons on the first day, as everybody will be prepared to buy. 'lVOlo',stytt , s for '66 already on hand THE LARGEST and . STOCK: OF NEW STYLE S OF . , . WALL PAPER Ever reeei74 iftlntingdpn, NO OPEN And for sale at: 1,Ei14e 9 114 4 3oti'Stdro OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF GILTS; SATINS; BLANKS, BROWNS of various styles; foi Parlors,' .73 - alls,,piniag Rooms, Offices, Bed Rodms, Kitchens, Bar Rooms, &c. Piper is on , the rise,-,-sixre 20 per cent • by buying -soon. It will" pay all to bUy now for Spring use Especial to Leolles . Now , that .tho holidnys are coming, people aro'lookiiiiitroind, for suitable presents for their ,frionds, and:. there seems to be a general anxiety , with the public 'to secure tR Photograph Family Record. The'agent, Mr. Har rison, finds it difficult to supply every body. " , • ItC3 — IVO clip the following from one of the. Philadelphia daily papers.—t Our people visiting ,or sending down to the city, Would do .Well to make a note of it . • • ' WANAMAKER & % eines FINE CLo• TulNo.—This establishment, located at the .corner of Sixth. and Market street, Philada., familiarly known as "Oak Hell," is probably the largest and best conducted Ready Made Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. , House,- in the State. Their superior syles, excellent workmanship and moderation in prices have made their house deservedly pop ular. In their Custom Department, where elegant garments aro made to order, nono but the very best artists are em ployed, and the tine assortment of ma terials to select from enables eceriene to bo well euited. Samples will bo sent by. mail, and instructions foi Measuring, when writ ton for.noB-2m . . • IMINN MARRIED, On Tuesdity, 7th by Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. Jolts J. MrEns, of Mt: 'Union, to Miss REBECCA C. thiB place. On Thursday, Oth inst.; by the same, Mr. GLOB, lE W. Davin, to Miss ELlzn J. GuEENtAlstn;both of Onion, township, Huntingdon county. On November 7, 1865, by Rev. W. Downs, ItonEnT B. Haßvr.y. of Shir leysburg, to Miss SARAH E. ETCPITSON, of gill Creek, Huntingdon county. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. • WM. AFRICA • llnforms the iniblic that he has "lust • opened at ble old stand In the Diamond, Huistiagdon, • A Fine Assortment .of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen:and • Children. All of which he will sell at fair prices. quick gala and rinanprofits, ran and stamina My clock. Meartfactirringend Repairing &tile to order ea usual. Duntingdon, Uct- 10, 1301. HARDWARE' -AND. CUTLERY ! • STOOR ENDLESS VARIETY OB • HARDIVARE,CUTLgRY, NOW OPEN - AND 101? SALE BY JAS:. A. BROWN , HUNTINGDON, PENNA. GALL AND F,XAMINE OUR sTora Huntingdon. °a 17. NF,w- , , . AT LOW PRICES. M. GUTMAN • JIAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF .. NEW FALL AND, WINTER 000pS,, Which heoffei.s . to all who want . to be CLOTHED, . , AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES... Ms Sleek Coiiii - sis of Iteatly-made Clothing for MENiAND BOYS, . ASO, DOOTA AND HIDES,. HATS AND CAPS, SC., AC. Should gentlemen dosira any particular kiiid or cot clothing net r. n.l In the stack on band, by leaving their moan re they can be accommodated at short notice. Call et tite east, corner of the Diamond s over Long, Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Ituaingdan N 5. , NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST CLOTHING in Town LEOPOLD BLOOM HAS JUST RECEIVED; Alf.Atto6 NSSORTMEINT,OF , NEW STYLES OF FAL I; AIVD WINTER 'GOODS, Mitch ho ollbis to the Public AT THE CHEAPEST RATES. Ms stock consists of - •(= TS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. &,. Ilis store to at the OLD BROAD TOP CORNER, TIVNTINODO!i, Where Ito will bo pleased to recoil, al.) occommitote all CUitanierg, LEOPOLD BLOWS. Huntingdon, Oct. 10,1805. , • A. T TEN T .1 .0 - ti! IL S. WESTBROOK teo. • e respectfully call the attention id' the public to their (rub stock and attractive Y. VT% - rhty ' 4 61. t GROCERIES, t CON PECTIONE RIES, 4 TOBACCO & SEGARS, Orr, N UTS, TOYS, Mel In Ilia everything meratly,itept ;In Heel, a store. They 111 . 