The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 09, 1865, Image 2

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    Et . c 051obt.
Wednesday morning, Aug. 9, 1865.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Our Flag Forever
" know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to
his country as by sustaining the Flag the
Onslitution and the Union, under all circum
To our Patrons.—Oandidatea for Office
It is important to the people that
the claims of candidates for office
should be known before the election of
borough and township delegates in
August next. That their claims may
be made public we throw open our
columns to the friends of all, free of
pathizing" friends of Jeff. Davis met in
New York on Monday, July 31, to
devise means for a fair and full defense
ofJeff. Davis and his associates, so that
whittever happens, justice may be
done. We have no doubt their idea
of justice extends so far as to let the
chief of the rebellion instigators go
scott free. Time, which is getting
mysteriously lengthy, will reveal how
the law looks at the subject.
Delegate Elections,
The Union men of Huntingdon coun
ty aro requested to meet at the usual
places of holding elections, in the sev
eral Boroughs and Townships of the
county, on Saturday, the 12th day of
August next, and elect two delegates
from each township and borough to
meet in Convention, at Huntingdon
on Tuesday, the 14th day of August
next, to nominate candidates for the
several offices of the county. The polls
will be open in the townships from 5
to 7 o'clock, and in the boroughs from
7 to 9 o'clock.
Alexandria, July 26,18(15,
—The Savannah Herald's correspon
dent details a tour to Darien, Bruns
wick and St. .I.ary's, Georgia, and For
nandina, Jacksonville, Picolata and
Pilatka, Florida. At each place ho
found the people had suffered much
from the war, and but little evidence
vn their part of efforts at making re
pairs upon their much damaged and
badly battered towns. People were
scarce, and money more :so. Darien
is a mass of ruins. At Brunswick there
was no business, and of people only a
few soldiers, "Crackers" from the
back woods and 'lolling' ncgroes. Tho
same was the case at St. illary's at
Fernandina, Jacksonville, Picolata and
Pilatka; but the interior of Florida is
much loss injured than the places on
the sea 'coast, and it is said there is
much more bacon, molasses, sulpir, &e.,
in the State than for a number of
Texas do not represent the condition
of society to have been much impro
ved, the bands of lawless men who in
fest the country being still able to
avoid the law. It appears that when
the rebel army in that State broke up,
only about half returned to their
- homes. Of the other half a part made
- -the best of their way to where they
.learned government property was
stored, and appropriated and divided
this and whatever other property near
by they could lay their hands on. Fi
nally the remainder of the army scat
tered over the country in small bands,
committing all kinds of outrages, of
which robbery was the mildest. It is
such men as these that our forces have
to encounter, and it is to be hoped that
they will make short work of them.
There is no doubt that the Federal
soldiers will be welcomed and assisted
by the great mass of the people who
have suffered from these brigands.
The National Debt and Finances.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.—The official
statement of the public debt, as appears
from the books of the Treasury De
partment on the 31st of July, shows
the amount outstanding to be
253,275 85, divided thus, viz :
The debt bearing interest in coin is
$1,108,662,0.1180, on which the inter
est is $04,521 ; 837 50.
The debt bearing interest in lawful
money is $1,289,150,545, on which the
interest is $74,740,630 78.
The debt on which interest has
ceased is $13527,1241.
The debt bearing no interest is 067,-
The total interest both in coin and
lawful money is 8139,262,468 28.
The legal tender notes in circulation
aro as follows :
Olio and tss•o year 5 per
cont. notes,
U. S. Notes old issue,
U. S. Notes, now issue,
Compound Interest Notes.,
Act of Mardi 3, '63, 15,000,000
Compound Interest Notes,
4ct of Juno 30, '6l, 197,121,470
Total Le l o Tenders iu
circulation, $685,236,279
The amount of fractional currency is
The uncalled•fdr .pay, requisitions
and miscellaneous items of the War
and Navy. POpartments amount to
The din iuut of coin in the Treasury
is $35,838,000; and of currency, $Bl,-
402,000. Total amount in Treasury,
$116,739,633 59.
Captain H. J. smith.
The undersigned having been ac
quainted wilt the gentleman whose
name heads this article, from his boy
hood, and having learned that an at
tempt has been made to prejudice his
claims to a nomination for Treasurer
by alleging that he was not a citizen
of this county, bog leave tei correct an
error which might do him an injury.
Capt. Smith was born in that, part
of Huntingdon County, which after
wards became Blair. About the year
1849, he came to reside with his friends
in 'Walker township, and resided there
until 1858, when ho left temporarily,
and wont to Lock Haven,whore he was
engaged in kisiness until the spring of
1861, when he returned to McCon•
nelstown, and soon after enlisted as a
private in Co. C, 53d Mgt. P. V., and
rose to the rank of Captain on his own
merits alone.
No ono has a better record as a sol
dier, than Captain Smith. Ho 'is as
modest and manly us he is brave: And
feeling as we do an honest pride in his
character and claims, we intend to
stand by him, as he stood by his coun
James Moore, James 'Ward,
Martin Orlady, Benj. Enyeart,
Joseph Douglas, Jacob Hicks,
G. W. Lang, John Robb,
Fair es Leberd, Samuel Peightal
MEADOW GAP, Aug. 3, 1365
Editor of the globe :
DEAR SIR.—I notice in your issue of
last week, my name as a candidate for
Connly T:Tasurer. I never authori
zed. any one to insert My:name, nor
have I any intention of becoming a
candidate for that office. By giving
this an insertion in your next issue,
you will much oblige,
Yours &c.,
Letter from the West,
MONMOUTH, Ills., Ang. 1, 1865
FRIEND LEWlS:—Thinking a line
from an old friend might be acceptable
to you, and through you to your read
ers, I have concluded to write you a
short epistle this morning.
