The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 28, 1865, Image 3
61obt. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, 3une 28,1865. LOCAL & PERSONAL iro Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a .pa-. Ter marked with a t before the name Will understand • that the time for 'which they subscribed is up. If they `wish the paper continued they will 'renew their subscription through the 'mail or otherwise County Committee Meeting. A meeting of the County Committee of tho Union Party of Huntingdon county, will be held in the borough of Huntingdon, On Saturday, the Ist of Ju1y,1865, For the purpose of appointing Delo 'gates to the State Convention, and transacting other business. A full at• tendanee is, requested. EINEM Morris—A brallarn train WI. Oneida—William D. Miller. Orbisonta.—Thos. R. Orbison. ,Penn—John Garner. Porter—Benjamin Isenberg. Peterrburg—.Tobn Bopp. Sbirley—Davld Douglas. Sbirlessbnrg—John Clark. Springfield—Morris entshal Tell—Christian Prico Tod—lleury S. Green. On 1011—Jeremiah nannian Walker—henry -nrder. Warriors Mark —Archibald liotchtson. West—Thomas Montgomery Lamer West—Wm. Stryker. Alexandrln—J. U. Remaly alarree—Dr. Fry Wilson. dirady—Asbury Stewart. lilirtninsham—J. Thompson, %Carbon—J. F. Ramey. *Clay—Richard Ashman. +Cromwell—James Harper. Wass—Ralph Croteley. Wassville—A. W. Evans Dublin—Dr. J.. A.. Shade. trranktin--Samuet Wigton. Illendergon—San Illopewell—James Entrekin. illuntingdon—Jelin A. Snob, G. W..JOhnston. JJackaaa--Asbury Oaks. Ilartiata-4/easy A. Mark. linion--9.4.llackedorn. MESSY ORAFFIJS, Chairman. Jane 21,1245. Wo -suggest Huntingdon as the 'place, and duly the sth as the time for the meeting of the Conference. IWO Paper 11-est:Week As is always the ease amongst prin ters, there wilt bo no papers issued on the Fourth. We have concluded not :to issue a paper next week for this -reason, and because the Globe frater nity need some recreation and enjoy ment. Besides our new office is ready for occupation, and part of the week will necessarily be employed in mov ing the "fixtures," which aro numer- Seratchings —The coal trade was partially re sumed the first part of last week. The cost of freight has been reduced, also the wages of the miners. —There will be an adjourned meet ing to make preparations for celebra ting the Fourth, held in the Cotirt House Hall on Friday evening nest. —The hill opposite the coal wharf in new town is being dug away, pre. paratory, we learn, to building a Pen ha. car repair shop on the site. West Huntingdon will be. built up yet. —The old banking house room in this place is being fitted up for the use Orthe Ohio Oil Basin Company, Jas. 3lagniro, President, John Scott, Trott barer, and J. R. Simpson, Sedretary. —We learn that the Taylor Guards, 'Captain JohnSott's company, from this place, is stationed at Staunton, Va., .and is doing Provost duty. Captain .Johnson is Provost Marshal. —The Harrisburg Telegraph men tions the arrival in that city of three ,compacies of the 195th Regiment to bo :mustered out; The remainder of the ;regiment is still stationed at Kearn ,eysv We, Ira. Job A. Price will deliver a Temperance sermon on Sabbath even ing next in the Methodist church. Let .the friends of the Temperance cause, and those opposed, attend and hear some remarks for their benefit. —We understand that twenty-five additional lots in West Huntingdon were put chased last week, making .fifty in all. There are still more to be sold, and we suppose they will be purchased just as readily. .Now, for .the buildings. —The funeral of Mr. Wm. Barrick, •of Co. B, 192 d Regt.. P. V., formerly •of Walker township, who died in the iospital at Harper's Ferry on the 15th 'inst., took place on Wednesday morn ing last, with military honors. —The Masonic picnic at Barren Forge on Saturday last was a pleasant affair. Pic•iaics are great institutions —they should be numerous during the summer months and always well at tended by the old and young. —"Simple - annonnceinent please no comments." It is well this request wits made in time, for we were pre ;pared to give the Major a handsome notice. Still we cannot be denied the privilege of - wishing the happy couple ,a long, prosperous and happy life. —Saturday, the Ist of July next, bas been chosen as the day for the meeting of the County Committee of the Union Party of Iluntingdon coun ty. - There are a few changes since last week in the names of gedtlemen .composing the Committee. Read. —Contracts have been awarded to Mr. David Black to do the carpenter work, and to J. M. Cunningham & Son to put in a heater for warming the Court Room. The work of repairing has already commenced in the Court "House, and from what we understand it will be thorough anti beautiful. —Tuesday next is the Fourth of July, A. D., 1865. We think those who have lived through the war shid try and commemorate this day, and feel like our forefathers did in FM.— Bring out:the tom john, let the whang doodle scream, flicker your squawker, hang out .your - :banncrs on the outer wall, and all ye orators give a grand display of "spread eagle" rhetoric, and let everything -and everybody con spire to make it a grand, "galorious" Fourth ! We can do it ! - Steamboat Etna Makes its Appearance. The long•looked for steamer arrived hero from Williamsburg at half-past three o'clock on Friday last, having loft the former port at seven A. M. Though steamboats have long been in existence, and we are occasionally pained to hear of collisions, explosions, &c., yet the novelty of a steamboat on the Juniata canal created some excite ment in this place, and brought down a crowd to see it, some oven haring gone a distance of a mite or more for the purpose of having their curiosity satisfied in seeing the vessel and hav ing a christening ride. We can imag ine how the residents of towns situa ted along the canal must have stared and wondered when tho first canal boat drawn by mule/ewer made its ap pearance, and we think the modern case can be suitably compared and ap plied. We have not learned definitely how the people between hero and Hol lidaysburg greeted the advent of the steamer, but we infer their joy know no bounds. As for the boat wo were pleased with its appearance. The "internal im provements" are stylish, easy and. comfortable, and we are sure none will complain of a tortured head or dusted body who ride in -the. Etna's "cabin," as is always the case in ear traveling. We think the cabin alone will hold fifty passengers. Though riding on deck is not the most comfortable, on account of the numerous bridges. ma king the passenger bow the head, yet this is an inconvenience that can easi ly be borne, in view of the fact of pic turesque scenery and invigorating mountain air. The speed of the vessel to this place was necessarily slow, and cannot be considered the standard vote of tray_ ding. Improvements are yet to be added to the Etna, in the way of fa cilitating motive power, that will in sure the average fate of five miles an hour. This is good speed considering the disadvantages under which it travels. The Etna left this port at six r. m. on the same day of. its arrival. , We do not know the number of passen gers. We understand that regular trips will be made between Hollidays burg and here by the middle of this week, after the necessary improve ments arc completed. Public Meeting. At a meeting, held at the Court House on Friday evening, 23d inst., for the purpose •of making preparations for properly celebrating the coming Fourth of July, John G. Miles, Esq. was called to the chair; and J. Sowell Stewart, Esq., appointed Secretary. After the President had stated the ' object of tho meeting, it was moved 'and adopted that a committee of five gentlemen and five ladies be appoint ed to make the necessary arrange ments. The following were the committee • appointed. John W. ;Slattern, John il. Bailey, William Dorris, jr. Samuel T. Brown, Benson ➢I. Greene, • Miss Cornelia Weistling, Mrs. John M. Cunningham, Mrs. James Glazier, Mrs. David Blair, William Donis, Miss Jemima Whittaker, Miss Annie Wilson. Power was given to the committee to add to their number and fill vacan• dies. On motion it was Resolved that the celebration be id accordance with the proclamation of Governor Guilin, in honor of the returned soldiers. Adjourned to meet on Friday even ing the 30th inst. Painful Accident On Friday morning last, Mr. Henry Snare, a carpenter of this place, while employed at Hanigar's house on Rail road street, fell through a scaffold about four feet high upon a chisel, which fell at the same time. The chisel entered the center of his loft foot and penetrated entirely through a distance of about three inches making a fright_ ful gash. So tight did it hold that one man 'could not pull it out, and a ham mer bad to be used. It is thought it will be some time before he will be able to walk upon it, if ever. Our Now Office: Before another paper is issued, wo will be removed to our now office on the corner of Washington street and Globe alloy, and on the end of the same Jot upon which our office at present is. We have heretofore mentioned that the office is suitably adapted to our business, having plenty of light and plenty of room; in fact everything would indicate that it is "just the place" to do good printing. Wo ex pect to receive numerous calls from our friends and patrons when we are moved. Now VO/111110* Wo this week launch the first num ber of Volumo Twouty-ono of the Globe. As we cannot say for the pa per more than our patrons know, wo will therefore say nothing, except to solicit a continuance of their patron age. —lt is Nvell to have music attending your wearisome as well as pleasant hours. So we are led to think when "picking the everlasting type," as the musical lungs of a neighboring dam sel %Taft the strains of a familiar "dit ty" to our ears. Lot it continue. 1776-FOURTH . OF JULY---1865. The undersigned committee appoin ted by a meeting of the citizens of the borough of HuntingdOn to make ar rangements for the celebration of the coming National Anniversary, hereby give public notice to the citizens of the said borough and vicinity, that they have adopted the following as the or der of the celebration of the same, AT THE COTTAGE GROVE, 1. Public Procession of returned Soldiers and Citizens, to be formed with martial music, in the Diamond, at 9 o'clock, A. M., by the Chief Mar shal and Assistants. 2. Prayer: 3. Reading of Declaration of bide pendoneo. 4. Reading of Emancipation Procla mation of the late lamented Eresident. 5. Oi.ation. 6. Free Dinner to the Returned Sol diers of Huntingdon County, who will be thus welcomed home, and arc spe cially invited to attend as the honored guests of the citizens of the said bor ough. 7. Display of Fire Works in evening Singing patriotic Songs, at proper times, in the said order of the day, ac companied by the Amateur Glee Club. They would respectfully recommend to their fellow citizens of the said bor ough, in view of the events of the last lour years past, resulting, as they have, in the Providence of God, in the complete overthrow of armed Treason and Rebellion against the rightful su premacy of the National Government and return of Peace throughout our beloved country, to close all of their places of business on that day, and unite in celebrating it as a day of all others, thus again made:the most dear and memorable in the history of their country. It is expected that the citizens of the said borough and vicinity will furnish the "Free Dinner for the Re turned Soldiers" by the necessary con tributions for the same, to be deliver. cd to the sub emmittees, which will be appointed for . their collection, by 9 o'clock in the morning, so that the same will be arranged on the table at the proper time. JOHN W. MATTERN and others, COM- MiLLOO. Bunt Ingdon County Soldiers , Monument =1 A meeting of the citizens favorable to the erection of a.. Monument to the memory of the soldiers of this county who havo fallen in the war for the Union, was held pursuant to previous notice in the Court House on Tuesday last, for the purpose of inaugurating a movonent in this direction. • The meeting was organized by call ing John Scott, Esq., to the chair and appointing Captain B. X. Blair Vice President, and R. McDivitt Secretary. The object of the meeting was then briefly stated-by the Chairman. When it was moved by Capt. J. D. Campbell that a Committee of 13 be appointed on permanent organization to report a list of permanent officers and also a constitution or• articles of association for the Society. This motion was adopted after some discussion, and. the following persons were appointed by the''ehair as said. Committee : Capt. J. D. CAMPBELL, Chairman Capt. J. Wintrode, James Cron, J. G. Miles, Esq., J. M. Bailey, Esq, S. lliclritty, Esq., Perry Moore Rev. S. IL Reid, 'Thomas P. Love, Wm. M. Phillips. Sarni. Thompson, William Lewis, John Cummins. On motion, Resolved that this Com mittee be instructed to issue an appeal to the people of the county 'urging them to give the subject