Elje 0510.b.c. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 17, 1865, LOCAL & PERSONAL. ta..Thoso of our subscribers receiv ing bills will please gie.them iinnacdi ate attention.. Our terms are now ad VPllee payments—our friends will re— member this. Those receiving a pa ver marked with a t before' the name 'will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper. coutitiued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise lloratchinga. —Shad are being eaugbt in the Ju niata -river near Millerstown, below ; Mifia —The present month is giving us 'very inclement weather: Last week `we had continued showers, and fires on some days were necessary. There was a slightly worn $2O greenback. lost in this place last week. The finder will please leave it at this ,office, or send it to IL F. Grove, at pleasant Grove, this county. -rile shareholders. in-the Porter Island Oil litaos : will meet in this bor. angh, on Thursday next, for the pur pose of organizing an Oil Company. —Small silver change. it is said is making its appearance in Philadelphia atid , other eastorn cities. We wouldn't .care to see the "shiners" floating in ,this neck of timber. —The Medieal Society of the State of Pennsylvania will hold its sixteenth annual meeting at , Altoona, Blair county,Pa., on Wednesday the 14th of June next. .. —The Pennsylvania Grand Lodge ,of Good Templars will meet in Lewis town, on Wednesday, the 14th ofJune• 'The M. E. Preachers' Association of the - Juniata District will also meet iu the same town on „the evening of the same day. —The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany have issued an order.-declaring that they will accept nothing bat U. S. or National Bank currency, for freight and passage. We suppose they will take gold and silver when they .can got it. —Wo saw in town last week Dol Decker and :Dory McFarland, two braves of the 49th P. V., who were borne on furlough. They looked well, .and enjoy themselves hugely. Wo sup pose.they are not at all sorry the re bellion is over. —Mr. B. F. McNeil, late editor of Abe Bedford Inquirer, has entered upon dutiedas a member of the editor ial corps of the Pittsburg Commercial. That establishment has secured the services of a trainable individual, and we are pleased to see him so highly situated. —A. substantial fence, not the most ornamental, has 'been constructed on tbo northern or back boundary of the Court House yard. Some such "con dition!' has long been needed, as cows have fattened (may.be) upon tho gras sy_product, and romping children aid. ed in its destruction. —The authorities of Loretto bor- Cugb, Cambria county, deny in a card the truth of the statement made in the -.Alleghonian that "immediately on the reception of the news of the assassina tion of the President, a certain class of citizens of Loretto borough got up a grand demenstration of rejoicing over the event." - —There' is a movement among the clerks in various stores in some of the downs along the line to induce their employ,ers to close business at six or Aseven o'clock during the summer. We would• like to see such a wise step made in this locality for once. Mechan ics and out-door laborers aro relieved from labor after six o'clock, and, sales -men should bo allowed as much time for recreation as others. Tho injury L to health occasioned by confinement of ttile daY should bo partially obviated by the enjoyment of the evening. "•• —A man may go along without ad- Irertising, and so may a wagon without greasing, but it goes mighty hard • There is nothing like printer's ink to Inbrioate the w.b.eels of business, and fthoseiwtouegleOt to Avail themselves .of its Advantages lose' the golden op ,portunity which As gained by. their ; more. wide awake competitors- An advertisement inserted is the Hunting don Globe reaches the people io every ,part of the county; and adjoining coun ties. It goes, too, exactly among the best customers of our towns people— Abe most. intolligent farmers, manu facturers, mechanics and working men. ,B. M. Greene, of this place, recent ily put up a piano for a young lady in Altoona, in relation to which the Tri bune produces the following strain: "It is - a•superb piano, and in-; tone far stir passee those generally in use in the countri.: To see And hear-it is to ad mire andlo uharmed. When you get such articles, get the best, and in, or- Aerto get the best, give your order to - Mr. Greene and ho' Wilt give you satisfaction." The same might be said concerning the pianos put up by the same : gentleman in this place, and we can but repeat the commendation to purchase from air Greene. Xeelfs, For Sale at Lewis'Book Store. tf. A Monument for the Soldiers' A: correspondent sends-us the fol- lowing communication in relation to the preservation of the names of those who have fought, bled and died in the defenee of their country in the present struggle. We fully concord