The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 26, 1865, Image 1

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Army Correspondence.
Headquarters, 78th Regt. P. V.,
Nashville, March 25, 1865.
DEAR GLOBE :--As most of those in
terested are aware, the company of
men enlisted and organized by Capt.
obn: Brewster and Lieut. D. G. En
eart loft Camp Curtin on Sabbath
morning, 12th inst, and about two
o'clock of the same day passed thro'
Old Huntingdon, en route for Tennes
:ee. We had .a pleasant ride over the
s mountain and we could have enjoyed
it very much bad it not been that pas
:sing through Huntingdon brought the
most of us so near our homes, reviving
• ividly all their precious memories,
that a tinge of sadness settled upon
nearly every heart.
Wo reached Pittsburgh about one
tieloek that night, and soon were coin
ortably quartered in a large building
used for that purpose, in the vicinity
.f the Girard House, where we slept
-oundly till morning. For breakfast
.we repaired to the Girard House,
now used as a Soldier's Rest, and sur
ounding Uncle Sam's table, ate hear
tily of his plain but substantial fare.
Upon returning to our quarters wo
were informed that it was customary
for the citizens of P. to give one meal
. every company, or regiment, of sol
.iers passing through their city, and
that if we saw proper to accept their
hospitality we should have dinner at
the. City Hall. This offer was accept
.ll by the company without a dissent.
ing voice; accordingly we held our
selves in readiness, for an attack at
noon upon the generosity of Pittsburg.
Meanwhile, we strolled through the
city and Were surprised to find that in
Pittsburg the citizens of all classes did
not think it beneath them to notice a
soldier and treat him kindly. The
heerfal, genial kindness of the people
.1 Pittsburgh toward us and Captain
hock's men, whom we overtook hero,
.ntrasted with oar treatment in Har
risburg, was as the warm sunshine of
June to the chilling blasts of Decem
. er. While in Harrisburg the upplea
taut impression forced itself upon us
that it was no longer an honor, as it
once was, to be an American soldier,
but that in entering the service of our
country we bad bade adieu to our man_
hood. Inyittsburgh the reverse was
the feeling that took possession of our
minds, and her citizens told us—by
works as well ae words—that above
everyone, it is the American soldier
whom the people of Pittsburgh delight
to honor. I should like to make men
tion here of many little incidents il
lustrating the kindness of the people
.f Pittsburgh to us, but space will not
At noon we repaired to the City
all, and partook of an excellent din
. or. The Hall itself is a large room
ad beautiflilly decorated. Wreaths
:of spruce, gemmed with flowers, and
surmounted with miniature flags,
: :ves a pleasing effect to the place.
Al 5 o'clock we took the cars on the
ittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago
' R. The train moved slowly off at
first, and from every part of the city
we could see flags and handkerchiefs
nd hats wave, and above the rumble
of the train hear prolonged cheers
from hundreds of voices. Never can
we forget Pittsburg. It reminded IA
f the early days of the war, when
Old Huntingdon lavished her patriotic
, nthusiaern upon the soldiers passing
through. The distancp from Pitts
argil to Crestline, Ohio, where we
were to change cars for Cincinnati, is
156 miles. Consequently, we wore all
night on the road.
The train on which we. left Pitts
•urgh was an "extra," made up of in.
ferior cars with narrow cushionless
. -eats, and as we were much crowded
we . passed the night uncomfortably,
•• without sleep. A good breakfast
with warm coffee made some amends
•or the discomforts of the night. At
1.1 A. M. we cheerfully entered the
•ars of the Cleveland, Columbus and
Cincinnati R. R., and resumed 'our
"ourney: Of the general appearance
•f the country, the improvements and
farm management, between Crestline
nd Columbus, until you near the lat
ter place, little can be said that is ore.
ditab/e to Ohio intelligence, taste and
industry. The fencing is inferior, the
barns mostly small log structures Dn.
.rovided with threshing floors, the
dwellings correspondingly poor, and
rendered generally unattractive by the
.ntire absence of trees and shrubbery.
• Wo noticed all along the road large
- fields of corn standing in shocks un
touched in other places the farmers
were engaged in husking and hauling
it away. I do not make mention of
'this to condemn; perhaps, there may
be arguments in favor of this plan,
;sufficiently strong, to justify its being
practiced here. Much attention is
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
paid here to wool growing, and we
saw everywhere large flocks of sheep
in good condition.
We reached Columbus about 8 p. m.
Columbus is a beautiful city, and had
our inclinations been 'consulted we
would have preferred staying there a
day. No offer of this kind being made
us; we obediently entered the cars at
the signal, and were soon under way
to Cincinnati.
We passed throughaenia and reach
ed Cincinnati at 8 P M. Of the man
try between Columbus and Cincinnati
too much can hardly be said in its
praise. The Littie Miami flows Oro'
a portion of it, and the whole country
is possessed df great natural advanta
ges. Broad fields of well cultivated
land spread out before the eye of the
traveller, while beautiful residences,
environed in evergreens and shrubbe
ry, with substantial outbuildings, aro
everywhere seen.
On arriving . at Cincinnati we were
conducted to the Soldiers' Homo of the
Cincinnati branch of the U. S. Sanitary
Commission. Hero we were treated
with the warm cordiality of friendship.
Supper was given us and comfortable
lodging. The next morning breakfast
was furnished us in like manner, and
as Captain Shock's men and ourselves
were to leave Cincinnati at noon,, the
Commission got up a special meal for
us at 11 A. M. It was a dinner such
as ony one at home would esteem a
privilege to partake of. We ate hear
tily, and, with feelings of gratitude
and admiration for the Sanitary Corn
mission, loft the Soldiers' Rest for the
steamboat. Before leaving, however,
both companies drew up in line before
the Commission's building, and gave
three rousing cheers for the Cincinnati
Branch of the Sanitary Commission.
Half an hour later we were on
board the steamer General Lyttle, and
shortly after this were sailing down
the Ohio. Ho must indeed be insensi
ble to much that'is beautiful and ro
mantic in nature, who fails to be agree.
ably entertained by a trip down this
noble river. After leaving Cincinnati
the first thing that called forth our
admiration particularly, was the vine
stretching along the right bank
of the river. From the bank of the
river back half a mile the ground
slopes gradually, and at others rises
abruptly. For a distance of seven
miles this slope is covered with the
vine. As far as the vineyards extend
ed, at the foot of the slope, and imme
diately on the bank of the river, are
seen, nestled in among evergreens,
tasteful cottages, forming, with the
vineyards in the background, a scene
of beauty rarely equalled. As we
stood on the bow of the beautiful sten
/nor, and watched her cleaving the
wave, and gazed upon the fine, scenery
on either side, we almost forgot that
every. groan of her great engines, eve•
ry stroke of her wheel, and every vi
bration that ran through her huge
frame, was a reminder that we were
being borne farther and farther from
our native hills. Night came, arid
with it pretty much ended the enjoy
ment of this part of the trip. The
night was too stormy to sleep with
safety on the upper deck, or on the
guard around the cabin. So we had
only one choice left and that was qui
etly to take up our quarters on the
lower dock. I shall not torture. you
witha description of how two hundred
men, jammed in among huge.piles of
boxes, barrels, hogsheads, etc:, tried
with becoming perseverance to dispose
their weary bodies in an attitude for
sleep. Suffice to say, few were so for
tunate as to woo to their embrace,
"Nature's sweet restorer." -
We reached Louisville in the night,
but remained in the boat till morning.
Our first view of the "Old Kentucky"
shore was by no means enchanting. A
heavy, cold northeaster was blowing,
and the rain was coming down in
torrents. On the wharf was a mixed
up mass of men in charge of the unla
ding, nogroes, great and small, and
mules ; all trying by dint of scolding,
pushing, whipping, pulling, and awful
swearing—the mules didn't swear—to
induce certain drays and omnibuses to
forsake mud and go up into the city.
We left the boat and marched one
mile in the direction of the Depot to
the Government Soldiers' Rest. We
passed the place where the famous
guerilla, Sue Drunday, had been exe
cuted the day before. At noon we
entered the cars of the Louisville &
Nashville R. R.. On! thp'. day before,
25th, two trains, Nl:ben forty miles be
low Louisville, had been fired into,
thrown off the trark and destroyed, by
Gentry's band of guerillas. The mail
and Adam's Express were robbed, also
the passengers, and the soldiers acting
as train guard, paroled. No wore in
structed to load our guns and be in
readiness as an attack was anticipated
When we reached Elizabeth city we
came up with tho train that had loft
Louisville in the morning. The Road
had not yet been cleared of the wreck
ed trains, nor the track repaired. By
11 o'clock at night the road was re•
paired and both trains, comprising
some fifteen passenger cars, left Eliza
both city: Before leaving, the lights
in the cars were extinguished, and
seen, enshrouded in the darkness of
midnight, wo were whizzing through
the deep forests of the "Dark and
Bloody Ground" with a speed that
was perfectly reckless and terrifying.
