The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 16, 1865, Image 4
AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. ALL 'who may have any claims a. gsituit the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and no, can have thetr chime Promptly collected by ap- plying either in past,' or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law,_ Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of Ns old patrols! specially, and the publlo to general, to Ills extensive stock of well selected new Goods,jtist received from the Lastern cities, consisting, In part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Segars, Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, &c., and all other articles kept in a first class try store; all selected with the greatest ears and which were pur chased for cash only, and affords him to soil them at a very low flgrire. The public will find it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will be ersutd in show ing our Goode. Ladies are specially invited to OSUMI:10 our large stock of fashionable dross goods; Shawls, Cir culars, Furs, and a great variety of Woolen Goods, hosie ry, dic. Also, a handsome assortment of LADIES' COATS All kinds of produce - taken in exchange nt the highest Market prima—Cash not refused. By strict attention to tho wants ot customers, We Lope to receive a continuation of rho liberal patronage with which wo have been hereto- Inro favored. Come ono and all, and "IRT. tIES- New Goode received daily. klaylo 186 S. EIMON COHN. 1865. 1865. CLOTRING. H. ROMAN. 1 . 1 PI CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SLIMMER, JUST RECEIVED . H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing cf the best material, and made a the beet workmanlike manner, call at ROMAN'S. opposite tie Franklin lime in Market 'Square, 'finnan g• don, Pa. linntingden aprill2,,an. • WAR FOR THE UNION NEVI ORLEANS, Be. LODIS, 31EMPLIIS, NORFOLK, An TAKE B N.—ASHBY SLAIN ES , AND TIIE BACK ONE OF u SCII" BROKEN But while 3'Ott rejoice at the success of our gallant troops, and the prospect of tho speedy downfall of the Babel Army, do not forget to call at the store of WALLACE &CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our new stock goods, consletlng of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Does, Queenswarc, Crockery ware, Tobacco, legate, Dome, Flitch, Shoulders, Yish. Flour, Salt, ar.d a moral assortment of notions, all of which fared on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Hutingdon, Ju1y1,1863. MTLANIGAL'S LIVERY STABLE. . MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches, HUNTINGDON, PA. kik , N . v 4 15 rIE PUBLIC GENERALLY are informed that the entbeeriber is prepared at hie New RY STABLE, to accommodate all with GORSES, BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable :stew, on chart notice. HIINTLY .11TMANIGALL. Huntingdon, March 8,1865-1 y: NA.BBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of untirigdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of ireautiful marble now on band. Me is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Toltib, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. relate davit" or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Mlle, de., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to forniab material and work. manahlp equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and sea, before Ton patellae elsewhere. Shop on Mill treat, Muntlugdoa, Pa. 31untiogdon,Iltay 16:11355 New Furniture Establishment: • • • J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill et., Huntingdon. between Couningham's Store and Dean's National House, where be manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced pee.. Per- sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and cbargea reasonable. . Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. .oSP.Prinerals attended at any place In town or mutt ry, by J. H. WISE. Huntingdon, Eiept.2l,l6i2—tf 1865. TH E 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Htudingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Di LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Nude Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES CB LOWER PRICES Than the same article can bo bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, rag The Parlor, sitting Room, Dining Boom, Bed Room, Nall, Jitchen, °Moe, Store, Shop, &0., &e. Call at the "Globe" Bu iliad-examirta gtock And pricei. HERS' COM. THOS. F. 1.4108.. U. G. FIBILER. T. C. FISII ER FISHER & SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC. -0- A HANDSOME STOCK of GOODS, doll kinds ) to now open for the Impaction of the public, nod we cordially invite all our Customers and Gm