0 prOplttyl to xcllat 010 111,st rearonahhi prices, and by a eli,se attention to 'biriaess, and their endeavor, to ' , lease even body they hope to via the good will and patronage of she:public. Their store is located on 11711 street, directly opponito the First National Ilattic and formerly occupied by Mr. Win. Saxton.' NOW OPEN WHARTON::&'..MAGUIRE'S NEW • • 2E3axecliansorbe atci)rizi, IY-TIIE 111t0.9 TOP DEPOT Tho pablle geuerally are lurked to call.befare• pureler dug elsewhere. Huntlugtlon, Juno 25,T865. , , TIE BEST .113.aittplt 61,36.4:11.14/3Loe.. fill CEO. SHAEFFER: - • ••,I.lasJust ritornoti from tho ettlt with 11.2", BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C. Which he offers to the Inspection of his customers and the public generally. He will cell his stock at the most ASOTABLE. PRICES; Anil those VI!O purclinip once will surely, cull nolo BOOTS Pc SHOES. MADE TO ORDER; and REPAIRING dono .In Clio neatest and most expezll Call upon Mr. Fehaeffer at We shop on *lva, a low doors west of the Ulantond. .47 GREAT ENTHUSIASM 1. HIGII PRICES SUR REYDER .11 THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN IL WESTBROOK Vik bespectfully informs the citizens of illlntiogdon pad vicinity that he hoe just received trolly the city a Haw and splendid stock of • 'BOOTS' & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &e. all of which . hels prepared tonal' at reduced pricy.. A lot of choice CONYECTIONERIES have also been to; colved. "Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old onto. more end the public generally are Invited to call. ,•, Huntingdon, nor( 12, 1885. ' • •••• - • .137 11 ' - inCitY • W.A.MIT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, AT DONNDLL & KLIIsTE'S PRO'COGRAPH GALLERY Qii Hill Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. liwutlnvian,,Oct 4, 'O5-tt. New Furniture Establishment. • J. M. WISE , • Manufacturer and Dealer In Furniture, Ratrpectffilly hivltes the attontlon of the Public to his stand on Hill at, Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean'. National Rouse, where Ile manufactures and keeps all kinds of Fornituro at reduced prices. Per. sons ITiShing to purchase, hill do well to giro him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. inr• Also, Undertaking carried on, nnd Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. 031- Funerals attended at any place in town or Goan ry, by , .1. 31: RISE, Iluntingdon,Sept.24,lB62-tf 00K BINDING. • 474 pools. Magazines, or publiaatioat k ot any kW. Mond to order, 11 left at LEWIS' BOOK ck STATIONERY STORE. niLD BRASS AND COPPER taken VV in eickanga Air goods at the Illitdware Rota air. a, lan_ • Jaa, I_iitQW SPI;FiNIDID„.,STOCK • 1865. . 1865. CLOTHING. ROMAN. NBN • OLOTIIING raft I^ALL AN ItriNTER, ' JUST RUONIYED At 11. ROMAN'S . • CHEAP CLOTHING STORE: For Geptlemen's Clothing el tho best ecstatic], and Wads - n the best workmanlike wanner, call et H. ROMA,N I .S, opposite the Franklin Noltee in Market Square, Minting• liantinvion oct li, iOl. NEW STOCK' OF GOODS. . • EVERYBODY Is INVITED TO 'OAI,L AT S. S. SMITH'S' STORE, ON HILL 6TDEGT, lICTXTIZIODON, PENNA rnt.: PST 'SUGAR and MOLASSES, • Col! grx, TEA and CUOCOLATE, • FLOUR. MR, SALT.and VINEGAR, CO . NFECTIONP.RIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, , SPICES. OP TDB BEST, AND ALL RINDS, t•• and*ivory other article usually found lit a Grocery .Stan A cpo—, Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, , Paints, Vocal:1110o, Oils and Spilt. Turpntine, Fluid, Alcohol. Glass and Batty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL TILE, DEBT PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large number of articles too numerous to NI onjtcro Who public, generally will foam call and examiner for themselves and learn my prk. oa. • Illuntingdcm, Oct 17 • t CHEAP GROCERY- STORE, 1FMT07 . 