jt lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Aug. 9, 1865. LOCAL & PF.RSONAL- Tip Subscribers Th9so subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a .1- before the name will understand that the time for which they, subscribed is up. If they Kish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise Scratchlnt; —A camp meeting is to commence at Bloody Run on the 19th of August. —Court commences here next Sion, day. We expect to see many friends in town on important business. —Col. Thomas A. Scott and lady returned on Friday last from a vaca tion at Bedford Springs. —Saturday next the township and :borough elections for Union delegates -will be held, and on Tuesday the 15th {lay of August next the delegate con vention will bo held in this place. —Nicholas 'Cresswell, Chairman of the Dernoeratie County Committee, has issued a call for a Delegate Con vention at this place, on Wednesday, August 16th, "for the purpose of tak ing such action as shall be deemed best for the party." --Watermelons, cantelopes, peaches, green corn and tomatoes have made their appearance in this place. Corn sold at 25 cents 4 dozen ears; eantes Jopes, from 15 to 40 cents. The prices •of these and other fruit decreases as the supply increases. —Strenuous endeavors are being made by some of our young men to of feet the ofganization of a brass band. .nhat they principally Want is to have extended to them the liberality of our citizens, and we suppose they will soon learn the rest, in the way of becoming good musical "blowers." --nc are pleased to see that a meet ing of the Agricultural Society of this county to be held on Tuesday ovening in August court week, will have under consideration the subject of a County Fair this fall. Of course, we will have one, as the farmers and the people : generally, we think, so desire. —The office of the Ohio Oil Basin Company on the corner of Hill and Bath streets, and in the centre of the Diamond, has been tastefully fitted up, -and the arrangements are so far com pleted as to shortly admit of oeeupa• tion. We hope the company as much success in the business as some of their lucky brethren around us. • —The friends of the soldiers and :those who desire to keep in lusting memory the record of our fallen patri •ots in the past struggle, will not for got that a meeting will be held in this place nest Monday, the 14th day of August, for the purpose of organizing .an association to erect a monument to -those who fell, in defense of liberty, during the late rebellion. We refer our readers again to the call of the chairman of the Soldiers' Monument :committee. .--The board walk in now town has been finisho3, and we now expect to see perambulators taking advantage of the opportunities afforded for a pleas ant walk on a substantial platform.— It was necessary that this board walk should be refitted at this time, as the :probabilities are, before many years - we will have a brisk town in - that neighborhood, and the walk will furn ish the means of ingress and ogress to the modern villa. Our Public Roads We concur in the following opin• lion of our cotemporary, the Herald, of .Shirleyshurg; cn the subject .of our : public roads. The fact is too appar ent that our roads in certain sections are miserable, and now that a way is suggested to remedy the evil, we hope to see it put in practice. The article in the Herald refers to the condition of the road between Rt. Union and Shade Gap, and in conclusion makes this sug gestion : "In this connection we declare it our long matured and settled conviction that the presentroad laws are illy adap ted for . making and repairing public: roads; and so long as the law remains Its it is, better roads than we now hare need hardly bo expected. Let a mon ey tax be enforced; and one or more judicious and skillful Road Commis sioners be appointed to employ steady laborers on the roads, at the right sea sons and proper places, and with tools, suited to their needs, and wo venture the prediction that in three years our roads will no longer be a reproach and stigma, as they now are, but will be ten fold better than under the present system, with less than one-half the amount now expended under the far cical icorkproviso, and Supervisors void of skill and judgment in tbo art of ma king roads, as is so lamentably the case under the present law." Soldiers , Families At the last meeting of the ppp,y4 of Relief, they passed a resolution tibia they would not grant any prders ex eepting to those families, NAOS° sup port has been ifiped or died in the ser vice, and have not yet received a pen sion; or in cases of extreme necessity where the support of a family is still in.the:service or in a hospital and has not bcen paid. The World Illovas The wonders accomplished by the soldiers of the Union, in tho recent war—the rapid strides in Science and Art during tho past four years,—dem onstrate conclusively the truth of