We aro having fine weather. No
rain here since last Thursday, the 27th
utt.; up to that time, for nearly two
weeks the weather bad been wet., ma
king it very unfavorable for our far
mers; but if the present fair weather.
continues, the damage to small grain
though heavy will not be so much as
was anticipated. This season, accord
ing to many of our weather.wise men,
was to be the wet season, and opened
very well for that in A pril, but through
May was decidedly dry; Juno was
very favorable for growing crops here,
but July was too wet for good harvest
ing. But on the whole the season has
101 l far short of '44, '5l and 'SS, in the
way of wet seasons—of the two latter
I can speak from experience; the for
me•, old settlers say fully equalled ei
ther of the others. Had this wet spell
not come just in harvest and haying
season, it would not-have been parties
ularly noticed.
Well, this "cruel war" is about over
and the brave boys who came at their
country's call are returning again to
their homes in peace. Thank God for
it. It is — a time hoped for and devoutly
prayed for by many a devoted wife,
mother and friend at home. Yes, the
was is over, the rebellion is conquered,
the country is saved. All honor to
the bravo boys who conquered a peace.
But what shall we say
,of the memory
of those who return not ? Those who
died that our country might live. I
am glad to see an effort making in old
Huntingdon county to put up a suita
ble monument in memory of the gal
lant dead. I hope they will succeed.
A similar movement is on foot to put
up a monument in our county. I trust
that in every county, in every town
ship, and in every graveyard in the
county where sleep the remains of a
single soldier of the Union Army, suit
able monuments may be erected that
our children's children to the latest
generation may learn to revere the
memory of those gallant men.
I am also pleased to see by the Globe
a disposition to honor the living by
electing them to places of trust and
profit; of course discrimination will be
necessary. There aro those who made
good soldiers who would not make
good civil officers. But with the great
moss of returned soldiers to choose
from certainly good men and true can
be found. Of course the public have a
right to choose their officerS from all
classes and should take none but those
who are honest and capable; but other
thinga being equal the returned soldier
will of course be entitled to the prefer
In our State we have nothing to
elect this season butt a few county ofli•
cars—that of County Judge, County
Clerk, Treasurer and School Commis
sioner. Three of the present incum
bents have decided to stand out of the
way whether from fear of or favor to
the soldiers, I cannot just say; but I
hope their places will all be filled by
"true blues." The other, the County
Clerk, has allowed his name to be an
nounced as a candidate; he is a very
good man, was physically unable to
stand service, and may get the nomi
nation again. Ile keeps a one-legged
soldier as a deputy, a very good one,
all that may save him—nothing else
But I must close. Some of our old
time democratic friends took very lov
ingly to our President about the time
he commuted the sentence of the Chi-
cage and Indianapolis conspirators,
but since ho let Mrs. Suratt, that "in
nocent, pious woman," be banged,
they aro not quite so loving. I hope
he will neither be coaxed or flattered
from doing his duty. He has great
responsibilities upon him, and I hope
the people will sustain him in all pro
per measures to bring order out of
chaos that exists in the late rebellious
States. Time, patience and persever
ance, are all needed before we can ex
pect everything to be adjusted to the
now order of things. But, after all
Providence has, led us through, can we
doubt his ability in the future? I
think riots,
hour &c.,
The Richmond Election.
The following is the order of Gen.
Turner, which has been briefly alluded
to by telegraph, annulling the recent
municipal election in Richmond :
"Headquarters, District of "Enrico, 1
Richmond; Tra., July 28, '65. f
"Whereas satisfactory evidence has
been furnished at these headquarters
that, at the election held in the city of
Richmond on the 25th instant, for
municipal officers, voters were excluded
on the ground of having lost their res
idence by reason of their abscence as
soldiers in the United States army
during the rebellion, when no such
ground was taken as against soldiers
absent in the rebel army; and whereas,
with but few exceptions ; all of the of
ficers elected at said municipal election
have been prominent and conspicuous
in inauguratinr , and sustaining the re
bellion; and whereas the issue was - dis•
tinetly made and openly avowed at
said election as between those men
who had aided and abetted in the war
against the United States authority
and those who had with their lives de
fended the flag of our country;
"Therefore, justice to the thousands
who have fallen on the battle field or
by disease in their efforts to put down
this rebellion, and to those who are
now returninL , to their homes in this
district, after four 3 - ears of 'suffering,
toil, privations and dangers incurred
in fighting treason, demands that these
persons who were so lately con tribu•
tine all their efforts to sustain treason
and overthrow this government should
not be installed into office and intrus
ted with power.
Hence it is hereby declared that the
United States military authorities of
this city will regard the said munici
pal elections held in this city on the
25th instant as null and void, except.
ing only the election of the c:erk of
the Hustings Court; and each and
every person elected to office, except
ing said clerk of the Hustings Court,
is pre'.:'-!riled from exercising the du
ties appertaining theretd.
