The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 02, 1865, Image 1

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Per Ululllll in advance
Si: mouths
Three months
1 Itotortion
One stinarp, (10 lines,)orloßa.s ' .75....
Two equates ..... 1 60....
Three squares 2 25....
3 monthS..6 months. 12 months.
...$4 00 $6 OD $lO 00
9 00 10 00
Joe square, or lees.
Two squares,
Three squares, ' 8 00 . 12 00 20 00
Four squares, 10 00 15 00 25 00
'Half a column, - 15 00 20 00 30 00
One column ^0 00 85 0D.... .... ..00 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One year, 55 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $ 2 BO
Auditors' Notices, 2 OD
Estray, or other short Notices 1 50
far Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript. --
Advertisements not marked with the nnmber of inter-
Stems desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
are also increased.
Why not let the people talk ?
Let them talk away ;
What's the use in bothering
About "what folks say ?"
let them aay whate'er. they will ;
Talk—it is their way;
What's the use in plaguing one
About "what folks say ?"
Tulk is pleasant exercise,
'Healthy, by the way ;
What's the use in worrying
About "what folks say 2"
Better let the people talk—
Talk whate'er they may ;
Weak and stupid those who care
About "what folks say ?"
Why not let the people talk ?
Let them talk away ;
IVhat'e the use in bothering
About "what folks say 2"
'The Difficulties of Reorganization.
As we did not conquer the armies of
the rebellion in a day or a year, we can
scarcely expect to conquer the prejudi
cesand secret antagonism of the people
of the South immediately. Their ac
knowledgment of the force of our arms
does not necessarily imply a confession
of the wisdom and justice of our opin
ions. Stunned by the crushing blows
that have fallen thick and fast, they
know that armed resistance to the
Union is hopeless; but there are, never
theless, many thousands, perhaps even
a majority, of the whole population
who would gladly perpetuate in some
political form, if they could, the war
fare against the dominant ideas of the
nation, which was waged with military
:force before the final victories of Grant
.and Sherman. We see many evidences
of this vindictive spirit; and it is often
manifested in a peculiarly - offensive
end obnoxious manner. The Louisville
Journal describes the evil of which we
are speaking, thus :
"There are restless spirits in tthe
South who do not intend to yield to
the authorities of the United States,-
or to submit becomingly to the deci
sion of the sword, to whose arbitra
ment they. appealed. We may as well
be plain in this matter. There has
got to be some plain speaking, and
probably Bomb more very plain acting,
before these men will learn their duties
as citizens of the United States. If '
they hate this Gorerument sotadly '
that they dio unwilling to live under
it, let them leave it and seek for free
dom under the mild and paternal Gov
ernments of Napoleon or Maximilian,
or of the Emperor of Brazil, or of the
Sultan of Turkey, or the Shah of Per
sia, or under any other to which their
tastes and moral affinities may lead
them; but if they intend to remain in
the United States—if they are loyal
citizens, desirous of promoting the
peace and unity of this country—then
we say it is their duty, and they will
be compelled, if necessary, to submit
to the will of the majority,aadacquiesco
in the settled and irreversible policy
upon which the people of the United
States have settled. They cannot re
main here as revolutionists, disloyal
ists, traitors, ready at any moment to
plunge the country into civil war the
moment any serious difficulty may
arise with a foreign Government.
"We care nothing about the profes.
sions of these men. Professions are
easily made. We know what they pro
fessed in 1860 and previously, and we
know they belied all the professions
they then made. We don't believe
their professions now, and intend to
look to their acts as the only criteria
by which to judge of their motives
and their intentions. Looking to
these, it is quite clear that they intend,
if possible, to revive the slavery- issue.
They don't mean to accept— they don't
Accept the free basis which they them
selves through war have established.
