g4e 61,0bt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Slily 26,1866. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor. Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. Our Flag Forever. " /know of-no mode in which a loyal Ma son may so seen demonstrate his devotion to has country as by sustaining the Flag. the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, omd UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION 11910ARDLItS5 OF PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL AssAILANTS, AT TIOBITAIID ABROAD."--STEPIIEN 1 .. DOI7ObAS Union state Convention. A. State -Convention• will bo hold at Harrisburg on Thursday, the 17th Au gust, 1865, at 12 °Vet& M., for the impose of putting in nomination a State . Ticket, to be supported by the friends of. the Union at the corning October election. The earnest and zealous labors of a loyal people secured the great victory in 1804, and made the war, which our enemies denounced as a failure, a glo, rious success in 1865. Our. ftag has been maintained—our enemies destroyed—our Government preserved, and peace re-established. Lot every friend, who aided in this ro. suit, take measures to be represented in that Convention. We must see to it that the fruits of our success are not lost to tho Nation. Business of vast importance will be presented for its consideration, and every district in the State should be represented. By order of the lJnion State Central Committee. SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT ' } Secretaries. WIEN FORNEY, Meeting of the Union State Central Dornmittee. Agreeable to notice, the members of the - Union State Central Committee met in the city ofltarrisburg, on Wed nesday, July 19, 1865. Simon Cameron, Chairman, called the Committee to ordor. A. W. Benedict, Secretary, called the roll, when it appeared that a quor• 11711 was present. The Chairman thereupon stated the object of the meeting of the Committee to bo the fixing of a time for the as sembling of the Union State Conven tion. Whereupon, thefoliosvingreeolution Was /submitted and unanimously adopted: itesetred, That the Chairman of the Union State Central Committee issue a call for the meeting of the Union State Convention in tho city of liar riaburg, on Thursday, August 17,1865, at 12 o'clock, M. On motion, tho Committoo adjourn td. • To ourTatrons,—Candidates for Office' It is important to the people that tho claims of candidatos for office should ho known before the election of borough and township delegates in August nest. That their claims may be made public we throw open our columns to the friends of all, free of charge. UNION STATE CONVENTION.—The State Committee have ordered that a Union State Convention bo held in Ilarrisburg on Thursday, August 17, for the purpose of nominating candi dates for Auditor General and Survey or General. The delegates from this district have been instructed to sup port Capt. Brice X. Blair of this place for Surveyor General, and we hope he may be the nominee. The soldier who entered the army of his own free will, did his duty, and assisted in saving our country from destruction, is of all other men most worthy to hold the offices. Tun MURDER. TRIAL.—The trial of Miss Mary Harris for the murder of Mr. A. T. Burroughs, a Government clerk - , has ended after a tedious exam ination of witnesses lasting ten days, .and a deliberation of the jury of eight minutes. The shortness of the consul tation of the jury, when compared with the days of the trial is occasioning some surprise and comment. The ver dict, itself, meats with the displeasure 'of a few, for the reason that disap. pointed love may excuse murder, and that as Miss Harris was excused, it may give room to others similarly disappointed to excuse themselves with the same plea, should they apply the same criminal mode of redress. U. S. Sunsoarrnmsis.—Tho subscrip tions to the Seven-Thirty loan week before last exceeded :thirty-five mil lions, But for the fact that even lat.: ger weekly subscriptions have been made, this would tio regarded as little loss than monstrous, For the past month there has been a steady increase in the weekly aggregates, the result of exertions so quietly made as to enlist no extraordinary attention. Tho sub scription is the spontaneous action of the people.. • skia-It- is represented that in Geor gia the freedmen generally, having recovered - from their jubilation over the aequieition of their, liberty, have settled down to work on the planta tions; btit many of them have yet to be taught • that freedom and idleness ore not synonymous. Rewarding the Soldier. E DIT6 RS Gr one: e ti me has come when the deeds of the returned soldier should be recounted, or, rath er, appreciated; when we, as a people, should praise him for the same, and when we should consider his claims upon our honor and oft-repeated de% claration to remember and reward him. Many there aro in our county who have returned to their homes, and gone to their accustomed pursuits with wonted glee and industry. 01 this number there aro many who are capable of filling with honor any posi tion the people may choose - to confer upon them. A few of those returned, as your columns show, aro proposed as candidates for offices to be filled by the Union Co. Convention in August nost. Now, without saying anything for them individually, wo are of the belief that a soldier is tho most worthy man to fill the offices of the people..-. He has puoven that ho is ono of the people by showing his willingness to fight for the Union and Government, composed of and constituted by tho people, and we would be treating him meanly should we fitil to reward him with anything more than dollars and cents for his services and gallantry.