111 k ' r°l lo s — 6l .1 ll ' ° i ) 4 ESTABLISHED IN 1840. Incorporated by; the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania. Located on the 11T IV. Corner of 7th ana (701) Chestnut sts. (701) . Designed exclusively to impart a thorough and PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION All classes Or persons requira such an education. Those possessing means, need It in conducting thcieownbusinem Those Without means need it in obtaining and creditably filling lucrative positions in the employ of ot/ers.incy The Cenral) of Instruction and practice is arranged Pe fhi to fully meet the diversified wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, MU comprehended or embraced under the three general dl visions of industry: Agriculture, Manufacture road Com Each student is instructed individually in both theory and practice of Book Keeping, according to the most ap•• proved and labor saving methods, Business Penmanship, Calculations, and all the collateral bninchea of a complete conrso of business education; and upon passing a satisfac. tory etamination Is awarded, by authority' f law, a diplo rna;under theuorporato seal of the college. • Students are received at any time. Awl It is hollered that a practical experienco of over TWENTY roans mitt ho considered by the public an ample guaranteo of tho prac tical character of the course and efficiency of tho instruc tion. , • All further Information desired can bo obtained at tlib collego, or by addressing the Priocipal foe n circular by • Xtß-A liberni discount is allowed to wounded and lion orably discharged soldiers. Tho college is open day and evening, T. 11. rOLLOCK; Att'pnt-Lmr, Principal 1712,18 W NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The great invention of the age in 2EIDCDCZO3E' - IFINMEOCEVMSS. 3. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex or double, ELLIPTIC SPRING- SK/RT. This invention Consists of Duplex (or two)Billiptk pure refined steel spring°, ingeniously braided tightly end firm ly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flex ible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape mere than twice as leng as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort:old pleasure loony lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will ho ex pCrienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm choirs, for pro menade and house dross, as the skirt can ho folded when iu use to occupy a mail space an easily and conveniently as a sill; or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wonting the duplex elliptic steel, spring skirt for a ornate day will nos - er afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. Far children, misses and young Indies they aro superior to all others. The hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and still wear twice as long as the single yarn covering, which is used ou all single steel hoop skirts. Tho three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the severing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c., which they are constantly subject when in uso. All oro made of the now and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality In every part, giving to tho wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are en questlonably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable, and economical shirt ever made. Waste Bradley & Cary, proprietors of tho invention, mid solo manufacturers, 97 Chambers, nod 79 and 81 Iteado streets, Now York. For sale in all tirsboloss stores in this city, and through. out tho United States, Canada, Ilavana do Cobs, Mexico, South America, and tho West Indies. az- Inquire fur the Duplex (or double) Elliptic Spring Skirt. solll3m 1865. PHILADELPHIA 1865. "IFlztviewlEas, dOoe • HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF • Paper Hangings & Window Shades, N. E. Corner Fourth & Market sts. PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always in storo a largo stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES. Philadelphia, Aug.ll3-2m. I. K. STAUFFER, E a WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 148 North SECOND Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver A Plated Ware constantly on hand, NOTABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTSt rießeptetrlng of Watches and Jewelry promptly at to. R. 1%P.131311NEY. E. P. TUOMPSON M'BURNEY & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE G- 3EL Clo 311 EL 62.1 D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3V®.143 33viciorly-at