publio generally, to call and be conrincod that we aro unequal led in the quality, taste, style, and prices of our Goode. We request the pubilo to boar In mind that we pur chase principally from first bonds in New York, pay Oauu for all la - 43 buy, and cannot be rivalled to our facili ties for opening for public use, o Mock of General Mer chandise. HUNTINGDON MILLS. GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. WE ARE PREPARED TO PUR cbase all kinds of GRAIN, for. which wa will pay tin Meted cash prima, and will have for nate at all times, FLOUR, FEED, &o. PLASTER! PLASTER!! WE HAVE an IMMENSE STOCK of PLASTER; an ample supply for We and aelgleboring counties! Having a 111111 expressly for grinding it, wo can produce finer and more desirable stock than can neu ally be bad. WE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did ONONDAIGA SALT, unequalled is quality and price. G. A, Salt in Auks is also kept constantly on hand. WM. WILLIAMS Quarter Barrels and Site, of all numbers, are also of• fermi. WE ARE AT ALL TIMES PRE- pared to bay SUMAC,. will pay:cash, or trade, as deeirod THE HIGH PRICES RULING FOR Cotton Goods has compelled public attention to too more especially directed to the culture of Flax. It con be made by some attention, one of the moat valuable products a farmer can produce; an acre readily producing 60 to 60 Dollars worth of 6bro end seed. Great care should be taken by growers have their Flan spread very thin when rolling; when watered autliclently on ono side, it should be turned, and subject to exposure until all the stalks get a grey color, and the lint readily separates from the wood by a gentle rub. R should on very dry day bo tied in bundles, and is then ready for the mill. As a general thing too much seed is come on an acre. TlClfeeo the ground to very rich ono Bushel per acre Is sufficient. IT the ground is very strong one and one rant' bushel It ample. Dec . ll3, 1963. =3 --o I=l :23Z -0- SALT SALT ! -0- ZECE FISH. FISH. .-••••-•-0--- 10 BM.. No 1 MACKEREL 10 No. 2 EZEZE 15 Half Bble. No. 1 . 20 " " No. a " 10 " " No. 3 •' SUMAC. SUMAC. --o-,--- FLAX. FLAX. ~ - o---r PROFESSIONAL b BUSINESS CARDS D. CAMPBELL, .ATTORNEY AT LAW. RUNTINGDON, PA. °Elko in the Brick Row, nearly oppoeito the Court Rouen. [April 15, 1563. . W. A STEPIIENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House—up stairs. Iluntitigdon, Dec. 16,1663. ALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, UM removed to the Brick Row oppcodle the Court House. April 13, 1859. 1 E. GREENE, DENTIST. sl 4liass • Oillee removed to opposite the store of D. P. (loin, in the vinare, kill street, Huntingdon, En. April 18,186}. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. Y. MORRISON, Proprietor _NTGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready * made Clotting, Iluntingdon, Pa. DR. JOIIN MeCULLOCII, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on hill street, one door cast of nerd's Drug Storo. Aug. 25, '55. L)S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi „ clues, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, &e. Also—Gro cerise, Corifoctionerice, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer In nardware, Cutlery, Pante, Oils, nunt indult, Pa. • l e te lt DeTer ll ; i n N .lleady Made Clothing, Hats and Cape Boots and Shoes, &C. ~P. GWIN, • Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens wart), hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. WLEWILLIAMS, Ormunental Marble Manufacturer. • LD BRASS AND COPPER taken In excbnnge for geode at the fterdwere Store ept. 3, 1802. JAS. A. MOWN (1 UN BAR TACKS_ .--A AND LOCK.A VA 'large usiorttneut at ' BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and uP cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. °WIN'S. T IQUORS, of the best, fox Medieina purposea at E. S. SMITH'S. ALL at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want NJ 0000 aoons. GREAT ENTHUSIASM I HIGIi PRICES SURRENDER ! TBE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. J JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs tho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hasjust received from the city a Nztv and splendid stock of BOOTS & MOBS, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks Trunks, (U.: * &c., &c., d•c. all of which he is prepared to call at reduced prices A lot of cltoico CONFECTIONERIES have ctoo been re ceived. Don't forgot the old stand in tho Diamond. 01,1 cost mere cud tho public generally aro invited to call. lluntingdon, apri 12, 1865.- • ' q."4lV. , :tWal• Ntrr 151Mc READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JULY 20, 18E5. aREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE k_A North and North-West for INILADFIrtiId, NEW- Yam', READING, PoTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLINTOITN, EASIoN, &C., &C. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows! At 3 00 and 8 15 A. 31., and 145 P. ill., arriving at Now York at 10 00 A, 01, nod 300 and 10 30 P. 111. Tho above connect with similar Trains on tho Pennsyl vania Railroad, utd sleeping cars accompany the 3 00 mid 8 15 a. In. trains, without change. . - Leave for Heading, rot [ovine, Tamaqua, 311orrsvillr, Allentown nod Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M., and 14`5 P. 31, stopping at Lebancn and principal stations only. Way Trains, Mopping at all points, at 7 25 A. 51., and 440 P. 31. • Itatundng.leavals.lnw-Yoon at 9 A. M.,12 Noon, and 8 P. M. Pldlndelphla nt SA. DI•, and 330 P. 51; Proutlllo at 815 A. DI., nod 2 35 P. M.; Tamaqua at 3 15 A. 51., nod 2 15;P. M., nod flooding at 1 a. nt. , 7 35 and 10 45 A. 81., 1 38 and 6 05 P. Di. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Renew° nt 6.00 A. 31., and returns front PIIILADIMeata at 6,00 P. Columbia Railroad 'realm; leave Reading nt 6 and 10 65 A. M.. for Ephrata, Lain, Columbia, ezc. On Sundays, Rawl New York nt 8 P. 31:, Philadelpbin, 316 P. 31. ' Pot tsvillo 7 30 A. 11., Tamaqua 7 A. 31., liar rieburg 815 A. 31., and Rending at 100 a.m., for Har risburg. COMARSTATION, MILE/all:, SEASON, and Exconsioei TIMET3 at reduced rates to and front all points. linggage checked through: 80 petunia Baggage allowed each Passenger. 0. A. NICOLL9, Reading, July 10, 1805. Ccltral Superintendent, erztll-:,)%oui. i•Vg. DENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING 0 II TRAINS SUMMER ARRAN TMENT. WESTWARD. EASTWARD %,.. 1 '4 0 tz , a ,. 9.• ,'.,.1 t 4 gl .;Fll . g ~.. g S' F: E 1 I STATIONS. Ri ' t 4 4 FA ' EI it ~. 0.12.1 A. 81.1 P. 14.1 A. 2.1.1 P. 1.1. 1 A.M.I P. 14 17 4 . 60 11 68 IN.Handlton, 0 51 2 19 25 458 12 08 Mt. Union,... 94210 01 2 /0 35 12 20 Mapleton, 2 30 43 5 16 12 29 51111 Creek,... 9 251 9 46 1 53 69 5 31 12 48 648 Huntingdon, 9 121 935 1 40 16 5 46 1 08 IPeteraburg,... 8 561 9 20 1 22 23 1 1 201 IBarreo, I 1 14 31 602 1 32 SprucaCreeL, 8 41 0 07 1 07 49 1 64 Birmingham, 12 50 53 6 29 2 05 Tyrone, 8 171 8 44 12 40 OS 639 2 20 Tipton, 8 06 12 28 34 2 28 Fostoria, .... . . 12 22 19 610 2 35 Bell's Mills,.. 7 66 3 25 12 17 40 710 3 001 815 Altoona,. 740810 12 00 P. 11. , A. M. P. 11 Tho PICILADELPHIA. itxrnms.s Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 40 P. 31., and arrived at Huntingdon at 11 01 P. 51. The ' lint ' 2 83 mi stward leaves Altoona al ltlagdou at 3 67 A. EXPRESS Westward, leaves 3!., and arrives nt Altoona at FAST LEI: Er, and arrives at tim PITILA DELPHI: tingdou at 7 30 A. Si. Hun 9 05 .:stwartl, ]eaves Ilvatingilou at t Altoona at 9 05 P. ill. FAST LINE Wee and arrives at HUNTINGDON & BitOAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after Wednosday, JUNE 14, 1605, Pawner Traln3 will niTive and depart as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS. STATIONS EXPREs9.I MAIL. P. M. I A. M. DEEM L 1 0 101.0. 8 00111vattiumlbu, 6 271' 817 McConnellstowa, '. 6 34 8 24 Pleasant Grove, 6 48 8 33 51ariclesburg, 7 02 8 52 Coffee Rim, 7 09 n 59 Rough & Ready 7 21 Cove, V 25 /5 Sirber's Summit AR 740 on PO ~, ~, I.R 7 80 LE 40 .a,, • . • 819 1 00 Riddlesburg 8181 1 08 Hopewell, 830 1 20 Piper's Run 845 1 35 llnmilton, 857 1 97 Bloody Bun, An 9.00 Ar..l 50 Mount Dalles,...- ... SHOUP'S RUN BRAN 'LE 10 40 1 Srtzton , 10 55 Conlmont , 11 00 Crawford, - ARV. 10 Dudley, llirbad Top City, nuntiogdon Juni; 19,1805, OLIVIIIt AYERS, Supt, COUNTRY DEALERS can brly OT,OiIIINCI from mo In IfuntingilOn at WHOLESALE ao cheap as they can in tho ON I hare a wholesalo torn In Phlladolphl 4 ' HOMAN. 313 CP Co For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of. Maryland and Pennsylva nia, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. Washington and his Generals. Rnne's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. Webber's Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book. Coal and Coal Oil, by Eli Bowen. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vols. Life and Public Service's of Abr'm. Linceln. Pertone Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 volumes. General Butler in Now Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Ales. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westeott. Smucker's Life So Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's Life and Travels of Von Humboldt. Opportunities for Industry and Capital, or 1000 Chancre to Make Money. Freedley's Practical Treatise on Business. Sinding's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of Nature. Ovid, [literally translated,l by H. T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. . Stewart's Freemason's Manual. Webb's " Monitor. Davis' Cross' Masonic Chart. Shakepeare'e Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. E. Southworth. Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. 'Maitland. Diary of an Old Doctor, do, The Wanderer, do. Adam Bede, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julie De Marguerittes Richard Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Dement, „ do. Peculiar, by Epee Sargent. Anecdotes of Love, by Lula Montez. Age of Chivalry, by Thomas Bulfinch. Tale of a Tub, &o.; &c., by Dean Swift. The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vols. The World's Laconics ; or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, in Prose and Poetry. Robert Houdin, the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titeemb's Letters to Young Folks. Lessons in Life. " Letters to the Joneses. " Gold Foil. " Bitter Sweet. The Trial, or More Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. Nasby Papers, [Comico-Politico-Religico.] The Ladies' Work-Table Book, Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. Holy War. rho Three Mrs. Judson's and other Daugh ters of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rice. Defence of Armageddon, by P. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation,_ by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copely. Cobbot's 13 Sormons on Great Sins. Headley's Sacred Plains. Mcllvaine's Evidences of Christianity. .• Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed from the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. ill. Adair. Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken Bud, or the Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. The Morning of Life. The Faded Hope, by. Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney. The Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. The Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Miss Mary Rankin. Barnes' Family Prayers, Jay's Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. Affection's Gift for the Luving and the Loved, by J. Cole Hagen. The New Fortune Teller, or the Poetical Fate Book. Mrs. Male's Receipts for the Million. The Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re ceipt Book. Widdifield's New Cook Book. Sayer's Standard Cookery. Miss Acton's Modern Cookery. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The FaMily Doctor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. The Farm ; Menual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do horticulture The Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry. A Method of Increasing the Yield of the Mitch-Cow, by John Nelllen, Maybew's Illustrated Horse Management. Doctor. The Horse and His Diseases, by Jennings. Itarey's Practice of Horse Taming, Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by 11i. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. 13annan's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for Lumber Merchants, Ship Builders and Boat Builders. Scribner's Aisistant for Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. 11. Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper Hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt. A. Y. Kautz. United Statos.Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cards. Pocket Maps of Milted States, Pennsylvania, and the Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guido through the United States and Canadas. Constitution of the United States. Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. The Secret Out, or 1000 Tricks with Cards, and other Recreations. Book of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Sleek. The Sociahle,or 1001 Home Amusements. Hoyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, ttc. Checker's Simplified and Explained . by D. Scattergood. Spectropin; or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (Phonographic.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debating. Walker's Elocution and Oratory. McElligott's American Debater. Whately's Selection of Synonyms. Davies' Logic and Utility of Mathematics. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. BroWn's Grammar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. Holbrook's Normal Method of Teaching. Wickersham's School Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Hiram Corson. Mangnall's Comprehensive Summary of 'His tory, &c., &c., pap Also; an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. BEIZEMZ! r. M. En An 12 01 11 11 11 37 11 23 11 10 31 02 AR 6 20 5 27 5 50 5 36 5 22 5 1 Oil 5 00 La 45 sat 35 10 45 0..; /0 80 en 10 1.0 10 00 0 52 9 40 0 2,, 0 13 101 2 28 LL 2 5 EXE3 1 355 LB S SO Anthon's Ainororth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's German and English Primer. Northend's Little Speaker. Dime . Speakers and Dialogues. Fowno's Elements of Chemistry. Reese's " Zoology. Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. Worcester's Ancient and Modern History I==l Teacher's Guido to Illustrations - ; to accom ' Pany Ilolbrook's School Apnarafus. How to use Globes, by F. C. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher. • Sherwood's Speller and Pronouneer. Hann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeastlo's Algebra. [See School Books in another column.] SPECTACLES. psi s )1 1 41 7 ‘. A. fine and large assortment always. on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. BOOK BINDING. • . Old 'Tooke. Efrtgazfoce, or pnblioatfons of arq' kW, booull to order, if left at ' - • - • LEWIS' 1109 K (0 STATIONERY STORE. - aUSINESS_ MEN, TAKE NOTIdE! ifi cal It you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes; lat LEWIS' BOOK AND DTATIONDBFSTODD FOR TILE LADIES. , euftablu A fo H r n i P ;o 4 TiZet r Ar cni :' ,T•es i' p To o t n . tle P n a c t e, er for an e d al. '. , E nY el"es ' LEI PIS' BOOK a STATIONERY STORE. • , ENVELOPES . • By the box, peck, or less quantity, for tat at • LEWIS' 1300 K AND STA VONERT "STORE. QCHOOL BOOKS, ky Generally in use in tin Schools of the County, not on band, will be furnished to order, on application at LEWIS° BOOZ, Airl.) STATIONERY . STORE. , READY RECKONER A complete Pocket Rearly Reckoner, in donate and cents, to which are added forms of Notee, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Ice., together with a act of useful tables, containing rate of interest front one dollar to twelve thoua and, by the singlo day, with a tat& of wagaa,. and board by the weak and day, published in 1859. For salo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. DA.PER PAPER!! - • Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, bolt ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE I) A R C If M. E N T DEED PAPER-, ruled, for sale at LEWIS' BOOR: STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS,. For Rale nt LEWIS' 1100 K AND STATIONERY STORE, TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPER t➢7i.ite and Colored Card Paper, For ,nlo at LEWIS" BOOK STATIONERY STORE. • WTM. LEWIS, Hanks in Books, Stationary and Musical Instru maids, Huntingdon, Pa, BLANK BOOKS, OP rantous sacs, far Gale at LEIVIS' BOOK" AND STA TIONICRY STOP P A.LBUNIS ALB UMS. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO dBAPII. ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IT. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOKSTORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. c yy w . - Vw-A45 -;gosrt'A" n ff Lt^ws,.}Zl,...4”AWltiZS siciyz-f; A 07.1 Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam le warranted to cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Soro Throat, Consumption, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Druggists. General Depot, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. z•:-. I ----v4",.• •Ai,: t ; Ili 1 r if ~ .- . ...— " ...1'6,4i.e.1.0P-Jdr,v-zi,z-L.F...K..-..-- , ....L.5 . .,-., ,s- , ..1.4.,1"7-. . _ . .. . All tho Modica! moo and the Ptersesrecontmend Dr. Strickland's Anti-Cholera Mixture no the only certain remedy for Diarrhoea and ripen tory. It to a combination of A arlogents, Abeorbonts, Stimulentn and Carminatlvea, and le warranted to effect n cure after alt other meane hero failed. 'or sale by Druggists. Geoeral Depot, No. 0, Eant rth Street. Cinehmiti. Ohio. • " * ''-17:14tCKLA NbPS , Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy line cured thousands of the worst cases of blind and Bleeding Piles. It gives im mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it di redly. It is warranted to cure. . . . Fur sale by all Druggists. General Dopol, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY Dr. STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—We can recommend those Snffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. Nervousness or Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's Tonic. It is a vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens his whole nervous system; it creates ty good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally, at $1 per battle. Pre. pared by Dr. A. Strickland, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. JOHN REED, Agent, Huntingdon, BEST WHITE LEAD ! . BEST ZINC ! PURE LIBERTY LEAD, . Unsurpassed for WHITENESS, FINE GLOSS,DURABILITY, Fun o NESS and lfreNeTE.l9 of SURFACE. PURE LIBERTY LEAD—Warranted to cover moro surface for home weight than any othef lead— Try it and you will have no other! PURE LIBERTY ZINC, • Selected ZINC!, gronnd In Relined Linseed