— We must all know that without the soldier to fight our four years strife with the plotters of the Nation's ruin we would not have lived as a Nation to-day, enjoying uninterruptedly the blessings of our free and benign Gov ernment. Without his arm we would not have been saved. And, now, it is as little as we can do to openly reward him for protecting us and our institu tious. Certainly, there are distinctions to be made as to capacity to fdl the im portant positions at the people's dia. posal, just as there should have been amongst civilians. All soldiers would not make good public officers, and we feel confident there aro soldiers who are frank enough to admit this fact; but if we were to choose between an honest but ignorant soldier and a cor rupt office-seeker, we would most as suredly solect the former, no matter how intelligent the latter might be; because wo would feel safe that the former would do 'no harm and a little good, while the other would do no good, and great harm. We know this would be the choice of the people also. But we are not to meet such a position. On the - other band, wo expect to sco on the side of the Union an intelligent and worthy soldier, of whom there are many, opposed to the corrupt po litician. All true Union men were the friends of the soldier during the war, and will remain so in peace. No aro glad they have triumphed and we shall rejoice in crowning them with the laurels of reward. The good, hcnest, worthy soldier, first, last; and all the time. TRUE FRIENDS OF TIM SOLDIER Franklin tp., July 20, 1865. The Crop Prospect). The Agricultural Bureau has receiv ed reports from different parts of the country which represent that the crops of hay, Potatoes, and corn, will be larger than any previous year.— The hay crop will bo fully-one third larger than ever known before. Oats aro also reported to be very superior, and a larger crop grown than for years previous. Newspaper reports repre sent the wheat crop as unusually largo in all parts of the country. In Now York, barley promises well, while the apple crop in the western part of the State will be unprecedented. .Tbe harvest in ,Pennsylvania is excellent. Corn and oats look well in Maryland, and reports from the southern part of Virginia show a promising yield.-- Grass is uncommonly fine. In Illinois and lowa,. the wheat crop, though a failure in some localities, will .be more -than an average yield and of good quality. It is being harvestedin good condition. • Corn 'is backward, but thrifty. In northern lowa the tre. mendous rains in .tlio latter days of Juno washed out the corn, and these crops will be almost an entire failure. Potatoes in lowa are ruined by the bug. Fruit promises a fair yield-- poaches in particular, of which there will be a great abundance. Of small fruits there is a generous supply. In Wisconsin there aro a few exceptions to the promise of the best crop raised for years. In a few instances only oats and wheat are failures. Michi gan, so far as heard from, presents the same prosperous . appearance. The first now wheat of Ohio was exhibited on 'change at Cleveland; on the 29th ult. The berry was plump and largo, and the yield in the valley plentiful.-- In southern Indiana the papers speak of the wheat yield as enormous, and the quality as unsurpassed by the crop of any previous year. To add to the satisfaction of the farmers, the weath: or has been as favorable as they could desire, and the new crop has boon harvested iu the .very best condi tion. In Kentucky the wheat is quite a-poor crop. Oats, grass and corn are quite abundant.. The appearance of the grape crop is said to be quite un favorable, especially of the Catawba. In Tennessee the wheat crop Will not be as largo as that of corn. In Geor-• gia corn promises well. Cotton is said to be coming into market in small quantities.. Louisiana, the ;New Orleans Picayune says, accounts from the country report that crop,prospects aro very encouraging. Sugar, cotton, corn and rico are looking well. With the exception of apples, all Eastern crops at this time promise well, and the hay crop will bo one third larger than that of last year. • ai-Owing to the payment of the troops now being mustered Out of the service, including bounties and the other necessary obligations of the Go vernment, the daily demands upon the Treasury are )our to five millions of dollars, Senatorial Conference. Tho Senatorial Conference of tho dis trict composed of Blair, Huntingdon, Contre,llifilin, Juniata and Perry coun• ties, for the purpose of electing two Senatorial Delegates to represent the District in the Union State Conven tion, on the rith of August, was held in Lewistown, on tho 20th. The fol lowing Conferees wore present Blair.—G. W. Patton, John Elliott, John Lingafolt. Huntingdon.—Hon. George Taylor, G. - W. Johnston, II A. Cunr.ingbam. Centre.—E C. itumes, E. H. Duns can, G. 11. Yocum. H. Galbraith, W. Greer, W. E. Vines. Juniata.—W. 11. Patterson, J. 3 Patterson, A. L. Guns. Perry.-11. Simler, 0. T. Koim, J T. Einerick. Hon. George Taylor of Huntingdon was elected President of the Confer ence, and J. J. Patterson, of Juniata, Secretary: The following gentlemen were nom inated for delegates H. H. Duncan, Centro county; L. W. Hall, Blair county; John Wistar, .Perry county; and Hays Hamilten,Huntingdon coun ty. First ballot, Duncan 10 votes, Hall 7, Wistar 4, Hamilton 9. Mr. Duncan was declared elected ono of tho dele-• gates. Second ballot, Hall, 6 votes, Hamil ton 11, Wistar 1. Mr. Hamilton was declared elected one of the delegates. On motion of J. J. Patterson, of Ju niata, the delegates were instructed to support Hon. John A. lleistand of Lancaster ; for Auditor General, and Captain Brice X. Blair of Huntingdou, for Surveyor General, at the next State Convention. 