Eljt (Olobt. HU-NTING , D_GN, PA Wednesday morning, Sune 14, 1865. LOCAL 6.; PERSONAL. To Subaorlbera Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a -t before the nanie will understand thixt the time fur which theY 'subscribed is up. If they wish the - .paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise So ratchinge Miss_ Mollie MeCallan of Walker, has our thanks fora handsome boquet. • —The 'route of the Southern Penn-. sylvania'and Cannellsvilleßailroad is now being surveyed between Chum bersburg and Bedford. —Our foreman wishes to present his thanks for a beautiful boquet sent him by a young lady. The "devil" would like to come in for his share also. —We shall have to go to Virginia for fresh beef. At Lynchburg, Vir ginia, good:beef Steaks sell at twelve and a half cents, and roasts at ten cents per pound. The Penna. Grand Lodge of Good Ternplars will meet in Lewistown to morrow, Wednesday. The Standing Stone Lodge of this place will send its Representatives. —We understand that the one year men of the 19th .Pennsylvania Cavalry have been mustered out of the service. If suefi is the caso the 'Huntingdon county boys will soon be marching home. the intention ,to let the water into the Pennsylvania' ,eanal at the several feeders between COluMbia and Uollidaysburg,'on the 15th inst., and that boating wilt commence on or about the 20th. —Our clerks who - have endeavored to have the stores closed at seven, have .not yet succeeded in their object. We -apprehend they aro meeting with a few disappointinents, that they alone -know ho.w to experience. despatch of last week states that the 202 d Pennsylvania Regiment is on duty in the coal regions, in ardor to quell any demonstration of riot that the miners may create. The compa, tiles of .the regiment are stationed at Ashland, Pettsvilie and other places. —The Fulton Republican says that a ;line specimen of petroleum has been taken from a spring near Burnt Cab-. .ins; that county, and near the south ern border of this county. It will not be long, we ,apprehend, before the gill ,zens of the lower end will explore their rcgions. —The Ebensburg /12/6yltanian of last meek states that.oit.has been struek,in Allegheny township, Cambria county, About _eight miles from Ebensburg, ,ivhitli• is of superior quality, and in .quantities not .unploasing to contem• plate. The oil was• struck at a tlis tance of . three hundred .and twenty :oven fest beneath the surface. --Soldier. t,rains contiune ,to pass ,westward, and the times remind Us of the days , when they were marching .clown to Dixie. - The boys loolc .barnt And brawny, giving every cation of ha.v,ing, "smelt gunpowder," —some felt, also,—and the frequent •burrihings assure us they are glad to meet their friends onto more. —Let us have a demonstration on the Fourth, is the cry all over the country-, Surely, no .demonstration will comefrom merely crying after it; we must meet the call in a proper way. Turn,out, have your meetings and de cide that forthwith you will commence preparations for a grand jubilee. —The Juniata Sentinel mentions the , following among the number of public iinprovements that are suggested to be introduced in the town of Mifflin:— A cemetery - a suitable • monument in the Qourt.yard or , in the . .ctinter of tho proposed Cemetery in honor of the citizens who have been killed in battle or died in service; a free bridge; and a now Presbyterian church. —A communication from Moores- Tillecthis county, informs us that Thanksgiving day was well observed there, ancl‘at Manor TIM. The writer 'suggests, now that the war is over, and: our brave boys are returning home, that there be a grand jubilee all aver the country on the Fourth ofJuly next.: We cordially agree in his sug gestion. It is time 'for pie.nics to be in vogue in this place.as they are in oth er noighbsiring towns. One did come off on Saturday last in which the h ive or,rather, younger ladies, par ticipated;- let- those moving in older circles and claiming the right to ma turity be moving in the same direction. Our - h7q says : he likes nothing better than to see the lads and lassos enjoy ing themselves and `!sowing their wild patSr,'?.i4:theit youthful days. —The printers of Lewistown are feasting highly this Spring on• Ice Cream, straWberries, a.; and every . voelc their local column has a `-`pufr for some ice cream they have tasted, and which they style the "best," "par excellence," &c. The ice cream deal ers in that place must be very gener ous NO 2'9 ,they can delight printers so xnuel ) as to make them envy their po sition. There *are only niuo ice cream sktocias in Lewriatewn, and'this must account for tho printers' festivals: A. Dlonninent in Memory of Huntingdon Cciuntr , s Dead Soldiers. A few gentlemen in this place in a general conversation started the idea, that as the Nation will take care of the memory of its martyred President and of the officers of high rank who have fallen in the rebellion, so, small com munities should not let die the names of the heroes who have fallen in the ranki and in the humbler offices. Why then might not we erect a Monument in this county in memory of the sol diers who have fallen in the war for the Union ? It seems to meet with general favor from all, and wherever it,has been since mentioned people say they would be glad to have the oppor tunity to help in the work. In order to discuss the propriety of inaugurating such a movement in the county, we have been requested to say that a meeting of all who fuel interest ed in the project: will take place in the Court !louse . On Tuesday, June 20, at 2 o'cloch,T. m. Let There be a representation from every township and townin tho coun ty, and do not wait. for meetings to send you, but if your heart tells 'you this is right, come, and givo it your counsel. S. H. Reid, D. Black, Geo. W. Johnston, Wm.. B. Leas, T. S. McCuban, J. R. Simiison H. S. McCarthy, Ate:Slanigip. Sohn. Scott,' George Taylor, A. N. Benedict, J. D. Campbell, R Allison Miller, G. IV: Garrottson, S. S. Stowart, W. B. Zeigler, . This . noble object needs no words of commendation from us. Every patni- - ot who has retained the memory of the contest just 'terminated, will cher ish the -memory; of those connected with the contest who -have fought for the perpetuity of the Nation ; but more especially will those be honored who died defending the right. We :are pleased to see the project brought :thus far, as it has been the ,desire of many to have:an .opportunity to aid in honoring the departed brave. The opportunity is now presented ; let pa triots work itsfutOliment.. Get Tour Life Insured It behooves the merchant, mechanic, farmer, professional Man, and, indeed, ,every man and w0iy,1„14,1 to secure to self and family ,the privileges of Life Insu rance. ' It is well for tho husband and father ,to insiAre promptly, and thus save his little ones from want, and pro vide for them a home. It is well for the young man _to secure the benefits of. such a yalaable investment as that of Life Insurance. And it is well, too, to insure in a first-class Company—orie in which the most factorable terms for Insurance are presented, the most sidliftil and .e.yperienced management is obrerv.ed, and one where the best pro ' visions are made. ThiS is claimed fer,the North America Life Tnsuranco Com pany of New York, and we would urge all to insure their lives in this popular and reliable Company. Our well known gentlemanly friend, Wm. J. Geissinger, Agent, who is now in This ,pla.c.e, Avill remain for a Short time to receive sobscribers, and give all the necessary ,irtfclrmation that:they may *sire, an .relation to the benefits of ,In wane(); and the reliability of the Company he represents. Mr. G's. of fice is at N 0.434 Waltlat—strect„Phila- Alelphia. it t Expected That we will have a celebration on . the coming Fourth. .Citizens have asked us, and we in turn have asked citizens whether the project VAR fall through, now that is started so far as to be proposed. Our people expect it, and it remains for 'the !`go.abead" in dividuals to make the preparations.— There will bo.a disappointment among the generality of our citizens if noth ing is done to commemorate the 4th of July, 1865. We suggest that a meeting be held on some, suitable evening this week for the purpose of instituting some ar rangements for of a celebration on next Fourth of July. This plan is already being adopted in other places and is the surest way of having the thing accomplished. Terrt) AlMidont. On the afternoon of Thursday last, while:the camel back engine, the Tus carora, was at a point three miles and a half above Saxton, on the B. T. R. R., by some cause or other its boiler exploded, shattering the .engine com pletely. The engineer, James Camp.' bell„was thrown some distance, had his head frightfully 'gashed, and his ankle , crushed.' Ho died almost in stantly. The fireman, Alex. Long, was scalded; and two brakemen were also injured. We learn that the de ceased was a resident of Altoona, where his parents are living. There was a lady seated on the engine along side the engineer a short time previous to the explosion, who luckily got off in time to escape injury:- Tiurn Out Those interepted in the project of erecting a 'Monument in memory of Huntingdon eptinty's dead soldiers aro' requested to meet in tile Court House next Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. It is expected and desired that there will be a good turn out of citizens of the county, so that the.moveinent will at once be inaugurated ; hot repre7 sentatiyes from eyery town and•tolli• ship of the county .attend, end do not wait to ire eOnt. We must not bo be, hind neighboring counties in the good work of honoring the memory of the departed bravos. Wont to Come Home We have received a communication from a Corporal in the 188th Pelma. Regiment, in which he complains of the injustice of keeping them stationed at Richmond after it is taken, and the rebellion ended. The duty he says they have to do is, to construct and repair Southern bridges and make race grovmds, besides drilling twice a day. The Writer.states some of his saperior officers sentpetitions to 'the War De partment to keep them in the service as long as troops are wanted ; this they did, too, by falsely stating the troops had given their consent. "The constant cry in camp is," the writer proceeds, "When will they, send us home? We aro all anxious to get home, and wo hope our. northern friends will do all they can for'us;" New Alan Cars. The Ponnsylvaniaßail Toad. Com pany have placed upon the road a number of new ears expressly for the accommodation of the U. S. mail ser vice. They aro very handsomely con structed and conveniently arranged for the use intended. The mail messenger has now car to himself, and is re• quired to receive letters, others than those deposited in regular offices, and mail them on the car. This, gives the people at all points en opportunity to get - letters into the mail at the last moment before the ,departure of the train. Since the mail cars have been placed upon the road, the route from Philadelphia to Pittsburg has been made two divisions viz :—from Phila delphia to Altoona, and from Altoona to Pittsburg. 61500 Protojloo} to A ; mortcou 'Writers. The publisher of the Home Weekly, Philadelphia, announces that he will give $lOOO fn the best story, 8.300 for the second best, $lOO for the third, and two premiums each of $5O for those next best. The merits of the stories. to he decided ).)y eminent and. well known literary men, whose names will be published with their decisions. All manuscripts must be sent in by the Ist of October, 1865. Edgar Poe wrote his famous story of "The Gold Bug" as a prize story for this paper, aud the writers of the United States have now an opportunity of giving the public a chance of seeing what talent wo have among us, and we hope those who are still unknown to fame, but feel that they have in them "ti:ights that breathe and words that buirn," should at onto set , to work and scud to the Home Weekly, Philadelphia, the results of their genius. 111.1 . 1 . 1 ed by Lightning 'Lamentable Oceurr'enee.—On Monday afternoon last, says the Altnona Trib• line, d'tii•ing the prevalence of a than .der storm, two young 'r.;irls named Ilatuilton and Plummer residing• in Logantown, in tko suburbs of our bo rough, were struck by lightning and instantly killed. They were in anput house ,at the time, from which smoke was'seen -issuing shortly after, Alm on. currence by a passerby,y,nd upon ..ing to ascertain the cause discovered to his horror the lifeless bodies of the unfortunate girls. -'Their clothing was almost entirely:burned from their bo. dies by fire communicated from the death•dealing fluid. -Chpuge of Schedule The trains on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Pailread .commence run ning op P new schedule on Wednesday Juni3J-11.1). Tho. Mail Passenger train will- leave* hero in the morning at 8 and .arrive at Dudley at 11 10. 4. mail will leave Dudley .at 130 A. M. and, arrive hero at 12 01, The Ex. press Passenger will leave here in the evening...Pt 6 10,.arriying at. Mt. Dallas at 9... An d3xprees,nlsoleayes Dudley at 4 2. M. and arrives at Huntingdon at• 6 20 P. M. For further particulars see advertisement-. un dorstand that preparations for a "big time" on the Fourth are being made in the Broad Top regions, in honor of the suppression of rebellion, the return of our soldiers and the ad vent of peace. We predict that the spirit of patriotic.enthusiasm will Os- Bess the citizens of every portion of our county on that day, and there will bo a "big time" generally. That is what we want to see. P • - new office is rapidly being finished, and it is ex.peeted that we can move in by the first of July. There is plenty of light, plenty of elbow-room, and plenty of elbow-grease, to see, to work, and to do a good job of print ing from an advertisement the size of a finger nail to a poster as largo as our newspaper. Send in your jobs. Amendment to the Common School Law By a most sensible amendment to the School Law of this State, passed last winter, the minimum ago for chil dren to be admitted to tho common schoojs WAS changed from five to six years of 'age. 14urses, cradlp, rock ing horses, baby jumpers and tin rat : ties will no longer, of necessity form a part.of ordinary school house furniture, much to the delight of school ma'ams and school masters evervw here. Juniata Ahe ad On Wednesday last we wore presen ted with another I)enutiful 'hotpot, from Juniata township, by 'Ails& Sadie neiffner. She _will plcakr accept our thanks. • , • EME A flour mill in Newton Iramilton was destroyed by fire on Friday night last. It is supposed tO have been prod by incendiaries. We have not learned particulars, • A "SmartCysfxr Lotter. We havo _received th.o followiug tot ter from a friend. CoMMent upon it is unnecessary: MR. EDITOR had a skore off trublesion thiukin for sum . days. Mrs. , Fyser insists on mrsacrytysing mysef too my country. -She saz, Sacry, my dear, why don't you bee a gnat° man, why don't you (AIM. yuresef befour the people too got 410 oltis. These consol ing words sit moo to thinkin, as I dee reenly dosed on my, restless pillar,off a butifull munelit niLe, While the musk eeters sang there bongo* , requiem arround my downy hooch. I saz too mysef, tsay., Mr.' Fyser, yore not bean a pa t treot, althOugh your lived, in thiss y grate land Of liberty frum uthhtid, yit yore never devoted a day too, thee proteckshun off her reveered institu shuns. This oneomplementary sujes. tion maid me foal ugly, and from that minnit, Mr. :Editor, eonkluded to re• form. I rumihated.Under my past ca reer; how I liati resisted With butifull firmness awl Lothian desires for gloery on the feeld Off strife: how I had lit:- tend, with most husbandal affectshun, too thee very natral rekwestS off Mrs. Fyser, when she bonded upon me won or too off hek swetest dimples, and inn such suthing acksents she sell ; "Sacry, My deer ' don't go, don't think off it; . yu'll brake my heart; - only weight a knple.of yore,s, and , then yn ican use yure pourful infehleck in the lejislatur hauls. We must haw statemon to, Mr. Fyser, and if you with tru morale Isir age resist the lolls too . gloery'ana re. noun now offered. too awl on theo bat tle feeld yu will live to serve yore country in another score. When thee war is over, then ofer yoresef a livin sitcryfise on the alter off ytiro country; then foresako fronds, home and pro• side for too enter the fereful strife oft words, and then conduct yuresef with kuragis bravery agenst the enemies of yure country." Sich argyments as these, Mr. Editor, I - eudn't resist; brute strenth must cum down befoul• sientific reson. Mrs, Fyser Willed and I wilted. As I sot beneath thooyerdent shade off my paternal home, while the jonge summer breze from, its mowntin fast ness waved its. condolous aronnd my thinkin brow, I pOnVerd and I decided to saoryfiso my ,talents,my life, my helth, MrS.:PysercaUd my all too my Country's caul. With the glowrious kern, hartcasin kenShifsness off having performed a ancrythial deed, I grabod my guse-kivil too inform you off my doterminashun, and too have you in. form awl yuro constitashunists that' I. am willing. I•don't want to be Presi dent; it's most as bad as goin too war; but I'd take Congress, that pays purty well, and has sum oner attached, if I kan git on then good sido off sum ;poor, O,prest and sufrin Ethiopium whu has been expulshuned frum a strete ear, and nobly stand up inn defense of the thus oprest. Inn Icaso thou'. nin't no vacancy their I'm widin too go too lltrisburg. Plezo let mo no, Mr. Editor, when ill levo, so I kan mako preparashuns too love, and inn yure letter tell me how much a yore a feller Bits for bent she riff, and trcsury, and supervisor. Subso:iptions wilt bo re.cuived,by the- • First National Bank of filintingdon. First' National Bank of .11o` l(itlayallurg First .National Bank of Altoona. First National Bank of Bellefonte. . First National Bank of Harrisburg. SACRY :OMR. I my 24,1365 . lcain stillness oft' at'Joon moruin maid.dubly redolent by 'tile ballushin atin icons - off a tripperwill fromthe subarbs of a naboring drielt, is wafted around rue as I seal mysef too a pub lic lif and subseribe.mysaf, R_Payno, the man who attempted Secretary Seward'e life, has boon rac ognized as Richard Lee, son of the re• b,3 . 1 Admiral lice, and nephew;of Geol. Leo. tgs - • "Slavery viewed from the Bible Stand Point," by Rev. J. M. Adair, for sale at Lewis' Book Store, price 10 cents. MARRIED, on the t'd inst., by Bev. alin iscr, at the Jaekson:House, I.I.AaaY L. FistlEa, of Virginia,,-,to Alias. MAGGIE READY, of Broad.Top...o.ity.. .DIER - • After a brief illness at the Louse of his son..inAmr .Chartea IL Miller, on Wednesday morning, 7th inst. WM. WELCH, Esq., ferraorly . of Vellefonte, in thO 79th year of his ago. SPECIAL NOTICE, riII°TEELA_EIZS.—Do you really Intend to cease :tve:aritig the 'beautiful styles 'WV , so prevalent, or &gas, less elegantly, bectutso Alto rebol Jolt. Davis, was., ~cepturcU in Fashionable Female Attire? One moment's calm reflection will surely serve, to change your rash resolve. Tho angels hod top much gootksenso to lay, asap thoir pure chnsto robes of wblie, because they hod fora timo seyved to hide the deformities of that Pribee of ilphOls, thoyovki, „gen you err iu following the exam - Diouf AsMelat Thon haring made up your mind, that you will continue , to • dress tastefully r c, gardiess of rebel acts, do not forget Sacoll at the store of the subscri bers, who wilt be happy at alt Oast to f +trash you with such stiletto of dress es you ply desire. Urge your falb ors,,hnsbands, brothers, 'neighbors nod children to visit the some store. They can hero!. suited in good Articles of Boats, Shoes, Clothing Material" ilate, Cons, Queens ware and n general assortnnint of a rocerios, on as Ton, sonoble terms as at any )(onus in town. Storo on South east corner of the Diamond, Ifuntiugdon, l'a. may 91,1105. • .! > • JAS. B. WALLACH. DR: STRICKLAND.--,The valuable rem edie4 offered by this regularly educated phy s ici a n, w h o came bare from Tennessee, highly recommended, will be found advir tised in our columns. His office is No: 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati. 0. We would advise any ono suffering frail) a distressing cough or any affliction of the broat or lunge, to try 'Dr. Strickland's,Mele lilluous Cough Balsam; it is, for sale at the drug etorce. PEUILADELPIKA MARKETS.' • • . Jlinc, 14 nary and rxtra Pimfly 5R25(00,00 Coma - ion and Superfinn $0,0003,25 ltyo Moor 45.2.5 . , Corn Meal— IA $4,50 Ex Ira White Whoa 4, $2,2,302,10 • Fntr anal Prime MO Rye Corn, prime Ve)low Oats' Dario) , Cloyerseed, T 64 Tiinothy Nlnx - Eccd, • N aol. Hideo HUNTINGDON MARKET/3.. • Extra Family ElOur 'fbb'l $8,50 Extra do cwt 4,60 White Wheat - tiO Red Wheat 1,40 Ryo.. R ittt Oath EITEGE2 Flaxi.c4 Deka Apples Mater ........ .......... F.ggek Lrird Ifnm Shoulder Sides. ' • %%Mow . "j's" communication is crowded out ff. S. 7-30 LOB.. MIIE-1.13g;=/0 - S63M/I.3C2MES, Joon 9, 1865, By, authority of ti e.See re tary of the T ies ury, the un dersigned, tlie General Bilbserilltlon Agent for the 'vile of Unitec~Staten Securities,' offers' 10 Oa Public the series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per coat ,laterest peFiennns; known ne the 7.80 XC:PaieLDT. Tbeso nota arodesued under date of duly 15, 1865; arta are payable three yearn from that date In currency, or aro convertible nt Om option of the holder Into 'U. 8. 5-20 - 8.1 - 4' PER CEXT. GOL.P 8EA721- Thoso Bonds aro now worth a handsome premium, and are - exompt, SW aro Millie Geioin'inont . .nonde; front State Chanty, ft>!l! Municipa/ lgzntiaa , which add: frant : puo to Oree per cent. perrittriumloAiir value, acioraing Ito the rate looted upon other property. Tho interest Is payable sand-annually by coupons attachod to Inch note, which may ho s t itt:' - oin:nrrtiolrt : to riiiibank:lor • Van,liar. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent vier clay on a. : .