The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 09, 1865, Image 1

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Per MAID in advance
Six months
2hree months
. ... .
1 insertion. - 2 do. 3 do.
One square, (10 lines,)or lessi 75 $.l 23 51 50
Two squares, 1 50 2 00 3 OD
Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50
3 months. 0 months. 12 months.
_Me square, or teas— ...... $1 00 0 00 510 00
fro squares 8 00 9 00 15 00
Three eqnsres, 800 12 00..... "0 00
Tour squares, 10 00 15 OD 0 0 00
Wolf a column, 15 00 en 00 ...... ....30 00
One column, 20 00 35 00.... .. : ... DO 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One yenr $5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, ......... ......$2 50
Auditor? Notices 2 00
Estray, or other short Notices 1 50
" IGvTers lines of nonpnreil make -a square. About
eight words constitute a line, to that any person can ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript.
. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged Sc.
cording to these terms.
Oar prices for the printing of Blanks, llandbills, etc.
-are also increased.
Cry 6.1,0bt.
Labor with what zeal we will,
"Something still remains undone;
Something, uncompleted still,
Waits the rising of the sun.
By the bedside, on the stair,
At the. threshold, near the gates,
With its menace or its prayer,
Like a mendicant it waits.
Waite, and will not go away : —
Waits, and will not be gainsayed
:By the cares of yesterday
Each today is heavier made,
'Till at length it is, or seems,
`Greater than our strength can bear,—
As the burden of our dreams,
Pressing on us everywhere !
And Ire stand from day to day
Like thedwarfs of times gone by,
Who, as Northern, legends say,
On their shoulders held the sky.
An Old Man's story.
I am an old man ; and yet it seems
n very short time since I climbed the
tall poplar tree that grew before the
Vicarage, in search of the starling's
nest. I can fancy I hear the shout
that greeted my descent with the long
coveted prize, and feel again tho crim
son mounting to my cheeks as 'it did
when, turning to the Vicarage, I saw
an expression of pain on the pale face
of my father as he stood at the study
It seems to me but yesterday since I
stood in the centre of that group of
lads, and now—
"They aro all gono, the old familiar tacos."
Dick, the Surgeon's son died many
years ago in India. Harvey Vernon,
the bravest of them all was slain on
the field of Watterloo ; and when the
village bells rang for the victory, the
rudest fellow in the village was touch
ed as ho passed the Grange and saw
the blinds down, and knew of the
breaking heart of old Widow Vernon.
It was a sad day for us at,the Vicar
age, especially for Emily. My father
stayed in his library all day; though I
do not think he read a page in any
of his books—even in his favorites,
Sopocles• and Horace.
Emily and - my mother wore in my
mother's chamber all day. From that
day Emily gradually drooped and fa
ded. Her beautiful face grew more
exquisitely beautiful—her dark, deep
eyes became more full and lustrous,
but they wandered restlessly,as though
seeking some missing resting place;
her golden hair (I have still a thick
lock of it amongst an old man's mem
ories of other days, "the days of Auld
land syne,") hung more carelessly
about her shoulders, and her pale
checks were suffused with a rosy tint
that gradually deepened into a burn
ing crimson, while her sweet voice
sank ahnoit into a whisper. As I
looked at her, her startled beauty re
minded me of the book my mother
used to read to her as she lay on the
couch in the drawing-room. Her "face
was as the face of an angel."
Ah, me! how I am wandering from
the circumstances I sat down to write
about; but you must forgive an old
man, for whenever I think of Emily it
is always so. Let me see—yes, I re
-member perfectly.
It was Christmas Eve, in the year
1791, and the snow had been falling
heavily all day, blotting out the hed
ges and walls that surrounded the
Vicarage, and burying the sun dial
that, Willie and I had carved with great
pains during the long winter evenings.
I had come from my father's study,
where I and Willie had been having
sour usual lesson in Latin. Willie was
41 high spirited lad of a very loving and
affectionate disposition ; though when
;excited, or in a passion, his temper was
fearful to behold, and his' eyes flashed
with a strange light that made us all
tremble except my father. It was
some time before my father came down;
but when ho did, we heard him . lock
the study door after him, and he came
down alone. Ho looked stern and an
gry; ho was in ono of those moods
which sometimes took possession of
him when ho was disturbed. Though
my father was always silent when in
these moods, yet I always thought
there was a vivid resemblance between
',hem and Willie's outhreakings of pas-
"Willie will not coma down to•night;'
paid he, "I have left him in the study
with a lesson that will keep him all
thought I saw a tear start from my
mother's eye, aft she turned her pale
face to tho window and looked out
upon the snow, which continued to fall
heavily. It was the anniversary of
42 (0
. 1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
Emily's birthday, and we wero expec
ting a party of young friends, (child
ren of the neighboring gentry) to pass
the evening at tho Vicarage.