We reached Pilot Knob, now historic
ground, twenty-one miles from Nash
ville, just as the beautiful orb of day
was emerging from the chambers of
the east. An hour later wo wore in
Nashville, and had the satisfaction to
learn that the 78th regiment was en
camped near Fort Negloy, ono mile
south of the city. Thither we bent
our steps and wore soon warmly we!.
corned by the officers and mon of the
Old 78th. We were conducted to
comfortable barracks and by evening
felt much at home. The 78th occupy
what is called the Transfer Barracks,
of which I shall speak again.
We have plenty of good limestone
water, and the air is pure and delight
ful. There is but little sickness in our
company and most of the men aro
cheerful and contented. We should
like our friends at borne to remember
us by sending us, regularly, letters and
Huntingdon papers.
A Complete and most Graphic Ac
count of the Movements of J. W.
Boothin his Assassination of Abra
ham Lincoln,
. We extract the whole of the follow
ing account of the conduct of the assns-'
sin on the day ,1 . -ooding tho night of
the tragedy from the correspondence
of the New York World by Jerome 13.
Stilison. Without any exception, it
is the best and most circumstantial ac
count, if the whole of it be based upon
fact, of any which wo have hitherto
seen; and if wo dare say co : is one of
the most dramatically detailed ac
counts of an appalling incident in na
tional history which has over been of
fered to any nation :
Some very deliberate, but not at all
extraordinary, movements wore made
by a handsome and extremely well
dressed young man in the city of Wash
ington last Friday. At about 111 o'-
clock A. M. this person, whose name
is J. Wilkes Booth, by profession an
actor, and recently engaged in oilspec
ulations,sauntered into Ford's Theatre,
on Tenth, between E and: . F streets,
and exchanged greetings with the man
at the box office. In the conversation
which ensued the ticket agent inform
ed Booth that a box was taken for Mr.
Lincoln and-General Grant, who wore
expected to visit the theatre, and con•
tribute to the benefit of Miss Laura
Keene and satisfy tho curiosity of a
large audience. Mr. Booth went away
with a jest, and a lightly spoken
"Good afternoon." Strolling down to
Pumphreys' stable, on C street, in the
rear of the National Hotel, he engaged
a saddle horse, a high-strung, fast,
beautiful bay mare, telling Mr. Pam
phreys that ho should call for her iu
the middle of the afternoon.
Visits Mr. Johnson.
Prom here ho went to tlio Kirkwood
Hotel, on the corner of Pennsylvania
avenue and Twelfth street, Whore, call
ing for a card and a sheet of note pa
per, he sat down and wrote upon the
first as follows ?
I don't wish to disturb you; aro you
at home 7 J. W. BOOTH.
To this message, which was sent up
by the obliging clerk, Mr. Johnson re
sponded that ho was very busily en
gaged. Mr. Booth smiled, and, turn•
ing to his shoot of note paper, wrote
on it. The fact, if fact it is, that ho
had been disappointed in not obtaining
an examination of the Vico President's
apartment and a knowledge of the
Vice President's probable whereabouts
the ensuing ovoning in no way affected
his composure. The note, the contents
of wlnich are unknoWn, was signed
and Sealed within a few mon nts.
Booth arose, and bowed tea. 4 • • •:•••;
tance, and passed into the
elegant person was seen on e
a few • minutes, and was t• • n
into the Metropolitan Hotel.
He Visits His Stable
At 4 .y. M. he again appeared at
Pumphroys' livery stable, mounted the
mare ho had engaged, rode leisurely up
F street, turned into an alloy between
Ninth and Tenth streets, and thence
into an alloy reloading to the rear of
Ford's Theatre, which fronts on Tenth
street, between E and F streets. Here
ho alighted and deposited the mare in
eisinall stable off the alloy, which ho
had hired some time before for the ac
commodation of a saddle horse which
Yours truly,
M. H. S
ho had recently sold. Mr. Booth soon
afterward retired from the stable and
is supposed to have refreshed himself
at the neighboring bar-room.
The Scene at the Theatre
AtS o'clock the same evening, Pres:
ident Lincoln and Speaker Colfax mit
together in a private room at the
White House, pleasantly conversing.