their atten tion, and soliciting their assistance. The mooting then adjourned to meet on Monday evening of the first week of the coming August Court. JOIIN SCOTT, Pres't, R. MoDtvirr, Seey. —The system of closing the stores at seven o'clock was experimented up on a few evenings of last week. It was discouraging to the clerks to see bow the experiment was made. Ono evening, only two stores closed at the punctual time; the next evening the number was slightly increased, but in• stead of closing entirely the doors wore left open and the gas allowed to burn. This mode of closing could not last long and three evenings ended the plan of closing at seven and disappoin ted the sanguine expectations of the clerks. —There was a slim muting of per sons interested in the Soldiers' Monu ment cause, on Tuesday afternoon last, but there Was a little business done, in which a Committoo to choose a mode of permanent organization was ap pointed. Tho further consideration o the subjeet was, however, postponed till the first week of August court. —The public schools of this borough closed on Friday last for a term of tea weeks, the next session commenc ing on the 4th of September. We expect teachers as well. as pupils will enjoy their vacation "hugely," as both have been exorcised to the full tension of their teaching and teachable capa• cities. =1 We, citizens of Juniata township, Huntingdon county, saw the name of JOHN B. SunNErEtriproposed as a can• didate for the office of Sheriff of said county. We have known him for a number of years; he is a sober, indus• trions, and honest old farmer. We think him competent and a very suit able person for that responsible office; worthy of your suffrages, and recom mend him to the people of this county as sneb. Wm. B. White, William Dean, Levi Ridenour, IL S. Gaynor, George Hawn, John Thompson, Peter Hawn, John Hawn, lenae Hawn. Juniata,twp., Juno 26, 1865. —There was a meeting held on Fri day evening lust in the Court House Hall for the purpose of mating suita ble preparations for a general celebra tion on the Fourth. A Committee of Arrangements consisting of ladies and gentlemen has been appointed, one of whose duties will bo to canvass the borough for money to assist in the pa triotic movement. It depends there fore, mainly upon the countenance and encouragement they receive what kind of a Fourth we will have. Our citizens will give nobly'and.libetally. The Fourth of July The preparations for the Fourth that arc suggested will bo grand, if the proper means and sufficient funds are forwarded and contributed to aid in the work. Committees have been appointed, one to canvass the borOugh for money, another to have tho town appropriately decorated, and others with other duties. Read the pro gramme of celebration published in to day's Globe. Dental Operations. Dr. J. W. Isenberg, of the firm of Bittner & Isenberg, of Altoona, will visit Warriorsmark on Thursday and Friday ; 6th and 7th of July, for the purpose of performing dental opera tions. Persons desiring his, services will please call at Chamberlin's Hotel on the afternoon of the first or on the forenoon of the second day, as be +can not remain longer than part of 2 days. —On Friday afternoon last there was quite a lively time spent by all the scholars of the public school in Schoolroom No. 3, over the event of their approaching vacation. The house shook with the merriment crea ted by an unusual exhibition of wit from the County Superintendent. All thanked him for the laugh. —➢coney Order Post offices aro to be established in Altoona, Bedford, and Bellefonte, to operate on and after the 3a of July next. As this is not ono of the least important towns in this section of the State, we would suggest that the same public conveni ence be established here. —Wednesday lest, the net instant, WWI the longest day in the year, We think it was a very short one to those who greeted returning loved ones, fresh from the field of strifo. The days are now shortening, and will continue lessening: until December 21. A Popular Song Tho following bna become a popular aong. Tho words are beautiful and express the hopes of a prisoner confin ed in a rebel dungeon awaiting rescue: TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP. In the Orison cell I sit, Thinking, mother, deer, of you, And our bright and happy home so far away And the tears they fill my eyes Spite of all that I can do, Tho' I try to cheer my comrades and be gay CHORUS- Tramp, tramp, tramp, the bons are marching 0, cheer tip comrades they'oll, come ; And beneath the starry flag We shall breathe the air again, Of the freeland in our' own beloved home. In the battle front we stood When their fiercest charge they made, And they swept us off?' hundred men or more But before we reached their lines, They were driven back dismayed, And we heard the cry of vict'ry o'er and o'er. • Se within the prison cell, 'We are waiting for the day That shall come to open wide the iron door, And the hollow eyes grow bright, And the poor hmrt almost gay, As we think of seeing home and friends once more. Decorate, It is requested of the citizens of the borough that they decorate their hoc• 6" in ;1 inecining style with wreaths, flags, etc., for the Fourth. 12= 4. fresh arrival of now and good Goods just received at John H. West brook's store in the Diamond, Call and purchase. FLAGS for sale at Lewis' Book Store MARRIED, On the 22d inst., by the Bev. G. W Zahnizer, GEORGE W. GARRETTSON IO Mise CAROLINE S. MILLER. 14111114 ADEL Plll4l DiAngETS. Juno 28 .$7.78 ®A.75 •$0.00(91000 1545 M $8,75 .$2,00@2,20 ,$1,16d1,83 Fancy and Rstro Fatally Flout.. Col-moor l and Saner° ne Rye near Corn Meal... Est ra White Wheat Fair and Prime Red Corn, prim() Yellow Oats Dnrloy eloserseed, VOl lbs Timothy Flaxseed, 'Wool Bides HUNTINGDON MARKETS Extra Family Flour 'fhb! Extra do "41 cut Whirr, Wheor Dud Wheat Ityo . - Corn Oats Cloverseed Flaxseed Dried Apples Butter Eggs Lord Ham Shoulder Sides Tallow It S. MO LOA ISMXLIMS, $230,000,000. By authority of the Sec rotary of the Treasury, the un dersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sole of United States Securities, offers to, the public the tbtrd attics ot Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three•tent!s per cent. interest per annum, known as she 7.00 XAC10.49.144". These notes nreCissued under date of July 15, 16e5, and are payable three years front that date in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 SIX PEE CENT. GOLD BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, end are exempt, on are all the Government Bonds, from State Cbunty, and Atnnictputetazation, sohich adds from. one to three per cent. per armarts to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semiunenally by coupons attached to each note, which may be cat off and sold to any book or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents " " $lOO " Ten " " " $5OO " 20 ," 44 4 ' $lOOO 44 " it ,t $5OOO Notes °fall tho denominations named will be promptly furnished open receipt or subscriptions. The Notes of the Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Sovon•Thirtles already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying Interest In gold tole nt 0 per cent., instead of n4Oths In currency. Subscribers will doduot Mon/Wrest in currency up to July loth, at the limo when they sub scribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Soren•lhirtloe will commence on the let of done, and will be made promptly and continuously atter that dote. The alight change made in the condition. of tide THIRD SERIES effects only the matter of Interest. The pay ment In gold, if made, will he equivalent to the currency Interest of the higher rate. The return to aped° payment., in the errant of which only will the option to pay Interest In Gold ho availed of, would io r . ethice and equalize prices that purchased made with. six per cont. in gold:would be fully equal to those rnede with seven and three.tenths per cent. In currency. Tlds is THE ONLY LOAN IN NARHET Now offered by the Goeernmeitt, and Its superior nava!' loges make It the Great Popular Loan of the People Lose than $230,000,000 of tho Loon authorized by tho last Congress are now on tho Turbid. This amount, nt the rate at which It Is being absorbed, will all be ■ubscrib- for within ,Inty days, when the notes will utloubt ealy command a premium; ns tins uniformly been the cam on closing the subscriptions to other teens. Ordor that citizens of crery town and section of the country may bo afibraod facilities for taking the loan the Natienal Banks, Stnto Bank, and Private Booker., throughout the country, have generally agreed to receive subscrlptione at par. Subscribera will 'select their own agents, in when) they here nonthloncc, and who only are to bo responsible for the dollvery of tho notes for which they receive orders Enbscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Huntingdon. First National Bank of Hollidaysburg First National Bank of Altoona. First National Bank of Bellofonto. First National Bank of Itarrisbarg. my 21,1863 • HARDWARE AND CUTLERY Af ! 