It began to grow dark about four
o'clock, and thou our company began
to arrive. There were first the children
of Squire Harcourt, who came wrap.
ped in soft furs and shawls, in the old.
fashioned cozy family carriage with its
couple of docile grows. Then came
Harry Vernon, and his sisters Emily
and Agnes; and as the time wore on
about a score of young people were as
sembled at the Vicarage. It was a
merry party. My father, whom it
would be an injustice to -represent as
an unkind man, throw himself into the
spirit of our merriment as though ho
had been ono of us. The furniture,
excepting the old fashioned piano, had
been removed, and the drawing-rooms
had, by the removal of a partition,
been thrown into ono, making a largo
and commodious room, which had been
plentifully hung with holly and other
evergreens. The red berries gleamed
liko tiny masses of fire beneath the
dark green, and here and there my
sister's hand had gracefully arranged
bunches of many colored ribbons.
Many inquiries were made for Wil
lie, and for a moment or two a shadow
seemed cast upon tho pleasure of the
children, when they were fold that
Willie, the presiding spirit of fun in
every juvenile party, would not be
with them; but all feeling of disap
pointment vanished as the time wore
on, except from ono gentle, loving
I knew that my mother was think
ing of the dear boy in the room above
us, for Willio was my mother's favor.
ite. She was thinking of a handsome
face pressed against the door, and, of a
tiny ear close to the key hole, listening
to the voices of the merry gr , oups be
low. She knew how that quick, eager
spirit would fret in the study above
like a wild bird in a cage.
Sometimes I saw her whisper to my
father—and then his face grew hard
and dark, and my mother's yet more
ead and pained.
My sister played, with exceeding
grace, some simple airs on the old
piano; and then, the boys choosing
their partners front the graceful little
maidens, who stood with eager, blush.
ing faces and beseeching eyes beneath
the holly in a corner of the room, the
dance began. Whilst this was going
on I saw my father put something into
my mother's hand. It was the study
key. With a grateful smile—oh how
sweet that smile was !—SIIO left the
room. I stole after her to the foot of
the wide, old fashioned staircase; I
saw her glide swiftly up the stairs; and
I could hear when sho unlocked the
dsor; and when she opened it to pass
in, the moonlight streamed brightly
through the doorway on to the dark
landing, and, as it fell on the face of
the old clock which stood there, I saw
it wanted a few minutes of ten o'clock.
I had not stood more than a minute
at the foot of the stairs, when I heard
my mother cry—" Willie !" Then I
heard a piercing scream, and she sud.
doßly passed mo, her face white as the
snow that lay outside on the steps,
rushing into the room whore my fath
er wag playing with the children, wont
straight up to him, and crying, 'Willie's
gone! oh, Willie, Willie, darling!' fell
fainting at his feet.
My sister immediately loft the piano,
and, with the aid of some cold water,
my mother was restored very soon.
Of course this put an end to the festiv
ities, and the children were soon on
their way home, except 'Harry Vernon,
who stayed to assist in the search for
Willie. Afterwards my mother told
us, that, as she was endeavoring to
amuse the group of younger children,
she beard Willie's voice distinctly call
ing, "Mamma ! mamma I" She in.
stantly got the key, as I before related,
and went up into the study. As soon
as she opened the door sho felt that
the window was open by the rushing
of the cold frosty air past her. The
instant sho entered the room she felt a
tremor seize her. Why did not Wil
lie spring to meet her ? She felt in a
moment that ho was not there. The
study lamp was flickering out; there
stood my father's easy chair opposite
a table on which lay his books and
manuscripts, and amongst them poor
'Willie's soiled and hated Latin cram
He must have climbed down the
side of the house by the aid of tho ivy
stems which grew up to the pinnacles
of the gables on the top of tho antique
portico, and from thence have leaped
to the ground. Willie, agile as a squir
rel, could easily have accomplished
In a few moments from tho discov
ery of Willie's absence, we—that is,
my mother and 1 Itmer , harry and
myself, and two of the servants, ono
of them old Walter, who passionately
loved Willie—were out in search of
the missing one.
The snow was still falling heavily,
but by the light of the meon, which
although behind the clouds, was at
full, we could see almost as distinctly
as by daylight.
Strange to say, my mother wont in
stipetly towards a deep pool of wa
ter, beneath the orchard wall, called
by the villagers the Black Pool—so
called because of its depth. sear it,
and overshadowing it, grew an old,
gnarled thorn bush, which, after many
winter's frosts and snows, still preser
ved its vitality. It was a pleasant
place in summer; the broad, fan like
ferns, with their beautiful serarted
leaves, loved to grow there, and in that
old thorn, a summer or two before a
nightingale had made its haunt, and
sung through tho long, star•-lit nights,
and Willie. and I had laid awake for
hours listening to it.