17.1M11. 7 HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. PILE :undersigned:offers. for the 'in spection and purchase of Customers a large add no martedstock.of Groceries, Provieloris, Ice. I! feels Balls. fled they cad be accornodated with anything in his lino. Ille.prices aro low, Vitt stuck fresh and good. He keeps the best of., SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS ,- SPICES, SALT, • TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SLIOES, JIATS & CAPS, &c." • SIIOULDERS, SIDES, ;MOLASSES, OILS; VINEGAR,'.. FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICH, And NO TIQNS of every. kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, - together with QUR ENS WARE. and all other articles. kept in a well regulated establishment for sale al rewonable prices, . • .O'B••• His store ou Bill street, nearly opposite - the Batik, and In the room formerly occupied by P. tttoye.• Call and examine. Z. TENTER, Huntingdon, Oct 17, 1.5d5. NEW GOODS i NEW GOODS I 25. PIIR CENT. CHEAPER THAN Tall CHEAPEST AT BA% . 00 1.1 OFFEE RUN STATION,: Would respectfully• call gm Munition of file old porOns specially, and tho, public to genetal, to hie extensive stock of well selecieel now (loode s ,Just rec.:JP/IAS from the Eastern algae, convisting, inpart, of Dry Goods, . Clothing, Wool OR Wo re, Notions, flats rind Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queensware, Giro eerieS, Wood and IVillow-ware, Tobacco, Sogars, Nails, Glass; Provisions, Oil,' Fish, Salt,, Tinware, Cop per Ware,' :Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches &a. and all other articles kept inn first'claes . ' ' 'tog. store; nil selected filth the( greatest euro and 'which were imr chased for cash only; and affords him to sell them At a very low-figure. The public will. Bod It to their advan tage to call and okanilne our unsurposseffstock, before pnrchusing elsewhere.' NO pains Will he siairethirt ehofv tog our-Goode.! Ladies aro 'specially invited toes:l:nine our large . stock of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, enters; Fars, nude great variety of Woolon.Gonds;Bosio. ry, dc. Also, a linndscinno tingbVtreent of LADIES' COATS All kith]. 'at prednce Wien •In.exelinngo eV the highest ;nark et , prieci--Caidr not • refused. • By strict otter, non to the wants of custatooreove hope to receive aeoutinitation of the liberal patronage with which we bare been heieto fore favored. Como ono nod all. and vat 019._ NOW Goode received daily.: - Oa 181805, COILS. ee,fff. "• - A ' r? 1 1 01.nA"! . . /.3'l,B•P' BOOKS AND STATIONERY. sIMPSON . ARMITAGE ' GO ETAIING , PURCIIASED tho :in .ltettoccof Wm."lon ; wsnozlerto the public izabpricosuurl2ni,rsoerm. . . . MECII4NIC AL,. : . RELIGIOUS, • r SCHOOL, AND . MISCELLANEOUS .1300 P, STATIONERY, POCKET BOOKS, PORTMONAIS, &C y , '" . AlsO,tatest Styles . . WALL PAPER & ViTINDCYWSHADES :11A6AZINES;aud Daily tind Papers - constant es,Ordoro from abroad promptly atteodmi to. CALL AT BROAD TOP CORNER. !hintlngdon, May3,18651y WAR FOR THE UNION. NEIN ORLEANS, ST. LOUIS, MEMPIIIS, NORFOLK, .te. TAKEN.