Oil, unequeled In veiny, always the same, • KUM .LIBERTY ZINC, • ITortkeNrED to do more and Lotto work nta gtveu cos, than • ally other— Get the Best! Mnnenctnred nt PENNSYLVANIA PAINT .5.; COLOR: WORKS. Orders executed promptly by ZIEGLER 8c SMITH, Wholeealo Drug, Paigt ,all,l Glass Dealers. • 4‘Z" . Store S Mee, No-137 .Nortlx THIRD Street,. PHILADELPHIA. March 8, '65-1y FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, PLANTS, 4C„ At the nurseries of Taylor & Creater • • Who offer their stock of well grown and thrifty TREES, TINES, PLANTS . , &c., nt their old Prices. The expense of grafting and 0011114 this stock basins been incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when tiro Info of labor was •imr, they can afford to sell these Trees at 50 per cent. less than tliefcan sell the same ltiod of trees neat year. Milo other Nurserymen hays raised Weir prlces.about sr; percent.; these still Ballot the old rates this year; that is to say—Apple Trees, $l6, $lB, and $2O per linudrell, according to size, kc. Standard Pear 50 to 75 cents each. Dwarf Pear, 50 to 75 contifeach ' and $3O to $45 per hundred. Piton and Apricot, at 40 14? 50 cents cacti. Also, Peach, Cherry, goluceinnol other trees; Grape Vines, Lawton Blackberry, ile.P.herrY, and Straw berry Plants, Dahlia roots, and Shade and Ornamental Trees—all at the old rates. Money Invested in fruit trees is sure to yleltt a good re turn. Now is your time to order trees. Address, THEODORE R. CREIVER, felk, 1806. Huntingdon,' CHEAP 'PUMPS. TAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, J sells Potent Wooden Pumps for rlsterns and wells, from 4 to tat feet deem at about ono half the mat Priee for old fashionesl pumps. All ',imps warranted. Aug. d •`' YIE4.. Fino Cig,axs and Tobacco fox sale at Lewis' Book Store. FOR SALE -.4T LBWS" BOOK STO'22.E.' HOWE'S SONO'S' or IRFXAND, Containing aiMut 175 of Om Cana of Hibernia's Songs and Dallttda, including 60 of Moore's Irish Songd of tbo affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical. Military, Political' Comic and Miseollancous Songs, arranged . for- tin Pianoforte or Melodeon—Prim, $3.00, • HOWE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Caledouilda Songs and ballads, ding Congo of the affections, Sentimental,- Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political, Comic and Miscelittpe• cue Songs, arranged fur thnPlaubforte or Moliideon. Primo $3.00, HOWE'S SONGS AND. BALLADS" OF TILE OLDEN TIME, containing tho Original Words and Music, of the Songs and Ballads, sung by the Grand-moth cm of the present generation: 'Arranged for Four' Voices. . ROWS'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy Dances with Calle and Figurce) Waltzes, Follw, Opera Mole. dice, Scotch and Well alma, &c., die., for the 'Violin, Flute, Cornet, Dads Viol, &c. MUSICIAN'S OMNIBUS, No. I, contatning' the who'll,' Camp Duty, Calle and Signals used in the"Army.and Nary ; 40 setts of Quadrilles, (Including Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische] with Calls; and immense col; lection of Polkas, Schottisches, Waltz& Marches, Quielthteps, Hornpipes," Cartra and 'Fancy Dane., Soap!, &c, for the Violin, Flute, Cornet, Clarionett, Sc., Cout4loing over 700 pleCof of Nook, ' lIIISICIAL'S OMNIBUS, No. 2, ccutaluitig 850 piso co of Music, consisting of 100. Ducts for two flutes two Violins, &a., 205 Scotch Aim 200 Irish Alrtl, 'Qiina rinse, Fancy and Contra. Dance,, with thu Calls and Pigners. Polka, Schottisches, Waltzes, Quicksteps. Marches, Hornpipes, Soups, loc., for tho Violin, Flute, Clationett, FPS, Calvet, Flageolet, VIP:YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOK; .n collection of Music for male Voices, consisting of Glos. and Part Swage, Choir and:cdneolfational Tunes, Anatomy Clttote, kc. KINGLY-WS 315VIINIVE CHOIR toloction of the Choicest Melodies from,the German, French, .1141 inn, English and Amerimili Composer.. TRUMPET OT PREEDOM AND TUE DUGLE OALIAtwo books sukablo to Ulu nuns.. . . TUE 730STON GLEE BOOk, consisting of an eittetisivo collection of Glees, Madrigals, mid Rounds, soleeted from the works of the Must admired Composers, to' getter many now.pieces from the German. • INSTRUCTION ROOKS FOR THU PIANO, .ISlolodeon, Accordeon, Violin, Bonk% Guitar, Concertlna,'Drum, File and Flageolet. . • . • • 185S-tf. OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC PICnEr. 31,13435. Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 1601, containing a full and cor rect digested record of the events of the War„ military; P.M and political, front October 16th, 1863, with accounts of Rattle; Sieges, Raids, Semi:Oils, and all the operations of tite war. The United States Army List. Major GeiMrals 'end Brigadiers, regulars and volunteers, to November Ist, 1804. The 'Rebel Army List. Lieutenant Generals, 'Major Generals, and Drivellers, to seine dote. . . - • Losses in battle and by detith, of Union officers, to No. comber let, 1664. • '• Losses of officers in Rebel Army to same date. The Rebel Govetument, 'Rebel 'Congress, Rebel Debt; A fell digest of the United States Stamp regulations. A full digest of the United States License regulations. Governments of the world to November Ist, 1864. Governors of the States and Territories, Union and Rebel. to November Ist, 1804. • ' Hierarchy of the Doman Catholic Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church to Novem- . her Ist, 1834. - Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Novem ber lot, 1664. • Reigning Queens of the world to November 1341604. Reigning Kings of the world . to November lett- 1864. Heirs Apporcut to 'Europe= and oilier Empires nod Monarchies. Besides other miscellaneous; matter, astronomical in formation,calendars, fee.; Ac., the trho/o noble manual for use end reference throughout the year. Mica 20 cents per copy..'. .•, • ' . Copies mailed (pot.paid) nu receipt For sale at LEIVIS'IIOON - STORE. • f If SCHOOL BOOKS, , . . - - - FOR S.ALE AT LIMIS' !SOUK, STATIONERY & MUSIC 8T911:13, lIIINTINODO , N, ra. OSGOOD'S Spell,. - let, 2.1, 2d. 4th and sth Readers. . BUG CHET'S Spoiler nod itea•lers. SANDEIt'S do do do. Town's Speller and 'Gender, (old and new . editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's - Grammars. , Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. • Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally'e Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography,,with Key to Mitebell's'Ouhlino Maps. NVebster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Qtinekenbos' First Lessons, in Composition. Guackenbo's Composition nod Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetics. • - Peterson's Familiar Science. . GreenleePe and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmeßce. Oreenleafki and Davies' Algebras. • . • • . Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons.ln Natural Philosephy.- - Parker's Philosophy. • history of the United States. Child's Goodrich's " 11 ' • - Payson, Dunton and Scribner's Penmanship, .in eleven numbers. Potter 4, liemmond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical;Con Rollers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. ..•, Davies' Legondro's Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton ts'Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by. Ifnnaford .1 Payson Book Keeping by Stogie and Doubt° Entry, by Ilannford k Payson. . . ~ . . . Other books sell' be added end furnished to order A toll stock of. School Stationery allcoys on baud flunituddon. Pe. , PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, • Irapresslon Paper, • Drawirig Paper, • • Peed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Perforotod Paper, • • . Bristol Board, lat Cap,Paper, Foolscap Paper, ' ' - Letter, Paper, . • 'Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' Gilt Edged totter and Note Paper, adiescPlain and Fancy oto Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Musts Store. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; E PER RECEI YED /N CAN NOW: BE RAD AT LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY Ai) MUsio, STORE: 50M0.0 • •:• • • •. BEST QUALITY WRITE; .OAANgE i .• AND 'FANCY ENVELOPES.' Just rocelved and tortfolo at, . • • • • LKWIS' BOOK STORE. - DOORS AND •gTATIONERY:=- A good assortment •of snlecellaneone and 'Selma Sooks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial nod Note Paper— Plain and Fancy _Envelopeened, •Blpe and Clack Inks— Dia nk Books of Humorous aides.—Peas, Penoils,,Pperot and, Deal: Inkstande r end every othoi arlicli Venally foorid a Book and Stationery, Store, can Le , had atteir prima at, B 001( STATIONIIRY & MUSIC STORM ' • WINDOW 'CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, - JUST RECEIVED - LEWIS' 'BOOK STORE. , • ~ SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, • . POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, .. CARD .CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e., &o, A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. . • THE CYTITARA:--The • r, Prestiyterlan Psalmodist—The bluawn—TheJuttliee—Gunten's and Ilerrint's enlarged. and improved Instructors—Woiland'lt NeNt' and Improved Motltod fur the Guitar—Wand's Actor and Flutolnstruetors--Winner's and Ilowall ItYstructors--ileltak's Itolodeon Instructor—Bar rOWete PianoTtirto gritner—do. Thorough-Brio Priraer— llowe's Drawing Item Daucos,-The.Chorus Glee Book— Tara's liarKfor sate at- /MVPS' BOOK . ; STATIOXERTA MTISIG STORK. "QUICK 