They intend to make a combined and
desperate effort to revolutionize the
;Government and to re-estOlish slavery
We see almost every day the old dis
unionists returning to their homes and
posts in the South, and witness their
revival of the old slang phrases of se
cession to excite the prejudices and
arouse the passions of the ignorant ;
two -see them calling into requisition
-the old tactics . by which they 'fired the
~ Southern heart,' and brought revolu
tion, anarchy, and despotism upon the
!Southern States, against the wishes of
the Southern people."
jin all speculations abovit reconstruc.
tion we must accept this statement as
substantially true, and be not, on the
one hand, too much discouraged by
the outcroppings of this vein of treason;
nor, on the other, be lulled into a false
sense of security by ignoring its exis
tence. The most difficult problem of
reconstruction is how to contbc4, most
effectually this very feeling. We should
neither exaggerate nor underrate it,
but, looking the peril squarely in the
face, seek to overcome it. Time and
trial will develop what can, and what
cannot, be done wisely and safely.
Negro suffrage is prescribed by many
as the only sure panacea. But it is to
be remembered, first, that our right to
apply or enforce it is seriously ques
tioned; and second, that its effect might
be to embitter the wbole_white popu
lation still further against us, except
such leading . slasoholders as would'
readily ally themselves with negroes
'and perhaps use the power they would
gain for rebellious purposes. Governor
lfrewnlow, of Tennesseo,whose loyalty
pone can question, is opposed, for the
present : to the negro suffrage in thitt
~t 2 (0
. 1 oo
2 do. 3 do.
.1.125 - $l - 60
. 2 00 3 00
.300 460
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
State; so is Governor Wells, of Louis
iana. On the other hand, the new
State Constitution of Missouri confers
the right of suffrage upon her colored
citizens. The practical' workings of
both systems are therefore, being test
ed, and we will soon gain indications of
their relative value.
It should be remembered, too?that
the conflict in the rebellious States,
between loyalty and disfoyalty—bo
tween those who accept the decision of
the appeal to arms as final and conclu
sive against slavery and secession
and those who do not—goes on daily
in various shapes and forms, without
reference to negro suffrage. The peo
ple are rather considering whether it
may not be possible to re-enslave the
negro, than whether• he should be
clothed with the full rights of citizen
ship. On this issue hoirever, the loy
alists aro clearly gaining ground every
day. Whatever doubts may exist of
our power to extend the right of But
' Frage to the negro, out• right and deter
mination to seeure his freedom cannot
bo successfully controverted. And as
our determination to maintain the
Union is equally fixed, the politicians
who seek to revive the old issues are
met at the threshold by the most fatal
of the objections—that their schemes
aro impracticable and absurd. If free.
dom of choice about slavery and seces
sion wore permittdd, those twin hero
ales would doubtless be sustained. But
they are precisely the issues which the
war settled now and forever. The
practical question in the South is how
they can advance their future prosper.
ity in the Union, with free labor. Old
ideas, old habits, old prejudices, and
cld politicians, will conspire to mislead
public attention from this plain duty
by inspiring Use hopes, but we hope
and trust, in vain. The stern logic of
events, the influence of the Federal
Government and the armies of the Re•
public aro branding indelibly on the
Southern mind
.the sacredness of Lib. '
erty and Union. Every step they
take under the direction offalse guides
who seek to lure them back into their
old quicksands, is full of danger;
every manly effort they make to con
quer old prejudices, to give free labor•
a fair trial, to render cheerful, willing
and sincere obedience, to the Federal
authorities, inspires confidence, stimu-.
lates enterprise, and brightness their
future prospects. Thus the people of
the South must choose between pros
perity or adversity, and we hope their
"sober second thought" may be inspir
ed by wisdom.—The Press. •
Commencing second 3londay, I4th of August, 1655.
t,er C. McGill vs Benjamin Crop.
Samuel Beverly vs John S. Beverly
S. L. Glasgow for use vs Mary Gibboney's et
John Black & Co vs Catharine Tricker
John II Stunebralcor vs D. Stewart of al
Dr P Shoonbergor ex vs Wilson & Lorenz
Jacob Creswell vs F. H. Lane et al
Eliza Young et al vs A. Wise et al
James Scott vs Brice X. Blair
Mary DeArmitt vs Nicholas Cresswoll
B. M. Jones & Co. vs James C. Clark.
W. 0. WAGONER, Prot'y
Huntingdon, July 17.
Booher, John merchant, Alexandria.
Hugh Cunningham, farmer, Porter.
Henry Cook, farmer, Carbon.
John Eyer, jr., farmer, Warriorsmark
Daniel Foster, distiller, Brady.
Christian Pease, farmer, Hopewell.
Henry Garner,farmer, Juniata.
John C. Hicks, farmer, Porter.
Henry Holtzupple, miller, West.
Isme Heffner, farmer, Juniata.
John Henderson, farmer, West.
Edward B. Isett, farmer, Franklin.
Jesse McClain, farmer, Carbon.
Newton Madden, farmer, Springfield.,
G. Miller, (R. T.) farmer, Henderson.
Benjamin L. Neff, miller, West.
Samuel Poightal, farmer, Walker.
James Port, collector, Huntingdon.
George B. Porter, farmer, Franklin.
James Posten, farmer, Case.
James Peterson, farmer, Dublin.
Wash.. Reynolds, farmer, Franklin.
George Seuft, machinist, Clay.
James Webb, farmer, Walker.
David Buck ' farmor, Warriormark
Daniel Book, farmer, Cromwell
John Briggs, farmer, Tell
William Buckley, farmer, Shirley
Samuel Barr, farmer, Jackson
Jacob S Covert, mason, Shirley
John D Carberry, farmer, Carbon
Peter Dell, farmer, Cass
William S Entrekin, farmer. Hopewell
John Enyeart, farmer, Cromwell
Aaron W Evans, millwright, Cassville
Oliver Etnier, farmer, Cromwell .
James Entrekin, farmer, Hopewell
Alex. G Ewing, teacher, Franklin
Benjamin Fouse, merchant, Shirley
David N Garner, soldier, Penn
Samuel B Garner, gentleman, Penn
Isaac Grove, farmer, Penn
John Griffith. farmer, Tod
Benjamin F Glasgow, farmer, Union
James Gillam, watchman, Brady
S Harman, cabinet maker, Jackson
Jacob Hcrncame, farmer, Shirley
George Ileaton, merchant, Carbon
John Hewitt, farmer, Porter
Henry S. Isenberg, farmer, Carbon
Thomas Kelley, farmer, Cromwell ,
Jacob Knodo, farmer, West
John Kiner, farmer, Union
Jacob Lane, farmer, Springfield
Abner Lamp, bricklayer, Huntingdon
George McOrum, farmer, Barren
Geo A Miller, merchant, Huntingdon
John B Myton, farmer, West
Samuel MoVitty, farmer, Clay •
William B McMullen, farmer, Tell
James McGill, farmer, Jackson
David Neff, farmer, Porter
John Palmer, boss miner, Carbon
Jacob Prough, sr„ laborer, Penn
Mahlon Stryker, farmer, West
' JOhn'Smiley, farmer, Barre°
Samuel Silkuitter, farmer, Barret,
E Summers, confectioner, Huntingdon
' David Shaeffer, farmer,'Slitrley
James Thompson, blacksmith, West
John Weston, farmer, Warriormark
Jamey Ward, farmer ly alli.9r
The Western Penitentiary,
As the subject of penitential asy
luins for persons convicted of crimes,
and tho various systems that aro in
vogue in the United States with ref
erence to the said prisoners is attract
ing considerable attention at present,
wo have thought it proper to give the
results of a recent visit to the above
institution. The building known as
the Western Penitentiary is pleasant—
ly situated in Allegheny, and with its
contiguous grounds occupies consider
able space. Passing from Ohio street,
we proceed up a pleasant walk by a
fountain, in whose basin a number of
goldfish are sporting, to the main ens
trance. Armed with the necessary
pass, we present ourself to the gentle
manly clerk of the institution, Mr.
John Miller, who calls an oversoer,and
charges him to show us over the pris
on. A heavy grated door is opened,
we enter, and the door is locked be,
bind us. We now find ourselves in a
large hall. To the right and to the
left, and straight before us, stretch
three long corridors, which contain
the cells. These are built in two tiers,
on each side of the corridor, and aro
three hundred in number. By this ar
rangement the overseer can, by u sim
ple movement of the head, see every
cell. Thus nothing can occur which
is not immediately detected.
The cells are built in two tiers, are
eight feet wide and sixteen feet deop,
and about twelve feet high. They aro
all well ventilated, and aro. supplied
with water and gas. In winter heat
is afforded by means of steam, by
which every cell is kept at a uniform
and equable temperature. The gas is
turned off at nine o'clock P. M.. by
which time the inmates are supposed
to retire. Owing to the well ordered
system which prevails, the institution
is now self supporting. The convicts
are employed in shoemaking, weaving,
and broom making. During the war
a large quantity of army shoes were
made hero. Carpets are also woven.
The filling is furnished by parties who
desire the work done, and the finished
material is returned. A sufficieptprice
is charged to reimburse the prison for
the cost of the work. The number of
prisoners now in the institution is two
hundred, showing a decrease of four
since the first of the year ; but on ac
count of constant admissions and dis
charges the number is always fluctua
ting. The diet of the prisoners is lib—
eral, and the food wholesome. The
morning meal consists of bread and
coffee; for dinner they aro given moat
and soup, and for supper bread. Veg
etables are supplied in season. Many
of these are grown in the yard of the
prison, and when these aro not suffi
cient in quantity others aro bought.
All the cooking is done by steam, in
four boilers, capable of holding fifteen
gallons each. Steam is obtained iri
winter from three large boilers, which
also warm the building, and drive a
small engine, bat in the sunimor a
smaller boiler is used. The bakery is
in excellent condition, and furnished
with a good oven, which will hold the
dough of two barrels of flour at one
charge, which is rather more' than the .
average daily quantity used. The gas
used is made on the grounds of the in
stitution. The retort house has six
retorts, but only a portion of these aro
in operation at one time. The gasom
eter will hold sufficient for three nights'
consumption, in case of any accident
happening to the generator.
From the centre of the main corri
dor a handsome cupola rises, whence a
fine view may be obtained of the two
cities, and the confluence of the two
rivers as they unite to form the Ohio.
In the upper part of this cupola are a
series of gas burners and reflectors so
arranged as to cast a flood of light on
the yard at night, thus illuminating
every part of it, and making it almost
as bright as day. It has been found
necessary to adopt this plan as a pro.
ventive against •the escape, of priso•
ners by climbing over the roofs of the
bitilding. The chief defect of the in
stitution at present poems to be a
want of hospital accommodations, and
it is thought the management will ask
an appropriation from the Legislature
for this purpose. By this means the
invalid conyicts receive hotter atten.
tion than if confined to their colts.
Religious services are held every
Sunday by the moral instructor, Thos.
flrumpten. During the week such of
the convicts as desire - to learn, receive
instruction from him, and tho results
are said to be the most gratifying. A
library is attached, and books of u so
rious tendency are distributed amongst
the prisoners. They aro also allowed
to kayo newspapers of a religious cast.
Such of the inmates as show, by their
exemplary behavior, that they are
worthy pf the privilege, are allowed to
lie OuCof their cells during the day, to
work in the yard or assist in the nec
essary work of the prison. This plan
has been found to work exceedingly
well, and at present nearly all of the
labor inoident upon the institution,
such as cooking, baking, attending to
the boilers, the gas works, &c., is per
formed by the prisoners. They re ,
ceivo, and esteem the opportunity to
enjoy a few hours of sunlight, as a
great and almost inestimable privi
When a person sentenced to confine.
ment is received, his name is taken
and ho receives a particular number.
Henceforth, until the doors of the pris
on aro reopened and he again stops
forth a free man, his identity is lost.
He has no name; he is but number .Ho is stripped, carefully
measured, an accurate description is
taken of any natural marks upon his
body, the color of his hair and oyes is
noted, and all these facts are recorded
opposite his number in the prison reg
ister. Ho is then taken to another
room, where he receives a bath: His
own clothes are taken away from him,
and ho is clothed in the prison uniform
of dark coarse gray, alternated with
black stripes. The door of his cell
closes upon him, and there he remains
until the law is satisfied, or Executive
clemency interposes. Some who enter
have looked for the last time upon the
earth, for. they are never to leave the
prison alive. Others cheer themselves
through the dreary months and years
with the hope that they shall again
enjoy that liberty they forfeited by an
act of crime.
The officers of the institution are as
follows: President, James B. Lyon;
Treasurer, James Marshall ; Secretary,
T. IL Nevin; Moral Instructor, Thos.
Crompton ; Physician, D. N. Rankin;
Warden, Hugh Campbell; Clerk, John
Miller.—Pittsburgh Dispatch.
A Sonora Story.
The following rich story is related
by a Sonora paper,.at the expense of a
queer genius who vibrates between
that town and Oregon as 'advance"
agent of a concert troupe, and who,
though pretty clever in "selling" the
curiously inclined, does not always
come off first best :
Frank Ball, travelling in a vehicle
bearing a strong resemblance to a ped
dler's cart. Old lady rushes out from
a house, by the roadside. The follow
ilin colloquy ensues:
Old Lady. Say, what have you got
to sell ?
Ball. I am a travelling agent, mad
am, for the greatest menagerie of an
cient or modern times, which is shortly
to be exhibited in this section, afford
ing to the inhabitants thereof an op
portunity of viewing the most stupen.
dons collection of animals ever before
Old _Lady. You don't say! Have
you ary elephant?
Ball. We have, madam, six ele
phants; but these constitute a compar
atively unimportant part of tho show.
We have living specimens of bipeds
and quadrupeds, who roamed over the
earth not only in the antediluvian, but
also in the pliocene and postrniocone
period, embracing the megatherium
with six legs and two tails; 'the iathy
yosarus, with four eyes and three tails;
the gyastucus, with no eyes, two noses
and four tails; plosiosarus, resembling
Satan in shape, which spits fire and
breathes sulphur, and many other spe
cies, too numerous for enumeration.
Wo also have a pious lawyer.
Old Lady. Well, I dealer° !
Rail But, madam, the greatest curl.
osity by far of our exhibition is a
learned and classically educated mon
key, who was brought up a Moham
medan priest in the mysterious re
gions of the Great Desert of Sahara.
This monkey speaks with fluency all
the modern languages, besides Latin,
Greek, and Hebrew. Ho can repent
the Ten Commandments, the Emanci
pation Proclamation, President Lin
coln's last message, and performs the
most intricate examples in mathemat.
ics with rapidity, ease, and accuracy.
While being exhibited in Washington
he actually repeated a long speech of
the President. This monkey come
Beautiful yOung lady suddenly sticks
her head fri:pu the window, and calls
"Mother ! mother ! ask him why they
let the monkey travel so far ahead of the
other critters 2"
Barn Burnt.—A barn belonging to
John Musser, at MeAlisterville, Mifflin
county, was st,r.u.el,c by lightning on the
16th inst., and burned to the ground.
'e loss is about $2OOO.
Se - George F. "Robinson, the brave
Mair;O soldZer who saved the
Secretary Seward has been given a
clerkship at Wa51 1 14)00 . 9 Iprth §1,200.
e_... . .
, ~3,
..,, 4; , ,
Reorganization of the State under Gov.
Johnson.—Speech by the Governor at
Macon, on the 15th ideas on
Slavery, and General Matters Affect
ing the State—Present and Future.
The Provisional Governor of Geor
gia delivered an address in the City
Hall, Macon, - .on Saturday evening,
Slily 15th, which was reported for the
_Daily Telegraph, by A. G. Marshall.
He said he had been appointed for
the single 'purpose of enabling the peo
ple of the State to form a government.
Ho had not boon authorized to appoint
civil 'magistrates, and would not do it.
He advised the people to receive the
amnesty- oath, and thus prepare them
selves to become eit;zens. On the
slavery question ho was thus explicit.
I now feel bound to declare to you
ono thing which you must recognize
as accomplished, and the sooner you
know it, and conform to it, the sooner
S'ou will be relieved from military rule.
Slavery exists no more. This is de.
creed. ;Its restoration, under any form,
is utterly out of the question. Slavery
has been extinguished by the opera
tions of the late war. I do not pro.
pose, it this connection, to enter upon
a lengthy argument to prove it. I
simply state what is universally acknow
ledged by all writers on national law,
that belligerents have the right to snake
captures of persons and property, and
that they may make what disposition they
please of the property captured. The
vanquished are at the- disposition of
the conquerors, and may be disposed
of as they think proper. Such is war,
and it is a sin against God and human
ity that it should be waged. - We must
submit to the result of the war. Con
gress, by the Constitution of the Uni•
ted States, has the power to give to
the President the regulation of captures
by sea and land, and the President, in
the exercise bf this power given him
by the Constitution and by Congress,
issued his proclamation disposing of
their captures, declaring that all the
negroes who - wore- claues - tn - the revotrea
States should, by virtue of that proclama
tion, become emancipated. Such is my
judgment of the law, and I .believe the
Supremo Court will so decide.
I come to another point. The Cons
stitution which the people of Georgia shall
adopt in convention will be required to
recognize this fact. The convention
will be called upon to agree to this
amendment to the Constitution, that
slavery shalt no longer exist in theSe
States. They will bo called upon to
decide this before their restoration to
the Union, in order that this quarrel
about slavery, which has existed since
the beginning of the Government to
the present time, shall never bo reviv•
ed, and in order that there may bo no
dispute among the people of this state
on the subject. They must provide for
its extinction now, and so I tell you to
day, if you wish to be admitted into
the Union, this convention of the peo
ple of Georgia - must be composed of
such material as will recognize the fact
of the extinction of slavery in Georgia,
and agree to the amendment to the
Constitution, of the United States,
which will extinguish slavery through
out the country,
* It is claimedby some that the
negroes will not work. I know that
those who have been driven off the
farms do not work, because they . have .
no opportunity of working, and some
of thorn will not work where they
have not been driven off. For this
latter class, the Legislature must make
laws, declaring them vagrants, and
punishing them as such. The negro
:will not work ! How do you know
they will not? Isaw them vel4ing
very well in Now York and other pia-•
ces where I have been. It is true
theylsomotimes commit crimes in those
places and they are punished for it.—
They must work—they can work—
they must either work or perish.—
What is the difficulty? Do not the
people bavo to work in germany, in
France, in New York, in Ohio? What
is tho reason they will not work ?
toll you they will work; and I must,
say that ander the peculiar circum
stances by which they were surround
ed no people over behaved bettor than
they have done. Those who tell you.
theY not work have hope of Con
tinuing their control and dominion
over them. They will work under
contracts of hire, and if they fail they
become vagrants, and may be punish
ed or exiled, as the laws of the State
may direct.
While we have been hurt and
chastill , P4 fer the present, yet let us re
member that we may accumulate pro
perty in the future, and all our surplus
capital, instead of being laid out in no
grope, will be, permanent
improvement, in increasing tbe. coin
forts of our bows manuring our lands
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
Iplanting orchards, building permanent
fences, and in manufactures of all kinds
Attracted to this land, immigrants
from other parts of the world, and
from the North, will 'come to settle
among us, because we have as good
clime as any under the sub. Our vil
lages and towns, instead of going to
decay, will improve, and art and sci
ence will flourish among us. Such, I
believe will bo one of the results of
this war•.
And not - only that, there is another
advantage. We have been very sen
sitive, as a people. We allowed no
man to think that slavery was amoral,
social, or political evil, and if any one
thought thus ho was deemod_unsound,
and arraigned before vigilance com
mittees. Even when Lord John Rus-
sell, in England, took occasion to say
that ho - hopedslavery would bo abol•
ished by this revolution, our people
commenced abusing him as if he had
trespassed upon our rights.. We abus
ed mankind when they differed with us,
and we carried our opposition to men's
thinking as they pleased to such an ex
treme, that men among us who dared
to differ with us on this subject were
arraigned, not by law, or before a lo
gal. tribunal, but before vigilant socie
ties, and personally abused. Civiliza ,
Lion was almost driven from the land=
law and order was suppressed by these
lawless men. But now wo can look
over this land and pray, as Solomon
did, that all of Adam's race may be el
evated to dignity and happiness. Now
every one may, in the exercise of his
constitutional rights, advocate slavery
or denounce it, surrounded as he is by
the power of the Government of the
United States, which protects us fully
in the enjoyment of these rights. It
seems to be the order of Providence in
dealing with nations, agile deals with
individuals, that they shall be perfect
ed by sufferings. We shall come out
of this controversy a more glorious
and happy people. The presence of
liberty will be well guarded among us.
We shall remain a free and united
people. In lookino- down the of__
tune, 1: s - 66 - t - fehrgutTeiffeld - rTiore pros
perous; and when all our sectional
prejudices snail have died away, we
shall meet together, North and South,
as brethren, rejoicing in our Govern
ment, and marching on to the glorious
destiny which is before us. Not only
will Georgia increase in wealth and
population, but the whole country will
be more prosperous in arts, manufac
tures, wealth and civilization. I see
them marching on in 'this now order
of things. The whole country, uni
ted in the bonds of charity and love,
must go on prospering until this great
nation shall be unequalled by any
power on earth. This is our country;
these aro her prospects. To this sten
dardl invite you to rally.
"'Ti, the ober-spangled banner, oh long may It wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the bravo."
Tahm.—The prognostications of cer
tain individuals, that camp life and
the rebellion generally would demor
alize our soldiers into brutality, turn
out to bo entirely untrue. It is evi.
dent the false prophets wore not born
on the seventh day of any month, nor
can they claim with truth they arc the
seventh sons of a seventh father.
Instead ofbrutalizing the American
soldier, it has elevated him in moral
as well as physical reputation. He
comes back among those whom he has
defended with his brow wreathed with
glory, Ho has shared the dangers and
hardships of military life in all its pha
ses. He has had a surfeit of the pomp
and glorious circumstances of war, and
already swords have been metamor
phosed into pruning books, and refuse
cannon and muskets and mortars
turned into plow shares.
In mingling among the busy world
steadily for more than a month past,
we have observed returned veterans
busily at work in familiar trades pr
professions. A star or crescent, tre
foil, Illaltese cross, or diamond, deno
ting the army corps to which they
Wore formerly attached, were display.
od in some place about their person.
There is a volume of honor in these
emblems, and the owner of them may
well feel a just pride M their display.
In almost every business department
wo have observed returned' soldiers
quietly pursuing the peaceful avoca
tions of life.
In a wheat-field in New Jersey, two
weeks since, several young farmers
were reaping the liaivest; as' one stop
ped to wipe theperspiration from his
sunburnt brow we discovered a Mal
tese cross upon his checkshirt bosom,
and were at once reminded of the
"Birney Brigade." A silver star upon
the bosom of another, carried is in
thought beyond he cloudson Lookout
'Mountain, where the stars of our na
tional glory wore planted by the gal
lant 29th P. V. In counting.houses,
workshops, lawyers' offices, newspa
per establishments, on the street 'cars,
and in some public offices—municipal,
State and national—we find returned
sejdiers pursuing the even tenor of
their way, with the surroundings of
that peace they fought for. The Amer
ican soldier, instead of boing demoral
ized or brutalized, forms a most stri
king, brilliant, and honorable contrast
to that class of revilers who could see
a "Sepoy massacre" on the erMing of
the "negroes;" whO cou,ld the
dawning of 4, "criminal era" among
"Lincoln's h iroli ngs,"— The Rreo.
. .
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•'• •
LABELS, &C., &C., &d
NO. 5.
AT LEWIS' noon'. ivrATiciNnity-kittraraSTONl
Soldiers' Monunient
To the. People of Huntingdon Ciguntre
A meeting was held at the Court
House in Huntingdon, in, pursuance or
a general call, at which. the undersign
ed were instructed, among.
things to urge the citizens 'of the setr
eral I;oroughs and township?, of the
County, to-meet in HUNTINGDON,:
On Monday, the 14th dari cif AugUst;o..
for the purpose of organizing an ASS . 9_,V
elation to erect a monument to itOse.
who fell, in defense of Rupirblican lit."•
erty, during the late rebellion. It ie.
proposed that the names of every Cit
izen of the county who fell, whether
on the field of battle, or by the:l=4
of disease, shall be inscribed upon, the
monument; all the 'details, incluing
design and location, to be determinee4
when a sufficient sum of money :shall
have been raised by contributions.
It can scarcely be necessary that, we
ehould refer to the. fithess of such a
work; we are persuaded, that, there itt
no one among you who will net feet
proud and glad to join in this finch:li r
taking—this work of gratitude to - thoEie
whose devotion has secured to - ns _the
form of Republican freedom—this last
office of grateful homage to the soll.i
lime heroism and patriotic fertf-
Mule which have preserved fOr us the
spirit of human liberty.:
Wo most earnestly.urge upon: your
that you see to it, that every (lowan. ,
nity has a voice in the meeting,on the
14th of August,—let - the delegation
from each township and borough tietia
large as possible. It will be necessary
to appoint a local committee in • each
municipal sub-division, to caniiiiii
thoroughly for contributions;' your
representatives at the meeting should
be prepared to report the names of
energetic and earnest men and.women
to take charge of this duty. All your
activity and ingenuity will be regale=
ed to push the work successfully
through. Every man and woman
should take an active part—should 4,,i
-vote his and her whole energy to the
undertaking. It is necessary that pit!
should organize in every township and
borough—do so at once. Let us work - ,
work, WORK, until the last penny shall
have been secured ; then we, shall, - ere
joy the proud satisfaction of rearing
a monument which will be creditable
alike to ourselves, and the purpose for'
which it is intended; but should, ,we
fail, having devoted less attention - to
the_subiect_than_ita_ imno- ' - -
mends, and it can only be from such it
cause, if we do fail,it will be a repreack g
a burning reproach, upon us all. - ,
Everywhere, all over the land; fs#
hear shouts of welcome to the rettirir
ing braves who haVe exchanged tho
duties of the camp and the field for 0'
joys of home and the arts of peitetq
while in the midst of our rejoicingi for
the victory, while our hearts'are ghat}
for the return of our sons and broth.
ers, who come to us, with "broWt
bound with victorious wreaths," let Ile
remember those - other hearts, filled
with sadness, whose throbs echo the
sound of no homeward footsteps—but
the mournful cadonee of they f'dneral
march. While we greet the living, let
us cherish the memory of the dead; let
us raise a shaft to commemorate:the
heroic virtues of the fajlen, from which
the widows and orphans which the we'
has made, can gather the consolatiott
that their husbands and fathers 'lisiio
not died in vain, hill have budded 'for
themselves a monument in the hearti
of men, not of perishable stone, which
shall endure until the •record of the
glorious achievements of the ltist four
years shall have faded from the p . llO
of history. ,
J. D. CAMPBELL, Chairnitha
Capt, J. Wintrode,James Cree, '
1 •
J. G. mires, psq., J. M. Bailey, .giq. i
S. MeVitty, g/., Perry Moore. ,-
Rev. S, IL Reid,. 'Themes P. loypi ,
Wm. M. Phillips,`Sand. Thonipsen' ,
William Lewis, [John Comma,' '
good company or none. Nevet bt
idlo. If yOlfr hands cannot be usefully
employed attend to the cultivation'of
your mind. Alwpys speak:the trPtli.
Make felxr promises. Live up to your
engagement KeepY9ur 004
if you have' M% When you spook : to
a person, look him in the face: Good
company and good conversation are
the very sinews of yirtue.' Good char
acter is above anything else. Your
character cannot be essentially injured
except by your own acts.`lf any,one
speaks evil of you, let your life be'so
that no one will believe him. Drink
no kind of intoxicating liquors. Ever
live (misfortunes excopted)wi thin }.oar
income. Wilde you retire to bed,
think over what you have been 44ing
during the day. Make no haste to be
rich, if you would prosper. Small an 4
steady gains give competency, with
tranquility of mind. Never Play at
arty game of chance. Avoid temp)atOn i
_though you fear you may not with
stand it. Barn money before you
spend it. Never run into debt unless
yop see a way to get out of it .po
pot marry until you aro able tro sup
port a wife. Neer speak evil of apy
ono. Be just before you are generous.
Keop yonrself innoCent, ifyou rltg4
be happy. save whoa you are youn t i,
that you may spend when you are old.
Read over t4e above maxims at least
once a week-
I =;=M=:l
ve_There is an atfinity , -tetweelit
sweet sounds and sweep girls. .Beanti.
ful music is as attraetipli tu wOulQ4 es
Aowera to bees. • ' '
, , , • , • -