The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 21, 1865, Image 1

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cording to thane term..
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rice eleo locretwod.
eljt 6lobe.
0, the men who fought and bled,
O; the glad and gallant tread,
-And the bright skies overhead,
Welcome home 1
the brave returning boys,
‘O, the overflowing joys,
And the guns and drums and noise,
Welcome hoine I .
'Let the deep voiced cannon roar,
i Open every gate and door,
tour out, happy people, pour—
Welcome home I
Bloom, 0 Banners, over all,
Over every roof and wall,
Float ad flow ; and rise and fall,
Welcome home I
Splendid column moving down,
firm veterane, soiled and brown,
GAM heads, fit to wear a crown,
Welcome home I
Grim heads, which a wall have been,
Keeping sacred things within,
Keepingout the hosts of sin,
Welcome home I
There the women stand for hours,
With their white hands fall of flowers,
Railing down the pertained showers,
On the dear men marching, home
Do you see Um in the line ?
Something makes him look divine,
And a glory makes him shine,
Coming home.
Look out where the flag unfurls,
Look out through your tears and curls,
Give thdrn welconie, happy giils 1'
Welcome home 1
Welcome home from war's alarms,
Welcome to a thousand charms,
Waiting lips and loving arms.
Welcome home I
Strong man, with the serious face,
If you saw him in his place,
Marching swift to your embrace,
Coming home.
You would weep with glad eurprise
- At the dear dead boy that lies ,
Underneath the Southern Skies,
Far from home.
Women, with the tender eye,
Weeping while the boys go by,
Well we know what makes you cry,
Weary borne I
Clod be with you in your pain,.
You will look and look in vain,
He will never come again
To Ida borne I .
So amid our joy we weep
For the noble dead, who sleep
In the vale and on the steep,
Filr from home :
For`the • chief who fought so well,
For the Christ•like man who fell
By the chosen eon of Hell,
And tvent.hotne I
And we thank you. Slovery'a dead,
And the hosts of Wrong are fled,
And the Bight prevails instead.
Welcome home.!
Limb, and tongue, and preen are free,
And the Nation altente to see
All the glory yet to be,
Welcome home! ",
A Soot:maxim—A writer says: The
absence, among many men, of the ten
der benevolences of home, their disre
gard of their sacred duty as heads of
households to shed sunlight upon the
hearts of wives 'and children, to give
smiles instead of frowns or glooms,
pleasant and loving words instead of
cross ones, to learn to talk intelligent.
ly and freely with their families when
at home and surrounded by them, in
stead of shutting themselves up in
frigid, stupid, stolid, surly silence, is
undeniable. It is equally reprehensi•
ble and contemptible, whether it
springs from laziness, or fear of ridi
cule, or false pride. That man will
exert the widest and best influence cm
all around him, as a citizen and as a
ueighbor, and be most respected in-.
doors and out-doors, who is hot too
lazy, or too cowardly, or too proud to
the courteous and agreeable to society
And to shciw himself considerate and
tender to his family.
vise all young people to acquire, in
early life, the habit of correct speaking
and writing; and to abandon as early
as possible any use of slang words and
phrases. The longer you live the more
difficult the acquirement of correct lan
guage will, be: and if the golden ago
of youth, the proper season for the ac
quisition of language, be passed in its
abuse, the unfortunate victim, if neg
lected, is properly doomed to talk
slang for life. Money is not necessary
to procure this education. Every man
has it in his power. He has merely to
use the language which he reads, in
stead of the slang which he hears; to
form his taste from the best speakers
and poets in the country; to treasure
choice phrases in his memory, and
13 , 4 )ituate himself to their use, avocl nL
tntiamo time that pedantic prec i sion
and ' which ahoW the Weak
'nese on
ari l bitiiin rather than
the P9 l !k.of aticducated mind.
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
[For the Globe ]
The Monument Testimonial.
EDITORS GLOBE.—I have seen with
the liveliest satisfaction that the pro
ject of erecting a suitable monument
to.oUr fallen soldiers, to which I had
the honor of first calling the attention
of the public, through your columns,
has seemed to meet so. favorable a re
sponse from the people of Huntingdon
The gentlemen who have taken the
matter in band are so well and favora
bly known throughout the county as
to afford every, assurance of success to
the enterprise,,if their efforts are prop
erly seconded by those interested in
the matter- And when we say those
interested we mean to include every
man and woman in the whole commu
nity. Almost every family circle has
been broken by "this cruel war." In
almost every household there is some
cherished name that should. be written
as deeply on the sculptured marble as
it is engraven on the hearts of the
bereaved. And in the whole county
there are none but who have a country,
saved by the self-sacrificing devotion
of these men and their living comrades.
When we look at the proud position
we now occupy as a people among:the
nations of the earth, and hear the con
fessions of respect and admiration ex
torted from most reluctant lips, by
foreign nations; and witness the feel
ing of confidence and security every
where manifested at home, and con
trast the present with the past four
years; we must I think feel that the
highest honors we show their memor
ies must fall far short of the measure
of their deservings. When memory
carries us back over the trying scenes
of this memorable struggle, and we
look down into that frightful abyss of
ruin into which treason sought to
plunge the nation, and remember that
to rescue us from this deplorable fate
these martyr-heroes have endured,
cold and nakedness, privation and suf
fering, starvation and imprisonment,
wounds and death, in every manner
that baffled and fiendish malignity
could inflict, when we remember
these things and other things of which
this is bat a taint picture we must if
we have the hearts of men be filled
with an unutterable and overwhelming
sense of gratitude to God and to these
men who have wrought for us such a
mighty deliverande. To these heroes
whose "swords have won the battle of
the free" let us give our heartiest
•No map worthy of the name of
American will aid in so wor
thy an undertaking.
"Lirefthere a man with soul es dead,
Who never to himself bath said,
This is my own my native land."
If there is in Huntingdon county
such a creature—of humanity such a
most miserable abortion, his epitaph is
already written; of him the poet has
truly said :
"Living shell forfeit fair renown,
And doubly dying, shall go down
To the Tile dust from whenco he sprung,
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung,"
We hope the men who have begun
the good work will at their - next meet
ing succeed in organizing a Soldiers
Monument Association . for Hunting-
don County, and appoint energetic,
and reliable agents in every township,
to solicit donations or. subscriptions,
and if this is done the work of provi
ding funds can be successfully accom
plished by the October election. J.
Lewistown, Juno 9, 1865
correspondentof the London Star, says:
"I mentioned lately the frightful in
creela of mental alienation and paraly
sis of - the brain in France. It has been
proved that this increase of lunacy has
kept pace with the augmentation of
the revenue from tobacco. From the
year 1812 to 1832 that tax produced
twenty-eight million, and the lunatic
asylums of the country contained eight
thousand patients. The rove
nne has now reached the sum of one
hundred and eighty millions, and there
are no less than four thousand paraly
tic and lunatic patients in the various
hospitals devoted to their accommoda
tion. This parallel has been drawn by
M. Jolly, and laid before the Academy
of Science. The last words of his
speech on that occasion aro worth re
cording, in this age of universal sme
king, and young boys to whom this
pernicious praetice has not yet become
second nature, would do well to reflect,
ere it be too late, on the frightful warn
ing the above statistics contain, as well
as on M. Jolly'S words. lie says
"The immoderate use of tobacco, and
more especially of the pipe, produces a
weakness in the brain, and in the spinal
marrow, 71+:11 eauses made ess.v
I.Toyer attempt - iP step a woman's
tonguo; talk is 41?, noposepy to rernale
vitality as the air he breathes. 'To
stop it once you will find to be enough
[From the Weebingion Chronicle.]
The Unreturning Brave.'
Amid all the pomp and splendor Of
military reviews, wheeling squadrons,
and clatter of flying artillery, the
heart—now that the cruel war is over
—turns sadly to those who shall come
back to us no more. They sleep in
far off graves—if they have such dis
tinctive marks at all—and if not, their
bones bleach on distant battle-fields, in
remote wildernesses or oozy swamps,
untrodden by human footsteps. The
soul sickens in contemplating all the
and sorrows and indignities to
which they have been subjected since
leaving their homes of peaceful quiet.
What hot pulses and passionate hearts
have been stilled forever since this
summer four years ago; what brilliant
hopes and anticipations; what glow
ing dreams of military greatness; what
ambitious longings for the strife of
battles, are felt no more, forever
Who is there that cannot recall one
handsome youth whose joyous laugh•.
ter filled some stately home with plea
sure ? In all the prido and pomp of
young manhood, with frank, beautiful
eyes, clear complexion, and well roun
ded form, ho appeared the embodi ,
ment of health, too full of youth to be
food for death. Love and days of
dreamy pleasure, seemed the fitting
pursuit for such bright, beautiful Ado
nises. But the distant boom of the
cannon of Sumter struck his ear and,
throwing aside the college class-books,
he rushed proudly away to the battle.
Sweet eyed Juliet at the balcony kiss
ed fair hands to Romeo, and from win
dows embowered in honeysuckle and
roses waved white handkerchiefs,
lighting him on to glory and to great
ness. The perfumes of heliotrope
wafted from blossoming gardens in his
march recalled the former life of plea
sure, perchance, but turned him not
Everything about war at first was a
glorious circumstances. The manli
ness to command men, to feel a bright
sword upon his thigh, and the con
sciousness within of feeling, that be
dared to draw it in ono of the noblest
causes that ever excited the enthusi•
am of a young hero; the courtly cer
emonies of parade and reviews, the
glorious roll of drums, and the thrill of
brazen bugles, and flutter of bright
starry banners presented by fair ones
at home as he started for the wars—
all this kept him constantly in a state
of pleasurable excitement and hope.—
What was grander than to win a
name, and march at the head perhaps
of conquering columns ?
What would they say at• home to
see him coming back, a General per
haps, and the sword that fair Juliet
had kissed and decorated with a rib
bon from her hair, how gallant to
wave it in a flashing salute, bowing
from the saddle as ho passed her
Ah I bright•eyod, eager boy of ar
dent hopes and noble ambition I Where
sleeps the faultless form now that once
gladdened a mother's fond eyes, and
the tough of whose lingering fingers
thrilled sUpremest cestacy through
waiting Juliet's heart? The returning
legions every day marching to expec
tant towns and welcomed with open
arms as they bravely bear their tatter
ed, sacred banners back to those wbo
gave them, miss you; and the eager
glances of merry, waiting eyes at home
turn tearfully away to the darkened
parlor, away from the buzzairig street,
and the gladsome strains of music.
Oh, the bitterness of such moments
to those who wait and weep ! or, de
spairing, sit hopelessly down to deep
despondency. If he had but lived to
come back with theta—even scarred
and wounded—if he . only had come
baidc I
It is a burden of many a bitterly
sorrowful heart ;just in these days of
onr triumph, at the close of the war.
The return of the armies with pa3a❑s
of rejoicing revives all the memories of
the past. The wearisome waiting in
muddy camps, the terrible winter
nights on picket duty, the sickness at
hcart, the lingering fevers of camp and
hospital, and the pining for the lost
comforts of home, where trials that
were as life consuming•to some as the
fierce deadly charge of rushing squad
rons, or the flash of trained musketry
in the midst of hottest battles.
Pence to the gallant, dead l eternal
gratitude to the noble and self forget
ting heroes who sloop in unknown
graves, for away from familiar home
steads. A, nation of countless united
republics shall, in the brightfuture im
pending, do saintly reverence to such
costly sacrifices. And the pride of
being connected by blood or kindred
ties with suehne4lee wine mere than
Perkins is glad the war is over,
but in his nation it must be under.
Bad Boys.
PrecocioUs rowdyism is caused by
striplings being permitted to absent
themselves 'from the parental roof at
night. Though our town is not worse
off, perhaps, .in this particular than
most communities, yet there Is enough
room for improvement among our boys
of all conditions. Not an evening pas
80S but they may be seen lounging at
street corners, smoking, chewing, and
in too many instances blaspheming.
The habits incurred ne such times are
most pernicious ; for youth of tender
age acquire the vices of those of more
advanced years, and they soon become
impatient of parental authority, learn
to equivocate, drink, visit places which
they should be taught to shun, and
finally become pests, when they might
be the ornaments of society. Parents
should vigilantly watch the movements
of their children, and see that the com
pany they keep is unexceptionable. If,,
in stead of dissipating the valuable
time, while the mind is so capablo of
receiving lasting impressions, our sons
were only to apply themselves to study,
how different would bo their standing
in the social scale forever more?
We never 800 a crowd of boys at
street corners during the evening, that
we do not feel the culpability of those
to whom Heaven sent them, and how
little they realize the awful'responSi
bility resting upon them. If parents
will do nothing to check this wide
spread tendency to evil, society owes
it to itself to interfere. Thus those who
are to succeed us may be made wiser
and better, and thus reformation be
radically effected.
SOAP SUDB.-A writer in the Ger
mantown 'Telegraph says :--Thci value
of this article as a tiirnulant of vege
table life cannot he too highly appre
ciated. It contains the aliment of
plants in _a state of ready solution, and
when applied acts not only with im
mediate and obvious effects, but with
a sustained energy which pertains to
few even of the most concentrated
manures. When it is not convenient
to apply it 'in irrigation—the most
economical method, perhaps, of using
it—it should be absorbed by some ma
terial which may be used as an ingre
dient in the compost heap. Dry soil,
muck, and other simulararticles,should
be deposited where the suds from the
sink and laundry may find its way to
them, and bu absorbed, for the benefit
of crops. In this way several loads of
manure, suitable for the'support and
sustenance of any crop, may be made
at comparatively small expense.—
The highly putrescent character of this
fermentable liquid qualifies it admir
ably for irrigation of compost heaps of
whatever material composed. Being
a potent fortillizer, it must,of necessity,
impart additional richness to almost
any material to which it may be ad&
ed.—Try it and mark the results.
A MOTEIER.—There is something in
sickness that breaks down the pride
of manhood; that softens the •heart
and brings it back to the feelings of
infancy. Who that has suffered, even
in advanced life, in sickness and des
pendency—who that has pined in a
weary bed, in the neglect and loneli
ness of a foreign land, but has thought
of the mother that looked on his
childhood, and smoothed down his
pillow and administered to his help
lessness? Oh, there is an endearing
tenderness in the love of a mother to
her son that transcendeth all other af
fections of the heart. It is neither to
be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted
by danger, nor stifled with ingratitude.
She will sacrifice every comfort to his
convenience; she will surrender every
pleasure to his frame and exult in his
prosperity; and if adversity overtakes
him, he will be dear to her by his mis
fortune; and if disgrace settles upon
his name she will love and cherish
him, and if all the world cast him off,
she will be all the world to him.
fa... The finest idea of a thunder
storm extent, was when Wiggins came
home tight. Now Wiggins was a
teacher, and had drank too much lem•
onade—or something. He came home
into the room among his wife and
daughters, and just then he tumbled
oror the cradle and fell whop on the
floor. After a while he rose and
"Wife are you hurt ?'I ,
"Girls are you hurt I"
"Terrible clap, wasn't it?".
nc A man and bis wife in Philadel
phia quarreled and fought, one with a
pokor and the other with. n chair.
When the daughter, who had gone to
the cellar for some article for dipper,
returned to the room, both her parents
were lying speeehleis and dying with
their skulls fractured,
- •
• • • .
.••• • •
• • •
. . .
Gov. Curtin to the People of Penn
Executive Chamber, Harrisburg, June
10, 1865.—T0 the people of Pennsylva
nia :—The bloody straggle of four
years is ended. The fires of rebellion
are quenched. The supremacy of law
and right is re•established. The foulest
treason recorded in history 1r been
beaten to. the earth. Our, country is
Those blessings we owe—under
God—to the ir?equalled heroism, civic
and military, of the people. In the dark
est hours, under the heaviest diseoup
agements, falter who would, THEY
never faltered.
They have' been inspired with the
determination to maintain the Free
Government of our Fathers, the contin
ued union ofour whole country, and
the grand republican principles which
it is their pride and duty to defend
for the• sake, not only of themselves,
but of the human race.
t glory in saying that the people of
Pennsylvania have been among the
foremcst in the career of honor. Their
hearts have been in the contest; their
means and their blood have been
poured out like water to maintain
The remnants of the heroic bands
that left her soil to rescue their coun•
try, are now returning, having honor
ably fulfilled their service. They have
left tens of thousands of their brothers
on many a bloody field. Their mem
ories will be preserved on our rolls
of honor. For their widows and fami
lies a grateful country will suitably . '
Let .tbo survivors who are now re
turning to us; have such welcome as
befits a_ brave and patriotic people to
give to the gallant men who have
saved the country and shed now lus
tre on Pennsylvania.
