The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 08, 1865, Image 2

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Waieaday morning, Feb. 8, 1865.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
t !ugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
"I know of no mode in which a loyal citi
rep tnety so well demonstrate his devotion to
is country as by sustaining the Flag, the
C'onstitution and the Union, tinder all circum
Death of Slavery.
Both Houses of Congress on the 31st
ult., carried tho resolution to abolish
slaverY, and the same resolution .41SLC
been tendered for the consideration of
the, several Legislatures. The States
in the Union aro all sanctioning by
their acclamation and rejoicing, the
conduct of CongreSs, and it is just to
infer that the 'respective Legislatures
will shortly concord in• the action of
Congress and the desire of the people,.
In Congress men voted for the meas.
nre who, at former times, were indif
ferent to the: evils of shivery, and as
eerted it was prudent to " let it alone,"
never thinking, until the present war
-roVealed tho fact, that the slavehold
drs desired its extension, and full ac
quiescence by the whole north-in their
scheme. These men voted wisely, with
:the tret t hful 'reVaintions of time beam
theinfac. Others there were
;WhoVoted for the resolution who
. 11/1170
;' . 4 : i4l.ketn upon themselves the name of
ilbemocrat, and contrary -to the ex
:pressed, desire of their pasty, which
:Opposes it merely because it is a Gov
ernment measure. These men voted
wisely with the light of reason as a
Iserieon guarding them from the shoals
-Ofthe evil, notwithstanding the traps
laid by their fellows- to' ens - nare them.
To those who voted uneonditiou
tally for the measure the nation's grat
;Rude is due, and rewards of further
-merit shoitld•attend them ; but to those
who_ opposed the amendment and vo
--ted against it, nothing further should
-he said than that they voted in a man
ner that will give thorn cause for re-
We Plainly discover in this act
wherein our calamity has produced a
- blessing. A curse has been uprooted
that would have retarded the nation's
,growth and greatness in the future,
'and dimmed the splendor of our free
institutions. Not, until the South can
Assert her independence by baying
conquered it, (which shall never be,)
can we see the cursed institution revi
ved in our land. • We can now see the
-rebellion in its dying agonies after this
blow upon its vitals, and with the ono
dies the other, and they shall both find
-a common and ignoble grave.
The Constitutional amendments must
The approved by three-fourths of the
'Stateif in the 'whole Union, of which
there are thirty-six. The approval of States is required. The
States.certainly to be depended on to
vote almost immediately for the amend
ments are California,. Connecticut, ll
liriOis,.lndiana, lowa, Kansas, Maine,
lilaryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
• Mianosotti, Missouri, Nevada, New
ifampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
.West Virginia and Wisconsin—twenty
.two in all. Delaware, Kentucky and ,
New Jersey aro not to be depended
upon for the present, but in another
year we shall expect to get their fa
vorable action: The States of Arkan
sas, Louisiana, Tennessee flint Virgin
ia have a certain organization under
the Union authority, and their Legis
latures will undoubtedly vote in favor
of the amendments; but it is not cer
tain that such action would be regarded
as valid. lye apprehend that the
required • approval of three-fourths of
the State Legislatures Will scarcely be
'obtained Were another. year. •
Both Houses of . our Legislature, on
Friday last, passed the resolution of
ratification, the Democratic members
voting in the negative. In the Senate
the vote was 14 yeas, 8 nays. In the
the vote Was 55 yeas, 33 nays.
.Post Orr= Arr Alas.—no name of
East 'Barre°, Huntingdon county, is
aanged to Saulsburg, Andrew Congo.
e'er continued as postmaster.
—.The name of West Barree,
tingdon. county, is changed to Neff's
AVM, and•yenry Neffretained as post-
The gestoftice at Orbisou's Mills,
nantingdon county, ba:s been 'diSeen
tinned.;:•..Mail matter for that point
.stretuld 'be sent to Coffee Run.
.--.,Benedict Stevens has boon ap
pointed postmaster at Meadow Gap,
this county, vice David S. Baker, re.
signed. • - •
Fernando Wood of New York, a
leader of tho Ponce Democracy, has
declared in Congress that ho is now for
war until the rebels lay down their
Paaoz.—lt would appear, from the
manner in which the steps preparatory
:to-the Iteelatittion - Tif Pima) are being
taken, that there is something hidden
and moro important in the late peace
rumors than we wore at first led to
suppose. President Lincoln and See.
Seward met the Commissioners from Re
beldom—Stephens, Ranter and Camp.
bell. A. consultation resulted upon
the waters before Fortress 3ionroo, the
substance of which has not been made
known to the public. That our au
-1 tlorities should go so far in their anx
iety for peace as to meet the rebels
proves that Mr. Lincoln will have
peace, if possible, and if terms dishon
orable are proffered, then he will turn
his back upon them, and give the ter
minating blow to rebellion, for which
it has long been waiting and suffering.
We cannot consider that Mr. Lin
coln did wrong in meeting the rebel
Commissioners; and in this meeting the
rebels will see that the spirit of the
North is not to exterminate but to.con
ciliate. We hope shortfy to give our
readers the substance of the consulta
tion, so that they can know how to
understand the cry for peace, and up
on what terms peace will be founded,
The Press of Monday has the fullowingon
the eul t ieet:
"The rebel commissioners have returned
to isiciunond with this assurance, that - the
Government of the United States will not
make peace with the insurgents unless they
submit unconditionally to .the Union. The
responsibility of the war remains with the
South.. The President has done for peace
more than could have been asked of him ; by
a personal conference with the rebel commis
sioners ho has made it impossible that the
the enemy shOuld misunderstand the terms .
upon which the war may be ended at once,
and has again proved to the world the sin
cerity of Sur wish for peace. It has been ob
jected that the President lowered the dignity
of his office in consenting to meet subordin
ate officers of the Confederacy ; but none of
its officers are recognized by the Government,
and to the President of the United State s
Jeff Davis and Alexander 11. Stephens are
alike insurgents, and nothing more.
"Though the rebel connnissiouers did not
come with authority to offer the submission
of their felloivs, it is certain that their ex
press object was to learn positively from the
Government what submission means. They
desired to be informed how far the existing
laws and acts of Congress providing for the
punishment of rebels, the confiscation of their
property, etc., would be modified by an im
mediate acknowledgment of the authority
of the Union. They have their information,
and may act upon it. It most .not be for
gotten that the Government of the United
States does not recognize , a Government at
Richmond representative of the South ; ittle
knowledges simply un insurgent power, with
any part of which it may make peace. It
may make peace with Georgia, and continue
to coerce South Carolina ; with Stephens, and
continuo the war with Davis. It is bound to
offer generous and just terms to any portion
of the rebellion which expressos a desire to
submit. Thus much for the . theory of such_
negotiations as those of Portreas Monroe.—
As for the fact, it is plain that no partial re
storation of peace was dis Cussed with _the
rebel commissioners, but the complete abut
donment of the rebellion.
"The Government has done its part. We
have now to: await the action of the men who
have control of the 'rebel armies. In the
meanwhile the war continues. Let it go on
with redoubled energy."
Ai' - The Richmond . Whig of the 30th
ult. contains the following despatch :
11LiCoN, Jan. 23.—Private advises
front Savannah state that Sherman
commenced his movement on South
Carolina on the 17th inst., with three
columns; the main column moving to
ward Charleston, taking nearly all the
transportation. Two other columns, in
light Marching order, were moving by
separate roads toward Branchville.
Gen. Hill has issued orders requiring
non-combatants to leave Augusta..
The rebel guerrillas in Kentue
ky are committing depredations daily.
On Friday and Sunday last, they made
a raid on Danville, Elizabethtown and
Bardstown. Sue Munday's gang have
also been active and 'cemmitted nu
merous robberies.
EFZ'' Tho number of our prisoners in
the hands of the rebels is a fraction
over forty-three thousand. WO hold
over seventy-eight thousand of their
men, including twenty-ono Major and
Brigadier Generals.
.r,k The Nashville Union says that
intelligence entirely reliable reports
that Taylor's, lato Hood's army is rap
idly disbanding; and that deserters by
hundreds are coining into, our lines.
• A. despatch from. Omaha states
that a large number of. Winne Kaye
been hovering aretind . Julesburg for
several days, but the garrison was too
small td attack them. To day they
attacked the fort, burned the telegraph
office and stage company's warehouse,
containing Margo atnoutt of corn, hay,
and provisions.
