The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 12, 1865, Image 1

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' _ TERifl OP. alwEßTisiNa. .
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--- • •
'Tell Metiot, mournful numbere,
- ,;Life,is but an empty .dream l•
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
life is real! Life is earnest 1
And tho grave is net its. goal
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the Soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end mad way;
•Ilut to act that each to:imorrow
Find us farther that . ' to-day,_
Art itilong, and Time is fleeting, • •
~.4Vour hearte„theaghetout tind brave,
inte'ninflied . drumi, are beating
'Ft . :natal marches to the grave.
- .
In the world's, broad field of battle,
In the bivouac oflife,
Me not like 'dgmb driven catilo !
-Be a hero in the strife I
Trtist no Future I,lotie'ei pleasant !
Taitthedeati Past !Jury its dead 1
Act- 7 act in the living Present!
Heart within, and Gen o'ethead !
ilies of great men all remicd us
We can make our livos sublime,
And departing, leave . behind us
Footprints on the sands of time ;
roptprints, that perhaps another,
life'ssaledm main,
A forlarnand shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart
Let us, then, be up and doing,
•With a InFart for any fate ;
Still aehieving—ittill purituing—
Learn to labor and to wait.
hamond As it. Was.
Tow that our gallant army is in
possession of this city, where the in.
iquitoss plans and plots of the leaders
of the great rebellion have been devel
oped and put in action, it will be in
tereating to look back and see. Rich
mond -as it was before the war, when
the shield of the Union was hold over
it.; and its mistaken and misguided, in
luibitapts *ere pursuing their avoca
tions under the guardianship of our
great and free Government. .
Richmond possesses great advanta
ges in its position, its land and water
connections, and the character of the
surrounding scenery. As capital of
the great State of Virginia, 'it was the
centre at, which :gathered all the in
tellect,..the wealth, the prosperity of
the Old Dominion. , Situated on the
northeastern bank of the James river,
at the lower falls of 'that stream, and
at the head of tido water, it rests upon
several hills, Which give a pleasing va
riety to the appearance of the
. city,
and afford noble -sites for architectural
display. The environs contain many
elements of beauty. The river pasties
through undulating hills, foams over
granite rocks, and embraces numerous
green islands in the course. Richmond
lies southwest from Washington, at a
distance of ono hundred miles in a
straight line, and one hundred and
thirty miles by. railroad. It is one
hundred and sixty-eight miles from
Baltimore, and twenty-two north of
Petersburg. .
The citfis regularly laid in rectan
gular blocks. The Capitol, which, from
its size and the high ground on which
it stands,is the most conspicuous ob
ject in the gado, is built in a public
square ; on Capitol Hill, the summit of
which is an elevated plain in the wes
tern portion of the city. It is fronted
with a fine portico of lonic columns,
and before it stood, prior to the war, a
splendid monument with bronze stat
ues of Washington audother distin
guished sons , of the State in her old
(days of loyalty and honor. In an an
gle 'of Capitol Square also stands the
City Hall, a fine building in the Derie
style_ This qUarter of Richmond was
Aliefishionable quarter. Hero the scions
.of the "first families of Virginia" had
their'mansions, and held their aristo
cratic sway.
Nunferous public buildings arc seat
lered through the city. .The _Peniten
tiary, which is in the western suburbs,
is a' large edifice, with a front of.three
hundred feet. I l here are aISO the
.courthouse, the jail, a theatre, an or
phan asylum, and a Masonic. Hall, to
gether with a large armory, 320 feet
long by 280 in width. Befdre the re
bellion broke out a handsome new cus
tom house was in course of erection by
our Government, for - Richmond was a
port of entry, and possessed consider..
able commerce.
There were three banks in the city,
having an aggregate capital of $2,11.4-,
000, but where are the funds of these
institutions now?. Confederate loan,
scrip, and currency, ialuelesl, as rags,
have vainly attempted to represent
money at their counters, and what
sold they still possessed was insecure,
or it was a tempting bait to the cu
111dity and the necessities of the rebel
leaders. About thirty obarebps are
spread through the city, representing
.$2 CO
. 1 00
VOL : =.XX,
various Christian Sects, and-there are 1 1
two Jewish places,of worship. Ainong_
the educational institutions which ex
isted in the city may be ''ilotod the
Richmond College, St. Vincent's Col
lege, and the Medical Departmerit of
Hampden and- Sydney College. The
city - is: supplied with river 'water,
which - is forced into three large reser
voirs, holding a million of - gallons each.