"By command of
"Brevet Maj. Gon. TURNER,
E LEWIS MOORE, ASSiStallt Adjutant
correspondent of the Pittsburgh Com
mercial records the following incident:
—"An atrocious case, illustrative of
slave holding barbarism was told by a.
crippled negro who appeared at the
office of the Freedmen's Bureau to-day
asking relief. This colored man said
he was formerly free and working for
wages in Maryland, across the eastern
branch. He went South in 1057, with
a Dr. Lee, for whom ho had been work
ing, persuaded by spacious promises of
higher pay, going first to Athens,
Georgia, and afterwards to Knoxville,
Tennessee. where Dr. Lee for a time
kept the Knoxville Hotel, and subse
quently removing to Jonesboro.
eciving wages at first he was at last
held and treated as a slaVe. '
In the winter of 186-1, Dr. Lee hired
him out to the rebel post quartermas-
ter at Jonesboro. After remaining'
eight or ten months he attempted to
escape to the lines of the national for
ces. lie got twenty miles away, but
was caught and taken back, when this
rebel quartermaster took him to.sur
geon Williams in charge of the rebel
hospital there, and ordered him to cut
off his feet and hands to prevent, as he
said, his running away again. Tho
doetor partially complied, amputating
both legs just above the ankle. Ho
loft the stumps undressed over night,
but finding him alive next day, said:
"What, you d—n nigger, are you alive
yet ? I intend to kill you." He then
had him placed in an ambulance and ta
ken to the hut of an old colored man,
where he remained until our troops
occupied the place.
This colored man brings vouchers
from white people corroborative of his
statement, which aro believed by the
officers of the bureau.
receive the statement of the Herald
correspondent as truth, the conspira
tors who have gone to the Dry Tor
tugas must be about having an ex.
tremely brilliant future. The account
given of the paths of life laid ont for
each of the condemned appears to be of
the "flowery beds of ease" order.
Mudd is to be allowed to practise and
act as nurse, and will doubtless be al
lowed liberty and privileges, and we
may yet expect to hear of this most
philanthropic of men aiding the escape
of other criminals, tending -the sick,
and setting broken limbs. He will be
able to follow out his penchant for ma
king splinters and healing fractures,
and although it may suggest to him
the cause of his sea side residence, yet
still it will enable him to practise his
profession and have something to do.
Arnold, we aro told, will boa clerk,
and will derive "profit," whether pe
cuniary or otherwise we are not in'
formed, probably otherwise. Spangler
is to be a carpenter once more, and
O'Laughlin a "retired bummer," Thus
are this famous quartette comfortably
disposed of, and we earnestly hope
that even the New York _Herald will
cease to descant on their diet and their
wages They are safely placed away
for life, and lot them be left in their
living graves. They have committed
their crime, let them expiate it unno
ticed. Requieseat in pace, and let U 3
hear of them no more.
MERE Was any part of the South
that, more than another, should haVe
been animated by a feeling Of grati
tude to the Government, after the sup
pression of the rebellion, it was the
city of Richmond. Its stern and pro
tracted resistance to our troops must
havo inspired its inhabitants with a
natural fear that our army of oceupa,
Lion would destroy the citadel they
had so long besieged. But our soldiers
chivalrously and magnanimously sa
ved it from the devouring flames that
had been kindled by the retreating army. • Our quartermas
tors furnished food to thousands of its
famishing families. Many of its promi
nent citizens, of the excepted classes
of the Amnesty Proclamation, have
been pardoned. The people have been
treated in the most generous and leni
ent manner. The result of their re
cent election indicates that they deem
now insults and provocations the only
return they are capable of making for
the kindness of their conquertme.
fO - The exact amount received from
Internal Revenue, for the month of
July, wen $21,693,470 75.
man supposed to be John H.
-Surratt passed through Harrisburg,
heavily ironed on Tuesday last, en
route to Washington. It is said he was
captured in Texas.
ge-A Washington correspondent in
the Chicago Tribune says the available
funds in the National Treasury for the
next six months will exceed the de
mands nearly $100;000,000.
go—During the present month over
ono hundred and sixty-five- thousand
dollars of prize money was disbursed
by the Treasury Department. The
number of claims was twelve hundred
and sixty-four.
The Boston Gazette thinks that
when Do Sauty announces that the
Atlantic Telegraph Cable is working,
the first message which the Presiden t
will send to England will probably be
"Aro you ready to settle that little
claim for the Alabama ?"
gentlemtin who has just re
turned from a tour through the coon•
ties of Stafford, Spottsylvania, and
Orange, in Virginia, reports that he
found the inhabitants generally in a
very destitute condition, with no mon
ey, and very little if anything aside
from the present crops.
a Only' about 1,500 deserte vs from
the draft availed themselves of the
pardon offered them in the late Presi•
dent Lincoln's proclamation. The
thousands of others still absent are lia
ble to arrest NV beret - er found in this
country, and subject to punishment for
the offence.
rlt is suggested in the Harris.
burg Telegraph that the Soldiers' Or
phans who aro admitted into the State
Schools provided for them specially,
be passed free by the several Railroad
Companies in going. home and return
ing during vacations. We second the
motion. Every poor crippled soldier,
should be treated to a similar coat%
North Carolina h ihlpping to
North a largo amount of copper, 11'09 ;
lead, etc., mined in that State. The
negroes are, it is said accumulating
small fortunes working the gold and
silver mites. The aristocracy to the
State, it is reported, tire becoming very
bitter in their views against all Union
From Texas we learn that the
Western part of that State is infested
with robbers and jayhawkers. Seven
railroads aro at present in running or,
der. The chief of the Cherokee na
tion says that his people arc famishing
for bread, and if they do not get it an
outbreak will be the result. A Gonzales
paper says ttjat. the liberation of the
slaves has proved advantageous to the
tie_The Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has decided that where a per
son keeps a horse, the use of which is
necessary to the prosecution of his
business, the expense of keeping the
horse, including feed, etc., may be de
ducted from his income. When the
horse is used,partly for a business pro
ducing income and partly for pleasure,
so much of the expense for keeping
him as is clearly referable to produc
tive labor may be deducted.
ti - IVe have further accomAts of
Indian outrages in the South Platte
region. .An emigrant party was at
tacked on Saturday, and two men kill
ed and scalped. A camp of soldiers
was also attacked and driven .back on
the same day, three or four men
wounded, the telegraph cut, and the
telegraph operator driven away. Par.
ties of Indians are prowling about, and
more serious trouble is auticipated,
Senator Doolittle and his Congression
al party have had a narrow escape.