'Osemotion of Mr. Yocum, of Centre, the. following resolution was adopted unanimously : ]?esolved,i•hnt this Convention heart ily endorse and approve the adminis tration of our President, Androw Johnson, and of the Governor of our State, Governor A. G. Curtin, and pledge to them our continued confi dence and support. On motion the Conference adjourned sine die. GEORGE TAYLOR, Pres J. J. PATTERSON, Seay. Representative Conference, Agreeably to provionsarrangenients the conferees of this Representative District met in Lewistown on Thurs— day, July 20th, 1.865, and were organ— ized by the election of Wm, Butler as President and John Balsbach as Sec retary. The following is a list of the Conferees: Huntingdon.—llenry S. 'Wharton, Joseph Johnson, A. O. lintehison. 1141/in.—Col. Wm. Butler, David Witherow, A. W. Campbell. Juniata.—J. A. Gallagher, William Given, John Balsbneh. On motion Col. Wm. Butler of Mif. {lin County and Alexander Port of Huntingdon County were unanimous ly zbosou to represent this district in the Union Stato Convention to meet at Harrisburg on the 17th day of Au gust next. On motion the Conferees were in structed to vote for Hon. J. A. 'Reis tand of Lancaster for Auditor General and Captain Brice X. Blair of Hunting don for Surveyor General. On motion these proceedings were ordered to be .published in the Union Papers of the District. On motion the Conference adjourn ed. 'WM. BUTLER, Pres Sono BALSISAGH, Scey. A Love Letter. In tho trial of Miss Harris, at Wash ington, for shooting her recreant lover, Burroughs, a Government clerk, an effort is being made to provo• her insane, and for this purpose his love letters to her have been read in court to give color to the theory ,that the non-fulfilment of his promises made her mad. The letters are very high flown. We quote a few specimen par- . agraphs from one of them: - You know, darling, when a person is bitten by a. venomous snake, his El!fin assumes the color of the snake.— If an abominable snake had such an effect on a man, is it strange that when bewitched by the sweetest look ing Irish girl that over lived, ho should become an Irish man? Who wouldn't be anything to be the recipient of such a favor as l . was on Sat.? Mu- am I. to reward you for such a favor'' 0 joyous surprise Glad source of deli rious joy ! Many times I had longed for your picture, and let my imagination dwell upon the receipt of, but durst not ask you for it, for reasons I will give you if \VG ever meet—not now; but it is the more grateful, coming as surprise of such inexpressible delight. Really, Mollie, as I returned from tho post of. flee, after receiving, it, I felt so light I could with difficulty keep the ground. I could scarcely avoid flying. - I wan* ted to button , everybody I met, and show them what I had got, and it re quired all the sense of propriety I could command to keep myself from doing so. Oh ! that beautiful picture ! beauti- - ful I beautiful ! beautiful ! and my beau tiful ! beautiful I Mollie ! What can I now say for her ! I can not say— words Mil me. Could I see her. I might perhaps express faintly .what are my feelings as reawaked by such visible testimony of her loveliness.— O ! Mollie 1. Mollie ! you have turned my dry, sterile old bachelor heart into a gushing fountain of glad emotion and warm genial, affection ; and Mel• lie, dear, darling Mollie, is the source and and of all. Would that I had a hundred Pike's Peak fortunes to lay at her feet, and the affection of a hundred hearts to lavish upon her. If "anoth er Mollie" were to Contest the claim - to my love, she would stand but a poor chance now, if not before. Under the circumstances, I hope you will excuse me, dearest, if I do plaster it on rather thick. I would not resort to gross flattery of your personal ap. lloaranco ' though your charms were . thos.o of Venus, (and I do not think them short of it,) fbr I possess too much of sincere regard for your best interests-to turn flatterer, and injure you with extravagant praise. With a cart load of kissesj bid you adieu. Da-Soorctury McCulloch is doter mined that soldiers and sailors shall be raid promptly and in fall, . A Word for a Soldier, Ma. EDTTOtt :—I was much pleased to see the name of Capt. John Living ston announced as a candidate for As sembly, and you will pardon an old acquaintance for saying a word in fa vor of his claims. Captain Livingston though a young man, dependent on his own exertions, has obtained for him self a good education, and established an excellent character, both as a sol. dier and citizen. When the war broke out Captain Livingston, though a citi zen of this county, was engaged in teaching a Normal School at Scholia burg, Bedford. county, and in October 1861, with the assistance of two or Orel) other yonng men raised a com pany, of which he was first commis sioned Ist Lieutenant, and afterwards Captain. The company was attached to the 55th .Regt. P. V., and ordered to South Carolina, whore it .remained upwards of two years, taking part in all tho operations about Port Voyal and Charleston. In the Spring of '6l, the regiment was attached to the army of tho James, and fought at Cold Har bor, and in lia severe battles south of the James river, and before Peters burg. In ono of these battles Captain Livingston was severely wounded in the thigh, and disabled for several months. When be returned, to duty he was found too much disabled for field duty and resigned his commission about January last. Those who knew him in the army speak in the highest terms of his char acter as a Soldier and a gentleman. Those who know ldm as a civilian, and have known him from his youth, believe that he would be an ornament to the position which lie seeks, and ex press the hope that he will not bejos• tied aside by mere politicians, as often ' happens in nominating conventions. ONEIDA TOWNSHIP. July 24, 1865. Farewell Address. The following stirring words were addrekscd by the Field Officers of the S4th and 57th Rogiments to their com mands: HARRISBURG; Pa., July 6, 1865. Pour years ago our thoughts wore turned upon IYar to come. Today our thoughts are upon War passed and Peace to come. The bloody strife is over and you with many of your fol low soldiers are now to return to your homes. We part joyfully, for the life we have led as soldiers has been a severe ono, and we aroglad the task is over, and that.henecforth we can enjoy the comforts of peaceful life. Yet the as. sociations wo have formed aro very hard - to .sever, and during our whole course of life in the future wo will re. yea with pleasure and pride to the as sociations and companionships formed during those three, or four years in which the regiment fought twenty , seven engagements and marched hun dredS of miles. Let us not forget each other. 'Part ing as a band of brothers, let us cling to the Memory of those tattered ban ners, under which we fought together and which, without dishonor, we have just now restored to the authorities who placed them in our bands. Till we grow grey headed and pass away let us sustain the reputation of the no• ble old regiment,—for we can point to none more gloriouS! Fortune throw together two organizations—the 84th P. V. and the 57th P. V.—to make up the present command. Both regiments have boon in service since the begin ning of the strife, and the records of both will demand respect through all coming time. Very many of those who have been enrolled with us have fallen, and their graves are scattered here and there throughout the South. We will not forget these; and the people of this na tion will and 'and honor their memo ry:—for how CAD they avoid it when they see little children pointing their fingers at the portrait on the wall and hear them saying, "Ho died for our Country !" Comrades, God bless you all I Faro. well I • Supposed Murderers Arrested. It will be reineinhered . that about six weeks al4o a brutal murder was committed inEbensburg,Cambi is coun ty. The victims wore popularity sup posed to possess a largo amount of mon ey, but whether the murderers found any plunder did notappear. The crime caused considerable excitement at the time. At first no traces of the perpet rators could be discovered, but at last suspicion was directed toward two men who had been seen lounging near the place about the time of the warder. A Bufriciont clue was thus obtained, and the matter having been placed in the hands of officer - .Hague, of the inde pendent Police, assisted by officers Richardson, McKelvey and Bowden, every trace was followed up, and late last evening their patient search was rewarded by the arrest of those whom they bad been seeking. The two, men were arrested in Garret's fields, Alio. gheny,and wore much surprised to find themselves: in the custody of the offi ears. They give their names as John Hauser, and Daniel Bowser, and are old jail-birds, haVing but recently been released from the Penitentiary, where they had been sentenced for robbery. It was while immured in this institu tion that. they learned that the ladies referred to had money, and knowing that their release must Soon take place, they arranged the details of the mur der. They wont. up there ostensibly in the cupping and leeching business, and used this us a cloak to cover their vile designs.' They now have a prospect 01 a speedy termination of their career of crime. The Sheriff of Cambria county has arrived from Ebensburg, and the prisoners, securely guarded, will be taken there for trial.—Pitts burgh Dispute/08th. ts.. The Commissioner of Pensions has deeidod that a 'Pansion of $25 per month is granted to those baring lost both bands or both eyes in tho milita ry service of the 'United States in the lino of duty, and .$2O per month to thou) who, under the same conditions, shall have lost both feet; if such par- ties wore entitled to a lower rate of pension under the act of 1862.' This higher pension will only date from the 4th of July, 1804, in the case of pee• sionors already enrolled, or of appli cants discharged prior to that, date. The Murder Trial. Acquittal of Miss Harris WASIIINGTON, July 19.—The trial of Mary Harris for the killing of A. T. Burroughs, terminated this afternoon, having occupied twelve days. The room was densely crowded with spec.. tators, including many women, long before the court was formally opened. Hon. D. IV: Voorhees made the clo sing speech in behalf of the accused, contending•that, from•all the affecting circumstances and wrongs inflicted upon her by the deceased, - the hom icide was an act of insane impulse. • District Attorney Carrington deliv ered the concluding argument for the prosecution. He said appeals had been made to the sympathies of the jury— nothing else, and he would prove it. "Great God," ho exclaimed, "what an array of counsel—Joseph If. Bradley, the great and eminent lawyer !" Before he had finished the sentence, .I.arshal Gooding interrupted the speaker, telling the audience they must cease laughing or he would ar rest them. • Mr. Carrington said : "Let them laugh, Judge; they have the right to laugh or cry." Marshal Goodin°. responded : "Mr. Carrington, I will regulate that mat ter." Mr. Carrington, resuming, said; "Very well, I submit;" and continuin g his remarks, said ; "If the jury acquit this woman on the ground of insanity, they put upon the records of the court a fact that would make them look ri diculous. The scene is laid in Chicago. We find Mary Harris meets Mary Dev lin, who keeps a millinery' establish- . ment. What kind of an establishment was that ?" Judge Hughes here called the atten tion of the court to the misrepresenta tion of the evidence by the District Attorney. Judge Wylie informed the District Attorney that lie should not retaliate upon Miss Devlin as to the character of the house, because tho counsel for the defence had attacked Dr. Bur roughs. Judge Wylie said there Was nothing in the evidence against the character of the house of Miss Devlin, and ho- would not permit him to make an attack upon the house, though he might comment as much as ho pleased on the testimony of these ladies; but ho should not assail her house, against which there was no evidence. Mr. Carrington said, "No man shall say that .1 was over seen to cower. I discharge my duty in the fear of God, and without fear of man." Judge Wylie. You shall not go on in that manner: I will have no discus sion between y9u and myself to be de termined by tho jury. • Judge Hughes said ho did not desire to interrupt the District Attorney, and he therefore hoped he would confine himself to the evidence, and within bounds. • Judge Wylie said it was unpleasant fur him to interrupt the counsel, but, in the closing argument, the counsel Must limit themselves to the recogni. zed bounds. Mr. Carrington resumed his plea, and again denounced Rise Devlin. Mr. Bradley said such conduct was unbecoming a gentleman, and no genN Unman would use such language. lie could not sit quietly and suffer this unprotected lady to be insulted by Mr. Carrington or anybody else. • Kr. Carrington said he would do his duty. Mr. Bradley rejoined, " - No gentle. man would use such language." Mr. Carrington said he would return the insult—the gentleman having used such language against Dr. Burroughs. Mr. Bradly. said that Miss Devlin was brought hero by him, and he would protect her. An attack upon her was an attack upon him, and ho would resent it. The Court ordered Marshal Gooding to stop this quarreling between the lawyers, and informed Mr. Carrington that ho was going beyond bounds, in using such language towards the lady against whom there was nothing in the evidence. After i\L. Carrington had concluded his plea', Judge Wylie said to the jury that the law had been laid down by the court; feeling satisfied that they understood it, be now submitted the case without further charge, lie ho ped they bad made up their minds, and would soon render their verdict. The jury retired, and in about ten minutes returned, with a verdict of "Net guilty." . The announcement was received with laud applause, and some of the women cried with - joy. Handkerchiefs were waved and hats thrown. up. largo number of the spectators rushed towards Miss Harris to congratulate her on the acquittal, but she had faint ed, and was carried out of the court room in the arms of Mr. Bradley, her senior counsel. A PATRIOTIC FA - am - Y.—We were this morning favored with a visit from a bravo soldier, named John Fon Rodd, of Co. A, Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, who is hero awaiting the arrival of his regiment, to be disellarg- - ed. Mr. Fon Rodd, is a German, and a son of .dieery William Fon Rodd,: Esq., of Butztown, Pa. The father is eighty.nir,o years of ago, and has lost nine sons in the war for the Union. Eight of these wore killed in battle, and tho other died of starvation, in the rebel pens at Salisbury. .While a prisoner, the, son last referred to natt ily ate , his right hand, so great was his hunger. John from whom we have obtained our information, is the tenth and youngest of the brothers, and ho boars the scars of eight wounds receiv ed in battle. Ho, too, was for a time a prisoner at Salisbury, and was only released at the Close of tho war. His recital of the treatment of the starving prisoners fully confirms all tho ac counts that have heretofore been pub lished of the southern barbarism under which our moia suffered. Upon inquiry we learn from other sources, that Henry William Fon Rodd, the father of the ten heroes, has for many years been ono of the most highly respected citizens of J3utztown. Is there an;. other man in the world who has sacri ficed more sons upon the alter of our country than, this aged German?— Harrisburg Telegraph, July 20. Political.—Col.:.Francis Jordan, of Bedford, is recommended by a corres pondent in the Chanabershurg Repose. tory, as a candidate o r Governor. NEWS SUMMARY, kte-The State seal of Virginia has been materially altered by the new State Government:: :The device is the same, but the motto, "Sic Somper Ty: rannis," has been expunged, and the words "Liberty and Union" now ap pear above the Goddess of Liberty tramping upon the prostrate form of Tyranny. /163 - The Philadelphia Ledger is au thorized to say that there is not ono word of "truth in the story that the Government has ordered- 80,000 men to Texas. The Government does not -propose to add $100,000,000 to the next year's expenses for the pleasure of a "demonstration!' The troops in Texas consist of parts of three corps, and number about 20,000 men in all. , llte'"A correspondent .of the : Rich mond Bulletin writes that Benjamin, late_Secrotary of State - of the 9000- eracy, has reached Paris. Ex Quar termaster General Myers has also reached that city. When Benjamin parted with Davis ho said: both going to the same place." "how is that?" asked Davis. "Well, said Benjamin, "1 am going to Europe, and you are going to•your rope." • • ' 00-Affairs in the interior of Texas are in a terrible condition. Gangs of robbers, linoWn as jayhawkers, go abont the country murdering and rob bing. Rebels and Union mon desire their extinction', and - the people look anxiously for the arrival of Federal troops,- in the hope that they .will be able to restore order. The robber gangs sometimes number two or throe hundred. • .The New York Tribune's Wash ington special says the settlement of public lands in connection with the' subject of foreign emigration is now engaging, the attention of the depart ments., It is confidently believed that She payment of our war debt can bo vastly facilitated by a wise and liberal policy being extended to emigrants settling in our public domain, and more pal titularly on the mining fields of our Westeyn territories. GOv: Murphy, of Arkansas, re ports, a deplorable state of affairs in that State. He charges the rebel lea; ders with permitting their troops to disband themselves before their sur render, so that they have scattered themselves in every direction; talOtig arms and ammunition, plundering .and robbing without discrimination. There is much destitution in the State.: 13 , 0„4rs.Suratt, Payne, Harold and: Atzerott, are- all buried in the jail. yard, at the foot of the scaffold on which they wero executed:: Their graves are plain mounds, markedly' plain bead boards, telling the namoii of those .who moulder below. The Government has, steadily refused to render the bodies to the friends who apply for them. fri.The steamer Virginia arrived at Savannah on the 12th, with fencing material, bead boards and other lurn her to be used in enclosing the.prison at Amdersonvllle. All the remains of our murdered prisoners will be decent. ly interred in proper graves, and, where identification is possible, the. name of each martyr , will be, legibly marked upon neat head boards.- The whole area is to be henceforth conse crated, and when the fencing is up a suitable monument will he-erected. Items about Home. Fair. —Tho Coutity Agricul tural Society are agitating the subjec of a fair this fall; • • . Appointment:—Col. John W. Ricks, of Blair county, has peen appointed a Lieutenant Colonel in Thineoeles Re serve Corps: • Sudden Death. —Lieut. Calvin B Solhoimor, of Lowistown,died saddon ly on tboo 18th inst., from, it is suppo. sod, an over doso of laudomun. Provost Marshal. —Calif,. A. B. Sol heimer, late of Lewistown, has, been appointed Provost Marshal of Nash. TcunesSee. Two more *Suspected Murderers A 1.,. rested.—On Monday of this week, says the Ebensburg Alleghenian, two men named Daniel Buser and Sohn B. Hen ser wore arrested in Pittsburg by De• tective' Hague, on the charge of com• plicity in the Paul Munday 'murder, and oa Tuesday were brought hors and committed to jail, to await trial at our approaching Court. There are now four parties in jail accused of this crime—Ream, Riddle, Buser and Itoa ser, and the negro Mentz; 'an impor tant witness in the . case; is also kept under lock and key.' Cassiday, anoth'- or.pArty arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the affair, had a bearing before the Court two weeks ago and was discharged from custody.' • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NiTANTED.—A .GIRL to lio.Llbuso work. Good ,vnges will Uo paid: II oriting,do:l, Juli• 25-2.0 - • /quo. S. T. fiIIOWN. A TNVO-11011SE ICACK'FOR SALE by • TUEO. H, 1y25-10 ' • SALES.—By virtue of /sundry writs of fir Fs; Yen I:z.in mil directed; I 'will osposo to public sole or outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon,. ON MONDAY, lain' DAY of A.l3olsS'f A. IS at two o'clock, 1. following, described property to wit A lot of ground in the borough of iC(lrs n l'oTo l t ° ;:.:','a b i:7„`, l l 1 1 5 2 0 Po e l ; Ta t colet, raido ; borough, t story frame tavern hone, 50 feet front by 50 feet heck. and other outbuildings, also, a good frame stable, ad joining holds of Samuel Brooks on • Evans street on Oho north enat. Tolson in execution, and to he sold os the property of John Long. Also, All that certain farm planta tion and tract of land, situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon connty, on whirls Andrew Books new resides on the ridge e, mijoining lands of Thomas Hooper on the north and westerly sides, bade of Aaaph Price ott Otto south nod easterly side, oentnining about ninety ;wren, With the usual allowona., be the same more or loss, oboist fifty acres more-or less cleared, wills , a log' dwelling house weather boarded, one story and half high, a 'month barn and other improvements thereon. Ta lton in execution and to Lin sold ns th a proporty of Cleorgo Foreman. Also All tbo.clefondant's right, title. and interest in and to one lot of ground Minato in the bra rough of Huntingdon, fronting on.Froidtlin street 50 feet; and oa tending bark 100' feet having thereon erected ono frame. Immo (adjoining lot of tY. 1 5, Rehm on the eolith, lot of llon.l.loorge Taylor on the north, and lot of Robert . Lott on , the west. Totten in execution anti to be sold as the property of Michaei Yale and Margaret Nato, his wife. NOME TO rurtcnuEue.—Biddkre nt.Sherilre Sides 15'111 take notice that immediately open tho property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bide under SIOD. nod twouty.nvo per cent, of all hid, over that sun, must ha paid to the 4noriff, or the property will ho not up again and sold to other bidders who will comply with the abovo torah. . dlieriirs dales will hereafter ho meets on Monday of the first week •F' Court, mid tho deeds uokeuwleditod on the tellowing datuktley. GEO. Wi OOLINSTON, Sheriff. SIIElliVe3 OFFICE, Iluntlugdon„ July ‘l5, C l oStlaCilanteiScii' For all announcements of ten tinoo utlasm, $2; for every additional lino (ten words to a 11110,) cents--poyallie In . . ... We are refineetod to announce DAVID CLARKSON, EBQ., ae a candidate for the office of Sherifrolubject to the cleciaion of the Unioa County Coychtion. JyU ASSOCIATE JUDGE: too aro advised to announce Iles% 3L fl. LEAg as a arldirlate for Associate Judge, subject to- approval of the Union conoty Convention. Yyl2.• ASSEMBLY. EDITOR 07 GLODV—Announee Clrr JOIN uv lI4OSTON, of Noe[ townßhip, o brtwe sod wounded sot- Mot, tof It candidate for Assambtyisubject to thh.dectelon of the Union Coonty Col:mouth, 35,12.t0 Ti- . pI.REOTOR OF TiIPOOR:-- We anneunco HENRY A. MAIM ofJoideta town. a p, n ennoble candidate for Director of the Poor at the coming October election. . Mr. Mark was elected last Pall to till the . unespleed term of Mr. flackedorn, 'who removed to the West. He Is aconsinted with the affairs of tbeDirectorehtp, and boing a shrewd business man, honest courteous and humane, with - the explirienco ho hes obtained, It will be decidedly to tho interest of Ibis taxpayers to re-olect him. The Di rectorehlp Is ono.: of the most important offices of the Comity, and should bcjadlclonsly 811 ed. fn presenting !dr: Hook for iuslectioti,wo do It In view of his acceptance, and the concurrence of the Union Nowt lusting Convention.—Shirieysburg Herald. ja27435 ('COUNTY . TREASURER. We are redoaeted to noncom. Captain THOMAS D. HEED, of Huntingdon, as a candidate for the Oleo of County Troasurer, subject to the approval of Alio toton. County Convention. Huntingdon, Juno,l9, ' - fIANDIDATE. FOR, N,_,/ I offer myself ass candidate for tbe Office of 01 Hunt/nap& connty,• subject to the decision of the Union Conn W e— .nrention, to bo held in Anguat imxt. Cromwell Township. JOLIN D. Blea.E.Fik.T. Mr. Shenefelt is es respectable and intelligent farmer of Cromwell towniblp, whn states 'Chet ho. does not intend canvnesing the county 10 secure golegatas; us ha h a s no t the time nor. the desire to do so. • J . UDO 19, 'O5, T _ • RBAgURER.- • .. • • - Ma. Envie:ins—Pieties announce the name of HENRY J. SMITH, as o candidate for Treasurer subject; to the decision of Union County Convention; '' • Mr. Smith enlisted as a private to the company ratted by Captain J. If. Wiutrode, in September, 1561, and serv ed with his regiment (the 53d Penna. Vols.): throughout therear. After the battle of Fele Oaks, in June 1E52, he was promoted to the `2•l Lieutenancy of his company,. and sere ed in that capacity until January Ist, 1.603, whop he was promoted to Captain, and bold, that commission tin til the end of the war: Ite was engaged in every battle, knight by tho army of .the Potomao until the time capture in Juno, 1161, before Petersburg.. Ho was severely Wounded at the Brat battle of -Freder icksburg, and also at the battle of Oettysburg. He still carries in his shoulder the ball received' at tiettysburg,' and experienced all the horrors of . the rebel prisons fur silos months. . . „ - • • • . Xo is a young man, good character, and fully competent. to discharge do duties of the office. • • • • ' - june24l9oss . WALKER TOIVESUIP. A SSOCIATE ; . Tho suggestion contained in tholournal in:Amer ican of lost week, bringing forward the name of THOMAS FISHER of Huntingdon, for_ Associate Jodge meets with decided nuMoviii , in our section of the county. ltr. Plebes has been long known by.the farmers in this valley as: ft man of soundJudgMent and strict integrity, and ivoknotr that ho is tho right Man for the place : Juno lA, Pit3H & WAIJIHR. et . • ANDIDATE FOR SIIERIFF.,- we, aro authorized to arinotmeo 'Cant. TITOTTAS 3. MoCAITAN aim candidate for the office of Sheriff of gun• tingdon county, snhject to the approval of the Union Co. convention to convene during the month of August next. Huntingdon, May 31, ISfi3.ttio . • 1) EGISTER'S NOTICE.- .All Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested] that Cio following named persons hove . settled theft tic , counts in the Itegist.r's Omen, at Huntingdon, and tgat, the mild accounts will be giesented for conArmatton and allowance. at an Orphans' Court, to be heldat Huntingdon, In and for the county of Huntingdon, ou Monday tholith day of August next, ; (lBo,) to wit - • I. Adinintatilition aecomit of Eli Ertimbangh,. Ad- • ministrator of the estato of Daniel I'. Briunbaugh, late of . Hopewell twp., deceased. 2. Administration account of Richard Cunningham, Administrator of tho estato of John Cunningham; lato of Darree top,, deceased. • , 3. Guardianship account of Melina (Innrdinn . of Samuel 11. Gumbargar, tato a minor non of George Bum- . bergor, claccnood, tlin Enid ward twin now dcconsed. 4. Guardinnsitip account of 3liebriol Rider, Guardinn . of George Rumberger, Into II minor 8011 of Glaurgo Bomber ger, deceased, nut.now of ago. The Administration account of Liberty I:Parker; Administrator cif Ilugh 31. Porker, Into of Jncltsort twp., . - . ti. The account of wm. y owl", Administrator of the estate of Thomas Vaiva,:late of Tell two.,‘lncensed.. Administration account of John R. Weight and Abraham Weight, Administrators of the estate of Paotel Weight of llarcioranutrk deceaacd. S. Final account of James It. Lane, Itre'ecutor of tho estate of James Lams, late of Brady twit., deceased. 0. s u ppl emen t a l and haat Administrutiort account of, Moses Swoopo anti Thomas Doan, Administrators of tho estate of Caleb 'Swoop°, late of Union Imp., deceased. , • 10. Administration account of James Harper, Adminis trator of William flatter. late of Ortasonin, Iluntimplan County, deceased. • . . - 11. Administration account of. James IlarPor, (rotor of the estate of James Gilleland, late of Cromwell twit., deceased : 12. Account of John Sllverthorn. Administrator of the Wale bf Campbell, late of Tell :wp.ideeeneed.• 33. MO account of Cothrloo Sttter, (now eat/wean°. Eitonort.) Guardl(in of Wittlam Wtofloht nhititer, minor son of William Sharer, Into of Shirley twp:, deceased, this EMI! Winfield bang ptovr deceased. ' 14. Administration oral distribution. accounta of 'David P. Gwia,-Administrntorbf tiro from dames Gain. tote of the borough of Iluntingdon, &moused. • . . 15. flnarillansliip . account of :lama Wigton, bliturdian of Adoliiio Patterson, (formerly Adellno.slattern.) daugh ter ofJacob S. Slattern, late of Franklin twin, deceased, add [pilor being now of age. . 15, Admlnisi ration account of Adolplins . P. White, Ad intialstrator of • ilenry lath of the .horough of. nuntingdon, deceased. 17. Final 'account of :Jelin McNeal. Adoilnisfrator, of the estate of Jacob Ketterman, late of Cloy twp.; IS: Supplemental account of John. S. Isott, Adminle. frntoroftho estatoOf James Gardner, later of Franklin twp, deceased. • 19. Account of Jacob P. Crafting. Administrator of- the' estate of Nicholas I/raffles, Into of Fronklindp., deceased. 20, Acconnt of Pelar.7. Snyder, ono 'of the Atlnnuistrit tors of Charles J. Snyder, late of Juniata Pup., deed.. 21. Account of .Thorime P. Campbell, enn, A.-Maniere. tor of the estate of letose.. Fisher, late of tl4 borough of flunting . lon, deceased. • ; • 22.- A do account of Andrew Grownoror, ecutor of the lest wilt and testament of ReielsialeCrowno rer. late of Barre°. twp., deceased. 22. Administration ticconnt: of And. °too-nal-or,' and Can Buren Ilieet, Administrators of John Ulna, 1910 Of Borne twp.. deceased. - 21. Guardianship account of John 11. Dolby. Guardian ofJodith L. Stewart, minor daughter of Joseph 'Stewart, deceased, Geo, mid Judith L. hoing now also decoased. • •-- • DANIEL W.'9IO.IIELSDORP,- Register's Office. ' . • ~• ',Register. "' Guilt., July 15, MI. j " - VOTICE is tioroliy given to all por • 8008 interested that the following Irieentoiles of the goods and Chattels set to widows, under the Provi3- tong of the act of 14th of April, 1861, hove been Aled in thefoUlco of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Molding don comity rind will be presented for Mii-provid by the Court" on Monday the 14th day of August next, (1866,)r . 1. Inventory and apprafsement of -the goods and chat tels which were of George Itupert,lateof liendereoni-tivp. deceased, not apart to his widow Mary $. Ititport.• 2.The Inventory and afipraisement of the goodirand chat; tale which were of George A Flanagan Into of Tod township deceased set apart to Ids widow -Michel .Flanagan. • 3. Thu Inventory and appralmement of the goods and chattels which were of Andrew 011111 and, lam of Cromwell township, deceased, set apart to his widovrMary Oillllnad 4 Inventory and uppraimment of the goods and chat tels which were of Peter Coffman, late of Coos township, deceased, set apart to his widow Mary Ciirfruen. - 6 Inventory and appraiSement of the goods and that tido 'which were of John A.:Sin/tit, lam of Cloy township; deceased, taken by his widow Mary Smith.: . . 6. The Inventory and appraimment of •thegoodi and Chattels ;which were of- Patrick G. Davis,. late. of Porter township, deceased, elected to be robbed by the heirs of said deceased. '• • .; ' • 7 7 Inventory and appinimment of tbo 'goods chat tels which ware of John Rico, tate of Union' township,. &ceased, set - apart tcr his widow Mnry Jana Dice. 8 Inventory and oppralsemeut of the .goods awl chat tels which were dn.'s. Ashton, late of Springfield town ship, deceased, oat apart to his widow Elizabeth Ashtob. 0 Inventory and apprnisement of the goods rind chat tels which woreof William Drown, into Crom won town ship deceased,' not apart to his widow Nancy Droirtl. 10 Inventory and approltement of the goods a n d chat-. tele which ware of Samuel Persons Into of Tell township, deceased, sot apart to his widow Nancy Parsons.' -; • . n. Tho InventOty And Appralsoluent of the goods nod chattelawhich wcra of StuntlelSiniu, Into of MY township deceased, set apart to his widow Rebecca Elm II Inventory owl appraisement of the goods tool.ehot tele 'Well wore of Samuel Watson, Into of Walker town. ship, &ceased, set apart to 'his -widow Catharine Watson. 11 Inventory and appraisemant of the goads and chat, tots which' word of William Blain, late of Jimintalowlt, ship, deceased, dectod.to he retained byohristhurs widow ottrahl deceased. ; . • : •- - 14 Inventory and approiecniont of tho goods , and chat, tole which were of Jusoph.LeiTurd, late of Juniata town, ship, deceased, vet apart to hie widow Lydia LeTord. 15 Inventory 'Add appralscineut of tho goods and chat. iels which WC.. of .doseph Oburu, late of Jackson toWn• decensed, set npnrt to his widow Mary; Churn. Id Inventory awl appreiscroent oC tho goods and chat. Cols which were of Dania Darr, late of Jackson deceased, set apart to his widow. Martba.brrr. 17 Inventory neil appialsoment of the goods and chat. tots which were of Abraham DIcCoY, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd, sot oport to his widow Ann McCoy. In Inventory and appraise/mot of the goods and choir tole which were of John McGrath. lute of Carbon town+ ship, deceased, sot apart to his-wldow Margaret MeGrath.' DANIEL W 011111.9120.118 Register. July i 9, 130" FRUIT CANS; TIN, STONE and CLASS Vittli'S CANS of ail BIZO3, for sato at 11ENRY & .3111,LERts Henry • & Miller's; Tho - placo to buy clump Straiß; to put up fruit, July IU, 1505-3 w.. , 'RECEIVING GOODS DAILY: yr daily o are still receiving Glooola by Exproos and tho Co oneylva n RAI !road, thtt WO .lilt sell cheap. MiNRY d; MILLER, Gold. Pens tti Pencils, The best assortment of the hand somest and best styles, for sale at 140y/is' llook. Store: It