11M? ENSE . STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE BY JAS. A. I:MOWN, lIUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Muntingdyn, Juno 7,1805 HEAD QUARTERS • Ito NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS TIM PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENID SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS CAN'T BE BEAT CUBAPNgS3 AND QUALITY COME AND SEE: D. P. GWIN, Ilny. 23, 'O5 NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which bo offers to all who want to be CLOTHEID, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. On $l.OO $11..0 ..........51,50 5 2 .50 bs@7o ltin Etnck col:Mohr ilernipmatin Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, E 8,50 .4,50 .1.60 ..1,50 .110 DOOTS AND SIIOES, HATS AND CADS, AC., AC. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or calf clothing net found In the Mock on hand, by leaving tiler measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Cull at the east corner or the Manic/Ltd, over Long, Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. • Huntingdon. May. 17, 'ts. re..."Slayory riowod'froin the Bible Stand Point," by Roy. J. M. Adair, for sale at Lewis' Book Store, price 10 JAY COOKE, SC.CIIIPIIO7I AOLNT, TIIAT COM 104 scotr, GAMMI. T. nr.rorx, JOIIN. DAME gibe name of this firm has been ehang,- 1. a from SCOT'f.&)3tIOWN, to. - SCOTT, BROWN & BA/LEY, tinder which name they trill 'hereafter conduct their practice 118 ATTORNEPS AT LAW, I7OXTINGDON; PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and solders' heirs against the aneerninent, will. be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 186:mt PIANOS & MELODIANS FOR SALE NO CABINET ORGANS. B' of mole , A.g . eza.t. . _ .. . . . 1,) ROFESSOR HUGH COYLE of fern for ante the celebrated PIANOS .... - 4-C.7- o ZECK & CO.,l'ew York, which he con- * .- 1!---. it, alders cannot be surpassed In touch or Ono, ' I O. I ' Wily by nay instrument in the market. ' Notwithstanding Steinway .I, Co's. instruments aro considered superior by certain agents, the Professor can only pronounce them good, for. there is an uncertainty in the tone which he will not recommend. As Sleek is the only manufacturer that gives n PRINTED GUARANTEE for the durability of his instrument, I have no hesitation in recommending the seine. • : ' • : • - Prof. Coyle to njudge, from the feet•that he has Lad twenty years experience in teaching Music, WiliCia of Usel r qualifies him to recommend any instrument, but Stock's in particular. The community can nee their discretion in hurchasin; Inetrvmente, but Professor Coyle feels himself njudge, end notwithstanding nil fictitious ntlyertisements, he would recommend deck &Co's:lmpreference to all oth ers. PROF.II. COYLE. Huntingdon, Roy 21, 18G2-2m 30E° YC:OI7 NATALIttri B A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALK AT MRS. R. J. SAGER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On 11:111 Street; two doors west ,of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Xny 17, '65-tf. Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons. undersigned respectfully in forms the public that, having obtained from the manufacturers, the solo Agency for the sale of STEIN w Ay & SONS PIANOS, 31AnON & lIA,III,IN'S CABINET 0110 ANS and CARIIART, NEEDIIA3I & CO S' MELO. DEONS, he is prepared to furnish Instrumants to per. sone wishing to buy at tho retail prices Ito Philadelphia And New York. N. B. Every Instrument warranted for five years. He is also snle agent far the celebrated SEWING MA CHINES OF DROVER & BAKER, and would respectfully request persons wishing to buy Machines to call and examine his beforo purchasing others, 11.9 they are tine qmilled by any Machine manufactured. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. N. OHNENJI, Opposite D.F.Owln'e Stern. May 17,'65-If. Huntingdon, Pa. GEO. W. SWARTZ, Clock & le te ty Maker, At the old stand of Swartz & McCabe, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. 