Ile- Twenty-six guerillas dashed in
to Midway on the evening of the 2d,
and burned the railroad • depot and its
the-telegraph office, instru
ments, &o. While the depot was burn
ing they robbed the stores and every
body they met, of watches and money,
and then started down the Versailles
pike at full speed. It is reported tnat
this gang was led by Quantroll, Sue
Munday, and Magruder, and thatthoy
had just previously been drivon away
from Georgetown by the Federal for
ces. •
- 457" Gcn. George B. McClellan, lady.
and child, sailed ler Europe Wednes
day in the steamship China. Mr. Au
gust-Belmont, the well known banker,
and Chairman of the Democratic Na
tional. Committee, accompanies the
distinguished party, the intention be
ing an extended tour througout Europe,
principally for the benefit of Mrs. Me-
Clellan's health.
tm, "Slavery viewed from the Bible
Stand Point," by Rev. J. DI. Adair,for
sale at.l4ewis' Book Store, prico 10
cents. tf.
The Oil Fever.
Hone were asked what were the
two most fascinating and popular di
versions of the present season, he
would certainly reply "skating" and
"boring for oil or buying oil stocks."
The former diversion is indulged in
with but little risk, but the latter is
environed with far greater perils than.
are involved in a wet foot or a contused
head. The oil fever defies all calcula
tion and sets at nought all average
rules of business. Three years ago
the excitement seemed to have culmin
ated in Vonango county, at Pittsburgh
and in those regions most affected
by the mania. To be sure, at the
Iron City refineries were erected and
went into business on a large scale,
While boilermakers and engine -builders
had devoted nearly all their time and
skill to. making machinery for oil
wells; hut most people thought the
petroleum fever bad culminated and
that hereafter it would be a losing
business.. Often rough and hirsute
individuals would arrive in Pittsburg,
smelling of oil and impetuously de
manding of their friends capital to
prosecute their half.completed labors
in Vonango, end they would create a
temporary flurry in favor of oil. But
it was not thought to be a permanently
paying business: The present season,
however, has shown a gigantic change
in the feeling about the matter. Oil
companies by hundreds have gone in
to operation. The regions where pe
troleum has boon found has widened
until half a dozen states are supposed
to contain "placers." The money
market is as susceptible to the ,chap
gos in oil steels as it is to the fluctua
tions in gold. The exports of the
oleagenous commodity have increas
ed. The railways leading to the oil
regions are glutted with business. A
class of brokers and commission mer
chants now deal only in oil. Petrole.
um has its newspaper organs, and its
aristocracy, under the title of Petro
lia, bids fair to eclipse. Shoddy. A
mere glance at our advertising col
umns shows the state of public feeling.
The prospectuses dazzle one's eyes.
The "potentiality of illimitable
wealth," as Dr. Johnson said when he
alluded to Thrale's brewery, seems
involved .in their glittering periods,
and "oil upon the brain" is a disease
flteilo of infection if one only devotes
himself to steady thought about the
Looking philosophically at the affair,
ono cannot but be impressed with
the 'buoyancy this speculative fever
shoWS in the mass or the Anierican .
people. Here we are, with a war un
paralleled in magnitude on our hands;
with a prospect of a foreign contest
as soon as the rebellion is put down,
and with the public finances in a very
queer state, to say the boast. Yet
Our people plunge over head and cars
into the oil business as impetuously
as if they had thought and decla-ed .
"after us the deluge." They haunt
the Exchange, and after business
hours the Girard House. They eager•.
ly peruse the advertisements of each
new company. They take trips to
the oil rogions. They "bore" for
charters at Harrisburg. They invade
editorial sanctums and waylay editors
to demand "puffs" for their pet or•
ganizations, and they characteristical
ly invent jokes and stories to satirize
their own vehemence in the glittering
pursuit of opulence through the medi.
Aim of a flowing well. The sign pain.
.tern are kept busy preparing the
"shingles" for fresh companies, every
day, while rents have•gone up between
Fifth street and Second street,' owing
to thedemand for now offices for the
freshly-born companies, and an enter
prising firm has prepared for popular
admiration, neat, bronze match safes
and'ink.stands, representing the idol
ized pimps, derricks, &e, which are
the "surface indications" of an oil well.
We do not feel competent to ad.
vise any reader, at this time, as to.
what company he should invest in.
Our advertising colunins aro the book
which he may consult before "paying
his money and taking his choice;" but
we can certainly shy, without fear of
contradiction, that there are as many
worthless companies as good ones in
existence; and that before trusting
one's cash in any new company, we
ought to be very certain that its "stir.
face indications" aro not as .detective
as a quicksand or an Irish bog.—Phila
delphia Evening Bulletin.
known that this gentleman voted, after
brief and comprehensive remarks, for
the proposed amendments to the con ,
stitution abolishing slavery. There is
no disputing the fact by loyal men that
the member from this district did right,
and the opposition expressed to his
course by his "Democratic" friends,
only proves conclusively their biased
obstinacy against every measure of the
Government for the good of the Union.
We trust that Mr. McAllister will make
this the initiatory step to further dis
appointing the hopes of the "Democra
cy" who confide in him. Should he do
so he will most effectively seal his dec
laration of eternal war against the en
emies of his country, open rebels and
secret traitors. To fully retrieve his
fallen honor lost byvoting inconsistent
ly with the views of those who princi
pally elected him, let him declare open
ly and vote consistently for the Union
and in favor of all just measures to the
maintenance of the Government.
Then will the people of this district
repose in him their confidence, and re ,
ward him for his services. ,
Our Army Oorrespondenoe.
January.lBth, 1865.
DEAD GLODE.—As your numerous
readers are already informed of Gen.
Sherman's triumphant march from At
lanta to Savannah, and his final occu
pation of the city, a few lines from a
'soldier belonging to Geary's White Star
Divinion.would be road with interest
by them.
The veteran troops of Gen. Geary's
Division where the first to enter the
city, which was surrendered to Gen.
Geary, who was immediately made
military Governor of the city, which
position none is more competent to fill
than is that veteran General, John W.
Geary, the hero of many a hard fought
field in Virginia, and in the army of
the south-west.
Our forces captured all the enemy's
heavy, guns, with all their ammuni
tion and accoutrements. We also cap
tured largo quantities of meal, corn,
rice and cotton, besides a large num
ber of sick and wounded rebels. Here
we also received a mail, bringing 'us
tender missives from dear ones at home;
it also brought us the cheering news of
the great Onion Victory, the election of
Lincoln and Johnson to the Presiden
tial Chair for the next four years.
Allow me,' fellow citizens of the no
blo old county of Huntingdon, to re
turn to you through tho columns of the
Globe the sincere thanks of Company
B, of the 147th Penna. Vole. for your
patriotic notion during the late Presi
dential campaign. You have nerved
our arms•anew to strike fresh blows in
behalf of our bleeding country, and
rest asured that Company B will not
betray the confidence you have be
stowed iu her by so nobly coming to
the rescue and helping to .destroy our
worst foes; those who are too cow
ardly to face the music but who, like
the midnight assassin, Firm]: as it were
into the Victim's chamber and there
stab him to the heart while the un
conseious victim is enjoying that calm
repose which alone is enjoyed by the
innocent•. But you have struck them
a blow from which they can never re
cover. • We can now begin, to see the
"beginning of the end ;" the dark and
ominous clouds aro beginning to break
and we can now see as it were a bright
ray of light casting its holy lustre up
on our benighted country.
Already the advance is sounded and
Sherman's veteran army js or.eo more
on the move, and 1 feel confident that
victory will once more porch herself
upon the battle scarred banners 0£ the
army.of the Cumberland. I presume
Charleston is the next point of attack
and when besieged from all sides its
fall becomes a certainty; this accom•
pliehed, :Richmond will certainly be
the nest point, and who ,would ques
tion or doubt our success when the
rebel hordes are confronted by the vet
erans of Grant and Sherman: Certain
ly our success is, only a question of
time. And God grant that the time
is not far distant when we may all re•
turn. to our peaceful avocations, is the
sincere prayer of your humble servant.
Co. B, 147th P. V. I.
January 25th, 1865.
DEAR GLOBE.—Part of the members
of our coMpany being from McVey
town, to-day the whole of the compa
ny worn the happy recipients of a pair
of &byes; sent to us by the young In
dies of that place, and as this is the
time of the'year - for wearing said arti
cles they were a very suitable present,
and the ladies (God bless them):who
were so mindful of their friends in the
army, have the thanks of Co. B. and
their well wishes, which is that they
may live to a good old age, and intheir
travels through this unfriendly world
may they be guarded by some good
Union Soldier. And as many of the
members of our company aro from yo
ancient borough, may some of our la.l
dy friends follow the example of the
fair sex of MoVeytown, by remember
ing their friends in the army; but not
in the way that some of tho veterans
were remembered by their male friends
of the borough; for be it remembered
many of the, veterans while home on
furlough credited themselves to the
borough with - the promise of $lOO,
bounty, receiving $2O in hands and the
promise of "ye other $80" as soon as it
could be collected; but strange to say,
nothing has as yet been said about the
remaining $BO which speaks bad for
"ye borough." * But be not alarmed
for our receipt was taken for the $2O
and we cannot credit ourselves to any
other district where they are giving
more than $2O bounty, but in the lan
guage of the: angry dutchman, "It
makes us no differance" far we got slp
per, month, and the sutlers in this part
of the army only charge us two cents
for every sheet of paper we use, two
cents for each envelop, fifteen cents for
each candle we got, and all other nee•
osary articles in proportion, and yet
we try to 'make both ends moot.
Thinking that some of your many
readers would be ihterosted in the his
tory of a regiment during last sum
mer's campaign, I will endeavor to give
them the outlines of our regiment since
leaving camp last spring, since which
time we have boon engaged in eleven
battles, When the regiment left camp
last spring it numbered 870 enlisted
men, and during the summer 150 re
cruits were added, making a total.of
1020 . enlisted men, out of this number
there were killed 333, wounded 847,
and our inliS yet carry the names of
687, but present for-duty are only 340,
all told. Among £he list of slain were
many good and brave officers, whose
places were filled by promotions from
the ranks, .and among tho names of
those thus promoted, are the following
from "ye ancient borough," Sergt. J.
J. Bight, to 2d Lieut. of Co. B, Sergt.
H. Johnson, to 2d Lieut. of Co. G; and
Sergt. R. Davison to 2d Lieut. of Co. F,
all of which were well earned and well
deserved promotions, for never did
better or braver soldiers shoulder a
musket or wield a sword.
Our regiment now supports two
stand of colors, the new one is carried
by Sergt. Henry Entriken, and the old
one (the pride of the veterans) by Cor
poral Theodore H. McFarland, two
well tried veterans, in whose bands
supported by the present color squad,
and by the remainder of the old 49th
they are perfectly safe, and will never
adorn the walls of the Rebel 'Capital
at Richmond so long as that capital is
in rebel hands
At present we are laying quiet in
winter quarters with nothing but pick
et and camp duty to do. All the Hun
tingdon County boys are well. D.
4 [NOTE BY EDITOR.—"D Maud others will
please read Mr. Brown's letter under "local
correspondence" in another column.)
Vote on the Amendment to the Constitu
tion Abolishing Slavery.
The vote upon the &mato -joint res
olutions to abolish slavery was taken
yesterday. The following is the reso
lution and the vote:
"Be it Resolved .by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress asembled,
two-thirds of both Rouses concurring,
That the following articles boproposed
to the Legislatures of the several
States as au amendment to the Consti
tution of the United States, and when
ratified by three fourths of said Legis
latures shall be valid to all intents and
purposes as a part of the said Consti
tution, viz :
er slavery or involuntary servitude,
except as a punishment for crime
whereot the party shall have been du
ly convicted, shall exist within the
United States or any place subject to
their jurisdiction.
"SEo. 2. Congress shall have pow
er to enforce this article by uppropri
ate legislation.
The veto on - the passage of •the
joint resolution is as follows :
Yeas, 119—nays, h3 7 ,absentees, -. R.
117 votes w - ai•s'...: - .6ssary to carry the
amendment and to make this number
the following "Democrats" voted with
the. Union party :
Joseph Bally, Pennsylvania.
Augustus C. Baldwin, Michigan.
Alexander 11. Coffroth, Pennsylva
james E. English, Connecticut
John B. Gummi), Now York.
Wells A. Hutchins, Ohio.
Austin A. King, Missouri.
Archibald McAllister, Pennsylvania.
Homer A. Nelson, New York.
Moses F. Odell, Now York.
William Bradford, New York.
John B. Steele, .New York.
• Ezra Wheeler, Wisconsin.
