The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 03, 1865, Image 1

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Graphic Detoil.ed Account of Lee'a
Epeeist' De,patch to the Pittsburg Commercial.
'WASHINGTON, April. 14
Your special correspondent sends
:the lollowing account of the surrender
of Lee'aarmy, under date of
History will close the remarkable
campaign which has - ended with the
surrender of the army of Northern
Virginia, as one of the most brilliant
in the annals of modern warfare. ' In
oss than two weeks a formidable ar
my, commanded by the ablest and
bravest men of the South, has been
beaten in a position fortified by months
of labor; has been followed through a
:.most difficult country, brought to bay
;'and captured with comparatively in
significant loss to the attacking forces,
a series of manceuvers singularly
bold in conception, and executed with
that dash and precision which
;alone can seal with the stamp of
success the most profound of min.
itary combinations. Owing to the
rapidity of movements and the extent
:_ofground traversed more than an im-
Terfect sketch of the operations of the
army since it left Petersburg, has been
.!impossible. A mere outline is all that
can be given. To give a full resume of
the short campaign: The bisected
rebel army fled up the banks of the Ap
pomattox—Longstreet with portions, at
least, of the corps of AnderSon on the
:•outh bank; Leo with the remainder,
keeping the north side. Sheridan all
the while was pounding away at the
tail of General Longstreet's flying
column, followed by Grant's whole
. army, moving swiftly upon the Cox
road upon Burk - sville. Lee hurriedly
crossing the Appomattox, joined the
iother fragment of his force, and made
last effurt to escape by striking
across the angle formed by two rail
roads, whose junction would fall into
.our hands by reason of our moving on
the shortest line, in the hope of reach:
Jug the road to Lynchburg, in- the di.
'nation 'of Farrnville, leaving our army
in his rear and then striking south
=ward to Danville. But the übiquit
ous Sheridan was over in his path,
harrassing and retarding his march,
until our whole infantry force envel
oped him, and capitulation was inevi
table. -
- - The closing scone in the history of
the world•celobrated army of North
ern Virginia, was an occasion of ab
orhing interests. At the close of the
, onference on the afternoon of the
• ninth with Gen. Grant, Gen.. Leo
mounted" his horse and rode slowly
-back. Gen. Meade by a special ar
rangemOnt, had suspended hostilities
until 8. p. m. The Second and Sixth
Corps were ready, prompt at th e hour,
to open upon the enemy's columns,
but were nulfied that it would be dis
pensed wirra. They continued to
move forward until nightfall, however,
when the enemy was completely sur-
F rounded from flank and rear, and
ould not have broken faith, had he
i.premeditated it.
The reason of the suspension of the
ttack was known at once by the
troops, and shouts and cheers resoun
.. ed along the entire line, and the regi
mental and headquarter bands made
. he spring air resonant with triumph
al airs.
Early in the afternoon heavy can
nonading was beard in the direction
of the second corps front, but upon
inquiry it was ascertained to ho. a
• salute, this time not with spotted
guns, in honor of success. The position
t this time was as follows:—Sheridan,
with the sth and 24th Bergs /ay direct
ly in the enemy's front at Appomat•
tox court House, and the 2d corps
!irectly in his rear ; being five or six
miles apart by a bee line, but three or
four times that distance. by the course
round our rear.
General Grant solicited and ob-
Wined permission to send his dis
'patches to corps commanders by the
shortest line, passing through the reb
el encampments. Tho day had been
pleasant, but at nightfall a slow driz
zly rain - set in and tho morning was
`damp and foggy. The parties empow.
ered to carry out the terms of surren
der had been appointed during the
night. -
At, ten o'eloek a. m., Generals Grant
and Lee held a conference on the
brow of the hill, a short distance north
of the Court notion. Gon. Grant and
bis staff bad been waiting but a ow
,inont, whoa General Lao, accornpan
`led by an orderly, cantered up and
rode to the side of the Lieutenant,
":General. General Grant's staff, Gen
erals Ord, Griffin, Gibbon and Sheri
dan, their respective staffs, were
12 CO
. 1 OO
WILLIAN LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
presont, grouped . in a semicircle
about the central figures. Tho coun
try to the north was opon and culti
The Court House is situated on a
ridge of small hills, running east and
west, and Lee's army was on a par
allel range, with a small ravine and
stream between, nearly duo north of
our forces. At the head of his col
umn were his trains and artillery,
and his infantry and cavalry were in
the rear, so that but a small portion of
the rebel army could be soon flora the
Court House.