the above adage. But in no branch of Science or Art has so much progress been made as in that department cf social and political economy, to which belongs the subject of "Life Insurance"—a subject that a tow years ago was comparatively un known, is now sought after by all clas ses, not only as the most economical in. vestment of a portion of one's income, but the most reliable and only sure de pendence when the husband, father or friend is stricken down by the hand of . death. The tables upon which the various rates of premium are based, are the results of the labors of some of the ablest mathematicians the world has produced—the actuaries of the princi• pal life insurance companies—and who are constantly employed in making calculations, outrank in this branch of science all other departments. Amongst those engaged in dissemi• nating a knowledge of these forts, and the general utility and advantages of Life Insurance over every other spe cies of saving, we take pleasure in re ferring to our friend WM. S. GRUSIN GER, Esq., who is acting for 010 NORTH . AMERICA, of New York. • Ho is thor oughly booked up on the subject, and his company is ono of the very best in the land. It also possesses some peculiar features—advantages of con gitlerable importance to the insured— which belong to no other institution. We advise our friends everywhere to see him, and by all means give him a patient hearing. The Prevailing Fashion. Some irreverent editor down east expresses himself on the prevailing fashion in head gear in this wise: "We aro about to say a few words which we bog our lady friends not to read. It is not intended for them all. "Twenty years ago I" There is music in tlnse words. Twenty years ago, wo saw sights that would look queer now. Possibly it may have been an illusion incident to tangled vision. Our good mothers and grandmothers used to fold together two corners of a band ana handkerchief, and, placing it on their beads, tie the other two corners under the chin. It made a warm, substantial covering for the heed at an expense of about eighteen pence. The same fashion prevails to-day—only there's a slight difference. We saw ,yesterday a little three cornered 'love of a' something that protected the la dy's head neither from rain, heat nor cold. It was charming—only cost eighteen dollars! A wad of somebo dy's else hair depended from the rear by a email pike pole, with a bombshell on either cud. Modesty remarked that she had named Ibis modern bomb proof a 'waterfall " Good Templors. This organization at this place hold their regular meeting on Tuesday evening last, when the following per sons were installed into offices: . W. C. T.David Black. W. V. T.—Miss Cornelia Wiestling. P. W. C. T.—James R. Simpson. W. S.—Robert Jacobs. W. A. S.—Miss Ellie Givin. W. T.—Daniol W. Womolsdorf. W. F. S.—Mies Annie Terry. W. M.—Chalmers Blair. W.D. M.—Miss Mollie Newingham. W. C.—ltev. J. A. Price. W. I. G.—Miss Elize McManigall. W. 0. G.— G. -W. Givin. W. R. 11. S.—Miss Mollie Watson. W. L. 11. S.—Do Witt Zeigler. The Society is rapidly increasing in numbers, there being about eighty members now on the roll. There is to he a meeting of repre sentatives of the lodges throughout this district, at this place, August 17th. Agricultural Society A regular meeting of the Hunting don County Agricultural Society will be held in the Court House on Tuesday evening of the first week of the com ing August Court (15th inst.) The propriety of holding a County Fair during the coming fall will be taken into consideration, and other business of importance to the society transacted It is desirable and important that there be as full an attendance as pos: sible of the officers of the Association, as well as of the public generally. ORAFFUS MILLER, Prat. Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 1865. =I Mr. Richard Silverthorn,of Tell town ship,lluntingdon co.,purchased a horse (No. 17) at the goverment sale on Wednesday of last - week, and left him standing:in a shed connected with the, Patterson Rouse. Between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M., the animal was taken away, and net until Monday, the 31st ult., did ho receive any intelligence of the stolen property. The horse was ridden by a person dressed partly in soldier clpthei to the premises of Mr. .spigelmayer, in Slim valley, where he was lett and subsequently Jinn Democrat. Promoted —Major Win. G. Mitchell, of Lewistown, has been promoted bre vet Brigadier General, and appointed Assistant Inspector General upon Maj. Gen. Hancock's stall'.—Col. J. Ard Itlatthows of the same place, has been promoted a Brigadier General of Vol unteers by brevet, the rank to date from .April 2, 1865. Local Bounty Pahl by this .DlAtrict The following table shows the total amount of local bounty paid by the counties of this district on the several calls made by the President for troops between January 1, 1865, and April 15, 1865 : On call for Cull of Cull of - • 700,009. July, 1964. Dec 1868. To Ttuntiog4ols74.23o 00 $120,803 60 $91,234 90 $292,268 81air...........80,140 00 141.301 50 119,078 00 348.618 311MIn 40.503 19 83,647 07 - 8,4.0 00 140,1315 Cambria I 55,514 50 69,225 00 21,00 00 146,339 District, $287,156 99 $191,070 375239,312 90 $927,839 There was paid in the several comi ties of the district during the years 1863, '64, and '65, commutation as fol lows, viz: Cambria county, Blair county, Huntingdon county, Mifflin county, Total, Richest Men In Blair. We make the following extracts of names from the list of incomes pub• lisbed in the Hollidaysburg Register:— Wo have selected only those who paid more than $2,000: HOLLIDAYSBURG Bell,JarnesM $ 5,000 Bingham Jas 2,044 Coulbroth, L H 2.157 Denniston, Jas 5,000 Hammond, E. 12,250 Hasty, Wm. 3,400 Hemphill, Jim $4,510 Johnston, B AT 6,765 'Johnston, R B 7,956 NleNeal, Hugh 4.537 Wutson, D. 2,315 ALT. Hall Louis W $ 2,711 Jaggard, C 12,187, 1 Keller, W C 3,310 1 Laird, Jolio P 3,385 Lewis, Enoch 12,772 Lloyd, W. M 02,727 BM Miller, D 11 $ 8,859 Miller, L A 7,856 MillerChanlbers 4,004 Miller, John 10,244 Wilson, W. 8.170 Ward, Ambrose 2,020 Items about Home. Struck is reported that the D county Oil Company has struck a two hundred barrel well an Pit Hole Creek, Pennsylvania. Post OAT Established.—A post of• flee has been established at Bedford Springs and A. G. Allen, Esq., appoint. ed Postmaster. Robbery.—A man named M.r.ll.l3ride of McYeytown, Mifflin county, was robbed of $2lO, while sleeping in his room at a Mifflin hotel. Burglary.—On Wednesday night the dwelling of Ex-Sheriff David Me- Kinstry, of Walker township, Juniata county, was entered and plundered to a considerable extent. President Elected.—lion. John Cess na, of Bedford, has been elected as President of the Board of Trustees of Franklin and Marshall College, in lieu of James Buchanan, resigned. At Bedford Thaddeus Ste vens has been stopping at the Bedford Springs for the last week. Ho ap pears to be enjoying the gayety and sociability of the crowded resort to great advantage. Poisoned.—A little daughter of Danl. Kano, of Cambria city, took from the cupboard a bottle of laudanum, from which she drank enough to cause her death in a short time. Accident. —A man in the employ of John Alexander, Esq., about three miles above Shirleysburg, had his an kle severely cut with a mower in ope ration, on Thursday. His name is Lamey, and his case is doomed critical• Victimised.—Soiree of the citizens of Ebensburg, Cambria county, have been the victims of a "Jeremy Diddler," named Charles Day, to the amount of about 51,600. Day represented him. self as a Canadian stock dealer, and in various ways ingratiated himself into the good opinion of his victims. .Man Killed.—A 111a101 Mimed John B. Campbell was killed by being run over by a coal train, near Girardville, Schuylkill county, Pa., on the 19th of July. His parents reside in Dublin township, this county. Ho was a sol dier in the 202 d Penna. Volunteers. Mean Theft.—On Monday a burglar entered the house of Mrs. John Price, a soldier's wife, residing in Lewistown, and stole all the Money she possessed, amounting to something over sloo. The burglar saturated a handkerchief with chloroform and tied the same over her mouth, and then proceeded to ran sack the house. Mrs. Price survived the effects of the chloroform. Fatal Railroad Accident.—On Sat urday afternoon a veteran soldier, by the name of Baker, of the 10th Ohio Regiment, was struck on the back of the head and neck by a bridge on the Northern Central Railroad, between YOrk and Harrisliurg. Re was knock ed insensible and remained unconscious until his death, which took place in Patterson, Juniata county, on Sunday evening. Ile was buried in the Pres byterian cemetery 'at that place. Murder at Bedford —An enrolling officer, named Crouse, was murdered at Bedford, on the morning of August 2, by a deserter named Reed, who had but recently returned from Canada.— Some difficulty occurred, a few days ago, between the parties, and this mor ning they met, on the streets, when Reed drew a revolver. Crouse at. tempted to pick up a stone to defend himself, when Reed fired—the ball ta king effect in the side of Crouse, pass. ing through the heart, and killing him almost instantly. Reed was a nototi ous Copperhead, arid in this murder simply obeyed . the teachings of Bed ford cloppe'rheadism. Subscriba at °ape We understand that Capt. Harrison, agent for tho "Family Record," will, in do case, sell the work except by , subscription. It cannot be had at the stores. -The internal revenue tax for this Soar in the district Composed Of Cam bria, Blair, Huntingdon and Mifflin bounties, amounts to 5103,652 80. PHIL LS DIMPIIIA IaAIiKETEG August, 0. Filmy and Extre Fenilly ....... Common ion' Superfine $0,60(40,23 Bye Flour $5.00 Corn Meal— bl $4,75 Ex fru WhitelYbent, Fair and Prima RV Eye Cure, prime Yellow . Onto Barley Cloven:Ted, 'MI lbs.