Before voting, Mr. McAllister from
this district, said:
"When this subject was before the
House on a former occasion I voted
against the measure. I have been in
favor of exhausting all means of con
ciliation to restore the Union as our
fathers made it. lam for the Union,
and utterly opposed to secession or the
diSsolution of the Union•in asy way
or shape. The result of all the peace
missions, especially that of Mr—Blair,
has satisfied me that nothing short of
the recognition of their independence
will satisfy the Southern Confederacy.
It must, therefore, ho destroyed, and
in voting fir the present measure I
cast my vote against the corner stone
Of the Southern Confederacy, and de
clare eternal war against the enemies
'of my country. 7
The steamship Warrior,
Mott, arrived hero to-day from Fort
Fisher, N. C.•
Up to the time tho Warrior sailed,
on Saturday, January 28th, nothing
of importance had taken place, with
the exception that several of our gun
boats were moving up the Cape Fear
river in the vicinity of the rebel forts,
probably with the intention of born-.
bardiug them.
The steamship Catawba, - Captain
Johnson, arrived hero also this after
noon from Hilton Head, S. C., with
over 500 rebel prisoners captured by
Major Genbral Sherman in his late
The Catawba sailed from Hilton
Head on last Saturday, the 28th inst.,
and besides the mails and dispatches
from Sherman's army, brings intelli
gence of the highly gratifying suc
cess attending thus far the opening
of the now campaign in the State of
South Carolina.
Ono portion of Maj. Gen. Sherman's
army moved direct from Savannah,
Ga., and the other, ecnsisting of two
corps, moved from Beamorts, S. C.,
and were both rapidly advancing
against Charleston, S. C. -
The latest intelligence received
from the army represents it to be at, a
distance less than 40 miles from the
The enemy abstain from offering re
sistance at every point, and were grad
ually being driven from every availa
ble position for defence.
Although a barren waste follows the
retreating steps of the enemy, forage
and subsistence wore found in large
The army commanded by Major
General Foster was co-operating with
the main army under Sherman, and
the movements of our troops through
South Carolina since the capture of
Savannah, Georgia, were but aprecurs
er of afar more terrible and disastrous
campaign in the heart of tho rebel ter, ,
ritory, than that_
of their celebrated
march through Georgia.
The lines of General ShOrman's ar
my were being gradually contracted,
and probably no desperate resistance
or battle would be offered until our for
ces reached to within a few miles of
Charleston, where the main body of
the rebel forces wouldibe concentrated
to make one terrible effort to save the
•State from the inroads of a victorious
Attempts to Burn the City— bisastrous
NEW YORK, Feb. 1.
The steamship Suwa Nada, from Sa
vannah and Hilton Read on the 29th
ult., arrived at this port to-night.—
Among her passengers are Maj. Gen.
Leggett and Brig. Gen. McCallum.
On the evening of the 27th a disas
trous conflagration occurred at Savan
nah, destroying considerable property,
but there was no loss of life.
On the morning of the 28th another
fire broke out, destroying two squares
in the third district. Buildings were
torn down to prevent the spread of
the flames, as the wind was blowing
strong from the east.
Some fiend had placed a keg of pow
•der at the side of the arsenal, which
is located at the corner of York and
Walter streets, undoubtedly for the
purpose of blowing up the city, as the
arsenal contained some thirty tons of
powder. The keg, with its top taken
off, was secreted behind a tree. `''his
hellish design is attributed to the reb
el sympathizers, who are in anything
but An amiable mood, in view of their
present conditon..
Grant on Sherman.
At the recent rneeting,"at the Ohio
State Capital, to present a testimonial
to Sherman, the following noble letter
from Lieutenant General Grant was
read. •
H. H. Bunter, D. Tallmadge, John
T. Brasee—DEAß SIRS : I have just this
moment received your printed letter in
relation to your proposed movement in
acknowledgement of ono of Ohio's
greatest sons. I wrote only yesterday
to my father, who resides in Covington,
Kentucky, on the same subject, and
asked him to inaugurate a subscrip
tion to present Mrs. Sherman with a
furnished house in the city of Cincin
nati. Gen: Sherman is eminently en
titled to this mark of consideration,
and I directed' my father to head the
subscription with five hundred dollars
for me, and half that amount from
General Ingalls,
Chief Quartermaster
of this army, who is equally alive with
myself to the services of Gon. Sher
Whatever direction this enterprise
in favor of Gen. Sherman may take,
you may set me down for the amount
named. 1 cannot say a word too high
ly in praise of General Sherman's ser
vices from the beginning of the Rebel•
lion to the present day, and will there
fore abstain from flattery of him. Suf
fice it to say the world's history
gives no record of his superiore, and
but few equals.
I am truly glad for the movement
yoti have sot on foot, and of the oppor
tunity of adding my mite in testiiinoT
Mal of so good and great a man.
Yours truly, U. S. GRANT.
A_ - 1 3 1-ET.L S. —Tile County Corntrig-
Flonore will hold there Appeals for the present
peer In the several townships and boroughs, to alt:
Hopewell township, Alunday . 27th Yebreary 1365, at
Corn, Una between 10 and 3 ucluck.
Penn township, Tuosday 23113 of Februerf 1305 at Mark
eleborg, between 10 and 3 o'clock.
Juniata tonuabip, Wednesday let of sletelt 1555, at the
place of holding 810C/1011 bUtIVCOO 10 end 3 o'clock.
. .....
Borough of Built! ugdon. Thursday 2d of 31arch 1665, et
the Coutteletionere Oilice.
Ul4lOll township, Monday 6th of March 1805, at Staplo
ton bstwoon 10 and 3 o'clock:
Lihirleyeharg Borough, Tuesday ith of March 1866, a• the
houso of 11 re. Frakor, between 10 and 3 o'clock.
Shirley township, Wednesday Bth of March 1855, at the
housu:of 51re. Praker, between Sand 3 o'clock
Cromwell township, Thursday Oth of March 1865, at Or
bisonia between Sand 3 o'clock.
Tell townahip, Friday 10th of March' 1803, at Bolinger'
School Bowie, between 10 end 3'cluck.
- -
llnblln township, 11th of elliwn 1863, at Shade Gap bi
tween 10 and 3 oelocit.
. . .
Springthad township, Monday lath of March 1885, at
Meadow Gap between 10 and 3 o'clock.
Clay township, Tuesday 14th of March MO, at Scotts.
Tina betwoon 10 and 2 o'clock.
Can township, and Ciutevale borough, Wedoesday . llsth
of Murch 1805, between 10 and 3 o'clock.
' -
Tod township, Thursday 10th of March 1866, at the
Green &heel House, between 10 and 2 o'clock
Warriorsmark township. Tuesday 2let of March 1865, at
Warrlorsmark between 9 and 3 o'clock.
Franklin township,_Weduesday 22d of March 1865 at
Frank Hurdle, botween and 3 o'clock.
Morris township, Thursday 23d of March 1885, at. Wa
torstreet, botweon 10 and 3 o'clock,
Porter township, and Alexandria borough, Friday 24th
of March 18ti5 at Alexendria, between 0 and 3 o'clock
Walker township, Saturday 25th of March 1865, at Mc
Conuolstown botwoon 10 and 2 o'clock.
West township, Monday 2; th of slarch 1805, at Peters
bu g between 9 and 3 o'clock.
Barrett township, Tuesday 28th of March 1885, at Souls—
burg between 19 and 3 o'clock.
Jackson township, Wednesday 29th of March 1835 at
Ale Alevys Fort, between 9 and 3 o'clock.
Oneida township, Thursday 30th of March 1865, at the
house ofJacob Stiller, between 12 and 3 o'clock.
Henderson township, Friday Slit of March 1805, at the
Union School Homo, between 10 and 3 o'clock.
Brady township, Saturday let of April 1805, at Mill
Creek, between 19 and 3 o'clock.
Carbon towneldp and Continent borough, Monday 3d of
April LBB5, at Cealmont, between 10 and 4 o'clock.
The Assessor of oacti tonnehip, will be in attendance at
the respective places, but the Aesielaut Assessors need
not be in attendance.
rob. 7056:1-3t
Harrisburg, Jan. 31, 1885. -
CENTS :—Appllcation having been made by the hoards
of directors of a majority of the school districts in said
county stating their dosire to increase the salary of the
County Superintendent thereof, you are respectfully re
quested to Moot In convention at tho Court House in Hun
tingdon, on TUESDAY, the 38th day of FE BRUARY,IBI36,
at ono o'clock, Y. 51., for the purpose above stated, accord
ing to the terms of the Bth section of the supplement to
tho Tchool Law approved tho Bth day of May, 1855.
fob7td Supt. Common Schools.
of No. 1027 Walnut Street; Philadelphia, entitled
On the following Eye and Ear diseases, Throat
diseases in general; Clergymen's and Public Speakers
Sore Throat; didaikus of the Air Passages, :(Laryngitis,
Bronchitie,) ASTHMA and CATABIttI.
This Book is to be had at No. - 600 OIIZSTNUT Street.
Philada.. and of all Booksellers. Price $l. And from th.
author, Dr. Von Aloselizisker, who can be consulted o
all these maladies, and all Nervous Affections, which he
treats with the surest mouse. (Mice, No. 1421 Walnut
Street, Philadelphia. febtl-4m
PLANTS, &0.,
At the nurseries of Taylor & Cremer
Who offer their stock of well grown
and thrifty TRIM, VINES, PLANTS, 6c., at their old
prices. The expense of grafting and planting this stock
haviug been incurred More the outbreak .of the rebellion
when the price of labor was low, they can afford to sell
these Trees at 50 per cent. less than they can sell the same
kind of trees next year. While other Nurserymen have
ruined their prices about SU per cent., these Still sell at the
old rates this year; that is to say—Apple Trees, $l6, $lB,
and $7.0 par hundred, acoording to sine, Ac. Standard rear
60 to 75 cents each. Dived Pear, 50 to 75 cents each, and
$OO to :$l5 per hundred. Plum and Apricot, at 40 to 50
cents each. :Also, Pesch, Cherry, Quince and rdher
Drape Vines; Lawton Blnekberry, Raspberry, and Strew. ,
berry plants, Dahlia rests, and Shade - and Ohiamental
Trees—all at the old rates.
Money Invested ill Volt trees is sure to yteld a good re
turn. Noir lismir time to ordor frets.
." Addrhsn, Tilliool/Ithl IL CRBI7Eft,
febB, 1605 1 ' IllintlitgOrr Po. •
>j j
THOB. HISIIETt. • 'II. 0. PlallXit. T. C. 71811115.
of all kinds, isnow open for the Inspection of Hitt paldie,
and we cordially invite alt oar Customer" and the Wait,
generally, to call and ha convinced that we a» cumquat. I
led la the quality, taato, style, and prices of our Geode.
We requet the palls to bees . . In mind that we
clime principally from first hendq' IV! New York,' WI
Cies for all we buy, and eenuet be rivalled to Our facilb
ties tarOpoidng for pullo woe, & ptu,k Geaeral
doom all kinds of GRAIN, for vibtok we -will pay Ors
We:ma cask prim, and Rill Lon for We at , all Wasik
of PLASTER; au ample supply for this and nelghborlist
tenuttesl rtaring a3llll exprepely for grinding it, ire
can produce finer and more deairahie stook thna son 13614*.i
/My be had. - .
did ONONDAIO A SALT. ausqullled in 4aralty asid pitott':
G. A, Salt la ■asks is also kept ounstantly en trend, P
10 Erbll, No 1 MACKERIF,
26 Milt Bbl,. No. I
20 II fd N o. 2 o
10 " . " No. 3• t.
quarter Barrels and Kite, et all u.mbera,ata.aide a*
pared to buy 8(131Aq will pay °gab, sr trado;aa-
Cotton Goods lute oompelled public ittentten te 'be more.
especially diroctext to the culturo of Flax. It ow brospais
by some attention, one of the meet valuable proltielAila
fanner can produce; an acre readily 'producing 60 to' BO
Dollars -worth or fibre and seed. Great care should b
taken by grovrors - have their Flax spread very thin
when rolling; when watered sufficiently on one side, ►t
should be turned, and rubjoet to exposure until-salt -tb,
stalks get a grey color, and Om liut reidlly eonarsioe
from tbe wood by ovoile run,
-}? 04541 i co t 4r}•. qmk, 1 1,‘
4, 01 - t - ready, nar tha milj, , As taganiaal,alipian;lnta!anlak
seed {s ''"Ft! oa as acre. Unless the gamut is iakiiita: .
one fluatri per acre is anfaclant, If timOnand Tesf .
etreng one and one rensib bnahath