—ASIIBY SLAIN, AND TUB BACK- ' ; • BONE •ON " 8E0E811" BROKEN ' But while yon rejoice et; the success of our Fallout troops. and the prospect of the openly, downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forgot to cell at the store of • .WALLA.CE & CLEMENT • borer. purchasing elsewhere, and see our new. stock goods, consisting of . Groceries; flootraudShoes, 7 : QIIVOiRWELM Tobacco, Sagan, . Ditch, ... Shoulders, Nish. ,Flour. and a general assortment of notion., ell of iridc fered on ressonable fetid, for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1,1803: •. l e ' t, . 1 C,C)317 . IV - MNATIES,I GRV4TREDUCTIONIN PRICES!! 111 tia'eeeSs of our armies apd the conerlinent declnie In 'the price of gold end other conuodltive, enible me to send GOOD. TIDINGS TO THE 2 LAcssmiltrs, and all ethers who buyllloN, STEEL NAIhS, Having moved my store to the largo and COmmodiotle Bricker Store ltootm Dave remitted a large assort ment of WAGON TIRE,IIOIISE SUOEIRON,•round and square BAR IRON, bought from the Maker' since the de cline in gold, which I am selling at GREATLY' REDO ' CED PRICES. • - All bereMis wishing to , bily Inca STEEL, LOCKS, PAINTS, WASS, or any kind o(, HAIM WAM.II for clieh, will °are money by sending their ordure, or Call. ing at the Murderer° Store of JAM A. BROWN,' April 6, '66, • Iron tlugdon, Pa. M'MANIGA.L'S LIVERY STABLE. MONTGOMERY . STREET, Between the. Baptist and Catholic Churches, 15IINTINGDCM, PA. 44C % r tillE PUBLIC GENERALLY aro informed that the subscriber in prepnred at his New hi ENS' STA BUN, •to accommodate all with - • HORSES, 'BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on short notice. • , tint4IMPAPMANIGALIa. Huntingdon, March 8, 1811:•-Iy. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. E. 0. & G. W. COLDER.. lIATING entered into ea.partnerhhlp in the Mozart&la Ilrevrary, the public are informed 11%, that. they trlll be prepared at all time, to fill ) ' • orders on the ohortost natio. Aterandria, Ja0.13.1665-if, w;!_ Fine .Cigars and -Tobacco= for sale ?t , Ticv•V 'Book store 'ON SA.L.E.'j . . ONE new . trotting-BUGGY, ono' good CARIII,BOI4 wed -one krAlthl, three -years QM next oPring• I:LEOPOLD BLOOM: Huntingdon, Oat 25, 1865, - PUBLIC sA - Lk • • OF: 7 • •. , PERS'ONA.L .- PAOVERTY• Will be sold at my fern:L..lu prnnittin townchip, Spruce creek, On Wednesday, p esday, November.lsth, 1865. „ , the following erenal i.roperty, -3, mai-es, 2 cops, 1 Durham bull, cows. 'heifers, calyea. , B.shaep; 1 abetter white boar, 2 'lowa, 2 threshing mrcblnee bowie pow ors, otiaw Outte'r; buckeye rnow9y,..nd s ii lot u t fulluipg 1:n0110e - too tedinue fu mention. = ' 0c23. „ t O£O. D. PORTER. PUBLIC SALE of REAIiESTATE ORPHANS' - 0011RT.iiSALV.:i ptirsunnen order of the 2-9 - .. I.pluing? Court of Huntingdon comity, tholinadenitgland will offer for solo on,tho premise., 011 • . . FRIDAY, , NOVEIMEIER 10th, 1865, AT ONE 0 1 01;OCKY. 31.; all the in serest of Mare • Y. and Lavinia C.Vuliace, minor.children or Ropers P. Iyamen. deeesseil, in that certain pies° or pareel•of lanikultnated jirkrapiclia lininshiPs lying. ol l' the bank:oft:the Juniata Ater, and opposite tho old site ot f putou • Vutnaco.:adj,,in. log lands of John Wean on the north, Daniel Shultz on the east, AlesuudorEtewart on thclotiOl, and John Dy sart on tho went; containing about" 72 ACREIS iblOßte, TEEMS OR snE:—One bait of Pnrchan mono] ic paid upon confirmation of,ealecanct Site Other 'LAI pieta. uf in uno year thereafter; *Hit iritcliest,:t6 itaketiroli-by bond and mortpgo , ol tie purokaier. •• r • '• t 1 J. M. GENIIIILL, (Mardian. Arty- We, tio; bake of RoLert P. Wallefet I drui age, will at the same' time awl place, offer blir interest at stile. and will join with toe said Guardian in theleonveyarite of the alcove mentioned Intel of latidi upon 'tile snow wins RS above mentioned ** kV sAstimr.m. WALLACE, HEN • , .IWifiAC , JOHN H. WALLACE, 5u5A . ....0yu,LA94., Oct. 15, ; . ,; ; • N I CI O 3EL,SSALX.4IIt.. , ,'; TIIE OF THE I;ATE• ALikAN DRIA'FOUNDItY.' TILE . iiiiclers!gpecr: . nelL..f:t;cling to re build the Foundry nffejih,i4lia t4 @ -ruins and all property oared. .ThobuUdine Was a-st,Stio Structure.