Gcn: Grant, with whom the President
had engaged to attend Ford's Theatre
that evening, had left with his wife for
Burlington, New Jersey, in the six
o'clock train. After this departure
Mr. Lincoln rather reluctantly deter
mined to keep his part of the engage
ment, rather than to disappoint his
friends and the audience. Mrs. Lin
coln, entering the room and turning to
Mr. Colfax, said, in a half laughing,
half serious way, "Well, Mr; Lincoln,
are you going to the theatre with me
or not ?" suppose I shall have to
go, Colfax," said the PresideUt, and
the Speaker took his leave, in com
pany. with :Major Ratlibono, of the
Provost Marshal General's office, who
escorted Miss Harris, daughter of Sen
ator Harris, of NoW York. Mr. and
Mrs. Lincoln reached : Ford's Theatre
at twenty minutes before 9 o'clock.
The house was filled in every part
'with a largo and brilliantly attired au
dience. As the Presidential party as
cended the stairs, and passed behind
the dress circle to the entrance of the
private box reserved for them, the
whole assemblage, having in mind the
recent Union victories, arose, cheered,
waving lilts and handkerchiefs, and
manifesting every other accustomed
sign of enthusiasm. The President,
last to enter the box, turned before do
ing so, and bowed a courteous acknowl
edgment of his reception. At the mo
ment of the President's arrival, .Mr.
Hawks, one of the actors, performing
the well known part of Dundreary, had
exclaimed :, "This reminds me of a
story, as Mr. Lincoln says." The au
dience forced him, after the interrup
lion, to tell the story over again. It
evidently pleased Mr. Lincoln, who
turned laughingly to his wife and
tondo a romark which woe not over
The Box.
The-box in which the President sat
consisted of two boxes turned into one,
the middle partition being removed, as
on all occasions when a state party
visited the theatre. The box was on a
level with the dress circle, about twelve
feet above the stage. There were two
entrances—the door nearest to the
wall haying been closed and locked;
the door nearest the balustrades of the
dress circle, and at right angles with
it, being open and left open after the
visitors had entered. The interior was
carpeted, lined with crimson paper,
and furnished with a sofa covered with
crimson velvet, three arm chairs simi
larly covered, and six cane-bottomed
chairs. Festoons of flags hung before
the front of the box against a back.
ground of laee.
The Arrangement of the Party
President Lincoln took one of the
arm-chairs and seated himself in the
front of the box, in the angle nearest
the audience, where,partia!ly screened
from observation, he had the best view
of what was transpiring on the stage.
Mrs. Lincoln sat next him, and. Mies
:Harris in the opposite angle nearest
the stage. Major Rathbone sat just
behind Mrs. Lincoln and Miss Harris.
These four were the only persons in
the box.
The Play
Tho play proceeded. The audionee
at Ford's including Mrs. Lincoln, seem
ed to enjoy it very much. The worthy
wife of the President leaned forward,
her hand upon her husband's knee,
watching every scene in the drama
with amused attention. Even across
the President's face at intervals swept
a smile, robbing it of its habitual sad.
Tha Assassin's .Prelinzinariesto Flight.
About the beginning of the second
act, the mare standing in the stable in
the rear of the theatre, was disturbed
in the midst of her meal by the en
trance of the young man who had
quitted her iu the afternoon. It is pre
sumed that she was saddled and bri
dled with exquisite care.
Booth Enters the Theatre
Having completed' these prepare ;
tions, Mr. Booth entered the theatre
by the stage-door; summoned one of
the scene•shifters, :Mr. John Spangler,
emerged through the same door with
that individual, leaving the door open,
and left the mare in his hands to be
hold until he (Booth) should return.
Booth, who was morefashionably and
richly dressed than usual, walked
thence around to the front of the thea
tre and went in. Ascending to thodross
circle, he stood for a little time gazing
around upon the audience, and occa
sionally upon the stage, in his usual
graceful manner. He was subsequent•
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ly observed by Mr. Ford, the proprie
tor of the theatre, to be slowly elbow
ing his way through the crowd that
packed the rear of the dress-circle,
toward the right side, at the extremity
of which was the box where Mr. and
Mrs. Lincoln and their companions
were seated. Mr. Ford casually no
ticed this as a slightly extraordinary
symptom of interest on his part of an
actor so familiar with the routine of
the theatre and the play.
The curtain bad arisen on the third
act, and Mrs. Mountghessington and
Asa Trenchard were exchanging viva
cious stupidities, when a young man,
precisely resembling the ono described
as J. Wilkes Booth ; appeared before
the open door of the President's box,
and prepared to.enter.
The Assassin at the Box Door
The servant who attended Mr. Lin
coln said politely : "This is the Pres
ident's box, sir; no one is permitted to
enter." "I am a Senator," responded
the person, "Mr. Lincoln has sent for
me." The attendant gave way, and
the young man passed into the box..
In the Box
As he appeared at the door, taking a
quick, comprehensive glance at the in
terior, Major Rathbone arose. "Are
you aware sir," ho said, courteously,
"upon whom you are intruding ? This
is the President's box, and no ono is
admitted." The intruder answered
not a word. Fastening his eyes upon
Mr. Lincoln, who had half turned his
head to ascertain what caused the dis
turbance, he stepped quickly back
without the door.
The Shot.
Drawing a Derringer pistol, and ta
king, by moans of some almost mirac
ulous calculation, a deadly aim, he tir
ed through the closed door, on his
right, the ball passing through the
door, and on,Eorius - tho brain of the
The Assassin's Flight
The movements of the assassin wore
from henceforth quick as lightning.
Springing into the box . through the
door of which ho had just retreated, he
drepped his pistol on the floor, and
drawing a bowie-knife, struck Major
Rathbone, who opposed him, ripping
through his coat from the shoulder
down, and inflicting a severe flesh
wound in his arm. Ito leaped then
upon the Tol vo t covered balustrade at
the front of the box, between Mrs.
Lincoln and Miss Harris, and parting
with both hands the flags that drooped
on either aide, dropped to the stage
beneath. Arising, and turning full
upon the audience, with the knife
lifted in his right hand above his head,
he shouted : "Sic semper tyrannis—
Virginia is avenged !" Another instant
and he had fled across the stage and
behind the scenes. Col. J. B. Stewart,
the only person in the audience who
seemed to comprehend the deed lie
had committed, cliinbed from his seat
near the orchestra to the stage, and
followed close behind. The assassin
was too fleet and too desperate. Meet
ing Mr. Withers, the leader of the or
chestra, just behind the scene, he
struck him aside with a blow-that for
tunately was not a wound; overturn.
ing Miss Jenny Gourley, an actress,
who came next in his path, ho gained,
without further hindrance, the back
door previously loft open at the rear
of the theatre; rushed through it; leap
ed upon the horse hold by Mr. Span
gler, and without vouchsafing that
person a word of information, rode out
through the alley lea - ding into F street;
and thence rapidly away. His horse's
hoofs might almost have been hoard
amid the silence that for a few sec
onds dwelt in the interior of the thee-
The Scene in the Theatre
Then Mrs. Lincoln screamed, Mrs.
Harris cried fur water, and the full
ghastly truth broke upon all-:"The
President is murdered !" The scene
that ensued was as tumultuous and
terrible as one of Dante's pictures of
hell. Some women fainted, others
uttered piercing shrieks, and cries for
vonganco and unmeaning shouts for
help burst from the mouths of men.
Miss Laura Keene, the actress, proved
herself in this awful time as equal to
sustain a part in real tragedy as to
interpret that of the stage, Pausing
ono moment before the footlights to
entreat the audience to be calm, she
ascended the stairs in the rear of Mr.
Lincoln's box, entered it, took the dy
ing President's head in her lap, bath
ed it with the water she bad brought,
and endeavored to force some of the
liquid through the insensible lips. The
locality of the wound was supposed to
be in the breast. It wits not until af
ter the neck and shoulders had been
bared and no mark discovered, that
the dress of Miss KCODO, stained with
blood revealed whore the ball bad
TERMS, $2,00, a year in advance.
The Insensible PresiiieQ Carried out
As soon as the confusion and crowd
wore partially overcome, the form of
the President was conveyed , from the
theatre to the residence of Mr. Peter
son, on the opposite side of Tenth
street. Iler3 upon a bed, in a little
hastily prepared chamber, it was laid
and attended b.f . Surgeon General
Barnes and other physicians, speedily
The - Excitement in the Capital:
In the meanwhile the news spraed
through the capital as if borne on
tungues of flamo. Senator, •Sumner,
hearing of the affair at his residence,
took a carriage and drove at a gallop
to the White House, where he hoard
where it had taken place, to find Rob
ert Lincoln and other members of the
household still unaware of it. Both
drove to Ford's Theatre, and were
soon at the President's bedside. Sec
retary Stanton and other members of
the Cabinet were at hand almost as
soon. A vast crowd, surging up
Pennsylvania avenue toward Willard's
Hotel, cried, "The President is shot!"