1}10,1865-6m 35.7s.ohaaame HUNTINGDON, %VM. C. McNULTY, 'PROPRIETOR, lorm.rly of the Franlclin Hotel, Clinmberribur g . TERMS LIBERAL. • may; 1563-Iy. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. CHEAPEST OLOTHING L in Town LEOPOLD BLOOM lIAS JUST RECEIVED A LAMB AssoirrunNT OF NEw STYLES O' SP.R.ING AND' SUAL111;11 GOODS Which ho offers to the public AT THE CHEAPEST RATES. llis stock - consists of GENTS' rIIRNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SIJOBS, &c. Ike Ills storo is nt 0.0 OLD BROAD TOP CORNER, lIIINTINODON, PA., Whore ho will ho pleased to recoivo aml accommodate al. costumers, LEOPOLD BLOOM ; ltuntingdo,o, atay 10,1805. -ff / gyp, • oup. • siss . 'I, 'Nei so BOOKS AND STATIONERY. SIMPSON , ARMITAGE & CO. 11TAVING PURCHASED the en , ut_ tiro stock of Wm. Colon. leo now offer to the public et reasonable prices our Immense stock of MECHANICAL, RELIGIOUS, SCHOOL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, POCKET 800119, POWDIONAIS, Also, [Mott Styles of WALL PAP.EIR & WINDOWSHADES, llf ACI A ZINES, and Daily end Weekly. Papers constant ly on band. o,.Orders from abroad promptly attended to. CALL AT BROAD TOP CORNER. Huntingdon, M0y3,10.5-1y , - .CZ.C3 0 300 NMETNATIS GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! TILE success of our armies and the conBeq . ., t deplina In Oa prico of gold and other conintodltlaa, enable nto to scud GOOD TIDINGS TO THE DLACES.IIITHS, and all others who buy IRON, STEEL, NAILS, etc. Haying moved my glom to the large and commodious Rrlcktr• Store Room, 1 hare received a large astorb went of WAGON TIRE, HORSE SIICEIRON, round and square BAR IRON, bought from the makers mince the de cline in gold, which I am selling at OREATLY REDU CED PRICES, All persons wishing to buy IRON, STEEL, NAILS, LOCKS, PAINTS, GLASS. or any kind of HARDWARE for mil, will sue money by sending their orders, or cell• lug at tho Hardware Store of JAMES A. DROWN, April S, 'OS, - • ROUtOWOO, Pa. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, tVoilld respectfully call the attention of his old patrons specially, and tho public In general, to his extensive stock of well selected now Goods, jest received from the Eastern cities, consisting, In part, of .Dry Goode, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, tints and Caps, Boots and Ronnpts, Shawls,Tiren hire, Hardware , , Queenswaio, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Sogars, Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Sale, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, &e., and ell other articles kept in a Best class until store; all selected with the greatest care sod WhiCh were pur chased for cools only, and affords him to toll them of very low figure. The public will Brut it to their arlran , tngo to call and examine our unsurpassed stoclr, before purellaslog elsewhere. No pains will be, spared In show. lug our floods. Ladles are specially invited tri e'irsrtrine eta large mock. of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, Oil.- colors, Furs, and a grunt variety cf Woolen (loads; Ilesio ty, Also, a handsome assortment of LADIES' COATS All kinds of produce taken In exchange at the highest market Price.3---Cmh not refused. By strict nttentitin is the wants of ciutpmets, we hope to feed.? n continuation of 11 1 0 liberal Off onagn with ionk , see hare herd hereto fare favored. Conti ono and nth and Mr. 1111_ New Goods received daily. Idaylo 1805. . :DION COHN. Gold Pens dr. Penoilcy The best assortment of the hand somest and best styles, for sale at Lewis' Book Storo. • re"' For, •neat: JOB. PRINTING, - call at pie -GLOW: JOT; PtUNTMG 01:21,CLI," at Thin. tin , don Po ' Mr54,1 . .. - nri - 3E O TUE 1113dersirrued . offer ann 9 1). which they mid°, in Mat tournlllip, Iluntingdo*. , county, et pirate Ante: It ix effnated three miles'lrent l'etetsburg, nud the sumo diatauce' tram lcullroad nal. It contalne three hundred end thrty-nino acme awl 4, -r T " 110 wAnce; good building. and alma ono hundrLA fifty ueree cleared, and well adehted.for,e _ J. S. MAIJIJIRI,•I -; ;!;`-' npri119,1864-1.1. THE REBELLION- HIGH -PRICES PLAYED OUT. GEORGE' SHAEFFER; Nearly opposite the Oloba. ol iitcl;trcstlecibtliy, informa the public that ho hasiust operuul a-linotitcck.ut • n e tBOOTS AND SHOES ; of all kinds, for Aten, TVolncli & Chilclren• Tha stock Zia o been selected with care. ns to, stylo and quality. And will be sold nt reagoonble prier, io suit thia tithes; • no public generally aro invited to call pad , examine his stock. Now work and repairing dono to order. - I.4uuting,don, Slay ;1865-2ni. , INSURANCE COMPANY OF . - NOM AIVIERICEC, Incorporated lu Philadelphia, 1794 CASH CAPITAL $1,715,171,71. ARTHUR G. CUMIN, Preo CHARLES PLATT, Socy. J. A. RANKIN, Rock Syringc,Centre county. Pa., lineal. Agent for part of Ceittro county, also for, porta oF 1 / a ni ingdon and Blair countlea. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. E.' O.' & G - C 0 L D lIAVINO entered Into en.partriership in tho - - Alexandria Brewery, the public pro informed" rift that they will-tro prepared at rill times to fill , orders on the ehortest notice. 4 . , • Alexandria, Jan.13.1805—t6 100...411.031E3C EIAX3E 03P' HUNTINGDON, PA. MINgI. 4 P,. Respect illy iaa ty rutin tyro imblic 'generally that Lo Inns removed his sLop to the building in 'Washington street, formerly oe, supled by O. Bent, where he It prepared to, do all kind o! LICIIIT AND HEAVY WORK • : in his line of business, awl hopes to receive n'liher4l pit- mango. . 4 , 4-NEW WORK will be made to order. at-prices to , suit the timea ' DAVID 31INGLE. Huntingdon, Jinrch 23, Isrs4lm* 1865. THE "VICTOR" ' CI A. IV 3EI ME X IA 'Ma NEW. TRIUMPIIANW AT . ST4TE FAIRS., • • COOK'S SUGAR .EVAPORATO.B MOST lIADID.EVAPORATOIt IN TilEtontor "SORGO HAND BOOK" FREE. CANE SEED, by the ID or bushel, TOR SALE AT COST,'. Prince S: Cuts New AUTOMATIC,OIWAISS. 'Vienna!, ost triumph:or the ngrtf New styln witu imprnwin.„ ()rover & J.lnkor's FAUN.? SEWING 3 , 1 - ACILLNU,S.. god for Circutara, de: FREE. '- A. 13, BRIIIVEBAUGH;,:: BOLE ApENT, . James Crook, iluntinplork co., ra, , npl2, ISGSLL'm ACENCY,: FOR COLLECTING SOLDREIRR CLAIMS, B9IINTY, BAC PAY' • AND PENsioNa. • • ik:LL who may have. any elatma a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and enslone, eon hare their claims promptly collected by ap, plying. caber In pers.., or by latter to r - W. 11. WOODS; Attorney at llnntingdon, Pa-:. August '12,1863 . .. TAW ASSOCIATION. ho undersigned havo nssociateit. themselves togetiv• in tho practico.of the law in Itifatiptedii. l'et. Men Oh the one now, and formerly ocetipleir by .7. S'ertreft Blow-. art, adjololitg tho Cottrt House.• . . ~, . A. W. lIENEDIOT, .7. SEWELL STEWART.: July 20, ISI3I, WILLIAM D. GEMMILL; 15t0c.,31r... x• IK. 45 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. STOCKS, LOANS, ETC., Bought and Sold on Commis-aim Office-51j Market street, Philad'a apl9-2m* • HENRY HARPER, No .520 Arehi &rot, abovo Fifth, PIIILADELPIIIA..: DIANDFACTURER AND DEALER lA. FINE JEWELRY, •SOLIDF3I;VER-WARE. and Superior SlLyEtt grATEo mch22-am. r, I. K. STAUFFER, :- ~,,, • .:A WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,. • .. 1.. No. 148 North SECOND Street, corner of QuorrT, PHILADELPHIA. - --- • . . . Ah oseortmeorbE Watches, Jewelty, , .9llver d r Plated Wore conetnntly etc 1int04... ": . , • -.-.-: SUIT.ABIA' FOR HOLIDAr-14145.P.W4kt 4 , .r.,- nenalrhmr. 01 Watehee and 3 . e.welry . ptroeiSkt ntte ds4 te. . .. , , . POUDRETTE! [Fifteen pare Fair.Trinl U • A; PL1Y859 27 , Fblial34lo7o, - POUDRETTLL.;42O 00 per ton, token Licit the Faitoty loose, or 30 Cents pew buslol, and , 4,21300 per ton 16 bags, —delivered at Steamboat and Railroad Depots hi 'Phila. dolphin. Slanufactery, Gray's Ferry Road,. above the A.e. Renal, Philadelphia. pepot,:, VXISS9/4'13 yartn,. Oftincairter, JerseA Mat—Library Street,. 14q. gbo or the nett ,- Office, l'bitatiely,bilk. 'Went ESCIT KU M. 4th & CALLOWIIIn Slrigt;, LADUPIi & tt . February 14, ISOS-4rues. - • . . MILLINERY B 0 0 S 04 Eli WHOLESALE DEALERS. Nn..4.31 .11A1111.ET Strent;nortly aide, PHILADELPHIA, - • fl ar e n ow °ro pe/ their 'Punt . tianifsonuf variety of 'RIBBONS.. BQNNET MATERIALS. . STRAW & FANCY BONNETS'. - LADIEs , „& AtissES' .1.f41'31 • , ftowniis, RE[CiIES, ',naafi otherarltotes retinireil by this ISILLUItR.V.Taft* ; 'By long enerionce and etiiet attention tot `i 6renpli, of buslu4s exalnsively; IV - 0 flatter biCfer'' inducements, in .varletyi;anti OknodefOto• pridia—not everWliato doTrio: attootion of IitILLWItS iOttoctfnlly oblieltot' 4ii-Particutir attention paid to filling 9rdore: . 1865..