The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 06, 1865, Image 4
NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1 ! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! SIRCION COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of his old patrons specially, end the public to general, to his extensive stock of well allotted now Goods, just received from the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool en Ware, _ Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queenswnro, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Segars, Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, • Watches, &c., tad.all other articles kept in a first class try store; ali ,elected with the greatest eare and which were pur chased for cash only, and affords him to sell them at a very low figure. The public will find it to their advert. !ago to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will be spared in show ing our Goods. Ladies are specially invited to examine ear large stock of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, Cir culars, Pure, and a great variety of Woolen Goode, Nola 0., &c. Also, a handsome assortment of LADIES' COATS All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices—Cash not refired. By strict attention to the wants of customers, we hope to receive a continuation of ;he Ntwral patronage with which walleye been hereto fore favored. Coma ono and all, and Tor. WI.. New Goods received daily. • nave 1864 1865. • 1865. CLOTHING. • H. ROMAN. CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SIMMER, • JIIST RECEIVED H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Tor Gentlemen's Clothing of the beet material, and made the beet workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, oppostte the Franklin House In Market Square, Ilanting , don, Pa. Iluntiogden • WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, Am TAKL'IsI,—ABILBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK. BONE OF "MESH" BROKEN - Bat whifo - you retoicaat tho illlCCala of our gsDant troops, and tho prospect of tho opeedy doernfoll of the Rebel Army, do not forgot to call at tho store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing olsearliere, and see oar new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goode, Groceries, /loots and Shoes, Queens's-aro, ' Ciockerywaro, Tobacco, Segars, Hams, Flitch, Shoulders, . - Fish, ' runt a gonnral assortment of notions, all of which bred on reasonable tenon for mill or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1863. FRUIT TREES, r.ORNAMENTAL TREES, .• SHADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, PLANTS, &C :it the imrseries of Taylor & Crenter Who offer their stock Of 'well grown and thrifty TREES, VINES, PLANTS. &e., nt their old .prices. The expense of grafting and planting this stock tinning been incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when the price of labor was low, they tan afford to tell. these Trees at 50 per cent. less than they can sell the same kind of trees next year. 'While other Nurserymen have raised their pricei about IC per cent., these still sell at the old rates this year; that is to say—Applo Trees, $l5 $l5, . and $2O per.hundred, according to size, &c: Standard Pear .50 to 75 cents each. Dwarf Pear, 50 to 75 coats each, and $3O to $45 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, fit 40 to 50 cants each. `Also, Peach, Cherry, Quince and other trees; (trope Vines, Lawton Elackberry ' Raspberry, and Straw berry plants, Dahlia roots, sod Shade and Ornamental Trees—all at the old rates. Money invested in fruit trees is sore to yield a good re. tarn. Now is your time to order trees. Address, THEODORE 11. CREMER, - rob% 1565. Huntingdon, Pa. NEW STOCK OF GOODS. • • EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON MU STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENN! THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and 'VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Store 'ALSO— Drags, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Class and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical parpotps. ALL TIM REST PATENT MEDICINES, ' BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large number of articles too tumorous to zonation. The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my peaws. IlUntingdOn, Juno 7 '65 - AGENCY FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIITS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. ALL who may havo any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and en, ' one can base their claims promptly collected by ap plying either in pelts, or by latter to W. H. WOODS, • - Attorney at - Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1868. M'MANIGAL'S LIVERY STABLE MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches, HUNTINGDON, I;.A. . HE PUBLIC GENERALLY' are informed that the eubscribef le prepared at hie liew ERY STABLE, to accommodate an with ILORSES, BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on shirt notice. HENRY. WIVIANIGALL. Huntingdon, March 8,186547. . ARBLE YARD. The, Undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens oflntlngdon and the adjoining counties to the • stock of '5 7 1 beautiful nimble now en hand.. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and /Renee of every desired tine and form of Italian -or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priatidevicat, or plain, as may mat; ' ' • Building Marble, Door and Window Bins, Ice., will be furnished to order. . . . . 3v. W. pledgee himself to furnish material and work manship count to any in the country, at , a fair price. Cal stud cos, beforo yob, purchase elsowbere. Shop on llii treat, 4.antingdon. Pa.' IbuttingBort,Mayl6:l46s Ne'w Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE I Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture; Respectfully invitee the attention of the Publio to his stand on Hill et., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National House, where he manufacture. and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a -call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable , . ' undertaking carried on, and Conn. made in any style desired, at short notice. /lir Palmate attended at any placo In town or coon rylunt; by J. M. WISE. lingdon,Sept.24, 1862-tf ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. - E. 0. & G. W. COLDER. IIAYING entered into eo.partneriship in the • Alexandria Brewery, the public aro informed7,Al that they will ho prepared at all thew] to fill r bract. on the chort est nctico. Alexandria, .1.10.1:1.lI f. MEN' COUR MOB. FISHER.. IL G. FISHER.. T. C. FISHER FISHER &-SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC • A. . HANDSOME STOCK. of GOODS, of all kinds, is now open for tho Inspection of the public, and we cordially invite all our Customers and the public generally, to call and ho convinced that we aro unequal led In the quality, tato, style, and prices of our Ooodo. EIMON COHN. preiraquost the puldlo to boar in mind that we par ebaso principally from first bands In Now York, pay Cess for all wo buy, and cannot bo tleallod In our facili ties for opening for public uso, a stock of General Mer chandise. HUNTINGDON MILLS GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. WE ARE PREPARED TO FUR time all kinds of DRAIN, for which wo will pay the highest cash prices, and will hire for sale at all Moto, MUD, FEED, ke. flour, Salt, PLASTER! PLASTER!! WE HAVE an IMIENSE STOCK Or PLASTER; on ample oupDly for this ond.nolghboriog counties! flaying a Mill expressly for grinding it, wo can . prodnco finer and more desirable stock thou can usu ally be bad. SALT ! SALT ! WE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did ONONDAIGA SALT, unequalled in quolityand price. 0. A, Salt in sacks is also kept constantly on hand. a. 3. Hit EC 10 AWL No 1 31ACHERYL 10 " No. 2 " 10 r Ho. 8 16 Half Libby. No. 1 -so." • No. 2 " 10 No. 2 Quarter Barrels aria of all numbers, are Also of fared. SUMAC. SUMAC. W E ARE AT ALL TIMES PRE pared to buy SUMAC; will pay:cash, or trado,as desired FLU. WILL/AliS. TUE . • UIGH PRIDES RULING- FOR Cottoe, Goode ha, compelled public tdientioo to ho more especially directed to the culture of Flax. It can ho made by some attention, ono of the most valuable products a lathier can produce; an acre readily producing 50 to 60 Dollars 'worth of fibre and seed. Great card should So taken by growers hero their Flax spread Tory thin whenrolling; when watered onfllelently on one aide, it should ho turned, and Oubloot to oxpoanro until all tho stalks got a gray color, nml the lint rondlly aophratee from tho wood bra gentle rub. • It At:add on a very dry daibo tled In bundles, and le then ready for the mill. Aa a general thing too much seed 19 nowo on an acre. Unless the ground le very rich one Bushel per acre is sufficient. It tho ground to very strung oneand one fourth bushel la ample. flee 16, 1963 I=3=:l -- - o - - - ==== ECM -0- rzm =cum V= FISH. FISH. I== WIDa I= FLAX. FLAX. ---,-.0-. PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CAILDS B. CAMPBELL, * ATTORNEY AT LAW. I.II.INTINGDON, PA. Office in the Brick Bow, nearly oppoeite the Court House. [April 15,1863. W. A - STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In Treasurer's room in Court liouso—up stairs. Ituntingdon, Dee. 16, 1863. 111011 ALLISON MILLER, JA.I• DENTIST, liaa removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House. Aprlll3, 1.859. T . E. GIU tf • - DENTIST. • II Odle° removed to opposite the store or D. P. Gevin, he the square, NM street, lluntingdole, Pa. Apr 1113,1864.. MGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready .tnado Clothing, Iluntingdon, Pa. IG)It. JOHN McOULLOOH, offers his professional services to tho citizens of Huntingdon nu vicinity. Offico on Hill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. SS, '45. S. Dealer in Drugs, :Medi kid, eines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, lee. Also—Ciro curies., Confectioneries, fee., Huntingdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, ti Dentor in Iturthvare, Cutlery, Paiute, Oita, &a., Aunt ingdon, Pn. TTROMAN, hoots _A d D i aLer ,,, i c licatly Made Clothing, Rata and Caps, IFP.. TWIN 4 Dealer hi Dry Goode, CI rocerket, Derdienro, Queens ware, Hata and Cap., Boots and Dhow, WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marblo Manufacturer QLD BRASS AND COPPER taken In exchange for goods at the Herdware Store ept. 3, 1862. JAS. A. DROWN CI - UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.--A , LA large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P, LIQUORS, of the best, for Medieina purposes at 5. S. SMITIrS. PALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want 000 D GOODS. GREA.T ENTHUSIASM HIGII PRICES SURRENDER H THE; BEST AND THE CHEAPEST • 1 JOIIN ll.' WESTBROOK ..1 Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntin g don and vicinity that ho hasjust received from the city n NEW and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. alt of which ho is prepared toren at reduced priers. A lot of choico CONFECTIONERIES Intro also been re. calved. Don't forget the old stand in tho Diamond. Old curio. niers and the public generally are Invited to call. Mut ingdon, apri IStici. i, ~ tv-..^, , ,, - , ..-,),, ‘ r tlji aff,.. , -N ---- F - r,;,,- - ,------,,,- - -,, A , , , ,.... , ..;11 ,1 7, - ILIII.;-4ii . s....- -- "zzli - 1 '--- .41'k7.-A4 - : . ;'2! -. 0,h, '-4-'-.liel-k4-,7-7---_-_--.,",:t!,,,,„;)1 READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JULY 20, 25C5. ( -- RII:AT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for PIIILADELpIIIA, NEW YORK, READINo, POITSV/LLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOTYN, EASToN, &c., Trains learn Harrisburg for New York, as follows At 3 00 and 815 A. M., and 141 P. M., arriving nt New York nt 10 00 A, SL, nod 3 00 and 10 30 P.M. above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad , nod sleeping cars accompany tho 3 00 and 8 16 n. nt•trains, without change. Learn for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 9 15 A. M., and 145 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping nt all points, at 7 25 A. M., and 1 40 P. M. Returning, learn Nsw , Yons nt 9 A. M., 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. Philadelphia at BA. 51-, and 330 P. M; Pottsville at 815 A. 81., and 2 35 P. 51.; Tamaqua at 315 A. Id.,and 218 :P. M., and Readiug at la. us., 7 35 and 10 45 . M., 1 38 mod 6 05 P. N. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves READING at 0.00 A. M., and roturns from PIIILADELITIA nt 5,00 P. 51. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6 and 10 55 A. M., for Epbrata,'Lltiz, Colmnbta;tlc. . On Sundays, leave New York Ist 8 P. M., Philadelphia, 315 P, M., - Pottsvillo 7 30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A. M., llar rl: burg S 16A: M., and Reading at 100 a.m., for Har risburg. - • Costsitassiom, MILEAGE, SEiscdr, and EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all points. Biggago checked through: 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLL% Reading,ly 10, 1805. anent! Superintendent. r,t3V,P•Valot• q A - 1,0• K ' - PENNSYLVANIA_ 1L IL 'ROAD TIME OF LEAVING 0 e TRAINS SUMMER ARRAZG -I.IIIENT. WEST WARD. . EA ST WA RD 4 '.'l 4 . Y. '- ' 0 'e. —P- q ' 21 ; 1 . :" 5 - r. w WE-' P 9 5 ~ STATIONS, I rq . cr' ,f. ' e".. ; m: H `.61 E.; Ei . .... ?•• r.-. 4 4 • P. TT.I A. M.l P. It.' A. M. P. 01. i A. TI. 1 P. lli 517 4 60 11 58 N.Hamilton, 9 511 ' 2 19 525 4 58 12 08 Mt. Union,— 9 42 10 01 2 10 5 35 ...... 12 20 Mapleton, 2 10 5 43 51612 20 - Mill Creak,... 5 25; 9 40 1 53 550 531 12 48 648 Huntingdon, 9 121 935 140 615 546 108 • IPeteraburg,... 8 501 020 122 6 231 1 1 201 .....• Douce, I 1 14 631 602 1 32 ...... SprneoCreeL, S 41 9 07 1 07 6'49 1 54 Birmingham, 12 50 058 6 29 2 05 Tyrono, 8 171 8 44 12 40 7 08 039 2 20 Tipton, 8 00 12 28 7 14 2 28 Fostoria 12 22 7 19 8 50 2 35 Doll% 61111 e,.. 7 55 8 25 12 17 740710a0 0 ! 8 15 Altoona,. 740610 12 00 P.M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 40 P. 51., and IMIITOB at Huntingdon at 11 01 P. 51. Tho FAST LINE Fro A. M., and arrives at lin! shear,' leaves Altoona nt 2 35 ntingdon at 3 57 A. 51. EXPRESS Westward, leaves . and arrives at Altoona at TitO PHILADIMPHI Huntingdon at 7 30 905 A. 51. estsrard, kayos ITuntingdon a t Altoona at 0 05 P. DI. FAST LINE. We M., and arrives a TrUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP _Lk RAILROAD. . . On and after Wednosdny, JUNE 14, 1965, Passenger Trains will Emir° and depart as Mom% : SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS. ESE =MEE MEE SIDINGS 8 00111untingdon, 8-17 11cOon.011,,town, 8 21 Pleasant Grove,... LE 6 10 6 "71 6 at 6 S 8 7 02 7 09 8.23 Marklesburg, 8 52 Coflee Run, 8 59 Rough & fleetly,. II Cove, 9 15 Fisher's Summit. 9 40 ' ..131,9acton 7 25 1 ide 7 A 0 E 7 50 8 70 8 001 8 70 Riddle burg,. Hopewell,. • 10 00 10 OS _ 10 20 Piper's Ituu,, 10 35 llornilton..... 10 47 Bloody Run,., Anlo 10 Mount Dallas, 211( 8 67 AR 0 00 COWS RUN DRAW 1 1. r. 10 4.o l :naton,. I 0 55 Coalmoat,.. 11 00 Crawford, Ida 11 10 Malay, 'Broad Top City,. rfuntingdon Juno 14,1885. OLIVE, CHEAP PUMPS. TAMES A. BROWN, Iluntingdon Pa., sole Patent Wooden Pumps for cisterns nm Wells, from 4 to 60 fent deep, at about ono half the ma price for old fmhioned pump. All pumps warranted. Asg.3 '64, • COUNTRY DEALERS can but, CLOTHING from mooHuntingdon at IVIIOLESALII ot them) as they eon in the Hies, as I have a - wholeaalo stnra in l'hilattelphi IL ROMAN. mg co 7E 4 5. ..V• For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA. • Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of Maryland end Peravilva nia, and the Battle or Gettysburg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. Washington and his Generals. Knne's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. Webber's Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book. Coal and Goal Oil, by Eli Bowen. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vols. Life and Public Services of Ahem. Lincoln. Partons Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 volumes. General Butler in Now Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westcott. Smuckerls Life & Times of Alex. Hamilton. ! Taylor's Life and Travels of Von Humboldt. Opportunities for InduStry and Capital, or ' 1000 Chances to Slake Money. Freedlev's Practical Treatise on Business. Sinding's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of Nature. Ovid, [literally translated,] by 11. T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. Stowart's Freemason's Manual. Webb's Monitor. Davis' I I Cross' Masonic Chart. Shaltspeare's Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. E. Soutlitrorth. Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. Maitland. Diary of an Old Doctor, do. The Wanderer, do. Adam Bede, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julie De Marguerittes Richard Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrike Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Dormant, do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. Anecdotes of Love, by Lola Montoz. Age of Chivalry, by Thomas Bulfinch. Tale of a Tub, &e,, &e., by Dean Swift. The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vole. The World's Laeonies ; or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, in Prose and Poetry, Robert Houdin, the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. - Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titcomb's Letters to Young Folks. " • Lessons in Life. " Letters to the Joneses. " Gold Foil. " Bitter Sweet. ! The Trial, or" More Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. Nasky Papers, [Comico-Politico-Religico..l The Ladies' Work-Table Book. 'Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. I Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. " Holy War. The Three Mrs. Jpdson's and other Daugh ters of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rico. Defence of Armageddon, by F. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copely. Cobbot's 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Headley's Sacred Plains. Mollraine's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed from the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. M. Adair. • Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken Bud, or the Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother, Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptiem. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. Tho Morning of Life. The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. The Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. The Daughter of Ailliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Miss Mary Rankin. Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay'a Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, by J. Cole Hagen. The Now Fortune Teller, or the Peetieal Fate Book. Mrs. Male's Receipts for the Million. The Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re ' ceipt Book. Widdifield's New Cook Book. Soyor'e Standard Cookery. Miss Acton's Modern Cookery. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The Family Doeter, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Frilit and Fruit Trees of America. The Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do Horticulture The Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry. • A Method of Increasing the Yield of the Mulch-Cow, by John Nelllen. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. " Doctor. The Horso and His Diseases, by Jennings. Rarey's Practice of Horse Taming. Both Skins of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by M. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer, Barman's Wages and Labor Calculator. • Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for Lumber Merchants, Ship Builders and Boat Builders. Scribner's Assistant for Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. H. Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper Hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V. Kautz. United States Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cards. ' Pocket Maps of United States, Pennsylvania, and the Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canadas.. Constitution of the United States. Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. The - Secret Out, or 1000 Tricks with. Cards, and other Recreations. Book of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Steele. The Sociable,or 1001 Home Amusements. Hoyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, &c. Checker's Simplified and Explained by D. Scattergood. Spectropia ; or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (Phonographic.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) I Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debating. Walker's Elocution and Oratory. McElligott's American Debater. Whately's Selection of Synonyms. Davies' Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. Brown's Gramniar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. llolbrook's Normal Method of Teaching. Wickersham's School Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Hirani Corson. Mangnall's Comprehensive Summary of His tory, &c., &c., &a. par Also, an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. =El= 1213132 An ri '2O 5 50 550 192 2 01 it 44 11 37 11 13 11 10 1 11 02 1040, 10 45 E 1030 1n1024 10 00 9 5 9 25 013 9 101 5 00 ve 4 45 sn. 435 4 16 4 07 3 Za 3 40 3 28 Le 3 25 9 20 4 30 0 05 MEI 8 55 4 05 ,LO 8 50 4 00 = CM An thon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's Gorman and English Primer. Northend's Little Speaker. Dime Speakers and Dialogues. Fowno's Elements of Chemistry. Reese's 'Zoology. Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. Worcester's Ancient and Modern history Teacher's Guide to Illustrations to accom pany Holbrook's School Apparatus. How to use Globes, by F. C. Brownell, The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Mann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeastle's Algebra. [See School Books'in another 'column.] SPECTACLES. - - A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LETVIS' BOOK STORE. BOOK BINDING. Old Books, Magazine% or pnblioationa of any kind, bound to order, if loft at LEWIS' BOOK 4.STA2IONBRY STORK • • - n M uslNEss EN, TAKE NOTI.CE! _a_JP It you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call at ZEIPIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY' STORE. • FOR TILE LADIES.. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelope, suitable for confidential. correspeeolence, for sale at LEWIS , BOOK tC STATIONERY STORE,. ENVELOPES- By tho bror, pnck, or lain gunk tit'', for Palo at LEWIS' 1100IC AND STATIONERY STORR. • QC.HOOL BOOKS, 1,7 Generally in use in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will be furnished to order, on application at zEivis.' 1300 K, AND 82'ATIONE121" STODIi7. RE AD Y RECKONER A complete Pocket Ready rockoner, In dollars and cents, to which are added forms . of Notes, Dills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with'n sot of useful tables, containing rate of interest from ono dollar to twelve thous and, by the °into day, with a tablo of wages, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For sato at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. DAPER ! PAPER !! Note ' Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good inicorlinent for tale by the ream, half renm, quira. or sheet, at • LEWIS' NEW BOOR it STATIONERY STORE. ]DAItCIIMENT DEED PAPER ' ruled, for ado at LEWIS' ZOOK STORE AIONTIILY TIME BOOKS, LEIVI V S 7r B n a I Sk t AND STATIONERY•STORE. T RACING MUSLIN, DUSTIN(' AND DRAWING PAPNII Whitf and Colored Card Paper, For sale at ROOK (t STATIONERY STORE. • Wlll. LEWIS, Dealer in Dooks,.Stationary and Musical linden manta, Duntingdco, La. BLANK BOOKS, or vmttous elm, for onto at • LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE ALBUMS ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO dRAPII. ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE. IL S. RE VENT)T-STAMPS FOR SALE 'AT 14RTVITS' BOOK STORE. lIUNTINGDON, PENNA.. br. Strickland's Pilo Remedy has cured thousands of the worst cases of Jilted and Bleeding Piles. It gives im mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it di redly. - It is warranted to cure. For sale by all Druggists. General Depot; No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY Dr. STRICKLAND'S TONIC..--lro can recommend those snaring with lose of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's 'tonic. It is a vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nervous system; it creates A good appetite, and is warranted to curs Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally, at $1 per bottle. Pre. pared by Dr. A. Strickland, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. JOHN REED, Agent, Huntingdon, Pa. 1865. THE 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL. PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale AT LEWIS' Book, Stationery and 'Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than tho samd articlo can bo bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg, OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Parer & Bordering, FOR Tho Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, • Kitchen, Office, . Store, Shop, &e., Call at the "Globe" Building and oxernine our stock and prices. ye—Fine Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis Book SLoro let/ZIETIC:9 iCIi4I=VJET..I6 FOP LEIPIS 1300K4TOR.E. ROWE'S SONGS OF IRELAND, containing shoot 175 of the Gems df Iliberain's Songs And Ballads, including 50 of Mooro'a Irish Melodies, Bongs of tho:affections, • fientimentid, Patriotic, DistoriCal, Slilitury, Political' Comic and Miscellaneous ,Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00 DOWD'S SOSIOS OF SCOTLAND, Containing about '175 of tbo Owns of Caledonia's Songs and Ballads, inclu ding Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Illetoricol, Military, Political, Conde and Macelione• one Songs, arranged for the Pianoforto or Melodeon. Price $3.00.. HOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OP THE OLDEN TIME, containing the Original Wards - and Music, of the Songs and Ballads, sung by tho Grand-moth ere of the present generation. Arranged for Pour • Voices: HOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy Dances with Calls and Figures.; Waltzes, Polkas, Opera Slelo• thee, Scotch and Irish airs, &c., &0., for t h e Violin, Flute, Cornet, Bass Viol, &c. MUSICIAN'S OMNIBUS, No. I, containing the whole Camp Doty, Calle and Signals :media the Army and Nary; 40 sotts of Quartiles, [including Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische) with. Calls; and an immense Col loction of Polkas, Schottisches, Waltzes' Marches, .Qtlicksteper, Iforopipoe; Cartra and Fancy Dances, Songs, &0., for filo Violin, Flute, Cornet, Chirletzett, Sm., Containing over 700 pieces of Mink.: MUSICIAL'S OMNIBUS, No. 2, ccotahaing 850 pleas' of Music, consisting of 100 Duets for two Flutes two &0., 200 Scotch Airs, 200 Irish Airs, Chad rills., Fancy and Contra Dances, with the Calla and Signors, PM's, Schottisches, Woltzoi,Qnicketeps. , Marches, Ilornpipes, Songs, for tho violin, Flute, Clarlonett, Fire, Carnet, Flagoolet, Ac. THE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOK; a collection of Music for mato Voices, consisting of. Glans and Part Bongo, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthem., Chants, Lc. KINGLET'S JUVENTIAS aolection of the Choicest Melodies from tho German, French, Ital ian, English autl American Composers. TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TDB BOOMS CALLS;two books suitable to the limos. TUB BOSTON DUKE BOOK, consisting of en extensive collection of Glees, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected from the works of the Moat admired Composers, to gether many new plecesTrom the Gorman. INSTRUCTION ROOKS FOR TILE RIANO, 11 . 01041013, Accordeon, Violin, Dardo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum, Fire and Flageolet. Huntingdon, Jan. 24, 1865-tt. OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC -I C7/I , r, 1863. •- • Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 18N, containing a full and cor rect digested record of the events of the war, military, naval and political; from October 15th, 1803, with accounts of Battles, Sieges, Raids, Sea-Bede, and all the operations of the war. The United States Army List. Major General, and Brigadiers,• regulars and volunteers, to Norembeilst, 1864. The Rebel Army MI. Lieutenant Generals, Major Generals and Brigadiers, to same date. • Losses in battle and by death, of Union officers, to No- vember Ist, 1864. • Losses of officers in Rebel Army to same date. The RebolOovernment, Rebel Congress, Rebel Debt, to. A full digest of the United States Stamp regulation. A full digest of the United States License regulation. • Governments of the world to November Ist, 1861. Governors of the States and Territories, Union and Rebel, to November 15t,1864, • llierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to Nonni ber Ist, 1864. • Bishops of the Protestant EpiscopalUburch to Novem ber lot, 1884. Bishops of the 3lethodist 'Episcopal Church to Nonni; ber Ist, 1864. Reigning Queen, of the world to November 154 1864. Reigning Kings of the world to 'November Ist, 1864. Rake Apparent to European and other Empires sad Monarchies. Besides other miscellaneous matter, astronomical formation, calendars, Sc., Av., the whole comprising a val. tiable manual for use and reference throughout the year. Price 20 cents per copy. • Copies mailed (post-paid) on receipt of price. For sale at 612WIS' BOOK STOKE. • • tf SCHOOL BOOKS, - - - FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & ..7111JSIO FITOZBI, lIONTLNGDON, P OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2d, 3d, 4th and bth Readers. 11'01IFFEY'S Speller and Readers: • SANDER'S do do do • Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. - Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies &Atlases. Camp's Oeography,•with Key to bluebell'. Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's. Dictionaries. Quackenbos'Tirst Lemons in Composition. Quackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetic,. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenlears and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetic.. Greonleaf 'a and Davies' Algebras. • Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. ' Willard's Ilietory of the United State..- Child's - " " •" Goodrich's " 'Payson, Denton and 'Scribner's Penmanship, in sleets numbers. Potter A' flantniond's Penmanship in twelve number,. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry end Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry, Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton k Eastman's Book-keeping. • Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Ganaford k Payson Book. Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Ilanaford Payson.' Other books will be added and furnished to order.. : A full stock of School Stationery always on h n nd. Unutingdon, Pa. ' • • PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !! ! • Traolug Papor, Impression Paper, - Drawing Paper,, • Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, . • Silk-Paper for Flowers,' Pertorotod Paper, Bristol. Board, lat Cap Paper, • Foolscap.Papor, Letter Paper, • Commercia/ Note Paper,- . Ladies' Gilt Edged Latter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fanoy Noto Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shoats, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationers and Packs_ and" ROOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miebolledieone and School ooks—Poolecap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Bed, Mae and Black Inks- 4 . Blank Books of numerous eises—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Peek In/Wands, and every other article nasally found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STOKE. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE. STOCK • - 'AND SPLENDID ASSORTALENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e., ' - A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL MS DWI:MI/181M 0117=S AND CIVILIANS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONIMY .STOLE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHAW, * MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S Ii:IXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS': BOOK STORE • ; r. THE CYTHARA—Tha , Pr eebyter Paatmodiet—The Sllnwn—The7ubllee- 1 4mlten'..." Barnes enlarged and improved Inetructore=Weiland'e New and Improved Method for the Gultar—Loland'e Accoir. deon, Violin and Pluto Instructora—Whiner's and Holve'n Violin Instructors—Belledes Melodeon Inetractor=—Bur rOlvote PlanmForte Primer—do, Thorough-. 13380 Primor— Howe'e Drawing Room Dances—The °horn. Glee Book— Tnra's Harp, for ante at • LEWIV BOOK, STATIONERY de , 311391 C STORE. cc QUICIK SALES tiMA LL PROFITS t" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND, FOoIiFT BIBLES, HYMN AND PNAYEN DOQItL ALBUMS 'AND ANNUALS. ANT oTNYIi VAIMADLI AND INTIDIEMSO 2100* Fancy nhd School STATIONERY MUSICAL INZiaIIMENTS, CHURDII IMMO AND INSTRHOTION 1340111, SHEET MIMIC tor the Plano, Guitar, a:, as, POPLIST 110061, PORTIiONNAILS AND PURBigl. 7or lAdlei and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PGIIMG, • AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, • For Sunday and Common Sehool., SIINDAt SCHOOL 3300K8 'OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET 13/ACEEB, 80, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boy. and Girls. AMUSING 'GAMES Yogi Young rolii WIDDING IiNVDLORDS AND CARDS,. MARRIAGE OERTMOArSB, VISITDIG, CARDS, 011EOK:ER BOARDS, DOMINOES, £O4 C9I , IVISitSATION CARDS, SONCt BOOM, From s_to 75 centy BLANK BOOK% Memorandum Books of Various Stet; 0100 L BOOKS 01 ALL RINDS, DIARIES FOR ises, Drawing and .13441ing Paper, Brigai and at rd Bondi; WAITE BONNET' BOA* INDIUM; CARION; DID, MATZ ADD DLICIXINII; Arnold's Irodgson'a and Ilarrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of Iditroront giros and Ana ao. ' ac. '. ac. ac. 4140 SHOULD CALL AT LE'WXI3'. CHEAP 000 E STATIONER* AND Nitratc SEPIA, In the "Globe" building, Market Sq,aere,. where all who want to SAYE MONEY; go to make their purehosee t l 4l - 0 BLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! • 00.4 STABLE'S SALA. •'i ATTACIPTEXECUTION4 ATTACHMENTS, ( EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, „ DEEDS; SUBPOENAS, ' MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, • JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, ' NATURALIZATION BIM. COMMON BONDS, . • JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, ' FEN BILLS , NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. - JUDGMENT.NOTES, with a waif. ••of the $3OO tow. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT; WM Teacher.. ~.MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Jastiees of the Pante and Ministers of tho Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITJUENT,In sista of Assault and Battery, end Affray. • SOIREE YAMS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, Scheel,. Borough and Township Taxes. . Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Ott of the HUNTINGDON (MORE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neat* at ehort'notico, and on good Paper. - WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS, /IVICRYBODY'S LAWTZP. -AND • COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CRUET, OP SUE PUILAD4PUIA BAI 21 Your You /lOW to draw up PARTN2LREHIY PAM= Ala gives general forms for denzmarms of all • Linde, MILLe of SOLI, Loess end NITTIONO. It This You now to draw up Dorms end Moaromms, 'rntivrrs, Poimus of Amortrar, Nora and Bata ef Excuawas, Apex:rota and Itmaism. 22 nits Too The laws for the &trauma of Drore, with the Srirorss of LIMITATION', and amount and kind of property nXrabor from ELKO- Tron in every State. • • • ' It Tone You flow to make an Mamma= proporly, with forms for COltroMmos with Cnsorrorm, anti the INOOLTANT LAWS of every State. It Toils You 'Thelegal relations existing between Gin* DIAN and Wane, lifaarrat and Anbancrer, and LAM/LORD and Tatum." 11 Mir You What constitutes Lulu, and Swim; and ' - the Law Be to Ruda/on Desna, the Wiri'm BIGHT tic roomer; bivouac and ALIMONY. • and the Naruummarum Laws of this coun try, and how to comply with the same. it Tells You The law concerning Pvisioas and how to olo• tain one, and the Pat-EMOTION LAWS to Punta LANDS. 12 Tolls The The Law for PATENTS, with mode of procel duro in obtaining oneorithlrraermiracss, AstoottuEsYs and TOOLS or Rate. It Tent You now to make your Wilk,-and bow to Marcia WEB. ON AN ESTATE, with the law and Gus requiremonts thereof in every State. It Tint You The meaning of LAW Tint!! IB general not, and explains to you the &mum; Era, • ontvr. and JimiclAL -.Powers of beth thi General and State Elentaansays. . If Tins You floor TO IMP oar or Law, by showing how $4 do your business legally, thug savings rant amount of property; and vexation: litigation, by its timely consultation. ifir Everybody's Luviyer M for sale at Lowle'llook Dt4 t TFIE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR I,4D.r.Es AIY,D GEATTLEM.E.N; EVER RZCNITZ•D IN Er UNTIIeCIDO/C, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOON, iTATIONEDX AND MIIBIO STORK, 50.000 9 .•-- • BEST QUALITY 'WHITE, . ..: • BUFF, .• • ,• • •-• ORANGE, • i'ELEO3V; AND FANCY • ,„? „ , . ,• • . • ~ • •• • ENVELOPES, Just For.apti)4 and for eels at .* , LEOS' 43001 c. STORE.— TV Trxr4 GREATEST VARTUTY Handsome and Useful Artieles t Call at LEWIS' Book Stov?,