I can never now hear the song of
the nightingale without thinking of my
darling brother and the chamber in
which ho slept. The villagers said it
was haunted by something more than
the nightingale, but that I never posi•
tively know.
Well, I saw my mother bent close
down to the Water a moment, and then
suddenly turn and pick something up
from the ground at the foot of the
thorn bush. She held it out a moment
in the moonlight, and then gave a wild
cry of pain. It was a little handker
chief of Willie's edged with a peculiar
kind of lace which she had put on her
self. The water was still and ripple
less—save a slight tremor, which might
be caused by the breeze—and reflect
ed the quiet stars in its dark face.
My father, who was a good swim •
mer and a stranger to fear, quietly
took off his coat, and in a moment was
down at the bottom of the pool. Her
large dark eyes had something awful
in the intensity of their gaze; her thin
white hands were clasped convulsively
upon her bosom ; her lips were drawn
tightly across her small teeth, and wo
could boar her breathe as though she
had been running rapidly.
It seemed an ago before my father
reappeared ; but when ho did, it was
with Willie's pale, handsome face,
looking more beautiful than ever, lying
on his shoulders, and his long dark
hair, which it always seemed a shame
to cut, 'ldling over his arm. I think I
hoar my mother's wild, despairing cry
now, at the distance of seven years.
I have heard it at night in my quiet
study; I have heard it on board ship,
when the storm winds have thrown us
like a feather among the frothing
waves; I have hoard it in old conti
nental cathedrals, above the voices of
the choir, the music of the organ, and
the ringing and the clashing of the
Hush ! I thought I hoard it then !
My father carried Willie home, and old
Walter and the other servant assisted
my mother. Willie was
,instantly got
to bed, and the ordinary means used
for his restoration, while a servant
was sent for the doctor. In a short
time the doctor arrived.
My mother was bonding over Willie,
and nervously swaying herself hack
ward and forward, when ho came in ;
but she arose immediately, and with
wild, flashing eyes, exclaimed :
"Oh ! doctor, save my boy ! Oh ! Wil
lie, Willie, darling ! speak to mo, my
child !"
I never read David's thrilling lament,
"Oh ! Absalom ! my son, Absalom !
without thinking of my mother's groat
agony in Willie's chamber.
The doctor was a remarkably skill
ful man : but it seemed a hopeless case.
How my mother's eagar eyes followed
all his movements.
At last when we were just despair
ing, Willie gently opened his eyes—
those magnificent eyes of his I There
was an unmistakable ecstacy on my
mother's face, the like of which I have
never seen since, and never expect to
see again. It was coining light when
the doctor left us, and Willie was in a
refreshing sleep.
The many colored rainbow of hope
now hung over the vicarage, alas 1 soon
to fade away, leaving us but the cold
rain and dark clouds of a great sorrow.
After an hour or two of sleep, Wil
lie awoke, and told my mother how
he hoard the shouts and laughter of the
children in the drawing room, and
how the music seemed to taunt him;
and how lie became afraid, and dared
not look where the shadows lay in the
library; and how he watched the moon
rise through the poplars before the
window, ho was tempted to climb
down the ivy steins; and how ho had
wandered to the Black Pool, and been
tempted to spring across it to get a
bunch of crimson berries that hung
from a branch on the other side, think
ing lie would give them to her ; and
how he had missed his footing and fal
len backwards into the pond. Then
he told her how he rose to the surface
—and how be was falling into a sweet
and pleasant slumber at the bottom,
with thoughts of ben passing dream
like through his mind—and how be
felt some hand touch him, and an ex
quisite sensation of pain as if ho was
dying, and that was all ho knew.—
holy my mother wept and smiled, and
clasped him, her darling Willie! I
need not toll you how my poor father
kissed him, and asked—aye, be the
stern disciplinarian, asked—pardon of
his own child. Willie, fatigued with
his long talk, fell asleep again; but it
was a troubled, broken slumber. his
checks grow crimson, and his breath
grew quick and hot, and ho trembled
as though he was very cold.
The doctor came again, but this
time be shook his head and said there
was no chance for him. My father
and mother watched him night and
day; but ha grow worse and worse.—
Now be would talk of the wild bees'
nest he had found a few days ago in a
bank in the wood—then he' would
shout as if at play; and then, whilst
my father covered his face with his
hands and the big tears trickled thro'
his fingers in agony of grief, ho would
try to repeat his Latin, and failing to
do so correctly, he would begin again,
saying in beseeching tones, "Oh ! papa,
forgive me ! I cannot I"
Willie died one morning, just as the
Old year was dying amidst frost and
snow, repeating his Latin lesson, as
my mother hold his head, with its
splendid dark hair looks on her bosom,
and'his little band lay on my father's
trembling palm.
Soldiers' -Monument
To the People of Huntingdon County.
A meeting was held at the Court
House in Huntingdon, in pursuance of
a general call, at which the undersign
ed were instructed, amone• 's other
things, to urge the citizens of the sev
eral boroughs and townships of the
County, to meet in HUNTINGDON,
On Monday, the 14th day of August, '65.
for the purpose of organizing an asso
ciation to erect a monument to those
who fell, in defense of Rupublican lib
erty, during the late rebellion. It is
proposed that the.names . of every citi
zen of the county who fell, whether
on the field of battle, or by the hand
of disease, shall ho inscribed upon the
monument; all the details, including
design and location, to be determined,'
when a sufficient sum of money shall
have been raised by contributions.
It can scarcely be necessary that wo
should refer to the fitness of such a
work; we are persuaded that there is
no ono among you who will not fool
proud and glad to join in this under
taking—this work of gratitude to those
whose devotion has secured to us the
*form of Republican freedom—this last
offico of grateful homage to the sub
limo heroism and patriotic forti
tude which have preserved for us the
spirit of human liberty.
We most earnestly urge upon you,
that you see to it, that every commu
nity has a voice in the meeting on the
14th of August,—lot tho delegation
from each township and borough be as
largo as possible. It will be necessary
to appoint a local committee in each
municipal sub-division, to canvass
thoroughly for contributions; your
representatives at the meeting should
be prepared to report the• names of
energetic and earnest men and women
to take charge of this duty. All your
activity and ingenuity will be requir
od to push the work successfully
through. Every man and woman
should take an active part—should de
vote his and her whole energy to tho
undertaking. It is necessary that you
should organize in every township and
borough—do so at once. Lot us work,
work, wont{, until the last penny shall
have boon secured ; then wo shall en
joy the proud satisfaction of rearing
a monument which will be creditable
alike to ourselves, and the purpose for
which it is intended;, but should wo
fail, having devoted less attention to
the sehjeet than its importance de
mantis, and it can only be.from such tr
cause, if we do fluil,it will ho a rep roa ch,
a burning reproach, iipon us all.
Every where,' all over the laud, we
hear shouts of welcome to the return
ing braves who have exchanged the
duties of the camp and the field Ter the
joys of home and the arts of peace;
while in the midst of our rejoicings for
the victory, while our hearts are glad
for, the return of our sons and broth•
ers, who come to us , with "brows
bound with victorious wreaths," lot us
remember those oilier hearts, filled
with sadness, whore throbs echo the
sound of no homeward footsteps—but
the mournful cadence of the funeral
march. While we greet the living, let
us cherish the memory of the dead; lel
us raise a shaft to ecimmemorato the
heroic virtues of the fallen, from which
the widows and orphans which the war
has made, can gather the consolation
that their husbands and fathers, have
not died in vain, but have huilded for
themselves a monument in the hearts
of men, not of perishable stone, which
shall endure until the record of the
glorious achievements of the last fOur
years shall have faded from the page
of history.
J. D. CAMPBELL, Chairman.
Capt. J. Wintrode, James °roe,
J. U. Miles, Esq., J. M. Bailey, Esq.,
S. Mc Vitty Esq., Perry Moore,
Rev. S. 11. lleid, (Thomas P. Love,
Wm. M. Phillips, ISaml. Thompson,
William Lewis, I.fohn Cummins.
I`llo following is the Income Tax
paid by citizens of Huntingdon county
for the year 1864. In ascer
tain the amount of income received by
any person in the following list, it is
only necessary to multiply the amount
of tax by 20, and add $6OO to the
amount ;:but when the tax paid is more
than 8220, the amount of tax in excess
of $220 should bo multiplied by only 10
Division, Ho, 1
Lewis, Junes 47 80
Lewis, William 30 77
Luden, J B 30 51
Miller, Grainls 2 58
Miles, J. G. 390 80
J 9 69
Morrison, Jos 37 50
Metz, S K 3 14
Mattern, J W 10 50
Mentnigal II 14 15
Miller, Jno S 30 65
Mears, George 920 00
J P 34
Miller, 11 A. 54 68
I Miller, C II 15 00
El 175 05
M'Murtrie, W 48 60
M'Murtrie, B 84 06
APCallan, J K . 14 71
Orbison, W P 126 54
Sarno ns'Es of
Anderson, Mrs
M. Id. $ 60 43
Africa, J. S. 57 34
Brown, J. A. 27 Ql."
Brown, Win. 34 36'
Blair, David 780 00 :
Brown, S. T. 72 36.