in the correspondent's views, and some project similar to the one sug gested should at once be instituted to keep in popular remembrance the gallant deeds of our fallen heroes: "The advent of peace is at hand; the toil-worn, battle scarred veterans of a hundred battles, will soon be among us again, 'and should receive as they doubtless will a fitting recep tion from a people grateful for the services they have so nobly perform ed. But thorn are many of that pat riot band, who come not, at the roll of the drum; their places in the ranks nro vacant;, wives shall look in vain in the gay , procession for the hus band of her youth; . children shall search in all that throng for a . father, whose homeless grave is far away; mothers shall , run away in sorrow and tears, knowing their loved ones sleep the soldier's last sleep far away from, kindred and home. The roll of returned prisoners is searched in vain for the. missing. brother. Shall we suffer the names of these heroes to be forgotten, except by the hearts that mourn their absence? "No, no,,surely not. How then shall they be, preserved so that we can teach our children to honor them? I propesis.this plan; Let every county erect a Monument, - qn which shall be iriscribed the name of every soldier fronrsaid county who has lost his life in this struggle. Let Huntingdon Co. be the first to move in the matter. No morepioos or patriotic work can he en gaged in. Which of our patriotic men of wealth will put the ball in motion? "Let us have in West Huntingdon or on cemetery hill a monument worth twenty thousand dollars; an honor at once to the livingand .the dead." • Belying tilnehines. The value , of a sowing machine rec ommends itself without any additional comment from us. Whafis necessary in a town the size of this is that some* reliable agency for the same be ap pointed through whom the machines can be ordered. Benson M. Greene has been appointed the sole' agent for Sowing Machines of Grover & Baker, which are celebrated as a good instru ment, Mr. Greene, is also celebrated as a good agent; so, with a good agent to obtain a reliable machine, good re sults may be expected from the pur chase. We would recommend all who desire to save labor, and do neat and rapid sewing to buy one of the Grover & Baker -Sewing Machines from B. M. Greene, whose office is in the Diamond, opposite David Gwin's Store. The Stereoscopic VIONTS. Surely ; they miss a grand sight who neglect visiting E. C. Summer's Castil ian and seeing the Stereoscopic Views with which he has adorned it. In the 200 views the Stereoscope contains there can be seen natural illustrations of battle fields, the contemplation of one alone would satisfy you that there .is something to bo seen. Besides bat tle field scenes, there aro Borne magni ficent views of the Niagara Falls and surroundings, cataracts, and vieWs of the important bridges, buildings, &e, of the world. The Views can be soon distinctly in the evening, as well as day, by the flood of light afforded by gas•iets. • —We notice several new dwelling houses going up in town. They aro small, but just the kind wanted to accommodate small families not able to pay heavy rents. Workthen are busy on James A. Brown's lot preparing it for a three story brick. The eastern room of Cunningham & Co's building on Railroad street is fitting up for a new hardware store:by IL S. Wharton The large room to be occupied' as the Globe printing office, on Washington street and Globe alley, is being pushed to .completion as rapidly as circum stances will admit. We will soon have elbow roam to put work through . in a rush and in good style. MEM! In a - letter• we published some weeks ago, Capt. Bratton of Co 8..49th Regt., was reported killed. We now have the pleasure of announcing that he was not killed or wounded—he is all right. Altustatentent. Lest week in recording the accident . to . -Mrs.. Pei gh tal in He n ry'S stOro, wo stated that she descended the mova ble hatchway. Wo should have stated that she fell down the stairway that leads to the lower apartment. Now Law letira We call attention of the public to the now law firm advertised in anoth er column—Scott., Brown & These gentlemen aro too well known as correct business men to need any fiworablo notice from us. They have been tried and 4ye.not boon found wanting.. • The Place to Call. Mrs. J. Sager is prepared to .accom• modato the public with Photograph likenesses at her rooms adjoining tho buiidirim. Call and examine specimens. ' WALL ,rAvgn RECEIVED Tho• latest and most fashionable styles of Wallßap er just received at Lewis! Book Storo. The stock is ex tonsivo, bnt those who come first will :be the Sooner suitedL,-having tho first chanco. Presbytery - of Flouting(loss A correspondent - fUrnishes the fol owing to the Ifolliclay:shurg ,57and4rd: The Presbytery- of Huntingdon hold its last stated meeting at Hollidays burg, commencing on the 11th ofAprl. The Rev. 0. 0. McClean was chosen Moderator, and the Rev. Messrs.R. M. Wallace and John 11. Clarke, Clorks. W. A. Fleming and G. W. Shaffer,. ministers, and John Kratzer and Jo• seph Smith, ruling elders, wore elected delegates to the next General Assem bly, each having previously expressed, in open Presbytery, the opinion that tho time for an organic union of the Old and New-school churches has not, yet come. Mr. William Gernmili was taken under the care of the Presbytery as a candidate for the gospel ministry. Messrs. Wm. B. Noble and Richard M. Campbell,. of the Western Theological Seminary, and Mr. Nom.* of the Princeton Theological Seminary, were licensed to preach the gospel. The following . preamble and resolu tions were, with cordial unanimity, adopted : • Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God,the Sovereign Disposer of all events, Within the past ten days to crown our armies with successive signal victories, which have resulted in the capture of thousands of prisoners, numerous prominent officers, and finally in the surrender of the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, with the entire army of Northern Virginia, thus giving prom ise of an early cessation of hostilities, and the complete and final overthrow of the existing rebellion, and the rein statingof the authorities dour govern ment over the entire extent of our be loved and afflicted country; therefore, Resolved, 1. That we. as a Presby tery, convened, in the Providence of God, at this eventful crisis, fool it to bo our duty and privile . , :o to record our humble and hearty thanks to our Heavenly Father for his great good ness exclaiming, "Not unto us, 0 Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory." Resolved, 2. That we honor the con summate bravery and skill of the offi cers, and the enthusiasm and scllsac• rificing devotion of the rank and file of our-noble army, through whose a' gency, under God, these results have been attained. Resolved, a. That our deepest sym pathies be extended to those whose homes have been saddened by bereave ment from the late decisive conflicts. After the adoption of the above, the long-metre doxology, was sung, and the Presbytery was led in p . rayer by the RMr. Orr Lawson. The Row. S. T. Lowrie was dismissed to the Presby tery of Philadelphia, and the Rev. John 11.4ilintloy was received from the Presbytery of Chicago. Presbytery adopted, as a standing rule, that applications for aid from tho Board of Domestic Missions, and from the Fund for Disabled Ministers, &tr., must bommdo at stated meetings; and, from the latter, through a co mmittee consisting of tho Bev. Messrs. Itam mill, Lawson, and Elliott. The next stated meeting of this Presbytery will be held in Alexandria, Pennsylvania, on the first Ttie.ulay of October, at eleven o'clock A. M., and an adjourned meeting in Clearfield church on the third Tuesday of June, at seven o'clock P. 111. J. H. C. Death of "Old Flnuntbai. ,, The :Bedford Inquirer of the 12th gives the following in relation to the death of this well trained animal: The world renowned performing an imal, "Old Hannibal," - who for almost half a century has been the greatest wonder of the animal kingdom, died at Centreville, in this county, on last Sunday morning, the 7th inst., at 7.51 o'clock. Hannibal was attached to the combined Menagerie and _Circus which exhibited here on last Friday. Ho displayed evidences of indisposition and feebleness several days previously at , MoConnollsburg, and it required great labor and perseverence to got him across the' mountains to Bloody Itun. On Friday he was very ill, hav ing steadily refused food for . several days He left hero on Saturday morn ing with a very unsteady stop, for Centreville, whore be died on Sabbath noorni ng,. Hannibal was the largest animal ever exhibited on this continent. His height was 11 feet 8. inches, and his weight was ascertained to be 15,000 pounds, or seven and one. half cons. He consumed 8.00 pounds of bay, 3 bushels of oats and 40 gallons of Water per day. - He was supposed to be in his 66th year at the time of his 'death. For 36 years he traversed this conti nent, at an.average of 3000 miles per year, the greatest curiosity ever ex hibited to the wondering and admiring millions. Many interesting and in structive anecdotes are related of this wonderful quadruped which wo would most willingly relate did space permit, but we can only give Wm a passing notice and leave others to, record his history as it morits to be. The watchman who spent the last night with the living Hannibal, reports him as having been very restless during the night, frequently shifting his posi • tion, lying down and getting up. -At ono time he endeavored to break loose from the stump to which he was tied. Sometime before his death he got on his knees on all-fburs,and remained in that position half