"President Lincoln is murdered."
Another crowd sweeping down the
avenue met the first'with the tidings,
"Secretary Seward has been assassin
ated in bed." Instantly a wild appre
hension of an organized conspiracy
and of other murders took possession
of the people. The shout "To arms!"
was mingled with the expressions of
sorrow and rage that everywhere fill
ed the air. "Where is General Grant?"
or "Where is Secretary Stanton ?"
"Whore are the rest of the Cabinet?"
broke from thousands of lips. A con
flagration of fire is not half so terri
ble as was the conflagration of passion
that rolled through the streets and
houses of Washington on that awful
The attempt on Secretary Seward's life.
The attempt on the life of Secreta
ry Seward was perhaps, as daring, if
net so dramatic, as the assassination
of the President. At 9.20 o'clock a
man; tall, athletic, and dressed in
light colored clothes, alighted from a
horse in front of Mr. Soward's resi
dence, in Madison place, where the
Secretary was lying very feebly from
his recent injuries. Tho house, a solid
three story brick building, was for-.
tneely the old Washington Club House.
Leaving his horse standing, the stran
ger rang at the door, and inforthed
the servant who admitted him that
he desired to see Mr. Seward. The
servant responded that Mr. Seward
was very ill, and that no visitors were
admitted. 'But I am a messenger
from Dr. Verdi, Mr. Seward's physi
cian; I have a prescription which I
must deliver myself." The servant
still demurring, the stranger, without
further parley, pushed him aside and
ascended the stairs. Moving to the
right, he proceeded towards Mr. Sew
ard's room, and was about to enter if,
when Mr. Frederick Seward appeared
from an opposite doorway and deman
ded his business. Ho responded in the
same manner as to the servant below,
but being met with a refusal, sudden-.
ly closed the contraversy by striking
Mr. Seward a severe and perhaps
mortal blow across the forehead with
the butt of a pistol. As the first vic
tim fell, Major Seward, another and
younger son of the Secretary emerged
from his father's room. 'Without a
word the man drew a knife and struck
the Major several blows with it, rushed
into the chamber as he did so; then,
after dealing Mr. Haniell, the nurse,
a horrible wound across the bowels,
he sprang to the bed upon which the
Secretary lay, stabbing him two or
three times in the face and neck. Mr.
Seward arose convulsively and fell
from the bed to the floor. Turning
and brandishing his knife anew ; the
assassin fled from the room, cleared
the prostrate form of Frederick Sew
ard in the hall, descended tho stairs
in three leaps, and was out of the door
and upon his horse in an instant. It is
stated by a person who saw him mount,
that although ho leaped upon his he'rse
with most unseemly haste, he, trot
cd away around the corner of the block
with circumspect deliberation.
The Gathering of time People.
Around both the house on Tenth
street and the residence of Secretary
Seward, as the fact of both tragedies
became generally known, crowds soon
gathered so vast and tumultuous that
military guards scarcely sufficed to
keep them from the doors.
The Death-Chamber of the President.
The room to which the President
had been conveyed is on the first floor,
at the end of the hall. It is only fif
teen feet square, with a Brussels car
pet, papered with brown, and hung
with a Photograph of Rosa Bonheur's
"Horse Fair," and engraved copy of
Herring's "Village Blacksmith," and
two smaller once of "The Stable" Erna'
"The Pam Yard," from thOlimme art-
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ist. A. table and a bureau, spread with
crochet work, eight chairs and the
bed, were all the furniture. Upon
this bed, a low walnut four -posted,
lay the dying Presideilt, the blood
oozing from the frightful wound in
his head and stainingthe pillow. All
that the medical skill of half a dozen
accomplished surgeons could do had ,
been done to prolong a life evidently
ebbing from a mortal hurt.
Secretary Stantonjust arrived from
the bedside of Mr. Seward,. and asks.
Surgeon . General Barnes what was
Mr. Lincoln's condition. "I fear, Mr:
Stanton,. that there's no hope."
no, General: no, no;" and the man, o
all others, apparently strange to fears;
sank down beside the. bed, the. hot,.