For a number of years prior to the
rebellion Richmond had rapidly in
creased in population and business.
The James river and lianaivha canal
terminated- and the Richmond - and
Petersburg and Richmond and Fred
ericksburg Railroads connected there,
forming part> of the great Southern
mail line ; the Central Railroad waen.
ded westward into the heart'of the
State, and the Danville road, running
southivestward, connected . with' the .
railioad system, of Tonnessee ‘ and.Geor-,
gia. The James river is navigable for
vessels of ten feet draught to the
wharves of the city, and' those of fif-,
teen feet draught can comp within
throe miles. , Constant communication
was kept up. with Philadelphia and
New York by means of ocean steam
ors, and with Baltimore and. Norfolk
by daily steamboats. The central po
sition of . Richmond made it a depot for
all the products of Virginia, and the
exports of the port' were immense.
Tobacco, grain, and flour ' were the
chief articles of trade. Of tobacco,
huge quantities were Sent to all parts of
Europe, as well as distributed through
the United States. An immense wa
ter power was derived from the Jainee
river, and was taken advantage of
to work, the machinery of mills and
manufactories. The principal things
produced were tobacco, cotton, and
woolen goods; paper, machinery, and
ironware. The flour product was tre
mendous. At times the number of bar-,
roll reached an almost incredible fig
ure. In 1854 the populatiow amount
ed to 82,389 souls, of whom 19,282 were
white persons, 10,889 slaves, and'2,223
froo persons of color. The population
had, however, reached a much larger
figure at the time of the commence
ment of the war.
Such was Richmond as it flourished
under the protection of our national
flag; so was it when its infatuated in
habitants, carried away by the blind
ing visions of Southern independence
and of a government founded for the
express purpose of perpetuating sla-,
very, and as the seat of which they
hoped their city would acquire - new
fame, tore down and trampled upon
the glorious emblem.• which should
have been their pride, and rushed
madly into the strife which has result
ed in their utter humiliation, and the
downfall of their misguided ambition.
The difficulties which our armies
have met in 'the capture of the city
are to be ascribed as much to the char
acter of the defences which nature and
the rebels have given it, as to the in
competency of our failing generals. In
the, there were five direct
lines of railroad which it was impor
tent for us - to cut before we could poss
ess the city, and from these branched
many others, which rendered them
doubly, troblyAnd quadruply valuable,
since they penetrated every part of tho
Southern country: On the north iv3re
three running to Fredericksburg, to
Gordonsville, Charlottesville, and by
way of. Culpeper to Alexandria and
Washington, and the West Point road,
which was of but little value, except
as a feeder to the other .two. On the
south were the Weldon and the Dan
ville roads. The first three were easily
cut by our forces, as they were in the
lino of approach from the Potomac,
and, anyhow; would afford but little
supportlo the garrison of the city,
because the territory through which
they passed was likely to bo in our
possession, and was so during almost
the whole duration of the rebellion.
When , w
commander as appointed.
who understood the military art, and
was thitermined that neither rebid
position, talent, nor his own tardiness
even in OM execution of 'evident and
necessary movements should prevent
the citadel and the capital of treason,
from falling, he very properly invaded
the hitherto untrodden and defiant
city from a'new point. The - termini
of the 'railroads
_Awning north of "the
city being already in our,ha,nds, and
therefore tiseleis, despised them and
the approaches to. which they beckon
ed him, and . advanced steadily and
surely from the Rapidan to tho Chick
ahominy, and thence to the James riv
er and Petersburg. By this move
ment, which at once revealed his fit
ness for his place, aud, for the first
time, gave the rebels real uneasiness,
he placed a powerful, disciplined, and
veterqn army in dangerous proximity
to the only lines of'supplies which had
been of use to qenoral Lee, and which
LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
had .