LPL t 1 despatch dated Julesburg,
Colorado territory, July 3], 1865,
says :—A party of thirty Indians at
tacked an emigrant train, forty miles
west of hero on Saturday, and killed
two men, and captured ono wagon.
On the same day, a large party of In
dians surprised a camp of twenty-six
soldiers, a few miles north of Valley
Station,captured their stock, and drove
the men to the Station. War parties
of Indians have appeared at several
places on the South Platte route late
ly, and there is no doubt that, there is
a considerable force of Indians in the
vicinity. More troops are on their way
here from the East.
Tho Logan Guards, comprising
the remnant of Company A, Forty
sixth Pennsylvania Volunteors,return
ed to their homes at Lewistown, on
Saturday. Theso men have acquitted
themselves nobly. This company
claims to have been the first body of
men to respond to the call of Abraham
Lincoln for seventrfive thousand vol
unteers in 1861, when Pennsylvania
sent five hundred men in advance of the
other States. This claim is, however,
contested by tho Ringgold Artillery
of Reading. The Ringgold was the first
company to arrive at Harrisburg, but
the Logan Guards pasSed them on the
way and reached Washington in ad
vance of any other organizaton in the
United States.
Misg Clara Barton, who accompanied
Captain Moore on his expedition to
Andersonville, Ga., to give Christian
burial to the prisoners who died there,
writes the following note to her uncle,
James Barton; of Washington :
ANDERSONVILLE, Ga., July 12, 'O.
DEAR UNCLE:—Wo arrived hero on
tho 13th, and are now in tho active
prosecution of our labors. Capt. Jas.
M. Moore, kindly detailed by General
D. 11. Bucker to assist me in the per.
formance of our sad, though interest
ing duties, is now organizing our fol
ccs, and preparing the ground for the
reception of our heroic dead. Two
hundred and seventy six were recov
ered yesterday from the ground known
as outside of the '"dead lino," or, as it
was generally known to the public,
outside of a prohibited line, beyond
which they had accidentally strayed
for the purpose of procuring a little
fresh water, or the roots of shrubs or
trees, to.allay the pangs of thirst and
hunger, and for so doing were barbar
ously murdered. The grounds are all
selected for the cemetery, and in a few
days I will send you a statement for
publication, if the editors of Washing•
ton think it worthy of publication in
their columns.
. Your - affectionate niece,
Meeting in Behalf of Jeff. Davis.
NEW Y,oaK, Aug. I.—Tho Post pub
lishes a report of proceeding at a pri
vate meeting of friends of Jeff. Davis,
held in this city on Monday, to devise
moans for a fair and full defence of
Jeff. Davis and his associates, so that
whatever happensjustice may be done.
The • meeting was held at the rooms
of Mr. Carlos Butterfield, who was
present. At the suggestion of. Peter
Butler a committee was appointed to
raise funds for the object stated,and to
consult with Chas. O'Connor, coansel,
and to adopt other necessary meas
The following persons were named
as the committee : Mayor G. Gunther,
CArlos Butterfield, Theodore Martin
Douglass, and Clancy The Mayor
was absent, but sent his regrets and
assurances of his hearty co•opera.
Messrs. Surrogate, Tucker andLiv
ingsl one, of Mobile, were among those
present. Messrs. Culter, Tucker and
Livingstone were the principal speak
ers. They regarded the failure of the
rebellion as temporary. The spirit
that originated it still lives and by the
assistance of their friends at the North
it can he made successful in other ways.
Livingstone said Alabama would be
represented in Congress by none who
were not soul and body in favor of
Southern Independence.
That Mrs. Surratt's execution bad
excited the indignation of the world,
and that the Government dared not
trust Mr. Davis to a trial. Mr. Living
stone said, any person who regarded
the course of the South as treasonable,
would be looked upon as a mad man
or a fool.
Davis and Clay Meet for the First
Time — Changing of Hour of Prom
Fortress illonroe, July 29.—hardly
anything is spoken of hero save the
intense heat, and the military changes
which daily occur from the moving of
troops to their homes.
Yesterday, however, a little incident
transpired which will prove of interest
to 3 , 9nr readers. Mr. Davis, as you
are emirs, has been alloWed for sever
al days has the - privii4, - 9 of wa!!f!ng :
on the ramparts. An officer accompa
nies him, and a guard, armed with
muskets, follow some five a ten feet in
the rear, A similar indulgence is gran
ted Mr. Clay and under the same
restrictions. Care seems to have been
taken that they should not be out at
the same time, but last evening, prob
ably through inadvertence, they were
permitted to be out at the same hour,
and during their promenade they met.
It was the first friendly face, save
the surgeon's, that either prisoner had
seen for months, and the emotion
that rushed upon the hearts of both
may be imagined. Mr. Clay extended
his hand, remarking:
"Though we are not permitted to
hold conversation, Mr. Davis, I pre
sume we will - not be forbidden to
shake hands." •
The accompanying officers made no
objection, and the two gentlemen clas
pod hands with a favor and feeling
such as rarely attends this familiar
con nosy.
Mr. 'Davis' thin lips quivered, but
probably from his desiro to observe
scrupulously tho rules of his confine
ment, he tittered no word.