As General Lee gallopedup, Gener
al Grant rode out two or three rods to
meet him. Gen. Leo rode squarely
up, and saluted military fashion and
wheeled to the side of Grant. They
conversed earnestly 'for nearly two
hours, until the officers appointed on
both sides to carry out the stipula
tions of the surrender had reported
for duty. In the course of the dis
cussion Gen. Leo expressed the opin
ion that if- Gen. Grant had accepted
his proposition for an interview in
person several weeks since, peace
would probably have resulted. Tho .
greater part of the conversation
which passed between two of the
greatest military men in the world
upon this occasion, was of course pri
vate and unheard by any but the
speakers, but we gathered enough to
know that Leo gives up to the idea
of Southern independence as hopeless,
and considers that aria• further resist
ance on their part would be uselees
and wanton effusion of blood.
rebel officers in conversation almost
unanimously expressed the opinion
that Johnston will also surrender the
forces under his command when ho
hears of Lee's surrender.
- A little before cloven the interview
elosed,by Gen. Lee saluting and riding
slowly down the slope, across the rav
ine and on into his camp, upon the
little hill beyond. Gen. Grant then
rode toward the Court House, follow
ed by his staff and a large concourse.
of General officers.
In a short time, the officers designa
ted by Gen. Leo to carry the stipula
tions into effect arrived, accompanied
by. a largo number of distinguished
rebel officers. The verandah and yard
in front worn soon filled with groups
of Federal and rebel officers in conver
sation. Every regular of a few years
standing found old West Point ac
quaintances in the hostile ranks, and
their greetings wore both . numerous
and hearty. The most frequent ques
tion scorned to bo with the officers in
grey, "What is to be done with us?"
They seemed to think that the Presi
dent's proclamation shut them out
from hopes of amnesty, and were
pleased to hear the belief of our offi
cers, that tho offers of amnesty would
be extended and made almost univer.
[We publish the bllowing to give
the friends of the members of Captain
A. W. Decker's company an idea of
who commands the brigade to which
the boys belong. Gon. Albrigbt's deeds
of valor and patriotism have made him
a capable and popular commander :]
Brevet Brig. Gen, Charles Albright.
To the Editor of the _Evening Bulletin :
The many promotions lately made•
in the army have doubtless prevented
your noticing at length that of Col. Al
bright of the 202 d Regiment Pa. Vols.
While many promotions have been
made without any sufficient cause, few
have been more deserved than this.
General Albright is one of Pennsylva
nia's most loyal and patriotic sons.
With him, country is all and no sacri
fice too groat. lie is from Mauch
Chunk, Pa.; a man of means; a leading
lawyer in his section of Pennsylvania;
largely engaged as a manufacturer,
and President of the Second National
Bank of Mauch Chunk. His money
and influence have been liberally used
for his country's cause.. As a soldier,
his career dates back to April, 1861.
He came to the National Capital to
see that the Presidentwas inaugurated,
and became a member of the Clay Bat
talion. Ho was subsequently appoint.
ed Major of the 132 d Regiment Penn
sylvania Volunteers. At the battle of
Antietam his Colonel was killed and
be waspromoted to theLiout. Colonel.
cy. The January following ho was.
I made Colonel of his regiment, and soon
allot.. took command of the 3d brigade,
3d division, 2d corps, and commanded
that brigade during the Chancellor
villa campaign with distingaished abil
ity and bravery. In the battle of
Fredericksburg he lost nearly half of
'his command in killed and wounded,
In June, 1863, ho took command of
Camp Muhlenberg, Reading, Pa., and
was appointed. Colonel of the 34th
Pennsylvania Militia, and sent to
Philadelphia to preserve order there
during the draft. Ho was stfaioped
in the Nineteenth Ward, where the
principal difficulty was apprehended,
and through his . prudence and firmness
no trouble whatever occurred.
Soon afterwards the troubles in the
coal regions arose among the miners
and others, in opposition to the draft.
Gen. Couch. 'selected Col. Albright to
assist in ferreting out the ringleaders;
and through his services the unconsti
tutional organizations existing there
were broken up, many of the guilty
tried, nd now expiate the punishnient
duo their crimes at Fort Mifflin. In
August last ho organized tho 202 d
Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers,
and was assigned to duty under Gen.
Couch at Chambersburg, Pa. The Gen
eral, knowing his man, sent hint to
Columbia county Pa., to again break
up a nest of Northern conspirators.
Her succeeded in exposing the secrets
of the Knights of the Golden Circle
and frustrating theirdiabolioal designs.
In autumn ho was sent up the Ma.
nassaa Gap Rallroad,whore he operated
against Mosby; and after that road
was abandoned ho was stationed at
Fairfax Station; Va., at which place
ho has been during the winter, build
ing stockade forts and guarding the
railroad against guerillas.
General Albright was an early pion
eer to Kansas. He went with Gover
nor Reeder in 1864, and participated
in the early struggles of that territo
ry to become a State.. General Al
bright is a young man, yet of largo
experience, great energy of purpose,
heightened and moral in character—in
short a fighting, praying patriot. In
the bands of such men the country is
safe. F. A.
Philadelphia, April 25th, 1865.
What Shall BeDone With the Lead
ers of the Rebellion.
When a man embarks on the stor
my sea of rebellion or revolution, ho
takes his life in his band. At the out
sot he counts the cost. If ho succeeds
he is a hero, the leader and ruler of a
now State. "Let us hang together,"
said one of our fathers of the Revol
ution. "Yes," replied. another, "or wo
shall hang separate." That is the
fate of those who disturb existing
government. In all ages and climes
it is an understood, self-evident fact
that an attempt to overturn the exist
ing government, is tho highest crime
that man can commit, and is therefore
to be punished by the highest penalty
known to its laws.
It is no justification of rebellion
that a man or body of men suppose
they have a right to sot up a new
government, and cast off their allegi
ance to the one in existence. Their
supposing themselves to be right does
not make them right. "Order is
heaven's first law." Any government
is better than no government. Rebel
lion and revolution are to be justified
only under circumstances so well do.
fined, that the groat law of love comes
in to sanction the terrible evils of war
by the compensating good that is to
follow. And even then the failure of
the rebellion exposes the participant
to the well-defined penalties of the
greatest of all social crimes. It was
in view of those possible and fearful
results, that wo addressed ourselves
so early as in the autumn of 1360 to
the work of setting before the coun
try the imminent danger of resisting
the constituted authorities of the
Union. At that time Are had access
r to the minds of many leading men, in
Church and State, in thoSe parts of
the country where resistance was fear
ed. We foresaw what has since been
the historical experience of our peo
ple. We raised a voice of warning,
alasl a voice in vain. In the New
York Observer of Nev. 15, 1860, that
being the first paper issued after we
announced the election of Mr. Lincoln
to the Presidency, we said editorially:
"The election having been conduct
ed in harmony with the constitution and
laws of the country, the result is to be
accepted as the voice of the country,
and every man who expects to be con
side 'red a patriotic citizen of the Uni•
ted States, and not a rebel against the
government of his own choice, will
calmly acquiesce."
In the same paper wo said editori
• "Mind governors now, and men
who talk treason aro in great danger
of tempting others and being tempted
to act treason, and so to incur the
penalty due to traitors."
No sooner did the paper containing
those words reach the South, than
loading men united in ordering us to
send no more to their address, as they
would not allow in- their houses a
newspaper that taught such senti
ments to the people. The first man
from whom this order came to us was
afterwards a general in the rebel ar
my, and was killed on the battle-field
at Fredericksburg. The postmaster at
Selma, Alabama, refused to deliver the
New York Observer to its subscribers,
because it taught the duty of obedi
ence to the government, and the sin of
rebellion. We were obliged to obtain
an order from the Postmaster General
to perform his duty. &nd Selma has
just been destroyed in consequence of
its rebellion.
We go back to these first principles
and first acts in the bloody drama now
closing, to bring distinctly into view
the fact that frorntho , _o4tegtthe con
sequences worn fully understood by
all parties. It has boon our purpose,
in each successive issue of our paper
for the last four years, to teach the
duty of the Government to preserve
itself, and the duty of the insurgent
people to 'submit to that government.
And now that the ability of the Gov
ernment to maintain its life and pow
er, and to crush rebellion under its
heel, has been fully demonstrated, the
question comes upon us, with intense
solemnity, IIT/i4 shall be done with the
men who plunged the country into this
awful war ? By the laws of God and
the laws of man, they may be justly
put to death. Believing as we do in
the duty of civil government to inflict
capital punishment for capital crimes,
we hold that the leaders of this rebel
lion deserve to be executed. .
If considerations of public policy
justify tho communication of the
death-penalty into ono loss bloody,
but not less demonstrative of the sense
of abhorrence in which the civilization
and christianity of the age hold the
sin of rebellion, we.. would still have
such punishment meted out, to the
leaders, as will forever mark, by a
grand historical precedent and protest,
tho determination of this country to
be always one; and never to give
place for an instant, to the idea of se
cession or separation. Such a protest
would be the execution of the loaders,
if they fall into the hands of justice.
But if they escape justice, what
then Will you send apardon .to Da
vie and Stephens, and Floyd, and
Thompson, and their associates, and
_them to come back to Congress
and the Cabinet and.renew their trea
son,while they enjoy the protection of
the Government they seek to over
throw 7 No, a thousand times No.
We would by a public decree, an act
of Congress, if necessary, but 'by a
solemn sentence of proscription, ban
ishment, and expatriation, forever
debar from the rights of citizenship
and protection in the United States
the men who save taught the people
to sin !!! While the largest liberality
ought to be extended to the masses of
the people, an act of almost tiniVersal
amnesty being proclaimed, in the
spirit of the terms : on, which Gen..
Grant received the surrender of Gen.
Lee, we would. make such a judicial
and distinct declaration of the right
eons abhorrence of the nation toward
the crime itself, in"the person of the
mon engaged, that future ages should
know, when they read the history of
these times, • that rebellion against
this free and popular government is
an unpardonable sin.
In giving expression to this opinion,
wo design to indicate the sentiment of
the mon whom we meet, and whose
views' we are accustomed to find in
harmony with our own. They desire
the close of the war and the restora
tion of the Union •to bo signalized a
solemn judicial condemnation of the
wrong that 'has filled this land for
four years with tears and blood, and
the bitter fruits of which wrong we
are to oat as long as we livo. The
judgment we would pronounce does
not require that we should take Davis
or his cabinet or his aids. Set upon
them the mark which ho bore who
first lifted up his hand against his
brother. Unto him , God said "the
voice of thy-brother's blood crieth out
unto thou from the ground." Unto ,
them we say "The voice of half a mil
lion of your sons and brothers cries
unto you from'the ground; blood that
you caused to flow ; crime that man
can never forgive or forget; go into
some other land and there in solitude
And exile seek from God that pardon
which it is his prerogative to bestow.
You can never share with us the seats
of counsel, the high places of trust
and responsibility you once filled.
You have deceived us once, c- and we
.shall never be able to repose confidence
in you again. You have renounced
and defied the government, and we
cannot share it with you any more."
Such a course . would be a lasting
demonstration of the power and resol
ution of the Government, and its ef
fect would be felt to the end of time
York Observer.
Rte" Never join with your friend
when he abuses his horse or his wife;
unless the ore is about to to sold, and
the other to be buried.
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Our Policy Towards Traitors.
Speech by the President to a Delega
tion of Loyal Southerners.
The Spirit that will Animate our Tteat
meet of the Rebels.
Mercy Without Justice a Crime.---Stern
Justice to the Leaders in Treason—
Amnesty, Clemency to the _gasses, their
Special Despatch to the Prose.]
WAsnmerroN, D. C., April 24.—This
morning, at eleven o'clock, a large del
egation of loyal citizens of disloyal
districts called upon the President.
Judge Underwood, on behalf of the
delegation, road the following address:
Mr. President : The gentlemen who
come with me to pay their respects to
the Chief Magistfate of the nation are,
for the most part, exiles from the
South—exiles for their devotion to the
Union and the Constitution in defiance
of threats and persecution of the slave
holding aristocracy.
Your recent utterances have stirred
our spirits like the sound of a trumpet,
and encouraged the hope that we may
ere long in safety visit our desolated
farms and rebuild our homes in the
sunny South. We have no feelings
but those of kindness for the common
people of our section, oven for those
who by physical or moral compulsion,
or by gross deception, have boon or
eyed in arms against the Govern
ment. We would not say with Joshua
of old, "every one who rebels shall be
put to death," but woe to the wicked
leaders, who, though bafiled, are neith
er humbled nor subdued; whose arro
gance and treason are as dangerous to
us and to the country as over. We,
thank you for declaring that these
groat criminals must be punished.
The Great Author of Nature and Prov
idence decrees that thoso who sow the
wind shall reap the whirlwind. We
know that we cannot go home in safe
ty while traitors whose hands aro still
dripping with the warm blood of our
martyred brothers remain defiant and
unpunished. It is folly to give sugar
plums to tigers and hyenas. It is more
than folly to talk of clemency and
mercy to these worse than Catilines;
for clemency and mercy to them are
cruelty and murder to the innocent
and unborn. If General Jackson had
punished the treason of Calhoun we
would not have witnessed this rebel
lion. If the guilty leaders of this re
bellion shall be properly punished, our
children's children will not be com
pelled to look upon another like it for
By the blood of our martyred Pres
ident, by the agonies of our starved
and mutilated prisoners, by the tens
of thousands slain in battle, and the
desolations of home and country and
all the waste of life and treasure for
the last four years, with no feeling of
revenge, but in sincerest of sorrow, wo
pray that your Administration may
be both a terror to evil-doors and a
protection to all who pursue the paths
of peace.
And while We rtioUrn and lam ent
our great and good murdered Chief—
too kind and too indulgent, we fear,
for these stormy times—we thank God
for the belief that, knowing the char
acter of the leaders of the rebellion as
you do, you will so deal with thorn that
our whole country shall be an asylum
for the oppressed of every creed and
every clime, the home of peace, free
dom, industry, education, and religion;
a light and an example to the nations of
the whole earth, down a long, bright,
and beneficent future.
President Johnson replied:
It is hardly necessary for mo on this
occasion to say that my sympathies
and impulses in connection with thisno
furious rebellion beat in unison with
yours. Those who have passed through
this bitter ordeal, and who participated
in it to a great extent, are more compe
tent, as I think, to judge and doter
mine the true policy which should be
pursued. [Applause] I have but lit
tle to say on this question in response
to what has been said. It enunciates
arid expressos my own feelings to the
fullest extent, and in Much better lan
guage than I can at the present mo
ment summon to my aid.
The most that P can say is, that en
tering upon the duties that have de
volved upon me, under circumstances
that are perilous and responsible, and
,being thrown into the position I now
occupy unexpectedly, in consequence
of the sad event,--the heinous assassi
nation which has taken place--in view,
of all that is before the, and the cir
cumstances that surround me, I cannot
but feel that your encouragement and
kindness aro peculiarly acceptable and
appropriate I do not think you, who
have been familiar with my Course,
you who aro from tho South deem it
necessary for me to make any profes
sions as to the future on this occasion,
TERNS, - $2,00 a year in advance.
I nor to express What my course will be
upon questions that may arise: If my
past life is no indication of what my
future • will be, my professions were
both worthlesi and empty; and in re
turning you .my sincere thanks for
this encouragement and sympathy, I
really can only reiterate what '
.I have
said before, and in, part what has just
been road.
As far as clemency and mercy are
concerned, and the proper exercise of
the pardoning power, I think I under
stand the nature and character of the
latter. In the exercise of clemency
and mercy, the pardoning power
should be exercised with caution. I do
not give utterance to my opinion on
this point in any spirit of revenge, or
unkind feelings. Mercy and clemency
have been pretty largo ingredients in
my-compound. Having been the Ex
ecutive of a State, and thereby placed
in a position in which it was necessary
to exorcise clemency and mercy, I
have been charged with going too far
—being too lenient—and I have be
come satisfied that mercy without jus
tice is a crime, and when mercy and
clemency are exercised by the. Execu
tive it should always be done in view
of justice, and in that manner alone is
properly exercised that great preroga
The time has come, as you who have
had to drink this bitter cup, are fully
awar,3,whenthe American people should
be made to understand the true nature
of crime. Of crime gonerally,our people
have a high understanding, as well as
of the necessity of its punishment; but
in the catalogue of crimes there is one,
and that thu highest known to the law
and the Constitution—of which, since
the days of Jefferson and Aaron Burr,
they have become oblivious—that is,
Treason. Indeed, one who has become
distinguished in treason and in this re
bellion, said that "When traitors be
come numerous enough, treason be-
comes respectable," and to become a
traitor was to constitute a portion of
the aristocracy of the country. God
protect the people against suck an
aristocracy !