— Timothy Woos hides HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Extra l'amlly Flour ?lAA 79,60 Extra do '-',-,, owl 0,00 White Wheat 176 Rod Wheatl 6.5 Rye ....., , ~. 1,00 ' Cora 90 Outs 60 Cloven:cod 10,00 Flazeued 1,00 DrINI Apples Mutter 1 ggs.... ..... Lard Ilan.. Shoulder . 8188.700 151,800 117,900 81,600 8540,000 On the 3d inst., at the Exchange Hotel, by Rev. S. H. Reid, Corp. J. R. AVEntz, of the 191st P. V, V., to Miss JENNIE PARKS, of Rock Springs, Hun tingdon County, Pa. July 25th, by Rev. J. A. Price, Mr. JAMES WATSON :111(1 Miss MARTHA E. HITE, of MeAlavey's Fort. On the same day by the same, Mr. S. C. BARR of Saxton, and Miss CARRIE Mclluantm, of Huntingdon. On July 27th, by the same, Mr. jOIIN KING, and Miss ELMIRA BLACK, of Huntingdon. In Lewistown, on Friday. July 28, 1865, CHRISTIAN HOOVER, Esq., aged 46 years and 2 months. SPECIAL NOTICE, T° THE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now to prevalent, or dress less elegantly, bfuause the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? One moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Priuce of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the exampleof Angels Then having mail° up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, solve will be happy at all times to furnish you with suel, articles of dress as you may desire.. Urge your fath ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the .1110 store. They can here be suited In good articles 'of Boots. Shoes, Clothing Alateria!, lists, Caps, Queens ware and a general assortment of Uroceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any Houss in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. way 31, 1505. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. A REMEDY FOR TILE PILES.—It is a blessing to the suffering to know that we have an effectual cure for this troublesome disease. Mr. J. P. Hazard°, of 164 Second street, Cincinnnti, 0., takes great pleasure in informing all who are suffering with piles that he used a small quantity of Dr. Strick land's Pilollemedy, and it effected a perma ent cure, This seems to be the case with all who make use of this splendid prepare lion. It is manufactured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Obtained, 0., end sold by all Druggists • A D3IINISTRA'fOII'S NOTICE. [MiState of Jacob Showalter, deed.] Letters of administration upon the estate of Jacob Showalter, late of Jimluta township, deed., baring been granted to tlin undersigned, all persons Indebted to the estate will make payment, and those haring claims will present them fur settlement. July 19, E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. [EAtato of Abraham McCoy, deed.] Lot tort testamentary, on the estate of Abraham MoCoy, late of Huntingdon, Dunn:laden deed., haring been granted to the undersigned. All permute indebted to the estate are requested to snake immediate payment, and those ' burin. , clatuto, to present them duly authenticated. DAVID 111,ACIE, Ilzecutor. July 10,'65. Ct. A DMINISTRATOIt'S NOT WE. [Estate of Itobort Lee, doe*,l.l Letters of adminibtratiun upon the esiato of Ito'tort Leo, late of Penn townalt.p, deceased, having been granted to the tunlorsigned. nil persons indvlded to tho estato will in.tite payment, awl Elms° having chilms trill prtsent them for settlement. July 19, ISGSAI+ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—, - [Eats[, of Daniel Harr, deed.] Letters testamentary upon the will nod tostAment of Daniel Baer, let of JaCk.o/1 township, Huntingdon County, deceased. have been granted to tho subscriber. All persons Indebted are requested to mire immediate payment. nail those hoeing Clehnt will present then‘ prop erly to the undersigned. ST r.ItHETT CUMMINS, .Tune 21. iscs—co. Executor. PROCLAMATION. ITIME AS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the ]lath day of April-0. D. ISM under the bands and seal of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Dyer and Terminer ' d" angencral Jail dolly: ery of tho 2.lth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo sed of Huntingdon, ]Hair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Ilenjani in N. Patton and William it Leas his associ ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, Justices as signod, uppointed to hear, try and determine all and every indictments anode or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of tho Slate aro made; capital, or felon ies of death, and other offimees ' crimes awl misdemeanors, which Intro been or shall hereafter bo Committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid-1 am commanded to motto public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminor, of Common Pleas mid Quarter Sessions, will ho held at the Court House In tho borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 14th day) of