C, 4C) Ma For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA, Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylva nia, and the Battle of Gettysburg. Pictorial History of the Wars of the U. S. Washington , and his Generals. "ane's Arctic Explorations, 2 volumes. lVebber's Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Field's Scrap Book. l'Neill's Glimpses of Animated Nature. Parley's Columbus, Washington & Franklin. Chambers Information for the People, 2 Vole. • Selections in Poetry, by . Epes Sargent. Indians of North America, by S. G. Drake. Parley's Four Quarters of the World. Mirror of Nature, by W. H. Furness.' t utter's Ethical Discourses. Flowers of Elocution, by Carlin° Leo lints Handbook Family Knowledge for the People Sermons of Calvin and Luther. Partons Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 volumes. eneral Butler in New Orleans, by Parton. ;Orson and New Orleans, by Alex. Walker. Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life of John Fitch, by Thompson Wosteott. Smucker's Life & Times of Alex. Hamilton. Ylor's Life and Travels of Von Humboldt: Life and Speeches of Senator Douglas. he Muuntam, by ;Dr. R., M. S,Jaellson. ! ppeitunities for IndustrY and Capital, or 1000 Chances to Make Money. Freedlev's Practical Treatise on Business. Sindings History of Scandinavia. Walker's Rhyming Dictionary. Good's Book of Nature. I rid, [literally translatedd by 11. T. Riley. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. Stewart's Freemason's Manual. Webb's" Monitor. Davis' " Cross' Masonic Chart. Shakspearets Complete Works. What Can Woman Do, by T. S. Arthur. The Withered Heart, ,do. The Two Sisters. byMrs. Emma Southworth The Deserted Wife, do. Porton Sketches, by Miss Leslie.. The Lawyer's Story, by J. A. Maitland. Diary of an Old Dootor, do. The Wanderer, do. Adam Bede, by. George. Elliot. Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morris Parisian Pickings, by Julie De Marguerittes ' Ricliard Penn Smith's Misceltaneous WOrks Horse Shoe Robinson, by 3. P. Kennedy. Father and Daughter, by Fredrika Bremer. Fashion and Famine, by Airs. Ann Stephens litry Dement, do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. ; unker Soldier ' or British in Philadelphia. ,:Anecdotes,of- Love, hy,Lola Montez. Age of 'Chivalry, by Theories Bulfinch. Tale of a Tub, SA., by,Dean,Swift. The - Initials,' Story of " Modern Life. The Methodist,' by Miriam Fletcher, 2 vole. The'World'slacomes ;or Best Thoughts of Best Authors', in Prose and Poetry. 'Robert Houdin ' the. Magician, by. Mackenzie Skirmishing, a Novel. etterri to Young Ladies, by Rev. J. Bennett tidies' Guido to Perfect Gentility. • Dime - Book of Etiquette. lie Reason Why Natural Mabry. llaria,g and Suffering, by'-Lieut. Pittenger. Titcomb's Letters to Young Folks. " Lessons in Life. • " Letters to the Joneses. " Gold Veil. Bitter'Sweet. - - Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. The Trial, Of More. Links of the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. ' -- Nasby Papers, [Comico-Politico-Religicol How to do Business, a Manual of Practical = Affairs. The Ladies' Work-Table Book. -.Zulu Land, by Rev. Lewis Grout. Clarke's Commentaries on New Testament. Dutch and English Testament. Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. - Holy War. • The Three Mrs. Judson's and other Daugh -, tees of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rice. •Defence of Armageddon, by. F. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings, Louis Napoleon and the Battle of Armaged ' don, by Rev. M. Baxter. ' Condensed Concordance to the Scriptures. Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copely. `Cobbot's 13 Sermons on Great Sins. Headley's Sacred Plains. Mollvaine's Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. ' Slavery Viewed from the Bible Stand-Point, by Rev. J. M. Adair. 'Union Bible Dictionary. ~,The Broken Bud or the Reminiscences of a Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of Little Children, by S. Prime. • he :Morning of Life. The Faded Hope, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. _The Guardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, by Mrs. Sarah Gould. :;The Daughter of Affliction, a memoir of the Protracted. Sufferings and Religious • perionce of Miss Mary Rankin. - Barnes' Family Prayers. ay'e Family Prayers. Fleetwood's Life = of Christ. Shelley's Poetical Works. • Pope's do. Affeotion's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, by J.,Cole Hagen. he Future of Nations, by Louie Kossuth. he New Fortune Teller, or the Poetical = Fate Book. Mrs. Haledßeceitittifor the Million. The Philadelphia Housewife, or Family Re - ceipt Book. Soyer's Standard Cookery. -Miss Acton's Modern Cookery. - Dime Cook and Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Jean. • The Family Doctor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit andi Frnit Trees of America. he Farm ; Manual of Practical Agriculture lie Garden, do do Horticulture he Barnyard, a Manual of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry : The Farmer's New and Universal Handbook A. Method of Increasing the Yield of the Milch-Cow, by John Neffien, Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. " Doctor. he Horse and His Diseases, by Jennings. Rarty's Practice Of Horse Taming. Both Sides of the Grape Question. Mysteries of Bee-Keeping, by M. Quinby. • conomia Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. annan's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for Lumber Merchants, Ship Builders • and Boat Builders. Scribner's Assistant for Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. ' ohrei's Practical Calculator. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. EL Haswell. Arrowsmith's Paper Hanger's Companion. The Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V. Kautz. ."United States Army Regulations. Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. • Tax Law and Stomp Duty Cards. _ Pocket Maps of United States, Pennsylvania, - _ and the Western States. ." Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through the United States and Canadae. Constitution of the United States. ▪ Freedley's Legal Adviser. `Everybody's Lawyer, by-Frank Crosby. i"Book of Drawing-Room Plays, by S. Steele. :The Sociable,or 1001 Home Amusements. fflnyle's Games: Chess, Backgammon, i*.e. elleaer's Simplified and Explained by D. . Scattergood. peetropia ;.or Surprising Spectral Illusions, showing. Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other.Letter-Writere. he Teacher, (Phonographic.) lie Reporter's Companion, P • honographic.) ip_kart's Manual of • Phonography. • a Manual of Conversation- and WaliLn n i g' - Manlo to v e , s. rri and Oratory, • ' Whately's Selecair Debater. 2 , Logic and Utililrorkm,st "`"; e Literature and Literary ai r ,„ Brown's Grammar of English Gramm a Page's:Theory and Practice of Teaching. . irmbrobk , s;Nortno-method Qf Teatbing. Wickersbard'a.Sebool Economy.: Elocutionary Bfatival, by Hiritin Corson. Comprohoneivo Summary of His tory, Also, an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. Interlinear Translations of Ovid, Virgil, Ci cero, Stillest, Horace, (Latin;)'Xeno phon's Anabasis, Homer's Iliad, and the Gospel of St. John, (Greek.) Antbon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's Gorman and English Primer. Sargent's Primary, Intermediate and Stand ard Speakers. Frost'S American Speaker. Northend's Little Speaker. Dime Speakers and Dialogues. Johnston's NaturaL Philosophy. " Primary " " " Elements of Chernistrj., Fowne's " Reese's Zoology. Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. Wpreestees Ancient and Modern History. Lord's Modern History. , " History of the United States. Teacher's Guide Id Illustrations : to mom pany noltiook's School Apparatus. How to use Globes, by F. 0. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Hann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeastle's Algebra. Robinson's University Algebra. [See School 'Books in another column.] FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, !WADE TREES, GRAPE VINES, PLANTS, &C., • At the nurseries of Taylor & Cromer Who offer their stock of well grown and thrifty TREES, VINES, PLANTS, &c., qt their old prices. The expense of grafting and planting this stock haying been Incurred before the outbreak of the rebellion when the price of labor was low, they curt afford to sell these Trees at 50 per tent. less than they can sell the same kind of trees next year.. While other Nurserymen hare raised their prices about 50 per cent., these sun sell at the old rates this year; that is to any—Apple Tree., $l5, $l3, and $2O per hundred, according to size, Ac. Standard Pear 50 to 75 cent. each. Dwarf Pear, SO to 75 coots each, and $3O to $45 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at 40 to 50 cents each. Also, Pesch, Cherry, Quinco and other trees; Grope Vines, Lawton Blackberry, Raspberry, and Straw. berry plants, Dahlia roots, and Shads and Ornamental Treaa—all at the old rates ' . Money infested in fruit tries - ti to yield a good re turn. Now IS your time to order treas. Address, THEODORE 11. CREASE, feb9,1865e Huntingdon, ra.frt BEST WHITE LEAD ! BEST ZINC ! PURE LIBERTY LEAD, Unsurpassed for WrarrtrEss, FINE G 1.098, DURSDILITT, F11:11 11r.85 end EvaiNT..ss Of SOItrACZI. PURE LIBERTY LEAD—Warranted .to coror more surface for same weight than any other Lead— Try it and you will have no other! PURE LIBERTY ZINC, Soidled ZINC, ground In Refined Linseed Oil, unequalad in quality, alwaye the same, PURE LIBERTY ZINC WASRATITD to do morn and better Irani: at a given con than any other— Get the Best ! • Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT & COLOR WORKS. Orders.execßted pro aptly by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Palntand Glass Deotors. 4Q' Store 4 Office, No. 187 North THIRD Street Et= Mural 8, 'O5-1y .TIVMANIGA.L'S . LITERY STABLE. MONTGOMERY STREET, Between the Baptist and Catholic Oh-arches, HUNTINGDON, PA. • P. 5414.4 rill) PUBLIC GENERALLY are. L&AV' that subscriber is at his Bow S %r aceemn z ato L l z l, HORSES, BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES at reasonable rates, on short notice. HENRY IVI'MANIGALL. Huntingdon, March 8,1865-Iy. _ NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 1 ! 23 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN TNE CHEAPEST! SIMOI COWL AT COFFEE BUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of his old patrons specially, and the public tn 'general, to his extensive stock of well selected new Goods, just received from the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Sagami,. Nails,. Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, kn., and all ether articles kept in a first class country store ; all selected with the greatest ears and which were pur chased for ctud, only,und affords him to sell them at a very low figure. The Public will find, it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains 'will be spared in show ing our Goods. Ladies aro specially invited to examine ear large stock of fashionable dress gcods ; Shawls, Cir culars, Furs, and a great variety of Woolen Goods, Bello ry, All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices — Cash not retailed. By strict attention to the wants of customers, we hope to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which we have been hereto fore favored. Come one and all, and Tai. . ;M. New Goods received daily. N0v.1864. SITION COUN. NEW CLOTHING AT _LOW PBICES. M. OUTMAN ILLS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NE2l' FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Whioh he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Hie Stock amulets of Ready-made Clothing for 'MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, ROOTS AND EN0129, HATBAND CAPS, &C., AC. Should gentlemen deelre any particular kind or cut of clothing not found In the stock on hand, by leaving thot measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at the cast corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery: - MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon. Nov. 23, '64. NEW STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON lIILL OTRIIET, IIaNTINGDON, 'PENKA TILE BEST MAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CIIOCOLATS. FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF VIE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and ovory other article usually found in a Grocory 13tare ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Viimiebes, Oils and SOL Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol. Mass and Putty, BEST S9INS and BRANDY for medical purposse. ALL TUE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, ' BOOTS AND slums, end a largo numbor of articles too numerous to monti on The public generally will please call and examine for then:metros and learn my prbos. Truitt ugdon; N0v.2.3 '64 COUNTRY DEALERS can b u y CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can to the Wes, as I bare a wholesale store in Philadelphi a ; I/. ROHAN. ITORSE-1-IA.Y FORKS, for ,unload tog Ray. J. A. BROWN Huntingdon, Is agent for tho - best Fork in tho United States. Call soon. ma4'64 ENVELOPES, *hotiqsale and• retail, for Bale' 7.41.17,8',1300823T0RE c f 4 -_ .:-1:-Nito-um-. 1 It . . wieFor-ziEGT-- tlt. -._t5 , .. , ... , .---- READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, islß EAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIFF, vfi xorni and North-West for PTIILADELEBIA, NW. 'Voltz, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLP.NTORN, EASTON, &c., Trains leave Harrisburg for 'New York, as follosra t At 3 00 and 8 15 A. 11., and 145 P. 51., arriving at :Yaw York at 10 00 A, Al., and 245 sod 10 00 P. 51. The above connect with similar Train. an the Pennsyl vania railroad, and sleeping cars accompany the first two trains, without change. Leave for reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, llinersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. Al., and 145 P. 11., stopping it'Lebn ncn and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 25 A. Al., and 440 P. 51, Returning. /earn terve-Tons nt 0 A. H., /2 Noon, and 7 P. Si. Philadelphia at BA. 61., and 330 I'. 01; Pottsville at 8 50 A. N., and 2 35 P. M.; Tamaqua at 8 10 A. 51., and 215 P. M and Beading at 12 midnight, 755 and 10 45 A. 1 18 and 6 05 P. 3.1. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves REAMS at 0.30 A. M., and return. from PHILADELPHIA at 4,1 0 P. M. Columbia Railroad . Trains leave Reading at 6 40 and 11 A. M.. for L•phrata, Lille, Columbia. Ac. On Sundays, leave New York at. 7 P. M., Philadelphia, 815 P. M., Pottsville 7 10 A. If., Tamaqua 7 A. M., Har r' burg 8 15 A. My and Mancha& at 12mIdulght, for Ilar risburg. COMILITATIO2I, MILEAGE, BiASONi and BXCIMMoX nciltra at reduced rates to end from all pointer. Baggage checked through: 80 pound. Baggago allowed each Passenger. Nov. 231864 VMjF,llnillll. PENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD TIME OF LUTING 0 F TRAINS WINTER ARRANG EMENT. D'ESTIVARD. EASTWARD ry a 1 ~i g.4 , 0 p. ~. 0. ; 4 >• , t .• t ~' 4 4 Mr ,- . • . g g s. n et ~...,45 '0 1 STATIONS. VP. ' - i 8 P. : 4 ' g ' te 5. 67 1 ~. . . I.a g 5 ~4 9 .Y.l 9. 6/.1 P.U. I 5.11. I p. x.l • 8.161 l'. St 17 460 11 BS X.ltamllton, 961 246 25 4 68 12 08 Mt. Union,... 942 10 01 2 40 3.5 12 20 Displeton" .... 2 30 43 5 1 12 29 k,... 925 946 223 60 5 81 6 12 48 8 48 Ilu Mill titingd Cree en, 9 12 , 11 035 210 15 9 46 1 08 !Petersburg,— 8 561 9 20 1 52 23 120 Illarree I 1 44 31 6 02 1 32 Spruekreek, 8 41 9 07 1 87 49 1 64 Birtrallginlll, 1 20 58 629 2 05 Tyrone, 8 17 8 44 1 10 08 6 39 2 20 Tipton, 8 06 12 08 14 2 28 'Fostoria, 12 62 10 6 60 2 30 Dell's Mine,. 7 66 8 25 12 47 40 710 1 001 815 Altoona,. 740810 12 30 .81.1 4.16 P. M. 4. Y. P.Y. 2. Y. P. IC no PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Fait Altoona at 9 40 P. M., and arrives at Hu 11 01 P. M. The PAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoo A. M., and arrives at Huntingdon at 3 07 A.O Tha PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS ilreet Huntingdon at .7. 30 A. DI., and arrives a' 0 05 A. 51.• • • • The FAST LINE Weeterard, leaves Ina 7 44 P. M., and arrives at Altoona at D 05 P. H UNTINGDON & BROAD TOP • RAILROAD. On and after 'Monday, BURCH 6,1565, Passenger Trains Will arrive and depart as followe SOITrIIIYARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS. Accou. MAn, EEMED! La 4 00 tr. 8 00illuntingdon, 68 12 35 en 4 68 420 820 McConnellstown , 12 14 033 4 28 8 20 Pleasant Grove, 12 08 6 30 444 844 Marklesbutg, • . ,11 50 614 600 900 Coffee Run, 11,34 SOD 508 908 Reuel& Ready 11 26 543 521 921 COTO, 11 14 531 1 5 23 0 25 Fisher's Sumnilt ...... 11 10 5 15 AR 5 40 AR 9 40 LE 6 00 to 0 b 0 LE 1.2 10 65 tit 5 10 Ail 10 46 AR 5 00 610 10 10111Iddleeburg ' 10 26 439 6 101 10 18j Hopewell 10 18 , 431 6 3410 34 l'lper's Eun 10 00 4 15 8 541 10 65 Hamilton, 041 356 706 11 07 Bloody Run, 929 .3 44 AR 7 10 enll 10 51ount Dallas 1 9 251 ts 3 40 01101.11rS RUN 1116ANC11. 6 45U 11 00 1 9.0zton . ' len. 0 301 450 6ODII 15 Conlmont 9 151 435 005 11 20 Crawford, 905 427 0 15 en 11 80 Dudley, 0.8 9 00 4 20 I 'Proud Top City, j Huntingdon 3618. 6,1865. OMER Ainuts, Supt. Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons. • •qte ,(1_,A3).1;" • 4, THE undersigned respectfully in • forms tho public:that, having obtained from the Manufacturers, the solo Agency for the solo of STEIN WAY k SONS PIANOVHASON & HAMI,IN'SCABINET ORGANS end CABIJAIIT, NEEDHAU & COS' MELO DEM, he ie prepared to furnish Instruments to per• sons wishing to buy at the retail prices in Philadelphat and New York. • . • Circulars cent promptly upon application with any ad ditional Information desired. N. B. Every inattrtmorit warranted for five mtg. OItEENE, Feb. I, '65-tf. Huntingdon. HARDWA,RE. AND CUTLERY ! AN IMMENSE STOCK AND i. ENDLESS VARIETY or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e. NOW OPEN . AND .FOR SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Nov. 411864 G EORGE P. ELDREDGE WITH CHARLES DESILVER, Wholesale - and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PECLADA. An , - Your patronage fe It ted. Aprlll6, 1864-Iy, New Furniture Establishment: 3. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. Respectfully Inoltes the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 et., Huntingdon, between Cunningham'. Store and Dean's National House, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds at leurnStnre at endured prices. Par sons wishing to purchase, will do well to'give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charge. reasonable. Air Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins made in any style desired, at abort notice. 4E - Funerals attended at any planar in town or noun ry, by J. 3.1. WISE. Huntingdon, Sept.2l, 1862-tt U. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE' AT LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. • HUNTINGDON, PENNA. B. 0. 81JITI1 n;~(r~~l i-~, ~,;ti J. M. CUNNINONAU. W. F. CUNNINGHAM N... ID W F . I. R N J. M. CUNNINGHAM di SON, secceseore to J. M. Cunningham, have tide day entered into partnership in the Foundry business and are prepared to furnish Cant ina, of all kinde, end repair!, nt short notice and on rear. Enable terms. • d Wo aro buying Ow Metal and scrap Iron at bigbeat inarket prices. Huntingdon, July 6, 1881. NOVEMBER 7, 1604 G. A. NICOLLI3, Gtniral Superintendent ard, leaves atingdon at na :at 2 35 ard. loaves t Altoona at Eliill MMig Atcou. brimL• P. ?a. rin IMEall ~~~ z ~: ' l .l l kaA' SCHOOL BOOKS, OR SALE AT BOOK, STATIONKRY.A MUSIC STOKE, IIu:trI ODO r, Pe OSGOOD'S SP°ller. let, 41. - S'd, 4th aud sth Readers. SVOUFFISIt'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Omnivore. Fiteh's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography- Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally'a Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography, nith Bay to Mitchell's Guthrie Maps. Webeter's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenboa' First Lessons In Composition. Guaekonbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Grainiest's, Stoddard'S and Brooks' Arithmetic& Poterson'i Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stodelard'n Keys to Aritbusetka. Greenlesf's and DILViOS' Algebras. Greenleat's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker`a Philosophy. Witiard'a History of the 17nited States. Child's 4, Goodrich's ff 1.5 Payson, Bunton and Scrlbner'e Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter & Hammond'a Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other - Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. • Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenleat'a Geonietry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Tfanaford k Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hauttford & Payson. Other hooks will be added and tarnished to order. A full stock of School 4tatlonery always oa hand. Huntingdon, Pa. AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK. PAT AND PENSIONS. ALL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, NA Pay nod one, can bar. their claim, promptly collected by ap- plying eltbcr in perit..l or by bitter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. H OWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urin ary and Sexual Systems, New and:reliable treatment—in reports by the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mail in sealed letter enrelopes, free of charge. Address. DR. J. MUTH HOUGHTON, Acting Stxr. goon, Howard Association, No. S South Ninth Streot.PLll. 