$5O ?tote Two cents . " " sip° . Ten " " ss6o'„ ` << 20 ” " " $lOOO _ " . $1 " " $5OOO " Notes ofulltho 4enourinatjons natnod wllt beyrnunitly -furnished upon receipt of subsoripthine.: ' • The Notoe of the Third scrlce ere precicoly similar in form aml.prlvilegee to the Seven-Thlrties airea t iy except that the Government reserves to Itself the option of paying tutored In gold pip at' 6 bee cent., Instead of 7 3 10tha in currency, Spl?scribore will deduct tho Intarout to cureency up tp July I:4N at the ttrqo glen tltainult eeribe: The dellYery of the notes Of this : third lodes of the Beyond Males will commence on the Ist of Juno, and will be rued° promptly and continuously atter that dote. The slight change mode In the, conditions of this vginD SERIES af f ects only the matter of Intermit. The:pay ment in gold, if made, ho eguiValont to the currency interest of tho highoi tate: The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay, interest In Gold be avallod of; would so reduce and cqualico prices pmt purchases made with six per can gold,woUld rally equal fo th'eso • made rith !men and three tenths .per cent. in currency. Thic is THu ONLY , LOAN IN MARKET Now offered by tho Goiernmeht, nod Its superior mina loges make it tho Great Popoldr Loan of the People Less than $230,000,000 of tho loon authorised by tbo lint Cot gross or now on the mark? 'Phia ' amount, at the into at which It is being absorbed, will all be.subscril, ad for within silty days, when the notes will uddotibt command a premium; us bus uniformly boon case on closing 'the subscriptions to other Lonna. • , In ordor.that citizens of ovary town audeoction of the country may be afforded fireillties for taking the the Nulicnal Banks, Btnto Bank, and Private Bankern, throughout the country, have generally agreed to recolvo subscriptions at par. SubsFribers trill select ,their own agents,' in whom they have confidence, and who only ere to be responsible for the delivery of (be notes for which they iaceive orders. DEAD QUAWYPIS FOR NEW GOODS. .: D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC TIIAT lIE lIAS ' • JUST OPENED A SPLENDIL STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT • CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GNIFIN, May. 53, '6.5. NEW CLOTHINO ' AT. LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN - HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOGIC:OF NE SPRING AND .&ilfillEß (ODDS, Which ho offers to all who want•to be CLOTHED, - AT PRICES TO SUIT THE -TIMES. His Stock consists of Ready-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, 11007.1 AND SHOES, HATE - AND CAPS, - AC., AC. Shonid gentlemen desire any particular kind or cntof clothingvicit found in the stock on band, by leaving their invaenro they con he'accommodated at short notice. Call at the cast corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery. IVIATWAL Eftintiogdon; May. IT, - PIANOS & MELODIANS FOR SALE NO CABINET ORGANS. • 1 2 4 - trpot ei, Mczple ,. • .04.64823. t, • V T ROFESSOR. lIIIGII • COYLE of fer. for sale the celebrated PIANOS -,..F.:..e.14. 1 or ECK ,t.' CO.,l'orr York; vrldeh he con- ee l elders cannot be surpassed in touch or tone- I bility by any Instrument in tho market. . Net withstanding Steinway & Ctes. Instrumento nro considered superior by certain agents, tint Professor can only pronounce thaw good, far there fa an uncertainty in the toms which ho will not recommend. An Steck in the only monufacturer that glue a PRINTED GUARANVER for the durability of his instrument, I have no hesitation in recolmlrn , lint. Ono same. Prof. Coyle is a Judge, from the fact that lin has had twenty yearn experience in teaching music, which of Itself qualifies hint to recommend any Instrument, but Stodk'n fa particular. 0,7061,95 75 58 to Ln $l.OO $17,50 $1,50 $2.50 100g112 The community can use their discretion in purchasing instrymonts, put Professor Coyle feels himself njydge, end notwithstanding nil fictitious ativertisemeutsf] he would recommend Atech & f o'ei Ib preference to. alb:alt er, PROF. H. COYLE. Huntingdon, !any 24, 1865-3 m • JOHN sou, BAIITLI. T. DT.OHN, JOHN Df, rpho nvne of this firm lttisUctn cd from SCOTT . t DROWN, to : HEM SCOTT, 'BROWN. de E111411 . - B y, • • under which name they will hereafter conduct their • -17' LA !r,,. ppirrivop ay, PA. PENSIONS; and all elahns of noldears sand NOldiers' heirs ageing the Gotterninept, trill ll Fumptly pfosecutel May 17, IS6I-tr. : • •-• . • Vrexh. Garden & Flower Keeds, For Sale at Lolyis' Book - Storo. tE $230,000,000. JAY COOKS 86 . 6CRIPTIOX AClEZBT,'Phitaddlilleil 3 P 5.11 ";4 11 P -5717- 8 1 V7 321 A GOOD PI OTOGRAT'H LIKENESS, • CALL AT - MRS. R. J. SAGER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On'°hill. Street, two doors