The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 01, 1865, Image 4
PRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, • PLANTS, &C., At the nurseries of Taylor & Cremer Who offer their stock of well grown and thrifty TIMES, VINES, PLANTS, &a., et thtir old prices. The expense of goafting and planting this stock halting t,eon incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when the price of labor was low, they can afford to sell these Trees at 50 per cent. lose than they can sell the same kind of trees next year. While other NuraoryMen have raised their prices about .55 per cent., these still sell at the old rates Oda year; that Is to say—Apple Trees, $l5. and $2O per hundred, nice, dm. Standard Pear 50 to 75 cents each. Dwarf Pear, 50 to 75 cants each, and $3O to $45 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at 40 to 50 cents each. Alto, Perch, Cherry, Glance and other trees; Grape Vines, Lawton Blackberry, Raspberry, and Straw- berry plants, Dahlia roots, and Shade and Ornamental Tress—all at the old rates. MOneyinTeged In fruit trees is corn to yield a good re turn. Now is your time to order trees. Address, TILDODORE 11. CRE3IBIi, ehtl, 1555. Huntingdon, Pa. 1865. PHILADELPHIA 1865. Wa3.l 3Pet.pgares, Oct°. HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF Paper Hangings & Window Shades, N. E. Corner Fourth efl Market at& PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in store a large stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES. rhllcdatphis, Aug. 23-3 m. K. STAUFFER , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ,). No. 148 North SECOND . Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA An anortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver A Plated Ware constantlY on hand, SOLABLE FOR HOLIRAY PRESENT& .10:P-Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. R. WDEENEY. E. P. TILOMPEON M'BURNEY & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE CI- .IIL Cio C 1 E .lEt. AND COMMISSION MBRONANTS, No. 1.41L8 TlVE,Etwit.ot Ist. PHILADELPHIA. n1y12,1665-3m. M'MANI(ML'S LIVERY STABLE. MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches, RIINTENGDON, PA. e l k \lea libtardlgi T I FTE PUBLIC GENERALLY are informed that the aubscrlber In prepared at Ids New L VERY STABLE, to accommodate all with lipßsEs, BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on abort notice. HENRY M'MANIGALL. Huntingdon, March 8, 1505-Iy. 'NI-ARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens untlegdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of eautiful marble now on band. Ho is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stoues of every desired size and form of Italian or Dastern Marble, highly Swished, and carved with appro. priede devices, or plain, as may milt. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be tarnished to order. Sy. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work. manship equal to any in the reentry, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill trout, Huntingdon, Pa. Iluntingdon, May 161866. 'WII. 2VltYtelic:i 3JS9 C:k3EL3M. . -•::' - '7,c . . - ±4.g . ; :,. , ..,. - ,-;,-.:. , fir / , ..- , ~..s -...,- q; ~• . -..-- fizowe-1 , „,- 3 .: : 2 —...f - ---•! - -. , !,,--.,-...., ' --,..,:',5 3 4,',: z i c . ~ 1 I t t tt .4 - I % t or -IL 2; . ,). _.,_„_ • ": - -5 3 - , v ~> MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND • SEWING MACHINES. Ptore, M. GREBNE has just opened • hie Music Store, one door west of W Lewis' Book where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY & SONS' and GA RULE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARIIART, NEEDHAM & COB' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Etutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOORS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden e3ciaser, Golden Trio, &c., &c. SHEET MUSIC—Ho is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphfa all the latest Mule, which parsons at a distance wishing, coo order, and have sent them by m ail. Also GROVER & BARER'S Celebrated SEWING MA. CIIINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sowing Silk and Cotton of ell kinds and color. for machines. . . Ronson' buying &wing Illachineu fully instrneted In We nee of them. • AIe ... MIMI and Organs Warranted for the years. Those wishing to buy any 'of the above articles aro in• sited to call and examine mite botoro purchasing else. whore My prices are the same. min New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. Ef. GREENE, • Hill street, Run tingdon, Pa. 11.527 • Ono door west of Lewis' rook Pa., ESTEY'S- COTTAGE ORGANS, r a teirweexProaely for Ch robe° and echoole, they aro found to be equally wall adapted to lno parlor and draw. Inn room. I 4 or sale only by Z. ld. BRUCE. No.lB North SEVENTH street, Philadelphia. tar• Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a [complete as. aortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. eel7-ly JAUES li. ELDREDGE. GEO. P. ELDREDGE. ELDREDGE & BRO., Publishersl Stationers, Booksellers, NO. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, (Above Chestnut,) PHILADELPHIA. Particular attention paid to the country trade. Always on band a large supply of Letter, Cap, Note, Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; Echool and bile tellaneous Books; Pans, Ink, Slates, Mucilage, Photo. graph Albums, Paper nags, Ae. , Ac., Ac. Liberal terms to cash customers. a5g28•61,-ly . rdoENTTELIT DANDELION PILLS, For MI diseases arising from one canoe, viz: Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, Weak and disor dered Stomach, evch as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid diness of the Head, Ww:kness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and Rheunnwt c Paine, Pains in the Back or Side, Nervous Debility, Lownws of Spirits, Impurity of the 'Blond, Blotches or Eruption' s ef the Body, Gravel, Worms, &c, &e. Sold at 25 cents per I, o x. rifeENTYREPS INDIAN VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! This infallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in all came and may be given to cnildren of all ages, as they ore purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. gra-Can be had at Lewis' Ilook store, Huntingdon, Pa. LOTS FOR SALE WEST HUNTINGDON, PA APPLY TO Will. DORRIS, Jn., Agent.for J. B. Thomson. Euntingclon, Juno 20, 1865. pa. Fip Cigaya and Tobacco fbr sale at Lewis' Book storp 11)/ looks 14, 1 kec t 1 1, ~ ' ESTABLISHED INIIB4O. Incorporated by: the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania. Located on the H. TV. Corner of 7th ana (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Deoigaml exclusively to Impart a thorough and PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. All clones of persons require and] an education. These possessing moans, noel it in conducting lair own busincea Those without meana mod it in obtaining and creditably filing lucrative positions In the employ of others. The course of instruction and practice is arranged so as to folly meet the diversified wants of ovary department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, as comprehended or embraced under the three general di visions of industry; Agriculture, Illauufactura and Com mere•. Each student is instructed individually in bolls theory and practice of Book Keeping, according to the most np. proved and labor saving methods, Tinniness Penmanship, Calculations, and all the collateral brunches of a complete course of business education; and upon passing a autistic. tory examination is awardeil,by authority of law, a diplo. ma, under the corporate anal of the college. Students are received at any time. And It Is believed that a practical experience of over TWENTY TEAM will be Considered by the public an ample guarantee of the prac tical character of the course and efficiency of the Instruc tion. All further information desired can be obtained at the College, or by addressing the Principal for a circular by gir i lf-A liberal discount is allowed to wounded and hon orably discharged soldiers. The college is open day and evening, jy12,1.865 1865. 1865. THE "VICTOR" CANEMILL. 13=11 COOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR. LION RAPID EVAPORATOR IN TILE WORLD! "SORGO lIAND-BOOK," FREE. CANE SEED ; by tho lb or bushel, "FOR SALE AT COST I Prince New AUTOMATIC oua rats. TUc great est triumph of the age! New stylo MELODEONS. with Improvements. Grover k Baker's FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Send for Circulars, &e. Free. A. B. ERTIMBAUGH, Sole Agent, att9.-9m James Crock, Huntingdon co., Pa. PROP. J. 11. 3VENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY, MORN COMPORD Internal and External 11ein% MEM An— Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux to one day, /Er Headache and Earache In three minutes. In , Toothache iu ono minute. Cam` Neonlsla In fire minutes, 4,1 - - Sprain. in twenty minutes, Atrir Sore Throat In tau minutes, Cholie and Cramp in lire minutes, Air Rheumatism in one day, VA_ Pain In the Back or Side to ton minutes, Cy Bad Conglis or Colds in ono day, Fever and Ague In one day. Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles, iks. Broachilia Affections, Dyspepsia, w r -st_ Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Its3.Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Keep it in your Families—Sickness comes when least expected. IMil I propose to check, and effectually dissipate moro ache and pain, and to accomplish morn perfect equilibrium of all the circulating fluids in the human system, than can be effected by any other, or all other methods of medical aid in the sumo space of time. TIIIS POPULAR RtMEDY is fast coming into use, for the fact that I cure, tree of charge, all these com plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do so. As soon as his applied it almest miraculonaly kills the pain. I do not ask you to buy before you are certain of its em Money. Ryon have on ache or pain, It is warranted to do all It purports on the label; otherwiee the money will be refunded. I do not propose to cure every disease—only a class named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, and in. therefore, nppliable, to the cure or natural restorative of all organic derange ment arising from an Improper circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prof. J. 11. Mcßntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other swellings In incredible abort time without any possible danger from its use under any possible circumstances. This is an internal and external medicine—cempowd of roots, herbs and barks, such no our forefutherit used.