'dolphin, Pa. Willy:l.3, 18G-Iy. ---,..r,,:5eN:.•_‘,Dm.0,. ‘,,,, -N --arA1tj';..khri;:,...,,,,....4!•-•!,::'' ' 4 - i:i • F'k D ::'4 , ;:- : i r i . 4 : , :e?•i'=' , ' , e 4 :' . 'eb' - "•'•V i % ilii'lAr:,Kib, `, •,..,,.,,,I;wfd:l),.._i_,,k'Z',. J.'' v -N. ~. . ....__,, 1n,...'- ,427- ,e,eierZig.f.- ~j,0f,,,,..1'... Dr. Strickland's glelljfluous Cough Balsam fe warranted to corn Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, delimit, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat. Consumption, and all affections of the Throat and Lunge. • Far sale by Drop(lsta. -General Depot, Yo. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 'l777:sSy`ii - VzV ar : All the Medical men and the Presses recommend Dr. Strickland's Anti-Cholera Mixture as the only certain remedy for Dial . lice:Land llyseutery. It is 11 combination of Astringents. Absorbents, litimulen to mad Carminatives, and is warranted to effect a cure after ell other means hero cocci. .7 , 0 r Palo by Drtiggi,ts. amoral. Dopot, No. 6, Eno Fourth Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Strickland's' Pilo Remedy hes cured thousands of the worst cores or Mind and 'bleeding Piles. It glees IM mediate relief and rffrets a pernseuent cure. Try it di redly. It is warranted to curd. For Polo by all Druggists. Oh:moral Depot, No. 6, NM Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY. Dr. STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—Wo can recommend those suffering with loss of Appetite. Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. NVINCIUSUC-SA or Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's Tonic. It is e vegetable preparation, free from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nervous system; It createe a good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggists generally, at gl per bottle. Pre. pared by Dr. A. Strickland, No. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Obis. JOHN lIE ED, A gent, Huntingaen, :L l c liT a` S CELEBRATED govo 1114 Cat* pato. 11111 These Powders ; will strength en the Stomach . ' • and Intestines, cleanse them ' - 1 from offensive 1 0 matter, and I ..% . bring them to ''''-t , -'''' ,t '';&- ..- :: : • 1 / 4 : ' . - --, - , 1. - . `:::- _ &healthy state. t:-...' ' '' '' ' ''''''' '' ' ' They are a Bare preventive of Lung Fever, entie' certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Clan- derv, Yellow' 4 "*A ., Water, Dis t ~ , tamper; . ~ ~,,;,,_ ', •• Founder, "fur ; , ; \V„;,, ,„: ;.„.. Heaves, ,*1 4, 4 . 1 : k- , -,•-_, Slavering, ..-. A ~• p .. : Coughs, Fe- . .44 vacs, Lou of , Appetite and - ....,v , ,J . ..,,,., , Vital Ener- -_'!..., , '.,. - __-,-.;- • - &c. in gr poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. Thetis° of theta improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a tine, smooth end glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal.. The property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experinient it has proven that it will increase the quantity of 1111 k and Cream twenty per ce'nt. and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fel tening Cattle. :t gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive 11:111C11 faster. HOGS. Ia all Diseases of the Swine, such as oughs, 'Ulcers - - fun LungS; Liver, he. By putting from half a paper . 1) .111 10 WIST to a paper' of these • - .P Powders in P. bar rel of Swill, the , above Diseases con tic cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Eng Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 ate. per Papa, or 5 Papers for $l. rnsrensn ar S. A. FOUTZ 6,r BRO., AT WHOLESALE DRUG n ANDIIEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin. St., Baltimore, I.ld. For Salo by Druggist; and Storckoepers throughout the .170 tqd States. For salo wholesale and retail by John Read, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap27-1 WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE' BTpati" AND ' SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - • Or Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEMD AT LEWIS' BOOK STORM IVX/3*MtiCl 343C)C,1M.51 FOR SALE AT LBWS' BOOK STORE. LOWE'S SONGS 01? IRELAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Hibernia's Songs and Ballads, including SO of Aluore's Irish Melodica, Songs of the afilictious, Dentiniontal, Patriotic, Illetorical, Military, Political' Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, arranged for the Planoforto or Melodeon. Prieo $3.00 . HOWE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing about 175 of the Gems of Caledonia's Soisgs and Ballade, inclu ding Songs of the affectione, Sentimcatal, Patriotic, historical, Minted', Political, Comic and 511scellone