'SALES Lff! ,SNIJ - P4OFITS Anybody inmant of FAUILY AND PODNET.DIBLN3,' HYARTUD PRAYER BOOKS. ALBUMS AND lIALS., OR , AXT OTHIR MUMBLE MID Evnaussma Eyhoo STATIONERY,, MUSICAL INSTIIII3111N158,,,:; CHURCH MUSIC AND I . NBTRtrdIION ADDED; EHEET IdlJsla for theTlttno,'Cittitat; &c.,44 POOKIT 200E0, pthirmoit AND' Per ailit Gun" PENS AND-pErtclis, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sulyll‘ . itqka Common S h oh SUNDAY SCNODI , DDONSOF . AF4INI)3,,, TOY BdONS;A.SPNABSITDSDUP,:,"S.;, A4i;r4Nps.qzßpoic4.. • Proper for BUS, • • AMUSING , : GAMES Iroing Folks WEDDING ENVELOPES CAiDs, .MARRIAGE . CERTII:IOATES, 9v4iTlNO'binb9; CIIECKER BOARDB, DOMID.I7OEB, CONVERSATION soNo noose; From 6 to 75 ceoto; BLANK 1300I(3, .lifonoi.dtidunt Book' of VaHotie'S'irea,'• smoorruborcs OP 4LL • Foii 1866, ' Drawing and Blotting Riper, Bristol and amt /Mardi WHITE DONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARILLIE, RED, BLIIE ADD MACE( IRIES, Arnold's liodgson's' and .}WRITING • FLUID: Wraiving Papor of - Diferant Sizes and Qiudltlia;. ker. • dm. " dm. &e. &c. - &e. STIOULD CALL AT LEwls , C116,1P BOOK STIiTIONEIIT Sion.; In the "Globe" building, Mark Square, whore nll who,want . to j SAYE MONEY, ge to tn . their purehasei m. 6 -, 1,210 BLANKS !: BLANKS I . BLANKS I . ' CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTAOR'T EXECUTIONS,,, ATTACTIMENTS, • • • EXECUTIONS,-:" •• ; • SUMMONS, DEEDS.. . SUBPCSNAI3,.. • • • '• MORTGAGES: ' " SCIIOOI. ORDERS. • JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR MUSES; ,• NATORALIZATION'IOKSi COMMON BONDS, • JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS,-- FEE BILLS, ' • • NOTES, with trwaiver of. tho $3OO Law., • • ' . JUDG3IENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $.30 sr. . ARTIOLES OF AGREEMENT, with Tatham MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justicoe of the Peace. and Ministers of the Oaspel. ... • • • • •t• : COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, In ease of•Aarault and Battery; and'Affray.- • • . SCIERE YAMS, to recover amount of Judgment. , COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School,. Borough and Towndtlp Taxes. „ . Printed on superior paper, and'.for,tialiCat •the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. , BLANKS, of every ascription, printed ordir, neetiy• at calor t no ti ce, an d on good Paper. . • • •• • WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER C'OlJ N F;1 L,t)ItVII ij.l4 BY FRANK CROSBY, 0* T.HE' Telit'You" !Tow to dean' np PAttilrneente PAPEIts and . - gem, general fore= for Anaramorii of all kinds, Bras of SLIM, LEASES and PEIVrioNa. It Ms As-You to draw up Boons and MORTGAOES, elnevies, POwzas of ATTORNEY, NOTES and ' • • ' Baas of Exouesos;RzossPrsandliauese.• 11 Tells You The laws for the Council= of Dams, with •• the STATUTES of LISOTATION and amount and kind of property F.x.r T from -Enact!- 4., ' every State. —•-- • • - • Tetie You flow to make en Assn:not - nor properly, y? - 111) • , farms for 0011POSETIoN with OnatuTon-si anq the INSOLVENT 1475 oI every State: '4 R Tells keit • The logal.relatior,e cabling •beteieeri GUaw d Aayaa . Trlcaj a ' n " d n lii n k d oi l i V it A :ainrCTar 4,Talt Toy What conatltates 'LIBEL . and, Spann, a. • • • ' the V I Vow he to MARRIAGE DOWEE,ke WISE'' Amur nt paopzETT,..Divoscr. and Amour. It Tho Law foiblacilitnee Limns in every Stead; . and the NATURALIZATION.LAWS Of this coUns . ' • try, and hder of COrnply'alth the 'seine: • R Tells You The law. concerning Pvt.:oNa end hunt to,intr, Main One, tind• the Per-itazilon Lawa it Yell. :Tile • The Law' for Texitire, - with midi, Of prOco: dare in'obtalnhigono,ylthlttraarequziaas ; • • ASHIGNitENTS and TABLE or 2EE9. ' It Tells I - u. - R ow to meknyoor Wn.a, and ltow to ADMIT, IBTETCON ON ESTATE, 'with the law and the .• requirements thereof fin ovary State. , • y Tells You The meaning of Lew TERNS iii general usE, • - and explains to you the LEGISLATIVE, Nzz , onrrva and JmUetat. Powers of both thi • ,•,ripparal and State Govranarimas., ' : It nits You Ilow TO KEEP OUT or LAW, by showing how It 4 do your: buhlliese. legally; -thug saving*. • vast amount of property, " find vaned*: • :t • litigatlon,•by Its tlmelY'conenitattoxi: 236rEverybotly!eLawyer is for sale at Leivfellikile &tO. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND .• . • SMALL ;;PORT, 'FOR:.SALE . ! . .AT LEWIS' nooI.S:AND STATIONERY sToni. , •„,, , • -• , OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES', GILT GOLD SIIADES,, MIISLIN SHADES, BAYLEY:6 FIXTURES s " TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT • AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and :Useful Artieles, can at LIIYIS Book Store. EZEI LSE