— The Moulding room utts.44 48; Wartryptim., hingigt Lathe' reams - wels' 33 'x'47 of didell ore drill standing nu d Oknric alio en lv,oro,bitt little SNOW ikt gine; boiler and sleek Are perfect,'r the unpile Is also egpod• lug uninjured. There Is a largo stock of valliiihibliiat ' • terns, consisting of rolling mill, grist milt, forge and for ate'pa tterns ; alurgestoclrOthlkilfor all kinds ortOrcti • a fall set of large • and Striall °rain aid baud Italia; the largealof,whipli Is .capable of kolging tweritydincd.tfllk graond connected isitlttha Fotmdfylrinfe arro`lnd fifteen perc,hes, oa Web there 'lgetecled,n fi'srtne building used as a pstitorn!ltoitle;alstil wagohiintrdertlago houses. • •• , • !,434 3 .9. ••_ • P• • Three houses dad lota. haring trait, &c.,a1l of whlqh will: be sold cheap,. terra a Asy.to panic the pqrCififile:` For•faither Patliculara apply In refs,an`6Cliy naafi le' . • • , .R. C.lfce (Lief 1 ..1 ) , AleiandrlaOlnutingator county CMII . A. TARN SALE; Tho...aubsAribeA. xilffsEilF. f)iivato sale a farm situated In Jackson tpwrialtlp,,coptatit . T WS,/ .13171TDR.E.4; 49,113.14, onci'llundrod.iirid;fOitideiShfcll l- 4481ttieliend the'hal• atice. well timbered with pine, oak and cheat:nth' . Alio improvements tonalst of d goad titfrllitiglioosti, bank barn,ibiatliouiltli shop; Corsi bonito, wegokijkod, aud other nec.rary out buildings. A branch of Stone Creek runs throdghl, and a spring of good and never failing ,watar near the house. A good itypee otolcitrd,ini3d;il of young peal, trees are else on the fr.rtn. ... . . . 'This ilftVde•alt?bleyicktjlen .y. ' Vellateapted to . thoraising of Welt; and is coirenient to schools ar d chinch. , i • • For further information Inquire stabs; ' uticlarsig h, i 4 itvi.!Ko.ther9l;4;•, , . •,,;•,/ •• (.„. 1 1 .., ,1..... . .. t ''l "'l'.sotEllll DUFF, oct-i3O iitillUkifDTlFFir - 2E 11 Ett,X•3132..35" 1 01", ' t d • "... at:private sale nraluable'lliniannie (arm containing _ :157•Acres, 141 Perelies,/. and allowances, situate jh "AVEST.TOWNSILIP, don county, Pa, ono mile fro . Petersburg, . I ?Otili,ls ou the lin , of the Pennii. • • ' About 120 acteaiire clearest and in good stabs of; cultiva lion, including some 25 'acres In messier:. Ing part is well timbered ana'll every, arrest - tellable:hr tanning purpd ea .. There are on It a large sVell'finliated brick Louse, a . a large bank barn, one tenant house, a brick sprlugc , house-, carrtagerhouse_ wagon shed and corii brit.— Also, an excellent applvaud Pl' o,l l °4 l llr il , pl P "r" are geed; facittling nemly 20Oinineopoqt;gri co. On the tarns :ire thine never failing springs of the best limestone water, and a ennnlng „stream passing through one corner of the barnya -This h3resents a rare rheum to obtain a productive, first quality farm. Per further-particulars CaTrupottLjr:sdilfikii . ,:pref IRS to October 20114 theliederslitied. /10:ED. Petersburg, Hunt. to. JAMES A. BROWN, Ilumingdvn. IVA 14 PAD L RN A 14-ISTATE -AT • - - - - PRIVATE "" -L The undersigned will • sell.forin reasonable price tbo fol lowing real estate Situate for DUBLIN 'Tarnsliip, Want- Ingdon county, belonging to Nits. Eliza 31, F l ynn , ,!,, No.l.—AdJoining hinds of James Neely,' Wiillarit'Ste tr. art, and 'others,. containing oho" Min:keg:And . tdx,tepie apregohd obtirtive Vetdbi , s; pOirtidj , No. 2-:-Artjoeninglands of Jirnen IsTeeig, nod James Cree, containing seventeen acres. more or Ica, No. 3.—ApJoining thonbove end containing seventeen nores and thirty-six perches, part whareorle 'cleared. The real estate above mentioned waapurcbasith by Hrs. Eliza 31. Sym at Sheriff's tale of the property of ifilliaur Any pershn misting to pinellasti: the aliovo.propertirs coin ascertain tho full particulars 'find terzmi of sale by calling on 14.(); Itobson, Eno .of Shade finp,•ni ,_,"l-CIOT1‘,13BOW1•1!& Mintiogdon„July:l2; . l96s. ftys.lor Pygn.. .LOTS7:7-FOR-':' , SALE WEST HUNTINGDON, ' ; ATPLT To ' . • WWIDO.R I 3 I iB:.S4 -. • . Agent for J. B. ThoinsOil. I3untiiigdonj 20; 1 1885'. • " .IPalai*XEL' 3E II- itto r 16 LBE : linclersigxo3.3.offer; tho!•Tana" , lo whlch they reside, lq West, townehip,..4untluglon Counly, at private- salo/.l't sltuitodAltroeliellee-frout Petersburg, end the, same distance front Itallr,oadund,ch, nal. It contalnii three hundred and f,oCtY- ni ne acres and allowance $ good building's, and•(lberia' ene'bilintltiiduted fifty Curia cleared, and well adapted fora"stithcbtii.d. RACIIBL.3IACiII-Iftg. npri119,11304-tf. rsexo Serc,ittitt: - . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AND SEWING 'MACHINES.: • -M. GREENE hag just - opetie4 his Music Store, one door ,west of W.Lewis' BOok 'tore, where he keeps constantly in hand STEINWAY & SONS' and OAEIILIG'S Plano Manufacturing Corirparooa PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDIIAM & COB MELODEONS; Guitars, Vlollaa Fifes, Vtntes; Goiter and Violin Strings.• MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chein,Goldets Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &0., Sc. " • SHEET MUSIC—MO Is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphin all the latest music, which persons eta distance wishing.can order, and bare sent them by mall. .• Also GROVER & BAKER'S Celebrated SOWING MA. CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every : kind of netting, embroiders perfectly; sawing Silk and • Colton - of all.hinds and colors for machines,' A r - Th • Person& buying Sewing Machinea the use of them.. • • • r Pianos and OrganelVirranted 'fur five genres • Those wishing to boy any. of the above articles aro in. vited to cell and examine:nine before purchasing else. whero Ely'prices .. ere the some ,as in jOyrre York sad Philadelphia. • . -. •: • • Circulars of Insirninetitri it. Machines; sent promptly; upon application with any additional information deaired. B. MAREENE, 11111 street, fitaltir3gdou,yet., sell Oho door West of Lewis' Book Store FRUIT• TREES, „ , , • • ORNAMENTAL TREES, • : . SEC.A.OE:2I4.EE3, GRAPE; VXNES • PLANTS, &C., At the narseriii of Taylor & Cremer Who offer the;ir stock . of well grown and thrifty TRIMS,. VINES, PLANTS, Ail., at , their aid rices. Th• exponso of grating and planting title stook been corred was the obtbreak Of the febelßen when tho price of labor Gas' toW,'thoy can :afford to tell these Trees at 60 per cent. lees than they can sell the came kind of trees next year. - 'While other Nurserymen bate raised their prices about 6G per cent., these still collet the old rattle this year; that Is to say—Apple Trees, $l5, $lB, and $2O per hundred, amoral:lg to site, &c. Standard Beat 50 to 75 cents each. Dwarf Pettr, 50. to: 75 Mall each; and $3O to s4s' per'hUudred. 'Plum and.Aprlcot; at -40 to:00 cents each. Also, Pesch, Cherry, Quince and other; tteatsi Grape Nines, Lawton Blackberry, BaspbeTl7 ' tr , "Straw. berry plants, 'Dahlia , roots, and Shade! no! Or4meit!tial .Trees—alt at the old . rites.... • • !.' • . . Motley Itiveated lit' fruit ireti . ti . tiu . to to. A gOk Now,lajt time in•order trees. •• •• • • • • Address,TEMODol l 3 ; ebB 1813.54 VA°g°Tl6.Pl Pqt • MEG o i:c 7, ! •