. ed,
bitter evidenceof an awful sorrow
trickling .through„ hie
. : finger&to the
floor. Senator . Sumner. sat on tb.,s,
opposite side of the abed, holding . one
of the PreSident's hande in his Own,
and sobbing with kindred . grief., Se
retary Welles. stood at the foot of the
bed; his face hidden, his.franie shaken.
with emotion- General; Ifalleck,. At-.
torney General.' Speed, Postmaste
General Dennison, M. B. Field, Assist
ant Secretary of the Treasury, Judge
Otto, Geneneral Meigs, and others,:
visited the chaniber at,timee, and then
retired: Mrs. Lincoln—but there i::
no need to speak of her. Mrs. Sena-•
tor Dixon soon .arrived, and remained
with her through the night.. AIL
through the night, while the horror
stricken crowds outside swept and
gathered along the streets, while, .
military and police . were patrollin .
and weaving a cordon around tla
city; while men , -were arming and.
asking - each Other; "What .
next ?" while - the telegraph was
the news from city to oityr ove
the continent, and 'while the two
assassins wore speeding unharmed
upon fleet horses far away, his chosen
friend's watched about the death-bed o
the highest of the nation. Occasion .
ally Dr. Gurley, pastor of the church
where Mr. Lincoln habitually attended
knelt .down in prayer. Occasionally
Mrs. Lincoln and her sons entered; to'
find no hope and to go back to cease.
less weeping. Members of the Cabinet
senators, representatives, genorals,and
others, took turns - at the bedside._
Chief Justice Chase remained until a
late hour, and returned in the morn! ,
ing. Secretary McCulloch remained
constant Watcher until 5A M. Not
gleam of consciousness shone :aeros;
the visage.of the President up to hi:
death—a quiet, peaceful death at lea
—which came at twenty-two minute&
past seven A M.
Secretary Seward's Chamber.
In Secretary Seward's chamber,
similar although not so.solemn a scene
prevailed; between that chamber and
the one occupied by President Lincoln
visitors alternated to and fro through,
the night. It had been early ascer
tained that the wounds of the Secre
tary were not likely to
,prove mortal.
A. wire instrument drawn across the
sides of his head and Under his shoal •
dors, to relieve the pain which he suf..
fend from his previous injuries, pre.
vented the knife of the assassin from
striking too deep, The right cheek,
was laid open to the hone, and a . feat ,
fel gash inflicted in the other. The
neck was pierced in two places, but 110
arteries were severed. Mr. Frederick .
Seward's injuries Were more serious.
Hie forehead was etoven in by the
blow from the pistol, and up to this
hour he has remained perfectly 1113C013-'
scions. The operation, of trepannin!
the skull has been performed, but little
hope is had of his recovery. Major
Seward will . get well. Mr. Hawaii's
condition is somewhat doubtful.
111 r. Squad Informed of the Acts of th
Secretary Seward, who cannot talk,
was not informed of the assassination
of the President, and the injury of hi:
son, until yesterday. .He had been
worrying as to why Mr. Lincoln did,
not visit him. "Why doesn't-the Pre
sident come to see me ?" he asked with
his pencil. "Where is Frederick, what
is the matter with him?" Pere eivin:
the nervous excitement which thee •
doubts occasioned, a consultation was
had, at which it was finally doterrain
ed that it would be' best to let the See.
rotary know the worst. Seeretar
Stanton was chosen to tell him. Si •
ting down beside Mr. Seward's bed,.
yesterday afternoon, he therefore re•
lilted to him a full account of the whole
affair. Mr. Seward was so surprised
and shocked that he raised one hand
involuntarily, wid. groaned.
What the Assassins Left Behind.
An old fashioned Colt's revolver wa
found in the hall of Mr. Seward's resi.
dance after the assassin left. It is the
weapon . with which Mr. Frederic.
Seward was felled: On the stage be ,
neath the -President's box a piece o
spur was found. The gilt moulding ,
around the front of the box was cut,
showing that the spur hit it and we::
broken as the murderer of the Presi-,
dent leaped from the box. This, with;
the pistol and hat left in the box, showi
how swift and desperate were his
movements. An experiment was made
to day which proves conclusively , the
the pistol was fired through the
of the box, as was stated a man
sat in the positioa,..etOpied by the
President peeping through
the holeade through • the door by'
th'sr.gulleit, found that its direction was
straight to the back of the sitter's .
At the Bedside
Assassins .