X 3 C> ,13.. SS For Salo at Lewis' Book §tore, W:1,17 : 11G))0, PA. Annelid the 'Army Of : tlin -- Ciiinberlind. . • Rebel-braid= of; Maryland - and--PefinNiva ' -tin; hathe'Bittle - of Gettysburg. - - Pietorial History'of the Wars of the.O. S. Washington and his Generals.'" ' . ~ , Keine's'AretiC'Explorations, - 2 veltirnes. - Webber's Wild 'Scenes and Wild. Hunters; Field's Scrap Book. Animated. Nature. • Pailey'iOnlirmlanti,VaihingtOW &Franklin: , -. •haplibtira Infernal - lOn for the People, 2 Vole. - Sele6o,6liii.Paitrye by . ,Epes Sargent. , Indians of:North America,, by 5..0. Drake, 'Parley's Tour Quarters of the.Werld. •". Mirror. of Nature:-by-W. IL-Furness. Butler's Ethical Diseounlee t s. i , ••:• • Floniero of Elocution; - by Melina Leo Mentz Handbo,ok.Family ; KniewledgejoOlte Pedple •Serraentior Calvin and Luther. Partons Life of - Andrew Jaokaon i aiyolumes. General Butler in New . Orleans, by, Parton. '"•"jackson . ;and New Orleans; by Alex.• Walker... Irving's Life of Washington, 5 volumes. Life John Fitch, bYThompson_Presteott: ' Stniteker's Life & Times of Alex. Hamilton. Taylor's;Life-and Travels. of Yon Humboldt. Life rind SPeeblice of Senator Douglas. ; The Mountain, iiy•Dr:'R. M. S. Jackson. ; ,Ixidustry 'Lsta.capitai, • 1600 Chances, to, Make Monoy., • ' Freeciley, s'Practieallreatise an:Business.' : Slading'ir History of Seandinavia.••• . Walker'd Rhyming Dictionary. • ...! • Good's-Book of Nature. .:- - • .•• Ovid, [literally tranelated,j by H. T. Riley. ; Dainties and Achievements of. the Blind. Stewart's"Freemason'e Manual. Webb's • • """Monitor. Davis' Cross" -51axamio Chart; '•• , • Shrikspeare's Complete Works. What Can Wcimen Do, by T. S. Arthur. . : The : Withered Heart, do. • The,Two Sisters; by Mrs. Emma Southworth The Deserted Wife; •••• • ;••do. Ferrell Sketches, bylines Leslie, The. Lawyer's Story; by A. Maitland. Diary' of an Old - Doctor, , • do. : , • The Wanderer,. . . do. ,lAdani 'Bede, by: George Elliot. .• Courtship and Matrimony, by Robert Morrie Parisian ;Pickings; by . ..lnlie Do Marguerittes Iticluird Penn Smith's Miscellaneous Works Horse Shoe Robinson,, by J. P. Kennedy. Fattier' and ,Daughter;- by Fredtiika Brother. Fashion and Famine,,by Mrs, Ann Stepheis Mark do. Peculiar, by Epes Sargent. Quaker Soldier, or British in Philadelphia. Anecdotes of Love, by Lola Moisten. Age of Chivalry,, by Thomas Rulfinolt. Tale of a Tub, t/c.,'by.Deen Swift. i The Initials; -.aStory .O(Medern•Life. The Methodist, by Miriam Fletcher,- 2 vole. The World's Lammics t•or Best-Thoughts of •• " •Best•Arithors, in Prose - and Poetry. • "R0b , 41 13ondia; thablagielati;'by Mackenzie Skirmiebing;allovel: . . •;•-• •- - Letters to Young Ladies . - by Keir:,'J. Bennett „Ladies',Guide•to PerfaGentility. • • Dime Book of Etiquette. • • • The IteaSen'Whyr:,Natural HistorY. ' Daring and Suffering; by Lieut. Pittenger. • Titcomb's - Letters :Young Folks. " LeiSone in Life.. • •... " ; Letters to the' Armes. '. Gold, Foil.. • .• Bitter Sweet.- • Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. The Trial, or Morelinks al the Daisy Chain Book of Nonsense, by, Edward Lear. .;•• - Nasby Papers,.[Comico•Politicodteligicod How to do Business, .o. •Mauttal of Practical Affairs.- 4 1`he Ladies' Work-Table Book. 'Zulu Land, by Rati. Lewie; Grout, Clarke's Commentaries on New' estament. • Dutch and-English Testament. Bunydu's Pilgrim Piogresi. - Holy. War. - • Ilia Three Mrs.'Judson's and other: Baugh-, tees of the Cross, by Rev. D. Eddy. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber. -Shadow on the Hearth, by Rev. N. Rice. • Defence of Armageddon, by F. E. Pitts. The Great Consummation, by Cummings. ;Loiaim'ATapoleou and Ihe;Ttattle• of ;Armaged don, by Rev. M. Baxter. Condensed Concordance:to the Scriptures. "Thoughts of Favored Hours, by J. Copely. Cobbet's 13 Sermons on Groat, Sine. Headley's Sacred Plains. Mellvaine'a Evidences of Christianity. Dealings with the Dead. Slavery ; Viewed from the.:Bible Stand-Point, ViteV. Adair. Union Bible Dictionary. • . - The Broken Bud,or the Reminiscences of a _. .-Bereaved Mother. Bomberger on Infant Salvation and Baptism. The Death of, Little Children, hy S.-Prime. ' Thelbriiingnf -•"•-•-•-- • - The. Faded Hope,:by Mrs. L. IL SigdurnOy. 'TheOnardian Angels, or Friends in Heaven, •; by Mrs: Sarah - Gould.. • • • 'The Daughter Of. Affliction, 'arneinoir of the ;Protracted Sufferings and Religious Ex.. 13erieneta of Miss Mary Rankin. • Barnes' Family Prayers. Jay's Family-Prayers. FleetWand'e I.ilfe of Chiii3C • : • Shelley'S 'Poetical 'Works. _ Pope,®.__ - "do"." 3- t . • -. : Affection's Gift for the Loving and the Loved, by_J..-Colo Hagen, The Future of "Nations, by Louis Kossuth. • The New Fortune Teller, or the • Poetlial Fate Book. Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million.-, The PhiladelPhia Housewife, or'Family Re ceipt Book. . ' Soyer's Standard Cookery. Miss Acton's Modern Cooker;i% Dime Cook awl Recipe Books. Household Economy, by M. G. St. Joan. The-Family Doctor, by Prof. Taylor, M. D. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Nrees of America. The Farm ; Mandril of Practical Agriculture The, Garden, "do do Horticulture The Barnyaid, Manna! of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry. The Farmer's Nevr and Universal Handbook A Method of Increasing the Yield of the Miluh-Cow, by Sohn Neuron. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management. " Doctor. The Horse and His Diecrises by . Jennings. Rarey's Practice of Horse iaming. Both Sides of the Grape. Question. Mysteries of Bee-Beeping, by M. Quinby. Economio Cottage Builder, by C. P. Dwyer. Bannan's Wages and Labor Calculator. Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book, for 'Lumber Merchants, Ship 'Builders and Boat Ruilders. Scribner's -Assistant for. Farmers, Millers, Produce Dealers and Mechanics. Rohrer's Practical, Calculator. : Engineere and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by Chas. IL Haswell.. , • , .&rrowaruith's Paper labger's Companion. The' Company Clerk, by Capt. A. V Kautz. United States Army Regulations. ; Infantry and Cavalry Tactics. Tax Law and Stamp DiitY Cards. Pocket Maps of. United. Stater, Pennsylvania; and the Western States. . • . Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide through .tho'United States and Canadae. Constitution of the United States, Freedley's Legal Adviser. Everybody's Lawyer, by Frank Crosby. Book. of Drawing-Room Plays, by . S. Steele. m The Sociable IVOI Hems Amusements. Hoyle'e Gamea: Chess, Backgammon, &o. Checker's Simplified and Explained by D. • : Scattergood. ' Speetropia.; or..Sin:prieing Spectral Illusions, ..showing Ghosts everywhere, and of any Color, with Sixteen Illustrations. Dime, and other Letter-Writers. The Teacher, (PhOnographio.) The Reporter's Companion, (Phonographic.) Pitman s Manual of Phonography. How toTalki a Manual of Conversation and . Debating. - t &sea Elocution and Oratory. wilit o g y tt,*thmerican Debater. , Davies' Degie oisirc.q.SYnon.Y.Ms. Literiittle.aid Mathethatics. Brawn's Grammar - of . 04 Page's Theory and Practice of Teachini. -I.lolbrooles Normal-Illethod of Teaching. Wickersham's &boa Economy ; Elaiugotiafk Tiliam:Cohin. Sr.engOall - fs Coriprekenerve §urninary of Ms .:. • . tery; ,ku) - Also, an assortment of Juvenile and Cheap Publications. Interlinear Translations of Ovid, Virgil, Ci cero, Sanest, Horace, (Latin ;) Keno .. Own's Anabasis, Homer ' s Iliad, and the Gospel of St. John, (Greelt.) Anthon's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. Sander's German and English - Primer. Sargont's Primary, Intermediate and Stand aid Speakers. " Frost's American Speaker. ,Northend"s Little Speaker., . , Dinie Speakers'And Johnston's Ngtinal Philosophy. " Primary " Elements of Chemistry. FPI;IPVe: " Besse's 0 Zoology. Lambert's Anatomy and Physiology. Worcester's' Ancient and Modern History., Lord's Modern History. " History of.the United States. Teacher's Ginde. to Illuetratione :to accom pany Holbrook's School Apparatus. How to use Gln'tute, F-C. Brownell. The Natural Spelling Teacher. Sherwood's Speller and Pronouncer. Hann's Elements of Spherical Trigonometry Key to Bonnyeastle's Algebra. Robinson's University Algebra. [SedSchbol DnokWin antitliOr column.] NEW GOODS! - • NEW GOODS ! 25 prat CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I SIMON 0011 N; • AT cotTEE PAIN STATION, Would respectfully call 'the 'attention or his old patrons spatially, and the public to general, to his extensive clock of well eelected now acad., Jest received from the &stern cities, consisting., input, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, Hats and Paps, Boots and Shoe - e,Bonnets, Shawls, Circa- • lore, blardwaro, Quecnnware, Gro ceries, Wood and Wi llow-witro, Tobacco, - Begets, Nails, Glees, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and . Medicines, . Clocks,.: Witiohe4:"Sci., and all other articles kept in a first class country store ; all selected with the greatest rare and which woro pur chased for cash only, raid affords him to sell them at It very low figure. The public will find it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before pintchtuting, elaawhere. No pains will be spared ha show. tog -oar- Goods. Ladies ere: specially invited to examine Our irate stock of fashionable:dross goede; slnWia, ctr. tutus, Fruv, and wgreat*ariety of Woolon Goode, bolo ry, dc. All kiade of produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices—Cash not 'refused. By etrict attention to the wants of cnstomers, we hope to receive a continuation attic liberal patronage with which we have been hereto fore favored. Come one and all, and Tar. NOW. 130rithl:lprOye4 • ' N0v.1864. EDSON CORN. • . • 1865. .1865. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. • NEW CLOTHING FOR rAza. AND WINTER, ROBIAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. - For Gentlemen's Clothing of the bast material, and mado n tha boat workmanlike manner, call at • • ILROMAN'S, opposite Om Franklin go.