,hithertO• been Unapproached and
.unattacked._ Our readers are'familiar
With the victorious=- march WhiCh pla
-ced-our army before Petersburg. Rich
pond, - ,when Grant passed so near it,
was, too' well fortified for even an army
-such as tboA.rmy of the Potornac—
.to a,ttemPt, storm it. A seasoned
arMYstood,aroand a living wall and
behind it-lay - railroads which it could.
_.So Grant—victorious
Graut—ilirected his inozokto 'Peters - ,
burg, and at the tine, no doubt, hoped
that the wily Lee—abler for the fine
practice three years of our unsuccess
ful campaigning had given him—would
.fail to reach that vital
,point. : before
him.' But Lee was there too soon.
- Bte'wel' . l knew the value of the town—
how t - preserved through - the Weldon
Railroad his lino to Wiliningion, the
-great , blockade-running port and the
whole of the Southern coast States, and
,how, via Darkv.illo and. Lynchburg, it him itgreat field of supplies
on aid whole' Southwest of the Mississ-
Ippi:',' CondeqUently;after the battle of
Cold Harbor, wheh our army, failing
to carry his entrenchments by storm,
flanked them, he marched almost in
a parallel line with ourselves, for Pe
tersbtirg,.whithor he know-we were
hastening. lie arrived there, unfor
tunately for the poor fellows who have
been maimed and killed in the battles
that have since taken place, and met
us with heavy earthworks. Here com
menced a strategical contest between
Grant and. Lee, unequal in some senses,
it may bo, but nevertheless pointing
to our • success sooner Or . later.: Leo
felt, this also, :ind day by day valuable
property was removed South , when it
could he id" any way spared. This
was all visible to Grant. When he
entered, on the expedition against
Richmond he had his fair fame as a
genernl . to preserve, and ho could only
preserve -vtettav The - city
in itself was nothing. A little insig
nificant town it was, nothing more.
The rebels could.find, at tho time he
adVanced, numberless places which
could be Made quite • as . strone, quite
as, useful to them. General Sherman's
present army was then far away .in
Tennessee, seemingly separated from
the Army of the Potomac by ton
thousand difficulties of water and land
and rebel lines of battle. But his
mind was a military ono,.and equal to
the crisis. Simultaneous with his
• own advance, Sherman'S legions went
forth to attempt a task, hard and un
certain in its front, while ho through
an unknown and untried country,
stretched out to roach the rebellion's
heart. Both marched on, one south
towards Atlanta,.the other south to
wards.Spottsylvania and the, storied
banks of the Chickabominy : Both, by
force and strategy; Pressed the rebel
cohorts back, back, until they halted
behind walls they doomed impregna-
Though , tho Virginia army was held
back at Cold Harbor, while the Army
of the Tennessee remained quietly be.
fore Atlanta, yet similar expedients
obtained success in each case. Flank
ing captured both Cold Harbor and
Atlanta, and then commenced those
bold moves, albeit ono on a grander
scale than tho other. Grant shot out
over the enemy's country—so did. Gen
Sherman. In miles Sherman towered
over Grant, but in results his bold ox•
pedition was really secondary., , Grant
sat down before Fetersburg and held
Leo tbero, as in a .vice, until his rail
roads were cut and destroyed ono by
ono, tho whole of the valuable ports
eldSed, and the weakened rebel armies
driven like Wolves into a pen, to be
prepared ~for either. submission or
slaughter. Quietly he sat there. .Gen
Shermanmeantime marching on, Lee
soon found his supplies growing slim
frord a diminished field, and he bad at
last to appeal 'to the citizens of the
narrow limits . of a part Of North Caro
lina and apart of Virginia for food for
his shaggy soldiers. When at last his
last base wits threatened, oven though
he had tried to prevent it as General
iachief of. all the rebel armies; when
our left spread over the Weldon road,
arid:nestled too closely to his last
thread of life, the Southside; when
• eventhat was .in daily danger from
theadvance cavalry of Sherman and
Sheridan of the Valley, for both of
whom Grant had-waited, and who
had alertly and surely bbrno down on
him,, he chose to attempt to break our
lines at Fort Steadman and save him
self from defeat and Richmond from
capture. Ho felt the blow—the terri
ble final blowimpending, and strove
to, avert it by sonto bold and desperate
move. But be Ailed,. and his very
failure only hastened the visitation
that, belled him from his entrench
' plants and laid treason's proud capital
at the feet of a conqueror. Sheridan,
who scattered the legions in the Shen-
andoah, at one "fell= blow broke the
Richmond, Danville and Lynchburg
road, at Burksvillo
.station,. an army
struck it below Petersburg, and,caval
ry and infantry together engaged the
whole rebel army in the flank while
our reserve forces captured the point
of dispute and three years' yearning.
The news despatches furnish tho so
It is proof enough of tho strength of
the rebel wdrlco , around Richmond, to_
say that since last June wellappoin
ted army, true and tried, Under an able,
loader, has lain inactive before them.
When_Grant advanced on Petersburg,
ho captured the entronebroents which
had been built with care,tivo years
beforo,for"thespecial object of a stub,
born defence. Batt our sudden advent
found . theni: ill.garrisoned, and: the,
advanoo of Lee's armies. were obliged',
to construct hasty works, at which du
ring .tiMiiast yeaithey. bait) Constant
ly worked, until they were equal to,
if not'bettori . thdh those they:ha&leit.
Petersburg`Was the '.bnlwark Of Rich
mond, and without it the latter city
was valueless militarily. Consequent
ly, the greateet solicitude and...: skill
wore exercised. The SonthSide Rail
road, near the. terminus of our extreme
left, was carefullY fortified for:miles,
and a garrison constantly kept
and ward over the
_From this
point all the way to the James, thence
ahing that river to the city; 'thence_
along tho Mechanicsville turnpike to
Mechanicsville, on the Chickabominy
town immortalized in tho seven
days' Peninsular - campaign—thence
along: Brook. Run • to • the run,
turnpike and Fredericksburg railroad,
and along these roads to the ; city, was
one continuous line' of beleaguering
works, all bristling with guns and oc
cupied by troops ready to ,defend them
to the last.. Around the city, com
manding every approaph,-were : Forts
Lee, - Johnston, Longstreet,' Froneh,
11111, Davis, :Randolph, Jackson, and.
Winder, varying in dietance &OM the
city from ono to five tulles. - They
were the lunettes of an uninterrUpted
line of works, indeed, a triple lino, for
there were three lines at intervals of
half a mile. Forts Randolph, Jackson
and Hill, disputed an advance over the
Chielcahominy atlfeebanieaville, and
the numerous bridges, above and below
the town, while French, hoe and
Johnston, and other minor batteries,
glared at invaders marching along the
"Southsido." These forts were all on
the north and west.. On the east were
the works that barred McClellan's ad
vance along the York River railroad,
and the Williamsburg stage road, and
were so fatal to our progress at Seven
Pines, Fair Oaks and Savage Station.
'.Cho Charles city road was defended
by redoubt after redoubt, rendered al
most impregnable by the White Oak
Swamp, which stretches all along to
tho.east of the city. The Now Mark
et road to Boono's pike was fortified,
and from the pike the great cordon
curved till it struCk the river, above
Dutch Gap. Hero:the James was ob..
strutted with everything that ingenu
ity could suggest, and with so much
&feet that au expedition by our navy.
against the city seems to have never
been.thought of but once, and that be
fore the 'placing of the obstructions.—
A. short distance north Of the and of
this chain, Fort 'Darling was erected
on the bluffs, and was but once attack
ed by us in the memorable Peninsular
campaign, when thelron or tin clad
Galena is said to have been pierced by
every desconding.shet that struck her.
Below this fort and near the obstruc
tions was Fort Rhott, which stood at
the beginning of a continuous line of
eartbworks to Falling :Creek, striking
it about seven Miles southwest of the
city. The creek formed one side of a
lozenge, the rise of its convexity dis
tant about two miles from the similar
rise of the works. These works over
lcioked what is significantly called the
"Valley of Death"—eallod so for some
unknown reason for hundreds of years.