To4lay a rule was adopted of appoin•
tine different hours for the promenade,
and Mr. Davis walked alone this morn
ing at six. Mr. Clay will enjoy the
same privilege this evening.—Peters'
burg index.
OPPOSED TO 0 ATDS.-A correspond
ent, writing from Richmond, relates
.incident as follows :
Talking of oaths reminds me of a lo
cal joke which my pen cannot resist
recording. A modest young country
girl, on applying for rations to one o,
oar relief agents, a few days ago was
asked if she had over taken the oath.
"No, indeed, sir," was her terrified re.
ply, "I never swore in all my life."—
"But you must take the oath, my
good girl," said tho agent, "or I cannot
give you the rations." "No, indeed I
can't, sir," said the girl ; "mother al<
ways taught mo never to swear." The
agent mildly persisted, and the maiden
as pertinaciously refused all attempts
at persuasion, until, overcome at last
by the dreadful conflict between ne
cessity and her high sense of moral
duty, she stammered out, with down
cast lids, "Well, sir, if you will make
me do such a horrid, wicked thing,—
d----a the Yankees!
11 Touon SOLDIEH.-A young fellow
of Worcester, Massachusetts, named
E. P. Rockwood, a private in the 57th
Massachusetts, who was in the battle
of Cold Harbor, in Juno, 1864, had his
jaw bone fractured by a bullet, which
also knocked out some of his teeth;
another ball fractured his right shoul
der blade and lodged somewhere be
neath it; and a third went through his
abdomen. His comrades then hid
him in a hole where his body and head
were covered. from the enemy; but
while there ho got another bullet
through the calf of his leg, another dug
a groove through one shin, another cut
an instep, and another cut off one of
his toes. He lay in the hole all day
and then was taken prisoner and star
ved for several months. Now he is at
home well, and not lame.
Tits FREEDMEN —The Secretary of
War has ordered that, "to secure
equal justice and the same personal
liberty to the freedmen as to other
citizens and inhabitants, all orders
issued by post, district or other coat:
mandcrs adopting any system of pas
ses for or subjecting them to restraints
or punishments not imposed on other
classes aro declared void." Neither
whites nor blacks will be retained from
seeking employment elsewhere, when
they cannot obtain it at a jtmt compen
sation at their homes, and when not
hound by voluntary agreements ; nr»r
will they be hindered from traveling
'from Place to Once on propel• and
legitimate business.
New Illneteal inptruments
A new Buick of musical instruments
have just been received at Lewis' Book
Store. Violins from $ 3 to $ 50.
Guitars 4om $l2 to $l5; Banjos $
and $ 9 50; Aceordeons $ 6 to $l5 ;
Fifes, Bows, Strings, Rosin, Tail
Boards, Bridges, Month Organs, and
Jews Harps. tf.
Commencing second 3.looday, 34th of August, ISO,
Boger C. McGill vs Benjamin Cross.
Samuel Beverly vs John S. Beverly
S. L. Glasgow for use vs Mary Gibboney's ex
John Black &Co vs Catharine Tricker
John II Stonebralier vs D. Stewart et al
llt-1' Shoonborger ex vs Wilson & Lorenz
Jacob Cresswell vs P. 11. Lome of al
Eliza Young et al 98 A. Wise et al
James Scott re Brice X. Bair
Mary DeArmitt vs Nicholas Creswell
B. M. &MRS & Co. vs James: C. Clark.
W. C. WAGONER, Prot'y.
H }
Huntingdon, July 17.
Booher, John merchant, Alexandria,
Hu,gh Can ving4atn, limner, Porter.
Henry Cook, farmer, Carbon.
John Eyer, jr., farmer, Warriorsmark
Daniel Foster, distiller, Brady.
Christian Douse, farmer, Hopewell.
Henry Garner, farmer, Juniata.
John C. Keks, farmer, Porter.
Henry Holtzapple, miller, West.
Is , ac Heffner, farmer, Juniata.
John Henderson, farmer, West.
Edward B. Isett, farmer, Franklin.
Jesse McClain, farmer, Carbon.
Newton Madden, farmer, Springfield
G. Miller, (It. T.) farmer, Henderson.
Benjamin Neff, miller, West.
Samuel Peightal, farmer, Walker.
Janice Port, collector, Huntingdon.
George B. Porter, farmer, Franklin.
James Poston, farmer, Cass.
JaMes Peterson; farmer, Dublin.
Wash. Reynolds, farmer, Franklin.
George Senft, machinist, Clay.
James Webb, farmer, Walker.
Cure for a Felon
As soon as the part begins to swell,
got the tincture of lobelia and wrap
the part affected with cloth saturated
thoroughly with the tincture, and the
felon is dead. An old physician says
he has known this to cure in scores of
eases, and it never fails if applied in
We clipped the above from an ox.
change. It may be good and may
not; nevertheless, it we bad a felon on
our finger, we would give it a trial.
For all announcements of ten lines or less, $2; for every
!i no (ten words to a line,) 20 cents—pnyable in
Wo aro r . equestod to annonnce JASIEg F. BAR
TIIUItST, of Spruce Creek. ht Sergeut of Co. I. sth P.
V., RA a candidate for lho tdileo of Shoriff, subject to the
decision of the Union County Convention. Sorgt. B, is
short of a leg at the first battle of Fredericksburg—he is a
sober, moral and industrious man. FRANKLIN.
Franklin tp., Aug. 7, 1865-lc.
We arc remit:tied to announce DAVID cLARKso:i,
Eso.. ns n contliilitte for the office of Sheriff, subject to the
derision of the Union County Convention. •jyll*
We aro authorized to announce Capt. THOMAS S.