Same as Admr
of Armitage 75 21
Bauman, A. H. 40 00
Benedict A W 118 75
Same as Guar
of B. and H.
Dorsey, 19 70
Bartel, Elias 10 00
Blair, B X 38 25
Black, David 25 481
Bricker, James 9 50
Cromer, 'l.' H 2 65
A A 19 35
W. Orbison, 12 34
Port, Alex. 415 14
Potriken. It B. 7 30
Read, John. 41 36
Roberts, W B 12 58
Roman, Henry 20 00
Scott, John 294 10
Same as Uttar
of Anderson
It ; M. 150 00
Ur F 5 99
John M. 42 85
Campbell, J D 1 63
Clark, Wm. 4 251
Carmon, J It 37 501
Dorris, W Jr, 157 86
Doyle, Philip 50 00
DieifenbrtughJ 27 19
Detwiler, Chas 19 35
Dunn, David 100 00 1
Decker, C 16 20,
Eby, George 52 50,
Etiaier, A L 135 35 1
Fisher, 'Plies 271 20
Fisher, II G 83 43
Fisher, T C 47 50 ,
Gwin, David P 57 89
Garrettson G W 96 74
Gleason, James 15 30
Glazier, J L 17- 21
Green, E A 23 OS
Greene, J E 5 10
Grffitb, John 3 75
lingey, John 18 48
Harshbarger A 25 00
Ihmigar Jos 24 60
Ilefright, F 50 00
Henry S E 53 75
Keith, George 10 00
Kauffman, J 10 95
Leister, Hen 3 711
children, 205 64
Summers, E. 0 25
Steel, G A 50 00
Shaffner, Jacob 2 89
Shaffer, II S 3 00.
Snare, David 26 63
Smith, S S. 5 05
Speer, R. M. 40 00
Stewart, J. S. 22 40
Schafer, Gee. 11 60
Stewart, A 11 GO 00
Taylor, George 90 00
Watson, Joe. 25 00
Wharton, II S 125 00
Whittaker J 6 00
Wilson, A P 75 00
Westbrook, J . 782
Wallace, Fl 3 148
(Weston, J S 350
Yoder, Chris. 44 34
IYenter, Z. 8 51
!Zulinizer, G IV 26 21
Total, WOG 03
Hunt. bor., 5348 10
, t :Aro. 2.
Barrick, David 7 25
Barr, James 15 30
Crosswell, J 81 00
Cresswell, G W 75 00
Cuintnins, It 45 00 .
Cummins, J . 24 00
Cunningham, D 7 00 1
Duff, Charles 25 00
Green, Bart. 3 50
ILtrtman, B. 16 75
Johnston 11 12 50
Jones E W 12 50
Lightner, A 9 52
Lewis. Miles 23 75
Lee, Henry 14 47
Myton, JIMA. 51 00
Myton, J 11. 6 20
Myton, Rebecca 6 20'
Moore, W. er. 5 67
Moors, Wm 13 92
Neff, 11 A 11 46
Andersen, J 5 62
Ayres, Hiram 27 88
Allender, El. 20 49
Bowers, Isaac 30 06
Bumbaugh, D. 13 85
Beightal, Dan'! 1 91
Bouslaugh, P 4 26
Cohn, Simon 3 15
Campbell, T F 4' 85
Cunningham 11 28 38
Cunningham, II 40 76 )
Colder, T N 15 03'
Creeswell, N 23 06
Douglass, Jos 17 50
Dysart, John '26 511
Dunlap, Adam 16 76
Dunlap, Sam'! 10 251
Estep, George 11 151
listep, Jesse 16 071
Fouse, Jacob 12 78,
Fouse, Theo. 14 741
Fouse, Adam, 15 40
Funk, John 3 01
Gregory, J Il 3 68
Grow, David 4 93
Garland, Moses 29 95
Grubb, Samuel 2 85
Green, G D 127 73
Grubb, Andrew 4 20
Hatfield, Sant'l 41 30
Varnish, Chas 31 26
Hamer, Wm. 17 48
Hamer, Col. 17 48
Houtz, Daniel 18 80
Heffner, And, 26 81 1
Hare, David 38 00
Knode, Lewis 14 38
Koplin, Amos 33 06
Lincoln, W S 18 84
Lloyd, J. M. 13 87
Neff, IWO 56 50
Neff, Henry 3 80
Neff, I lI 8 63
Oaks, Alex 11 00
Obnurn, Joseph 23 50
'Oaks, James S 21 50
'Oaks, W A 10 25
Rung John 34 60
Rearsh, WIl 947
Stevens, J 31 11 18
Smith, James 200
Smith J B 2 00
Smith, J M 80
Silknitter, D 15 00
Stauffer, l)an'l 15 97
Stryker, Wm 940
Truutwine, S 6 64
Walker, J. C, 29 50
Withers, John 32 50
Tula!, $7BB 23
Larkins, J. C. 43 46
-Martin Thomas 30 42
Moore, S M 6 50
McCombs. G. 14 81
Myres, Miles 28 44
Mulled, ROL 14 09
Miles, Win. 14 77
March, Joseph 31 70
March, Wm. 31 70
Moore, Wm. 4 97
I Miller, John 16 77
'Neff, Jacob 6 06
?Neff, Dan'l Gr 15 89
Neff, [Leary G 35 51
Neff, Beal.. 25 40
Neff, David G 174
'Neff, Snmuel 51 61
Neff Andrew G 13 83
Norris, Thos. 12 OS
,Piper, Peter 28 86
(Piper, Abm, 589
Peightal, Sam'! 10 42
Parker, II 5 23
Porter, John 41 04
W 31 126 35
Robb, John 27 68
Robb, Liv. 32 00
Swartz, Boaj 33 78
Swoopc, II 1' 45 00
Swoope, J N 52 80
Tate, John 2 94
Ward, James 79
Work, Alexander 63
Walker, E P - 3 79
Whittaker, J.
