The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 01, 1865, Image 3
61obt. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Nov. I, 1865, LOCAL & PERSONAL To Subiorlberm Those .subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or othorwiso The Pennsylvania Railroad Sta tion house is fitted up in a beautiful etyle. Ita:Dir. Smith, proprietor of the Jackson House, has made a fine im provement by fitting up a large bar room in the basement of his building. ..Home again from the "old coon try"—our friend Felty Brown, and as fat us over. Ho informs us that ho had a rough time for several days on his return. tarn will be a source of some griev ance to most of the "gado house-wives" -of this county to know that the apple crop was considerably - a failure, and 'consequently what fruit there is of this description sells at an enormous Trice. Apple-butter, pies, jelly, &c., 'we bid you a long season-able adieu. 11 , Zr John 13. Givin and family have left our midst to reside in Renova, on -the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. Mr. , Givin has branched out in the mercan - Itile that place. From the :number of citizens that have left this reaction for that place we think he will :get plenty of -':old customers." ADiir- Ai:French editor gives the fol lowing amnsing•description of the ef fect of an advertisement: The first time a man sees an advertisement he takes no notice of it; the second time be looks at the-name; the third time be reads it; the fourth time he speaks of it to his wife; the fifth time he buys. las...Sauer-kraut season has again been ushered; and -the stamp, stamp, stamp, of tho stamper, is or will be heard in many of our residences. With cabbage (in price) •on the "rize," and on the dwindle in size, we think the prospects for plenty of this palatable dish aro extremely slim, at least in this locality. rtg,The weather for some time past, though changeable, is indicative of - winter, and tho blustry reign of King Boreas is now upon us. We have not beard of any weather-cocksprophesy ing whether we will have a Mild or severe winter, but es it is about our time to prognosticate we feel safe in saying that we will have more severely cold weather this winter than we had last summer. Weather cocks we are sure, can't give us any wiser informa tion. .As this is the last day of Octo ber, generally known as Hallow-e'en, we may 'expect the usual nocturnal visit from the brave youths who throw corn at the windows, pull bells, pound doors, hoot and halloo, pull cat's tails, tie tin-pans to dog's tails, and conclude with transplacing signs, upturning boxes in the streets, hauling wagons, .carts, and everything wheelable, into 'the Diamond, and making rumpus gon• -orally -in their , attempts to turn the town upside down. .We say look out for these youths, and, if you can catch :them, make an example of them. tta.Amongst- the many fairs this. year, Huntingdon county was the only place in which a premium was given for the best looking baby. Old Hun tingdon, therefore, is not always be. Alin(' the times, as we may expect to see other counties following her exam ple next year. Sniffles- thinks that as we hive a host of-beautiful, talented and expert performers on musical in struments in this place and also in the county,next year . a premium of elfld be awarded to the best player. Or, if this reward is not deserving of the flattery, let the most intellectual and best looking young man offer himself as the prize. roads e.nd lasses, then, prepareyourselves for the coming show. jt is now a pleasure to take an ,evening's stroll througb some of the streets of our town. Now, instead of Walking .over pathways in front of dwellingS, ;on which mud reigned su• preme, in some places only sheltered by as muddy boards, we have the sub stantial pavement of brick. Rainy weather has not now so much the hid eous aspect it formerly presented, and we can walk without fear of stumbling or falling overshoe-top into a puddle of muddy water; ladies' skirts will not be fringed with a well compounded preparation of yellow mud and flirty water, and their former care and nec essary procaution of "holding up" their dresses is now to a great extent ren dered use!css. Thanks to our "borough fathers" that such is the case; but we would 'advise them not to diminish their. efforts to do good, but labor on WI the last stronghold of mud ceases to have a. foot-hold or a skirt hold upon the traveling community. Gold Pena &.