McCATIAN nets candidate for the office of Sheriff of ftnn.
tingdon county, subject to the approval or the Union Co.
convention to convene during the month of August next.
linutingdon, May 31, 1855.—ier
jj I offer myself as n candidate for the office of Sheriff
of fluntitigolon county, subject to the ti. chion of filo
Union County Convention, to be held in August next.
Cromwell township. JOll It. Sit EN Ci'tl CC.
Ste. Shenefelt is a rerpectable rend Intelligent farmer of
Cromorell township, who states that ho does not int.uni
canvassing the county to secure delegates, as lie has not
the limo' nor the riedire to du no.
June ID, 'OD.
vi We aro requested to announce Captain TIM }LAS
77. ItEeD, of fluntingdon. as a candidate tin the office of
County Treasurer, subject to thu approval of tho Union .
County Convention,
Huntingdon, June 10, '9s—.
1 MR. EDITUR:—Pleasi , announce the name of TIES FIT'
J. as a candidate for Treasurer subject to the
decision of Union Comity Convention.
ldr. Smith enlisted as a private in the enmpany•ralsed
lay Captain J. 11. ]{ - intrude. in September. 1801. and serv
ed with his regiment - tho s:id - Penna. Vote.) throughout
thewar . After the battle of Pale thtBs. in June 1862, Ito
won promoted to the 2d Lieutenancy of his company. mid
sere ed in last capacity until Janeery let, 1003. when he
was promoted to Carte.. end held that C01111111.11(111
til the cud of the war. 110 was engaged in every battle
fanght by the army of the Potomac until the tin, of his
capture in Joao; 1861, before Peter,borg. •
lie was severely wounded at the first battle of Freder
icksburg, nod also at the bUttle of Uottpburg. Ito still
carried in bin shoulder the ball received at Gettysburg:
and experienced all the horrors of the rebel prisons for
Moe mouths.
Ile Is a young man, good character, and hilly competent
to discharge tho dutiee of thu °Moo.
We are advised to announce Iles, W3I. 11. LEAS
an a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to the approval
of the'Uniun County Convention. jyl2'
The suggestion contained Ire the Journal .1 Am.:,
ican of last week. bringing forward the name of 111 , ,31AS
FISHER of Huntingdon, for Associate Judge - meets with
decided nUprovn: in our section 01 the county. Sir. Fisher
has been long known by the farmers in this valley as a
man nf soundJudgnient nnd strict integrity, nod ire knew
that he is the right man for the place
June 14, '6S-tc.* PENN It WALKER.
A M.
Eamon OP Gconm—Announco CAPT. JOIEN
INGSTON, of West township, a brave and
.wounded mol
dier, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision
of the Union County Convention. jyl.2Atc
We announce HENRY A. MARK, of Juniata town
ship, as a suitable candidate for Director-of the Poor at
the coming October election.
Mr. Mark was elected last Fall to fill the unexpired
term of Mr. ilackedern, wits removed to the West. lie is
acquainted with the affairs of the Directorship, and being
a shrewd business men, honest, courteous and 'humane,
with the experience he has obtained, it will be decidedly
to the interest of the tax-payers to reelect him. The Di
rectorship is one of thin most Important offices of the
County, and should be judiciously filled.
In presenting Mr. Murk , or re-olcctlon, wo do it in view
of his acceptuoce, god the concurrence of the Union Nom
looting Conventien.—Shirlcysktrg Herald. J027'05
~,}- y ~ y '
CANE 'l2 I I_l .
CAST: SEED, by the lb or bushel, EOR SALE AT COST 1
Prince S Co's New AUTOMATIC OaGANS. The vest
CSC trintppli of tile , ,o I
Now at yio MI.J.OI.) 4 CONS. with inlprosements.
Grover & Baker's EMI iLY Sr:WINO MACIIINES.
Send for Circulars , &c. Free.
Sole Agent,
Tames Creek, tinntingilon co., 1.-%
Photograph Frames,
A splendid assortment of largo size
just received and for sale at Lewis
Book Store. ff
Tho'undersi g ned will meet the teachers and school
of this county for the public oarimination of ap
plicants, as indicated in the following table: • •
Porto/ tp., and Alexandria bor., Aug. 17, at Alexandria
Morrie town:MIN . . .• 18, at Spruce Creek.
Franklin townsid ' , " 19, at Franktiovillo
West township, " 22, at S. O. Bridge,
Carbon two. and Coalman! bor., " 21, at Conlrnont.
Warriortuarii township, " 26, at Birmingham,
Brady township, • _ -- " 28. at Mill Creek. •
Walker township. September 2, at It. It. hollow
Other appointments to ho made kni,wit hereafter.
. it. ItIoDIVIIT, Co. Sept.
lltingdon. August 2:1865. ..
• .
Pennsylvania Agricultural Society.
TIIE Pennsylva4in Stcqo
tiociety nil hold its Exhibition on Tuesday, Wed
nesday. Thursday and Friday, oepteluber 20, 27, 28 and
20, 1005, at'
Any. Information destrod tvitt be given upon personal.
application or by letter to the undereigued at Norristown,.
or A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg.
Tho uffleo of the 'roellty will he open at Williamsport,_
on and after the Oth of reptember,
Norristown Aum.l 1865 Secretary
Hotel and Boarding House for Rent
1 1 110 furniture, now in use - in the
jACKSON 110138 E. Huntingdon, ie offered for male
OH terms to suit the purchase, and possession will be
given no soon 49 sati-factory arrangements are entered
into. Exlen don of the lease , . f the Hotel can be secaredbr:
railing on It. Al. Cunningham.. The honaeli doing &good)
• ALSO, FOR RENT—The large stone . building opposite.'
the Penna. Roilrosd Depot, now being fitted fur a Ward The • building will be flashed by the let of
For further Information inquire at thii Jackson House.
Huntingdon, Aug. 2, 'SS.-3t. • •
lIETtIFF'S SALES:7,I3y, . virtue of
klsundry writs of Ler Na.,Von. EX. in rue directed, I will
expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court ]Louse. In
tho borough of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY, 1310 DAY
of AUGUST A D 1865, at two o'clock, P. M., rho following
described property to wit:
A lot of ground in the borough of
Coalmont, and numbered 1721 n plot of said borough, ex
tending 50 feet front and 150 feet back, with a two story
frame tavern house 50 feet front by 80 feet back. Kitch
en and other outbuildings, also. a good frame stable, ad.
joining lands of Eatnuel Brooks on Evans Street on tin
north rust. Taken in execution, and to bo sold as the ,
property of John Long.
Also, All that certain farm, planta
lion and tract of land, situate in Cromwell .township,
Huntingdon county, on which Andrew. Bunks now resides
on time ridges, adjoining lands of Thomas Hooper on the
north and westerly sides, lands of Asaph Price on the
south and easterly sitle.nontaining 'about ninety acre.,
with the usual allowance, be the stunt, more or less, about
fifty acres more.or less cleared, with a log dwelling,
' house ' weather boarded, one story and a half high, a
small frame barn and other improvements thereon. Ta—
ken in execution and to be sold 6.1 th • property of ileums,
. •
Also . All the defendant's right,' titlo
and interest in and to one lut of ground situate in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, fronting on Franklin Street 50 feet,
and extending back 100 feet having thereon erected one
frame 11011h0 (adjoining lut-uf W. It. Rehm on the south,
lot of Hon. George Taylor on the north, and lot of Robert
Lott on the west. Taken in execution and to ho sold as
the property of Michael Nate and Margaret gale, his wife.
NOTICE TO PCRCEABEItS.—Bidders at Sheriff - a Sales will
take notice that immediately upon tile 'property being
knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids muter $lOO. and
twenty-livo per cent. of nil bide over that sun, most be
paid to the Sheriff, or the- property will bo sat op again
and sold to other bidders wile will comply with the above
Shei.iti 2 v Sales 1,11) hereafter be made on Monday of
the firat week of Court, and tbo deeds uckeawledged on
the following daturday.
• GEO. AV. J011:4.530.N, Sheriff.
Ear:awes °MCC,
tfuntingdat, July. 25, 1805. r
xt Notice Is hereby given, to all persons Hiterested .
that tho following named pemons have nettled their
counts in the Register's 01lice, at Huntingdon, and that_.
tho said accounts will be prenonted for confirmation and
allowance. at an Orphans' Court. to be held at lluntingdon,• :
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monthly tbo 14th
day of August next, (1665,) to wit:
Adnimistmtien account of Eli P. Brumbaugh;
miuistrator of the estate of Daniel P. Brumbaugh, late of:
Hopewell twp., tlecemell.
2. Adminintration account of Richard Cunninghanii-
Administrator I.ltha mtuto of John Cunningham, lute of
Ilarreo imp., deceased. •
3. Guardianship newont of Michael .Iticlor ' an Guardi of-
Samuel P. h umberger. into a minor son of George Bom
berger, dobeased, the.said ward being oar, deceased. .
4. Guardianship account of Michael Hider, Guardian of
George Bomberger, lato's minor son of. George Bomber
ger, deCeased, but now of age.
- L. Tho Administration. account of Liberty J. Parker;
Administrator of Hugh M. Parker, late of Jackson twp.,
. .
0. The account of Wm. Vows.' Administrator of the
estate of Thollala Value, late of Tell twO.,deceaSell.
7: t daditi4tration account of John O. Weight mull
Abraham Weight, Admintitraters orate 001,10 of lianieh
_Weight of Warrittramarif township. deceased.
8. Final account of J , imal It. lane,. 6o•-color of the
cs!ate or Lane, lato of Brady twp.,. deceased. '
9. Soppiement.l and final Administration nccount of
Moses Swoo. ` . and Thomas Dean, Administrators of the
estate of t.).,tet, ewoope, laze of Unfelt tWp., deceased. •
10- Administration account of James !torpor. Ado - tints.-
trator of AN' iltiam Hotter: late of urbimnia, Huntingdon,
cohnty, deceased.
11. Administration necouta of . .Tante3 Harper. Admlnis.
tratur of the estate of James Gilleland ; late of Cromwell
two., decectsed. ••• -
t 2. Account of John Sit rerthorn. Adoliolitrntor of the.
estate of t 1 it limn Campbell, late or Tell - wp.; deceased:
13. Final account of Cothrillo Shaver. (now Catharine.
Stewart.) lluardies of Winton, - Winfield :haver,
sou of William Shaver, late of f..hirley twp., deceasod, the.
said William Winfield being now-deceased.
14. Adminbdratimi nod distribution accounts of David.
P. Gwin. Administrator of the Run. J.1111e9 tiwio. Into of
the borough of Mouth:dim, deceased. .1 ,
14. Guardianship account of Fanival Wigtois, Gitardiniv
of Adeline Pattursou, (tinnerly Adeline Mattern.)dnuzits.,
ter of Tenon S. Matter', tote of Franklin twp, djceased,
sold being now.of ago. .• • •
16. Administration ncenunt of •Adelpbus P. White, Ad
miniArittor of henry 'l'.• White, late of the borough. of
Huntingdon, deceased.
17. Final account of John McNeal, AdtalnMentor, of
tho estate of Jacob G. Ketterepn, late of Clay twp.,. da-
18.'SUpplemental account of John S. Seat, Adminis
trator of the Maloof Jhrues Gardner, Into of Franklin
top., deceaccd.
PI Account of Jacob E. Grafflas. Administrator of - thd
estate of Nicholas , traflins, late of Franklin tp., deceased. •
20. Account of Peter J. Snyder ' one of 'tho Atlministra•
tore of Charles J. Snyder, Into of Juniata twp., dee'd.
21. Account of Thomas P. Campbell, Esq.; Administra
tor of the estate of Isaac Fisher, late of the borough of
littutingdon, deceased. , • . • -
22. Administration account or morn,: crow.over, Ex
ecutor of the lost will and' testantont oMlczekinli Crowno•-•
ver, late of. Decree tap., deceased . , -
23.. Administration. account of And. Cross-never; and
Van Buren Hirst, . Administrators of 'John Ilirst, late or
Barre tap.. deceased. .
2.. Guardianship account of John 51. Bailey. Guardian,
of Judith L. Stewart; minor daughter of Joseph Stewart;
deceased, the sold Judith L. being now also deceased.
Register's Office,}
. Register.
Dont., July 15, 1851.
. •
NTOTICE is hereby given to all per
.ll eons tatel•ested that the L folloistog Inventories of
the goods nod Chattels eel to widows, uuder the presto-.
ions of the Oct of 14th of April, 'lB5l, have been filed in.
the office of the Clerk of the Orphens' Court of, Huhling
don county and will ho presented for "at prove! by the.
Court." an Monday tho 14th day of August pest. (1885,):.,
1. Inventory and • appraisement of the goads and chat
tels which were of George Rupert, late of Henderson twp..
deceased, set apart to his widow Story S. Rupert.
2.The Inventory and appraiseinent of the goods and chat—
tale which were of George A Flanagan Into of Tod township.
deemed act apart to his widow Rachel Plauagart. •
3. The Inventory and appraiseincut of the goods and
chattels which were of Andrew Gilliland, late of Cromwell.
township, deceased, set apart to his widow Mary Gilliland
4 Inventory and appraisement of the goods and "chat
tels which were of Peter Cerfman, late of Cass township,,
deceased, net apart to his widow Mary Curfmnu.' •
5 Inventory mid oppraisemmit of the goods and chat
tele which were of John A. Smith, late of Clay township,
deceased, taken by his widow Mary Smith.
0. The Inventory and aPpraisament of the goods and
chattels ;which were of Patrick p. Davis, lain of Porter
township, deceased, elected to be retained by the heirs Of
said deceased.
. .
7 Inventory and appraivrnent of the' goodi and chat
tels which were of John Bice, late of Union township,
deceased; Set' apart to his widow Mary Jane'
S Inventory nod appruisement of the goods and chat
tels which were of Thoe. Ashton, late of Springfield tovin
ship, deceased, set apart to his widow Elizabeth Ashton;
ll Inventoty and appraisement - of the goods and chat
tels which were of William Brown, late of Cromwell town
shin deceased, set apart to his widow Nancy Browri.
15 Inventory and app also - ilea of the goads and Chat
tels which were of Samuel Parsons late of Tell tuwaship,.
deceased, sot apart to his widow Nancy
11. Tim Inventory and appraliemont of the . goods and
chattels which wero of Samuel Shoe. Into of C;By t?;woq..,
deceased. set apart to his widow Rebecca Shoe.
12 Inventory and itirpraiionnint of .the goods and clank
tell Sikh score Or Samuel Watson, Into or walker town.
1314, tlessased,'set apart to-his widow Catharine Watatin.
13 Inventory and appraineinutit of the giants nod chat
tels which WtrU uf late of Juniata' tu,vn,
ship, deceased, elected to he retained by Christiana Alatlit
widow of add deceased.
. . .
14 Incas toy and appraisement of tho goods and chat
tels which woos of Joseph LelTord. Into of •Jtntlata tOwii4
strip. atiCeSSled. sat spurt to Ins widow Lydia Lefford.
15 Inventory and appralsetuant 4,1 the , goods sod chat,
iris which were of Jos•ph °burn. Into of Jackeon town•
snip. dere:wed, sot 111111 ft to his widow Mary Oburti.
113 lover tory sort appcaiseonolt of the goods nod chat
tels which testa of Daniel Baer. late of Jackson toWnship,
deceased. bet apart to hie widow Martha. !krt . . ' •
17 •Invi.ntory and of tliu ginitls and chat
tels width were of Abraham .‘leCoy., late of the borough
of II maingdon, d sei apart to his widow :)1V
13 Inventory end oppraisemept:of thi• goodi and hat.
tale Which V.l, of John Malinth. late of Carbon.l3ll3. d,ceased, "l sot op2.tto
July 19, 1065
1 4 1 11.J1T CANS. TIN, STONE arid
(11.9£S r:tUIT CAN:, glut! xi?... fur 'o' at
RV 11,10:IrS
Henry & Miller's, -
The place to buy cheap Sp: A lt, to put up limit
July PI 1865-3 w.
Nve aio still receiving'Goo4ti'claily,
by Expressand tho l'ontlx.ylv4ida Il,ilrnuil thsi
ac u 111 sell clieap. HENRY Sr.
Fresh Garden & Flower Seeds,
For Salo at Lewis' Book Stor4i, tf.