A. 34 00
Whittaker, G 6 05
Yocum, J W 27 49
Total, $1707 58
No. 4.
T II 57 04
Ashman, Rich. 39'75
Boblitz, Jacob 22 75
Brewster, W. 1 25
Bare, P. 111, NO 50
Bare, Jehn 1970 00
Carothers, A 2 85
Douglass, D 2 ]5
Douglass, S It 18 64
Etnier, Oliver 61 50
Etnier, David 9 90 1
Etnier, D., Mt.
Unioq 62 50
Fraker, Iv Al 14 85
Foust, B It 42 50
Garner, Benj 5 06
Garner, John 2 80
Branstetier, D 0 85
Cullen, Jas 18 95
Dorsey, It A 17 25
Davis, John 8 70
Eger, John 26 05
Fisher, Jesse 39 40
Gonsimore, W 3 90
Hamilton, II 199 35
Henderson, 0 125 60
Henderson, It 15 55
Varnish, A 34 20
Lipkin, Thos. 32 351
Isstt, John S 44 55 1
Isenberg, J 13 .10 1
Ingrain, Jno. 69 73
Isenberg, Jos. 29 35
Johnston, W 10 00
Keith, Adans 25 531
Krider, Henry 25 001
Lowrie, J. R. 219 89
Total of Iluntingde
Jacobs, John 21 74
Leas, W. B. 508 07
MrVitty Stung 509 GO
Morrison, 117 C 30 25
Minnich, John 12 85
Morrison, D. 1I 8 24
McLaughlin, C 34'85
McGarvey, 'D 11 91
Miller, Samuel 11 51
Orbison, T. B. 83 20
Sipes George 150
Shade, J. A. 7 65
Swine, George 41 89
Shaffer, G IV 12 51
Van Artsdalen G 3 45
Total, $3704 :36
IVO. 5.
Lyon, Cleo, . .323 70
Lyon, Johri 7607 60
MeCord,:James 2 75
J 10 10
31'1V limns, IV 16 60
Owens, 1) 0 21 10
Patton, B P 37 35
Boss, George 13 95
Stewart, 1) 7447 00
Stewart, 1) 2 05
Stewart, S. C 263 84
Shultz,Daniel 78 80
Shaffor, Peter 12 95
Thompson, W 11 00
Thompson, 'S 888
Tussey, Robert 33 25
Wigton, &m'l 25 32
Total, $16,891 54
41 outatty, $29,888 Cpl
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
Monday, second onday, 14th of August, 1805.
Roger C. McGill vs Benjamin Cross.
Samuel Beverly vs John S. Beverly
S. L. Glasgow for use vs. Mary Gibboney's ex
John Black &Co vs Catharine Tricker •
John II Stonebraker vs D. Stewart et al •
Dr P Shoenberger ex vs Wilson & Lorenz
Jacob Cresswell vs E. 11. Lane et at
Eliza Young et al. vs A. Wise et al
Tarries Scott vs Brice N. Blair .•
Mary DeArmitt vs Nicholas Cresswell
B, M. Jones & Co. vs James C: Clark.
W. C. WAGONER, Prot'y
Huntingdon, July 17.
Booher,'.Tobn merchant, Alexandria.
Hugh Cunningham, farmer, Porter.
Henry Cook, farrapx, Carbon. -
John Eyor, jr., farmer, Warriorsmark
Daniel Foster, distiller, Brady.
Christian rouse, farmer, Hopewell.
Henry Garner, farmer, Juniata.
John C. Hicks, farmer,Porter.
Henry Holtzapplo, miller, West. •
Isme Heffner, farmer, Juniata.
John Henderson, farmer, West.
Edward B. feat, farmer, Franklin
Jesse McClain, farmer, Carbon.
Newton Madden, fanner, Springfield
G. Miller, (H. T.) farmer, Henderson.
Benjamin L. Neff, miller, West,.
Samuel Peightal, farmer, Walker.
James Port, collector, Huntingdon.
George B. Porter, farmer, Franklin.
James Pesten, farmer, Cass.
James Peterson, farmer, Dublin.
Wash. Reynolds, farmer, Franklin.
George Swift, machinist, Clay.
James Webb, farmer, Walker.
David Buck, farmer, Warriormark
Daniel Book, farmer, Cromwell
John Briggs, farmer, Tell
William Buckley, farmer, Shirley
Samuel Barr, farmer, Jackson
Jacob S Covert, Mason, Shirley
John D Carberry, farmer; Carbon
Peter Doll, farmer, Cass
William S Entrekin, farmer, Hopewell
John Bnyeart, farmer, Cromwell
Aaron W Evans, millwright, Cassville
Oliver Etnier, farmer, Cromwell
James Entrekin, farmer, Hopewell
Alex. G Ewing, teacher, Franklin
Benjamin Pause, meroliant,loy
David N Garner, soldier, Penn
Samuel B Garner, gentleman, Penn
Isaac Grove, farmer, Penn
John. Griffith, farmer, Tod
Benjamin F Glasgow, farmer, Union
James Gillam, watchman, Brady
J Harman, cabinet maker, Jackson
Jacob Hcrneamo, farmer, Shirley
George Heaton, merchant, Carbon
John Hewitt, farmer, Porter.
Henry S. Isenberg, fitrmcr, Carbon
Thomas Kelley, farmer, Cromwell
Jacob Knode, farmer, West •
John Diner, farmer, Union
Jacob Lane; farmer, Springfield
Abner Lamp, bricklayer, Huntingdon
George McCrum, farmer, Barre()
Geo A Miller, merchant, Huntingdon
John B Myten, farmer, West
Samuel McYitty, farmer, Clay
William B McMullen, farmer, Tell
James McGill, farmer, Jackson
David Neff, farmer, Porter
John Palmer, boss miner, Carbon
Jacob Prou), sr„ laborer, Penn
Mahlon Stryker, farmer, West
John Smiley, farmer, Barren
Samuel Si!knitter, farmer, Barre()
B Summers, confectioner, Huntingdon
David Shaeffer, limner, Shirley
James Thompson, blacksmith, West
-John Weston, farmer, Warriormark
James Ward, farmer, Walker
Oua rot!. DauNKENNEss.--There
famous prescription in use in _ngiand,
for the cure of drunkenness, by which
thousands arc said to have been assis
ted in recovering themselves. The
receipt came into notoriety through
the efforts of John Vine Hall, comman
der of the Great Eastern steamship.
Ho had fallen into such habitual drunk
enness that his most earnest efforts to
reclaim himself proved unavailing. At
last he sought the advice of au emi
nent physician who gave him a pre
scription which he followed faithfully
for seven months and at the end of
that time had lost all desire for 'liquor,
although he had been for many years
led captive by a most debasing ap
petite. The receipt, which ho af'ter
wards published, and by which so
many other drunkards have been as
sisted to re-form, is as follows : Sul
phate of iron, five grains—magnesia',
ton grains; peppermint water, eleven
drachms; spirit of nutmeg,one drachm;
twice a day. This preparation
acts as a tonic and stimulant, and so
partially supplies the place of the ac
customed liquor, and prevents that
absolute physical and moral prostrd
tion that fbilows a sudden breaking off
from the use of stimulating drinks.
A CANDID OPINION.-A certain green
customer, who was a stranger to mir
rors, and who stepped into the cabin
of one of our ocean steamers, stopping
in front cir a large pier glass which ho
tool: for a door, said :
"T say, mister, when does this here
boat start ?"
Getting no reply from the dumb
reilectioa beforo'him, ho again repeat
"I say, mister, when does this hero
boat start r
Incensed at the still bilent Ilgurei he
broke out:
"Go to thunder! you darned eassa. 7
fras.eolored block-headed buldealf) you
don't look as though you knew much
T" GLOBE JOB ; OFFICE „ re, ttio rnoo complete of any in the country, and pos_
Bosses the most nmplo thdlitioe - for pyontptly execuiing .-
tho best styk every vattoty of Job riihtlat, soob
PLANKS' • •-*:
.6ABBS, -
LABELS 1,C 1 &C., gAt
NO. 6.