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to cure all complaints if we only know what they were. This has been a great study with the Medical Faculty for many years, to find oat the kinds best adapted to the aboye complaints—how to pat them together, and what proportions to use. J. 11. MeRNTYIVII, Proprietor, Reading, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. Muntingdon, Pa., Eept. 8, 1865. DR. VENARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT. SIOOOREWARD will be paid fur any medicine that excels this for the Wowing diseases; • Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Tots is an Internal and External Medicine, composed of Roots, Herbs and Barks such as our forefathors used.— There la a bountiful sopply on tho earth to curo all corn• plaints, if we only knew what they were. This ban been a• subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for n great many years, to find out the kinds best adopted to the aboTe complaints—how to put them together, and what portions to use. This wonderful remedy needs no recommendation BIM the results which invariably follow Its application. fay- This popular remedy is fast coming into use from the fact that it gives good satisfaction, 4-z•-rIIISICIANB aro invited to test Its efficacy in all casts of Rheumatism, Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin, Muscles and Glands. It has boon used In thousands of instances under the personal supervision of the Inventors, and has never disappointed their expectations. All wo ask for it Is a trial—experi mental proof—not the testimony of Gm men of straw, are the vouchers wo desire to present to the public. It would be welt for many now lying to beds of torture, if these facts could reach their sick chambers. It is more Important to them than to the inventors that this should ho tho case. "Truth. is mighty and must prevail." Az-Keep It In your family, for sickness comes when you least expect It. PRICE--ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL 11. SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGEII7, LIVATINGDON, PA Huntingdon, P 0.., July 19, 1865. New Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. Respectfully invites tho attention of the Public to his stand on Hill et., Huntingdon, between Conningham'o Store and Dcan'e National House, where be manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give hint a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. ASZ . Also, Undertaking carried on, and Cons made ha any style deeired, at abort notice. .4"Z.Nunerals.attended et any place in town or coon ry, by J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1802-lf IQUORS, of the beet, for Modicina prirpolt.lst O. S. SIIITIP T. IL POLLOCK, AtCy.nt.Lair, Principal PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS 30ar-olietrialgo I-Xi:A el, HUNTINGDON, PA. WTI. C. McNULTY, PROPRIETOR, Formerly unite Franklin Hotel, Clintobordnirg. TERMS LIBERAL. nuty3, 1865-Iy. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. HENRY SMITH, Proprietor Ituntiooon , Aug. 23, 1865. D. CAMPBELL, j" ATTORNEY AT LAW HUNTINGDON, FA. Offloo in Ow Brick Row, nearly opposite the Court tiouco.[Aprtlls, 1583. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House—up stairs. Huntingdon, Doc. 10, 1863. ALLISON MILLER, 6M, 1_ • • DEYTIST, 1L removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court llortee. Aprill3, 1950. T E. GREENE, 0". DYNTIST. %JAW Pi • Woe removed to oppoeito the store of P. P. (twin, laiho square, iSill etreet, Ilunthigdom Pa. April 13,1864. GUT.i)IAN & CO., Defilers in Ready .runde Clothing, Huntingdon, Ps. T \lt. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his I y professional services to the citizens of Iluntinglion and vicinity. Office on 11111 straot, ono door oast of Rears Drug Store. Aug. 25, '55. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi k_y • ,Ines, l'orfunzery, Dyo Stufra, 01Is, Ac. Also—Oro corks, Confectionorioo, &c., Huntingdon, Pn. TAMES A. BROWN, t y Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paiute, 01la, Ate., ltu ingdou, Pa. - II ROMAN, I Dealer indm. Ready Made Clothing, Hate and Cam oots und 1 - 1 P. GWIN, Dauer In Dry Goods, Groceriee, hardware, Queens wore, fiats nod Gape, Boots and Shona, 3:c. k:YQ E. lIENRY & CO., Wholesale and . Retail Dealers In Pry Goode ' Groceries, Hardware, Queenewaro, and I:loci:dons oral' kinds, Huntingdon. CI LONG & CO., Dealers in Candies, /„ Nuts, Family Groceries, &c., Huntingdon, Fn. Ij_ENRY STROUSE & CO., Markles burg, Pa.,Deniers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. WIWI. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and . ths Dlatrioad, Ituntingdon,ya. L"POLD BLOOM, Huntingdon, Pa, Dealer In steady Maio Clothing, Hata, Caps, &c. Arl EORGE SHAEFFER, Boot' and 1 1.5Ph00 Merchaat, Iluntingdon, Pa. TOIIN 11. WESTBROOK, Dealer in ey Boots, .hoes, Hosiery, Con foctiouery, Huntingdon. YENTE - 11, Dealer in Groceries and zi.Provisions of kinds, Huntingdon, N. CJIMON COHN, Coffee Run, Dealer in Dross Goods, Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware, &o T 13. SHONT?; & 1311.0., illarklesburo., el e Dealers in Heady Made Clothing, Jovelry, &c. QINIPSON, ARMITAGE & kjDealers in Do°lis and Stationery, Huntingdon, Pa. DONNELL & KLINE, PUOTOGRAPIIERS, Huntingdon, Pn DR. WM. BRE STE.R, Huntingdon (Cures by Ellotropatby.] 1111"YMMANIGALL, Proprietor or Livery stuble, Washington street, Iluetingdoil I\l. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,mu- Jo. elical Instruments, Sowing Mneldnag. Huntingdon. Q. SHOE - MK AER, Agcnt for the Ma kj. g ic Star Liniment, Huntingdon, Pa. - AP 131W31.11AUGII, Ageut for the Victor eiknO Mill, &c., James Creek, Hunt. co., l'n WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble 3ranufacturer LEWIS, Dealer in Booke, Stationery and Musical Instru manta, Iluntingdon, Pa. BILL POSTER. The undersigned offers his services to business men and others desiring; circulars distributed or handbills posted. He can be seen nt the GLOBE office. Huntingdon, Ang.l6, 1865. JOHN KOPLIN. ACENCY, FOR COLLECTING. SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. A LI, who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and 'nelons can have their claims promptly collected by are plyh2,3 e ither in peree. or by totter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. F vT, - READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JULY 20, IBM CIREAT TRUNK LINE FP_OM TIIE ji North and North..)Yent for PulLenamollA, New- Itzsman, PorTSTILL.R, Leatnolt, ALlAturOWl4, BASUN, 14c., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New Toile, as follows 1 At 3 00 and 8 15 A. 51.. and 145 P. 5f., arriving at New York at 10 00 A, 111., and 3 00 and 10 30 P. N. TIM above MIMI with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and sleeping care accompany the 3 OU and 815 n. m. trains, without change. LoaVa for Iterating, Pottsville, Tamaqua, 31inersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. 51., and 145 I'. M., stopping at Lebancn and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 25 A. M., and 4 40 I'. N. Returning. leave New-Your , at. 7 A. 51,12 Noon, and 8 P. N. Pl.iladelphia at BA. 51-, and 330 P. 51; Pottsville at 815 A. M., and 2 35 P. M.; Tamaqua at 3 15 A. 31., and 215;P. 31., and Reading at 1 a. m., 7 35 and 10 45 A. IL, 1 28 and B D 5 P. M. An Accommodation Passengor Train leaven EVADING nt 0.00 A, M., and return, from PRILAIMLPIIia at 5,00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6 and 10 55 A. M., for Ephrata, title, Columbia, &c. On Sundays, leave New York at 8 I'. M., Philadelphia, 315 P. 01., Pottsville 7 30 A. 51., Tamaqua 7 A. 31,, Ilan. rishurg 8 15 A. M., and Reading at 100 a. m., for Har risburg. CoMIAUTATIONt, Mitranr, SEASON, and EXCURSION TICKITS at reduced rates to and train all points. Baggage checked through 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger, G. A. NICOLLE, Reading, Snly 19,1565. General Superintendent, HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after Weilnoeday, JUNE 14, 1865, passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS. MMO 11122313 E Ili= EEEEEIM LB 0 10 In 8 00111untingdon, AR 12 01 An 6 20 627 817 McConnellßlown I 11 44 617 6 34 8 24 Pleasant Grove, 11 37 0 60 648 -5 38 Marklasburg , 81 23 630 702 852 Coffee Run, 11 10 622 709 69 Rough& Ready, - 11 02 514 721 11 Cove, 10 49 505 7 25 15 Fishnet, 3nnunit 10 45 5 00 AR 7 40 AR 501,„. , LB 750 Le 40 S ea t, Ls 10 30 LB 445 • AR 10 20 An 43 6 610 1 0001tddleslnirg 10 06 415 8 101 1 08111opewoll 052 407 1 .it 30 1 20 Piper ' s Run, U4O 365 845 1 35 Hamilton 925 340 8 67 1 47 Bloody Run 9 13 328 An 900 Anl 6O Mount Milne, I 9 1011. n 335 SHOUP'S RUN 1311ANC11. ILE 10 4018aaton lAtt 0 20! 430 I 805 416 ...... 8 65 4 05 ...,LE 850 400 0 55 Cortimonti, 11 00 Crawford, AR 11 50 Dudley.... I Brand Top C1ty,.....j le 14,1805. OLIVER AYERS, 1 I Runt In gdon Jun 33 CP CO Mit. ES For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA. • Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylva nia, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. Washington and. his Generals. Kane's Arctic ExplOrations, 2 volumes. Webher's Wild Seenosznd Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book. Coal and Coal Oil, by Eli Bowen. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vols. Life and Public Services of Ahem. Lincoln, Partons Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 volumes, General Butler in New Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westeott. Smucker's Life , Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's Life and Travels of Von Humboldt. Oppertunitics for Industry and Capital, or 1000 Chances to Make Money. Freedlev's Practical Treatise on Business. Sinding's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of Nature. Ovid, [literally translatedd by H. T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. Ste wa rt's Freemason's Manual. Webb's Monitor. Davis' 44 Cross' Masonic Chart. Shakspeare's Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. B. Southworth. Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyoes Story, by I. A. Maitland. Diary of an Old Doctor, do. The Wanderer,- do. Adam Bode, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julio De Marguerittes Richard Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Dement, do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. Anecdotes of Love, by Lola Mon tee. Age of Chivalry, I.)y Thomas Bulfinch. Tale of a Tub, &c., &0., by Dean Swift. The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vole. The World's Laconice ; or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, in Prose and Poetry. Robert Houdin, the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titcomb's Letters to Young Folks. " Lessons in Life. " Letters to the Joneses.. " Gold Foil. Bitter Sweet.- The Trial, or More Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. Nasby Papers, [Comico•Politico-Roligico.J The Ladies' Work-Table Book. Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. Holy War. £ha Three Mrs. Judson's and other Daugh ters of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rico. Defence of Armageddon, by F. E. Pitts, The Great Consummation, by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copely. Cobhoes 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Headley's Sacred Plains. Meilvaine's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed Irons the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. M. Adair. Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken Bud, or the Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. The Morning of Life. The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney. The Guardian Angels, or Friends ih Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. The Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Mies Mary Rankin. Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay's Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works, Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved; by J. Cole Hagen. The New Fortune Teller, or the Poetical Fate Book. Mrs. lisle's Receipts for the Million. The. Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re ceipt Book. Widdifield's Ned' Cook Book. &yetis Standard Cookery. Miss Acton's Modern Cookery. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The Pamily—Doetor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. Tho Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do Horticulture Tho Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep husbandry. A. Method of Increasing the Yield of the Mitch-Cow, by John Neffien. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. Doctor. The Horse and His Diseases, by Jennings. Raroy's Practice of Horse Taming. Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by M. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. Batman's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, fur Lumber Merchants, Ship Builders and Boat Builders. Scribner's Assistant for Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket nook, by Chas. IL Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt.. A. V. Kautz. United States Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cards. Pocket Maps of United States,'Pennsylvania, and the Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canadas. Constitution of the United States. Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. The Secret Out, or 1000 Tricks with Cards, and other Recreations.. Book of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Steele. The Sociable,or 1001 Horns Amusements. Hoyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, &o. Checker's Simplified and Explained by D. Scattergood. Speetropia ; or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (Phonographic.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debating. Walker's Elocution and Oratory. MeElli , ott's American Debater. Whately's Selection of Synonyms. Davies' Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. Brown's Grammar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. Holbrook's Normal Method of Teaching. Wickersham's School Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Hiram Corson. Manguall's Comprehensive Summary of His tory, &c., &c. kt&" Also, an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. =M! ENZIEEI Anthon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's German and English Primer, Northend's Little Speaker. Dime Speakers and Dialogues. Tonne's Elements of Chemistry. Reese's " Zoology. Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. 11hr:ester's Ancient and Modern History 3181 Teacher's Guide to Illustrations: to accom pany I.lolbrook's School Apparatus. How to use Globes, by F. C. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher.. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncor. Hann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeastle's Algebra. [See School Books in another column.] SPECTACLES . voiN- I A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORK. 1300 K BINDING. Old Cooks. Magazinee, or publleatlone of any kind, bound to order, if loft at ZEWLT BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. -FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelope., suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at 551115' BOOK c 6 STATIONERY STORE FINVELOPES- By Bic box, pack, or loss quantity, for gala at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY" STORM QOITOOL BOOKS, L'7 Oencrally in me in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will be thrnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. READY RECKONER A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which aro added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Se., together with a set of useful tables, containing rate of Interest from ono dotter to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table or wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sale at - LE.IFIS' 1106 K; .ST6IE. pAPER I PAPER!! Note Post, Commercial, Foolecap and Elatcap—a good assor tment for solo by the ream, half ream, (intro or ailed, at LEWIS' NEW BOON & STATIONERY STORE. PAnCTIMENT DEED PAPER . rulud, for solo at LEWIS' BOOK STOKE. ONTIILY ,, TIME BOOKS, LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TRACING MUSLIN, Interma AND DRAWING PAPER White and Colored Card Paper, • For 8010 ot LEWIS' BOOK d. STATIONERY STORE. - ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapost assortment In town, at . . BARRELS . AND LOCK - S.-A ‘_A large assortment At BROWN'S HARDWARE. STORE. • LANK BOOKS, Or VARIOOB sum for rat% at ZEITIS• BOOK AND STATIONERY MBA' ALBUMS ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PITOTO RAPITI ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOS STORE. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT _LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. te...-,0, Alte. 4 l. ;: 441 , , §r.M.lll4: l t: , 'Miy ‘ , .-"-i , ; ,7, - -,z;-: ' * ii,-;,;_, '*gittV, - 74-* 7ik:'7otikig 0 - , - f., g: ~-;k . . k .syl:W, - ' .0 , --_: -;:'--- - ..‘-'. ..,:,,:,,,,,,,,,,,„ fs. Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Congh, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all affections of the Throat and Linings. For sale by Druggists. General Depot, No. 6, Eris Fourth 6troot, Cincinnoti, Ohio. 9 v je ,. ill . Ix: ott4 All the Modica] men and the Presses recommend Dr Strickland's Antbeholern Mixture ns t h e only certain remedy fof Di:11711(ra and Dysentery. It is n combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Stimulents and C.rmin.thwo and is warranted to effect a cure after all other means he TO failed. For solo by Druggists. General Depot, No. 0, Ens Feurl6 Street, Cincinnati, Obi°. Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy has cured thousands of the worst caeca or Blind and ItWetting Piles. It gives Im mediate relief and elects as permanent cure. Try It di redly. It Is warranted to cure. Fur sato by all Druggists. General Depot, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY Dr. STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—Ioo can recommend thoso suffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's Tonic. It Is it vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nervous eyelets; it creates it good nimetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For mile by Druggists generally, at 31 per bottle. Pre pared by Dr. A. Strickland, No. 0, .East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. JOHN REED, Agent, Huntingdon, Pa. 1865. THE 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Ifuntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and salo, CB LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND- ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles OF Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, EM Tho Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, Sce„ Ace. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and pricep. CIALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want I,j 000 D GOopo. Adri3"-gsic, MlC)CrEr..ts FOl2 SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE. HOWE'S SONGS OF IRELAND, containing about 175 of tha Oems of Hibernla's Songs and Ballade, including SO of Moora's bleb Meiodine, Songs of the affectiouto Sentimental, Patriotioillistorioal. Military, Political' Comic Rua hilecellaneous Songs, arraiigod for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00 HOWE'S SONGS OP SCOTLAND, containing about 17G . of tim Dons of Caledonia's Songs and Ballads, inclu ding Songs of tbo affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Illstorical, Military, Political, Comic and Miscellane ous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price VIM. HOW E'S SONGS AND BALLADS Old THE OLDEN TIME, containing, the Original Weeds and Music, of the Songe and Ballads; sung by the Grand-moth er+ of the present generation. Arranged for Your Voices. MIST'S TRIOS: Quadril NH Contra and Fonoy Dancon with C^llol and Figures, , Walt.on, Opere Moto dies, Scotch and Irieh air., &c., fo r ib is Vi o li n , Flute, Cornet, Bass Viol, to. MUSICIAN'S OMNIBUS, No. I, containing Om whola Camp Duty, Calle and Signals usod in the Army and Navy.; 40 setts of Quadrilles, [including Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische . ] with Calls; and an immense col lection of Polkas, Schottisches, Waltzes' Marches, Quicketepa hornpipes, Cartra and .Fancy. Dances, Hop', roc, for tho Violin, Pluto, Cornet, Ciarlonatt, Ac., Containing °Tor 700 pieces of Music. 