-Pencils, The best assortment of the hand sokest and best styles" for sale at Tiewis'ilfoolz -Store Tito Court House The finishing touch was given to the Court Rouse on Saturday last, and the old building now presents a respecta ble appearance without; and within, we venture the assertion, is not surpassed by any Court Room in the interior, for neatness, comfort and appearance. Many changes have been made. In. stead of one half of the room being taken up with two large old style stovcs,with ahnostiron enough in them to make a railroad, there is built in the cellar, the most improved style of heating furnace, which sondsits warm fumes to every corner of the room ; while the space formerly occupied by those huge "cumberers of the grour,d," has been filled up with neat comforta ble benches. The steep inclined plat form that sustained the seats, and which was built for the purpose of run ning off tobacco spit, has been lowered at the back part, to within eighteen inches of the floor, and now extends forward to the bar, sustaining four rows of benches instead of two. The former solid fence, of various turns, and many gates, has been supplanted by a neat substantial railing; while the Judges' bench has les,4ened itsport ly dimensions considerably. By these various changes, besides greatly improving the appearance of the room, thorn are now seats for more than twice the number than formerly could be accommodated. When all this had been done, the painters took charge, and after being under their hands for awhile it comes forth "a thing of beauty ;" the ceiling, walls, pillars, doors and benches, each having received their color—the blen. ding of the light and shado upon each presenting a very fine 'appearance. The Commissioners deserve much credit for their taste in planning, and energy in prosecuting the improve men 03. And now that it ie once again do. cent, it is hoped it will receive more care and attention than formerly, and not be given to every wandering show man, who desires to exhibit his folly to the mixed audience who usually at tend such entertainments, and who, between scones, seem to have no great. or ambition, th to see how much they can deface the walls and furni ture. There needs to be appointed some person to take charge of the building and grounds, who will give it some attention, and protect and preserve the property from the ravages of thought less vandals. We think any person, no matter who, that would be caught defacing the property in any way should be dealt with in such a man ner, as would teach him, and all others so disposed, that it cannot be done with impunity. Soldiers , Monument Fund. The following is a list of Chairmen of township and borough committees appointed fur the purpose of soliciting subscriptions to the monument fund. It is hoped the county will be speedily and thoroughly canvassed, and an amount of money raised sufficient to erect a monument worthy of the object for which it is intended. William Dorris, Esq., Huntingdon: Hon. B. F. Patton, Warriorsmark. Hays Hamilton, Franklin. John Porter, Porter. J. M. Stevens, West. Thomas Lore, Barren. Asbury Oaks, Jackson. Henry Wilson, Oneida. Isaac Long, Juniata. Milton Sangree, Walker. H. L. McCarthy, Brady. John Flenuer, Henderson. John Donaldson, Union. David Clarkson, Cass. John Griffith, Tod. John Bentord, Carbon. Rev. Theobald Fouso, Hopewell. John Garner, Penn. Thomas Uttley, Springfield. Samuel MoVitty, Clay. Alexander Appleby, Dublin. David Baker, Cromwell. John Silverthorn, Tell. Hon. W. B. Leas, Shirley. R. ALLISON MILLER, Cuxir nun Executive Committee. It Dlajt be Stopped.—Another Accident The fast running of trains through our town must be stopped. On Sat. urday last we witnessed an accident on railroad street immediately in front of the Jackson Hotel. Wo were stan ding in the door of the barber shop opposite and we noticed a young man, Theodore Murty,come out of the Jack son House ; and in attempting to cross the track was caught by the locomo• tive of a passenger train which was running at great speed, and dashed to the pavement at least twenty-five feet Iromwhere he was struck. Isis left artriwas broken, his bead slightly cut, and he wassevbrely injured internally. We are satisfied that the rules of the Company, forbid the running of trains through town at the speed we witness almost every day. If tho company cannot stop such wreeklessness on the part of engineers, our citizens must take the matter in hand. Another Railroad Accident. A brakeman on one of the Stock freights, named Dougherty, had two of his fingers mashed on Friday last, while in the act of coupling the loco• motive to thp train. This young man has bow) in the employ of the Penn-- sylvania Railroad Company for the last three years, and had never receiv ed an injury before. ger-Dr. D. P. Miller has opened an Once opposite the Jackson House, where he offers his professional servi• cos to the community at home and at, tl arg g Einalaess Cards. We direct the attention of our mer• chants and business men generally to the column headed "Professional and Business cards,"an the fourth page. We have inserted the names of ou r yearly or otherwise liberal county advertisers under this head, and do so gratuitotis ly. Those merchants in the county who desire their name and address placed in the column can be accommo• dated by handing in their advertise ments. The advantage in having the name and address thus situated gives our readers a better opportunity of finding them, and then they will know, too, "who is who," "and whore is where." Business men who do not ad vertise can have their card placed is the column by paying the regular ad• vertising rates. Soldiers , Vote The following is the official vote of some of the soldiers from this county still in service: Twenty one voters from this county attached to Co. IC, 3d Regt., Penna. Pro. Vol. Cay., in camp near Winches ter, Va., voted as follow :—Hartrauft, 19, Davis, 2; Campbell, 18, Linton, 3; Baker, 19, Brown, 19; BeaVer, 19; Bathurst, 19, Doan, 2; Myton, 19; Warfel, 18; Planner, 18, Lightner ; 3; Glasgow, 18; Sangreo, 18. Ono voter attached to the 3d Rogt. Penna. Artillery, Fort Monroe, Va,, voted as follows : Ilartranft, 1; Camp bell, 1; Baker, 1, Brown, 1. va.The remains of sergeant Smiles D. Cunningham, of the 40th P. V. V., who was killed in Virginia, the ith day of June, 1864, were last week brought from Coal Harbor, Va., where they had been interred ; and buried in the Huntingdon cemetery on Satur day. Sergt. Cunningham enlisted in the first company for the war, from this place, and remained in the service, with but Bhort, intermission, until his d6ath, in every station and on every occasion, acquitting himself as a good and valiant soldier. Unfo'rtunate Occurrence On Tuesday morning last, two broth ers named Simpson, started from Mill Creek to hunt wild turkeys. While in the woods, by some unfortunate misunderstanding, James was shot in the throat with a rifle ball by his brother. The wounded was borne to his home in Mill Creek ; the ball, which passed from his neck to his shoulder, has been extracted, and Mr. Simpson evinces signs of recovery. re d - One day last week another pris soner broke out orrather climbed out of jail. Out of the seven confined in our jail three weeks ago, but one remains awaiting bearing at this month's court, and ho is of the colored persuasion. The last absconder effected his escaped in the day-time, during the absence of the Sheriff, by climbing over tho wall. Malefact6rs, we warn you that it is not safe—to ba confined in the Hunt ingdon jail. Ate. L. GUEI3 has retired from the publication of the Juniata Sentinel, which paper he has edited during the last three years. Mr. Guss has taken the Cassville Seminary, which he will shortly open for the instruction, exclu sively, of orphan children of deceased Pennsylvania soldiers, in conformity with the law passed by our last, Lewis.- iature. Reward the Soldiers J. B. Shontz & Brother, two as good soldiers as faced the enemy during the war, are in business at Marl:lesburg, and have just opened a large stock of now goods, just such as the people want every day. They are deserving of all the patronage a generous public can give them. Soo their advertisement. ILLllnrrood Academy This institution will again be oponed on the Bth inst., by Prof. W. A. llun• ter, who successfully ,conducted the Cassvillo Seminary un'.ii it changed Owners. Wo have no doubt Mr. Hun ter will be equally successful in build. ing up the Shade Gap Academy. De Mr. Henry Liester has bought a portion of the corner lot from Mr. George Steel, and intends erecting a three story brick upon the spot. Wo hope to see the building soon eomple. ted, as it will no doubt supply the want long been needed on tho deserted cornet.. THE GREAT MEDICINE! M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND. A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVRD AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PRICE PER, BOTTLE, 50 CTS., and $l,OO ite3s.- The "Nevada Steam Mill" in West Huntingdon, has been purchased by Mr. S. Kinney McCaban, and we are pleased to learn that ho intends to put it in first into order immediately, and will be ready in a abort time to commence business. MARRIED, In Lewistown, on the 24th of Octo ber, 1865,_ by Rev. Edwin Hale, T. BENTON REED, of Petersburg, this county, to ars, MARY L. BANKS, of Lewistown. At the residence of the bride's father, - on Thursday evening, the 26th Octo ber, 1865, by Rev. S. M. Moore, Mr. HARRY J. McirEEft, of Harrisburg, to 11,1i88 CLARA. P. HOUTZ, of Alexandria, Pa. NO cards Will the kind and happy couple please accept our best r - gards for the !‘card," we were the recipient of. May the popular bridegroom meet with con tinued puccees in hie new relation. . Items about Home. has been discovered in Cam bria county at the depth of five hun dred feet. Bears.—These aninials sre pl e nty i n Juniata county, 016 Okra having re corded the trapping of five, which are on exhibition. Vineyard company.—A company, with a capital of. $lOO,OOO has been formed, for the ealtivation,„of grapes in Mifflin county. They expect to realize large profits. Discovery.—Jron ore has been dis. covered near LeNclstown. Two shafts have been put down, both of which struck ore of a very good quality at a depth of about forty feet.. Railroad Accident.-3 man aged 55 years, while walking on the track on Friday, near Newton Hamilton, was struck by a freight train, and had three ribs and an arm broken, and his foot badly crushed. Bear Shot.—A bear, weighing about 150 pounds, was killed near the village of Shade Gap, this . county, on Tuesday last, by a party of hunters from. Shir. leymburg. Bears are reported to be plenty on our mountains. Child Shot Dead—ln Mifflin county a child named Mary Robinson was ac cidentally shot by her brother, while playing with a shot gun, which con , tamed it heavy charge. The load en tered the breast of the child. Sad Accident—A daughter of Jos. Hammond, of Cambria county, was killed on the 23d ult,, by the accidental discharge of a grin in her father's house. The load passed through her head, killing her instantly. Sudden Death.—A. man named Alex- S. GiLboney, of Belleville, coon- . ty, left, his house, on Priday, and not returning for some time, search 'was made, when he was found lying in the woods. Ho was carried home, and died in a short titne. PUMA DELPHIA MARICICTS November, 1. •• Fancy and Extra Fatally Flout ...........t t0.75®10,25 Common and Superfine . • :8,0008,75 Rye Floor 37.50 Corn Meal... • ¢1.75 Eitra White lUral.. .t,2,60a3.00 . Fair nod Prime Red $25.1002,82 ltyo 1,20 Corn, prime Yollow 83 Outs . 52 Barley 51,35 Cloverseed, ?St lbs 0,50 Timothy 52,50 • Flaxseed 53,10 Wool • • GOZ7O !lidos • —l3 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY S. E. HENRY 5: CO. Extra Family Flour ilbbl $11,50 Ext. do . 1,1 cwt 6,00 Corn Meal 51 owl 52.50 White Wheat 2eo lied Wheat "' 10 Pro 1 00 Nel - 1 ,, Corn 70 Onto 50 Clovereeed 750 Flax eeed n"O5 Dried Apples 2,25 Butter 40 Eg.gx 5 Lard 35 Ilann 30 Shouhlor 25 t. , Dles • . ^3 'Pillow ' • 15 Du . • 800 SPECIAL NOTICE. trio THE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prernhint, or dress le, elegantly, because the rt bet Jett. Dario, was captured in Fashionable Forialo attire! One moment's calm reflection will sur e ty serve to change your rash resolve. Tho angols had too much good relate to lay aside their pure chaste, robes of white, because they hat fora time served to hide tee deformities of that Prince of liebols, the Devil. Can you err in following the examploof inv,ele? Then having made asp 3 , sss• that you will continue to dress tastefully It.gardless of rebel acts, do not food to call at the store of the subscri bers, vsho nail! be happy ad all times to furnish .:.ans with such ureic:a of dress as you may desire. Urge your Nth ern, husbands, htaltere, neighbors and childron to visit tho same store. They can here be suited in good articles of loots. Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, -Qtfeens wore sad a gonoral assortinsat of Clroceries, on as rm. iwihblo torsos as at any Hous3 in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 15/5. NCIS It. WALLACH, REMEDY FOR TDE PIDES.—It is IL blessing to the suffering to know that We biro an effectual cure for this troublesome disease. Mr. J. P. Hozarde, of 164 Second street, Cincinnati, 0., takes great pleasure in informing all'who aro suffering with piles that he used a small quantity of Dr. Strick land's Pile Remedy, and it effected a perma ent cure. This seems to be the case with all who make use of this splendid prepare Lion. It is manufactured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinati, 0., end sold by all Druggists Be Ready. Our renders should be ready to sub. scribe for the "Family'Record" when the agent Mr A. Harrison makes his visit. We understand that it cannot be had at any book store. Nov Musical Instruments A new stock of musical instruments have just been received at Lewis' Book Store. Violins from $ 3 to 50. Guitars from $l2 tol 35 ; Banjos $8 and $9 50; Aecordeons to $l5; Fifes, Bows, Strings, Rosin, Tail Boards, Bridges, Mouth Organs, and Jews Harps. tf. Great Iterriedies Prof: MeEntyre's Great Itemedies— the Indian Compound, the Dandelion Pills, and the Indian Vegetable Worm Destroyer—for sale at Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon: Q TB AY SHEER—Two good wothors k:la g ed about T§ years, came to the premise.. of the eubscribera in Porhir tp. the middle of Juue lout Thu ow ner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away, otberwiso they' will to dis posed of according to law. oct. 11, 1865.4 t EASTON 8: WILSON ROBB. FLORENCE SEINING MACHINE IVINY person in want of one of the above articles should call on 31152 DIANAH L. 13A- Milt, Agent for tho Machine. Huntingdon, Sept. 27—fm J 1 -4 AIV ASSOCIATION. ne undereigned have associated themselves together in. the practice of the law in Huntingdon, to. Office in the one now, and formerly occupied by J. Sewell Stow• art, adjoining the Court House. A. W. BENEDICT, J. SEWELL STEWART. July 20, 1004 • ,QTOES. STOVES. j Spear's famous "anti-dust" Cook, Wellington Cook, Continental Cook, and a splendid variety of gas burner, and other Heating Stores, for - coal or wood, just ro reined, and for sale at tho Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. 18, '65-tf. DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! /t you want your card neatly printed on earn!- , epee, call at f 809,FiirD 47:4r.f0ninr32.,E9/?. PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR • WORKS.. Liberty White Lead ! Liberty White .Lead ! TRY IT ! TRY IT I Warranted to rover more surface, for same weight, than nuy other • Boy the best, It le the cheapest. TRY IT !• TRY IT! Liberty Iced Li whiter then any other. Liberty Lesid covers batter . than any other. Laairty howl a ease Longer than any other. Liberty Lead is inure economical than any other. Liberty Low: iv more frco from Impurities and to Warranted to do more and better work, • at a given cost, than any other. Buy the Best, it is the Cheapest. Manufactured end warranted by ZIEGLER & SMITH, 'Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealera, 137 forth Third Street, Philada. ctl 1,13115 7saLITEW BOOT .AND SHOE STORE AFRICA Ilocum., Ilt, ptlitlic that ho L. jast -- pored at hit yid stoic!. at lira Diamond, , il initia:Aim, . A Fine Assortment of all kilids of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children MI of which he will cell at fair prices. Quick sales and send/ profit. Call aid examine my stock. Manufacturing and Itopairing none to order as usual. Huntingdon, tint. 10, 1161. A E AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c, NOW OPEN AIV.D 10R SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, P - EXNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK Iluptingdon, Get 17. • NEW CI 4 OTILING AT LOW PRICES. M. CUTMADJ HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which he offers to all who want to he CLOTHED,• AT NIMES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. Ilia Stock cougiati of Roadrhunlo Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALIO, . DOM AND SKOI:S, HATS AND CAPE, BC., AC. Should gcntlerne9, deslia any particulor kind or cut clothing not found In the stuck on hand, by leaving their menvurn they can ho ack:bninnaltcd at short notice. Call nt the coat corner of the Diamond, over Lone.. Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon May. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS, CHEAPEST CLOTHING in ToWu LEOPOLD BLOOM HAS JUST RECEIVED A LA iLt It ASSORTMENT OF ,NEW STYLES OF A. ND NUN= 12 G OODS, Wlllols he offers to the public AT THE CHEAPEST RATES. Ills. stock consists of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. &c. His store is at the OLD E113.1D TOP CORNER, lIIINTIMIDA Where be will be pleasod to recolre and accommodate all customers, LEOPOLD DLOOM. Huntingdon, Oct. 10, 1501. • A T T 1E N T 1 0 N! R. S. WESTBROOK Si CO, Would respectfully call the attuntion of the ,k public to their fresh stork and attractive va• tOrl riety of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, • TOBACCO & SEGARS, • FRUIT, NUTS, TOYS, And In fact everything generally kept In such a store. Thoy are prepared to cella the most remobable prices, and by a dose attmition to busiuecs, and their endeavors to please everybody they hope to gain the good wilt and patronage of the public: Their .tore la located on lull etreet, directly opposite tho First Notional Bank, and was formerly occupied by Mr. Win. Saxton. sod= 3m NOW OPEN , WHARTON & MAGUIRE'S • NEW 2E - Dreorci - vsnisoVe, tCar®, IN THE BROAD TOP DEPOT BUILDING. The public generally are invited to call before purcha ming elsewhere. Huntingdon, Juno 23,1868. 331cDcptes Etaacil SU:Loess. GEO. SHAEFFER Ilse Just returned from tho east with a SPLENDID STOCK OF SHOES, GiAItER,S; &C., IVlticli he offers to ilio inspection of his customers and the public generally. Ile will sell hie stock at the moat REASONABLE PRICES, nod those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SIIOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING dons in the neatest and most expedi tious manner. Call upon Mr. Echneffer at lite shop en MD street, a few doors west of the Diamond. di27 GREAT ENTHUSIASM . HIGH PRICES SURRENDER THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN H. WESTBROOK g Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that Ito has Just recoiverl from the city a NEW and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. rill of which be Id prepared toga at reduced prices. A lot of choice CON FECTIONHIIIES have also boeu eetc&l. Don't forget tho old stand in the Diamond. Old onto• nets and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, aprll2, 1865: COUNTRY DEALERS can 0,11.1 li l y GLOTIHNO from mo in Huntingdon at WHOLESALB as choap as they can in the ities, as I hare a wholesale store in l'hiladolultiii 11. ROMAN. Z..iliezttico3rxeiai•. -r OIIN MEGAILIAN u informs tbo pohlie that ho has taken out a license to cry sales at any place in the 17th Congressional district. Address him at lliddlesburF, Bedford comity, or Bost poster at Jester Creak, ftungpidrr cannty. se:Ell?ns 1865. 1865- CLOT IIING; H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING FOll TALL AND . WINTER, JUST RECEIVED At ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothlng'of the boat material, and made n the beet workmanlike manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, oppotita the Franklin Howie In Market rtwaro, Hunting. don, Pa. Huntingdon oct 'trio NEW STOCK or GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. Si SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL MEM', IIaNTINODON; PENNA T PEST PISGAH and MOLASSES, COFFEE:, TEA. and CHOCOLATE. FLUOR, FISh, SALT and VINEGAR, CONVEO7IIOtCVLIES. CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TiL5 11.7f5T, AND ALL KINDS, and ovary other article ucti:Oly (mind In a Grocery Sloe. ALSO— Drage, Chemicals, Dyo Faints, Varnishes, Oils and Spiiiilirpontio4, Fluid, Alcohol, alms and Putty, . BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS .AND 5110115, • • and a largo number of articles too numerous to mention Tho public gonerally will please call and examine for the/unison and loam my prices. lluntltigdon, Oct IT 'O5 CHEAP GROCERY STORE, 72",TEIINOMMElli HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. 'FRE undersigned oilers for the- in specnot, and purclinse of customers alarge'and no ii-ortod stock of Groceries, Provisions, &a. lie feels mitts. fled they coo ho accomodsted with anything in his lino. Ills pricos ars low, rind his stock.fresh and gold, Ho keeps the heat of • • • SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES , HATS & CAPS, &e: ALSO- HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, .2aOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, Ancl NOTION S_•of every , kind A select stock of DRY GOODA. together with QUERNS. WARE; and all other or:dotes kept tern wall regulated establiohntent for sale al re formable prices. SID— Ills store is on Hill glycol, nearly opposlto the Denis, and in the room fornierly occupiod by I). Grove. Call and examine. Z. TENTER. Huntingdon, Oct 17, llft. , . NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I SIMON COHN, • AT COFFEE RUN. STATION, • Would reeititr3fully gm attention of his obi patrons cpecielly, end the public to general, to - hls extensive stock of well selectild new geode, jolt received frees the Ilastetu cities, consist idg, in part, of Dr , y Goods, Clothing', Wool en Warn, Notions, • flats and Cips, Boots and • Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circo lars,llardware, Queensware, Gro- conies . Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Segall' ' Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt,' Tinware, Cop-- • par . Ware, .Drugs and - lifedlidne's, • Watches, 3Cib, • end all other articles kept in n Sett class try store; all selected with the greatest care and which were pur chased for mill only, and' Mier& him to eell them at a very low figure. Ties public will Cud it to their advert. tags to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will be spared in chew ing oar boods. Ladles are, specially invited to examine oUr•large stock of fashionable dress goods; Shawlsi'ell% enters, thins, and a great variety of 'Woolen Onoda, Hosie ry, Sc. Also, a handsome assortment of LADIES' COATS All kinds of produce taken in exchange nt the highest .market prices Cash not refused. Dy strict attention to tin want.s at customers, we hope to receiver a continuation of the liberal patronage with which wo hese boeuhoreto fore favored. Caine one and all. and tar. 7 New Goods received daily. oct IS loss. :DION COHN. - 49 Agth s"" 1 - ktiP e— rg.4 , F BOOKS AND STATIONERY. SIMPSON, ARMITAGE & GO, [TAVING PURCHASED the (m• ug.. tiro stock of Wm. Colon, we now offer to tho public at reasonable prices our immense stock of MECHANICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, POCKET BOOKS, PORTMONAIS, &C. Also. Latest Styles of . • . WALL PAPER & WINDOWSHAEER, MAGAZINES, mid 'Daily and Weekly Papers constant ly on hood. tra_Orders from abroad promptly attendod to: CALL AT BROAD TOP CORNER, Huntingdon, MnY3,1865-1y , WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, St. LOUIS, 31EMPIli$,NVIIFOLX, TAKEN.--.A.511131" AND BACK- • BON.k 02 " SECI:ga " EitOllEN • . But while you rejoice at iho nuccose of our gallpnt. trootfe end the prospect of the speedy downfell of the Rebel Army, do not forgot to cull et the store of • - WALLACE. & CLEMENT, boforo purchasing elsewhere, and see our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, roceries, . . . Bouts and Shoe., • Queonswara, • • • Crockerywdee, ' Tobacco, agate, Slarfildero, Fish. • • Flour, LAlk and a general astortruent of notions. oil of which fared ou romonable terms for club or produce.• . Huntingdon, July 108133. • - ' • GOOD , MT3EINA7II3 . , . GREAT REDUCTION IN t'RICES! • THE siidods of our armies end. tho. consequent dmline in the price of gold and other commodities, enable ma to send . GOOD TIDINGS TO Till: BLACKSMITHS, and all others who buy IRON, STEEL, NAILS, &a. Baying moved my store to the largo and commodious Bricker Store Roam, hevo received a large assort ment of WAGON TIRR, HORSM StIOR IRON, round and innate BAR IRON, bought from the makers einem the de cline in gold, which I tun selling nt GREATLY REDU CED PRICES. All persons wishing lo buy IRON, STEEL, NAILS, LOOKS, PAINTS, GLASS, or any kind of HARI:MARK for cash, will save money by nailing their orders, er tag at the Hardware Store of • JAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, Pa April b, '65 lOVERING'S AND SUNLIGHT _Li Syrup, New (Werth?, rotto Rico ttloltiseles, Coffee, Snore, To., !cc. ut. E. N. BENXI' d CO. WTOOL, BLANKETS, COVER— lets, lu g rann, Bag and liomit Carpets, Rugs, 011 end Floor Cloths, nt, /lEtillY 1c 00. - PARREL, SACK, and DOLT SALT, _ELPPlaster, Antltracita And Pit taburg4 n a r at ' 8. P.. HENRY a CO. ATADE TIP CLOTHING, BOOTS alms, Quoeaa.•.care, Cgdar and Willow Ware, tarp eat stock In tin country, at S. E. HENRY & CO. IGURED DELAINES, MERRI af ma. aria rtmericim r . Finta j aint . lift E rn . efangf,ixtt, DRESS BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the latest styles, Belt Ribbon and Beaks, Ho siery, GlO.ves, Edgings, P . i &e., at S. E. HENRY OD. • ADI.ES' DRESS GOODS, eolllpri ainglieverytbing new and desirable, such na Dreas ell a, silk mohair, and Irish Papilla, alpaca., Cessimere, &drum, Meal:nen, all "cci Jl , renab Delaines, sqz,ny E. lIERI Y s CQ, 3E7. 1 (=0. THE RUINS OF. ILM:rAT4r4N . DR IA FOUNDRY. - • THE uuclersignod - -not feoling to N. Lbund the Foundry now offers fir sale the rulrir and nil property oared: The buildfng warn stone et:motors.— The Moulding room wan 44x 98; Were room, Engine and Lathe rooms were 89 x 47 ; the wails of which An still etending.a.nd Were but little inJured'lty„the Elm :Tata gine, boiler and stack aro Perfect ; tbocapaliilialso 601311: ing uninjured. Merin* a largo stock of valttablekpat , terse, consisting of roiling mill, grist foill, , forgnandfur• naco‘patterns; a lar - en stock of ftesna for alllsindsof,Wor,k, a full ant of largo end sman crain and. hand ladles,-tho largest of which 1 , 1 capable of hobffiL.T.o7onty hundred, The ground connected with the IfolindrY Is one acre and fifteen perches, on which there is erected a frame building ueed a* a pattern house; also, wagon and housed. Three hamlet' and lots. haring fruit, &c., all or nldch trill be sold cheap. Terms easy to suit tha purChaser. For Anther particular' apply in person or by mall to - Alstrarldria;lluntlugdott county Penna. 19E1 A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE rilhs subscribers will offer at . private lag about sale a farm situated In Jackson toti•nablp,Usatalu _ _ • TWO HUNDRED ACRES, • ono hundred and forty of which are cleared, and the bal. once well timbered with pine, oak and chestnut. The improveinentst consist of a good dwelling house, bank barn, blacksmith shop, corn house, wagon shad, and other memory out bplidiumt ..ktranch of Stoke Cook rune thrlingh this prendlkier and a spring of food . and boyar falling • welter hoar the house. A good. apple orchard, and a numberof young peed] trees are also on the farm. • • • • . . . This is a dosirable location, well adapted to the raising of stock, and is convenient to schools am! churches. For further information luquiro of the undersium4 oc4-Im Igiztatonmk Mic3xb Sta,lep, TUE HEIRS of Joseph Reed will sell 01v:t...a10 a yaluable Ilmestono him con!alrilli 157 Acred; 141 Perches; awl ellovrances, situate in WBST TOWNSHIP, Ifuntrei. don county, Pa, one. rune fro t. Petersburg, which le on the of the Penna. Railroad. S. S. 5111T11, . . About 120 acros aro cleared and in good state of cultiva tion, including soma 25 acres In meadow: The remain ing partle avcil timborod and la every acre available for farming purposes There aro on it a large well finisked brick honse, a large bank barn, ono tenant bones, a brick spring home, carriage house, wagon shed and corn crib.— Also, an excollontapple and poach otehavel. The Soucos are good, including nearly 200 panels post and rail fence. Os the farm are three Inver. failing swings of Om heat limtabine natal., and a numing stream parainethrotigh ono corner of tho barnyard. This presents a taro chance to obtain a prodneti ve,.(lrst For further particulars call upon or address, previous to Octobor 20th, the undersigned. T..1).1tER.1); Pat'ereburg, I 0.. sel,o JAMES A. BROWN, lluntlugden. VALUABLE -REAL ESTATE, AT PRIVATE SALE. Tbo.undersignod'•Wlll salt TorriCreakaiiible - price MOW; owing real oatale sititate in DUBLIN 'Township, Hunt , ugdon countyr belonging to Mrs. Eliale M. Pyle. No. L—AdJoiti ;ands or James Neely, William Sieve rt, and others, containing ono. bundrod and slain; ores and perches, ntOW Jess. . • No. 2.—Adhih&e lands of Jathos . Neely, James Kelly; and James.Oree, cop mining screntopu . acres; more or less: No..3.—ApJoining the above and • teen cores and thirty-six porches, part whereof is cleared. The real rotate above mentioned wee purchased by Ws. tltza jl. Pym at, SherUrs sale of the property :. of William Any person 'Melting to, pUrchtio..ll.lo above properties can ascortilii the. full particulars and tenni Ofsale bj calling on 11. C. Robson, Esq •of Shad° Gap. or ... SCOT r, BROWN & BAILEY, ,- ... . . • Huntingdon. July 12, 192.5. . Attys. for E. Al.iryrd. . . rrinE undersigned offer the _Philo : oil which they reside, in West, towneljtp, AttutinVou county; at private mile. it le situated three miles frgee Petersburg, and the same distance from Railroad and ca nal. It contains tilt.en hundred and forty-nine acres and alimranco; good . buildings, and shoat coo hundred sod fifty Rem cleared ; and well :abided for a stoi cfarm. , r • • - 3. B. 31A(1111itil, ' 3EZI Ni 7 CYET VTIT.a..I4 11 1 1 A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DQNNELL & KLINE% PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors west of LOC& Book Store. CALL AND SEE, SPECIMEIq. Huntindon, Opt 4, 165-4-, Electricity. • _ FIR• • BREWSTER, HAS OPENED Li all Mitre in Huntingdon, Pa., and has cured, and 'further Pledges himself to cure a chwof diseases act no lodged to be incurable by nay known process of medics 'Hon, diseases that never have, nor pivot' can coatioll ed, only by his mode of applying the vartone modifications of .tileattricity.,- - t: • ' , Ibe Doctor doei n tit , wielc eadick irnpreision llfat he cures ail diseases - in nil conditions; he does hot wish to shock the cense ofr• the public by asserting' fhat he can cure pulmonary consumption after the lunge are halfdt. cayed, 4010 -pledgee hitnsolf to cure evety - ease, of :pal. tummy routuurption in the early and - middle adge,"add every other disease where a sufficient amount Of Vitality remains for -reaction. • .1 ! ... . . . .. • • Electricity is always saro in Ito Rancho(' anailicileiiCod oPecator. The currents' are . perfectly , iinder nsTtrol, and' co,. bo regulated to suit the • delicato nerves of a child without any unpleasant sensation:" • • - . " - &r- All thoso who hare long suffered from painful end obstinate diseases 1 : , ANyi- All thosa who 1;avo bean giron op by Other Phial :clonal • • • • All those who Lave Loop diointerett as tuaorobto from hospitals! • ^ ARE INVITED TO CALL .- , , I.loeticitY, tinllk6 Medicine, ia cipable of prodticlng all the changes necessary to cure any. discaeo„when, applied from proper polarities. Tim following are among the clls eases our system of practicohas pi•oyed isgedinlly euteeee. fill In curing. • , - . , • ~ . , blie'ases guro by 311ectrop*hy. . _ . Amaur OSb; ApllOllY, loss of voles, 4z.. ; , Asthma: . Agna-, Chills, fever and ague: Atrophy; nervous consumption; Atony of the stomach,. ' Amonorrhcea, tpppressed menses; Ali Mercurial diseases; Bites of poisonous insects or ant. male; Bronchitis; storm or gravel in plodder; Gensurop-, lion; Chlorosis, green'sicicuces: Concussion of brain; Con. traction of, oboes; stri'eturo• nflimbs,Cholic, from differ ent canseg - Cianips or apesni% cbronittou. salt's;" CUsti'ex: tiviSaljokikifif fill kinds, Corea; St. Vitus dance; Coldness of foot ntid hands; Cancers, id cettolu stages; Copper col ored cuticle,. or bletchcsf Catarrh; Itiptheria; Deforme d . limbs straitened, Deafness, from paralysis or detoustie nerve; Dizziness or drotreitiess; , Dropsy; Diabetes; Dye. pepsia, in alt its [Mins; Dlsmenurrhom; painful menstrde ntion; Difficult respiration; Enlargement of joints; Ear ache; Epilepsy, falling sickness.; Pits, from different con., see; Onstritton, irritation of the, stomach; Gout; Goitre- or swelled nook; Glandular swellings; Homiplogia; Hem orrhage, from different eausee; Hysterin,-Irritablo spins, dr.:sick or nervons Headache; InSithily; Inflamed or sun° eyes; Incoutinaneo roTpldstate of Lii,exi.Lungs. hemorrhage of, congestion of, Sc.; Locklaw;TAver,enlitrge meat ',el:mhos-rhea; dour albus; -whites; Mental de pression; SitiscuTitr contraction; kienstruation, derange ment In; Monemankt; M g Numbness, from !Nudes or othorwise; Netiraiglm Nocturnal emissions; Old sores,' indolent ulcers; Osumi; in some of its forms: Paraplegia; Paley, numb .or - shaking, 'Paralysis, in whatever park Poisoning; Palpitation of the, heart; Prostration from vit.' rims causes; PEolitimits titan% Ac, ProlnPeue aid, or piles; excessive Perspiration; Suspended Perepiketlon;. Pulmo nary apoplexyt Buell of Blood to the head; Itholtaditslll, acme Of chroalc; .Beettessuess; Swelled Tonsils; .Sore Throat, from any canoe; Sell rhannu"Scroluim Spinal dis eases, curvature, Ac.; Ovarian Tumors; Ac.; Tremens, do, lirium, or at death, Totanue, idekjou, Uteiiros Mis placements, Uterine weakness; Weak _Eyes, .fr,c4 White swellings.-.BREWSTER, N. D., out 4,1865 ' ~ Huntingdon, Pa. LADIES" rANCY FURS , AT • , JOHN FAREIRA'S . s . ' ..,.: OLD ESTABLTS'R.rup • .. M 1 11.3C • itsectramorztootccvy 718 ARCH Street above Se:aerial PHILADZILI'IIIA.. ...—, I have now in - itore of .0' my own ,Tsuliertatlon mid r. ' Alunntuelure, out of the ... , If c.,.. LA It OP. 8 7 and Most 5:,,cT IX." , . I.EAUTIFOL !electioneer IBC.'`Ot '. Fancy. Furs, r, , -,.... .. .l_ rf ,1V''...., '' for T471118' and Carr y; ' ••••i•rf4t ,, Py . (I:I7O,IYEAIt, In the ii.. 1 T i t i rKg b _ t, , lty. .111 . 130, a line t assort. f 1. 1 z cit -;:--% <--::.. 9 , • 4 0,, D 'e atop 0_ r ; T A.:':',V. ",.. ,- 7' Glared and Collars. A. 2 ---- dr % ,,,,: y . e a r z b ll . er cy . ., r ,,e at- - 1....., - _ 1111A8aN ABLE Plf.loBB '-24 - Ix--nd I would therefore -...(....?..,,:._,_''. 4--- - - • - solii a' call from itij , -.7,7 - ,..iiiti: - *.-lif-- - friends of Huntingdon ,-- ~........---- county aud vicinity. .02- llomomber theliame, Number and Street I . JOHN PAREIRIs, 718 ARCH, Sheet, above 7111, South aide, sell-Am - - PHILADELPHIA. A7 , -- 1 HITE NO PARTNER. NOR 'CONNECTIOI4 WITH ANT OTHER STOIII/ IN PHILARELPHIA. ALEXANDRIA - : BREWER E. 0. & 0. W. COLDER. HAVING enteral! Into .oripartnerelelp in the • Alexandria 'Brewery, the public are informed • r s that they will,ha prepared at all times to rat ordure no the shortest notice. Alexandria, Jan.13.1.130-tt trALD BRASS AND COPVER Agken in#azob.or for &CoO9 "! ihn H trr . f . . ME JOSEPH DUFF. BABIIIEL DUFF