Yes, the time has come when the
people should be taught to understand
the length and breadth,•the depth and
height of treason. An individual oc
cupying the highest position among us
was lifted to • that position by the free
offering of the American people—the
highest position on the habitable globe
—this man we have seen, revered, and
loved; ono who, if he erred at all, er
red ever on the side of clemency and
mercy—that man we have seen treason
strike, through a fitting instrument,
and we have beheld him fall like a '
bright star falling from its sphere:
Now there is none but would say, if'
the question came up, what stintlitihii'
done with the individual who assassi
nated the,Chief Magistrate of a nation?
He is but a man, one man after all;
hut if asked what should be done with
the assassin, what should be the pen
alty, the forfeit exacted, I know what
response dwells in every bosom. It is
that he should pay the forfeit with his
' life; and hence we see that there are
times when mercy and clemency with
out justice becomes a crime: The one
should- temper the other, and bring
about that proper moan. And if we
would say this when the ease was the
simple murder of one man by his fel
low-man, what should we say when
asked what shall be done with him or
them who have raised impious hands
to take away the life of a nation com
posed of thirty millions of people?
What would be the reply to that ques
tion ? But while in mercy we remem
ber justice, in the language that has
been uttered I say justice towards the
leaders, the conscious leaders; but 1
also say amnesty, conciliation, clem
ency, and mercy to the thousands of
our countrymen whom you and I know
have been deceived or driven, into this
infernal rebellion.
And so I return to whore I started
from, and again repeat that it, is time
our people were taught to know that
treason is's crime, not a more'political
difference—not a mere otintest between
two parties, in which one succeeded
and the other simply failed. They
must know it is treason, for if they bad
succeeded the life of the nation would
have been tuft front it—the Union
would have been destroyed. • Surely
the Constitution sufficiently defininr
treason. It consists in' levying war
against the 'United States, and in giv
ing their encinles aid and comfort.
With, this definition, it requires the
exercise of no great acumen to ascer
tain who are traitors. It requires no
great preeeption •to tell us who - have
levied war against them, nor does ,
require any great strength of reason
ing to ascertain who has' tiVen aid to
the enemies of OM United SC.4te.s. And
when the Government of the United
States does ascertain who arc the con-
riM M l---
THE of JOB, - „OFFICE.7, ie
the most complete of any tn. the, Conntry,.and
testier; the meet ample facilities' for promptly ettoontlag,
tho bort style, every variety of Job PrIo!INI, each !T.
RILLS , • ' • •;
LABELS, &0.,
NO. 45.
CALI. AND Exastrn IrCLUS.NA os *AY',
scious and intelligent traitors, the pen:
alty and the forfeit should ko r
icitow how to appteciato ttiOvcondittip
of being &Wen frcim
can sympathize with hitii whose Ail ha:
been taken from him; with him who
has been denied the- place, that gft , M
his children birth; but let us, withal,
in the restoration of the Government'
proceed temperately and • dispassion.
ately, and hope and pray that the tim.
will come, as I believe, when we all
can return and remain' at our homes;
and treason and traitors be. drive
from, our lath; when again law, and
order shall reign, and the banner'o
our country be unfurled over every
inch of territory within the areaotth:
United States. , • '
In conclusion, let me thank: you
most profoundly for this encourage'.
ment and manifestation of your regard
and respect, and assure you that, I.can
give no greater assurance regarclin.:
the settlement of, this question t ha.
that I intend to discharge: my dfit
and in that way which shall; in
earliest -possible hour, bring back
peace to our distracted country, -an
hope the time is not far, distant whon
our people can all return to their home:
and firesides, and resume their variou
A Poem Recited by MT.
To the Zdttve of tho Newyork Evening ner:—
I have been urged by several friend:
to send you the enclosed poem, wri
ten down by myeelfftom Mr. Lincoln',
lips, and although it may not be
to all of your readers, the events of th
last week give it now a peculiar inter
The circumstanced under which th'-
copy was written are these:—l wa:
with tbo President alone one evening
in his room, daring the time I wa
painting my large picture at the White
House, last year. 113 : presently threw
aside his pen and papers, and began t
talk to me of Shakespeare. lie:
little "Tad," Lis son,-to the library tt
bring a copy of the plays, and
read to me several of the favorite pas
sages, showing genuine appreciation
of the great poet. Relapsing into
sadder strain; he laid the bo6k aside
and leaning back in his chair, said
"There is a poem which - hai been
a great favorite • with me for years
which was first shown to me when
. .
young man by a friend, and which I
afterwards saw and eut from a news
paper and learned . by heart. .1 would'
he continued, "give a great deal t.
know who wrote it, but I have neve
been able to ascertain!'
Then half closing his eyes,. he re
peated to me the lines which I enclose
to yon. Greatly pleased a '
h e, if ever an
opportunity oeettrred, to write them
down from hiS He said he would
some time try to give them to me.
A few days afterwards be asked me
to accompany him to the temporary
studio of Mr. Swayne, - the sculptor,
who was making a btist of bim at th
Treasury Department. While he was
sitting for the bust I was suddenly re
minded of the poem, and 'said to him
that then would be a good time to di
tate to me. Ho eomplied, and sitting
upon some bdelis at his feet as nearly
as I cab reraember, I wrote the lines
dowo, ono by one, from his lips.
With great regard.
very truly yours,
"I 7" sn q l ?Y! 7 4 3 /irg4 ty:atoß!rex, Ili P5OOOl
0/4 why ihoottihe eplrlt of mortal be proud?
Like a min, fleeting meteor, 6 fast4lylng
A flash of tbo Itgbtolog, p 'break at the wove; -
Hopi:teeth from life to his rest in the grave. ' '
The leaves of the oak and the willitweitall fade,
Beitgaitwad afogs?a•44 t*her,
And the' outifg and 'INO'old; and tho low and the WA,
shall moulder to dust 'and together eball Ile. , •
The lbfani a innate: attended and loved;
The mother that Infant's ifteetlen Nebo proved•,
Thellueband thatmothet and infant irho blessed,
&sob, all, areaway to thole dwellings of Best.
The biind of the king that theneeitre bath borne
The . brew the prefek . that the mitre bath worn
The o.yeo of the eakee'end the 'heart of the brain,
Are hidden and last in the depth of the grave.
. .
Tho peasant; whose hit was to sow and to reap;
The berdszdetr, who ollnibett with his goats sip the'eteep
Tho beggar who wandered la saaroll of lots broad,
Hai° faded away like the gran that we tread.
So the multitude goon, like the flower or the weed
That svithara away to let other! succeed
So the Multllude'coinee, area there we behold,
To reptat iire4 tale that has often beau told.
Per we
are the elme that our retkirs bare been;
We scv:tboupue - alkhte tit our taibers liaTe ften—
We drink the rude itreord and alert the came eett—'
Aglj• . .
ruti the oui ratherilbve iam
The thoughts we are thinking our fathers wonid think;
From the death tea are shrinking ant fatbereyroold shriek
To the life we are . elingincthey also crania c'lleg:
But it speeds for us all; like a biriron the wing. •
They loired, but the story we cannot unfold;
They scorned, but the heart of the haughty Is Old)
They grieved, but no *mil from theirldamber icilt come;
Theneyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb.
'The/ tiled, 41131 they plea tbatBre , aow,
That widc Cif the turf abet p4over theltbr,;w,-
An 4 Uiaku tinliteir d*elliiiget a iraiteteilt abodiN"
:AP:pi:the thins thattlem. niet thair rya •
'MA I .
hero trod despon.loncy, ploi uro 0;4
:We mloglo topthar fp ennehlue and rani;
And the smile and the tear, theson,nead the ,
Still follov end, other, like surge upon ein•ge.
!Ma the wink of no eye, 'as the draft of it breath;
Trout the hiorsom of health, to the patenets of death,
From the glided saloon to the bier and tbe ehrmld—
Oh, why ehcruttl the epleit of mortal ho'proutil
PROCTAMMTiS, ; •,; ; ,