August next, and those who Will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall ho just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables waltin said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces, to do those things which to their ounces respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the lOth day July, in the year of our Lard one thousand eleht hundred end sixty-tare,. and tho 80th year of American Independence. , GEO. W. JOAN STUN, Sheriff. RIIVI1)° f IP I N toi 110ek'S • 1 .... I ' 4 , I 11, 0 1 i, 1 • I I ESTABLISHED IN 1840. Incorporated by the Legislature of the State cf Pennsylvania. Located on the IV. W. Corner of 7th and (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Designed exclu=ively to Impart a thorough and PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION All classes of persons require such an education. Those posncesing moans, need it in conducting their otan busbies. Those si about means need it in obtaining and creditably filling hared. , pueitfnnn In On employ of others. . Thu retiree of instruction and practice Is arranged suns to fully mixt the diveriiillud wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, io comprehended or embraced under the three general dl videne of industry: Agriculture, Manufacture and Coin metre. Each tandent is instruct.] Individually in both theory and practice of Kook Keeping, according to the twat op. prorud and labor caning methods. Business Pentium/I,lllp, Calculations, and all the collateral branches of a complete coarse ofbn.ducas othleation ; and upon passing n itattaptc. tot y eatilninal ion he [Warded, by authority of law, a diplo ma, under tbn corporate a al of the college. Students aro recoirod at any 11010. Awl It is believed that a practical experience of over TWOOOY TEAM will be considered by the public no ample guarantee of the prne• tient charm:let of the pourco nud eflicluncy of the Inetruc nun. All farther lurormation desired can be obtained at tho colloge or by .41rosaint; tho Principal for a circular by liberal discount is allowed to wounded and hon orably di charged soldlors. The colidgo Is open day and orelug. Jy12,156 • TiXrANTI;II).—.-A GIRL to do hou6o work. Good wigoo will tio paid. Huntingdon, July 25-21 0 • Mu. S. T. DROWN. Gold Pcnsllei The best assortment of did hand somest and best styles, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tt Another New LotofWallPaper, Juat lecoived ut\rib' Book Store 5 1 ,5562,05 .... ...... 105 L❑ $1,6 ...... . 3170 . ........ 9,;,0 ••• ..... 4 2 ,50 02.471 MARRIED, DIED, ANTHONY PARKS, Adminlltrator JAmue, LEP, Ad intelidt rator T. 11. p • oLL4c4 . , dtV:pra,Law, PrlLitip4l DR. VEINARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT. $lOOO REWARD will be paid for any medicine that mole this for the following Omens t Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affee dons, Contracted Joints, Cholio Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Readaclhe, Sprains, Bore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and .Glands. THIS Is on Internal and External Medicine, composed of Roots, Herbs and Barks such as our forefathers used.— There is n bountiful supply on the earth to cure all com• plaints, if we only knew what they were. This has been a subject for constant 'Andy with the Stedical Faculty for a great many years, to find oat the kinds best adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and whet portions to use. This wonderful remedy needs no recommendation anus the results which invariably follow its application. - Atiles This popular remedy is feet coming Into use from the fact that it gives good satisfaction. .4% PHYSICIANS era invited to test Its etncrtcy In all casts of Rheumatism, Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin, Bingeing and Wands. It lute been used in thousands of instances under the personal supervision of the Inventors, and has never dissppeinted their expectations. All we ask for it Is a trial—experi mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw, nrq the vouchers we desire to pr seat to the publie. It would be well for many now lying In beds of torture, if these facts could reach their sick chambers. It is more Important to them than to the inventors that this should bo the cano. ••Truth Is mighty and mast prevail." .Cy .l it in your fatally, for sickness comas when you least expect it. PRICE--ONE'DOLLAR. SAMUEL H. SHOEMAKER, SOLE A GENE HUNTINGDON; PA Iluntingdon, Pat., July 19, 1805. R. WIIURN EY. E. P. THOMPSON. M'BURNEY & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE 4 01- MTN CD C; 31111 IL , AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, mg - c=•,. 143 ar3aL®t eat. PHILADELPHIA. tilyi2,lBo3-3m. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALM The undersigned will sell folio reasonable price the rob lowing real estate situate in DUBLIN Township, Hunt ingdon county, belonging to Mrs. Eliza M. Pynt: No. I.