I recommend that in every part of
the State, on the . approaching anni
versary of lndei)en4erree, special obser
vances be had of welcome to our re
turned defenders, and of commemora
tion of the heroic deeds of themaelves
and their comrades who have fallen.
Governor of Pennsylvania.
Courting in Bight Style.
"Get out, ,you nasty puppy—let - me
alono or I will tell your Marin," cried
Sally—to her lover Jake—who sat
about ten feet froM her, pulling dirt
from the chimney jam.
"I aren't techiig on you, Sal," said
"Well, perhaps you don't mean to
author, do yer 2"
"No, I don't."
"Cause you'so too tarnel scary, you
long-logged, lantern jawed, slab sided,
pigeon toed, ganglo kned owl, you—
you hain't got a tarnel bit of sense;
get along home with you."
"Now, Sal, I love you, and can't
help it, and if you don't let me stay
and . court you, my daddy will sue
your'n for that cow he sold the t'other
day. 13y jingo ho said he'd do it."
"Well, look bore, Jake—if you want
to court me, you'd better do .it as a
white man does that thing—not set off
there as ii you , thought I was pisen."
"How on airth is that, Sal.?"
"Why, side right up here, and bug
and kiss me, as, if you really had some
bone and sinner of man about yon.
Do you s'pose a woman's ,only. . to look
at, you fool, you? No, they are made
for "practical results," as Kossuth says
—to hug, and kiss, and sick like."
"Well," said Jake, drawing a long
breath, "if I must I must, for I dolor)
you—" and so Sake commenced slid ,
ing up to her, like a maple poker going
to battle. Laying his arm gontly upon
her shoulder, we thought we heard Sal
say: .
"That's the way to do it, . old boss;
that's acting like a white man orter."
"Oh, Jerusalem and pancakes !" ex
claimed Sake, "if this ain't; better than
any applesass over maim made, darn
ed sight ! Craek•ee, buckwheat cakes,
slapjack and lasses ain't nowhere 'long
side of you, Sal." Here their lips came
together, and. the report that followed
was like pulling a horse's hoof out of
the mire. We left.
GmLs.--There aro two, kinds of girls.
One is the kind that appears best
abroad—the girls that aro good for
balls, rides, parties,- visits, &c., and
whose chief dolights is in such things.
The other is the kind that appoars best
at home, the girls that are useful and
chaet•fgl in the dining room, and all the
precincts of home. They differ wide
ly in character. One is often a tor
ment 81 home, the other a, blessing;
,one is a moth, COI: 1 8=110g everything
about her. The other a Sunbeam, dif
fusing life and &winos to all around
00;cicf,'"*. keoi , in' advance.'
Books at Rothe;
Books are . teachers--teachers 'by
their mere presence
,as they look down.
upon, us from their shelves. They, set,
the beholder thinking. They remind,
him of the great and the:good of all
lands and all time, - suggesting even
more, perfiaps,than they really contain
of knowledge and.of wisdom. A co.
temporary truly remarks :
One instinctively infers - upon enter
ing a house for' the 'first 'time, that it
is the abrade of refinement,, when he,
sees around him the_.classies of our
language done up in neat and solid
bindings. On the contrary, if thernbe
no books- 7 whatever the' taste other
wise displayed, though the mirror be
the best French plate ghiss, the Car
pets the softest velvet, the tables in
laid with rare woods and stones, and
all the appointments in kesping—ono
can not but conclude, if he himself• be
cultivated, that there is a lit& in this'
home of the purest taste. •We have
boon favorably
. impressed, on 'going
into families remote froni city- advan
tages, as , to their social position, by
observing on the tables shelves
few choice books. The sequel has eel
doin altered our judgment. • .;
Every house, if possible, should have
ita 'fibrary. Hoiveier humble the
dwelling, let there be one room where
the books are collected and systemati-,
Bally arranged. The - sight of them
will constantly, instruct. There is
teaching for a child , in the title of a
book. Will he,not soon wish,to know
what the history is about'; who are the
men; what r the things which the cuts
represent? The first coneePti4tr
may form of the extent of thc . race to
which he belongs may be derived from
the "History of the Werld,q upon the
gilt letters of which be has gazed from
infancy. As books upon various spb
jects come daily under his eye, the difl
ferent departments of knowledge will
open to the mind, and the complex and
wonderful character of the universe
will, provoke qaestionings.