CAL Aril) EXAmina *Oita,
The 'Yankee and the Soup,
"I sa'ay, waiter !" exclahtted - a
koeat' ono or ()tit large of els the other
day, loaning back, from ovor a plate of`
half-eaten soup---"I say, waiter this'
'ore soup a'nt so.clsan as I have,Seenfi
"Sir," exclaimed the waitef in very
proper indignation,"l don't know wha4
you means by such an instnoratfon.
must go to Carvin-knifo about that."
He accordingly "goal off, end &eel
ently returns with the head waiter.
"Beg ,pardon, sir," said - the latter:
"Did you have the honor of making a‘
remark respecting the soup?",
"Wall, :I did," drawled the Yankee'.
"A'n't no use donyin' that." . ",
"Well, sir," replied the head waiter;
looking red in theface,"shall I have the`
pleasure of saying to the superintend
ent that you say the soup is dirty 71.
"Look bore," continued the Yankee,-
throwing himself back in his chair,.
"you can report to the superintendent,:
if you've got such an officer everye
s'posed they had superintendents lit'
Sunday schools, but never heard of ono'
in a tavern afOre),—you kin just say
tew him I said to that linenjaeket.
feller tiler; and mind, now, if you:
pervert the. truth, I'll teach you tbat
the gods of the 'teething urea vaitx
thing, in jest no time at all. Tell the
what I said; lint don't
yer lie."
"Anything the matter here, Thomate
asked- the superintendent, coming
just then. "Anything wrong, sir?"
"He says the soup a'n't clean, sir?"
exclaimed the waiter.
"That's a teetotal eiclaimed i
the Yankee. I didn't say twas 410%11.
didn't say 'twa'n't clean. f
have said anything about yer soup at
all, if that linen-jacket Ibller
poked a bill for the dinner in niy face
afore I begun to eat. 1 sha'n't pay
in advance. Ho had moro'n
things charged on it,—more'n I could ..
oat in tow fortnights. Had a lot of,
wino charged, when I belong to the
Sons. What I hey, for Ny,het4
the work's done. This hotise
recommended to me for fus-rate tavern;
but that's purty nigh onto swindlin',"
"My dear, sir," replied the superiii
tendent,smiling at the ludicrous affait*.;
"that is only our bill of fare, designed=
simply to indicate what dishes maybe:
called for. Our prices for dinner are'
"The deuoo you say I" exolaiincti
the Yankee. ihe fact is, t
didn't mean anything twin yet. sotii'
What I was a goin' ter say is thie,that
the soup wasn't so clean as I hov
for yor see when was
Pennsylvania, they had some souii
ono tavern BO clean, that if yor shonlit
dip a white eaniblio Icankerchiefintef.
it, 'twouldn't grease'it."
•The superintendent and tho
• jacket fellers" did nct stay t•iftif
this, but Made their egit,
uproarious kinghtor from the neighbof
ing tables.
some ili4ious Plays on
What lady is good to oat.? Sal Ladd.
What lady M ovoct to eat It ?
Olive Oil.
WIMt lady is made to carry burdensf
Phant. •
'What, lady ifroaches
What lady leas to fight the Indians.
Emma Grant.
What lady helps her ? Minnio Inge.
- What lady doer everybody desire r- - - 7
Ann U. Ity.
What lady is aetinainted with hid&
ry 7 Ann Atomy. • . „
What lady lived in Noah's tune?
Ann T.: Diinvian. • ;
What lady is fond or dehata ,
Tishun. ' •
What lady votes 7 Pella Gate:.
What lady paints portraits ?
A. qmor, , . , .
I'Vhat ladypaints comio ones'? Car
rio K. Choor.
What lady is fond of giving ? rednid
What lady Ys niucfi talked of now .?"
Amelia Ration. .
What lady is used to
Ta Tie r tat ladies are voracious ? Allie
Gaiter and Anny Condor.
What lady is lively nrlcdgny.F A.nnior
LICE o& STACK.—CaIeb Canfield, of
liivingston County, Aliehigan, writes ,
the Rural, that ho ha. 4 no sifeh thing''
about him as lice on ca Lae, liorses,hOgic,"
hens;gsese, neither tiiiks d,n 813,34. Rif;
remedy is sUlph6. Id fin' off, p eex,
or hen, he gives a teaspoonful in theit
feed; to sheep less. Re puts it in tiny
coops of the fbwls in sthall
Feeds it once a month in %biker, but
not in summer, except to ilogs. Er g
gives his, horned, cattle 'Mid horse 4
spoonful of palverizeci saltpdtur in ihij
month of Mirth or 04. Again,
without fail, when lie turns thein ont
to grass. Re.also feeds • his cattle find
horses abont 4 pint'of flaxseed epee.
meatli in winter,