PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS D» CAMPBELL, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. lIIINTINODON, PA. Office in the Brick flow, nearly opposite the Court House. [April 15, 1663. W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • • - HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House—up stairs. Huntingdon, Dec. 16, ]S63. ALLISON MILLER, (7 7: • DEN'TIST, Me removed to the Brick Row opposite the Conrt Rouse April 13, 1859. ej E. GREENE, DENTIST. Office romovol to opposite the gore of 1). P. Onin, In the, lUD street, Huntingdon, Po. April 13,1864. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor MGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready .mado Clothing, Iluntingdon, Pa. an l ? R. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers - his professional services to tin citizens of Huntingdon vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door cast of Reed's Drag Store. Aug. 25, '55. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs,. Medi canes, Perfumery, Dye 'knife, 01le, tc. Aleo—Oro curios, Confectioneries, ao., Huntingdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, 10 Dealer in Rardware, Cutlery, Palate, Ong, &e., hunt ingdon, Pa. )1 4, -ROMAN', Dealer In Ready Made Clothing, Date and Cape, note and nom &c. . 'n P. (TWIN, L• Dealer In Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoes, da WM. WILLIAMS, I'lain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer QLD BRASS AND. COPPER taken In exchange for oxide at the Hardware Store • pt. 3,1E162. JAB. A. BROWN GUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A largo assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and chospsat assortment In town, at IQUORS, of the best, for Medicina 4 purposas at S. 13. SMITH'S. /CULL at D. P. 0-WIN'S if you want N,_/ GOOD GOODS. 1865. 1865. CLOTHING. ROMAN.' NEW OLOTHING . FOR • • , SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED ' • set . " H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Oentlemen'a Clothing oftli. best material, and made ni the best workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S,- opposite the Franklin Home in Market Sqnare, Ranting. don" Iluntingdca aprii 12,'6e. - - GREAT ENTRUSLISM 1 lIIGII PRICES SURRENDER 1 ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN 11. WFSTBROOIC Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he haejust received from the city a Naar and • splendid stock of - BOOTS. &BHOES; RATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &e., &c., &c. all of which ho is prepared to soli at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONFECTIONERIES have also been re coined. Don't forgot the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, apri 12, 1865. M'MANIGAL'S LIVERY STABLE. MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Churches, HUNTINGDON, PA. . • Jig) g\ • JIHE PUBLIC GENERALLY two informed that the subscriber is prepared at Ms Now EBY STABLE, to accemmedate all with HORSES, BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on short notice. HENRY NrIWANIGALL. auntingdon, March 8,1885-Iy. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, IiEIdPIIIS,NORFoLIC, TAKEN.—ASHBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF "SECESII" BROKEN But while you rejoice al the success of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forgot to aril at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, - . Groceries, - Bdbto and Shoos, Quceneware, Crockeryware, Tobacco, Sugars, . Dam& . Shoulders, Fish Flour, . Salt, and a genera amortmont of notions, all of which cored on reasonable terms for cash or produce. _ Huntingdon, Ju1y1,1863. MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of tlc citizens of Ituntingdon and the adjoining erection to the, stork of beautiful marble now on hand.. Ile is prepared to furnish 'lathe shortest notlea, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Pastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. jinilding Marble, Door and Window Sills, Ac., will be funtished to order. W. W. pledges himSolf to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, eta fair prico. Call and see, before yon purchase• elsewhere. Shop on Hill treet, Huntingdon, Pa. .WM. WILLIAMS. Illintingdon,May 161855. New- Furniture Kstablishntent, J. M. WISE • • Manufacturer and Dealer in Ftunituro, Respectfully invites Rho attention of the Public to his stend on Rill et., linuting•lon, between Cunningham's Eton and Dean's National llouse,schere ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. 'Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to gire.lilm a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges roasonable. ¢' Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins made In any style desired, at short notice. /1,4-Palmate attended at any place in town or coon ry, by • J. M. WM. Runt ingdon, Sept. 24, 1802-t! CHEAP PUMPS. TAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, t./ Pa, cells Patent Wooden Pampa for cisterns and wells; from 4to 60 feet deep, at abont one half the octal price for old fashioned pmnpe, All pumps warranted. Ang.3 'O4. COUNTRY DEALERS can bny CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon nt. VAIOLEBALE an cheap as thay can in 4no . • Met, III; TOM 1141101ET1130 DOTS in Vhiludelfelti 4 H. ROMAN. MRS' CHUM. THOS. YISLIER. 11. 0. FISHER. T.O. FISHER FISHER & SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC. -0---• • A . A HANDSOME STOCK of GOODS, of all kinds, is now open for the Inspection of tho public, nod we cordially invite all our Customers and the public generally, to call and be convinced that we aro unequal led in the quality, taste, style, and prices of our Goode. We reqaest the publie to bear in mind that we pur chase principally from fret hands in New York, pay Casa for all we buy, and cannot be rivalled in our faciib ties for opening for public use, a stock of General Mer chandise. HUNTINGDON MILLS. -0---- GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. I=l WE ARE PREPARED TO PUR chase all kinds of GRAIN, for . which ere will pay the highest cash prices, and will hays for sale at all times, FLOUR, FEED, Ac. PLASTER! PLASTER!! -0- WE HAVE an ISIMENSE STOCK of PLASTER; an amplo supply for this and neighboring counties I Having aMill expressly for grinding it, we can produce finer and more desirable stock than can usu ally be had. SALT I SALT ! -0-- WE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did SALT, unequalled In quality and price. G. A, Salt in auks is also kept constantly ou hand. = FISH. FISH. -0- 10 Bbla. Ifo 1 MACKEREL 10 Pro. 2 10 .4 Ho: 8 16 Half Bbla. No. 1 20 It lit No . 2 NI 10 Nci. 8 Quarter Barrels and Hits, of all numbers, are also of. tared. MI SUMAC. SUMAC. =l= WE ARE AT ALL TIMES PILE- /aired to bay SUMAC, will psy:casb, or trade, as desired =Zi FLAX. FLAX. -o THE HIGH PRICES RULING FOR Cotton Goods bas compelled pnblic attention to bo more especially directed to tho culturo of Flax. It can be tondo by ammo attention, ono of tho moot valuable proilticto a turner can produco ; an um readily Producing 60 to CO Dollars worth of fibre and seed. Great cars should he taken by growers have their Flax spread very thin when rolling; when watered suMciently on ono side, it should be turned, ondeublect to expostifo until all tho stalks got a groy color, and the Nat reedily separatee from the wood by a gentle rub. It °Mold on a very dry day bo tied In bundtea, and to thou' ready Cot tho - mill, As a general thing too much seed is sown Cu an sere. Bnlass the ground is very vlels ono Bushel per acre Is sufficient. If the ground is very strong one and one fourth bushel is ample. Deo 18, 1663. 1865. THE 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now roady for inspection and sale, IM LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music. Store. NEW AND. ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards.of One Hundred Different Styles OF , Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR. Thd Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, PM, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shpp, &e., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. Inagimp, .' . .%?;;;="7‘ 1 READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NONTIIIIER 7, 1804 aItEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-Went for PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, &C., &a. Trains leave Harrisbyg for Now York, as follows At 3 00 and 815 A. 31., and 195 P. 31., arriving at New York at 10 00 A, 3L, and 295 and 10 00 P.M. n• Tho above connect with similar Trains an the Penneyl vauM Railroad, and sleeping corn accompany tiro Ant two trains, without change. Leavo for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. 81., and 195 .P. 11., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 25 A. M., and 4 40 P. M.' Returning, leave Nmv-Yortrat 9 A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. 11-, and 330 I'. M; Pottsville at 8 60 A. N., and 2 35 P. M.; Tamaqua nt 8 10 A. N., and 1 15 P. N., and Rending at 12 midnight, 7 35 nod 10 45 A. 138 and 05 P.M. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves READING at 6.30 A. 31., and ratline from PHILADELPHIA at 4,30 P. 31. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt G 40 and 11 A. N., for Ephrata, Lltiz, Colmnbin, On Sundays, leave Now York at 7 P.M., Philadelphia, 315 P. N.; Pottsville 7 30 A. 51., Tamaqua 7 A. N., Har d burg S 15 A. N., and Reading at 12midnight, for Har risburg. COIIIIETATION, MILEAGE, SEAFOtt, and ExcIIGGION T/CHETS at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through 80 pounds Eagga, allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLIS, General Superintendent. Nov. 231E04. IVATEP • 2=1 , ,r, ' PENNSYLVANIA Rik IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING 0 VTRAINS SUMMER AI?iLIIT fiLItEATT. ilr/'..STIV.A RD. EASTWARD . .?.. 2 5 a 1 1 g: 8 1 a 1 , F 014 F_ ; ; - , 3 STATIONS. ' • Z ' B l ;8 z• 1 2 : a. • a 9 • Z . . P.• N & 9 • P.M.! A. 01) P.M.I A. 01.1 P. M. I.A. M. I P.M' 5 17 450 11 69 N.llamilion, 951 219 5 25 • 4 59 12 OA Mt. Union,... 9 42 10 01 2 10 5 35 12 20 Mapleton, 2 10 6 43 5 16 12 29 Mill Creek,— 9 25, 9 46 1 53 659 531 12 43 6 49111untingdon, 9 121 9 33 140 6 15 6 46 1 CS !Petersburg,— 8 661 9 20 1 22 6 23 1 20 ;Barreo, ...... ... 1 1 14 631 602 1.- 32 SprucoCreal., 8 411 9 07 1 07 6 49 1 51 Birmingham, 12 50 658 629 205 Tyrone, 8171 8 44 12 40 7 08 639 2 20 . .flpron 8 06 12 28 I 7 11 2 29 Fostoria, 12 22 7 19 650 2 35 Bell's Mills,.. 7 60 8 25 12 17 7407 10 3 00i 815 Altuona j . 740810 12 00 P.M. A. M. P. IL A.ll. P.M. A. 01. P. 01 The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 90 P. H., and arrives at Huntingdon at It 01 P. M. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 2 35 A. M., and arrives at Huntingdon at 3 £7 A.M. Tho PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Westward. leaves Huntingdon at 7 30 A. Al., and arrives at Altoona nt 9 00 A. M. . • . The FAST L7NE 'Westward, leaves Iruntingdon at 7 41. I'. M., and arrives at Altoona at it 05 51. NTINGDON & BR RAILROAD. . after Wednegday, JUNE 14, 11l arrive and depart as follows WARD TRAINS. NORTH{ Hu On an, Trains w small ESSIM ME EEG= lIN SIDINGS 8 001HuntIngdon, 8 17 McConnellglown, 8 21 Pleasant Grow,- 8 33 Marklosburg, 8 62 Coffin) Ron, LE 6 10 6 27 6 8 4 6 48 7 02 7 09 8 59 Rough& Ready, 9 II COTO, LA: 99, 1:40I 5 0 Summit 7 25 An 7 90 LE 7 .0 8 10 8 18 8 30 10 001Rallesburg. 10 08.1 Hopewell,. _,A10pe.w.,..,. id i 0 Piper's Run,. 10 35 llamilton, 10 47 Bloody Run,. Anlo 60 Mount Dallas, 'Bll.l. 86 An A 00 OUP'S RUN BRAN° i ILE 10 40 1 8azton, 110 55 Coalmont, 11 00 Crawford, an 11 10 Dudloy, i Broad Top City io 14,1865. OLIVE Mt! gdon Jim FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, PLANTS, &C., • At the nurseries of Taylor & Cremer Who offer their stock of well grown and thrifty TREES, VINES, PLANTS, Sc., at their Old prices. The expense of grafting and planting Allis stock having been incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when tho price of labor`was low, they can afford to sell these Trees at 50 per cent. less than they can sell the RUM kind of trees next year. While .other . Nurseryman have raised their prices about 5G per cent.; these still soil at the old rates this year; that is to say—Apple Trees, $l5, $lB, and $2O per hundred, size, &d Standard Pear 50 to 75 cents each. Dwarf Pear, 50 to 75 cents each, and $3B to $l5 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at •40to SO cent, each. Also, Nadi, Cherry, Quince and other trees; Grope Vines, Lawton Blackberry, Raspberry, and Straw berry plants, Diddle roots, and Shade and Ornamental Trees—all at the old rates. Money invested in fruit trees is suro to yield a good re turn. Now M your Unto to order trees. Address, THEODORE IT. CREMER, LbB, 1565* Huntingdon, Pa. .4 1( ,.;... a , . ......_ . ....i.,..„. ~..,...„ : . • 01 ', T 4 ' ...,,, J. M. CUNNINGHAM. W. P. CU:HUNGNAM N .. 1 , , W be I R AI J.lll. OINNINCIIIAM A SON, nuccossors to J. M. Cunningham. barn this day catered into partnemitip in tIIO Fl.llll.lry lIII.HiIosS an.l are prepared to furnish Cast ings. of all Mails, and repairs at short notice and un rens% onahlo terms. Wu are burying Old Metal and scrap Iron at highest market prices. Ilunlingdon, July 6,1661. "[TOWARD ASSOCIATION, . PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of tile Nervous, Seminal, Urin ary and Sexual Systems, NOW murrnliablo treatment—ln reports by tho HOWARD ASSOOTATION—Bent by mil in sealed letter envelopes, fret of-charge. itilitro,, Ult. J. MULLIN 11011{1,11TON,. Acting Sin' geon, nomad Awelation, N0..2 isonth Ninth Etreot,Plill Pa. [July 13, 184-ly. 33 ®;O MK. S. For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HIINTINGDON, PA. -0— Annais of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylva nia, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. Washington and his Generals. . ICane's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. Webber's Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book., • O'Neill's Glimpses of Animated Nature. Parley's Columbus, Washington & Franklin. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vole. Selections in Poetry, by Epos Sargent. Indians of North America, by S. G. Drake. Parley's Four Quarters of the World. Mirror of Nature, by W. H. Furness.' Butler's Ethical Discourses. Flowers of Elocution, by Car'line Lee Rentz Handbook Family Knowledge for the People Serthens of Calvin and Luther. Partons Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 velvet'. General BUtler in New Orleans, by Parton. Jackson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Westcott. Smucker's Life &.Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's Life and Travels of Von Humboldt. Life and Speeches of Senator Douglas. The Mountain, by Dr. R. M. S. Jackson. Opportunities for Industry and Capital, or 1000 Chances to Make Money. Freedlev's Practical Treatise on Business. Sindini's History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of ,Nature. Ovid, [literally Vanslatedd by 11. T.iltiley. ' Beauties asuloWt hievements of the Blind. Stewart's Freemason's Manual. - Webb's Monitor. Davis' Cross' Masonic Chart. Shakspeare's Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, do. The Two Sisters, by Mrs. Emma Southworth The Deserted Wife, do. • Pencil Sketches, by Miss Leslie. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. Maitland. Diary of an Old Doctor, do. The Wanderer, do. Adam Bede, by George Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julie De Marguerittes Richard Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann Stephens Mary Dement, do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. Quaker Soldier, or British in Philadelphia. Anecdotes of Love, by Lola Montez. Ago of Chivalry, by Thomas Bulfinch. Tale of a Tub, &c., &c., by Dean Swift. - The Initials, a Story of Modern Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vole. The World's Laconics ; or Best Thoughts of Best Authors, - in Prose and Poetry. Robert Houdin, the Magician, by Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. Letters to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett Ladies' Guide to Perfect Gentility. Dime Book of Etiquette. The Reason Why—Natural History. Daring and Suffering, by Lieut. Pittenger. Titcomb's Letters to Young Folks. " Lessons in Life. " Lotto& to the Joneses. " Gold Foil. Bitter Sweet. • • Les Miserables, by - Voter Hugo. • The Trial, or More Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense; by Edward Lear. • Nasby Papers, [Comico-Politico-Religico.l How to do Business, a Manual of Practical Affairs. The Ladies' Work-Table Book. - Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout: Clarke's Commentaries on New Testament. Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. Holy War. The Three Mrs. Judson's and other Dough ' tens of the Dross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rice. • Defence of Armageddon, by F. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings. Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copoly. Cobbet's 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Headley's Sacred Plains. • Mcllvaino's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery Viewed from the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. M. Adair. Union Bible Dictionary. The Broken BUIL or the Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. The Morning of Life.' The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney. The Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs.• Sarah Gould. Tho Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex perience of Miss Mary Raukin. Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay's Family - Prayers. • Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. Pope's do. Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, • by J. Colo Hagen. The Future of Nations, by Louis Kossuth. - The New Fortune Teller, or the Poetical OAD TOP 1365, Paosonger E=E! BEIZIMME MEN® Fate Book. Mrs. llale's Receipts for the Million. The Philadelphia llousewife, or Family Re ceipt Book. Soyer's Standard Cookery.. Miss Acton's Modern Cookery. Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. The Family,Doctor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. The Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture The Garden, do do Horticulture The Barnyard, a Manual of Cattie r Horse, and Sheep Husbandry. The Farmer's New and Universal Handbook A Method .of Increasing the Yield of the Mich-Cow, by John Neffien. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. Doctor. Tho Horse and His Diseases, by Jennings. Rarey's Practice of Horse Taming. Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee -Keeping, by M. Quinby. Economic Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. Barman's Wages and Labor Calculator: Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for. Lumber . Merchants, Ship Builders An 6 20 5 :1 6 50 6 30 5 22 5 14 MI 12 01 11 41 11 37 11 23 11 10 11 02 OM 10 45 LE 10 CO 50 10 2:) 10 04 9 5^ 0 40 O 25 O 13 9 101 5 00 LE 4 45 Alt 4 35 15 1 6 '7 5 3 90 25 Lc 3 So EKES S 55 LE 8 50 IBM = and Boat Ruilders. Seribner'S Assistant for. Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. 11. Haswell. - Arrowsmith's Paper Hanger's Companion. The. Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V. Kautz. United States Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp Duty Cards. Pocket-Maps of United States, Pennsylvania, and the Western States. Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canadas. Constitution of the United States. Freed!ey's Legal Adviser. - Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. Book of Drawing-Room Plays,;by S. Steele. The Sociablo,or 1001 Hems Amusements. Hoyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, Checker's ,Simplified and Explained by D. Scattergood. Spectropin.; - or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. • The Teacher, (Phonographic.) Tho Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman's Manual of Phonography. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debating. Walkor's'Eloeutfon and Oratory. McEllimAt's American Debater. • Whatery's Selection of Synonyms. Davies' Logic and Utility of MathentticS. Gilfillan's Literature and Literary Men. Byowit's,Grammar of English Grammars. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching. • Helbrook's Normhl Method of Teaching. Wickereham's Selibel Economy. Elocutionary Manual, by Ilirani Corson: Mangnall'6 Comprobensivo Summary of His-tory, &c., &c., &c. tI Also, an assortment of Javeniln and - Cheap Publications. • • Interlinear Translations of Ovid, Virgil, Ci cero,. Sallust, Horace, (Latin ;) Xeno phon's Anabasie, Homer's Iliad, and the Gospel of Si. John, (Greek.) Anthon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's German and English Primer. Sargent's Primary, Intermediate and Stand ard Speakers. Frost's American Speaker. Northend's Little Speaker. Dime Speakers and Dialogues. Johnston's Natural Philosophy. " Primary " " Elements of Chemistry. Fowno's " Reese's " Zoology. . Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. Worcester's Ancient and Modern History. Lord's Modern History. History of the United States. • Teacher's Guide to Illustrations: to accom pany Holbrook's Sehbol Apparatus. How to use Globes, by F. C. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Hann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Donnycnstle's Algebra. Robinson's University Algebra. [See School Books in another column.] SPECTACLES -‘ A fine and largo assortment always on band AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. BOOK BINDING. Old Books, Mngnzincs, or pnbli•ntions of any kind, bound to order if left at • LEWIS' BOOK cE STATIONERY STORE, BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. • F OR THE LADIES. A superior nrticlo of Note raper and Envelopes, eulinblo for confidenlial correspondence, for solo at ' LEIVIS'.ROOK d SI.I TIONER Y STORE. T i l j NVELOPES a By the boo, pack, or loss geantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Q . CHOOL BOOKS,. j Generally In uso in the Scboole of tld3 County, not on hand, will be furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. READY RECKONER A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Mils, Re ceipts, Petitions, &e., together with a sot of useful tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by tho week and day, published in 1850. For sale at ivirzs; 406 k sTORE. RAPER ! PAPER !! • Noto,Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flattop—a good assortment for solo by thn ream, half ream, quiro or sheet, at • ' LEWIS' NEW BOOR Is STATIONERY STORE. I)ARCHMENT DEED PAPER-- ruled, for sale at ZETVIS' BOOK STORE. -MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For gale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORS. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAMIND PAPER TV7iite and Colored Card. Paper, For solo at LEWIS' ROOK STATIONERY STORE. • WTM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationary and Musical Liam inonts, Huntingdon, Pa. B LANK BOOKS; OF VARIOUS SIZES, for rata at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY' STOR ALBUMS ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PitOTO d.RAPII ALBUMS just received and for sale AT.LEWIS' 33001 C. STORE!. IT. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK' STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. 4i21: -- tif; , ,it!,;: '4'076 j ^t, , fr,c ' , " ••!--.0, .--- r• , -- - ,,,,, A *,_ ~ ~,, ~.;,,,-141 ,o, L , apL.,.. v - - ni•- .. , ; 7 .. - ..." . ? 4u vi - VP 4". • ',--; ••-.--. B -1- - --, y ti• -. 4....-. #4!, 0- \ --- 1 , 1 . -.4,,,,-4,-sto • t.,t,,,,rk " '" 7 , ...' q.. 07. /070 z....- , . :),,-40, ,i;,, e . 0. 440_ , Zii r . jfrlS''' Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds. Uoarsenoss, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore 'throat, Consumption, and all affections of the Thrbat and Lungs. For tale by Druggists. Cienoral Depot, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ri Pt ~. .:7 ; 0:71 1 4: 4-r ie i ti.. / All tho Madical men' and the Presses recommend Dr. Strickland's Anti. Cholera Mixture as the only .certain remedy fof Diarrhoea and Dysentery. It is a combination of Astringents, Absorbents, 'damnlents and Carminatives, and is warranted to effect a curo after all other means vo failed. • For sale by Druggiste. Onneral Depot, No. 0, Ent Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. BEST WIDTH LEAD ! - BEST ZINC! PURE LIBERTY LEAD, UnsUrpasscd fur WlitreNrS9, FLNE GLOSS, DGRADIIIIT, ELMS • NESS and Er ENNES3 of SURFACE. • PURR LIISERTY LEAD.—Warranted to cover morn surface for oamo weight than any other Lead— ' Try it and you will have no other . I' , PURE LIBERTY ZINC, - Selected ZINC, ground In Relined Linseed Oil, unequaled in 1111ality, always the BrtMC, PURE LIBERTY ZINC, • IVARRANTED to do moro and better work at a given cost than any other— . • Get the Best ! • Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT A COLOR WORKS. Orders executed promptly by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholetaln Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers. - Store & ODce, No. 137 North THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. March 8, 'B5-Iy. Fine • Cigars and Tobacco for salo at Lewis' Book storg IVIULTSICI 33 CDC:O3MOS FOR SALE 4T LEM'S' 1100 K STO22E. HOWE'S SONGS OF IRELAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Illbernfe'sSongs'and Ballad's, Diehiding 60 of Moore's Irish Melodies, Sauget of the affeetions, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical, Military; Political, Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Frico $O.OO • HOWE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing abOnt. 176 or filo Gems of Calednnia's Songs and Ballads, 'nein , ding Songs of tim nlToctionS, Sentimental, Patriotic; historical, Military, Political, Corals and illiecellane our Songs, arranged for tile Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00. HOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OF THE OLDEN T 15113, containing the Original Words and Monte, of the Songs and Be%huh, sung by the Orand•moth ere of the present generation. Arranged for Your Voices. - HOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy Dances with Calls and Figures;; Waltzes, Polkas, Opera Moto. dies, Scotch and Irish airs, Sc,, &c., for -tho Flute, Cornet, Dais Viol, Sc. MUSICIAN'S OMNIBUS; No. 1, containing tlio wholo Camp. Duty, Calls and Signals used in the Army and Navy ; 40 setts of Quadrilles, (inclnding Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische) with Calls; and an immense col lection of Polkas, Schottisches, 19altzes' Marches, Quicketops„'ltorlipipos, Cartra , and Fancy Dancos, Bow's, & c., for the Violin, Flute ,' Cornet, Clarionet; &a:Containing over 700 pieces of Music.: MIISTCIAMS °animus, No. 2, containing 800 ploees of Music, consisting of 100 Duets for two Flutes two Violins, AC., 200 Scotch Airs, 200 Irish Airs, Quad yillea, Fancy and Contra Dances, with the Calls and Fignere, Polka, Schottisches, Waltzes, Quicksteps, Marches, Hornpipes, Souse, ,dc., for the Violin, Flute, Clarionett, Fife, Carnet, Flageolet, As. • THE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING 13008; a collootion of Music for male Voices, consisting of Glees and Part Songs, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthems, Chants, Ac. KINGLEY'S .IIIVENILB OHOIIt s—A selection of tho Choicest Melodies from the Gorman, French, Ital ian, English and American Composers. : TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TUE BUGLE CALLS;two books suitnble.t4 tho times. THE BOSTON GLEE BOOK, conflating of an extensive collection of aloes, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected from the works of the Most admired Composom, to gether many new pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE PIANO, Melodcon, Accordoon, Violin , Banjo, Guitar, Concortiriai Drum, Fife and Flageolet. Huntingdon, Jan. 24, 1805-tf OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC 3.865, • Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from the Old Franklin Almanac for 1854, containing a full and cor rect digested record of the event. of the war, military, naval and political, from October 15th, 1863,witb acconnts of Battle,, Sieges, Raids, Sea-lights, and all the operations of the war. Tho - United States Army List. Major Generale and Brigadiers, regulars and volunteers, to November let, 1804. The Rebel . Army List. Lieutenant Generale, Major Generals aud.Brigadiere, to name date. Losses in battle and by death, of Union officers, to No. vember let, 1864. Losses of officers in Rebel Aruiy to same date. Debt, &c. Rebel Government,. Rebel Congress „ Rebel Debt, &c. A full digest of the United States Stamp regulations. A full digest of the. United States License regulations. Governmente of the world to November let, 1801. Governors of the States and Territories, Union and Rebel, to November Ist, 1804. Ilierarchyof the Roman Catholic, Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church to Novem ber Ist, 1804. Bishops of the Methudiet Episcopal Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Reigning Queens of the world to November Ist, 1061. Reigning Kings of the world to November let, 1864. Heim Apparent to European and other Empires and Monarchiee. Besides other miscollaneons matter, astronomical in formation, calendars, Sc., dm., the whole comprising a val uable manual for use and reference throughout the year. Price 20 cents per copy. Copies mailed (pest-paid) on receipt of price. For sale at LEWIS' BOON STORE. tf SCHOOL BOOKS, - - FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIOisIERY & 3fUSfO S'ioEll, HUNTIHaDON, P 6. OSGOOD'S Speller.lst, 2d. Sd, 4th and sth Reader& M'OUFFEY'S Speller and. Headers. SANDER'S do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. - - . Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Monteith and McNally'. Geographies &Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Didtioneries. • . • • gonekenhos' First Lessons in Composition. . ('s Composition'aud Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and. Brooke' ArithmetiCS. Peterson's Familiar Science. Grcenleat's and Storldari,l's Kays to Aritinnelica. Greonlears'and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. • Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's history of the United States. Child's • " • Goodrich's " " Payson, Dunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in slam numbers. Potter ,t; Hammond'! Peninanship In twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' end other Copy Books. • Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendro's Geonietry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton 4; Eastman's Book-keeping. nook Keeping by Single Entry, by liennford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Dottblo Entry, by Hanuford Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. A Intl stock of &boo' Stationery always on band. Huntingdon, Pa. , • PAPER I PAPER ! ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, • TlB3llO Paper, • Silk Paper for Flower', • • Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, lot Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, • •• Ladies' (lilt Edged Letter and Note 'Mar, • Ladies' Plata and Fancy Note Paper, 0 , white and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale nt LEWIS' Book, Stationery 'and Music, Store. • THE BEST • , STOCK OF, FINE STATIONERY, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN lIIIN , FINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD - AT LEWIS' 13001 E, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. • . 50.000 9 . BEST QUALITY • • • WHITE, • BUFF, • ORANGE, YELLOW, ANp FANCY . ENVELOPES, .That revived and for sato at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 1300 K S AND STATIONERY.-- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School ooks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note raper— Plain and Fancy Envelopos—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at. LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT . " OF . . Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT • LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, • PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, • SEGAR CASES, &e., &e., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store, U s tft THE CYTHARA—The Pr e bytor I a n Psalmodist—The Shawn,,TheJabileelluntea's and Bertini's enlarged and improved instruetors—Welland'i New and Improved Method for tho Guitar—Leal:A i n Amor deon, Violin and Finis Instructors—Winner's and Howo's Violin' Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon inatrnetor,Bur rower' Piano-Forte Primer—do. Thorougloßaso Primer— llowde 'Wont pitrlCOl—The Chorus Glee Book— Tara's Harp, for ealo dl Lb VIPSI BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORB. "QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS Anybody in watt of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, IMIN AND. PRAYER DOORS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS. ANT WHIRR um:Asti AND INTIEESSIXO 21001, Panay and SchoOt STATIONERY,. MUSICAL INSTRUBIEWI44 CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BERMS, .1311 EFT for the Pputo, aultnr, POCIEST BOOKS, POATMONKAIKS AND PT/D8.3,. For Ladles and Gentlemenf GOLD PENS AND PENCILS,' AWARD oAROs AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common &boobs, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF.ALL TOY BOOKS, ALPHAUT BLOCKS, &0., ALL KINDS •OF BOOKS. Proper for . Bop erid Girie AMUSING GAMES For Young tolkx WEDDING ENVELOPES AND cmos, - • MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, :VLSIIINCi CARDS, onacicsa DoAlws, bOUINOES, ao, CONVERSATION CARDS, SON© nooks, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memoranceum Books of Various Sias, ,SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL. KINDS, ,DIAIII.E9 FOIL 1885, Drawing and Bolling Ap!r, Rristai and .Clird .2foarck. WHITE BONI4.ET BOARD, main!, onion, PEP, *Ltri.Al6 LACK 1518, Arnold's Irodgson'e and liarrison'd WRITING FLUID .IVinpping Vapor of Different Sines and dm. * &e. &a. &c. &c. &e. &43 STIOUtD CAM, AT LEWIS' diNAE BOOE, STATIONERY AND MIMIC 37renff, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, *hero all who want to SAYE MONEY, go to-make their purchases ' 0'; ''''''. //alt A.'‘. - " ' - - 0`.'.1 fa ..- ..„-gr. - ‘lov .- -wts ) ' ----. -'l - o v.- 1 .• , . ' 2. , oss - :. t,_.- - ,.,_ v ,-,„,, ,, , -7-- # .--- -7 --- -= _. - e - - ---- 2 i , - ~' , : t ....,....„ --- BLANKS I 'BLANKS ! BLANKS ! CUSTABLE'S SALES, ATTIOn'T EXECUTIONS; ATTACHMENTS, . EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, . DEEDS, SUEPCENAS, MORTGAGES, . ,- • SCHOOL OHMS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION BIM COMMON lIONDS, . JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO LOW. • JUDGMENT NOTES, with n waiver of the $.lOO Lali. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE DERTIFICATES, for Justices of Use Peace and tdinhitere Of the Gospel. - . • • . • COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in ease of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FAOIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. 'COLLECTORS! RECEIPTS, for State, County,- School, Borough and Township Taxes. . Printed no superior paper, and, for sale - at the Mee of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of °very desciiption, printed to order, mall, at abort notice, and on good Paper. , . 'WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. _ EVERYBODY'S LAWYER • COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRAM CROSBY, 133=1 it 2k/is You How to draw np PARTNYESRIP PAPERS and gives general forms for Aonssicsivrs of all liinde, BILLS of SALE, LZASES and PETITIONS. Tolls You Bow to draw up BONDS and MORTGAGE; Al ploAvrre Pow.. of Arronwar , Name and • BILLS of ' EXCIIANGZ, RECEIPTS and RELEASES. R METE You, The laws for the COLLECTION of DENT; with tho STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount • and kind of property Hyraxes. from REMIT. - non in every State. /I Tens . Yea How to make an itssunrsvewr properly, with ' forms for CourOatrioX with CREDITORS,End • the Irreoxxxxv fiews of every State. II Tens You - The legal relations existing between Gina, • " DUN and Winn, Massa and AppRENTICE, andlatimonn and TENANT.- It TAat You What 'constitutes trim and - Sudinsa, arid . the Law as to MsaalSOE Down, the Wor.'o • RiOnT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and .ELINONT. It Tens You The Law for MECIELNICS' /amain every State, and the NATURALIZATION Laws of this coon . try, and how to comply with the : • Tells You The law concerning Parma:vs and how to oh. 1 taln one, and the:Pai-Eurnom Laws to r . PUBLIC LANDS. R Tens Thu The Law for Perxxxs, with mode of procel deli in obtaining one, with Ittrzmisairricas. Assiossistivs and Tams OP Tens.. • B Teas You Slow to make your WELL, and how to ADMIN." MEE ON AN EsTATE., with the law and the requirements thereof in every Stato. Tells You The meaning of LAW 'Tastes in general use, 'and eXpleiris to you the Lreastanve, BEE. . ammo and JUDICIAL rowers of both tilt General and State Govivarinzitta. It Ms You How TO ESEP OUT or Law, by allowing how lt . do your business legally, thns saving( Hurt amount. of property, and vexatiOli litigation, by its timely comailtation. JOJr.EvorybOdy'eLawier is forint, at Lewis' Book Bk.: • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS , ~• AND SMALL. PORTRAI TS . . Or • ALL VIE DISTING111811E7) OPIUM :AND Amax, FOR -SALE:. - - AT X.EWIS'4IOOIt AND SEATIOI4ERY STORE: OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES * GILT GOLD SHADES, mum.= SHADES, BALLETS FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSAL,S, A FULL ASSORTUENT - AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. FOR VIE GREATEST VARIETY HandsOme and Useful Article', 001 at LEWIS' Poolr Storgt