Another chain followed the lino of the
James and enclosed Petorsburg-;--the
whore system having the forth of a
string with two .loops in it, another
string pendant to one of them. From
Deep Bottom to Hatcher's Run the
works were opposed by our own which
daily encroached upon theM. It is
useless to attempt to describe in detail
the works around Petersburg, named
after Menunimger, Mason, Wise, Yan
cey, Gordon, and Slidell, and twenty
other rebel magnates. Suffice it to say
that-they were strong, admirably con
trived, a perfect labyrinth, bristling
with guns, and ominous of death. The
works exist now, 'but are no longer
rebel, for our boys in blue swarmed
over them, amid rebel shot and
and thiise who lavished so much care
and skill and hope • upon them are a
wild mob, flying with unappeasable
panic to seine place of shelter they
know not whore:
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Details of Sunday Morning's-Pight.
Heroic Gallantry of ‘our_Troops
- . -
licadyitarta-s Army of - the. Potomac, 1
- April 2d 1865. f
The most. important victory the ar
my of the Potomac has over gained
in Virginia, was won to-day, and the
outer line of works which wo have
been. trying .in .vain for months to ,
overcome, has at last yielded to our
victorious arms, iind the great portion;
of ,this army are to•ylight` within a
mile and a half of the . city, on the
Southwest side.
The: struggle made by the eneney, to
retain these works was of ronost des
perate character,. and• for the success ,
obtained to-day we are indebted' not•
only to the strategy exorcised by our,
commanders, but tel the oyerwholm 7
ing number and bravery•of the troops_
that did the work. -
Orders from an attack on the lino
east and south of Petersburg, by the
Sixth and Ninth corps wore carried'
out punetually at daylight,: the -artil-•
ler.) , having hem' hainthering away
the greater part of the night along
the entire lino held by the.aboye corps.;
Such a furious cannonade has been
very seldom heard during the war; not
even surpassed by that which was'
hoard on the occasion of.the. mine ox
The 9th Corps' troops engaged in
the action, were , the econd and third
divisionsi, and Col. Satn. ilarriman's
brigade, of the First division. , ,
The charge was made in front of
Forts Hell and 'fl , co, on tho 'Jerusa
lem road;ia hso far sucCe'ssftd
that atB o'clock, A. M., we wore in pos
session of the fortifications.—Fort
hon being most extensive and elabor
ate -
Those works contained . rnineteen
guns, some of which wore at once
opened on the enemy by the men
belonging to infantry roginients.
Just inside or about 100 yards
from Fort Mahon was another work
to which the rebels retreated, and
from which they threw most destruc
tive fire among our men, causing
them to retire from the northern end,
when the rebels made a dash, thinking
to recover it entirely, but the guns on
the right wing as well as on the cen
tre had been maimed add shattered,
and the assailants driven back.
From this time till late in the af-
ternoon the struggle continued, the
enemy using every effort to recover
their fort, while our men were deter
mined to retain possession of what
they had fought so' hard and paid so
dearly for. About noon the chances
seemed that weshould lose it, but soon
after the provisional brigade under
Gen. Collins, and engineer brigade
under Gen. Denham, with Gen. Ham
lin's brigade of the sixth corps came
on the ground, and .by their timely
arrival saved the gallant men in -the
work; from capture, and again caused
the enemy to retire. -
The fire which rained on the ground
around this fort was of the most fear
ful character, add to stand. and see
men advance on a run through the
very thickest of it, mady, of them torn
to pieces and lost sight of before they
had crossed half the-distance, ,was a
sight not soon forgotten. -.
At dark the position of the contest
ants was the same as during the day.--
Gen. Wilcox, with a portion 'of his di
vision, made an attack in front of Fort
M'Gilory, near the Appomattox, and
took part of the line but IVatll aeon af.
for forcod,to retire to his former posi
tion, owing•to a lack of support.
The loss of the Ninth. Corps will
reach from 800 - to 1,000 ; in killed,
wounded and, prisoners, among whom
were Gen. Potter, commandidg the
Second : division, badly wounded in the
groin, but not fatally it is thought;
Col. Getchell, of tbo 31st Maine, se-
Vorely; Major Zatlin, 31st Maido, sev
erely; Col. Gregg and Lieut. Col. Win
slow, 17th New York wounded; Major
Morrow, 205th Pennsylvania, lost .a
log; Lieut. Alexander, 205th' Penn.
killed. ,
The Corps have titkon 14 guns,
about 200 prisoners, .and two bitttle
flags. The latter is the 211th Penn
The Sixth corps struck the enemy's
line in front of Fort Welch, near the
celebrated lead works, and carried
thorn with very slight loss. They at
once rushed for the South Side road,
which they reached about 9 o'clock,
and in a very short time several miles
of it wore torn up and destroyed.
They then moved on down toward
TERNS, $2,00 year in aavance.
Peterebilig, driving the reheiii--hefore
thorn across Town - Run,:tind in lo their
inncr e close to - the -- eity - _
They took u la.ige_ iitnbek:ofio43 - 7.
twenty grins.
.".• s :
No :_attach on the, intior; , ,
has, been made - ael yet, as the ;,position
is a strong ofil l / 4 ,.,E4, will l
Ainded to t 4 'hug or liyaettated'Oring
the igfit
The.2lth Corps, bolding the - lines
north . of Hatcher's 'Run and . south of
tho• Duncan Road-, connecting, with
the 6th Corps on the right, and the 3d
on the left, advanced at daylight and
took the works in their front with
.plight < loss. , Over. ; i,ogo prisoners
wore captured bers.
These troops were Foster's and :.Ttti;',-
ner's divisions under Generul:Gilibon.
They were supiorted bY' iher,Colered
Division of the 25th Corps, but the
latter did not, get into action.
The 2d Corps, which, held, the - lino
from the run, a mile
the Boydstown Road,•over a mile,west
of it, delayed advancing until Sheri
dan, With the sth Corps, got within'
supporting distance on tbeleft,
the entire lino . moved forward, carry
ing the works almost. without oppo.'
The..enemy. was .found to have f a 'l.2
lon back from i this part of the line,
owing to tho Gth corps cutting them,
off, they having reached the South Side
road early
.in the afternoon, and belng
busy tearing it up •• ,
This r ofeourse, cat the rebel army in
two and the 2 divisions thus caught
between the 6th atid 2d corpsat••Ohne'
stood across the South side road towards
the Appomattox, ' hoping to be 'able to,
fOrd it and.thue escape capture, but,
it appears they ran against -Sheridan
and putting on a' bold appearance
mddo a show offight. •
News tO, this effect reaching:.head
quarters, tho 2d division of tho 2d
corps was at once . sent to flank and,
if possibld, capturo'itho entire conj.;
Our loss during tho ,day eannotle
given, but it is believed that two thou
sand will cover them, many valuable
officers being among the numbOr,
whose names, however, are ,not, ob
tainable to.Aight,..•
Q. Adams wil i ragedy of Othello.
When John. Quincy Adams was
President,'-ho was travelling, hien.'
through New York State . ; and never
having seen Chanpellor ,Rent, conclu
ded to - giVe him a call., "Ile readied
his house
,quite late in the evening,
and without Sending up his name was
ushered into the library,' ;Where the
Chancellor was bay' : reading. Tae
looked up from his book, requested the
unknown visitor to be seated; and re
sumed reading. After looking itrotuad ;
for a few minntes the President ad
dressed the Chancellor, and the follow
ing conversation ensued; "I see you
have a groat many books here," said
the President. "Yes." "I see you haVe
Shakspeare" said the President; "have
you over, read, it?" "Yes," "Do yell
know the moral of Othello?" "Certain
ly;_ evoiy one knows the, moral of
Othello," said the Chancellor. "What
is it ?" "Why, to beware of jealonay,
etc." "No,' air, you are wrong." "What
is it then said the Chancellor; great
ly sarprised. "The literal of Othello," ,
said.the Preaident, "is that a white
woman must not marry a black matt.'
.A.t'a doctrine so novel, and a morals°
original, the Chancellor con - 016(1W
that r"s visitor: Was an esc4pdcl hinittie
so he ran to the door,. calling, • "Wil
liatni (his son) come up here there is
a crazy man in my room." As sooil
as John. Quincy'could sufficiently
trol9lis laughter to Speak,he introd,i
cod himself, ,and ,the Chancellor, then
had sorne'deubts as to his sanity.
—When 'Wesley settled, he said, "It
would be more useful to marry." He
married a widow, who, ; through, her
jealousy, led him a life of wretchedness
and misery: At last his • spirit muts
up, and he wrote to
and know yOurieli:'Auspeat me no
mote; provoke me no more; do not Any
longer contend for mastery, for
ori money or ':praise;' content ''pzf
to be a private insignificant poison,
known and loved, bY _;cr9d and . 1 ; 00 :71
It is not likely AO woragu would be
pleased at being recommended to ki
.an insignificant person. After :Won.'
ty years disquietude, slip PPP 40' left,
him bore it, philosophically.,.. t 0. ,
wont even beyond it; ho too4,ltis;diar t y
and put the most pithy 'entry intojti
every met with haft diary:,".Yon eam
Ulu:i t non d6nis4,non ro:oca4" which
may be translated thus: "I did not
leave her; I did not send her away;
shan't send for her back,"' And .so#
(led the married life of ,ton -4015,1 y.
'l l .l-I.ta ros ( ( :a
3o rl‘
B pitilsiTtNGl•
THE, fu'd-Lcii*
S he- -
petplatecete raticiti. tfoi r ettaitey ind aeasewPl4*4 gdPhitaailitierforpMingribXeintidy-
the &Indy % allay vetichs-of _
I g itdthikitiktg
OARDS, . '
11A4. ;- 410100$;:,
LABELS; ;&C., 4E4'
• •
NO, 42.
rIORLAT ,- ,1515T. - apiikszo•rxl;
'- '43Ni Wthit. •
mic.444_;,oroft , , •7, nil, Zdwatel
John H. Stonetwaker, .es ,D. Stewart 9.. t.
Jacali Lairs
J.;Gilliem k wife, „ Wllliamlothreelt.
Jno - .liD!Pheasiint; '•• vie 'Darld
John &M . Dell„ef4 r we. J. Morgan it 0utq14.••:,,::
iv. WADONER;Srot'y...
Prothonplary'. Offlcei t
- lluntlagdon !lurch 15, 'O5.
• ' oft.trth Jurtiitti s
John 13 onson,larmor,-Tod--- - -
Jofiatban,Brinclle, fauner., ,Hopovtolt-
Saratei Bailfe „larra,er
Benj F t e acher Maris
Morris °abbe - ill, cOnstablii
David, Clarkson; J. (Th,Oassvillo
Nicholas Cressyvell, farmer Alezandria" , , , ..
Rie,hartfarmor t • ,
Jacob'Eadt'ep, , .
.James Ewing, farinietariee -
Jacob Fosse; farmer Walker” •' '
SankuelFootor, Porter
o:orouch, bh,tchamit4 Brady.•',
'Thigh Jackson, farmerJackson d
George Long, blaeliiinith'Fonn
James .MeCalliarrher:Heiiiliiiiiiin.`'
Christian farmob C'ass 1
. J O 59Ph a,c(?y,s4lpel7,AvAlipmr,
David Phohant farmcg Unjm4 • 7
DaVied'Stevoi•,'farrnei Cassvilio
Vantrios, merchant` Vtii•iini`iiinark
James Kpg0011,,.. 1
,Wiltiain'hOwts, printer Etnnti9gdpi l
.Johri A:nderson, Sr. farmePenn
W. AddlbriairliTarideiTWai:ifOrigmark
Brice. Blair,. gentleinari; Dublid
Henry, .11eggs,larmer, gromwell,; •
Lcyi Clabangh, , ;
Washingten Cesini;firtner,"Tell
linden Dean;
Joseph Douglass, merchanr,pWalket
,Dufield,:farrner,a‘a 3 t
Abodaege difizior, , " Warriorain'h - •
John Hareilteiy,'foreniiii; '
P. Henderson; laberer;
Benjamin Heffner, farmer;,Walkesr ; -
Francis Holder, hlaeksmith r -Brady,,
Mordecai Henry; farratir i
John , Hagan,, shoernaker,,Barree: •-: 5 • ;
Daniel Ravtls, ,earpmiter, Pena ;
; ""-
J. Heialoicboa, raardhant,,Rtadersop_
Henry -Hertsler
amuel IletrioklfarineP- Henclilrson' tv
Daniel ;.N.inch,,' .!Warriorinfiark
John Kyler, " Clay ' •
Milos Lewis,; '" 4 West, t. •
Joseph Logan; hliteksmith,
James"Lee'faimbr i Saelison ' -`'•
31 , 66roimerel3atit"
Charles. XeCarthy•farbier; Bray. : -;• • _ ;:,i1
G°°r" o Miner)
John e 'N'aPie, " , Ilend,tmap !
Joseph Ohara jitelattati
John Piper, jr. , carp ait
Amos Pheasutit; farmer; Union,:• -;
Jesse iieterson, "• -
Dublin -
William Roil - ) clerk,'Union°
llcnry.C. Robison, farmer, Dublin';'.' ,
Charles Steel, Carpenter, TJniok.
BenjaMin Stitt, farmer, Dub,lia
Richard SiViertilnin, fa - rmer;
William St'itiope; : farinWCroMuittil
Robert Speer,;elerk,'Petteio ;; 1 •t+
H. Shearer, stage proprietbr,Dabliis L. '''
D.,Tate,,Ketwer,laeltsprk.- 7 ,, ,„ • 1
John Weight'', firmer, AV:arriorsmark,
John' Why, 'fa t rlifeic Warriersinark
Jacob. Walt erg; ffirmer;•Moi•ris" '
Samuel Wigten,farrner, Franklin: 2 s
John Wester!, farmer, TJpiott 1. •7.
LADlElfloujor4 it4ty
—lt is a , great mistake, In fongalo edg,
cation, tn, keep a. :yßclag, lOy, j ll'. ‘ titAa
and attention devoted
ble literature of 'the day, It you would
qualify her for conyorsatien you
give ber
,somethiag to r tallc .abckat rz;
give her
. oduOtien,.. with this,.petaal
world and itstrankthiring eveptp.
her to road the newspapers and.. 144
come familiar with- the presentehar,
actor and improvement of '6li. raee.t:-....
Ilistery is of someAirkii'ortithed;'bti‘ l
the past wo'rldiaand ~vo'liii~e,
nothinite . do with it : Qaj:
and on Concerns shoidd: be lei;
present world, to icnqii wh it It is;'agd
improve the coridition pf it. Tot . Jier'
have - aa , Intelligent 'and'
able to eustairi
sation, eondernink
ppliticaland - roligiesiriTikdirer4entepf
our times.' riot the i'1.1134 fl9l
poems of file centre t ble 11'0Pie';PJ,91":
ortbe time covered with Weelily t Aßer
daily journals. Let the whole family-.
11 * 2 PPe.r 1 , 3 •77. 6- .°dd.Y.: - • ,
gßY"."Whethog it was Isecanee tbUy,
could not or did not wish to, do
wise, -evident--the-rebels have..
fought-wells:;lGen. Giant concinleslo,
them' "unsurpassed valor." • Itio
number of prisonersinvur
acein to faimr tho • presuniption
wore exceptions, for it is disprcipottion;
ed . to tho riumbei* engaged.! , !Thiscafri.:
tures, in • connection Alith,‘the 7 rabbi:.
killed and wounded, do not indioateqe
state of things favorable to - protracted,
res i g a t i de. ; • • >f, •11.,
"--Sometintes of
man, and
'hangs him. Soii'itiiiids"ki:
iron gets tired or tiooioiii 'ban&
himself. ' '`
'—What was Eve maqp fQr ?•etekrif•A
Express Company.-01S Cotoriy Mem&
11/iit is iv' by she vit)ip OA:A 'f af E
2 ," 1. .t. 1 ?trr 1 ? 9° ! 181 ,',4M Mt*
after.boys, "ef11 , 0 1 11V ) I4
fOind Isi
tha:t nexlr tr tr; int .99
14 g " ; ',/r ri pti , ,) . 39 was not to, he 1:9 . F ; 0 1
- - 2L",Vioupon the boys took,, Remenipli
of the said tree for future use.