an hour. When it became apparent that his end was approaching, a crowd of persons assem bled to see this ponderous and tremen thusly vigorous animal expire. hears were entertained lest in his dying ago nies some ono might be hurt, but nIl precaution wasunnecessary. Hannibal At the tithe above stated, stretched himself to full length and died without a struggle, without a qniver; 'as faintly sleeping. So ends `Old Hannibal; a sadneSs cense upon us at' the solenin announeemont. :.his proprietors were telegraphed from Cumberland, who gtive orders thathe'shoeld bo interred without robbing him of any of his or naments. • "Ileav'M what enormous strength death How muscular the giant's arm must be, ;y 0 g rasp that strong•boned elephant, and, nito of all • ' His efforts, tis.,ltiAn to the earth!" LATEST NEWS. The Charge Against the Assassins, Jefferson Davis Included in the Number. The following is the charge against David E Harold, George A Atzerot, Lewis Payne, Michael O'Laughlin,Juo II Surratt, Edward Spangler, Samuel Arnold, Mary E Surratt; and Samuel A. Mudd.: Charge first. For maliciously, wil fully and' i trai torously; and in aid of the existing armed rebellion against the United States of America, on or before the 6th day of March, 1865, and on di vers other days between that day and the 15th day of April, 1865, combining, confederating and conspiring together with one John H Surratt, John Wilkes ! Booth, Jefferson Davis, George II Sanders, Beverly Tucker, Jacob Thom ! son, Wen C Cleary, Clement C George Harper, George: Young, and others unknown, within' the military department of Washington and within the fortified and entrenched lines thereof, against Abraham Lincoln, late and at the time of said combining and conSpirieg President of the United States of America, and Commander in chief of the army and .navy . thereof, Andrew Johnson, now vaT President of the United . States afordliaid; WH Seward, Secretary of State of the Uni ted. States aforesaid', and. Ulysses S Grant, Lieutenant Gee eral'of the army of the United States aforesaid, then in command of the armies of the Uni ted States under the direction :of the said Abraham Lincoln, and in'pursd atm() of, and in prosecuting said Mali cious; unlawful and traitorous conspi racy aforesaid, and in aid of said rebel lion, afterwards, to wit,; on the 14th day of April, 1865, within the military department of Washington aforesaid, and within the fortified and entrenched lines of said military department, together with the said John Wilkes. Booth and John H. Surratf;Malicious-: ' ly, unlawfully and traitorously mur dered the said Abrahani 'Lin,e'oln then President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the 'army and navy of the United States as aforesaid; and maliciously, unlawfully and traitorously assaulting, with intent to kill and murder the said William H. Seward, then Secretary of State of the United States as aforesaid, and lying in wait with intent maliciously, unlawfully and traitorously to kill and murder the said Andrew Johnson, then being Vico Presi . dent of the Uni ted States, and the said Ulysses S Grant then being Lt. Gen. and in command of the Armies of the United States as aforesaid. THE HOMEWARD MARCH. The Army of the Potomac has all reached the defences south of the Po tomac, and General Ifeado'6 headquar ters are established at Fort Albany, on the road from the Long Bridge to Bailey's Cross Roads. The 2(1 Corps, illaj Gen. Humphreys, and the Oth Corps, Major Con. Griffin, will encamp iii the vicinity of the Tail. road leading from - FAIls : Church to Leesburg, although the permanent camping grounds have not been fixed upon. Major General Sherrnan's headquar ters are established at Alexandria, : and his army is to•daY marching from Fredericksburg to that place, whence it will probably go into camp outside of the fortifications, where gcod mood and water may be most convenient. General Sheridan's• Cavalry- Corps will be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. All of these troops till eacamp.within the limits of this department, although the Army of the Potomac, General Sherman's army and the cavalry corps will each retain its preSent .organiza , tion, and transact its military business through the regular ()facial' aannels as before. polsoneAl Fruit. Examine your Caus.—A family in' Harrisburg narrowly , escaped being poisoned, a few days ago, by the Use of canned peaches. 'Pin fruit Appeared to ha in excellent condition, When removed from the ean, but those members of the family who ate of it, hecaMo 'suddenly, and if they had partaken freely of the peach es, no doubt the consequences would have been very serious. Upon examination of the can it was discovered that the enameling of the inside had disappeared, leaving the interior of a very dark color. The probable cause of this was a defect in the tin. Persons who put fruit in new cans should he yory carefuland give them a thorough examination before using their contents. For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE Jon PenniNa Ovtet:," at Hun . tingdon, DIED, In Walker township, on Tuesday, May 9th, Mr.. JOSEPH LEFFORD. In Huntingdon, May 15, Miss MARY JANE•IYILLIAIIIB. Oneida township, this Tuesday morning, Nay 10, Dlr. auon• MAKER, Sr., aged about 70 .yours. In Juniata township, May 11th, of I .4rysipelats, • CuAntxu jostrif, son of John and Lizzie .C. Ijefrorcl aged Little Charlie was kbiul of tkuusnal promise and beauty; ho was liko the half binivn roSo bud, too lovely to grow open iho sterile nail of earth, ospoiail to its chilly blast!' . Clod lins transplanted him to blood in i;arwilse; whoa tho frost of death, nor the blight oral% can never comp' Go to thy rest, my Go to thy dreamless bed, Goullo and uudeilled, • yin/blessing. ou thy Lead. Fresh roots ld thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid; Mato from this fearful land, Where Rowers no quickly fade. Lt. B. S. Getting offttedli•orad Oars So many accidents continually re sult frem pooplo.trying to get off rail , road cars while in motion,-that a few words of- advice may. •not.:be' Mit of place. We do not hope to stop the practice, but. only to instruct those who try it-and particularly ladies-- how to get on terra firma in tho saf est manner: When a person finds ,it 'necessary to leave a train while in motion they should face the forward part of the train, look- ahead to see if the coast is clear, and jump clear of the cars, but in the same direction in wi i ich the train is moving.. On • stri king make the very best time possible to overtake the locomotive, and you will in - a few-seconds lose the impetus given by the train and find yourself safely and gracefully landed. This-is the only way to avoid, being :rudely jarred if not pitched heels - over head. To jump straight out from, or in an opposite direction to that in which the train is moving, is absurd as well as dangerous. - •• RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS:- The rapid docay of rOollion, the steady decline in gold, the easy work ing of the whet() financial machine, the daily evidences of subcription the loans in the South, the .opotiing . of trade ,with the Southern ports, , and the good news from foreign, countries, arc all so many signs loOking to an early resumption of specie pay men ts: . DR. STRICKLAND.,—The valuable ci rem• edieiaffered by this regularly educated physichm; Who Came here. from Tennessee, highly recommended, will - he found adver tised in our columns. His Office is No. 12. Fast Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. • We would advise any ono suffering from a distressing cough or any 'affliction . of the hroat or huts, to try . Dr. Strickland's Mel-, lifluous Cough %learn; it is for sale lit the drug stores. PWILAIIICLPIII4 MARKETS. • • - Flay, IT . Fancy nail Extra Family Flout.,, - $8,25®8.50 Common and Superfine . ' $7,25@7,75 Ilye Flour 46.75 Coro Meal ?1,1 $6,75 Extra White Wheat. $2,20@2,30 Fair nod Prime tied_ . $ 2,10@2,20 8ye51,25 Corn, prime Fellow,, .$1,23, . Cate 83 . . Earley Ift bit $l,OO. . Cloverseed, ''6.l IDA , .. , 417,50 Timothy, . . . $4,50 • Flaxseed, , . ... . ~ . $2,55 Wool .. 100@l12 Bides ' ' 43 ' FiIINT/NGDON MARX.ET.S. . Extra Fetidly Flour Vbbl . $10,50 Extra do lB ewl 6,50 Whi to Wheat 121 Red Wheat 1 05 . . Rye 125 Corn 1,21 . Oats 65 Closerseed 15,00 . Flaxseed 1.75 Dried Apple, ... -.. .................. ~.......,..... ....... ...2,1.0 Butter . • • 80 Eggs 15 . tart 30 Ilan 25 Shoulder '-'0 Sides.' ou Tallow. 14 3E3Car=otal, • • HUNTINGDON,' PA.. • • WM. C. iIIoNULTY T PROpRIETOR, Formerly or the Ernoltiin Hotel, Chomberatourg. TERMS LIBERAL. • mny2, 1225-Iy. , (C-1-CDC:P2Ia 1473E1WM GREAT REDNUI'ION IN ! rfILIE. success of our armies and the consequent decline in them's° of gold and other commodities, enntste too to send' GOOD TIDINGS TO !UN BLAGKSIIIIIIS, awl all others who boy IRON, STEEL, NAILS, kc. Having moved my store to the large mid commodious Bricker Stcro Room, 1 have received a largo mort moot of WAGON TIRG, 110ItSI;: SlioFt IRON, round and vinare BAII.IIION, bought from the makers since the de cline n gold. which I non selling at OREATLY REDU CED PRICES. . All persons wishing to buy IRON, STEEL. NAILS, LOCKS, PAINTS, GLASS. or noy kind of HARDWAtteI for rash, Will eure money by eroding thcir ordere, or call ing at the Hardware Store. of JAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, Pa April 5, 'Ca INSURANCE COMPANY -- •OF NORTII - AMERICA, Incorporated In Philadelphia,. 1794. CASH CAPITAL $1,715,171,71. ARTUUR G. cam N, Preat. CIIARLESIPLATT, Secy. J. A. RANKIN, Rock Springs, Cooke vainly, Pa., Local Agent for part of Centro county, also for parte of Runt. ingdou and Blair counties. Fob. 21, '65-6m. • XECTJTORS' NOTICE. -•a [Estate of Margaretha Swoops., dec'd.] .otters testamentary, on the estate of htargaretta Sweetie, Into of Porter tp., linntingdon co., dec'd.,having been granted to the undersigned. MI persons I:dated to Hui estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them doly authenti cated for settlement. LEWIS KNODE, Alexandria. 4.41:AlIAM . 11411N1911, Waterer Set Zwutdr.. April 5, '55. 6t E XECIJr w R o S of '- p N ew? O i. T R I I. C . E d;ed.). -. .etters testamentary, on the estate of Demos Rine late of Franklin tp., Huntingdon county, deed.; haying bean granted to the undersigned. All persons.lodebted to the ostnte, are requested to tanks , immedialo payment, and thoga having claims, to present them duty authenticated. JA.IJRS orayEtc, • .R.secuter. April 5,'65. Gt. LLOYD, & HENRY JUST RECEIVING TILE LARGEST & MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS; Eror brooght to Ma cogioty.,• •AT (iItE4TLY, iNPJ-JUP PRIQES. op2G-3w THE 'MULLION HIGH PRICES PLAYED OUT, GEORGE SIIAEFFER , Nearly opposite the Olobehflice, respectfully Informs the public that ho has just opened a fine stock of faBOOTS AND SHOES, of all hinds, for Melt, Women. & Children, Tho stock has been selected with care, as to style and quality, and will bo sold at reasonable prices toanit the Owes. The public generally pro Invited to call and ex. examine his stock. 'sya...New. work aud.repairing done to order. Huntingdon, May 3,1865-2 m. A 9 CENCY • • . . . . riAL CO L LECTING S OLDI ERSD ' PL4: l *. S. , lIPVPTTY) 'PACK 'PAY AND PENsxi5D7.5. ;ALLL w . 116 may have any claims p,- gaiust the Government:ler Dotinty, Back Pay and 'eamons can have their claim. promptly collected by ap-, plying either 41 mew or by letter to . . . . : ' . . W. U. WOODS, . , . . • . - , - ..Attorney at Law;• • ' . .. Huntingdon,. Pa. August 12, 1863. • - . ENVELOPES, wholesale and retail, for eale LEWIS' BOOR:STORE. ZcOTICE,OF---INCORPORATION - or .orr, COMPANY. n pursuance of thelad seetlon of the Act of- lath of y o nnary,rsß, the Undersigned horoty OTIS ' notice to the other sbareholderi in the Porter' Island Oit lands, Minn. tedhaJlio Alloglie49 l tlrer, in Yetutogo conntyerinsyl• route, that w meeting of the said ebatiholders ' , All be held in the borough of llntitlogdon, PeunOYlYaala, on Thursday the ISth of May 1865, ft , r the purpose of organ. 'slog an Olt company wider the provi,;!on of sald act; and to appoint &suitable persou tommeriutend tho busince3 of the Company in developing their lauds. - N. 11. WOODS, X. BADS, JOHN DAUB, Hunt, April 2G, D. W. WOODS. ADMINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE. [Retitle of Thomas Ewing, deed.) Cotters or Mbnlnietraion having been. grouted .to tlic undersigned, on the °Otto of 'Thomns Ewiog, lato of West township, cleoemed. All pereon6 Impaling therneelvea indabtod to told ostato aro requested CO 1.P.!,0 tmrocdiats payment, And theme having elallne, to present - them arty authenticated, for settirtneut. - . - • rnay3-Bt. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICg. - - rEstiit; of:liable1; SPinfogfo, dee'dE • - otters of administration upon the estate of Malden Spanogio, late of Warrtersmark twp., deed., lowthg been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to the estate will make payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. WM. D. ADDLEMAN, • Admintatri tor np19,186545t. GREAT.ENTHUSIASItt ! Irian pluchls suIMENDER ! THE BEET AND TEM CHEAPEST' . JOHN H. WESTEROOK. Rospectfully inforrns the citizens of Huntingdon and victnity that he lareJust recetratt from the city a /Inv and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATSk,CAPS. Hosiery, Shoe .Findings, Carpo Sachs, Trunks, cf;e., olt of which he Is prepared to reiat reduCed lot of choice CONFEOTIDOERIES hayo oleo been re relied. Don't forget the old stand in the•lllamotid. Old Cush). more and the , public generally ere invited to call. , Huntingdon, alai 12, 1885. • • ' - 11Eful_Akg ltalat 00010.A.Ci3EX "13 3®lP, HUNTINGDON, PA. -IAvID MINGLE Respectfully in forms the public generally that he has removed hie op to tho building In Washington etroot, formerly oc cupied bye. Boat, whore he is prepared to do all kind of parix AND ICEAVT WORX 4 • - In his Hue of buslams, mid holm to racelve it liberal pat ronage. NEW WORK will be ramie to order, at prices to suit the times DAVID MINGLE. Huntingdon, March 28, 1865-3 mil _Wittmyna 3Pcor Male. ' ' IR- undersigned: offer: the Fenn-. on which they reside, in West township,. Huntingdon county, at private sale. It is situated three miles from Petersburg, and the same distance from Railroad and ca nal. /t contains three hundred and forty-nine acres and allowance; good buildings, and about one hundred and fifty acres cleared, and well adapted for n •tnck farm. J.-8. 31.10THILEI, TAMIL MAGUIRE. .pinigAsc4-4n ALEXANDRIA,BREWERY. . , E. 0. & G. W. COLDER HAVING entered into ce.partnerabip In the Alexandria Brewery, Ile Public ore interfne , tl7o that they will he wowed at all times to. fill orders on the ehortest notice. . • Alexandria, Jan.l3. • INSTRANOZ. COMPANY OF NORTH ADIERICA, LOCATED AT PHILADKLFIOII. ZATCORPORATED 1704. CH4.14- :: TER PERPETUAL. The oldest Conipany; in the IT. S. ASSETS, $1,115,000. ARTHUR. O. COFFIN, Prest. CHARLES PLATT, Sect'._ The undersigned agent for the. above . known and reliable Company, will make inenroncoagainet pee by Ere for any period—front one month to perpetual. 0. BARTON AMU:FAUN, -A gent. Feb: 22;65-.43in : - • Huntingdon. 1865. THE "V,ICTOR" 11 a I IA 40 AL BIT 3EI =II OQOK'S • SUGAR EVAPORATOR. ISIOST RAPID EVAPORATOR IN, THE IVORI,D • "SORGO ITAND BOOK," FLEE. CANE SEED, by the Ib or bushel, FOR SALE AT COST. Prince & Co.'s Now AUTOMATIC ORG ANS. The groat .st triumph of t h e egei Nevratyle MKLODEONS, with improvement., (hour & Baker's FAMILY - SEWING MACHINES. Senct.for Circulars, dc. : FREE. . A:' B. BRUMBAUGH, " - 801,E AGENT, James Crack, Huntingdon co., Pa apl'2, 1.565-3 m 1865. • -• .1865. CLOTHING. H. - ROMAN. N R - 14 CLOTHING - FOR •. , • SPRING AND SIZIMMBEZ, JUST RECEIVED H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Genßesoen'e Clothing of thobestanalerial, and, made n the beet workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite tke Franklin Nome in Market Square ; Minting don, Pa. .. . Muntingcicn aprill2,;os. - HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P..CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE. HAS JUST OPENED Sk'LEND I ID BT9ofc. of NEW GOODS 1:11A'1' BL BEAN CHEAPNBS S AND QUALITY co-Ai. 4Np. SEE.: Gy4p,T, Nov.:3, '64 AWASSOCIATION; --. • ... ... - Pit nndarai g tiea -haro 'numerated theMderre., togetliir. .- in thellfactiCa of the low la Huntington !a .omm ti.l the one now, and formerly occupied: by! J.r . Seivell Stew.. art, adjoi9tog the Court Ifinum. . • . _, -1 .• A. 19. 1311 If •PICT, J. BEIVEI.I, STEIVA.RT.:' ~ . • July 20, 1864 WILLIAM D. g-EMMILL, t iv.. cz.‘ GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS;-, LOANS, ETC., - Bought and Sold on Commission.'; Office--511 Market street, Philad'a. WASHINGTON- HOUSE:, No. 709 Chestnut Street, 'a o e Sem PH/LADELPrita, Who Manager has the pleasure of 'announcing thalehlt popular Hotel Is now opou for tho roceptlois :T/Litli SIENT OUDSTS. .The house has been thoroughly renematoil and negly furnished, and Is presented to the publlEas beinglia.evory, particular a hotel suited to their %vaunt. dlio ',Sutton% of the public is respectfully solicited. .• March 9, 'PA-diu CJIAS. M. ALLMOND; Manager. JOHN FOSTER, Administrator. B LINDS AND.S , HADI:;"S No. 16 Noith 6ixth Street' Philadelphia YENIPIAN- 8.L11V . 17,5 . 3 AND 0 TV SHAJABY. •The largept and Bno_•t assortiaeat I. dieelty akt:thi. leweet coah pricqs. • STORE SHADES MADE /LED LETTERER:. -- mh29.1885-2tV. • •••••• HENRY HARPER, .No 520 Ayok, 1 Stroet, nt:tea Din, AIILADELPIIIA; rdannuannla ASYDEALER II PINE JEWELRY, ," SOLID SII:VER-WARE" . . and Superior SILVER PLATED WARE. rry.LTTL3m. • _ • • ~ 1. n-cATJF g E.I‘,..„. j . ,a WATCIDIAKR .. AND No. 10 North aEcoNp Stro f, 41r6er . Of:Q,arry,-• PIiILADEZPIILI, - • - Au, nseortment of 'Watches, - Jewelry, Sneerlett Waro constantly on hand. SUITABLB POit HOLIDAY PRESEtiZgi.- - 4-Z".• Repairing of Watchee and Jewelry promptly _ • • , attended to. ' • • • POUDRETIE! [Fifteen Fears. Fair Trl9ll • ' A. P.EYSSON, , Philadelphia, "]. . . POUDItETTE, $2O 00 per ton, taken from 1110 _SueLary, loose, or 50 Cents per bushel, 'and $2OOO par rowan balm -delivered at Steamboat and 'Railroad: Depots FMK delptda. Manufactory, Gray's Furry Road, abOra canal, Plata&lpbla. Depot. PSYSSON'S Farm, Gloucester, S ew. 'JeTaaY, Woodbury road, ' ' • oMce—Library Street, No. -110 back . . of tho tom Post . Mee, PbilaLtulphla. Dealer. " .FRESCII. nicianns& Ath do cALTpIytuLT; Strets, REIILAMpIiPIIIA, February .1505-41n . ,us. • • • • THE EYR AND EAR NO* READY, A Work by. Dr. V.01'. , 1 MOAERRISRAt,. of N 0.1027. ITalopt street, Didladelidda, dlitftled', A .R 0,0.47 4'0.11. THE PEOPLE, On AI folico.fing diseasen:. Eye and Ear diseases. Throat diseases In ge4eral; Clergymen's and Public iteakerd Sore Throat L distl,e of the Mr Passages, (Laryus(lia Bronebitis,) 40211 MA awl cATART3II. , This Book Is to bo had at No. 606 CHESTNUT. Straec, Thilada., arid d all llooksollers: Trion Si.? And from tliw. author, Dr. Von Mosoliziskfir, Who can be cotieditell• all them maladies, and rill Nervous Affections, whicli he' treats with the surest success. Office,' No. 1627., Watittit Street, Philadelphia. • ' feldl-31ti ' Lt ; , - MILLINERY GOODS; 8.1100 . KS & ROSEN.HRI.,I4 WHOLESALE :DEALER.S„ , 1ti0:431 MINKET Street, north'sirk ' • 'PHILADELPHIA-, •' .!lavo now opened, their usual handsome. variety, of RIBBONS, . ,• . BONNET MATEIMALS;, STRAW & FANCY BONNEIA MISSES' EATS, XI.O*,ERS_RTICXLES CES aiiilllll-otho.r articles required by the NtILTAN4It'STItArT ~,..: 13.): long exr:erience and strict attention to ibis branall' of broduees exclusively, we flatter ourselves tliat we .offtr inducements, in variety, Myles, quality • anti. moderate prices—not everywhere to be found. Tbe.attention.rf MILLINERS and bIEIiCIIANTS is respeethillj , solicited. AlGr Particular attotillori paid to filling Orders. • March e,'135-am. , . . 