• to lifarkat Sqoare, Mating don, Pa. Huntingdon N0i.23,'64. • • • NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICE'S. M. GUTMAN HAS JUST-OPENS:II A 'PINK STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES . TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. Stack coniteti of geniy-tirode' Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS iIiD . S2LOES, IIiTS AND CAPS, AC., AO. Should gentlemen desire any Part:fader kind or cut or clothing not found in the stock on bend, by louring their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at tLe east corner of the Minuend, OYU Lonee Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. iltlllthlg4ol3 NOY. 23, NEW STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S. STORE, ON lIILL STREET, I.loNtilleiX4T, PUNNA TUB BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA — and . CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FLUB, SALT and VINEGAR, ' CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found in a Grocery Store ALSO—. Drage, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils and Spill, Turpentine, Field, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, : BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS. AND 5110 ES, and a large number of articles too nomorons to mention The public generally will ;has° call and examine for themselves and learn my priws. llantingdon, Nov. 23 ,64 ,;alzll a{%. litECkaP4lz. ,r. K. coriltDrarralf. X. T. CCIIMINGLIAM TT E W F I R /I J. M. CUNNINGUAI St 130 N, intrcessor6 to J. 31. 6t7inin g ham. have this day entered into partnerohlp in the Foundry bnaineer and are prepared to furnish Cast ing*, of all kithisi rout repairs at abort notice and on rear. enable terms. We aro buying' Old Metal and scrap Tron at highest market prices. Iluntlagdoo, July ei 1861. . HARDWARE „ CUTLERY / ex • IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OP HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AND 108 BALE' BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Nov. 29, 1864' ' GEORGE P. EL w IIEDGE CHARLES DESILVER, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER and-BOOKSELLER; • 1229 CIIESTNCIT ST., PRILADA Your patrowtga Is nolkited.' '^ , •l? 113, AGENCY • 9 FOR COLLECTING' SOLDIERS CLAIMS; BOENTy, RACE PAY AND PENSioNS. ALL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Docility, Back Pay and no, can have their claims promptly collected by rip• plying either in per ./ pr by totter to. W. H. WOODS, • • . Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1803. 'V*. 4 r, 1 READINII"MUL ""ROAD WINTER . ARRANGEMENT, GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North . and Nortb-Weat for PIitIADILPMA, Yalta, Riatatta; Parismt.llC,LanANON, Attddetedtgl Maltrow, &0.4 &c. • . Trains Imre Harrisburg for Hew York, as fallow't At 3 OD and 816 A.. 11:, anal. d 6 P. 61., arriving it: New Totk. at 10 00 A, 31, and 295 and 10 00 p. The above, connect with similar Trains alt the Pennsyl. vnnta Railroad, and sleeping care accompany the first two trains, without change, LoaYo for Reading,' Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minetatille Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 16 A. M., and 196 P.M.: stopping at Lebancn and principal abalone only. Way Trains, stopping , at ail points, at 7 26 A. 11., and 440 P. AI. . . • • Returning, lean Nin , Tont git, 9 A. 37., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M. ntladelphla at . 9A. 91., and 330 P.l; Pottayille at 850 A. M., and 235 p. Tamaqua at 810 A. M., and .2 15 P. M., and Reading at 12 midnight, 735 and 10 45 A. 138 and 665 P. P.M. ' • . . . An Accommodation Paeeenger Train leaves REAM, at 6.30 A. M., and -ratiorna (feel PIIILADILPUIA at 4,30 P. 31, Col:tint:la Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6 40 and 11 A• M., for Ephrata, Litlo, Coluinbia, On Sundays, leave . Neff York at 7 P. )7, Philadelphia, 316 P. M . , Pottsville 7 30 A. 11„ Tamaqua 7 A. 31., Bar ri burg 8 16 A. IC, and Reading at 12midnight, COMMISLLION,IIILeIffe, EilAtiOlfi and Illettlelefi T 1012211 at raduced rates to and front all pointa. Baggage checked.through : 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. . . . : . G. A. NICOLTAI, General SuPeriniendent. Nov. 221864 .t , ,4124: , .15,Wv''gri . 150:: DENNSYLVANIA, .11,A it 'ROAD TMIE Or LEAPING 0 IitTRAINIS WINTER ARRANG Ii2',STTF.4.I2D. ' .. .E.4S.7IVARD R M '- 1 • ' ,t 1 1,...,• r t""" 4P . BTATIoNo. ~. .1 .a - g ~,..,,,-.. 61 ~,,tt . . i. td E '‘' 9 ..1 _N • A' 4 .34.1 A.M.I P. 34.1 .1.11.1_ 18.11. 1:11.1 P.M 17 480 11 58 IN. Ilinntlton, 0 61 249 25 4 55 12,05 •. : .... 1114:1131034 9 42 10 el 2 40 95.... 12 20 51apb5t06,.... .. .. 230 43 61;6 12 29 . Milt Creek,— 925 9 4 . 6 2 23 69 6.91 12,46 .6 48 Huntingdon, 912 935 210 16 646 1 65 Petersburg,— 946 920 1 52 23 120 Ilatree • • • 144 31 602 1 32 SprucciOreolL, 8 41 9 07 ,1 37 49 1 54 . 73trminghatu, ... -. 1 20 BB 6'29 206 ....... 'Tyrone 8 17 8 44 1 10 08 039 220 Tipton 5 00 ...... 12 65 14 228 ' Fo4torlet .. t 2 52 20 650 235 11611's d 1114,.. 7 58 9 . 25 12 47 40 710 3 001,8 15 Altoona,. 740810 12 30 6.11. /"M. 6:11 The PHILADELPIII, 'Altoona at 9 40 P. DI, 11 01 P.. 51. , .The EAST LINE Eastward Isms Altoona :at 235 A. 51., and arrives at Huntingdon at 3 . 67 A.ld. The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Westward, leans Huntingdon at 7 30 A. 31, and arrives at Altoona at 9 05 A.:51; • The FAST LINE Westward, leases Huntingdon- at 7 44 P. 51., and arrives at Altoona at 17 05 P. 31. HUNTINGDON no Jt.. BROAD TOP On and aßef Monday, MARCH 6, 1865, Paisonger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: • SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAMS. STATIONB Accox. MAIL EM3 IS 4 001 LE 8 001 Huntingdon, --- 4 . 20 8 20.1kleCoartellstown 4'28 ' ' 828 Pleamnt Grove 4 44 8 44 Markteeburg, , 500 : 000 Coffee Run, 5 08 0 05 Rough& Ready, 6 21 9 21 Cove, 5 25 9 25 Flahorli Summit Au .5 40 AR 9 40 „i...,... Mt . G 80 1.9 9 60 "`"`" 6 10 : 10.10 Rlddlesburg 618 ' 10 18 Hopewell, . 1 684 .10 55 Piper's Run, 654 . 10 55 Hamilton, 7 04 ,11 07 Bloody Rau - - AA 7 10 nitll 10 Haunt - Vallee • 13110 7 0P'8 RUN MtAN 1 6 45 4 11 00 Saxton, 6 00 11 16 Ctalmout 6 05 , .11 20 Crawford, 6 16 862/ 80 Dudley, Illrona Top Cay,..... Idols skb. 6, 1866. - OLIVE'.] Uuntth Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons, Tncl HE uexiig . nod respectfully in .a. tonne the public. that,. baring obtained from the Manufacturers, • tho solo Agency for the sale of STEIN WAY A SONS PIANOS, MASON & lIAMLIN'SCAIIINJIT ORGANS and OAIIIIART, NMEDHAIII & CO•S' MELO. DEONS, be le prepared- to furnish instruments to per. gone 'wishing to buy at , tho retail prices in Philadelphia and New York. . • Circulars sent promptly upon application with any ad dittonal information desired. N.M. livery Juana/lent warranted for fife yooro. 13. 11. 0131:ENE, Iluntingdon, Feb. 1, '65-ff. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIONERY & MUSIC MOAB, /ItINTINOWN, PA. OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2d. 3d, 9th and ith Readers. BPGUFFEY'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do de Town's Spoiler and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, and Brown's Grammars. Fit.lee Physical Geography. Warren's Phytical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's GeOgraphim A Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenboe' First Lessons in Composition. Ouockenbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard'. nod Brooks' Arithmetic. Peterson'. Familiar Science.. Octant , and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker'. Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessone In Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's Geodricia's " . 41 Peyean,Donton and Scribner', Penmanship in filaTell • numbers. Potter A Hammond'a Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Bales' Lagendre's Geotoetry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton k Boatman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by linnaford It Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hansford k Payson. Other booke will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Ituatingdon, Pa. 8. 8. SMITH. ~~K~ ~. ~~,~,; xxa%n New Furniture Establishment. J:M. WISE; Mariufacturer and Dealer in P`arrtitare, Respeettely invites the attention of the Pablic to hie stand on Hill et., 'Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean'a National House, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices.' Par sons wishing to purchase, will do well to'give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attendod to promptly and ahargos reasonable. or- Moo, Undertaking carried on, and Conine m ado in any style desired, at short nottco. ASV-Funerals attended et any place in town or corm ry, by - • J. If. WNW. liontingdon,Bept.24, 11362-tC IT. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. UUNTINGPON, PENNA. COUNTRY DEALERS can • buy CLOTIIING from mo In Iluntingdon at i i t i ' : i t iley t n in t". itelow I hecetleto:irAialepht U. NAMAN. NOVEMBIIR 7,-1861 A. EXPRESS Eastward, loaves , ►nd arrives at liuntinemFL at Aeconr. 11An. BIDINOS ♦1 6 68 0 .38 0 33 6 14 6 60 6 43 &R I^ 35 1' I* 6 0 32 31 613 11 34 n 26 itill LR 10 bat AR 10 46 I 10 20 6 Le 5 10 as 5 00 430 4 31 4 15 MEI la 00 9 41 9 29 9 251 3 44 LE 3 40 !MEI 0 05 LE 0 00 = MEM NEW GOODS • FOR' FAM. , AND - WINTER. Wm. MARCH &..BROTIIER Iteepectrally inform their nuMerOtte customers; end the public generally, that they havolust received a large and eplendid stock ofGoods at their store in VIARKLESBURG contrasting In part of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, • • 0 HATS & CAPS, ; , . BOOTS & SHOES, •. ',:,kIIATOWARE, QUEENSWARE, . GROCERIES, . • WOOD & 1. .I.OW . WARR t 4 Q • TOBACCO SEGARS, • NAILS; GLASS, ill OLD MEAT,. CRACICDES PROVISIONS, • FISH, SALT, &e., &c. • AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE; And in fact everything usually kept to a drat elan roue. try store, which were bought low for cash and will he mold at correeponding low prices for cash or miuntryprod. two, and request the publie to give us a call before per. chasing elsewhere, feeling latiofied we caw offer 1111patior inducements to cash buyers. We ropectfully reqUest the patronage of all, and es pecially one Trough Creak Valley friends. , Everything taken in exchange for goods except pont. ref. giiir•Caelt paid for all kinds of pale, for which the highest market prices will be Oren. We have aleo a stock of FASHIONABLE rIIRNIiintE which will be sold at reaeonable price!. WILLIAM M4.7RCH dk BRO. Maiklesburk, 2i0r.16, 1384. H OWARD ASSOCIATION, • 111ILADEliPlIIA. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urin ary and Sexual Systems, ' New and:reliable treatment—in reports by the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mall in eoaled letter envelopes, free of charge. • • - Address, DM J. SKILI,IN lIOIIOIITON, Acting Bur geon, Herrera Aesoclatioo, N 0.2 Bout Muth Btroot,rl4l. tdolphia, Pa. lJuly 13; 1331-Iy. to cure Caught; Colds, dEloareenees,. Jlettuti, - Whooping Cough, eon, Throat, Coneumptlon, and, all atreetloae ef the Throat and*Lungs. • For ante by Dcuggista. General Depot, Na. 6, East Fourth Street, Chichinett, Ohio. remedy fat Diarrhea* and Dysentery. It is ft combination or Astringents, Abeorbenta, Stimulants and Carminative., and is warranted to elm a cure after all other means Ipso failed. Tor ealo by Druggists.. General Depot, No. 6, Fast Fourth Strict, Cincinnati, Chic.... the worst Mat of Blind and Mauling Piles. It gives Ira mediate relief and effects a permanent cure. "Try,it di really. It le warranted to cure. . . For sato by ■II Druggists. General Dspot,.Ns. 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. . DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS AND DEBILITY. Dr. STRICKLAND'S TONIC-19e chi recommend those Buffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Nervous Debility, to nee Strickland's Tonic. It la a vegetable preparation, free froth alcoholic liquors; It strengthens the whole tames system; it create, a good appetite, and le. warranted to cote Dyspeptic and NOMIIS Debility. For sale by Drugglebi generally, at sl per bottle. Fie. pared by Dr: A. BtrickleA q . ,•.. 0, Foot Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' JOUR REED, Agent;Racithagden, Fa. VOUTZ'S CELEBRATED;,, gtoror awl tattle rowitero. Those:Powders 11111 '' ewnillthettelth . and Intestines, , . - cleanse than 1 . from offensim • i matter, and ) : —4..!.., , I bring them to 'l. - 4-'2,41;- , ;;'‘. - ;- 1 . .7.::::".. - -„:•.-: . ,„'„.: slatalthrstate. lure preventive of Lung: Fever, and et certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Hems, such as Glan- ' ' , dere, Yellow , ' ~ Water, Die- . • I . :' . '.3 k clfit er t e m p e r , ~ • ;'...:..,;.', ~...' *. Founder, ,Ca,.:l, s' s 'l', II a alr e st , , A '.,',.._[! , i.(,, ii,t":t ',„ ~,' Slavering, • ‘: : i>,- ' • p . „ Soughs, Fe- ,'„, az‘ , ' Tore, Lou of 'l' Appetite and ~ is 'Vital Ener- ...,• s,, -.. , - ~.- ~... r 4, a ,,, , % .... " &c , ......,=•-,,-•.; .. , ....:• n - 1',.- .. , - ... "- 4 ' ' in poor, low-spirited animals, it' hai the moat beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Hone a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble -~: ~a The, property this Powder possesses in in ereasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gicee It an importance and value which shonld place it in the hands, of every person keeping a Cow. By actual expiriment it has proven that it will increase , the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, - and make The Butter firm and sweet; In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster, HOGS. In ell DISOASCG of the Swine, such as :toughs, Ulcers in tho Lunge, •Liver, hc. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar rel of Swill, the above Diewises can vented. By using Cholera can be prevented Price 25 ots, per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. PREPARED rr • S. A. FOUTZ Or, 'BRO., ViDDLESALE Dan AND MEDItltiE DEPDT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Sale by, Druggists and .Storekeepers throughout' the United States. For sale wholesale and retail by John Read, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap27-1 WINDOW. CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIV.O AT LY,WIS' 110011 STORE, nintretio'lzgitivittexr„ -- .MOB •S'AL zEltrx:XtrYdittro/72r.. : , •. • 1, • • itowE's' gozias IItEL/ifill; 'confab:dim about 116 Of ,the Goma of Ittbernia's Songs anADallado, including "'6O of Moines Trish Melodies, Bongo the,affectioris, • ' • estimentat, Patriotit,,HlstoricaL hUlltary, Comic and Miseellaneous Bongo, ar,ranged, for Sho Pianoforte or )Sfelodeon. Price $3,00. ; . . . . LIOWE'S SONGS OF SCOTLAND, containing about US • of the Genie of Caledonia's! Songs and Ballad., Meld . ding Songs of the Orectione, Sentimental,. Patriotic, . Ilistorical, Military, Political, Comic and Miscollanso • • oast Songa-orianged for. the Ptaneforte;or,delodeon. Price $3.00. IDID'E'S SONO/I AND BALLADS OF THE OLDEN TIME, containing the :04164 :Monte , and Muir,. ' of the Songs and Ballad., Bunchy the Grand-moth .. *era of the pi:mat' teribratitin: ' Arranged for Fro' Totals. • . • HOD'E'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra • and Sooty Dances mithealls 6 h ,1 FigUr , 4 POBION Opera Helm dies, Scotch. and Irish airs, Ice., Ae„ for. tho Plate, Cornet; Baia Tiol, Ac. ' • ' • - BIDSICIAN'S OMNIBUS, NO.' contalairig the who'. Camp Duty, Calls and Signals need in thu-Army and ' ; 40 setts of Quadrilles; tincluding Waltz, Pol ka and Schottische] with Calle; add an Immense col; " lection of Polkeii gahottischee, Waitaki' Marches, Quicksteps,. Hornpipe, Dutra . and. Fancy Dances Mine, fort ie s Violin, Pinta; Ceinet, Clationett; ,Ac., Containing owe TOO. plepewc Dlneio. . EIUSICIAL'S 03ENIDITS, , 14.• 2, containing' 850 pines of Music,. consisting of 500 Duets for two Flutes two 200 Scotch „Elia, 200 - Trish Ales, Quad runes, Fancy and Contra Dances, with the Calls and • Figuers: Polka; Schottisches, 'Waltzes, 'Quicksteps, Marches, Hornpipes, Sougs, Sc., for the Violin, pate, Clayionett, Fife, Cainet, Flageolet, kc. • • • , . TIIDYOIINGSSIDN'S SINGING BOON; a collOetion of Blnsic for mel d 'Voices, consisting of Glees and Part • Songs, Choir and •Oons're&tional l l'unisi• 'Anthems, Chant' Sc . . . KINGLEY'S JUVENJLE 0110111:,-A selection of the • •• Choicear Iltolodios • from the German, French, Ital. tau, Englieh and American Cemparent. TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND THE DMZ OALTAtwo ' books Imitable to the thou. TIM BOSTON °LEK BOOK, consisting of an extensile collection of Gleor, 3latirigels, and Rounds, selected from the works of the Hoot admired CoMpoierer, gather many new pieces from the gasman, , INSTRUCTION BOORS FOR TIME PIANO, Melodeon, Accordeon, Vloliu, Banjo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum, and,Flsgaolet. • • ; - Ilunangdon, , OLD FRANKLIN. . . ALMANAC . • Old• 311.13430 . • Among other features of the present namber will be' A chronicle of the great. Rebellion continued from the Old Pranklin Alumnae for 1864, containing stall and ..,e -rect digested record of the events of, the war, military, naval and political, fromOctoberntli,l663,trlth accounts of Battles, Sieges, Raids, &MIMI% and all the operations of the war. ~ The United States Artoy List. alsjor Generals and Brigadiers, regulars and velnateerni to • November let, 1864. The Rebel Army ' List. Lieutenant tienerais,' Major, Generals and Brigadier., to same date. Losses in battle and by death, of Union officere, to 'ember let, 1864. Loma of officers in Rebel Army to woe data. • • , The Rebid Government, Babel .Congreei, Rebel Debt, A full digest of the United States Stamp regulation': A full digest of the Butted States License regulations. Governments of the world to Novembw.l4,lB64. . Governors of the States and Territorlei,' Union end Rebel, to November 1et,3,864.., , • Hierarchy of the .Roman Catholic Church . ' to Nonni. ber Ist, WIC ' . Bishops of the Protestent Bplseepal Church to Novem ber lit, 1864. .. • • , Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Noreen . bee hat, 1881.. , . Reigning Queens of the world to November 1et,D364. , Reigning Kings of the world to Novambeilst, 1864. Metre Apparent to European and other Empires and Besides ether Inise.ellaneons matter, astronomical in formatlou,calendars, An, Ac.,' the whole comprising a val. nab] e DIMII3III for me And reference throughout thorax.. Price 20 cents per copy. . ' Copies mailed (post-paid) on receipt of price. Tor sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. . if WAR. FOR,THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, xonroix, go. TAKEN.—ASIADY SLAIN, AND THE SACS•. ' BONE OF 0 SECRSII BROKEN • • Rut while you rejoice at the success of our gallant troops. and the prospect of the 'speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of 'WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and too our s. , x .adr,•e.,;:t.it.6 or Dry Goods, Orocerlos,. Boots and Shoes, Queens...lre, Crockoryware, Tobacco, Snare, /tams, • • • Flitch, - Shoulders,. Fish, • Flour, and n general assortment of notions, all of which . forT, on reasonable Wm; for casb or produco. Iluntingdon, July 1, 1863. , . . u " V IT AB . Lt YARD. The Undersigned, voled respectfully all the attention of the eititiene ”1 ntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on band: Ile is Prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tablas and Stones of every y - demired sire and form' of 'ltalian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and caned with appro. priute . dorites, or plain, as may suit. • Building Marble, Door and Window Sillily an, will be furnished to order. W. W. pledge., himself to furnish remak' and work. =whip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Cell end sae, before you porchate eleerrhere. Shop on Rill treat, Iluntlngdon. " • . WILLIAMO. Huntingdon, Hay in 1866. ' ' • 1065. THE 18654 LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OP WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, EH LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Musics Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the name article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittabnrg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Eundred Different Styles OF Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Iled Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office,. Store, Shop, to., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and pricos. SPECTACLES. ' - A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. :_jz - vrtlM THE CYMARA—The eehytor la rualmomet—The .• Shawn--Thiantiiroo--Ilun ton's and Bertinri *Waged •a nd improved Inetrnature—Welland's. New and Improved Method for the Gultar--Lotand's Arcot , deon, Violin and PIM. Instructors—Winner's and Rowe'. Instructors—Doliales Iletodoon Instruntor—Dur rowan' Plencklrorte Pritturr—do.! Thorough-Irak Primer— flowe's Drawing Room Dancerho Chorus Glee Book— Tera'alliwP,for said at • LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC VIVO. CHEAP PUMPS: TAMES A. BROWN, .11uptfnadpn, tJI Pa., aella Patent vhoo.d. Parnpeirdr billtArm *Ad well' from 4to foot deep, at about. no 4111r..filt UAW prico ' for old fashioned pumper All puny!' Inr:rai fed. Avg . ' 6s: ~ti~i~3~s`~on`ez a~ ; riusiivi~as casiax p. , ATTORNEY.. AT LAW. • , HUNTINGDON, PA. Mee In the Brick Ben, nearly. °emits the Court noose. [April 1& Me& ATTORNEY. AT LAW, . .. 1101 (PINGDON, PA. ' ' OFFICE.-4n Treasure* minx in Couit Deb. le, 11183. _ ALLISON MILLER",~ ,DE NTTIS2•• - : • Iles removed to the Thick Itow.oppeletto itte Coon Home April 1., ISM). , . , . . t ir E. 9-BEENE, . ..: , i I . ' , DENTIST. ,' ' ' 4 4l= . ~. Offic e retuured to: opposite the . Store , !OP): 17. . D. P. Grin, in the square, Hill street, .11tuatIngdon, Pe.... . . Apt 1113,1664. ' -. , ' ': t: '. ',' r, : t I,: ' . Tin 401CSON.HOTEL, Etrztrmocizr, J. MORRISON, Proprietor WM; LEWIS, "- • Dealer in Boas, inat!on•rj, punts, Iluntingdon; to. * GUTMAN k CO., Dealer s i n Ready • • . JOHN MoCULLOOU offers his professional neriteeii to the althea' of 'Huntingdon an .vicinity. , qtlice on Hill street, one deior eitstrif Reed's Dram Store. • ''' • • ' • And. 28i'.5%' 0_ S. SMITII, Dealer in Drugs,r Medi P•itumery • Dye sewn, 0111, Also ire caries, Cotifoctloneries, te., liniktizzdon, Pa. !' TAMES. A: BROWN; - ci Dentin. in Ittirdwar*, Cutlery,. ainti, Pak fay.llnat• • • ROMAN, . llicalar In Ready Bradt Cletbini, Hots sad Caps andYhoes, &e. TN P.• GWIN, .V.lf=lNVoottua=2:4l,4"'"Q""l' pOOIC. BINDING. Old Dear, Nagailnes, Ofiiblioatletur or Any kind; nod to order, If left et : , ~. • ' . - LEWD" Boor 4 5217101,1211T270.128. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE - NOTICE I _LP 1t you wont your card uoatly.rfutod'slirou envel ope, call at . LE737.3" 800 k :AM) Ord i/Olfaitrhienift. .11 , OR THE LADIES. .il. Superior article of Note Pepe and Etivolopes e table for confidential correspondence, for isle lit ' '' '. LBW/8' BOOK' cE 9T.1770.1aRT STO:ltl. Tm. wiLLtA.ms, • • ." .• . Plain and Ornamental. Marble Minataettirer E NVELOPES ' yla By the box, pack, or leas qientlty, for sale if -• LEWIN .800/C ARP ATATIpNERI" STORE. SCHOOL BOOKS, . . - Generally In me In the !Schools of the County, not on bond, WM be furnished to order,en application et LEWIS. BOOR, ANDrAnoxsztr swizz. oQLD BRASS AND •.OPPER•taken In archanga far goods at the Hardware Eton • pt. 3, 1862. • • , JAB A. BROWN 4EADYc RECKONER' complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars an READY to which are added forms of.Notew, .11111.,115. colpts, Petitions, de, together'with a tot 'of useful table'', containing rote of interest from one dollar to twolve thous and: by the single dal, with a table of wages, and board 57 the week and day, publlahed in 1859. For cal° at .noox STORE. "BARRELS AND Looks.—A . • large assortments! • • ' • BROWN'S ILARDIVA4Z STOZtr. - DAPER ! PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, roolecap aid Inatoat.—a good assortment for male by the ream; half ream, quire or sheet, at pARCHMENT DEED. PAPER-.. • • • Z8Y97.4'.8601T STORif. LEWIS' NEW SOON t STATIONERY STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOONS, For onto at LBWS 1100IC AND srAnomrar• sromr. • I RACING gUSLiN, . , • DEAPTINg AND DlLA : Vilttil PAPAS White . and Colored Card Papei, Vor sale at BOOK 4,B2 , 4rmarizr STORE. AlAl and SHOES, the largest and Al•cheapast asnortmest Sa town, et p a p, LIQUORS, of .tho best for Afedicino Purposes at 8. 8. BM/211 8. C / fi gli: e t ,ol l:l 3. . P. GWIN'S if yon want B LANK -BOOMS, _or MUM 0/Eitt, far ale at /. 7 , B • woox AND BTATIOAWRY STORK' - ALBUMS ALBUMS, A beautiful assortinent of PHOTO' dRAPH ALBUMS just received and for, sale • i t . AT LEWIS` BOOK STORE. PAPER I PAPER!! .PAPER I!! Traetag Paper, • : tmpreeetan Paper, Diandei Paper, Deed Paper, Tisane Paper, Silk Paper for Flawers, . Perforated Pallor Bristol Fim:rdt l!it Cap Paper, . , • . Foolscap Paper, Latter,Paper, ' • Commercial Note Paper, .Ladies' Gift Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and.Pancy Note Paper,: White and Colored Card Paper, in Parke *ad 'Bbeeti, Per BM* at LEW/8' Book, Stationery and*uale Eton!. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, .LADIES AND GENTLBMBIV; * X yin itscienrszt IN iIIINTINGDON, CAN NOW DE HAD AT L I W/ 3 ' BOCIEt STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORM 50.000, s • BEST QUALITY WHITE, • 11131 T, ORANGE, - YP4A7TVC AND FANCY Tait reVelYed aid [or salt at • • LEWIS' BOOK STORE: 4.115"./ Efleit,e. 13001 Kg . AND STATIONERY::- A. good assortment:of mlicallaileona and School Mt—Foolscap, Letter Commercial mid" Note NM-- Plato and Pansy Enseloists--Red, Bias and BMOC Irdl- - Blank Books of numerous sloes—Peps, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and 'vary other article annallt faund In a Book and Stationery Store, can be bad.at fele pr at L419I119:100K, iITATIONBILY MUSIC R SATO : EI:BLS, . POTtTaiQNNATVS, 1 1 P - U4. 9 .40, • Poqiirr-BooKs, POItT.FOLIOS CARD"OA .S.t'GA4 945g5.2 • 14.11 A ncizorne l i osortment, ji i st rcopi x? , At . 104;t1i 'tor(?•,, G 6 QUICK SALES Asti • ,1 14.4 T ..TA!P4OIIXT.Sr 4!aybqq,y ict.walkt of . 7A3mir Atcp,?!NIFEA WHIMS, . HYMN AND - M.lo'9n 110032, 4Wg4 An, VINNALEt„ , ANT 011413 tiIiADLE Aft Q. l6'd g lj! p t ixoyli,a Beh"ol "aTATIONERY, UMIOAL 1118Parklia" 1 414 ' 020i1Ui010140 - 60. MILUT toast WOO, =I 'QIIE4) PHNB AN D . i3N03143 . A:7441 ), 9 2 4 1 ; 18 :4 1 0 ;4 0 n 0 /Os 1 lmPtY. ll4 4 colni4klk reatts l , ouNPArtion o o m o iro 00411Anam - TOY, BOOger SLUNIABBT 8.1,000,1.110., ' KINDS or.BooKs -Propos for leis and Girls. AMUSING GAMES Tor rovpg !pike. TERDDiNG MARRIAQ; viarntia ,ontros,, pizzawa , zoARD,i, iro4l l l z ioxe £0 . 00NVIIRSAI ; 101.1 ;mum, Norm nooxo, icrom'fi to 7§ -coral". :BLANK BOOKS, = 1301/001! BWKII OP ALL xiips, p.ux ,f 9.1!. 1665, Drawing and Mit*vpr, Alga and ; MO . Amy*, itcTis . Tvp4ay), ntDZIESBU9 CA , 9 O U PI Weig. VAIN. Hodge PT V !! a44::Agtripore's WRITING 'Wrapping Paimii or , DlLNrint aid IWilitlitisi; kr. he EiIiOOLD CALL AT Litwis' CAMP Boos, ATATIOFSZT LICA Atl7/10 area; Inthe "G lobe" building Market Square whore all who pfant to SAVE , MONE)r, go to make their iiurchasee iotlo o . '' • • : , ,101‘..; • - ' • =,nV,-,- _pcturncalißLANKS I . BLANKS I E WM:SWAM Lags, • • irucirr, .RXECtrrioili, ATTnomMENTE, ,•• 1 : .it XECUTIORII,: .. :, ;•, ‘ , EICIIMON8," DEEDS. ,BUBPOINAS, ' . ,:' MORTGAGEE, - • ' 801100 L ORDERE, . ' .111DGIIENT NOTES, - W LEASES FOHOEMEII,, ',; liarialeyazATlon IVES, COMMON ROSIDE, , JUOPLENT BONDS, 1 NOTES, with a waiver of the 000 Pm. . . JUDGMENTNOTEE; with a Praiser Of.the WO Law . ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, with,Teaoharm .. ;' , MARRIAGE CERTIPICATEE, for Jtuticeil of the'Peaie ani Mhilsters of tha acamaL . ' .._...:_-__. . COIdPI.A/NT; WARRANT;ind COMMITMENT, In cult of Amnia and Battery, and /array, r.... SOIREE PAClAS;torecover amount of Judi:tient COLLECTORM RECEIPTS, for, Etat., County,"School, Rorongli and Towashin Taxes: Printed on suparior pa per. and for; Eutle at th• Wee of die TiIDSTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of,erery description, printed ni order; aeatly, at short notice, and &good Paper. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. ' EVZRYBODY'S COUNSELLOB.IN BU SINE SS nifirnANK oaogsY, 01 rut :taiiaxavtgErk • It 11.14 , Tog Flow to draw up iqurrnrasine Parritteend givoirgeneral forms for Aannitannito of all kinds, Bats of Seu,'Littiens and Perritotis. It pits rou How to draw.np Dorms and Homages, ..11.7. miens, Yoram: of 'Arroanar; Neese and Boss of Exenotton,Rneninreendlpttnettar. h*.leers for .the:iiiiquiOnott of Drarrai.irlth the Starnes of Microfilm', and •antennt and kind of , propertiglarera froixi Exam tton in every State. „ • - [ow to Mahe an Unmans? oropsrly,ittli forme for CONPOBITIONIyittI =or, M! the of'every Etete, 'ft Vie rou The legal relatione ,wski.ktin-ber•rem Roc. • • flaw and 'W4AD,litErtin italitzUßßlCEi . Land Lem:mono and 0/Vtsttr: , II Ms' Yea Whit 'constitutes • tirit, 'and Stamin, and .the law ro to Alesinuas the:Wu:o IthiliT IN l'Etotocart TOMOS and Ammenv. he Law for Maitralnote loom In ever* flAate, and the ZlA.nlittakiiiON Lsire or tgoconn tysi and bo,wito comply ; filth the same,: tie ctoriceralnif Ps:mesa and how to ob. tabu one, And :the R;sl-Thatton Lawit• to Prawn Lalins. it Tate. The TkeLaw for!Panarls, 'AO:mode Of procel ' durelnebtalnlng oneoeithltrzrarraviese, tamollotatils and Togo or,fm, • • it nut n w tO Make your Was, and how tO4now- X.321q1,,W1t1t Abe lava aid taw requirements thereof in every State. //,Zalfa . lina 1:lte meaning of.LaW Taxi la general:a" • and'expfeine to yoa the LIMMLAiIIi, Xs" 4nalmt.and Jinriereal Power of bath the General and State GOVVINATIIIM [ow To knn °Or or , Law, byshowing hew!, do your butane!, legally,. thus sayingt Vast amount or property,.: and Texitlea • litigation, by ltd timely oonsultatlim. .113P-..Evaqbedy'slAwyer Ls fok aala Bank 2t. li rdt. You anus rem u. n 2 1 ,118 rid ft Atli rim , 1 . 4 4 rtn4 II ,PROTOGRAPILALBUMS • . SMALL. PORTRAITS. . • • FOR.Mr4 - . AT L.V.FB' ROMANI) BTiTIONFAR.,B3ORB.: OIL OLOTH,WATBOAT, SHADES, GILT GOLD SPADES, 21117111.111 EgAD.TIS, BAILEY'S ,FIXTURES, , TAPE, CO)b' AND T4ssAL - s AMY" 4 0 8 ,:eFiumT • • , A i r LEWIS' EO4SE. STORY , rOR TM3 • dam Awls v.emiirr , AaA440,44 .. an d Useful Articles, oidt at LEWIS' Book Storo,