Next to the family altar comes in
influence upon the household the •fam
ily library. ,It is a strong bond of
union to its members. Seated amid
the companionship of the pure,the wise,
the good of all ages, with - philosophy
to instruct, - religion to Senetify, and
wit to enliven, must not the memories
and results of such hours be the most
useful and'pleasing of the whole . life ?'
correspondent of a Bombay paper wri
ting from Burdwan, in the northwest
province, says : I have just recelved a
sad account of the ravages committed
by an elephant at' a village called
Kotulpore, about twenty mileti distant
from this station; the animal belOng's
to the Maharajah, and was taken thith
er by one of his retainers for a marri
age procession. On arrival there, the
elephant suddenly became 'wild, and
pulled down a number of huts ,and
trees. The next day it became, wilder
atilt, and one of the mahoots in charge
of the brute, attempted to chain his
legs, was seized by his trunk ' and
tramped under foot. Death of course
was instantaneous, but that did not
pacify the elephant's rage; it kept the
corpse of the man . under its . feet for
two successive day, actully grinding
it to dust. That very •day it struck
down a Brahmin and smashed his
head; two, other men have been severe
ly injured, and most of the iphOiv
tents of liotulporo have, itliff,said
run L away from the villagel‘r fear. of
•the brute. The 40aajah has ordered
half a dozen of, his Eurasian servants
to go and shoot it.
Se' The stereotype Medical' requi ,
sition, "let me feel your 'pulse,"
probably to bo superscded by 'the de::
mend, "let me me' see your breath."
An English physician has been making
experiments with the impressions left
on glass by the hi:eathing of a number
of persOns, and has found that differ
ent figures were, made by . different
breaths, when examined by the micro,
scope. Drawings have been made of
these impressions, and on ,a magnified
disc there appear, through the medium
of a magic lantern;in an almost indefi
nite variety •of shapes and combing,.
tions—some like daggers, others re
sembling stars, . others, in fiower-like,
forms, and so on. It is opined that
observations, scientifically . _ made on
these different forms of emitted` breath
from the Inugs, Y#y i lritYlable
in determining their CO.n4IOP- ••99r•
tainly it Would= be•an extraordinary
discoiery that": diagnoSis on tirnstate
of ttpo's lung plight be g,lveh a
microscopical observation othe: par
tioular forms '488144034 by the breath,
as dejiosited on' a - sheet of glass, on
'emission from 'the mouth of the
tient. • „.
I%.Short, And Tale
PROin* ofigpv;.
- the' moo eon:10'04 otanirair,iiitE;eollEVWl3
eeueee thif . nint aMPie (414.1.4:111i.P*44t144..
tho.bestatYle, dvery rtilety,of
•- „ '. 4 )Xi4 14 4 t." tigi ta v
CARDS;. , _
• C'4 3 4t-TIOICET.3;.
&,C., &C., &e.
CALL ,;ro iiiiiiiieikeisr*koplyortir, •
i . ; r,
NO. 52.
Out Mistakes about Each Other:
Not one man in ten thous-and'sees
those with-Wleinho)fesiciiies as they
really-ed.-If 'l - 4.. - .13 'fairs
irproigrnn e d,. ,1;14 we, could
ourselves as.ottke K s see us, our:Self-eS•!=.
timetes would
,in ~allm
ore • erroneous than '•therarei,
now., •• The truth is, that Ave =regard.r.
each. other through a variety of lenve - si,
no one of which is correct.' 'Ples‘cori
and prejudice, - loVe:iiiid rat - ,liarev - V
lence and 66vy, speotaole our `clerkand"
utterly prevent, :from
,obiserf l imae- •
cUrately. WhOM we deem
porcelain of:hpman nlayareincre,dirt; , ,,
and a 'Still`gratliinriciber„Of,those,Wal;
put down in our ~biackbooks'!arenn:
fth l tilef off PoYn
a little nearer, than, tho.censors,w,ho,
conderim them, WU habitual ly t tin der 7i
value overvalue each
estimating - Character the`slarelydest
ns only now and
praisal of the 'Virtues and fiefe4a,of; -
evea'our closestlt as, ; iot
just or fair to look at'cluiracter s froMA:
standpoint of one's ownselection..
man's profile may be Unprepossessing
and Yet his full face agreeable .. vio
oncesayr a young inati,whosetainidity 6 -
Wiia : a standing 3jokti , 'With 1 /i B ,ogoipp l
ions,:leap into a river and suye.p. ppx f
froM drowning
.Whfie histOiineri k tbr - s•
stood panstrUck. on the, bailk. !! The,
merchant whO gives curt answers.*
his ' t may be ii., k ien i dert,
hUsband'and father, and, a lijad helpgii;
of tbe'desolate'and oppie - ssed:,.op . the,
other hand, your good-huinoi.e'd per.:
son, who *all smiles and sulshii;l9lo4
public, may carry
as the nether millsione l in , the Planet.
where his heart 'Ought : to be. ,Suck,
anomalies are common,. , There this.
comfort, however, for, thos ' ew,l,ini,lT
judgments of their fellow-mortaiajgari,
• „
to the kindlY side—such ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,
to their credit, in
_the,great ; appoppt.
He who thinks better of his ; neighbors
than they deserve cannot be .a: , ba4.
man, for the 'standard whicbhis
judgment: isguiiiad j Et 7 itlagKOciitabia , of
his own heart. It is - only the base,who
believe all men base or,-irtotrher.
h Few ,
words, like t muse vacoweyer,
. •
are all Even Nerp ! did 9, Rv i cl
turn to SOine6edy;`for WheUn:OMe.wai.
rejoicing over his death•.et;raeinVi_ag
band covered his grave with tioivoril,.
Public mon are seldom or,neier - fairly•
judged 7 at least, wbile How..
ever pure, they cannot „eseaP9, 91p5 ny. _However corrupt, they,,
,to fin'd 9ploglsts. History may 4,0 thpna,
jnstice;. but they ; rarely get it •
alive, either from friends or foOs.„, . ,
of yeurbiith, your training, year 'ern.
pinYrnent;y6ur hardships ;never'ilifei ,
you could be something' ifrift* had` .
, .
different, lot or sphere assigned to you.,
God understands his ofvn.. plans; and
knows what 'you Want' a - great` debt
better than Yeu,do.' The y'drythina.
that you moSt4sprecate gtal.4o
- 'and obatruations,arepro . hgbtly
what you. most'want.. What you can
hinderanCoS and dispotirageinenlA; are
probably God's oppert,nrikii-.;., and kik
nothing new } that 'the pat . 's - 0844
dislike his , Medicines; :or 'any: eertain
proof that they are.poisonons:'
truce `to all Siich'iMpritience. r i Otik'o
that devilish'' , envy which, gnaws ,a[
your heart because .yori,ars ceija the.
Bathe lot with others; bringdoWnyOur
owii soul, or: rattier bring it up t6"re
ceive God's will, and -"do.Hisr - woid, in
your lot, in your 'gplieie,- under 'your
cloud of 'obsbiiihr; aii44"yolir tenq)
tations; aid then yon, that
your condition •is. lover, opposed,
gent' owC.lgook , bilt emisisteCt;
with it.
gtionrrins For . .Ladien 4
tea ptdty . without scand al knife withailt hnudig• *T or(4l ' 7i4b '
out 'deeds are like'the.huskswithisint
the scads windut grate
are like a ekiek. d lthout a.face.
laud without the lawn is; Ake
without her claws. Life mitimit4 . oer
is certainly very 'dratild.
without Cane 41,Wea ridgry;filnnt
the rein. Marriage W r ithCtiilh r o j afiAls
is, like a horse Without his: )300'. A
man without ft: wifo is, like a
without a knife. "A. citnirretWithrial l
fighting is like thundini ivWad light,
•-r . r
T.NyownaNATE CompAnlaori,l--Ailauy
•enhsrod adry gocnie piton) in--,--strept,
and 'expreesed :o,,desire to'f3qo some
The polite elerk, with
eligant address, show:ed.:her:a ,vaTiety
ofpilees of fine feXAMVland,phojefi,eel
oring".' After. tossing' and;exininirig
to her heart's content; she:relhiieled
torhe goods erp-part eqttoni'sir.?
dear rnadgrn;'ie returrkedithe.filiapman,
lie" '14410