1118ICIAL'S OMNIBUS. No. 2, containing 550 Ogles of Muelc, consisting of 100 Doote for two Flutes two Violins, ,tc., 200 Scotch Airs, 200 Irish Alm Quad rilles, Fancy and Contra Donee., with the Colts and Figuers. Polka, Schottiechos, 'Waltzes, Quicksteps, Marche., Hornpipe., Soup, Sc., for the Violin, Flute, Clarionett, Nile; Carnet, Flageolet, Ao. THE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING GOOK; a collection o Music for mato Vole., consisting of Glass and Part Songs Choir and congregational Tunas, Anthems, Chard., ko. KINGLET'S JUVENILE CIIOIII4.—A selection of the Choicest Melodies from the German, French, Ind Inn, English and American Composers. • TRUMPET Or FREEDOM AND TILE BUGLE OALLS.;two books suitable to the times. THE BOSTON GLEE 00011, consisting of an extowiro collection of Oleos, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected from the works of tho Moot admired Composer', to gether many new pieces from the Gorman. INSTRUCTION ROOKS FOR THE PIANO, Melodeon • Aceordeon, Tiolin,Banio, Guitar, Concertina, Drum Fifa and Flageolet. Huntingdon, Jan. 24, 1865-if. LD FRANKLIN ALMANA C P4:2,01=1.. 1130.5%. Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 1861, containing a full and cur recf digested record of the events of the war, military, naval and political, from October pith, 1863,with accounts of Battles, Sieges, Roble, Sea-fightn, and all the operations of the war. The United States Army List. Major Generals and Brigadiers, regulars and volunteer., to November let, 1864. The Rebel Army List. Lieutenant Generals, Major General. and Brigadiers, to same date. Losses in battle and by ' death, of Union officers, to No vember let, 1864. Losses of officers in Rebel Army to same date. Tho Rebel Government, Rebel Congress, Rebel Debt, .6c. A full digest of the United States Stamp regulations. A foil digest of the United States License regulations. Governments of the world to November let, 1864. Governor. of the States and Territories, Union and Rebel, to November let, 1864. Hierarchy of the ROMOU Catholic Church to NOVM bar Ist, 1864, Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church to Novem ber 1.0, 1864. Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Chinch to Nevem. bor let, 1864. Roigning Queens of the world to November 1.1, 1864. Reigning Kings of the world to November let, 1864. Mira Apparent to European and other Empires and Monarchies. Besidesother miscellaneous matter, altronornicel 111- - formation, calendars, Ac., Ac., the whole comPrielog a eat liable manual for use and reference throughout theyear. Price 20 Conte per copy. Au Copies mailed (post-paid) on PIP i pt of price. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. tf SCHOOL BOOKS, D. P. GWlN'ti FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY A MUSIC STOIC% OSGOOD'S Speller, lst, 211. 3d, Mb and Sib Readers. SIB UF F BY'S Speller and Reader. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's Phyeical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies do Alleges. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell'. Outline Mope. Webster's and Worcester'. Dictionaries. Quackenhos' First Lessons In Composition. Quackeobo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's. Stoddard's sod Brooks' Arithmetic.. Peterson's Familiar Science. Groanlcal's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetical. Greenleaf'. and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natnral Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United State. Child's Goodrich's d • Payson, Minton and Scribner's Penmanship, In sloven numbers. Potter .4 liammond's Penmanship in twelve smokers. Academical, Controllers' And other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry mid Trigonometry. Davies' Logendre's Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton h Eastman's Bank-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Itonaford t Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Eptry, by Elmsford Payson. Other books will be added and famished to order. A full stock of School Stationary always on band. Huntingdon. P. pAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Devil Fapor, Tissue Papor, Bilk Nair for Flowers, Perforated NW, Bristol Board, let CM, Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, • Commercial Note Paper, Ladiee' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, knifes' Plain and Fancy Note Paper White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shoots . , For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and 31uela Store. B - 0 0 S AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School hooka—Poolscap, Letter, Commarefal and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—fled, Blue and black Inks-- Blank Books of numerous eizos—Pons, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONEItY S MUSIC STORE. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT • OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., &c., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL THY DIST/MICISRED OFFICERS AND CIVILIAN., FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1300 K AND STATIONERY STORK OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADE 8, BAILEY'S FIXTURRS, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE r ;t. , CYTHARA—The Pres liy terl an Psalmodist—The Shawn77TheJubliee--Mantelee and Bertini's enlarged and tnwlineed instructors—Weilathrd Now and Improved Method for the Goiter—Leland's Aced: deon, Violin and Flute Instructoes—lVinner'a and Bowe ti Ylp la Instructors—Bellek's Melodeon' Instructor—Bur; rowee' Piano-Forte Primd—do. Thorough-Case Primer— Ifowe's Drawing 'Boom Dances—The Chorus 01°15.1100k Tera's Harp, for sale at I,CTIFS , CON, ETATIONERY t 1111016 I= " QUICK SALES BMA LL PROFITS I"' Anybody in Want of TAMMY AND VOCtin Malts HYMN AND PRAYER BOON& ALBUMS AND ANNUALS. &WI mu tfiVAIMI • AVD lltf ' Dulttlfa _ 306;, Parley aid 9a85.1- STATIONERY, 1117SICAL INSTRUMENT CEII7IIOII MIMIC Jail) lINTIVISOTION 1190E0, SHEET 1111610 for the Piano, 4 11 11tar,kr.; At, POOZZ BOONE, POIMIONIIALRII.IO PiaSill* Yet Ladlas and clantlinnen, GOLD DIM AND DENOIL% AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, Poe Sunda> and 6mMon Setleols, atrNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OP ALL KINDS, TOY ISOOKO, ALPILATINT BLOM, EQ., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Yrop.r for Boys and dirk. AMUSING GAMES For Young l'olko WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGR CERTIPIOdTSO, YIAITIN6 GIRD➢, WISMAR BOARDS, DOMINORS,•AiI, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONO BOORS, From G to 75 coots BLANK BOOKS, femorandum Books of carious Sites, 801100 L BOOKS OF ALL 1i11613, DIARIES Ne 4, Dray:imp and Bloetipp Pewit., Bridal and Card dlearAl. ITDITB BONNET BOARD, OAAMMI, AND, BLUE in, 1646E134i* Arnold's trodgaon'a and Harrisq's WRITING FLUID Wrepplng Paper of Different Sine and QudltleaJ ht. .ke. itcr. Ao. &o, AG. '&111, MOULD CALL AT LBWIS' CitZAP BOON, STATLONDFIr AND Mona &rest, In the "Globe" hail/ling, IltlArk6t .Square, where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases 07e5 AI V: 7-10 ,. o v abo - ---t- VO 4 \ k A: : :,o , .., - • ' 01 . v , O't -5, 4-.:547,::t•-'t - z '' so 6 ''' E ,74, , - iDtLA.NKSI BLANKS! BLANKS! ki- CONSTABLE'S SALK% ATTACIVT BINCUTIONS,I ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SErrtPaNAS, AZORTOAGSI3, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES.' "LEASES FOIL HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B'ES, COMMON BONDS, ' JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $BOO Law. JUDGMENT Notes, with a waiver of the 5300 Law: ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Jisetlces of the Penes and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, end COMAIITMENT,4ri ea/0 of Assault and Battery, and Affray. EWER& YAMS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stile, County, Sehnol, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed ou superior paper. and for sale at the mee a the HUNTINGDON (MOBIL' BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly • at short notice, and on good Paper. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AXD . COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRAYS CROSBY, = It Tolls You How to draw up PARTNERSHIP Rallis sad gives general forms for ACRETIMNATA of all kinds, Bats of Sian, Luna and PETITIONS. It Tolls Lou How to draw up BONDS end RIOATGAGIS, Ar• rinArrra Pormas of drfoarmr, Nom and Baia of &unman, RECEIPTS and Rug Alls. It Tells nu The lows for the COLLICTIGN of Divrikwitk the STATUTES of LIMITATION and amount and kind of property ETEMA from HUMP TION in every State. • . " I? Tells You How to make on,ASTIONNENT properly, with forms for Comma/mos with Clamour, sad the ISsOl•Vear Laws of every Stets.. 12 reilo You • The legal relations existing between (WAR; DIAN and WARD, XIAST/E. and APPRENTICE, and Lirrnman and Tasssr. A Tells Feu What constitutes Linn and SLANDER amd the Law as to MotaisoaDOWln, the Wirit l i EIGHT tie PROPERTY, DIVORCE and Anuomr. IC Toll: You The Law for Mammas& Idass in every State, and the NATURALIZATION LAW. of this news try, and how to comply with tho mime. It Toils You The law concerning PAN/Hoge and how to ob. Tian one, and the PRE-EMPTION TANI is PUBLIC LANDS. It Tells Du The Law for PATINE!, with mods of proms dare In obtaining one, with Inrintrimerm, ASSIGNMENTS and TATA% or Fm: It nus You How to make your WILY, and how to AMC'S- Inns ON ale ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tale You The meaning of Law Tames in general use and explains to yon . thoLacustarrvit, Rxa cram and JountrAL Powers of bath th General sod State Gossinurrattl. - r 1 Tolls You HOW TO our our or LAW, by !thawing ko.vf fa, do your busigeis legally, thus ming e vast amount of property,. And v.:snook litigation, by its timely consultation. ;far Nverybody'eUtwyer is fotsato at Lewis' Book St, THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON', CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY AND MUSIC MED, 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, • • . YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES Just rat.dred and for sale at , LEWIS' BOOK STORE. FOR THE GREATEST Villa:OTT Handsome and Usend ATtioles i Call at LEWIS' Book Store.