PHILADELPHIA. ttlyl2,lBo-3m. FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, PLANTS,. &C., • Or • Al thO"narseries of Taylor & Cromer Who offer their stock of well grown and thriftyy. TREES, VINES, PLANTS, &c., at their old prices. The expense of grafting and planting this stock having been incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when the price of labor was low, they can afford to sell these Trees at 60 per cent. less than they can sell the same kind of trees next year. Milo other 'Nurserymen have raised their prices about 5G per cent., these still sell at the old rates this year; that is to any—Apple Trees, $l5, $ll3, and $2O per hundred, according , to size, &c. Standard Pear 60 to 75 cents each: Dwarf Pear, 50 to 75 cents each, and $3O to $45 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at 40 to 50 cents each. Also, Peach, Cherry, Quince and other trees; Grape Vines, Lawton Blackberry, Raspberry, and Straw berry plants, Dahlia roots, and Shade and Ornamental Trees—ail at the old rates. Money invested in fruit trees is sure to yield a good re turn. Now is your time to order trees. Address, THEODORE. IL CItEMER, LW, 1885* Huntingdon, Pa. MIIAITIGAL'S LIVERY STABLE. MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches, HUNTINGDON, PA. iler o v at , pE. PUBLIC 'GENERALLY arc informed that the subscriber' to prepared at his liew Y STABLE, to accommodate all with lIORSE S, BUGGIES, & 'CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on short notice. HENRY IVI'MANIGALL. Iltintingdon, March 8,1803-Iy. MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon mid the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. panto devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Hoor and Window Sills, Au, will be furnished to order. • • W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair prim, Call and soo, before you purchase elsowhere. Shop on trot', Iluntii:Von ) Pa, Iluntingdon, May 16 .1855 New Furniture Establishment, J. VI. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites tho attention or tho 'Public to 1113 stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, between Canningham'e Store and Dean's National House, where he manufactures and keeps alt kinds of Furniture nt reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of allkinds attended to promptly and cbarges reasonable. Air Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins made in any style desired, at abort notice. 45Y-Funerals attended at any place In town or aoun ry, by .0. N. Unn tin gilon, Sept. 24, 1802-tr ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, E. O. & G. W. COLDER. RAVING entered into copartnership in the Alexandria Brewery, the public are informed ?au that they will ho prepared at times to till orders on tho shortest notice, R 7 l Alexandria, dan.13.1565-tf. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS .IMmr-folaximaxe) • I3ca.teDl, HUNTINGDON, PA. WM. C. McNULTY, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the FrouLlin Hotel, Chamberelmrg. TERMS LIBERAL. maytl, 1865-Iy. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. HENRY SMITH, Proprietor Ituutingdon, Aug. 23,1885. jr D. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 111.1NTINGDON, PA. Men In tim WOE Pow, nearly uppoliM time Comt Mune. (April 15, 18&. IV, A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11UNTINGDON, OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House—up stairs. nuatingdon, Dec, 16, 1863. 13 ALLISON MILLER, DENTTIST, Trio romorod to tho Brick Row opposite the Court Howie April 13, 1859. T E. GREEN.I4I, frZt tY • DENTIST. (Oleo removed t o opposito Cho storo of D. I'. aVeill, in the cgnare,l ill etreot, Huntingdon, l'a. April 13,166-1. Tur GUTMAN & CO., %alone in Ready made Clothing, IluntingdoD, Pa. pTit. JOHN . bIeCULLOCH, offers leis professional nervicen to the citizens of Huntingdon in ieinity. Office on Hill street, ono door east of Iteed'a Drug Store. , Aug. 2.5, '65. SS. SMITIT, Dealer in Drugs, Medi • tines, Perfumery, Dye StulTa, Oils, C. Also—Oro conies, Confectioneries, Huntingdon, Pa. JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer to hardware, Outlory, Painter, 011 a, &a., Haut Ingdon, Pa. TT ROMAN, Dealer in neatly )Inds Clothing, Hats nod Caps, Bouts mid nous, kc. 11 - 1 P. GWIN, _ll-1 GI Dealer in Dry , Hardware . , queens ,varo, Irate and Caps, Boots andn Shoes, ice. WM. 'WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamontal Marl& 'Manufacturer W.M. LEWIS, If calor in Books, Stntlonory and 3lnsical Instru manta, Iluntingdon, Pa. -BILL POSTER The undersigned offers MR services to ,00bnero 011011 nod others desiring circulars distributed or handbills posted. He can ho seen at. the Owns oflice. Huntingdon, Aug. 16, 1865. JOHN KOt'LIN. FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LL who may hare any claims a ,oilmagl I t Li a m ,. . 0 t o i s m n t . fo , r ro ll „ o n n , nty , Itnelc ray and plying am in' roma or by letter L W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. _ _ August 12, 1503 r .„ t,,, ,„,..., : , ~, „..5.,,, ,c ,,„ 4,....,_T,,,.....,..„,z..,a,‘„,.. ..,....:„,..„.,.,,....,.f,.40,;_:m,!,,....,,,,__,:... READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIIE North and North-West for PIIILADELPIIIA, New- Yours, Itzannro, L'OTTSVILLt, LIIWION, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, ns follows At 3 00 and 8 15 A. M., and 1 45 P. M., arriving at New York at 10 00. A, aL, and 3.00 and 10 30 L'. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and sleeping care accompany the 3 00 and 8 16 a. m. trains, without change. Leave for Rending, Pottsville, Tanunina, Allentown and Philadelphia nt 8 16 A. 1.1., and 145 P. 51., stopping nt Lebanca and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 05 A. M., and 440 P. M. Returning, lenve NENT-YOTLE. IA 0 A. M., 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. Philadelphia at BA. 711-, and 330 P. 81; Pottsville nt 815 A. M., and 2 35 I', II.; Tarantino at 3 15 A. M. and 215:P. Tl., anti ]trading at 1 n. ill., 7 85 nud 10 45 A. Ti., 138 and 005 P. M. All Accommodation Passenger Train leaves ItEnntaa at 6.00 A.M., and returns. from L'IIII.ADELPIIIA at 6,00 I'. 51- Colambin Railroad Trains leave Rending nt 6 and 10 55 A. Al., for Ephrata, Lilit, Columbia, !lc. On Sundnys, leave New York at 8 P. 31., Philadelphia, 316 P. M., Pottnvillo 7 30 A. M., Taningaa 7 A. M., Har risburg 8 15 A. M., and Bowling nt 100 n. tn., for Har risburg. C^VMIITATION, MILgAGP!, SEASON, and EXCURSIO:4 TICIIETB at reduced rates to and troth nit points. Baggago checked through : 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLTR, Rending, Jnly 19, 18G5. General Superintendent. f e s2 r•MTV , oit W-M1 art•27)37 PBNNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING 0 FTEAINS SUMMER ARRANG I'NENT. 'VEST IFel RD. EA STIVA 1?D ;71 ..1 >I I '''' 1 V.• 2 e5 _.,... ›.;„ 0 ,r• .t.• en .i.- ,-," >.'-' J - s TATioNs. F4PI '2, g 6• : e 4 .'g N r., e 4 > • " ,-3 :l , tt Cll 5. ',' t • P. H.l A. IL 1 P.m., A. ILI P. 31.1 A. m.! e.uj 617 450 It 59 16.11amllton, 951 2 10 6 25 4 68 12 08 • Mt. Union,— 942 10 01 2 10 5 35 12 20 Mapleton,..... 2 1 0 543 61612 29 .1.... 51111 Creole,— 0 25, 946 1 53 559 53112 48 6 46 Ifunting6on, 9 511 935 1 40 6 15 5 46 1 08 !Petersburg,— 8 561 9 10, 1 22 623 I 1 201 111nrroo 1 1. 14 681602 1 32 Spruckreob, 8 411 0071 07 649 - 151 Birmingham, 12 50 6 58 629 2 65 Tyrone, 8 17 844 11 40 7 08 639 220 Tipton 8 06 12 28 7 14 2 28 Fostoria, 12 22 7 19 6 50 2 35 Bell's 51111 e,.. 7 66 825 12 17 7.40 7103M1 8 15 Altoona,. 740810 12 00 P.U. A.M. P. M. A. ti. " - . P. 51. A. U. P. M :A Tho Altoona at A 40 P. M., 11 01P.M. The" FAST LINE Ea A. M., and arrives no PUILADELPHI Ilmtingdon at 7 30 9 05 A. M. . . . The .FAST LINE Wu 7 44 P. M., and arrives at HUNTINGDON & BR BAJI.ROAD. • On and after Wednesdny, JUNE 14 Trains will arrive and depart , as follows SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTUV STATIONS Esmus.l P. M. i A. M. LE 0 10 0 27 6 34 0 48 • 702 852 Correa Run, 7 09 8 59 Rough& Bondy,. 21 9 U COTE, 7 25 9 15 Elsbeen Summit Alt 7 40 An 0 30f Le 7 50 LE .3 .101 Smd "' .'' '''" 8 10 10 00f Riddlesluirg 818 10 081Hopowell 830 10 20 Piper's Run 8 45 10 35 Hamilton WBI. WILLIAMS 10 47 Moody nun,. Anlo 50 Mount Dallas, 8L /19 000 LE 10 40 / flaxton,. 0 55 Coalmont,.., 11 00 Crawford, lan 11 10 Dudley, Inroad Top City,— untingdon Juno 14, 1865. OLrißlf CHEAP PUMPS. JAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon Pa., sells Patent Wooden Pumps for cisterns nn , wells ' from. 4 to BO feet deep, nt about ono half tire uswi price for old fuldoned pumps. All pumps warrnntad. Ang.3 kit Justices' and Constables' .Iz . ee Bills tbr sale at Lewis' Book Store. AGENCY, JULY 20, ISO EXPRESS Enstmard, leaven and arrivee at Huntingdon nt shelled leaves Altoona at 2 35 Ittimolon at 3 57 A. 51. EXPRESS Westward, leaves . 31., and arrives at Altoona at :.,stward, leaven fluntingdon al Altaoun at 9 03 P. M. OAD TOP 1805, Pnasongor AUDTR.AINS ,M2111=3 1231313 MEMO Ax 12 01 11 44 11 37 11 23 8 0011Inntingdon, 8 17 McConnonstown, 8 24 Meruant Grove, 8 38 Marklesborg , 11 10 11 02 MS 10 401 le 10 001 AR 10 0) 10 00 0 52 0 9 2.1 o 11, 9 101 OUPS RUN BIIANC ----- Alt 020, 400 905 415 8 55 .105 19 0 60 400 MEMO =I 33 Clo eCI ao For Salo at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA, -o--- Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of Maryland end Pennsylva nia, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Pictorial history of the 'Wars of the U. S. Washington and his Generals. Bane's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. Webber's Wild Scones and Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book. Coal and Coal Oil, by En Bowen. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vols. Life and Public Services of Abr'm. Lincoln. Partous Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 volumes. General Butler in New Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westcott. Smucker's Life & Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's Life and Travels of Yon Humboldt. Opportunities. for Industry and Capit a l, 0 , 1000 Chances to Make Money. Freedley's Practical Treatise on Business. Sinding's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of Nature. Ovid, [literally translated,} by H. T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. Stewart's Freemason's Manual. Webb's Monitor. Davis It Cross' Masonic Chart. Shakspeare's Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. The Deserted. Wife, by Mrs. E. Southworth. Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. Maitland. Diary of an Old Doctor, do. The 'Wanderer, do. . Adam Bede, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julio De Marguerittes Richard Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Dement do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. Anecdotes of Love, by Lola Monte& Age of Chivalry, by Thomas Btiltinch. Talc of a Tub, &c., &e., by Dean Swift. The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vols. Tho World's Laconies •, or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, in 'Prose and Poetry. Robert Houdin ' the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring 'and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titcomb's Letters to Young Folks. • " Lessons in Life. " Letters to the Joneses. " Gold Foil. " Bitter Sweet. The Trial, or Moro Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. Nasby Papers, [Comico-Politicodteligice.] The Ladies' Work-Table Book. Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. holy War. The Three Mrs. Judson's and other Daugh ters of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rice. Defence of Armageddon, by F. B. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored hours, by J. Copely. Cobbot's 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Ifeadley's Sacred Plains. Mellvairm's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed from the Bible Stand-Point, by Row. J. M. Adair. • Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken Bud, or tlio Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. The Morning of Life. The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney. Tho Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. The Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Miss Mary Rankin. Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay's Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, by J. Cole Hagen. The Now Fortune Teller, or the Poetical Foto Book. Mrs. Halo's Receipts for the Million. The Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re ceipt Book. Widdifiold's New Cook Book. Soyer's Standard Cookery. Miss Acton's Modern Cookory. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The Family Doctor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. The Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do Horticulture The Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry, A Method of Increasing the Yield of the Milch-Cow, by John Nefilen. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. 41 Doctor. .$ The Horse and His Diseases, by Jennings. Itarey's Practice of Horse Taming. Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by M. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. Bannan's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's. Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for Lumber Merchants, Ship Builders and Boat Builders. Scribner's Assistant for Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. I Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. 11. Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper Hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V. Kautz. United States Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cards. Pocket Maps of United States, Pennsylvania, and-the Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canades. Constitution of the United States. Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. The Secret Out, or 1000 Tricks with Cards, and other Recreations. Book of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Steele. The Sociablo,or 1001 Home Amusements. Hoyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, &c. Checker's Simplified and Explained by D. Scattergood. Speetropia ; or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (Phonographic.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of- Conversation and Debating. Walker's Elocution and Oratory. McElligott's American Debater, Whately's Selection of Synonyms. Davies' Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. Brown's Grammar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. Holbrook's Normal Method of Teaching. Wickersham's School Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Hiram Corson. Mangnall',s Comprehensive Summary of His tory, &c., &c. Also, an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. AU 21) GS DO 5 '2 2 5 1 4 5 01 6 00 4 45 1 5 4 07 3 55 3 40 3 ZS 3 i 5 E2ll Authon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's German and English Primer. Northond's Little Speaker, Dime Speakers and Dialogues. Powne's Elements of Chemistry. I ?Mope', Zoology. f,rimberrs Anatomy and l'hysinloay. Worcester's Ancient and Modern History Teacher's Guido to Illustrations : to accom pany Holhrodles School Apparatus. How to use Globes, by F. C. Browne/I. The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Hann's Eloinonts of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeagle's Algebra. !Soo School 'Books in another columnd SPECTACLES. . - - A fine and largo assortment always on Land AT _LEW/3' BOOK STORE. 1)OOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind, bound to order, it lariat BOOK & STA TIONERY STORE. m olt Tl-1J LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Itnrelopea, suitable for aptplenliat correspondence, for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK 4:6 STATIO.NERY STORE. NVELORES a By tho box, pack, or limit quantity, for tale at LEW IS' BOOK AND STATIONERY &TORN. QCHO OL BOOKS, Generally in 11,10 ill the Schools of the County, not on hand, will tee furnished to order, on application at LE 117S' ROOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. READY RECKONER A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which ore added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, he., together with a set of users! taws, containing rate of interest from ono dollar to twelve thous and, by the singlo day, with a table of wages, and hoard by the week and day, taiblisbed 1850. For Baia at rth Bob STORE. DAPER! PAPER !! 11 Noto, Post, Commercial, Foolscap am? Flatcap—a good assortment for solo by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW 1300 K A. STATIONERY STORE DARCIIMENT DEED PAPER ruled, Cur rale at LEWIS' BOOK STORK MONTBLY TIME BOOKS, For nolo at LEIVI,S' 1100 K AND BE4 TIONERY STORE. TRACING MUSLIN, MAPPING AXP Donanua PAPER White and Colored Card Paper, For enlont LEWIS' BOOR 2 STATIONERY STORE. - DOHS and SHOES, the largest and I_ Cheapest nesortusent in town, at (1 BADMELS AND LOOKS.-A V,4 largo assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. B LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS BIZYS, (Or %MO At LEWIS' BOOK AIVI) STA TIONER Y STOP I, A I_,BVMS ALBUMS, A beautiful assortment of PHOTO kItAPII ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. • U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOB SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. f; . -4ez, , .- 4 1 2-*•,,, ' .0.V2-::.--,-- 14 -1X - 7?-q. - -; 7 '... , -,- , • t -, tre?--tilf 1 r-e-74.-el Vet ' ---- r vaAp wv ittu,N 0, ~.4 '.. , r, , ' ,1 - ,--4 :r.N. - k - ' 7 O---,:sq-Z47.--:;-:••2:.-L - Fi-8.: ( PV 4 ;174' a ; * • A---,,t44w.:1A.P. , 1* - 41 Zia -AV: i AViriZA ' 4O P; W ." s. r. Strickland's )tcllitl nom Cough Balsam is warranted cure Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness,. Asthma, Whooping Igh, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all affections of Throat and Lungs. or male by 'Druggists : elenorel "Depot, No. 0, Bast alb Street, einetnentt, Mau. 4 - • ,1 „, , , ....gi- ?..,,r,.,2„;....,,:f-7,4 t ": lae 2 .4" . - ..- i , • e -:' tr# ..,, . ~.: • T •:, .zf 4 -• &I. - i" 0; All Hut Modical men and (Ito Presses recommend Dr. Strict:lantl'n Anti-Cholera Mixture no thee only certain remedy fof Diarrha-nand Dynentery. It is a combination of Astringents, Absorbents, Stimnlen ts and Carminatives, and in uarrauted to effect a cure after all other means h^ ye failed, for salo by Druggist!. Goneral Depot, No. 0, East with Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. . • - . :KLAvii..41,37•:0, ryC -11 • .. • • •T h Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy has cured thousands of the worst Coors of Blind and Bleeding riles. It glees lot mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it di redly. It is warrnotea to curo. For sale by all Druggists, Ocucral Depot, NO, 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY Dr. STRICKIAND'S can recommend those suffering• with Inca of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Nervous Debility, to Imo Strickland's Tonic. It is a vegetable preparation, tree from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nervous system; it creates a good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally, at St per battle. Pfc , pared by Dr. A. Strickland, No. 6, East Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. JOHN REED, Agent, Huntingdon, ra. 1865. THE. 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, AT LE-: IS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW UM ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Thais the same article can bo bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. 0 8 T 1 CK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles . OF WaII & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, IMM The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, When, Offico, Store, Shop, S:c., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building, anti examine our stock and prices. r‘", Fine Cigar: and Tobacco for ralo at Lewis' Eook Storc IVICIENSICi C:PCZioNE...W. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. • HOWE'S SONGS OF IRELAND, containitry, about 175 of .111 u Gems of Hibernia's Songs and. Ballads, incleMing 50 of Moore's Irish Melodies, Songn of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political. Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, arranged arranged far the Pianoforte or Melodeon, Price V3:00 101VITS SONOS OF SCOTLAND, containing Arm! 175 of lb° Porno of CaWallin's Songs and ltailadeiinclu di.g Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Illatoricat, Military, Political, Comic and Miscellane ous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon.. Price V. 1.00. • HOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OP TNE OLDEN TIME, containing the Original Wards and Music, of 0,0 Songs and Ballads, sung by the Ornnd•nlntlo- ern of tho present generation. Arranged for Pour Voices. lOW E'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and 'Fanny Dancsi with Calls and IValtzes, Polkas, Opera lfolo• die; Scotch and Irish airs, for,tho Violin, Flute, Cornet, Bass Viol, &c• AIVPIC/AN'S O.IINIBUS, No. 1, containing tho wholo Camp Duty, Calls and Signals used in tho Army and Navy •, 40 vette of quadrilles, [including Waltz, Pol ka-and Schottischo] with Calls; and animmense col 'Patton of Polkas, Schottisches, Waltzes' Blotches, Quicksteps, Hornpipes,. Cartra and Fancy -Dances, Songs, Sr., for the Violin, Pluto, Cornet, Clorionett, Containing over 700 pieces of 'Music. 311JSICIAL'S OMNIBUS. No.. 2, containing 850 pisess of. Music, consisting of 100 Duets for two Flutes two: Violins, Ow., 200 Scotch Airs, 200 Irish Airs, Quad runes, Fancy and Contra Dances, with the Calls and Figuers. Polka, Schottisches, Waltzes, Quicksteps, Marches, Hornpipes, Songs, .Or., for the Violin, Flute, Olarionott, Fife, earnet, 'Flageolet, Lc. . Tun YOUNG MEN'S SINGING 130011 - ; a collection of Music for malo Voices, consisting of Glees and Part Songs, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthems, - " Chants, Lc. KINOLEY'S JUVENILE MOIR selection of the Choicest Melodies from the Gorman, li,rench, IMI lan, English hid American Composers. TIITIMIMIT OF FREEDOM AND THE lITMILEOALLB;two boas suitablo to the times. TILE BOSTON GLEE BOOK, consisting of nn extensive collection of Glees, Madrigals, and Hounds, selected from the %Yorke of tho Most adrdolred'Composers, to gether many new pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR TUC PIANO, Maiodeon Accordeon ' Violin, Banjo, Gotha., Concertina, Drum Fire and Flageolet. • • • OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC NICILIEL 18E35. Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 1864, containing a full and cor rect digested record of tho events of the war, military, naval and political, from October 15th, 1863, with accounts of Rattles, Sieges, Raids, Sea-fights, and all the operations of the war. The United States Army List. Major Generals and BriendievB, regulars and volunteers, to November let, . . The Rebel Army List. Lieutenant Generals, Major Generals andllrigadiors, to sante data. Looses in battle and by death, of Union officers, to 'No vember lot, 1864. • • • • Losses of officers in Rebel Army to name date. The Rebel Government,. Rebel Congress, Rebel Debt, Sc. A full digest of the United States Stamp regulations. A full digest of the United States LiCOII9O regnlations. Governments of tho world to November let, 1864. Governors of the States end Territories, Union and Rebel, to November let, 1864. Hierarchy of the Homan Catholic Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church tO Novem ber lot, 3.864. Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Reigning. Queens of the world to November let, 1864. Reigning Rings of the world to November Ist, 1864. theirs Apparent to European and other Empires and Monarchies. Besides other miscellaneous matter, astronomical in formation, calendars, tee. Sc., tiro whole contprising a cal' noble manual for me andreference throughout the year. Price .26 cents.per copy: Copies mailed (post-paid) on receipt of price. For sale at LEWIS' /10010 STORE. if SCHOOL BOOKS, • - - D. P. OIVDPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE, OSGOOD'S Speller.lst, 3d. 3d, 4th and 511, Redden. M'OIiFFEY'S Spoiler and Readers. SANDERS do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (ad and nose editions.) Buntles. Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Pitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies k Atlases Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster 's and 'Worcester's Dictionaries. Guackeabas' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithinotics.. - Petenion's Familiar Science. Greenleat's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetic& Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Ilistary or ilia liszliod Stat.. - - Ohlld'S 0 Goodrich's Payson, Bunton and Seribner's Penmanship, In eleven numbers. Potter & nummontl's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton ti; Eastman's Dook•keeping. BOok Keeping by Single Entry, by Itannford .t Payson Book Keeping by Single and Dnublo Entry, by lianalora Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A fall stock of School Stationery always on hand. linntiugdon, Pa. TAPER ! PAPER! ! PAPER !! ! Traoiug Vapor, Impreeelon Papor, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flower', Perforotod Paper, • Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, • Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheet*, For sale at LEWIS' ➢ook, Stationery and Meats Store. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortmont of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envolopea—lted, Bine and Black Inks-- Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pans, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands ' and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair pikes at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. WINDOW - CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SATCHELS, . PORT-MONNAIES, ' PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, _ PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, Sx., &c., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS • ox ALL TIM DISTINGVISUED OFFICERS AND CIVILIAIIs, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY,, STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SENWES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE,. CORD AND TASSALS, A : FULL ASSOUPIICNT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE • - • Musts;, TRH 17 H 01 1 .11ARA—The n , Pro aby terian Psalmodist—The Shawn—Tnednbileo—lfun ten's and Bortini's enlarged and improved instructors--Weiland'tr NOW 111111 Improved Method for the auftnr—Lefand's Accor dean, Violin and Pluto Instructors—Winner's and 114 Ave's Violin Tindructors---Ilellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur rowes' Plano-Porto Primor—do. Thorough-Balm Primer— Ilowe'm Drawing . Room DanCed-21/0 Clients Glee Book— . Tara's harp, for salo at Emir's' BOON, S'PATlO . :gliffr MUSW Ilunting,don, Jan. 24, 1865-if. HUNTINGDON, PA. .‘‘QUICK. SALES SMALL PROFITS Anybody in want of FAMILY AND pockaTainiia, • lIYIIX AND Pit/11'DR BOON% ALBUMS AN ANNUALS ANT OTHER VA4.IIAHLY AND:I,I7I,TaTi/Na .11001 i inneY and. Behold STATIONERY, innicar. IN'Tnumr.NA CHURCH MUSIC AND INBTREiOIIOI4 .134961tii FIREET MUSIC for the Pinno,flidter, fie. , &e., POCKET nOOXB, PORVMONNAIEs'AND ?UMBEL For Lade and Gentlemen, GOLD. PENS AND PENCILS, - AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS; For Sunday and Common Sohn°le,: SUNDAY 9CIIOOLI3OOICS OF ALL STHOS, TOY BOOKS, ALPIIAIIT nocics, ay, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys and Girlo AMUSING GAMES For Young Yolks WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &0.. CONVERSATION CARDS, soxo• Boos s, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OE ALL HINDS, DIARIES FOR 186 k, Drawing and ]Bdfing Paper, Bridal and Card Boards, WRITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CAAMINX, RED, EWE AND REAC4 1.1,fE8; Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of pH:lucent. Sizes null Qualities, EMI =I LEWIS' CIIRAP 1100 - E, STATIONERY AND MUSICS Spas, In the "Globe" building, Market . Square, when, all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases •,•tctllteeiSe. , s9i . •- , 0-,,!;ss 0 • • c't_PY-‘eIG - .... • "s ( `. • • BLANKS ! BLANKS! -BLANKS! • CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, • EXECUTIONS, SUIIMONS, DEEDS, SUBPOENAS, MORTGAGES, , • •• • SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, • NATURALIZATION WES, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a walcor of the $3OO Law. • JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices of the peiii and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, to Case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, Sehool, Vorongh and Township Taxes. ` - Printed no superior paper. and for auto at the OMea of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBS. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, madly at short notice, and on good Paper. WHAT 'EVERYBODY WANTS, I= AND • COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OF TUE POILADOEPHIA BAY' . _ 11 Tells You lion , to drab,' tip PAtTNERHEIP Parana and gives general forms for AGRIESIENTS of all kinds, !Mrs of SALE, Lusts and Patrrioas. 12 Talk You How to draw up BONDS and SIORTVAnEs, dr- EIDATITS, POwERS of ATToRNIT, NOTES and BILLS of ExcitANDE, TIERIPTS and IterrAsent 11 Tells Ihu The laws for the COLLECTION of Drees, with . the STATUTES of LINITATIoN, end amount and kind of property EXE.UPT from Exacta • TIoN in every State. . • ' 11 Tells Thu flow to make an AssioNSIEFT prOperly; with forma for Comreerrtos with COEDITOR, and the INSOLVENT Laws of every State. • 11 Tells You The legal relations existing between i3lllAli- DIAN and WARD, MASTER and • Apracallea. and Lawnconn and Tenn?. 11 Tells Thu What coustltines War. and , SLaSprai, and the Law aS to SlAtintAar. Doran, the Wtre's limUT IN PROPERTY, DIVORce. and ALISONST. It Tolls You The Lyar for MECHANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION I.,AwF or this COW , try, and hoie to comply with the name. ' It Tads lint The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob; into one, and the PEE -ESISTION Lawa to POOOO L ANDS. It Tells Thu Tito Law for PATENTS, with mode of_proca dors in obtaining ono, with INTrulcaztoits, . AESIEINVENTS and TABLE or - FOES. : • • it Tells You Slow to make your WILL, and Bow to Aosta. eaten ON AN ESTATE, with the few and the requirementerthereof in 'trots , State. 12 Tells You The manning of Law Teams in generid vas, and explains to you the Lzoistallva, Nag, corm and. JUDICIAL. Tower. of both' Ow - General and State Govannussrs.• II Tells You MOW TO KEEP OUT Or GAIT, by .bowing haw ID. do your buslnosa legally, thus earittg: vast amount of property, and vexatiov • litigation, by its timely consultation. Ph" MvoryboHy'S Lawyer Is Sweet,' at Lewis' Book Sic, THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY; LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER. RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE RAD AT LEWIS' 11001 L STATIONY.P.T AND MVSIe STORPI 50.Q00, BEST QWILITY WIIIT.E, • BUFF, • • ORANGE, •- . • E YELLOW, - • ' AND FANCY . • ENVELOPES; Just received ant for solo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE:. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY OE Handsome; and Ijseft►l Artieles t pail at LEWIS! Book ; - c. he. Jtc