ous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00. IOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OF VIE OLDEN TIME, containing tho Original Words and Music, of rho Songs and Ballads, sung by the Orandenoth ors of the present generation. Arranged for Four Voices. DOW D'S TIVIOSt Quadrilles Contra and Vaney Dances with Cottle and Figures:: WaDm, Polkas, Opera Melee dies, Scotch awl Irish atm Sc., Sc., for the Violin, Flute, Cornet, Bras tiial , &c. MUSICIAN'S OMNIBUS, No, 1, containing tbo whole Camp Duty, Calls and Signals mod in the Army and Navy ; 40 setts of Quadrilles, [lncluding Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische) with Calls; and an immense col lection of Polkas, Schottisches, Waltzes' Marches, Quickstsp., Uorupipas, Cartra and Fancy Dances, Songs, , for the Violin, Flute, Cornet, Clarionstt, &c:, Containing over 700 pieces of Music.: DIUSICIAL'S 011NHIHS, No. 2, containing 550 pisses of Music, consisting of 100 Duets for two flutes two Viohne, kO., 200 Scotch Afro, 200 Irish !fro, Quad Hiles, Fancy and Contra Dances, with the Calls cud Floors, Polka, Schottisches, Waltzes, Quicksteps. Disrobes, Hornpipes, Sougs, PR the Violin, Dote, Clarionett, Fife, Carnet, Flageolet, &c. TILE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOON; a collection of Music for malt 'Voices, consisting of Olses and Part Bongs, Choir and congregational Tuna, Anthems, Chant. : &o. KINGLEY'S JUVENILE C110I11:—A selection of the Choicest Melodies from the German, Irench, Rel iant English and American Composer,. TRUMPHT OF FREEDOM AND TUE DUCIMIOALLIhtwo books suitable to the times. THE BOSTON OLEN 8008, consisting of an extensive collection of Glees, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected from the works of the Most admired Composers, to gether many new pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE PIANO, Ifelodeon, Accordeon, Violin, Batik, Guitar, Concertina, Drum, Fife and Flageolet. HoUtingdon, Jan. 24, 1861,tf. OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC FlCart. if 3135. Among other features of the present number will be A chronicle of the Great Rebellion continued from lb. Old Franklin Almanac for 1864, containing a full and cor rect digested record of the events of the war, military, naval and political, from October 15th, 11163, with accounts of Rattles, Sieges, Raids, Sea4ights, and all the operations of the war. The United States Army List. Major Generale and Brigadiers, regulars 'and volunteer., to November let, 1864. • The Rebel Army List. Lieutenant Generals, Major Generals and Brigadiers, to eame date. Losses in battle and by death, of Union Officers, to No vember let, 1864. • Losses of officers In Rebel Army to same date. The Rebel Government, Rebel Congress, Rebel Debt, Sc. A full digest of the United States Stomp regulations. A fall digest of the United States License regulations. Governments of the world to November let, 1864. Governors of the States and Territories, Union anal Rebel. to November 1at,1864. Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church _to Novom bar Ist, 1664. Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church to Novem ber lit, 1564. Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Novem ber let, 1864. Reigning Queens of the world to November let, 1864. Reigning Kings of the world to November let, 1864. Noire Apparent to European and other Empires and Monarchies. Besides Other MiScellaneone mattor, astronomical in formation, calendars, Ac., Ac., tho whole comprising a val. uable manual for uev and reference throughout the year. Price 16 cants por copy. Copies mailed (poet-paid) on receipt of price. For sale at LEWIS' DOOR STORE. tt WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, kc TAKEN.—ASHBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF " SECESII" BROKEN But while you rejoice at the aucceits of our pilau troops. and the prospect of the speedy downfall of th. Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of AVALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing olsowliero, and see our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Quitenewate, Crookorywere, Tobacco Segars, • Hams, Flitch, Shoulders, Fish, Flour, Salt, and a gonersl assortment of notions, all of whieh fer on reasonable terms fol dish or produce. H 6 untingdon, July 1, 1863. N A w ß on il ld L rea ß pee l t;!y l lo p lcthe T nt h te e otl c i u n n o d f e tt r io si cru e n d l 1 1 ~ I luntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on bond. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and forth of Italian or Eastern Morbid, highly finished, mid carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window sm., &.., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himeolf to furnish material and work nannehip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you ptirchrui• elsewhere, Shop es Wit treat, - Huntingdon, Pa. PV. WILLIAIIII Iluntingdon,Bfay 161666. 1865. THE 1865. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Than the same articlo cap be bought in Philadelphia or, Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Z" One Hundred Different Styles OF Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Rail, Kitchen, Office, • Store, Shop, &c., Call at , the "Globe" Building .and examino our stock and.prices. SPECTACLES, A fine and hirge assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. „ THE CYTITA.RA—The -a".” ;7",, , r . L.di Presbyterian reahnoillet—The Shawn—Theitibilee—llnnteree and Bertlnre enlarged end unproved Instructors—Wetland's Rev and Improved Method for the Mtn r—Leland'e Aecor deen, Violin end Plate Inetruetora—Winner'a end Rowe's Violin Inetructore—Dellek'e Melodeon Instructor—Bur roves' Piano-Po:0 Primed—do. Thorough-Rime Primer— llocee'e Drawing Room Dancer—The Chorus Wee Book— Tanen Harp, for rale at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. CHEAP PUMPS, TAMES A. BROWN, liuntirigdon, Pa, sells Patent Wooden Pumps for cisterns and wells ' from 4to 60 feet deep, at about ono half the usual pricy for old fashioned pumps. All pumps warrunted. Avg .3 'di, 13F1 LEWIS' AT LOWER PRICES Consists of upwards of LEM PROFESSIONAL., &•BUSINESS CARDS J D.,OABIPBELL; • • • • • * ATTORNEY AT- 14-AW• 11UNTINGDOIcPA. . • Mace in the Brick Itow, nearly opperlte the Court House. • ( 441'15,1803.. W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY.AT LAW,. • lIIMINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in dourt Ileuse—up stairs. Iluntingdon, Doc. 10, 1863. It ALLISON MILLER, 4 rtia` r ISM DEWTIST, las toinoved to the Thick Row opposite the Court nem April 13, 1859. T E. GItEENE, ti • DIENTIST. Office removed to oppoef to the afore of D. P. Owin, In, the square, Lfildetreet, liontinplon, re April 13,144. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor WM.' LEWIS, beaky in Books, Stationery and Musical Thetis manta, Ikontingdon, Ps. • Al GUTMAN & CO., Dealer& in Ready _mt.. mode Clothing, guntingdon, Pa. • . . 'FIR. JOHN .151oCULLOCH, offers his profe.sional services to tile citizen. of Elnntingdon and vicinity. Ot6cion 11111.trcet, one doornast of !toed'. Drug Store. , Aug. 18, '65. cl S. SMITH, Dealer - in Drugs, Medi it an n e it , c r i: r n r e n r n i zy ic D ri e hi S n t l i f tt n e kid o o l . lsts. Also—Oro JAitIES A. BROWN, Naar in hardware, Cutlery, Palate, oth, ire, true ingdon, Va. • T_T ROMAN, L 1.4 Daftlar In Ready Mad* Clothing, flats and Caps toots and Shoes, he. \ P. GWIN, . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Queens ware, liats and Caps, Boots, arid Shoes, Sc. • BOOK BINDING. Old Beaks. Magazines, or, plibliestionssf any load, d to order, It left at MOUT BOOR' 4 STA mromrpraroses, BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! opt!, call i you want your card neatly printed um' will at LEWIS' .13001 C AND STATIONERY' STORS. FOR THE LADIES. • A impeder article of Note Paper and Envelope suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at BNIVLS" BOOK. cf STATIONERY STORE. ATM. WILLIAMS, Plain and ()mane tal Marble Manufacturer. ENVELOPES- By the box, pa* or loss quantity, for salt. at LEWIS' BOOK .AND 'STATIONERY STORE. QCHOOL BOOKS, L Generally in uso in the Schools of tha County, not o band, pill bo furnished to order, an application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY' STORE. t'LD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange (or goods a the Hardware Store Spt. 3,1562. JAS. A. /3ItOWN EADY RECKONER A complete Pocket Wady iteekonor, in dollars coats, to which or added forms of N o t e ., Rin e , R e , colpts, Petitions, An., together with set of useful tables, containing tato of intoreet from ono dolor to twelve (hour and, by the single day, with a table of Aragon, and board by the week and day, published in 1869. For sale at • LEWIS' BOOK STORE. irjUN BARRELS AND LOCKS -A N_A largo aszortment BROWN'S. HARDWARE STORE. • DAPER! PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, ..Fooleesp and Vlatesp—a good aasortment for We by the ream, half roam, quire or skeet, at - LRWIS' NEW BOOK 11, STATIONERS STORE - I) AR C MENT DEED'PAPER YY ruled, for saluat LEWIS' BOOS STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For nala at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TRACING MUSLIN, AND DRAWING PAPXI White and Colored Card Paper, For tale at Idnris , BOOK f STATION SKr STOAT. - R -- OOTS and SHOES, the largest and JJP eheopeat assortment in town, at T IQUORS, of the best, for Medicine j purposes at • 8. 3: SMITIVs. CALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. • B LANK BOOKS, 07 710100 8 812 21. for sale at LEIP.I:3' BOOK AND sTAT/ONXRTAITOMP ALBUMS ALBUMS, A beautiful assortment of PHOTO (SIRAPE. ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE. PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Treeing Paper, , Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Decal Paper, Time raper, Bilk Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper, • • "Bristol Board, • let Cap Paper, Footstep Psper, • Letter Paper, , Commarclid Nate Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Litter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain end Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shoot; For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and fdasic Store. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC! STORE 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY • ; ENVELOPES Just received and tor sale et LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 1 .414#. ti/wt ni PriHA , • BOOKS AND 'STATIONERY.= A good assortment of miscollanoone and School Booke,-Foolscap; Letter, Commercial and Note Taper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—lied, Blue and Black Take— Blank Books of pUrnerOUPI nixes—Pens, Pencils, Pocketand Peek Inkstands, and ovary other article ritually found ki a Book and Stationary Sion), can he had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & TIBSTO STORE. SATCHELS, • , PORT-MONNATES T'AIRS - VS; . ..: ;• '. 1 ;21; -- POCKET-BOOKS, - - - PRTFOLIOS, CAM> CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., &c., A•bUridsorne assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Stora. G4 Q:UICK SALES Anybody in want Of FAMILY AND KIDNEY ilium 111 , 11 N AND 'MAYNE BOOND, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OSNIN. NALDAILJ AND ixiiraiiTimi sooi; MUMOAL iNeritunstrra, CIIVROII MUSIC ARI D INSTREMTION BOONS, Sam 1117ge for the POMO, Oußpm, 2c.; 20., POCZET 100X17, PORTSIONICULd . 4IID PyELSICA For Ladles and (lelltlpa.2ers, GOLD ; PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND-ROOKS,- for Sunday andeommon Beho.6ls, SUNDAY SCROOL BOORS OP ALL km's, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABST BLOCKS, kO, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS. Praper for BOys and Girls. AMUSING GAMES WEDDING ENVELOPES. AND CARDS, 1111tRIAGE, CERTIIrICATE3, ORSOKER BOARDS, 1 1 03pRORS, AM, CONVERSATION CARDS, Memorandum. Books of rarious: SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drateiny and. Blotting Paper y ,Briga pna WHITE BONNET noinD, MUM", gAILIAINE. RR, DIMS AND DLACJC TNES, Arnold's Hodgson's and . Ilarrison's Wrapping Papor of Different Sloes And Qualities, AC. &o. SIC. &C. &o. Jko Cain' Boas, STATIOXIIIT AND . MllBl5l STORZ, In the "Globe" building, Market Square where all who want to go to make their purchases. ;01 1 3. 7- AYe' 0 ,31 , 0. 0 10 V E I LANKSI BLANKS! BLANKS I ___. . • STABLE'SEALILS, . AT'TACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACII3IENTS, EXECUTIONS, • SUMMONS, DEEDS, -. SUBINENAS, ' MORTGAGES, ' . SCHOOL ORDERS, JIMXIMENT NOTES, • , • LEASES FOR nousigs, , • xelrmui.azd.Trox IVES; COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, , .. WARRANTS, PEE RILLS, " - " NOTES, with • waiver o f .the 5300 Law. - , JUDGMENT NOTES, with a leafier of the 500 Law. ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peat and Ministers of the Gospel. • ' • -; . • " COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in eaai ofAcsanit and Battery, and Affray. ! . ECIERE FACIAS, to recover amount orJudgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for • State, County, School, Borongh and Townchip Taxes. . . . Printed on superior paper; and for male at the 011ioi the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. ' BLANKS, of ovary description; printed to order, Smelly, at short notice, and on good Paper. . . 132EITEM WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. xvisitynowir , t LAWTSIS AND COUNSELLOR IN'BU.SINESS OF TOP PUILADELFRii.BAA . If Tolls You How to draw Up PARTNErtime PAPRIte and gives general forms for Aoristmartre of all kinds, DIM of SALE, Mini' and PETITION!. It Tait Tau How to draw up BONDS and MORTGAGE; Ar• "marry., Powitns of Arronktv, Nous and Bum of Bxonaffax,Racinersand Emmaus It Ms You The laws for the COLLZOTIter of !Barns, with the.STATUTE. of LutITATION, and amount and kind of Property EzEuPT trona BUMP TION In over/ State. 11 Tolle You How to make an Assiolfrartv properly; wlth forms for COkroarrioN with CIEDITOB9,IO the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. nil* You The legal relations existing between HUAI DIAtt and WARD, Mayan and AvrviettrlCa, and Lamour, and TSN2NT. , It Tell. You What constitutes I,mzu and • SLINDSR, and the Law as to MARRIAGE Bowie, the WM'S 'MORT IN Airman, Mimics and ALINONT. It Tells Tots TherLaw for Dironarnca' Ligroin every State. and the NATURALIZATION LAWS of this contr. try; and how to comply, with. the same. he law concerning PEZSiotts and how too . lain one,,end the Par,Paterunt LAWS. te PMILIO LANDS. Cho Lave for Parkiris, with mode of proem dare in obtaining one, with INUMPEDX.CES ASEGGNAIRNTs and TAIIWZOT Yard. It Tells You How to make your ITux, and how to Amax. texas 021 AN ESTATE, with the law andtbi requirements thereof in every State. he meaning of Law. 'Trams In general nee. and explain. to you the LEGISIATIVIC, Emu corm and Annual. Powers Of both , thi General and State Govan:OMITS. /4 figs You IIow.TO KELP our or Law, by:shoivirieliovri. do your bnainess legally , thus sasliac vast amount of property,' and 'veßatiOT • litigation, by its timely consultation. Allir.llvarybody , •Lawyer. is for saleat Lewis' Book Sto ' EETIENI rEEZZI It Tars You PHOTOGRAtiIf ALBUMS; • AND - SMALL PORTRAITS ALT. . 706 1 , 1321:=18117.1 OPIUM - 1 AND 01411.1A201, FOR: SALE - • - AT LEWIS' DOOR - AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, =ream sHADEs, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD' AND . T:iiSSALS, A FULL ASSORTRUNT AT LtWIS' BOOR, STORE FOR TRZI GREA'PEST V4IIIFIT"2" Handsome and. Useful Articles co at LEWIS' Book 6tOro. ~MATJ, PROFITS I', Fancy and debool. STATIONERY, For Youtig 'VISITING CARDS, BONG BODES, From .6 t 0.75 cents BLANK BOOKS, DIARIES For. 1865, WRITING FLUID 81101 AD CALL AT LEWIS' SAYE MONEY, BY FRAM CROSBY, H I I