—Adjoining lands of James Neely, William Stow art, and other'', containing one hundred and sixteen acres and sixty-five perches, more or less. No. 2—Adjoining lands of James Neely, James Kelly, and James Cree.contalotng seventeen acres, more or leas. No. 3.—Apjoining the above and containing seventeen cores and thirty-six porches, part whereof is cleared. 'rho real estate above mentioned was purchased Ly Mra. Elton 31. L'ym at Sheriffs solo of the property of William Campbell. Any person wishing to purchase ilie above properties can ascertain the full particulars and terms of sato by calling ou U. C. Robson, Esq .of Shade Gap. or SCOTT, BROWN A: BAILEY, Huntingdon. July 12, 1965. Attys. for It. Si. Pym. CASSVILLE SEMINARY. A School for Young Ladies '& Gentlemen The next session of this Institution will open on the first 'Tuesday of Anta. This institution is pleasantly located in central Penneylvan's, about 13 miles from Mill Creek, a station on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, with which it Is connected by a tri.weekly line of stages. The scenery is picturesque. The buildings large, airy, and abundantly supplied with pure mountain water. Am plo accommodations for Ono hundred pupils. A full and efficient corps of teachers has been employ ed and no pains or expense spared to render It ono of tho first Institutions of learning in the country. For the benefit of those preparing to tench. a Nermsl Class has been started under the direct supervision oi the principal, in which practical instruction will be given in the theory and practice of Teaching. =I Tuition, Boarding, and Room Rent ...............$37 00 Music, Latin and Oreelc, extra. For further particulars address. W. A. HUNTER, Principal, • /Y l2 Cos3Tillo, Huntingdon co., Pa. NOW OPEN, WHARTON & MAGUIRE'S NEW sElCamx.cl-ov.surie IN 1! GE BROAD TOP DEPOT BUILDING. Tbe public generally are invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. Huntingdon, Jun1)28,1865. LOTS FOR SALE WEST HUNTINGDON, PA APPLY TO Dattl?.lS, Agent for J. E. Thomson Iluntingdon, June 20, 1805. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. - IC-1111W9CM.IEL, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. TIE undersigned offers for the in spocnon and purchase of customers a large and at , sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, ax. Ile feels saris- Cod they cos ho accommlated with anything in his lien. ills prices aro low, and his stuck fresh and geol. lie keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGABS, • BOOTS AND SHOES, .TI.A.TS &CAPS, &v: ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS. VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO TIO NS of every kind. A reboot stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS. WALIII. and all other articles kept 10 a well regulated establishment for sale at re.thonable prices. d3' Ills store Is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Dank, and in the roost formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine. Z. YENTEIi. Euutingdon, June 7,1865. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST CLOTHING in Town LEOPOLD GLOOM • HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which be offers to the public AT THE CHEAPEST RATES. Els stock consists of . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS -& SHOES, &c. &.e. Ills store is at the OLD BROAD TOP CORNER, HUNTINGDON, Where ho trill be pleased to receive nod accommodate all customers, LEOPOLD BLOOM. Iluntingdee, May 10,1865. (CrsCloC>2l=o WM - VATS" GREAT REIIIIICTION IN PRICES! ! IIE success of our armies and tins cluca°4l,77.l..dairaroitz.7"" of gold and other GOOD TIDINGS TO THE BLACtSIIITIIS, and 411 others who buy IRON, STEEL; NAT LS, Ice Having toured my etoro to the huge and enamorlimns r Store Doom, 1 have received a largo assort ment of WAGON TIRE, 1101185 81108 IRON, Volllid mtd etwire BAR IRON, bought from the makers since the de cline In gold, xrbieh I am Bulling at GREATLY IIkiDU CED PRICES. • - An persons wishing to Luy IRON, STEEL, NAILS. LOOKS, PAINTS, GLASS. or any kind of WASHWARg Lir cash, will save money by sending their orders, oval!. lug at the Ilardwaro Store of JAMES A. BROWN, April 5,'65. Huntingdon, Pa. GEO. W. SWARTZ, Clock Watch Maker, At tie old blond of Sct , Ortz & 51cCubo, 144112 STR.tEIT, Jitf.DTTINGPON, my10,1863-6m .10.7k6licaztatas6 tXcptel, HUNTING-DON, PA. WM. C. McNULTY, PitopaitTog., Formerly of the Franklin Ilotel;Ciminbereboro TERMS LIBERAL. ..• U. S. 719 LOll. MISCXXIL3C, 5e;331.7ELX33113, $230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the un dersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of trotted States Securities, otters to' the public the third merles of Treasury Notes, bearing coven. and throe•tenths por cent. interest per annum, known as tho 7.80 XaC.).OI.7NT. Tans nolOr are Paned under data of July 15, 160, and are payablo three years (foist that Mato in currency; or are convertiblo a the option of the bolder Into U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD BEARING BONDS. These Dona are_now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State ainly. and Jtanicipai taxation, Witch adds from one to three per cent. per annum to their vatue, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest Is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off guid gold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. . Two cents " ," $lOO " Ten " . " " $5OO -" 20 " " t• $lOOO " $1 "<< $5OOO "' Notes °fall the denominations named will be Promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of the Third Series ore precisely similar In form and privileges to the SeverAbirtios already sold, except that the Government reserves to Mel( the option of paying Internet in gold coin at 6 par cont., instead 61 7 3.lotha in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the thus when they sub MEE The delivery of the notes ,of thie third aerial of the Sorondhirties will commence on the let of June, and will ho made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this MAD SERIES affects only the matter of Interest. The pay ment In gold, If . nindo, be oonlvalent to the currency interest of the higher rote The return to speclo paymonts, tho event of which only will the option to pay Interest in Or.td bo availed of, would an reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with nix per ccut.in gold,weuld ho fully equal to those made ulth seven and three tenths per cent. In currency EMI THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET NOR offered by the Government, and Its superior advan Ogee make It the Great Popular Loan of the People Less than $230,000,000 of tho . Loan authorized by the inst Congress nre now on tke market. This amount, at tlio rato at which It Is being absorbed, will all bo subscrib• ed for within sixty doye, when the notes ~sill undoubt oily command a premium; as has uniformly been the case on closing tho subscriptions to oilier Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afibriled facilities for inkiny the loan (ho Naticnal Bankl, Stato Dank, and Privato Bankers, throughout the country, have generally agreed to receive scbscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they hnee confidence, and who only ac. to bo responsible fur the delivery of.the notes for which try rcceive orders JAY COOKIE, PUDSCIIICTION ACIMT, rhaadelpitia Sub6criptions will bo recoived by tho First: National Bank of Huntingdon. First National Bank of Hollidaysburg First National Bank of Altoona. First National Bank of Bellefonte. First National Bank of Harrisburg. my 21,1365 15 :4? , ; C, s '? 3 F t , 'z I- 6 ;„. 3 M. 5' .3 CO) (=I _ -. z . k C) tp PP z. e rn A6' The above Fork is for sale at the Hardware store of Jas. A. Brown, Huntingdon Pa. juno 7, '6e—tf. roux scoir, SLZTUEL T. BROWN, JOIV N. noiLL gibe name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & 'MOWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & .iiiiit•BY ]Y, undoE which name, they will hereafter conduct their practice on . ATTORNEYS AT LAU; HUNTINGDON, PA. YL•'NJIONS. nod nil claims am:Mica-nand noldiere heirs against the Government, will he proMptly prosecuted. Slay 17, 18G5-tf. Pianos, Organs,. and Melodeons, THE undersigned respectfully in forms the public. that, having obtalued from the manufacturers, the solo Agency for the sale of STEIN WAY & SONS PIANOS, MASON & ORGANS and OAREIAItT, NEEDHAM & POIP DEONS, he is prepared to furnish Instruments to phr-' sons wishing to buy at the retail prices in Philadelphia and Now York: N. B. Every instrument warranted for Ave yearn. Ile 14 also sole agent for the celebrated SEWING MA CIILNES OF GROVER. & BAKER., and would respectfully request persons wishing. to buy Machines to call and oxen:due his before, purchasing others, as they are une qualled by any Machine manufactured. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly_ upon Application with ally additional Information desired. B. M. GREENE; Opposito D. P. atria's Store. May 17, '65-tf. Huntingdon, MELODIANS FOR SALE NO CABINET ORGANS lkaTot 56c>1.13 A grori.t. DROFESSOIL UUGII COYLE of '. fern for sale the endebrated PIANOS i rlAr-f of STECK .s CO., tow York, which he con- 0 eiders cannot be surp.sed in touch or tuna- 1 bility by any instrument in the market. Notwithstanding Steinway & Co's. instrutitenti" aro considered superior by certain ngeute,. the Pinfentior can only pronounce them good, for there is en uncertainty in the loon which he will not rettinfinatid.. Xs Sleek is the only manyfacturer - that Oyes n PaisrErt Otanattere for the durithility of his fristrunnut, I hove no hesitation In recommending; tho'sains. Prof. Coyle is njndge, from the , fact that he has had twenty years exporienca in to/wiling music, which of itself qualifies Min to recountergl any instrument • but Stock's in riaftlWir.' ' . The community tan uso o'ol:discretion In puretinaing Inetremegte, but Professor Coyle feels htmeulf kludge, end notettiNeUuding all fictitious advartinomonts, ha would rccoonnoud Stack a Co'e. in fweferenco to all otii era. . COYLE. Huntingdon, May 24, 126,3-3 m Iteir For peat .jdß PRINTINO, eitt, at the "GLOBE JOB PAINTINC Orp:cE," at Hutt tingclon, Pa, ®TT W.A.' A GOOD 1:110TOCRIANI LIKENESS, CALL - MRS. R. S. SAGEWB PHOTOGRAPH . GALLEg Y On Rill Street, two doors west of Lewis' li'oolc store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, May 17, 'O6-tf. N EW STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL Ali S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STREET, lIONTEIGDON, PENSA TES BEST • • • • • SiDAR and 3IOLAPSEX COFFEE, TEA and 011000LAtE, • FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEOAft, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL RINDS, - And every other article usually found in a Orot'llry Ittnfe ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Vern ishes, 011 e and SO4-. Tu.rporefix,e,, Flniti, Alcohol, Dims and Put fy,t BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical. ramose's, ALL TILE BEST PATENT lIIIDIONES. BOOTS 'AND gippa., and a largo numbor'of artfcletiendifimerons to Mention. The public' generally will &AO' call and examine .for themselves and learn my site lluntiogdon, June 7 'O9. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY AN IMMENSE gTOGIC ENDLESS VARIETY lIARDWARE, CUTISRIt, Le, NOW OPEN AND 10,74 BALK fir JAS. A. BROWN si , HUNTINGDON; PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR sTocK. Nuntldgden, June 7.1865 HEAD QVARTRETA • PDX. NEW GOODS, D. P. OWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC. THAT HE HAEi JUST OPENER SPLENDID STOCW of RIM OUODS THAT CAN'T BE PEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY; COME AND SEE. it P. Olt* NEW - OLOTHING • . .• AT LOW PRlCja' • GUTMAN • EAS MIST OPENED A FINE 'STOCK clitllkit SPRING AND SUIIINER GOODS sfkich he offers to all who wantio i)ls • " C.LPTECE73, AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES.' Ifii Stock cokaista of Ready-made Clothing at; • MEN AND BOYS, . • 4754, LOOM AND MOBS, UAW AND GA.Pk • Phould gentlemen desire, any paritaiiii,kiiid4 cnteY clothing not found in the stock un Weir measure they can ho accommodated of short notica Call at the . coat corner of thii Ifiumoiid , oM• Zougq Grocery. , MANUAL .617TittAN. D'untingdon, MS: If, • C=l Mr. .4 = 4lk.- 4 -, 08:11.• • ARP w • Vr.'ati• . : 4 BOOKS AND STATIONER'. 011 1 .[PsoN / ARMITAGE & Ock IiTAVING PURCHASED the efiz Lire stock of Wo Colon. wo now offer to die nnkttb at reasonable prices bar immed9e Melt . of . 317,011ANIOAl i itkI.T4P4iOUP, , gdllot)t?i - AND MiscELLANgotis Booics, ETATIONpRi, POORBT 11CiOK9, P01tT31019.19, ko : Aiio, Latest Styles WALL PAPER & WINDOWERARER: MAG4ZINES, and Daily and Weekljr Paperi einistinta 'Yon band. Imlliders [font abroad promptly attended to. . CALL AT BROAD TOP 'COWIDR; Huntingdon, May3,1665-1y 3F ° 6:ti.Z" 101444 9 - IHE- undersigned . bffeif the 'Farm dit _1 which they reside, in West township, county, at private sale. It bsoittuated three wiles from Pateraburg, and the serassaisstanco tram Railroad and y.si: nal. It contains three hundred and forty-nine acres anf allowance; good pallin g '', and about one hundred fifty acreaciaarad, and well, adapted for a rtriek J. S. MAGUARE, ' RACIIILyARIIIIIP4 apr1110,1864-0. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOR II AMERICA: 2 .2 Incoiporaieei In PhHaat - 43W, 1794. • CASH CAPITAL . $1.71D•17i 7 . I ARTUUR O. 001 FIN, Prat. 6iIAHLES PLATT, Beey.,, .7. A. RANKIN, Rock Sicrighi,,Kimtra county. Pa., Local Agent for part of Centro county, also fur parts of Hunt, istplou apd Blair sountles.. Pob. 21, '66-6m. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, E.•O. &G.W. Q 0 D Eg. HAVINti onterod foto ee•partnership 1 the.--• lemandrltt Brewery, the puhile are Informed ) 1 hat they ‘xlit he propared all times to 1111 1 .tdere on the shortest notice. Alexaudrla, Jap.1.5.1865-tf. •• I AW ASSOCIATION. .• .. T~ . . . . .. . underelgupd hnyo lissoci.abeil, thebiselFji todethei In the precticenf 'Mellor in Iluntinffiten. I'm Office fit the one now, end formerly occupied by J. Seivell•Stew; art, adloiniag the ObbrellStise: • ' '..- ' qt. W. itESIEDIET. , ''..,_ ti ,.• J. SEWELL STEt'LI. July 20, lat I: K. STAUFFER,. t, 3 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,.. No. 118 North SECOND Street, poraer of Ostart,y,i'.. furmapEt.PELL . . ..• . . . 57.71,1i 7 LE FdR iiOLID-41 - :PI NSEkT a'f Ann-itopalraii df ii'attboa and. &moldy pro m pti ; 4 .1 attended to. • • TIN NV ELOPES, wholeßalp. ret al r_44 for "it, ROOK STORE.,,.] JUG rgx,iv:sq &mg 0, We: O. Et 118111 Ta.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers