The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 11, 1865, Image 3

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Wednesday morning, Dot, 11, 1866,
Those subscribers receiving . a pa
per marked with a t before the name
will understand that . the time for
which they' subscribed - is up. If they
-wish the paper continued they will
- renew their subscription through the
mail or otherwise. tf:
'The Fair.
The Fair was held for this coutityat
'the old grounds here on. Wednesday,
Thursday and . Friday last. The first
day, as mum), nothing of interest oc
curred, and all .that was done was in
/bringing in the articles for exhibition.
The next day, however, the interest
that our people have in such institu
tions was made manifest in the luau
-I-notable multitude that congregated
on the fair grounds during the after
noon. The following day, Friday, also
witnessed a large concourse of, people
-not only on the fair grounds, but also
; in all the streets of town. There was
:the old man of eighty and the ardent
youth of sixteen; there were the bright
.eyed, rosy` chocked &tinsels; and the
, liffectionate toothier bearing in her
aims the' laughing,' ronnd-faced babe,
together with a hoot of the middle aged
and youthS of both sexes—all. to be
found with the"fair on the brain," (ba
bieo, too) and the beam of joyousness
that repeatedly shone from their coutt•
tonances gave sufficient assurance, that
they were highly. delighted with the
sights they saw.
We took a stroll through the grounds,
(as who did not that was present) and
went" through the apartments to 1300
-"what was to be seen." We saw many
things, in every class mentioned, that
were truly remarkable; and' if space
would- tea would give a descrip
tion of the most prominent articles on
cxhibition for the gratification of those
who missed the pleasure of seeing for
themselves. To tell of mam moth
pumpkins, hirge apples, gigantic beats
and talleprn; . of fine embroidery, fancy
painting, beautiful frames, and other
delicate hand's-work, and of the differ
ent species of stock and poultry there
on exhibition would we know be inter
esting enough,' but we 103VC it for
friends to toll friends of what they
It wasa common remark by every
body that there was not enough things
exhibited. To this all will agree; but
do those who said this know -, that the
fault is umie own ? Surely if they had
brought even ono article, that one
would have been something more to
look at and would have swelled the
list. •We .Vould have liked to see - more
things at the fair thee there wore, and
trust that at the next fair, everybody
will not fail to bring something. We
think if • the fair was attractive, enough
to bring so many people together, the
people should be kind enough to reward
the fair. by helpingto fill it up.
On Friday.afternoon the
Wore read. Weaxpect to puplish there,
where-it will be seen who had the
"biggest," and who had , the "hest."
We-think it was au amusing- part of
the fair to watch the physiognomies of
the coMpetitors during the reading of
the list Of 'names to whom the premi•
urea - were awarded. All those who
brought contributions to the fair sure
ly doh:kV - a - credit, as well as the thanks .
of all spectators, and we hereby ton.
der ours to the donors for the pleasure
walbud vieivingitioir donations.
The Fair was a success. The days
of exhibition were favorable with ro
gard to the weather; the crowd was
imiitetis'e; comparatively little drunk
ennesswas to be seen ;:and although
the number of contributions were few, -
yet. 7 What_ was there was well worth
seeing.: .We'expect to see many more
articles next year,(if there is an orbit-
bition as we suppose there will be) as
it could not be foretold last year what
the state of the times and country
woUld; admit, ;bat we believe every.
thing-is fax:orable•for a grand display
tthesiet tiine, all that is required be.
ing4 'chic amount of energy and Litton.
;Von to their .different pursuits by all.
.:ClailieS of people. . - At the close of the
-exhibition, Graffus Miller, President
;of the Society; made a short address in
whieh - fie . thankcid the people for their
'orderly - attendance, .and also the Al
toona Cornet Band for ths . music they'
, dis:Coursed, necessary to the enliven
ment of the occasion.. The people then
sePttalcdi . -the; : orowd/of; spectators
to tell to-comrades and friends the
,eights of the day, and the contributors,
hearing - away with thorn their articles,
to, tell of how the attention of the
`crowd was riveted on their •produc
tions, and, some of the same with tones
of gladness narrating the list of names
who took the premium, themselves
among, the. .number.. Farewell, Fair
and fair scenes, and may we live to
look upon your like again. .
The Baby ! , ; _
The COmMittee appointed to report
in ffftorof aka best looking baby on
exhibition at the fair, after looking ,
through the crowd oil Friday, for two
or three hours, unanimously - .agreed
that EDGAR Swv.rm„ of Huntingdon,
aged 13 months, was the premium
bahki , and. the mother was awarded the
(gybe for one year, free of charge.
. .. • . 2 ,
W5..WU...T... ......
P.WT.T......."....' . .....................T . Number ofsubdistricte. i l - 7.
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----- -- -
The following is the Executive Com
mittee of the Soldiorie. Monument As
sociation of Huntingdon county, Pa :
R Allison Miller, Chairman, Hun
tin gdon ; John Love, Barred; Hays
Hamilton, Franklin; Theodore
Cremer, Esq., Huntingdon ; Wm. M.
Philips, Alexandria;.Samuel T. Brown,
Esq Huntingdon ; Rev. Theobald Fouse,
HoFowell ; George W. Gai-retson, Hun.
tingdon; Simeon Wright, Esq., Union ;
David Black, Huntingdon; Thos. E.
Orbison, Orbisonia; Brice Blair, Dab
lin ; Hon. B. F. Patton, Warriors
The Executive Committee of the .
Soldiers' Monument Association of
Huntingdon County, will moot at my
office in Huntingdon, Friday, Oct. 20,
at 2 o'clock, P.R.
Th. quotas, Eeo
We publish in to-day's paper a full . n
and. accurate table showing the quo-1 1 " th ending Sept
Brumbaugh, P P
tas, erudite, surpluses and deficiencies
Corbin, D
of the several subdistricts of this coon-. Coskery, Thos.
ty, on the various calls of the President Donelson, Oath. A
for troops. Wo aro under many obli- Fulton, John
gallons to James M. Kinkead, Esq., Fox, Simon
Griffith, John
late chief Clerk of the Provost Mar- Houpt, Rosanna
shal's office, at Hollidaysburg, who has M oore, John C
furhisbed'ua with the tables. Ile re
signed his position as Chief Clerk of
the Department on rho Ist of Septem—
ber, and is now a resident of Hope
well, Bedford county
WY' We understand that the "Fam
-ily Record" which is becoming so pop
ular everywhere, is published only in
Philadelphia, and thatany person pub
lishing the work elsewhere, will do so
illegally. The Publishers, Bartleson
& Co., inforM us through their agent,
that they will prosecute such to the
full extent of the law. Tho book is
copyrighted. 2t.
our strolls thiottgh town we very fre
quently notice youthful imbibers of
tanglefoot behaving in a, rather disor
derly manner,. and at the, same time
furnishing unmistakable proof that
soniebodk : has violatsd the laws Prohiz
biting the sale of liquors to minors.
There is a vast field hero in which the
temperance society can
.operate suc
OIL IN JUNIATA. - 4 party
. engaged
in boring; in - Juniata county, have
"struck oil," sit a depth of 81:8 feet in
territory lying some twenty4our miles
smith-west of Mifflintown.. There aro
indications that oil exists in large
quantities thereabouts, and we antici
pate that when pumps are put in ope
ration there- will be iigood report re
ceived from the little Juniata.
VirA New York paper gives 'as a
reason for ladies crowding into a full
car, that•the "dear creatures love to
be squeezed." We rather think that
they do so, more to see how gallant a
gentleman can. be by effering'his seat •
and perhaps the majority of them be
lieve "Mon have no 'rights that women
are bound to rrespect.!' - ; • •
A New Opening
UENRY STROUSE has just opened a
new store in the room lately occupied
by A. Willoughby, deceased, where
the public can find Ready Made Cloth
ing, Boots and:Shoes; Hats, and Caps,
&c. Give hint a call and oamine goods
and prices. •• • 2t.
A fire brokpout yesterday morning,
iu the roof of the wash house in the
rear of Mr. R Speer's d'welling, ou
-Washington street, but was quenched
beton!, gaining much headway. Occa
sioned by stovepipe falling.
-Ilenry Harper, 520 Arch. street,
Plilads„ (road his card in this issue,)
keeps- a . good stock of Flue Jewelry
and Silverware, - on band. Give him a
The Inner Life or the Joys of My Fat
We Howse;
By a wayfaring Man. This is ti book
in which the yearning heart of seeker
and saint, will find a voice for its long
ings, in which the mourning and ro
joining will find words of comfort and
exultation. It contains much that will
encourage us on our journey through
this vale of tears to our home in glory.
It is well printed : on tinted paper, by
Sherman & Co., Philadelphia, and well
bound. It has testimonials from the
late Hon. T. Frolinghuy-sen, Bishop
Simpson, aud others,of God's servants.
The agent of this important book will
be in town for a few days, and we com
mend him •to the courtesy and patron
ago of our Citizens, and trust ho will
meet with that success commensurate
with the rare sure merits of the work.
List of Letters.
List of undalled letters remaining in
the Post Office nt Coffeb Run, for the
ember 30th, 1865 :
Moyer, Mary J
Richison, J 2
Shultz, Benjamin
Stover, Susan 2
Summers, J 2
Shoup, 1)
Speck, A
Trees°, Agnes
Wes. Ker, J B
S. Conn,
2, 1865. P. hi
Coffee Run, Oct
EThe Shirlaysburg Herald says
that the ontiie'stock of. the Hunting.
don County Oil Company is almost full)
the shares being nearly all taken, and
the company almost ready for organi
zation and boring put into operation.
The citizens of the lower end of this
county invested liberally., .
New nuslafd Anstrumonps,
A new stock of musical instruments
have just been received at Lewis' Book
Store. Violins from $-3 to $
Guitars frOm $l2 Lo $35 ; Banjos $ 8
and $ 9 50; Accordeon $6 to $l5;
Fifes, Bows, Strings, Rosin, Tail
Boards, Bridges, Mouth Organs, and
Jews ITarps, • tf.
The Premiums.
Want of time and space has preven
ted us from publishing the list of pro.
miums awarded at the late Fair. We
shall publish the names of the individ
uals next week, together with the
amount of premium to which they aro
AnptNey New store.
William Africa has opened a new
Boot & Shoe 'store at his old place of
business, and the public would do well
to give him a call. Ho has a fine as
sortment on band.
VAdeiberry Wine
Mr. , John - Pon will- please accopt
our- thanks for a bottle of very fine
Elderberry Wine. lie certainly
derstands how to make a good article.
r A steam propeller carrying 118
tons of bituminous coal from this place,
arrived at its destination, the Gibral
tor Iron Works, below Beading, dur
ing the past week.
WY' A:change has boon made in :the .
running time Of the passenger trains
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
Refer to schedule in to•day's paper.
Great Itemedte •
Prof. MeEntyre's Great Remedies—
the Indian Compound, the Dandelion
Pills, and the Indian Vegetable 'Worm
DeStroyeifor sale at Lewis'. Book
Store, Huntingdon.
ti.IIARRIED/ ' ,
on the 12th of Sept., 1865, at Belle
ville, by Rev. R, B. Moore, WELLING :
TON,R. FERGUSON, of Mifflin county; to
Miss MARY E. BELL, of McAlevy's Fort,
Huntingdon county.
On 26th, by Rev: J. A. Price,
Mr. J. U. Sept., uyohn, and Miss .ANNIE Me-
MuwertiE, of Huntingdon.
September 28th, IDA A. SHRINER,
daughter of John and Mary M. Shri
ner, aged nine months and eight days.
- • •
STREET . M.mii!Thers.- -: -It was Doctor
i Franklin who said he could always
tell'where . good - natured philanthropid
people resided by walking through the
streets and observing the houses which
had ashes, sprinkled over their pave
mentsduring sleety weather, when the
footways wore in a slippery condition.
This method of discovering who is
possessed the "milk of human kind
ness" can only be resorted to during
the monthi When the rude blasts of
winter are upon us, but a rule equally
as good fur obtaining like information
is applicable to the summer months,
and that is to notice what particular
pavements are kept freed from water
melon rinds; peach pearings, apple
skins and similar life and limb eadan ,
gerers. Wu never see a person Stop
in the street and with his foot or hand ,
remove any fruit or vegetable matter
from the pavement, without mentally,
ejaculating, "That- man is a realphil
anthropist," and at the same time we
stigmatize the individual who dropped
such matter there as a'eareless, reek,
less, 11111:pi-nen personage. Accidents
are of daily occurrence, and numerous
personal injuries are inflicted on un
suspecting passers-by, who measure
their lengths on the. pavement through
treading on fragments of fruits orveg-.
etuhles: The practice of throwing re
fuse portions of fruit, &e., bought at
the corner stand, on the public foot
way, is extremely :reprehensible, and
the authorities should inflict a heavy
fine on any person caught so offending.
... .
.. - October, 10.
.. . ..
Fancy and Extra Fatally Flout ..........511,00®10, 2 _5
Com/non:Lod Superfine,: .. .. ...... ......... ... ...$7,00®7,75
Ryo Flour $O.OO
Corn Meal..., • $4,75
11x t ra White WLent. $2,50®2,00
Pair and Prime Rod
~.. $2,05®2,16 "
Rye 1,05
Corn, prime Yellow . 05
Oats ..
Clovereeed, 111.14 lbe ' • 57,50
Timothy $5,50
Fla:toed, • • • $3,30
Wool .
Extra Family Flour 141.1.4 • - • •••110,0/
Extra do Vt cat • 5.75
White Wheat 20
Rod Whent • 210
Ryel 00
New Corn • •70
Oat.. • . 50
Cloversoed 7,50
Flaxsood • . • . • ^
Dried Apples 2,25
Egg , .
Lard 30
Ham 35
Sides .
Tallow 15
Iley• .
T o TUEI ADIES =Do you really
. intend to eel.° wearing the beautiful styles now
so prosalont,'or dross less elegantly, because the rebel
Jeff. Davis, was ceptitred in FiShiettable Female attire?
One moment'. calm reflection will surely servo to change
your rash resolve.. The angels had too Much good sense
to lay aside their pure . cbssto• robes of white, because
they had fur'a time served to tilde the deformities of that
Prince of notedly', the Dorn. Can you err In following the
exampleof Angela? Thole haying made up your minds
that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of
rebel aets, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri
bers, who will be. happy at all limes to furnish you with
such articles of dress as you may clears. Urge your fath
ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit
the same store. They can here ho suited in good articles
al:loots, :has, Clothing „Material, Hats, Caps, Qlletuss
mare nail a general n , tortatent of Groceries, on as rea
sonable terms ns nt any Irons, in town.. Store on South
east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa.
may al, 1865. 'FRANCIS D. WALLACE.
DR. STRICKLA.ND.—The valuable rem
odic' offered by this regularly educated
physician, who csme here from Tennessee,
highly recommended, will he found adver
tised in our columns..' His office is• No. 6
Bast•Fdarth street, Cincinnati. 0.
We would advise any one suffering from a
distressing cough or . any affliction of the
hroat or lungs, to try Dr. Strickland's Mete
lifluous Cough Balsanwit is for sale at the
drug stores.
To ally Fellow Soldiers, and Fellow Oil
izens of Iluntingdon County.
I minounce Myself: to you as an Indepen
dent Union Candidate for the When of Asso
ciate Judge. And in doing so, you have the
right to know who I am; and why I ask your
I was born and reared iii Penn township,
and am now 32 years of ago. Raised a far
mer, I fbllowed lhat purstiit:until the coin
mentement-of the rebellion, when on the 16th.
of September, 'lB6l, I enlisted es a private in
the company of Capt. J. 11. Wintrode in the
534 Regt. P. V. ; connOttnded by Col. Brooke.
I wet On . gagea in tha seven days . battles on
the Penmsula, at Antietam ; Chancellorsville,
Gettysburg, and the intermediate fights, and
on the 14th of October,' 1863, n few miles
from Bristow Station, Va., I had my right
arm nearly shot off; compelling me to' have
it amputated 'close to the shoulder, a few
hours afterwards.' liras then taken to the hos
pital in' Alekandria, where 'I lay until March
1864, when I was 'transferred to the Invalid
Corps, in which I remained until the 21st of
August,lB6s, when I was discharged. Hay.
ing been mndo Orderly Sergeant, and it being
a part, of my duty to keep the rolls of the
company ; I did my writing with my left.hand.
This is a brief accouut of during
tire war, and I take pride in referring to my
Company and. Regimental Officers for mj rec
ord as a soldier; and as for character as a
citizen, I refer to my, nciglthers at home, ir
respective of party.
lam not and - never was n politician. I
love my country, end em willing to risk my
life again in her defence. I claim no' honor
for what I have doite—it was only my duty;
but as I am poor, and; having lost my right
arm in the service, and unable to earn a
livelihood by Inkiest - toil, I appeal to the peo
ple, soldiers and citizens, to reward' those
who have been crippled fer life in this great
struggle to preserve tile
.Government. The
soldiers -wile 'filught, by my side under our
glorious flag, and are ready to do so again
will not torn from the appeal of their former
comrade in arms. -If there is anything on
earth that sanctifies friendship and proves our
common brotherhood, it is the sufferings, the
struggle, and the wounds of war. As the
great fight is now over, the rebellion sup
pressed, and peace restored, we should not
forget the brave men who won us the victory.
If elected I promise to discharge the duties
of the trust with honesty and fidelity ; and
whether elected or defeated, I shall. be none
the less true to my country, and her trium
pha❑t flag. 'ANTIIONY J. BEAVER.
V;ihe Voters of the Representative Dis
trict Conposed of the Counties of _Hun
tingdon, Mifflin and Jitniata,
At the moist solicitothius of many of my fellow chi
acne, I hare heel's Induced to offer myself is an iudepen
dent cantlidabefor the Legislator° in this 'District, com
posed of the counties of Huntingdon, 3IIMIn and Juniata.
If four years rhiptary serico in our orniy foi the Ines.
erration,of our glorious Union, constitute any elaims to
• yonr edflrage, I ask it of yeh. 'For my acts as on officer
and soldier, I refer you to the oth rPllllllCavall7 during
the svpr. J. M. PORTED.
Alexandria, Aug. .03,
Revenue Stnr4s
From 1 cont to $lO, p r lwas on hand
and for sale at Lewis' Book Stoke.,-,
Orders by mail, accompanied with the
cash for stamps and posteige, will re
oeive promvt attfsnton..
poison. in tcrthit-of ono of 111
above sliOuld MLfg DIANA L. ElA
liEft, Agent for the Machine,
Huntingdon, ,Sopt.27-On
\XTILL OPEN its Winter Session on
V the 161.11 of 06T01.1E1t next, and continuo .5 months
Entire Expenses, except waiting. for the session, $B5
No better place could be selected where students are
entirely free front the ekes of towns nod villages.
For particulars address S. Z. StrAltP,
son. Principal.
•. .
fo fauna's the Public . thai Le' bar Liken' out a license to
dry soles nt any place In the 17th Colliticsidonal district.
' Address him' at ItithlleOu'ig, fleaYord corns ty, •or Post
rnastor at James Creak, Iluntlogdon cothify: 6s2G-am
1 4 4:$3'Aii.XCJ rePriLlCAti
-6 ,o*‘.a. j4Q._ . ,,.,..
r- , .....,-.. ~,
' a
- ,;' ix • i r ;.7,2,.-
...... . _ ~..
~ _
M. GREENE has just opened
. lila Music Store, ono door west of W Lewis' Book
'gore, Where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY &
SONS' and C'...!`l l LE'S Plano Manufacturing Company's
CAROART, NS EDGAM 'ma - wove; outtara,
Violins. giro., notes; Clitior and Violin Strings.
MUSIC 11001iS-Golden Chain,Cluldott Shover, Golden
Censor. Golden Trio, be., Ac.'
SllkliT MUSIC.—IIe is constantly receiving from
odelphia all the latest music, )vhich persons at a distance
wishing, ran order, 0111111 We cent thorn by no nil.
CIIINES—the only machine that, to addition to ovary
kind of sewing. embroiders - perfectly; sewing Silk and.
Cotton of all kinds - and colors for machines.
Persons buying Sewing Machines fully instructed in
the use of them.
, Pianns and Organs Warranted for five years.
Those wishing to buy any of the above articles ate in
vited to coif and examine mine before purchasing else.
n - bero My, prices are the same as In New York and
Circulars of Instruments nr Machines, sent promptly
upon application with any additional infornintisni desired.
11111 street,linntingdon, Pa.
se2t One door west of Lewis' Book &tore.
Clock &
Ate' Watch Maker,
At 1110 old eland of Swartz & McCabo, ,
11 tiNTINGDOIt, F. opt. 13, 100.
The Dlreetori of the Porter 'eland Oil Company have
this day declared a •
no the capital 'dock of the Company, for the mouth of
Alagott, payable ani nod after the lath lost.
ee2o-3t Secretary.
Come to the premises of the subscriber In Tod twp.
In the latter part of November lAst n dark brin. V A
vio e.
dlo STEIIIi, supposed to be two years old, but VA
not merited. • A white streak between the ford -1ri...-...
legs, and the cud of the tall white. The owner is reques
ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges, stud
take it , away ; otherwise it will be disposed of according to
law. . , - • (501.15*) N IC:BOLAS CRU 51.
[Estate of James Lane, deceased.] .
undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of lluntinedon county, to di.tributo filo balance on
the Administration account of. James lt.' Lane, Executor
of James Lane, deceasStl; . will attend to tho duties of his
appointment on Thursday . ..the 28th day Of September, at
his office In tho borough of Ifuntingdon,ut one o'clock,.
P. 314 when andwhero aII persons' Interested willpresont
their claims, or be delnirrod front coining in for any eller°
of said fund. .• W3l. A. STEPHENS,
September 13,
. ' , Auditor.
. [Estate of Isaac l'islier;deceased.]
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
'Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balanco in
the bands of no, P. Campbell, Esq., no administrator of
the estate of Isaac Fisher, &ceased, will attood to tho do.
ties of lila appointment nt his office In tho thorough of
Huntingdon. on Wednesday the 27th day 'of 'September.
at one o'clock, P. 21,, when and where all persons intores
ted will present their claims, or be debarred fecal coming
In fur a share of sold' fund. WSI. A. STEPIIIOI2,
Septembei 18,'05-td.. . • • Auditor.
Estatffof Margaret Entrikon, deed.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Courted' Huntlngdonconuty to distribute the fund' in
the hands' of John B.Oiven, surviving 'Executor of gar
garet Entriken, deed., will attend to the duties of hie ap.
pointment at his office in tile borough of Huntingdon;
on TUESDAY, the 3d day of October, at ono o'clock, p m
when and where all pencl. interested will present their
claims or ho debarred front coming in for any share of said
fund. M 3.1. A. STEPIIESS,
se2Otd. Auditor.
[Estate of Henry T. White; Esq doc'dd
The undersigned,' auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county to distribute the fund in the
honde of Adolphus White, administrator of Henry T.
White,' late of thu borough of. Huntingdon, deceased, to
and among those entitled thereto, h.reby glees notice that
he will attend nt Lie WIC* in the borough of Hunting
don, ou SATURDAY, the 23d day of September next, at
one o'clock, I'. M., for the purpose of making said distrib
ution, when and where all parsons having claims against
the said fund era required to present the same, or be do.
barred front coming in for any shore of the said fund.
an 3041 THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor.
•,;"' buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at
RHOLEPALE m cheap cc they cau in the
hies, as I have a wholesale store its Philadelphi
11. ROWAN.
Gold Pons & Pencils,
The best assortment of the hand
somest and best styles, for sale at
Lewis' Book Store. tt
Photograph Prattler,
• A splendid assortment of largo size
just received and for sale at Lewis.
Book Store. t
,etir For neat JOB PRINTING,. call at
the "GbonE Joe PRINTING °FMK." at Hum.
tingdoh PR.
frhe subscribors wall offor,f4..prii4
salo a farm situated in ackstal fulfmailp; 'cautalq.
lag alumt 41 ; • •
_ ,
one hundred and forty of whieli are cleared, and the
once well thnbered . wlth plnf, owl: ' and chestnut; .-
The improvrtnentsi fonslstrof a good dwelling Loose;
Lank born,,norn boas, tiagon steed, end
other nereaintf out litlildlage.
A branch of Stone Creek rune ilrrongh tLo promisee,
and a spring of good and never falling water near the
Louses. A good apple oreliiirdi and ,a•nuniber of young
pearls trees are also on tilo,farnl,
This is n desirable locaifon, well adapted to tho raising
of stock, and is convenient to schools and churches.
For further information inquiry of the 'undersigned
living on the farm. '
By •irt no or an order of the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county, at . August term, 1805, to me directed
under proceedings in partition in mid court, I will expose
to public SAO,
On Saturday, October 21, 1865,
at 1 o'clock, P. IH., on the promises In' the borouyh'
Ilnutingdou, all dug certain
• LOT OF ifftOtiND
Sit:tato in the borough of Huntingdon, containing 7400
seventy fire hundred square feet, nett measure bounded
by the Finnsylronta. Canal to the north, a tat of Jas. Fort,
on the east, the turnpike road on the south end the cot
tage farm on the west, having thereon a atesm grist and
flouring mill and a largo . frame Sterol:attic.
The mill has the necessary mochinery to the put - pore,
and excellent steam engine attached to it, and the situation
Is a good one for any kind of business.
TIMMS OF SALlt.—One third of the purchase money to .
he paid on the acknowledgment of the deed and the re•
meinder in two equal anneal payments with interest, to
be secured by the judgment bonds and mortgage of the
purchaser. aBo. W. JOIINSTON, .Sheriff.
By order of the Court :
W. C. WAGOZIEP., Prothonotary.
llnutingdon,Sopt.36,lBGs. ,
By virtue of on onler of the. Orpherte* Court of Moir
county, the outionitned Will offer for sale, on the premi
On Thursday, October 19, 1865,
At 1 niclock,p, in., a VALUABLE FARM, in Efutaon tArp.;
Blair county, (alighting lamb of Fpringfield Furnace,
containing= area, moro or tree,
. .
MThis farm Is well Improved, and in good coin
'tattoo,harlng thereon a good house., bank barn,
Corn cribs, Wagon shed and other outbuildings.
An orchard of choice fruit, spring of never falling
'water, and large spring house. ' • . .
This is it desirable property, located tY miles front Wil
liamsburg, S Milos front Hollidaysburg and 8 milas from
'Martinsburg. - . ' •
Tftit3l9 OF SALE.—Ono third on confirmation of sale,
and ttio residue in two squat annual payments with inte
rest, to be' secured by bonds and mortgage of purchsier . .
For further information • apply . to'llon.A. ifcAlifeter,
Springfield Furnace, or to
Admm. otJumeu A. Cunningham deed
The unctoraignoti, Erecutors. of Christopher 'Wigton,
late of Ft•atlkfrn terenebip, litintin'gdon county, deceased,
by virtue of tho potior and nOthority vo4ted in them by
the trill ofeabldmued,o will offer at public sale, on the
On Thliniatty, tho 12th of . October, 3.865,
At ten Welock, n. •tn. •all that •valuebto LinESTONE•
FARM, el ttfitt in Franklin towaebip, Huntingdon county
containine IST acres, 1641 of which are cleared and itn.
proud. . . •. • •
i a The buildrngs &nib' f fin good. two story dou
ble . frame dwelling house, itlYil netessnry out
buildings, and a framo bank barn, 76 a fin feet.
A good young orchard, bearing fruit, and save•
eel fine springs, botlislate and ilmestono, are on the pre-
It is eltnafed on the turnpike from Spruce Creek to
Centre county. and is four mites from. Spruce Crook, a
station on the Panne).!yenta Railroad. The crook passes
through the form, and there are two good water powers,
at Ono of tilde, there is a darn already built, ready for•
The farm is in good order and cultivation, and its con.
venisnce to schools, churches, storm, and the large iron
manufacturing ertablislamente of Huntingdon county,
makes this eon of the most dosirablo farms in Hut interit
or of the Irate. Possosstoliwtit tee del(rorcd on the let of
April. .
Tho executors Will, Al (ho earn time, offer nt public
sale 020 ACRES of laud in Palo Alto comity, rovin. • None
of the helm desire to purchase; the property Will be sold
to the highest hldilet;
TERMS OP SALE.—One third in Laud, nod the rosiduo
In one mid two years• troth tho date of sale, with interest
from the first of April,lB6o, to be secured by the bonds
nud mortgage of the purchaser.
It. 11. WIGTON,
cl94t Executors.
3Fircyrmxx. Micxv
HE UEIRS of Joseph Reed will soil
rrivxtv .nla n vulnablelimui t an farm coojaltdec
157 Acres, 141 Perches,
and allowancer, situate in. WEST TOWNSHIP, Minting
don county, Pa ; one mile fro Potoreburg, which is on
the lin- of the Potipa. Itnilrond.
About 120 acres aro cleared and in good state of cultiva
tion, including some 25 acres in meadow. The remain
ing pants well timbered and is every acre available for
farming purpo es
There are on it a large well finished brick house,
a large bank barn, one tenant house, a brick spring
house, carriage house, wagon shed and corn crib.—
Also, an excellent apple and peach. orchard. The fences
are good, including nearly 200 panels pest and roll fence.
On the farm ere three never falling springs of the best
limestone water, and a running stream passing through
one corner of the barnyn rd.' This presents a rare chance
to obtain a productive, first quality farm.
For further particulars call Upon or address, previous
to October 20th, the undersigned.
T. 11. REE.D. Petersburg, Mint. co.
soli) JAMES A. BROWN, Mutt t ingdan
riIHE heirs of Jacob.G. Hewitt, will
sell at private sale a valuable farm, embracing about
One Hundred and Sixty-Five Acres,
situate in Porter township, Huntingdon county, about
three nod a half miles from Huntingdon, the earns from
Alexandria and McConnellstown. The quality of
this land is of the best limestone; the land is all. fftl
clear. There le also on Ito large brick dwelling a •
house and bank barn, two tenant houses, wagon
shed and corn Cribs, carriage house, and also an elegant
orchard,olcliccee fruit, with pear and cherry trees. •
There aro alio three springs of good water, which aro
not effected by In connection with the farm
there Is a Mountain trrief of timber laud one mile froi;n the
maidihrm which will be enld along with : th e faint.
For further particulars, call upon or address the under
eigned mar WHllaineburg.
se6tf G. W. ROLLY,R..
TIM undersigned will sell rola reasonable price the fol
lowing real estate situate In DUBLIN Township, Hunt
ingdon county, belonging to Mrs. Blinn'/I; Pym:
No; 1.-Adjoining lands of James Neely, William Stew
art, and others. containing one. hundred and sixteen
acres and sixty-ftre perches, more or less. .
No. 2..Adjolning lands or. Limes Neely, James Kelly,
and James Gres, containing seventeen act., more or
--- less.,
No. 3.ApJoining. the above and' containing seventeen
acres and thirty-six perches, part whereof is cleared. •
The real estate above mentioned was purchased by Mrs.
Eliza Pym at Sheriff's solo of the property .of William
Cumnbell. -
Any person wishing to purchase the above properties
can ascertain the full particulars and terms of rale by
calling on IL C. - Robson, Esq of Shade Gap. pr .. • .
Ifuntingtion..July D 2,190. A Up. (or E, u. Pynt.
Agent for.J. E. Thonison.
Huntingdon, Juno 20, 1865.
- &,
~. . .
The underoigued °Tenni private sale a four
year old idAltkl—a splendid animal, sound hi
all lts parts, nod a fur. traveller. Also, a
rt i ilcs
good top 110001", and a new and complete not
Iluntlogaon, Ang. IG, 1865. - .
• Miztanaci 3Pcor
lIE undersigned offer the Farm on
which they reside; In West township, ;Huntingdon
county, at private sale. It is situated three miles from
l'atereiburg,'and the name dietnnce from Itnilrond and ca
nal. It contains three hundred and forty-nine acres rind
allowance; good building', and about one hundred and
fifty acres cleared, and well adopted for nptock farm.
• J. S. 31AGUIRl9, • •
npri119,186.4-tf. RACIIEE MAGDIRE
Mgo®try aork.ol. g.csoates.
flan just returned from the east with
Which ho offers to • tho inspection of. bin customers and
tho public gonorally. Ile will eoll hie stock at tho most
and thoie who . puichase oneb will surely call again
apd REPAIRING done in the nentost and ;not expedt•
Roue manner.
Can upon Mr. Erhoefet at Lie elfq oq Mil ntrfet, a
feu . doora •.wr - of Il) Diamond. - • 6,27
414 coiipii Coniuddidonern recerie prptiirete -
tk their office up to one o'clogh, on Saturday, the 7th dayQQ
getober - 1561 for building bridge ncrona Aughtidet
reek at Meadow G4t - neanlYeatertn ll ll. - To Ito an open
bridge of one apart odeiherhdrettiket tott'iveetheaseard ,
ed at the sides. Abutipenta to he 12 foot high Nbairrion ,
Water mark. Plan and speellicatiatte cau be seen sit the
Commissioners' olitce, By order of the Board.
itENKT W. 31114E11, Clerk.
Sept. 13, '3l-ttd.
Npoco. Is given that the partnership heron:der, ex- ng between the undersigned in the mercantile Mad
ness, at iluntingdonr under the firm of henry -
In thin Clay dissolved ty, mutual consent. The day firm
of S. E. Henry di Co. 'trill settle thebusinean of Usury
Miller. .S. E. 11ENRY, -
tIOLIN Idly..LE'lki
linntingden .
Pa 'September 12, 1625:' •
. .
• „,, . . ,
whe Ilnu ,
on , ried. have formed a copartner:olp in the
inercantile business. at Huntingdon,. under the firm erg.'
E. If enry & Co., and will 1?r, glad to receiva a char,: ef t .
public patronage. . , . . ', , ' - '
- :WU F. Jonicsrox. •
littutiug TtiOS:B; 4 q I INST°N
ilon, Sept. 12, 1865. •:"
. . .
Would respectfully C 411,, the attention oi the L. -
public to their fresh Stock, and attractive Tn a.vjj
riety of
And In fact everything generally kept in such a store.
They are prepared to sell at the most reasonable price-a,
and by n clam attention to business, and their endeavora
to please everybody they hope to gain the good will and
patronnge of the public.
Their store -is located on nut street, directly apposite .
this First National Dank, and was formerly occupied by
'Mr. Wm. Saxton.
.11Erzeorciwitana Sitcazaei
Tba public .' generally aro invlied" i6es,ll! be:fere
Ilunti ogle n, June 28, 1865.
[Betattio( Benjamin Youse;.deed: -
Letters of Administration have been grauted; - -to tba
undersigned upon the estate' or Benjamin Fonse; Tate or
llopewoll township, Iluntingtion county, tleceaseib
persons indebted will ,make paymenti- end thotmthaving
claims present thetn, property authenticated4o us, "
- ANN FOUSE,Adelinistratris,
so2o—Gl.* ADA.,II - FOUSE, Adirlin*tra!or.
- ..,. .
[Estate Of Armstrong Willoughby,dee'd..l
hereof administration upon the estate of Armstrong
Willoughby, Into of Ituritingdon bor,, dec'd. baring been
krunted to the undorslgned,"all persons indebted to. the
estate will make payment, and. those havin4 elolnle VW: ,
present thm
e , for settlement. " " '," . • "r".
sapt 0,1.8654 t
[Estate of John Hough, decd.
enure of Administration :upon the estate :or. John
Rough, .late of Clay. boa-m.141p,
deed; having been granted:to trio tutdersignedi.allpenteUu
hhting claims against the'ettate. are. requested td present
them to tho undersigned, and all persoitsliudebtint, will;
make immediate payment..' C. R. McCAIITHY,
Saltine, Aug 28,1865-61. : Administrator.
ON the night of the 12th of Septem
tier; 186fli the Safe of tl, ifuniligdoti:&'Browitip
Railroad Mee, at Uuntingdonoras blown open and e,
$lOOO Bon'd of the consolidatieVsoTen per cent; loan Of the
Huntingdon. & Broad. Top Hatiroad Company., Ho. MST,.
extracted theiefroln. All Pomona are cautioned agaillat
negotiating too acme, as it will not he' the Corn.,
patty._ . OLLYZEt AYRES, Sept,.
Superintendent's Mee,
Huntingdon,' 9ent,l4tb, 1800. . . . .
_ •
ELDREDGE'&' . .BRO.„ _
Publishors' Stationers,' Booksellers , '
1 •
No. 17: and. South Sixth Street .
(Above Cliestout4 :
Particular attention pal 4 to Clio country tnide..'
Always on hand a large ifipply of Letter, Cap, Not,
Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; School and Mi..
talismans Books; Pens, Ink, Slater gucilage, Photo.
graph Alborns, Paper Bags, &c., AC, 4..
Liberal terms to cash =stainers. 0111;26'04x
For all diseases arising from one canoe, fever and
Ague '
Dyspepsia, catarrh ib the Bead, Weak and diner
dared Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick' fleadache,'Gid
diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments.
libouniatisin, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back or
Side, Nervons Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of
the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel,.
Worms, ite., hr. Sold atels cents per box..
This infalliide vtiarranted to expel 1903711111rf
all caseiant mai be givento cuildren of ill ages; ea Gist
are purel 'Vegetable and if ertectly harmless.
Cariba had at Lewis: Book store, Ifuntlngdori, PA.
140g.J. ii. 3i'ENTYRE''S ORELT 161148*
INDIAN comroun
-Internal all External Niche,
Fins in ond.ttdy :
far Headache and Earache in. three.,no . ritiO.,.,
Attar loothacheln one mtnutd.. . ; •
Air Neuralgia in fire minutes;
.04" Sprains In twenty minutes, •
AYR— Soie Throsif io tea minutat, . •
tar Cholic and cramptn Son trtiorttes,
XtEit• Rheumatism in one ctai,
go_ Pain in the Back ordide in ton itiintdosr
le. Bad Congni'oi Colds in one day,
Foyer mid Ague In one dlty,
le.:Cures Deafness', AetLmn, Pike,
vl_ Bronchitis: tißections,:Dripepsial
. I;klk.,lnliammatied of the itidneys,:rrypinolne, ' •
te. Liver Complaint and. Palpitation of the
Keep it in year Families—SieNneur
comes when least ezp.eeteelt
, .
I prove - se td .
antroffiCtiutift alsquite
and pain; and tdactoMplisir more peifect equllittritins'of j•-
all the circulating fluids In the human system, - than
La eflinitid by any ether, Or all tither thethodd bf titedlC6l
aid in the Borne space of time. ' ' '" -•— -
TUMPOPUItAIt REMEDY'. is fait tenting -•
the . fact that I cure, tree - !if.kluirde all the •-
plainta whenever there is ah opplirtunt hesey trrdb; sat s,
Boon 113 it in applied It almest miliannletnity kilfe tHe pain.
I do not ask. you tq WI before yeti are cerium of Its
dump. If you have no ecbppr pain,'it Is - warranted (ode,
all it purports °lithe label; otherwise the money will be.
- - I do mot Propose to citre'ekfl • dbfaise• =only a clasti
named by my.direictione. MY opotettiron chew...
teal and electric principles, and is, therefore, opPliable,
`to the. cure or natural Tee torativisof all organic derange-
ment•nrielog, front an improper cireidatforiof.tDe =rite •••••
vitlflulds. . ,
Prof. J. IT. INid AN COMPOUND acts di
rectly on the .absorbeabi,. seductog;gtandular " and otter
ewellings in .incredilde,short fime, toidteuf any jill'sildt '
danger from its use under Ailey possible circritustancis:. ,
Thies is an internal and external rnedicine—cemposedot•
mote, herbs and barks, stoat as bilk• forefathere used.—
There is a bountiful snrgily . ortearth,io eureail compleinte
.1f we only knoveW.hat they._ireee. .
This has been a great etudy with the Medical PaCully
.for amity years; to find out the Made beat adapted-to the
above complaints—how to put theiri together, and whit' •
proportioneto nee. J. If. McENTY'RtI',
. . . • . Proprietbr,'lttading,
For sale at Lewis' Book Store.
Huntingdon, Pn., Sept. 60865. , ,
rine name of this firm has heen - etiang
ed trorruSCOtVl‘ BROWN, to , : • ,
under which nu. they )011 hareOtor conduct their
practice ea •
PENSIONS, add all claims of soldiers and aoldiere .
against the Oevernrnent, hill be prernptly prorecuted.'
May V,
unicei . ‘igiind "havo itsOclnted itiemnel the together
in tho f , rnetlEe of the In.n , in Huntingdon :PA. - 010eulti
the one now, aml formerly occupied by J. Sowell Ltlim•
nit, adjoining nth Court Hotcup.
A. it. _
J: SAINV.ELf.. :sraWART.
July 20, 1564
fIALL at D. P. G r WIN'S if you want
rm. "Slavery viewed from the Pible
Stand Point," by Rev. J. M. Adair, let
ealeat , Lewis' Veoir stoye, ,price .16