1865. • ESTABLISHED 1836. pOULTON'S.BILLIXRDB,AL.obb.t The oldest Billiard Saloon, and ono Of, the best regale- 1 ted in the,Stato. Is Poulton's, situated In the ice ref Bremen hell, near Thirst etreat. Iletng lb the business forayer ljtr . years, he thosonghly,-Amilefetatids the what's and desire,. M of players. s room In the largest end beet lighted the city., Tito runs are alWaye 14 the hest order, and Lai tahles•minhothe italilledloy any inthe 1e gives .the business his direct superhitendon6,and ,can assure the finbilo that they ens find bettor' Satiable= Alen at his !saloon t . han at any other In the city, .: .*, No Nine sots on . the pFoiniser. : —overy mart hill, 9,4 i, • HASHEESH CANDt, The Great Oriental Nervine Componirav, . • , . • , TRUE OHOiIET OF VOOl'll ARID 13E4131'T. • „ ' Itls a remedy that ought to ho in every House count of its harmlessness and potency; and above,all. - be?:: causer:cite exceeding.cheapness.lt fa the cheapest rem % edy in the world. Colds readily Yield to it, Id the abort space of a single night the severest cold has passed away and the Ilasheesh.ectlng ua a stimulant on the, abffiiretr,- enables him to Vise In tho morning fresh and renewed, Its effects 'are'wonderful. It quickly annihilates cod Suffering, and tillerlatee humau -•- We here-present ti feel dlrea.s4 thiXt ii.l. • plarrant it to cure dr petseyired other. , renied:iis;sghlom being; required: it Is a sure curs for Forer and - • Sure curs, forlieileral Euro oiro for OE Nervous and Bilious Affectiolie. * • .wit is sure to preserve the Complexion :and and imparts the bleem of perfect health and „lligor;y1 those Who use R. • . &ad by . brugaiste everywhere. 'Pries e? cents PIA $l. per box. Pos;aga ou $1 box 15 cents: Imported holy - bltlio Gunlelf ¢IIcG Company, Ofbcs. 36 Beekman street, New Yo , . , For sale by John Reed,, Dritygist;, , .ffuntingdon, Sole Agen El= 11111ROWNING'S gXCELSIOR 00F, FEE. • Whilst trying Coffee of all the Tarious brands, Remember ".BROWNIII(PS EXOELSIOR"—at the bead it _ . stands. - True, it's Rot like Q there that are 'SOLD EVEItYIVHBREe A little etrata,•weall do knows good goods will eaeiltbeet, (Put a stretch like tbis—"isoldeverywhers”.--is.veryagt to tear.) Now, I can safely say, without any hesitation, Theio's none like ' 4 I3RDIVII.I.IiIIPB EXOELSIOIV',. itf this 'enlightened nation. • • Ekiiled chemists have not found a Coffee' frotn ad* Sind) Possessing the same ingredients as •BrOwning.e.taceisior.!. Nor is there anyone, in'or out of the Coffee trade,. Whorknovnithe articles from which: nlirowriing's I'm told Wu Made from barley, rye, wheat, beans itpd peat: Name a thetumnd other !Mpg - 6-' 7 l9f the right 'ontl,ll' Tag Bat with the Coffee-men I !ill not hold cooterdltm Ter the many, many things they coy—te? n.!#.anGsTl. to Whiled they're engaged An running round - Tv:on store. So store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's .11z cclelor' " Porno who know my Coffee gives perfect satisfaction, Have formed a plan by which they hope to cause a quick rCaPti9P:' --; - ! The ettoe—qts with' a kir ; no (doubt 'twill be trroya- To 1111314 their Coffee after Iran.. (Brolvuiblea) If. leior. some say thelr'e tlxs"ohly _trawl tlist will 1;0.141' a ready_ Now, try;alittleohliim all—eor,vhich yon like the beet. Never have I 10 your paper advertised Were; . ,;'• • Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more, • • Irlihe Boras used by "everybody," "sold everywhere, A trado like this);-do . not wish; the ordeinTinOlil not till; The rectory Jerse'e lend would toko.--lonvo note foot to till, trade le not eo iery. largo; 80111. think . I. haye . .my shilie, • But, reader, you may rogtoasured, no t"50.0 PVErCY- . Manufactured mi for t effete by the wriiir, GEORGE:L. BROWNING; No, 20 Market . Straot, Camden, N. 4r. This Coffee is not comprised of `poisononi drugs 'lt ion tains nothing deleterious; many persons use t tidiCollte that cannot use thopurecofte pit takes but. one aiul-Ahalf ouncetMo maks a quart of good utroig c01fet.,.. - thabbEtitk just one-half the quantity It taken of LION 6 Cattik,'llll4 al ways less theibalf.tho priefi:. ••• • " ; . RETAIL DEALERS rnsfYynrclanso it in less quantities than the grads'at my brito froth Whoicasilo Orator!. ler.Orooto by =4l froM'Whol.s.te - ThsaNricipropiv7 *ttended.to: • • }larch I t 1E6.1, .V7ILLIADILS; 3 iditrPOClDitrai Or TO THE -PEIOTTaI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers