The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 22, 1865, Image 2

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Wedneadaymorning,March22,l B 6 s .
W Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate-Editor.
Our- Flag Forever.
"I.kstss - .0." no tnods its whielta loyal cili
ates may so mall demonstrate his devotion to
Alt 'coinifile as' by iiutainisiy the- Flay, the
aMd the Union, wider all circum
'stance*, and UNDER sysnr ADMINISTRATION
11. Dotoladt,
Who is to Blame ?
WY baire been authentically inform
ed that the members of Co. C, 195th
Ilegt., P. V., have not recoiied the
bounty money which is due them from
this borough and from the different
townships to which they credited
thnmse!ves t
.Tfiis company it will be
recollected was recruited from this
OD,tlfiky aweigh the exertions of Cap
tain Seihristoti and Lieut's. Tyhurst and
,fohnstori. ' These gentlemen succeed
ed in raising their company to above
the usual number, bat the main reason
of their itteeess wasewing to the liber
al of a large sum of mon
'ey offered. as a bounty .to each man
who -would volunteer. The full amount
of money...the men understood they
were to receive immediately upon
reaching their regiment, and few if
any of tbabi imagined that they were
to receive the same in monthly or
quarterly initalments. A month has
fully elapsed-since 'tho men have en
' listed; they are with their regiment
doll ditty, and. full bounty has been
received by them. Their disappoint
"tnent and chagrin in thus being baffled
"!#fid.trified with, can be better imagin
,.pi Onn described enough to say the
men aro not at all satisfied and are
. think they are being de
ao4ed.. by:their friends at home and
-leh to their fate.
The Government has paid thorn
s33l—a portion of the $lOO bounty it
has agreed to pay all one year volun
unteers ; oat of the larger bounty of
3400;offerecl by the local authorities
to tha,sarns company, but tweney dol
lars lilive - beenitaid, and this latter sum
of $4OO is what the men expected to
receive immediately upon muster, and
what they Still are expecting. We
Lave been informed that the balance
of the money i waaforwarded to a pay-
Maater.a4 Harrisburg, in whose hands,
• •
in alt probability, it now is; or at least
who is accountable for it. What the
paymaster baa.dcine with the money,
.or what he intends doing with it, is
difficult for ns to conjecture; if he has
squeuidered it, or invosied it in oil or
other stocks, then it .is afierious loss to
the boys and" , bo should bo compelled
to - DO- a serious forfeit—even if it
should ba the death of hanging; but it
be salbrethins the money, and intends
psytrig-ft _to the men in regular in
fi4VaisAqf'or ;which 's policy *elm)*
ao plaiijibre reneon) then oho.
eh CUM la • aCquainfed with such inten
tion.: -BP :an see no. reason, as we
have intimated, why Oa money:slot:od
not ba • ththe boYs, and - if the
Government was willing to pay them
a peition of its bounty upon sight, why
enanuot the'local bounty, and the whole
,, papaid equally as well.
tiiiint a - subject the friends of our
the county ishould interest themselves
in settling to the advantage of our
brave boys. If we do not, desire' to
witness theluffering of destitute fam
ilies,-;-if we do not want to see our eel
. diets cheated 4E4 robbed—if we do
not see the dishonest prosper--
then every means and every measure
should at onee'be instituted to have
the full sum of money sent forthwith
to those to whom it belongs—to satis
fy them and gladden, the hearts of
theirliarents and friindo. -
Tr9LO-old gamblers and - speculators
who conabitled to run up prices, are
at last getting their deserts. A num
ber of firnis in New York and Phil
adelphia; have already failed, and
many more are expected to go by the
board The victims deserve no sym
Tie Presidenrhasaisued an order
that all eitiz_eluiof the United States
who haVVitei): jading .intercourse
with fh*iyeliels:.shall..boarreated and
held as prisoners of war,andforeigners
guilty of the same ~offence shall leave
the country within twelve. days.
Gonts'was considerably.down in the
figures tio4 • week--having ..reached
the compnratively low standard of
1,59, Cotton goods, fabrics, and•rnan--•
ufaotures,•also made a decline; every
thing in fact, but the printers' essen
tial commodity—paper, which keeps a
pull upetr_lke pnbli.sher's.-pooket-book.
Tii. B. Suprecie Court adjourn.
od for the prosent,session on Saturday
last the 11th Ink Previous to the
acleurntee:ht nn order was promulga
ted requiring an oath to be taken by
practitioners at that bar that they
have never voluntarily borne arms
against the United States, and have
not voluntarily given aid, counsel or
encouragement to therebellion, and
that they will support and defend the
Constitution, and will demean them•
selves as attorneys, &c., according to
raw. •
IN view of tho great anxiety felt
throughout the country for the wel
fare of our prisoners now arriving at
Annapolis, l'ttryland, Miss Clara Bar
ton, by permission of General Hitch
cock; Com missimier:orEichange, with
the sanction of the President, has
kindly undertaken to furnish informa:
Lion, by correspondence, in regard to
the condition of our returned soldierS,
and eapeCially those in the hospitals at
Annapolis; and, so far as it may bo
possiblo,'to learn the facts connected
with thosewho have died in prison
and elsewhere: All letters addressed
to Miss Clara Batton, Annapolis, Md.,
will meet with prompt attention.
BRIEF .11Esrma.--Tho incautious
Generale Crook and Kelley, lately cap
,at Cumberland, bare been re
leased from the Libby prison, Rich
mond. We trust they have experien
ced an effectual lesson-
' Oil city Was a Water city Fri
day last—tho streets being flooded
with water carrying off oil barrels both
filled and empty.
, The Pennsylvania Legislature has
passed a joint resolution to adjourn on
the 25th inst.
President Lincoln has so far recov
ered from his recent illness as to be
able to resume his official duties. It
has also been stated that Vico Presi
dent has.recovered•from his "indispo•
Vermont ratified the Constitutional
'Amendment. The bill passed the Sen
ate unanimously; the house by 217 to
2. Vermont is the eighteenth ratifying
General Hancock has been assigned
to the command of the Middle Military
Division •during the temporary ab
sence of Gen. Sheridan. •
John Harlan; of lowa, the new Sec
retary of the Interim•, is a native of
Illinois, 44 years of ago. In 186 k ho
was elected to.the Senate of the Uni
ted States.
New Hampshire, in the recent elec
tion, gave the 'Union candidate for
Governor, Mr. Smyth, a larger major
ity than his predecessor, Gov. Gilmore.
She has also a united Union delegation
in the next Congress.
The N. Y. Times Washington spe
cial says the payment of the army of
the Potomac is nearly completed.
Funds are sent to pay the army in
other localities...
The New Postal Laws.
The now act relating to the postal
laws provides that all domestic letters,
except letters lawfully franked, and
duly certified letters of soldiers and
mariners in the service of the United
States, which aro deposited for mail
ing in any post office of the United
States, on which postage is unpaid,
shall be sent by postmasters to the
Dead Letter office in Washington, and
all letters deposited for mailing, paid
only in part, forwarded to the destin
ation, charged with the unpaid rate,
to be collected on delivery. The
Postmaster General is authorized to
allow for the publication in newspa
pers of the list of non-delivered let
ters at any post office, the compensa
tion not to exceed two cents for each
letter so advertised, and is also au
thorized to cause the mails to be trans.
ported between the United States
and any foreign ports, or between
ports of the United States touching at
a foreign port by steamship,.allowing
and paying therefor, it by an Ameri
can vessel anyfinim not exceeding the
sea and United States inland postage,
and if by a foreign vessel any sum not
exceeding the sea postage on_the mails
so conveyed.
The system of free delivery is to be
established in every place containhig
a population of 50,000 within the de
livery of the office thereof, and at such
other places as the Postmaster Goner
.al in his judgment shall direct:
•Provided, that the pre-payment post
age on drop letters in all places where
free delivery is riot 'establiihed, shall
be one cent only. Persons depositing
obscene books, pamphlets, LT., in the
mails are to be punished by find' and
Isa„,The cavalry expedition sent
from Baton Rougo 'by Gen. nerron
has been heard from :after some heavy
skirmishing, in which we lost ten or
fifteen killd and wounded, inflicting
a : loss on them of thirty or forty and
some prisoners, including two officers.
The roads over which our forces pass.
od were horrible. A force is concer,
trating at Liberty under Hodgo and
Scott. Our cavalry Was under the
immediate commands of Bailey and
n€9,...lnfo'rmati on from Meridian
states that Forrest was at Macon last
monday in command. of 1,500 men.
Great activity prevails in that Depart
ment and was rapidly adding to and
organizing his force.
zgi„The rebel Gen. Barkhead was
recently taken prisoner at Rodney,
Mississippi, by a,Lieutenant of tho Fed
oral Navy and sent to Baton Rogue to
report to Gen. Canby. He was onrouto
to 'Richmond to report to Kirby Smith
at the time of his capture.
Ws Troops Within Twenty Miles of
BALTIMORE, March 14.—A returned'
Union prisoner, who reached Annapo
lis to-day; direct from Richmond, com
municates some interesting intelligence •
in relation to the state of affairs at
Richmond, and Sheridan's movements.
He says ho was confined in Castle
Thunder, and through the friends of
Union citizens incarcerated there, oh
4ained much information relative to
events transpiring, about which the
Richmond papers aro silent.
Saturday night last Richmond
was thrown into a state of intense ex
-citernent by the announcement that
Sheridan was near the city. The alarm
bells were rung and all the home
guards, and every available man that
could be spared, was hurried off to re
pel the Yankees, who were said to be
at Beaver Mills aqueduet, on James
River, some twenty miles from the
city, destrOying Oro canal, which is
the main feeder of Richmond.-
The excitement continued all night
and increased to a panic . throughout
Sunday and down to 'Monday morn
ing. When ho - left the excitement'
still prevailed. It was understood that
Sheridan had succeeded in the destruc
tion of-theaqueduct, blowing it up with
enpowder, and it would take at least
six months to repair the damage done
by him. • .
During Sunday afternoon Pickett'S
Division, passed Castle Thunder in
great haste, on the way to meet Sher
idan. There is a ferry near the Aque
duct, and it was believed that Sheri
dan's purpose was to cross the James,
and strike the Danville Railroad near
the coal fields ; where there is an ex
tensive bridge, destroy that, and thus
complete the destruction of the com
munications of Richmond, and then
make a junction with General Grant.
Movements indicating preparations for
an abandonment of Richmond, have
been in progress for' some time. The
heavy machinery for manufacturing
iron has, been removed, also,the ma
chinery of their percussion cap factory,
and all the carpenters in the town aro
at work filling large Goternment
dors for packing boxeS. -
The Late Battle at Kinston,
The Rebels Completely Routed.
nighly Interesting Particulars,
NEW YORK, March 14.—Tho Herald's
Correspondent, writing from in front
of Kinston, N. C., gives the following
account, of the late fighting there : On
Wednesday, the Sth inst., the enemy,
consisting of Hoke's division, made a
determined effort to' turn our„ left
flank—they cams up rather unexpec
codly and .furiously,. and. the conse
quence was.the loss, on our part, of a
large, portion of two regiments, who
wore flanked . by superior numbers.
The left of the line, held by the 2d di
vision, General Carter in command,
fought desperately, resorting to the
bayonet when their ammunition was
-To compensate for the losses here,
Col. Savage, of the 12th New York
cavalry, made a detour on the rear,
and captured nearly one hundred pris
oners. The same afternoon an attack
was made on our right,' and repulsed
without loss. Gen. Schofield came up
in the afternoon, and-assumed --com
mand. Night coming on, action ceas
ed. Captain Fish, 12th New York
Artillery, had lost two small howitzers,
and Captain _Kelley, artillery ; had lost
a Napoleon gun. We had taken, per
haps, 200 prisoners during the day.
. On Thursday morning, the 9th inst.,
Malloy fully regained his original po.
sition, and continued to hold it. The
enemy charged 'upon him three times
in the forenoon, and were each time
easily repulsed with some loss of life;
and a small loss of prisoners to them.
Theforonoon was mostly occupied with
light skirmishing along the' whole line.
We still held our original line—ample
breastworks having been erected, and
stout hearts occupying both them and
the skirmish pits—all through the
ovenineof the 9th.
On the morning of the 10th the reb
el fury again belched forth. They had
evidently learned something that ur
ged them to unusual desperation, and
we afterwards learned that it must
have been the reception of the intelli
gence by thOM that Couch was com
ing up overland to join Cox. This, of
course, necessitated a furidhs and spee
dy onset upon Cox, in order to anni
hilate him before Couch should come
up. All night long they charged again
and again, making six or eight differ
ent charges, amid the roar of musketry
and cannon that was deafening and
terrible as it swept and surged through
the night air. They had driven bvk
our skirmish lino from their rifle pits
to the breastworks, and they seemed
determined to pour their hordes over
into these, 'but the wave was sent
bounding back time after time, and
finally, on the morning of the 11th,
as, they attempted another flank
movement on oust loft, it is said that
we took from. them an entire regi
ment of Alabamians.
From this time their ardor began to
diminish, and yesterday afternoon
when I left the immediate scene of
action there was every prospect that
we would soon regain the skirmish
pits and win a handsome victory over
the maddened foe. We have probably
taken from the - commencement on
last evening, not far from 2,000 prison
ers. Our entire loss from the coin-
Meneement, in killed, wounded and
prisoners, cannot be over 2,000. The
Colonel of the 118th Ohio was severe
ly wounded in the log.
Guerilla 'D op rea at ions
The afternoon passenger train .to
Nashville March 14th composed of six
passenger cars, Adams' Express car,
tender, and locomotive was thrown off
the track last evening by the removal
of a rail by about thirty guerrillas.
The passengers Were robbed, and the
passenger cars were- burned. The
Adams Express car was slightly'injur
ed. The guard on the train is said to
outnumber their assailants, and was
not molested or paroled, and the guer
rillas loft after burning • the passenger
The army well and its spirit excellent
General destruction
.or capture/Irv:wry
thing of value on the march.
WASMNoTON, March 16-9 80 P. M.
Tho despatCh has this
evening been received at this Depart
ment. • • • •
City Point; Vit March 16,1865.
. lion. C„,f: Dana, Assistant Secreta
of • •
I and just in receipt of a letter from
Gon. Sherman, of the 12th, ftom Fay
etteville. He describes his army as in
fine health and spirits, having met
with no serious opposition.
Hardee keeps in his front at a res
pectful distance. At Columbia -ho
destroyed immense arsenals and rail-
road establishments, and forty three
• cannon At Cheraw ho found much
Machinery and. war material, inclu
ding twenty-five cannon and thirty
six hundred barrels of powder. In
Payettrille he found twenty pieces
of artillery, and much other material.
He says nothing about Kilpatrick's
defeat by Hampton, but the officer
who brought his letter says that, before
daylight on the 10th, Hampton got
'two brigades in the rear of Kilpatrick's
headquarters, and surpriSed -and'eapt
ured ;all the stuff but two officers.
Kilpaterick escaped, formed his men,
and drove the -enemy with great loss,
recapturing,about all that he bad lost.
Hamptenlbst eighty Six - left dead on
the field, • U. S. GRANT,
Lieutenant General.
The Guerilla War,
CaptUre of the Noted Guerillas "Sue
Monday," Tom Magruder, and Hen
ry Metcalf,
LouisviLLE, March 1.8
An expedition of fifty United State's
soldiers, Which was sent out from. hero
on. Saturday, surrounded a barn in
Webster, —.Mead county, yesterday
morning, and captured the throe noted
guerillas Site Mundy, alias Jerome
Clark, Magruder, and Henry Metcalf,
after some resistance, in which three
of our men -were slightly and the
fourth mortally' wounded.
The prisoners were brought here by
the steamer.Morning'Star this, morn
ing, and leilkOd- in the military prison.
Magruder , is•Affering: from a recent
wound a,nlf Ts' not likely to .recover.
Yesterday a party of Moseby's
guerillas : attacked a detachment of
twenty men Of the 13th Now' York
cavalry at Lewieville, about nine miles
from. Georgetown, D. C. 'They killed
wounded or captured nearly the entire
party. A force was at once sent in
pursuit, but nothing haS been heard
of their success.
Daring condilct of Moseby's .111en---They
cow within seven ntilej of Washing
ton, to steal Horses—Defeat of a
Squad of our Cavalry.
Last night Mosebv's l t uerrilleta
uowu to Munson's Hiit and Bailey's
Cross-roads, abdut 7 miles from Wash
ington, and within 3 or 4 miles of our
fortifications. They stopped- at T. B
Munson's hopes and took six of his
horses,.lieaving but one old blind ani
mal. An unfortunate contraband was
taken back to his limiter. This: is
the second:night visit Mr. Munson has
bad from These desperadoes and
thieves; butithiS time they omitted to
capture his son, as they did on a for
mer visit. -
The guerrillas numbered about 80.
They were fresh from a conflict with
a"squadTWOiii - ca,4ary which they had
defeated, leaving two dead and two
wounded on the field, and taking the
others, with exception of the comman
ding officer, prisoners.
lounvILLE, March 15
Jerome Clark, alias Sue Mundy,
was hanged this. afternoon, in pursu
ance of the sentence of the General, he
protesting that at the time of his cap
ture, anaSinee the commencement of
the war, he Was a Confederate soldier.
Laterf . . frow en Sheridan.
Further Destruction of Property
Washington, March 17.
Major General Dix, New York :
Major Gen. Sheridan reports on the
15th instant, from the bridge of the
Richmond and. Fredericksburg Rail
road, across the South Anna river that
hating destroyed the James River
Canal as far to the east as Gooch
land, he marched up to the Virginia
Central Railroad at Toleravillo and
destroyed it down. to Beaver Dam
Station, totally destroying fifteen
miles of the road.
General Custer was then sent to
Ashland and General Divon to the
South Anna Bridges, all of which have
been destroyed.
General Sheridan says that the
amount of public property destroyed
in his march is enormous. The enemy
attempted to proyent his burning the
Central Railroad bridges over the
South 'Anna; but the Fifth United
States Cavalry 'Charged up to' the
bridge, and about thirty men dashed
across on foot, driving off the enemy
and capturing three pieces of artillery,
20-pounder rarretts.
Assistant Secretary of War,
New York Times' gives utterance to
the following Concerning General
Grant: "That grim patience and al
most sublime self-forgetfulness which
has kept him for se many months on
a slow, wearisome, comparatively un
brilliant task or holding Lee and his
Army-as in a vice in Virginia, while
his subordinates made the brilliant
marches and well
the easy victories ;
is something not much admired by
the crowd, but which history will nev
er forget or cease- to celebrate. It
is the union of these patient and . self
contained qualities with, the highest
dash and daring;At' is the exhibition
of tho most retn'aitkable energy and
sagacity in seizing the opportune mo
ment for the execution of his purpose—
it is the combination in his intellect of
art all-comprehensive vision with the
most extraordinary power of coordin
ation, which have already placed Gen.
Grant in a feremost position among
the great military leaders of all ages.
Bird Hood, Mixed.
A good sapply pow on hand and
for silo at Lewis' Boolc Store. tf,
The Grand Campaign,"
The Army and Navy Jonrnal, in an
article on the "Grand Campaign,"
written before the news of Sheridan's
great exploit came to hand, says:
Sheridan _can, with little opposition,
cross the Blue Ridge through Rock
fish Gap and capture the iniPortant:
railroad junction of CharlottesVille..
With or without that capture, he 'can
move briskly upon the James River
Canal, which is not more than a good
day's march, it being, in an air line,
only 25 miles distant from the Gap,
l and less than 20 from Charlottsville.
We can hardly doubt .that so much
has already been done. It is not im-
possible, even, that, with Early's army
reduced to its present size, Sheridan
May force his way along the easterly
base of the Blue Ridge toLynchburg,
and even capture that city. Should
this be effected, the importance of the
success could not bo over estimated.
It would be a victory unparalleled
by anything yet achieved in the pres
ent Virginia campaign. And, even if
Lynchburg were not carried, should
Sheridan break the railroad between
that point and Riehmond, - the' conse
quences would bo momentous upon the
fate of the enemy's capital.
But it must be taken for granted
that Leo. has already sent large rein
forcements to Early. Itis of vital in
terest for him to
,keep Sheridan off
from his, western line of
.supply, even
if he puts in momentary jeopardy his
at Richmond. At this
however, Grant's army becomes an
important actor on the scene: With
its numerical strength always double
that of Lee, with the latter depleted
by troops sent against Sheridan and
troops sent against Sherman, a well
managed move against the Soutbside
Railroad might have reaSonable pros
pect of triumph. Not only this possi
bility of immediate success, but the co
operative aid it would lend to Sher
man, Sheridan and Schofield, toll us
that the Army of the Potomac will
soon be in motion. Other plans of
Grant might be aided by such a move.
And when it happens, it is not clear
that the Army of the - Potomac is the
only force the eniliny will have to
guard against. • -
In such exigencies, Leo's' natural
course would be to summon back a
Part of the troops sent to Johnston.
Sherman having, to all appearance,
baffled the concentration against him
by adroitly slipping into North Caro-
lina following an easterly. march. from-
Columbia to Fayetteville, instead of a
northerly, march to Charlotte, John
ston;• if bent on "destroying" hiS old
adversary, must pursue him, and that
with very poor chance of success. To
reach Sherman, he not only has to
march still faster than the latter Gen
eral, whose rapidity is proverbial, but
in the very act of so doing, marches
from his old position within support
ing distance of Lee. Should detach
ments from Johnston now bo sent
back to Leo, 'the combination for de
feating Sherman is over, and his tieotit ,
itimiporli Bua we never have con
sidered Sherman's ease desperate, even
though he were driven to a pitched
Meanwhile, to make assurance dou
bly sure, Schofield is already, perhaps,
on the northerly march front Wilming.
ton. His movements will be directly
assisted by Grant. A strong co-ope
rating force is collected at - Newborn.
These two columns aiding Sherman,
the great railroad junction at Golds
boro, bids fair to fall as did the junc
tions at Atlanta and Branchville; and
Raleigh to meet the fate of her sister
capitals, Milledgeville and Columbia.
Should Leo's combinations to avert the
disasters threatening hina, lead him to
move his army outside of its entrench.
ments, the lack of faith in the cause
which now pervades a large part of
the rank and file would become still
more manifest. Deserters are already
lean weakening him, and a heavy
battle, especially on open ground,
would increase the defection. But,
without attempting to forecast more
definitely for the future, we confident
ly wait.on events.
HERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
_laundry writs of Ler Fa.,Ven.Ex. to mo directed, I will
oxpose to public sale or outcry, at the. Court nou■e, in
tho borough of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY, born DAY
of APRIL A D 3805, at two o'clock, r. Ai:, the following
described property to wit:
That log weather boarded dwelling
house two stories high, having a bonoment underneath,
and located in the small village commonly called New
town, adjoining the 'village of kleConnelistown, in the
county of Huntingdon, being on lot No. 2 in said New.
town, fronting sixty feet on the public road loading from
Huntingdon to Bedford, and extending back at right an
gles therefrom one hundred and sixty feet, adjoining lot
of Daniel klegolom on the south-west, and lot of David
Householder on the north-east. Seized, taken In execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin States
end Rebecca his wife, the said Rebecca being the owner,
or reputed owner.
Also—All the defendant's right, title
and Intorest of, In, and to tho following tract and parcel
of land nitwit° in Tell township, Ito the county of Hunting
don, adjoining land formerly owned by John French, sr.,
need Benjamin Brine on the north-weat, Jacob Shoop on
the north, William Wilson on the north.east, and Bar•
barn McMullen en the south, contilning ono hundred'and
forty acres moro or less, about 76 acres of which am
cleared, with a double log houso and tenant hones and
barn, with two orchards thereon, late the estate of John
Wuttors, deceased. Soloed, taboo in execution, and to be
cold as the property of Stephen 11. Watters, administra-.
too of John Walters, deceased.
Also-LAII that certain farm, planta
tion and tract of Jand sltuatoin Cromwell township, Don.
tingdon county, on which Andrew Banks now resides, on
the ridges, adjoining lands of Thomas Hooper on the
north and westerly side, lands of Asaph Prim: on the
south and easterly side, containing about ninety acres,
with the usual allowance, be the same more or loss, about
fifty acres of which more or less aro cleared, with a log
dwelling hones weather boarded, one story and a half
high; a small frame bar:laud other improvements there
on, Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold no Ito
property of Georg', Foreman.
Also—A tract of land situate in
Union township, adjoining lands of David Smith on the
south, of Joists Smith on the north, of Caleb Swoopo's heirs
on the west, and of Michael Wright's Mita on the east,
being parts of trade In the name of Gabriel and Daniel
8011, containing about ILI acres moro or less, having
about 60 acres cleared, with a frame hens,: unfinished,
and sumo apple trees thereon, from which is excluded a
school houno lot containing ono fourth of an acre sold to
the school District. Seized, taken In execution, and to be
cold as the property of Ifillteln Smith.
Also—All the following tract of land
situate to Cass township, in the county or Iluntingaaa,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:Deginning at a
pine corner on a tract of land surveyed on a warrant In
the name of Ifugh Morrison, then south twenty-eight and
three-fourths degrees west, three hundred and sevoiaty
/Ivo perches to a pine, thence south twenty degrees east,
ono hundred and twenty-seven perches to a post along
land surveyed in the nano of Polly Chambers thence
north twenty-fivo degrees east, fifty-two perches to a
poet; thence north sixteen degrees mot, two hundred and
three perches to a pine; thence north thirty.two degrees
west, thirty-nine porches and sin-tenths to , the place of
beginning; containing two hundred acres and allowance,
being the south-easterly part of a tract of land surveyed
In tho name of Hugh Morrison, and tho same premises
conveyed by John Savage to Nicholas biller by deed tin
ted the 2d clay of noggin, 1804. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Nicholas Miller.
NOTICE TO PURCIUSEEE.-13Iddera at Bherifro Sales will
lake notice that immediately upon the property being
knocked down, fifty per cont. of Ail bide under $lOO, and
tsventy.fivo per coat. of all bids over that mu, must be
paid to the Sheriff; or the property will be set up again
and sold to other biddera who will comply with the above
Sheriff's Sales will hereafter be made on Monday of
the first nook if Court, and Om deed, eckeowledgeti on
the Cottoning Saturday.
• OEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, Mob. 21, /865. .
Apply at Huntingdon Fornaco 31111,'0r Addrees.
A. J. McCOY, Spruce Creek, .
March 22 '6.5-4t. Huntingdon COW/ LI,
HENRY lIARPE.R No 520 Arch
, Itreet, aLovo Fifth, FIIILADELPIIIA,
a precept to mu directed, dated at liiintingdon, the
21st day of Jan. A. D. iScS, under the hands and seals
.of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general Jail deliv
ery of the 24111 Judicial District of Pennsylvania, comp°.
ee d of Huntingdon Blair and Cambria counties; and the
Hone. Benjamin li. ? Patton on..l , lViilitun B. Leto his associ
ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices' as
signed, Appointed to hears try end determine all and every
'Midtown; made or taken for or concerning all crimes,
which by the laws Of the State are made capital, or felon
fee ofileath, and other offences, crimes and miedeinee.ricrs,
which have boon or shall hereafter be committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid-1 aim commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
QCourt of Oyer d Terminer, of Common Plena and
uarter Seas/ens, w an ill ho held at the Court Bowe in the
borough of Huntingdon, on thasecond Monday (and 10th
day) of. April nett, and those who will prosecute the
sald prisonere, be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constables within Bela county, be then and there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. ra. of said day, with
their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran
ces, to do those things which to their offices respectively
appertain. • •
Dated a Huntingdon, tho 15th Horeb, in the year of
our Lord one Howland eight hundred and sixty-fleo,
end no 88th ,year of American Independence.
OEO. 19-1011DISTON. Sheriff
Notice to hereby given that the following named
person, have filed'their petitions with the Clerk of the
Court of quarter Sessions. praying the said Conti to grant
them license to keep inns or taverns in their respective
boroughs, townships and villages in His county of Hun
thsgdo e and that said petitions will be presented to the
said Cei,rt on Monday,.lbe 10th day of , April next
kir torten:nation, Ae., when and where all persons inter.
ceded can ati:.-"d if they think proper,
John Kurtz, Alexandria borough.
Jan, Fleming, Potereburg •
John MeManlgall, do. •
Jesse Unger, West township.
William Bell, Fairfield.
'John G. Stewart,.llt. Union.'
• Samuel J. Hackadorn,do.
9. Bryson Shaver. do
John Dean, Huntingdon borough. ,
. Henry Laster, , do. • ' " •
William Long, do.
Valentine Brown, do. • •
:Icorge Thomas, do.
• 'Joseph Morrison, do. '
Abraham A. Jacobs, do, • •
John S. Hiller, do.
Westley Eskers, Dudley. -
William T. Pearson, Broad Top City.
Jamb Mountain, do.
Daniel J. Logan, Friendship. •
James Gleaeon, Darn...
Martha Hera do. •
John Burns, do.
Robert Morrow, Shads Gap. •
Joshua Trice, - do.•
Perry Harris, Shirleysburg.
Alexander - $. Feeds, sprace Creek..
R. F. Hazlett, do.
Abraham Carothers, Orllsonln.
Nancy MAIN do.
John S. Western; Mapleton. -
Thomas McGairey, Mill Creek.
Samuel GSlmpsoih-Brady township.
Henry Chamberlain, Waterstreeh
James Chamberlain, Warriorsmark township.'
George E. Little, McAlavy's Fort:
Martha Cermont, Manor Mil.
Robert A Ramsey, Sanlsburg.
Samuel-Steffy, Jackson:iownehip.
William Johnston, Markleaburg.
William H.-Harper, McAlevy'e Fort.
WM. O. WAGONER, Clerk.
Prothonotary's Office, I
March 22,1801.
NOTICE is hereby given to all per
sons interested that the following Inventories of
tho goods and Chattels set to widows, under the provis
ions of the act or 14th of April, 1851, have been filed In
the office of the Clerk Maio Orphans' Court Of flthiltiv
don county and will be presented for "approval by she
Court" on Monday the 10th day of April next, (1165,) :
1 Inventory end apprafeement of the goods and chat.
tele which were of Daniel Selfridge, late of Jackson town
ship deceased, let apart to his widow Matilda Selfrldgo.
2 Inventory and apprnissment of tho goods and chat
tels which were of Samuel Booher, lets of Cromwell town
ship deceased, set apart to his widow Elizabeth Booher.
3 Inventory and appmiscraent of the goods andchat
tels which were of Robert Giffin, late of Cromwell town
ship deceased, est apart to his widow Nancy Giffin.
4 Inventory and appralsement of the goads and chat
tels which were of Benjamin F. Houck, late of - Shirley
township deceased, set apart to his widow Nary D. Ifouck.
5 Inventory and apprahleneent of the goods and chat
tels which:wore of Nu cam C. Ester:in., pate of Porter
vuewp duCeiteet, net apart to his widow Rebecca Ester'
line. • -
6 Inventory and Ivor/dement of the goals anal that
tole which were of Samuel Coon; deceased, not apart to
his widow - Mary Cos a .
7 Inventory and appralsement of the Real estate of
James Stewart, deceased, claimed by big widow lane
Stewart, under $3OO law.
Mar. 14, 1805. Register.
Nptico Is hereby given; to all . persons Interested
that the following named persons have nettled their no.
counts In the Register's °Mee; at Huntingdon, and that
the said Accounts will be .prenented for confirmation and
allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to be held atiluntingdon,
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday the 10th
day of April next, (1563,) to wit:
1 The Guardianship account of William Her, guardian
of Cornelia M. Her and Ellen C. Kor n minor children of
John Ker late.a Walker township, deceased.
2 Administration account of David 3. Ker, one of the
Administrators de bonis non of the estate oftheifonorebte
John Her tote of Walker township, deceased.
3 Final Administrationaccount of Jonathan C. Roddy,
Administrator of the estate of William Roddy - late of Date
lin township, deceased.
4 Trust soaouatagGragter Itlllier, Trustee appointed by
the Orphans Court of the estate - of CetherinoAnderson,
5 Supplemental Administration account of John D.
Given, Surviving Executor of Margaret En trlkin,
Account of Uoorgo P. IVakelichl, guardian of Edward,
Ella, Thomas William W. and Goo, Wallington minor
children of John W. Wallington, late of Shirleyeburg,
deceased. Final so far as t Ito said William and GOO. W. are
concerned .
7 Account of William Town, Administrator of this
estate of Usurp IVasblngton Vawn, Into of Toll township,
8 Account of Richard D. Heck, guardian of Elizabeth
Wharton, a minor child of Samuel N. Wharton deceased.'
9 Account °Mewls Steever, Trueteo appointed to sell the
Neal estate of Jacob Gurfman, late of Cass townehip doc'd.
10 anardianship nccount of Benjamin Greenland guar-
Watt of Anton W. Chlicote, minor eon of Amon Chilcote;
deceased. Said minor being now of age. .•
11 Administration account of Itobert Cummins, Admid
istrator of David ZuMmins, - --lato of :Jackson township;
12 Final Administration aoconne ofJohn 3PNeal,Eoecutor
of the last will and testament of Robert McNeal, late of
Clay township, deceased.
13 Itaat Administration account of James R. Glasgow,
acting Admirtletrittorof nomrui Enyeart, late of Penn
township, deceased.
14 Athr.inistretion account of :fames Stewart, Adminis
trator of the estate of John Stewart late of Itarree town
ship, docanocd.
15 Account of James Cree, Executor of the last will and
testament of Henry Mathias late of Dahlia township,
10 Account of John A. Wilson, and Ebenezer E. Magill,
Executors of the last will and testament of Elizabeth J.
Semple, Into of Jackson township, deceased. •
17 Administration account of David S. KM, EXectliOi of
the last will and testament °Mary ALlier, tate of Walk
er township, deceased.
18 Administration account of David S. Ifer, Administra
tori with tho will annexed of Joshua W. Ear, late 01
Walker township, deceased,
19 The final Administration account of John Thing sur
viving Executor of the lost will and testament of Alexan
der Steel late of West township deceased, with a distribu
tion account attached to the same.
20 The 'accounts of Benjamin F. Patton Esq., guardian of
Samuel Spanogle and Andrew Spanogle, minor children of
Samuel Spanogle, late of Warrioremark township, dec'd,
Said minors boingnow of age.
21 The Trust account or lion. WELD. Leas, Trustee ap•
pointed to make solo of the-Real estate of John Shaver
into of Shirley township, deceased.
22 Second account of John Scott, BAT, Executor of the
last will and testament of John I'. Anderson, late of the
borough of Huntingdon, deceased. I
23 Distribution account filed with the second Matilda
trationacount of John Scott, Executor of the last will
and testament of John P. Anderson, latoof the Borough of
Huntingdon deceased, and to be presented with the same
for confirmation.
24 First and final account of John Scott, Testamentary
uardian, and Trustee of William P. Azderson, sort of
John P. Anderant deceased, who Is now also deceased"
22 Administrations account of William R. Thompson,
Administrator of John Thompson, late of Jackson Sown
ship, deceased.
20 The Adminletratiori account ofJaines3fagill end John
Cummins, Administrators of the estate of James _ Magill,
late of Jackson township, deceased. •
27 Guardianship account of George Hallman, guardian
of Miles Underarm a minor son of ---- Henderson, late
of West township doc'd, sold minornew in bill majority.
28 Administration aCoonnt of .Adam Hooter, one of the
Executors of the last will and testament of John A. Logan,
Into of Clay township doceasal.
29 Administration account of James White, Administra•
trator of Hoary Mullen, late of Carbon township, deed.
30 Account of Robereldelfarney, Administrator of Sta.
phen Curwin lato ofJackson township, &awed,
31 Ma Administration account of Andrew 0. Neff, Ad-
ministrator of Christian Shouts, late of Ilopowell town
ship, deceased.
Register's Office, t Itegispr.
Thant., Mar. 14, 1865. j
mcla-3w LLOYD .t URNRY.
T F Y - 0 W A
where Ivo bare boughs
LLOYD & avnET.
Between the Baptist and ditholic tAtikei,
TE.8.."8L1.0" GENERALLY are
informed that the enbecriber is prepared at hin
LI.I I ..EftY , STABLK, to.aocemmodate all with
-aLreasonoldo rater, on short notice...
- IHENRTlrrziAtkilet.e.r4. ,
Thmtingdom Itinrell 8,1805-1 r ....
EsT.A.:sizelln-1 1 896 .
The oldest Ellliard,Balooti,, and one or the ljear retitle.
fed filth° Statei Is Poulton'a, sttiuitedin the rear otßrautote
near Third street. Boingtu the business for 'o'er 80
gears, he thoroughly understandelhe innate and 'desires
of playera. roam is the largist and best.lighted to
the city. The cues are always In the beet order, and his
tables cannot be ezdellodbyany in the State.
lie sites the business his direct superintendents, and
can assure the pedfc'that they can Bud better satisrac.
Matt his saloon than at, any other in the ally.
No liquor sold on the .premisea--erery man to his own
March 15,1868.
Frod 15' to ,35 . P.E1i C.T. LOWER f
Ifuntlagdon, March 15,'65-3w
Blzobics& ROS . E-N..121r131,
•• . •
•No. 431 meitErm Street, north side,
nave now opened their usual handsome 'variety of
and all otherarticles requited by the IPLLINERI r TRADE
By long einerlance and strict attention tailils branch
of business exclusively, we flatter curd/Free that we offer
Indneemsatilt In Tarinty, stYles, quality. . and moderate
prices—not everywhere to be found. The...attention of
MILLINERS and BLERCBII:NTS Is respectfully solicited.
Asp' Particular attention paid to Elillug ordure.
March 8,
3Pia.l:olo Mei
WILL BE SOLD at Pablic.Auction
. apßubscrlbe r !er realdo?co iiI.BhULEYBBUJIG
, .
on 'noire ay, arch 30 .1863,-
at 10 o'clock, variety or 1101P3E11OLD
TIME, viz: Piano, Sofa, Cheeks, Tables, Bedstead% Stoves
and Kitcben article% Crockery, . _
Also—on tho same day at' the room' of the Marley.
burg Seminaty, 'rations articles of Furniture and App.
restos, including a laJgo and valuable collection at Mine
rals; Glob's% Charts 0101.10SY, Chemistry and Astronomy
No. 709 Chestnut - Street, above Seventh,
The Manager has the pleasure of announcing that this
popular Hotel Is now upon for the reception of THAN
The house 'ban been thoroughly renovated and newly
furniehed, and in presented to the public an beingin every
particular ahotel suited to their wants. The patronage
of the public is respectfully solicited.
March 9, '65.-3m CHAS. M. ALLMOND, Manager.
.. , .. .
THE SUBSCRIBER 'respectfully
announces to his patrons, and tlici,publinia`norally.
t st rho first quarter or rho Summereossion Or thts Truitt
.tutinn, will be opon . for instruction,.APlllL /31h; /80.
Whole expanses mr quarter, or 1,1 Weeks, in ordinal,'
English, fur Boarding, Room-rent, and Tuition .40 00.
. stndenta will be required to furnish their own Wade
and pillow-gips. • • - • -
For further information address, B:O.I3IeOLATN,
incho-st. ' .. - • - - Priiiiipal,
GREAT AtIItICIIVII3RISSIt-3s debited for allo'nEtti ,
seedling, that It is of unequaled size and productiveness,
Single plants prodricirig as high as 294 berries; inenj of
them weighing oven an ounce ench ; of bright glossy crim
son color, very Arm, high havered , and, a Mat class mar
ket berry. ➢or an account of its.origin,, Introdocticz,-
purchased by es, charieter and productiveness of the•
plant, size and character of the fruit, and taller intorMli
tlon, ace our Circular. We have bought of 31r. Judd bhp
entire stock of plants for solo, aul Iwo now able to kintsh
them at the following prices:
1 plant..
2 planta
8 CI
...::E 75 50 pia to
...... 1 20. 100
Our steels of Strimberry FhteAsthls setwori,—inclndfag-
Golden Seeded (the best carly,)'Rossell and Filimore(both
of wonderful 'size and productlvonese)( French's Seedling;
Triomphe de Geed; Wilson's Albany. and ail other desira
ble kinds,—is the !argent and beat we have ever offered.
Strawberry Plants by . Man.-
We will send, safely packed and 'post-paid,
For $.1 4 1 Agriculturist, 8 Golden Seeded. -
For Oa, .2 Agriculturist, 10 Golden Seeded, 12 nusloal
For $3; 3 Agriculturist, 10 Golden Seeded, 12. Russel
For $5. 8 Agriculturist, 12 Golden Seeded, 1 2 Russell
12 Intlmore, 12 French's Seedling, 6 Kit
lore Goliath - •
For $10 ; 12 Agriculturist, 24 Golden Seeded, 24 Busse%
24 Fillmore, 24 French's Seedling,l2
ley's Gollob, 121.enniug's White.
For description of above, end many . other kinds,- -our select. lists. mode °Permute, prices, &c., see. our
ted Catalogue. '
Our 'sloes are grown in the open air, from the best of
bearing wood taken from *Mir Olin Tineyards, and are
greatly superior to those grown under glass, - with their'
'roots cramped hiPots. - They are healthy and vigorous,
Moo remarkably good roots, and' give entire satisfaction
in their growth when planted,which is the true test of s:
good vine. We offer in largo quantity thofollowing; .
Chacord, Diamr, ' ilringring,
.Dericheare, Union Valve, irerbentent,
ITarif ord., itaxatawny, .Atten's H ybrid,
Carding, ' Tayiar, Rebscea,.
And ollother desirable kinds.
Oar collection is unsurpassed, If eqesled anytairs, Mitt
Hornet, the largest of all, and of great excellenen4
Piiate, very early and valuable. _
Imperial, very productive and line.
Sogchette, very beautlfoload good. • •
Joust, very beautiful audgood.
Brinekles Orange, faint Timor. . • -
.Proneimia, one of the very beet. .
Improved Black CV, hardy and vOry proflable , ,
Phaodelphio.• - - .
Ailen'r ifardy, de.
Now Rochelle, Dorchester and Newnan, In any quantity'
tiro bave.taken eneciat pains to collect the hest variation .
°f ercantil. and have a very larger supply et •
cherry,largest and best far
. 'Mate Crape, best white. very line. • • • •• •
Vittoria; •nroductivb and latest.
• Short Banc,' tel productive and very good. - • -
raw noire, v cry wrge and beet quality.
Gooseberrtes,. '..A4paragus, •and
LLinnaeusßhubavb•&c-- •ir•
Seed Store, Horticultural' and
Agricultural House,— .
in i ttiltlVga b tttrafiTy g a o l27l7LV:4La ts t b ev b or in able t gr n m i tr
• J. .r.1 , 10a.,
No. 29 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
mob 8,1865-Im.
mum . TREES,
At the nurseries of Taylor & Crenter
„ •
Who offer their stock of well grown
and thrifty TREES, MSS, 'PLANTS, Ac., at their old
prices.: The expense of grafting and plentinglbla ate*:
having been incurred before the outbrealiat the rebellion
when the price or labor wavlow; they eau effort to • Itell .
these Treee at per cont. lase than they can sell the same
kind of trees next year. While, other lituseiynien base'
raised their prices ataut 06 per cent., these still mallet this
old rates this year ; that is to say—Apple Trees, $l5, $l5,
and $2O per hundred, wordlogso size, Sc. Standard Pear
50 to 75 cents eaoh. Dwarf Pear, 50 to '76 mute oath, ..n
$3O to OS per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at 40 to AO
cants each; Also, Perch, Cherry, Quince and other trees'
Grape Vines, Lawton Blackberry, itaspberry, and Straw
berry plants, Dahlia roots, and Slade and ' Ornamental
Trees—all at the old rates. 2 ,
Noneylnsested in fruit trees leanre to yield good Ter
turn. Now to yonetinto to order trees.
' Address, THRODDIU9 U. Mg-EL
f01.0,1805* Bora:Theme, Pa,.
- -
Read the New Advertioomenter: